#gross. disgusting. awful.
furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Ways abusive parents try to separate you from your human rights:
They threaten to call the police on you if you don't obey them
They threaten you with jail-time and insist that the police will take you away for disobedience
They actually call the police, or emergency services, to create consequences for disobedience
They threaten to 'give you away' to groups of people they deem 'worse' than themselves
They threaten that you'll be kidnapped and sold if you don't obey them
They threaten for you to be put in a home
They threaten you with inhumane living conditions in a home (you won't have you room, you won't have anything, they'll beat you up ever day, etc)
They threaten to institutionalize you if you don't do as they say
They threaten to put you in a mental hospital/psych ward/asylum
They threaten you with court, institutions and government
They convince you that every institution, social service, law enforcement, or any other organized group of people is on their side, and against you, and would fight on their side and enforce their rule over you
They act as if disobeying them is against the law/religion
They insist that nobody will ever want to hire you or pay you a salary
They imply or outright say that it's a waste of space if you were renting out a place or had a place of your own, you do not have the right to occupy your own space in their eyes
They take away your necessities if you disobey them (food, ability to use the bathroom, clothing)
They destroy your property as a form of revenge, and insist it never belonged to you and that they had every right to destroy it
They make sure you're not exposed to educational materials that would inform you that you have a right to safety, food, shelter, and protection from violence and threats
They fight very hard to convince you that what they're doing to you is NOT abuse (saying things like 'you don't even KNOW what abuse is, or 'I'll show you abuse'), and they make sure you're not exposed to any resources or education that would help you recognize abuse
Punishments for standing up for yourself or any attempts to reach justice or point out how unfair, inescapable, hypocritical and painful your situation is
Not allowing you to speak, punishing you for talking back, convincing you that you have no voice and you have no right to defend yourself in any measure
Exposing you to media or real-life situations where children are abused just as badly, or worse than you are, this is a part of grooming they do to convince you that child abuse is normal, acceptable behaviour and not abuse at all
Suggesting that they could do all this to you, and even outright threatening it, implying strongly they know they can get away with it, since others can
Convince you that everyone else has it worse, and repeat how lucky you actually are to have them
They list all of the things that would be happening to you if they weren't so kind to you (you'd be starving on the street, be kidnapped/sold/tortured, die from lack of resources, be abandoned, not survive in any possible way)
Convince you that you're not, in fact, a human being and thus have no business expecting human rights (brainwashing, calling you animal names, calling you demon/satan/monster)
Accuse you repeatedly of being a financial burden, shame you for costing money, demand credit/favours/services/labour/obedience in return for giving you survival resources like food and clothing and school supplies
Neglect to inform you that government is giving them a tax-break for every kid they're supporting and that the society is built so that children would be financially taken care of and do not need to earn their food, shelter or basic necessities
Scare you into believing that every other authority figure (teachers, boss, police, judge, authorities) would treat you even worse and would demand even a higher degree of obedience and submission from you, threaten you with how badly the interaction would go for you if you were to stand up to any other authority figure
Insist that if you were to act with this level of spite, refusal, rejection or disrespect to any other person, they would simply snap and kill you (implied death threat – you're lucky that I'm not ending your life right now)
Act like they own you, to the degree that they feel they have every right to end your life and would not be arrested or blamed if they were to kill you, since you're just their property
Add more if you have lived through other experiences that left you feeling like you had no protection, no rights in the eyes of the law, and no way to recognize your humans rights are being violated. Even one single item on this list means your human rights were kept from you.
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francy-sketches · 6 months
The thing about rhaenyra's kids is they're so clearly manufactured to make you go aww omg so cuteeeee wholesome little cinnamon rolls too good for this world too pure 🥺 I've only had them for 2 episodes but if anything happens to them I'll riot!!! They're like made in a factory for people whose 'favorite characters keep dying 2 seconds after they're introduced' and it kinda pisses me off I'm like I know what you're doing you want me to like these artificially cute children you've given me no other option. I cant dislike them I'll look like an insane person well dont tell me what to do bitch I'll hate on these infants as much as I want suck my dick -_- show me a little freak if you want me to go awww
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plush-rabbit · 2 years
Loneliness Back at Home
TW: self-degradation
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: Can yall guess the feelings that im going through rn
Of course they were going to move on with their lives. What became frequent and everyday text messages, slowly turned to once a week, and then once every two weeks, and then once every month, and then you were given a meme, and a reaction, and you should have seen it coming. You should have prepared yourself for the breakup of a friendship.
You were a fool to believe that you would still be adored after months of separation. Even Lucifer had warned you about it when you asked for your D.D.D. to accept calls and messages from the Human Realm. He had only scowled and told you that it would be a waste, that human relations hardly ever last long distance and you fought with him, tears burning in your eyes, and shame on the tips of your ears, telling him that it wasn’t going to be like that, arguing with a man older than you could ever comprehend about something childish in his eyes. He had only relented when you threatened to ask Lord Diavolo yourself for a connection plan to the Human Realm. You cannot fathom how smug he’ll be when you tell him to cancel the phone line to the Human Realm. 
Tears well up in your eyes and it’s becoming difficult to swallow whatever is lodged in your throat. The crown of your head hits the back of your headboard and you dig your nails into your palms, forcing for the tears to stop. 
No, you are not going to cry over them. Friendships come and go. You always told yourself you were the least liked, the one who they felt like they had to invite, the one who didn’t really fit in, the one who thought of everyone as a close friend but no one else thought the same. You were only there to fill the gaps, nothing more. You had to prepare yourself because you knew the truth, because the others were too kind to ever tell you otherwise.
And yet, it did nothing to soften the pain of rejection and abandonment.
In the loneliness of your mind, you told yourself that when you went back to the House of Lamentation, you’d be quieter, you’d be less of a nuisance- you’d be likable. 
Your friends were sitting around you, laughing and talking, and every conversation that they had were about moments when you weren’t there. They had jokes that were unknown to outsiders, and you sat there, as an outsider, as someone marring their meet-up, as an onlooker and nothing else. They dropped you off, and later in their stories, you saw that they went out without you. 
It wasn’t that you wanted them to have fun without you- you much prefer if they showed the world how happy they were rather than hide their happiness to spare your feelings anyways- but it was them ignoring you, looking the other way. You’d speak up and your words would be drowned by others, and your sentence would be snuffed before it had even begun to light. 
You let the sting last throughout the night and in the morning when you went to the store, you saw them at the self-checkout, and they were smiling. Their contact lit your screen and you thought about calling them, about giving them a cheeky, “look up” and waving at them- a final outreach of friendship- but you stopped yourself. They hadn’t invited you, what would make you think that they would want to say hello to you. No, you saved yourself from that humiliation, from your own desperation and walked further into the store. You walked away, buying time to make sure that they left the store so you could save each other from the awkward hellos. 
Everyone that you passed in the market seemed content in their life, as you walked alone, clutching your items awkwardly in your hands. You saw the back of their clothes as they walked out the store and you replaced them where they once stood in line.
Love echoes in the walls, and you miss the way that you were once loved. 
There is no notification from your phone- no goodbyes, no concerns. You’re gone from their lives, nothing more than a memory, something for them to smile about when they remember something that you once said. To you, they are still everything, you weren’t ready to say goodbye, and all the love you have for them leaks from your heart and spills itself on the collar of your shirt and stains your hands.
“Hey-” he walks into your room,eyes closed and a sort of upturned nose type of attitude, with his phone and charger, held tight in his hand- “you promised that when you got back we’d-” he looks up at you, and stops, falling silent. “Shit,” he curses under his breath, “you okay?” 
You roll your lips into your mouth, nipping at the bottom, and your vision is getting blurry, the light from your lamp streaking in the corner of your vision. You hum, nodding your head, and it sounds painful- high-pitched and forced, and when he says your name, closing the door behind him, you cry. 
The comforter wrinkles under you, and any of the high and mighty acts of him not loving you, crumbles as you do.
“Hey, hey,” Mammon mutters, “you okay? Who- What happened?” His arms wrap around you, and you’re pressed to his chest, the warmth burning against your cheeks. 
“The trip was a total bust,” you spat out in tears. Your hands twist into the fabric of his shirt, and you try to calm down. You told yourself that you would be likable- that you would be quieter than all of this needless wailing.
“What happened?” He asks, running his hand under your shift, manicured nails running up and down your spine. Your chest shudders with every breath that you take, and you try to bury yourself deeper into him. “You can tell me-” at another pitiful attempt of choking back a sob, he quickly adds- “or not. There’s no pressure. Just uh- know that I’m here for ya, all right?” His hand stops in the middle of your back, and he traces loops and circles down your back. 
“It’s like we weren’t even friends,” you murmur. “They were laughing and going out, and having fun without me and- fuck!” Your legs twist and rub themselves over each other, begging for something to swallow you whole, to have you disappear from sight. “It sounds so selfish when I say it outloud. I- I just wanted them to have fun with me.” You wish you cried in the shower where he wouldn’t have been able to see you.
“That doesn’t sound so bad. Everybody’s selfish around here, ya know.” His other hand has sneaked to hold onto your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles. “We must’ve rubbed off on ya or somethin’.” 
“At least people like being around you. I mean- fuck,”  you whimper, twisting yourself further into him. “Is it me? Like it has to be me, right?” You croak out, eyes wide with horror, and nails clawing into your skin as a repayment, because of course it is you, and of course you have to pay for it- for being so annoying, so demanding, so unlovable.
“No, no,” he coos, twisting himself to hold you, his arms snaking around you, legs intertwined with yours, trapping you beside him, subjecting himself to his own torment. “It isn’t you,” he tells you. 
“But it’s me that they’re leaving,” you say in a hushed voice. “It’s not the other way around. I’m the one that’s being left behind. Even at work, I don’t have friends- like sure they tolerate me, but they don’t like me.” Your voice starts to give, it’s uneven and wavers with each syllable. “Even with my friends from the Human Realm, they’re laughing and talking and I-” your heart breaks, and you feel the sting of rejection burn and sear itself across your body. “I felt alone. I felt-” you stop yourself. You felt like you were a child again, picked last for a group project, sitting alone at lunch, begging that the teacher would assign groups, stomach twisting and turning at the thought of gym, desperate to keep your friends by sacrificing every bit of yourself. Your tears stop for a moment, and your lungs are filled with air, expanding and too much to bear. “I felt pathetic.”
“Don’t say that,” he says softly.
“But I am. I really thought they were going to miss me the way that I missed them. But they were done with me. I was the one begging for the meet up. I was the one initiating conversations.” You let out a sigh, and rise, pulling away from him. “I- I thought I was at least someone’s favorite- that maybe they still considered me a friend.” A sob breaks through your ramble. “I held out onto some stupid hope that someone could tolerate me.”
“I tolerate you,” he adds quickly.
You let out a breath, pushing it out of your body. “You didn’t before,” you counter and he winces. “You were forced to like me and fuck, Mammon.” You intake a large breath and you’re unable to keep it in your body. “I’m sorry for how annoying I was.” You dip your head down, and feel your tears drip down. 
“You weren’t,” his voice is low, and his hands cup at your cheeks, and lift you up. “I was just annoyed at Lucifer- it was never for you; it just had to be or Lucifer would’ve had my ass swinging from the ceiling.” You snort, rubbing at the tip of your nose and sniveling. Your forehead meets his shoulder, and his warmth isn’t as suffocating as it was moments before. “There ya go, got you smilin’. That must count for somethin’.
“Counts for a lot,” you mutter, turning your head to rest your cheek over his shoulder, your nose ghosting over the side of his neck. There’s a moment of silence, of you reaching your arms around him and bunching up the back of his shirt and stretching in downwards. The tag of his shirt peeks out. “I can’t believe I have to tell Lucifer that he was right,” you moan, pressing yourself closer to him. 
“Yeah,” Mammon breathes out, his fingertips dancing along the line where your shirt begins along the nape of your neck, “he’s never gonna let you live that down.” His head knocks softly against yours, and you let out a humorless chuckle.
“Great,” you say with sarcasm twisted into your words. You pull away from him, and he sits tall, watching as you sit on his lap, hands sliding from the back of his shirt, across his chest, and resting over his shoulders. “What if I don’t tell him? Just you know-” you loll your head to the sides a few times- “let him waste money.”
“He’d kill ya,” Mammon says without a smile. He leans forward, the tip of his nose pressed against yours in a faux bunny kiss. “And who would I have backin’ up my ideas?”
Your eyes close and a smile stretches softly. “You could always bribe Beel, and after that Belphie would follow. Asmo would join for the heck of it, and if you twist Levi’s arm enough, he’d join too.” You pause. “Satan would just need the excuse to piss off Lucifer.”
“Ha!” He pulls away and you lean back into him, the labor of crying and self-pitying finally catching up to you. “You think about leavin’ my side often or what?”
“Or what,” you say in a whisper that ghosts over his neck. “I like thinking.” 
You feel the smile on his lips as he presses a chaste kiss against yours, letting his lips flutter against your tear-stained skin. “Funny-” his lips kiss your skin once more. “Anyways,” his chest pushes out as he exhales, and you’re grateful he’s warm, or else you would have buried yourself under blankets while you cried yourself to sleep. You hum in response, and let a hand of yours fall to the mattress, and toy with the end of his shirt, your knuckles brushing alongside his bare skin every now and then. “You feelin’ better?” He asks in a soft voice. “I helped?” You smile at how eager he is to hear how he helped, and you wished he asked earlier so you could praise him and kiss him, and hold him in your arms as if he were a lifeline in the middle of the vast sea. 
You nod. “You helped,” you agree, placing a gentle kiss where the soft of his skin gives away his emotions. “You helped plenty, Mammon. I’m not crying myself to sleep, so I’m counting that as a win.”
The bed sinks and you feel the dip even as you lay on him. Something soft covers you, and you don’t have the strength to open your eyes and see what it is. “Good, good,” he says quietly, turning his head to place a kiss against the side of yours. “‘S what I’m here for.”
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chelseasdagger · 11 months
are y’all ready for a 7k+ halloween fic that is absolutely sick and twisted by @chellestrash ???? cause i really don’t think y’all are
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lucyvaleheart · 6 months
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llitchilitchi · 6 months
sorry I know I said I don't do discourse but this has bothered me So Much since this whole catastrophe has started
the original statement was worded so vaguely yet precisely enough to get a very different image across to the listeners. like the wording was vague in a sense that made it sound like what went down was much, much more sinister and in a way that would resonate with victims of SA who were actually touched in areas around their genitals or other places on their bodies that are generally considered very sexual. the whole thing was worded in a way that made it hard to listen to for people who went through SA so they would fill out the blanks with things they experienced. and it makes me so very angry that something like this was used against an innocent man and against all the victims that wanted to support her.
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satanic-fruitcake · 29 days
why the Fuuuuuck. did me liking and reblogging a post uplifting trans women and discouraging them sexualising themselves for approval. result in me getting fetishy “tgirl sissy” porn recommended on my dash. awful.
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bloodlurk · 2 years
why is no one calling me a vile, depraved, perverted creature right now ??…
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arcaneyouth · 5 days
#vent post#negative#i am coming to despise having a body at all which is not a pleasant feeling i gotta be honest#think i may need to go into urgent care. AGAIN. to pick up antibiotics. AGAIN#and thinking about it is making me feel actually disgusting#i kinda dont know how to deal with this. ive never hated my body this much#theres too many problems. and the source of the problems is my body#so i really wish i could just crawl out of my skin and stop being physical#i need to get out. so bad#i hate the constant management of a machine that should just be replaced at this point#i hate begging for a moment of peace only for all the problems to blow up all at once again#i hate not knowing how to fix it#i haaate that i keep having to go in. for the same reoccuring problems. and do the process over again#where we try something small. it works and then it doesnt. we try something bigger.#repeatedly until finally the problem ends. for a moment.#i hate that its not bad enough to justify anything either#its like. im ALMOST healthy. but NEVER quite there.#and its fucking taunting me with that#also even when im not in some kinda pain or discomfort i am fucking constantly aware#of my own heartbeat now thanks to the last 6 months of my doctors bringing it up#and it is so fucking awful being aware of it holy shit i dont want to know its doing that#i really dont want to keep meeting up with all my various doctors so often#theyre making me feel so. bad. and scared. and gross.#just by doing their jobs#but its not like i can stop going to the doctors. the problems clearly dont want to stop on their own#but i dont think they know how to make it stop either at this point#so im just here with a shitty body trying to do unhelpful maintenance forever n ever
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a-concert-just-for-me · 2 months
People commenting stuff like “This was so disturbing I had to skip through some of it 😬😬😬 good job tho” on my fics crack me up. My dudes it’s labeled ‘dead dove’ and has a mile long trigger tag list for a reason 😅
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quillkiller · 1 year
need you all to know before azkaban rita was way more insane and unhinged than bella ever was
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lisarpgheadcanons · 1 year
Fly's puke is so disgusting and deadly because he eats so much different garbage. It's also just stomach acid. Like it disintegrates the enemy's skin clean off. He's such a brutal and dirty fighter I love it
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daz4i · 1 year
bro i hate my country's politicians so much it's unreal
#i truly and sincerely hope they all die in a fire i am not even slightly joking#they promote violence and encourage an even deeper split between the people. bc it helps them#and it's disgusting. they don't care who they hurt as long as they get more power#actually they DO care who they hurt. they WANT to hurt people!! that's how they get more right wing voters!!!!!#they openly and proudly announce they want palestinians dead and out of their homes and it's sickening#(the fact this is WHY people vote them is even more sickening. they fact they were allowed to get this far is awful)#in addition to that they ofc want the lgbt community dead and they actively hurt women's rights bc how can they not :^)#i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here#sorry for talking politics. i try to avoid it but everyone on social media is talking about it. i'm so tired i hope we all explode fr#actually i'm not done i really need to vent lol#it really feels like there's no hope. the fact it keeps happening. and it gets worse every election cycle#and it's all bc fucking netanyahu is trying to avoid going to jail :^) i hope he dies today right now actually#for years everyone on the left jokes abt moving to another country but now it's becoming literally real#many people already HAVE left the country!!!!! like how fucked up is that!!!!!! that's how bad things are here!!!!!!#there's been rallies and protests for months now. i think nearly half a year at this point bc i remember it started in the winter#but obviously it doesn't do jack shit. bc why would it. if none of the right wing politicians literally get murdered -#- there is no real threat to them and so they have no actual reason to care. i sincerely think someone should take one for the team -#- and kill one of them lol i truly think this is the only solution at this point.#not to mention many of them are literally just. gross people. you hear them talk and can tell they have no experience in politics#they're all violent and constantly yell and this is how they appeal to the other violent people here#which is also why i think violence is the only way they'll understand. but alas if the left becomes violent we will be hated even more#ignoring the fact they have been violent this whole time yeah? they literally try to RUN OVER PROTESTERS#do you see why i have no hope here. do you see why i hate this so much. how can one be optimistic about this. everything sucks
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justamanlookingforham · 7 months
I may be a coward but if I don't punch a racist once in my life then I fucking failed as a person
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atypi-cals · 8 months
Post: just a reminder! if you do X you're not dirty or disgusting or lesser or a bad person.
Me: Wow. I never thought to assign morality to X before but I guess now I'm learning that there's a lot of people that think I'm dirty, disgusting, lesser, and a bad person for it, to the point where other people need to remind me I'm not. Gee. I sure do feel positive about this.
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placeinthisworld · 8 months
it’s the way people pay more attention/ talk about a grown ass rich man retiring from a racist fucking sports team then the multiple genocides, famine and war that’s going on in the world that really rubs me the wrong way
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