soloavengers · 4 months
ask game! TIME! Arisen #3, Pawn #1, Arisen & Pawn #15, and World & Story #3 - <3 brinehater
Arisen & Pawn #3: Do they ever get their memory back; if they do, does that change how they interact with the narrative, and if they don’t how do they feel about that loss?
Answered here <3
Pawn #1: What is their inclination, and what about them (if anything) might set them apart from others of their inclination?
Winnie is Calm, except when she first wakes up. Not a morning person, she’s as grouchy as a Straightforward pawn for about the first two hours of the day. Syl knows not to talk to talk her ears off until she stops frowning and glaring at everyone. (Happens sooner if she drank Grandpetal tea aka what I imagine they’d have as coffee in the game lol.) She can be very unCalm when angry at a certain someone for getting hurt, or even other pawns if she’s grown to truly care about them. She be adopts an aggressive tone while very gently taking care of them, Syl would say she’s terrifying but if she truly was he wouldn’t still be getting hurt so often (according to her.)
Arisen & Pawn #15: Do they have a favorite place in the world; be it a town or a particular area or view they’re fond of?
Syl feels at home in Vermund’s forests, especially in the north, however it would often turn into suffocating longing for the past. So it might be Dragonsbreath Tower, standing on the edge of the very top and taking in the sight of his world is something he loves with all his soul. Winnie loves Harve, its beach, and its people and the way they persevered.
World / Story #3: Regardless of whether you adhere to the in-game counter or not, how long do you think their journey took? Did they book it with a sense of urgency, or did things get drawn out - and why? 
My gameplay was 290 days, but I don’t adhere to it at all. Slightly over a year and a half is a good time.
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mountainmaven · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @littlefeatherr - thank you!
1. Are you named after anyone? No.
2. When was the last time you cried? This afternoon watching a video.
3. Do you use sarcasm? Not usually. If I do it's with people I trust and who know me extremely well (like my family) and they KNOW I'm being sarcastic. Otherwise I'm very straight forward, if I say anything at all. Most times I just observe and don't contribute much to conversations etc. unless it's a smaller group or one-on-one.
4. What's the first thing you notice about people? Behaviors, mannerisms, posture, vibe, eye contact or not.
5. What's your eye color? Golden brown.
6. Scary movie or happy ending? Happy ending. I can watch some scary movies but it really depends. But I am all about the happy ending.
7. Any special talents? I have a good ear for voices, I can identify a person pretty quickly by their voice. I also have really good balance but I'm not sure that's a special talent lol.
8. Where were you born? Queens, NY.
9. What are your hobbies? Reading, painting, collage art, houseplants, listening to music, watching movies/shows, board games, and I'm currently relearning how to crochet.
10. Do you have any pets? No. I do have 3 grandpets though. Oldest has a dog, Mr Kaplan; she's a pit bull rottweiler mix, who turned 4 this month, and Blue (aka Blucifer) who is a Russian Blue cat and so regal it's sickening LOL. He's very old - I think around 11 if I remember correctly. Youngest has Alice, a Siberian Forest cat who turned 4 years old today.
11. What sports do you play/have played? Tennis, roller derby, body building (is that a sport? probably not but eh whatever, it was a huge part of my life for a couple of years).
12. How tall are you? 5'4".
13. What was your favorite subject in school? Art, biology, English
14. Dream job? I'm not sure anymore. It used to be several things: radio DJ, wedding gown model, travel agent, race car driver lol.
I tag: @spiritualityandart @the-forest-library @agardenandlibrary @highwaydiamonds @aliteraryprincess @bibliophilecats and of course anyone else who would like to do this.
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bwhowe · 5 months
I used to write about bad relationships and breakups because that was my life experience.   now I write about a relationship that works, and about children, and pets, and a household.   what am I going to write about in the future? maybe grandkids (but it’s not looking hopeful), or maybe grandpets?   writing about writing or building guitars isn’t fun or exciting, or inspiring. but what else is there?   reflections on a life well lived, the give and take, push and pull, the inspiration of life loved.
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zetasattic · 2 years
Day 288 of 365-Thursday-A Real Shower Felt So Great
Day 288 of 365-Thursday-A Real Shower Felt So Great
After working on the floor yesterday we went to Rainy’s for showers. A real shower felt so great and I got to cuddle my grandpets! Most of the floor is in the bathroom now but we’re at a standstill until another trip to Lowe’s for drill bits because Wayne’s are wore out and he is too. He’s so tired and today is his nuclear stress test. He’s dreading it so bad. His last one made him so sick. Rainy…
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mzlimitless · 6 years
I had to share my #grandpet #Ryker cause he's so flipping cute 🐕🐾 #lovemypets #dogs #dogsofinstagram #chihuahua #fox #playtime #MzLimitless https://www.instagram.com/p/BvLW4uDg0XY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=164i4tr5zh2j
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schopfer · 3 years
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Babysitting the grand pets! #petlovers #petsofinstagram #grandpet #grandpets #cats #catsofinstagram #cat #catlover #catlovers (at Pitman, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQrgYiZLB5O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ace-of-clubs8 · 2 years
I’ve been pretty upfront about never wanting kids but I never knew how my mom felt about it.
When I moved in with my parents recently, my mom referred to my cat lovingly as her “grand baby.”
That made me so happy because she would the the most amazing grandma and I always felt like I was disappointing her.
I’m glad she’s accepting and understands how much I love my pets and that they’re the closest thing to a child I’ll ever have.
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fierycavalier · 3 years
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dangerous-mess · 4 years
Breakeven (Kirishima x Bakugo x Reader) Part 1(???)
Characters: Eijiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugou, gender neutral reader, mentions of reader’s parents 
Contains: Polyam relationships, fighting, arguing, language, pure angst, mentions of break ups, mentions of someone doing stitches, mentions of a anxiety/anxiety attacks, mentions of minor violence, mentions of Bakugou’s hero name
Word Count: 3k+ 
Bakugou and Kirishima have been a thing since the days you all went to UA. You got with them your last year of school, but unlike the two of them being out, no one knew about your relationship with them. They wanted to keep it a secret, claiming that they wanted to protect you and didn’t want any of you to receive hate, since the concept of a poly relationship still did not sit well with anyone. You thought as you all got older and were adults that it would become less of a secret, but as your boyfriends both rose up in the hero charts, the secret was locked and sealed, never going to see the light of day. 
The world knew of the pro heroes, known as your boyfriends as being together, and everyone was quite content and happy with it. It did not stop the public eye from loving them and cheering them on through the years as they became the great heroes they always dreamed about being back in high school. You missed those days, mostly for the simple fact that things were easier. You had no worries about jobs or worry about anyone you cared about getting hurt. You also could just spend the entire weekend in bed with your boyfriends, cuddling and talking about everything and anything. Now, you were lucky if you got to even see either of your boyfriends. 
Although the three of you lived together, both of them were out often doing hero work and being the top heroes they were seen as. And when the two of them were home, you were out working a minimum of 12 hour shifts at the hospital being your own hero, helping those in need. You loved your job, it was one of the best things you’ve ever done. But you still missed your partners. You hated not being able to brag, that the two big heroes saving lives and making a difference were yours. You hated the comments your mother made about how you couldn’t find time for a relationship, and how desperately she wanted grandkids or even grandpets, just something. It hurt you and made you jealous even, to watch and see your both of them going on dates and being out in public together. Yet when the three of you were in public you were just tagged as the friend who is third wheeling. 
Your shift at the hospital finished and you drove back home, ready to be alone and met with silence, but to your surprise one of your boyfriends was home. You entered and found Bakugou laying on the couch, flipping through tv channels, completely dressed in his hero gear. You went to the couch and leaned over, kissing him softly on the forehead. 
“Hey babe, didn’t expect to see you home.” You spoke, as you went to take off your shoes and put them beside the front door and placed files and your keys on the table. You glanced and saw him sit up and turn back to look at you. 
“Dumbass, I told you I was going in later this week for patrols.” He grumbled out, his words coming aggressive, but you knew that they weren’t meant to be. You just nodded, even though he hadn’t spoken more than 4 words to you in the past week. But you were too tired and could not handle an argument right now or in general. 
You went to the shared bedroom the three of you shared and changed into one of Bakugou’s shirts and a pair of sweatpants that could easily be yours or Kirishima’s. You didn’t care and just slipped them one before walking down to the kitchen and heating up some water so you could make some tea. 
“Do you have time for a cup of tea or are you going to go be the amazing hero you are soon?” A smile on your face as you asked the question, peaking out of the kitchen at your boyfriend. You could see a small blush on his cheeks, and it made you chuckle. He responded with a quick no as you saw him get on his boots and grab the rest of his hero gear. He came and quickly kissed you goodbye and left, leaving you all alone. 
You hate being alone even though you are the majority of the time. There was always silence in the house now, when before there were laughs and voices talking all through the night. The bed that once held three people, only held you, making the space seem bigger than it really is. You sat in the bed, sipping the hot tea and just looking around the bedroom. Even though it was your bedroom, it felt more like it was theirs. The walls were covered with photos and achievements from their herowork and even some of their very own merch. You had your nursing degree hung up on the wall in the bedroom at one point, but now you saw the frame on the ground, broken. Broken just like your relationship with the heroes, you never dreamed it would come to this, but you should have known it would be a matter of time. 
Maybe everyone was right. You were just a third wheel in your own relationship, interrupting and taking up space and time away from both Katsuki and Eijiro from spending time together. Perhaps that was why they were gone so often, not because they had work, but because they wanted time away from you. You started to have trouble breathing and couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than the thoughts that ran through your mind. You were overthinking to the point you were having a panic attack. You tried to calm yourself in anyway possible, but nothing worked. Tears ran down your face as your mental state only worsened. With a shaky hand you sat the cup filled with tea, on the bedside table, before laying down in the bed, a sob escaping. You just laid in the bed and sobbed for what felt like hours before sleep consumed you. 
Days had passed and you only saw Kirishima once in that time span, and it was when he brought in some civilians into the hospital. He didn’t say anything to you, didn’t even smile for that matter, only nodded his head at you before rushing back out into the streets. In that time you never once saw Bakugou. Not out in public or at your shared place, at least you didn’t see him in person. You saw him and Kiri plenty of times on the television for the excellent jobs they did on saving folks and stopping villains, as well as the paparazzi snapping pictures of the two of them on dates. What would kill you was something that would come in the coming months. Actually it would be around your anniversary with them, they both were out and you were left alone on your day off. You cleaned and planned to cook a dinner for you all, even if they both had to reheat it later. You had the news playing in the background, wanting to make sure your boyfriends were okay and nothing was happening to them. That’s when you heard it, the news that broke your heart in two. You had peeked at the tv, seeing pictures the paparazzi took of both your boyfriends out, on what looked like a date. It was the picture that followed. Bakugou was down on one knee and proposed to Kirishima. You dropped the cup of tea that was in your hand as it shattered on the ground, though at that moment you could care less. 
You were happy for both of them but in this moment, you were hurting. You wish they talked to you about this or at least knew this was going to happen. You had hardly seen them in months and you were hurt and just tired of the neglect and the deep feeling that you were just a third wheel. The love they felt for you, in your mind, was long gone, for it they cared won’t they be here right now? Would they at least be home more often and spend time with you? You stopped cooking and left everything on the counter, you needed to get out and leave. The thought of being here and just holding them back pained you more than anything. You ran to the bedroom and packed up all the things you knew were yours, you didn’t want to carry or hold on to their stuff, it would only hurt you even more. You loaded up your car and locked the door to the place before walking out, leaving the key on the table with a note, a single goodbye. And off you went to go find a place to call your own. 
You moved in with your parents for the time being, as you looked for a place. They didn’t ask too many questions, at least your father didn’t, though your mother kept trying to pry and figure out what was going on and had happened. You kept pushing her away, saying you didn’t want to talk about it. You considered even being transferred to another hospital, but you decided against it. You secretly hoped and prayed you would get a call or a text from either of them, but you never heard from them. It was almost as if you were doing them a favor when you walked out that day. 
It was another normal shift at the hospital, and you were treating a patient when the doors swung open, you kept stitching up the person as you told the person at the door to wait. 
“Y/N I don’t have time to fucking wait, we need to talk. Now.” An angry voice called out, and you didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. You took in a deep breath, trying to fight back the tears that were wanting to spill out.  
“My apologizes Dynamight, but I am with a patient right now. If you’ll just give me a few more moments, I’ll be happy to discuss the issue you have.” You put on your customer service voice and face, pausing for a split second to turn and smile at your ex boyfriend. You heard him grumble as he walked out, slamming the door shut behind him. You apologized to the patient, but they were too awestruck to care. 
You walked out of the room when a hand grabbed you and pulled you away to an empty room. You went to protest, trying to explain that he shouldn’t be here, in the hospital or in this room. But you didn’t stand a chance, because as soon as you opened your mouth, he had already begun shouting. 
“Where the fuck have you been Y/N? Eijiro and I came home to find you and your stuff gone. We thought a villain had got you at first but soon realized you just left once we found the note. Are you really that much of a coward you had to break up and leave us via a note?” He shouted, his face red as could be. You hated yelling and being yelled at, but at this moment, you knew you had to stand your ground. 
“How else was I supposed to Bakugou? You and Kirishima are never home, I hardly ever see or hear from the two of you and when I do you hardly even notice I exist! I was a third wheel in my own fucking relationship!” You yelled back, tears rolling down your face. Though you weren’t sure if they were because you were hurting or you were just that angry. 
“We are pro heroes dumbass, we are gone a lot, having to save people. We can’t be there to baby you all the time. It isn’t just all about you, ya know. And god sorry we can’t give you the little happy fairytale love story you want, we can’t give you kisses in public or hug you cause…” 
You interrupted him, responded in almost a mocking tone. “Yeah cause the world doesn’t understand and it would put me in danger. Blah blah blah. I don’t care anymore, let me die or get kidnapped by some pathetic villains, if it means I get to actually see and get love from my own boyfriends.” 
You took a deep breath and went to look at him, when you felt a sharp pain in your cheek. He had slapped you. You grabbed your face, and started to cry even more so. You turned towards the door, ignoring his pleas and apologizes. Right as you stepped out of the door, you turned around briefly and whispered out, “Congratulations on the engagement by the way Dynamight, wish you all the best on a happy marriage.” 
After the argument, you went to your supervisor and told them a family emergency had come up and you needed to go right away, of course, they believed you and let you go home. You cried the entire car ride home, and busted through the doors to your parents sobbing. Your mom was the only one home, and upon hearing you come home she came to greet you, only to find you a sobbing mess on the floor. She held you close and comforted you, for once not trying to force you to talk about it.
It took some time, but as you calmed down you began to explain everything to your mother, going as far back as the days at UA. You told her about your past relationship with the two pro heroes and how it all crumbled and fell apart. You explained why you left them and the hospital incident that happened only mere hours ago. She stayed silent and listened, letting you speak and cry, only rubbing your back softly when you started to get worked up again. You finally got through the entire story and looked at your mom, your eyes puffy from all the crying. Her only response was pulling you into a tight hug, holding you close. 
“It may hurt now Y/N, but I promise you’ll find someone or several who love you and will appreciate you. Who will make time for you whether they are pro heroes or not. Heartbreak is never easy, but you can get through this, I’ll be here to help and support you until then.” She spoke out, giving you a smile before placing a small kiss on your forehead. You gave her a sad smile and hugged her again tightly. Sure you and your mom didn’t always get along, or agree on everything, but you knew at the end of the day she would always have your back. 
A few more months had passed and you had moved out from your parents, getting an apartment of your own nearby. The past months had been rough but you had made it through, with the help of a therapist. She recommended you get an emotional support animal to help you feel less alone and help with the anxiety you suffered from. So that’s what you did, you got a cat, whom you named Ghost. Finally things were coming together for you, work was going well, you were healing from the mental pain, and you had a place of your own. 
You had just finished moving in, and were just putting things where they belonged, when you heard a faint knock on the door. You assumed it was your mother as she had been pestering you about helping you get settled, so you hollered that the door was unlocked, before you heard it open and close quietly. You finished putting a few things away in the kitchen before walking out to the living room hoping to see your mom, but instead greeted by the pro hero Red Riot, also known as your ex Eijiro Kirishima. 
“What...what are you doing here? How did you even find me? Only my mom knows I live here and she would never dare to give it to you,” You spat out at him, trying to hide your shaky hands. He stepped towards you and tries to pull you into a hug. Part of you wanted to hug him, dying to have this moment for oh so long. But the rest of you shoves him away and stares at him, anger filling your eyes. 
“You can’t show up after not talking to me or even acknowledging that I exist for months on end and then expect me to be all happy to see you. Hell, you still haven’t even told me how you found my fucking my apartment!!” You yelled, fighting back the tears that so desperately wanted to spill out. 
“Y/N...listen to me, first of all I’m a pro hero it isn't too hard to find your address, I am a pro hero, but your mom may have given it to me, after I did some explaining of course. Please, just let me explain and talk to you, after that you can kick me out and never speak to me again for all I care.” Kirishima said, looking at you, waiting for some confirmation that you would hear him out. You simply nodded and gestured for him to sit down on the couch. You sat down on the other end of the couch, staring at him, waiting for him to start. 
“We didn’t mean to leave you out, at first we did get busy and behind on hero work. Then we all just got busy and you seemed distant and well, Bakugou didn’t handle it well, and thought it would be best to do the same to you. I didn’t want to, but it just slowly happened. And soon enough we all had just distanced ourselves from each other, er well you seemed to have pushed us away while Bakugou and I pushed you away. We got consumed in ourselves as well as our hero work. And then everything else happened so fast and before we knew it, you were gone. At first we both thought we were going to be fine, and we went about our daily lives, but then it hit me. You were gone, and I knew it was my fault, well both of ours, Bakugou and I, anyway.” He paused and looked at you, and you looked away, not wanting to make eye contact with him. 
“Y/N, it’s not the same without you. I love Bakugou so much but god I love you so much too. It isn’t the same without you, it’s almost as if something or someone for that matter, is missing. And as tough as Bakugou tries to be, it’s clear he misses you too. You help hold us together, you are the glue in the relationship and without you we are falling apart. I don’t expect you to come running back and forgive us for the pain we put you through, but at least give us another chance, whether that means taking things slow or just at least talking to us again, anything?” He finished up what he was saying, and you felt his eyes burning a hole into your head with the intense stare. You glanced up and saw tears running down his face, and it pained you. A part of you so desperately wanted to hug him and just forgive him and Bakugou. But you couldn’t give in and go back that easily. 
“I’m sorry, I just need time. I loved you both, more than life itself, but if we were to get back together, I don’t wanna be the partner who is hidden, I don’t want to be the third wheel in my own relationship again, I can’t do that. I wanna go on dates with you and Bakugou. I wanna be able to hug you and kiss you when you come by the hospital. I want to feel like I’m in a relationship and feel involved! I want to feel loved again, like I felt when we attended UA.” You could no longer hold back the tears as the dam opened. “God Eijiro, I loved you so much. I wanted a future with you and Katsuki but we all fucked up, the relationship we had back in our UA days was nothing more than some high school romance. I just got in the way and became the third wheel in your relationship with Katsuki.” 
Kiri stared at you, almost as if he was at a loss for words, which you imagined he was. This was the first time you really opened up about all this. You knew you should have opened up about this sooner but how were you supposed to when both of them were gone constantly. You took the chance, as silence filled the room to wipe the tears off your face and do what needed to be done. 
“In due time, maybe we all can be friends, but I need time to heal and fix myself. And right now, that means I need you to leave Eijiro.” You stood up and watched him quietly do the same and leave. As soon as the door shut the dam broke all over again. Your heart shattered a second time because of the two pros, but it wouldn’t be healthy to just jump back in head first, without taking time to test the waters and relearn not only who they are but also relearn about yourself. You loved them both and a part of you yearned to be with them again, but for now, this was for the best. 
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lady-ladee · 3 years
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My grandpets Toffee and Lilli.
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tammyfeabakker · 3 years
Good morning mates!! 3 full weekends. Baby sat my grandsons baby sat my grandpets baby sitting my grandkids again. My daughter Katy. Walked me into this one. I love them I do but its exhausting. 10 years ago I had my grandson 3 days a week consecutively... my daughter sara thinks I can do this 10 years later. My second grandson is a ball of energy. He never sits down at all. He is very attached to his mother. The last 2 times we attempted this he jus cried running a fever. I'll always help out . But this just sucks the life out of me especially when he cries like he is being murdered. My sara says well he dont know you.. I'm like fuck you he dont know me. I'm one of the first faces he has seen. And has seen. We video chat everyday. We have family fun day... when the pools opened they are here more. Doesnt know me I'm up there too. He is fucking teething 18 months old going into terrible 2s.. and your dumping him with a stranger. That mix drive any grandmom insane. Me and craig need a break 😳. No my first grandson needs a break c.j. he needs a break. You think I'm tense. Sara needs to calm down. C.j. is a great kid. She snaps on him. Its tense up there craig jobs sucks sara hears it everyday. This covid shit and getting the vaccine.( I heard you have to become a national whatever that is. Fill out a form show your drivers license. How true idk. Then you become a national you dont have to get the shot. ) craig refuses to get weed he just gets depressed. Ok so how the fuck did I get involved my Katy said oh I'll watch the kids. That means mom too. I'm like katy you unleashed the kraken! On us! Take a teething baby running a fever sara has him so spoiled. Katy said well he dont know us sara said. I said he is fucking teething! I get no sleep I'm anxiety out. My juice I cant get know more. I'm on amino acids the depression is at bay but my anxiety levels are strong out. I have to work 6 days next week. Went from bored into shit show. Between this friend of mine coming here not a friend anymore to emily wanting to move out told chloe the last fucking minute into her bosses apartment over her job. Big mistake! Now her boss is a flake and giving her bad advice. Now emily put herself in a bad position. Emily eats rainbows shits butterflies. The woman renting the apartment doesnt know what's shes doing. She doesn't pay her rent all the time. She might be moving to Minnesota that's another story. Emily's boss pressures her emilys mom is going to step in. Emily's boss needs to get her facts together before she gives advice. She has no clue what postion she putting emily into. With a month to month at her old place. I have to deal wit this on top of watching a baby I supposing dont know me but really teething.. emily is stuck now.. because I told her sue has 2 weeks to get bonnie out of there is no month 2 month on your old apartment that ain't happening! If the bosses apartment was clear it would be ok. But it ain't. My daughters lives dont revolve around the loser who rents the apartment. I need a vacation.
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princelysome · 3 years
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The grandpets in Charleston WV.
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redacpstuff · 7 years
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This one goes out to all the Grandpaws out there. Whether you have grandkids or like me only have grandpets this one is sure to get some awwws. #grandpaw #grandpet #doglovers #catlovers #petlovers #animallovers http://ow.ly/jmmM30iVuvB
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ihatecispeople · 6 years
people born in the 21st century cant even say they’ve lived in two different millennia. being an adult and not even having the innate knowledge that you’ll be able to tell your grandkids or grandpets or whatever that ur an ancient human being born in the same millennia as practically every cool historic person out there. epic fail, i say!
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bm2ab · 2 years
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Arrivals & Departures 28 December 1944 - 02 April 2022 William DeFazio Sr.
William "Bill" Anthony DeFazio Sr., 77, formerly of Fairfield, CT and devoted husband of Maryann DeFazio, passed away peacefully on Sunday April 2, 2022 after a long battle with COPD. His last days on this earth were spent at Halifax Health Hospice in Orange City, FL, surrounded by his family. Bill was born on December 28, 1944 in Port Chester, NY, and grew up in Greenwich, CT. 
After graduating from Greenwich High School, he proudly served as a member of the United States Air Force from 1962-1966 and continued to be a lifelong supporter of veteran causes. He met Maryann on a blind date set up by one of his closest friends, James Flynn. Maryann went on the date in the place of a sick friend (as the family story goes, she thought he was a rich guy from Greenwich, he thought she was a fast gal from the Bronx, and it turns out they were both wrong). They married on October 19, 1968 and ultimately settled the family in Fairfield in 1975, where they raised their two children, Bill Jr. and Kim. 
Bill attended Sacred Heart University and was a computer programmer for Clairol, Perkin Elmer and Avon Products. One of his favorite things was chatting with the "regulars" on his Metro North commute. He could engage in conversation with pretty much everyone and at the same time never had a bad thing to say about anyone. Sometimes he even tried to (unsuccessfully) play matchmaker between the children of fellow commuters and Bill Jr's single friends. 
He was also a die-hard sports fan, (especially when it came to the Yankees, the New York Giants and local youth and adult sports) and spent considerable time coaching and attending countless baseball, softball, hockey and flag football games. He was a devoted father and husband and worked multiple jobs to pay for the college tuitions of his two children. Bill decided to move from Connecticut to Florida after Maryann's death in 2018. 
A special thank you to Camille, Gonzalo, Christine, Josh, Maya, Marissa and Justin for the support they provided for Bill during his time in Florida; and to the first responders and health care professionals who continuously go above and beyond to help the sick and injured.
Bill will be lovingly remembered by his son, William (Bill) Jr. and his wife Deborah; daughter, Kimberley; grandsons Dylan and Zayden; siblings-in-law, John (Maryanne) Mallozzi and Camille (Gonzalo) Rosa; nephews and nieces, John (Teri) Mallozzi, and Michael (Shannon) Mallozzi, Christine (Josh) Pierce, and Marissa (Justin) Perez; and his beloved dachshund, Manny. He was preceded in death by his wife, Maryann; his parents, Anthony DeFazio and Josephine (DeFazio) Lowden; his grandson Forest; and many four-legged family members. 
A Memorial Service celebrating Bill's life will be held at the Old Post Tavern in Fairfield, CT, on Saturday, June 18th from 1pm to 4pm. The Funeral Services will be Private. 
The family acknowledges that Bill prefers donations be made to one of the following organizations: The Epilepsy Foundation https://epilepsyfoundation.givenow.stratuslive.com/donate in memory of his grandson, Forest Ruddy; and Thank Dog Rescue, https://thankdogrescue.org/donate/ in memory of his many pets and grandpets.
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geezerwench · 3 years
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#AdventCalendarDay25 because I'm special like that. 🤣 With the pets' and grandpets' names in order of appearance. #MerryChristmas to us! #25December2021 #Christmas2021 #AdventCalendar #OrigamiSwan (at Susquehanna Trails, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX7nXnkthRj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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