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real-reulbbr-band · 10 months ago
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Cristina Grimandi as Bombalurina and Laure Balon as Demeter during "Grisabelle, Lady Glamour" Paris, 1989.
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youtube-premium · 1 year ago
here’s a drawing of grisabelle based more on the original isabelle skin
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myshittypoemslol · 1 year ago
I also thought maybe??(this is a stretch) that the thing of Ruth wanting people to touch is a callback to cats, where there's a motif of touching and how its important to the cats to remind them that they are not alone. Which leads into why memory as a song is so important because all Grisabell wants is for SOMEONE to touch her, because it would invite her back into the jellicle cats and make her feel not alone(I'm going on a rant about cats, check out sideway's video on cats it's so good) ANYWAYS, so this plays into Ruth. Think about it, NO ONE TOUCHES HER really. When Steph does once, she views it as the kindest thing anyone has ever done for her. think about how fucking sad that is. while yes, Ruth is an incredibly horny character, it is also because if someone touched her ONCE she would feel like she fit in. She would feel loved, and similarly to Grisabell she would FEEL real. she would feel like she belonged. and that in many ways is the tragedy of her as a character. AND similarly to Grisabell, shortly after they both perform the song they die(the riding the balloon in cats is often seen as going into heaven) so this was their last ditch effort to be seen. to be wanted. unlike Grisabell Ruth's doesn't work because no matter how hard she tries, NO ONE will see her as a person. she's a nerd before a girl, before a human.
The Tragedy of Ruth Flemming <3 <3 <3
"You're splitting me in two!"
Ruth Flemming has only ever wanted to be loved. The only girl in a small friend group of nerds, Ruth is constantly told (and telling herself) that she will never know what it feels like to be wanted. People tell her to die every day. Ruth isn't seen as a girl. She's seen as a nerd. That's her entire identity. She craves to be touched not just because she's unbelievably horny, but because it would mean someone wants to touch her; it would mean someone thinks she's worth that level of intimacy. She would be someone. When you watch coming of age movies and you get to the part where the guy sees the girl for the first time and the world stops and maybe their hands touch as they reach for some fallen items and there's such an intense electricity that they have to pull their hands and flinch away--that's all Ruth Flemming has ever wanted. To be the girl in the movie. In her final moments, Ruth gets her standalone moment. She gets an entire song where she not only gets to sing, but monologue and act and act out being the girl of a movie (even if this girl is now middle-aged and overlooked and unwanted; the latter of which being how Ruth feels about herself). I could say so much about Just For Once, I know many people dislike that song but I think it's genius, especially in conjugation with the rest of the development and twists that NPMD places on different typical 2000's movie tropes, such as Richie's development and death. But I'm veering off track. She has just done something she's wanted to do for a long time. She acted. Even if it was just for herself, it was a start. Much like Richie starting to feel acceptance from the football team, Ruth is starting to feel a small build of confidence. And then Max destroys it. Not only does he mock her performance, but he kills her in the most painful possible way I can imagine Ruth being killed; a fucking wedgie. Obviously this continues the theme of Max killing his victims with extreme bullying methods (though this only happens to his first two victims, Richie and Ruth), but it's more than that. How often do you hear of a girl getting wedgied? I know it sounds ridiculous to read, but really. Think about it. You don't. And this brings me back to my earlier point; Ruth isn't seen as a girl. She's just a nerd. And nerd's get wedgied all the time. In Ruth's final moments, Max destroys everything Ruth had just built up. She's not a girl, she doesn't get her moment, she's a bad actor ("You SUCK, Flemwad!"), and the past five minutes that she had to feel herself and perform are now tarnished by the knowledge that she was being watched and the watcher wasn't a fan of what they saw. Max does more than take away Ruth's life, he takes her spirit. I love you Ruth Flemming. You deserve the world, you deserve the Globe Theatre, you deserve love and you deserve attention and you deserve life.
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llazyneiph · 5 years ago
Hi, I'm a mega fan of Detroit become human, and I have found your content is super cute, I would like to ask you, is there a chance that you will update the simsdroids mod? I hope it is really cool... Greetings,I hope you can read me!! xoxo
i’ve actually been working on it for the last few days, and will for the next week or so and I hope to get it finished in that time! 
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allthelovesimsposes · 4 years ago
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Loverdose - Posepack  ❤
Hi everyone, this is my new posepack. Hope you will like it! Remember that, if you like my job and you would like to support me you can buy me a coffee or donate on Ko-Fi. I am working for share with my works with all the love I have.
In this posepack you will find: -> 4 couple poseset;
TOU: Do not reupload, do not claim as yours. if you use my pose online please tag me, I would really appreciate to see my poses on your ts4 story;
Download: [Patreon]
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@ts4-poses​ @thesimscciwant​ @simscctherapy​ @lanaccfind @nosacfinds @grisabelle-ccfinds
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transfemgeorgecostanza · 4 years ago
The French single release of “Memory” (”La Chanson De Grisabelle”) was performed by Gay Marshall
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tony-the-toe-snatcher · 5 years ago
Just watched Cats
I went with a group, and while our personal opinions on it were varied, the overall consensus is that it was extremely bad. People have been doing reviews so here's mine.
It was very horny the entire time. Cat-people were grinding up against each other and I understand it's to replicate cat behavior but it,,,,,,did not work
Victoria was probably the best looking cat, and while that's not saying much she was somehow a breath of fresh air
Grisabelle snotted during every single scene she was in which was very distracting there was just snot streaming down her face as she sung it was terrible
Mr. Mistoffles' actor had really red lips that contrasted his white fur in the worst way and his eyes always looked teary
(because of this I have a theory that he was being held at gunpoint behind the green screen as he was forced to act in the movie)
The scale was never consistent one minute they were almost human sized and the next minute they were way too small
Rum Tum Tugger (Jason Derulo) has been neutered (fun fact) and the scene people have been talking about when he almost sucked Victoria's toes was entirely as bad as people said and right as he was about to tongue them digits the camera cut away so there is absolutely nothing that could prove it didn't happen
During the cat nip scene with Taylor Swift cat, Mr. Mistoffles was grinding and moaning against a table and all the other cats were seizing behind him
Jenny Any Dots (Rebel Wilson) and Bustofer Jones (that's his fucking NAME) were literally just in it to be fat, sing about being fat and lazy, and then get abducted by Idris Elba cat
Both of their songs were uncomfortable for different reasons, the former's more so as she ate a HUMAN FACED COCKROACH that marched in in an army of similar looking monstrosities. She also had a group of mice with children's faces that were probably the absolute worst part of the movie
All of the CGI clothes floated just slightly above their terrible cat bodies (and I saw the fixed version)
Jason Derulo screamed MILK as he leaned very close to the camera and as the cats behind him were desperately lapping up milk from bowl with their human tongues and softly moaning
Ian McKellan cat was seen hunkered over in a pantry drinking water from a bowl and he really just looked like a normal old man
Ian McKellan cat overall looked a lot more human than should've been acceptable
Most scenes were shot with a hand-held camera which really just added to the whole horror movie atmosphere
Now I would like to mention that there were some good things about the movie, while few and far between
Old Deuteronomy actually looked alright, and her design worked better since she was a long haired cat and you didn't have to look at the skin-tight cat body
The plot was actually really easy to follow if you paid attention and while it wasn't particularly good, it made sense
The music was pretty good, mostly nonsensical but not bad
Overall rating: 2/5
I am glad I saw it but it was emotionally taxing and highly uncomfortable. At the end of the movie the entire theater clapped and cheered because it was over.
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witcherfan · 3 years ago
ALL Cosmetics Added in Fortnite's Newest v18.20 Update! (Grisabelle, Gum...
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indigenousandangry · 8 years ago
If you had to assemble a team of heroes from ppl you follow or know on social media who would you choose? They don't get a say if they want to, They will be thrown a bag and brought to you.
WELL!!! LOL Let’s see….
@toxicrants @pretentiousnitwit @jenn-depsycho @underbree  @reduxist @thecuriousviolet @underbree @lemonade-time @chrisstork @mistawolfie @sissyhiyah @thatshowthefuckyousound @persnicketese @angelofsunshine99 @thefart-party @angie-baby @rowsdower-saves-us @grisabele 
And that’s not counting the friends I’ve made on other websites and stuff so hey, why have a team when you can have an army? lol
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awizened · 5 years ago
And where do you think you're going Grisabelle?
To the grave
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555fitness · 8 years ago
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🚒🏋️‍♀️So much awesomeness at FDIC🏋️‍♀️🚒 #Repost @dma1096 ・・・ Grisabel 🚒 Want to be featured? Show us how you train hard and do work 💪 🔥 Use #555fitness in your post. You can learn more about us and our charity by visiting WWW.555FITNESS.ORG #fire #fitness #firefighter #firefighterfitness #firehouse #buildingastrongerbrotherhood #workout #ems #engine #truckie #firetruck #pastparallel #damstrong #charity #nonprofit #fullyinvolved #firefit #fitfirefighter #cheifmiller #firefighters_daily #firefightermotivation #trainharddowork #bruteforcesandbags #assaultbike #555fitness #bruteforcetraining #bruteforcesandbags #trainharddowork #555family http://ift.tt/2oYDicI
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real-reulbbr-band · 8 months ago
9-10-17 for the jellicle ask!!!
Ty! I typed this all twice and my stupid phone deleted it so sorry for the delay.
9. Favorite Song: Grizabella the Glamour cat
It’s such a strong introduction song to Grizabella and the tragic aspects of her character. The melody is beautiful and the vocals between Demeter and Grizabella are absolutely stunning.
I personally interpret the song as Demeter’s only way to show the humanity of Grizabella to the tribe without being pushed aside or blocked like a kitten would be. I don’t think Demeter 100% forgives her at this point but she’s conflicted about her and feels as though she could be living in Grizabella’s circumstances had she’d been more unfortunate and hardened.
I love the acting the different Grizabella’s put into it; like when Griz isn’t afraid of Munkustrap and gets all in his face about how she will be making her case whether they want her there or not.
But I absolutely adore the vocals, my favorite moment being in Demeter's Verse “She’s fleeted about the no man’s land, from the rising sun to the friend at hand.” So have some of my favorite vocal moments of that.
10. AUs you like?
hmmm, this made me realize I need to look at more fan AUs cause I vaguely remember the concepts some but then I forgot who made it so I can't search it- BUT I will say I'm quite fond of @carlandrea 's (sorry for tag) Regency au! the art for it is very pretty and I like the story (I totally didn't put a bunch of art from that in my que)
17. Do you have any Oc's?
Just Chiffon, my platoriateazer kitten. I plan to do more with her in the future.
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stephaniehasekisultan · 10 years ago
Michelle Jenner, Eva Hache, Arturo Valls y Manel Fuentes en ‘Grisabel’
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rvagorilla · 12 years ago
A combination of "Grace" and "Isabel." This is what my boxmates and I plan to do tomorrow. So 30 clean & jerk and 30 snatches at 135#. Alternating lifts (i.e. c&j, snatch, c&j, snatch...). Going to be a long morning! If anyone else decides to join in the fun please post your experience and results.
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allthelovesimsposes · 4 years ago
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All I want for Xmas.. is you - Posepack  ❤
Hi everyone, this is my new posepack. Hope you will like it! Remember that, if you like my job and you would like to support me you can buy me a coffee or donate on Ko-Fi. I am working for share with my works with all the love I have.
In this posepack you will find: -> 4 couple poseset;
TOU: Do not reupload, do not claim as yours. if you use my pose online please tag me, I would really appreciate to see my poses on your ts4 story;
Download: [Patreon]
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@ts4-poses​ @thesimscciwant​ @simscctherapy​ @lanaccfind @nosacfinds @grisabelle-ccfinds
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