#loner morty
tropical-fruit-mx · 2 months
Smith family coffee order HCs, courtesy of yours truly, a former barista
@hazelnut-u-out posted a poll yesterday about whether or not Rick Sanchez is an iced coffee drinker (short answer: yes, but nuance to come) and I realized that I never came up with HCs for the family's coffee orders. I love doing this for fandoms I'm in because I barista-ed for A While and low key miss it sometimes. Anyway, headcanons!!
So in his tough guy-tortured loner-vigilante phase he was obviously an avid black coffee drinker (usually spiked). Being on the run/not having a place to call one's own he develops a taste for practicality and simplicity. Thus, he likes an easy drink you can get anywhere that is impossible to mess up. However, in a post-"Analyze Piss", post-Prime, 'Rick Sanchez is experiencing new levels of DGAF' world we get into the chaotic beverage enjoyer phase. First off, he has 100% tried every single new special drink that Starbucks rolls out. The summer skies boba thing, the oleato, everything. (He's a big fan of the Irish cream flavor when it comes out seasonally and was pissed the first time when he realized it didn't have alcohol in it.) Because Rick is hugely dopamine seeking so fun colored, fun flavored things always catch his eye. I also feel like he would majorly enjoy specialty coffee shops that do elaborate coffee drinks, like this man would fuck up a cereal milk latte. I also will contend that in this phase he has no regular order, he literally gets a different thing every time just to experiment with as many drinks as possible.
Drinks flat whites because she thinks they're classy and it's easier to have a simple coffee order for the intern at the vet to take down. I also think that she generally likes mixing caffeine and alcohol (huge espresso martini fan) and probably lost her mind on vodka red bulls in college. She also definitely had a red bull addiction to get through vet school but now she only drinks them as a guilty pleasure.
Space Beth
In honor of the fact that she's recreating her dad's 30s I think she has the same taste in coffee as a young Rick, which means she drinks it black and strong. She seems like an avid French press user and most likely has sourced fancy beans from somewhere in space (Venusian coffee probably fucks)
Hot caramel macchiato, but he's convinced that this is the traditional way macchiatos are made and despite multiple arguments about the origins of macchiatos he is staunchly of the opinion that the actual drink is an upside down latte with fuck tons of caramel.
Pink drink purist, maybe gets matcha cold foam on top when she's feeling fancy. Although I could also see her getting vanilla iced lattes when she wants more caffeine. And if she's with Rick I can imagine her joining him in ordering crazy coffees just for fun.
Morty Smith is a fourteen year old boy, the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap was basically made for him. It's just a fucking milkshake with caffeine, although I think that when he's with Beth and Jerry they make him get the crème version.
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pigswithwings · 27 days
Hiii you should talk to me about your OCs. Smiles. Trying to think of a more specific question uhhhhh whats the inspiration/meaning of their names?
oho! well! the thing is! i dont even fucking know how i got my own name so this is going to be interesting
iris powell - i knew i wanted a character who was a woman and heavily repressed so i wrote up a list of very traditionally feminine names and went "hey wouldn't it be funny if my oc who killed a person had a really flowery cute name". so iris it is. as for her surname i just knew that for it to be a good sounding name her surname needed to be two syllables so i quite literally went to wikipedia. and searched up names til i found a good one
zed morris - originally i kind of wanted zed to be like. a sort of edgy loner character interested in bugs and bacteria and death so that's where the morris part came from because it sort of sounded like "mortis". as for their first name i can't. tell you i think it appeared in my head like a vision from god itself. thats how i found their design too literally just Appeared to me
nova - well it had to be a space themed name for an astronaut right. and i didnt want to give it a gendered name at all like venus so i just went hey nova's pretty cool. why not
mike/michael ford - play on words with microphone. couldn't resist
0000/zero - creating this character i knew i wanted an emphasis on her nonhumanity, so i tried to lean heavily on giving her a Very Not Human name. it half worked? i still call her zero for shorthand unfortunately but i think it fits. being zero is sort of symbolic of starting with a blank slate and i like that
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helsingvania · 9 months
Looks around, no one is talking about ahsoka so I think it's a relevant time to be unhinged.
I'm not mad or upset with how ahsoka turned out, I'm disappointed.
I had low expectations going into it, we all did. But the first two episodes genuinely did drew me into the storyline. I don't care about ahsoka herself but the lore expansion, seeing the spectres again, and much of the overarching mystery just drew me in. Baylan and his more reserved, logical, and lawful nature. Even though it hate it, the myths around a new galaxy and the stories told by the Jedi and how it was just merely a fairytale tantalized me.
And this is where the show went down hill for me personally. It's a very you can't have your cake and eat it too, you can't have the grounded orders are orders storyline with the new Republic and the mystical fairytale story of traveling to a lost land to recover a hero banished with his enemy.
Both of them feel disjointed to me and if I had to choose one I would go for bringing whimsy back into star wars because I LOVE that stuff. There is a world where both elements can totally work, but based on the writing of the show alone it can only be one. And even without getting into characters, the Identity of this show is so confused. It doesn't want to know what it wants to be and will change scene to scene.
Is it a voyage into the unknown? Is it a traveling loner samurai story with a society that aged passed them? Is it a critique of bureaucracy and the failure of removing fascism? It's all of them, and yet none of them because none of them build on each other or even interact with each other. It's quite literally one scene its this theme, and the next is this theme. Neither them are expanded upon or even more forwards passed the 'this is bad' stage.
Hell Anakin's episode was only good because it only expanded a bit on Anakin, his relationship with ahsoka, and gaining a new prospective. It didn't do shit as far as meaning or anything. I think it was going for a: I didn't teach you to lay down and die. Type beat but it was so convoluted and filled with remember this from the show that it missed the fact it should've had a point. Like wow thanks filoni! You gave us solid evidence that Anakin will always be Vader and Vader will always be Anakin, and that both he and ahsoka were literally kids in war and he was trying to ensure her safety and life, and now the mortis arc has come back and reared it's head again and now he's chilling in the various realms of the force.
How would I have done it? EASY!
A melancholic tale about realizing the world around you has shifted and coming to terms with everything that has happened to you. Between learning of what Anakin has become, the events of the rebellion and the clone wars, the fall of the Jedi and everything you thought you knew. Even realizing you have been doing nothing but walking forwards until you are finally dead.
Ahsoka acting more like Anakin as a coping mechanism since she couldn't do anything to help or save him. Running hither and yonder foolhardy and recklessly hoping that finally this fight will finally kill her. But they don't so she just continues on with her idea of what her duty is and what she's fighting for. Eventually, she does die and is met with Anakin, Anakin reinforces that he's always been like this and maybe don't take after him as much. And the lessons she taught her weren't just for survival, but doing what you did believe what was right despite the outcomes. This realization breathes new life into her (literally) and comes back and understands the fight all over again. And continuing her mission.
I don't think any of the spectres need much development compared to...the literal title character. Much of what they needed occurred back in rebels, Sabine owning up to her time in mandalore and making it right, Hera's own bravery and mourning Kanan. I still love the idea that Sabine is disaster lineage just so she can wield a lightsaber, but you didn't need to make her FORCE SENSITIVE HOLY SHIT. In fact I think Sabine being the more mature on here would've worked, yeah she acts young but she puts ahsoka in her place.
Baylan and Ezra were perfect. Ezra hasn't changed and still has his charisma and cheek while baylan is a very interesting villain based upon his past and motivations. I would've loved to have thrawn a little more subtle in place of his big introduction give the normies a FUCKING REASON TO FEAR HIM.
Final thing, you guys are cowards for not referencing heir to the empire.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 1 month
Gonna drop some lyrics that remind me of Rick and Morty and will be on my merry way
You know I think you're great You’re fun You don't take shit from anyone And you only do things if you really fucking love it Really fucking love it And nothing's wrong, per se But I’m a loner with a lot of baggage That I haven't yet claimed Don't want you to take that blame It's not easy for me to say
Breathe Give me space to breathe Walked in your steps too long Forget who I was on my own Please It's not you it's me Don't take it as goodbye I still want you in my life But I just need some space to breathe
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xsulsulnooboo · 23 days
Sims ideas created by me with the help of ChatGPT
Feel free to use this and show me your sims when they're done _______________________________________
1. Lilith Nocturne (Vampire Witch)
• Traits: Evil, Genius, Loner
• Aspiration: Master Vampire
• Occult: Vampire
• Clothing Style: Victorian Gothic, dark corsets, long flowing black skirts, lace gloves, and high boots. Think dark elegance, with silver and red accents.
• Backstory: Lilith is an ancient vampire who secretly dabbles in dark magic. She seeks to master both vampirism and forbidden witchcraft to dominate the supernatural world.
2. Mortis Grimes (Undead Revenant)
• Traits: Mean, Gloomy, Hot-Headed
• Aspiration: Public Enemy
• Occult: Ghost (resurrected)
• Clothing Style: Ragged, old-fashioned clothing, torn and weathered. Always in shades of grey and brown as if he's crawled out of the grave. Wears broken chains and tattered formal wear.
• Backstory: Mortis was buried alive centuries ago, and now he's back from the dead, seeking revenge on those who wronged him, even though their descendants have no idea.
3. Selena Shade (Possessed Doll)
• Traits: Insane, Materialistic, Childish
• Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy (because dolls love to be adored)
• Occult: Not an official occult type but behaves like a possessed object
• Clothing Style: Dresses like an antique porcelain doll: frilly dresses, bows, ribbons, and patent leather shoes, all in faded pastel colors.
• Backstory: Selena was a beloved childhood doll, but her owner cast a forbidden spell, trapping her spirit in the toy forever. Now Selena haunts households, yearning for attention.
4. Sable Morgana (Dark Fae)
• Traits: Erratic, Self-Absorbed, Kleptomaniac
• Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
• Occult: Spellcaster
• Clothing Style: Mystical and ethereal, but with a sinister twist. Think flower crowns with thorny vines, tattered faerie wings, dark flowing robes mixed with intricate jewelry and face paint.
• Backstory: Sable is a dark faerie who was banished from her realm. She thrives on chaos, and her mischief often turns deadly. She's obsessed with causing misery in the mortal world.
5. Edgar Blackthorn (Mad Scientist)
• Traits: Genius, Insane, Paranoid
• Aspiration: Nerd Brain
• Occult: Human
• Clothing Style: Lab coats, goggles, and slightly singed Victorian-inspired scientist attire. Wears gloves and carries strange mechanical gadgets.
• Backstory: Edgar once worked on government secret projects but was exiled for conducting unethical experiments. Now, he conducts experiments in his basement, dreaming of creating life-or ending it.
6. Vespera Nightshade (Living Nightmare)
• Traits: Evil, Noncommittal, Loves the Outdoors
• Aspiration: Soulmate (twisted goal: she wants a partner to consume their soul)
• Occult: Custom-shadow demon/creature of nightmares
• Clothing Style: Long black cloaks, velvet dresses, always barefoot with smoky or fog-like aura around her. Dark purple and black dominate her wardrobe.
• Backstory: Vespera is a creature that feeds on fear. Every night she haunts the dreams of her chosen victims, slowly driving them mad. She's looking for a "lover" to torment for eternity.
7. Isaac Morrow (Cursed Musician)
• Traits: Creative, Gloomy, Perfectionist
• Aspiration: Musical Genius
• Occult: Human (cursed)
• Clothing Style: Formal, 19th-century concert attire. Old, decayed tuxedos with a ghostly pallor to his appearance. He always carries a violin.
• Backstory: Isaac was once a celebrated violinist but made a dark pact to ensure his talent. Now, he is cursed to play endlessly, never satisfied with his work, driving others to despair with his haunting melodies.
8. Ophelia Graves (Witch of the Moors)
• Traits: Loner, Jealous, Brooding
• Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery
• Occult: Spellcaster
• Clothing Style: Long black robes, tattered scarves, and ancient relics. Always barefoot with disheveled hair and muddy hems. She wears necklaces made of animal bones.
• Backstory: Ophelia lives deep in the moors, feared by the townsfolk who call her a witch. She practices necromancy, longing to raise her lost lover from the dead.
9. Victor Revenant (Living Dollmaker)
• Traits: Loner, Creative, Evil
• Aspiration: Master Maker
• Occult: Human (with dark magic)
• Clothing Style: Victorian, leather aprons over classic gothic suits. Always carries tools and looks slightly unkempt, with blood-stained gloves.
• Backstory: Victor is obsessed with making life-sized dolls that are "too lifelike." Some whisper that these dolls are people who crossed him, enchanted into eternal silence.
10. Eira Frost (Ice Queen)
• Traits: Self-Assured, Evil, Loner
• Aspiration: Freelance Botanist (but she kills plants instead)
• Occult: Custom-spirit of winter
• Clothing Style: Ice blue dresses, sparkling tiaras, and crystal jewelry. Her clothing seems to shimmer with frost, and her skin has a cold, blueish hue.
• Backstory: Eira was once the spirit of winter who brought beauty to the land, but after being betrayed by her lover, she became cold and vengeful, freezing everything and everyone who crosses her path.
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urgaydemise · 11 months
9 people you'd like to know
Tagged by @strawberryniceblock thanks! I haven't done one of these :)
1. Three ships: lokius (loki show) loki and mobius, a current one driving me insane. Nandermo (what we do in the shadows) nandor the relentless and Guillermo de le Cruz, they're so obvious in love but oblivious. Hannigram (hannibal nbc) hannibal and will, not really current but always in the back of my mind, like a raccoon in the chimney.
2. First ship: don't come for me but it was destiny. And honestly thats what made me join Tumblr back then, to find the rest of you destiny freaks.
3. Currently listening too: I always have twenty one pilots on EVERY playlist, loved them since 2011. My music taste changes all the time but I always go back to the albums Lunatics by KONGOS and Loner by MISSIO.
4. Last film I watched: Dune (2021) for some reason I just had to watch it again, getting excited for the 2nd film! Also just watched the older version and need to reread the series
5. Currently reading: I just got a classic horror stories collection from b&n to read till Halloween and I wanna start the dune series again.
6. Currently watching: as I'm typing this Dan and Phil games lol, but series is Loki, Rick and Morty, and rewatching the 10th kingdom
7. Currently consuming: a can of grape olipop, a whopper from bk, and a bag of hot cheetos, super healthy I know
8. Currently craving: spicy tteokbokki and spicy noodles, haven't had some in a long time omg
Tagging (tbh the first 9 people that appear sorry lol): @adamndisgrace @hanniwill @william-teddy-grahams @theclaravoyant @pebbles-scatter @kuroshika @nighttimeismytime-blog @entropicquilibriumofchaos @disaster-vampire
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tanjavda · 1 year
Let’s Play Strangetown+
Introducing the families and how I’ve set them up at the start of my Strangetown+ uberhood.  
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Pleasantview - The Loste Family
* Kristen Loste - 25 years old - Fortune/Knowledge
Kirsten loves sports and wants to help aspiring athletes to the top. She rents a small apartment in Pleasantview, but is sure she’ll be moving to a bigger place very soon!
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Strangetown - The Loner Family
* Ajay Loner - 29 years old - Fortune/Popularity
Ajay lives in Strangetown and is working in the cullinary career.
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Downtown - The Larson Family
* Stella Roth - 41 years old - Popularity/Fortune * Jason Larson - 23 years old - Fortune/Popularity * Jodie Larson - 23 years old - Fortune/Family
When Stella originally married Morty Roth, she dreamed of following him on his travels blog about it. None of this ever happened and years later she finds herself being a housewife. She moved Downtown, started a career in photography and met Jason, and moved in with him and his sister, Jodie.
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Bluewater Village - The Roth Family
* Morty Roth - 44 years old - Knowledge/Family * Sandra Roth - 14 years old - Family * Xander Roth - 7 years old - Grow up
Sandra loved their little family and isn’t happy her parents got a divorce and that her mother moved away. Xander is just happy he can spend his time with his pets. While Morty is trying to get back up financially after the divorce and having to pay off his ex-wife. He’s dating Blossom Moonbeam (a college student), who he thinks is too young, but there’s no age on love.
Notes: Both Stella and Jason and Morty and Blossom have 3 bolts.
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
Hello mutual! For the writing thing: 🥺, ✨, 🎶,  👀 and/or 🤲, 🧠 for Rick, and if there’s anything you particularly want to answer that you haven’t been asked then that too if you want to?
thank you for sending in an ask!! <33
i just saw your reply to mine, hehe. answers under the cut!
🥺Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
hmmm... this one is kind of difficult to answer because, yes, but it's difficult to pick just one lol. if i had to pick one that makes me the most emotional, it'd probably be a tossup between young rick being any sort of paternal/doting to baby beth or any kind of moment where morty shows how sweet and pure his intentions are when everyone he puts himself on the line for is so undeserving.
also, rick crying or morty getting angry enough to just tear into someone. it's kind of their respective, "something is really wrong here."
✨Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it.
thank you, hehe. i'm my own worst critic, but i feel like i can make anything angsty and painful if you want me to. i also think i'm pretty good at painting visual details with words??
🎶Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
i have a hard time listening to music while i read or write because i get overstimulated SUPER easily lol. i do base a lot of my fics off of songs, though!
one i keep coming back to for rick is "storms" by fleetwood mac:
"did i ever really care that much? is there anything left to say?
every hour of fear i spend, my body tries to cry
living through each empty night
a deadly calm inside
i haven't felt this way i feel since many a year ago"
one that always makes me think of morty is "ghost on" by angel olsen:
"when should i believe the things you say?
you change your mind from day to day
and i don't know if you can take such a good thing coming to you
and i don't know if you can love someone stronger than you're used to"
i also have plenty i revisit for birdrick stuff.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
i'm working on a couple of multi-chapter concepts atm! i've been rereading the original "the adventures and memoirs of sherlock holmes" rn to work on my rick and morty x holmes and watson au!
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
some morty dialogue from an upcoming angst fic between the boy and his mad scientist grandpa:
"What, Rick? Woul- Would that make for a better story? W-Would it make me a more developed character? Or maybe a different answer would make you feel better! I-I'm so sorry! D-Did you have a different character arc in mind? One that would make you feel better about the character you've wr-written me to be? Would it be easier for you to forgive me if there was a-a-a reason that I did what I did? Would it tie up loose ends if -(redacted for spoilers)-? Give you closure? W-Well... 'tough luck, buddy.'"
also, just for you, a birdrick snippet from a revenge-era space cowboy multi-chapter wip:
The young man was unfurled below his companion like a blanket beneath the stars, and they studied one another like a loner’s wide eyes would peruse the cosmos sprawled out above them- Rick's quivering fingers and lips taking note of constellations divinely created for nothing more than his sinful touch along the way.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (Rick)
i have so many silly headcanons about rick. my favorite is probably that he doesn't let morty get adult meals when they go through drive thru's. he has to get the kid's meal, but rick demands he give him the toy.
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slickmcrty · 2 years
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Some headcanons for slick and AR. 
Despite ricks technically being grandpas to mortys I feel like AR is more like slick’s cool uncle. 
They also fit that trope of that badass loner getting stuck with a kid to take care of. They end up bonding when he never wanted or expected that. 
AR is one of the ricks he’s trusted the most. He just doesn’t seem like that much of a liar or would have that much reason to lie to slick. Maybe part of this trust comes from the good advice he gives to morty. 
He considers AR a friend but knows it doesn’t go the other way around. So he’ll talk good about the rick with his group of mortys and call him a friend but wouldn’t do so in front of rick cause he doesn’t wanna embarrass himself. 
I think he may have called him a couple times early on when he got himself in trouble due to his own stupidity but now he pretty much only calls him to help him out when the situation is life and death. 
With that mad scientist rick AR would have to hold the boy back from murdering him. 
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tamtam-go92 · 2 days
Ages after Round 1
After 3,5 days (1 year and 9 month) the current ages of Uberhood's inhabitants are:
If you didn't notice: there is now a Masterpost with all families (might contain mild spoilers): click!
89: Luis Aspir 86: Carlos Contender 64: Olive Specter, Patrizio Monty 60: Dora Ottomas 59: Mortimer Goth 58: Herb Oldie 57: Isabella Monty, Consort Capp 56: Coral Oldie, Betty Goldstein, PT9 Smith 55: Denise Jacquet, Herbert Goodie, Faith Goodie, Catherine Viejo 51: Jenny Smith 50: Daniel Pleasant 49: Mary-Sue Pleasant 46: Jason Cleveland 45: Marissa Cleveland 44: Edward Contrary, Albany Capp 43: Benjamin Baldwin, Stephen Tinker 42: Vivian Cho, Morty Roth 41: Isabel Baldwin, Wanda Tinker, Opal Contrary, Marcel Jocque, Sophia Jocque, Stella Roth 38: Darren Dreamer 37: Gilbert Jacquet, Buzz Grunt 36: Checo Ramirez, Leod McGreggor 35: Florence Delarosa 34: Antonio Monty 33: Loki Beaker, Pascal Curious 32: Timothy Riley, Lisa Ramirez, John Burb, Goneril Capp, Peter Ottomas, Lola Curious, Cornwall Capp 31: Armand DeBateau, Victor Aspir, Elizabeth Aspir, Issac Bell, Hannah Bell, Brandi Broke, Rose Greenman, Jason Greenman 30: Jessica Peterson, Circe Beaker, Ajay Loner, Erin Beaker, Samantha Ottomas 29: Sanjay Ramaswami, Vidcund Curious, Bianca Monty 28: Ramir Patel, Jennifer Burb, Alexandra O'Mackey, Priya Ramaswami 27: Ana Patel, Patricia Wan, Kristen Loste, Gabe O'Mackey 26: Gabriel Green, Matthew Picaso, Andrew Martin, Nervous Subject, Cassandra Goth, Regan Capp 25: Chastity Gere, Sharon Wirth, Jessica Picaso, Kent Capp, Oberon Summerdream 24: Samantha Cordial, Kimberly Cordial, Geoff Rutherford, Malcolm Landgraab IV, Chester Gieke, Jason Larson, Jodie Larson, John Mole, Trent Traveller, Julien Cooke, Nathan Gavigan, Mary Gavigan, Cyd Roseland, Robert Kim, Cynthia Kim, Tara Kat, Cleo Shikibu, Dina Caliente, Nina Caliente, Don Lothario, Lazlo Curious, Chloe Curious, Titania Summerdream 23: Connor Weir, Natasha Una, Trisha Traveller, 22: Gunnar Roque, Jane Stacks 21: Roxie Sharpe, Jonah Powers, Guy Wrightley, Mickey Dosser, Monica Bradfort, Ashley Pitts, Brittany Upsnott, Allyn Monty 20: Mitch Indie, Max Flexor, Delilah O'Feefe, Edwin Sharpe, Marla Biggs, Phineaus Furley, Ellen Frost, Chaz Whippler, Emily Lee, Tom Freshe, Matthew Hart, DJ Verse, Sarah Love, Jessie Pilferson, Jasmine Rai, Zoe Zimmerman, Frances J. Worthington III, Aldric Davis, Almeric Davis, William Williamson, Blossom Moonbeam, Klara Vonderstein, Stella Terrano, Martin Ruben, Allegra Gorey, Joshua Ruben, Kevin Beare, Castor Nova, Tiffany Sampson, Heather Huffington, Sam Thomas, Jared Starchild, Ty Bubbler, Jimmy Phoenix, Erik Swain 19: Johnny Smith, Hailey Goodie 18: Ophelia Nigmos, Swan Goodie 17: Tank Grunt, Andrzej Goodie 16: Mercutio Monty, Tybalt Capp 15: Ripp Grunt, Romeo Monty, David Ottomas 14: Justin Cleveland, Angela Pleasant, Lilith Pleasant, Puck Summerdream, Juliette Capp 13: Rick Contrary, Violat Jocque, Dustin Broke, Hermia Capp, Sandra Roth, Jacob Martin 12: Melody Tinker, Dirk Dreamer, Jules O'Mackey, Miranda Capp, 11: Tara DeBateau, Gavin Newson, Ginger Newson 09: Sofia Baldwin, Lucy Burb, Jill Smith, Bottom Summerdream, Alexander Goth, Buck Grunt, Hal Capp, Beatrice Monty, Benedick Monty, 08: Sally Riley, Daniel Bell, Desdemonda Capp, Sharla Ottomas 07: Tessa Ramirez, Tina Traveller, Isaiah Gavigan, Gabriella Newson, Gallagher Newson, Justin Kim, Xander Roth 05: Beau Broke 04: Markus Baldwin, Etsu Cho 03: Pauline Aspir, Garett Newson, Georgia Newson, Daisy Greenman 02: Ariel Capp, Tommy Ottomas 01: Willow Patel, Ian Broke, Winona Curious, Kevin Ottomas, Nadja Ottomas 00: Frank Tinker, Wendy Bell, Felicity Gavivan, Nicolas Greenman, Octavia Greenman, Victor Roth, Felix Smith, Isolde Capp, Otis Ramaswami
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💀 Welcome Ghouls to the Hell House 💀
[Hell House Challenge by @bakersimmer | Check the rules]
Meet our participants!
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Szinta Rain
Pronouns: They/them
Traits: Lunar Confidant, Freegan, Romantic, Party Animal
Dream: Becoming a werewolf and thriving in their community
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Edward Steam
Pronouns: He/him
Traits: High Metabolism, Bookworm, Insider, Kleptomaniac
Dream: Hunting Vampires
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Blake Morty
Pronouns: She/He/They
Traits: Essence of Flavor, Jealous, Active, Bro
Dream: Having her own gothic farm
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Milay Rito
Pronouns: They/It
Traits: Spa Membership, Erratic, Good, Bro
Dream: Creating a community based on harmony
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Summer Heath
Pronouns: She/her
Traits: Quick Learner, Kleptomaniac, Dog Lover, Foodie
Dream: Traveling the world and expanding her knowledge
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Rocky McEsthor
Pronouns: He/They
Traits: Domestic, Self-Assured, Loner, Noncommittal
Dream: Adopting children and teens in difficult situations and be the best parent to them
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Kulap Nya
Pronouns: They/It/She
Traits: Alluring, Jealous, Socially Awkward, Cat Lover
Dream: Exploring life and love as much as possible
Only one of them will survive the Hell House and realize their dream!
Support your favorite during this adventure and may the best one not die!
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ahkaraii · 5 years
everyday is exactly the same
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a tired little mascot morty slowly evolving into a loner morty...
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a-clockwork-hal9000 · 4 years
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Fave Mortys + Six Fanarts : Warden Morty belongs to my beautiful girlfriend.
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poinsettiaquinn · 5 years
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I've been playing pocket mortys a lot the last 2 weeks, so expect some more morty in ur future.
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mr-unlight · 5 years
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More of my favourite boyos from Pocket Mortys that deserve more love- I’m really loving this new technique I’ve developed for colouring and shading too-
Loner Morty | Violent Morty | Dangerous Morty
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starafterdeath · 5 years
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