#greylock the grand headcanons
shychick-52 · 3 months
In the beginning of the episode 'Baileywhoops', Greylock mentions that he hasn't seen Cedric "since the big school reunion (I see your hair grew back ok)".
Poor Cedric. He probably never had any friends at school, except for Wormwood (and I use the word friend lightly with him). And everyone at the school reunion was probably talking about how successful they were, all their honors and achievements since they graduated Hexley Hall. Cedric likely had nothing to brag about among his peers, despite his 'esteemed' position of Royal Sorcerer of Enchancia, since Roland and everyone else in the kingdom always saw him as a failure.
So his reunion with his peers likely went similar to Wormwood's with the other sorcerers' familiars/animal helpers in the episode 'Hexley Hall', and Wormwood likely was also humiliated by having such an embarrassment for a master at the official school reunion too.
Not only that, but Greylock canonically humiliated Cedric by pulling some prank on him at the school reunion that involved his hair of all things ("I see your hair grew back OK"), which must have been doubly triggering for Cedric for obvious reasons.
@mushroomsie224 @moonypears-blog @sweetmariihs2
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ushsblog · 2 months
Silly sketch I did last night about Cedlock
(Skip if you are not interested in the ship because I'll ramble a little, thank you very much)
So, here's the real reason why Greylock joined the Order of the wand. May everything be for the good of the kingdom and its alliances.
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But I'm sure Cedric would never make a pose like that, this is all a Greylock's fever dream.
While doing so, I was thinking about an old song that, for some reason, brought up the following scenario:
Greylock, after trying (and failing) to flirt with Cedric for the hundredth time, breaks into a sad-dramatic song. Well, in my head it really works more like the classic drunk guy who starts singing for his ex.
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The song is from Spanish, but here is the translation. Just like the other dialogues.
You walked by my side
With great indifference
Your eyes didn’t even
Turn towards me
I saw you without you seeing me
I spoke to you without you hearing me
And all my bitterness
Drowned inside me
2. How long were they together?
3. They were never anything.
For some reason the song makes me think of them (Yeah, a Pedro Infante song, lol) Within my silly headcanons for this ship, I like to think that Greylock has been in love with Cedric for years. And since Cedric doesn’t even notice, Greylock is dying from his indifference.
That's all, just some nonsense
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moonypears-blog · 2 months
Greylock is often seen wearing a yellow neck tie, one that looks a lot like Cedric's. That's because it is Cedric's. He stole it from him when they were in school as a prank. (And a little because he liked him.) Cedric started a riot over his neck tie being missing, but failed to notice it around his classmates neck. Greylock still wears it, and Cedric still hasn't noticed.
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mushroomsie224 · 2 months
This is just a silly Cedlock post so non-shippers uh don't take this seriously but: Sascha and Greylock share some features I think. High and prominent cheekbones, brown hair, showy magic. Earthy tones in their clothing.
So yeah headcanon of the day. Cedric has a type and it's...this?
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majoresca · 2 months
I still don't know if this happened in the series, but Greylock with that white gloves, spell must have certainly put the gloves over someone's eyes and asked them to guess who it was. Especially Cedric, since they are long-time colleagues.
And Cedric doesn't like it at all at first, but he gets used to it when they start to get closer.
(In friendship, or, in romance. It's up to you.)
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captain-amadeus · 1 year
Hot take that burned my hands when I was taking it out of the oven: Greylock would not hesitate to betray Cedric so fast
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cedricstower · 4 years
Hear me out but poly relationship of Cedric x Reader x Greylock?
~gender neutral reader~
Poly Relationship between Cedric x Greylock x Reader
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how all three of you end up together is beyond me or anyone else in Enchancia 
at first it was just you and Cedric, you guys had been incredibly committed to each other albeit for a short while, but you guys seemed to have something really special between the two of you
the day you meet Greylock is when you two cross paths at a Conjurer’s Conference (if you’re magical, it’s probably your first time going together, but if you’re not, Cedric probably offered to show you around and you’re beyond excited), much to Cedric’s confusion because he thought Greylock would’ve been exiled by now 
“All I had to do was use the ol’ charm on them and I got re-instated in three years time!”
“Of course” Cedric grumbles, annoyed beyond belief
you however are fascinated, taken with this jester-esc wizard. You begin to ask him a multitude of questions, annoying and confusing Cedric even further. 
“So what did you tell the guards?” “What did you do?” “Are you a royal sorcerer too?” 
Greylock was more than happy to answer all your questions, quite endeared by your wide-eyedness 
Cedric’s probably standing there like “what is happening????”
You get distracted by a booth that catches your eye, give Cedric a kiss on the cheek and tell him you’ll be right back after checking it out while he catches up with his friend
You run off, and a smug looking Greylock walks up beside a still grumpy but slightly softer Cedric
“Well, they’re quite a catch, aren’t they, Cedric old chum?” He says, giving his comrade a wink
“I will fucking stab you” is what Cedric wish he could’ve said, however he settled for crossing his arms and grumbling something incoherent, good call, Ceddy. 
over time the more you and Greylock cross paths, the more you guys get to know and enjoy each others company. Much to Cedric’s distaste. 
You really don’t understand what Cedric doesn’t like about Greylock, but you decide not to push any questions on him for now
every time you two hang out, Greylock dazzles you with magic tricks, humors you with harmless pranks on the villagers, and occasionally attempts to woo you say via conjuring a lovely pink tulip for you.
You always have so much fun with Greylock. He was charming, witty, and smarter than people gave him credit for... sort of like your Ceddy. They didn’t see it, but they have a lot more in common then they both think
it’s not like Cedric stops you from hanging out with Greylock, god forbid he let himself be one of those boyfriends. He’d sooner throw himself back in the dungeon than control any aspect of your life (unless of course you were cheating on him or harming yourself in any way shape or form, stuff like that, but those aren’t relevant here so we’re not gonna unpack all of that)
however he starts getting suspicious when you two act a little more than friendly around him...
you were bidding Greylock goodbye when you gave him a small kiss on his cheek, to which he smiled and told you he’d keep it there forever. 
this made you laugh, he always did
heading back to give Cedric a hug, he continued to stare off in the direction that his “old friend” had taken off to
“what was that about?” he asks
“Th-that, that kiss you just gave to him.”
You wave your hand. “Aw, hun, don’t worry about it. It was just a friendly little kiss.” You said, gently and playfully pinching his cheek which always caused the blood to rush to his face from embarrassment.
Cedric trusts you, he always has. It’s Greylock he doesn’t trust. They way that man looks at you... he knows what it means because he’s had to give you the exact same look for a whole year before you realized he liked you. However Cedric was much less crude about it. 
he’s not proud to say it’s something he thinks and worries about a lot, his own insecurities of not being good enough slipping in every now and again, not that he’d tell you though
but he’s shockingly unsurprised when you and Greylock, as gently as possible, approach him about a relationship.
“All three of us, together! I think... I think it can really work out.”
“And I concur! Whadaya say, Cedric old chum?”
Immediately Cedric’s first thought was “No. Absolutely not.” No way was he willing to let you go about gallivanting with this jester of a sorcerer in a romantic sense. 
It’s not that he didn’t want you to be happy, he really did, but it was Cedric who wholeheartedly denied he and Greylock could ever get along in a romantic sense, they were barely able to stay cordial for Merlin’s sake!
he’s shaking a little, but gulps down his internal thoughts and sighs. “I’ll think about it.” 
the following week is a bit awkward for you two, every time you touch Cedric’s shoulder, it’s the lightest of feather touches and you speak to him extra carefully and softly, because you know this sort of proposal is telling him one thing
that he isn’t good enough for you 
it comes to a point when you’re both lying in bed, and he’s finally ready to talk about it with you. He takes both your hands in his and locks his hazel eyes onto yours. 
“Y/n, I-I really want you to be happy and... and have a fulfilling relationship but... before I continue, I need you to promise that... that it isn’t me. Is it?”
you know exactly what he means by that. And how could it be him? He was looking at you with wide eyes glossy on the verge of tears, it made your heart shatter and those tiny pieces melt. 
“Oh, Cedric...” you brought a hand to his cheek, softly caressing him. You never used his full name unless you were being completely serious. It was always either ‘Ceddy’ or one of the various sweet pet names you had for him. “Of course it’s not you. You’re perfect.” 
He’s hesitant at first, but he felt the honesty drip from your tone and radiating from your soul. Softening, he smiled. “Well, in that case, I suppose I don’t see the harm in you two having a relationship.” 
You are beyond excited and leap into his arms for a hug, blurting out a thousand ‘thank you’s’ while feverishly kissing him up and down the side of his face, sending Cedric into a giggling mess. 
Goodness gracious you were adorable, if he caught Greylock treating you with even the slightest bit of mistreatment, he’d be sure to cut all ties between you two and that monocle-wearing warlock immediately
as time went on, you and Greylock became inseparable. Prompting you to always convince Cedric to join in on your dates.
at first he’d only come along for you, and any time Greylock attempted to put the moves on him Cedric swerved that bitch.
 but the more those two are forced to spend time together for your sake, the more they actually start to bond
at first, it’s mostly over their adoration for you
“Isn’t y/n just the cutest little crum, Cedric ol’ pal?”
“I suppose I can’t argue with you there, but do be careful with the “cute” word around them, they absolutely hate it.”
“Oh? I bet they’re adorable when they’re mad~”
Cedric rolls his eyes playfully. “Oh on the contrary, they’re horrifying. But... their cheeks do puff up and get red and it’s admittedly endearing.” 
this was the start of a beautiful... romance? friendship? nobody really knows, least of all Cedric and Greylock
you notice how much more Cedric starts to loosen up around Greylock, he actually laughed at one of his jokes for the first time! It made your stomach do flips and your heart squeeze itself in your chest.
it makes you so happy to see your boys getting along <3
and it’s only a matter of time until Greylock had successfully won Cedric over, and he needs to announce it in the most dramatic way possible
he storms into the workshop one day, where you waited for Cedric because he “had a surprise” for you
Greylock kicks down the door with Cedric being carried in his arms (much to his embarrassment, his arms crossed and his face on fire) and loudly proclaims that he had finally “claimed Cedric’s ass”
this causes Cedric to yell out a surprised, “WHAT?” and push Greylocks face away while he stumbles out of his arms. “I did not agree to you saying that!”
too bad, it got you laughing and Cedric blushing, which is all Greylock wanted out of this to be honest
from then on, you three are the most chaotic polyamory in Enchanica
Greylock’s always trying to get you both to laugh, thought it’s easier for you then Cedric
yes, he occasionally resorts to tickling him, and Cedric is extremely ticklish 
they still bicker a lot though, and you’re typically the peace-keeper. Though luckily none of you actually argue.
it’s usually over petty things, like how the bed shouldn't be used as a cracker platter Greylock 
“Well then why is it called a spread sheet, Cedric?”
yeah this is usually how mornings go. 
obviously they’ve calmed down a lot since dating though, knowing if they wanted this relationship to work, they’d have to be more level-headed with each other
dates are always super fun though! You guys alternate between your interests and even have a whole weekly date-night chart (courtesy of Cedric)
Greylock, because he’s a clown at heart, really likes the stereotypical “fun” dates like amusement parks, carnivals, swimming, dancing, bars, ect. 
Cedric is partial staying inside because at heart, he’s an introvert and an old soul, so a day inside the workshop with the two of you, some tea, snacks, and a game of chess is more than enough for him (in a modern AU he’d enjoy movie nights at home and cuddling on the couch, fantasy/fantastical being his favorite genre)
you’re a little more adventurous than Cedric, but not quite as outgoing as Greylock, so you enjoy outdoor dates like festivals, nature walks, concerts, picnics, all that Fun Summer jazz. 
however if you guys literally have no idea what else to do, going out for dinner is your go-to.
Cuddle-piles that turn into naps??? 100%
Cedric clings onto you and Greylock while Greylock has you in his lap, and his arm around Cedric while you three are lying down
Greylock is one for giving you both creative surprise smooches. Once he gave Cedric one of those squirt flowers but instead of spraying him with water a pair of comically puckered lips jumped out and planted one right on Cedric’s mouth. 
Of course what he thought was gonna be a sweet gift turned into a gag, but Greylock made it up by giving him a real peck on the lips after
he tried the same thing on you after, but you were smart and declined, even after Greylock pretending to pout and beg you to take it lest he die from your lack of love, but you weren’t having it and laughed while tapping his nose
“Nice try, hunny bun.”
you know that meme that’s like “What if I put the oven to 40000000 degrees and baked the cookies for 1 second?” and one friend on the line is like “no wtf you’ll burn your house” and the other is like “lmao do it”? Yeah, that’s Greylock, Cedric, and you, in that order. 
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dreamlanddoll · 5 years
Sofia the First Characters that are definitely LGBT
(this isn’t meant to be an inherently sexual post, just because it’s about sexual/romantic preference doesn’t mean I’m putting these characters in a sexual context. Please avoid inherent sexualziation of the LGBT+ community. Thank you!) 
1. Amber- this girl is 100% a bitchy femme lesbian with Heather Chandler energy and starts out with a lot of internalized homophobia and denial when she gets her first girl crush no I do not take criticism. 
2. Roland- he is bi or pan, either way he’s way too gentle and respectful of women to be straight in the 1800′s.
3. Miranda- A mtf queen. Idk I just get a vibe from her. 
4. Baileywick- he’s an elder gay who’s been around in his time. I don’t even need to explain. Ya’ll know it. Baileywick is an old queen. 
5. Cedric- He is the most bisexual man I have ever witnessed in my entire life. Oh my god. The purple robe, finger-less gloves, and just his whole vibe sets off every gaydar in the vicinity. This man is a dysfunctional gremlin with no sense of self-preservation and cannot function around pretty girls so do not tell me he is not a bicon.
6. Sofia- she’s either aro/ace or completely open to loving anyone and everyone there’s no in between and I’ve yet to decide.
7. Vivian- she is a shy music-loving wlw that stans those cottagecore aesthetics of daydreaming about her and her future wife living together and napping in beds of wildflowers. Not to mention her very well hidden but still arguably present crush on Sofia that Vivian is oblivious to because of heteronormantivity. 
8. Desmond- A soft, book-nerd gay. Also demi! 
9. Princess Ivy and Ms. Nettle- they are a lesbian couple living together in peace on their shared island <3
10. Flora, Fauna, and Maryweather- in a healthy poly relationship together. They are all sweet older queer ladies that had to fight for their position in society but you’d never guess it because of how sweet and soft they all are. 3 coolest grandmas anyone could ask for.  
11. Greylock- Simultaneously closeted and not closeted gay.  
12. Lucinda- She’s a lesbian. ‘Nuff said. 
13. Calista- I’m not 100% sure but I think she wouldn’t care for labels anyway. This girl is queer and has always been proud and open about it. Her mum is very supportive too <3
14. Chrysta- Mtf and also a lesbian. This woman is the sword-wielding ass-kicking butch gf of every wlw’s dreams and living proof that it’s okay to be a trans girl and still have traditionally “masculine” interests. 
(please don’t come at me in the comments. This is just for fun. Anything like “this isn’t necessary” or “you don’t have to make everything gay” will just be ignored. It’s just a harmless post of headcanons and it isn’t meant to hurt anybody). 
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Greylock Headcanon #2
He got the attention of all the girls in Hexley Hall. He was known as "that cute nerd with the pointy ears"; a lot of girls had mad crushes on him, but Greylock only had eyes for Cedric (the poor sap had no idea, lmao).
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websterswampus-blog · 7 years
Similar to Hogwarts owning their own train and hidden platform, Ilvermorny has Isolt’s Railway.  
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The railway itself has three separate tracks and trains; 
Webster’s Way which meets  at Estación Buenavista in Mexico City, Mexico 
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James’ Junction which meets at Grand Central Station in New York City, USA
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Chad’s Choo Choo which meets at Union Station in Toronto, Canada
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(the three trains offer different options for students all over North America.  Those living in Mexico and Western USA typically choose Webster’s Way, while all of Canada and Alaska board Chad’s Choo Choo, leaving the rest of the US    taking James’ Junction.)
All trains depart from their respective platforms at different times so that they all arrive at the school at the same time, on the same day.  Arrival is September 30th, 12 p.m.  Due to varying distances, the train from Mexico City departs on September 29th at 8 p.m. (typically it takes 42 hours to reach Massachusetts from Mexico City, but magic speeds it up by just a lil’ bit), while the train in Toronto departs at 6 a.m. on September 30th with the train from New York City departing at 9 a.m. on September 30th as well. Once all students arrive at the platform at the bottom of Mount Greylock, it’s as if they never left each other. Names are being creamed down the platform and hugs are being exchanged left and right.  All the upper classmen are crazed and excited to test their new ways for reaching the school first in the unofficial event titled “Summit to the Gates” while the first years take the scenic route of a beautiful carriage ride pulled by Graphorns up the side of the mountain. There are countless ways to reach the top of the mountain and once everyone gets there and is in their seats, it’s time to eat and 
(getting down, once the year is over, is a whole other story for another post ;)
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ushsblog · 25 days
A while ago, I mentioned that I have a bit of a crack headcanon that Greylock would sing heartbreak songs. For some reason, now every time I hear those kinds of songs, I think of that.
And here I am.
But of course, I grew up listening to these classics of my culture and I can only think about it, so that's why the song. All of you are going to appreciate Amanda Miguel and you'll like her 🫵🏼
This comes not only from that headcanon but also from something I wrote (here).
I drew all of this during class and it's funny to think that I don't have any notes because of this but it's worth it, lol.
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ushsblog · 1 month
Cedlock as uncles, Headcanon
(This post is entirely a rambling of mine about my little imaginary Cedric and Greykock being a couple, so if you don't care about the ship, skip the post.)
Alright, I have a series of headcanons about the family dynamic of Calista, Cordelia, and Cedric if Cedric and Greylock were a couple (meaning both would be Calista's uncles). What do you call that? Ship-headcanon? Even though the ship isn’t, unfortunately, real?
For this, imagine that at some point after the end of the series, Greylock and Cedric meet again, resolve their issues (and all that complicated matter with the Order of the Wand and Rudistan), and become a couple.
Greylock eventually moves in with Cedric in Enchancia because, well, he wants to be with him. They become a little family along with their nieces: Calista and Sofia (Sofia declared herself as their adoptive niece and didn’t take no for an answer).
When Calista is visiting the castle, Greylock and Cedric play with her, and, secretly from Cedric, Greylock teaches Calista some spells for pranks.
Quickly, Calista develops a taste for pranks like her uncle (harmless ones, of course), which gets on Cedric’s nerves.
When Calista enters her teenage years, she starts to have a slight conflict with her personal style because she finds that, unlike what Cordelia would prefer, she doesn’t really like the dresses and elaborate headpieces she is expected to wear.
Cordelia doesn’t insist on changing her mind because she understands, somewhat reluctantly, that Calista doesn’t share her love for fashion. However, she notices that Calista feels a bit insecure about the matter, so she asks her uncles to talk to her.
Cedric tells Calista that it’s okay if she wants to wear something simpler along with her wizard robe. Greylock, supporting Cedric, advises Calista to wear whatever makes her feel comfortable and like herself, without worrying if it might be a bit unconventional. (Greylock uses himself as an example, who, now free from King Magnus’s control, has started dressing even more, in Cedric’s opinion, extravagantly).
Calista feels better and starts exploring what makes her feel comfortable until she develops her own style, which is a curious mix of her uncles’ and mother’s styles: a red wizard robe, a shirt and bow tie with a sort of vest over it, along with a simple skirt with a belt at the waist like Cordelia's. Her hair is half-styled and messy like Greylock’s, and she wears large star-shaped earrings like her mother. Additionally, Calista loves to wear the hat that Merlin gave her.
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mushroomsie224 · 2 months
Posting about Cedlock because it's 4am.
Greylock has always had a bit of a crush on Cedric. The man makes him nervous. He uses humour to cover up his nervousness, and since his idea of humour is being annoying and pulling pranks, he becomes more irritating than usual .
Cedric wouldn't realise he has feelings for Greylock until the truth slaps him across the face. Hard. So hard he'd stagger right into his bed and wonder what the hell is wrong with him as he screams into his pillow.
Greylock is the type to be quite physically affectionate. Hugs, random kisses, all that. Cedric is quite awkward with it at first, but eventually gets used to it (he likes it a lot but the awkwardness comes from not being sure how to react and also not really being used to it).
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majoresca · 2 months
Headcanon: The reason there are sorcerers in the royal courts of the Ever Realm.
Why does the role of royal sorcerer exist in the first place?
One of the main reasons is linked to what happened in Sleeping Beauty's kingdom.
When princess Aurora was cursed by Maleficent, the king and queen were lucky to have invited the trio of fairies. Because of them, they could cast a counterspell, which rewrote the terms of the curse and gave the chance that saved the princess's life.
Therefore, the kingdoms saw the importance of having magic users as members of their royal courts. So that they could protect the royal family and their respective kingdoms from threats inside and outside the world of magic.
Shitpost ahead
In simpler terms, the work of the royal sorcerer is the same as a reverse Uno card:
Sofia's Enemy – I cursed the entire royal family of Enchancia! Especially you, Princess Sofia!
( Cedric appears out of nowhere.)
Cedric – No, you!
Sofia's enemy – Aaaah!
(The enemy disintegrates in the distance.)
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mushroomsie224 · 3 months
The Wreath of Rudistan: made of phoenix-feather filigree and the finest elven gold. I hc that Rudistan does indeed have a large population of elves. Also toying with the idea of King Magnus having less-than-friendly relations with the elves in his territory.
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majoresca · 2 months
Meanwhile, Cedric and Greylock talking just the two of them, in at the meeting of the Order of the Wand.
( Greylock, having a noble reason to justify his alliance with the Order of the Wand, to put an end to Magnus' oppression. )
Greylock – King Magnus is so unfair with his treatment of magical beings like us! And looks like Roland II just continued what his father did, right? Well, he deserves the two "II" in his own name.
( Greylock looks around, seeing if no one is watching them. He get's closer to Cedric, to whisper.)
Greylock – To be honest, I don't like our "colleagues" here that much, but that's what we have for today...
( Greylock disguises the whispered part, by hugging Cedric by surprise. He congratulates Cedric, speaking loudly.)
Greylock – It's good to see you here my friend! I'm glad that you're going to fight alongside us and join the cause!
( Cedric, embarrassed, because his only motive was to gain self-recognition, fulfill his fantasies of power and revenge against his bullies. Not having thought about how this would affect the social situation of the Enchancia kingdom, after he took the throne for himself.)
Cedric – Uh, yes, of course...Royalty is unfair, and let's put an end to that for sure...and whatever else they have.
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