#grim being obi wan's daughter
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Why do they look related?
Thank you for this wonderful idea @soclonely
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ocprompts · 1 year
Very long infodumping ahead sorry in advance! (Also all art belongs to me and is posted on my sideblog @thechaoticfanartist )
Idk if I've shared her here but this is my Star Wars OC:
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Her name is Grim Kennet and she's a Jedi Padawan during The Clone Wars. Specifically she's Obi-Wan's Padawan. But here's the fun part! Grim isn't from Star Wars, she's actually from our universe and ended up in the Star Wars universe.
She makes it her goal to stop Order 66, prevent Anakin's fall to Vader, and save the Jedi Order. Although ultimately she fails and the story goes as it does in canon.
She has a close bond with Obi-Wan seeing him as a father figure. She also grows to see Anakin as an older brother which causes her to have a lot of mixed feelings about him knowing who he will become. She also ends up having a crush on Anakin's Padawan Ahsoka. Grim and Ahsoka end up dating for about a year and a half before Ahsoka ends up leaving the Jedi Order so the two of them break up because as much as Grim loves her she puts her duty above her feelings. And her duty is to the Jedi Order. To save them. And she can't let her love for Ahsoka become an attachment.
Along with her friendships and the love she finds. Grim also becomes an enemy to Darth Sidious. As she knows the truth about him and works to expose it. Although she never succeeds at this. (This is also how she got that scar on her face she got into a fight with Sidious!)
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Despite her failure to change the ending because Grim has grown so much and learned a lot in just three years she still gets knighted by Yoda after the events of Revenge Of The Sith. After all she would have to discard her Padawan braid in any case, and the honor of being a Knight even if she can't show it means enough to all of them.
(Grim lost her arm to Anakin during her fight on Mustafar, that's why she has a metal arm in the above image)
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Grim spends 3 years hiding with Obi-Wan on Tatooine under the alias of Rue Kenobi. Her cover story is that she is Ben's (Obi-Wan's) daughter. I still don't know much about what happens during these three years. What I do know is that Rue never tells Ben the truth about Anakin surviving their battle on Mustafar and that when she eventually leaves she doesn't say goodbye. She only leaves a note to explain why she is gone.
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Although she told Obi-Wan she left to join the Rebellion and that had been her intent Grim spends another year in hiding by herself. I don't know anything about this year in hiding other than what she looks like (shown in the image above), she wears that mask to cover the scar on her face knowing it could easily be used to identify her and that she still goes by Rue Kenobi. Despite it being dangerous to continue to use Kenobi as her last name. (She's not ready to let go of Obi-Wan yet, but she won't admit it.) After this year in hiding however Grim does eventually join the Rebellion.
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In the Rebellion Grim goes under the code name The Oracle and uses her knowledge of Star Wars canon to help undermine the Empire especially regarding their secret projects. Her biggest target is the Death Star. Although she is unable to prevent the Death Star's completion. Grim prefers to work alone during the Rebellion as she doesn't want to risk anybody else. She's aware of her history with both Vader and Sidious and worries that if anyone is connected to her that the Empire will use them against her. She doesn't want anyone else to get hurt because of her. She already feels as though she failed the galaxy.
When the events of A New Hope finally roll around Grim decides to take a bigger role in the larger Rebellion. She also takes Luke as her Padawan and trains him in the ways of the Jedi. Eventually Knighting him after the events of Return Of The Jedi. She spends the rest of her life as a Jedi Master working to rebuild the Jedi Order and train the next generation of Jedi.
Sorry for this being so long I've had this character for 3 years and she's always on my mind 😅.
:O they're all so cool! love your art style too!
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kennet-kenobi · 1 year
[1st day in hiding]
Grim: Hey, Master? Would it...would it be okay if our cover story was me being your daughter? 🥺👉👈
Obi-Wan, who adopted her within the first week of her being his Padawan:
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
You asked me to say more about Grim being a Kenobi so here's my thoughts about Grim Kenobi:
Grim literally used the last name Kenobi as a part of her alias in hiding, including the year where she was not with Obi-Wan
Grim sees Obi-Wan as a father figure and Obi-Wan sees her as his daughter
Multiple characters already think Grim is a Kenobi anyway
Out of lore example: her last name Kennet came from a joke that her last name should sound like Kenobi because of people already thinking she's Obi-Wan's daughter
When deciding to go by Rue Kenobi while in hiding Grim actually asks Obi-Wan if it's okay because she finally admits to him she's always seen him as a father figure and Obi-Wan tells her that he's seen her like his own daughter 🥺🥺🥺
Grim is practically a Kenobi in all but name anyways.
I love all of this so, so much 🥰 Grim is a Kenobi in every way, and I love it!!
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darth-caillic · 1 year
The OC animatic that lives in my head is definitely with Youth by Daughter to Grim & Anakin, and it would definitely see all throughout their relationship. There's some parts of the song that I can imagine very vividly.
Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time. From the perfect start to the finish line.
This would have them fighting as Grim and Vader with a flash back to their first meeting and a flash forward to them talking after the Battle Of Endor.
We are the reckless,
We are the wild youth
Chasing visions of our futures
One day we'll reveal the truth
That one will die before he gets there.
This would include scenes of Grim & Anakin fighting side by side together, and then something about Anakin waking up from a vision vs Grim watching Star Wars with the last part on the "one day we'll reveal the truth / that one will die before he gets there" would be them fighting on Mustafar before Padmé & Obi-Wan arrived.
The home that was flooded would be the Jedi Temple with Order 66 (I don't have any actual ideas for that other than this)
Well I've lost it all, I'm just a silhouette,
I'm a lifeless face that you'll soon forget,
"Well I've lost it all, I'm just a silhouette" would be Anakin switching into Vader with "I'm a lifeless face that you'll soon forget" would be Grim looking up at him switching from when she faced him on Mustafar to later at some point during the Empire.
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest
This would be Anakin cutting off Grim's arm on Mustafar and then a switch to Grim cutting Vader's mask in half five years later.
Sorry this was long I just have so many ideas and this song is such a Grim & Anakin song to me 😅
omg that's such a good choice of a song! It sounds really fun in a very heartbreaking way. Especially with all the parallels (the waking up from the vision / watching star wars). Good stuff!
Also, don't be sorry! I love hearing about people's dream animatics!
Mmm what would I want to do an animatic of when it comes to my Star Wars OCs? I have thought about one about Mar and Ahsoka set to Defying Gravity from Wicked.
Mar asking Ahsoka to run away with her, and Ahsoka wanting too, but being conflicted and in the end, saying no, but wishing Mar the best in her endeavours. It would with Mar facing off against a bunch of other Mandalorians and just having a confident wild time.
OH but another one I'd really like to do is Lonely from Bee and Puppycat about Macaria and Din's relationship!
(I'll link the songs in a reblog cuz I gotta rush off to work)
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jedi-valjean · 1 year
Mortis in TCWGANV was crazy:
Grim got into an argument with a God (The Father) about being in Star Wars while Anakin is just standing there like 🧍‍♂️
The Father, a literal God: You're messing with things you don't comprehend.
Grim, just a teenager: I comprehend you, your son, and daughter don't I?
Anakin, just there:
Grim ready to fight a God (The Father) over him almost telling Anakin about Grim being from another universe
Obi-Wan trying to be the voice of reason for Grim and Anakin when Ahsoka gets kidnapped but Grim and Anakin do not listen to him.
Obi-Wan: We're messing with things we don't understand
Grim: I understand this better than y'all actually-
Grim trying to be a voice of reason to Anakin while literally doing the *exact same thing as him with him*
Grim and Anakin having to fight Possessed!Ahsoka and Grim is just being a gay dumbass while Anakin is like "you know she's trying to kill us right now right????"
Grimsoka first kiss & confession happening right in front of Obi-Wan and Anakin. Also a God.
Grim suggesting they kill a God (The Son).
Grim arguing with a God (The Father) again.
The Father: You're not supposed to interfere.
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Grim and Obi-Wan going to save Anakin and Grim thinking "this is like Mustafar"
Grim calling a God (The Son) a "fucking asshole" for hurting Obi-Wan and trying to start a fight with him before failing miserably
Grim starting a fight with Anakin and almost losing the same arm she'll actually lose on Mustafar
Grim: "well that was... something. I'm going to meditate now."
Obi-Wan: "yeah that's nice Grim, but maybe we should be trying to get out of here?????"
Grim being gay for Ahsoka and Obi-Wan is just there awkwardly like "not now?"
Grim asking Anakin if there were any hard feelings about their fight and then when Anakin says he doesn't know what she's talking about she never elaborates.
Grim telling a God (The Son) she knows more than him.
It was a fun chapter.
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Hello there!!
So I have this Star Wars Jedi OC named Grim Kennet. Originally she's from our universe but after a glitch in the Multiverse she ended up in the Star Wars universe during The Clone Wars.
She was only 14 when she appeared in Star Wars. She appeared in the middle of a battlefield and was rescued by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. While trying to get somewhere safe Grim noticed Obi-Wan had dropped his lightsaber and used the Force to retrieve saving Obi-Wan before giving him his lightsaber back.
Once the fight was over Grim found Obi-Wan and explained her situation. Obi-Wan was understandably hesitant to believe her so she proved to him that she knew things impossible for her to know otherwise. So Obi-Wan took Grim to the Jedi Council.
Yoda asked Grim what she wanted to do and offered to help her find a way back to her universe but Grim replied saying she would rather stay in Star Wars and change the ending. Wanting to save as many lives as possible. Although she didn't say it, she was hoping to stop Darth Sidious / Palpatine and prevent Order 66. Afterwards Grim was made Obi-Wan's padawan.
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During The Clone Wars Grim would grow close to the Jedi seeing them as family as well as the clones. She would also form a crush on Ahsoka Tano. Eventually leading to her confessing her feelings and the two Padawans becoming girlfriends. Grim was also close to Anakin Skywalker seeing him as an older brother figure and also struggling with her emotions towards him as she also saw him as Vader knowing who he would become.
During the middle of The Clone Wars, Darth Sidious would learn about Grim being from another universe and Grim would actually encounter and fight him. Although she lost every battle.
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By the time Grim was 16 years old and had been fighting in The Clone Wars for 2 years she had become scarred not only mentally but physically as well. The scars on her back were caused during an undercover mission that went wrong after Obi-Wan and her were captured. The scar on her face was received after a fight with Sidious, and the X shaped scar on her shoulder would be the final scar she would receive (before Order 66) and she got it after a battle with Darth Maul and his brother Savage.
Eventually the events of Revenge Of The Sith would take place. Grim had failed to change anything of the outcome. Order 66 would still ultimately happen and Anakin would still become Vader.
Grim would manage to survive Order 66 and after the fight on Mustafar (in which she lost her left arm) she would go into hiding with Obi-Wan for 3 years.
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During these years in hiding Grim would go as Rue Kenobi and pretend to be the daughter of Ben Kenobi. However after 3 years, Grim would realize that a life of hiding is not for her and join with the Rebellion.
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In the Rebellion Grim would go under the codename "The Oracle" and would work to take down major Imperial Projects using her knowledge of the Star Wars universe.
Grim would be a part of the Rebel Alliance until the Empire's downfall. Afterwards she would join Luke Skywalker in rebuilding the Jedi Order until her death.
- @thechaoticfanartist
(All art belongs to me)
Sorry for the long ask I just love to ramble about Grim!
what a cool design!! grim is super awesome, thank you for sending this in ^^
(also i’m envious on how clear your lore and reference pages are hehe)
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veradragonjedi · 1 year
I'm redrawing the "hmmm yes the floor here is not made out of woman" meme now because you said it makes you laugh and I want you to know that it's based off a canon moment in TCWGANV:
Everyone turned around to see a beautiful ethereal woman, who Grim knew to be Daughter.
"Hello," greeted Obi-Wan.
"Holy sh- force," exclaimed Grim, she was far more beautiful in real life than in animation.
She began to feel her cheeks heat up and turned to look elsewhere, only that elsewhere was Ahsoka, which made her cheeks heat up more causing her to instead look at the floor.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 13: Truth And Discovery
Also I had that scene written since 2021. It's been nearly 2 years of Grim being a gay disaster in that particular moment.
She looked at the floor because the floor was, in fact, Not Made Of Women.
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rollinginthestars · 1 year
Grim being Obi-Wan's daughter (and other characters thinking she is), a compilation:
At some point while the two were reading, nearly finished with the story as well Grim had drifted off to sleep. When Obi-Wan noticed his padawan had fallen into a peaceful rest he chuckled slightly, “I guess all of today’s learning tired you out.” He picked her up and carried her to her bed, tucking his padawan in, “goodnight Grim,” he said. “‘Night dad,” she mumbled sleepily.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part I: The Calm, Chapter 2: A Lesson In Belonging
"Tell them how far back we go, Kenobi!"
"Too far I'm afraid."
Hondo laughed and placed a hand on the Jedi Master's shoulder. "And here I thought we were friends!"
"If I recall correctly y’all met after you tricked them and captured them," remarked Grim. "I dunno about you, but that doesn't sound much like friendship."
"Ha ha! So you must be Kenobi's padawan, eh?"
"What gave it away?" she asked, crossing her arms. Standing in a similar pose as Obi-Wan.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part I: The Calm, Chapter 7: Bounty Hunters
As the two headed to the hanger Grim stayed a pace behind Obi-Wan. She wasn't sure if she was ready to face what this battle had in store. Obi-Wan could tell Grim was nervous. "It'll be okay, Padawan," he told her.
She smiled at him and nodded. Then awkwardly she asked, "can, can I hold your hand?"
Obi-Wan gave her a gentle smile. "If you want to."
Grim grabbed Obi-Wan's hand and walked beside him.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part I: The Calm, Chapter 9: The Reality
As they flew through the planet's sky, blaster fire rocked the air around the gunship. Grim, who already struggled to hold onto the bar to keep her steady, lost her grip and she ended up letting go of it. Instinctively, Grim grabbed onto Obi-Wan to catch her balance again.
Obi-Wan wrapped his free arm around her to help keep her steady. "I've got you, Grim," he told her.
Grim smiled shyly. "Thanks," she mumbled, embarrassed about her clumsiness.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part I: The Calm, Chapter 9: The Reality
She was just barely suppressing a laugh. Obi-Wan shook his head, but Grim caught his smile.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part I: The Calm, Chapter 12: The Duchess Of Mandalore
Grim covered her mouth as she chuckled a little at the sight. She was not going to let Master Kenobi live this down.
Satine pushed past Obi-Wan and left the room. Obi-Wan came back and stood by his two padawans, ignoring the smirks they gave him. "Not a word."
"You're in love with her, aren't you Master?" Grim asked.
"I said not a word."
"Come on Grim, you have to be more subtle than that," Anakin told her, playfully.
"Ah yes, I forget you're the master of subtly, how's Senator Amidala?" Grim teased.
Anakin blushed a little. "I agree with Obi-Wan. Not a word."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part I: The Calm, Chapter 12: The Duchess Of Mandalore (ft. Grim also being an annoying little sister to Anakin)
"What else is bothering you, then?"
Grim sighed. "Father gave me a chance to go back to my universe. To leave this one and return, but as you can clearly see, I refused. They won't remember me now. I told Father I'd rather stay here, to help the Jedi, I still want to change the ending, I still will change the ending," she told him. "I saw my family again, I saw them, master. When I first decided to become a Jedi, I was awestruck, and yes, I was certain then when I made that decision, the fact that I may never return, I didn't consider that. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it for an instant…but I can't help but wonder about everything I left behind in favor of this life."
Obi-Wan placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, as she looked up into his eyes. When Obi-Wan spoke, his words were gentle, genuine, and kind. "Grim, I want you to listen to me," he said. She nodded and he went on. "I am proud of you, and even if you had accepted the offer, I still would be. You always have the choice to stay or leave."
"Not this universe, I won't get that chance again," she told him. "...did I make the right choice?"
"Do you think you made the right choice?" he asked her.
Grim was quiet as she thought about it for a moment. "Yes. I do believe I made the right choice. This place is my home now, and you're my family just as much. My universe, it can survive, and they will move on with time. Here, there are things I can do to help. I made a promise to save as many lives as possible and change the ending, even if I never had to, and I won't go back on that promise."
Obi-Wan patted her shoulder and smiled at her. "Then you already know the answer."
She wrapped her arms around him. Hugging the Jedi Master. "Thank you, Master."
He hugged her as well. "You're welcome, my dear Padawan."
Grim let go, and smiled. She was glad to have Obi-Wan as her Master. Grim made the right choice deciding to stay. "
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 14: A Secret Kept And A Secret Told
She looked to Obi-Wan, “Master, are you mad at me?” Grim asked him. She felt like a young child. Ha! Imagine that, you kill a man and feel like a young child. She was afraid and felt so small. Even in the Temple she had long since considered her home.
Obi-Wan looked at his Padawan. He was quiet for a moment, and in that moment Grim worried that he would never forgive her for the crime she had committed. “No,” he said at last. Grim felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders. Although when she carried the weight of the entire galaxy, one world did so little. Obi-Wan spoke again and Grim felt as if that world crashed right back down on her shoulders. “I am very disappointed with you. What you did-”
Grim bowed her head and clenched her hands into fists. “I know what I did!” She snapped. The Padawan looked up at him with tears filling her eyes, threatening to spill from them. “I know exactly what I did! I know what I did wrong! I know-” She choked up, unable to finish. “I know,” she repeated quietly, her voice shaking.
Grim’s outburst turned some heads of the younger padawans who were curious about what was happening. Their Masters led them away, gently reminding them how it was rude to listen in on another’s conversation.
Obi-Wan looked at Grim, and any anger or disappointment he had worn on his face evaporated. He put a hand on her shoulder, looking at her with a gentle expression and speaking with such warmth that it soothed the Padawan and calmed her. “Grim, I know you’re aware of what you did, but we both know this won’t go away without consequences. What you did-”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 17: Haunted By Darkness
Grim hated that it had to be done, but she wasn’t going to complain when she knew this would help the togrutan colony. The two padawans wore dresses, as disguises for slaves. While it stopped there for Ahsoka, something had to be done about Grim’s hair. It was harder to hide a human’s padawan braid than a togruta’s.
To fix this problem, Obi-Wan had helped to do Grim’s hair. As he delicately wove her padawan braid around her hair making it a part of a larger hairstyle. While Obi-Wan did so Grim let out a heavy sigh. “I’m afraid,” she admitted.
“Of what?” Obi-Wan asked her.
“This mission. It doesn’t go so well in the show, and I highly doubt it’ll go any better in real life.”
“The future is always in motion,” he reminded her. “Worrying about what could possibly happen does nothing good.”
“I know that of course, Obi-Wan,” she replied. “But when I know the future clearer than anyone else, it’s hard not to worry.”
“Yes, I understand that little one, but remember that you only know one possible outcome, and be mindful of your emotions.”
“I know, Master.”
Obi-Wan smiled. “Well, your hair for your disguise has been completed. We should go to the others.”
Grim and Obi-Wan stood up. “Wait, Master, how do I look?” Grim asked him, before twirling around.
Obi-Wan let out a gentle laugh. “You look fine, Grim.” She grinned in response.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 18: Compassion Breaks
Grim didn’t even notice when her shackles were undone and she was dragged back to Obi-Wan. She didn’t notice the slavers leave the cell, and the two Jedi alone in the dark.
Not until she felt Obi-Wan’s warmth, how he was holding her, careful about her back.
“M-master?” she asked weakly.
“I’m so sorry, little one,” he whispered.
It was too dark to see, but she could hear the tears.
She closed her eyes and moved closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “It’s alright, Obi-Wan, it’s not your fault,” she told him. “I’m here.”
“You shouldn’t be,” he said quietly.
“I chose to be. I choose every time."
Obi-Wan smiled, although the padawan didn’t see. “This was never your war.”
“Maybe not, but I made it my war.”
“I’m sorry this happened to you, Grim.”
“I made the choice.”
“I meant the torture.”
“Oh, well I knew that was bound to happen at some point. I still made the choice didn’t I?”
Obi-Wan made a gentle sound that turned pained. Both of them suffering from their injuries of the torture they had gone through.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 18: Compassion Breaks
On first instinct she went and found Obi-Wan, and when she found her Master she wrapped him in a hug. “Obi-Wan!” She cried.
Obi-Wan held her back. “Grim,” he breathed, both relieved and broken. “I’m so sorry.”
“For what? My own choices?” she asked him. “I make every choice knowing.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 18: Compassion Breaks
Grim reached Obi-Wan's bunk and settled herself next to him, wrapping her arms around him and snuggling her head into his shoulder, careful to avoid the shock collar on his neck, and being wary of the one around her own.
Obi-Wan's eyes fluttered open, as he woke up to the feeling of his Padawan. He turned his head slightly and saw the fluffy reddish-blonde hair that could only belong to Grim. "You shouldn't have snuck in here," he whispered to her quietly.
She hugged him tighter and looked up at him through her messy hair, emerald eyes shining with tears. "I know, Obi-Wan. I just…I can't be alone," she whispered back.
"If you're caught-"
"I've seen enough today to know what will happen," she whispered quietly. Her voice shook slightly. "Please Obi-Wan, don't make me go back. I don't think I can sleep alone tonight."
He sighed. "You have to, little one."
"I already took the risk of coming here, didn't I? You won't know I'm here."
"It was an unnecessary risk and this is one further, you should go to your own bed."
"Go to my own bed," she said, laughing quietly. "Reminds me of when I had just become your padawan."
Obi-Wan smiled at the memory. "Yes that's right, you snuck into my bed every so often. Although for a little while you just kept falling back asleep."
"What can I say? You're comfortable, and so I'm not leaving."
"This isn't the Temple, Grim."
"Then let's pretend it is, just for tonight."
Obi-Wan sighed with a soft smile. He shook his head and closed his eyes. "Goodnight Grim, but you have to return to your bed before you're caught."
Grim smiled and closed her eyes, snuggling next to him. "Goodnight Dad, and don't worry I will."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 18: Compassion Breaks
Obi-Wan’s voice came from beside her, “are you doing okay Grim?” He asked her.
“What do you mean?” Grim asked.
“What happened on the mission. Are you doing okay after all of that?”
“Are you?” Grim asked him.
“Not completely,” Obi-Wan admitted. “I may not be for a while.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked softly.
Obi-Wan chuckled softly and almost sadly. “I’m afraid not Grim, nothing more than you already do.”
“And what is it I do already?”
“You’re here. As I am for you.”
“Of course I’m here, I wouldn’t leave you alone.”
“One day you may have to.”
“I would hate for that day to ever arrive.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 19: The Fixer
She found herself resting her head on his shoulder.
Obi-Wan opened his eyes. “Are you falling asleep?” He asked her.
“And if I am?”
“Then you might just trap me,” he joked.
“Good,” she joked back. She then wrapped her arms around him, hugging him and trapping him.
Obi-Wan laughed. “Now you’re just doing it on purpose.”
Grim laughed as well. “And what’re you going to do about it, Master?”
Obi-Wan laughed again and so did Grim. “Hmm, how would I get you to free me?”
“Oh negotiation, really? I should’ve suspected as much,” she joked laughing.
“Does that really surprise you, my young padawan?”
“I suppose not,” she replied.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part II: The Clouds, Chapter 19: The Fixer
She grabbed Obi-Wan's wrist and stared up at him. "Master, please don't do this," she whispered.
Obi-Wan gave Grim a sad smile. They both knew what was going to happen. What was happening at this very moment.
There was a small moment of silent understanding between the Master and his Padawan. "I have to. You're brave, little one. You can handle this," he replied. His voice was just low enough so only Grim could hear.
Tears shimmered in her eyes. How was she supposed to play along with this? How was she supposed to let him do this, knowing the reasons why? She already kept so many secrets and told so many lies.
How many more?
"Please," she said again.
"I have to," he said again. "It's going to be alright, little one. We both know it."
She let go. "Okay."
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part III: The Rain, Chapter 20: The Moment Of Truth And The Moment To Lie
“I’m sorry that you got caught up with Maul,” said Obi-Wan, looking back at his padawan.
“Don’t be,” she told him. “As always I chose to go along. It was my choice.
He smiled at her, a gentle one, with a hint of sadness that it was a choice Grim ever had to make.
She then hugged Obi-Wan, surprising him. A moment later he was hugging her back.
“Don’t think for a minute I’ll ever regret these choices I’ve made. Becoming a Jedi was the best choice of my life,” she told him.
They stayed like that for a long moment, and for a while she could pretend it was early in the war again. When times were easier. Before Grim had these scars.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part III: The Rain, Chapter 23: Scars Of A Burden
The Jedi Master noticed even more how big the cloak she wore was on her. “Grim, are you sure you got the right cloak?” he asked, amused.
Grim quickly blushed a little, embarrassed that her Master had caught her. “Uh-”
Obi-Wan laughed quietly and gently. “It’s alright, Grim. I already knew you were stealing my cloaks.”
She covered her face in her hands. “How long have you known?”
“Since I found you sleeping in one,” he replied.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part III: The Rain, Chapter 24: Stolen Moments
“Hondo, what are you doing here?” Ahsoka demanded.
Hondo clicked his tongue. “Oh, no,no,no, you should thank me, child. I have brought you a gift from Skywalker and Kenobi.”
“Skywalker sure has his moments sometimes,” commented Grim. “The Republic couldn’t assist us, so he got you to do so.”
Hondo laughed. “You got it on the mark, Little Kenobi.”
“Little Kenobi?” Grim echoed confused. “No, no, I am not Obi-Wan’s daughter. You misunderstand-”
Ahsoka stifled a small chuckle from beside her. Grim shot her girlfriend a look.
“Really? You two really look like you could be Little Kenobi. Anyways back to this business. These rocket launchers were very expensive, you know.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part III: The Rain, Chapter 24: Stolen Moments
“Greetings Hondo.”
“Greetings?” Hondo asked. “What kind of menace have you brought to my planet now?”
“It wasn’t our doing,” Grim told Hondo.
“Ah! Little Kenobi is here as well!” Hondo exclaimed happily. Grim sighed at the name.
“Little Kenobi?” Obi-Wan asked, confused.
“She’s your padawan isn’t she? And she acts like you sometimes too Kenobi,” Hondo explained. “But that isn’t the point, the point is the trouble you brought to my planet this time.”
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part III: The Rain, Chapter 25: Regrets
At the palace Grim and Satine had been forced to their knees at either side of the throne in which Maul sat with Obi-Wan in front of them. It was in this position they were at now as Maul looked between Kenobi, his padawan, and the duchess, a smile creeping upon his lips.
Then he let out a laugh. "Oh this is too good. Kenobi's padawan is his daughter, and his precious duchess is the mother."
The three shared a confused glance. Why would Maul think that?
The Sith noted the confusion on Obi-Wan's face and laughed some more. "Oh, did you not realize?" Using the force Maul lifted Grim and Satine by their necks and had them hover over the ground side by side before the Jedi Master. "How about you take a closer look?"
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part III: The Rain, Chapter 26: Death In The Night
Grim sat next to Obi-Wan, resting a head on his shoulder. Obi-Wan smiled at her. “Tired already?” he teased.
“Saving the day when you’ve seen it can be tiring,” replied Grim. Her eyes were half closed and she seemed ready to fall asleep.
“You can take a nap after we’ve made our report to the Council,” Obi-Wan told her.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part IV: The Storm, Chapter 34: Check
“You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now- until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy,” Obi-Wan went on.
“Don’t lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do,” said Anakin. “I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire!”
“Your new Empire?”
“Don’t make me kill you like I did your padawan.”
Obi-Wan’s heart dropped.
Grim was dead.
Anakin had killed her.
He had warned Grim not to fight Anakin.
It had been the last thing he said to her.
Obi-Wan had to focus on the current moment.
He couldn’t mourn the loss of his daughter, not yet.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part IV: The Storm, Chapter 39: The Deaths Of Heroes
She seemed so small now as she slept on his shoulder, and she looked as young as she was, but tired too.
This wasn't the same girl he had taken in as his padawan when the war had only recently begun.
Over the years she had changed and grown.
In the course of three years Grim had become a great Jedi, and if their lives had not been taken, Obi-Wan had no doubt she would only become an even greater Jedi.
But their lives had been stolen, taken away by the Sith.
"Rest now, little one," he told his sleeping padawan. "You did all you could, I am proud of you." In her sleep she smiled, and despite the grief in his heart, Obi-Wan smiled as well.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part IV: The Storm, Chapter 40: A Spark Of Light
Grim hugged Yoda. "Thank you for having let me join your family." Yoda hugged her back, and then Obi-Wan joined the hug.
"Thank you for being a part of it," Obi-Wan replied.
- The Clone Wars Gets A New Victim, Part IV: The Storm, Chapter 40: A Spark Of Light (ft. Yoda being Grim's frog grandpa)
And Grim literally goes by Rue Kenobi in hiding pretending to be Obi-Wan's daughter.
This is so long, thank you. I was losing it while playing Fallen Order (Dathomir is horrible). This has made me very happy
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Even Stars Burn Out
As he enters the Jedi temple, reinvigorated by a new, unspeakable purpose - Anakin Skywalker feels nothing.
There are no thoughts in regards to the countless lives he is about to snuff out in his mind. There are no feelings of remorse or hesitation in his heart. He has already decided, he has already weighed the lives of his former fellow Jedi against Padmé’s. It was never a contest, there was never any question as to whose life mattered more. Anakin keeps his lightsaber in his hand, his loyal 501st battalion have his back. Order 66 is nigh, the termination of each and every Jedi the rule which he must obey.
Do the Jedi deserve such a grim fate? Anakin thinks being part of the order, a constitution that has molded and used him for years, is crueller.
Do they deserve to die? Anakin thinks death will bring relief, as the misled become one with the Force.
He strikes down the first meager padawan, and still he feels nothing. No guilt, no remorse. Only anger.
His rage burns red hot, his hatred thrumming like the rhythm of a drum within his chest. The pounding of his heart is the only beat he follows, as he strikes down another familiar face. And another. And another. Until the faces all blend into one, until blaster fire and the buzz of clashing plasma blades overpower his senses.
They fall. They all fall.
Anakin is powerful, he has always been powerful. Talented, the Force syphoned within his very cells so much more than that of his peers. He has less training, yet he outmatches each and every one of them. Master Cin Drallig proves to be some competition, but even he must fall at the swipe of Anakin’s blue saber.
Master Jurokk stands no chance.
Shaak Ti is caught meditating, unaware of the one time hero of the Republic coming to end her life. Anakin stabs her in the back, and she slumps limp to the side as her light burns out. Anakin keeps no count, he has no idea how many bright eyed young men and women he has struck down. They seem to him like spider-roaches; like an endless flood of vermin pouring from each and every entrance like spider-roaches from a damp crack in the wall. He deals with them with the same dissociation, with the same emotional dissonance. His master's words echo in his head; his praise and his promises. The Sith Lord will aid Anakin in his crusade to save Padmé, and Anakin is desperate.
The hall seems serene, a clean slate save for the heaps of fresh bodies stacked along the ornate stone floors. Their hollow eyes stare at Anakin, locked in horror and what he feels might be accusatory glares. They will judge him, and he accepts that fate. Their thoughts of him matter little.
Anakin closes his eyes, senses further life forms. Senses Force signatures that are unstable; some weak, some fluctuating. Some reeking of fear and confusion. Youthful. He knows what must be done.
Only now, does Anakin take a moment to weigh his options. Only now, for a brief second in which clarity finds him, does he stutter. The moment passes, almost as casually brushed aside as if the doubt was naught but thin air. He ascends the grand stairway, makes a well aimed leap to the second suspended level. The pale, tear stricken faces of the hidden younglings greet him as he enters the juvenile training hall. They have hidden behind the scarce furniture provided. Anakin senses their terror, and he tries to relish it. He takes a deep breath, steadies his trembling hands.
Do these children deserve to die? Anakin knows they will be hunted relentlessly by the clones, and by his master, should they be left alive. Him killing them is a blessing, it's a mercy that he will take such pity on them.
Sors Bandeam approaches, the blonde boy barely even a toddler. He speaks, but Anakin hears none of it. He shuts out the hushed whispers and murmurs, and acts. He thinks of Padmé, of the child she is carrying. He tries not to picture the face of his daughter or son in the place of the younglings' as he strikes them down. Padmé must live, nothing else matters. These younglings would have grown to develop the same traitorous, poisonous views as the Jedi council. They are merely the next generation. His master asked him to spare none, and Anakin obeys. He will always obey.
When it is done, he doesn’t linger. He doesn’t dwell upon his heinous crime. He exits the chamber, leaving the children as they lie. Helpless, hapless, innocent and forever suspended in time. They shall never age, they shall never reach adolescence. They have found peace.
When Anakin exits the smoldering Jedi temple, there are no survivors. Thick black smoke billows out of the giant construction, his trusty platoon of clone troopers left behind to guard the tattered remains of what was once Anakin’s home away from home.
Bodies litter the exterior stairway. Anakin steps over them with little reverence. He smells only the ashy, pungent stench of death and embers.
He thinks he can sense Padmé’s distress from afar. Something in him tells him to go to her; to reassure her, to feed her any lies necessary in order to soothe her pain and fear. She is distraught, as he comes to her. He is disheveled, still numb and empty and hollow inside. He thinks only of her, as he kisses her lips and strokes her cheek, and offers her what he hopes is an affectionate smile. She is unconvinced, fretful, and he cannot stop her wandering thoughts. He tries, he explains what little he can. He has further duties, his master expects him to follow through with his mission. He can’t stay, despite her pleas.
The flight to Mustafar is quiet, solemn, and stifling. Anakin blocks out his barrading thoughts, thinking only of Padmé’s beautiful but sad face. He thinks of her swollen belly, thinks of the baby kicking as he presses his palm to its curve. He does this for her, for their child. For them. Only them. Only her. He lands, resolute. The separatists must fall, like Count Dooku before them. The war must end, a new era is about to dawn.
The heat of the lava planet is pressing, sweat pouring down Anakin’s furrowed brow. His reception party is confused, and he smirks at them. He quips, voice dry with sarcasm as he adds two more lives to his conscience. He is focused, clear headed and determined. His strides are fast, and the Neimoidian viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trading Federation appears bemusingly shocked as Anakin interrupts the meeting. Whatever his master promised Gunray was a lie, and the viceroy realizes this. Anakin hates Gunray, he hates the Trading Federation, he hates everything they stand for. That unbridled hatred feeds his rage, and steers his saber.
If Anakin felt nothing killing his fellow Jedi, he feels even less slaughtering the ring leaders of the faction he has spent years of his life battling. War has changed him, desensitized him and he slices through their hideous bodies like butter. Like paper, they rip and tear and break. Gunray pleads for his life, and if Anakin were a cruller man he might have relished in it. Instead, he finishes the job.
An eerie silence once more overpowers him, as he reports to his master. The now Emperor Palpatine praises him, but the compliments ring hollow. They are meaningless, and Anakin knows this. He accepts this as par for the course. His master has never been honest, and deep down, Anakin has always known this.
Still, the solitude is claustrophobic. The walls seem to be closing in.
Anakin finds himself desperate to move anywhere at all. He paces the room, avoids making eye contact with the dead as they glower at him - mocking him, just as the fallen Jedi had. The balcony suspended sixty feet above the rivers of scalding lava below becomes his refuge. He fixes his eyes upon the mesmerizing molten rock; yellows, browns, reds and oranges capturing his attention. The river twists and warps into random shapes and patterns, and its roar seems to bring to mind cries of agony and misery.
Anakin shakes his head, the anger dissipating bit by bit. In its wake, there is pain. Clawing at his insides, clutching at his heart. Padmé must live, he thinks. Nothing else matters. But Anakin knows he can never go back. The moment he agreed to aid his master's vicious scheme, he was lost. The stricken faces of the younglings flash before his eyes; little Sors' big blue eyes full of admiration. Expecting to be saved, to be taken away and kept safe by one of the biggest heroes of the Republic. Instead, his frail body now lies cold and lonely lightyears away.
What might Padmé think, if she knew?
What might Padmé say, if he ever told her?
Anakin’s hands tremble, and he wraps his arms around himself to still their treachery. The Sith yellow of his eyes, a sickly hue that had overtaken them as he allowed darkness to engulf his being, fades. It is the last time it will ever fade.
Pale blue eyes regard the lava river, even as they are clouded with tears. Anakin thinks of his mother. He thinks of her kindness, her love, and her demise. He thinks of how heavy her withered body felt in his arms as he brought it home, thinks of how he failed her. He will not fail Padmé. He will not bury Padmé.
There is guilt now.
Guilt so raw, so blunt, so immense that it tears Anakin’s heart in two. He feels conflicted. He feels lost. He feels alone, and afraid, and disgusted. He feels hurt, and used, and enraged. He feels small, and helpless. He feels powerful, and untouchable. He weeps, and he allows himself to mourn the Jedi. He weeps for them, and for himself.
Cin Drallig.
Shaak Ti.
Sors Beam.
Anakin will forget them, eventually. Their features will fade, as his memories disappear into oblivion. Only Padmé remains a beacon of hope, only Padmé can save him now. Anakin cries, and he sheds a piece of himself with each scalding tear. He cries, and he willfully suppresses the disappointed, horrified faces that comes to mind.
Anakin dries his tears, holds his head high. There is no use in weeping over what has been done. His future lies ahead, bright and open wide. He forces himself to believe in this mantra, forces himself to discard rationality and reason. What else can he do?
Then he loses everything.
He loses the battle. He loses his limbs. He loses his sight, his hearing, his voice, his soul. He loses Padmé.
And for what? What was his sacrifice all for?
Master was right, it is ironic. Anakin never betrayed the Jedi for Padmé. He did it for himself, and he loathes himself for it. Anakin is alone, locked in a prison of his own making. Anakin is but scraps of the man he used to be; a traitor, a coward and a monster. He suppresses himself, relying solely upon his hatred. There is an endless supply of that, now. He is despicable, and thus, there will forever be a steady stream of loathing to feed off of. He needs no one, he deserves no one.
Does Anakin deserve such a fate? Yes, his brain whispers. He deserves all of this, and more.
Does Anakin deserve to die? No, the same voice concludes. Death would be relief, a sweet blissful slumber to save him from his demons. He deserves no such relief, he must be punished and tormented.
Anakin killed Padmé, and this is his reward. He knows this. He accepts this. Anakin burns in his own flame, he has flown too close to the sun. He has snuffed it out by his own hand, and all he is left with is an endless night. All his fears have been realized. All his dreams have been crushed. He has done it himself.
Anakin feels nothing. He is a husk of a man, more cybernetics than living flesh. He has no autonomy left, he lives only to serve his master. He locks away his past, refuses to look at it, refuses to sifle through it. It brings only agony and suffering. He refuses to retread his steps, to reconsider his choices. If he did, the guilt would eat him alive. If he did, he would succumb to his own unbearable, irrefutable remorse.
Anakin Skywalker is consumed by regret. In his heart, he knows this.
Anakin Skywalker deserves no less.
You can probably tell I was very much inspired by Matthew Stover’s writing style in the RotS novelization, though much less poetic. I had fun however, and it was nice exploring a different style. Hope you enjoy it too! It’s an addition to The Mask of Death  series on Ao3, link below.
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Diabetes in Star Wars Fic List
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All right, people; here are the Star Wars fanfics I’ve found so far with type 1 diabetes. Right now I’ve only discovered six, but I’m sure there will be more to add at some point. Enjoy!
The fics are posted in alphabetical order. All links lead to AO3, although some may be posted elsewhere as well. Notes follow the tagging guidelines in my AO3 t1d collection.
If you like the fics, please remember to kudos and comment to let the author know you liked it. That’s the best way to support these fics and see more of them in the future. :)
Drained Energy by delless03
Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, CT-6116 | Kix & Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & CT-6116 | Kix
Wordcount: 1,954, complete
Notes: Diabetic Anakin Skywalker, POV Character Does NOT Have Diabetes, Secondary Character is Diabetic, Type 1 Diabetes, Glucagon
The medical bay is mostly empty. The occasional tapping from his datapad is the only sound within the sterile walls.
He looks up to glance at Anakin. The younger Jedi, though looking better, still has his eyes closed. A thin blanket covers half of his body, the fabric tucked in neatly to the side of the cot.
Kix said Anakin is supposed to wake up after roughly fifteen minutes of the injection. It's been a little over ten; Obi-Wan can't help but feel slightly anxious.
Highs and Lows by midnight_lunaaa
Relationship: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Wordcount: 841, complete
Notes: Diabetic POV Character, Diabetic Ezra Bridger, Type 1 Diabetes
Ezra is woken up by a common issue, but as always, the crew finds out his secret.
I can't take this away but I'll make it as easy for you as I can. by snickerdoodlecat0
Relationship: Jango Fett & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Boba Fett & Jango Fett, Boba Fett & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Jango Fett & Boba Fett & Omega Fett
Wordcount: 750, complete
Notes: Diabetic Omega Fett, POV Character Does NOT Have Diabetes, Secondary Character is Diabetic, Type 1 Diabetes, T1D Diagnosis
Omega Fett is diagnosed with diabetes.
In The End It Didn’t Even Matter by FandomWars
Relationship: gen
Wordcount: 2,994, fic is complete but series is not
Notes: Original Diabetic Character, Diabetic POV Character, Type 1 Diabetes
Obi-Wan’s padawan Grim has many unique things about her. She uses these to her advantage though her enemies know her weaknesses, even those she does not see herself.
What happens when master and padawan get caught in in the web of the Sith?
What happens when one choice changes the galaxy?
What happens when Grim is forced to take on a new role to keep the galaxy balanced?
Jumping Into The Deep End by AnneAnna
Relationship: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Rose Tico, Dopheld Mitaka/Bazine Netal
Wordcount: 17,476, incomplete
Notes: Diabetic Rey, Original Diabetic Child Character, Diabetic POV Character, Type 1 Diabetes
She's his Sugar Baby at Night, his niece and nephews' Nanny by Day, his wife in name to get better Health Insurance. But Rey and Ben are positive this won't get messy.
Your Sweetness Comes With Sugar on the Side by AnneAnna
Relationship: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Wordcount: 3,557, complete
Notes: Diabetic Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Original Diabetic Child Character, Diabetic POV Character, Type 1 Diabetes, Multiple Daily (Insulin) Injections, Coninuous Glucose Monitor
Rey's daughter loses her mother as she wanders around the Supermarket. Ben finds her and the two connect over both being Type 1 diabetics. They find Rey, and she and Ben are instantly smitten with each other. As they date and fall in love they discover that Jade and Ben are connected more than they thought and healing is brought to the Solo/Skywalker clan.
Have fun!
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space-blue · 2 years
I’ll stop asking in multiples one day. For the fandom list. 1, 5, 10
Ehehe thanks for asking, multiple is fun! From these!
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Since I'm pretty deep in the aroace waters, I generally don't really have OTPs and also don't really give a fuck what people like. I've shipped some really stupid stuff just for fun, and most of the time I can come up with a scenario that makes me "buy" any coupling.
What happens more often is that a pairing in canon will be baffling to me. Fanfic has the time to expend on a relationship, make it earned or believable. Also fanfic can tweak canon, so yeah. I can get behind pretty much any OTP in fandom if it's presented conclusively. I still have like, one Notp (Thrawn x Pryce), but it's not that I don't get it, just that I dislike it enough to block it from my dash and avoid all fics.
THIS BEING SAID. I cannot understand how canon is trying to sell us Cait x Vi. Sorry guys! Please don't take me to the pillory.
Cait is a 1% hyper privileged and a cop. Vi is a victim of a violent and abusive system, who lost her parents to cops lethal violence and also 5 to 10 years of her youth to cop abuse of power. She and Cait are so diametrically opposed, I cannot believe any normal and sane human being in Vi's position would fall for Cait within two days, no matter how cute or nice she is (and she's not very nice for a large part of it, and insanely naive the entire time).
I just feel like their entire "romance" was rushed at the cost of Vi's entire character integrity. I spent hours assimilating she knows, as a child, how downtrodden she is, how broken the system is, how much more suffering is in stock for them, and then boom, she suffers the worst possible fate short of death, and she falls for the first cute cop she meets? Please... Then she rats out her sister to the entire COUNCIL? Who are you and why are you haunting Vi's body?
So yeah, basically set out to write Fathers and Daughters specifically to fix Vi, because she's the lynchpin characters of this show, and she was done crazy disservice to hurry her into an unconfirmed 2 days romance with Cait.
Absolutely no shade here on Caitvi shippers. I'm very happy the main ship of the fandom is F/F, it's a breath of fresh air compared to so many others. Like I said, I'm certain a lot of fics out there actively fix their relationship by addressing my concern, deepening their relationship, stretching canon over more time, etc. I'm sure I could love those fics too. It's what is in canon that leaves me (;⌣̀_⌣́)
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Nah. I'm an old dysfunctional granny. I follow like 5 people and I'm liberal with my block button. If stuff gets heated over some ship I disconnect from that discourse and don't think about it.
Like I said above, I'm not really that concerned with shipping. Even if I read or write it, I tend to focus on platonic dynamics, found family, and if I ship, it's usually centric to one character. Sure I'll read Silco/anyone or Obi-Wan/Anyone.
So fandom would need to ruin Obi-Wan himself (fear), etc. Which I'm happy to report has never happened yet.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Siiiiiiiigh. I'm a Clone Wars fan. Why would you ask me that... I'll have to make a list!! x'D
In all seriousness, most of the Padmé & kiddie politics arcs, droid arcs, Jar Jar arcs (except his epic Windu team up one that was awesome lol)... But the arcs that grate me the most are the flawed ones that have amazing potential but never end up finished.
Umbara?? What happens to Tup???? How do the clones deal with trauma?? How does Anakin feel about his men being put through the grinder with a fallen Jedi? Does it not strain his relationship to Palps?
The Slavery arc. That was so fucked honestly, 14 yo Ahsoka hanging out in a fucking cage in the sun, getting grim promises from her future "owner", a grown ass man with a grudge... Like... There should have been far more repercussions to that. Where is the arc where they heal? Where is the arc where Obi-Wan deals with the after effect of the horrors he witnessed and endured?
Yes, it's a kid's show. But you are showing kids 10+ people being sent falling to their death for kilometers for one man to MAKE A POINT, so some "processing trauma" stuff can't exactly be deemed too dark.
And holy shit let's not forget Deception arc. I love it. Bane/Hardeen my grubby beloveds!! BUT—
WHERE IS THE AFTERMATH!! Obi-Wan CHOSE not to warn Anakin. He played dead, burnt all of his social bridges. It's insane that the show gives them a tiny aborted conversation and that this is never revisited again.
It's also a shame because it's a missed opportunity to spend more time looking at the bridge in confidence between Obi and Anakin. And yes, it's a kid's show. That could be addressed during another exciting mission.
I just feel like the show shies away from its own consequences a lot.
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“Call me Jedi just as you have, it’s a nice reminder that we’re not all gone.” -Grim
DISCLAIMER: The Mun and Muse are not the same. This character may contain TRIGGERS of; war , genocide, death, depression, suicide, ptsd, nightmares, and survivor’s guilt
SHIPPING: Grim is open to SELECTIVE shipping. She is a LESBIAN.
AGE 14-
FC my artwork
SIBLINGS Twin brother (gone)
EYES Green
HAIR Strawberry Blonde
SCARS small scars everywhere from her many battles and (post-Order 66 only) a metal arm
GENDER Cis Female
MENTAL depression, ptsd,insomnia
OTHER empty
PHYSICAL STRENGTH flexibility, short height allows her to go into small places
MENTAL STRENGTHS compassionate, empathetic
WEAPONS purple lightsaber
LANGUAGES english,galactic basic
OTHER empty
SCHOOL high school
Grim was fourteen years old when she mysteriously appeared in Star Wars from our universe. She had appeared in the middle of a battlefield, she was frozen in shock that she was almost killed but Obi-Wan had saved her. Later when Grim was at a safe place she noticed him drop his lightsaber and used the force to retrieve it and then gave it back to him before going back to where she was hiding. Once the battle was over Grim went to look for the Jedi Master that saved her, having had finally recovered from her shock. Once Grim found him she explained everything, how she was from another universe and knew a lot about the one she was in now having watched many of the films and shows.
After Grim explained everything Obi-Wan decided she should come back with him to Couracant, when they arrived Grim explained everything to the Jedi Council. When asked as to what she wanted to do, Grim replied with how she wanted to prevent several horrible events from happening, however she did not clarify as to what that meant, adding that she could not face the idea of returning home to her universe without helping the one she was in now. After this the Council decided to make her Obi-Wan’s padawan.
As Obi-Wan’s padawan Grim worked hard on preventing Order 66 from taking place, though she couldn’t dedicate all the time she wanted to on this important mission as The Clone Wars was still a thing that was going on, and being the padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi himself meant that Grim was often going on missions.
Though there was another thing that shifted her focus, and that was her crush on her fellow padawan Ahsoka Tano, and as she was the padawan of Anakin Skywalker this meant that Grim and Ahsoka grew very close. Grim would not admit her feelings though as it was against the Jedi Code to have such attachments and the prevention of Order 66 was more important.
Grim was also very close to the 212th, though at first she shied away from them, afraid of them turning on her during Order 66. Yet as the war went on Grim found herself befriending many of the men. She would even help Waxer and Boil smuggle in a Tooka that they would name Midnight, despite said Tooka being completely white. Grim would also have a close bond with Commander Cody, and the two of them created a game on who could pick up Obi-Wan’s lightsaber more.
Grim and Anakin were also very close, bonding over both having Obi-Wan as their master. Though Anakin would constantly tease Grim about her crush on Ahsoka as well Grim’s short height. Grim would grow to see Anakin as an older brother, though would sometimes avoid him, knowing he would eventually turn to the dark side and become Darth Vader.
Grim and Obi-Wan would grow to have a bond similar to one of a father and daughter, with Grim sometimes even referring to Obi-Wan as her “space dad”. With Obi-Wan being one of the only few people who knew about Grim’s unique circumstances she was closer to him than anyone else. Whenever Grim would have nightmares she would turn to Obi-Wan for comfort, and safety. Grim would also confide in him the fact that she could not read, as while Basic and English were spoken in the same way they were not written the same, so he would teach her to read.
Grim is also incredibly smart for her age, though to balance this out she lacks common sense, and will not always make the smartest of decisions. Grim was also amazing at planning ahead, however following those same plans is another story entirely. She is also incredibly clumsy and trips over things all of the time, so as you can imagine she was horrible at stealth. Not to mention she would speak loudly when talking normally.
Grim also suffered horribly from self-esteem issues, blaming herself and depression to boot. So her mental health is not exactly in the best state, though she does try and hide this fact it fools nobody. Her mental health would only deteriorate as the war went on, and she would eventually become extremely paranoid, as well go on to develop insomnia.
Grim would be extremely sarcastic and be a huge smartass at any point she got the chance, even when it wouldn’t be smart. Grim took pride in angering her enemies, something that Obi-Wan did not exactly approve of, especially when it got her injured. She was also extremely reckless, similar to Anakin, though she was competent from time to time.
When Revenge Of The Sith took place, Grim was an anxious mess. Grim did nothing to change events as she had already felt like there was nothing more she could do. During Order 66, Grim was with Obi-Wan and managed to survive. When she returned to the temple with Obi-Wan and Yoda, Grim broke down in tears. After seeing the recording of Anakin killing the younglings she left to kill him herself, however Anakin defeated her and cut off her arm, though she did manage to survive this as well.
At the rise of the Empire, Grim spent the first three years in hiding with Obi-Wan, going under the name of Rue. Eventually Grim would leave Tantooine and Obi-Wan behind and find another place to live. This place was a moon called Wibom, Wibom shares many qualities to Earth and even has its own seasons, but mainly it's a forest moon with many, many fields and hills. This moon has many creatures that are from Earth, but have slight differences. Wibom also has lots of the same resources of Earth, which is why later on when the Empire discovers it they go to rip the moon for its resources and grow the mighty Empire. Grim gets captured by the Empire when they raid the moon, but before anyone can torture her Grim manages to escape and join the Rebellion.
As a member of the Rebellion, Grim would wear armor similar to that of what Jedi wore in The Clone Wars and fight in many battles. She would stop being as reckless and become more serious. Though despite these changes Grim would still remain a bit of the same, though she wasn’t as reckless as before she still would run right into the action, and if she encountered Vader she would always call him “Vaderkin”. Grim would often listen to Obi-Wan’s final message to the Jedi whenever she felt lonely.
Canon Verses
Padawan (main). Grim’s time during the Clone War as Obi-Wan’s padawan.
Tag: v;chosen chaos
Order 66. As Order 66 takes place up until after the battle on Mustafar
Tag: v;the galaxy falls
Rue. Grim’s time while in hiding with Obi-Wan on Tantooine
Tag: v;alone with an old friend
In Hiding. Grim’s time on Wibom
Tag: v;alone
Rebel. Grim’s time as a rebel against the Empire
Tag: v;from the ashes i rise
Alternate Verses
Separatist. In an AU where Grim does not appear on the side of the Republic but instead on the Separatist. Dooku takes her in as another apprentice and she becomes a complete secret. The Separatist’s secret weapon. She relies on stealth and speed to get the job done. As a Separatist she holds two red lightsabers, she only uses one but the time may rise for the other.
Tag: v;im not selfish
Senator. An AU where Grim becomes a senator and uses her position to gather evidence that Palpatine is a Sith Lord.
Tag: v;from the heart
Bounty Hunter. An AU where Grim becomes a Bounty Hunter and takes any job she can from Sidious and then does the opposite of what it requires. Protecting her targets. However sometimes she does have to do the job properly.
Tag: v;tricking the sith
Hermit. An AU where Obi-Wan dies in Order 66. Wracked with grief, Grim takes his place so the story can continue.
Tag: v;the brightest light died
Darth Tundra. An AU where Grim turns to the dark side at any point in time (other than the Separatist)
Tag: v; corrupted by darkness
Jedi Knight. An AU where Grim manages to stop Order 66 from taking place and is knighted.
Tag: v;more than dreams
Time Travel. An AU where Grim time travels to any point in time other than her own.
Tag: v;chaos time
Crossover Verses
Harry Potter. Grim appears not in Star Wars but Harry Potter. She soon learns she can use magic and goes to Hogwarts, determined to change the events in the Harry Potter franchise. Her house is Slytherin and her best subject is DADA
Tag: v;witch from another universe
MCU. Grim appears not in Star Wars but in the MCU. She decides to put a stop to Thanos before he can begin. Due to the mysterious appearance she gains the power over nature and goes by Nature Girl
Tag: v;avenger from another universe
ATLA. Grim appears in the universe of Avatar The Last Airbender instead of Star Wars. Instead of changing events Grim mainly focuses on ending the war sooner. Grim is also a firebender.
Tag: v;firebender from another universe
Exclusive Verses
The Other Padawan. Exclusive verse with @kyberbulb where Obi-Wan also has another padawan beside Grim and that is Tamohara. Tamohara and Grim are close friends.
Tag: v;another friend
Headcanon 1: Grim is deathly afraid of heights and space
Headcanon 2: Grim always has that Jedi Holocron that has Obi-Wan’s message with her because sometimes she just needs to hear and see her master again, Grim also hides her metal arm as it reminds her of her failures, and she doesn’t like to think about how she lost her arm. Though whenever she listens to Obi-Wan’s message she keeps her metal arm exposed.
Headcanon 3: Grim uses the reverse grip sometimes
Headcanon 4: Despite how Grim will try and distance herself from the clones she can’t help but care about them as her older brothers and defend them
Headcanon 5: Grim is very short and very violent and doesn’t like short jokes
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98 Thoughts while watching A New Hope
1. Who was that silver protocol droid? What happened to them? Are they okay? where are they now?? I bet they’re cooler than 3P0.
2. Rebel helmets are just silly.
3. I love how dirty R2 and 3P0 are. 
4. Man, Rex is right. Empire-era Stormtrooper armor is total shit.
5. Shut up Anakin.
6. Oh Space Mom. I will miss Carrie Fisher forever. 
7. Anakin fucking - he asks a question just as he kills the dude. Like- why-? Shut up Anakin.
8. Something I really love about this first movie is that Leia doesn’t do anything overtly sexily. When she gets shot, she’s literally just laid out on the floor, on her belly. It’s not meant to be hot. And even later when she’s tortured, it’s not meant to be a male gaze thing.
9. For fuck’s sake Anakin. Your daughter is standing right fucking there, and you can’t even sense it. What a dumb. 
10. R2 is like “Fuck. This place again?”  But 3P0 was created on Tatooine and he doesn’t even remember. That’s kinda sad. 
11. As Dettiot says, you can really tell that 3P0 was created by a 9 year old Anakin. Yeesh.
12. I really love the Jawas. They’re so strange, and wonderful. 
13. I wonder what R2 was thinking about when he was walking all that time by himself on Tatooine. Was he thinking about Anakin? Was he thinking about the war? Or Padme? Or Ahsoka? 
14. Man, Tatooine at dusk is beautiful, isn’t it?
15. These Stormtroopers have sand on their butts. I never noticed. 
16. I remember thinking the Jawa going “bobit! bobit!” was very funny as a kid.
17. Beru Whitesun. Former slaver liberator. Secret bad-ass. She and Owen really deserved better. 
18. R2: I cannot believe my old master’s son is leaving me the fuck behind. What the fuck is this shit. Get back here. Do you know how much I suffered for your dumb dad? 
19. Luke playing with toy ships just like Anakin did. And didn’t Obi-Wan make some of those in one continuity or another? *sad* 
21. SHE IS YOUR SISTER. Do NOT falling in love with your SISTER.
22. R2′s memory has never been wiped. Aside from Leia’s message, gold only knows what other recordings are saved on his hard drive. 
23. Blue milk! 
24. And Owen lying his ass of to Luke. Ugh.
25. I remember as a kid thinking that Owen was too grumpy/mean. But he’s a really good person. He raised this kid, and wants nothing more than to do right by him. Done so dirty. 
26. But Luke’s pensive moment watching the suns set is so beautiful.
27. I desperately want to know how Beru’s cooker works. I want one. It looks so cool. 
28. I want a Bantha. 
29. R2 trying to wake Luke up is such a moment. 
30. Obi-Wan’s krate dragon impersonation is amazing. I wish he’d do it more often.
31. I have feelings about his old, dusty Jedi robes.  In fact, everytthing about old Ben gives me feelings. He lost everything, and has been hiding in the desert for twenty years. 
32. “He’s searching for his former master. I’ve never seen so much devotion in a droid before.” Obi-Wan’s face is so haunted in this moment. Fuck.
34. Owen told Luke his father sold drugs. The. Fuck.
35. “He was the best star pilot. And a cunning warrior. And he was a good friend.” *sads* 
36. Obi-Wan sat in the desert with his brother’s lightsaber for twenty years, just mourning everything that had happened. Fuck. 
37. Obi-Wan stop LYING. 
38. Obi-Wan’s face clearly says, while Leia’s recording plays, “Oh shit. All this crap is catching up to me. Again. I’ll never ever be rid of Skywalkers.” 
39. Obi-Wan has such terrible ideas. Still.
40. I just love that Vader hates the Death Star. Anakin hates the Death Star the way Steve Rogers hates Stark Tower. 
41. Aaaand bye-bye senate. I wonder if that will happen here in the US at some point if Trump keeps Trumping along.
42. Tarken and Vader’s bromance is such a thing.
43. Ha! “accurate.” “precise.” Stormtroopers. Ha. 
44. Owen and Beru’s fate is so gruesome. I was always so shocked by how much we were shown. Damn. Grim. And again, done so dirty. More Skywalker adjacent family dead. 
45. Shut up, Anakin.
46. More grim shit. Burning the Jawa bodies. 
47. Poor Luke. He lost everything that day. He thought his father and mother were both dead, and now his uncle and aunt are truly dead. So yeah. Following a weird wizard on a quest. 
48. Mos Eisley doesn’t seem dangerous. Just goofy. 
49. Alec Guinness’  delivery of the Jedi mind trick is so casual. So sly. Love it.
51. Why does everybody hate droids??? 
52. omg. Luke tugging on the bartender’s shirt. Wtf Luke. Just say “Excuse me.” That’s so rude.
53. Obi-Wan just slicing off that dude’s arm...a little reactionary maybe? AND NOBODY DOES OR SAYS ANYTHING. 
54. Obi-Wan is so unimpressed by Han. omg.
55. Obi-Wan is just gonna hit up Bail and Breja for cash when they get to Alderaan. Dang. 
56. “I’m never coming back to this planet again.” heh.
57. Han shot first. Fuck all of this.
58. You know why her resistance to the mind probe is considerable? BECAUSE SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER YOU DUMB ROBOT MAN. 
59. CGI Jabba is weak sauce.
60. “Even I get boarded sometimes” is the name of Han Solo’s sex tape. 
61. Luke’s poncho is so cute.
62. Leia is the best. 
63. Tarken is wearing comfy slippers.
64. The reason why even if Vader made amends with Luke, Leia will never forgive him, is right here. Not only did he torture her, but he stood back and watched while they destroyed her home. She will never be able to forgive him. Ever. And that’s legit. She doesn’t have to. 
65. I believe Chewie actually does beat someone with their own arm.
66. Obi-Wan’s smile when Han says there’s no mystical Force controlling his destiny was so good.
67. Even when there’s nobody else in the room, Vader doesn’t get to sit down. What the fuck.
68. Obi-Wan knows he’s gonna die.
69. Mark Hamill talks so fast.
(I accidentally took a nap during Leia’s rescue and the trash compactor scene. I was tired, and I’ve seen this movie so many times)
70.  Han screaming after the Stormtroopers is such a fucking mood.
71. Vader vs. Obi-Wan here...I have a lot of feelings about these two disasters fighting agai- SHUT UP ANAKIN.
72. Not only does Obi-Wan sacrifice himself to give Luke an exit, but he does so because he’s giving Anakin a choice in terms of killing him or not. He’s giving him a moment of grace here, I think. To not be an evil fuck. But uh...Vader.
73. When Obi-Wan says “You can’t win.” He’s not talking about the duel. He’s talking about over-all. Being a Sith means that he can’t win. And his “If you strike me down, I’ll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine” refers to the amount of guilt and shame Anakin will feel in killing his brother. That that will eat at his soul. And it does.
74. Vader stepping on the robes to make sure Obi-Wan is dead is hilarious in such a weird morbid way.
74. In a weird flip, Vader now has Obi-Wan lightsaber, as Obi-Wan had Anakin’s. 
75. Poor Luke. Owen, Beru and Obi-Wan all in one day. 
76. 1st person shooter time! 
77. Oh Han and Leia. My first fucking ship. So fighty. So sexy. I love them.
78. Stop flirting badly with your sister Luke.
79. ...who is Luke jealous of here? 
80. I love the HC that Vader knew about the weakness in the Death Star, and hated that fucking thing so much he never mentioned it. 
81. R2 back in starfighter with a Skywalker.
82. I swear Red Leader looks like Don Knotts. 
83. I love X-Wings so much.
84. Vader’s reflexes behind the controls of a starfighter must be fucked compared to what they were pre-Mustafar. 
85. Luke watching all these people die like “Ooh. I guess this is what Han was talking about.” 
86. Oh Tarkin. You gonna regret everything in a couple minutes. 
87. Biggs’ mustache is majestic.
88. Luke saves Wedge’s life by telling him to get the fuck out. Later, Wedge will likely sing “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables.” 
89. The targeting system feels so old-timey. 
90. Obi-Wan you trained him for like 20 minutes. He doesn’t know what he’s doin- okay.
91. ANAKIN! HOw dare yOu ShoOT R2! 
92. Good job Han. <3 I actually really love Han a lot. He’s not a smart man, but he’s a pretty good man. 
93. The Death Star is destroyed, Tarkin dies, and Vader goes spinning off into space. Some fics have him traveling through time! 
94. The original trio is so pure in this movie. I love them so much. The sequels did all three of them so dirty. 
95. Leia’s necklace is so good.
96. And Luke’s Jacket is so bad. I’ve seen photos of it replaced by a brown jacket and it is so much better. 
97. Remember everybody. Rex is at the ceremony somewhere, watching a Skywalker get a medal. 
98. I love this fucking movie. 
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jedi-valjean · 8 months
I started thinking about Grim during the Mortis Arc and anyways:
Grim never gets possessed by the dark side like Anakin or Ahsoka but he is able to touch her. Much like how Grim is constantly struggling with the dark side but always ultimately chooses the light
Throughout the majority of the arc except for when Anakin has turned to the dark side Grim is always with him. When Anakin gets split up from Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, Grim goes with him. Anakin leads the way and Grim follows him. Splitting up from him only when he's doing his trial, and joins the dark side. Much like how Grim is always following along in Anakin's footsteps whether she realizes it or not. Except when Anakin joins the dark side. Then Grim sets on her own path.
Every single one of the Ones. The Daughter, The Father, and The Son all connect Grim to Anakin.
The Daughter:
"The both of you are in great danger," she said.
Grim was surprised at that, "both?" she asked. "What could I have to do with anything?"
Daughter looked at her, "nothing and everything," she replied.
The Father:
"What about me is so important?" Grim asked Father. "What about me is powerful that everyone here keeps saying it as if I hold as much importance as Skywalker, 'the chosen one'? And why does it matter now, now that Ahsoka…." She let out a sob, unable to finish her question.
Ahsoka was dead.
"You haven't figured it out?" Father asked her. "You upset every balance there is, you can either destroy everything or heal it. Yet it does not matter, I was the one who doomed this universe. There is no hope."
The Son:
Fury filled Son and he grabbed Grim by her neck, and lifted her up to his face. "You have made a horrible mistake, child. You should've joined me, you're so similar to Skywalker, I almost thought you would. Disappointing."
This all works because Grim's story is connected to Anakin's. Also you know it's bad when the God of the dark side is commenting on the parallels. Get help Grim.
Also in the end of the chapter this is a thing referring to how The Father sees Grim and Anakin
He looked at the two Jedi.
Both who could determine everything. Destroy worlds or heal them. Stop the Sith or become one. Save lives or end them
Because Grim has connected her story to Anakin both of them can determine everything.
Destroy worlds, Anakin, because of what he does as Vader
Or heal them, Grim because after the fall of the Empire she works to rebuild both the Republic and the Jedi Order (we're ignoring how canon is treating the New Republic because Grim would not allow that even if she is focusing on the New Jedi Order 😌)
Stop the Sith, belongs to both. Vader ultimately returns as Anakin and defeats Sidious. Grim can never defeat the Sith, but she trains Luke and guides him to lead Anakin to do so.
Or become one. This speaks for itself.
Save lives, this mainly refers to Grim, although she ultimately fails to stop Order 66, and there are other lives she fails to save she does save many lives. And I am playing with the concept of the TCWGANV universe being a Bail lives AU because she warns him about the Death Star in As Long As There's Light 👀
Or end them. Again this speaks for itself.
Also Grim is the only one on Mortis to not have a vision. While Anakin sees his mother (although it was The Son messing with him), Obi-Wan sees Qui-Gon, and Ahsoka has a vision of her future self Grim never sleeps on Mortis and never has a vision for herself. Because she's not from Star Wars, throughout this whole chapter she's reminded of how much she doesn't belong. Grim's story is the unknown variable. That's why The Father doesn't like her. That's why she upsets every balance there is. There is no future to sense for her. There are no paths that can be detected. She isn't from the story. While no future is surely set there are multiple paths. Something that is brought up in this chapter.
Father looked at the girl, who still managed to have so much hope. "Destiny may not be certain, child. But there is a path that has its ending set, and I fear you may walk down it."
"But the ending doesn't have to be a tragedy," Grim replied.
When The Father says this he's talking about the ending that does come to be true. But he doesn't see Grim's story in it. "You may walk down it" is only because of how her story is so strongly connected to Anakin's and both of them are heading down that path. Nobody knows Grim's story. Her story is unknown to everyone.
Anyways I was having thoughts sorry for the essay lol
Oh dang I missed this. This slaps
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