#syl & winnie
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soloavengers · 8 months ago
Was gonna say a little something about NG+ Syl lore and it derailed into a Syl & Pawns ramble.
NG+ lore thought of the day, each pawn was maybe harder for Syl to click with at the beginning. Safe for Eidolyn, the feeling was mutual. Part of it is the idea of having a pawn, whether he remembers his past or not, feels wrong. The loss of his only family made him feel absolutely alone in the world, overwhelming unless he accepted it, which he thought he did.
If Syl had his memories, he would have created a pawn copy of his father, but he longed for someone who would need him as much as he needed them, someone as lonely as he was. So, Winnie. When he saw her the name of his “pet” wolf from childhood popped up in his head and he named her. He didn’t realize he needed her also in a sense of survival. God won’t let him die he gave him a pawn that can magically appear and pull him away from danger by the scruff kicking and screaming.
They were both still grieving, whether they realized it or not — most importantly they had completely opposite ways of dealing with it. His self-destructive behavior and Winnie’s anxious carefulness on their own would not be healthy, but together it healed the both of them.
Syl growing up with his mother in the next cycle, the grief was slightly different. Nonetheless, loneliness should have has an effect. This time, he got a snarky sulky pawn, he was not happy. Thorne wasn’t either, but he was more confused than anything. It was hard to adapt to having a new Arisen, and one so different. It was extremely strange to him how the Arisen falls into line better than his old soldiers when he shouts at him not to fight so recklessly near the edge of a cliff. Syl often didn’t realize he was bossed around by his own pawn til later, when thinking about pointing it out made him feel bad. He can be a capable enough leader, but that idea was bordering on controlling in ways he wasn’t comfortable with. And that’s why he was right for Thorne after all the atrocities his old Arisen made him do. Thorne was most pleased to have an Arisen who needed him to survive, rather than conquer — too bad he was so stubborn.
Eidolyn’s face was familiar like a punch in the gut. Syl can’t remember, but he hates looking at him, it’s accompanied by so much guilt and confusion. The pawn’s kindness feels wrong, but Eidolyn came to exist with so much of the love and devotion Winnie and Thorne had for him, so the avoidance he gets is a bit hurtful - he would prove himself somehow.
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soloavengers · 9 months ago
I love the “-you see.” like
 the Arisen doesn’t remember
 and they want them to
Pawns remember!
First time I heard Wyd directly reference a different quest outcome from a prior NG+ run (I didn't do the phantom oxcart quest until now, my fourth run).
Lore implications
This means your pawn remembers everything that happened in the prior cycle.
I'm choosing to believe that also means they keep their free will, even if gameplay mechanic wise, you have to build the affinity back up. Mayhaps you can view it as you having to show your pawn that this new iteration of you is still the same.
I know pawns recognize you in NG+ ("I knew you would not leave this world behind!"), but this direct reference to prior happenings is even better imo.
[Side note: I know pawns can also reference different quest outcomes when hired, but they'll say something like "If only my master beyond the rift would have known...", so this is defo main pawn specific dialogue.]
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ourxcountryadventure · 8 years ago
August 19, 2017 Day 18: SPECTACULAR SUPERIOR
Our campsite revealed itself to us this morning with the sunrise. Aaron Provincial Park has large campsites that are well maintained and relatively private from one another.
Breakfast and on the road by 9 which was our goal as we aimed to get to Sault Ste Marie tonight.
It’s a fairly remote drive across the Trans Canada Highway, the forested landscape punctuated only by lakes and wetlands and the odd settlement between Dryden and Thunder Bay.
We stopped at the Terry Fox Monument for a picnic lunch and to again marvel at the legacy of this amazing Canadian. I am so glad that the kids are moved by the story of Terry Fox and his story.
It is such an important reminder for all of us that we can work to make a difference in this world. Our visit here made me consider even more the current conflict and debate that is happening in the United States around their monuments and what some of them represent. I was filled with a renewed sense of pride of my Canadian citizenship.
We have been traveling together for too long as evidenced by the quarrel we had when Syl chose to stop at a dingy old Shell station in Terrace Bay instead of one of the many scenic lookouts along the shore of Lake Superior. He got his nose out of joint and continued driving and then refused to stop until we reached Marathon. Just before we reached the town sign, the weather drastically changed; it became cloudy and the temperature dropped suddenly 8 degrees. It was almost spooky! But oh the town! something has happened to Marathon - it appears it is slowly dying with many abandoned buildings and shuttered stores. It was Saturday night at 6pm and there was very little traffic pedestrian or otherwise. We looked for the scenic area but we didn’t find it. I was almost convinced the Shell Station would have been a better choice for a stop.
White River home of Winnie the Pooh is a favourite place for the kids because they have the “best playground”. In particular a spinny cup-like contraption that is the favourite of one Simon Cloutier Austin. On this day he begged to pull over and we did but alas there was an army of preschool children and their parents who also realized the charm of the park and Simon’s 13 year old self refused to get out for a ride. 😱
The fog disappeared further on down the highway and the temperature righted itself until we reached Wawa when again we drove into dense fog so thick that even the famous Wawa Goose was invisible to us. By now it was growing dark and the threat of fog and warnings of animals on the highway, the most significant being moose, was making us concerned about finding a spot to be for the night.
We did a search and knew that there were campsites available in Rabbit Blanket Lake Campground 30km away (quite the name!) in Lake Superior PP and at Pancake Bay (230km away). We hoped the fog would dissipate i outside of town and allow us to get as far as Pancake Bay and luckily it did! We were having such a great conversation that the 2.5 hours flew by and we almost did too–right past the campground at Pancake Bay. We found an available site, loaded all 5 of us into the camper, much like our very first night, and had our last camping sleep of our holiday.
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soloavengers · 7 months ago
Pawn Behaviors - Beyond the Rift
𓆩 Winterheart đ“†Ș
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[template] - [thorne’s]
Excited when prompted to lay out a plan for a battle to come.
Controlled and thinks at least twice before acting. Most of the time, except when comes a moment where she must urgently protect a companion.
Comes off as passive aggressive and sarcastic, though she truly means well. Chastising you means she deeply cares.ᥣ𐭩
^ Not exactly in-line with her inclination, though calm pawns are like that, it’s more of her old Straightforward-ish self peeking through. More often than she’d like or admit

Grumpy, especially in mornings.
If one complimented a painting she’s working on, she might offer it to them to keep.
She’s good at navigating around forests, thanks to things her Arisen had taught her. Though she might be even better at it than him for some reasons - like being less forgetful and harder to distract, there could be more to it.
She’s a good storyteller, should one need to hear a comforting tale for whatever reason, they need but to ask.
Winnie crashes hard when plagued, it confuses her how powerful yet oh so tired she feels.
She has no time for anything but battle, not even planning — especially not planning. Onward to the next fight!! Else she’s out cold, snoring even.
Winnie carries her grief over her old Arisen with her at all times, in the way she regards the others.
Her protectiveness over the Arisen is hard to shake, her opinions on them always comes second, for they deserve to see their journey through (and no pawn should go through the pain she went through if she can help it.)
Whether in her world or another, she’s professional with other pawns — but it’s not difficult to gain her as a friend, especially should she have attitudes and interests in common with them.
Should Winnie find a pawn unable to take care of their Arisen, she feels a bit of resentment towards them that she cannot help. She would try her best to offer advice, and help the Arisen herself (more than by way of providing curtives,) should they accept it.
She has a weakness for gossip, guilty of talking privately to pawns about the silliest of things (like romance) in the quietest whispers.
A sure sign that she considers one a friend, is a flower crown made with flowers she collected during the journey — one might say it’s a representation of it.
She’s a lover of nature, humans, and art. It’s evident in her actions more than her words.
If a pawn proposed the idea of taking a brief repose, she might agree - but she very rarely asks for that herself. There’s always time later in her opinion, still she might look a tiny bit disappointed if they must press on.
Sometimes she lags behind plucking flowers.
Observant, cautious, and unwavering.
She’s most often a warrior, so she prefers larger enemies, the slower to dodge her hits the better.
Winnie is braver the less her companions are, such reaction is less dependent on the enemy, but nonetheless — (my girl carried against the purgeners while I ran around panicking.)
➔ NPC's: 
Winnie is particularly eager to help when a child is involved, a rescue? She’s already there.
Glaring daggers more painful than any poison during the Poisonous Proposal quest. She might have tried to convince Syl not to take it, to no avail.
I love calling her Winnie! Though she is Winnie mostly to Syl (she’s politely telling others to drop the Ser, and it’s Winter for short!) Not that she wouldn’t answer to Winnie from anyone or comment about it. Worst you one could do is call her by her old / original name, but none would know it, right?
I am always ready to ramble about her part in my NG+ bullshit, even though *vitally* who knows how it happened? What if the Will of the world exploded with the death of Nex / Pathfinder slash etc and it allowed her deep wishes to come true, making both a cycle and a happy ending? She’s human after the ending because she longed to be one in this recent life — as much as she hated having to take up Syl’s soul (a process which she is too aware of thanks to her former Arisen’s knowledge on the bond,) her wish was for Syl to live as well. Because I can have it so.
Winnie met Thorne and Rani and watched them lose their Arisen (Sparrow and Aser. In some timeline — because it wasn’t my original intention for them to fail uhh,) later than she had lost hers, after all they went through, and all the love they had for their Arisen. She was heartbroken and wished them the second chance she got with Sylvas.
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soloavengers · 11 months ago
old post but reminded me of the insane times. i have 22hrs on a character creator

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soloavengers · 10 months ago
some Syl & Winnie <3
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soloavengers · 10 months ago
finally compiled the two back to back transportation fail
 best believe i walked to bakbattahl on foot after the griffin, i feared finding out what the game would’ve cooked up the third time
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soloavengers · 7 months ago
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second pawn enrichment ✅
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soloavengers · 11 months ago
if i knew it was possible i would’ve carried at least 3 ferrystones worth of more characters, but it’s for the best i just took sven who i want as the beloved
....sphinx called me a whore... it's not my fault everyone in this world is thirsty af!!
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soloavengers · 8 months ago
Syl & Winnie’s last night -
This should be a fanfic but I want it out of my head asap without making it a WIP that might rot and grow too long so have some fresh short unedited pain written at 6am.
A full Seafloor Shrine got a tavern somehow, was not easy to do when suppliers can’t do their thing, but the bartenders put all their existing products together and reached a deal. A temporary thing such as they hoped the life in the shrine would be. Many people rejoiced the semblance of the addition brought.
Fearfully procrastinating the last beam once he was done helping around, Syl was happy to accept Lamond’a invitation for a drink. They both changed out of their armor - unfortunately he got into a little fight before Lamond could arrive.
Winnie thought something like this might happen. Syl had been on edge since their reunion, if he wasn’t faking a smile he was wide eyed and tense, weary and off his game during fights. She doubted he slept whenever she managed to. He considered her new armor and weapon before his own. Winnie worried about him as much as he worried for the sake of the world, but unlike Syl, concern made her fight her hardest. Secretly she was mad at herself for knowing better how to fight than how to console him these days, secretly she felt heartbroken that he never spoke, for in their journey it became easy for him to speak his feelings to her.
Winnie felt like she was waiting for a dam to break, so she was ready when it finally began to. Dragging him away quietly as he continued shouting insults, she wasn’t sure what it was about, some Battahli man might have uttered something about her under his breath. She could guess what it was he said, she so hated that this was the final straw.
She kept walking, into the ruins up some stairs, at some point Syl pushed her away and began walking at a bit of a distance. Something petulant in his attitude still, she cannot help her fondness battling her concern.
“Lamond’s probably wondering-“
“We’ll go back there, and you’ll maybe apologize to that man, then have a good time.”
He wrapped his around his chest and glared, “I’m not apologizing. Pawns shouldn’t be talked about that way after all your help.”
Winnie shrugged, “I care not what they say. we don’t fight for praise, I do it for you.”
He stopped, glanced at the loyal pawn. Her face showed not a single touch of doubt in those words. Syl looked at the beam which pierced the red cloudy skies and then down at the water damaged stone.
“I’m sorry about that.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. Not to me at least.”
“Yes I do. And I’m sorry,” his voice shook, Winnie’s own heart trembled and she stepped to stand next to him. “I’m sorry you have to be with me.”
She blinked, frowning as she looked at him. Tears were soon streaming down his cheeks and — while this was a moment she had been expecting— it was not like this. Not with that nonsensical apology.
“What?” Winnie asked with harsh confusion.
As soon as her hand touched his shoulder he folded down, crouched on the ground with head buried in his arms. She knelt beside him.
“I don’t know what I’ve done!”
“Nothing,” She said softly, suddenly it felt as if it was the first time she’d seen a human distraught. Her heart was in her throat and she didn’t want to hear anymore from him. Dreading the sobs to come, but accepting whatever tears may fall on her shoulder.
Syl shook his head, his reddened eyes looking at her. he sniffled. “No, it must’ve been something. Nothing so cruel should be without reason.”
Spoken so softly, so mournfully, somehow only she could’ve understood his words.
“I’m sorry.” As Winnie wrapped her arms around him, his wept on her cloak.
“Stop saying that.”
He said nothing as he cried, she felt pleased with herself for having brought him somewhere with no one to see him like this. It wasn’t that she thought it shameful, but she knew what it would make some feel. Would seeing the Arisen like this make anyone’s heart ache as much as hers did?
“I wished this an illusion. Some sick humor,” he sniffled. “What is left to do now? What will be of our world — why did you have to be here?”
“I-“ She always knew what to say, what to do. Winnie prided herself in knowing humans well, in understanding him most of all. But at that moment she felt so painfully clueless as her own tears fell on him.
“What will become of you? Why did you have to be dragged down with me?” It felt no longer like sad ramblings, she needed to say something. Even if it wouldn’t ease his pain.
“You wanted me.”
His cries against Winnie shook her, a fist clinched her cloak, she rubbed a hand up and down his other arm.
“I don’t want you anymore,” the words shook with sobs, so he repeated them over and over til the crying won out, and all he could do was wail his misery away in her arms.
Winnie understood what he meant, she understood it perfectly and thought he might try and wish that upon a thousand stars and yet nothing will make it true. He’d never mean it, so nothing can take her away from him. Nothing can take him away from her. Not even the end of the word, so long as she lives, not a single thing could dare. No matter the curve their journey took, memories and their bond could make her brave anything, Winnie wished he could find strength in that as well. Ever he was lead by good intentions, she had enough hope for the both of them.
She told him as much, she softly spoke until he calmed.
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soloavengers · 11 months ago
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thanks for confirming my theory that pawns trade in their brains when you hand them a greatsword.
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soloavengers · 9 months ago
I am like 80% sure that max affinity pawns say two different “Dreams Apart” dialogue, the rarer one for their affinity. I thought so when Winnie said this and it was different than the usual referencing dialogue.
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The usual one IIRC:
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This is the dialogue Thorne most often says:
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Post brought to you by, Thorne punching me in the guts with his rarer dialogue:
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soloavengers · 10 months ago
I don’t change their armor as often as I do my arisen, but that could be because I change my vocation more. I like to think that when I finally find the armor for them and it stays on, it’s the one they like.
Winnie loves wearing her Brunhilda’s Embrace, but it’s wearing the Wyrmhunter’s Cloak that means a lot to her (she’s more sentimental than Syl realizes). For a warrior she hates all the big protective armors Syl got her because they travel a lot, it gets hot and uncomfortable. The ‘blessed’ piece of armor became her preference, she doesn’t run hot (or cold thanks to the cloak.) She feels light, which gives her confidence to climb on enemies and stay on longer. The only reason she changed from it at the end of their journey (after protesting a little), is trying to take the concern off Syl’s shoulders. When outside of her armor, she cares for looks just a tiny bit more than comfort.
Thorne absolutely cares how he looks, if he doesn’t like his current armor it will not stay on for very long. He makes bold suggestions when shopping, even for the arisen. He likes gold in his armor, and he has something against blue. He doesn’t mind bulk or dark colors, in fact it’s all the better if the armor makes him look fearful (to goblins and such, mind. He doesn’t want to scare away humans.) At home, he seems to be allergic to shirts, but comfortable pants of shorts are a must. He’s often cleaning his and the arisen’s armor when they don’t have much to do, and he likes it.
(a question i always have about other people's pawns: do they care about their clothes? did they choose their armour carefully, or did the arisen give it to them? do they change at the drop of a hat, or are they committed to a particular outfit? are they vain, insecure, comfortable, indifferent? what do they wear on a day off, or to bed?
i could do this as an ask thing i guess, but not sure anyone's as interested as i am, so—take this as a prompt if you like!)
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soloavengers · 10 months ago
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ft. @wokestone’s Rhea & Beckett, @arisenreborn’s babygirl Emrys <3 oh I couldn’t help myself with Raghnall
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soloavengers · 8 months ago
Weekly post DD2 ending brainrot thought the difference between Winnie and Thorne afterwards - Winnie’s love for humans and her yearning to be one, as a part of her wish fulfilled (NG+cycle of Syl with pawns of failed Arisen, a chance for them to be human) by the Will of the world being in shambles after the ending, leaves her human. For Thorne a monster is how he always viewed himself, but at some point of willingly saving, aiding and sacrificing himself for the Arisen he came to truly believe that so long as he’s in control, he is no malevolent monster. Translating to a subconscious wish to be in control of the darkness of the dragonsplague.
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soloavengers · 10 months ago
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my precious ‘pawn says something sweet when they’re reluctant to leave the house’ collection
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