#grian also has pronoun sets for each of his alter ego’s just to keep them separate
rosaacicularis · 2 years
Celebrity AU: do you think Grian, being an avid prankster, leaves the public in total confusion about his gender because he's...well, Ariana Griande?
Like they wouldn't even be able to recognize him if he was out of costume on the streets. He's a guy. He's a gal. He can rock high heels. He can make you swoon in a suit. Transphobes hate him. They especially hate his other persona, "Mother Spore." (Which unfortunately has not made an appearance for a while despite popular demand.) His wiki page is locked down because people keep changing the info. He's an icon. As he should be. His closet is the bane of Pearl's existence because there's everything from ballgowns to futuristic techwear. It would be funny
he, just for funsies, has said he’s a triplet but also has said he’s an only child… and literally just compulsively lies about his childhood and family tree just because he finds it a little bit quirky of himself. nobody knows the actual truth of whether or not ariana griande and his one halloween costume of a mushroom are actually him, his doppelgängers or his triplets <3<3 he likes the chaos of nobody ever knowing <3<3
scar had to get a second closet built in their house for all of their little outfits, it’s almost like going into a party city, they even installed disco lighting in there <3 pearl breaks into their house (not actually, they gave her a key) while they’re out being famous to organise it, pro-bono for the most part except she can eat all of their food and steal their toiletries <3
grian and scar’s wikipedia pages are both locked from the time they got into an argument and vandalised each other’s pages. they started communicating through the hyperlinks and eventually, after a good run both of them got banned from editing any wikipedia articles.
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