#graphic design is my passion (you can hire me)
sparks-polls · 2 months
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Congratulations, When Do I Get To Sing "My Way"! You are officially tumblr's favourite Sparks music video!
Some additional well-deserved special mentions:
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(I Predict was named our people's princess by @crystalblast. Puppet boy was coined by @carcarrot.)
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
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made these for me but you may look~
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I love Alexia but can she hire me to design her Eleven Foundation instagram page?! It's giving "Graphic Design is My Passion" meme levels of execution. 🤣🤣
☠️☠️ okay, it's not that bad, but there's a typo from today's post that is making my type A brain cringe a little inside 😅
but girl, go shoot your shot and apply for that job with alexia! i'll support you 🫡
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Seren's Studies: The Odd Squad UK Promo
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Now, before reading this, I need everyone to give a middle finger to Firefox for repeatedly flashbanging me throughout this entire followup whenever I went to take a screenshot. This has never happened before. I don't know why it's happening. I do know that I am inches away from throwing that inflamed vixen in the trash and moving to SlimBrowser instead.
Okay, so now that you've done that, let's discuss this 30-second promo that someone on Discord was very polite enough to dredge up. (Since there's a lot of...sensitive stuff that happens in that server -- in an "inner workings of a television network" kind of way -- I will refrain from naming names. If you see this, you know who you are, and thank you.)
At the time of this writing, there are no teaser images, nor have all the expansive synopses been released yet. It'll take a while for TVO to get through all of them, BBC doesn't have any expansive synopses, and my other sources are...dead in the water.
I don't think I need to say this, but I'll say it anyway: there are spoilers abound in this. If you haven't seen the promo yet, it's best if you view it here before proceeding with this followup.
Let's dive in below the break!
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The only reason I'm putting this here is because the plehn started in Arlington and it's goin' to the United Kingdom and to Britain.
Because PBS's Headquarters is in Arlington.
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Am I fuckin' trippin' on some shit or are we inside Big Ben? Because I mean the clock to the left there is confusing my pea brain. And if we are in Big Ben, some agent is going to go clear through these doors and wind up doing the Peter Griffin death pose but...y'know...they're dead. So.
On another note, I see we're ditching Apple computers and going straight for Microsoft. I know what iMacs look like. I have Google. Those are not iMacs. Sorry, Cook, but you're not cookin' in the UK.
We can also see the breakroom that was spotted in the gadget competition briefing video, which...kinda makes all my cracks about the shitty editing age poorly. (The video editing, mind. Not the audio editing. Those cracks stay. There is no excuse.)
So there's a lot to take in here -- and I mean it's a disgusting amount; I have to go frame-by-fucking-frame -- but let's focus on Captain O and Ozzie specifically. We have Captain O holding a letter of some kind, while Ozzie himself is still in his Department of Help uniform. The letter could be something along the lines of "congrats, you're hired", but who's to say. Hard to tell from a simple zoom-in and an "attention, everyone!"
Me, I just wanna know what the knitting needles on Captain O's jacket are for. Watch it not be answered in 12 episodes and then I'll be staying up Googling when I have a car to drive and cry in.
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People in the Odd Squad Discord server are, by general consensus, not happy with this British-fied Odd Squad logo. And really, I don't blame them. This is pure "graphic design is my passion and I get paid for it handsomely, motherfucker".
Look, I liked it better when it looked like a sun. The sun, at least, is symbolic from a certain standpoint. This is just making it British because we're in Britain, and it's not funny.
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Pure excitement written all over that girl's face, right there. He's gonna be the poor schmuck just being dragged around everywhere in town.
Kind of like the guy who was my "boyfriend" in high school and then literally dragged me through the halls showing me off like he got the most valuable plushie in the world. (Yes, that actually happened. Yes, the quotation marks are intentional. No, you don't want me to elaborate, trust me.)
Only the guy is a tourist, I'm the poor schmuck who has to help the tourist, and the guy probably can't drag me because I outclass him by about a hundred pounds.
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It took them ten years, but we finally have magic effects for when agents combine gadgets.
Oscar is shedding a tear of joy somewhere. He's never been able to make that happen, but a tourist and a Brit somehow made it work, and he's so proud of them.
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I could've sworn I've seen this structure as a filming location, but I can't for the life of me figure out whether it was in the Season 3 days or if it was last year. My memory's trying to make me think the former.
Taken out of context, though, this is a monster that sees Orli and whom I have to assume is either Onom or Orwell as two fresh-blooded meals. Which ups the danger ante of the entire franchise considerably, because there is a line between "I'm going to hurt you" and "I am going to kill you".
This octopus...thing is just...more direct about the latter.
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In the medical industry, that would be classified as a brain disorder.
...In the real world.
Here in the Oddverse, you can have electricity shooting out of your head and it's as much of a minor inconvenience as an item being out of stock at the store.
(Also, someone mentioned that this guy sounds like TomSka, and...I mean, I'm inclined to agree. Not exact, but it's pretty close.)
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This is William Ocean's brother, who finally emerged out of the depths of Monty Python. Good for him!
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I'm sorry, I just noticed this...but they have a steel rotating door?
Like...like a captain's ship...like it's...
And it's automatic...
I'm sorry, but I'm just so damn used to seeing metal doors that seeing one in a completely different color, material, and shape is sending me for a whirlwind. Holy cheesin' Jesus.
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"I wanna be a cooowgiiiirl, baby!"
"Heeeell yeah!"
"I wanna be a coooowgiiiiiirl, baaaaabyyyyy!"
(Or, alternatively, Smoothest Bitch in the East.)
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And finally, we get to my favorite part: the gay triangle villain. Gay villains, if you want to count the one on the left, but since they don't speak, it's hard to tell where they fall on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.
I could make an entire Seren's Study on Odd Squad and LGBTQ+ representation, and I probably will one of these days, but I need you guys to understand something for a moment.
So in the aforementioned Discord server, there was talk of an episode of Season 1 of Alma's Way called "Say I Guess to the Dress". It involved Alma struggling to figure out what dress to wear to a party she's attending. It was meant to air in January of last year, but got mysteriously pulled and replaced with a different episode, and hasn't aired in the US since.
You might think this is not normal fare. You'd be right.
But in one scene of the episode, Lucas, one of Alma's friends, models a dress that -- and I am going off of the Wiki here -- was worn by Julia, his late cousin. Only for one scene. Only for a bit. Nothing more, nothing less.
This led to speculation that the episode got banned, hence why it hasn't aired yet. In Australia, it aired fine. However, we are on Season 2 of the show, and all we've gotten is pure crickets. We don't know for sure what happened, but with PBS, it's a minefield -- since they get a lot of money from donors, adding in an LGBTQ+ major character would sap up a good financial origin because people would be too pissed off to donate. So they relegate it to tiny sprinkles.
I'm not sure what the BBC's rules are on LGBTQ+ people in kids media. They could be strict, they could be lax, who knows. I still need to do some research on that. But for how much PBS is trying to make Gay Triangle Villain straight...he's not. He's really not.
Because let's be honest here: they're called the Triangle Sisters. That already says enough on its own.
Oof...didn't wanna make this super long-winded. But I'll discuss this at length later in another Seren's Study, once the episode airs.
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I really might as well come out and really say it: I'm really not really a fan of the "really" gag. For a really short episode spanning really 11 minutes long, they really don't have time really for something of really this long and really painful.
*distant ding*
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Cute. Real cute. Fuck you. But real cute.
And also, fuck PBS Kids execs for only putting out promos of new episodes of shows the day of. Remember when they used to put out promos earlier than that? Pepperidge Farm remembers, and for how much my memory sucks ass, so do I. Those were the golden days. Now we get stuff like these, because not a day goes by where they're stuck under the feet of Netflix and Hulu. Big competitors. Target and Walmart kind of rivalry.
Overall, not a lot of beef to this promo. I wasn't expecting anything mindblowing like, say, the trailer for the first movie (and that was epic in its own right), but it's pretty standard as far as PBS Kids promos go. I'm fairly positive CBBC will put out something far better that pulls in viewers, though I can't attest to how great their promos are because the last I saw one was...whoof, a long time ago.
But hey, look at it this way: Odd Squad UK and Pokemon Horizons will air on the same network, which means I can be an insufferable "Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon is my life" bitch all I want.
As for the contents of the promo itself...aside from gay triangle villain, there wasn't really any spark that caught my eye. Nothing to make my jaw drop or make me go "wowee kazoo". At this point, I'm watching for two reasons: curiosity, and to give them another chance at making a franchise going stale a lot better. And also the fanfic ideas. Lots of fanfic ideas.
I doubt I'll put out another Seren's Study before this one (my PBS Kids one isn't done yet), so the next one will come sometime after the first batch of episodes releases and will be an episode followup for "Odd Ones In". Once that's done, I'll work on followups for the other episodes.
Thanks for reading. Seren out.
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tavyliasin · 9 months
The second chapter went live at nearly 4am my time, which is why I didn't share it here yet, but it's here for you all now! I have some very entertaining responses to share with you all (2 are publicly visible on AO3, and the Discord ones are shared with enthusiastic permission~) Whilst the first part was a lot of tension, talking, and the making of the deal, it gets straight to the spice in the second chapter as the contract is made.
As a reminder, The Scent of Cinnamon is a prequel, set before the events of Baldur's Gate 3, and starting when Raphael and Haarlep meet for the very first time! It includes how Haarlep got their name, and what they looked like before taking Raphael's form. They do hope you will mark their true existence in your memory as surely as Raphael will after their deal is made...
Here are the reviews so far~ (Graphic design is not my passion, sorry!)
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SAMPLES OF THE CHAPTERS FOLLOW! ~ Smut below the cut ~
--- --- 1 - The Cambion, The Gift, and The Contract --- ---
They sighed, hand dropping back to their side from where it had been hovering above the thinner and more sensitive skin of the cambion’s wings. “ Fine , if you insist we shall have it all in writing. You are to ensure I do not go hungry. Either provide me with partners to satisfy my hunger, or satisfy me with your own body.” “Agreed.” Lines appeared upon the page in infernal script, glowing on the parchment with the power they contained. “And you shall not lay so much as a finger upon a client without my permission.” “Then make it simple. This room will be mine as much as it is yours. Those you allow to cross the threshold are by rights my own to take, should they agree to it.” They smirked, adding to the letters upon the page. “The house is your domain, but in this room I am the only Master .” Raphael’s ego failed to pick up on the edge of their tone as he easily agreed to the term, and moved on to the next. “Then the illusion must be maintained. Once you have my form, you are to wear it until or unless I specify otherwise.” This time the incubus wavered. “You are asking me to give up the last shred of my personhood, to become you ?” “No. You will retain your personality as you see fit. You are to be my mirror in appearance, I cannot have a stray client or debtor seeing through that. They must believe, at least to a degree, that it is me they are laying with, and not some brothel-hired -” He paused. His finger traced a few letters in the air, moving them around, reforming his own name into something new. “That’s it. Haarlep . A perfect anagram, the version of Raphael that is closer to the Harlot that you are.” “You scorn me even as you wish to use me to your own ends?” The incubus frowned, though the name…was not entirely objectionable.
“The name should be a fitting match for the wearer, should it not? Or do you have a better idea?” He raised an eyebrow, staring directly into the incubus’ eyes. “I suppose I can become accustomed to it, with time.” They looked at the page, filling with more rules as they talked. --- ---
2 - The Contract, The Kiss, and The Cambion's Pride
“Marking me already~” their voice purred close to his ear as they pulled him closer, “do go on, I shall return every mark in kind. I will ensure your body knows nothing but me .” “You are very sure of yourself, Harlot. ” He growled deeply, pushing back against their control again, even as the heat in him built further. “My my, Archduke , you gave me a name and yet you do not use it? Very well…” Their lips pressed to his ear, quickly replaced by sharp teeth that bit down and made him hiss from the moment of pain. They smirked as they licked the droplet of blood from his heated crimson skin. “When you lose control, when you give yourself over to me, when you are ready to turn over your pride to the pleasure that only I can give you, when the only word left upon your breathless tongue is me - that is when you shall call me by my proper name.” “If you believe yourself capable of such a thing, you are welcome to-” Raphael’s voice was cut short. He had forgotten about their wicked tail, but now the almost sharp arrowpoint tip was at his throat. “It is adorable how you fight me even as you want me. How your lips speak of rebellion but your hips are pressing you to my body to seek your greedy release already.” They kissed more softly now, each touch of their lips a heated lie of affection, another spark to his overheated libido. They began to alternate little bites with their soothing tongue when they reached his neck, nudging his frilled collar out of the way even as the tip of their tail still pressed into the vulnerable flesh beneath his chin. “Go ahead, Archduke , let yourself go. We have all night, or longer if I have to - I shall not let you have a moment’s rest until our deal is complete. Do not think you shall get away with finishing swiftly and considering our business finished.” “Haa-” Their tail pressed down now on his tongue, stopping the word even as his body quivered against them with his release. “Too easy, and not even honest. There is more to your pride than preventing the stain spreading through your smallclothes.” They smirked, aware of the damp spreading through the layered finery. All Raphael could do was groan against the invasion in his mouth. The Harlot pressed against him did not seem to care one bit for how easily he had been overtaken by a swift climax, driven over the edge by the stimulation of their voice in his ear, their body possessively gripping him, the scent of cinnamon hot on their skin…  --- ---
The chapter titles are active links to the full works on AO3 for those who wish to read the full story so far~ I do hope you enjoy! There's plenty more to come yet, too, though it may take a little longer as I have other works on the agenda and some event pieces for Xmas that need finishing off~ Feedback, loves, is always welcomed~ If I can do better, I should like to know so I can improve and grow. If I'm already doing well? My ego does enjoy being soothed, too~
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natitith · 2 months
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Hi! Im Natiti. So i decided to make a post to introduce myself yeiiii!
First of all, my first language is Spanish, but i saw most of Tumblr users speak English, so here we are.
• I love My Little Pony (G1,G3,G4), Dr Seuss tales and all the adaptations (Horton Hears a Who, The Lorax & A Cat in a Hat), Strawberry Shortcake (All generations), The Pink Panther, Daria and Phineas & Ferb.
• I started on Tumblr to create a design portfolio, but here we are, sharing ponies and weird stuff. (Im graphic designer, hire me!!!)
• I love color, colorful clothes, colorful papers, colorful color, i said color?
• Pink and green caress my eyes.
• I really love to sing! I sing all type of music, its adictive. Also i write some songs. You can tell me if you want to see some covers of songs.
• My creativity has no limits. If you wanna see some content about design, music, funny ideas  or anything idk you can ask.
• Passionate about kids and children content. My dream is to create a children show.
• Currently obsessed with Alan Sutton, La Casa Azul and obviously Weird Al Yankovic.
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skitariiposting · 1 year
Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Tyoutube
Greetings! My name is Jerry aka Skitariiposting
but you can call me ‘Skit,’ ‘Skittles,’ ‘Skitarii,’ ‘Skim Milk,’ ‘Skimpy,’ ‘Skechers,’ or practically anything; as long as it starts with an S and a K, it will likely grab my attention.
I’m renowned on Tumblr for my ability to paint miniatures, play table-top games, and make random goblin sounds! I’m less renowned for my ability to make music, edit videos, write scripts, directing, create VFX for motion based media, act, voice act, manage social media, and partaking in passionate graphic design; but I do do that! In fact, I've got a college degree related to the stuff (Bachelors in Creative Media Production) and I'm always looking for work! (please hire me)
I use the #skitposting #skit rates stuff and #ask-itarii tags! Anything with the #reblog tag isn't mine
Current profile picture by the fantastic @nukeloop
Header by the utterly brilliant @kitto-paint
Twitter profile picture and header by the ever fantabulous @plasmometer
Click here for an invite to the discord where me and friends talk about painting warhammer minis
Skit's Mini Painting Journey Gallery
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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formulatrash · 2 years
hi queen, could you maybe give some insight on how you got into the motorsport social media world, for people who are maybe interested in that career?
hello anon, sorry this is probably gonna get long
so the short version is: I was already working in social media for Radio 1/1xtra/2/6 so handling some pretty big accounts etc. after that I wrote additional social content for Netflix shows and then I moved on to some big motorsport ones.
which is a boringly unhelpful answer because 'just already be a producer at the BBC' is not really a career path.
that said, I do know how it works.
the first thing is: social media is a broad genre. you should take some time to work out what kind of social you like making; if you're into graphic design, for instance, that's a social media job but so is writing TikTok scripts or posting as a brand or driver.
I would recommend making some kind of low pressure account and using it to mess around. give yourself a chance to find out what you're good at, if you're not going in knowing - me, I can write and I can produce but I'm not an enthusiastic or quick video editor and graphic design is definitely not my passion.
once you've worked out what you want to do, start at grassroots. there's going to be a point (this is the way with all passion fields) where you have to gain some experience by working for free. there's two ways to do this: find a grassroots motorsport thing (a person, an event, a Formula Student team, whatever) and propose doing their social media. a lot of drivers keep the same social media agency as they go all the way up the ladder (Lando's done this, for instance) so it can be a route to bigger things in and of itself. but most importantly it can get you experienced in negotiating the world of motorsport social media - how to deal with things like broadcast rights and where you can and can't film in a paddock, how to drive engagement and interact with fans, etc.
the other option is to start a project account. something like The Female Drive, which is run by a Sauber engineer. that's a really good example of an account that shows obvious skill in producing social content without creating an unreasonable work burden. the account becomes both something that you own, as its own little motorsport property and a showcase for what you can do. it's a really good way to start getting yourself accreditation or being noticed. on a bigger scale but still coming from that grassroots start, Parc Fermé have made a major success launching their agency like that, due on a major level to Lids' incredible photography but it shows the worth of going down that route and basically creating your own job.
if what you want to do is present TikTok, obviously, then you just need to start doing that and working on improving. make the type of content you want to make - that won't be interviewing Max Verstappen from the outset but you can find other ways to make it work. be creative, use your friends, do the things you'd like to watch.
the third way, which you should not do, is working what should be a paid role. a good (well, bad) example of this is this Formula Nerds recruitment ad that I saw earlier today. under UK law, you can't be a volunteer with responsibilities and volunteer roles, which are actually very regulated, have to be demonstrably beneficial to the holder. it's also just extremely shitty that people ask people to work for free; if your publication isn't making enough money, you do that yourself and you can hire people when it is.
if you want to gain experience in a professional setting, look out for internship schemes. you'll be better placed if you can show them examples of your work, which is why it's good to do that earlier experience but they should be regulated, clearly marked as an internship and paid. motorsport is a multibillion-dollar industry where even at the lowest levels thousands of pounds are changing hands, you do not work for free unless it's for yourself.
some good people to look out for opportunities with are Rosie from 115dgrs, Lois at MP, Revolution Comms, Influence Associates and Pace Six Four.
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samtheflamingomain · 1 year
strike one
As someone whose working life actually started in a union, and a mother (derogatory) who was a union activist (abusers can be outwardly good people blah blah), I have a pretty solid understanding of the ins-and-outs of unions.
I got my first job at 14 in a chain grocery store floral stand. I was automatically in a union. It never affected me until my manager warned me we might be on strike soon. I asked why and he looked at me, fresh out of 8th grade, making less than minimum wage (because it's actually legal to pay students less even though I was working almost full-time) with no benefits and still technically on probation and thus not entitled to the 10% off groceries card that came with the job and remembered volunteering to take my mothers' cart thru the checkout to get us that 10% off till I did get my card, and this is a run on sentence for good reason. He said, "I can't give you a good reason."
"Can you give me *a* reason?"
"Full-timers are holding out for a health care insurance increase." Oh. Okay. I'm a child and don't understand 85% of those words.
Luckily we didn't strike, but looking back, I completely disagree with his initial statement. He *did* give me a good reason - or at least a fairly decent one. For 2007, downright progressive.
But a few days pass and next time I see him I ask my manager about it and he says not to worry [about the strike, not about him], we made a deal. To me this sounded kinda shady, because I'm a child and have only heard the term "make a deal" used on CSI when someone is getting stabbed etc. I asked what the deal was.
"We got 85% [health care] coverage." Oh, that's good. The more the better, right? I'm a child.
He looks at me as if I'd just spoken tongues. "Why would you even care? It doesn't affect you, you're technically part-time [and thus not entitled to ANY health care]?"
Maybe now's a good time to say that he's a boomer. The concept of someone actually wanting someone else to have something they don't have genuinely shocked him.
I think it's also the time to mention that I'm Canadian - when we bargain over health care, we're talking eyes/teeth/mental health care - all should be included but they're not.
"Because... everyone should have full health coverage?" It just sent him.
I may have mentioned that I was a kid through all of this - because even as a marginalized class of worker, I still held solidarity with the people in my department.
Now, I'm a cook by trade but an artist by passion (and occasionally commission). I work in 2 departments. And even though the SAG-AFTRA are higher-ups and full-timers and I am not, I still hold solidarity.
I fully believe we should ALL support this strike, but I'd like to appeal to the artists among us, and the creative within all of us:
If any of us ever want to be fairly compensated for art - generated by a human with a soul and passion - we have to support "higher ups" getting fairly compensated for same.
Remember how I said I was a kid earlier? And I came to that ~incredibly enlightened~ position? Yeah, it was a kid just shoehorning the concept of "union bargaining" into "The Golden Rule". Because it doesn't take a lot of thought to show our work on that exercise.
It really is that simple. Treat the writers and actors the way you, a hopeful fiction writer or a local theatre actor, or you, an Etsy jewelry maker or custom portraiteer, the freelance taxedermist, the for-hire graphic designer, would like to be treated. With, at minimum, fairness.
The situations aren't 1:1, and of course I'm in favor of all of us getting a fair deal, if we want to set a precedent, now has never been a better time.
Stay Greater, Flamingos
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sourdoughservitor · 23 days
Hello, I hope you’re doing well🤍 I’m I.R and I’m a Capricorn♑️
My question is related to a possible career change. Right I’m studying psychology in university which I like but the I can’t find any jobs and it’s avery long process. I keep seeing people being hired even with no experience. So I have been thinking of also studying graphic design or completing a course for this and see if I can get a job in that area as it also allows me to be completely creative and have more freedom and I really like it. So my question is, would this change be beneficial and how so?
Thank you so much and hopefully it wasn’t a weird question🤍
Hiya I.R.! Thanks for the question!
I drew the Moon for you. This is a really interesting card, and I think it really speaks to your struggles right now, because it symbolizes illusions, deceptions, and uncertainty. Education leads to careers, which make up a substantial portion of our lives. It's very easy to get caught up in concerns like money and prestige, and in our society (assuming you're from a Western/Turtle Island society like myself), creative pursuits and careers are oft maligned.
All this is to say, there is a lot of pressure to pursue something like psychology, where you're more likely to find a successful, well-paying job. I know--it's what I studied. But the Moon suggests you cut through all that and see what makes the most sense for you. What makes you happy? What do you dream about? What do you desire?
These answers may not be easy, but the Moon urges you to seek out what lies unknown in the darkness. Perhaps you should take the class. At best, you discover a passion that changes your life course, and pursue something that makes you feel fulfilled. At worst, you realize you dislike the creative path, and continue on the one you had previously followed.
I hope this resonates! Have a great evening!
mm 🐻💚
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cringe-time · 7 months
I am so fucking fed up with everything. I wish I never went to school for art cuz now I have an art degree and every single job I find is looking for someone for a senior position, or something for motion graphic design, which I’m terrible at and hate. No one is looking for illustrators cuz they can just use ai for free, no one is looking for entry level animators, and the thing is I HATE practicing animation. I wish I chose a degree that didn’t involve so much self motivated work cuz I am the least self motivated person in the world. I might be able to practice animation if it wasn’t to the end of “so I can move out and pay rent and retire someday”, KNOWING that even if I was a half decent animator there would have to be a miracle to get a job that would pay enough for all that. It all just feels so pointless. And it doesn’t help that every single job description involves “working in a fast paced environment with tight deadlines” and “able to work on multiple projects at once”, which sounds like recruiter slang for “we’re gonna overload you with work for barely any pay”. I don’t like art enough to work harder to get better to MAYBE, if I’m lucky, get a job that breaks my back with work making nothing. My mom is always telling me that I need to work hard now and do everything I can now to get a job in art but the thing is I DONT WANT TO. It seems like no matter what job I get in art I’ll hate it cuz they’re gonna overload me with work I’m bad at, and I’m not even gonna get paid enough to live, assuming they don’t fire me and replace me with ai. She’s an accountant and I was considering going back to school for accounting so I think she’s trying to make sure I don’t follow in her footsteps and get a stressful soul crushing job, but for me that’s what pretty much any art job is gonna be too, so I’d rather get one that ensures I’ll be able to move out, afford rent and groceries, and retire.
And every time I try to look for art jobs I get so overwhelmed and stressed I always end up crying, without fail. So I don’t think that’s a good sign. I’m not good at researching so it’s hard to find jobs to apply for, I’m not good at lying so it’s hard to write resumes and cover letters saying “working in animation is my passion and im great at it”, I’m only ok at animating cuz it feels so pointless to practice when I hate it, and I’m barely improving, and you need to be the best of the best to get a job.
I think my mom has a point that a normal 9-5 is hell cuz you don’t have any free time, but I really don’t know what else to do. I don’t think I’d mind being a janitor but janitors don’t get paid a living wage. I’m not an ambitious person, and I wanna say I wish someone told me you kinda need to be ambitious and self motivated to be an artist, but they DID. AND I DIDNT LISTEN. I literally said “whatever, I’ll figure it out.” cuz I didn’t wanna think about what else I could do cuz I couldn’t think of a single other thing. I wish it wasn’t expected to decide what you wanna do for the rest of your life at 17. I wish there was a job that existed that both would pay me enough to live comfortably and not be hell on earth. I wish I didn’t need to get a job at all. I wish I could just turn off the part of my brain that cares about fun and comfort so I could just force myself to work. I don’t wanna put together a demo reel, I don’t wanna write a different resume and cover letter for every application, I don’t wanna prove what I can/can’t do to every recruiter. I just wanna say “I have the qualifications, I can do accounting, hire me please”.
And im terrified that if i do go back to school for something else like environmental science or accounting that it’ll be the same thing all over again, where I realize I hate it but I don’t know what else to do, so I just drift along, graduate, and end up stuck cuz finding a decent job in that field is impossible if you don’t care that much and can’t force yourself to spend all day applying to stuff you hate hoping you don’t hear back from them every day all the time. I just don’t know what to do
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creativecourse · 9 months
Color for Creatives Information Color For Creatives is a course that designed to help creatives, such as designers, artists, & illustrators, understand & effectively use color in their work. Color is the best way to visually communicate emotion. Whether you’re making an illustration, landing page or interface, the colors you choose will change how people feel about it. Color is a crucial instrument in the design orchestra. And if that instrument is out of tune, the whole song falls apart. But choosing the right colors is tough. Where do you start? How do you build your own color palettes? We’ve all resorted to scraping other designer’s color schemes, but have you ever stopped to understand why those colors work so well together? It’s time to find your color confidence. The only thing separating you from the color-wielding gods you follow on Instagram is a solid understanding of how color works. And equipped with that, you can start to create rich, dynamic and original work. Color for Creatives Learn the ABCs of RGB Demystify the visual magic behind color and start to truly understand it. Learn how color works and how to use it the right way. Pair colors with confidence Stop getting lost in the color picker. Feel confident about your color choices and be comfortable using any hue you’d like. Learn while you work Follow along with Greg’s project-based course and learn, step-by-step, how to build your own, unique color palettes. How this works BEYOND COLOR THEORY To use color well, you must first understand how it works. Color is a key pillar of good design and this course will teach you the fundamentals you need to use it well. It’s more art than science, but when you’re done, you will have a clear understanding of both. COLOR HARMONY Take the guesswork out of choosing colors. There is more to color wheel than meets the eye. Learn how to use it and apply well-established color harmonies to pick and pair colors together like the professional you are. BUILD PERFECT PALETTES Create unique and meaningful color palettes for anything. The right color palette can make or break a brand, logo or illustration. And building a strong palette requires careful thought and effort. Learn how to source reference and build your own color palettes, entirely from scratch. COLOR & TYPOGRAPHY Spice up your type. Don’t ruin your type with bad color decisions. Learn how to give your typography the right amount of contrast and balance of color to keep it bold, sharp and exciting. Who is this course for? Whether you are a student, a seasoned pro or just want to learn more about color, this course is for you. We will equip you with the skills you need to be confident in your color choices. You will get the important fundamentals and plenty of color tips and tricks along the way. This course is perfect for: Graphic Designers Illustrators Web Designers Motion Designers & Animators Anyone interested in color About Author Greg Gunn is an illustrator, animator and creative director in Los Angeles, CA. He loves helping passionate people communicate their big ideas in fun and exciting ways. Get the blueprint you need Hey. If you're reading this it means you're looking for help with something. And I may, or may not, be the right fit. I'm offering my time for one-on-one coaching because looking back, boy do I wish I knew what I did now. And since I can't time travel yet, I can at least help someone else, like you, along their own journey. So who am I and why would you hire me to help? Well, I've worked in the creative industry forever and have worn many hats. Studio owner, creative director, live action director, designer, animator, illustrator, writer — you name it. I've learned how to adapt and survive the tumultuous creative landscape and done my best to stay fulfilled along the way. In a sea of talented creative people, it's tough to stand out. As a creative director, I can help you figure out how to market yourself to get hired at agencies, studios and directly to clients.
And I can do that because I’ve hired plenty of people and know what to look for. Spoiler alert: it's not always the best work. And for those of you aspiring creative directors, I have no secrets. I will happily share everything I can to help you reach your goal. So, learn from my missteps. Learn from the opportunities I missed because I didn't know how to look for them. Learn from my story and from my 12+ years of experience. It will be time well spent. More courses from the same author: Greg Gunn
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vivixrocks · 11 months
Yes, I am studying to be a graphic designer, like your dad. There is some science behind it relating to color theory, emotions related to colors, color meanings, and how overall shapes are perceived by an audience. You have to plan (when marketing to particular audiences) very careful for how you want your design to be seen.
Art is very subjectional of course, so many people will determine it to have different meanings than how you originally intended. There's also art history classes that I've had to take along with this degree to help me understand the beginning and the future of design.
Most of our beginner classes we are guided with very particular requirements to meet on assignments where you RARELY work with live clients. There is also the study of type as in Typography, Publication, The study of design "Design Thinking", and other intensive courses you would need to get through to be able to be a designer.
The funniest part thought? You don't need to know how to draw good to be a good graphic designer.
There's a WHOLE bunch of other stuff I would need to explain in order to get you to understand the last 3 years of work I put into this major, a lot of blood, sweat and tears.
But honestly, I don't regret a minute of it.
Interesting. Would you learning the art history classes helped you with your degree? Like of course it would helpful but do you personally think that everyone should take classes?
Also what are the live clients like? Do they want an actual product or are they doing this for your learning and not personal gain?
I get to see first hand that you don’t need to be good at drawing to be a graphic designer. Sometimes my dad hires me to draw stuff for him.I’m not saying that my dad drawings are not good. I love them but they are all very stiff and lack any emotion or feeling. That’s the kind of person he is and it went into his artwork. It’s hard to explain what I feel when I look at his drawings especially his old ones.
It’s admirable how passionate you seem to be about your degree. I looked at your carrd and I think it’s well designed. I can only say that as someone who doesn’t know how to make smart graphic designs and just has a general trouble understanding where I’m supposed go. It’s nice, simple and clean. I have no idea what requirements you have to have to get a bachelors degree in science of visual communication so I wish you luck earning it.
Also sorry if some of my questions early in this response seem really aggressive. I reread them and it sounds like I’m questioning a criminal in my head.
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yourtechieva · 1 year
Revolutionize Your Business with a Tech Virtual Assistant (Tech VA)
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Welcome to the Future of Productivity! I'm Azhar Mahmood, your dedicated Tech Virtual Assistant (Tech VA). Let's delve into the world of virtual assistance, explore personalized services, competitive rates, and a passion for helping you succeed. Together, we can transform your to-do list into a to-done list!
Unleash the Power of Tech VA:
In this fast-paced digital age, where every moment counts, having a technical virtual assistant by your side can make all the difference. With top-notch technical expertise and a commitment to enhancing your efficiency, I'm here to support your business goals.  As your dedicated Tech Virtual Assistant, I bring a wealth of technical knowledge to the table. Let's explore how I can supercharge your business:
1. Personalized Technical Expertise:
Looking for a virtual assistant with a tech-savvy edge? Look no further. I specialize in providing tailored technical solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether it's optimizing your website for search engines, designing custom landing pages, or managing engaging social media content, I've got you covered. Your online presence will shine with my expertise.
2. Online Marketing Mastery:
Craft tailored digital marketing strategies that align with your brand and goals. I understand the ever-evolving digital landscape and will ensure your business stays ahead of the curve. Execute targeted email marketing campaigns, conduct market research, and create eye-catching graphics that captivate your audience. Your Tech VA takes your online marketing to the next level.
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Based in London, I cater to businesses in the UK and beyond. Whether you're in London or anywhere else, distance is no barrier to exceptional virtual assistance.
My services extend to virtual assistant agency support, personal assistant hire, and a wide range of tech-related tasks. Your success is my priority, no matter where you are.
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Your Tech VA is here to fulfill your virtual assistance needs and support your business. Let's connect and boost your productivity together! Whether you're in London, the UK, or anywhere else globally, I'm your dedicated Tech VA, ready to make your to-do list a to-done list. Embrace the future of productivity and elevate your business with Your Tech VA today!
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Turn Your Skills into Cash: Creative Ways to Make Money Online
Internet use has changed how people find work and how much they may earn in today’s quickly developing digital market. The days of relying only on a 9-to-5 work to provide for one’s family are long gone. Opportunities galore await individuals with knowledge, interest, and a little bit of imagination in today’s digital world.
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We’re glad you could join us on this adventure into the world of making money online. In this blog, we will discuss a wide range of options for monetizing your own set of skills and knowledge. There is a place for you in the digital market whether you are a budding artist, a computer whiz, a dedicated instructor, or have some other outstanding aptitude.
Put on your seatbelts because we’re about to take a wild ride through the world of turning your interests and skills into a successful internet business. Join me on this thrilling journey as we discover the secrets to financial independence in the dynamic online world.
1. Assessing Your Skills
Before diving into the world of online income, it’s crucial to assess your skills and talents. What makes you unique? What can you offer that others might be willing to pay for? Take some time to identify your strengths and passions. Additionally, research the market demand for your skills to ensure there’s a viable audience willing to pay for what you have to offer.
2. Freelancing: Your Gateway to Online Income
Freelancing is one of the most accessible ways to start making money online. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients seeking various services, from graphic design to writing and programming. To succeed in freelancing, create a compelling profile that highlights your skills and previous work. Building a strong portfolio and providing exceptional service can lead to a steady stream of income.
3. Sell Your Crafts and Art Online
If you’re a talented artist or craftsperson, platforms like Etsy and eBay provide a marketplace to showcase and sell your creations. Craftsmanship and uniqueness can attract buyers willing to pay a premium for handmade items. Effective marketing, competitive pricing, and beautiful product photography can help your creations stand out in a crowded marketplace.
4. Online Teaching and Tutoring
With the increasing demand for online education, consider sharing your expertise by becoming an online tutor or instructor. Websites like Udemy and Coursera allow you to create and sell courses on various subjects. Alternatively, you can offer personalized tutoring services through platforms like Chegg Tutors or Wyzant.
5. Content Creation and Blogging
If you have a passion for a particular topic or niche, consider starting a blog or YouTube channel. Content creators can earn money through advertising, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and even selling their products or services. However, success in content creation requires consistency, high-quality content, and effective promotion.
6. Affiliate Marketing: Earning by Promoting Products
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for every sale or lead generated through your referral. Join affiliate programs related to your niche and use various marketing strategies, such as content marketing or email marketing, to drive traffic and conversions. Effective affiliate marketing can provide a passive income stream.
7. Virtual Assistance and Remote Jobs
Many companies now hire virtual assistants and remote workers for tasks ranging from administrative work to customer service. Websites like Remote.co and FlexJobs list remote job opportunities in various fields. Skills such as communication, organization, and time management are valuable in securing remote positions.
8. E-commerce: Launching Your Online Store
If you dream of running your own business, e-commerce provides a lucrative avenue. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce enable you to set up your online store easily. From selling physical products to dropshipping and digital downloads, e-commerce offers diverse opportunities for entrepreneurs. Effective product selection, marketing, and customer service are key to e-commerce success.
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Assessing Your Skills
Before you venture into the realm of online income generation, it’s crucial to take stock of your unique skills and talents. This self-assessment process not only helps you identify your strengths but also guides you toward opportunities that align with your passions. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Identify Your Strengths: Make a list of skills you excel in, whether it’s writing, graphic design, coding, or any other area. Recognize what sets you apart.
Passion Matters: Consider what you’re genuinely passionate about. Turning your passion into profit can be incredibly rewarding and sustainable.
Market Demand: Research the market to gauge the demand for your skills. Look for niches where your expertise can thrive.
Continuous Learning: Don’t hesitate to invest in learning and improving your skills. Online courses and resources are abundant.
Networking: Connect with others in your field. Networking can open doors to opportunities you might not discover on your own.
Remember, assessing your skills is the first step toward a successful online income journey. It sets the foundation for finding the right path that will allow you to monetize your abilities effectively.
Freelancing: Your Gateway to Online Income
Freelancing is a dynamic avenue that can kickstart your online income journey. It’s a world where your skills are in high demand, and you have the freedom to choose projects that resonate with you. Here are essential tips to make the most of freelancing:
Diverse Platforms: Explore platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer, but don’t limit yourself. Different platforms cater to various niches, so find the one that aligns with your skills.
Build a Stellar Profile: Your profile is your digital resume. Craft a compelling bio, showcase your portfolio, and highlight your expertise to attract clients.
Niche Specialization: Consider specializing in a niche within your skill set. This can set you apart and make you a sought-after expert.
Effective Communication: Clear communication with clients is key. Understand their needs, set expectations, and deliver quality work on time.
Pricing Strategy: Determine fair pricing for your services. Initially, you might offer competitive rates to build your reputation.
Client Relationships: Nurture long-term client relationships. Happy clients often return for more projects and refer others.
Freelancing offers flexibility and the potential for substantial earnings, making it an excellent choice to embark on your online income journey.
Sell Your Crafts and Art Online
If you’re a talented artist or craftsperson, the digital marketplace offers a canvas to showcase and sell your creations to a global audience. Here are some essential tips to successfully sell your crafts and art online:
Choose the Right Platform: Select an online marketplace that caters to your niche. Etsy, eBay, and Shopify are popular choices, each with its unique advantages.
Professional Presentation: Invest time in high-quality product photography and detailed descriptions. Your visuals should capture the essence of your creations.
Pricing Strategy: Research competitors and market trends to set competitive yet profitable prices. Don’t undervalue your work.
Marketing and Promotion: Utilize social media, email marketing, and SEO to attract potential buyers. Engage with your audience and build a brand story around your art.
Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service, including prompt responses, secure packaging, and reliable shipping.
Stay Inspired: Keep creating and expanding your portfolio. Fresh, innovative pieces can attract a loyal customer base.
Selling your crafts and art online is not just a way to earn money but also a means to share your creativity with the world. With the right approach, your passion can become a profitable online business.
Online Teaching and Tutoring
The demand for online education has skyrocketed, offering a golden opportunity for educators and subject matter experts to turn their skills into income. If you’re considering online teaching or tutoring, here are some tips to make it a rewarding experience:
Choose Your Niche: Identify your area of expertise or the subject you’re passionate about. Specializing in a niche can make you stand out.
Select the Right Platform: Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Teachable offer tools to create and sell courses. Alternatively, consider platforms like Chegg Tutors or Wyzant for one-on-one tutoring.
Quality Content: Create engaging and informative content. High-quality lessons attract students and earn positive reviews.
Interactive Learning: Utilize live sessions, quizzes, and interactive assignments to keep learners engaged and motivated.
Market Your Courses: Promote your courses through social media, blogs, and email marketing. Building a strong online presence is key.
Feedback and Adaptation: Listen to student feedback and continuously improve your teaching methods and content.
Online teaching and tutoring empower you to share knowledge globally while generating a steady income. It’s a fulfilling way to contribute to education while benefiting financially.
Content Creation and Blogging
Content creation and blogging are powerful avenues for those with a knack for storytelling, expertise, or a unique perspective. Here are key tips to excel in the world of content creation:
Identify Your Niche: Choose a niche you’re passionate about and knowledgeable in. Your enthusiasm will resonate with your audience.
Consistency is Key: Regularly publish high-quality content. Consistency builds trust and keeps readers coming back.
SEO Optimization: Learn the basics of search engine optimization (SEO). Properly researched keywords can boost your content’s visibility.
Engage Your Audience: Foster a community by responding to comments and engaging with readers on social media.
Monetize Smartly: Explore revenue streams like ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and selling your products or services.
Quality Over Quantity: Prioritize content quality. Valuable, well-researched, and original content always wins over quantity.
Content creation and blogging not only allow you to share your passion and expertise but also open doors to income opportunities. With dedication and strategic planning, your blog can become a profitable online venture.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Affiliate Marketing: Earning by Promoting Products
Affiliate marketing is a dynamic online income strategy that empowers you to earn commissions by promoting products or services. To excel in affiliate marketing, consider the following tips:
Choose Your Niche: Select a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise. A passion for the products you promote can make your marketing efforts more genuine and effective.
Select Trusted Programs: Partner with reputable affiliate programs and merchants. Research their track record, payment reliability, and commission structure.
Content Relevance: Integrate affiliate links seamlessly within your content. Make sure the products you promote are relevant to your audience and content.
Transparency is Key: Disclose your affiliate relationships openly to build trust with your audience. Honesty enhances your credibility.
Diversify Promotional Channels: Utilize various marketing channels such as blogs, social media, email newsletters, and YouTube to reach a broader audience.
Analyze and Optimize: Regularly analyze your affiliate marketing performance. Experiment with different strategies and optimize based on what works best.
Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative online income stream, but it requires dedication, strategic promotion, and a genuine connection with your audience. With patience and persistence, you can turn product recommendations into a sustainable source of income.
Virtual Assistance and Remote Jobs
Virtual assistance and remote jobs offer an enticing blend of flexibility and financial stability. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career, consider these tips to succeed in this digital landscape:
Polish Your Skills: Hone your skills, from communication and time management to specific software proficiency. Virtual roles often require self-reliance and expertise.
Build an Online Presence: Create a professional online presence through platforms like LinkedIn. Showcase your skills and experience to attract potential employers.
Diverse Job Portals: Explore a range of job portals such as FlexJobs, Remote.co, and LinkedIn Jobs to find the right remote position in your field.
Customize Applications: Tailor your applications to highlight how your skills align with the job’s requirements. Emphasize your ability to work independently and efficiently.
Remote Work Environment: Create a conducive remote work environment, free from distractions, to boost productivity.
Effective Communication: Remote jobs require strong communication skills. Stay in regular contact with your team or clients through video conferences, emails, and chats.
Virtual assistance and remote jobs offer a world of possibilities, allowing you to balance work with life’s demands. With dedication and the right approach, you can thrive in this flexible career landscape.
E-commerce: Launching Your Online Store
Starting an online store is a promising venture that allows you to monetize your passion for a particular product or niche. Here are essential tips for launching a successful e-commerce store:
Niche Selection: Choose a niche you’re passionate about and research its market potential. A niche store can attract a dedicated customer base.
Platform Selection: Opt for a reliable e-commerce platform like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce. Each offers various features to streamline your online store.
Quality Product Listings: Create detailed and visually appealing product listings. High-quality images, informative descriptions, and clear pricing are crucial.
User-Friendly Design: Ensure your website is user-friendly and responsive. Easy navigation and a seamless checkout process boost customer satisfaction.
Effective Marketing: Develop a marketing strategy that includes SEO, social media, email marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Build a strong online presence.
Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service, including quick responses to inquiries and reliable shipping.
Analytics and Optimization: Continuously analyze website data to identify areas for improvement. Optimize your site based on user behavior.
Starting your e-commerce store is an exciting journey that combines entrepreneurship and passion. With a well-thought-out strategy and dedication, you can create a profitable online business.
In conclusion, the internet provides a wealth of opportunities for turning your knowledge and interests into a sustainable online revenue stream. Freelancing, selling crafts, online education, content development, affiliate marketing, remote work, and e-commerce are just few of the options. Use your own strengths and determination to take the plunge now. You can make money and find happiness by following your interests with diligence, dedication to learning, and a little bit of imagination. The internet is your blank canvas; start making your way to financial freedom.
My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS FREE Training to START >>
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Turn Your Skills into Cash: Creative Ways to Make Money Online
Thanks for reading my article on “Turn Your Skills into Cash: Creative Ways to Make Money Online“, hope it will help!
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702maddihohneck · 1 year
1.      CUSTOMER
-        In terms oF freelancing, choosing the target market is extremely important as it is the type of clients I am aiming to work with. Future clients can help you me earn a good reputation within the industry and help me create a portfolio that can appeal to future customers. The freelancer Brent Jones mentions‘ You can’t just market to “everyone. When “when your branding speaks to everyone, it speaks  to no one.”
-        When deciding on my target audience, it was hard because I don’t want to limit it to a certain group, however by narrowing down who I want my key clients to be, I think that will help the development of Mad Creative.
 The main groups that I want to target with my design services are;
-        1. Start-ups and entrepreneurs - Start-ups and business owners frequently need design services to build a strong visual identity from the start and establish their brand presence. These clients frequently place a high value on originality, creativity, innovation & the capacity to stand out in competitive and crowded markets.
-        2. Small and Medium-sized Businesses-  These types of business require professional design services but may not have an in-house designer or the funds to hire a larger firm.  could be one potential target demographic. These companies often seek freelancers to help with a variety of design projects, such as creating brand identities, websites, marketing materials, and graphics for social media.
-        3. Brands/ Companies that are wanting a ‘freshen-up’ or rebrand.
-        4. People who have a vision, but do not have the skillset or tools to achieve the results they are after.
-        5. Additionally, I will most likely have a group of potential clients such as family, friends, former colleagues, old classmates, who may require my freelancing services.
-        Demographics
-        In regards to occupation, I usually I want to target individuals who own businesses however but it is not limited to just this group. People who are after content or design for personal use as well as business purposes.
-        Targeting individuals aged 18 and over. This is because adults predominantly own businesses or start their entrepreneurial venture from an ‘adult age.’ According to Palter (2023), Nobody has ever stated that you can't start a profitable business when you're 22 or 62 years old. They are numerous. However, data definitely shows that in the mid-30s, a founder is in the best possible position to succeed due to a combination of factors including experience, opportunity, education, network, and funding.
-        Geographically, I am focusing on New Zealand. Because of this digital age we live in, I believe that it is doable to work for clients all over New Zealand due to easy communication methods such as email, zoom calling (for meetings and check-ups) and social media.
-        A couple of interests include beach, outdoors, fashion, food and beverage, design, art, history, health, fitness, wellbeing and most importantly people. Working with brands that have these interests at heart, will align well with what Mad Creative values and draws inspiration from. Having clients with similar interest builds passion and love for each project. These interests play into lifestyle.
-        Sharing similar values is also important. Every person has their individual opinions, however by having a mutual respect and understanding of clients is so vital.
-        Include personas
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