#grimmjow x riruka
ariparri · 2 years
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The last two commissions for my friend on discord!
Chibi & Sketch Commissions | Main Commissions
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wulvercazz · 1 year
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🫦A Taste of the City🐢
Previous ~ October 5th - Tentacles, Cannibalism ( Nell x Riruka ) ~ Extra tags; dry humping, voyeurism, possessive behaviour
The Prompt List
(fic part 2 under the cut, this one's a lil short one<33)
The music's gone down to a more muted thump of the beat, but no less provocative or dizzying. The pink and purple and blues of the stage maintain a certain prescence throughout the place and Ichigo just can't stop noting everyone who's started getting their fix in the middle of the busy room. It's gone from strip club to full on sex club pretty quick and... Ichigo's not even sure yet that what just happened with the dancer was entirely real.
He tries not to look at anyone in the face, fleeting glances in several directions as he tries to find something less sexual to focus his sight on. At least while he finishes his drink.
Because that's all he wanted. That's all he came here for; a drink and some time to dwell on this horrible situation... and yet all he has on a petrifying loop inside his mind is that candy fucking Grimmjow's pink slick slit and the soft noices he'd made while he did it- fuck, this fucking city sucks.
The alcohol warms his throat pleasantly, and burns like sharp scratches up his nose when he accidentaly meets eyes with a sea turtle woman and a shy-looking jellyfish rocking and squirming on her lap. A mess of little bubbles clouds his view from the force of his choking; and the turtle doesn't budge or break to laugh, watching him directly even while her hands and lips are still concentrated on the pretty thing wrapped tight to her bosom.
She's teasing her, playing her soft, squishy skin, twirling her thick fingers in her curly hair and follows them right down to her curly tentacles, mindless of the sting of them. Her hands are solely on her but Ichigo feels like she's teasing him. Like that is his skin she's toying with. And yet, her eyes are possessive like a predator holding onto a meal, like she's daring him to make a single move; urging him to stay back back but also to not. stop. looking.
And with every tentative little touch of her sharp beak to the soft flesh under her jaw both the jellyfish and him jump with a start. Her soft lips part, and while he's frozen quiet in his spot, terrified to move a single muscle, she's slowly growing more and more disheveled and undone; soft, high-pitched moans escaping her, and the gentle rocking of her hips growing more and more desperate.
"Please, please," he hears her mutter in the sweetest voice. Fuck, and how pretty she begs. However miss sea turtle is keeping it together when granted such pretty please is a mystery to him; begging's always been his weakness.
And when the turtle speaks it's in such a soft and yet authoritative voice, that Ichigo can't quite catch - clearly not meant for him -, she trembles all over with excitement, nodding her head and making her long twintails ripple and curl in the water around them.
There's more kissing, more touching. Things too intimate that he wouldn't be so sure he's allowed to see anymore if only the turtle didn't keep checking on him to make sure he's still watching.
And then his ears ring and his vision goes for about a second, watches the turtle take a bite out of the jellyfish in an out of body sort of point of view. And a voice deep inside tells him to run and another to join in the feeding, and that alone snaps him right back to reality.
Her loud moans barely stand out with how loud everyone is, getting off by themselves or with help, and still all he's focusing on is the ripping of her jelly tentacles and the ecstasy spreading all across her face. Her body combulsing with pleasure that only grows with every glimpse she catches of her flesh disappearing inside the turtle's mouth. Throwing her head back and giving a few more insistant bucks of her hips while she rides her orgasm.
Ichigo realizes then, when her equally pink eyes finally meet his, that she hadn't acknowledged him at all this whole time; and now she does with a loopy smile and a question that has his body finally springing right back to flight.
"Wanna join, pretty boy?"
Find the uncensored version, as well as early access and wips to Aquacity as I draw/write it, on SubStar (link on pinned intro post)✨
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the8thsphynx · 2 years
Hiiii would you do Ginjo for the ask meme???
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favorite thing about them:
Fucking Look At Him.
Idk, I love how he’s the best of both worlds. We saw him as the alcoholic depressed dad friend and also as the unashamed bastard man. Get You a Man Who Can Do Both.
I’m also very in love with his Shikai/Secondary form with the skeleton armor. Jesus. *chef’s kiss*
he probably fs nasty lessgo
least favorite thing about them:
The wasted potential. Oh my fucking god. Fullbring Arc was so rushed and unfinished that we had to wait for Ryogo Narita (blessed be his name) to swoop in with CFYOW and give us SOME type of substance and motivation for Ginjo.
...Also livid over his bankai form. What the hell is this?? Why does he have fur pants?? Give him the skeleton garter and thigh highs back if you aren’t gonna act right, wtf.
favorite line:
The bar scene, where Ginjo is drunk as hell and trying to convince Giriko to let him keep going and then telling Riruka that she needs to go home because it’s late.
The english dub with Travis Willingham was superb in this scene, just goin’ full loser dad mode.
Oh, Grimmjow, 100%. The two of them would vibe hard, I think. Plus it’s not like anyone else wants to be friends with them lmao
There’s absolutely gotta be this deeper story between Ginjo and Giriko, hence why Giriko is so loyal to him throughout everything. We saw some teases of them being buds in the BBS birthday scenes (which I guess they don’t do anymore because this game is god awful) and I just think it’d be cool to see more.
...Also Grimmjow. Both because I can’t see Ginjo being romantic or vulnerable with anyone to have a proper relationship and it’s basically the same with Grimmjow.
Aside from how they would get along great outside of that dynamic, I think they would click well having this Unnamed Thing together. FWB who also fight and drink heavily together.
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...Also a lot of the OC x Canon ships I see with Ginjo are awesome. Special shoutout to Sef and Muwitch, y’all are the MVPs.
Geeeehhhhhhhkkkkk you really don’t see many canon x canon Ginjo ships since he isn’t that popular of a character, but my block-on-site is GinTsuki. I’ve said it before in previous questions for this ask meme, but I put hard-stop on Adoptive Parent/Adoptee or Older Mentor/Child Student ships; GinTsuki is especially in that for me since it’s canon that Ginjo took in and raised Tsukishima since he was a young child. So it’s very much not for me and it squicks me out badly.
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random headcanon:
This man is a boomer and enjoys the cringy edgelord boomer memes. You know like these ones:
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unpopular opinion:
The unpopular opinion is that I like him in the first place. Welcome to the post.
song i associate with them:
Nine Inch Nails - ‘The Hand That Feeds’
favorite picture of them:
I can’t pic a favorite, so here’s just a massive fucking chunk of my Ginjo folder below the cut:
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The anime didn’t have to feed us like this, but they did.
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GOD he’s so lame I wanna ride his face
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NO BECAUSE-- *grabs you* look how fucking remorseful he is here. Look at this motherfucker.
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*rattling the bars of my cell* MAN...
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jaegerjaw · 2 years
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𝙎𝙪𝙜𝙖𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ❤️
Grimmjow x Riruka
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tayman001 · 3 years
GrimmIchi (post epilogue): Includes some Anime characters and an original character of mine also using Anime terms.
Rukia (barging into Ichigo's room with Orihime and Riruka): Hey, Ichigo!
Orihime: Hey Ichigo!
Riruka: Hey Ichigo!
Ichigo (is hiding under his covers because he was just having a romantic intercourse with Grimmjow who is now hiding in the closet): What is it and stop barging into my room!
Rukia, Orihime and Riruka: But we wanna hang... Why are you under the covers? proceeds to pull the covers off of Ichigo
Ichigo: exposed
Rukia, Orihime and Riruka: Oh were you thinking about one of us?
Orihime: It was probably me right? After all I'm your wife.
Ichigo (being blunt): Who said I married you out of love? Who said I was even straight?
Rukia and Riruka: Oh marriage drama!
Orihime: Oh so you don't care about Kazui? or me?
Ichigo: I care about Kazui as a father and I care about you as a friend.
Orihime: Oh so you have lied to me for 10 FUCKING YEARS YOU ASSHOLE!
Grimmjow (who has been hiding in the closet since they arrives jumps out of the closet covering himself with one of Ichigo's shirts because he couldn't breath in the closet): ICHIGO LOVES ME, OK!
Ichigo: Grimm I was gonna eventually say it, you didn't have to say it for me.
Grimmjow: Well sorry I couldn't breath anymore so I had to jump out of the closet which you forced me to go into when you heard them on the stairs in the middle of sex!
Rukia: YEAH I THINK I'M GONNA GO AND NEVER SPEAK WITH YOU AGAIN ASSHOLE BECUASE OF WHAT YOU DID TO ORIHIME LIKE SHE LOVED YOU FOR YEARS YOU FUCKING PRICK!! Rukia leaves while sticking her middle finger and all other variations of such at Ichigo
Riruka: GOOD FUCKING RIDIANCE ASSWIPE! Riruka uses Bringer Light to leave but makes sure to kick both Ichigo and Grimmjow in their faces while she was at it
Kazui arrives at the other side of the door
Kazui: Dad? Mom said you and her have split up and that I can't see her ever again.
Ichigo: I hope you don't hate me for it, Kazui. After all I just lost 3 friends after revealing that I've been gay this hole time and I'd hate to lose you Kazui.
Kazui: Dad, I'm fine with it as long as you don't get mad at me if I stay out past my bedtime.
Ichigo: How about I just make it so you have no bedtime and make it so its your responsibility to not be sleeping in class.
Kazui: Dad its a deal!
The next day
Chad (having returned to Karakura Town since he is on a vacation from his Boxing career): Hey Ichigo, have you seen Noba?
Ichigo: If he isn't at yours and his place he could be at Kisuke's place. But shouldn't you already know this after all he is your boyfriend.
Chad: Oh how stupid of me...
Taylor (who met Ichigo and his friends after the Quincy war when he was traveling from his home in Canada and was fighting a Hollow when Ichigo and his friends showed up): Hi guys, what's up?
Uryū (who isn't at the hospital since its his day off): Not much Tay, but I'm about to go pick up my boyfriend from the airport since he finally decided to move here from your home country. Speaking of which I gotta go. Uryū proceeds to leave
Ichigo: Not good Tay, since Orihime, Rukia and Riruka unfriended me since I revealed the truth about myself and came out of the closet...
Taylor: Well I'm sure they'll come around after all they aren't homophobic since they accept me.
Renji (arrives in Karakura Town and shows up): punches Ichigo in the eyes repeatedly
Taylor (leaving his body): unsheathes his Zanpakutō and points it at Renji Do you really wanna push me any further you do remember what happened last time you did this and I nearly killed you since you were in a coma for 5 weeks and would have died if I didn't administer emergency aid after you collapsed during my attack.
Renji (scared): Fine I'll stop.
Ichigo (bloody and can't speak because of how messed ****up his face is): moans in pain
Taylor (returning to his body): Now you've done it, I better heal him quickly so that Grimmjow doesn't attack you for hurting Ichigo.
Grimmjow (arriving on the scene just as Taylor begins healing Ichigo): WHO THE FUCK HURT MY BOYFRIEND?!
Taylor: Calm down Grimmjow, I'm healing Ichigo as we speak so it shouldn't matter who hurt him since he will be fine in a moment. finishes healing Ichigo See he is all healed.
Ichigo: Thanks Tay. Renji... I take it you punched me because you hate me as much as Rukia and that was your "we are no longer friends" statement... Ichigo begins to walk away since he feels like he is losing friends for finally coming out of the closet
Renji: Hey wait, Ichigo... Its not like that and Rukia doesn't hate you she is just disappointed that you lied to Orihime and the reason why I punched you was because I'm kinda ticked that you lied to all of us for years.
Taylor (doesn't think he should say anything but does anyway): I knew all along but I never said anything because it was Ichigo's job and also it wouldn't have been right of me to reveal anything about him.
Ichigo: ...
Taylor: Hey Lieutenant Abarai, I never said he told me I simply clued into it on my own so don't go assuming anything.
Renji: Taylor we are friends so stop using my rank and last name.
Taylor: If I were a Substitute Soul Reaper like Ichigo, I would be using your first name but I am actually a full member of the 13 Court Guard Squads and I happen to be unseated so I have to address you as such Lieutenant Abarai. But because of that I have to address your captain as Captain B Kuchiki and your wife as Captain R Kuchiki because if I just refer to them both as Captain Kuchiki I get confused and if they are both there and I am looking at neither one of them they would also probably be confused.
Renji: OK I get it.
Rukia, Orihime and Riruka appear
Rukia (ignoring Ichigo): Renji have you seen Ichika?
Renji: No, I thought she was with you.
Orihime (ignoring Ichigo): Why am I even here proceeds to leave
Riruka (ignoring Ichigo): I might as well go get myself some donuts since I'm in this part of town. proceeds to leave)
Rukia (still ignoring Ichigo): Then where the heck is she?
Ichika (looking for Kazui): Where is that guy?
Kazui (jumps out from behind Ichika): Are you looking for me?
Ichika (visibly scared): AHHH! Don't do that Kazui!
Chad (looking for Noba): Noba, where are you?
Noba (in his new Gigai that Taylor had made for him a month after he first appeared but looking like he was holding about 4 people in his stomach due to his power): Oh, Hi babe. burps oops I think I need to release these people. proceeds to release them by opening up a portal
Chad (visibly aroused): I see you decided to works as a Taxi using that Gigai Taylor made for you.
Noba: Yeah, though I have to be careful with my passengers otherwise they get digested.
Chad: Well you can always digest the enemy, am I right?
Noba: Haha, Yeah that is true.
Uryū (at the airport): He should be here by now.
Brandan's plane touches down
Uryū: Oh his place was just late.
Brandan runs over to Uryū's car
Brandan: Long time no see Uryūbabe.
Uryū: Yeah Brany, I missed seeing you in person too. Uryū leans towards Brandan for a kiss
Brandan: Brandan leans towards Uryū to complete the kiss
Orihime and Riruka are having some donuts
Orihime: Do you think we were too harsh on him?
Riruka: is finishing her current donut
Riruka: Yeah, didn't you always say he wants to protect everyone.
Orihime: Yeah, which makes me think that our reactions are just hurting him.
Riruka: If so lets go reject the damage.
Orihime: ... Was that a pun on my Shun Shun Rika?
Riruka: Yeah.
Orihime: Good pun.
Rukia (thinking): I should apologize to Ichigo for my reaction.
Rukia: Ichigo, I might be worried about Ichika but I'm also sorry for my reaction yesterday and I apologize.
*Orihime and Riruka show up*
Orihime and Riruka (simultaneously): We're sorry as well.
Orihime: But I am not sorry for the divorce since it actually allows you and Grimmjow to get married.
Taylor (talking to Ichigo): See Ichigo, I told you that they'd eventually come around.
Taylor: Ichigo?
Taylor: Guys! Ichigo is missing!
Chad, Noba Uryū, Brandan, Kazui and Ichika show up after hearing this
Grimmjow, Renji, Rukia, Chad, Noba, Uryū, Brandan, Kazui, Ichika, Orihime and Riruka (visibly shocked and worried): WHERE IS HE!
Grimmjow (visibly depressed thinking the worst case scenario): Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't jump, please don't jump...
Nelliel shows up by falling from the sky but unlike during the Quincy war she is in her adult form
Nel: I sense a depressed Ichigo. proceeds to run towards the depressed Ichigo
Ichigo (depressed): Why do I even bother... I know Grimmjow loves me and cares about me and I know Taylor, Uryū, Brandan, Chad and Noba have always supported me but I can't bare the thought of losing friends... looks down from the steep cliff I think its about time to just end it all... prepares to take a step forward
Nel (concerned): Itsygo, don't jump!
Ichigo: Nel? Wait why did you just call me Itsygo? Since you only called me that a couple times and only in your child form which you aren't in right now.
Nel: I did that because I knew it would get your attention Ichigo.
Ichigo: takes a step forwards
Nel: blocks Ichigo from falling off the cliff by using Sonído Don't do it after all I know Grimmjow will follow suit if you do end up doing it.
Ichigo: Wait you know?
Nel: I've know for quite a few years that you and Grimmjow love each other especially during that fight with him that I saw.
Grimmjow: That bitch is trying to take Ichigo from me! Grimmjow runs off
Taylor: We better follow him!
Rukia, Orihime, Chad, Uryū, Renji, Noba, Riruka, Kazui, Ichika, Brandan: Right!
Ichigo (starting to cheer up): Rukia, Orihime and Riruka unfriended me. starts crying
Nel: I know for a fact that they will eventually come around.
Ichigo (still crying): Taylor said that same thing but than they showed up and ignored me... Nel (wiping away Ichigo's tears): Just give them some time after all you can't expect them to come to terms with reality so quickly since they are girls and this is coming from a girl.
Ichigo (cheered up and no longer crying): OK, your right.
Grimmjow and the others show up
Grimmjow: Get away from my boyfriend you bitch!
Nel: Listen idiot I'm not here to take your boyfriend from you I came because I sensed that Ichigo was gonna kill himself so I came and stopped him since its not like you can talk about feelings very much unless you are in the middle of a fight and don't think I didn't over hear you and Ichigo flirting during that fight back before Aizen was defeated and how you asked him out near the end and he said yes as he stabbed you which is when the two of you started dating.
Everyone (except Ichigo, Grimmjow and Taylor): speechless
Taylor: You left before you heard Rukia, Orihime and Riruka apologize for their initial reactions.
Rukia, Orihime and Riruka: We are sorry Ichigo for acting that way.
Orihime: Though I am divorcing you...
Ichigo: But...
Orihime: No buts. I'm divorcing you so you can marry the one you love.
Taylor (has something for Ichigo): whispers Ichigo. hands something to Ichigo
Ichigo: grabs what Taylor is handing him
Taylor (has something for Grimmjow): whispers Grimmjow. hands something to Grimmjow
Grimmjow: grabs what Taylor is handing him
Orihime: OK the divorce is finalized now.
Ichigo: kneels before Grimmjow Grimm will you, uh marry me? holds out ring
Grimmjow: kneels before Ichigo Ichi will you, um marry me? holds out ring
Everyone (except Taylor, Ichigo and Grimmjow): Taylor why'd you give them both a ring.
Taylor: Excuse me you two but since Ichigo proposed first that is the official proposal so Grimmjow you need to wait until the wedding to use that ring since you are the only one needing to give a ring at that point.
Ichigo and Grimmjow: Why can't we get married right here, right now?
Taylor: How'd you know I can officiate weddings?
Ichigo and Grimmjow: Lucky guess.
Taylor: OK but everyone needs the correct outfits...
Everyone (except Taylor): rips off their close to reveal formal wear underneath
Taylor: Please tell me that you don't just happen to leave the house like that and that it was just a coincidence.
Everyone (except Taylor): ummmmm... coincidence yeah, it was a coincidence.
Taylor (realizes that just said that to try and not sound weird): You are all weird but so am I so who cares. flash steps away and returns wearing a suit OK is everyone ready?
Everyone (except Taylor): Yep!
Taylor: OK get into the correct positions before we start.
Everyone does just that
Taylor: OK before you ask I am using my phone to get this since I never write my own Officiate speeches since I don't officiate for just anyone so I never write my own speech. OK lets begin.
Welcome family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered today to celebrate the marriage of Ichigo and Grimmjow. We are all here to support this commitment of love and to share the joy of Ichigo and Grimmjow as they choose to spend their lives together.
Ichigo and Grimmjow, your marriage will be a lifelong promise to love, respect, trust and honor each other through the good, the bad and the unexpected. This marriage represents your commitment to support one another as individual beings but share your joys, sorrows, and dreams as one. A strong bond works in unison not only to nurture the best parts of your personalities, but to understand each other’s differences and flaws. You are committing to learn how to grow alongside one another while remembering to keep an open mind throughout your journey.
Today, you gain an equal partner that will be your confidant, your defender and your motivator through all of your aspirations and goals. You will celebrate each accomplishment, provide peace through every setback and most importantly, give love in life’s both big and little moments. You are creating a new home where love, trust and loyalty are the foundation. No matter what the future throws your way, rely on those foundations and you shall only see your bond grow stronger and your souls grow wiser.
Marriage is not easy, but from what I’ve seen in the two of you, I know your relationship will be an example to follow. You show care and compassion, you trust one another and most importantly, you are each other’s best friend.
Now Ichigo and Grimmjow, please join hands and face each other.
Ichigo, do you take Grimmjow to be your husband?
Ichigo: I do!
Taylor: Ichigo, please repeat after me.
“I Ichigo, take you Grimmjow as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. This I promise you.”
Ichigo: I Ichigo, take you Grimmjow as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. This I promise you.
Taylor: Grimmjow, do you take Ichigo to be your husband?
Grimmjow: I do!
Taylor: Grimmjow, please repeat after me.
“I Grimmjow, take you Ichigo as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. This I promise you.” Grimmjow: I Grimmjow, take you Ichigo as you are, I promise from this day forward to love and treasure you for the rest of my life, to be your rock when things get tough, to be your number one fan in all of your accomplishments, to be grateful for all that you are and for choosing to spend the rest of your journey with me, to be patient and kind, to build a safe and loving home with you, to fill your days with laughter, to inspire you to pursue your dreams, to be faithful, to grow old with you and live a fulfilled life. This I promise you.
Taylor: Your rings represent this promise to one another. The never-ending circle is a symbol of an infinite, unbreakable love.
Ichigo, take this ring and place it on Grimmjow‘s finger but you have already done that when you proposed to him earlier, so repeat after me:
“Grimmjow, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.”
Ichigo: Grimmjow, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.
Taylor: Grimmjow, take that ring I gave you earlier and place it on Ichigo‘s finger. Repeat after me: “Ichigo, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.” Grimmjow: Ichigo, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today. Taylor: Having pledged your love and promise to one another today in front of all of your friends and family and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband.
You may now kiss.
Congratulations! Friends and family, it is my honor to introduce to you; Mr. and Mr. ... I've got no clue what you're gonna do if there is gonna be a name change or not.
Ichigo and Grimmjow: kissing
A month later
Grimmjow (wakes up abruptly in the middle of the night): throws up in the toilet
Ichigo: Grimm what's wrong?
Grimmjow: No clue... throws up into toilet again ...I just woke up feeling nauseous... throws up again ...and I know it has nothing to do with what I ate.
Ichigo: I'll call Uryū and Taylor... I just hope they are willing to come over at 2 in the morning.
An hour later
Uryū: What did you call me for Ichigo?
Ichigo: We needed to call a doctor so we called you.
Taylor: And why was I called?
Ichigo: Because you're a scientist so you might know what's going on if Uryū doesn't.
Uryū: Well... It turns out you are pregnant Grimmjow.
Grimmjow (visibly shocked): Wait how am I pregnant?
Taylor: I can explain those rings allow Ichigo to impregnate you and you to be impregnated by him.
Taylor: I did after I finished officiating but my guess is you were too full on cake and Grimmjow was too drunk.
Taylor: If I were to say you've gotten fat I'd have said it as a compliment since why would I insult you for getting fat when I myself WANT to be fat. As for Grimmjow I wouldn't put it past him but even so I wouldn't insult him for being one especially if its his choice to be an alcoholic.
Ichigo: So what was your point then?
Taylor: My point is that because you had eaten so much cake you were in a food coma and with Grimmjow being so drunk he probably couldn't hear anything I was saying.
Ichigo: Oh...
Kazui: Does that mean I get a little half brother?
Taylor: Oh so you clued in that men can only give birth to males, Kazui?
Kazui: Yep and it was fairly obvious.
To Be Continued
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qob-vrisk · 7 years
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Art series: 10 Sins of Miden Bad sides of ‘Miden’ main characters. They should overcome those ‘sins’ by the end of story. [Addition information for those who want to read/are not lazy] Selfishness – Putting own interests over community interests. Renji is always more concerned with his own opinions, desired and benefits. He doesn’t care about other points of view, because he’s totally sure he’s right. Wizard is too focused on his love towards Rukia, that he couldn’t care less about her opinion. He only listens to himself. That’s why feelings of other even very close people are unimportant to him, if they oppose his own desires. Obsession – Fixation. Desire to own. Desire to be needed. Tender feeling became something terrifying and deformed. Even thou Cian has human heart, her snake instincts of higher beast infect her mind. When human will open his heart for Sung Sun her soul will drawn in the storm of madness. Love is like the Devil. Vanity – urge to became famous, loved and honored. Desire to be worshiped by whole nation. Impossible dream, followed by paranoia, hypocrisy and sanctimony. Kaien wants to be someone he is not destined to be. Someone as who he wasn’t born. That’s why he wears thousands of faces, trying to fulfill his dream. Addiction - Compulsive need. Self distracting habitude. Grimmjaw was trying to escape his past so hard he became drag addict. Hi was drawn in his new way of life. Finally he was distracted from painful memories by his awful lifestyle dynamics. But one way or another this road will lead him to mental disability and craze in full splendor. Avarice – Desire to achieve personal gain. Riruka doesn’t only seek financial gain. Jewels and money are only a small part of all the things she wants. This girl could do any infamy to be happy. She could even ruin lives of people she finds interesting. Everything will be just like doll house. It will go according her plan, as if it is a pretty picture. Cowardice – Weakness of the soulwhen person sees something scary. Orihime is terrified whe she sees blood. Enchantress should help those who are wounded, but this girl could only cry for help and tremble in fear. With all her awesome talents, she is helpless and useless. Pathetic crybaby right before enemies. Heavy burden to her friend.  Snobbery – Isida is all about manners, art and high society. He pretends to be an intellectual, a man of delicate taste, but he is haughty to all of those who are ‘unworthy’. And he considers as an unworthy almost everyone. Like a pitiful rats the come to his feet. But he himself is doesn’t deserve to be worthy. He is just a rat with butt soaked in wine. Meticulousness – Bothering about smallest things. Toshiro is very pernickety and peery boy. But it’s not a pure curiosity. His sin could make him search for the forbidden knowledge that might burn his soul. The Truth could be found only if all pieces form a stained-glass window. But what sacrifices and betrayals will it coast? Scepticism – Doubt about existing of the Thuth. Rukia truly is a skeptic who denies unconfirmed thesis. Her thoughts are critical which is unforgiving for a girl temporally performs duties of a priestess. Guide of spirits should believe in celestial power of The Stars and in Great Stream of Astral River. But Kuchiki denies all of that. Her mind is a bleached out blemish on the black canvas. Pure inference. No superstitions or prejudices. But as pity as it is – her mindset is a worst sin for a priestess. Cruelty – Without mercy. Without heart. Hichigo lost most of his soul. He has not enough control over his mind. Whirlwind of feelings makes him impulsive and furious. All the pain that cave in his soul during his wanderings want to make it way out in a form of barbarities and sadism. And abyss is devouring his sympathy toward others. Completely. And remain of a human soul becomes… hollow. /Atypical sins! Not a clichéd seven! :D/
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lemonade-of-gods · 3 years
So I came across this fmv that I used to watch on repeat when I was in school so I kinda want to do a commentary on the couples hehe:
- Lucy/Hitsugaya: I think someone would be veeery appreciative of Captain Hitsugaya’s older brother huehuehue - I guess they could work out since Lucy is a little on the serious side more and pretty sweet! And Hitsu could use a bit more of that in his life sdhfgsd
- Lisanna/Renji: Sweet and gentle girl with the rough guy with a heart of gold? With tattoos? YE PLS (Its the aesthetic that really does it for me)
- Natsu/Soi Fon: Soi Fon will kill him after spending 5 seconds in his presence. Natsu is too much of a chaotic force for her to tolerate skjdfgsdhjf 
- Juvia/Ulquiorra: On one hand pairing such a... passionate character with the complete opposite has its merit, but on the other hand I can’t see Ulquiorra putting up with her antics. rip juvia
- Rukia/Rogue: They get drunk and bond over chappy and frosch in the weekends, I’m not budging away from this headcanon sjdhfgsdh
- Lyon/Riruka: We pairing all the pink headed ladies with this guy now? Tbh I don’t care much for either of them so like... no comment
- Rangiku/Sting: hilarious. I wanna see a crossover of them now
- Mirajane/Uryu: ... nah, not my cup of tea
- Levy/Kaien: ... too random. idk
- Jellal/Yoruichi: I see them more as friends than a couple tbh. I can see them as a good team up during battle too
- Cana/Grimmjow: Drinking frenemies? Drinking frenemies.  
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deivorous · 4 years
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@kyousei​ asked “Date? riruka“
Send me “Date?” and i'll answer...
Who asks for it:
[x] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours 
Type of date:
[x] Platonic Date (this is what he thinks it is, if he thinks its a date at all because hes a bone head)
[x] Romantic Date (in her eyes, hes clueless)
[x] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[x] Movies   • [x] Romantic Comedy (not his pick, but he actually doesn’t mind it, he has a lot of questions though)   • [x] Adventure Movie  • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [x] Horror (this is his pick, Riruka only allows it because she can practically sit in his lap)  • [ ] Drama   • [ ] Buddy Movie   • [ ] _____ Other
[x] Restaurant   • [x ] Expensive/High Class (Riruka is paying with Yukio’s card~ Grimmjow is drinking his way through the cocktail menu.)    • [ ] Small and familiar   • [ ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature   • [ ] Beach  • [x] (Dog) Park  • [ ] Forest      • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[x] Staying at home  • [x] Watching movies  • [x] Playing Video Games  • [ ] Reading
[x] She takes him shopping with her. He doesn’t really get what ‘cute’ is in her eyes? But he tries and eventually just points out animal patterned things to her.
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[x] …a kiss (maybe if she sneaks one)
[ ] …in bed
[x] …knowing each other better
[x] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
Should you reblog this?:
[x] Yes. I want to send you one.
[x] Yes.
[ ] No.
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Bleach Ships
Kisuke Urahara x Ichigo Kurosaki Ulquiorra Cifer x Orihime Inoue Yoruichi Shihouin x Soi Fon Kensei Muguruma x Mashiro Kuna  Tier Harribel x Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Toshiro Hitsugaya x Momo Hinamori x Karin Kurosaki 
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Ichigo Kurosaki  Byakuya Kuchiki x Rukia Kuchiki  Renji Abari x Rukia Kuchiki  Gin Ichimaru x Rangiku Matsumoto Toshiro Hitsugaya x Rangiku Matsumoto  Toshiro Hitsugaya x Momo Hinamori Toshiro Hitsugaya x Karin Kurosaki Momo Hinamori x Karin Kurosaki 
Rukia Kuchiki x Orihime Inoue  Momo Hinamori x Karin Kurosaki Ichigo Kurosaki x Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Karin Kurosaki Renji Abari x Ichigo Kurosaki x Rukia Kuchiki x Orihime Inoue Yasutora “Chad” Sado x Ichigo Kurosaki Kisuke Urahara x Ichigo Kurosaki x Yoruichi Shihouin Tatsuki Arisawa x Orihime Inoue Ichigo Kurosaki x Tatsuki Arisawa Soi Fon x Tatsuki Arisawa Yasutora “Chad” Sado x Orihime Inoue Uryu Ishida x Rukia Kuchiki Shinji Hirako x Ichigo Kurosaki Sousuke Aizen x Ichigo Kurosaki Riruka Dokugamine x  Orihime Inoue Riruka Dokugamine x Rukia Kuchiki Uryu Ishida x Nemu Kurotsuchi  Character x Original Character 
Ichigo Kurosaki x Rukia Kuchiki Ichigo Kurosaki x Orihime Inoue Uryu Ishida x Orihime Inoue Ichigo Kurosaki x Uryu Ishida Renji Abari x Orihime Inoue Renji Abari x Uryu Ishida Renji Abari x Ichigo Kurosaki Renji Abari x Yasutora “Chad” Sado Yasutora “Chad” Sado x Uryu Ishida Kisuke Urahara x Yoruichi Shihouin  Any Ship Not Listed 
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gunnerpalace · 7 years
Have you seen the vid 'Shonen Anime's Biggest Problem' by Reality Punch Studios? Bleach is briefly mentioned in it and the guy basically says that Kubo did a great job with the plot and characters during the Soul Society arc, but then later failed with all the other arcs after it. Thoughts?
I haven’t, but that’s pretty accurate. This is long, but fuck it, I want people to see it.
Karakura I: Great! Minor flaws, e.g., Ichigo leaving Rukia to fight Shrieker while he escorted Karin, rather than having the clearly less-than-combat effective Rukia do so, and learn about Ichigo; not covering a whole month of their time together (including Ichigo’s birthday); ultimately dispensing with Tatsuki’s importance to the plot; could have probably stood to be about twice as long to show more of Ichigo and Rukia’s early relationship and flesh out relations with the nakama more. 
Soul Society: Great! No real flaws until the end, e.g., you just killed off Central 46 and had a great upheaval in the power structure of the to-date main antagonists; this was the perfect time to have some exposition on them (e.g., who the other two Great Noble Houses are, what their role in Central 46/Soul Society is aside from being strong, etc.); good pacing, dramatic, memorable and contained fights, even for supporting characters (e.g., Uryuu vs. Mayuri, Renji vs. Byakuya).
Karakura II/Arrancar: Not so great! So, Ichigo’s just spent his summer break, what, moping over “the Hollow?” Why does everything in this series revolve around no one (Kisuke, Isshin, Juushirou, Yamamoto, etc.) telling Ichigo what the fuck is going on and just solving the problem? One of the only times I can remember an authority figure just saying “We’re here to do X because Y,” is Toushirou in this arc, so good for him? The fights against the Arrancar are when Bleach started to go bad with F I G H T S  N O B O D Y  C A R E S  A B O U T  ™ because they don’t involve the protagonists. Grimmjow was an effectively introduced villain even though he’s really just Kenpachi + Zangetsu (”Shirosaki”). The moments with him, Ichigo, and Rukia were good. The Visored were neat but were ultimately a waste. Most damningly of all, Orihime didn’t learn a goddamn thing from going to an alternate dimension and watching Ichigo almost die over and over to save Rukia.
Hueco Mundo/Fake Karakura+: Really bad! When FNCA became a real problem. Just all kinds of shit that didn’t matter and wasn’t satisfying. The entire premise of them being there was stupid, as was the entire structure of the war. Aizen’s grand scheme turned out to be a bunch of bullshit. Overall just a terrible inversion of the Soul Society arc featuring a bunch of poorly-realized villains that were way overhyped. (Also, the final demonstration of the worthlessness of the Visored!) Our protagonists had to be rescued for the plot to continue on stupidly. (This can work, e.g. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, but this isn’t the way to do it.) An unsatisfying conclusion that explained nothing about why what happened, had.
Lost Substitute Shinigami: Garbage. Okay, this arc has some great character-building for Ichigo and Rukia, and Xcution have memorable designs. I like Riruka. Ginjou, Giriko, and Tsukishima are really hateable villains. I like Ikumi. But. But. Fullbring is dumb and makes no sense, or needed to be introduced much earlier. The story of the substitute Shinigami is dumb and doesn’t fit well with what we know. The contrivances necessary to make Bleach work like a horror manga are ridiculous and just make the adults around Ichigo (e.g., Isshin, Ryuuken, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Shinji, et al.) look like fucking negligent assholes at the same time as Ikumi is telling Ichigo to trust adults. Also, the way the time skip was handled was that it wasn’t. It literally never gets addressed outside of about a dozen panels. It speaks to my heart but it wasn’t well-executed (hah!) at all.
Thousand-Year Blood War: Total shitshow where everything is on fire. The Sternritter were awful and utterly lacking in interest. (They’re all amoral psychopathic murderers, whoo!) FNCA go on forever, nobody does anything of importance, Ichigo and Rukia barely appear for large sections of it, and nothing sensible or satisfying happens except for an explanation of Ichigo’s powers that, while making a kind of sense, still doesn’t really explain anything. Don’t get me started on the ending, that requires War and Peace to fully deconstruct with how it doesn’t fit any of what came before.
If Kubo was just going to stop the manga, he should’ve stopped it after Soul Society arc. He couldn’t, because Aizen was still on the run, but if Aizen had been taken out there, it would’ve been okay. Open-ended, maybe an epilogue panel or page of Rukia putting on civilian clothes to see Ichigo again. Cool.
If he was going to stop after the Aizen saga, he should’ve done that. Again, an open ending. You could maybe have an epilogue of Ichigo thinking he sees Rukia out of the corner of his eyes over time. Whatever.
But no, this guy had a plan. Bleach is kinda like The X-Files, in that there’s a bunch of episodes, and then an overarching plot arc, except instead of being episodic, it’s archic; a bunch of small arcs under a larger one. The larger arc is that Soul Society, and existence itself, is fucked up. The smaller arcs are about what passes for “mundane” or “the usual” within this fucked up existence.
That alone probably answers your question, but I’m me, so I’m going to continue on to talk about what I want to talk about.
Let me explain my theory of what Bleach was supposed to be about, before Kubo got bogged down in thinking he was Tolkien II Turbo DBZ edition and got his series cancelled with his fuckery.
There’s this interesting video about how, in The Matrix, Neo isn’t “the One,” but rather, Smith is.
The Architect tells Neo that he’s the sixth “Anomaly” which resets the Matrix. Their arrival is expected and anticipated. Smith, unwittingly “created” by Neo, is what causes this particular iteration of the Matrix to end very differently than the previous five.
Okay, what the fuck does this have to do with Bleach?
Check it out: Ichigo (and Rukia) is (are) the One. That is to say: they’re Smith. The planned outcomes, the “Anomalies,” were Aizen and Yhwach.
They would go about their plans, get up to the Royal Realm, and then be summarily murdered by Zero Division and turned into the new Soul King, as a Soul King only lasts a certain amount of time and needs periodic replacement. (Check how old and busted the current one is.) This is why Zero Division gave zero fucks about whatever happened down below: it not only didn’t matter to their outcomes, it was necessary. (Kind of like Soul Society requires suffering to work properly.)
There’s evidence of this in Sajin and his grandfather. Their existence is never explained, but Clifford the Big Red Dog says “The world’s ‘bearer’ will simply change. We won’t change. No matter who holds the world. All we can do is lay low.” This is strikingly similar to The Merovingian and his motley crew of exiled programs from previous iterations of the Matrix: they are remnants of a bygone age, after successive resets.
What resets Soul Society (or possibly reality) is swapping Soul Kings.
Now what fucks everything up and makes this time different is the existence of Ichigo and Rukia. Ichigo is directly created by the fuckery of Aizen and Yhwach, much like Agent Smith was turned into Smith. The existence of Yhwach’s descendants, plus Aizen’s machinations, produces an unplanned-for feature. Something new. He’s easy to explain.
But Ichigo isn’t alone. He would’ve never gotten anywhere without Rukia. And Rukia is harder to explain.
Now Aizen says “The ‘true’ power of the Hougyoku is to read the minds of those around it and make manifest of what it finds there. […] You don’t understand? I’m saying that all of the ‘miracles’ that have occurred surrounding Kurosaki Ichigo, Kuchiki Rukia, and Urahara Kisuke thus far were manifested by the Hougyoku’s will.“ He goes on to say "And then I, armed with a hypothesis about the Hougyoku’s abilities, sent Kuchiki Rukia in the direction of Kurosaki Ichigo. Of course, there are limits to its abilities. The Hougyoku manifests what’s in the minds of those around it. But this will not happen unless the subject inherently possesses the power to fulfill their desire. By that token, this could also be called the ‘power that guides people toward their desires.’ … But living creatures are strange, they are made in such a way that they can actualize only what their minuscule minds wish for.”
First, notice how utterly fucking pissed Isshin is. Nothing else makes him remotely this upset. Nothing to do with Grand Fisher or Yhwach makes him even fractionally this agitated.
Now, stop and think for a moment. Does what Aizen said actually make sense? The Hougyoku does what those around it want, but it can only do so through what they are capable of. He also says that the Hougyoku has begun to understand his will… only just prior to explaining all this. Why does Aizen think he was previously outside of the Hougyoku’s influence?
Kisuke’s incomplete Hougyoku was hanging out in Rukia for a long time; presumably, out of anyone, it understood her will best. Aizen sent Rukia to Ichigo? No. Rukia wanted to go to Ichigo, and Aizen was the means to facilitate that, which coincidentally accorded with his desires too. Aizen is confusing cause and effect here through his own hubris.
How did Rukia know of Ichigo? Well, you could say she was looking for someone like Kaien. But there are inevitably many people like Kaien in the world and it could’ve guided her to any one of them. It took her to the only person who could do something about the world, which Rukia saw as fundamentally unjust. But how would the Hougyoku know about Ichigo? From reading Aizen’s mind? Maybe, but can it understand things like genealogy and ghost genetic engineering? It’s much simpler to say that it saw their connection.
I’m not going to relitigate all the material in Bleach which asserts that Ichigo and Rukia are connected and fated to meet one another, like the Sand and the Rotator chapters. But it’s out there, and the Hougyoku knew, so it put them together and warped everything around it to make that happen; to execute Rukia’s will, not Aizen’s.
My feeling is that Rukia and Ichigo form a single unit for the purposes of reality-disruption. They are the Pair, rather than Smith’s the One. Surprise, this is why Kisuke leaves it to them when he thinks he’s gonna die. He’s like the Oracle. Or something, this analogy is getting a bit loose.
Also, Ichigo’s whole thing is power, and Rukia’s whole thing is control. You might say they’re like a power source and a regulator. Water and a water wheel. Sand and a rotator.
So, much like Smith, they were going to change the outcome of their iteration in a way that couldn’t have been foreseen.
Then Kubo got his series cancelled because he spent too long drawing Doctor Juggalo fighting a giant hand, and Sword Hobo fighting Imagination Boy and Thor, so none of that happened.
tl;dr Kubo’s inability to stop himself from fucking with unimportant characters and unimportant plots, i.e., getting bogged down in the minutiae, is exactly what killed Bleach, along with trying to be too clever by half with things like Hueco Mundo as inverted Soul Society. Dude lost the plot and couldn’t see his own damn forest for the trees.
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ariparri · 7 months
Bleach Masterlist
Blog Masterpost
Kisaragi Haruna
References (Old)
TYBW Design
Violet Cover Trend
Hair Styles
Morning Walk
Brave Souls Stats
Brave Souls Chibi
Brave Souls 1
Brave Souls 2
Halloween Art
After Exile
Aekaze Miyabi
Yamaguchi Genichiro
Brave Souls
Memories of Nobody
Slay B*tch
Other Content
Collabs and Templates
Your OC Here ft. Haruna
Bleach Brave Souls Star Card
Bleach Brave Souls Character Stats Temp.
Miho's At Your Service
Art Trade (Shinji x OC)
Art Trade
Art Trade
Art Trade
Former Squad 11
Chibi Valentines
Byakuya Sketch
Cover Them Up
Riruki Bankai (Commission)
Riruki (Commission)
Entering Siberia (Commission)
Arrancar Resurrecíon (Commission)
Temporary Alliance (Commission)
Raccoon Arrancar (Commission)
Grimmjow x Riruka (Commission)
TYBW OCs (Commission)
Runaway Captain ft. Genichiro & Haruna
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wulvercazz · 11 months
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🪄Built up Tension🦐
Previous ~ October 29th -Witch/Curse, Closet/Stuck ( Ichigo x Riruka) Extra tags- sort of hatefucking, feral behavior, spells
The Prompt List
(aaaaa one more part to gooo- here's part 14✨)
Ichigo's as sure about his direction as the very first time he walked these streets, but, this time, something seems to guide him. Someone, a voice... muttering directions in his head. Go right, around that corner, turn here. There, that building.
He follows it without thinking.
The entrance is wide and ornate, no one's walking around the city anymore... but he's sure here's where they are waiting; beyond these doors. The mossy wood creaks, and beyond a strange feeling welcomes him. Driving his blood to pump faster.
His steps grow quicker, more imaptient, his heart beating steady but beating harsh against his ribcage; he... he can smell them, everyone he's met, right at the end of the hall, beyond another set of doors.
But it's quiet... too quiet. Like he's too early somehow.
He breathes in a few calming breaths, relax, this is all so new... perhaps he should slow down a little- oh? What's this?
He opens a door to his right, sure he'll find someone hiding. It's a dark closet, except for a few gentle, blinking lights, and... huh, Riruka. In full display.
His head twists to the side, like an animal unsure, and Riruka just looks happy to see him.
"Oh, good, I wasn't sure my spells would work on you, but here you are!" Riruka says cheerily, despite being tangled in cables and almost thrown down on the mess, like a forgotten ragdoll. "Come, come!"
Something's different, a lot has changed recently. Now he takes the opportunity as soon as it's offered to him, and perhaps would've even if it hadn't. Without thinking, Ichigo unbuttons his pants and throws them off in a couple strides; Riruka's arms calling to him as much as they can with the lights tangled around them.
Her giggles near insane, and driving him crazy too.
"Do you know? Do you know now?" She mutters, hurried, wiggling her hips when Ichigo climbs over her, curls right over her small frame. "Why you're here? You're special, very special, Ichigo~!" She continues her blabbering.
Ichigo can feel a growl crawling up his chest, his hips rutting with need, and clawing at the floor in hopes he won't claw up her skin- although she might very well enjoy that. "I don't. And I... I don't care." He grunts finally, the tip of his cocks catching at the entrance of her slick pussy and pushing to no avail.
Riruka gasps, half in pain and half in need, spreading her legs wider like somehow that'd allow both to fit. Ichigo pulls back just enough to allow merely one inside, and fucks in right to the root. Riruka cries out against his chest, pulling on the lights and clamping down on his length; her knees locked tight around his waist.
"Haah-ah- haha! See, you're special- very special-" Riruka pants between laughter, moans ringing in her voice, "it's why I've wanted you, ever since I saw you~ I had to get a taste before Grimmjow got to you-"
"G-" and a full growl leaves his chest, and his body curls tighter around the jellyfish with need, his hand a tight fist as his thrusts become violent; his hips hitting her ass loudly. Riruka's loud wails muffled against his chest. "Grimmjow- hah, is- is he the reason I-?"
Riruka laughs tierdly, moaning on every breath, "no silly, hAH! But he's taken a liking to you, you know? He won't let you go once he has you- he won't! It's why he was chosen, see? Because you crave him too, don't you? HaHH- ahh- hahah- you- you do!"
Something akin to anger, but not quite, bubbles up in his chest making him fuck her harder, meaner; til her neverending spew of words turns to senseless screams. He wants him, of course he does. Doesn't mean he'll let him own him just like that.
First... he's got to make sure his rightful place is known to all.
Find the uncensored version, as well as early access and wips to Aquacity as I draw/write it, on SubStar (link on pinned intro post)✨
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qob-vrisk · 8 years
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It's time for memes!)) Guys from "Miden World" decided to play Monopoly. As you can see, the main hero is a total loser :D
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