krytus · 7 years
Thank you rvb 15 for confirming that grey and kimball are gentle girlfriends who gossip all the time with santa
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lavernius · 4 years
Carolina, caboose and simmons for the ask game?
hell yeah here we go (under a cut because this might get long oops)!
Sexuality Headcanon: butch bi queen!<3
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary, agender, uses he/they pronouns!! (i’m using she/her here for clarity though)
A ship I have with said character: GREYBALLINA. that’s grey/kimball/carolina. i love those three and any two of those three together. i also like 479er/lina though if i had to choose a different pairing
A BROTP I have with said character: church and carolina always gets me so bad.. i also like tex and carolina getting along as friends bc i think it’d be nice :(
A NOTP I have with said character: washlina. sorry i just. i cannot stand that ship at all. i don’t like yorklina but i do in fact like it more than i ever will washlina
A random headcanon: red team lina. absolutely one of my favorite headcanons. i love red team lina a lot i have absolutely no problems w blue team lina but i simply love the idea of her being red team 
General Opinion over said character: LOVE OF MY LIFE. i adore carolina so much, i hope she gets more silly moments next season. she deserves to have fun and heal and i wish rt would stop using her as angst bait and giving her random boys to be sad over as her plot, just let her get BETTERRRR.
Sexuality Headcanon: bi king!
Gender Headcanon: trans man!
A ship I have with said character: CHUCKBOOSE .. i love church/tucker/caboose or any combo of the three so so much. their dynamic makes me super emotional. i also think locboose, pastry train, washboose, sheila/caboose, kaiboose, and a lot of other caboose ships are really good but i have a strong preference for chuckboose :]
A BROTP I have with said character: grifboose. i always always make those two long time friends in my modern aus, i LOVEEE the headcanon that they went to harvard together
A NOTP I have with said character: aside from weird ships i don’t think i have any notps for caboose! i thiiink he’s cute with anyone tbr
A random headcanon: autistic/adhd king, fluent in spanish (he’s mexican/vietnamese mixed), very handsome and very sexy
General Opinion over said character: I LOVE HIM HE;’S MY HUSBAND. every time i see him do anyuthing i literally remember how deeply and madly in love i am with him. if he was real i would marry him on the spot
Sexuality Headcanon: gay!!
Gender Headcanon: trans man!! i love taking any chance to point out how transgendered he is
A ship I have with said character: grimmons. who doesn’t ship grimmons. i don’t even think i really ship him with anyone but grif
A BROTP I have with said character: donut + lopez + simmons is my favorite brother trio. sarge’s sons basically
A NOTP I have with said character: weird ones like sarge/simmons obvs, but also simmington (just bc i feel like simmons sees wash as kind of an older brother/idol figure), simmnut and simmons/lopez (if that’s a thing) because of the whole brother trio thing
A random headcanon: i like to think he went to julliard, he said that in an outtake or something as a joke but i love the idea it’s so funny to me
General Opinion over said character: LOVE. simmons is one of those characters i dont think about an awful lot but i adore him so much, i am BANKING on s18 being a simmons season and literally started writing my own script for dream s18 because of it 🥺
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bodiedhorror · 8 years
do you remember that post which was like, "downsides of being polyamorous: i just accidentally scheduled two dates at the same time"? that, but with grey/kimball/lina (possibly with wash/lina too, for a platonic date)
FUCK THATS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS THOlina schedules a date with her two Romance GFs and its a nice fancy dinner (as fancy as you can get in a post-war zone) and then they’re gonna go home and watch old earth movies BUT. ROMCOM PLOT TWIST. she also scheduled a date with her QPP and, carolina, who is good with dates, did not recognize that they were on the same day and gets texts from three absolute babes telling her to get ready for their date but that can’t be right. it can’t be. she just gets everyone into a group chat and wash decides to tag along for the dinner date. she could always use more food, y'know? besides when they all get home wash has a great collection of absolute garbage horrible scifi movies that kimball and lina want to watch and then grey has this really good homemade face mask she wants everyone to try?it’s a good date night. everyone gets cuddles and smooches and a proper amount of Girl Time™
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ctsouth-blog1 · 9 years
ship: greyballina
words: about 1.7k
notes: for @redteamdoyle​! happy birthday pipit
Vanessa doesn’t know what she expects when she walks into her apartment, pulling the ponytail holder out of her hair and dropping her messenger bag right in the make-do foyer, but it’s definitely not both of her girlfriends flitting around their minuscule kitchen and almost tripping over one another.
Emily has her hair in a bun and is wearing Vanessa’s horrific bright blue oven mitts, and while she’s no longer wearing her high heels and is about four inches shorter than Carolina, she’s still mostly dressed in her work clothing. Her suit jacket has been discarded on the armchair in the living room and her shoes are piled with Carolina’s to the left of the front door. She’s muttering something but it’s lost under the Latin music playing on the radio, which she slightly dances to without really noticing. Carolina, on the other hand, is dealing with the stovetop, a saucepan and a massive pot both under her careful watch. She’s already changed into her comfort clothing, she has baggy grey sweatpants that cover her feet and one of Emily’s sweatshirts on with the sleeves rolled up. She’s trying to stir the food in the pot and what seems to be tomato sauce in the pan at the same time, but she’s unfortunately not ambidextrous and almost ends up dropping the mixing spoon in her left hand.
Vanessa clears her throat and says, “Hey.”
There’s half a second where Carolina purely freezes in horror, her eyes blown wide, but then Emily shoves her towards Vanessa while she tries to cover the oven and the stovetop purely with her torso and her arms. She shouts something like, “Heeey, Vanessa!” while she shoves the mitts off of her hands and grins way too widely. 
Carolina springs into action and takes Vanessa by her shoulders, turning her around and leading her out of the kitchen. “I’m glad you’re home,” she’s saying, “Did you have a good day at work? I’m sure you did. Emily and I were just fiddling around. You can sit down and watch some TV, if you want. We’ll be done in a minute. Why are you home so early?”
“Doyle told me to leave early,” Vanessa says, but then she asks, “What are you two doing?” in her best I’m-very-suspicious-and-don’t-trust-either-of-you-in-the-kitchen voice. The grin sort of infects her tone, though, and she doesn’t even try to fight back against Carolina sitting her down at the couch. 
“Nothing!” Emily yells from the kitchen, and then there’s a timer beeping and there’s the sound of her scrambling to turn it off. Vanessa raises her eyebrow at Carolina questioningly. Emily says “Nothing,” again even though there’s the sound of pots banging against each other.
Carolina says “Nothing,” too.
“You guys didn’t have to do anything.” Vanessa begins, standing up again, “At work, Doyle bought me lunch for my birthday and Palomo even got me a gift card.”
“To where?”
“Subway,” she replies with a slight grimace.
Carolina hums and starts backing up towards the kitchen. “Don’t worry about it,” she says firmly, “This is just a thank you. For everything.”
“You really don’t have to —,”
“We love you,” Carolina interrupts, about to return to the kitchen, “so just shut up and let us do this, alright?” She grins, and Vanessa feels her heart constrict. “We’ll be out in just a second.”
Vanessa sits down obligingly, trying hard not to smile, and replies, “Just know that I don’t think any of this is a good idea.”
Emily distantly yells, “We watched Food Network for two hours! We know everything about cooking! There’s nothing to worry about!” 
Vanessa laughs a little. It sounds a bit forced and a bit worried. She is fairly sure neither of them know how to even cook rice.
There’s the distance hushed whispering of Emily asking “Why is she home so early?” and “How are we going to finish this?” and then Carolina replying “Donald sent her home,” and “We’re going to finish this,” but neither of them are particularly good at being quiet and the walls are thin. Another timer beeps and both of them simultaneously mutter “Shit!” and then there’s some muttering to make it stop. The radio has been significantly turned down and Vanessa props her feet up on the ottoman. She checks her Blackberry because apparently she’s still stuck in the work ethic of three years ago and undoes the top part of her button-down. 
She yells, “Is that cake I smell?” behind her to the two of them in the kitchen, sounding arrogant and content with herself. 
Emily almost immediately yells, “No!” at the same time Carolina is shouting, “Maybe!” and then there’s a sheepish hum between the both of them before Emily amends with, “It’s none of your business!” loudly. Vanessa makes an approving noise at the back of her throat and turns back to her devices. 
About five minutes later Emily exits the kitchen with a small hint of white icing on the side of her mouth, one of the mitts still on, and three plates with an excessive number of utensils piled on in her arms. The porcelain makes a terrible noise as it unpleasantly hits the wood of the tiny dining room table, and the forks and knives clamber against one another in protest. “Sorry,” Emily says regretfully, “I’m not really good at setting the table.” 
Vanessa looks at her with an eyebrow raised for half a second, until she stands up and adjusts the horrendous configuration of utensils around the plates.
Apparently Emily has never actually seen a properly set up table, because she puts all three of them on the right side of the porcelain without a second thought. Emily’s never been good at the details.
She’s saying “Sorry,” to her feet as Vanessa closes the timid distance between them, brushes the small amount of hair out of her face and rubs her thumb along Emily’s temple. She then proceeds to swipe the small amount of icing from the side of Emily’s mouth and taste it.
“Buttercream?” Vanessa asks, furrowing her eyebrows.
Emily hums in affirmation. “Carrot cake,” she says, looking up to meet Vanessa’s eyes. “You said it was your favorite.”
“It is my favorite.”
Emily’s forehead is lightly kissed before she returns to the kitchen, smiling, half skipping in her socks so she slides across the floor. She says, “Sit at the table,” behind her as she leaves, steps content. Vanessa obliges.
There are a few more minutes of different banging noises coming from the other side of the wall, including a knife being dropped multiple times, a pot getting slammed down to the counter with an ominous, muttered “Shit!” and a few more hushed whispers tied in with the clicking of a mechanical flame-started, only to be followed with the triumphant noise of a match hitting the paper and lighting. Then, the Emily and Carolina exit like a two-man parade with their heads held high.
Emily is holding both a plate of spaghetti with two slices of what appears to be buttered toast and the entire cake, which sets her off balance. Her left hand is weighed down more by the dessert and she tilts like a scale, but she’s grinning shakily while also trying not to catch anything on fire with the open flame. Carolina, two feet behind her, is singing her beautifully off-pitch rendition of Happy Birthday, holding her stylish yet impractical iPhone 6s, grinning, both hands holding the device up to make it steady. Vanessa thinks she might be a little bit in love.
Emily, with as much finesse as she can muster, places the pasta and the cake before her as Carolina wraps up the song, zooming in onto Vanessa’s face and almost giggling as she gets out the words. She is gorgeous with her roots that are growing in blonde and her hair tied in a loose ponytail and the edges of her eyes crinkling, and Emily is gorgeous with the strands falling out of her bun and her neon striped socks and her dimples that lighten up her face. Vanessa blows out the candle and her throat is closing up because she loves them and the sloppy pasta they’ve made her with a few noodles falling off of the plate and the over-buttered toast and the marinara sauce they must’ve bought in a can, and the carrot cake made from a box mix and the messy white icing and Emily’s dragging cursive ungracefully dragged across the surface with a message lost in the chicken scrawl. 
She says “I love you,” and she takes Carolina’s hand from her ostentatious cell phone and Emily’s hand that is limp at her sides and kisses both of the backs of their hands, first Emily and then Carolina and then again. Carolina’s smile drops to her feet and Emily blushes astoundingly, bright red along her cheeks. It’s the best thing Vanessa has ever seen.
“The pasta might be a bit overcooked,” Carolina cuts in, shoving her hand into her pocket, “because we couldn’t figure out which timer was beeping for what. And, the icing might be a bit heavy, because Emily doesn’t know how to proportion.”
“There’s no such thing as too much sugar!”
“Yes there is.”
Vanessa takes the fork and twirls a piece of spaghetti on it, smiling at the conversation going on before her, and dips her head with her hand cupped to capture any potential mess she could make. A bit of red sauce dots her upper lip but she’s too busy smiling to notice.
“It’s perfect.”
Emily beams brightly and Vanessa just wants to kiss her, more so than she usually does, her pride and adoration showing on her face. She’s lovely. Carolina, who is still recording, focuses on Vanessa for a moment before moving in to wrap her arm around her. Vanessa kisses her cheek and half pulls her onto her lap, so Carolina’s knees accidentally knock the table and she slips off balanced. 
Vanessa sits, with Carolina draped across her and her hand outstretched to grab Emily’s, her meal presented before her by the two people she cares for most, and says, “You’re both perfect.” It even seems like they are.
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boodle69 · 9 years
Oh my god theyre all on a shirt greybalina is real
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baegentnorthdakota · 10 years
greyballina au: Carolina and Kimball are going very steady, everything is fine and all that. suddenly, while the two of them are getting their medical checkup, they meet a new intern named Emily Grey. kimball and carolina are both immediately smitten, which grey is totally fine with
and kimball and carolina are both nervous, because they’re not sure what the other will think about them showing interest in someone else, but it only takes a few moments of eye contact after grey leaves the room for a moment for them both to go “I like her a lot” “So do I” “Oh gosh how do we go about telling her that” “do you think she’ll be okay with it?” “did you see the way she was looking at us I bet she totally would be” “that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ask, carolina”
carolina ends up giving grey her number and saying “call us sometime” and kimball is quick to add “only if you want to!” and grey just smiles and says she’s free on saturday nights if they want to try the new italian place that just opened up in town
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sweetlittlemissme · 10 years
Greballina (Grey/Kimball/Carolina) Headcanon
Grey has to go to the dentist to get a filling, but she ends up needing it pulled instead. When she gets back out into tbe waiting area, she finds Kimball waiting for her. Grey gets a hug before been lead to the car and taken back home, the entire trip she sits there in a grump sulking quietly to herself. Back home she storms into the house and finds Carolina waiting for them in the lounge room. Grey dives into her arms and lets herself be held, hearing Kimball behind her explaining what happened to Carolina. Carolina cards her hand through Grey's hair in an attempt to calm her down, Kimball takes a seat next to them and holds Grey as well. Grey falls asleep between the hugs and light kisses to her face, almost forgetting about the pain in her gums and the numbness in her checks.
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baegentnorthdakota · 10 years
ok, but: greyballina au where grey is, surprisingly, really good at adulting. she's the one that handles all the taxes and calling the plumber when the pipes burst. kimball's the one thats a really great cook, with a specialty in italian food. meanwhile, carolina cannot adult to save her life, and always needs help doing so
Oh my gosh yes and Carolina tries so hard, and for the longest time she thinks that she's a source of embarrassment for the other two. She thinks they're secretly ashamed of her and she hates it, but she doesn't tell them this because she hates feeling vulnerable even more than that. She doesn't want them to baby her, she hates thinking that they might be more sensitive around her or some bullshit like that, so early on in their relationship she tries her hardest to be independent. And for the most part it kind of works, but it uses up a lot of her time and energy and soon it seems to Grey and Kimball like she might be pulling away or have some doubts about the relationship. So that causes them to lean more on each other, trying to figure out what's wrong, and they think that Carolina might just want some space. They still all have their own apartments, but they've been leaving a lot of stuff at Kimball's place lately and it seems like that's where they'll all settle when they feel up to it. 
Carolina hasn't heard much from either of them lately, which isn't very unusual as they all have jobs and friends and lives but she's used to at least texting them throughout the day or maybe meeting up for lunch or dinner. It's been mostly silence from both of them all week and she's starting to get worried, that maybe they realized she's not worth their time after all. So she shows up at Kimball's house that Friday night to talk about it, and she doesn't think that it's that late but when she unlocks the door with the key Kimball gave her and enters she finds her girlfriends curled up together, asleep on the couch. And they look so whole and perfect together and there's no room for her to scoot in and join them and Carolina thinks that maybe this is the world trying to tell her something. Maybe she isn't ready for a relationship like this, maybe they're too happy and well-adjusted and perfectly fine without her dragging them down. 
Kimball had started to wake up a bit when she heard someone come in but she figured it was Carolina and that she would wake them so they could all snuggle together in Kimball's bed. But she doesn't hear Carolina step any closer when she gets to the edge of the living room and instead she hears a sharp intake of breath and when she opens her eyes she just sees Carolina standing at the edge of the room, clutching her keys and clenching her other hand in a fist with tears streaming down her face. 
Kimball is quick to ask what's wrong, careful to not wake Grey even though right after she starts to sit up a bit Grey opens her eyes and yawns. Carolina tries to answer, but when Grey turns and asks what's wrong she can't seem to say anything besides that she's sorry. And Grey is quick to stand up to try and bring her to the couch but Carolina backs up like a cornered animal and Grey stops midway to her, her hands still raised, reaching out to Carolina.
Carolina just says that she's sorry again and Kimball asks her to slow down, to take a deep breath and say why she's sorry, but it seems like something in Carolina is shutting down and when Grey steps closer she just curls in on herself and says that she's sorry and that they're fine without her.
Grey is quick to pull her into her embrace, and Kimball follows soon after, and even if they both can't get an answer out of Carolina right now they still lead her into the bedroom and have her lay in the middle so they can both be touching her. And of course in the morning they sort everything out but until then they spend the night comforting Carolina. And Grey runs her hands through Carolina's hair in the way that she knows Carolina loves and Kimball presses soft, loving kisses to her face and neck and shoulder and hands and anywhere else she can reach and they do their best to try and assure Carolina that she is loved and that they're not happy unless she is with them. 
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baegentnorthdakota · 10 years
three-sentance fic: grey/kimball/carolina wedding
The reception is, of course, absolutely wild--Church gives a toast that goes on for fifteen minutes and tells stories that embarrass almost everyone in attendance, Grif cuts the cake and steals a piece before the newlyweds can get to it, Tucker and Sister have to constantly keep handing Wash tissues because the man won't stop getting weepy over how happy he is for them, and Carolina is pretty sure that North and York snuck off to make out in a closet after York caught her bouquet. 
Carolina had given up on the hopes for a perfect wedding, with the friends they all had there was no way nothing would go wrong, but when she looks into the eyes of the women she's marrying, at how Kimball seems to glow in her slim white suit and at Grey's wide smile as she twirls in her gown, she knows she wouldn't have it any other way.
It's a bit unconventional, but so are they.
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baegentnorthdakota · 10 years
carolina/kimball/grey, domestic AU
You are such an enabler and I love it.
On the weekends Kimball is always the first one up, eager to get the coffee brewing and start cooking breakfast, preparing everything exactly how she knows everyone likes it (they rely, after all, on her impeccable coffee-making skills).
Carolina follows, stretching, still sore after her evening work out, and she greets her girlfriend with a peck on the cheek before grabbing her coffee and getting comfortable on the couch with her laptop.
Grey only trails in when she knows breakfast is ready, somehow she's able to tell exactly when the french toast has made its way onto a plate, and once her stomach is full she curls up between her girlfriends and promptly takes a mid-morning nap.
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