#granola bar candy making machine
daydreamingqueen1 · 1 year
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Sweets thief
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Warnings/Content: none. pure fluff, a wee bit of bullying to spence (totally harmless and friendly though), crushes, unhealthy amount of candy ingestion lol, no y/n, gn!reader too
Summary: You've been stealing sweets from your resident genius.
Word count: 1.2k
It wasn't unusual for the BAU members to carry snacks with them.
The job was hard, stressful and, most importantly, it had unpredictable hours. So finding time to eat a proper meal wasn't always a viable option.
Nevertheless, eating is a basic human need and even if it's not completely healthy, the agents often found themselves battling their hunger with quick snacks.
As a relatively new member of the BAU, buying said vital snacks wasn't yet ingrained in your mind, resulting in you continually forgetting to buy something to munch on during cases.
Stealing was always an option though.
After several months with your coworkers, you are proud to say that you have managed to eat at the expense of all of their pockets, for experts in human behavior, they don't hide their treats so well.
However, after several months, you have come to know their go-to snacks and, subsequently, you have become picky.
Morgan eats some kind of high-protein bars with an awfully bright neon wrapper.
Emily loves those salt and vinegar chips every station has on their vending machines.
JJ, ever the healthy mom of the group, always has a few packages of oatmeal raisin cookies on hand.
Rossi carries eucalyptus and mint gummies like the old man he is.
And Hotch buys the most bland granola bars known to mankind.
With all of that said, the conclusion was obvious.
Spencer has the best snacks.
It is not only that he always has sweets but that he's the only one that manages for variety instead of a fixed thing. A bit ironic considering he is the most prone to sticking to a rigid routine. Well, you aren't complaining though, especially not this month.
You realized quickly that Halloween was a big thing for the resident genius, seeming to make the grown man regress to the mentality of an overly eager seven-year-old. It's lucky for you because that means that he chooses to try a new candy every single day of October.
It also means that you had begun stealing exclusively from him and, being surrounded by profilers, it wasn't long until you were discovered as the culprit.
A shadow had eclipsed your desk suddenly, making you look up to a squinting Dr. Reid. “Did you take my last Peanut Butter Cup?”
You shook your head, “No...”
Derek snorted on the desk nearby, “You've still got chocolate on your face, kid,”
Cleaning your mouth with the back of your hand, you smiled up at Spencer sweetly.
His converse sounded hard against the floor as he stumped away.
Apparently, you weren't that discreet. He ended up catching you many more times after that.
"Hey!" Spencer swatted your hand when you grabbed yet another handful of his M&Ms.
You shrugged, feigning innocence, “Hey to you too Reid, but we've been in the same room for a while.”
He huffed, inching the box slightly out of your reach.
Many more times.
Your hand was literally inside the familiar size bag of Starburst candy when Spencer came back from the bathroom.
“Oh come on!” he groaned, taking the bag out of your grasp, “Buy your own.”
You went back to the local police station office, giggling to yourself like a child with your hands full of candy.
At this point hunger had become a secondary motive to your stealing. The number one reason being how adorable Spencer's reactions were when he caught you.
In all honesty, you harbored a bit of a crush on the man. You didn't have the courage to tell him upfront, making your silly brain manifest your feelings like a preschooler pulling on the pigtails of their crush. Oh, but teasing him was so fun, and it got you free candy so it was even better.
Then, yesterday, there was an incident.
The team was on the jet, another kidnapped girl had been safely returned to her parents, fairly quickly this time too. Spirits were high at wrapping up a case with such a positive outcome, making most of the agents mingle and play games on the usually quiet ride home.
You were perched on one of the individual seats, scrolling away in your phone and absentmindedly eating some candy (you had bought your own for once).
You jolted a bit when a hand dived into your candy bag. When you looked up, you found a smirking Spencer standing right in front of you, looking fairly smug and popping a piece into his mouth. He thought he was finally getting back at you for eating all of his sweets.
His joy lasted for about three seconds before he realized his mistake.
See, to the untrained eye, he had just eaten a couple of innocent looking bear gummies. Except, these were not regular gummies, they were your favorite kind, the most sour kind.
Spencer's face scrunched up with disgust, the sour effect of the gummy doubled at taking him by surprise, the acidic taste completely taking over his taste buds.
You couldn't help it, you bent over your belly with laughter, inadvertently drawing attention to Spencer's predicament.
The whole team snickered as they watched him rush back and forth on the narrow hall of the jet until he got hold of a tissue to spit the offending candy.
“What the hell is that?” he turned around to confront you.
You gave him an apologetic smile, “Sour candy?”
More laughs filled the space and Spencer had sat down on the furthest chair from yours, pouting with his arms crossed over his chest.
Back to today, you feel actually kind of guilty about what happened. You have been munching on all of Spencer's treats for weeks and the one time he does it to you, the whole team ends up making fun of him. A bit of teasing was fine but you don't want the man to actually feel bad.
So when you see him stand up from his desk and walk into the kitchen, you quickly jump out of your chair and grab something from your bag, trailing right behind him through the bullpen.
He's making himself an exaggeratedly sweet cup of coffee when you corner him.
“Spencer,” you call, making him turn around. Your hands are inconspicuously behind your back, “Trick or treat?”
His eyebrows furrow suspiciously, “Neither if you're going to give me one of those monstrosities you like.”
You huff out a laugh, “No, no, I promise it's not that. Come on, trick or treat? ”
After measuring up how much he trusts your statement, he relents, “Treat.”
“Ta-dah!” you sing, revealing a single Hershey’s Kiss in your palm.
Spencer's eyes light up.
“I know it doesn't make up for everything I ate but it's an offer of peace.”
He gives you a small smile, “Thank you, I appreciate it.”
As his hand extends to grab the chocolate, your brain has an impulsive thought.
You lean forward and peck his lips.
It lasts barely a second but it's enough to make your heart beat wildly against your chest.
Spencer stares at you frozen in place, a crimson color spreading all over his face.
“A kiss for a kiss,” you mumble dumbly, like saying that makes it better somehow.
‘Stupid, stupid, stupid!’ You think to yourself, your feet are prepared to flee the scene when he unexpectedly grabs your wrist.
“I– I...” he stammers, his cheeks turning impossibly redder, “I wouldn't mind if you stole more of those.”
A shy smile spreads on your face. Perhaps you won't start buying your own snacks soon.
it's a bit silly but I was feeling halloween-y and craving sour candy
leave me a prompt or idea you'd like me to write!
♡, reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
hope ya liked it, byebye
My masterlist
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olomaya · 10 months
More Vending Machine Foods! 🥪🍪🥤
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Tired of candy and soda being your only options? Here's some more diversity for your vending machines.
@its-time-o-clock asked if I could share these and they kind of go with my exercise mat since I made them at the same time for my gym. I figured it would be useful to add sandwiches and chips to put in my hospital/clinic as well so Sims have more convenient food options.
There are 10 items to buy:
Drinks: Water, Juice, Sports Drink
Bars: Granola, Protein (you DON'T need my Quick Snacks mod for this)
Sandwiches: BLT, Egg Salad
Snacks: Chips, Trail Mix, Oreos
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Some of the foods have effects, for example:
Juice and Oreos give you a sugar rush buff
Sports Drinks and Protein Bars give you an adrenaline buff.
Sports Drinks and Water help with fatigue after a workout
Sandwiches have a chance of giving nausea. Vegetarians will get nausea if they eat the BLT
Eating too many chips or Oreos or drinking too much juice will make your Sim gain weight.
Environmentally Conscious Sims will get a negative buff if they buy a bottled drink
Like normal vending machines, there's a chance that food will get stuck (5%). I reduced the chance of dying by the vending machine falling on you to 1% because what are the odds, but it's 5% if you slam it because that's rude!
I added my script to theATS3 vending machines. The Snowy Escape one has drinks and bars, the custom ATS one has sandwiches and snacks. I created two other scripts if you want all the items in one machine or just drinks:
You need to add the script before you create the vending machine so that it loads the correct foods/drinks.
Needs UNI for the vending machine functions.
Credits/Thanks: The vending machines and most of the food objects (the bottles, chip bags, and Oreos) are from @aroundthesims and the amazing Sandy so thanks as always to her for her massive and versatile library of quality objects! The sports drink is converted from Somik&Severinka (I wish I played TS4, their foods look so amazing!), the cashew piece is from icemunmun's Baker Basket (my fave food mod!). Rest is from EA.
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steddieasitgoes · 3 months
Detours & Second Chances
written for @steddie-week Day 5 prompt: Reunion / Getting Back Together Rating: T | wc: 3545 | no cw Another big thank you to @sidekickjoey and @thefreakandthehair for giving this a beta read for me! Read on ao3
Steve had high hopes for this road trip. 
Just him, the twins, and the wide open roads with the promise of the beach and Disneyland on the horizon. He knew better than to plan it down to the second, especially when traveling with Mabel and Ollie, but he did hope to keep to some kind of schedule. A few nights here, a couple of nights there, a handful of free time hours carved into nearly every day so the kids could pick which tacky roadside attraction they could visit and then gloat to Aunt Robin about seeing. 
What Steve hadn’t planned for was the Winnebago going up in smoke four and a half hours from Disneyland on I-15. 
The good news is that it happened just as they entered Las Vegas, Nevada, and not thirty minutes later in the middle of the Nevada-California desert. The bad news is that it happened just as they entered Las Vegas, Nevada on a Sunday afternoon when everyone was trying to leave. 
Steve expects the drivers around him to curse and flip him off. At the very least, he imagines them shaking their heads in disapproval as they slowly inch past the smoking Winnebago broken down in the middle of the three-lane highway. And there is some of that, honking horns and judgmental gazes, enough that he has to explain to Mabel and Ollie that showing someone your middle finger is not nice and no you shouldn’t do it to each other. But there’s also a handful of Sunday travelers who take pity on him. 
Two truck drivers manage to get their rigs off onto the shoulder and then mosey their way over to see if they can help Steve identify why the RV is smoking. A woman in a mini-van full of preteens in sports jerseys offers him an entire ice chest full of snacks for Mabel and Ollie. Some good Samaritan even makes the half-mile hike to the nearest pay phone to call for a tow truck so Steve doesn’t have to leave the kids or make the track himself with them following behind him. 
Forty-five minutes later, they all climb into a yellow taxi while Winnie the Winnebago gets towed away. For a moment, he thinks he’s ruined the entire vacation, but listening to Mabel and Ollie talk about how cool it was to watch the “toe man” do his job eases the guilt. 
Unfortunately, the repair shop is nowhere near as exciting as standing in the middle of I-15 — at least, that’s what Ollie tells Steve five minutes after they’ve walked into the garage. Steve tries his best to keep everyone’s spirits up in between filing out paperwork and bargaining with the mechanic over the price of the repairs. He lets the kid raid the vending machine and spread it all out on the worn plastic chairs in the makeshift lobby like some kind of five-star buffet. It’s mainly cookies and chips, a few candy bars, and a granola bar Mabel even generously spent $1.10 on for him. 
It’s not the worst meal they’ve had on the trip — that honor goes to the gas station in Kearney, Nebraska, and the hot dogs he knew were a bad idea — but it’s definitely the least nutritious. And, in hindsight, it’s not the best idea now that Mabel and Ollie are hyped up on sugar in a small space with no central air conditioning. He gets it. He’s almost at his wit’s end, too, and he has several decades of patience over them. 
He’s hot and tired and so frustrated, he’d break down and cry if he could, but he doesn’t want to upset the kids or ruin the day more than it’s already been ruined. Instead, he puts on his brave Dad Face™, leaves his pager number with the mechanic’s receptionist, and takes the kids to explore Las Vegas. 
The city wasn’t on their list. It’s not kid-friendly, and the July heat is anything but welcoming, but thankfully, they luck out and stumble across a hybrid game and music store a few blocks away from the repair shop.
The bell above their door announces their entrance to the quiet storefront as the sweet, sweet relief of the AC hits them. Steve closes his eyes, soaking in the cool air for a moment before Mabel and Ollie are tugging on his hands, trying to drag him in different directions. 
Steve knows he should put an end to their bickering that borders on full-on sibling bullying, especially judging by the way they’ve dropped his hand in favor of pinching each other’s arms, but he gets distracted when a figure emerges from the back of the shop. 
The footsteps are uneven, which makes sense when an ornate cane enters Steve’s line of sight. He studies it, taking in the impressive woodwork and paint job — Max’s own can is pretty spectacular, but this one is a close second. Soon, his eyes drift from the cane to the hand holding it, a ring on each finger. Silver and gaudy and eerily similar to—
“Holy shit,” the voice says. “Are my eyes giving out on me too, or is Steve Harrington really standing in my shop right now?” 
Steve’s eyes shoot up to meet the man’s face — to meet Eddie’s face. It’s been years, shit, almost a decade he thinks, but Eddie looks the same. Older, sure. A few wrinkles around his eyes and a softer belly. But he’s still him. Unruly curls barely contained in a bun at the base of his neck, mischievous eyes, and a smile that makes Steve’s stomach flip in a way it hasn’t done in too long. Yup, definitely him.
Eddie laughs, throwing his head back with the same carelessness as he had at twenty years old. Only this time, when he rights himself, he has to reach a hand up to his neck to massage the ache. “Man, this is some cosmic, universe shit!” 
“At least it’s the good kind this time,” Steve jokes. 
Eddie goes for a full-on hug, Steve an awkward side one, and as a result, they end up with their bodies smushed against each other, arms pinned between each other in the world’s worst hug of all time. But it’s also the greatest, as far as Steve’s concerned. 
When they separate, Eddie gives Steve a quick once-over before shaking his head again. “So, what brings you all the way to Sin City?” 
“A family road trip.” 
“Ah, so the six nuggets and a Winnebago dream came true, then?” Eddie muses. 
“More like two nuggets, a piece of shit rental that’s in a repair shop after crapping out on me on I-15, and a co-pilot that doubles as my son’s emotional support stuffed animal,” Steve says, then smiles. “But I can’t complain.” 
“Wheeler never jumped on the Harrington Express?” 
Steve’s interrupted by Ollie running at him with a vinyl record thrust above his head. Mabel appears a moment later, holding a giant box in her arms that’s clearly too heavy for her. She passes it to Steve, who hands it over to Eddie, who has taken refuge behind the glass counter. As soon as the kids appear, they’re gone again. Steve shouts after them to stay together and not to touch anything. It goes in one ear and out the other if the loud crash that follows a moment later is anything to go off of. Steve winces and looks at Eddie apologetically. 
“I promise I’ll pay for whatever they break. They’re a little stir-crazy from being stuck at the repair shop all day.” 
Eddie doesn’t look worried about it in the slightest. In fact, Steve’s willing to bet he didn’t even hear the crash, judging by the fond look on his face. It’s a soft smile, almost bittersweet if he had to put a name to it. It looks out of place on his face — almost too earnest, which makes no sense because Eddie is the most earnest guy Steve’s ever known. 
“Huh, what?” Eddie blinks himself back to the present. When he shakes his head, the elastic holding his hair back snaps, sending his curls cascading down to his shoulders. It’s easy now to see the hints of gray peppered into the locks that used to keep Steve up at night — occasionally still keeps him up. 
Steve gestures toward the row where Mabel and Ollie are frantically trying to restack things on the shelves. This time, Eddie snorts and meets Steve's gaze with that familiar crooked smile. 
“Don’t worry about them. S’just boxes and shit.” 
Steve nods and then grabs a pen out of the cup on the glass counter. He twirls it between his fingers, something about the rhythmic motion calming the silly nerves running wild in his body right now. 
It’s just Eddie. 
“Nance would kill you for even thinking she’s a part of this circus,” Steve says, then panics. “To answer your question from before. No misses at all actually. Or misters either,” Steve says before he chickens out. 
Eddie left before he realized that little fun fact about himself. It was ironic (and tragic), considering he’s the reason Steve even realized it to begin with. Chalk it up to cosmic, universe shit — the bad kind that time. 
“Cause that could be an option to, you know. Obviously you know, but it’s an option for me too in case you didn’t know and—“
“Woah, breathe, Steve.” 
Steve takes a slow, deep inhale. His exhale is strong enough to send a few of Eddie’s stray curls fluttering before settling back amongst the rest. “Sorry.” 
“Stop apologizing!” Eddie throws his hand across the counter, squeezing Steve’s wrist, 
It’s silly, but something about the simple touch relaxes the nervous energy that’s taken over him ever since Eddie emerged from the back. A part of Steve wants to blame the relief on the touch, but he knows better. Knows it has everything to do with finally telling Eddie about this part of him he helped him discover. 
Steve’s been out to just about everyone he cares about, and now he’s certain he’s told them all. 
“So no misses or misters,” Eddie says, before hiding his growing smile behind a curl. “What about Buckley? Is she on the great American family road trip with you?” 
“Robin refuses to get into Winnebagos after, well, you know.” 
“Can’t say I blame her for that one.” 
“It’s just me and the kids. Mabel and Ollie. They’re my kids…I mean, well, obviously, they’re mine, and anyone who says they’re not are fucking idiots, but they’re not blood mine or whatever people say.” Christ, he’s rambling again. “I adopted them. Actually, I was supposed to be their temporary foster parent. I was in my second year as a social worker, and they were two and six months old when they came in the middle of a Saturday night and we had no one on standby. They came home with me, and then they just never left.” 
Somewhere in his rambling, Eddie made himself comfortable, pillowing his chin on his hands, elbows sinking into the giant mouse pad that’s stretched out on top of the glass counter. He’s dropped the curl, his bright smile on full display, dimple, and everything when he looks at Steve now. 
“I love a good foster fail story,” he cooed. “I have a few myself. Fosters that turned into full-on adoptions. I mean not human kids, cats. And a few dogs. Even a bird. But they’re my kids, you know. I mean, not that what you did is the same thing as me or anything, but I… I’m just going to stop talking now.”
This time, it’s Steve's hand that breaks the barrier between them, reaching out to pat Eddie on the shoulder. A reassuring thing that he hopes conveys that he’s not offended. Just in case, he spells it out for him verbally too. 
“I get it. Kids mean a lot of things to different people. If you say they’re your kids, they’re your kids,” he says, smiling. “Robin has a plant, Ferguson. When she first got it she carried it around in Ollie’s baby bjorn because she needed to ‘bond’ with it.” 
Eddie laughs, this time hard enough that the case between them vibrates. “Lesbians, and their plants, man.” 
“She rescued it from her ex, who was drowning it.” 
“We’re just all patron saints of lost things, aren’t we?” 
“Guess so.” Steve smiles, then adjusts his own stance so he’s leaning against the counter. Something pops in his back, and for once, he doesn’t make an excuse. Eddie knows all about their aches and pains — the way their bodies are thirty years older than they should be, thanks to their teenage years. He runs a steady hand through his hair, hoping beyond hope that it’s not as greasy as it feels and then turns his attention to Eddie. “What about you? Game and record store sounds like a pretty sweet deal.” 
Eddie blows out air in a whoosh and reaches for another curl. “I mean, yeah, it’s pretty cool. Closest I could get to being a rockstar, I guess.” 
“Do you still play?” 
“Occasionally. There’s a dive bar a few streets over that I perform sometimes. No band, though. At least, not yet. I’m giving myself a few more years; let the gray really come in,” Eddie says, fluffing his curls. “And then I’ll join one of those mid-life crisis dad bands.” 
“Solid plan.” He fiddles with the pen again, contemplating if he should ask what he wants, too. Screw it. Who knows when he’s going to see Eddie again — if it’ll ever happen again. It’s best not to leave anything on the table. “What about a partner?” 
“Me?” Eddie asks, pointing to himself before laughing. “Nope. No partner. No lovers either, really. It’s just me and the petting zoo. And Wayne, when the old man makes the trip out to visit me.” 
Eddie being alone all these years shouldn’t make Steve happy. He should want him to be settled by now, grossly in love with someone who makes him feel special like he deserves. But Steve’s heart is a traitor, and his brain is no better, already imagining ten different ways he could change that. 
Had he known Eddie’s been in Vegas alone all this time, he would have visited a lot sooner. Hell, he would have made this their final destination — he’s sure he could find something family-friendly here for Mabel and Ollie. There’s a lake around here or some shit, right? They could have—
“Shit,” Steve says, reaching for his beeping pager. The repair shop number appears on the small screen. “Could I borrow your phone? This is the repair shop.” 
“I suppose I could make an exception on my no-customers rule,” Eddie teases. “Phones in my office, straight back there.” 
Steve nods and rounds the counter towards the backroom but stops short. The kids. He almost forgot about the kids. “Do you mind keeping an eye on them?” Steve asks, tilting his head to Mabel and Ollie who have finally picked up the mess they created. 
“Of course! Don’t worry about them. I’m great with kids.” 
“I remember.” 
Eddie’s office isn’t unlike his teenage bedroom Steve spent many nights in. It has his typical brand of messiness but with an added layer of professionalism. Like, there’s an honest-to-God filing cabinet in the corner, but next to it is a three-foot-tall Yoda statue.  Papers lay haphazardly on the desk beside a calculator. 
There are posters all over the walls — some Steve recognizes, some he doesn’t — and endless photographs in mismatched frames. At least three wallet-sized frames with pictures of his pets — kids — sit on the desk. There’s one of Wayne and Eddie on his graduation day on the bookshelfnbeside photos of him with Dustin and some of the other kids over the years. 
He even spots himself amongst the familiar faces — a polaroid they took one summer in Hawkins. It feels like a lifetime ago, but a part of Steve remembers what it was like to have Eddie’s arm slung around him like that with the sun beating down their faces, causing them to squint in the photo because Jonathan refused to shoot directly into the sunlight. 
Steve gives himself another second to soak in Eddie’s office, searching for any other details he can find to fill in the years he’s missed — a pride flag draped over a chair, his business license framed on the wall, packs of half-used nicotine gum instead of cartons of cigarettes. Finally, he makes it to the phone and punches in the number of the repair shop. 
When Steve resurfaced twenty minutes later, the neon “open” sign that flickered in the window had been shut off. Eddie’s abandoned his post behind the counter, taking up space at a table in the game section of the store. Mabel and Ollie are sitting on either side of him, listening intently with wide eyes as he moves two figures across a board toward a hoard of waiting miniature figures. 
“I leave you for twenty minutes, and you’re already corrupting them with your nerd games?” Steve teases, ruffling both Mabel and Ollie’s hair in the process. 
Eddie scoffs. “You expect me to believe Dustin hasn’t put them through D&D boot camp yet? Please.” 
“Your stories are nothing like Dustin’s,” Ollie says, voice full of awe. 
“Yeah, he always wants to skip the fun adventure stuff and get straight to the battles,” Mabel chimes in. “That's why we like it when Daddy gets to be in charge.” 
Eddie’s head swivels so fast that the irrational part of Steve’s brain fears it’s going to fly right off. “You DM for them?” 
 “I wouldn’t call it Dungeon Master-ing,” Steve says, grabbing the back of his neck. The room feels ten times hotter all of a sudden. The AC must have shut off, he reasons. There’s no other explanation for his sudden flush. Not at all. “I really just make sh— stuff up.” 
“He’s the best make-believer! You should play with us sometime. Like tonight!” 
“Mabel, Eddie’s busy running this store; he can’t just stop to play with you. And besides, we have to get going soon.” 
“They fixed Winnie?” Ollie asks, jumping up from his seat. 
Steve sighs. “Not yet. That’s why we have to leave. I need to find somewhere for us to sleep tonight that’s—
“—I have a guest room.”
Steve blinks. Is Eddie offering his place to them? His hearing may be spotty lately, but he’s never imagined entire phrases before. Which means—
“I mean if you want,” Eddie says sheepishly this time. “I have a hoard of kittens running around right now, so if you’re allergic, it might not be the best place but—“
“Kittens!” Mabel squeals before rapidly asking Eddie a hundred questions about them, but he doesn’t stand a chance of answering. 
“Can’t we stay at his house, Daddy?” 
“I really do have a spare bedroom and bathroom. Plus, a couch and a semi-stocked fridge. And I wouldn’t charge you. The hotels around here are going to sense your need and charge you an arm and a leg, trust me.”
Steve would be stupid to turn it down. A free stay in an actual house. A meal he can cook with his own two hands that don’t involve a shitty stove that gives out after a few minutes. Not to mention, a shower with actual hot water. 
Plus, it comes with the added bonus of a few more hours with Eddie. Yeah, there’s not a chance in hell he’s turning that down. Not again. 
“Alright, yeah. Let’s do it.” Mabel and Ollie shout in excitement, spinning around the table. Eddie might not have the same energy level as them to join them, but his smile says it all. 
“It’ll be just like old times.” 
“Wait! You guys know each other?”
Steve laughs first, but soon Eddie’s cackle joins him and it really does feel like old times again. “Of course, I know him. What? You think I would let us stay in a stranger’s house? Don’t you know me at all?” 
Three days later, Steve finds himself behind the wheel of Winnie the Winnebago as she makes her grand return to I-15. When he glances over his shoulder as the traffic crawls for miles in front of him, he spots Mabel and Ollie throwing Fruit Loops at each other to see who can catch the most in their mouth. And when he looks to his right, Eddie’s there — feet up on the dash, hands protectively clutching Ollie’s teddy bear as if he’s hoping it offers him the same comfort it does for the six-year-old — handsome as ever.
“Didn’t think I’d ever be back in one of these,” he says fondly. “Especially not with you behind the wheel.” 
“Really?” Steve lets the corners of his lips twitch upward. Doesn’t try to fight the blush he knows is creeping across his cheeks. “‘Cause this is all I’ve thought about for years.” 
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ൠ ◉ & ♡ for fanboy/mickey please?
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🚨!!!18+ in the middle!!!🚨
My sweet cinnamon roll of a husband!😍
ൠ Random Headcanon
~We’re going with ♒️ Cooking/Food Headcanon for this.
~So onto the food!!
~He grew up with authentic homemade Mexican food.
~He will not go to a Mexican restaurant.
~He has however found a little food truck that is close to his dad and Abuelas food.
~Smelled it one day when he was on a jog and couldn’t resist it.
~He has the recipes from his Abulea and sometimes he attempts to make it but it never tastes just right.
~His go to breakfast is not at all healthy.
~He will literally eat like pop tarts or a granola bar or just a protein shake.
~Lunch however is usually healthy.
~Fruit, salad, steak, chicken, fish, vegetables, rice etc.
~He will sometimes grab a little debbie cake or candy bar or whatever from a vending machine if he has a bit of a sweet tooth at lunch.
~Dinner will normally be sushi, wings, pizza, something home cooked or whatever.
~He keeps it spontaneous.
~If he has a significant other though the man will love to cook for them and I know that for a fact.
~His go to snacks is normally like peanut butter crackers or carrots and peanut butter or celery and peanut butter.
~A lot of peanut butter okay?
~He drinks a lot of water. Like never drinks anything besides water unless it’s at the Hard Deck or occasionally with dinner.
◉ Any other question of your choosing
~I’m gonna choose ✿ Sex Headcanon for this one.
~Ughhhh. Just the thought of sex with my husband makes me weak in the knees.
~Mickey is a switch first off.
~Likes to be called good boy or sir.
~The man prefers to be more of a sub though.
~Will beg you to use him however you feel.
~Begs and pleads for you to ride his face.
~Will be a sobbing, red, tired, stuttering, puddle in bed.
~He will have 0 brain cells left but will have a dobby fucked out smile on his face.
~Likes being tied up and edged.
~Sports the marks you leave on him proudly.
~Tells you how much he loves you.
~Will love to hold your hand while you’re on top.
~Or whenever he’s on top.
~Will whimper and groan while slipping in and out of you.
~Puts his forehead on yours. Sweat sticking together as he’s praising you for taking him so well.
~If he’s being more dominate he’ll be into slight breath play.
~Will have you choke on his cock over and over again.
~A hand around your throat lightly or pushing your head down into the pillow or mattress while he takes you from behind.
~Will ask you repeatedly if you’re okay though.
~The man’s loves role play okay?
~You absolutely will not change my mind on that.
~Aftercare is super important to the both of you.
♡ Romantic Headcanon
~This man is a fucking swooner.
~Complete fucking simp for his significant other.
~Daily good morning texts when he’s at work before you’re even awake.
~Writes to you from the sea.
~Jumps at every chance he has to FaceTime you, call you, email you or anything.
~Forehead kisses, kisses to the back of your hand, kisses on your head, kisses to the cheeks.
~Silly kinda romantic.
~Likes tickle fights, fake wrestling, throwing flour on each other, dunking each other in the pool, throwing ice on each other in the shower etc.
~He will do just about every tiktok trend he can find.
~Dad jokes galore.
~Will be number 1 hype man.
~Begs for you to take him along when you go shopping.
~Wants to go literally everywhere with you.
~Gets a manicure when you do.
~Rants to his Abuela about you all the fucking time.
~Would love it if you’d go to cons with him.
~Especially if you’d dress up as well.
~Would genuinely be the sweetest fucking cinnamon roll ever.
~Can you tell I love him?
Tags(open): @sylviebell @wkndwlff @angelbabyange
Headcanon Ask Game
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eggcompany · 5 months
Jaskier and his Snuggly Wuggly Killing Machines Part 3
The next day Jaskier was up early. Today he would go buy clothes for the boys and put together their closets. Carpet and wallpaper should be up and done by tomorrow and treats and decor will be arriving after they move in but they have mattresses and blankies and and 
‘ Calm down Jask... they like you. It’ll be okay ’ Jaskier tells himself. 
Jaskier got dressed in a pair of pink shorts, a yellow button up short sleeved shirt, a pair of white sunflower socks, and his pink sneakers. He packed his plain black backpack with a sunflower on it and got on his way to the store and then the pound. He quickly ordered everything to be picked up after he left the pound. He ordered blankets, sheets, pillows, and got his delivery slip for the mattresses. He also hopped over to the grocery and bought a pack of milk candies and some granola bars, and packed them away in his backpack. 
Jaskier tried his best to stay calm. Today people would be coming over to put down the carpet and painting and putting up wallpaper. Everything is going to be okay. Mattresses and bedroom furniture and everything else essential is either being delivered or he’s buying today. It’ll all be okay once he gets his babies home. 
He again walked right to the doors only waving at the lady behind the desk. He asked Damien to unlock the doors and soon enough he was grinning ear to ear being half smothered by warm purring witchers. Today they asked him if they needed to bathe before coming home and Jaskier saw that as an opportunity. 
“Oh no, no you don’t! We can have a lovely bath time the second you get home! I have a quite large tub in the bathroom by your bedrooms. I don’t think we can fit two of you in at a time but the bathroom is big and it’ll be all steamy and warm and nice. I think that will be perfect! I’ll get each of you a nice bath caddy with soaps and shampoo and everything! I’ll add it to the list!.” Jaskier said excitedly and put that on the list on his phone. 
“You have a list?” Eskel asked and looked over at Jaskier’s phone.  Jaskier pulled the electronic close to his chest. 
“No peeking! I want you all to be dazzled when you get home!” Jaskier said and checked his phone. 11:30. Thirty more minutes until he had to leave for the day. 
“Well babies… I only have half an hour before I have to leave. I’ve got so much stuff arriving today for your rooms! I’m so excited! I really hope you like them. I have a few things I need to do in the kitchen too… I think you all need steaks as your welcome home dinner!” Jaskier told them. Lambert purred extra loud and conked his head against Jaskier's. Geralt looked sad though.
“Geralt, my sweet dove, why the long face?” Jaskier said and put his hand under Geralt’s chin making the pet look at his face. Geralt’s eyes looked teary and he had his bottom lip stuck out and quivering a bit. 
“You're so nice…” Is all the white haired babe said before the tears started to fall. He kept his trembling lips sealed shut but his eyes let out rivers of tears. Jaskier gasped and pulled Geralt into his lap so his head could rest on the singer’s shoulder. 
“Oh you poor baby, poor little baby. I’ll always be nice to you darlings. You don’t deserve to be treated in any way but nicely. It’s okay, it’s alright, I’m right here you can cry as long as you need.” Jaskier said in a soft gentle tone and petted down Geralt’s sides. Geralt sniffled and whimpered and rubbed his face into Jaskier’s neck. 
“Bear… you can't just keep him here… He’s got things to do.” Eskel said as he tried to pull Geralt away but he tightly wrapped his arms around Jaskier. Eskel tried to pry him and Lambert rubbed the crying babes back. 
“No! No, I ‘anna stay! I wanna stay!” Geralt cried out and grabbed onto Jaskier so hard it probably would leave bruises. Jaskier felt his heart break in a million pieces as he tried to pull himself away from the witcher. Jaskier started to tear up as he stood up, effectively dropping Geralt onto Eskel’s lap. 
“I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry. I’ll be back tomorrow. After tomorrow you can come sit on my lap all day everyday and cuddle up with me in bed and never ever have to leave. But I need to go. I’m so sorry you poor little baby.” Jaskier said as he watched Eskel hold down Geralt’s hands from where they wanted to grab back onto Jaskier. Jaskier had a few tears rolling down his face. He looked over at Lambert who looked frightened and had a few tears rolling down his face. He was the youngest so it probably upset him like nothing else to see Geralt so distraught. 
Jaskier bent down and wiped away Lambert’s tears and kissed his forehead.
“Calm down kitty. I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jaskier said as he ruffled Lambert's hair and rubbed his ears a bit. 
“I want Jaskier! I want I want-” Geralt hollered again and thrashed around in Eskel’s grip. The eldest of the three only shushed and held tighter onto the white haired babe. 
“Bear, Geralt, Stop. Stop it. You’re not being nice. Stop it!” Eskel scolded Geralt until he went lax and just cried quietly. Eskel looked up at Jaskier, he looked sickened. Jaskier bent and kissed Eskel’s forehead and whispered to him. 
“Eskel, baby, darling, I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow. Please look after him until I can come back.” Jaskier said right against Eskel’s scarred forehead. Eskel nodded. 
“Goodbye Jaskier. Ple-please come back soon.” Eskel said shyly. Even his walls were starting to crumble when he was about the tender man. Jaskier nodded and quickly turned away and knocked on the glass and waved at the person who had let him in. 
“I will return tomorrow. I’ll spend all day with you if I can. Bye bye for now babies.” Jaskier said and smiled back at them. The door opened and he hurried out with tears running down his face once again. 
He hated having to leave his babies each day. But he had to go because he needed the house to be perfect for when they arrived. He needed to go and wait for the delivery trucks. 
Soon Jaskier was sitting at his desk with his office door thrown open, watching the workers drag in each box of furniture and everything else he bought. He would go through it himself and organize it all. When he had arrived home he had placed a same day order for their clothes, hygiene tools, and toys. There were boxes stacked from the entry all the way covering the living room floor and covering the kitchen counters. Jaskier waited until the only people left were those who were painting and putting up wallpaper. Tomorrow while he was away people would come and lay the carpet and flooring. 
Jaskier got up and walked over to his kitchen counter which was littered with brown cardboard boxes. He grabbed a steak knife from the drawer and cut the first one. Soaps and toothpaste. He pulled out big pump bottles full of chamomile, honey, and lavender shampoos and conditioners. He lifted packs of toothbrushes and sweet flavored toothpaste, he laughed at himself right then, he’s going to have to make sure the boys don’t eat the toothpaste. He finished the box off by pulling out coconut body wash and creamy hand soap. 
Jaskier put those in one spot on the table. That would be the bathroom section. Box after box he organized each into piles on the table. A pile of mainly blues, blacks, and whites and chamomile scents were Geralts, the pile of soft cottony greens and sweet scents were Lambert’s, and the big red pile scented with honey and herbs was for Eskel. There was also a pile of towels, soaps, and everything else for the bathroom and a pile of toys and mats for the basement. 
Jaskier had only unpack the kitchen area and there was still so much more but he smiled. This was all for his babies. He loved giving. He loves pampering, not just himself, but everyone around him. You could ask his backstage staff or anyone who had ever worked for or with him. Now he had three babes who expected the minimum. He had three babies who could be pampered and spoiled rotten. He was pleased as a peach. 
Jaskier took a break and had a sandwich and a bowl of fruit and yogurt. He just walked around while eating. He peaked in the now perfectly painted rooms. He would have to tip the painters, they did an amazing job… He walked down to the basement where the walls were now covered in a nice calm grey paint and the floors were covered in a plain hardwood floor. He had chosen a flooring that was more sturdy than pretty because he planned on covering the floor in some nice colorful puzzle piece mats and rugs. 
Jaskier walked back up to his mess of boxes. He started with a big heavy one that looked like it had a bookshelf in it. A nice plain wooden bookshelf for Eskel’s room. He pulled the box over to one side of the living room. The Esk-y side of the room. He shoved a mattress and a box spring over to that side. He popped open each box and looked for all of the  witcher’s stuff. Red, brown, tan, and yellows soon piled up on that side of the room. He then moved onto Lambert’s and then greens, golds, creams, and dark greens piled up on that wall. Jaskier then pushed the rest to the other wall. Geralt’s wall was piled with blues, whites, grays, and blacks piled up there. 
At the kitchen counter Jaskier found and pulled out three plastic bathroom caddies, blue, red, and green, and started putting them together. A nice comb and brush, shampoo and conditioner, a fluffy loofah, a washrag, bodywash, and a bottle lotion in each. Eskel had mostly herbal and lavender scents, Lambert had honey and floral scents, and Geralt had chamomile and vanilla. He made sure to get each boy scents and textures that they liked. 
Jaskier smiled down at the baskets and then looked up and looked in the backyard. He let out a bit of a gasp. It was already dark out? He turned to look at the oven clock and oh… oh it was already eleven… he’d been organizing and separating for almost six hours…
Jaskier decided he best get a shower and get to bed since he needed to be up and ready by about nine to go visit the babies. Jaskier smiled as he made his way through his nightly routine and smiled when he got in bed. Maybe the babies would like to sleep in his bed… He’d better get a bigger bed than his (very comfortable) queen bed. 
Jaskier slept very well with dreams of wrastly witchers with full tummies and brushed ears. 
The next day Jaskier got up, ate some pancakes, packed his backpack and got on his way. He picked up a bag of powdered donuts on his way after getting gas. He again got beeped into his babies room and cuddled with them for hours. He brought a brush with him today. 
After the boys finished eating the donuts and cuddled  with him for about an hour, and after quite a bit of sniffing and kissings and nuzzles and a few licks, Jaskier pushed Lambert and Eskel off his sides and pulled Geralt’s head up off his lap. 
“What doin?” Geralt mumbled as he blinked awake and rolled onto his butt to sit. 
“I brought a brush with me! I thought you might let me brush your hair or your tailsl? If not that’s fine! Or if you’d like to do it yourselves that’s also fine! You choose though.” Jaskier said and watched his babies all smile and wag.
“Can I go first?” Eskel asked his brothers. Geralt nodded and Lambert said a small “sure”. Then Eskel then scooted to be in front of Jaskier backwards. Jaskier started with hsi hair and around his ears, he didn’t have a little brush for their ears with him, and then when that was all smooth and tangle-less he started to brush the eldest’s tail. Jaskier thought it was quite therapeutic. The rhythmic brushes down the lovely dark brown fur. The way occasionally Eskel would move to flip his tail one way or another. Jaskier hadn’t noticed that Geralt and Lambert both had shifted to sit beside him and watch. 
When Jaskier was done he bent forward and kissed the back of Eskel’s neck. 
“All done puppy-dumplin! Who’s next?” Jaskier asked. Eskel turned back to him and looked so relaxed and happy. He had on a sweet smile plastered on his face. No one ever called them names like that. 
Lambert quickly clambered over so he was sitting where Eskel was once Eskel scooted to sit by Jaskier's backpack. 
“I wanna be brushesed! I wanna be all pretty.” Lambert said as flicked his long sleek tail up into the man's lap. Lambert had a quite soft tail if Jaskier was being honest. His hair was quite greasy and his ears probably needed to be cleaned but that would be easy to handle tomorrow when they were all home with him. 
As Jaskier ran the brush through Lambert’s hair the last time before moving to his tail he asked the boys a question. 
“Are you excited to come home tomorrow?” Jaskier asked and Geralt started to purr so loudly and Eskel let out a few breathy whines. Lambert started to wiggle on his butt though. 
“Yes! Yes! Getta go home! Getta go home with Jask-y! Jask-y!” Lambert chirped out happily. Eskel yapped out quick “Home! Home! Home!” and Geralt purred and let out a high pitched growling noise. Jaskier laughed at Geralt. 
“Baby Bear, what was that? You’re so silly.” Jaskier asked and turned toward Geralt, who had the biggest smile spread across his face. His eyes were squinched up because of it and his big fang teeth were on full display. 
“That’s his happy noise. We’ve never met anyone else who can make it but it just means he’s happy.” Eskel explained and Geralt just made the noise again. It sounded like it should be either a growl or a coo but ended up being a cute little mix of them both. 
“Well it is so cute! I hope to hear it all the time when we get home! Let when I show you all your rooms… and your beds… and the pantry!” Jaskier finished and Lambert heaved himself back so he thunked his chest against the man’s. 
“Food! I wanna eat all the food! And candy! I love candy! And bread, I love bread! And meat I love meat!” Lambert rambled on. Eskel agreed and Geralt just stared at Jaskier. 
“Yes I know. I’ll cook us a nice dinner and we can have a lovely long bathtime and we can all watch a movie. How does that sound as a first day in the new house?” Jaskier suggested. 
“I wanna be home with Jask-y. I wanna cuddle and a blankie.” Geralt said. Jaskier is so happy he bought about half a billion blankets for each of them. 
“I want steaks and kisses and bath time with Jaskier.” Lambert said and smiled up at his new owner. 
“I wanna be anywhere but here… on a mattress with some cookies.” Eskel said and giggled. Jaskier could tell his walls are only up because he isn’t home. 
Jaskier spent the rest of the day talking to the witchers and cuddling and took a nice long nap. The babes didn’t ever sleep well in their little prison. They even showed Jaskier how they can do soooo many push ups and sit ups and how flexible they are. And Jaskier appreciated it all very much. He should buy them some nice yoga mats…
When it was time to leave there weren’t any tears, just big smiles and kisses. Jaskier smiled as he made his way home. 
The carpet and flooring was all laid and perfect so Jask put together each room. Void TVs but the rest of everything was all ready. Curtains to sheets to chew toys in bins. He waited until the bedrooms and bathroom were ready before venturing down into the basement. He would let the babies decorate down here, but he got all the boxes down there in the closet. 
That night after a nice flowery bath Jaskier hopped into bed and had dreams of snuggly warm bodies and strange growly purrs and big wet kisses. 
Tomorrow’s the big day...
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lesbiansoncaffiene · 2 years
Silly, stupid, kinda sad, kinda wholesome Andreil headcanon/one-shot/idk what to call this
The cafeteria is so. fucking. crowded. And Andrew hates it with his whole being. More than most things. Almost more than Neil.
Speaking of which, he watches from the safety of the wall as the rabbit finishes making his salad, arguing with Kevin over something, and only makes his way over when Neil steps away from the payment machine.
Neil makes one final snap at Kevin before abandoning him to pay for his own meal, only acknowledging Andrew with a look as he scans the far side of the room, the exits, the corners, before looking for a spot with the easiest exit.
It’s something he does, and it’s taken Andrew time to wait for Neil before immediately heading off to his spot in the very back, near the door, where his back can be to a wall.
Wow, he thinks, not for the first time that day, what a fuckin pair they are.
Neil finally settles on a spot, ready to make his way back to it. It’s somewhere comfortable for both of them (and for Kevin, although they’ll never admit they want him to feel safe too).
When they sit, Matt joins them, half-complaining about how Neil didn’t come sit with the rest of the upperclassmen while knowing the reason why. Kevin is joined by Dan, Allison, and Renee as they head over, trailed by Nicky and Aaron. The cafeteria has mostly cleared out at this point anyway, so the noise dims as the Foxes fill their table.
They normally don’t eat here, but Coach wants them to try the new granola bars and Neil’s a weirdo and Andrew’s just here for Neil. As Dan leads the team in “taking the plunge” into the new snack, Neil slides Andrew a chocolate bar that he had tucked away from sight.
Andrew stares at it for a moment. Then up at Neil. Neil just winks and takes another bite of his godforsaken special granola bar.
Andrew almost hesitates. He thinks about Neil’s consideration of him when choosing a seat, his willingness to surprise him with something as simple as a candy bar, even his choosing of a quieter spot as opposed to a spot with a clearer escape route (not that they’ll need it, but Andrew knows how Neil thinks).
He’s not smiling, but there’s an unfamiliar warmth in his chest. The kind he felt when he first came home to the house in Columbia after a night away, and Nicky was asleep at the kitchen table beside a cold cup of cocoa, waiting for him. The kind he felt when Kevin knew his size of goalie gloves. The kind he feels when Coach holds the door for him, when Allison drops off something he left at practice at his dorm, when Renee buys his favorite ice cream.
He takes all this in, looks back at Neil, and unwraps his treat.
For context, when I was first diagnosed with C-PTSD, this is something my brother would do for me (find a spot in a crowded place where I could feel the most safe). It took me a while to realize and I wanted to translate it and that feeling of being loved and considered over to Andrew and Neil because I love them.
Thanks to my brother for being twin of the year? I guess? Although we haven’t killed anyone for each other (yet) so we’re not doing it like the Minyard twins. But No One is doing it like them so :/
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askprofturo · 2 years
AskProfTuro; Story Thus Far
-While stumbling across the Poco Path Lighthouse, you stumble across a sign saying ‘Welcome, feel free to pop in and rest’ -Inside is a strikingly familiar face; Professor Turo Arce is sitting at the kitchen table with a fresh cup of coffee and is asking if you’d like to join him for a cup. -Turo was informed of the multiverse, and quite honestly was baffled at the suggestion of it. Answering it with ‘What?’ -It appears Turo isn’t too aware of when others try to flirt with him? -We learn that the Professor can not cook for the life of him. Turns out he likes either takeout or snacks like candy or granola bars -Turo meets a younger version of himself, from another universe, and mentions he almost lost his paradise in the pursuit of finishing the time machine to create what he thought would achieve Paradise in the first place. -Miraidon makes its first appearance, and it’s revealed that Turo can talk to Pokemon. -The Professor was informed that folks were trying to flirt with him, he questioned why he was attractive enough to be flirted with. Maybe… the Professor is insecure? -Turo meets Director Sada (@/ask-directorsada-and-friends) and immediately gets emotional, hugging her tightly and breaking down. Turns out that despite not being his Sada, he misses her. -Turo runs into Professor Arven (@/ask-professor-arven) and elated, he exclaims he has a son upon seeing Arven after so long. -It’s eluded that Turo’s Arven is FTM Transgender -Poco Path Lighthouse seems to be where the Professor has made his home. -Turo mentions he’s in chronic pain and doesn’t sleep well. -Someone tells Turo about Iron Leaves, and thinking it’s in Area Zero, mentions that Arven won’t meet up with him if he goes back down there -Turo obtains a Blue iCat from AI Turo (@/ask-the-very-real-human-turo) a… friendship is formed, as well as a warning that if the cat goes for thumbs to throw it out. -The Herba Mystica is a myth, according to Turo
-The knowledge that Turo is self conscious of his grey hair has been passed on to Director Sada -People keep trying to hook him up with Director Sada, Turo is firm in the fact that he’s divorced, and she is, in fact; still married. -Turo is compared to a grumpy eevee, and yamper -Turo defends the Protocol (@/asktheprotocol) when people hacked its systems causing it to speak in ‘uwu’ -An Amura egg was deposited on his table and was quickly taken care of by Turo’s Altaria. -Turo’s team is revealed, including him mentioning that his relationship with Miraidon is mutual.
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chloeangelic · 1 year
Girl the way I want you to drop your working out routine and diet…
Hiiii okay very late answer below SORRY
CW exercise, food/diet, all that. If you have an issue with me posting or talking about this, dont click the read more and then complain about it, capiche? :))))  just move along, nothing to see here
I know a lot of people would answer stuff like this with “i am not a professional” however i am actually an exercise professional with several certifications and licenses, so this is not me giving advice or telling you what you should do, this is just what i personally do. i have a very positive relationship to food and exercise after working out for a decade so im pretty laid back about all of it  
Exercise wise, i lift 3x a week and i pole dance 1-2x a week. As for lifting, i do full body every time, all free weights and no machines. I dont do cardio or abs cause i think its boring and i dont track how many calories i burn cause i dont care. I find it boring to do upper body/leg days so i prefer doing a mix. My set and rep range is anywhere from 3x3 to 4x18 depending on the exercise. I do progressive overload, meaning i do the same 3 sets of different exercises every week but it gets a little more intense every time either in terms of weight increasing or reps increasing. The only exercise i do twice a week is hip thrust. My goals are to build strength and muscle and this has worked well for me so im happy. Sometimes i ditch working out or pole to write but i stay mostly consistent 
Diet wise, i have celiac disease and i dont eat out very often, so those are kinda the two main things. I make all my own food cause i have no other options haha 
The best diet advice i ever received was to have a source of protein, fat and carbs in every meal and thats what i follow. This is gonna sound boring but the things i eat the most are gf bread, eggs, chicken sausages, generic brand nutella, greek yogurt, granola, berries, different varieties of pasta, chicken, fish, beef, prawns, rice, veggies, granola bars, dark chocolate and ice cream (a pint can last me a long time cause i find it v filling for some reason). I usually make the same type of stuff my mom made growing up which is kind of a mix of different stuff. When i have the time, i like making lebanese or palestinian food (my fav food ever is shish tawook), and I also like to put toum (whipped garlic sauce) on everything. When i go out with my friends or order in, i tend to get fried chicken, sushi or middle eastern food. i love candy, cake, cookies and all other desserts yum yum yum i eat dessert every day and idc if anyone has an issue w it
Im the type who loses my appetite if im stressed, and my metabolism has gotten high from working out for so long that it can be difficult to eat enough, especially protein, and that always leaves me feeling v tired and shitty the next day cause i cant sustain the energy expenditure, so i try to make my meals very calorically dense cause theres just a limit to how much i can chew and swallow. i often drink blackberry/cranberry canada dry ginger ale cause they fucking SLAP and also its extra carbs i dont have to shove down my gullet
Thats pretty much it. I take creatine but thats the only supplement i take cause protein powder tastes terrible. I got an ask about creatine and will respond to that soon as well :p
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ritik2 · 29 days
Office Vending Machines Miami | Vending Machine for Office
In a busy office environment, having quick access to snacks, beverages, and other refreshments is a great way to keep employees energized, satisfied, and productive throughout the day. Office vending machines in Miami are increasingly becoming a popular solution for businesses looking to provide convenient and easy access to refreshments for their employees and visitors. The right vending machines can transform your workplace, providing a range of options from coffee and healthy snacks to cold beverages, all tailored to meet the specific needs of your office.
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If you are looking for reliable vending machine for office Miami solutions, this article will guide you through the top office vending machines available in Miami. We will explore the benefits of office vending machines, the best options for different workplace settings, and key considerations when selecting the right vending service for your office.
The Benefits of Office Vending Machines in Miami
Installing vending machines in your Miami office can offer numerous benefits, including convenience, enhanced employee satisfaction, and increased productivity. Here’s why office vending machines in Miami are a smart choice:
Top Office Vending Machine Options in Miami
Miami has a variety of vending machine providers that offer tailored solutions for offices, ranging from traditional snack and beverage machines to high-tech options with advanced features like cashless payment systems and remote monitoring. Here are some of the top office vending machines Miami has to offer:
Coffee Vending Machines
Coffee vending machines are a staple in most office environments, providing a quick and convenient way to enjoy freshly brewed coffee and other hot beverages. Miami-based vending companies offer a range of coffee vending machines that can cater to different preferences, from classic drip coffee and espresso to specialty drinks like cappuccinos and lattes. These machines come with options for customizable flavors, cup sizes, and milk varieties, ensuring that there is something for everyone in the office.
Snack Vending Machines
Snack vending machines are a popular choice for offices of all sizes, offering a variety of options such as chips, candy, nuts, and granola bars. These machines can be customized to include healthy options like low-calorie snacks, protein bars, and gluten-free treats to cater to diverse dietary needs. Leading office vending machines Miami providers ensure that these machines are always stocked with fresh, popular items and provide regular maintenance and restocking services.
Beverage Vending Machines
Beverage vending machines are essential for keeping employees hydrated and refreshed throughout the day. Miami vending companies offer beverage machines that can dispense a wide range of drinks, including bottled water, sodas, juices, energy drinks, and iced teas. These machines are often equipped with advanced cooling systems to ensure beverages are served at the optimal temperature. Some models even offer customizable options, allowing employees to choose the drink size and add flavors or carbonation.
Combo Vending Machines
For offices looking to maximize space while offering a diverse range of products, combo vending machines are an excellent solution. These machines combine both snacks and beverages in a single unit, making them ideal for smaller offices or spaces with limited room. Combo vending machines offer the convenience of a one-stop solution, providing access to both food and drinks. Miami vending machine companies offer various combo machine models with customizable layouts to fit the specific needs of an office.
Healthy Vending Machines
With a growing focus on wellness in the workplace, healthy vending machines are becoming a popular choice for offices in Miami. These machines offer a range of nutritious snacks and beverages, such as fruit cups, yogurt, nuts, salads, smoothies, and low-sugar drinks. Healthy vending machines promote a culture of well-being and cater to employees who prefer healthier choices. They can be customized to match the specific dietary preferences of your team, providing a balanced mix of snacks and drinks.
Leading Office Vending Machine Providers in Miami
Choosing the right provider for office vending machines in Miami is crucial to ensuring reliable service, high-quality products, and a seamless experience. Here are some of the top companies that provide vending machines for offices in Miami:
Office vending machines in Miami offer a convenient and cost-effective way to provide snacks, beverages, and other refreshments to employees and visitors. By choosing the right vending machine provider, you can ensure a seamless and satisfying experience that enhances employee satisfaction, promotes wellness, and boosts productivity. From coffee and snack machines to healthy vending options, Miami offers a wide range of vending solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your office.
Take the time to explore the options and find a reliable vending machine for office Miami provider that offers high-quality machines, comprehensive services, and flexible solutions. With the right partner, you can create a more convenient and enjoyable workplace for everyone.
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vending-systems · 4 months
Elevating Convenience: The Evolution of Snack Vending Machines
Snack vending machines have become a ubiquitous fixture in various locations, offering convenience and quick access to a wide array of snacks and beverages. From office buildings and schools to shopping malls and public transit stations, these machines cater to the on-the-go lifestyle of modern consumers. Let's explore the evolution of snack vending machine and their significance in today's fast-paced world.
The concept of vending machines dates back to the late 19th century, with the first commercial vending machines dispensing postcards, stamps, and gum. However, it wasn't until the mid-20th century that vending machines began to gain popularity as a convenient way to purchase snacks and beverages. Early models primarily offered basic snacks like chips, candy bars, and soda pop.
As technology advanced, so did snack vending machines. Today, modern vending machines feature state-of-the-art technology and innovative designs, offering a wider selection of snacks and beverages than ever before. From healthy options like granola bars, nuts, and fruit snacks to indulgent treats like chocolates, cookies, and pastries, there's something to satisfy every craving.
The convenience of snack vending machines lies in their accessibility and availability. Whether you're craving a mid-afternoon pick-me-up at the office or a late-night snack at a hotel lobby, a snack vending machine is always within reach. With just a few coins or a swipe of a card, you can quickly and easily purchase your favorite snacks without having to wait in line or interact with a cashier.
Moreover, snack vending machine offer a convenient solution for businesses and organizations looking to provide refreshments to employees, customers, or visitors. By strategically placing vending machines in high-traffic areas, businesses can ensure that individuals have access to snacks and beverages whenever they need them. This not only enhances convenience but also boosts productivity and morale in the workplace.
The evolution of snack vending machines has also seen advancements in technology that enhance user experience and streamline operations. Many modern vending machines are equipped with touchscreen interfaces, cashless payment options, and digital advertising displays. These features not only make it easier for customers to select and purchase items but also provide opportunities for vending operators to promote products and generate additional revenue.
Furthermore, snack vending machines have adapted to changing consumer preferences and dietary trends. In response to growing demand for healthier options, many vending machines now offer a selection of nutritious snacks and beverages, including low-fat chips, protein bars, bottled water, and organic juices. This reflects a broader shift towards wellness and sustainability in the food industry, as consumers become more conscious of their dietary choices.
Despite their convenience and popularity, snack vending machines are not without challenges. Maintenance issues, stocking errors, and payment processing issues can occasionally disrupt the vending experience. However, vending operators are continuously innovating to overcome these challenges and improve the reliability and efficiency of their machines.
snack vending machines have evolved from simple dispensers of candy and soda to sophisticated, technologically advanced systems that offer a wide range of snacks and beverages to consumers. Their convenience, accessibility, and ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences make them an indispensable part of our daily lives. Whether you're in need of a quick snack on the go or looking to provide refreshments for your employees or customers, a snack vending machine is always there to satisfy your cravings.
For More Info:-
Vending Machine For Hotels
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quickfreshvending · 6 months
What Are the Most Popular Items Sold in Vending Machines?
Vending machines have become ubiquitous fixtures in various locations worldwide, offering convenience and accessibility to a wide array of products. While the specific offerings may vary depending on the location and target demographic, there are several items that consistently rank among the most popular items sold in vending machines.
Snacks: Snacks are perhaps the most common items found in vending machines. From chips and cookies to candy bars and nuts, vending machines offer a convenient way for people to satisfy their cravings for a quick and tasty snack. The variety of snack options available ensures that there's something to suit every taste preference.
Beverages: Another popular category in vending machines is beverages. Whether it's a refreshing soda, a bottle of water, or a hot cup of coffee, vending machines provide a convenient solution for quenching thirst on the go. With the growing demand for healthier beverage options, vending machines now often offer a selection of bottled juices, teas, and flavored waters as well.
Convenience Items: Vending machines also cater to customers' immediate needs for essential convenience items. These may include items such as batteries, phone chargers, headphones, and personal care products like toothpaste, hand sanitizer, and hygiene kits. These items are especially popular in locations such as airports, train stations, and hotels where travelers may have forgotten or unexpectedly require such essentials.
Healthy Snacks: With the increasing focus on health and wellness, vending machines have expanded their offerings to include a variety of healthier snack options. This includes items such as granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit, yogurt, and veggie chips. By providing healthier alternatives to traditional snacks, vending machines are catering to the growing demand for nutritious on-the-go options.
Fresh Food: In recent years, vending machines offering fresh food items have gained popularity. These machines dispense freshly prepared sandwiches, salads, wraps, and fruit cups, providing customers with convenient and nutritious meal options. Fresh food vending machines are often found in locations such as schools, hospitals, and corporate offices, where people may be looking for quick and healthy meal solutions.
In conclusion, while the specific offerings may vary, the most popular items sold in combination vending machines generally fall into categories such as snacks, beverages, convenience items, healthy snacks, and fresh food. These items cater to customers' immediate needs for quick and convenient sustenance while on the go, making vending machines an indispensable part of modern life.
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artadoblog · 6 months
Revolutionizing Retail: The Power of A and M Vending Machines
In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key. A and M vending machines have emerged as a solution to meet the evolving needs of consumers and businesses alike. These automated marvels offer quick access to snacks, beverages, and other products, revolutionizing the retail experience. Let's delve into the world of A and M vending and uncover its significance in modern society.
History of Vending
Vending machines trace their origins back to ancient Greece, where holy water was dispensed for a coin. Over the centuries, these machines evolved, with the first modern vending machine dispensing postcards in the early 1880s. Today, vending technology has undergone remarkable advancements, catering to a wide range of products and industries. The proliferation of vending machines has significantly influenced consumer behavior, providing convenient access to goods on-the-go.
Types of Vending Machines
Snack Vending Machines: These machines offer a wide array of snacks, ranging from chips and candies to healthy options like granola bars and fruit cups.
Beverage Vending Machines: Quench your thirst with a variety of beverages, including sodas, juices, water, and even specialty drinks like iced coffee and energy drinks.
Specialized Vending Machines: From fresh food vending machines at airports to prescription medication dispensers in pharmacies, specialized vending machines cater to diverse consumer needs.
Benefits of A and M Vending
The allure of A and M vending lies in its myriad benefits. For consumers, these machines provide unmatched convenience, allowing for quick and easy access to desired products. For businesses, vending machines represent a lucrative revenue stream with minimal overhead costs. Additionally, the scalability of vending operations makes them an attractive investment opportunity for entrepreneurs.
Challenges and Solutions
Despite their many advantages, vending machines are not without challenges. Maintenance and servicing can be cumbersome, requiring timely repairs to ensure uninterrupted operation. Security concerns, such as vandalism and theft, necessitate robust security measures and surveillance systems. However, advancements in technology have led to innovative solutions, including remote monitoring and predictive maintenance, to address these challenges effectively.
Technology in Vending
A and M vending machines have embraced cutting-edge technology to enhance the user experience. Cashless payment systems, such as mobile wallets and contactless cards, have streamlined transactions, eliminating the need for cash. Furthermore, IoT integration has enabled smart vending solutions, allowing operators to monitor inventory levels in real-time and optimize machine performance. Data analytics play a crucial role in predicting consumer preferences and optimizing product offerings.
Future Trends
The future of A and M vending is brimming with possibilities. Personalization will take center stage, with vending machines offering tailored recommendations based on individual preferences and purchasing history. Integration with artificial intelligence will enable predictive inventory management, ensuring optimal stock levels and minimizing waste. Moreover, vending machines will expand into new markets and industries, catering to a diverse range of consumer needs.
Regulations and Compliance
As with any industry, A and M vending is subject to regulations and compliance standards. Food safety regulations govern the handling and storage of perishable goods, ensuring consumer safety. ADA compliance ensures accessibility for individuals with disabilities, with requirements for machine placement and operation. Licensing and permits are also required for vending machine businesses, varying depending on location and jurisdiction.
Impact on Retail Industry
The rise of A and M vending has implications for the retail industry as a whole. Traditional retail stores face increased competition from vending machines, which offer convenience and accessibility to consumers. However, there are opportunities for collaboration between vending machine operators and retailers, leveraging each other's strengths to enhance the overall shopping experience. Furthermore, vending machines are disrupting traditional supply chain models, offering a direct-to-consumer distribution channel for manufacturers.
Case Studies
Examining successful implementations of A and M vending provides valuable insights into best practices and lessons learned. From innovative design concepts to strategic placement strategies, case studies highlight the versatility and effectiveness of vending machine solutions. By studying both successes and failures, businesses can glean valuable lessons to inform their own vending strategies.
A and M Vending in Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to the retail industry, including A and M vending. However, vending machines quickly adapted to the new normal, offering contactless transactions and adhering to social distancing measures. As the world emerges from the pandemic, A and M vending will continue to play a vital role in providing safe and convenient access to essential goods.
In conclusion, A and M vending machines are revolutionizing the retail landscape, offering unparalleled convenience, flexibility, and innovation. From snacks and beverages to everyday essentials, these automated wonders are reshaping the way consumers shop. As technology continues to evolve and consumer preferences shift, the future of A and M vending holds limitless possibilities.
Are A and M vending machines environmentally friendly?
Yes, many A and M vending machines are equipped with energy-efficient features and use recyclable materials to minimize their environmental impact.
How do vending machines detect counterfeit currency?
Vending machines employ a variety of security features, including optical scanners and magnetic sensors, to detect counterfeit currency.
Can A and M vending machines be customized to specific product requirements?
Yes, A and M vending machines can be tailored to accommodate a wide range of products, from snacks and beverages to electronics and personal care items.
What measures are in place to ensure food safety in vending machines?
Vending machine operators adhere to strict food safety regulations, including regular cleaning and maintenance procedures, to ensure the integrity of perishable goods.
Are there any age restrictions for purchasing items from vending machines?
Age restrictions may apply to certain products, such as alcoholic beverages or tobacco products, depending on local laws and regulations.
How do vending machine operators address inventory management challenges?
Vending machine operators utilize data analytics and predictive algorithms to optimize inventory levels and minimize stockouts, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for consumers.
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aplusvending · 1 year
Process of Purchasing a Vending Machine to Dispense Snacks.
Vending machines dispensing a broad selection of food and delights have become commonplace in today's fast-paced society. Finding the right snack vending machine for sale is crucial whether you're a company owner trying to provide snacks for your staff or a budding entrepreneur wishing to establish a vending machine business. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of finding the best machine for your requirements by covering all the bases.
Dimensions and Type of Machine
The first thing you should do when looking for a snack vending machine is to figure out what kind and size best meet your needs. The sizes of snack vending machines range from small, table top devices to bigger, combination machines that also sell drinks. Snack vending machine for sale can be found easily. When deciding on the size and style, keep in mind the quantity of snacks you plan to offer as well as the available storage space.
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Position of the Snack Machines
When it comes to vending machines, placement is everything. Choose a snack vending machine Oakland with more capacity if you want to put it in a busy setting like an office building, a school, or a retail mall. A small or countertop model could be preferable if storage space is restricted.
Capacity and Product Variety
Chips, candy bars, nut alternatives, and even granola bars and dried fruit can all be found in snack vending machines. Choose a vending machine snacks Oakland with the right number of trays and snack options based on what you want to sell. Snacks of varying sizes and shapes can be stored in vending machines with movable shelves.
Methods of Payment
These days, snack vending machines for sale Oakland accept a wide variety of payment methods to meet the needs of a wide range of customers. Find a machine that takes your preferred method of payment, be it cash, a credit card, a debit card, a smartphone app, or a contactless service like Apple Pay or Google Wallet. Offering a variety of payment options has been shown to boost business and customer satisfaction.
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Technology and User Interface
Incorporating user-friendly interfaces and cutting-edge technology into snacks vending machines Oakland benefits both customers and business owners. Think of gadgets that have remote monitoring capabilities, digital advertising screens, and touchscreen displays. You can keep an eye on stock, sales figures, and maintenance needs with the help of remote monitoring.
Efficient Use of Energy
vending drink machine Oakland that use less energy is better for the environment and cheaper to run for businesses. Find appliances that use less electricity, such those with LED lights, low-power modes, and smart cooling systems, to keep food fresh for longer without draining the power supply.
Considerations such as machine type, size, product variety, payment methods, technology, security, and budget are essential while searching for the ideal snack vending machine for sale. Your vending machine business will be successful if you take the time to carefully consider your own demands and undertake in-depth research before making any decisions. The perfect vending machine may be a helpful investment for any business, whether it's just getting started or looking to grow.
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xvendpro · 1 year
Convenient and Delicious: The Snack Vending Machine Revolution
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In our fast-paced world, convenience is key, especially when it comes to satisfying our hunger on the go. Snack vending machines have become a ubiquitous sight, providing quick and easy access to delicious treats and snacks. In this blog post, we'll explore the snack vending machine revolution and why these machines have become an essential part of our daily lives.
1. Around-the-Clock Availability:
One of the most significant advantages of snack vending machines is their 24/7 availability. Whether you're rushing to catch a train in the morning or working late into the night, a snack vending machine is always there to curb your hunger. No need to worry about store hours or finding a nearby cafe; these machines are conveniently placed in high-traffic areas for easy access whenever you need a pick-me-up.
2. Variety to Suit Every Taste:
Gone are the days when vending machines offered only a limited selection of chips and candy bars. Today's snack vending machines boast an impressive array of options to suit every taste and dietary preference. From classic favorites like chocolate bars and potato chips to healthier choices like granola bars, nuts, and dried fruits, there's something for everyone.
3. Speed and Efficiency:
When hunger strikes, time is of the essence. Snack vending machines deliver instant gratification, allowing you to make a selection and have your snack in hand within seconds. This speed and efficiency make them the go-to option for busy individuals looking for a quick bite without disrupting their schedules.
4. Cashless Convenience:
Many modern snack vending machines now offer cashless payment options, making the transaction process even smoother. With mobile payment options and contactless card readers, you can enjoy your snack without fumbling for loose change.
5. Perfect for Any Location:
Snack vending machines are incredibly versatile, making them suitable for various locations. From office break rooms and schools to shopping malls and public transportation hubs, these machines are strategically placed in areas where people often need a quick snack. Their compact design allows them to fit seamlessly into any environment.
6. Ideal for Entrepreneurs:
Snack vending machines aren't just beneficial for consumers; they also offer a lucrative business opportunity for entrepreneurs. Many individuals and businesses invest in vending machines to generate passive income. With the right product selection and strategic placement, a snack vending machine can become a profitable venture.
The snack vending machine revolution has transformed the way we snack and provided a convenient solution for our on-the-go lifestyle. With a wide range of options, cashless payment methods, and around-the-clock availability, these machines have become a staple in our daily routines.
Whether you need a quick energy boost, a satisfying treat, or a healthy snack option, the snack vending machine has you covered. Embrace the convenience and deliciousness that these machines offer, and experience the delight of satisfying your cravings with just a press of a button. Next time you pass by a snack vending machine, treat yourself to a snack and savor the goodness it brings to your day!
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How Vending Machines Are Beneficial in Schools
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Are vending machines a good idea in schools? Some might argue that they encourage unhealthy snacking and distract from learning. However, with proper management and selection of the right vending machine, it can actually be a beneficial addition to any school campus. From providing quick snacks for busy students to promoting healthy eating habits through carefully curated options, vending machines in schools have the potential to make a positive impact on student life. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of vending machines in schools and provide tips on how to set up and manage them effectively.
Benefits of Vending Machines in Schools
Vending machines in schools have several benefits that make them a valuable addition to any campus. Firstly, they provide students with quick and easy access to snacks and beverages during busy school days. This is especially helpful for students who may not have time to pack their own lunches or need an energy boost between classes. In addition, vending machines can be used as a tool for promoting healthy eating habits among students. By carefully selecting and stocking the machine with nutritious options such as fresh fruit, granola bars, and low-sugar drinks, schools can encourage healthier snacking habits while still providing convenience. Moreover, vending machines can generate revenue for the school through commission earned on sales - this money can then be reinvested into other student programs or facility upgrades. Additionally, having vending machines eliminates the need for extra staff to manage food services during lunch hours. Vending machines are convenient for teachers and staff members too - they offer quick access to coffee or tea when needed without having to leave campus. If managed properly with healthy snack options available alongside traditional favorites like chips and candy bars – vending machines provide many benefits that make them worth considering at any school.
How to Select the Right Vending Machine for School?
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Choosing the right vending machine for your school can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. The first thing you need to consider is the size of your student population and how much demand there will be for snacks and beverages. It's also important to choose a vending machine that offers healthy options such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and water. This will help promote healthy eating habits among students. Another factor to consider is the type of payment system you want in your vending machines. Cashless payments are becoming increasingly popular in schools because they're more convenient for both students and administrators. When choosing a supplier for your vending machines, make sure they offer reliable maintenance services so that any issues can be quickly resolved. It's also important to choose a supplier who has experience working with schools specifically. Selecting the right vending machine requires careful consideration of factors such as size, product offerings, payment systems, maintenance services, and experience working with schools. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that your school’s vending machines meet the needs of both students and staff while promoting healthful choices.
The benefits of using cashless payments in vending machines
Cashless payments have become increasingly popular in recent years, and vending machines are no exception. By offering the option to pay with a credit or debit card, students can easily purchase snacks and drinks without worrying about carrying cash. One major benefit of using cashless payments is convenience. Students don't need to worry about carrying around loose change or finding an ATM. This means they can quickly grab a snack between classes or during lunch without wasting time searching for coins. Another advantage is security. With traditional payment methods, there's always a risk of losing money or having it stolen. Cashless payments offer more protection as they're linked directly to a student's bank account and require authentication such as a PIN code. By accepting cashless payments, schools also have access to important data on sales trends and inventory management through real-time reporting features that track purchases made from each vending machine. In addition, using cashless payments reduces the need for frequent restocking of the machines since transactions are faster than handling physical currency. Implementing cashless payment options in vending machines benefits both students and schools by providing greater accessibility, security, and efficiency in managing transactions.
Tips for Setting Up and Managing Vending Machines in Schools
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Setting up and managing vending machines in schools can be a great way to provide students with quick and convenient access to snacks and drinks. However, it requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the vending machines are effective and well-maintained. One of the most important tips for setting up vending machines in schools is to choose the right location. It should be easily accessible for students without causing any disruptions or safety hazards. It's also essential to select products that align with school policies on nutrition standards. Another crucial aspect of managing vending machines in schools is maintenance. Regularly stocking inventory, cleaning, and servicing the machines will keep them functioning properly while avoiding breakdowns or malfunctions. It's also essential to consider cashless payment options such as mobile payments or card readers since they minimize risks associated with carrying cash around school premises; this helps reduce theft cases among students.
Georgia: The Leading Supplier of Vending Machine in Gurgaon
Vending machines have proven to be a convenient and beneficial addition to schools. They provide easy access to healthy snacks and drinks, which can improve the overall health of students. Additionally, cashless payment methods make it easier for parents and school administrators to monitor spending. When selecting a vending machine for your school, consider factors such as size, capacity, and payment options. Make sure you choose a reliable supplier who can offer maintenance services when needed. Georgia is one of the leading suppliers of the Vending Machine in Gurgaon. We offer a wide range of coffee vending machines including a beans vending machine in Gurgaon as well as Lipton & Nescafe Vending Machine in Gurgaon. With our expertise in providing quality products coupled with excellent customer service. Georgia Vending Machines is definitely worth considering when selecting a vendor for your school’s vending needs. Investing in vending machines will not only benefit the students but also generate revenue streams that can be used towards improving other aspects of education programs at the school. So go ahead and enhance your student experience by installing high-quality Georgia Vending Machines today.
Contact Us
Address- Village Jharsa, Near Gurgaon Gramin Bank Sec-39, Gurugram, Haryana 122018 
Contact- 09873633436, 09873033436 
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dragonsmachine · 4 years
Granola Candy Bar Machine High Reputation Chocolate Snack Compound Candy...
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