#grey and purple are hard to say since they aren’t usually the primary colour to use in power rangers
neoymm · 19 days
while billy himself turn into cap, he is a magical girl and/or without his sister Mary and his best friend Freddy (or brother idfk)
but the whole kids in the shazamily (6) is power rangers (/super sentai my beloved), they are so colour-coded that i think they fit more in power rangers/super sentai
but since mary is also red, imma a lil’ switch in colour and make her costume white (sorry mary :()
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temporary name for them
Marvel Red! (the captain as always)
Marvel White! (wise legendary type)
Marvel Blue! (the cool type)
Marvel Grey! (the tech type)
Marvel Green! (the nice type)
Marvel Purple! (comic relief type or the feminine type — idk man purple is usually the tech one but eugene got the tech one)
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juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
Word by Word | 01 (Bangchan x Reader)
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Genre: Fluff, Romance, University/College AU
Pairing: Graphic design student!Bangchan x Literature student!/Irish!Reader
Warnings: Swearing (but what can you honestly expect when dealing with an Irish person?)
Summary: An ancient saying dictates that polar opposites attract, which is proven once again once an introverted whiskey-loving aspiring author meets a fairly extroverted boy initially proposing to survive the loneliness brought about by academic administration together.
But soon the meaning of ‘together’ expands as personal creative worlds are explored and understanding stirs up hidden emotions.
Next Part
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For anxious people, friendly support from strangers oddly turning into companions is often needed to get through the day, finding solace in the kindred spirit of the bond has been established despite being not worth a dime. The previous semester could only be survived thanks to the small group of friends that made the seminars more bearable, huddling together and always having at least one to have as a research partner or discuss a primary source with. Withal, the university administration has different plans for the second half of the year, resulting in the complete split from familiar faces which will now only be seen on Monday for the start of the academic week with lectures.
Henceforth, yesterday was only the misleading silence before the storm, chatting and fooling around with curiously close relationships during the day. As per usual, multiple pairs of shoes found themselves to the habitual café by the canal to go for lunch together in between lectures, but a lonesome soul listening to the vivid chatter only settled for a cup of coffee since the stomach could possibly not handle more because of the all-nighter working on the next chapter of the attempted novel and composing a few more poems for a to-be-published-someday poetry bundle.
A chip off the old block, taking after the grandfather who raised a timid girl to become like this: full of too many voices and writing them down since that is the only acceptable form of schizophrenia in today’s society. Fortunately, it is while enjoying the company of Dante, a Birman with hellishly blue eyes of an extremely distrustful and arrogant nature except when being with an aspiring author rivalling with a relative. He mostly lies on the duvet on nights filled with the self-inflicted torture of bleeding behind a typewriter, occasionally jumping on the desk beneath the attic window where often a raven nicknamed Edgar settles down and demanding to be pet whenever a repose is taken for a glass o’ Irish whiskey when threatening to fall on hard creative times. Otherwise, dirty bean water is grand as well. Whatever the case, Dante conveniently though perfectly times it each time.
In the meanwhile, Virgil is likely functioning as company for Charles, who is also known as “Grandfather” during formal events of which most relate to publishing houses and to which he always has to be dragged while muttering unintelligible Gaelic profanities. Alternatively, it is the first full name whenever competing with one another or simply “Charlie” when the old balding man with a snow white moustache reviews the latest result of typing on the historic sidekick of every author. According to the in-house editor and occasional enemy, a typewriter is the sole source of ‘’pure writing’’ and imprinted the habit of working with the old school machine as soon as hands were able to write the letters formerly merely read in books.
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For those unfamiliar with the cats, it is impossible to draw a distinction between the two, but those who look closer notice that Virgil does not share the same eye colour with his brother, the ocean grey betraying the fact the fluffy bastard is indeed that. 
A bastard. 
Exactly like his owner and the owner’s granddaughter who was also born out of wedlock. 
However, even in Dante there is a trace of being not a full blood Birman since his slender skull hints at a Ragdoll influence though the selective sweetheart would never admit to it even if the ability of speech had been given to cats. 
All in all, all of us are outcasts so it has become the running joke beneath the roof of the outskirts mansion we are glorious bastards. Honestly speaking, it has a nice ring to it because if being separated from others for whatever reason counts as a qualification for becoming this, then the lack of pals in primary and high school is not minded. The same goes for the adoption by a loving howbeit harshly critical grandfather because the son who should have been a proper father could not bear the sight of the offspring originating in a scandalous affair with a secretary who had no mother instinct at all, thus sharing in the shallowness with her one-time lover.
Whiskey story nights filled with almost empty pens, digits stained with ink, reading breaks and lots of swearing in frustration or joy have come to form a steady aspect of life, Charlie clearly in a better mood when settling down to shape the rough paper diamonds in each other’s company despite the exchange of insults pertaining to manuscripts or in a loving manner. An Irishman can leave Ireland, but the Irishness will never leave the individual and the island tales that at times seem mere fantastic fancies create a bond with a heritage that would otherwise have never been known.
It is because of Charles, his upbringing that has not been without it struggles, and Dante and Virgil I am still here, exerting power as an author on the Internet after creating a manuscript on the typewriter that once belonged to the moustached man’s close American friend who, too, had a taste for liquor and a talent for writing. 
Apparently, one night at a party, this comrade was hit in the face by a drunken accountant who tried his hand at poetry nobody understood and insulted the boxer’s manhood, causing the offended party to strike the provoker down in drunken rage. Fortunately for the injured, the American was willing to forgive the insult after being offered an apology and the next day the papers reported the incomprehensible poet fell down the stairs, the accident resulting in a broken hip alongside other injuries, thus covering up the truth of being beaten black and blue.
When asking why nothing was done to stop the fight from escalating, the answer is always the same. ‘It was too much fun to see that idiotic sod being beaten up. Furthermore, he had it coming sooner or later because he was a fecking racist prick, Y/N. It was more of a service than a true crime.’
Basically, Granddad sat back with a bowl of popcorn and cheered his boxing buddy on.
Truly a gentleman bastard.
As proves to be an inherent characteristic, judging by the rage coming from the classically furnished writing room on the east side of the house bought with the royalties from writing pieces critical of the human condition and problems rooted in society under the guise of a cleverly composed story. ‘Virgil! For fuck’s sake, ye bloody gobshite!’
‘Charlie, how’s she cuttin’?’ Not so well, judging by the look of pure horror in fast passing stone-toned irises with elated pupils framed by deep earthy brown fur and liquid onyx paw prints creating a trail on the freshly mopped floor. What a way to leave the house before facing the horror of being left alone at the university because everyone has been placed in a different time slot. ‘Although, never mind.’
In the faux leather spinning chair behind the intricately designed baroque desk, agitated calloused fingers run through pale thin hairs while lips are pulled into a snarl at the sight of the obsidian pool of ink staining the pile of blank pages meant to be engraved with poetry. ‘Well, this is just fucking grand, isn’t it?’
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‘Think about your blood pressure, ye aren’t all that spry anymore and your fans will not like it if you kick the bucket already.’ Grinning like the purple cat in the favourite story to listen to while sitting by the hearth during childhood, dark flats wander the afromosia floor to the stout big man with an irritated iron gaze that slightly softens at the sight of the lass raised as a daughter rather than a granddaughter, the pupil who has turned more and more into a peer as time went by. ‘And Virgil isn’t as graceful as Dante, prone to causing accidents yet you love him all the same.’
‘Ah, feck off.’ An eyebrow raises in question when settling down into the fauteuil in front of the bureau, casually crossing one leg over the other and endeavouring to suppress the pressing yawns as best as possible. ‘It’s yer first day of university after a week of being a dosser and you pulled an all-nighter while having to show up early. You’re not the full shilling, are ye?’
‘No. No, I’m not, but you are what you eat. I’m fine, Charlie. And I worked on a couple of poems, mind you, and also wrote two more chapters for Paper Wonderland. Furthermore, I read ahead for this block’s course so, overall, I’ve been productive.’
‘You haven’t been until I’ve seen the first drafts.’ It is a house rule: there are no actual original versions of a part of a tale unless the stern editor has seen it and given feedback. Otherwise, it is nothing more than stained paper. 
‘Oi, I want to keep some element of surprise to blow you off yer socks when you read the full result. Where’s the fun in being spoiled beforehand when it can become the reason I’ll finally conquer the throne you’re currently sitting on. One day, one day I’ll finally be recognized as more than mere family.’
The mentor stands up to walk around the chaotically ruined heavy piece of furniture to put an encouraging hand on the shoulder and give it a little encouraging squeeze, which gets nullified by a comment that makes the characteristic need for rivalry flare up. ‘Keep dreaming about that day, ye wee chiseler, and maybe, just maybe you’ll manage.’
A sarcastic mirthless chuckle functions as a nullifying factor for the elder’s smugness while standing up from the oddly comfortable espresso brown chair to head for the door. ‘You really like throwing shapes, don’t ye, gramps?’
‘As much as any grand man.’ The old great man matches the pace to the young feet eventually coming to a halt at the entrance of the writing office. 
At the double doors, on the edge of a casual temporary farewell, all devilishness fades away into fatherly concern due to the realization a difficult social challenge has to be faced, having had many conversations about the introverted anxiety of a mask-wearing lass who merely acts like a young professional while working as a barista to earn a little cash on the side. ‘Take that puss off yer face, Y/N. You’re gonna be grand because you’re a full-grown woman with an Irish background. We’re tough people made of iron who don’t take anyone’s intimidation.’ 
Two big wrinkled hands wrap themselves around upper arms clad in a neatly-ironed alabaster collared shirt as a moustached mouth places a familial hope-giving smooch on the forehead before giving the right cheek a weak playful slap. ‘Now, go, you fine thing. Maybe you’ll catch the eye of a proper laddie.’
‘Feck off.’ A playful punch on the shoulder undoes the intimacy and grants the opportunity to crack on to catch the bus towards doom after putting on a khaki trench coat and slinging the stone-grey laptop bag over the shoulder.
‘I don’t recommend effin’ and blindin’, though. Tends to give a bad image,’ is the last piece of laughingly uttered advice which is seemingly also disregarded howbeit with an absently-minded waving hand wandering down the sandstone cobblestone path towards the main road. 
And before taking an immediate right out of the gate towards the nearest bus stop, the other one holds the habitual saviour in the form of a book already.
An opportunity to escape the nervousness brought about by cruel reality that is taken away when bumping into someone, an accident which still tends to happen despite the mastery of avoidance skills, and the account of the life of a bookseller falls onto the concrete. 
Eyes as big as a doe’s when caught in the headlights of a rapidly approaching car stare in horror at annoyed molten chocolate irises above an admittedly adorable big nose, irritated by an ignorant daydreamer under the constant scrutiny of the world, which quickly gain a weird gentleness when truly looking back. ‘I’m so, so fe- sorry. I should watch where- no, watch my footing. Again, I’m so sorry.’
Please, don’t get mad. Grand job, Y/N. The day’s barely begun and you already messed up.
‘It’s alright.’ Bleached short locks clad in an onyx leather jacket squat down to pick up the paperback on the ground, long pale fingers dusting off the little dirt the impact of the fall has caused to stain the cover before handing it back. ‘You dropped this.’
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Trembling hands accept a small piece of peace of mind, gaze averted from the small fading kind smile on the young man’s face to stare with burning cheeks and a raving heart at dark flats aching to flee the situation. ‘Thanks.’
‘Miss? Are you alright?’ The lost distant type of contact from just a second ago is futilely tried to be re-established, unable to connect thus to a soul with a thousand voices within now all rendered to a flustered whisper. 
‘Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll- I need to go. Don’t want to miss the bus.’ A curt nod ends the conversation abruptly, turning away as fast as lightning while muttering a form of apologetic goodbye as the walking pace enhances to a speed barely shy of running. ‘Again, my apologies.’
However, as Fate or mere coincidence would have it, this meeting is not the last as tracks are silently retraced by foreign sneakers as blasting songs from various genres disclose the world from a never tranquil consciousness.
A few minutes more the blissful unknowing continues, reading irises stuck in the sceptic description of a man able to do what wants to be done in case becoming a writer does not work out.
A few minutes more the wind has the possibility to play freely with locks without it being noticed nor minded.
Then all changes with the approach of the awaited vehicle. 
The loudness comes back with the bus.
And an ink-black leather jacket.
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homedesignlog-blog · 6 years
20 Awesome Brick Walls in the Bathroom
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I WILL’t inform you enough how much i am excited about brick walls in the interiors. As a kid, we have been advised of the tale about the Three Little Pigs where one in every of these brothers (the last one) made a home of bricks that saved him and his brothers from the big dangerous wolf that went to the first homes and destroyed them. So, with that, we all know how much strong and neat brick walls (or houses) are. Below, you can be seeing a fantastic checklist that showcases a list of bathrooms that experience brick walls – either as accent walls or their primary walls. This list presentations a pair of bogs with the traditional purple brick walls whilst a few have white brick partitions. you should go beforehand and take a look at this list and pick a favourite – red or white!
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Jane Kim Design First prevent is your conventional purple brick walled rest room from Jane Kim Layout. The furnishings in right here glance in point of fact vintage and really attention-grabbing. the choice of toilet furnishings in here's slightly one thing, even the tile used to enrich the red bricks is just so fancy.
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RKM Internal Design This part of the bathroom i locate attention-grabbing. i'm hoping that whoever uses the tub wouldn't hit the ceiling component to the brick arch. As you'll be able to see, the distinction at the pink bricks and the white bathtub makes each of these things stand out – particularly the white bath.
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Stephen Fletcher Architects I Like the immaculate steel bath in this rest room. It’s loopy unique and i’d love to in reality have one when I CAN in fact find the money for it. the usual white tub in an ordinary rectangle or the ones adorable oval ones are pretty, however i believe that having a stainless bath would be attention-grabbing and cool altogether.
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Break Out From Settee Here Is one contemporary layout of a tub which in truth seems to be in point of fact fancy. I don’t produce other photos of this house but i think throughout from the bathtub is the bed – pretty cool, right? i actually dream of having a bath with regards to my bed even separately from the bathroom. I Love this.
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Studio 10 Internal Layout The contrast of the crimson brick wall and that of the white wall is rather cool. It makes me suppose which one is actually the accent wall and which one is the primary wall that wanted accenting. With the uncovered ceiling and the matching wooden flooring, i believe this toilet is considered one of the prettiest in this listing.
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Wolveridge Architects This Bathroom is something – with white walls and ceiling and the fundamental white rest room fixtures, the use of pink bricks for the aspect of the bathtub and the floor is one awesome move. It creates a loft feel and on the same time, it makes it seem like other puts. It appears nice in this picture, but I WILL’t say the same after we see it in person.
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Tyrrell and Laing Global, Inc. The Primary merchandise or the focus of this toilet is actually the bathtub. Why now not? It without a doubt deserves an entire lot of consideration because it looks actually lovely and comfortable. As so much because the white portions of this toilet glance divine, i believe the extra brick wall on the upper part of the wall and the brown granite as the countertop and backsplash makes an entire lot of difference in right here.
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Hudson Place Realty While I first saw this photograph I were given confused with the decorations behind the tub; toilets don’t regularly have this so much decorations and never rest room similar stuff, if you realize that I mean. I’m undecided if this was once staged or whatnot, but i think that those cabinets undoubtedly made this space fascinating.
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Flux Interiors The Primary time I came across this bathroom photograph, it used to be hard for me to really in finding the best size that i needed and whilst I did, i was in reality satisfied. I Really Like spaces that showcase vintage decorations or Americana that makes it truly appealing. I imply, i know no longer all of the visitors who would talk over with this house might see how beautiful this Pinocchio portrait is, however i believe it really seems to be unique.
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Contramark Contramark certain made sure that this bathroom could seems awesome and ideal. The distinction at the prints, textures and colors in this rest room is quite interesting and very fascinating. i've never noticed such a lot drama (the good sort) in a bathroom. I mean, i do know there are fancier and perhaps extra stunning toilets however this one appears just like it is where it belongs.
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Peter Landers Photography As so much brick partitions can be great for an entire room, having bits of it in the house (in the bathroom, for that topic) creates a extra funky aura. A Few areas do not really want that funky contact however for others who want to deliver a touch of a loft in their houses, toilets like this one ought to do the trick.
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Carl Leroy-Smith I particularly like how a lot better bath tubs appears to be like beside a brick wall. The distinction of colour makes it stand out and just about makes it extra appealing than it already is. It makes the tub glance love it’s actually inviting and i guess the home homeowners made this phase sure in order that bathing can be as enjoyable as it have to be – all of the time.
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Court Atkins Workforce I WILL’t say so much about this loo as a result of this is already an outstanding space to even speak about it. The use of white, picket, granite and bricks make this bathroom different and cool. i like the colour via the door and above it – it’s captivating.
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John Cannon Homes When I saw this image, i used to be as to what number of a few of the pictures in this listing has brick partitions by way of the lavatory space as much as the ceiling part? I didn’t really test what number of – however however, I’m happy that now we have this one on the list for reference. Making arches fabricated from brick is common however adding it via the bathroom is an even thing; at least i think so.
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Otero Signature Properties I’m afraid that you actually have to actually zoom on this photograph for you to give you the option to see the white brick wall however don’t worry because it sure is one neat thought. They introduced the brick wall at the back of the mirrors and the sconces. i believe that this bathroom is one beautiful area to chill and take a bath.
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Inner Intuitions, Inc. You Can mainly see the outdoors from the window by means of the shower, and why not if you happen to have a big outside that the neighbor can’t see, proper? i like how nice this transform is, aside from that it has to many corners that children aren’t supposed to be right here; the corners of this toilet might be dangerous – unless of course that is child-proofed.
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Tonic Layout Featured this photograph as soon as ahead of and i suppose this one wishes this publicity as it is just so neat. the combination of the pink brick, the black glossy tiles and grey diagonally positioned ground tiles make this space somewhat masculine; particularly the reality that this has a black bath too. however, i feel this area is still beautiful and sophisticated.
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Tom Hurt Structure I wish that you'll see the other aspect of this loo; across from the reflect – there you'll see the beautiful tub. even when the wall on that aspect is not so pretty, generally, i believe that this toilet has slightly of an Asian touch to it and it’s moderately catchy and neat.
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Hansgrohe UNITED STATES this is but a small element of all of the toilet but since the brick is noticed in this attitude, i assumed that we must proportion this with you guys. The contrast of the red bricks that serves because the backsplash and the white walls, beams, loo and flooring makes the bricks in reality wanted.
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Catlin Stothers Design Remaining but surely now not the least is a minimalist lavatory area. i like how uncooked this space in fact appears to be like with out a lot paint on the wall and the concept that it kind of feels no longer completed or what but still looking truly superior. i really like how the incomplete aura makes it unique from other spaces. This record won't appear such a lot for a few, however i feel that seeing bathrooms just like the ones in this checklist makes for great concepts and concept for designs you'll use in the long run, whether or not it’s professionally or personally. If you have the chance despite the fact that, be at liberty to take a look at the dining ares with brick partitions and propose us as to what we will be able to do again next time! Read the full article
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