#grown woman sobs on tumblr at 12am
fallowtail · 28 days
fucking hate how chatty being on my period makes me because i will harass friends to talk to me but then it reminds me how absolutely incapable of holding a conversation i am because i'm just not smart or coherent enough to actually be worth talking to about anything other than surface level thoughts about blorbos and i just want to scream and sob and cry lol and i cope by trying to blame so much of it on unmedicated adhd but there's only so much i can believe that because i seem to be the only one who is effected by it in this way. everybody elses makes them smarter or gives them a better memory about stuff they care about except for me, for some reason, and like at a certain point you have to just admit i just have an incredibly low iq because what else is there lol. fucking sucks. not ever getting to have any kind of a life because i'm just flat out stupid is just. unbearable. why am i supposed to want to continue to live when i'm too stupid to get to have any life worth living
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