#greer is in law school
Pride Month is over. As the “LOVE IS LOVE” banners come down and companies lose the rainbow gradients from their logos, we’re faced with a painful truth: LGBTQ+ people, especially the most marginalized among us, are in the crosshairs of a queerphobic backlash that is targeting our health, our histories, and especially our youth. And things are getting worse, not better. According to NPR, half of all US states now ban gender-affirming care for people under 18. Eight states now censor LGBTQ+ issues from school curricula via “Don’t Say Gay” laws, and two more states are considering similar legislation this year. The number-one book targeted for censorship is a graphic novel memoir about gender identity.
This June, Democratic lawmakers marched in Pride parades and spoke on stages, vowing to protect our community and fight back against legislative attacks on queer youth. But some of these same lawmakers are actively pushing federal legislation that would cut LGBTQ+ youth off from resources, information, and communities that can save their lives. Currently, 38 Democratic senators support the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a bill that is vocally opposed by many queer and trans youth, along with a coalition of human rights and LGBTQ+ groups. As a queer- and trans-led advocacy group focused on the ways technology impacts human rights, our organization, Fight for the Future, has seen bills like KOSA before: misguided internet bills that try to solve real problems, but ultimately throw marginalized people under the bus by expanding censorship and surveillance rather than addressing corporate abuses. KOSA’s most obvious predecessor is SESTA/FOSTA, a Trump-era bill that its supporters claimed would clamp down on online sex trafficking. Instead, the bill did almost nothing to accomplish its goal, and has actively harmed LGBTQ+ people and sex workers whose harm-reduction resources were decimated by the subsequent crackdown on online speech.
Like SESTA/FOSTA, some of KOSA’s supporters have positive intent. Many lawmakers and organizations support KOSA because they are concerned about real harms caused by Big Tech, like addictive design features and manipulative algorithms. But, also like SESTA/FOSTA, KOSA doesn’t touch the core issues with Big Tech’s extractive, exploitative business model. Instead, KOSA relies on a “duty of care” model that will pressure social platforms to suppress any speech the government is willing to argue makes kids “depressed” or “anxious.”
Under KOSA, platforms could be sued for recommending a potentially depression- or anxiety-inducing video to anyone under 18. We know from past experience that in order to protect their bottom line, social media companies will overcompensate and actively suppress posts and groups about gender identity, sexuality, abortion — anything they’re worried the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) could be willing to argue “harms” kids. How do you think a potential Trump administration’s FTC would use that kind of authority?
Other features of the bill stretch its censorship potential further. Despite language claiming that the bill does not require platforms to conduct “age verification,” to meaningfully comply with the law, platforms will have to know who is under 18. This means they’ll institute invasive age verification systems or age-gating, which can completely cut off access for LGBTQ+ youth who have unsupportive parents, and/or make it unsafe for queer people to access online resources anonymously. KOSA creates powerful new ways for the government to interfere with online speech. For this reason, the bill is like catnip to extreme right-wing groups like the Heritage Foundation, the coordinators of Project 2025, who have explicitly said they want to use it to target LGBTQ+ content. KOSA’s lead Republican sponsor, Marsha Blackburn, has also said in an interview she wants to use KOSA to protect minors “from the transgender.”
The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) purports to protect children, but in reality, it’s a censorship bill that would impact LGBTQ+ youth. #StopKOSA #KOSA
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 month
fave age gap romances?
So for references, I will categorize an age gap romance as a romance with a 10+ year gap. The gap feels more significant, however, when we're 15+ years in. And like, I feel there are books that FEEL like an age gap, and books that adhere to this rule and don't feel like it. I believe Ash is about 10-11 years older than Greer in New Camelot (and Embry is one year younger than Ash, so he's 9-10 years older than Greer) but that series deeply doesn't feel like an age gap series to me. But Mark's 14 year gap with Isolde in the Lyonesse series (he's only like 7 years older than Tristan, who's then around 7 years older than Isolde, I think?) feels like a gap.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield. Obvi! This is the one where the heroine accidentally hooks up with her boss (it was dark, he thought she knew it was him, she thought he was someone else) AND realizes they both have a massive daddy kink. It's both super sexy and really pretty emotional? I love the third act breakup in this book. It feels really real in a lot of ways. She's 25, he's 45, I believe.
Mercy by Sara Cate. A lot of Sara Cate books have age gaps, and Praise is good, and I recommend Praise, but I think Mercy is better so I'd like to give it more kudos. This is a smaller gap (12 years) but the heroine is older than the hero, she's friends with his dad (not in a weird way) and she's his domme. I love a good femdom romance, and this one has a bratty hero. We love to see it.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time by Kylie Scott. This is the one where the heroine had a huge crush on her dad's friend and business partner, basically like, jumped him against his will on her eighteenth birthday, the dad walked in, the friendship was almost ruined, and she was more or less banished for years. She's back at 25 (I believe the hero is 15 years older) for her dad's wedding, the hero resents what she did, and... Yeah... It's messy. But I find the drama delicious.
Dark Romance:
Mila Finelli's Mafia Mistress and Mafia Darling duet—great books, definitely BIIIIG on the age gap (she's 18 and he's 38, daddy kink is very much their thing) and OTT mafia ridiculousness. The heroine is a mafia princess in Canada, and her dad, who's a lower-ranking guy, agrees to pay off a debt by giving her as a bride to an actual Italian don's son. Said don kidnaps her, she's engaged to the son, she's a BRAT and is like "fuck you", and he's like "... never mind she's gonna be my mistress instead of my son's wife". It's campy, it's hot, it's fun.
BUT EVEN MORE SO I would recommend the third book in the series (a standalone, but best read after the first two) Mafia Madman. The age gap is less focused on in that book, but it's still big lol. She's 20 and he's 38, he's kidnapped her to get revenge against the guy in the first book (who is this heroine's brother in law now; she's the little sister of the first heroine) and he's CRAZY. They're one of my favorite romance couples ever. Every time he tries to get one over on her, she's fucking ready. Every time she does something insane to escape or seduce him into compliance, he's iNTO IT. And then there's a followup scene where she dresses up in her old school uniform so he can punish her. We all win.
(For those historical romance readers not in the loop: Mila Finelli is Joanna Shupe's mafia romance pen name, and I recommend everything she writes.)
The Lyonesse trilogy by Sierra Simone. Again, Mark is 14 years older than Isolde, and they kick off the series in Salt in the Wound with their kinky arranged marriage/fake relationship shit. Isolde is... very young in that novella and she wants to be a nun, so she's quite innocent in some ways. and jaded in others. But because things initially end the way they do for those two, you get a very DON'T CALL ME KID DON'T CALL ME BABY vibe that adds to the age gap vibe when they reunite.
Again, this is an MMF romance, and Tristan is literally right in the middle of their ages lol, but tbh he's very naive in a lot of ways and he and Mark feel like an age gap situation. And then his dynamic with Isolde is just... really hot....
What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long. Classic, the hero is a jaded duke (39) who wants to ruin an innocent debutante (20) in revenge for her brother cuckolding him lol. But she immediately figures it out and decides to use him to make this guy she likes jealous. JAL books are so funny yet emotional. After Dark with the Duke is also great, wherein a stern war hero (42) ends up having to give a scandalous opera singer he disapproves of (25) Italian lessons to make up for humiliating her. And then they become friends. And then....
Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas actually has a fabulous secondary romance in which the hero is a jaded alcoholic businessman and the heroine is this much younger woman who's seen some shit but wants to have an affair with him and then like... believes in him... The primary romance is between childhood friends to enemies to lovers who are only a year apart, but both love stories are SO GOOD.
Grace Callaway has a lot of good "mild gap" romances (10-12 years) for those uncertain about dipping their toes in the water—Olivia and The Masked Duke (dad's friend, daddy vibes, brat vibes), Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl (marriage of convenience, both of them have secret identities), and Glory and The Master of Shadows (mentor/mentee, wuxia vibes) come to mind. I'd also recommend Regarding the Duke and The Duke Who Knew Too Much for this, plus The Gentleman Who Loved Me.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale uggggh dude. This is a 10-12 year gap I believe, but yeah... It's a villain romance, and he's crazy, and he forces her to marry him for political purposes (first encounter is noncon, to be clear) but then it's like... Oh. She's BRILLIANT. And he's a masochist, while she enjoys dominating him. And she's like... the only person who gets him and wants to learn from him... And she has her own agenda... One of my all-time favorites.
In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint by Alexandra Vasti. Such a cute romance! The hero is rumored to be a Villain (he's not) the heroine has drawn erotic artwork of him and it left her hands so they end up on the road together... There's some light kink... Really fun.
Joss and The Countess by S.M. LaViolette. I recommend this a lot, check triggers, but it's so great and another rare book in which the heroine is the older one. Joss is around 27 and Alicia is 38-39. He's her footman/bodyguard and a secret former gigolo, she's looking for a lover, he realizes she needs to be DOMMED.... It's supposed to be sex and turns into waaaay more. GOD. GOD. This is also the book in which she touches herself while wearing his gloves, so.
Hyacinth by S.M. LaViolette. I forget how big the gap is here—I think Hyacinth is around 23 while Sylvester is late 30s or early 40s. Anyway, she's in disguise as a man while playing cards to save her family from destitution, he initially has NOOOO idea she's a girl until his valet tips him off, and they begin this like... buddy relationship that also consists of them absolutely demolishing each other in bed... JUST FOR FUN NO EMOTION... Hyacinth is neurodivergent and open about her kinks and desires, and her mom made her feel like a monster for it so she's convinced she can't love. It's actually both super hot and super beautiful and I recommend it to everyone. Selinan also has an age gap, in this case with an innocent virginal heroine who in a series of crazy circumstances becomes the housekeeper to a former rake who recently lost his sight and is a total dick to everyone. It's great. Aurelia, Phoebe, The Postilion, and His Valet also have age gaps, I believe. All good.
Princess is another recent favorite of mine. I believe the age gap is around... 14 years? The heroine is 20 and the hero is 34, she's a princess, he's the palace bodyguard/assassin/spy you know how it is... He was taken in by her parents and has known her... since birth... I'm gonna ignore it........... BUT YEAH. He's been avoiding her since she's clearly in love with him and he can't deal, and she's determined to fuck him before she has to marry this asshole for political purposes. So when she's sent to this safe house after a kidnapping attempt... Welp! Darius must go with her! To protect her!
The virgin lactation book.
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sailorgoon13 · 3 months
Isobel MacAlister
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Full Name: Isobel Greer MacAlister
Nickname: Issy, Bel
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 31 October, 1874
Heritage: Scottish
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring, 11", Unyielding
Hair Color: Auburn, long with a dramatic loose waves
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Fair, porcelain
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Athletic and toned. Despite her athletic build, Issy retains an air of femininity and grace
Style: Prefers tailored trousers and fitted jeans over skirts or dresses, opting for comfort and functionality without sacrificing style. Her tops often include classic button-down shirts, cozy knit sweaters, and fitted t-shirts in neutral tones or subtle patterns. She may layer these pieces with structured blazers. Confident and independent spirit, blending refined elegance with laid-back charm and tomboyish flair.
Features: Intense gaze, Strong jawline with defined cheekbones, Scaring on the side of her neck and shoulder from the incident with Sebastian
Traits: Intense, Mysterious, Determined, Passionate, Complex
Likes: Exploring, Training, Music, Creatures
Dislikes: Betrayal, Dark Magic, Weakness, Ignorance
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading, Violin
Fears: Rejection, Failure, Being left behind
Family and Friends:
Father: Gregor MacAlistar
Works for the Ministry of Magic in a high-ranking position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
He is frequently paid under the table to look the other way and falsify reports
His actions often bring him into contact with dark wizards and unsavory characters, making Issy wary of his true intentions and creating a strained relationship between them.
Mother: Moira MacAlistar
Herbologist, specializing in poisons and toxins having a killer greenhouse
Her expertise is sought after for both healing and more nefarious purposes
This specialization adds an element of danger and mistrust for Issy
Lachlan MacAlister- Lachlan and Issy have a strained relationship, primarily due to their differing views on their father and their paths in life. While Lachlan cares deeply for Issy and wants to protect her, his authoritative and sometimes overbearing nature often pushes her away. His attempts to guide or control her are met with resistance.
Elspeth "Elsie" MacAlister- Elsie looks up to Issy, admiring her strength and independence. She aspires to be as brave and capable as her older sister. Despite the admiration, there is some tension and rivalry between the sisters. Elsie sometimes feels overshadowed by Issy’s achievements and presence.
Friends: Poppy Sweeting, Imelda Reyes, Samantha Dale, Lenora Everleigh
Special Abilities: Ancient Magic, Excels in potions, Natural Healer
Boggart: Dark Sebastian
Patronus: Fox
Polyjuice: Would look a deep emerald green color and would appear silky. The smell is something of freshly cut grass, a hint of mint, earthy herbs, and subtle bitterness of coffee. Bittersweet with herbal undertones and a spicy kick
Amortentia: Grass, Leather, Wood Smoke and Peppermint
Isobel "Issy" MacAlister arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a guarded heart. Born into a prestigious but troubled family, Issy had always struggled to reconcile her Slytherin ambitions with her desire for genuine connection. Despite her standoffish demeanor, she quickly formed a bond with Sebastian Sallow, a fellow Slytherin. Their friendship blossomed into a close relationship, and Issy found herself deeply in love with him.
However, as Sebastian became increasingly entangled in the allure of Dark Magic, their relationship took a dark turn. The person Issy once loved and trusted began to hurt her, both emotionally and physically, as he delved deeper into dangerous practices. Heartbroken and betrayed, Issy felt more isolated than ever.
During this tumultuous time, Poppy Sweeting, a kind and compassionate Hufflepuff, became a source of comfort for Issy. Poppy had long harbored feelings for Issy but never wanted to cross any boundaries, respecting Issy's relationship with Sebastian. Instead, Poppy offered a listening ear and a gentle presence, supporting Issy through her heartache with unwavering patience and empathy.
As Issy confided in Poppy and leaned on her for support, she began to see Poppy in a new light. Poppy's genuine kindness, understanding, and love for magical creatures provided a stark contrast to the darkness that had consumed her previous relationship. It was in these moments of vulnerability and connection that Issy realized her true feelings for Poppy.
Despite her rough past and initial reservations, Issy found solace and happiness in Poppy's company. Poppy's quiet strength and unwavering support helped Issy heal and opened her heart to the possibility of love again. Together, they forged a bond built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect, bringing light and joy into each other's lives.
Best Subject: Herbology
Favorite Subject: Divination
Favorite Professor: Hecat
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Professor: Binns
Student Life:
Top student, excelling particularly in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Herbology
As a key player on the Slytherin Quidditch team, Issy’s athleticism and strategic mind make her a formidable opponent
Issy is known for her intelligence, determination, and resilience
Her natural talent as a healer is often used to help others, whether it’s tending to injuries on the Quidditch field or providing care in more serious situations
Template: @hazyange1s
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milonavarroo · 2 months
There was a long back and forth conversation between Milo, his father, his lawyer, and his publicity team. That whatever the FBI wanted wasn't actually an 'interrogation' or so they were saying, so they didn't need a legal team in there with them. It was clearly an interrogation, of course. Milo tried to tell them this. But it didn't matter. The last time he was in there with the police it went terribly and his lawyer had been there too. So, perhaps, it wouldn't even matter, and he should just do it himself. Show everyone that he had nothing to worry about. Milo thought that was naive bullshit. They all had something to worry about, but there wasn't much he could share with those people to make them understand that.
Eventually Milo relented and agreed to show up without a lawyer. It seemed like a stupid idea. He was already on the law enforcement shit list, but what the fuck could he do about it? Only answer the questions they ask. Don't give them more than you have to. Think before you speak. It all seemed so easy.
"Mr. Navarro, it's nice to see you again," one of the detectives said and motioned to the table, "please take a seat. Would you like something to drink?"
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"No, thank you," Milo said, as he sat down, resting his hands on the table in front of him, though the detectives remained standing and looking down at him. He had done a lot of interviews in his life. This was not an interview. "I'd rather just get this over with, I have a lot I have to do today."
"Okay," the detective said, a polite smile on their face, "then let's jump right in. What was your relationship like with Greer Morrison?"
Milo pulled a face. As if they didn't know. "We were tennis partners," Milo said, then after a short pause he continued, "friends…"
“Are you aware of any information about Greer Morrison that has come to light in the past year that you haven’t shared?“
There was a pause on the Agents end, as if they expected him to say more, but he didn't. Milo wasn't even sure he did know more. There was a lot being thrown around. But who was a reliable source? Certainly not fucking G. As far as Milo was concerned he wasn't aware of jack shit. So, they got a simple answer, and after the small pause, thankfully the agents continued on.
"Have you witnessed anything suspicious on campus over the past year and a half?"
They must have expected the short answers now, because there was little to no pause afterwards. Even if the next question they asked seemed to hit Milo like a brick wall.
"Did you have any reason to suspect Greer Morrison was dead before this news came to light?"
Something tightened in Milo's chest, and like his heart jumped into his throat. He stared up at the Detectives for what felt like too long. Milo didn't know why he was so shocked by the question, but it wasn't easy to hear it laid out so plainly like that. Like they knew for sure Greer was dead now. He blinked a few times, before shaking his head as if trying to sort through his thoughts. "I don't know. She'd been gone for over a year without anyone seeing her. I think we all suspected she could be dead, sure."
"What was your relationship with Penelope Klein and Ida Clarke?"
There was a deep frown that crossed Milo's face, before he attempted to school his expression into something less effected. "Ida and I were friends, but I didn't really know Penny much."
"What were you doing when Ms. Klein's body was found?"
Hadn't he already answered this question for Donovan Hart? Did these people not speak to each other? Milo had to struggle hard to not roll his eyes, or say something in regards to how they should already know this. Or ask them what they were actually doing on their job. "I was locked in the kitchen pantry with Ollie Inoue." He said. "The power went out and we were stuck in there for hours." At least it had felt like hours.
“What do you know about the nature of Greer’s relationship with Penelope Klein?”
"Nothing." He hadn't even been aware they'd had a relationship until the end of the year…
"What were you doing when Ms. Clarke's body was found?"
"I was attempting to escape a burning building unharmed, I suppose," he said with a very sarcastic casual tone. He had not managed to escape a burning building unharmed. In fact the school was fucking lucky he hadn't pressed charges or something. These questions were wearing his patience down so quickly. He wished he had taken the offer of something to drink, just to give himself something to occupy his hands with. Instead he clenched his hands tightly into fists. Holding the tension he was feeling tightly there. God, he hoped this was almost over.
“You were at the Commons the night of the fire? Do you know why students even were there when they should’ve been at the Commencement Gala?“
He did roll his eyes at that question, and shrugged his shoulders. "Some anonymous bitch texted me and told me to go there, same as everyone else, I guess." There was no way they couldn't already know that. Not if they really had looked through Samantha's phone.
"So, over the past year you have gotten anonymous messages? Any threatening ones? Or any with…leading information?”
Fuck. He sighed deeply, like he was disappointed in his own self, and wondering how the fuck he was supposed to answer that. "Have you ever seen Gossip Girl?" He finally said, looking between the officers. Only one of them seemed to know what he was talking about. Good lord… "It's just a bunch of made up bullshit. But it's better to just … know what's going on than ignore it."
"What was the nature of your relationship with Samantha Jimenez?"
"I didn't know her," he said, though a moment later he changed his mind, deciding to be just a touch more honest. He didn't think there was any reason not to be. "She's friends with someone I have a history with. We talked a few times." And then even though he should have left it at that. "She's not the one who was sending out messages. We're still getting them."
"Are you?"
Milo pressed his lips into a thin line, letting a silence stretch between them, until he spoke again. "I think I'm finished here," he said, a very fake and forced smile crossing his face as he stood up, "I can go, right? I'm not being held?" The Agent's looked between each other. He couldn't tell if they were annoyed, if they were disappointed, if they just didn't want to be here at all… But either way they let him go. Carefully Milo stood up from his seat and walked passed them without another word.
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simmerdowndee · 5 months
uni_dayz episode five part two
Today is the campus career fair. I took Theo because he could also find some intern opportunities there. He wasn’t sure why we needed to go this early in our schooling, but I told him it’s the perfect time. You don’t wait until your senior year sir. I also made him dress nice because he attempted to come here in an adidas tracksuit. You will not get a job like that babe.
Theo: I’m going to go look at these tables.
Dakota: Okay! I’m going over here.
I noticed a table that has the logo of one of the best law firms in the country. I immediately walk over to talk.
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Dakota: Hi, my name is Dakota. I’m a sophomore at UBrite.
Mrs. Greer: Well, you’re already doing well so far. UBrite is my alma mater. My name is Jasmine Greer. I am the general counsel for Steele and Hart.
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STEELE AND HART??? So, this is for one of the best law firms in the country.
Dakota: Your firm was number one on my list to work for. You guys do such great work.
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Mrs. Greer: Well, thank you, Dakota. You seem very well put together. What made you interested in law?
Dakota: To be honest, my personal upbringing.
Mrs. Greer: Ah, no need to elaborate further. I understand.
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Mrs. Greer: We have a few clerkships available for enthusiastic students like yourself. If you are interested, I can get you a packet and some contact information.
Dakota: When do these clerkships begin?
Mrs. Greer: I have one available for the fall, two for the spring, and three for the summer.
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Dakota: I would be interested in the summer one. That way I can focus on that without worrying about my studies.
Mrs. Greer: Good thinking Dakota. Always make sure your studies come first.
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Mrs. Greer: Here is the summer information and my contact info. I look forward to seeing you this summer, Dakota.
Dakota: Thank you so much Mrs. Greer. You won’t be disappointed.
(Theo’s POV)
I wasn’t really looking for an internship just yet, but Dakota thinks it’s a good idea to get a head start. There is a table I noticed that has a software engineering program. I think I’ll go check it out….
Mr. Wayne: Hello there son. You look data efficient.
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Theo: Haha, yes. I am a computer science major.
Mr. Wayne: Excellent, then you’d probably love the software engineering program we are offering to students who are sophomores or higher.
Theo: Can you tell me a bit more?
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Mr. Wayne: Of course. We offer a software engineering program with limited spots to students wanting to get experience within the tech world. The program offers room and board, with a weekly stipend for your work.
Theo: Room and board? As in you’ll pay for my dorm expenses.
Mr. Wayne: Oh, let me elaborate. The program offers students a chance to study abroad. You would be relocating for the year to Windenburg.
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Theo: As in out of the country?
Mr. Wayne: Yes sir. It’s a great opportunity and you receive a very generous stipend while there.
Theo: It sounds amazing. I’m not sure though…
Mr. Wayne: What’s stopping you son?
Theo: I’m not sure how my girlfriend would feel about me being gone for a year in another country…...
Mr. Wayne: I’m sure she wouldn’t want you to miss out on an opportunity like this.
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Mr. Wayne: How about this, I’ll give you my contact number and the program info packet. Since you are a sophomore, you can’t start in the middle of your year. You’d be the perfect candidate during your junior year.
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Theo: Thank you, Mr. Wayne. I’m seriously considering it.
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Mr. Wayne: Remember, talk to your girlfriend.
Theo: Will do.
This program sounds so awesome. I don’t know how Dakota will take the news though. I think I’ll bring it up at dinner tonight. I’m sure she wouldn’t want me to miss out… right?
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inesosorino · 2 years
— people like to tell you what you're gonna be
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{ ZION MORENO, 21, TRANS WOMAN, SHE/HER } Is that INÉS OSORIO? A JUNIOR originally from SAN DIEGO, CA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study PRE-LAW on a FINANCIAL SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE PRODIGY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
FULL NAME: inés yesenia osorio cruz GENDER IDENTITY & PRONOUNS: trans woman & she/her BIRTHDATE: september 5th, 2001 (virgo sun, leo moon, sagittarius rising) BIRTHPLACE: mérida, mexico NATIONALITY: mexican-american RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: athiest LANGUAGES: spanish (fluent), english (fluent), latin (fluent), can speak the other romance languages conversationally, currently studying cantonese
MORAL ALIGNMENT: true evil neutral MYERS-BRIGGS: estj TEMPERAMENT: melancholic VICES: icy, egotistical, self serving, workaholic, controlling VIRTUES: confident, poised, resourceful, studious, sharp SKILLS: hand sewing, knows how to interpret and use body language, public speaking CHARACTER INSPIRATION: michaela pratt (how to get away with murder), lydia martin (teen wolf), harper spiller (white lotus), spencer hastings (pretty little liars), drea torres (do revenge)
inés is a type a personality through and through. not only is she academically gifted, she’s quick witted, accomplished, capable, and not to mention incredibly humble. it’s hard to let go of a massive ego when you’ve been told all your life how much you’re going to achieve. while such praise may have caused others to burn out, her drive became her super power. no feat was too large for inés osorio to face. it just come from being conceited however, ever since she was a child she has had to fight for the things she wants and she’s carried that spirit with her into adulthood. she’s had to bare her teeth a few times to have her way and she’ll do it again. while that may make her come across as intense and overly zealous when it comes to her studies she believes if you can’t keep up then you can get out of the way. she’s earned her right to be at the table and she won’t apologize for the things she’s had to do to get there. there is more to inés than her over achieving mean girl persona though. she’s introspective and curious and enjoys to have deep conversations. bonus points if you can actually challenge her as she is prone to growing bored rather quickly. in spite of herself the glitz and glamor of the upper class still impress her and it can be charming if she’s caught letting her guard down. still, she has high standards for herself and those she keeps around her so don’t be too shocked if she’s quick to write you off. 
inés's parents had married young after her mother had become pregnant. truth be told their relationship was fresh and they didn't know each other that well but they shared the same dreams and that had to count for something, right? he played piano and wrote songs while she was a singer. and so, ximena and mateo moved their small family to sunny california from mexico. inés was too young to remember their time in their home country but she thinks about the cramped apartment in san diego's downtown more than she would like to. it was fine, at first. mateo worked two jobs to keep the household afloat while ximena took care of the baby. she would come home from school to her mother cooking and sundays after morning mass were full of laughter and music. the osorio household was a place for love and light.
except ximena was never able get past an audition and mateo never caught his big break. after years and years of waiting to be recognized for their talents, reality began to sink in for the couple. tensions rose as ximena refused to work but insisted they sent money to her family in mexico and mateo had to put his foot down as they barely had enough for themselves. the two fought often. they would do their best to have their arguments when inés was asleep but children pick up on more than their parent’s think. eventually they stopped hiding it. the two never left each other and inés always wondered if it was their own way of punishing the other.
when she began school, her teachers noticed how much more excelled in class than her peers. inés had an impressive memory and was incredibly well spoken for a child. her english was far more advanced than any other children her age who learned it as a second language. after her parents made the discovery they were raising a tiny genius, ximena went crazy. she pulled inés out of the public school she had been attending and used the rest of their family’s money to enroll her in a private one on the other side of town without consulting mateo. he was justifiably upset with her new treatment of their only child and ximena told him exactly where to stick it because inés was special and, more importantly, a chance out of this life they were in.
while inés’s parents were initially upset that their prodigal child was more interested in being a girl than kissing one (she would realize a few years later she didn’t mind doing that either though), they were ultimately accepting. her accomplishments in school had brought them so many gifts even if they were still making ends meet. ximena would push inés. if she failed, affection would be withdrawn to show there was no room for anything less than perfection. her daughter was going to be someone whether she wanted to or not. inés didn’t mind. she liked being the best. she liked the power that it gave her and she learned how to harness it. she was just as good as her peers who lived in big mansions— no, she was better. 
mateo left to move back to mexico inés’s sophomore year of high school. he had been talking to a woman his family had found and decided would be a “more suitable” wife and the two developed feelings for each other. ximena didn’t even look at him as he left, but later that night she crawled into bed with her daughter. instead, she focuses all of her time and energy into her daughter. she becomes overtly critical of anything inés did from what she wore to what she ate to who she spent her time with. her study sessions become longer and she signs up for more activities to excel at. there isn’t room for failure or burnout. inés to this day considers ximena to be tough but fair although from an outside perspective her parenting methods are definitely questionable. she stressed how vital it was for inés to succeed and to get a good job so the two of them could have the life “they” deserve.
inés settled into ogden university with ease. not long after her interview she was offered a full ride and she knew she would be a fool to turn it down. the undergraduate program was a walk in the park. she wanted to focus on buffing up her resumé before going to harvard, anyway. befriending greer and her group of friends was an added bonus. it can be hard to tell what inés’s true intentions are but she proved herself to be loyal to the golden girl so it didn’t matter what the rest of them thought. with her dear friend gone, inés stays skeptical as things are most definitely not what they seem. she can’t stop the world from turning though and even if she could she wouldn’t want it to. 
extracurricular activities (oh boy): captain of the rowing team and currently filling in as coxswain, cheerleading team (co captain), undergraduate student council, pre law association, and mock trial.
cw: drugs. the type to say no to a cigarette because smoking is bad for you then immediately do a line of coke.
hates animals!! dogs have too much energy and she’s allergic to cats and she isn’t fond of anything with scales. if she isn’t interacting with something that is bipedal and can talk she’s getting out of there as soon as possible.
it isn’t that inés doesn’t appreciate the arts, it’s more after watching her mother and father’s lives fall apart due to the dream they were chasing she feels contempt for them. she learned from a young age only certain people were allowed to succeed in the field.
she’s the kind of person you would want around during a crisis. inés is very good at remaining calm and talking people down before any hysteria hits. 
was very much a regina george type in high school. prom queen, top of her class, and casually cruel. that hasn’t changed much. 
inés doesn’t actually like rich people but she likes and believes she deserves their lifestyle. after being surrounded by them for much of her life she’s come to the conclusion they’re not very bright and most of the time not worthy of her respect.
wanted connections
playlist (tba)
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mikaishii · 1 year
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{ Midori Francis, 20, cisfemale, she/her } Is that MIKA ISHII? A SOPHOMORE originally from POTTSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study POLITICAL SCIENCE on an ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE ACTIVIST on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance. 
Full name: Mika Ishii Gender: cisfemale Pronouns: she/her Birthday: October 1, 2002 Sexual orientation: homosexual  Zodiac: libra sun, cancer moon, aquarius rising Three positive traits: loyal, optimistic, dedicated Three negative traits: intense, stubborn, emotional Three skills: calligraphy (and, by extension, forgery), drawing (she currently has a webcomic she’s been working on/publishing for two years now), sewing (all of her clothes come from thrift shops and resale, so she’s regularly repurposing and creating new treasures from others’ trash) Extracurriculars: pre-law association, queer alliance, organizer of the woman’s center, animal rights coalition
small but scrappy, will start a fight even when she knows she can’t finish it
has been arrested multiple times, lives to be a pain in the ass to any and all authority
has 100% chained herself to a tree
has way too much pride (it’s actually mostly insecurities manifesting in inflated pride but that’s too much to unpack so we just won’t)
mental gymnastics herself into being right no matter what, just try and argue with her, i promise you’ll give up before she does
vegan, but not in an annoying 
she came out to her parents in the middle of her senior year of high school and they’re coming around to it, but more often than not it feels like they just avoid the subject entirely, so mika created the woman’s center because she needed a place to be open and comfortable and safe and knew others would feel the same way
the big ex - likely her first real relationship that could have ended on good terms (but bad terms is so much more fun). gimme angst for this one, i’ll leave it all open for plotting
more casual-ish exes 
unrequited crush(es) - could go either way !
friends obv
antagonistic relationships 
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Devil Town - Black Flies Chapter Two
Wow! I finally updated it. 
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Story Summary: Darlin wasn't exactly what someone would call the "pack type". Between their introverted nature and severe trust issues, it was hard to connect to people. Two vampires change that in a way they weren't expecting and now they're put in a world where they don't know what the fuck is going on.
Me writing Darlin because I found out I kin them and I want to write them as a teen all the way to current events in the canon storyline. I don't want to think about the Imperium right now. Needless to say, if you haven't listened to all of their storyline, there will likely be spoilers when I get there.
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Tank walked along the hallway of the school, eyes narrowed. They were trying to avoid a certain Shaw, Greer, and whatever the other two’s last names were. They didn’t honestly care. The only reason they knew Milo’s last name was because their father had them go to Milo’s mother to heal their broken hand after they had punched a tree. Don’t ask why they punched the tree, just know that the tree fucking deserved it. Their headphones were up and over their ears, the music trying to pull their attention from what was distressing. They had no idea why the golden children of the pack were trying to invite them to things now. They had seemed content to just leave Tank to their own devices before, so what had changed? Had they decided that Tank would be fun to mess with? Personally they disagreed. They were horrible to mess with since they didn’t really take any bullshit.
But here they were, trying to find a way to avoid the younger members of the Shaw pack. Hopefully their latest discussion with David would make him stop. David Shaw was the most annoying out of them all. Tank could intimidate the other into leaving them alone after a bit. It took longer than it used to but it still happened. David, however, was impossible to intimidate. However much Tank tried to stand up to him, he had that same kind of air that his father did. Tank couldn’t combat against that. So avoidance continued to be the way to go. The five minute bell blared out in the hall and more kids entered their classrooms from where they waited just outside of, talking to their friends. Tank didn’t have any of those friends to talk to, but that hardly bothered them. They hunched their shoulders and moved towards the bathroom. They had no interest in history class.
“Tank!” A voice had them pausing and cringing. They could hear the whispers about the nickname and they turned around, a glare already set in place. It was pointless since it was the cursed son of the alpha which had called out to them. They raised their eyebrows as he moved closer. “Your history class is down the hall the other way.” He said, his hands going into his pockets. Tank’s frown deepened.
“Are you seriously tracking my fucking schedule now?” They queried. David looked at them with a shrug. Tank clenched their jaw. He couldn’t stalk them. That had to be against some kind of pack law, right? Maybe they would try figuring it out when school let out.
“I’m not. Asher is in your history class. I’m usually trying to make sure he gets to class.” He said. David was such a control freak. Did he honestly feel the need to control everything? Including whenever his friend went to class? Tank turned away from David and started to walk away, this time purposefully headed towards the bathroom.
“Go find him then.” They muttered. They could hear David sigh, but didn’t care. He was the one bothering them. Besides, they had made it abundantly clear that they weren’t interested in whatever his friendship had to offer. And he had three close friends, wasn’t that enough for him? Why did they need to be dragged into it?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Tank leaned into the door as they tried to twist their key to unlock the damn thing, a growl stuck in their throat. Unlocking doors was supposed to be simple if you had the right key, so why was it so damn difficult? The shifter teen dropped their backpack to kick it off the porch, not caring if something happened to the textbooks or notebooks inside. It’s not like they were going to do anything with the stupid education they were receiving. They had no intention of going to D.A.M.N. and getting their full certification. They didn’t want to be part of the Department. So why did they need it? What use was learning how a proper sentence should be formed and what cases used rhetoric? They weren’t a fucking author. No, they were a frustrated werewolf who couldn’t open their fucking front door to get inside their house!
Tank sat down on the cement steps, glaring at their front lawn. The key remained stubbornly within the lock and they had no intention of pulling a muscle trying to tug it out. The driveway was emptied and garage locked, so there was no hope of getting inside by any other means. They went over to their kicked backpack to pull out their phone, calling their father. They put the phone to their ear and stared down at their feet, face growing warm with embarrassment.
“Hello?” Their father’s tired voice filtered through the phone and shame joined the embarrassment.
“I can’t get inside. My stupid key isn’t working.” They explained quickly, not wanting to waste their father’s time. He made a small hum before his voice grew muffled. Tank waited for him to finish talking to whoever it was.
“I know. I changed the locks. I told you last night.” Their father answered. Tank rolled their eyes. Their father had been asleep by the time Tank returned, but they didn’t say that. Talking through their room door didn’t mean that Tank was inside their room to hear it. They liked late night forest walks. And anyone who tried to mess with them was going to get a mouthful of sharp teeth anyways, so it’s not like there was any danger. The only things that were tougher than shifters, strength-wise, were demons. They didn’t know if daemons were stronger too. Vampires had a pretty equal amount of strength for the most part. But in pack territory, there was no reason a demon or vampire would mess with a teen shifter. Not any reasons they could think of.
“Right. Well, my key is stuck now and I can’t get in.” They repeated. They heard their father take a deep inhale before exhaling it slowly. Their face burned hotter.
“Try to get the key out and then head over to our alpha’s home. I’ll let him know and I can pick you up from there on my way home.” Their father said. Tank shook their head quickly before remembering he couldn’t see them. It was a gut reaction at this point.
“I can just wait outside, it’s fine. I don’t need to go there.” They protested, but their father insisted. The two went back and forth until Tank was forced to give in because their father had to get back to work. Their eyes glared at the key before they grasped it tightly and tugged. Probably too harshly considering they were sent back a couple steps. A small curse slipped from their lips before they grabbed their bag again. They could always go somewhere else, but they didn’t want to risk Gabe looking for them or telling their father they never arrived. This seemed like dirty pool.
The shifter rang the doorbell, their jaw clenched as anxiety coursed through their veins. It was a nice house, which only made it more scary to stand in front of it. They were just going to let Gabe know that they were here and then wait out on the front lawn for their father to finish up with his work day and come rescue them from this situation. The door opened to reveal the imposing figure of the alpha of the pack. He smiled down at Tank and the shifter quickly looked away.
“I’ll just be outside. I don’t wanna impose or nothing.” They said, hand gripping their bag. Before they could step away, Gabe opened the door wider.
“I’m not going to have a pack member just sitting out there all by their lonesome. Come on in. You can have a snack or something. David and Asher are working on homework in the dining room, so you can hang out with them.” He said. Tank flinched and scuffed their boot on the ground.
“I’d… rather wait outside.” They mumbled, their voice growing small. But Gabe didn’t close the door and after a few moments Tank lowered their head and entered the house. Gabe closed the door behind them as they untied their boots to take them off. They placed them off into the far corner, trying to take up as little amount of space as possible. Gabe offered to take their bag but they shook their head quickly. It felt weird to have the alpha trying to wait on them. Tank followed Gabe quietly towards the dining room, trying not to flinch again when the two other shifter’s gazes landed on them. They could see surprise registering on both of the other’s faces as they set their bag down and took the seat as far from them as possible. They rested their hands in their lap to fidget with, staring at the table.
“Do you want anything to drink, kiddo?” Gabe asked them gently. They didn’t know why he was treating them so gingerly. He didn’t need to. Tank shook their head.
“No thank you, sir.” They answered. Gabe nodded and looked down at his phone.
“Alright. Just let David or Ash know if you want or need something and I’m sure they’ll be happy to get it for you.” He said before glancing at the two others. “Right?” Both of them nodded as Tank sank down deeper into the chair, wanting to hide in the large hoodie that they wore. Was it stolen from their father’s closet? Yes, sue them because it was fucking soft. As Gabe left, Tank blew out a breath from between their lips. That was something about adults that they had noticed. They always had the best intentions to help, but by signing up the two others to help Tank, it just made them feel like they were even more of a burden. Asher cleared his throat, drawing their gaze over to him.
“So… what’s up?” He asked. And holy shit it was as awkward as they imagined it would be if they ever hung out with the group. That was part of the reason why they had avoided it too. It would just be way too awkward.
“I’m just waiting for my dad to pick me up, then I’ll be out of here.” Tank said quickly. They watched Asher look at David, both having small frowns on their faces. Tank knew it. They were upset that Tank was here at all. They should just go to the front lawn now that Gabe was gone. He wouldn’t be here to stop them. They stood up, jumping a little when David stood up just as fast.
“What do you want? I can get it.” He said quickly, his brow furrowed. They frowned, confusion placing itself on their face. “If you want to get something, I can just get it. You haven’t really been inside the house much, so I don’t know if you know where anything is.” David elaborated. Asher looked between the two before standing up as well. They bit back a snort. Asher always seemed to copy David so he could do the activity with his friend. It was funny.
“I’m going outside.” Tank said as they grabbed their backpack. David shook his head and circled around the table to get closer to Tank. The latter took a few steps back from him, hand tightening around their bag. They watched David raise his hands in surrender.
“You can stay inside. Besides, my dad doesn’t like people just waiting outside.” David said. Tank chewed on the inside of their cheek for a moment, noticing how Asher moved to block the most direct path towards the front door. They started to feel boxed in and took another few steps back.
“I said I was just going outside.” They said, their voice small. They didn’t like sounding meek, but the amount of anxiety and uncomfortability they were feeling at the moment was taking an effect on their voice.
“I know you well enough to know that-” David started, but they interrupted, outrage flashing through them.
“You don’t know shit about me!” They had made sure that they never gave David or anyone too much information about them. So how could David presume that he knew them well enough to know what they were doing? Sure, he was right in thinking they were going to try to wait outside. But they didn’t like him assuming he was close to them when they had taken care to make sure he stayed an arm’s reach apart, being right had nothing to do with it.
“Hey Tank, I think it would be better if we just calmed down..” Asher said. Tank turned towards him, panic swelling up in their chest. This was why they didn’t like packs. It was smothering and everyone assumed that they could treat you like they were close to you when they weren’t. They could feel their core start to thrum and the other two shifters in the room exchange an uneasy look. It only proved that they didn’t trust Tank. Fine then. If they didn’t trust Tank, there was no point in making them change their minds. They dropped their bag and after a few seconds there was the sound of ripping fabric until a wolf stood in their place. Their tail was down and curled between their legs by reflex, ears pinned to their head as they peeled back their lips to reveal sharp gleaming teeth. The two teenage boys were reflected in Tank’s pupil as white rings around their irises gleamed with their teeth. Tank barked at them before throwing in a growl for good measure. Neither moved.
Why wouldn’t they just move? Tank knew that David and Asher were bigger than them in the wolf forms. David was taller than them outside of it too. But Asher was only a few inches taller than them when everyone was bipedal. But Tank was intimidating. They knew they were. Hell, they relied on it. The next snarl that left their maw sounded unsure, even to Tank’s wishful thinking. Still, neither boys moved. The three just stood there until another presence entered the room. Tank turned to look and a soft whine left them at the sight of Gabe. Forget how big Tank might be, Gabe was bigger in any sense of the word. They shifted back, hands moving to preserve their modesty. It wasn’t in the same sense anyone outside of the shifter culture would, but they were in their alpha’s house. It felt weird to just stand there all bare. They watched him sigh and leave, hopefully to get them some clothes. They glanced towards the teenage boys, their face heating up. Asher tugged off his hoodie and held it out towards Tank, a lopsided smile placed on his face.
Great. Just… great.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The problem with feeling like you owe someone is that the feeling bothers you until you fulfill your end of the debt. Tank’s sleep schedule was pretty shot to begin with, but now they owed the remaining Shaw family and Asher. They weren’t going to just write off the fact he handed over his hoodie to help them lessen their embarrassment. So here they sat in bed, trying to figure out how the fuck they were going to make it up to them. They could sense the disappointment that Gabe felt as he handed them a pair of jogger shorts and a t-shirt. Which were currently going through the washing machine so Tank could return them as soon as possible. They didn’t want to think about the fact that the clothes likely belonged to David based on the sizing of the clothes. At least to David’s credit he hadn’t reacted as Tank had shuffled to the bathroom to change into his clothes.
They were also going to ignore the lecture they had received from their father for being ‘disrespectful’ and ‘embarrassing him’ to Gabe. He clearly didn’t know the alpha of the pack very well if he thought that Gabe would see him any differently because of Tank’s behavior. But something felt off about their dad, so they made no mention of it. He was becoming more forgetful and quicker to blame other people for his mistakes.
“How the fuck am I going to fix it?” They muttered out loud in a hope that maybe a solution would come to them. It was silly, but it was their only hope at the moment. Slowly a solution crawled into their mind and Tank sighed. They hated it but it wasn’t wrong. Why couldn’t it just be wrong…
“I guess I’m going to a fucking hang out with the pack kid elites.”
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aceofportsmouth · 2 years
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Is that BOOKER ‘ACE’ WELLS? A FRESHMAN originally from PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE, they decided to come to Ogden College to study PUBLIC HEALTH & CHEMISTRY on an ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE HOMEGROWN HERO on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
pinterest | connections | visage | musing |
Full Name: Booker ‘Ace’ Xavier Wells
Nicknames: Ace (most people know him as this)
Date of Birth: September 29th, 2002
Hometown: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Caucasian, African American
Western Zodiac: ☼ Libra | ☽ Gemini | ↑ Aries
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Socioeconomic Status: Upper Middle Class
Occupation: With all his activities and classes, Booker has little time for a job.
FOUR POSITIVE TRAITS: Sympathetic, Persistent, Friendly, & Diplomatic
FOUR NEGATIVE TRAITS: Cautious, Two-Faced, Shallow, & Manipulative
THREE SKILLS: Conflict Resolution, Networking, Wilderness Navigation
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral 
MBTI:  ENFP //  ENFPs are enthusiastic, idealistic, restless, and open-minded, with wide-ranging interests. Because of these personality traits, they are among the most versatile of all types, working well with both people and ideas. They love to talk about people: not just the facts, but what motivates them, what inspires them, and what they envision achieving in life. They often seem unconventional, and may come off as scattered; they don’t tend to be in touch with their physical surroundings. They often overlook the details, as they are more likely to focus on connecting with other people or on exploring their own imagination and self-expression. They have little patience for the mundane and want to experience life with intensity and flair. 
On the Outside, Booker is an outgoing, kind-hearted, and helpful freshman, trying his best to navigate college. Many find him pleasant to talk to and enjoy being in the freshman’s company. He may across as naïve due to his small town life, but he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. 
On the Inside, Booker is making calculated moves. He plays up the nice guy roll to keep people’s guards down. Most people at Ogden have pegged him as the small town boy, trying to keep up with the big players. However, he plays into that role. Booker wants all the information before he makes any moves. If he needs to play dumb to climb the ladder, he will do it. Some people don’t believe his good guy persona, but it’s best to kill them with kindness. 
Homegrown Hero (obvi), The Wiseacre, Good Ol' Boy, The Mediator, The Dilettante, The Perfectionist, The Ebullient, The Golden Boy, Beware the Nice One, The Eyes and Ears, The Sycophant, The Catfish, The Chess Master, Chronic Hero Syndrome, Loophole Misuse
School Year: Freshman
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Public Health
Sports: Baseball (Pitcher), Tennis (Singles & Doubles)
Extracurriculars: Freshman Class Board, Rock Climbing Team, Debate Team, School News Channel (Anchor), Mental Health Union, PIKE Member.
Father - Christopher Wells 
Mother - Ella (nee Williams) Wells
Brother - Malcolm Wells
Sister - Ruby Wells
Sister - Hallie Wells
Born to a car salesman, eventually owner,  and an elementary school teacher, Booker was raised in middle class family in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where he’s stayed all his life. 
Booker is the oldest child. He has a younger brother, Malcolm, who is seventeen years old. His two younger sisters are identical twins, Ruby and Hallie. They are thirteen.
Childhood memories of pancakes in the morning and family outings to whatever thing each child was obsessed with at the point are common in the Wells household. His parents want the best for each of their children, working hard to provide for their needs. 
Christopher and Ella are pillars of the community. They do outreach and fundraising whenever they can, encouraging each of their children to do the same. However, it tended to be for show more than actually being charitable. 
He remembers pressure. His family wasn’t as perfect as they appeared. Booker is expected to do well. If one child scored a 90, he needed to have a 100. If someone sold ten boxes of cookies for charity, he needed to do fifty boxes
School wasn’t easy, but Booker did decently. Thankfully, his athletic ability made up for it. Tennis and Baseball scholarships helped to pay for tuition. Ogden was the dream and now, it’s a reality. 
Booker dated a freshman Ogden student when he was a senior in high school. They broke up before the summer of Booker’s freshman year. It was his first real romance, but the student sadly ended up overdosing that summer. Booker was heartbroken and joined the Mental Health Union for support. He’s been very open about what happened and the grief he feels from it. 
Ogden was always the goal. His mother being an alumni of the university meant being aware of the social structure of the institution. It was easy for a local high school student to discover who was the most popular girl in school, so Booker set his sights on her. Luck was on his side when Booker got paired with Greer for his weekend visit. He clung to her side the whole weekend, doing whatever she asked of him. He would do whatever he could to curry her favor. Their weekend together bonded them and Greer basically helped him prepare for freshman year! However, Greer’s ghosting of him over the summer left him scared. Did she decide he was no longer worth the energy? Was she okay? Their brief closeness was an eye opener. If Booker wanted to rise to the top, he would have to do it on his own.
In a small town like Portsmouth, everyone knew of the Wells family, and Booker by association. Father owns the town’s car dealership and mother teaches at the town’s elementary school. The picturesque family who gave to the community whenever they could. For a long time, he was simply known as the Wells’ boy. Booker was never far from his parents’ side, happily helping anyone who came by with whatever he could. He could charm even the most crotchety of the community, with a toothy grin and a kind word. His status as a hero came when he saved two children from a house fire. Soon, everyone knew his name, mostly his nickname. He volunteered, played and captained the baseball and tennis team, and was always found out in the community helping however he could. The attention and praise furthered his desire for recognition. 
The nickname Ace started when he first began playing baseball, being the starting pitcher for all of his Little Leagues. It caught on with all of his good deeds that eventually no one ever refers to him as Booker. 
Booker knows all the staff (minus professors) at Ogden. Most of them watched him grow up and will regularly stop to say hello to him and chat. From the lunch ladies to the cleaning staff, they all know Booker. 
Booker plays the guitar. 
His favorite food is pizza. 
Love language is physical touch. 
Publicly, he loves action movies and thrillers. Secretly, Booker loves movie musicals. You can find him belting the songs in the shower. 
On weekends, you will find him at Portsmouth local dinner, chowing on burgers and milkshakes. 
He has a Great Pyrenees named Magic. 
More to come...
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isabellafm · 2 years
The police knocking on Bella’s door, searching through the suite, calling her in for an interview. The reality set in: Greer was missing. The student body of Ogden College were about to be picked through with a fine tooth comb, and surely, to the public eye, Greer would be the perfect missing white woman. Blonde hair, a bright future, a life of the elites; Isabella suddenly realized she wouldn’t be able to hide anything, not anymore.
Her father’s first concern was his daughter’s well-being, that the campus security was on high alert and that it could’ve been his precious Areum missing instead. Pessimism and anxiety must’ve ran in the family, and as soon as the lawyer he sent arrived and she sat down across from the police, her heart beat throughout her body. The chair was stiff, uncomfortable, light shining directly in her eyes, but isn’t that the way? To make her squirm, stumble over her words, blurt out some big secret along the way. She couldn’t run from her problems, not today.
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Some cop wearing a JC Penney’s suit entered, clipboard in hand. Bella noticed a wedding ring, dirty and scuffed and old. How sweet. The cop thanked her for coming in, showed some type of concern. All fake, Bella assumed, because why not butter up the missing girl’s roommate to uncover some secrets? Finally, the questioning began, her lawyer giving her a nod of approval, to let her know she wasn’t alone.
“When did you last speak to Greer?” the cop seemed to ask almost robotically, as if she were the fiftieth witness in a row. Maybe she was. Maybe they interviewed the entire student body, but no, she couldn’t let her mind wander. She had to focus.
“May. End of school year. I left earlier than her, so she called me as she left,” she answered, matter-of-factly, looking to the cop for approval. A second one entered the room, wearing a white button up, younger, offering a styrofoam cup of water. DNA collection. She watched enough Law and Order: SVU growing up to ignore the kind action. 
“Okay, good. When did you actually last see Greer? In person?”
“A couple days before then, when I left for New York for a week. She had another final to finish up and packing, some miscellaneous Greer Morrison things. We said our in person goodbyes for the summer, then I left.”
“How well did you know Greer?”
Bella eyed her lawyer, for any signs, to know if she was doing good, bad, if they were about to cuff her to the table for 72 hours of questioning. There was a simple nod, once again, so she answered the question. “I would say fairly well. I’ve known her since childhood. Different schools, but same circles. Being roommates I did try to keep some privacy between us, but we were friends.” Short and sweet. But there was a window. 
“We didn’t spend a lot of time together, particularly. She could get quite overwhelming. We had a lot of the same friends, but she hung out more with other people. Kit Kallberg, Henrietta Astor, Alethea Pierce, Jesse Hart, Mari Zuko. They’re all people I saw her with often.” She noticed them writing down the names, and she shrugged. She wasn’t exactly lying, after all.
“What was your relationship with Greer like?”
“I would say it was respectful, quiet, kind. We were never the type of roommate to argue or fight, really. I think we had a good balance of being friends but keeping things separate. We weren’t, like, staying up, giggling and braiding each other’s hair. Never like that. She was always good at that. Keeping some distance.” The cops eyebrow raised at the question, scribbling down some notes, and Bella picked at her nails underneath the metal table.
“Okay, good. Have you heard or seen anything about where she was this summer?”
That question stumped Bella. Her eyes look off for a second, searching for an answer. “Actually, no.” There’s a pause. “I assumed she’d be vacationing in the Hamptons, like every year. Maybe finding a boy toy, or girl toy... Who am I to judge? Love is love. But I didn’t see anything on socials. I couldn’t place her this summer even if I wanted to.” 
“You wouldn’t have wanted Greer to disappear, would you?”
“Wouldn’t you?” She paused, realizing what she said. “I mean, if you had a roommate who was the most popular girl in school? I don’t know anything about where Greer is, scout’s honor. Though, god, I’m not gonna lie when I say the suite’s been so peaceful. I hope she’s fine, but I’m not gonna rush her to come back, y’know?” 
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infjtarot · 7 months
Hierophant. Morgan Greer Tarot
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The Pope, the Pontiff, Jupiter, The High Priest, El Sacerdote Tradition. Convention. Orthodoxy. The high priest archetype. Conventional wisdom. An official ceremony. The establishment. Moral requirements. Spiritual growth. Wise counsel. Professional advice. A bridge. Prayer. Spiritual authority. Divine law. A higher authority. A repository of ancient teachings. Moral development. Seriousness. Celibacy. Platonic relationships. Teaching. Learning. Seeking advice. Preference for tradition. Conformity. Conservatism. Established codes of behavior or belief. External authority. Jung's process of "persona identification," the adoption of a social mask. The search for spiritual truth. Man's search for meaning. Organized religion. Theological doctrine. Schools. Places of worship. Structured environments. Traditional institutions. The establishment. The "system." The Ivy League. Celestial father. The search for meaning. Religious ceremonies. Attendance at a wedding or a religious service such as a confirmation or Bar Mitzvah. Rites that link an individual with the traditions of a community. A mighty fortress is our God. Simon says . . . The Church teaches. According to conventional wisdom ... Anthony Louis
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wineninconsistentices · 9 months
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── 🫀:: 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌 ☠︵ . .
▸ 关于我 . . . ❀︵︵ ↴
"You can't be serious? Wait, you're serious? Oh, my god! You're a maniac, nope. Stay away from me- What, no! Why would I be afraid of something so foolish and miniscule? Stop it! Get that damn thing away from me before you no longer have a hand to traumatize me with."
「 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 」
Winston "Moose" Greer
「 𝐀𝐆𝐄 」
27, August 20th, 1996.
Hanging from his shoulder, an M4 Semi-automatic Rifle. As for melee, a hammer and 8in hunting knife.
In the midst of the apocalypse, Moose's years of hunting experience have proven invaluable. His knack for tracking game allows him to locate scarce food sources in the desolate landscape, reading the subtle signs left behind by animals. His mastery of stealth helps him move undetected through dangerous territories, minimizing the risk of encounters with hostile survivors or predatory creatures.
Moose's expertise in weapon handling ensures he can defend himself and secure vital resources when necessary, adapting to the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world. His knowledge of field dressing and butchering allows him to make the most of any successful hunts, efficiently processing meat for sustenance. With a keen eye for setting traps and snares, he maximizes his chances of catching elusive prey even when supplies are scarce.
Moose's survival skills, encompassing shelter-building, fire-starting, water sourcing, and identifying edible plants, enable him to navigate the unforgiving environment and sustain himself amidst the ruins. Above all, his patience and determination drive him forward, keeping his spirits high in the face of adversity.
▸ 关于我 . . . ❀︵︵ ↴
His wardrobe exhibits a range of styles, although his preference leans towards sweaters, flannel shirts, black tank tops, and attire featuring camouflage patterns. He gravitates towards darker hues when it comes to his clothing choices. As for his typical outfit, it includes a dark green camouflage raincoat, complemented by a pair of dark olive green pants. Completing the ensemble are black combat boots that provide both durability and style. Notably, he always wears a black gas mask, concealing his face, which he never removes.
One on his wrist, and another on his throat.
A couple that trail down his torso and arms, he has a pretty thick and rigged one near his throat.
▸ 关于我 . . . ❀︵︵ ↴
Bear's template and short base info!
Two duffel bags, as two are better than one. Still a pain in the ass to carry though. -M
▸ In one duffle bag Moose keeps clothing, rags, and a towel. For food he has two cans of almonds and dried fruit, beef jerky, a few granola bars (Four), and lastly two cans of beans. Next a few packs of batteries, a canteen which he stole from some guy he was with a week after the outbreak. Then a journal, marker, and compass. Matches, Ferro rod, and three books. Lastly, a multi-tool and walkie talkie.
▸ Two boxes of ammunition (Google did not help me identify what so I'll just say ammunition, correct me if I'm horribly wrong.), dressing kit, practically empty med kit, maglite, duck tape, Bear's leash, some basic tools.
Moose originally hails from Virginia, where he was born and raised. Prior to his relocation to New York for law school and his pursuit of a career as an attorney, he spent his formative years working alongside his father on various household tasks. His father, hoping that Moose would follow in his footsteps, introduced him to hunting at the age of twelve, and they continued hunting together until he turned nineteen. This provided Moose with eight years of hunting experience, although if you were to discount the first two years, it would be more accurate to say he had six years of specific experience.
Upon his arrival in the bustling city, Moose was thrust into a rigorous routine of studying and working towards his goal of becoming a lawyer. Ultimately, his efforts paid off, as he successfully graduated and even secured a position at a prestigious law firm. Although the demands of his profession were exhausting, Moose found fulfillment in his work.
Two years later, the outbreak occurred, thrusting him into the struggle for survival. Despite the expected challenges, Moose embraces the difficulty and has managed to find some enjoyment in his solitary existence thus far. Well, not entirely alone — he has Bear. The loyal German Shepherd whom Moose discovered early in the apocalypse. The dog had a sprained leg, and Moose did his best to care for him. Over time, a strong bond formed between them, and Bear has been his faithful companion ever since.
"Mmh, who knows. I've been planning to make my way back home, not to be gloomy but it isn't unexpected for most of the people I care about to be dead by now or well undead. Though you never know, I'll probably clear up the place, say goodbye for old time sakes and then head up North. But truthfully I can't decide that, I guess we'll just have to see where everything takes me."
You'll find out once you meet him, he does really like tea though.
"I guess I am quite lonely even with Bear, but I'm not a big romantic or well not really looking for something romantic at the moment. I do enjoy intimacy though, platonic or not. Any of it just brings comfort."
──────── *ೃ  ‍୨ the end. ୧ 🕯️
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samjimcnez · 1 year
In all honesty, despite having absolutely nothing to hide the idea of being questioned by law enforcement was so scary. Sam sat in her seat, hands twiddling her lap as she tried to look like this was all okay and she did not have anything to hide. She absolutely did not have anything to hide, but she knew the more nervous you seemed the more it would seem like it! And she was the sort who was bound to say something really stupid just to seem like she wasn’t doing anything wrong, when it was completely true and she really was not doing anything wrong. a little like that scene of Ben in Parks and Rec. So, she tried to keep her cool, and would do what she had been told. Just answer the questions that were asked, and not talk about anything else. 
So, she sat there, and gave a polite (slightly forced) greeting and waited for the questions. She really just … hated cops, they made her so uncomfortable.
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“When did you last speak to Greer?”
“Uhm,” Sam puffed her cheeks out, and slowly blew out the air considering the question carefully. She didn’t want to get in trouble because she had forgotten some obscure detail. “It was probably the summer before last. I think she had come over to my apartment building because she was picking Ollie- Ollie Inoue, he’s my next door neighbor- up for some concert, or a party or something, and we said hello to each other.”  
“When did you last actually see Greer?”
“Sometime last year. Probably in winter or something like that. I think Ollie got a ride back with her from Ogden and she dropped him off.”
“How well did you know Greer?”
“Not well at all, really,” Sam said, shaking her head. “I knew of her more than I really knew her. We went to the same High School, but we didn’t have many interactions or anything. I know people who knew her better, like I’m friends with her younger brother Mitch, and she was friends with my neighbor like I said. So I heard about her more than I ever really spoke to her. We spoke about like… one whole time, besides greeting each other in hallways, or acknowledging when we were around each other.”
“What was your relationship with Greer like?”
“It was okay I guess,” she said, with a small shrug. “I didn’t have any bad interactions with her, or anything like that. She always seemed nice to me. So, if you can count yourself having an okay relationship with someone you didn’t really have an actual relationship with then I guess that’s what it was like for Greer and I.”
“Have you heard or seen anything about where she was this summer?”
“I don’t really think I’m the person who you should be asking something like that,” Sam said, with a small laugh. “You guys probably know much more than I do at this point. But all I know is people didn’t really see her after they left school. That’s as much as I really know.”
“You wouldn’t have wanted Greer to disappear, would you?”
“No, of course not! Everything going on is so terrible, there are so many people that have been affected by this the stress around campus is practically palpable. It’s always very sad to hear about someone losing a loved one, and when there is no way to get closure for the tragic event that has happened because the person in question has gone missing. Whether she’s run away, or something has happened to her – I hope not – it’s not something I would have ever wanted. I really don’t even know Greer well enough to want something like that either way, if we’re being honest. My heart goes out to everyone who did know and care about her, though. I hope someone is able to get to the bottom of this soon.”
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wutbju · 2 years
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George Mack Johnson Barnard, a resident of Greer, South Carolina, passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 5th, 2022. George was 74 years old and had battled dementia for the past 11 years.  
He is survived by his loving wife Janet (Ton), and their two daughters: Janell McCall, her husband Edward, and their son Cole, of Seymour, TN; and Sara Flory of Tampa, FL. George is also survived by his brother, Richard Barnard (Betty), and sisters, Patricia Young (Tom), Susan Turner, and Kathy Bryant; Brother-in-law David Ton (Clair) and Sister-in-law Ruth Doyle. George is also survived by several nieces and nephews.
George was born to Robert and Virgina (Nance) Barnard in Oak Ridge, Tennessee on December 20, 1947. He was the first born of their five children.
He graduated from Oak Ridge High School in 1965, where he proudly played trumpet in the marching band. After a year of attending the  University of Tennessee and participating in ROTC, George transferred to Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, where he met his future wife, Janet. They married in 1971 and were able to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary prior to his death.  
He chose to join the U.S. Army in 1969 rather than being drafted as many men were in that era.  He served his country proudly during the Vietnam War and was awarded the Bronze Star for the work he accomplished during his tour.
George and Jan lived 36 years in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan, where they raised their daughters and were members of Grace Memorial Bible Church and associate members of Berachah Church (Houston, TX). George was a familiar fixture at both daughters’ extracurricular events during their school years. He enjoyed fishing, golfing, and watching University of Michigan football games. George and Jan retired to South Carolina in 2017, where they were active with the Alzheimer's Association and support groups.
It was often said that George never met a stranger, he eagerly talked to those he encountered in everyday life. He was passionate about sharing his faith in Jesus Christ, and sharing the accomplishments of his daughters and other relatives.
Friends and family are invited to join us in a celebration of life reception to be held at Grace Baptist Fellowship, 37 Pinckney Street, Greenville, SC on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, from 4 to 8 PM. A Military Interment Service will be held at Oak Ridge Memorial Park, 1501 Bethel Valley Road, Oak Ridge, TN on Friday, July 8, 2022 at 11:00 AM. Questions regarding the graveside service may be directed to Mott-McKamey Funeral Home of Oak Ridge.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations are made to the Alzheimer's Association of South Carolina. Donations can be made online (www.alz.org/sc) in George’s name (please include his full name when donating.)
South Carolina Cremation Society is assisting the family. Family and friends may sign the online guest book by clicking on the "tribute wall" tab above.
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folktaylor · 7 years
y r the greeks so gr8 y u writing em whatcha writin what're their names, their hobbies, their romantic interests, fill me in on the deets
hoKAY so there’s darcy, there’s lydia, there’s portia, there’s reyna, there’s blake, and there’s greer. those are the Main Ladies. there’s some boys but they’re pretty much irrelevant.
darcy likes drinking, smoking pot, painting, hanging out with reyna, volunteering at the animal shelter, making lydia squirm, playing pranks on reyna, generally being a fucking doofus, and avoiding feeling emotions.
lydia likes shopping for red lipsticks and pencil skirts, shoving the stick up her ass up there even higher, organizing things, reading philosophy books, doing ballet, her sister, getting riled up by darcy, being the best.
portia likes softball, bothering lydia, working out, making impassioned speeches about mundane things, wearing her hair in ponytails, messing up the things that lydia just organized, outdrinking men, her cat, shonda rhimes tv shows.
reyna likes math, hacking people, portia, the date october 17th, when darcy does the dishes, unsettling people with her unblinking gaze, inventing things, finding new uses for old things, thrift shopping, grease stains, the rolling stones.
blake likes darcy, social justice, tattoos, her motorcycle, darcy, sports, getting tipped well, kicking men out of her bar, humanitarian work, medicine, her family, and did i mention darcy.
greer likes swimming, the law, getting good grades so she keeps her scholarship, church, a very organized planner, lydia, rain showerheads, house hunters, aspiring to be great, and her mom.
in terms of romance - darcy and lydia used to be in love now they’re broken up and lydia is dating greer. portia and reyna are dating in secret bc they’re afraid of how darcy and lydia would react and also portia just got out of a long relationship. blake has a huge ass crush on darcy and they’ll eventually start dating and greer and lydia will break up and maybe darcy will end up with lydia but also maybe she’ll end up with blake i don’t really know yet.
darcy and reyna are best friends since childhood and they have kind of a complicated history. portia and lydia are best friends and portia hates greer. darcy and reyna are roommates and so are portia and lydia.
it’s a v complex web
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reasonandempathy · 2 years
A State-By-State list of abortion laws, including state-specific details and laws.
Abortion policy is in the hands of the states following the Supreme Court’s Friday decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
But it could take months for all the legal maneuvering to be completed and for the nation to have a more definitive picture over where abortion is legal, said Greer Donley, a professor specializing in reproductive health care at the University of Pittsburgh Law School.
Until then, Donley expects it will be difficult to explain to people the legal landscape on abortion, and she is concerned that the legal limbo will lead to “immediate total chaos” abortion patients and providers.
“It’s going to be a real nightmare,” Donley said. “Literally, all I do all day is think about abortion law. It’s my only job. And there’s questions that I can’t answer.”
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