#green card marriage
sauraunderscore · 3 months
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I commissioned from the amazing @merthurotica some stunning art from which I can show you only this one because the other two are 1) NSFW or 2)plot spoilers.
Check out the fic to discover it (Yes, it's complete!)
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dnfao3tags · 2 years
hey shawty :) just popping in to inquire after any “got married for a visa, fell in love anyway” type fics. preferably one shots or completed! I checked the fake marriage tag but the url wasn’t working on mobile. thank you for your wonderful library of fics!!!
its not that the tag doesn't work for mobile i just haven't made a rec list for this trope yet but here are a few !
fake marriage
— misnomer by moonstrvck & restrospectiveghost (M | wip | 30k+)
desperate times call for desperate measures, and Dream and George might find themselves desperate enough to jump headfirst into a plan that will change their lives forever.
— what is marriage fraud? by alreadyhateyou (teen | comp. | 33k)
Fine," Dream sighed, entirely worn down and tired of arguing, "Whatever, I'll just marry you, George." Fake dating au in which Dream finally agrees to marry George so he can move in with him and Sapnap. Of course, it isn't a real marriage, they just have to keep up appearances and not fall in love. That should be easy... Right?
— Loop Hole by That1Random (gen | wip | 9k+)
They did this to get George a visa. That's it...right?
— some persuasion required by alreadyhateyou (expl. | comp. | 51k)
When all else fails, and that is when literally everything else failed, with rejected visas and a hopelessness that their plans will never come to fruition, at least Dream and George still have each other. And, well, if that is what they truly only have left, maybe they should just take it as far as they can, green-card marriage and all. As long as George can convince Dream they are totally, completely, 100% in love, of course.
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opera-ghost · 9 months
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wisteriagoesvroom · 5 months
For the trope mashup thing whatever: arranged marriage and neighbors 👀 - CX
again not one i would've picked but thank you for prompting it !! this also uh, got longer than i thought.
(from the prompts mash up - still taking submissions)
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“What do you mean your visa’s running out?” Lando asks.
“I’m Australian. Not a magician. Commonwealth only gets you so far.” 
“I thought you were here on a scholarship.”
“Well. Yeah. But scholarships stop. Once you graduate.” 
Lando toes the doorway rug. It feels weird to be talking about this in the middle of the hallway, though the only other person who would be listening might be Mrs. Kapoor, and half the time it’s only because she sticks her head out to ask if Lando or Oscar would take one of her mystery vegan curries. Lando is neither a huge fan of vegan food nor curry, and he trusts Oscar’s word for it that it’s good because they eat it while playing Gran Turismo at Lando’s place. But Lando always accepts the curries nonetheless, because his parents raised him to be polite, and he wasn’t raised in a barn. (Even if he technically grew up in converted farmhouse in the countryside, but that was besides the point.)  Either way, this is slipping away from him much quicker than he’d anticipated. Late night hangouts, dropping mail and post-it notes, text messages about the community garden. The most inane smalltalk about things big and small from the origins of moths to whether aliens were out there or just chose to ignore the +44 area code. Oscar always laughing in the right places when Lando regales him about tales of his terrible online dating stories, Oscar always picking the pickles out of the roast beef bagels before he passes one to Lando. The corner of Lando’s sofa that Lando has started to think of as Oscar’s because he’s there so often, reading one of his books or trying to speedread a JSTOR article about the lifecycle of urban pathogens while Lando worked on artwork for his upcoming store launch. 
Lando’s synapses are firing too fast. His brain did that most days, and that was what made him exceedingly good at his job, and today in particular - it doesn’t feel like there’s any logical way out. 
Lando remembers that movie they watched once though. As a joke. The one they both pretended not to enjoy, with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds in Alaska. The one they watched when Oscar sat next to Lando on the sofa, and they both pretended the entire night that their knees weren’t touching. 
His therapist said he had a tendency to get ahead of himself when under stress. But it’s a joke, it’s not serious, there’s no way—
“We could just like, get married.”
Lando shoves his hands in his pockets. That came out way more calm and cooler than he thought it actually would.  And to his credit, Oscar doesn’t drop his mug of tea. Lando knows that’s his favourite one, because Lando got it for him, and it says Science is my superpower. Oscar does, however, slightly shift his grip on the mug.
“I feel like it’d be complicated to explain to my mum why I randomly married my upstairs neighbour?” 
“But it’s not a no.”
Oscar tilts his head. There’s a glimmer of something focused, maybe even hungry in his eyes. Oscar gets like that when his mind turns, when he’s working on an especially difficult thesis, when the pieces are forming and he can lock into the crucial details.
Lando is a little alarmed at how much he already recognises it, and how much more often he’d like to draw that reaction out. 
“If the facts don’t fit the theory, then reexamine the facts. Right?” Oscar says.
And Lando is there, in the doorway. Conscious that Mrs Kapoor might’ve heard everything, but all the more conscious that there’s a hammering in his heart that he can’t tell is nervousness, or anticipation. 
What’s the stress limit for a joke you’re probably already pushing too far? Lando thinks.
He isn’t sure.
But maybe it’s a thesis worth testing out.  
(and ok maybe i cheated a little on arranged marriage but i think this is the closest i could get with the contemporary context. thank you @cx-boxbox for the prompt <3)
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feraltwinkseb · 2 months
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July 4, 2024 - Northampton, England Source: Zak Mauger/LAT Images
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
mehehehe.....piarles + 25 or 45 🫶
25 = Green Card Marriage
45 = Vampire and Hunter
hehehehehehehe... let's see about 25 and 45 🤭👀
"It's brilliant, Charlito!" Pierre insists, spreading his arms like he's saying, come on. "I'm a hunter, so I'm allowed to settle in any country I want. If you're married to me, you'll be allowed to settle there too, and you can get that position at Rutgers like you have always wanted."
Charles folds his arms. "I'm a vampire, Pierre," he reminds him, pointedly. "Or have you forgotten?"
Pierre folds his arms, too, mirroring Charles' own pose. "Of course I haven't forgotten, calamar."
Calamar. As always, the nickname takes Charles right back - to that day in the back of his parents' garden, when Pierre had decided to come over for a surprise visit and he'd found Charles. Drinking. It had only been from a blood bag, of course (Charles would never kill a person, and he'd been too young then to know about charming someone to let him drink just a few sips) but it had still been more than enough for Pierre to understand what was going on. Pierre had frozen where he stood, eyes blown wide.
And Charles had thought, no no no, and he'd thrown himself at Pierre before he could think better of it. "Please don't leave, Pierrot, please, I promise I'm not evil and we're not evil, I don't care what they say on the news because it's not true, we don't hurt people, we don't hurt anyone, just... please don't go. You're my best friend, please -"
Pierre had stopped him there, putting a gentle hand over Charles' mouth. "I don't care that you're a vampire, Charles," he'd said with surprising firmness for a ten-year-old. "You're my best friend too. And, anyway, you're less of scary vampire and more like... a clingy little squid."
"I'm not!" Charles had shrieked, but of course Pierre had taken to calling him that every day from that moment on. (Charles never protested too much, because the nickname always felt like Pierre's way of saying I know what you are and you're my best friend anyway; I'm not going anywhere.)
"... Charles? Earth to Charles?" Pierre is asking, waving his hand in front of Charles' face. "Ah. Hello again. Did you go to vampire-planet?"
"You know we're from the same planet as you," Charles says immediately, rolling his eyes. "Or didn't they teach you that at hunter school?"
"Mmm, no, I think I skipped that module," Pierre says, and then he grins cheekily, tongue between his teeth.
Charles swats at him, and Pierre catches his wrist easily, his Hunter-trained reflexes quick as ever. Charles' breath catches.
It shouldn't be hot. It should be the opposite of hot, for fuck's sake - those kinds of reflexes are trained to kill people like Charles.
Except, Pierre didn't become a hunter to kill vampires. No - he did it for Charles. Not to hunt him, but to learn how to protect him from other hunters.
So, yeah. It's seriously hot when Pierre shows off some of those skills of his.
"Are you going to let go of me?" Charles asks, swallowing thickly. He can't help the way his gaze flickers to Pierre's fingers wrapped around his wrist, still holding him tightly in place.
You could hold me like that any time you want, Charles thinks, and fights against his blush. It shouldn't even be possible for vampires to blush, for fuck's sake, but Pierre manages to get Charles to do it anyway.
Pierre, thankfully, seems oblivious to Charles' spiralling thoughts. He winks at Charles, playful and cheeky as he always is. "Nope," he says, popping the p. "Not until you agree that my idea is brilliant."
And, right. Right. Charles had almost forgotten the reason why they're even here - Pierre's stupid, hair-brained scheme to get Charles his dream job at Rutgers.
Rutgers, which still does not allow any supernaturals onto its teaching staff, let alone Monégasque vampires.
"It's a terrible idea," Charles says flatly. "They'll never let me teach there if they suspect I'm a vampire."
"But if you're married to a hunter, nobody will ever suspect you're a vampire," Pierre points out, triumphantly. "See? It's genius."
Charles has to admit that it's... clever. Absolutely insane, yes, but clever.
Pierre must be able to read it on his face, because his eyes light up like his favourite F1 team has just won a race. "See! You do think it'll work!" he crows.
"I don't think -" Charles tries, but Pierre cuts him off with a dramatic sigh.
"I've done all the research, Cha. Trust me, there's no way that this can go wrong."
There is, Charles thinks, only a little despairingly. It's not so much that he's worried about getting caught - no, Charles is pretty good at charming officers by now. Half of the time, he doesn't even have to use his hypnotism.
What he's far more worried about is the fact that he'll be married. To Pierre.
Pierre, who he's only been in love with since the first time he called Charles "calamar" and stayed when anyone else would have left.
Pierre, who Charles knows would taste sweeter than anyone else in the world. Because that's the thing about being a vampire and being in love with someone: even one tiny sip of their blood will sustain you sixteen times longer than a random person's would.
It's bad enough just like this, when they're just friends, and Pierre throws his head back to laugh or slides his arm around Charles' waist, and Charles has to fight with himself to keep his fangs tucked away - because even though Pierre is so close and smells so good, he is not Charles' to taste or Charles' to have.
It's hard enough to hold himself back when they're just friends. Charles has no idea how the hell he'll be able to do it if they're fucking married.
But as always when Pierre suggests a hare-brained scheme, Charles is helpless in the face of his sparkling blue eyes and half-cheeky, half-pleading smile.
"Okay, calamar," he agrees, and even though he might just have signed the warrant for his own death-by-slow-torture-of-wanting-his-best-friend-too-much, it's worth it a thousand times over for the way Pierre beams at him and uses the wrist he's still holding to tug Charles into a tight hug.
"Rutgers, here we come!"
(50 Romance Prompts Ask Meme)
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steeb-stn · 1 year
what if jackson is suuuper picky about who they let in and like. Basically unless youre like a surgeon or have some super valuable skill you only get in if you’ve got relatives inside
and anyways thats why maria and tommy get married (i mean thats not WHY, WHY they get married is because theyre in love and would do literally anything for each other, but yeah, marias like. All i have to do to keep this man in my life is put a ring on his finger and make a vow of love and loyalty for life to him? Say no more
what if maria meets tommy out on patrol. Hes sick or injured or something, but despite this he ends up saving her life, which earns him her trust. She keeps him a secret bc shes not sure what the others would do about him, brings him food and maybe medicine and stuff. Finally they decide its time to bring him back to jackson, and she swears for him, and the others are like waaaah we know nothing about him and he has no family here, and maria is like oh??? Doesnt he???
and the naysayers have to allow it because how are you going to say no to the founder of the town’s husband, but theyre like yeahhhhh itll last a few months then this guy will move on. BUT TOMMY AND MARIA PROVE THEM WRONG BC THEY ARE TRUE LOVE
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harryspaceshipmchale · 6 months
joel is doing his jeff/annie smiles in animal control for a new ship and i have MISSED THIS he's so good at will they won't they ugh
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gravity-wall · 6 hours
//Stardew AU Kazuya is a little funny of a guy.
Cause like. He's a conscientious objector. His record is spotless in the way that like. "Oh he has 0 confirmed kills." Opposite of his brother in that way. He's not well-liked in the service, I'm gonna say.
And the moment he comes into town, he is massacring the creatures in the mines. Something is not right about that man. But he's perfectly social otherwise. Not at all the ridiculous overachiever his brother is, not by a long shot, but he helps and he's friendly! At his own pace, though.
Also, he and the cat named after him share a single brain cell at any given time.
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victory-cookies · 8 days
has anyone ever done a gravity falls beetlejuice au (specifically the musical)? bc I feel like it could work so well. I have ideas
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sauraunderscore · 4 months
The mandatory "just one bed" chapter 🥰
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roughentumble · 1 year
i still think you could make a really good geraskier au out of the proposal ryan reynolds sandra bullock
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aztarion · 7 months
you. are. so. fucking. gorgeous.
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omw where are you
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sapphic-schizo · 11 months
my sister's bringing her moid home today -_-
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dicklesscatboy · 9 months
Me: I’m going to marry you, no romo
The gender fluid person I’m going to marry: Bet, then we can live together
Me: yes, then I’ll be able to ride you on every piece of furniture that is there
Them: sounds perfect :3
Me: I love you
Them: hjahfjfisbainw
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