#gremlin drabbles
bethmelrhodon · 16 days
🤔 for the ask game?
Thank you for the ask!! (wow, I wasn't expecting one so quickly, I literally gasped in excitement XD)
Hmm, I'd love to write a story from the "villain's" perspective, the choices made, the regrets weighing on their shoulders, and the skewed views and morals. All very exciting stuff.
I do have one like that spinning around in my head! Basically it's about a prince who is under a lot of pressure until one day he just ... snaps :)
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sauriansolutions · 7 months
FloRid Thoughts...
Riddle has a favorite seat in every class: front row, closest to the teacher. Everyone knows and respects that's Riddle's Spot. No one dares to try to take it from him or mess with it in any way.
Well, except...
One day, Floyd starts leaving stuff on Riddle's desk. Not chewed gum or pencil shavings, or anything like that. Also not folded notes or small, wrapped boxes. Just bafflingly random things.
"Floyd, did you just put a rock on my desk?"
"... Why?"
"It's for you Goldfishie!"
"What am I supposed to do with a rock?"
"Ehh, whatever you want~"
This starts happening almost every day. One day, it's a spiky seed pod from a sweetgum tree that he found on the ground. Another day, it's two juniper berries picked from a bush outside the classroom. Then, a worn rubber eraser, with pencil marks that look like a frowny face.
By this point in his school life, Riddle has decided the best way to deal with Floyd's antics is to ignore them. He accepts each new item with an eyeroll and some form of, "Wow. I've always wanted a pencil that's been sharpened all the way down to the eraser. Thanks so much, Floyd."
"You're welcome lil Goldfish!" Floyd inevitably beams in response, as he goes skipping away to his actual class, or more likely, to goof off somewhere.
Riddle has no idea what to do with these "gifts." He really should throw them out, he thinks. After all, they're just junk. Just some weird prank Floyd has decided to play on him.
Instead, for some reason, Riddle keeps them. He puts them in a shoebox under his bed, where he doesn't have to look at them. (Except when he takes the box out every day to add a new item.) Where he doesn't have to think about them. (Except on nights when he can't sleep, and finds himself wondering.)
Riddle is a top student, but even he can't take every elective class. Which is too bad, because if he'd taken Cultural Studies of the Deep, he'd have known that symbolic gift-giving is a common way of expressing interest in a prospective mate, in many regions of the coral sea.
Maybe it is better that he doesn't know. Because, much as Floyd may love certain traits of his, Riddle might not appreciate the tiny pencil denoting his short status. Or the fact that the eraser looks just like his face when he's mad (it's even pink!)
But he might appreciate the realization that the rock (also pink), is shaped like a rose. That the juniper berries are the exact same blue-gray shade of his eyes, and the sweetgum ball looks like a small, spiky hedgehog.
What Riddle thinks remains to be seen. It probably won't be long before he starts putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
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iamthecomet · 10 months
Comet, it's cold outside this morning and I woke up with thoughts!
It’s winter and freezing outside. Probably around 4:30 AM. Dew has to pee so he carefully unwraps himself from the tangle that is Aeon and slithers out from under the warm down comforter into the chilled room. The stone floor is so cold on his feet, he tiptoes to the bathroom in the darkness to take a leak, making sure that his tail doesn’t touch the floor as well.
He makes his way back to bed and tries to shuffle back in without bouncing the bed too much so he doesn’t wake up Aeon. He snuggles in, siding his back against Aeon when suddenly he’s gripped and pulled tight to the quint’s chest. One arm around his chest, the other on his lower belly and - oh - traveling down and palming at him.
And now there’s hot breath into the nape of his neck, a whine and a lick at his earlobe as Aeon presses Dew’s hips back against his own…and Aeon’s hard. And now Dew is too. And Dew’s cold feet are interlocking with Aeon’s warm ones, tails are tangling and nobody is sleeping anymore!
Happy Sunday!
It's Tuesday now but that's just because me and my frozen feet have been thinking about this for days.
Aeon sleepily nuzzles his face into Dew's neck. Purrs. Nipping along the side of his throat, fangs grazing the sharp line of Dew's jaw. And Dew's rocking his hips into Aeon's hand, pressing back against where Aeon is hard, slotted in Dew's asscrack even with the layers of clothes between them. "You left," Aeon whispers. "Had to take a leak," Dew supplies. Grinding his ass back against Aeon until the quint ghouls gasps turn to breathy moans.
"And you're cold," Aeon murmurs against Dew's skin. Dew doubts he's that cold. Sure the Abbey is drafty, the fire is burned down to embers, the ancient heating system barely reaches him room. But Dew runs hot. It takes a lot more than a quick trip to the bathroom to dull it. But he isn't going to deny Aeon his wants--his excuses. Not when he's gripping Dew's cock through his sweatpants and dragging his thumb along the piercing under the head. Homing in on Dew's sweet spots before he's even fully awake. "I'm here now. So, warm me up," Dew mumbles. Tipping his head just enough so Aeon can reach his mouth with his own. It's an awkward kiss. The press of chapped lips at an angle that doesn't really help. But Dew leans into it anyway. Flicks his tongue out over Aeon's bottom lip. It's dark enough that even with their faces touching Aeon is muddy. Shadows cast over his dark skin, eyes a luminous violet. Aeon's fingers tighten around the head of Dew's cock. He leaks into his sweatpants. Hips jerking forward, head knocking back against Aeon's shoulder as he gasps. They'll both be warm in no time.
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quinloki · 2 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: afab Character: Penguin/Shachi Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Cowboy AU Prompt: Erotically Charged Fight Gift Giver: @strawheart-pirate
Summary: Interest and flirting with a couple fellow cowboys, you find yourself in a field fighting to prove a point.
Content Notes: sex outside, no onlookers, oral received, threesome, biting, Shachi and Penguin being menaces together
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
You pulled the rope tight, hitching the red head’s wrists to his ankles even as he squirmed. You had started out flirting with him and his dark-haired friend, but the saucy quips snapped a little too much like whips a few times and the next thing you knew you were all three out in a field having a bit of a row.
Penguin is getting free of the quick and sloppy knot you’d put him in so you could focus on Shachi, but it wasn’t meant to hold. Just to slow him down so you could deal with the red head one on one.
“You tied my thumbs!” Shachi cries, wriggling in the grass and trying fruitlessly to get free.
“S’harder to undo a knot without thumbs.” You point out, pushing him onto his side before he hurts himself wiggling around like that.
Standing back up you square up with Penguin who is moving much more cautiously than before. The boys were certain they had more experience than you, in fighting and fucking, and whether they did or not was still uncertain.
What was certain was that you’d used their underestimation of you to your advantage.
Your problem now was that you were out of rope. Penguin had tucked the shorter length you’d used on him into his belt, and was slowly getting his own primary coil of hemp ready to go. Carrying two full coils wasn’t much of an option, it was entirely too heavy to be practical, no matter how useful it could be.
“Point made.” Penguin says, still moving and setting up his rope.
“… and yet.” You can’t keep the grin off your face. It’s nice to have someone give you credit like this, but the tension in the air is getting thick.
“You haven’t won yet.” He insists, returning a grin that shows he’s not angry, so much as he is entertained.
“There’s still the other matter, after this one.” You agree, stepping slowly away from Shachi. Even with him tied and turned aside, you’re not so foolish as to think he can’t - or won’t - help Penguin.
“Mm.” Penguin intones. He shifts and rushes toward you so fast you almost can’t react.
Nearly stumbling to get out of the way you just barely manage it. Penguin, more sure footed at this point, turns and adjusts easily. You let your surprise carry you to the ground tumbling away to get a bit of distance, and you can swear you felt his hands brush against you.
You half crawl, half scramble when you get to your feet, moving toward him. Penguin has rope, and you’ve no doubt the two are just as good as you are in wrangling. Too much distance would be in his favor. You either need to get his rope off him, or tackle him bodily.
They’re both taller than you, but the difference isn’t enough to make it impossible.
There’s a grind of rocks and dirt as Penguin stops short and you twist and rise, right up inside his space. There’s another flurry of steps as you each try to get leverage on the other. Penguin’s off-step, surprised by your sudden appearance right in his face, but he’s recovering quickly. It’s almost like a dance, the two of you trying to kick a foot out from under the other.
“THE ROPE!” Shachi bellows, and for a split second you aren’t sure why until Penguin’s arms move up, over and back down.
He uses the rope to pull you tight to his chest, stepping back and hefting you up in one motion. The rope has your arms stuck in place, and whether your feet are a foot off the ground or an inch doesn’t matter. You’ve lost your leverage.
“We win.” Penguin declares.
“The hell you have,” you growl, wriggling in the rope. “You can’t do anything but hold me, and if I can get free before the red-head,” you insist, thrashing more. You keep trying to wrap your leg around his, and Penguin’s shifting with you so you can’t force him off balance. It would be hard like this, but not impossible, to bring him to his knees.
The ropes creak and Penguin pulls you up a little more. You gasp from the unexpected shift and before you can recover his lips are hot against yours.
Your eyes go wide for a split second, and you’re returning the kiss before you’ve really registered the entire situation. The soft moan stays in your chest, but you’re pressed right up against him and even if he doesn’t hear it, you know he can feel it.
There’s little more than a soft breath of air, but your lips part and his tongue slips in. You lean into it, fuck the fight, your face is hot, and your mind is hazy, but it feels so good. He kisses so well. You tilt your head, and shift your gaze, catching the glimmer of blue eyes so dark and deep they almost look black.
“Fuck,” you huff before leaning in for another kiss. Hands are at your thighs, holding you up as the rope goes slack and your arms wrap around Penguin’s shoulders.
The heat of Shachi’s chest presses heavy against your back as he and Penguin adjust. Each of them holding one of your legs, leaving their other hand to wander over you, moving you as they need. Shachi’s breath is hot against your neck before he’s pressing kisses into your skin.
The tug of clothes is met with soft words from you. Please and yes and more fall from your lips in desperation as the two slowly strip away the things in their way. Your pants are pooled at your ankles, and Shachi holds you as Penguin kneels down and pulls your boots and pants off. His hands against your bare feet forces a moan out of you as he puts your legs over his shoulders.
Another soft swear leaves your lips, hands holding onto Shachi as those impossibly dark blue eyes follow the lines of your thighs and focus on the pleasure already dripping from you. Shachi nuzzles into the back of your neck.
“Watch him,” He commands, hands rough against your chest as he holds you in place. Red marks on your shoulders are already turning to bruises, circled by shallow lines of teeth marks from Shachi’s greedy kisses. “Let us know when you’re close, and I’ll bite you so” He runs his hard teeth against your skin, sighing, “… perfectly.”
Penguin licks your thighs as Shachi husks in your ear. His hat’s pulled back and out of the way, the dark crop of hair pressing against your thighs as his face and mouth disappear into your slit. You squirm, moans falling from your lips as his hungrier kisses send sweet waves of pleasure into you.
“Feels good?” Shachi questions, nipping at the curve of your ear.
You nod, breathy moans dripping off your bottom lip. “Yeah… yeah.” You gasp, holding onto him as the pleasure builds. Penguin’s tongue is doing things you didn’t think a tongue could do, and it’s driving you to the brink.
“Imagine how good it’ll feel,” Shachi begins, hands idly teasing your nipples. “With both of us, stuffed,” he thrusts his hips into you as Penguin shoves his tongue deeper. “Deep inside you.”
“Fuck, fuck.” You shake your head, breath coming out heavy and fast. “No, no, I’m gonna - I’m gonna cum, it’s too much!”
Pleasure curls your toes and tightens your muscles, the rush ripping through you. Penguin and Shachi hold you tight, and the scream of pleasure caught in your throat is released when Shachi’s sharp teeth sink into your skin.
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ohromeoraine · 3 months
Here’s some Shinsou Hitoshi headcanons I have:
He has crippling insomnia(have you seen those eye bags?)
He has a dark sense of humor
Tokoyami and him read old spell books together and secretly try them out on Bakugou(“he doesn’t believe in that anyway, right? So he should be easy to practice on”.)
They also tried spells on Kaminari, but he started info dumping on them about how they might actually not just be superstitions.
Kaminari starts joining them on said spell practice days and laughs when he finds out their target is Bakugou.
Shinsou buys three bags of coffee each week. One for the entire class to share, one for himself, and the last one he stashes in his room just in case(He learned his lesson after Midoriya stole his coffee bag last time. “What does he even need it for?”)
He said he wasn’t joining the hero course to make friends, but Midoriya ate lunch with him everyday and others started joining one by one. One day Todoroki announced that he’d, “unlocked his tragic backstory,”(“That’s what Bakugou calls it.”) and proceeds to trauma dump on Shinsou. Shinsou wants to brainwash him into giving a villain a bouquet of flowers and asking them to marry him unprovoked, and Midoriya cackles.
He actually makes friends in the hero course, but he doesn’t admit it immediately. Shinsou isn’t used to having friends before UA, so this is new territory for him.
I have more stashed somewhere in my brain I swear, but part of this became a full on fic idea. I hope you enjoyed part one!(yes, there will be a part two).
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crabsnpersimmons · 6 months
I have a question.
What would your CLIP AU voice be like?
probably the voice of your Sun and Moon hairdresser AU is exactly like that of the original daycare attendant sun and moon.
but what about Clip? it's a thin and lovely voice?, or calm and gentle like in the original Eclipse?
Or Is the voice different?
good question! and a tricky one, because i don't have any exact references to pull from and i don't know how much will translate, but i will try to explain the best i can
First: in the hairdresser AU, Sun and Moon actually sound a little different from canon! It's been a long time since their time at their PizzaPlex and they've undergone a lot of change, and that shows in their voices. So they used to sound like their canon voices, but they've changed over time.
Sun's voice is gentler than his canonical voice and it doesn't fluctuate as much (switching from excitable, to sarcastic, to threatening). Overtime, Sun has learned to keep his tone even and approachable. The best way to describe Sun is that he is even-tempered and calm. He rarely gets over-emotional, but Moon and Clip have a way of getting to him, since they know each other the closest. He only ever slips into his old voice and vocal habits (like repeating words) around Moon and Clip, usually in the form of sarcasm to balance their silliness (like his comments in this post). i like to describe Sun's voice as his customer-service voice, light and cheery enough to be appropriate for the situation.
Moon's voice is still a little raspy, but unlike his canon voice, it's less guttural and his pitch doesn't fluctuate as much. He also speaks in full sentences haha. The notable thing about Moon's voice is that it lacks the playful gremlin quality we all love about canon Moon. His tone isn't as playful and he doesn't giggle as much as he used to. Perhaps he'll have a short friendly chuckle when talking to a customer, but it's not gremlin level laughter. i think the closest voice reference i can think of is Corey Wilder's voice dub for Moon. still a little raspy without being too guttural, and more eloquent and charming in his delivery. Overall his tone is kinda dry, but when he begins to open up (like in this post), his voice takes a softer tone, closer to canon.
and finally Clip! In a way, his voice is probably the closest to canon Sun and Moon's. His voice fluctuates a lot jumping around from canon Sun's lofty theatrics to canon Moon's menacing glee. He's dramatic, he's silly, he cackles, he giggles, he rambles, he growls, he makes animal noises, he's all over the place! And there is no rhyme or reason to it, it's just fun for Clip. No matter the time of day, Clip is here to play play play! However, there are rare moments when his voice sounds like canon Eclipse from the Ruin DLC. It's that sweet and gentle tone, but there is a staticky quality in his voice, crackling like someone who hasn't spoken in a while.
i hope that made sense!
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brainicusrotticus · 6 months
continuation of vace’s first medical appointment—
sol: okay. and your augment, please?
vace: well-endowed.
sol, regretting everything: …what the fuck does that mean.
vace: *leans back, smirks, subtly increases the manspread*
vace: …i think we’d both prefer i show you.
sol: …
sol: so, in about *checks watch* four minutes, i’m going to be squeezing your balls and asking you to cough. are you sure you want to lose this much dignity ahead of time?
vace: …what?
sol: great. i’ll step out of the room while you get changed. *sets the holofolder down in plain sight and leaves*
—and then, a few hours later, while sol is checking the announcement board—
tang: …why did anemone come into my lab to ask me all about penile fractures today?
sol: oh, vace tried to put the moves on me by claiming he’s above average. so i made sure to include in his chart that he’s at an increased risk for penile fractures.
tang: …the difference would be completely negligible, if one exists at all.
sol: yeah, i know that.
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Happy Birthday, Dust!
A small Dust x Reader birthday drabble for him. (Is based in the time of my fic, The Power Of Music)
It was a cold autumn day, mist blanketing the floor, complimenting the frost that had taken over the ground. The subtle wind twisted through the almost-bare trees around you, playfully tossing up a couple leaves as it went.
You hummed a tune, breathing in the crisp morning air as you walked through the forest. The ground was beautiful, coloured in an array of oranges and yellows from the leaves falling off of the trees. 
A gloved hand slipped into your own, prompting you to glance over to your long-time mate. He was steadily refusing to look at you, but that didn’t stop you from seeing the purple glow lighting up his zygomatic arches from the darkness his hood cast.
You felt your SOUL squeeze with affection as you briefly lent your head on his shoulder.
“Hey, Dust?” You said quietly, as if to try not to break the comfortable atmosphere.
You got a curious hum in response as he tilted his skull to look at you. You swore you could just see two white eyelights staring back at you beneath the void of shadows before it faded out again.
“It’s your birthday, right?”
Dust missed a step before quickly recovering, hand squeezing around your own as he cleared his non-existent throat.
“how’d you figure that one out, huh?” His tone betrayed his amusement, if he was still a little surprised.
“The Great Papyrus is, apparently, knowledgeable about all things,” You reply simply with a smile on your face. You can still recall the story Dust had told you about his underground, and then the weird multiverse clash that brought him here, where Sans and Papyrus were still doing well and– most importantly– on the surface.
Dust chuckled quietly before shrugging, “yeah. ‘s my birthday. what about it?”
“Do you want to do anything?” The forest opened up into a familiar clearing and the both of you headed over to the two rocks that you usually sat on. The trickling river not far in front of it created an even nicer ambience.
“... dunno. it’s, uh, not really somethin’ i celebrate a lot.” He reached a hand up to scratch at his neck vertebrae as his thumb began to gently trace over yours.
“We can just chill out and do nothing if you want,” You suggested, leaning against his side as you sat.
He hummed in the affirmative, pulling you closer with an arm around your waist, “... sounds a lot better than doin’ something.”
“When we get back to the house, can I still make you a cake?”
“‘course. if you really wanna, i won’t stop ya.”
He earned a peck to the cheek for that, and you earned a very vibrant purple glow that nearly illuminated his entire skull.
For a violent, grumpy murder skeleton, he sure was adorable.
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 重返未来:1999 | Reverse: 1999 (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sonetto/Vertin (Reverse: 1999) Characters: Suitcase Fam - Character Additional Tags: Fluff, Vernetto, tk14 - Freeform, Vertin is learning, Gremlin behavior, Silly, Sonetto is reeling her in Summary:
Healing takes time and Vertin is trying her best. Luckily, she has people around her to facilitate the process and look out for her well-being.
Whether she likes it or not.
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bethmelrhodon · 3 days
When you feel the urge to daydream about your characters and start skipping or dancing around, and then you realize you're in a public place and forgot other people can see you ...
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snubybn · 9 months
hello! welcome to my first post! constructive criticism is always welcomed, but not hate.
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okay, so like imagine it's your first time dying your hair and you don't know anything about it but you've bought a box of hair dye of the colour that you wanted. all the technical terms and words getting thrown at you in the instructions manual makes your head spin so you go and find someone in the dorms. and it just so happens that seungmin is here! after bombarding him with questions after questions, he offers to help you dye your hair since he's here and you've already bought the dye. (just pretend that he uses box dye..)
after washing the colour off and drying your hair, you saw that your hair is the perfect shade that you liked and wanted. bounding excitedly over to seungmin sitting on the couch and showing it off. only for him to smile and say "that's great, y/n. now, won't you be a good pup and get on your knees?"
you sputter out some words of confusion, flusteredly staring at his serious face, only to see him cock his head to the side and raise a brow. "don't you have to repay me?" after all, he did help you with the colouring process and answered the many questions you had about the dyes.
that's probably how you found yourself reduced to tears and choked moans while swallowing his length, tip pressing at the back of your throat and making you gag. his hand tangled in your freshly coloured hair pushing your head towards him to make you take more of him. you can do it, can't you? seungmin was so nice to help you apply the dye on your hair and explain the instructions. so you should make him feel good, right? maybe next time you will come to him for help with dying your hair again.
(inspired by my first experience with box dye.. or dying hair in general ahaha)
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The lovely @punanenmarli asked for a drabble based on a Bojere kissing hypothetical I yeeted into our chat, and well...
This happened.
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kissagii · 2 years
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inumaki's favorite form of communication is memes. and not normal ones - the really weird and cursed ones that make you wonder where he even got them. and he has a meme for everything. it makes you wonder...
"toge, how late do you stay up looking for memes?"
"okaka." no. what an interesting answer. almost evasive.
you ask him again. "toge. darling. light of my life. how much sleep do you sacrifice looking for memes?"
he only shrugs in response.
the next morning, you notice a message from inumaki:
today, 3:18 AM
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you were going to kill that boy.
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wicked-jade · 1 year
@allvalley100 It just hit me how much I'm going to miss getting the notification of the new prompt each week. I just want to take this opportunity to thank you both for all the hard work you've put into keeping this going for this long, and for the joy and inspiration this challenge has brought us all. You're the best around!💖
Now, for the One Last Time prompt. I thought I'd end it where it all began:
“Sure you wanna do this? There’s still time to back out.”
“Why would I back out?” Johnny smirked. “I’m not the one about to get his ass kicked.”
“Famous last words,” Daniel laughed. “What happened to fighting for fun?”
“This is gonna be fun.” Johnny replied with a wink. “For me.”
Suddenly, the lights went down. Daryl stepped into the spotlight.
“For our last match, it’s the Battle of the Two-Time Champs! King Karate himself, Johnny Lawrence vs. the Karate Kid that dethroned him, Daniel LaRusso!”
Daniel and Johnny grinned at each other from across the mats.
“It’s Karate Time!”
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tanadidreamer · 6 months
Quick Drabble as I continue to write more:
A little-known fact among many is that the North Star Pirates and Heart Pirates had an unspoken alliance, being that they were the two most formidable pirate crews in the North Blue and Captain Newgate ‘The Butcher of the North Blue’ Sven had inherited his father’s ability to be able to adopt anybody he found and had a soft side for the Hearts, this was something Law knew well -- like Corazon, the former Marine was a kind man and it showed constantly. Even after Sven’s death, the new captain of the North Stars maintained that kind nature. This is why Law was currently meeting with the captain. “Sure,” Erik said with a shrug as he leaned back against his desk. “Can we burn his ugly ass coat?”. “Just like that?” Law asked, surprised Erik didn’t question him at all. “You’re a prideful man, Trafalgar. You would not be asking me for help otherwise.”
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the-lady-general · 1 year
For @100wednesday another prompt drabble from this list:
Sleeping In
Rey was wide awake when the light turned into a spongy kind of grey. In a few hours the sun would reach its zenith. Time to get up. She was stuck. Poe's arm rested across her chest. She wriggled and stopped when he sighed, still asleep. On Poe's other side, Finn was awake too. He lifted his head and mouthed "help". Poe's legs were curled around his. "Stop making such a racket, you two", Poe mumbled, and pressed a kiss on Finn's chest and one on Rey's shoulder, and tightened his grip on both of them. "Go back to sleep."
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