#gremlin wives
nanowatzophina · 9 months
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Sometimes you just gotta draw your favorite chaotic bee wives…
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sobcomix · 4 months
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Big Wife (blacksmith) and small wife (retired assassin)! Are they going to have to put on their old adventurer's cloaks and save their son after he got kidnapped by gremlins after they EXPLICITLY said not to???
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coconut530 · 8 months
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tvrningout · 6 months
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     so i mentioned before that tengen gives me the vibe of someone who thinks they’re the best and worst at the same time, depending on when you catch them, and here’s why!! uhh warning: this one’s a doozy of a headcanon, meaning it’s long as hell :’ ) 
personal blogs, do not interact!
     first of all, thank you ufotable for giving us extra scenes that let us see more of tengen and his wives bc that contributed to this headcanon <3 deviations that anime tend to take aren’t always for the better, but in this case, i’m really happy with the changes they made bc i feel like we can get a better look at tengen’s mindset/motivations. but let me not get ahead of myself here!!
     i know that tengen’s intro is him proclaiming himself a god, and generally he gives off the impression that he thinks highly of himself. when gyutaro asks, “ you’re their savior, aren’t you? ...their affection and gratitude toward you know no bounds, huh? ” he even eggs the upper moon on by saying, “ i’m a flashy, glamorous ladies’ man, so that’s a no-brainer. and i even have three wives no less. ” he is trying to provoke gyutaro, but tengen is well aware that he’s someone who naturally gains admiration and envy bc he’s tall, handsome, strong, and yeah -- he’s got three wives!
     so i don’t think tengen generally struggles with confidence or self esteem, but he does struggle with guilt. during that fight with gyutaro when he’s saying that tengen must’ve been special the day he was born, a chosen talent, tengen all but laughs in his face and denies that he has any talent -- it’s a load of crap when just how many lives have slipped through his fingers?? too many. he isn’t like kyojuro who protected an entire train of people and didn’t allow a single person to die, even if it was at the cost of his own life. 
     and the thing is, tengen is crazy strong and obviously does have talent since he has incredibly good hearing, but based on his background and opinion, he likely didn’t have a natural talent with combat. the training his father put him through molded him into the warrior he is, made him capable of becoming a pillar. he wasn’t like muichiro or even kyojuro who taught himself flame breathing. tengen wasn’t born extraordinary. he was made extraordinary through blood and sweat and tears and loss.
     but his lack of natural talent is nothing to be ashamed of! it’s the fact that he’s let so many people die and likely killed people as well. it’s the fact that his wives nearly died because of him. it’s the fact that his siblings are dead while he’s still alive. 
     in the anime, we get an extra scene between tengen and his wives in which they go to the uzui family grave to visit his brothers. there’s a moment where tengen slips and says, “ i’m going to hell,” and then proceeds to brush it off lightheartedly bc he doesn’t want another “ tongue-lashing ” from his wives. but he then thinks to himself, “ i’m going to live the flashiest life possible for my siblings’ sake. ” 
     first!!! the fact that he specifically says he doesn’t need another tongue-lashing from his wives implies he’s said this kind of thing before, and i love that little detail bc that means hina, suma, and makio are all three aware of tengen’s struggle and wholeheartedly believe he shouldn’t feel guilty. and the fact that they think he shouldn’t feel guilty plus the fact that he wants to live a “ flashy ” life for his siblings’ sake means that he 100% feels responsible for his siblings’ deaths. in the second official fanbook, we find out that tengen’s father tricked him and his siblings into fighting each other to the death by masking them, and as a result, tengen killed two of his brothers. it’s no wonder that he believes he’s going to hell despite having been tricked.
     i do wonder if it also has to do with his own feelings towards the shinobi way of life. they were expected to risk their lives for the mission, but that isn’t what tengen wanted from the start, i’m sure. how could he when he lost some of his siblings before they were even ten years old? or when he saw how his father treated his family? how could he when he married hina, makio, and suma, and suddenly had people who he felt responsible for, who he wanted to protect? he didn’t want to die for something like duty to a lifestyle he hated -- he wanted to live. he wanted to live beside his family, beside his wives, and he wanted them to live, too. and i wonder if that didn’t lead to deaths he could’ve prevented. you hesitate when you’re afraid of dying, after all.
     plus!! tengen says, “ those who have baggage like conflict or quandaries are spineless fools. that’s always been the story of my life, ” so his desire to survive has been a struggle for him even while he was a shinobi. but then oyakata-sama tells him thank you for fighting despite those conflicts and quandaries and validates that desire. it isn’t something to be ashamed of, and he doesn’t have to fight with the intention of laying down his life if need be. i’m sure he thought oyakata-sama would expect that of him, which is why he looks absolutely surprised by his response.
     HOWEVER, that doesn’t negate the guilt tengen feels for the people he’s lost as a result of his “ quandaries. ” he’s grown, and now he doesn’t hesitate bc he fights with the intention of winning so long as it isn’t at the expense of his or his wives’ lives. he’s got better judgement bc he has clear intentions without the weight of another’s expectations on him. but he’ll never forget his siblings and the others he’s lost because he wasn’t willing to die for them.
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saraonarasauce · 1 year
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A small gift for the best meiko simp I could possibly know (and the love of my life). @lopsai
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ddlcpoly · 6 months
Day 22: Pirate
*Natsuki while bored in MC’s room found a drawing of a male character with a large stature, wearing a pirate hat, bushy black beard and hair; his hands chained together in a large metal restraint and a insane look in his eyes. While she looked at it she heard something fall behind her. She turned around and saw MC looking stunned with a large bag of chips now on the floor*
MC: Where did you find that?
Natsuki, now smirking: Oh, you mean this thing? This drawing of what I can only assume is a One Piece OC? It was just laying around here.
MC: I knew I should’ve burn it.
Natsuki: Awww, cmon it’s cool, when did you make this?
MC, mumbling: Middle school.
Natsuki: Lol, could’ve guessed. Do you wanna see my cringey middle school OCs? Y’know as fair game?
MC: Wait you-
Natsuki: Dude, I’m a weeb since who knows when, of course I’m going to have drawing of OCs I made!
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cavegirlpoems · 21 days
A story from back when I played D&D. It might have been 3.5 or pathfinder or fantasycraft or one of that ilk. Might even have been 4e. It was like a decade ago.
So. Standard D&D. A party of bold adventurers of diverse origins and skillsets gets together to explore a perilous dungeon and stop a cartoonish baddy. The usual.
I end up building a fairly typical character for me. A goblin Rogue/Assassin. A stealth/melee build designed to get the drop on an enemy, do a bunch of rapid damage, and then fuck off.
She was lawful evil, and firmly in the team-fortress-two-sniper school of "You know who has a lot of feelings? Men what bludgeon their wives to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards." school of being a mercenary. I think I even did an aussie accent.
Anyway her schtick was that she'd noticed 'Adventurers' got to do as much violence as they wanted without social consequences, and she loved violence! So she was gonna do a stint as an adventurer, so once she was done she could go home with a big sack of gold to spend on booze and cake and hot girls. But right now she was on the job, so she was an extremely professional team player with a strict code of conduct. Always be honest with the team, follow the plan, don't mess things up for the team, split the loot evenly. Standards.
Verna was a horrible efficient little murder gremlin who was also proudly guild-certified. * * *
Now, another PC was a chaotic neutral gnome bard who was leaning hard on the 'gnomes are amusingly racist to goblins and kobolds and think this is funny and endearing' thing. He teased Verna a bunch about being green and ugly, which she studiously ignored because - remember - she had Professional Standards.
Anyway, there was a human NPC we met that she didn't like, saying he was a bit stupid and very annoying. Our gnome bard decided it would be very funny to use one of his enchantment spells to make Verna suddenly horny for him and watch what happened.
Verna sees the gnome who keeps fucking with her walk up, wave his hands and babble some arcane nonsense, and now she has weird funny feelings she can't explain. She does some thinking and concludes that she'll pay the human for a snog later, because right now this guy's just obviously cast a spell to mess with her mind, which was Not Okay. Of course, she had Professional Standards, so...
She walks up to our gnome friend and basically informs him: "Hi! I know you just did some magical brainwashing on me, and I am not going to tolerate this! However, because we're in a team together, and I don't want this to become a problem, I am going to very generously allow you to settle the matter with me. We will have a bout of single combat to first blood, and then whoever wins I will consider the matter settled and my honour satisfied, and you won't do that again, and we won't mention it. This is a very kind offer of mine, because I have Standards; where I come from the normal response would be to say nothing and strangle you in your sleep tonight."
And our gnome, who is a spellcaster not a combatant, looks at this and decides he doesn't want to get shown up by her, and basically tells her that if she doesn't like getting messed with she can go back to the goblin village, and laughs at her.
So. Shrug. Quickdraw as a free action. I get a surprise round. You're flat footed, so it's easy to hit and I get sneak attack damage. 3/4 of his health is gone. Initiative. He says he wants to say sorry. I respond that he can say that when it gets to his initiative count, but right now it's my action and he's still flat-footed and here's my big pile of d6s for sneak attack and oh dear I think that's him on -10 hp, so he's not going to get the chance.
* * *
Anyway this kicked off a massive shitstorm ooc about how I just kicked off PvP and murdered a PC for no reason and the game fell apart because the gnome's player genuinely didn't seem to understand that 'mind control' is a hostile action. This was in the bad old days before safety tools and I was playing in a fairly neckbeardy group, so 'a man makes a woman horny against her will to humiliate her and laughs about it' was apparently not a deal-breaker while 'the woman stabs him for it' was.
I still think I wasn't the bad guy in this scenario.
There is no point to this story I just wanted to share it.
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Ooh, for Shen Yuan’s looks I was thinking a black, blue and silver theme, to Bing-ge’s black, red and gold.
(You can’t tell me emperor Bing-ge, also the Huan Hua Palace master, doesn’t have at least some gold in his formal outfits).
If you look at crow feathers, they have a sort of blue sheen in the right lighting, so blue would be quite fitting!
I also like the idea of his hair being mostly elegant and classy, but with some cute little braids that include colored threads weaved in them, plus shiny bobbles and feathers hanging off the ends. The braids are from his crow family members. It’s a traditional grooming practice!
Anon I am MADLY in love with you. We're going to high five and hug and frolic in the fields together if I ever find out who you are. The idea of little braids being in otherwise elegant hair really fits with my perception of "mainly classy Shen Yuan until his bird instincts kick in (he's also a little gremlin before that)", because he obviously wants to keep his hair neat and presentable but he also has the natural instinct to let people braid his hair to show affection! (Definitely have to have a wholesome little scene where Shen Yuan shows Bing-ge how to braid his hair in the traditional fashion). I love the idea of shiny things being in his hair as well, through shiny beads and threads. BONUS POINTS if he has a shiny little thing that holds his hair up and counts as a little dagger (gifted by one of the others in the crow family as a precaution. Can also be traditional for those who come of a certain age!) On another note, thinking about Shen Yuan in half human form. He retains his wings and I like to think he has spatterings of feathers crawling up his spine and the back of his neck, around the edges of his cheeks maybe? He looks mainly human, but I'd find it cool if he still had those little patches of feathers (like when you see patches of scales on a dragon-shifter type character)
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Oh, this is so fun. I've always loved a protective family, and I love Bing-ge being struck by the audacity of the crow family and also jealousy because nobody ever acts like this about him!! His wives do, he supposes, but that's for their own selfish reasons! They don't really care about him like the crow family cares for Shen Yuan. The crow family is only not attacking him because Shen Yuan has said that it's "not cool" to attack the emperor, or whatever. Corvids can mimic that stuff?? Oh my god, the ANTICS! Shen Yuan would totally use it to mess with people when he's bored, jumpscaring people and having fun with story time for the kids. He would also use it when stealing, so that he doesn't have to needlessly hurt anyone to get to the shiny thing he covets, the human side of him holding him back. I'd find it super funny that when the crows (cultivating or not) meet Bing-ge, a few start spurting out every curse they've ever heard from humans, and Shen Yuan has to explain that they're mimicking what they hear people say, they don't mean it! (probably-) {part five! Part one, part two, part three, part four, part six, part seven!!}
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Perhaps In Another Life P2
Part 2 of this let's go!
This is inspired by a similar post by @o3o-aya and I wanted to put my own take now. Daki will be included but their own parts will be PLATONIC!! COMPLETELY PLATONIC!!
Summery is the reactions of the Upper/Lower Moons watching you run back to your Haishira s/os upon their defeat. Will stay sfw etc.
Warnings for yandere themes, kidnapping mentions, death, Karaku and Enmu ARE their own warnings, possibly some innuendos,etc.
Zohakuton will be included as a part of Hantengu's but bit he's written as PLATONIC!!
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Your husband warned you not to get on trains.
This was the reason why. How you ended up being trapped by a sadistic gremlin like demon who took fascination in you. First it was just an idea to hold you as bait for your Flame Haishira husband seen sneaking around the trains lately but it quickly became a more intimate fascinating for him as he watched your dreams and thought the tears you had as you begged to be reunited with your husband was so delicious.
So that's why he cursed those brats who killed him and glared with the hatred of a thousand nightmares at the Haishira who gave him a similar stare of his own holding you unconscious body in his arms.
However he's smugly satisfied knowing he forever put the fear of loosing each other in your minds. His part will always be in your minds.
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He knew something was up when Daki brought back a woman that was infiltrating the houses to find them. Stupid really. But he had her comb through the other houses quickly in order to cut down on anyone.
She ended up finding three other women including you.
You were so pretty. So pretty it made his sister pause seeing her brother's reaction to you and gave her the idea of keeping you as a kind of doll and gifting you to her brother. He agreed. Asked his sister to get rid of your wives. Got angry when he learnt you married. Got angrier when your husband showed up looking for his wives.
And now here he was crying out to his sister and blaming her for allowing those damned brats to find where they hid you. Watching with tears as you were group hugged by your wives. Clinging to your severely injured husband as poison pulsed through his body.
He wanted to cry out for you. But his mouth was already disintegrated. All he could do was cry a few miserable angry tears and hope in your next life he could claim you first.
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You were kind and compassionate. That's what the Love Haishira loved most about her girlfriend, a.k.a You. And you loved her just as much. Unfortunately it was that kindness that was your downfall. You showed some kindness outta fear when you ran into the Upper Moon Four, and he had taken you.
Deluding himself into believing that you two were in love all along and the evil slayer brainwashed you into thinking you were in love with her instead.
So he couldn't stop sobbing when he saw the pink haired woman he had been fighting swinging you around in her arms happy to have you back. You were crying too, latching onto her as she twirled you around.
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DAM SLAYERS!! DAM YOU!! HOW DARE THEY TAKE YOU FROM HIM!! HOW DARE YOU EMBRACE THAT WOMAN!! He's angry with everyone until the bitter end as he watches through Zohakutan's eyes.
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Like Sekido he's so angry and bitter! He resents the way you chose your wide over them and he resents the pink haired Haishira most of all.
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CRYING. SOBBING. He wants to yell out to you and beg you to come back. They'll be better he promises! Unfortunately his tears and turmoil can't be heard outside of Zohakutan as they all disintegrate into coming.
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He's mostly numb to be honest. He wants to say something but doesn't know what to say. He couldn't anyways even if he tried being trapped inside with the other three. But he does feel deep regret making you cry like that.
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His first instinct is to try and make Zohakutan screech at them. He panics when he realizes that he's unable to do that. Like Aizetsu, panics and cries from within where no one can hear them.
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Like Urami and Sekido, he's angry and resentful. However being the clone of hatred it's amplified to the extremes as he hears the other sevens' mixed reactions.
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ratskinsuit · 7 months
*Thows this into the pit I keep you all in*
Here gremlins, food, specifically Adam flavored
This was made for my very best friends birthday, that was on march 2nd @chaoticcornchip, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL <3
(I���ve never written for Adam before so expect shittyness, and she let me do this)
Boyfriend headcanons: + Random ones
He definitely confessed first, because he’s Adam
Idk what sort of dark magic you did to get him to fall for you
Or have him STAY committed, that’s an achievement
When you two first started dating, you kind of just assumed that he would keep it hidden
He is FLAUNTING you all around heaven.
Doesn’t let you go anywere near hell (whether your a demon or not) he doesn’t trust it
Honestly very scared of losing you
(He has abandonment issues because I say so)
Is terrified if you leaving him just like his other two wives did
He will just randomly call you at like 3am because he’s overthinking and he’s lonely
His love language is your time spent together
Whether it’s him ranting about his day to you or just a movie and cuddles
Also expect lots of gifts, you will be spoiled
If he’s busy one day and isn’t there to spend time with you, expect to find something like a necklace on your dresser
He is very good with animals because I SAY SO
You say you like dog? Here’s a wolf
You like cats? Panther or lion?
You two have to go on ATLEAST one dinner date a week
Also takes you to nice ass places
Kinda shitty table manners but he tries his best for you
Random but I like to think he’s terrified of clowns
So if you are like some sort of jester!Reader/Clown!Reader he would be so conflicted (might write that but idk)
No circus dates
Mimes also freak him out, he thinks they are going against nature and he will scream if one comes near one
Since he tends to work a lot, to make up for it he always makes time for you
Or if his schedule is really packed he will surprise you with your favorite flowers and food/candy on your dresser when you wake up
Honestly even though he seems like someone who would forget your anniversary or your birthday
No. He does not
He goes all out of them, remembers the place, time and date
Seems like a shitty lover, is honestly not and cares about you sm
He just has a hard time expressing it
Since you two are dating you probably hang out with lute a lot (y’all can have Adam I want lute 😩)
You better hope she likes you because she is very judgy of adams girlfriends because she doesn’t want his heart to get broken
But when she sees how happy you make him, and how well you treat and care for him she warms up to you
His phone background is a picture of you
Isn’t lying when he says he has a big dick, not THE biggest ever but pretty good
7 1/2 inches, pretty good
Okay, high ass sex drive
Literally constantly in a state of horny, it’s his default setting
Willing to do it anywhere, anytime, everywhere
You hav to physically PRY him off of you sometimes (not in a noncon way ofc)
Can probably go like 2 rounds, sometimes 3 but then starts getting tired
He’s honestly up for anything except for things like scat, piss, Vore, noncon ect-
Is fine with threesomes but prefers doing it with you alone
Up for pegging, you two just have to have a lot of trust in your relationship
Knock him down a few pegs bestie
And put them up his ass
Very clingy after
Aftercare consists of the two of you cuddling and eventually going to sleep
Will leave the cleaning up for later, he just wants to hold you in his arms for now
LOVES phone sex/sexting because of how busy he is
Has a folder full of photos of you (if you send them to him)
Really into Public sex
He’s a whore
Has tried to fuck you in a Photo Booth before
Whether you let him or not us your choice
This is all I got I haven’t written him yet I’m so sorry
Have this chaotic mess. I also have like 23 requests to do, IM WORKING ON THEM I PROMISE, I’ve got a Vox one in my drafts rn I gotta finish. Anyways, happy birthday @chaoticcornchip! :D hope you enjoyed!
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠
Summary: Being the director and also a single mum of 462818 people at the same time, being shown in Y/N. Y/L/N's newest Instagram post with some special guest
A/N: I really enjoy making these Instagram AU posts, and you will see my inner gremlin appearing lol and İ'll make a second and even third part for it!
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Liked by benbarnes, jacktwolfe, aarontaylorjohnson and 5,897,476 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Did they force me to take them on a train ride? Yes. Did I loose a bet? Also yes. So, as a result, I'm broke now. Please start a campaign and funds.🤭🤗
Also, don't let Jack's innocence fool you, that man is a real life Wylan and is a menace to society. He ate 15 burgers. Fuck you 🖕😑
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User1: I love how Y/n is the sugar mommy of the cast djskdjsj
User2: The way she is trully the mom apart from being the director. They are like a family 🥰
Y/N: A family that uses me... Cruel, cruel kids. Look at their smiles! They know what they are doing 🥲
freddycarter1: you made us walk under extreme hot weather and left us to die in a desert! It's only fair 😌
Y/N: Shut up Kazzle Dazzle, and eat your burger! And I gave you umbrellas, ıt's enough.
Sab.Memes: Jack ate 15 burgers?! *Chokes on water* HOW CAN HE DO THAT?!
User4: I feel bad for Y/N, she earns money through them and still spend it for them 😂
Y/NFanforever23: She knows guys, she know the power the fans have!
Y/N: I watched people start campaign and cancelling celebrities, ending their whole life. FAN SUPREMACY IS THE ONLY TRUE POWER!! 🫡
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Liked by benbarnes, shadowandbone, freddycarter1 and 3,789,968 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Here is a warning: I'm everywhere and I see all of you... Please keep doing God's work by making memes🤭
1. There is a reason why I chose Ben as Darkling, only one reason: He is the ultimate CEO of puppy eyes... A good way to manipulate people because I fell for it. And Leigh and I fought very hard for them to accept him already.
2. Apart from the fact that he killed innocents, manipulated kids and offered one to the Royal family, used many people and created the Fold alonsgide other War crimes... It seems my job is over *drops the mic and leaves the stage to go and write the New script,crying*
3. Real applause for Alina because I would have folded and accepted immediately.
P.S: Ben is getting ready to defend Darkling in his Insta story while avoiding me... And laying over my lap and making me play with his hair.
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kittheyounger: When exactly are you going to stop sharing memes of us?
Y/N: Never? You should be grateful I'm not sharing every one of your's fetus photos and the ones I took to blackmail you later :)
archierenaux3: Couldn't be me hehe
Y/N: Keep living in your dreams :) @archierenaux3
User7: She is so real for the third slide 🤣
User9: Ben is so babygirl for her I can't-
User3: The way Y/N just terrorizes the entire cast with those childhood photos is too funny to me 😂
User6: That's some Queen behaviour... another day another slay from Y/N 💯
User1: She is known to have a talent for taking photos when no one sees and notices her so... For all we know, she could take photos of us and we still wouldn't know.
User5: And she only annoys the male cast members... 😌🤔I wonder why she doesn't do the same with others?
Y/N: They are my little babies and precious wives, they could do no wrong 🥰
Benbarnes: Talk about favouritism... And I'm her boyfriend.
Y/N: And they are my wives, so? 🤗
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Liked by benbarnes, tchalamet, lilyjcollins, kit.connor and 6,243,125 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Oh, the amount of chaos here... *Sips wine* 🤭🍷
P.S: He came to me crying and asking what was wrong with the fans... I said he was so hot for his own good and now, he refuses to meet my eye because he blushes too much... Sir, you are 41 not 15! Either way, what a cutie 😌🤭
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benbarnes: you promised to not share these!
Y/N: Haven't you learnt nothing is safe with me?
User5: Poor Shadow Daddy... Show us more.🫣
User3: The cast once said that Ben blushes the most when Y/N is near or the one who compliments him... My heart can't take it!
User6: I want what they have! ❤️
User3: They both had become so good to each other, especially Y/N... Seeing my baby happy makes me cry tears of joy 🥹
User6: I hope they will get married already! We need little Y/L/N- Barnes in our lives 🥲
User4: When can I get a Y/N or Ben in my life?
User2: And just like that, I'm scared for what's waiting for us and Matthias in SaB season 3...
User1: ıf people doesn't know... Y/N is very good at drama and slicing our hearts and squeezing it painfully with her emotional scenes and talent for shooting those scenes just... Diferrently.
User3: We are doomed... Like girl, who hurt you that much?
Y/N: Trauma, tears, sadness and more trauma are what's waiting for yall probably... Sorry🫣 And I love watching and reading heartwrenching things in general, no one hurt me so don't come at Ben😄😇
benbarnes: Thanks love... Your fans scare me...
User1: Suddenly, ıt's a need to see Kaz and Monopoly together
Y/N: You wouldn't want that... Freddie gets too absorbed in his character and we thought it was a good idea to do this... It didn't turn out well
User5: The way Ben is scared of Y/N's fanbase is very funny... *Evil laugh* Sir, you are dating our girl, millions are after your ass as soon as we see a tear on her pretty face 🙎🔪
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Liked by benbarnes, kittheyounger, amitasuman_, freddycarter1 and 10,895,675 others
Y/N Y/L/N: This cast had become my everything, all these amazing people changed me in the best way possible and I'm grateful to have met them. I'm known to always share funny things but today, I wanted to show my love and appreciation. I'm thankful for accepting the offer to direct and also take a role in this amazing job. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better version of myself, thank you for changing my life for the better and thank you for trusting me. shadowandbone :)
Thank you for the backstage workers who always gossipped with me and did their very best and made me fangirl at their job
Thank you for convincing me and holding a gun to my temple to accept this job and also writing this amazing book universe @lbardugo 🫡❤️ I'm hoping to talk to you soon again!
But the biggest thank you is for my dear boyfriend @BenBarnes. Thank you for always supporting me and loving me. Thank you for holding me when I needed, trusting me when I didn't and lifting me up with your dad jokes and thank you for being you. I'm the most grateful for you, and that won't change. I love you and your goofy personality even though you ate my last cookie 🥲❤️
Oh and a final note? These people and these pictures? Let the Fold take me :) shadowandbone
shadowandbone: A toast for the best director ever! We are glad to have someone like you! And there is no way out of the Fold :)
User6: The way she always includes everyone, down until the very last person in backstage is... Her heart is so amazing and her soul is so pure🥹
User2: You just know that they all love her so much.. Thank you for accepting and thank you for bringing our dream book to life Y/N 🥹
lbardugo: I wouldn't want anyone except you to this! You have so much potential and I was at ease knowing that the show was in good hands... Love you so much and İ'll eagerly wait for your other projects 🥹🥰 And I'm waiting for that meeting to, love! Just don't forget to spend time with Ben, he sulks like a puppy later 😂
Y/N: Thank you so much... OMG I'm crying at all the sweet messages now but you can be sure I'll spend all my time with him!
amitasuman_: We love you, Y/N! You are the best and thank you for always making sure we were fine and comfortable! Now, I'm off to cry🥹
Jessie_mei_li: Thank you for being you! I wouldn't have gotten a bestfriend like you if you hadn't accept!❤️ Thank you for assembling all of us, Queen of Fantasy!
freddycarter1: and also accidently adopt all of us in some ways...
User5: the whole Shadow and Bone cast looking at their director with heart eyes are making me jdkshdqkvwu🥰💞❤️😍🥺
User4: YEAH, THEY ARE SO LOVELY WITH EACH OTHER! BUT! Have you seen how Ben looks at her? I have been manifesting a man like hım over a decade now...
User1: Do you think she saw that fifth slide on Ben's Insta??
User4: Definetly! I wonder what her reaction was like...
Y/N: I was a Darklina hater my whole life until Jessie and Ben ruined it for me and made me just turn a blind eye... I regret making them shoot that scene but also not.
User1: she always does, another reason to live, laugh and love Y/N. Hı, Y/N!
Y/N: Hi, love! And btw yes, that video woke something in me... Which payed off iykyk 🤭
User6: when I learnt the whole cast, mainly Ben, was begging her to make a Marauders series is just... Wow... I hope she does that, she is the only one who could pull that!
User1: Remember when she said she would break the Net when the time comes? Might be it, who knows?🤔
User3: She also said she wasn't letting any of the cast go like that and had plans for every one of them... And that they were her slaves and had to do anything she told them lol
User4: People trust her with book adaptation because she always stays loyal to it, while also adding something from herself. It's normal everyone wants her to work on every book adaptation possible
User2: I wonder who she prefers the most: Kaz or Darkling?🤔
User5: Ben is her boyfriend so I think she would say Darkling because he would pout otherwise
User6: But she also said she often giggled and blushed while reading Kaz's point of view and specifically begged Freddy to audition
Y/N: The true question is: Are you a fan of terrifying blue eyes or deep, empty black eyes?
benbarnes: I'm forever lucky and grateful to have met you and be your boyfriend. I can never be proud enough of you since you have a habit of always exceeding yourself. I'll always be by your side through thick and thin, just as you do every day. You are my beautiful and succesfull girlfriend, my rock when I need you, my bestfriend when I need a good laugh and my other half and there is no enough words to explain my feelings but I'll stick to this one: I love you always. liked by Y/N Y/L/N
User1: And that's how you get away with eating a lady's last cookie 😂
User3: I'm not crying ıt's just their love in my eyes that stings 🥹
User5: I swear there is nothing I want more than see them getting married 😭
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
hades, shiva and poseidon (separate pls) with their a wife that is deaf, so they have to learn sign language and even insist on others learning it so she can be comfortable around others. it would be cute if shivas wives also coddled on reader and had fun with her👉👈
-To (Love) you weren’t any different than anybody else around them, you were able to communicate, you could cuddle, and you loved with your whole heart- that’s all that mattered to him, and he wouldn’t let anyone disrespect you.
-It had been a journey for the two of you, when you first found each other and he saw you making motions with your hands and how you wouldn’t respond when he came up to you from behind, but once he learned about you, he was all in.
-You were a beautiful and intelligent person, but funny and you could be mischievous at times- in his eyes you were perfect in every way.
-He learned sign language so he could communicate with you and took to it naturally, and he encouraged others to learn it as well, so you wouldn’t be excluded from things, like you have been in the past.
-(Love) never made you feel like a freak or someone who was unable to do things, you were still Y/N- a capable deity in your own right, you didn’t need to hear to do your job right, which is something many of the other gods couldn’t say- as many of even the most powerful gods couldn’t do their jobs right.
-(Love) coddled you early on in your relationship together, thinking you were fragile, someone who needed protecting, but you were anything but and he learned to ease back off you, he trusted you- he knew that you could handle yourself.
-It also helped that you did know how to read lips, so you could have conversations with him, but with him communicating your way, via sign language, always warmed your heart, because he did that, just for you.
-Hades- Is respectful to you and always knows how to make you smile, he knows exactly what to say to make you feel so warm and had found learning sign language to be not only challenging, but invigorating- it was fun! He especially loved your lessons where you would sit on his lap, helping him sign that way, so he could learn with you in a more intimate way. Even though he knows sign language now, Hades can be a gremlin at times, telling you to sit on his lap to show him new signs that he didn’t know. You thought it was cute that he was asking you this, as you knew that he knew, but he was just being shy about it.
-Shiva- Can have very in-depth conversations with you since he has twice the hands of a normal god, which is something you learned from him, watching both sets of his hands signing at the same time, which was impressive. Your co-wives learned alongside your shared husband when you first started dating the four of them, and they all found it invigorating to learn a language that didn’t require talking or listening, despite you being able to read lips. Your co-wives were all doting on you, showering you with cuddles and praise, showering you with love, and Shiva was quite protective of you just as he was with his other wives, but he does his best to not coddle you- you’re deaf not helpless.
-Poseidon- Is very protective of you in the sense that he demands respect for you, just as it’s given to him- you are his wife and you are to be treated as such and anything less is seen as disrespect to him, and nobody sane would ever disrespect Poseidon. He treated learning sign language like it was his duty to do so, especially now as your husband, you are to be informed and included on anything that goes on in his kingdom and has made servants and guards learn sign language so you can always feel included. Poseidon adores everything about you, except when you got up to mischief with Zeus- he didn’t want to deal with two pains in the ass, but at least he was willing to forgive you, with just punishing you with kisses. Zeus wasn’t so lucky.
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small-giggle · 7 months
hi :)
i change my photo a LOT oops
intro post✨
(flashing colous at very bottom)
last edit: 07/08/2024 8:22am
call me angel or jelly
please dont use capitals for my name
im a minor (14-17 range)
i use it/they/she pronouns
i am lesbian asexual
single fucking pringle ✨🦐🖤🎶🏳️‍🌈
birthday is september 22
side blog is @dyke-angel
currently watching BBC ghosts, brooklyn-99 and psych
im obsessed with when marnie was there
verryyyy chaotic and silly (however when im in a bad mood i will be kinda blunt (sorry in advance))
my favourite cores are liminal and cottagecore
music taste: angus & julia stone, AURORA, beabadoobee, beach bunny, beetlebug, bjork, cavetown, chloe moriondo, conan gray, holly humberstone, june henry, king princess, london grammar, lorde, matt corby, mitski, montaigne, mother mother, rainbow frog biscuits, ratwyfe, rio romeo, roar, tally hall, tash sultana, the cure, the crane wives, the killers, tv girl, WILLOW
i have depression, anxiety, ocd, adhd, and i have undiagnosed autism
i hate myself loll
celeb crushes for shits and giggles: sadie sink, malina weissman, zendaya, sophia lillis, aurora aksnes
📍australia (nsw)
heres my spotify
heres my pinterest
heres my apple music
discord is smallgiggle
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free palestine!!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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my askbox is open for anything, from just being goofy to needing to vent to asking me questions (it can be anonymous, i dont mind)
i do participate in tag games and tag asks, but occasionally i might not, depending on the mood i am in
if i dont respond to your ask it means i probably havnt seen it, or i love it too much, or i havnt had time to respond
i will tag generally with #/angels asks! (or) #/angel rambles (or) #/yap yap (or) #/angel makes a poll (or) #/silly little vent (or) if its school-related with #/angel schoolposts (or) if posting loz content i will just use #/loz posting (or) sometimes its specifically about horses IN loz so then #/loz horse posting
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DNI list
over 25 unless i interact first
transfobic, homophobic, anti-gay at all
racist, sexist etc
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sure im chill, but guess whos super cool?
@urlocalsadkid-l @deetealeaf @astridcookie @treasure-goblin @ali-da-demon @catinasink @rxsewqter @idonoiyo @amethyst-aster @aspenii @i-must-confess-i-am-an-idiot @oliiiiiiiiive @neoncopy @warwithoutreason @island-of-stars @twoshotsoflesbianism @sagaofa-dying-star @autism-criminal @maximum-tragedy @bloophasarrived @boob-gremlin @st4rfish10 @rose-bug-bear @hadoom @im-on-crack-send-help @forever-bi-panic @killerdinosourusrex @neededset @mybedroomceilingsbored
The sky is so tragically beautiful. A graveyard of stars.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 30 days
What your myth! Loki ship says about you:
⚠ Just a heads up! I am doing this for fun and to see if I understand our community right! I'm by no means trying to hate on anyone who actually ship these things! Ships have just..always been so interesting to me, and I thought it would be fun. Did I forget someone? Please let me know! ^^
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Loki + Sigyn = You can't get over how tragic yet passionate their love is. After all it's the only thing we have of them together and somehow it makes the message of loyalty and compassion between lovers even stronger.
Loki + Angrboda = Either you're here for the tragedy that was their love, what could've been if only Odin didn't take away their children.. or you love the tall witch wife and small gremlin husband dynamic (me too :3)
Angrboda + Loki + Sigyn = You're tired of seeing the wives being pinned up against each other, heck it isn't even cannon to the mythology. You just want to see them all happy together while kissing. They deserve their polycule!
Loki + Gullveig = You don't actually ship them but if they had a relationship, it would be something along the lines of: one night stand parents trying to do what's best for their baby. Or you think Gullveig is actually Angrboda! 👍✨
Loki + Glut = You thought Loki and Logi were the same person. Now you either regret it and feel bad for believing in it or stick by it wholeheartedly. 🔥
Loki + Hoenir = Want to kiss your homies good night? Friends to lovers is your thing or you're there for the possible angst of letting a young lover go because it was never meant to be. 😔
Loki + Odin = You thought they could go deeper than being just blood brothers, didn't you? Ohh..the angst and pain you put yourself through for them.
Loki + Heimdall = You're torn between the fact they don't actually have to hate each other vs the way they clearly have a love/hate relationship + obvious tension. If they ever fought in front of you, you'd probably shout inappropriate things at them. 🤨
Loki + Svadilfari = You try everything In your power to forget what really happened between these two and tried to fix the story for the better..💀
Loki + Thor = Let me guess, the reason you like this is because of Marvel? If not you have a thing for the bratty twinks and their giant straight boyfriends that haven't realized he is bisexual yet.
Loki + Baldr = You either stand by the headcannona that Loki killed Baldr because he loves him (one-sided or not) and tried to protect him from Ragnarok. Or you have the "I hate straight people so I'll force these two to date even though they don't go well together." mentality. No, there isn't anything in between for you. 😭
Loki + Hodr = For some reason you just had to see the potential angst between these two! You love the dramatic storytelling of being betrayed by your lover, making you do their dirty work! You poor being, what happened? 💔
Loki + Sif = Possible exses? Secret affair? You live for the drama and desperately want to know what happened between these two.
Loki + (potential) farmer man = You wish we had more good representation of Loki being with a another man. (I agree!) So when Odin accused Loki of being a milkmaid and having children, it opend a whole new world to inspire you!
Loki + Skadi = The lokasenna was enough for you to decide they totally dated in the past. Also you love spiteful exses that will threaten to kill your children if they don't shut up…😨(spoiler: Loki didn't shut up)
Loki + Zisa = I don't know why you'd ship them If their "affair child" was supposed to be a secret but I guess you're into the drama. Anyways Zisa isn't real..she can't hurt me. 😌
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bones4thecats · 11 months
2023 Halloween Special; RoR
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A/N: Part 1 of the Halloween Specials, and when they are all posted, I will have a special announcement in regardance to my Request Form, enjoy~~
Their Favorite Thing To Do With Their S/O During Halloween
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📯 This guy thoroughly enjoys singing a bunch of halloween songs through his megaphone at the other norse gods, his favorite to sing is This is Halloween from ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’
📯 Heimdall does also enjoy judging people’s costumes, though it’s mostly the children who dress up, since most gods see it as pointless
📯 If you ever wanted to do couple-costumes, he’d do it happily
📯 This god does try to get Odin and the others to allow trick-or-treating in the house, so they can connect with the new generation of children faster
📯 It fails, but he never stops trying every year
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🍭 This guy lives for trick-or-treating
🍭 It’s a day where he gets free candy to add to his stash, if he could, he’d make every day Halloween
🍭 He also enjoys dressing up in costumes with you, though it’s mostly just things simple like ghosts, very rarely will he ever put an extreme amount of effort into something to trivial when he could be spending that time with you
🍭 Whenever he gets candy that night, he basically rushes home with you and begins to add the sweets to his already existing stash he hides in your room and the one he hides somewhere else throughout your shared home
🍭 Honestly, it surprised everyone on how the food somehow hasn’t expired
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📨 This god. Oh boy
📨 He has so much work to do when it comes to delivering messages that he never really had a Halloween to celebrate, even with you
📨 But since this year Zeus wanted to see his son happy and free for the day, he gave him the day off as an early Christmas gift
📨 Hermes immediately went home and began to bake
📨 That is his favorite thing to do with you, make all kinds of treats for all the pantheons
📨 He’d love making things like pumpkin pie, but he also enjoys cooking a bunch of foods, he has an amazing palette, and knows exactly what everyone likes, because he flies around a lot
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🐍 This little gremlin likes doing anything revolving around scaring people
🐍 If you think he does this enough when it isn’t Halloween, prepare the sappy movies
🐍 He constantly jumps out to scare everyone that passes by, especially Thor, Odin or his birds, and you
🐍 Loki also enjoys watching horror movies, his favorites are either slasher movies or psychological
🐍 He’s so mental that he even recommends things for the antagonist to do;
“ Come on, just cut her head off, she’ll bleed like a pig! “
🐍 Everytime some child asks trick-or-treat and Loki answers the door, he says trick and sprays them with silly string
🐍 Damn gremlin
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🪩 This head god of the Hindu Pantheon definitely enjoys survival horror movies
🪩 They bring him back to when he and Rudra were younger and battling the gods one by one
🪩 Shiva also enjoys going to pumpkin patches, baking, carving pumpkins, decorating the yard, and making treats with his wives and S/O
🪩 When you first handed him a pumpkin and told him to draw a face, he drew something along the lines of a temple of his
🪩 It was hard to carve, but he did enjoy watching you and his wives take out the seeds and stuffing to fully finish it
🪩 Watching you make decorations and treats also makes him happy
🪩 Shiva especially loves watching you and his wives help Ganesha with a costume if he wanted one that year, it was so domestic, it made him forget he could destroy something with a flick of his finger for a minute
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amethystfairy1 · 8 months
What's next for ttsbc? Any snippets or world building you want to share?
(This is your time to share literally whatever you want about the series! /nf ofc)
Ok ok ok
Lemme see.
We're gonna be getting some more Desert Duo very soon, I have big plans for them but I was holding off on writing further into their time together till I had figured some plot stuff out. Now it is all sorted out, so the superhero duo will return soon!
Zed and Tango are gonna have a really interesting arc together that I am very very very excited to share!
More Nature Wives will also be coming soon, hopefully!
SO MUCH MORE FLOWER HUSBANDS. They are my favorites I can't help it, so I hope you like them because they will also be getting many more pieces of the AU dedicated to them!
I've got plans for more childhood era fics, both with the Pesky Birds as well as with another family we've yet to meet. I think it'll be fun, so I'll toss it out there.
Get ready to meet an overworked single father and his four chaos gremlin children, brought together by the Anarchy and maybe accidentally joining the mob at some point...😆
Oh that's another thing I'd love to share!
The Anarchy is what I'm calling the period of time after the Directors death when there was a massive power vacuum in the under-city, and it only truly ended once Doc had taken control of the Labs...but that's also a vague timeline, the chaos and all-out turf war started to decline as Doc and Etho worked to restructure the labs alongside their allies, but it was still there. In the present day of the AU, these sorts of conflicts still exist but they never boil over thanks to the teamwork between Etho taking care of the mob connections and Doc maintaining order as the new Director.
I'm thinking of making a timeline of what I have so far in terms of solid year-by-year events, would anyone be interested in seeing that? Let me know!
And last thing! My Febuwhump prompts are working up great! There are gonna be several taking place in TTSBC, so please look forward to those!
Thank you for the excuse to ramble! 💖
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