#greek allusion
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anthurak · 3 months ago
So... Volume 1 showed Pyrrha as being pretty passionate about Faunus rights (almost on the same level as Blake, who is a Faunus herself AND a former member of the White Fang), while Volume 3 revealed that her favorite Fairy Tale is "The Shallow Sea". Fairy Tales of Remnant (the book) would later reveal that Fairy Tale to be a Faunus Creation Myth.
Which like, has me wondering...
Do you think it's possible Pyrrha's dad is a Faunus?
World of Remnant did imply it would be a coinflip on whether the child of a human and a Faunus would end up as one or the other, after all.
Yeah, that could definitely be the case.
In fact, now that I think about it, Pyrrha's dad being a Faunus even plays well into her mythology allusion.
After all, Achilles is actually a demigod via his sea-goddess mother Thetis. So in keeping with the Team JNPR genderbending, it would make total sense for Pyrrha to have a non-human father.
Or maybe there isn't a genderbending and Pyrrha actually has two moms whichjustfurtherprovidesmoresetupforRosebirdParents- okay I'll just stop talking now :D
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captainfairygodmother · 10 months ago
No no no, you don't understand. "We've got forever to figure out what the rest means" is Charles making sure that they don't end up like Orpheus and Eurydice, even if it's subconsciously because he never finished the ending of the myth. Because if Charles would have stopped to think through what Edwin fully meant by what he said, or stopped to think through how he feels and give him a longer response based on that, even for just a second of consider, the demon monster thing would've gotten to Edwin. The confession was to Charles what Orpheus turning to find Eurydice was. "Oh if Charles actually reciprocated Edwin's feelings he would have told him then" is the exact same vibes as "If Orpheus really loved Eurydice he wouldn't have turned around", in the sense that no, because Charles and Orpheus loved Edwin and Eurydice so much, even if for the former it was something that would never develop into more, they did what they had to. The only difference is that Edwin and Charles have "forever to work out the rest", they survived to be able to have at least that, while Orpheus and Eurydice don't, and are deemed a tragedy.
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illustratus · 1 year ago
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The Sword of Damocles by Richard Westall
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bluecheeseinmyoffwhites · 3 months ago
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As requested, I will be continuing my Team SLVR allusion analysis series. Now it is time for the next fighter, Lycan Arcadia, to step up. Here we go.
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Lycan is based on Lycaon, the King of Arcadia in Greek Mythology. Lyacon was known as a barbarous & immoral ruler. To test Zeus’s divinity, Lycaon cooked his own son and presented him as a meal to Zeus to see if the god would eat a human. Zeus punished Lycaon for this horrific deed by turning him into a wolf, while the son was restored back to life.
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Now, obviously there is some clear name inspiration. Lycan is the name of the king, Arcadia is the kingdom he ruler over. Also, the story of King Lycaon inspired the term “Lycanthrope”, or mythological werewolf creatures (shortened as lycans). Lycan also means wolf in Greek.
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Lycan takes several cues from wolves. Lycan himself is a werewolf. His Faunus trait is sharp fangs. He also dresses in fur accents and sharp armor, and he even has claws on his shoes. This design is inspired by wolf fur and Beowolf scales. His weapon, Razorbolt, is clearly inspired by wolf claws.
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Lycan fights multiple Beowolves in his trailer, another nod to his wolf theme. But midway through, his opponent becomes a possessed suit of armor that can shoot out fire. Why is this? Because it’s a reference to the story of Lyacon. The king cooked his son into a meal, so now the knight is trying to cook him in return.
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Lycan’s theme song is called “King of Anything”, which combined with his brash & extreme personality, reflects King Lyacon’s nature. The knight he fights also nudges at Lyacon’s status as a king, and its cross motif could be a nod to Zeus.
As usual RWBY fashion, Lycan has a moon shot. Considering all of Team SLVR have a connection to the moon, this applies to Lycan, as werewolves are awoken by the full moon.
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And well that’s pretty much it. Lycan seems to be the brute of the group, and based on his allusion, he fits right in.
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arley-ology · 11 months ago
Lester/Apollo as a character lends himself so easily to Icarus metaphors and it's hilarious to me. Like this man is so haunted by his past mistakes that it starts popping up in the story unintentionally
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basilpaste · 1 year ago
I just had a thought.. if in canon ISAT Siffrin is supposed to be like Sisyphus, what if in OSIS Isabeau is like Atlas (carrying the weight of the heavens…) 👀
hey so yknow how loop calls isabeau 'sunlight' in the one drabble i posted? yeah they almost called him atlas instead.
this is correct. this is good. you get me, you understand.
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sarafangirlart · 1 month ago
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>Medusa retelling
> proceeds to describe a plot that’s nothing like Medusa’s story
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bulletgoth · 1 year ago
happy ides of march to julius little and his death scene
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aquato-family-circus · 7 months ago
bc of that EPIC musical that's slowly rolling out & getting popular I'm thinking abt my old swap au again where bob "died" and helmut languished in depression for 20 years
and bc i already had my own idea for helmuts mental world involving him steering a ship in stormy waters im like
helmut mental world with some the odyssey allusions? anybody? anybody?
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valiantvillain · 2 years ago
Finding out Odysseus's maternal grandfather was Autolycus, a literal thief and son of Hermes, implies to me that he did not get his cunning from Laertes. It also makes me want to write about Autolycus and Anticlea as a father-daughter crime duo scamming all the rich and powerful of Ancient Greece. Because you can't tell me the man wouldn't have taught his daughter a thing or two.
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an-unraveling-unknown · 11 months ago
You ever do something not thinking much of it, but after you do it you realize it was actually like a genius move?
This happened to me with my story: Started it off with a fairly standard conflict; someone wants what Tuon has. But afterward I was like "Oh shit, this is a prime opportunity to show his unyielding guardianship!" But not only that, I also realized that it did a great job at reflecting his flaws and sort of foreshadowing them to the reader
Oh man THATS SO GOOD!! It is so nifty when things work out like that, I hear you- long story relatively short, you betcha.
I had something like that with Aeonian, my Tav for Baldur's Gate 3. One of their quirks that I put down on paper early on was that the places were their muscles would be are rock hard - mainly because of the fact that they're cramming a monolithically sized form's worth of matter down into a humanoid body thats eight times smaller, hence putting a lot of strain on their body as a whole, but also à la a statue for a physical form.
"Statue for a physical form.... death and rebirth themes*......statue made of rock. wait."
Because I cannot escape my hyperfixations, geology was thrown back in my face in whence I was immediately reminded of the ROCK CYCLE:
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-which can be pretty well-applied to the whole death and rebirth thing, not to mention a nifty little guideline as to how their character arc can go as well as Aeonian's place as a story in of themselves (long story, involves statues though) and their tendency to 'erode' themselves per se if it means getting where they need to be. Metamorphosis also links pretty cleanly here too, not only because of the metamorphic rock and its processes but because of parallels between Aeonian (embodiment of death [at sea]) and Thanatos, the greek personification of death, who is usually represented by way of butterflies.
I'm real bad at explaining things so I apologize if none of this made a lick of sense, I promise it's a lot clearer in my head and please feel free to ask for clarity on anything!! this is probably some of my favorite character work I've done so far
*dionysus+being the literal embodiment of death [at sea,] longer story
(Please talk more about Tuon he is SO cool and I talk too much, that's some really good character writing)
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venacesaur · 26 days ago
I'm on pg. 300-ish now and I haven't posted in a while so there's a lot I can say but uh. I think the funniest development so far is that this book is making me actually look up the Christian references and learn more about the religion and now I'm at the point where I'm like. What if I, lifelong atheist with a Hindu family, went to church LITERALLY JUST SO I CAN FURTHER UNDERSTAND THE THEMES AND MOTIFS IN THIS BOOK
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hypermascbishounen · 1 year ago
So, I haven't played Curse of Darkness myself, and I've never enjoyed Netflixvania. But, I feel like I've noticed something particular, that I have not seen mentioned by anyone. And am curious what fans of Curse of Darkness specifically would think about my reading of this.
It seems to me that in game, Hector and Isaac both have names that are meaningful to their characters, but also come with connotations of another implied meaning, as each others foils, that feel just as important.
Game Isaac seems to be named in reference to the biblical Isaac, bc he is effectively a sacrificial son. But he is also out to ruin Hector in retaliation, to the point of needless cruelty, because of his grief and madness. Like Achilles, from the Iliad(or he possibly also has Ajax parrelels, another notable opponent to Hector).
And game Hector seems named for the Illiad's Hector, bc like him, he is at his core a sympathetic and honorable man who was nonetheless on the wrong side of a bloody conflict. But he is also cast out by a patriarchal figure, like bliblical Isaac's brother and counterpart, Ishmael. (There's also possibility for Achilles parallels himself, thanks to his vengeance quest over his own lost love. Which also seem to be part of his narrative comparisons to Dracula)
So I suspect that the reason N!Isaac ends up with a sort of unearned version of game Hector's arc and themes, that is hard to tell if it was even intentional, is because:
Unlike in the bible, in the *Quran*, Isaac and Ishmael have their roles switched. Ishmael is the central focus instead of Isaac, and is the sacrifice, before he is cast out into the desert, and becomes a founding figure in islam. This is probably why Dracula literally finds N!Isaac in the sahara desert(and banishes him there again).
So, N!Isaac, as a muslim, is no longer treated as a reference to the biblical Isaac, but is an Ishmael archetype, which *is what Hector is supposed to be.* But N!Hector's role as being his foil is gone, and instead he's at best there to weakly prop up how much better N!Isaac is by comparison. (And I don't believe him being "sacrificed" to Ellis' fetish writing counts either, bc he's framed more as a pet dog than a lamb, and it's not really connected much to his relationship with N!Isaac.)
Meanwhile, because N!Hector is no longer a proper foil, or respected by the narrative, he's also lost all symbolism behind the name Hector. And in turn, N!Isaac has completely lost all of game Isaac's illiad parallels.
Game Isaac as Achilles' less flattering qualities - of arrogance and need for recognition through glory, his grief and self-hatred over not being there to protect the person who meant the most to him, and his uncalled for ruthlessness and disrespect for his opponent, that ultimately leads to his death -
Or possibly Ajax, who was often considered second best to Achilles, who felt entitled to Achilles armor, and when passed over had violent delusions that lead to him killing himself with Hector's sword
- is just completely missing as an axis in N!Isaac. He doesn't even really get any *positive* Achilles or Ajax symbolism iirc, or any illiad Hector symbolism to complete the reversal either. His character is a one note(and clumsy) Ishmael archetype, who can only really be held up as great by the narrative no matter what he's done, or is doing.
Obviously, N!Isaac's freedom/agency arc is also tied up in him being a former slave. But I do think that him being muslim, and the way he's framed akin to Ishmael, is meant to line up with it. Which decision was made first/whether it was at the same time is debatable. But either way, it leads to him being an almost immediate inversion of game isaac's character from the basic themes. And bc game Isaac was already designed mirroring Hector, N!Isaac would inevitably just become a low-level partial rendition of game Hector.
This all bothers me, if my suspicions are correct. It looks like hugely wasted potential, and worse, the kind of writing decision borne of not paying attention to the source materials themes, bc it wasn't respected, and thought to not have them at all. Trading dual literary references meant to reinforce two characters relationship, for a single one-sided one, is just weaker writing. To the point where it seems unthinkable to do consciously, and has to have been from not even realizing there was something there to leave out. I come away feeling like the nfcv writers think they're smarter than the games writers, but with little evidence to show that. And that these characters deserved better.
Is this a fair interpretation or am I reaching too far with CoD's themes? Did I forget anything major about this in regards to nfcv? Has this all been mentioned before, and I'm just re-treading basic analysis? Feel free to lmk, bc I am but some guy with a mythology special interest passing through, who goes slightly insane wnv I see allusions to things I recognize, go unnoticed and neglected by supposedly professional writers, lol.
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bluecheeseinmyoffwhites · 8 months ago
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To celebrate the exciting news of RWBY finding a new home, I want to celebrate the fans who kept moving forward & never gave up on our beloved franchise. And what better way than to review the most popular RWBY OC Team? SLVR is a fanmade project by Mark Zhang. These fanmade trailers blew the internet away with just how CLOSE he replicated Monty’s style with the RWBY trailers. Music, settings, weapons, moon shot, everything. One thing he does the best, however, is his incorporation of fairy tales & mythology. Today I want to honor his characters beginning with the one who started it all, Simin Megistus (video linked below if you haven’t watched his Silver Trailer).
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Simin Megistus is based on Hermes Trismegistus from Greek mythology. Hermes’s Roman counterpart is Mercury, who has a reference character in RWBY proper with Mercury Black. This explains the similarities between the two characters. Luckily, Simin fights for justice. His name means “silver” which is why it is spelled that way. This can be a nod to mercury also being known as “quicksilver”. His last name, Megistus, means “greatest”, and is derived from Hermes’ last name, Trismegistus.
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Hermes was a famous author who wrote several pieces of historic text. His most famous work was Kore Kosmou, detailing several ideals & cosmetology (moon, stars, etc,). The book continuously references the 4 elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth). Simin’s weapon is named Kore Kosmou & can conjure weapons made from the 4 elements. Hermes is often depicted with a traveler’s cloak said to have magic abilities. This is why Simin’s weapon is a jacket.
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Hermes practiced alchemy, which is basically the foundation of chemistry. It is the study of changing the characteristics of matter. This is done by extracting, merging, or manipulating elements like metal, fire, gold, etc. Simin’s weapon allows for him to manipulate dust & form different elemental weapons, allowing for various fighting styles.
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All of Team SLVR has a moon/lunar theme, but it is the most present with Simin’s character. He represents the element of the moon, silver. He has a moonshot in the trailer (standard). His symbol is a moon & it's different craters. His weapon has 4 different “moon phases” where each of the craters hold a different types of dust. The song used in his trailer is “Paper Moon” from Soul Eater. Also, Hermes & his counterparts are said to be deities of the moon.
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Hermes is the protector of thieves, merchants, & orators. This translates to Simin fighting the White Fang in his trailer, thieves who are trying to smuggle dust (merchants) & spread the word for social justice as Faunus activists (orators).
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Hermes was also known as the “Argus-slayer” for defeating Argus, the 100 eyed giant, with his mighty sword. This is referenced with the final boss in Simin’s Trailer, Banesaw 2.0. His White Fang mask is significantly more detailed than the others, having emphasis on circles & dots in its design, resembling several eyes.
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The white fang is smuggling dust, as they do in Volumes 1-2 of RWBY. Simin in a way represents the dust “fighting back”. Simin can also represent the full moon itself, causing the beasts of the night (White Fang) to ravage. Notice the trailer takes place at night & stars are surrounding him.
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Simin has become more than a simple fan character over the years. He is the symbol of the RWBY Fandom, & his creation shows how inspiring & beloved the show is to its audience. Mark Zhang has said that he was deeply motivated by Monty Oum's work, & this led to the creation of the Silver Trailer. Everyday I hope Monty could somehow see the impact he had on others. Rest In Piece❤️
Here is the Silver Trailer for those who haven't see it or just want to look back on it :) love you Mark & keep moving forward.
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just-a-starfruit · 6 months ago
I wrote this Fantasy AU!Ateez Drabble a while back, here, take it!
No really, please, it’s been sitting in my Google drive for almost 4 years
Word Count: 336
TW: None
With two kingdoms at war, it was as if Hades himself was at their side, and he perhaps was. The whole day had been almost too perfect, and Hongjoong smirked, invisible due to the cover of the outer castle walls, but caused goosebumps to come over the other 7 masked figures. For months, the group, along with a small faction within the walls, had been waiting for the perfect chance to finally seize control, and here it was. They had been monitoring the feud for months, and watched as the tensions rose, until finally, like watching an egg drop to the dusty market ground, it broke, and what was once a peaceful alliance was forgotten in favor of bloodshed. To say the lord of the underworld himself didn’t have a part in it would be a lie, an understatement, a laughable one at that.
The light of a newly blazing fire leaks over the stone wall, and a bit of moss crumbles and falls onto the ground around them.
It was time for their arrival. Instead of just simply barging in and taking the crown, that would have been a death wish with no real change, after all, the crown was just a gaudy piece of metal placed on a target. They instead opted for bigger, better, more ambitious. The throne. An unshakable symbol of power, he who holds the crown may look good in front of a nation, but he who sits upon the throne has the true power.
A clink and a long drawn out creak, followed by dust only lost souls know how long had been accumulating. A hiss, a snap and a spark followed by a lantern sputtering to life, illuminating the escape route used only by the king’s court for Seonghwa, Mingi, San, and Jongho. The royalty themselves, a panel of 12, had a separate route that the other 4, Hongjoong, Yeosang, Wooyoung, and Yunho are already on their way to shut down and eliminate those who used it to flee.
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i-didnt-do-1t · 2 years ago
‘Cowboy don’t mean Lone Ranger’
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