#grim twins
cuwalli · 8 months
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bonus points if they're absolutely pathetic
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egophiliac · 2 months
I love how you draw Grim the size of a small cat. It genuinely blows my mind that according to the game he's actually approximately 70 cm tall... Like, Ortho is 148 cm. That's only two Grims! If Grim stands on Ortho's head, they'd be just a bit taller than Malleus (who is 202 cm and I'm not sure that's counting the horns)! The proportions are just so wild to try to imagine realistically... (and I do like the small cat Grim take more, it's very endearing)
every time I remember Grim is actually supposed to be the size of, like, a medium-to-largeish dog, and then I just...draw him cat-sized anyway. I also think it's cuter that way! 🤷 (let's just say he's not allowed to ride the servant unless he takes the shrinking potion first.)
ultimately I figure we all get a little artistic license in our fanart, and mine are:
cat-sized Grim
Lilia with hair spikes up to the heavens
w i d e Silver
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equestriagirl16 · 1 year
MC: So what are you guy’s New Years resolutions?
Grim: Same as always, become the greatest sorcerer the world has ever seen!
Deuce: I just hope to keep doing well in my academics. Make my friends and family proud.
Ace: Boooo!
Deuce: Like you have a better one!
Ace: To be honest, it’s a toss up between being a basketball champ or getting a partner..
Deuce: Pffft-
Ace: HEY!-
MC: *finds Malleus down the hall before the girls start fighting* Mal-Mal!
Malleus: Hello MC, I hope you’re doing well today.
MC: I’m great, but I’ve got a question. You have any resolutions for this New Year?
Malleus: *pulls out paper from his blazer* As a matter of fact I’ve complied a few on a small list right here.
Grim: I dare you to cross out anything that has to do with MC.
Malleus: …
MC: …
Malleus: *slowly eats the paper*
MC: *flabber and gasted* MALLEUS SPIT IT OUT!-
Malleus: *muffled* NO!
Grim: *WHEEZE*
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cielphantomhive321 · 24 days
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“I couldn’t bear losing another Phantomhive”.
Original artist: https://x.com/eb_hua
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twst-quotes · 16 days
Epel: hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight?
Yuu: A sleepover?? Aw, sure! Why tho?
Epel: um, so we accidentally offended some ghosts
Epel: and now they refuse to leave Vil's room, so he just threw salt at them and yelled "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL ROOM TO YOU?!"
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cosmonavo · 3 days
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"Briefly a alchemy encouter" - Gwen's record
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natsuyuki-w · 11 months
Not one of the boys
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Twisted wonderland cast realizes that (Yuu) is a girl.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 Featuring: Leona, Ruggie, and Jack - Leech twins - Azul
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- (Wander)San? Where are you going? No running!- shouted Crewel. - Sorry! 'going to the bathroom! - I excused continuing my rush. - You better not skip PE pup.- - Don't worry professor, they will not. - reassured Ace. - What time is it... Damn it! I'm already late. - I entered the toilet with the gym bag.
A couple of hours later, period finished, I heard our Homeroom teacher from afar - (Wander)San? Again? No running! And where are you going in...- - To the bathroom! - - But...Make sure not to be lat...Never mind. - and after eying me a second time, he noticed I was still wearing the sports uniform.
- At least the professors, I'm not asking much right? - I mumbled angrily. - This stupid secrecy...I can't even take a decent shower after gym. - I grumbled some more in the empty bathroom, doing the little I could with the sponge and the water of the sink.
- Uncle Leona was so cool at Magift! - Cheered the little intruder sitting on my lap. After the excitement of seeing his relative, since I was the only one giving him attention, he decided to crawl up the sheets and vent.
- Veeery cool! He was * pwah and then *shwah and then "GOOOAL... Wait...wrong sport. - I recalled the last match. - But do you know who's even cooler? - I smirked - The one who can Even defeat your uncle? - I dropped my voice down like telling him a mighty secret.
- Watch your tongue Herbivore - threaten the aforementioned. The kid giggled jumping up and down on my knees - Who is it? Who is it? - I cupped a hand to my mouth and waved him closer. - Is Cheka! - And I boopped his nose singing. - 'Cause, 🎶 you're gonna be the main event like no king was before. Brushing up on looking down, and working on your roar! 🎶-
- So loud - groaned the prince. - Hahahhaa yes!!! - The kid's strong cheers covered his lament - Have you heard Uncle Leona? Uncle (Yuu) says I'm the coolest!- Exclaimed the lion cub to the teenager lying in another cot.
- Pfha, She's not an uncle, and I don't care. - - He's right, I wouldn't Dare take the title from him...- *Pause - Wait, what have you just said? - - I don't care. - responded the boy -...are we really playing this game? Before that. - - You are not an uncle - and after another suspension added - an aunty perhaps. -
.... - EH????? - Death dropped everyone in the room. Some shocked by the new information, some from the fact that He knew about the secret. I quickly went to his side and bent to face the splatted prince. Cheka followed suit amused by my shocked face. - Wh-what are you talking ab...- but the smirk on his face told me I couldn't deny anything. - But,... How did you know???-
- W-wait, so (Yuu), you really...you really?...- floundered Jack. Deuce and Ace went beside him to pat his shoulders. - I didn't know either. - added Ruggie stepping away. - So, I was actually careful... - I mumbled referring to the astonished duo.
- Hahahhaa Uncle (Yuu) pick me up! - jumped the kid. Too stunned to realize the probable state crime accuse I could face, I hopped him on my hip. - Leona... How,...when?- - Entry ceremony. - - Eeeh? So soon... - - You threw the cape on the cat. That black shirt is fitting.- - B-but,... it was kinda dark.- - I can see well enough. - - But it could've been... a wrinkle of the clothes. -
- The morning after you snooped around our business I saw you two little detectives at the entrance and I eavesdropped. I needed to make sure you stayed in your place. - Then he smirked - Mmmm if I recall it was something about a stunning boy calling you a little lady and a crop top rather than an XXL t-shirt. - Jack was now redder than before, and Adeuce facing each other questioningly. - Phrasing...so misapprehended.- I pouted. Then he nodded towards me - And you smell girly. -
I rolled my eyes. - I may be hiding but I don't wanna smell like..."Refreshing", "Boss", "Sport" - I mumbled - Okay okay you got it right. Just... Please guys, the headmaster wants it to be a secret, something about management...school stuff. So keep it to yourself yeah?- - Just that?... Not telling me to treat you right? - asked the prince half joking. - Treat me...? It doesn't change anything, I'm still (Yuu). Treat me like always. - ... - Well I mean SOMETIMES you could be a little nicer with everyone...- but he quickly stopped me with a daring growl.
- Take your uncle good company Cheka - I whispered - Pour on him some more cute... I mean coolness. - he nodded and pounced on his uncle. - I can't believe Leona beat me at this too. - commented Grim realizing he wasn't the first to find out about my identity.
The audacity of this monster… 
- Oh… so it is like that ah? - I rose from the seat at the table. The calm tone in my voice was mismatched by a terrifying shadow behind my eyes. - I wouldn't dare embarrass the Great mage Grim. Since I'm a good-for-nothing human my help would be a nuisance.- I took a breath and pondered - After all you already made the wiser decision. Instead of accepting my, free, invitation to study together, you went straight to the smart student. - and I flicked the anemone on his head. - I'm sure with your sharp mind you'll be out of the situation in no time. - The trio gulped. Not even when they accidentally corroded my potion notebook they saw me that angry.
- Awww Koebi-chan, don't be upset. - chirped Floyd smiling. - Working him to the bone would be a good lesson teaching. What do you say, Prefect? - added Jade with malice, Grim shivered from head to toe. - You are so cute Shrimpy. Let me help you the best way I know...- and before either I or Jack could do anything he grabbed and pulled my arm towards him. -...a hug to squeeze all this anger away. - - NOOO!!!! - screamed Adeuce.
The strong hold on me soon came loose. My face was flat on his torso, I looked up and confusion was plastered all over his face. - I'll consider your kind offer guys. And thank you for the sentiment, Floyd. - sarcasm dripping from my every word. I slipped off his hold and walked out sending a wave to my friends, Jack in silence followed and threw a glare at everyone left behind.
The three got dragged away by the anemone while Floyd stood still with his arms held lightly out. Jade spoke up - I swore you were going to give your usual...- - Soft...- murmured the other. - Excuse me? - - I think I'll need another test. - snapped the hugger. - Azul wants us back to the lounge. - stopped him his brother while he aimed for our direction.
- So ahem. Do you still want to go? Do you want me to ruffle them up perhaps? - asked Jack after a good minute of silence. I sighed - Of course, I'll go, I don't want to let them down. - A minute passed and mortified by my reaction I excused myself - Sorry for that. I was so frustrated.- - Don't worry, honestly, I think he deserved much worse, I could tell you were very hurt, I'm sorry. - - don't be... But thank you, Jack, for everything! You are so kind, I'm really glad we became friends. - All his might crumbled in a blushing mess.
- S-so *ah-hem do you think he figured it out? The moray I mean. - - Probably.- I responded firmly.
- Azarashi-chan...- Floyd crept on the grey cat. - Can I squeeze out of you a couple of things about dear Shrimpy? - said with a toothy smile that Grim knew better to confront with anything but assent.
- Your voice could be useful, but I'm already in stock. - As we sat on the plush couches of Azul's study we discussed the possible contract to free my friends. Jade lowered himself to whisper in the dorm's leader's ear. - WHAT??? - his collected gentlemanly persona completely slipped for a second, making me and Jack jump on the spot.
Azul covered his mouth looking me up and down, blushing again, and whispered back - Is it certain? - and the twins nodded. - But I would gladly test again... Koeeebi-chan can I give you another squeeze? - I found the heterochromatic eyes bored closely into mine. Jack growled receiving a lopsided smile
- So... (Yuu)san - continued the "mafia boss". - I think you might be already in debt with us, fufufu. - - For what? - I arched my brow. - Well, it would be a shame after all your good work in concealing your true identity...- -...good work...*PFFF...ask the other eleven. - I laughed - And here I thought you did a little digging. - I mumbled - I owe you nothing. I don't care at all to hide that I'm a girl, I'm doing it because the headmaster asked me to. He's worried that it would cause him problems or something. Honestly, I would gladly stop wrapping my chest in cloth and wear ALL the time baggy clothes. They are cute, don't get me wrong, but I would like some flattery sometimes. - I rumbled.
Awkward from my brutal honesty, he adjusted his glasses to compose himself and asked diplomatically - You're not worried about the consequences with Crowley? - - About you finding out? Because Floyd forcefully grabbed me and felt my boobs? No, I'm not. - - You Found Out How??? - sharply asked the mage. Floyd shrugged. - Yeah, and it was very soft. Then I kindly asked Azarashi-chan and he confirmed. - An irk formed on my forehead, Grim was truly getting on my nerves.
Recomposing I pointed - However, you spreading this information is a willing choice. So... I dunno, aren't You worried about the consequences? - He smirked - Not at all, now I have something else against..eh*hem...to discuss with our dearest headmaster. - then sighed heavily -...perhaps this might not be useful for our predicament after all.- returned to his composed self. - L-let's return to our main topic. Shall we? -
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I know their surname is Leech… but they are Moray and you can’t tell me otherwise.
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hampop · 9 days
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sketches for the blorbo stickers are finally done! Once they're finished and inked, they'll be posted here and onto my art blog @hampopart
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frie-ice · 3 months
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Screenshots from the anime trailer of Twisted Wonderland, and its sound Piece of my World.
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graedari · 2 months
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Indulgent doodle page of Fin-Tastic Aquarium :)
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nevermorekisses · 2 years
Yuu thinking they're fighting to the death: "You two have got to calm down!!!"
Leech!y/n and Floyd with multiple bite and scratch marks, covered in dirt from wrestling on the ground:
Floyd still pulling y/n's hair: "??? what do ya mean???"
Leech!y/n with their teeth sunk into Floyd's arm: "thish is fambily bonding tiwme!"
Jade appearing out of no where: "Fufufu you started without me~?"
Trey: "Oh no-"
All three of them play fighting while Coach Vargas is cheering in the background:
Ace and Grim, screaming:
Trey frantically calling Azul: "hello, yes, they're doing it again-"
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shirou-oh-sakura · 29 days
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♡  ~Happy Birthday Ye Twins~   ♡   This lunar year is Dragon~
YeQiu with One Autumn Leaf's garb, Ye Xiu with Lord Grim's
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grimalkinmessor · 7 months
Okay okay okay. So. I have yoinked the translations. And here are my thoughts on chapter 407.
All For One was not born evil, he was literally just born as a baby. Do you condemn people that ate their twin in the womb for killing their would-be sibling and say that they're born evil? NO.
I very much think—especially with the rats and the river thing even though I also think that's some mythology bullshit Remus and Romulus style—that All For One and Yoichi likely weren't taken in by humans for a WHILE. LOOK AT BABY FOR ONE. NO ONE IS PICKING THAT FUCKING THING UP AND TAKING IT HOME. Do you expect children raised by wolves not to bite you? Honest to God the most surprising thing about that whole chapter was the fact that Yoichi had morals. And that either of them knew how to speak human language at all. Like,,,,Yoichi becoming a morally good person after having his twin yoink most of his nutrients in the womb, cannibalizing his mother's corpse with said twin, and then likely growing up in the fucking woods after almost being eaten by rats and drowning in a river—that's a fucking miracle!! Yoichi is the odd one here!! Where did his morals come from?? Sir where did you get those? The world sure as hell didn't give them to you because DAMN.
My point is that had Baby For One been taken in by a nice family and gotten a shit ton of fucking therapy for his apathy and feralness he might've been alright. Or—maybe not alright but definitely not the creature that we saw in this chapter good LORD. I'm now convinced that any humanity that All For One developed came solely from the need to manipulate people. Otherwise he'd still be stabbing and biting them to death in complete silence like (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)
ANYWAY. Their backstory very pointedly focuses only on several key, damning points in All For One's history. The sapping of nutrients from Yoichi, the eating of their mother, the stealing of her Quirk, the killing of civilians and law enforcement alike—everything that leads up to his name. All For One. And yet it doesn't answer any of the other questions! Like where he and Yoichi grew up, WHAT HIS REAL NAME IS (which. is this now confirmation that AFO named Yoichi. did i get that part right at least. did i.), how they survived beyond that initial river flood, the progression of the world beyond them. I have more questions, not less.
Plus—Yoichi was clothed. All For One was in what seemed to be rags. Yoichi did not seem to be starving or severely ill. Which means that All For One likely was taking care of his basic needs as the "stronger" sibling. Because Yoichi was one of his "things", and of course he wouldn't want his things to be overly sickly and thin and dirty. If I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure Yoichi even had shoes, while All For One was wandering around barefoot like a little vagabond. Now, All For One definitely beat Yoichi up plenty, we can see plenty of evidence of that both in this chapter and past ones—as long as Yoichi isn't irreparably harmed then AFO doesn't seem to have a problem whacking him around to keep him in line. They were probably never openly affectionate or even emotionally close, but Yoichi was still the only person that All For One seems to see as...a person. And even then :')
ANYWAY, my point is that you can't criticize the chapter for having an unreliable narrator, because they've literally done that before. Multiple times throughout this series, there have been multiple backstories revealed ONLY TO BE REREVEALED FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE. I'm fairly sure, since we get All For One's inner thoughts and not Yoichi's, that 407 is from AFO's perspective. Another reason to believe it's from his perspective is because there's no other way that anyone could've known that their mother was a prostitute and she died by the river giving birth to them, other than All For One having access to those memories through the vestige of his mother's Quirk. I think that's also why Yoichi's death scene was so vague—All For One likely blocked a lot of it out.
I think we'll get Yoichi's perspective at some point too (we BETTER get Yoichi's perspective), but for a chapter seen through All For One, it's a lot like Tomura's origin chapter. Of course All For One, the chunni asshole edgelord, paints himself as someone who was BORN evil. Who ignores the nuance to go NO I WAS ALWAYS EVIL I WAS MADE TO BE LIKE THIS BECAUSE I ENJOY IT IMMENSELY.
Tldr; 407 was AFO's perspective of his own origin, which includes an incredible amount of bias and lacks a lot of the basic answers that an origin story usually gives. He IS evil, but it's naive to say he was born that way.
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maochira · 10 months
since kaiser is VERY kitty coded - can i request a scenario of the german boys (+ noel noa and your ocs, if you want) finding out kaiser somehow became a cat overnight, please?
(bonus if it's during the nel and they try to not let the bllk boys find out)
Kaiser is so meow meow
-Kaiser wakes up and screams so Ness is woken up by a high-pitched cat scream
-it takes him a moment to realize it's Kaiser, and when he does he picks Kaiser up and wants to cuddle him
-Kaiser is NOT a fan of that so he jumps out of Ness' arms. He's stupid and lands on his side instead of on his paws
-Ness starts wondering how he's gonna explain this to everyone else. Especially because they have a match the next day so this is gonna be an issue if Kaiser doesn't return to his normal self
-Ness leaves Kaiser alone in his room and tells Grim and Gesner about it. They obviously don't believe him so he brings them to his room
-insert Gesner making 102847282939 pussy jokes about Kaiser
-Gesner would call Kaiser Muschikatze (German version of pussycat)
-Kaiser can't say anything so all they hear from him are a lot of angry meows
-Gesner tells the rest of the German boys and Noa, they now try to figure out what to do together
-Ness is still trying to cuddle Kaiser, so at some point he just gives in and ends up enjoying it. He doesn't want to admit it but then he starts purring
-and then everyone else wants to pet him as well
-Kaiser also bites Gesner's hand at some point
-Gesner screams so loud Satoshi hears it and walks to the room
-usually, Satoshi it's hard to make Satoshi laugh but when he sees cat-Kaider he breaks out in laughter so hard his stomach hurts and he lays on the floor
-everybody tells him to not tell any of the Blue Lock guys about what's going on, but Satoshi still tells Isagi just out of spite towards Kaiser
-oh also, Noa lost the last bit of his sanity on that day
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cielphantomhive321 · 3 months
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Missed me??
Original artist: https://twitter.com/nya_sa0412
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twst-quotes · 1 year
Yuu: your eyes are beautiful
Azul: thanks.
Azul, takes off his glasses: they don't work
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