#greaser morty
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ultraviolet-explosion · 1 year ago
I want a Rick and Morty episode, featuring like the whole pocket Mortys thing... But especially greaser Morty, Punk Morty and Dethklok Morty.
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pinkhorsepro123 · 1 year ago
Many Morties
So I've recently gotten back into Rick & Morty, and after finishing season 5 I started doodling my favorite Morty's from the show and Pocket Mortys. Here be the results
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Some (most) of them have personal touches, but I mainly used their pictures from the Morty Deck. I went a littllee overbord,but sure had fun.
Lawyer!Morty is nicknamed Ace (I doubt I need to say why), Mortimer for college since it sounds more adult like, Evil!Morty is named Vigil (short for vigilante), Slick is, well Slick- Leather for Greaser!Morty was obvious, and finally gunner made sense for SEAL!Morty for also obvious reasons.
I wasn't too creative in their nicknames since I doubt the Mortys would be.
Yes I can almost never post unfinished doodles- I always have to tidy them up lol-
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jaspereatsaasper · 1 year ago
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Greaser Rick x Birdperson (only bc my pocket mortys Rick is Greaser Rick and I go out of my way to say hi to birdperson every time I see him)
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kaytheday · 2 months ago
Ace Head Canons nobody asked for because I’m thinking about her again: 
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She really likes suckers and gum. It’s the number one thing she’s stealing from the DX anytime they go in to bother Steve and Soda. While Dallas is stealing Winston Cigarettes, Ace is stuffing pink sticks of bubblegum and red cherry suckers in her pockets. And she loves the bubblegum machines that sit in the lobby of nearly every restaurant. Every time they go out to eat, you know she is begging Soda, Steve, Two-Bit, or even Dallas for a nickel to put in that machine. 
“Come on Two-Bit, you gotta have a nickel on you! Don’t hold back! You know, I’ll be less likely to talk if I’m chewin’ gum!” So much begging, sometimes Dallas relents. 
“I gotta nickel you can have, just shut up your whining kid.”
She has one birthday where Steve and Sodapop thought about trying to buy her one of the bubblegum machines. It ended up being too expensive so they recruited Two-Bit and Dallas to help them steal the one in Morty’s bar house and grill. They pulled it off and they gave it to her. (It was the best gift she has received to this day)
She also really likes candy canes around Christmas and those candy cigarettes you get at corner stores. 
Ace also really likes music. Currently (near the events of the musical) she is really into Etta James and her mother’s old Nina Simone records but the reason she fell in love with music was originally because of Billie Holiday. 
As a kid, her mom had one of the original singles of ‘Strange Fruit’ from 1939. It was one of the only things she had left of her mom. (That record and an old pack of cigarettes)
She couldn’t bear to listen to it, but one day she finally did. She cried the first time. She was all of eleven and at this point she knew that greasers shouldn’t cry. But she had learned about the way her dad died recently and her moms notes in the record sleeve didn’t help much at all. 
Since that moment, she was set on finding every Billie Holiday record she could. It would have been pretty hard since Billie died in 1959 and many of her records were banned in more conservative communities. Another reason Ace likes her. 
In her obsession, she turned Johnny on to Billie Holiday. It was one of those nights when Johnny couldn’t stay at home, he felt he was overstaying his welcome at the Curtis home, and god only knows what Dallas was getting up to. She convinced Johnny to come home with her and Steve to their aunt's house. 
Ace turned on a Billie Holiday record and Steve started making fun of her but Johnny just listened and commented quietly. 
“I really like the song Ace. She sounds tuff.” Ace simply stuck her tongue out at Steve and turned back to Johnny. 
“Thanks Johnny, you know my momma liked her too?” Now, Johnny and Ace share a love of Billie Holiday. 
Dallas Winston became a sort of older brother for Ace growing up. Most of the gang were but she knew for a fact that Dallas would actually kill someone for her. 
She can remember one time after a Saturday night out when some guys started a fight with their little gang. One of the guys who was hitting her spat out a slur and Dallas went off on him. She’d never seen him so angry. He pulled the guy off of her, cussed him out, and kicked him so hard that his skull cracked open. At least, that’s what she heard from some of the guy's friends the next week. 
It was at that moment, she knew that Dallas Winston was always gonna have her back. 
Just like Dallas will call Johnny and Ponyboy ‘brother’ he’ll call Ace ‘sister’. Like… all the time. 
“What’s goin’ on sistah?” Then he’ll sling an arm around her shoulders and pat her head. “You stayin’ out of trouble Ace kid?” 
Also I’m like 99% sure there was a scene with Ace similar to the instance where Dallas told Johnny and Pony that ‘you guys are like my brothers, like we are in war or something. I’d die for you.’ There has been an instance where he tells Ace the same thing. (Maybe I’ll write that fic one day)  
She won’t tell anyone, but her favorite spot in all of Tulsa is an old Juke Joint on the outskirts of town that Two-Bit told her about. Two-Bit was a regular, not necessarily going for the music but for the booze. 
Ace likes to go for the music though. One of her favorite instruments in jazz is the trumpet, she likes it when they play it so loud that it makes that shrill vibrato sound. Ace made quick friends with Rosalind who was the bartender and head chef of the Double Deuce. (The Double Deuce was a real Juke Joint in Tulsa, let me know if you want the sources.) 
Sometimes Rosalind will slip her cokes in those old whiskey glasses while Ace is at the counter swaying to the music. Rosalind also knows Two-Bit (and Dallas) and she was happy to learn that Two-Bit had some actual good friends. 
Ace just really likes music and dancing. Two-Bit is her favorite person to dance with other than her brother Steve. He was the first one in the gang that made her feel safe and he is one of the only ones who takes the time and actually likes to dance with her. 
The Double Deuce Juke Joint is her favorite place in all of Tulsa because it is one of the only places where she can let out all those feelings. She can dance as wild and free as she feels on the inside most of the time.
I'll probably do another set of these because I love Ace and have so many thoughts about her and her lore. Thanks for reading!
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xxwish-bonexx · 7 months ago
That rick and morty episode with the hivemimd lady but it's Fresh and Greaser. Is this anything?
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unholycourier · 1 year ago
got a few things for mortimer:
- he’s only in his mid 20s atm; he’s currently 25. he first got drafted into the war at age 19.
- he saw minimal combat; a year after being in the army, he was dishonorably discharged for being in a relationship with a man; a man he met in the army the same age as him.
- he married that man at the age of 23.
- mortimer and his now husband went through hell and back to adopt shaun; it took them two years to get accepted at the tail end of the year. then, they adopt shaun in october.
- then the world ends and mortimer’s husband gets shot, and shaun kidnapped.
- one thing leads to another such a drastic change of his former life’s hardships being doubled with current hardships in a new world he was not prepared for, he becomes a huge dick. he’s rude, dismissive, and overall not a good person to involve yourself with; pretty much the only three things he tolerates or is nice to are dogs (because dogs could never hurt him and dogmeat is the last semblance of normality he finds), codsworth for the same reason as dogmeat (and the fact he’s literally attached to his old life) and strong; because strong’s got the right idea, kinda.
- he basically goes scorched earth and says “fuck you” to everyone who tries to help or be nice to him.
- strength, perception and charisma are his strongest stats. intelligence and agility are above average, and luck is his worst stat.
- more of a fun fact but he’s inspired off of a handful of things; greasers from the 90’s, nicholas cage’s ghost rider and guitarist/songwriter brian setzer.
- he’s also nicknamed morty or mort :)
- OH and unfortunately he disapproves of Father, despite Father being his son. he hates him for the same thing he himself has become. the little boy he loved known as shaun was no longer there just like the man prior the bombs was no more (or something symbolic like that lol)
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so0ppa · 7 months ago
istf every mortis i encounter in bs has his greaser skin its like im the only one without it. so unfair i want him so bad . fucked up
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countlessrealities · 2 years ago
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@petalsxfallen sent: “So do you call him Slick cause of his greaser hair?” for AR
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The question came so unexpected that Rick almost choked on his drink. He and Petal had hung out a few times since their random first meeting, and that night, for some reason, he had found himself rambling about his Morty. Perhaps it was because she had mentioned being friends with C-137's Morty, or maybe it was because the kid had been on his mind all day.
They had gone on a trip, earlier that day, and Slick had gotten hurt because Rick had underestimated their opponents. It had been nothing too bad, but he still felt guilty. And it brought back bad memories he would rather not relive.
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"W-What? Greasier..." He repeated, his voice trailing off in obvious confusion. That was one of the most ridiculous questions he had ever heard. And he had heard a lot of idiotic question in his life.
"F-First of all, I don't call him that. I-I call him Morty. I-It's his buddies from the Morty Academy who use that nickname," he went on, once he had caught up with what he had been asked. "An-And...I mean, shit, it's not like I pay attention to his hair, b-but...it doesn't look different from most Mortys'....?"
Damn, now the first thing he would feel compelled to do once he got back to his flat would have been touching Slick's hair. As if the teen needed one more reason to think that he was a weirdo.
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zombiemorty · 3 years ago
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first post. redraw of something I did way back in the day
Old version
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r3s007 · 5 years ago
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a-clockwork-hal9000 · 5 years ago
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Fave Mortys + Six Fanarts : Warden Morty belongs to my beautiful girlfriend.
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momfriend-of-mortys · 5 years ago
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deltabeau · 5 years ago
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I managed to find some old art from my previous R&M tumblr, hopefully I saved some of them on USB key.
The One True Morty, Greaser Morty and Psychokinectic Morty from Pocket Morty! I did them soon after the game was released (2016) and they were my favorites Mortys at the time ❤️ Especially the One True Morty, I spent most of my time to make that egg hatch !!
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c137 · 6 years ago
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traumatoonz · 6 years ago
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Aftermath of a Pocket Mortys fight :(
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rabbletrousers · 7 years ago
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dumb greaser morty
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