baegentnorthdakota · 7 years
things that would drastically improve RWBY's storytelling: griffin mcelroy just going full bucksnort on everything. that and clint voicing ozpin
This reminds me of that post that’s like ‘Miles keeps tweeting about getting into Mcelroy content and I want to tell him to listen to TAZ and see what good storytelling is like’ and like.......yes. Just rip this show violently from RT’s hands and give it to Griffin and whatever he comes up with will be so much better than what we have now
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couriersiccs · 7 years
on a scale of girls to girls, girls
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hanari502 · 7 years
let terriermon say fuck
I want a terriermon plush so badly like you don’t understand how funny this all is to me guys
I want to own him
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yuggxm-blog · 7 years
SOURCE | Accepting
I’ve known you all my life. You took care of me, and I left when I was so young. You didn’t come, but I’m not mad. Your a busy man, who can’t afford to relocate. You still took care of me even from so far away. it was just you, no one else. You never neglected me, or your work. It’s truly admirable.
I visit when I can. My job is busy, and I know yours is too. Thank you, for always supporting me.
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soundsofstarlight · 8 years
gym leader stuff: i feel like your gym type would either be grass or normal, and your ace pokemon would either be persian or meganium
so meganium is like one of my first favorite grass pokemon so I would totally be ok with that
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fairythread · 8 years
the vibe i get from your blog: ethereal forest witch who might also like kissing lady shaped people
Bingo!!!! There it is!!!!
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snoofington · 8 years
snoof, i dont know what your secret project is, but if it involves black lady angels, im on board
it does indeed involve black lady angels ;) and angels (and demons and monsters and–) of a variety of ethnicities and color~
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hanari502 · 8 years
looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll
Lies and slander
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cancerously · 9 years
i completely forgot: rose lalonde and jade harley
1: sexuality headcanon: bisexual/pansexual, she is an Everything Girl2: otp: Jade/Karkat was really cute back in the day but I don’t ship it so much anymore. I’ll go with Jade/Davesprite! That was cute for quite a long time.3: brotp: Jade and Dave! I don’t ship them romantically, sorry yo4: notp: Jade/Eridan. I know this used to be a thing. I try to forget.5: first headcanon that pops into my head: I always like the idea that Jade also has a little doggie tail. It is cute and I’m keeping it6: favorite line from this character: “You can’t play in lava. You can only die in lava.”7: one way in which I relate to this character: spacey brains and science!!! and excitement!!! lots of exclamation points and emojis!!! :D Jade is also the embodiment of do no harm but take no shit and I love the hell outta that.8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: sometimes she can be insensitive/detached? which always makes me wince. 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: CINNAMON ROLL
1: sexuality headcanon: lesbian. girls all the way yo.2: otp: Rose/Kanaya ofc tho I gotta say Rose/Jade was cute once upon a time3: brotp: Rose and Karkat. They are absolute gems with one another.4: notp: Rose/Dave. I personally don’t ship incest pretty much. ever.5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Rose has a lot of those words that she’s only ever seen written and never pronounced before, so when she’s on the meteor she has to constantly figure out how to pronounce shit she’s only ever typed.6: favorite line from this character: "It's just that with the clarity afford by my new abilities, it occured to me just now that dead horse was likely the beautiful pet pony my mother gave me recently. It was crushed to death by your newborn ass. You bastard."7: one way in which I relate to this character: Trying to be brilliant 24/7, prioritizing information and study.8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Her whole alcoholism arc was reeeeeally hard to read for me, oh gosh.9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: problematic fav. I love her but this is what’s up yo.
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soundsofstarlight · 8 years
for the fandom thingy: the tales series
ok so there’s like 10 million characters to choose from so here we go:
who is the aesthetic blogger: Estelle
who is the sj blogger: Collette
who is the fandom blogger: Rita
who puts everything under a read more: Ludger
who posts the most selfies: Zelos
who is the biggest meme enthusiast: Edna
who makes really quality themes: Genis
who reblogs posts with pointless comments: Lloyd
who has the most followers: Milla
who uses 12 emojis in every post: Lailah
who had a really embarrassing superwholock phase that no one is allowed to speak of ever again: Hubert
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empressriful-blog · 9 years
Fact: you're no stranger to loooooooooooooove
I have a scar on my right arm from the office job I had a couple summers ago.
One of the things I had to do was stuff envelopes, and I had to fold the stuff that the envelopes would be filled with more often than not. I tended to crease the items in such a way that the edges of the papers would slide against this one part of my arm.
No, none of the things I sent out had blood on them.
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fairythread · 9 years
GREEN:I find you cute.
Thanks, dude!
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rytfujgkuhhgmjgh · 9 years
happy womb escape day
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yuggxm-blog · 8 years
@teenalphabro​  | 메시지의 출처 | Accepting !
☢ to learn about my character’s phobias
She won’t admit it, but she’s actually a little scared of raccoons. A few times when walking home while she was younger, she’d see one run across the street, and the way it ran would scare her a little as a child. 
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cancerously · 9 years
urdnot wrex, kolyat krios, vanessa
cole. vanessa is not a character and I realized I have no answers for Kolyat, whoops. I will do Wrex tho.
wrex:1: sexuality headcanon: probably bi but he’d seem like he’d have a preference for women.2: otp: fucking shepard/wrex because I’m garbage I’m total garbage3: brotp: wrex and mordin! I wanna hear more about their shit between ME2 and 3 like seriously.4: notp: I don’t... think I have one? He doesn’t have a lot of ships tbqh5: first headcanon that pops into my head: All I can think of is that headcanon that krogans drop their fucking children and see how much of a hole they make in the floor to determine strength. Also kroglump sleeping positions.6: favorite line from this character: “you should eat them”7: one way in which I relate to this character: ANYONE GIVING YOU PROBLEMS??? FIGHT THEM like that’s me all over man8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: he will never slow down not for one second and it almost gets everyone killed SO MUCH9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: both. probably more problematic fav but I love him
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