#greek mythology candle
norhuu · 7 months
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A couple of years ago when I was still on a tumblr break I made this candle holder statue for my sister.
It is the Three Muses; Melody (with her hands raised in song), Practice (at work braiding her hair), and Memory (laying and reflecting in front of the flame).
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fabledfoxglove · 3 months
I wanna talk about fire safety bc I almost burnt my house down the other day.
Witches/pagans/anyone who enjoys an open flame:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE practice fire safety. Don’t be like me. The other day I lit a spell candle and it wasn’t finished burning before I had to go to work. I naively told myself “it only has an hour left to burn and it burned all night fine I can leave it and go to work”.
Not only was that candle not fine, it was so not fine that it broke the ceramic dish I had it on, and fell onto the floor which left a sizable scorch mark. After further investigation I found that it had also burned a part of my pillow case which was on the floor.
That’s how close I came to burning my house down. It’s only by the grace of the gods that nothing more serious happened.
So please, don’t be like me, and practice fire safety. 🔥🔥
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nikkas-cottage · 8 months
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Offering candles to Gaia, the oldest of divinities. 🌿
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aphroditestruth · 7 months
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hacatestruth · 8 months
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meadowtwins · 3 months
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just wanted to share my altar to dionysus as appreciation, since I've been getting back into my craft recently! 🍇🌲
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ancientsstudies · 2 years
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What could you possibly write at Gates of Hades?
ig credit: _cattmom.
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
In terms of Wenclair nicknames, I believe in ‘Enid using Willa’ supremacy and φεγγάρι μου (‘my moon’ in Greek) is especially beloved to me, but I also love little shit Enid who calls Wednesday any day of the week EXCEPT Wednesday (“Hey, Monday!” “What do you think about this Sabbath?” “Oh thank god you’re here Friday”) and it annoys her favorite murder goth to NO END but slowly said murder goth becomes endeared by her roomate’s antics as feelings start to tumble and bloom away. Besides ‘my moon’, I can also see her calling Wednesday ‘silly raven’ in Greek.
Meanwhile, Wednesday has this wholeass evolution from shit like “mutt” to way softer nicknames because Gomezifcation™️ is a powerful thing. She starts to pine and internally call Enid her Alectrona (a greek goddness of the Sun, known for sunrise or ‘waking from slumber’, a perfect combo of how Enid brings light to Wednesday as well as her inner wolf finally waking up), but slowly she starts using it out loud along with “mi sol” (‘my sun’, Spanish), “mon petit chiot” (‘my little pup’, French), and “la mia vita” (‘my life’, Italian). Enid melts everytime without fail and stutters in Greek and honestly? Who could blame her when Wednesday has that passionately lovestruck shine in her eyes as adoration drips from devout lips.
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prairiefirewitch · 3 months
Deipnon has come around again and this month I’m exercising a little deipnon restraint. I’m baking for Noumenia and Agathos Daimon tomorrow so it was handy to have the flatbreads prepared in advance. The recipe is a few posts back if you want to make your own. Tonight I offered the breads, a Hekate candle, frankincense, salt, water, and olive oil.
If you look closely and squint a little you’ll see my gorgeously rotund ginger boy Beau slink into frame on the left. He likes the smell of frankincense and judging my efforts.
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the-mortuary-witch · 2 months
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My Lady Aphrodite altar
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Yes ik I left her candy canes lmao, I didn’t have any chocolate left for her… she liked them though, so that’s a relief. Also, I’m still working on adding art to her altar too, this is just how it looks atm.
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hermesmoly · 27 days
Thinking sad Helen and Iphigenia thoughts atm
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onyxtides · 2 years
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Handmade long pink nautical seashell necklace made with rose quartz, pink sunstone and pearl with a 18k gold filigree pink clam shell. This beautiful Aphrodite inspired piece is made with tarnish resistant wire and tarnish resistant jump rings. The chain part of this necklace is 26 inches meaning you can slip it over your head in a prayer bead like fashion.
Right now I only have 2 of these available on my Etsy shop Hollowedpumpkin
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sleepnowmychild · 4 months
Oh my GODS I just remembered I gotta post last nights dream because I feel like there was DEFINITELY some message in there. The only part I remember clearly was I was on a pathway from a beach area to a wooded area, it was night and I walked through a gate, lay down on the path and looked up at the moon and went to sleep.
The walking through the gate then immediately laying down on the path feels significant to me in some way. Although I’m not sure if I should interpret it as a crossroads things, because I stepped through the gate from a beach to a Forrest, or maybe a travel thing? Because of the pathway I was following? The moon feels significant too, since I looked directly at it.
Anyone have any ideas?
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I thought about what to make of aphrodites room since I didn't want it to be a bit too generic depiction of olympus you know all white and with clouds everywhere and nothing really personalized for a deity so it'll be easier to draw, really tried avoiding that
I definitley wanted aphrodites room to be very dim and with red lights afterall that lighting get's associated with sex alot[or danger, both go well with her] especialy when candles are in use, since aphrodite came out of the ocean and in my version shes practicly made out of water I decided to make her entire room a pool of some sorts, her temple of course isn't soaked, knees high full of water, it's just her room since thats where she goes to rest, it's her private area so it's dedicated to making her comfortable and barely anything else
she lived her whole existance till this point in the sea so her rooms full of water because well it's what she knows the most and she has good memories with it, for her getting in water is kinda like eating a childhood meal for us if that makes any sense
ALSO as some of you may remember my aphrodite falls apart when she gets upset, so if she falls apart there she'll just become a part of the water and won't have to "look for her parts" persay after getting better
her room is beasicly a pool with an outline close to walls where the candles sit and lighted the place up a bit
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aphroditestruth · 7 months
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hacatestruth · 7 months
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