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sinmalanore · 7 years ago
@grandemagistrix replied to your post: me seeing eli’s wonderful amazing beautiful...
do it nerd
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phoenixcraft-m · 7 years ago
It seemed very old habits were hard to break or at least thought buried. Her words had slipped through her lips before she could stop them. It had earned her a backhand across the face. But to her credit she did not fall as she merely glared at the offending guard. Wrists bound by magic suppressing chains, she could do nothing unless she desired death. Her cheek stung but it did not matter as she turned her attention back to this ‘Grand Magistrix’. She had few options. refuse and earn more pain and torture, comply like a good dog, or try to sway this to her advance.
Unlikely as the last but worth more than sitting in a cell with no chance of another audience. Recuse was unlikely but she was no damsels in distress.     
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“I am Lady Valethra Flamebinder of Quel'Thalas.” The Sin’dorei did not bend the knee or give any gestures of respect. Only the cold, defiant tone of her words and the fire within her golden eye. She did not allow the surprise to slip on her features. If only a ploy on the Nightborne’s part. However, was she worth an audience? To gather what her jailers could not. 
“Once an adviser, always an adviser as they say.”
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thuashdore · 7 years ago
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        ❝  ...--perhaps  now  is  a  good  time  to  admit  that  I  have  never  done  this  before.  not  quite  in  this  way,  anyway.  ❞  it  dawned  upon  her  that  she  should  have  possibly  shared  that  information  with  the  other  a  little  sooner,  though  the  half  elf  could  be  as  crafty  and  meticulous  as  any  other;  she  had  feared  rejection  had  she  been  entirely  truthful,  though  with  her  foot  now  in  the  (  albeit  metaphorical  )  door  she  could  now  be  a  little  more  open  with  her  confessions.
        ❝  eager  still,  however.  I  brought  everything  you  asked  me  to.  ❞  she  briefly  flashed  the  items  in  the  arcanist’s  direction;  quill,  ink  and  a  blank  notebook,  per  their  request.  the  paladin  had  pondered  upon  removing  her  armour  and  donning  more  casual  clothing,  though  when  placed  within  unfamiliar  territory  she  deemed  it  unwise  to  leave  her  belongings  laying  around.  mages  could  cast  in  armour...  right?  the  thought  swirled  in  her  mind,  though  was  quick  to  be  pushed  aside;  Dawnstrider’s  eagerness  and  curiosity  remained  the  forefront  of  her  focus.
        ❝  ...you’ll  still  have  me,  yes?  ❞
@grandemagistrix gets a thing owo
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rightfulxqueen · 7 years ago
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Manners my dearest Eliasande. You speak to a Princess after all.” Her title long ago as one of the elite of even among the Highborne. Waving a clawed finger at the Magistrix like she was a child as her words were silvery and oh so poisonous. The Nightborne was right not to to trust her. Weariness was good. Running a hand from her chest down with her other hand as her tail curled around much like a snake ready to strike. “Can I not visit an old acquaintance? It is I - Nylusa Ravenlance in the flesh.” A choir of hisses came from her serpent hair coils as she waved her hand. Weaving a spell as she stood as she once in a cloud of mist.
Beautiful and jeweled. Her silky purple hair flowing down in waves across her back. Smoothing down the gown as she dared to stride closer to the would be ruler. Perhaps it was an illusion of sorts or that she had found a way to reverse the cruse for a certain amount of time. Who was to say but the Witch herself.
Her golden eyes ablaze with light like the moon. The richest of golds and brightest of stars. Once she was to be her queen long ago. Maybe it was still to be. “Oh dear, so hostile. Have it your way my sweet. What if I told you I’ve come to prevent you to make the same mistake as Azshara? Or maybe that I’ve come to make a deal with you hmm~?”
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tarengos · 7 years ago
starter call: ACCEPTING. for @grandemagistrix
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Lawful neutral, most dragons found themselves as such. Yet, their keen interest in the lesser races had them, more often, standing by the sides of those who dare to want prosperity for this world and all others. So, when the time came to release the veil upon the Broken Isles, Tarengos found himself filled with a desire for more. Power exuded from the isles that seeped with ancient history. He felt the gentle humming of the Pillars of Creation. Such a power, he dared only to dream of it.
The existence of Suramar had always been known, but the secrets under the shield were what he needed to have. While he heard the call from Kalecgos, now a part of the Kirin Tor, he felt inclined to join the fight against the Legion. The Legion was, after all, a threat to all existence including himself. Still, he had his own needs that he would satiate first.
He would have to be careful. After all, he knew Gul’dan was hidden somewhere in the city. Khadgar had speculated as much. There was a reason the city of Suramar gleamed to those who desired raw, unbound power. Beyond their people who’ve now changed from once Kaldorei into mana thirsty Nightborne, the font of power called to any who sought it.
So, when he found himself in the city limits and the shield down, it was no wonder that his fascination in the Grande Magistrix only grew. Adorned in a skin that was a beautiful combination of Kaldorei and Nightborne, he walked freely. Only those willing enough to see the truth would see just what he was. Tarengos was a natural at hiding in plain sight.
The armor had been easy to obtain, the Duskwatch eager to build their ranks. Some had looked at him deeply, understanding that he held a power they could not understand. Still, he eluded them. There was one, however, who would see right through him. He wanted her to. For, if he was to achieve what he wanted, he had to go through her first.
“Grande Magistrix,” he said, his voice deep with a velvet touch. The six feet, eight inches elven creature swept the floor in an honorable bow. “I was hoping for a moment of your time. Trust,” he said before she could protest. “I understand the value in it.” It was that moment when he looked directly into her starlit eyes, willing her to see.
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grandemagistrix · 8 years ago
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                “ -- and I beheld a vision that even the stars fell into entropy...”                              “I take no joy in telling you so. It is simply -- inevitable.”
                                       of she.  court rules. 
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arcaneul-blog · 8 years ago
🔪face (bih have you seen her gold claws them slaps hurt)
                                          MEME ll accepting
         The second the hand connects with his face - he forgets what they were ARGUING about. 
         Khadgar goes RIGID, his countenance turned to the side, where a large, red print begins blooming on his cheek, PUNCTUATED by small, bloody lines. He has to stand there and PROCESS the gesture, to bring himself BACK from the brink of a dangerous and self-absorbed RAGE. How /DARE/ she strike HIM? The Leader of the Kirin Tor, the man who had SACRIFICED so much to protect this land-
                      No. He was just that. A man. But he DEMANDED respect.
         One hand curls TIGHTLY around Atiesh, the other SNAPS out, CLUTCHING at her wrist in a manner that is NOT entirely unthreatening. His gaze is LEVELED with her own, and those eyes glow JUST a bit brighter, dangerous arcane BLOOMING beneath the surface. When he speaks it’s TEMPERED, wise, but not without some effort. 
              “ If you want to view yourself as an equal, which you certainly                     should - I would suggest you consider the consequences                     the next time you raise a hand against me. ”
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bpw-blog1 · 8 years ago
grandemagistrix: it's better to be felonous than a 2 year old scalie
better to have scales than pompadour regalia that serves no purpose other than for looks.
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necroarchived · 7 years ago
     @ all the people I’m following whom I haven’t interacted with or spoken to yet ‘cause I’m a dummy and I can’t figure out a way to get this walking pile of bad decisions to talk with your muses: y’all are great and it’s nice seeing you on my dash.
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thuashdore · 7 years ago
lets continue, @grandemagistrix
laughter spilled from puce lips, bitter, HARSH, spitting of utter disbelief. eyes glowing,ASTRAL ARCANE — for once the magistrix did not know if the storm that brewed was one of tempestuous fury or mourning, wailing sadness. “ TIME !! ” she exclaimed; as if she ( azeroth’s greatest temporal mage ) had heard the word for the first time & was only now announcing it with surprise.
“i have seen an incomprehensible amount of TIME,” her bejewelled hand, adorned with a claw-tip for her pointer finger was shaking; sigils seared into flesh FLARED as the indignation settled, frigid temperatures suffocating the air’s warmth — control over her wild, unrivaled power LAPSING. “— do you honestly, truly, absolutely believe that i have not considered every single FATHOMABLE possibility?”
icicles doted her arms; tickled at the bottom of bare feet. plush lips curl back to reveal primal fangs BARED. “there will NEVER be enough time. even if the legion is defeated, a greater evil is always born from darker shadows. no, they are not the problem that needs fixing. it is i.”
hand lowers. eyes close && the ice melts into a puddle that she absentmindedly steps out of. a slow EXHALE — “ & i am far too selfish to sacrifice myself willingly.”
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        the  paladin  did  not  falter  despite  the  tempest  that  began  to  surround  her.  the  incredible  use  of  arcane;  the  power  Elisande  brought...  it  was  unwavering,  and  yet  Bo’dariel  dared  not  flinch.  her  words  resonated  with  her;  echoed  between  her  ears.  she  listened;  pondered;  shook  her  head.  
        ❝  no  --  I  do  not  believe  you  have  not  considered  your  options.  I  do  believe  that,  like  the  rest  of  us,  you  are  stuck  within  the  grasp  of  time;  prone,  then,  to  free  will;  to  decision  making  that  can  never  truly  be  objective.  you  do  what  you  feel  is  right  for  yours  --  and  your  people’s  --  preservation.  some  of  them,  anyway.  ❞  she  thought  back  to  Thalyssra  then;  to  the  fallen.  she  stood  proudly  with  their  cause,  yet  also  knew  that  there  just  had  to  be  more;  something  that  they  hadn’t  thought  about.
        something  beyond  their  own  thoughts  --  but  not  beyond  everybody’s  thoughts.
        ❝  there  can  be  no  stopping  evil;  only  a  maintenance  of  balance.  surely  you  know  this  --  you  are  your  own  timekeeper,  Grand  Magistrix.  yet  there  are  some  events  that  are  beyond  time  itself;  events  that  defy  cosmically-calculated odds;  those  that  transcend  time  itself.  why  must  you  sacrifice  yourself  at  all,  when  you  can  fight  --  for  your  people?  for  your  home?  when  your  alternative  stands  before  you  --  they  shall  not  stop  simply  because  you  are  the  only  one  left.  they  will  take,  and  take,  and  take  --  unless  we  stop  them.  ❞
        she  was  daring;  bold,  even.  in  the  magi’s  moment  of  serenity  she  chose  to  step  forward,  offering  a  hand  out  to  her.   ❝  I  shan’t  claim  to  understand  what  you  have  seen,  but  I  understand  time  --  and  it  is  not  as  black  and  white  as  this.  please  --  help  us.  we’ve  no  need  to  fight.  what  must  be  done  to  show  you  this?  ❞
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wolfweave · 6 years ago
To that ask I sent you -
Along with the servant girl who stood at attention. The growls ceased at once as the beast all but whimpered. Regretting her difficult behavior as she made her ‘mistress’ wait. Fearing the consequences as her last punishment was still all to fresh in her mind. Escape was pointless, the rune made it so now. Violet eyes glanced at Elisande before at the lush carpets. Ears lowered in submission and fear. Henrietta would have willingly complied with the girl now if her mistress had not dismissed her. Daring a look as the Nightborne ruler made her way to her. A beautiful being of power, both she and the beast felt it. Her instincts told her to obey for survival, she could feel her magic. A tidal wave compared to her puddle of recently discovered magical ability. There was no chance and no hope. Even as she caught sudden whiffs of familiar smells. There were other races here, somewhere. Free and running around but hidden.
Henrietta didn’t speak, her voice was unpleasant as she was told once before in this form. Lessons were learned in the days and weeks of her capture. Alone and treated poorly before Elisande took a liking to her. A curiosity. Another whimper escaped her as she raised her head up without any difficulty. Exposing her throat to allow the neck piece to be put into place. It was embarrassing to be dressed, allowing another to do what she could do herself. Perhaps it was why it was done, a silent display of power. Reminding the poor girl that she had no power and little rights. Anything could be taken away. It was not the first time Elisande had threaten her with restrainments. Nor was it the first time she had.
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hadleythefox · 7 years ago
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“Wisdom to Elisande.”
@grandemagistrix Love your Blog and RP. Keep it up.
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spectrisconsarcio · 7 years ago
“I’m tired, come to bed and cuddle with me.”
The demon hunter had found himself a little perch just above the doors to her balcony. It was not so much "hidden" as it was just out of normal view; one would have to lean back over the railing and crane their neck around to spot him but otherwise easily found and well within earshot. Especially so from a voice that carried as much power as his mistress'.It gave him a sense of stealth and privacy where he could still watch the city and feel the wind on his face and wings. It made him feel less cramped when confined to her quarters. He caught her approach on his Sight, bust still turned his head towards her when she spoke. He huffed at her command, mildly irritated that she'd interrupt his hawk-like observation of the massive city. ... but sleep did sound swell. As soon as she mentioned it, the urge to scrub at his eyes sparked in him. He grumbled an affirmative reply to her command though he did not move right away. He waited until the latest gust of wind petered out before dropping down. He walked to her, stretching his arms and legs, extending and flapping his wings before retracting them back into the flesh of his shoulders. He shed all his garments but his kilt and horn adornments and climbed his way over the mattress to her side and burrowed into the luxurious blankets. He nuzzled his face between her cheek and pillow before sighing contentedly. He could dull his Sight but never could he turn it off completely. But the magic the Magistrix radiated was enough to overpower his senses and blind him to the sleep disruptive movements and milling about of the other auras beyond the walls. Snuggled up to her, he gave his own command. "Pet me."{ @grandemagistrix }
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ancientmana · 8 years ago
@grandemagistrix replied to your post: Unfortunate
@puerdelumine replied to your post: @grandemagistrix​ @ancientmana​ p EACE–
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bitch i’ma shank you if you come near me again.
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warrixrheart-m-blog · 8 years ago
Avran: Excuse me? A demon tainted elf like you should dare not touch my human son.
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arcaneul-blog · 8 years ago
i can slap you instead of a kiss for kiss day because i'm so loving
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         how did you know i was into that?
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