vii-spider · 1 year
because i am a gigantic entomology nerd, i've gone in and sorted every arthropod-inspired pokemon by what order their inspirations are in. but that made me realize... there are a lot of insect orders that don't have a pokemon representing them- at least, in the official games. so, fuck it! i'm starting a project where i make fakemon for every taxonomic insect order that pokemon hasn't done!
(i'll be tagging this with #pokedex entomology project for anyone who wants to keep up or follow along themselves!)
starting us off is raphidioptera, aka snakeflies!
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Grubble (Bug/Rock) hatches from eggs laid on stony riverbeds. it hollows out pebbles with its hard, strong mandibles and wears them to protect it from birds and other bug pokemon
when it's time to evolve, a grubble will burrow into a large rock and become Castalys (Bug/Rock). what it lacks in mobility, it more than makes up for in defenses. it's sturdy enough to tank an earthquake, and its jaws can dish out a mean crunch
eventually, a castalys will break out of its stone shell, emerging as a Raphidrake (Bug/Dragon). it may look strange and unwieldy, but its sturdy grip and winding neck make it more than easy for raphidrake to catch its prey. ancient legends say there was once a raphidrake that was so gluttonous, it grew to the size of a wailord- before it became such a problem that a local hero had to slay it in battle
their names come from grub + rubble, castle + chrysalis, and raphidioptera + drake. grubble is based on snakefly larvae. castalys is based on insect pupae and castles- the two are rock type because snakeflies often lay their eggs in rocky crevices. raphidrake is based on adult snakeflies, as well as actual snakes. it's also a slight pun on "wyrm"/"worm", with its neck looking a lot like an annelid
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grubblemunch · 14 days
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Woo new ref
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asfaltics · 9 months
putterings, 391-388
  laboratory meanwhile, scribbling around the grubble no detail is too small.                         everything breathing & everything wreckage, anythting, magnified; but nothing never getting                         done crazy, John! Crazy!  
sic, and 2551  
puutterings     |     their index     |     these derivations     |     20240112  
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dammekofficial · 2 years
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inspired by this image
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The Backrooms.
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hes gonna break his neck on the conk crete
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Day 140 – Grubbles
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dreamerkitty · 3 months
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Shadowside versions forrr Netaballerina, Yuki-onna, Fuumin, Kiban-doll, Baku, Tsubaki-hime and Oiran
I miss shadowside versions... they didnt do enough of them...
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squibstress · 8 months
WIP Snip
Thanks for the tag, @perverse-idyll! This is from a Minerva/Wilhelmina piece I've been toying with for months. This is the first stab at this scene, so no money-back guarantees on quality. My writing process usually has me starting with dialogue and filling in other elements from there, so this is a bit bare-bones at the mo.
Trying to tag folks who haven't been tagged yet: @yletylyf, @cailynwrites, @ladyvoldywrites, @snapeaddict
When winter finally relinquished its frosty grip on the Highlands, Wilhelmina insisted they take brisk walks around the Hogwarts grounds instead of cosying up in the common room to do their revising.
They trudged along the edges of the forest, Minerva Vanishing any remaining snowdrifts with her wand, and Will pointing out the Bowtruckles that had just started to appear on the still-bare branches of the trees and which Minerva only pretended to see.
“Explain to me how Kreutzfeldt’s postulates pertain to healing,” Wilhemina was saying.
“Kreutzfeldt’s first postulate states that living matter, once dead, cannot be reanimated by magic.”
“What about Inferi?”
“They aren’t living. Inferi have no souls. It’s the enchanter’s life force that operates on them.”
“What about ghosts, then? They have souls, don’t they? Or are souls? Doesn’t the soul contain some sort of life force?”
“That’s part of Kreutzfeld’s third postualte, actually. He says that life force can exist only where there’s metabolism. Dumbledore says the Krebs cycle means that—”
“Whoa, there. You’re moving too fast for me. I don’t know anything about this Krebs cycle business.”
“Nevermind, it’s something we’ve talked about in our private sessions.”
“Ooh, Min … private sessions with Dumbledore. Next thing you know, he’ll be asking you to take his job when he becomes headmaster.”
“That won’t be for years yet. And you know I hate being called ‘Min’.”
Wilhelmina grinned at her. “You won’t call me “Will”, so why should I have to call you ‘Minerva’?”
“I just don’t see the point of having a name if no one is going to call you by it.”
“Easy for you to say. Your daft parents didn’t stick you with ‘Wilhelmina’.”
“‘Minerva’ is no picnic, believe me. Besides, I think ‘Wilhelmina’ is lovely.”
Wilhelmina looked at Minerva for a moment before saying softly, “Ok.”
Minerva blinked. “Ok what?”
“You can keep calling me ‘Wilhelmina’. It actually does sound kind of nice when you say it.”
Minerva smiled in spite of herself. “Just so long as you don’t call me— ”
“Min. Sorry, but to me, you’re ‘Min’. Can’t think of you as ‘Minerva’ now.”
“Dunno. I guess it’s because that's what everyone calls you when they want something from you.” Wilhemina’s voice dropped low in a bad imitation of Dumbldore. ‘Minerva, can you show Miss Grubbly-Plank around?’” Now the pureblood drawl of Gussie Bagnold: “‘ Minerva, can I borrow your notes on Gamp’s Law?’” Now Gordon Massie’s plaintive brogue: “Minerva, I cannae do ma prefect rounds taemorra. Can ye naw switch wi’ me?”
Minerva tried to stifle her laughter. “Ah, wheesht, you! That’s the worst Scottish accent I’ve ever heard.”
“That’s how he sounds to me. Your accent is much nicer, though. Min.”
“Aye, I know. I dina ken how you Sassenachs understand each other, even.”
This teasing remark earned Minerva the jab of Wilhelmina’s elbow to her side. Although the impact was blunted by the many layers of clothing Minerva had donned against the chill, it knocked her off balance, and the heel of her boot took the opportunity to slip on the ice, dumping her uncermoniously on her derrière.
Wilhelmina grabbed Minerva’s arm to help her up. “Sorry. Guess I don’t know my own strength.” She grinned, and pulled her wand. “Drying charm?”
Minerva turned around, and with a quick sicco from Wilhelmina, Minerva’s bum was enveloped in sudden warmth.
“Thanks. Did you add a warming charm?”
“Yup. You look cold.”
Minerva rubbed her arms briskly. “I don’t understand how you aren’t freezing.”
“I’m used to it, I guess. You spend too much time indoors, vicar’s daughter.”
“And you spend too much outside. That’s why your Potions marks aren’t so good.”
“Don’t remind me,” Wilhelmina groaned. “I’ll need at least an Exceeds Expectations if I want to work at the international dragon preserve.”
“You still want to go to Romania after we leave Hogwarts?”
“They have the only formal training programme in Europe.”
Minerva shivered again, and pulled her muffler up over her chin. She regretted bringing up their graduation. It made her melancholy in a way that embarrassed her. She should be excited about starting her adult life in the magical world—and she was—but the idea of leaving Hogwarts behind was bittersweet. It meant leaving the first place she’d felt powerful, the first place she’d had real friends. It meant leaving her mentor, and everything she’d grown to love about the wizarding world.
“Are you still thinking about magical law?” Wilhelmina asked.
“Mmm. I’d love to do further Transfiguration studies, but I’ll need to earn my keep.”
“You’d make a brilliant solicitor.”
“We’ll see.”
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auroura101 · 2 years
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Insert poll here: Who is down bad the most?
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eldritchmochi · 6 months
im working on my project of "add every book i own to a spreadsheet because im insane" (roughly half done at 456 books 🫠) and i got to the shelf with one of my absolute favorites in my collection
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the marvel comic edition of the og star wars, adapted way back when the og movies came out and bought by my dad new when he was a teenager. its beat to shit but would probably still be worth a hefty chunk of change except
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my dad used it as a coloring book
whats extra cute is, before i accidentally stole this book from my dad, i would use manga pages for coloring practice. like father, like son
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mcmadcanvas · 6 months
Worst part about getting into a new horror/gore fandom is fighting off the nazis
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dailyeca · 2 years
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Volume ??: Of Ladybugs and Little Bands
happy eca 413!!
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dammekofficial · 2 years
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The Elephant's Foot in Chernobyl
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kellychambliss · 1 year
HP Femslash Friday, April 21, 2023
It's Friday, so time for Harry Potter femslash. Here's a fine piece from (the now-defunct but glorious) Minerva_Fest on LJ.
You'll have noticed that my recs skew toward the older characters, for that's where my fannish heart lies. McGonagall is my OTC, but I love all the older women. Luckily, there's no shortage of wonderful old-lady femmeslash.
Title: Hunting the Unicorn (on Live Journal)
Alternate Link: Hunting the Unicorn on FFN
Author: The Real Snape (aka TRS)
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall / Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
Rating: Mild R
Word Count: 10K
Author's Summary: During her convalescence after the Stunner attack, Minerva enjoys a little light reading, i.e. a scholarly study on Unicorn lore. The tapestries of "The Lady and the Unicorn" lead to a most interesting hypothesis on love and the five senses. One that Minerva examines with her usual scholarly precision.
Why I love this: Did you see the author's name? That's reason enough by itself to love any story. This one has all the trademarks that make TRS's work so satisfying: expert characterizations, a wry and humorous narrator's voice, clever lines, ingenious explanations for missing canon scenes, great insights overall. Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank is one of my favorite minor canon characters (so beautifully dyke-y, with her short gray hair, monocle, pipe, and terse speech), and TRS brings her wonderfully alive.
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dreamerkitty · 7 months
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Sharekofujin, Rokurokubi and Kiban-doll from music note episode 25
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