pathofemblems · 2 years
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MIDNIGHT MASS STARTERS // ✶ · ⊰ @grisshound ⊱ · sent (for pandreo)... ❝ You’re a smart guy, Pandreo, but in this case, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. So let’s just leave it there. ❞
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❝ Then make me understand. ❞ It wasn't a demand, nor a plea. It was simple and open, and another way to say he was absolutely more than willing to learn about the other without judgment, as long as Griss was willing to share. And if he wasn't? Pandreo wouldn't keep pushing the subject. The door would always be open a crack, however, to let the Hound come in as he pleased. ❝ What you wanted from the Fell Dragon, how is that any different from everyone here when it comes to their own reverence for the Divine Dragon? ❞ The clergyman genuinely asked, wondering why and where the initial divide came from, at least in terms of followers. As he mulled over that thought a moment, he sat himself down on the edge of the fountain by the gazebo, indicating he was serious about continuing their discussion. ❝ I mean, hey, you switched sides. So obviously there's more to it, right? You had to have realized that instead of, y'know, just being unwilling to die. No one forced you to come along. And look, I may not know you well, but if I may be so bold, you don't seem like the kinda' guy who'd flop sides because you're afraid to die. Seems totally out of character to me. ❞
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of-invisible-ties · 2 years
@grisshound​​ II Starter Call
“Griss, you could stand to be more cautious.”
Mauvier is well aware that his plea would fall on deaf ears. He had to try, anyway. Despite everything, he truly cared for his fellow Hounds, and that included Griss. 
“I recognize that Lady Celica’s ring allows you to warp great distances, but you often venture too close to enemy lines.”
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“It may well spell your end.”
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nobilismare · 2 years
@grisshound​ ; because you asked for it
Griss had been getting on her nerves a little too often these days. She didn’t let it bother her too much but it wasn’t fair for him to get away with everything. For that reason, she decided to hit him where it hurts... 
Marni wrapped her arms tightly around her fellow hound’s waist, barely able to reach it without standing on her toes but she wasn’t planning to let go anytime soon.
"How’s this? Do you feel loved yet? Have you been a good dog, hm?” 
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“You must have wanted some affection all this time but don’t worry, I got you.”
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ringthief · 2 years
@grisshound [plotted starter]
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Guilt ebbed at the back of her mind. The Divine dragon and their army were nothing but kind and accepting of her and there she was being an absolute traitor.
".....You can come out ..." Larimar spoke in a more Solemn tone than what she used when interacting with her 'friends'
"I wasn't followed but we should make this quick, yeah?"
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wyvernknght · 2 years
❛ you’re about as intimidating as a butterfly. ❜ // @grisshound
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" AT LEAST I'M AS CUTE as one, unlike you. " what would one like rosado need with intimidation tactics anyways? not when he has the skills to fight the battles he chooses; and seeing the shock on his opponent's face is always rewarding.
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alealueur · 1 year
"You're in loooove."
MEME ┊accepting.
The words came out of nowhere. It took Alear a good few precious minutes to process what the hell this guy said, fingers pinching the skin between his brows as he tried to connect the accusation to any past interaction that could have been misinterpreted as such. Confused, baffled, completely caught off guard—none of it was enough to describe the intense crashing of his thoughts at all. What even—? Why was Griss of all people claiming such a thing? Since when was he even qualified to make a call on that?!
Practically giving the dark-haired sage the most confused look of his life, the dialogue continued to echo in his head as a burning sensation threatened to catch his skin on fire. What interactions did he have that correlated to this stupid idea? Yet, the more he mulled over it, the more he felt guilty of somehow having committed some wrongdoing—despite the fact he literally harbored no such emotion towards anyone at the moment? He was even confusing himself now!
He genuinely had zero thoughts as to what to even say to this. Lowering his arm and straightening out his posture to look at Griss, he tried to ascertain if his expression would reveal the intention behind such a statement—if he were just trying to pull his leg—but of course his motives were not easy to spot.
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Alear found himself at a loss for exactly how to communicate the absolute mess of emotions he was feeling right now, but he finally managed to get words out, ❝ Um, what? ❞
Oh, wait, those were pretty meaningless words...
Pausing shortly to get himself in order, he then added, ❝ Where did that idea come from? ❞
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shondea · 2 years
‘you wanna ask me something. I can tell by the look on your face.’ / for alear!
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❝ i wasn't going to bring it up. ❞ you stand at your full height. you do not fiddle with the rings on your fingers thought your brain begs you to do something with your hands. perhaps it's rude. but he did technically invite your question. ❝ but i was very curious, why did you join the hounds?❞
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starsdeath · 2 years
“Being your own higher power, how's that working out for you?” / for alaire!
Mismatched eyes stare at him unblinking for far longer that most would expect from one who was so often aware of their appearance and mannerisms, always attempting to be sure they were at least being polite, if not friendly. Silence stretched as they mulled over his words, the weight of them different from what he likely intended (though they couldn't be sure), a tangle of emotions suddenly weighing on their chest as if to crush them slowly.
"Well...it seems to be working out fairly decently so far." How did Lumera handle the weight of it all? If only they could have had more time with her, could have asked her more about what it was like to be the Divine Dragon, a being that seemed more and more to exist for the world. It's only because of the occasional conversation with Vander, Clanne, and Framme that they knew Lumera existed as a person outside of her role. And here they were, struggling with both the role they were thrust into without any real sort of preparation, and with learning how to exist as a person in the world around them.
"It just means I have to ensure that the power needed is what I can provide, either by myself, or by gathering strong allies." Tilting their head to the left, they have to force themself to breathe a far more normal rhythm instead of one that would show how deep asleep they had once been. "Are you particularly religious, Griss? You don't strike me as the type, but I am aware that I am still catching up on many things I missed while asleep, so i would rather it from you to be certain than assume."
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pathofemblems · 1 year
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THE LAST OF US STARTERS // ✶ · ⊰ @grisshound ⊱ · sent (for pandreo)... ❝ a bad reputation doesn’t mean you’re bad. ❞
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❝ But what constitutes as bad is subjective, isn't it? Everyone has their own moral compass that they live by, and the only thing that truly gives an overarching definition of what good and bad are, are the elite creating the rules. Even then, though… ❞ Trailing off, Pandreo let his chin drop hard in his hands, the topic worming its ways into his skull. There was more he wanted to say, yet somehow, he couldn't find the right words. They all seemed to coalesce at once, rendering it difficult to piece them together in a cohesive order. But, simply put, he agreed with Griss, to an extent. His gaze drifted off, landing on Mauvier in the far distance, a perfect example that he couldn't seem to look away from. ❝ I mean, take Mauvier. You can't really say he's bad in any sort of way, can you? ❞ he asked, more to himself. Head tilted, giving the Fell cleric a once-over… and then once more, and another, again, trying to find fault. ❝ Even if his methods weren't particularly righteous, his heart was in the right place. No one can argue with that. He has time to make things right. Maybe not everyone will accept that penitence, but… ❞ A shrug. ❝ When it comes to you though? Ha! I hate to say it, but being bad makes you bad. ❞ Quickly Pandreo turned on Griss, a cheeky grin appearing. A sign he was at least half-kidding. ❝ Please. Stop stealing from the corpses after every skirmish. Even that's beneath you. That goes a little beyond your reputation, don't you think? ❞
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pathofemblems · 2 years
✶ · ⊰ @grisshound ⊱ · ✶
❝ ARR-ARR-ARRROOO! Alllright, buddy! Ahaha, you actually made it! ❞ Golden eyes glistened mischievously by light of the bonfire as Pandreo pumped a fist victoriously in the air at Griss's appearance. The clergyman quickly shouldered past partygoers to properly greet his guest of honor. Truthfully, he hadn't expected the elder to show, not with the dynamic on the Somniel still being a bit strained. It wasn't too long ago they were tossing spells at one another on the battlefield, and while he himself was penitent, well… Pandreo had no clue as to how the former Hound felt, how his mind worked. Yet. ❝ Eat. Drink. Be merry, ❞ he playfully commanded in a faux noble accent as he sidled up beside Griss, elbowing him in the ribs. With a chuckle, the charade casually dropped. ❝ But most importantly, blow off some steam. By dancing, I mean. None of that freaky-deaky stuff you get into. ❞
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ringthief · 2 years
@grisshound asked: (misc sentence prompts) i don't fucking care.
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"Yeah, no -- didn't think you WOULD" Larimar replied, agitation evident in her voice. - Griss could be SO infuriating sometimes but instead of arguing (it really wasn't worth it) - she turned on her heel, flipping her crimson hair for dramatic effect!
" .... Guess you can sit around pouting by yourself. I'm done trying to reason with you. -"
She then made her way to the open window, stepped upon the ledge and jumped out. Even though the drop was fairly far - the assassin was confident enough in her abilities to land gracefully on her feet.
and she DID. -- as usual.
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ringthief · 2 years
@grisshound asked: (day of devotion ♡ ) “No strings attached, but there can be rope, if you'd like. Just you, me… like old times. What d’ya say ?”
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Yunaka immediately glanced around to ensure that NO ONE - especially the kiddos .. were listening. -
"UGH, seriously -- Griss?!" she spoke through clenched teeth, tugging his stupid chain-thing so that their faces were fairly close.
"........If you want rope .... I can tie you to that tree? and leave you there."
ugh, she prayed her face wasn't RED..... could he just for once not bring up 'THINGS?"
--- the IDIOT......
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pathofemblems · 2 years
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BLOODBORNE STARTERS // ✶ · ⊰ @grisshound ⊱ · sent (for pandreo)... ❝ don't you worry. this will help you forget. ❞
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It wasn't often, but there were times the priest kept to himself, if only for a couple days. Whether that self-isolation was caused by images of the past or the flood of death left in their wake or even something as simple as upsetting another church's clergy, it didn't matter. There he sat by the tiny campfire on the Somniel, staring into space and releasing thought after tired thought into the aether where they wouldn't bother him any longer. Yet this time… there was constant interruption from a particular hound lurking on the path or in the bushes nearby. Pandreo could see the elder from his peripheral vision, could hear the other's irritated grumbling. It reminded him of late nights in the desert with Bunet and Fogado, with stray animals sniffing around the safety of their firelight, looking for food or to satiate their curiosity. The difference was that this ❛ animal ❜ wanted to interrupt by shoving something in his face instead. ❝ I'm genuinely worried about what ❛ this ❜ is… ❞ he mumbled warily, yet he took the bottle handed to him regardless. It wasn't wise to accept open drinks from strangers, but really, how bad could this be? The answer came after he sniffed the contents and instinctively whipped his head back, wincing. Very bad. Alcohol, the strong kind. Clearly Griss was tired of his silence and was trying to bring the party out of him again, or worse. ❝ You think I look that strung out? Geez, alright… Bottom's up, I guess. ARROOO! ❞ A big swig was a big mistake. Immediately his throat clenched shut before he could swallow the acrid booze, and it all shot out of his mouth before him. ❝ Are you trying to poison me?! ❞ The question was serious, and yet he was laughing, albeit strained from his exhaustion and previous melancholy. Bottle set aside, Pandreo harshly swung at the elder's legs, playfully pushing him away from what was his once peaceful little campfire. ❝ Thanks, but NO thanks! ❞
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ringthief · 2 years
@grisshound asked: “I’m covered in blood for sexy reasons. Also I just got stabbed.”
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If she were a 'normal' girl, Larimar would've shrieked at the sight of him. Blood oozed from his wound, spilling out on the poor flowers beneath their feet ... staining their pretty white petals. How horrible for them
"An animal is gonna lick that up and then coming looking for the rest of ya." she snickered. It was probably messed up to laugh at something like this, but living the life of an assassin left her rather desensitized to gore. That and she knew Griss wasn't struck anywhere fatal. (he was probably enjoying himself quite a bit too)
"......I should patch you up though - at this rate you're probably going to pass out and there's no way in hell I'm carrying you ... " and now she was wondering who the culprit was ... pretty brave stabbing a hound .....
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ringthief · 2 years
Send  🗡️ to see if my muse would kill yours for one million dollars.  | accepting.
@grisshound asked: 🗡️ :^)
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"Trust me, I WANT to say yes ... but .... I can't help but feel he'd totally be into it. Like, I stab out his kidney and then he MOANS or something ... I just-"
cue shudder.
"......Maybe if I was allowed to make it as quick as humanly possible. If not ... nahh .... I'll let someone else deal with that"
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pathofemblems · 1 year
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THE LAST OF US STARTERS // ✶ · ⊰ @grisshound ⊱ · sent (for pandreo)... ❝ we can just be all poetic and lose our minds together. ❞
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❝ That's never gonna happen. ❞ An instant response in the form of a tired drawl to the stars above where he lay. How many hours they'd spent beside the fishing pond, he'd lost count, time ticking by with their typical back-and-forth of arguing and debates, rounds of questions and threats and stupid jokes, filtered by occasional silence that was oddly comfortable. Yet now the silence weighing on them felt heavier; liminal; dawn was coming. His voice almost seemed intrusive. ❝ Fogado needs me… ❞ Not that Pandreo had seriously given it thought. Not that Griss had either. There wasn't any doubt that what the elder said had been in absolute jest. He had to chuckle to himself, sharp and succinct, as he ran a hand down his face at the thought of what that could mean if genuine. To Griss, surely poetic insanity entailed double homicide, a blade between each other's ribs, twisting to see who'd breathe their last first. To him, it was as simple as running away, like he'd always wanted to as a child. But they weren't serious. Definitely not. A joke, that's what it was, in response to the recent conversation of where they'd be at the end of all this. ❝ You've already lost your mind anyway, ❞ Pandreo playfully chided, pushing himself to sit up. Maybe he was crazy though, with the way he inched closer to Griss who'd been sitting at the pond's tiny shore. Typically, the priest was cautious, never one to seek any sort of physical affection, even if the former Hound had a knack for putting his paws all over him. The only instance from himself was recent; a quick kiss that Griss had asked for, and yet it had been met with a snide remark, not reciprocated. Still, as Pandreo spoke, he found himself looping his arm through the elder's and unceremoniously dropping his head onto his shoulder, eyelids already fluttering closed even if he'd get shrugged off in a second. ❝ How's that in any way fair to me, having to play catch-up with you? Nah, I think I'm alright… ❞
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