#greeks in the US
alatismeni-theitsa · 6 months
So someone commented in this Tiktok and said "you know Italians and Greeks are white right??" And i am like.. oh boy here we go again..
Like i am sure they were Americans but either way they need a check that Europeans don't give that much thought AT ALL about it. Like yeah bro...Europe is placed where the sun doesn't hit so much so the 95% of us are *shockingly* white! 😱
We don't care about it honestly we deal we more serious things like working and minding our businesses to deal with political agendas American politicians enforced to divide the common people. Stop enforcing these ideologies on the rest of us.
The video is in equal parts great and... faulty. I think it's worth watching and undertanding but, peeps, keep in mind that it's a video made by a USAmerican for USAmericans. I get that many USAmericans have different backrounds, it's just that in their country they use these racial categorisations, hence they also see people as the rest of the US sees them.
In the US Greeks and Italians indeed weren't considered White until very recently. So people of Greek and Italian ancestry in the US see their history of discrimination in the US and how many culture they share with people who are considered Brown, hence they call themselves not White. Since the video is from and about USAmericans I kinda expect them to talk in their own terms.
But I agree that, as you said, "they need a check that Europeans don't give that much thought AT ALL about it". At least OP aknowledged that Europeans categorise themselves differently (through locations, and tribes, and areas etc). At the same time, USAmericans need to realise the whole world is watching their content now and the generalisation "Greeks and Italians aren't White" has made actual Greeks and Italians in the comments be like "lady, HAVE YOU SEEN US???" 😂 Because indeed, in the whole spectrum of skintones, Greeks and Italians are veeery close to the light ones, and people darker than them call them White.
I think if the phrasing in the video was more careful and more US-specific, it would be better for everyone.
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nnobodoodles · 6 months
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So I randomly remembered Croc is pretty much Italian.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 2 months
It's always "Hades isn't bad or cruel, his deeds are just metaphors of the inevitable death" or "Hades kidnapping Persephone represent the premature death".
But when the argument "Zeus has numerous affairs and many children because he represent the fertile rain" is brought up, all nuance is suddenly out of the window and Zeus is just a womanizer who can't keep it in his pants.
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wolfythewitch · 10 months
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hello sailor
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lime-bucket · 3 months
Im saying this not as an opinion but as a matter of fact that hades should have never been the default villain in modern greek myths retellings,becuz dionysus had been always a better fit by leagues & i feel like writers/artists both overlook & underestimate him.Like the fucker wasnt just a silly drunk god,his whole domain tethered on the thin line between ecstasy and madness,embodying both chaos & pleasure. All of these qualities historically had made him simultaneously adored & feared within & outside of his fanatical cult,& circling back to the madness part,idk if yk this but dionysus have this lil tale in wich he caused his followers to go drunk w/ frenzy at a party they literally ripped apart the son of hypnos, i repeat hes so powerful he made a buncha humans kill A GOD! & he didnt face any repercussions fr that!!!
Now ik im skipping on other infos but all of this sounds to me that dionysus is perfect fr the charming & sinister mastermind trope
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emacrow · 2 months
Kronos and the art of trying to figure out standing, walking and modern clothes.
By the time the Justice league and Dark Justice got the cultists into custody. Diana and Zatanna being the only females heroines there at the moment to help Kronos stand on her two legs, help her walk and got a spare Robe to cloths her after making all the male heroes turn around after they both glare at them all, Zatanna magically braid Kronos's hair so it wouldnt dragged onto the dirty floor while Constantine who trying to drink himself into oblivion.
Danny was still completely in curled up baby koala cling in Clockwork's arms, watching with wide eyes, mouth gaping at Clockwork's otherwordly appearance.
"Close your mouth Danny, it's like you never seen me up close before." Kronos said to him while danny shut his mouth before opening it again, whispering a bit.
"You didn't tell me you look so pretty without that purple gown covering your hair." He quietly said, reaching his small hand out and up to pat the moving birthmarks marks of ancient clocks symbols and number shifting and morphing on her warm cheek, feeling the soft puff breath from him, Clockwork was alive and breathing..
Diana glanced a bit at the now two reborned Goddess of time and baby godling looking with wide eyed in pure amazement like at Kronos, even patting her cheek as if to see if she was really there. She, quickly wiped the side of her left eye from the tear forming, steel herself from the inevitable stray thought of godling child demised that obviously happen in Kronos's arms for her to held the child closer to her chest as if to shield him from harm.
Diana will have a lot of questions left unanswered once she sent a letter to her mother about whether the stories of Kronos were warped to the extreme to cover the fact the the God of Time and Space was actually a Goddess due to inequality back then.
First things to do was teach Kronos the modern time of language, women clothes, baby clothes and diapers and keep batman away from her little baby boy who was has the bat-bait of black hair with blue eyes who seemed to had died the same time as his mother by using Superman to distract him with cultists interrogating.
Diana could sympathetic when it come to learning the modern day language back when she used to speak ancient Amazonian and Dead Greek language, and modern bra..
Part 2 << >> Part 4
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 5 months
Annabeth: *tries to sacrifice herself for Percy*
Percy: *jumps off the St. Louis Arch*
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rubynrut · 7 months
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thatrandomblogsays · 9 months
Annabeth, and others, often treat Percy as if he’s ridiculous or obtuse for his reactions to the demigod world, when in reality he’s a (relatively) well adjusted kid who was raised by a loving parent. His actions make sense based on his upbringing
- parents arent supposed to be neglectful
- parents are supposed to be easily attainable, loving, and present in a child’s life
- if you’re in trouble, you should call for help, there isn’t shame in admitting you’re in over your head, you’re twelve
- you shouldn’t have to jump through life endangering hoops to get your parent’s attention
Annabeth acts like he’s ridiculous, but he’s right. Annabeth knows how the Greek world works, but Percy knows how the real world is supposed to work. & rightfully calls out the BS. But it’s hard for most demigods to agree because what kid wants to admit the way their parents treat them is awful? That their actions are those of aloof, negligent, even narcisstic people who are unwilling or incapable of giving the proper love and support a child needs. That even if their godly parent does love them, it’s a pathetic, horrible, attempt at love you’re better off without.
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anniflamma · 2 months
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Got bribed by @faith-orise & @dilutedh2so4 Here for all who asked for a sandwich! 🥪 Just eat it! I DONT WANT TO LOOK AT IT. I WILL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN
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eternallovers65 · 9 months
The idea of poseidon only helping percy because he saw athena not helping annabeth is so funny because it shows how messy the Greek gods are like wdym you have a millennium old beef with your niece and the only reason you saved your kid it's so you can say you're better parent than her???
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
Hey! Greek USian here, second generation! Still learning the language, but your blog is really cool and I wanted to ask you a question about Greek customs. Even though my family is still pretty traditionally Greek and I’ve had a lot of influence from Greek culture so I’m not completely out of touch. Still, I find some nuanced cultural things like body language and Greek dancing kinda foreign. What’s interesting, at least in the US, is that I have seen the Greek Orthodox Church as more of a cultural thing than a religion thing, I’ve even heard some families saying how they’re just there for the Greek school lol. Here’s where the weird part comes in: a friend recently asked why I dip my head and put my hand on my chest when I’m thanking someone and I was confused. I never realized I did that, but after they pointed it out I noticed it and was kinda confused because I can’t think of a reason why I would do this. Then I went to church and the priest would regularly do the exact same motion to the crowd and i was just confused. I haven’t seen Greeks really do that outside of Church here, even in my family, so I was wondering if it’s a diaspora thing or if it’s a cultural thing. Idk I probably just adopted it because of the amount of times I saw it, but I wanted to ask if anyone else does that
You’re a great Theitsa too, thank you for making a blog for Greeks to speak freely on!
Γεια! Thank you for the nice words, I appreciate it 💙😍💙😍 May this blog continue to receive many messages from Greeks from all over the world!
Dipping your head and putting a hand on the chest (over the heart) is a pretty standard traditional way of thanking someone in the Balkans and the Middle East. (There might be more regions) Not many people do the whole gesture nowadays (sometimes I do it) but if you do it in these regions people will definitely understand that you're thanking them. I imagine that your priest did it in a more dramatic and expressive way but I've seen it as a more light mannerism in daily life.
Dipping your head is essentially bowing before the other person - or it can be a nod of acknowledgment. Touching your heart means that you will keep them in your heart, or that your heart has been touched by the gesture, or that you put your whole heart into thanking them. So this gesture is a cultural thing of the region, since also Muslims do it.
Well, Orthodoxy is the ethoreligion of Greeks so Orthodoxy is Greek culture, and Greek culture is also Orthodoxy to a large degree. In Greece most people go to church for half an hour per year (one in the Ανάσταση for 5-10 mins and the other mins for weddings or baptisms 😂) So this faith is, for us in Greece, too mostly a cultural thing.
But people also partake in customs for community reasons - and community is important. You must see the amount of atheists that celebrate easter and xmas here😂 Heck, some even celebrate Halloween just for the community. Στο Πάσχα, τη μεγαλύτερή μας γιορτή, θα κολλησουμε;
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naminoor · 2 months
Bro i just finished reading the Odyssey and i swear Telemachus and Peisistratus r quite literally my favourite characters.
Like Nestor went: “Ah hello son of Odysseus, this is my !SINGLE! And !VERY STRONG AND HANDSOME! Son that is coincidentally !AROUND THE SAME AGE AS YOU! And you shall SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AS HIM and he will ACCOMPANY YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY!”
And also in Sparta where Telemachus had to wake up Peisistratus and just kicked him? And Peisistratus was like ‘bro go to bed it is like 3AM’.
Also Telemachus called Peistratus ‘light of my heart’
And Peistratus asked Menelaus about his brother bc he never knew him.
And when Telemachus had to like go back to Ithaka he asked Peisitratus for help since Nestor would try to find a way to make Tele stay and Peisitraus was like:’i got u dont worry!’
They r such underrated characters (which is wild considering Telemachus is quite literally odysseus’ son) .
I am also obsessed with EPIC the musical and i know Peisistratus is probably not gonna appear and that makes me sad bc i like him so much (still very excited for the wisdom saga though bc Telemachus)
Anyways that was my rant, one last message before i go:
Telemachus and Peisistratus were gay as hell
Bye bye :D
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thoodleoo · 2 months
pheidippides of athens on his way to sparta to announce the greek victory over the persians at marathon
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
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fuckingdeadinsidetm · 2 months
Something something Eury realizes Ody’s hair has grown since Troy and also notices how Ody looks almost identical to Ctimene now
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