#grand chase rufus
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neo-nonero · 5 months ago
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Genderbend Lupus from Grand Chase
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articmako · 1 year ago
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"Samgyup on me~"
I used to ship these two SOOOOOOOOOO hard, back in the OG GrandChase,,, like every other day I would search RufusxRin in hopes that there would be a new post about it lol
Now it's my time to contribute to this mess B)) I found it kinda funny that I still find these two cute, Rin was (and is still, since GCC) my main, and now I'm building up my Rufus lol
Anywayyy it's 2am and I just wanted to get this off my chest LMAOOOO adios B))
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sharkurai · 2 years ago
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ship meme going around twitter, wanted to draw my Grand Chase rarepair lmao
anyone else like Harpe/Rufus in this house??
RuHarpe? idk lol
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leyonnaise · 6 months ago
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(old) underworld trio doodles!!
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chiisana-aoi-tori · 6 months ago
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cleaning up the lineart >3>
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kanavanguy · 14 days ago
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rufus fluffy
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vitikko1 · 2 years ago
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baldinar · 8 months ago
skyler does grand chase digimon lines finally (part 1)
decided to do some digimon lines for the grand chase characters, starting off with the sword wielding folks (mainly swords, specifically)
sieghart, elesis, uno, ronan, edel, and zero (bear in mind i'm working off of what i actually am able to access in our system about this series rn lol, but i thought of this because i got smacked in the face with an idea for lines for sieghart and uno)
i want to note that while a lot of ref book entry stuff is why i picked some of these digimon, i also like the idea that any digimon can be companionable, so i think that in a digimon setting, even the more "violent" digimon partners would be capable of becoming close with their GC partners. a huge thing in digimon is how the emotional state of the human partner (in this case, humanoid) affects a digimon's evolution and stability. soooo yeah.
lines explained under the cut (SUPER DUPER LONG). some liberties taken with these lines because i couldn't make them line up perfectly but i did want some little through lines here and there.
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sieghart: spadamon -> leomon (x-antibody) -> crescemon -> ancientgarurumon -> chaosmon (valdur arm)
like i said, this line along with uno's line are kind of the first i put together for this post. you're gonna need to follow with me a bit here, because this line might look like nonsense.
spadamon was chosen because, to me, it's the most go-to "rookie with a sword" there is. digimon like kotemon exist, yes, but spadamon is a member of the legend arms, which are digimon that can literally turn into weapons that other digimon can wield. spadamon's also almost always seen in a position where it's learning from another more experienced digimon. i think this parallel, alongside it being a digimon with a sword, really, makes it a good fit for sieghart as a partner. sieghart's whole deal is that when he got found by the highlanders, they taught him a whole bunch about their techniques and that's how he gained immortality. i think it's only fitting to give him a partner digimon who's associated with being already quite skilled, but needing to learn more.
leomon (x antibody) was chosen partially because i think leomon x antibody objectively rips since it wholly owns the idea of "guts from berserk's fursona) but also like. look at its ref book entry for the effect the x-antibody had on its core: "In order to defeat more fiendish Digimon to enforce its justice, it has mastered swordsmanship through intense training in addition to physical training. It freely handles the longsword "Jūga-maru" and the magical sword "Shishiou-maru", which are said to have sharpened more through countless battles, by dual wielding them, so it is definitely a "Beast Gladiator". Since its red cape was obtained when it confronted an Ultimate Digimon, it is said to be the proof of a hero."
i couldn't NOT pick the digimon literally called "Beast Gladiator." also, the decision to use x-antibody here was inspired further by the fact that the x-antibody is associated with "cheating death" in a way by becoming stronger. in other words, like sieghart, by becoming stronger in combat, leomon refused to die.
crescemon is kind of on here because i thought including one little nod to the soluna would be kind of nice. i couldn't find an ultimate i liked more, either, and crescemon is another dual-wielding digimon. while the aesthetic and ref book entries might better fit others in the chase, i also think crescemon is a good bridge between leomon (x-anti) and ancientgarurumon.
ancientgarurumon was picked for a few reasons. in part, it's the ancient warrior of light (the "sol" to crescemon's "luna," if you will). that ancient warrior thing also means that it's a digimon who is mythologized (like sieghart). its weapons of choice are also, again, swords!! another dual wielding sword user! (sieghart has like three jobs that dual wield, this was so easy to gravitate towards)
and of course, chaosmon valdur arm (VA). i chose this because it's reminiscent of omnimon (one of the many mascots of digimon), and also both extremely powerful and unstable. but also, hehe, leomon head for a sword pommel. bringing the champion back in (even if it is through bancholeomon being part of chaosmon's components). VA was chosen over regular chaosmon because i wanted to further the light theme of ancientgarurumon, rather than use darkdramon (the regular variant of chaosmon). also, chaosmon's instability works as a parallel to sieghart's rage mode; chaosmon is a digimon that can barely exist, and will either break apart or die quickly.
elesis: hackmon -> leomon -> grademon -> shinegreymon -> shinegreymon burst mode
this was a fun line!
hackmon was chosen because, similar to spadamon, it often takes a mentee role to another digimon, a member of the royal knights (gankoomon). hackmon also, however, oftentimes becomes a member of the royal knights as well. this connection to them was chosen over just using the whole hackmon line partially because elesis has some family clout, and also partially because i wanted to include a more diverse line than the hackmon -> JESmon line. also, while gankoomon may be primarily a fist-fighter, i think having a digimon partner with pre-established relationships to another as a mentee parallels nicely with elesis initially traveling in search of her father, who trained her in the way of the sword.
leomon was chosen in reference to sieghart's line, as well as the fact that in GCDC, elesis's pet is a lion. leomon is known for using hand to hand combat, but it also wields a sword like its x-antibody counterpart! and its physical combat moves are associated with fire, much like many of elesis's skills!
grademon was chosen to bridge the gap between leomon and shinegreymon. grademon is another dual wielding sword digimon! but also, its skills are said to surpass that of lordknightmon (a royal knight), bringing it back around to why i picked hackmon in the first place.
shinegreymon was chosen for a few reasons that aren't as obvious when seeing its ref book entry. it's the mega level of another agumon (one of digimon's mascots), so fitting in with the fact that elesis is kind of the face of GC, i picked it to fill that role in her digimon's line. however! shinegreymon also has a sword (it's just not visible in its ref book entry). while this sword isn't exactly like any of elesis's weapons in the game, i think the combination of having a sword, being associated with fire, and also being part of the family of digimon associated with playing a role as mascot to the franchise, makes it a good pick.
for mega+, i figured nothing better would fit than shinegreymon burst mode, as it really just dials up everything about shinegreymon. not much to say with this pick, it just makes sense since i gave elesis shinegreymon.
uno: gammamon -> duskmon -> oboromon -> tactimon -> omnimon zwart defeat
this alongside sieghart's line was the first one i had an idea for. i wanted to focus on the fact that uno, somewhat like elesis, has a relationship with sieghart (thanks to being made out of highlander blood). also, i wanted to highlight the difference in how uno's swordplay works versus the others in the series, so oboromon and tactimon are meant to help elicit that difference in style.
gammamon is a digimon associated with the GRB virus in lore, which is something he utilizes in the ghost game anime when gulusgammamon fronts. the choice for gammamon as uno's rookie is explicitly due to the fact that uno is known for losing control to his bloodlust in what little canon we've seen of him in GC.
the choice for duskmon here calls back to sieghart's line. beowulfmon is the ancient warrior of light in digimon lore, and duskmon is the corrupted human spirit of darkness. in frontier, the wielders of light and dark were twins, and duskmon in particular is associated with the leomon line thanks to both darkness evolutions purifying into leomon-adjacent digimon (lowemon and kaiserleomon respectively). this reinforces the tie that uno's line has to sieghart's twofold--- through darkness and light, and through the connection to leomon.
oboromon was chosen primarily due to a lack of other fitting digimon at the ultimate level. however, its reference book entry still fits thematically with this line, emphasizing that oboromon is a digimon who "has an unusually intense obsession with victory is because it has taken in a large amount of hatred data from the Digimon it has defeated."
at the mega level, we have tactimon, who wields a sword that it doesn't even draw from its sheath: "If it stabs the ground once it generates an earthquake, if twice it awakens one hundred dead warriors, and if thrice it collapses the surrounding land with a shock wave." in xros wars, tactimon is comprised of countless digimon who died in battle with extreme regrets and hatred in their hearts.
finally, we have omnimon zwart defeat. i'll just share this sample from its ref book entry: "The raging virus program and lingering vaccine program within its body clash with each other, causing it to become unstable, and so its wounded body continues to run wild and tire without ever recovering. Occasionally, it will restrict using both of its weapons in order to suppress any damage the instant the vaccine program pushes back and it regains its sense of self."
part of the reason i chose omni zwart d is because of its ref book entry, but i also chose an omnimon variant due to the fact that sieghart's mega+ digimon, chaosmon VA, is a variant of chaosmon (duh), which is a digimon that has a similar build to omnimon (i would wager it was designed after it in the first place). by picking an omnimon variant to parallel sieghart's chaosmon VA, i wanted to tie uno's line with his still.
ronan: rurimon -> wizardmon -> mistymon -> dynasmon -> ragnalordmon
this is almost beat for beat a stereotypical dynasmon line but i don't care, it fits ronan really well lmao. i wanted to lean into a mixture of magic and swordplay with this line.
rurimon was chosen as the rookie because it's visibly similar to agumon--- almost like a witchelny variant of agumon (witchelny is the place where a lot of magical digimon come from). ronan, as one of the first characters in the game to use swords after elesis, almost feels like a "variant" of her gameplay introduced, so i thought it would be a neat callback to ronan being among the first new swordsman characters introduced to GC by using a variant of digimon's own "mascot" (agumon is only one of them, as digimon actually has a lot). i debated using rurimon for mari, but i think i have some interesting ideas for lines for her, so i'm okay using rurimon here.
wizardmon continues the magical aspect of the line, mostly because there are very few champion level digimon that i think would fit ronan here. the mixture of different elemental magics is especially nice, and while this might limit what i'm able to use for arme's line when i do the spellcasters, i do think wizardmon fits nicely into this line.
mistymon is kind of a no-brainer--- another witchelny digimon, mistymon gets a sword and a crystal ball! who else has a sword and a little crystal thing that they fight with? that's right, ronan! mistymon fights differently with his crystal ball, but like. come on. how could i not pick the digimon whose whole deal is literally magic and swords?
dynasmon was picked because i thought using a royal knight would be a nice way to tie together ronan's relationship to noble status. dynasmon was picked because ronan also has a whole job that focuses on dragons, and what is dynasmon? a big fucking dragon that's also part of the royal knights. i didn't go with examon here mostly because dynasmon fit the line better and dynasmon also has the crystals in his palm. examon is cool, and would also fit, but again: dynasmon fits this line a little better imo, and examon is often classified a level higher than mega. dynasmon is also a digimon that has been placed in an antagonistic role before. why would i specify this here? well, who do we know that got possessed for a while and put into an antagonistic role? yup.
finally, ragnalordmon was chosen because it is the fusion between durandamon and bryweludramon. both are legend arms digimon (like spadamon in sieg's line). it's a fighter that uses both a sword and a shield (the transformed durandamon and bryweludramon). and! and! you know what bryweludramon is? A GIANT DRAGON MADE OF SHIELDS. you can't tell me that doesn't go hard as hell. only reason i didn't use bryweludramon is because i wanted the RK member for ronan's mega, but you still get to see it as ragnalordmon's sentient floating shield. i love digimon.
edel: lunamon -> sistermon (ciel) -> sistermon (ciel) awakened -> hexeblaumon -> omnimon merciful mode
i'm not gonna lie, this line kind of made itself like ronan's.
lunamon was chosen not with relation to crescemon in sieghart's line, but because edel is associated with the moon through a lot of her attacks. like edel, lunamon also utilizes ice/water in its attacks. (ice and water are really the same thing in most digimon games, as they share the same attribute)
sistermon (ciel) was chosen because we have a very "proper" appearing digimon that wields a sword and guns. i was a little bit limited with what i could work with here, as digimon really doesn't have many mons that use a rapier like edel. this, however, feels like a fitting choice for edel, especially thanks to her family's tie with divinity.
i chose to use ciel awakened as the ultimate here despite it usually being classified as a champion, because fuck you bandai. it really works as an ultimate level, considering how different regular and awakened look, so i'm using it as an ultimate. while i can say this plays into how edel's gameplay works, it's also a pick of convenience. that said: edel being one of few AMP characters that don't have separate jobs, but rather special classes, parallels nicely with ciel awakened usually being classified as the same level as normal ciel. more of a fun coincidence than anything.
with hexeblaumon, we reintroduce the ice theme back into edel's partner line. and we also reintroduce witchelny! because edel is from a part of the world associated with magic, but uses swordplay! hexeblaumon is depicted in its ref art as using a sword, but all of its weaponry is actually crafted from its ice magic. imo the sword in its ref book art looks the closest to a rapier we really get in digimon (aside from gladimon, who i was not going to put in this line much as i love it).
zero: arcadimon (child) -> shademon -> dexdorugreymon -> darkknightmon (x antibody) -> dexmon
i had a little bit of fun with this line, and it looks like nonsense to anyone that isn't me, but bear with me.
arcadimon is a digimon whose whole deal is that it can absorb data from other digimon and incorporate it into its evolution. i didn't want to use the whole line, but i figure using the rookie form fits here because zero's whole gameplay style centers around using the techniques of others in his own way. plus, zero is able to utilize grandark to absorb energy from his enemies. like, you can't not give the digimon whose first sentence in its ref entry is "A cursed Digimon artificially created based on the data of various Digimon" to zero, the artificial demon created based on the techniques of other fighters and using another demon's core.
shademon was chosen because, to quote its ref book entry, it is "A Digimon with no substance that haunts the shadows of humans and Digimon." i figured it would be a good reference to grandark, and the way it can possess zero during domination mode. inadvertently, this also works as a reference to how zero functions as a tank in GCDC, as shademon has a move that manipulates other digimon into attacking whatever it's in the shadow of.
dexdorugreymon. AGAIN, OKAY, LET ME COOK, I PROMISE THIS MAKES SENSE. so, x antibody digimon, as we established talking about sieghart's leomon, are associated with death and escaping it through strength. dexdorugreymon was chosen here as a reference both to the fact that zero is made using the core of a dead ancient demon, and also because it is essentially driven by instinct (much like zero in the lead up to grandark functionally possessing him).
darkknightmon (x antibody) was then chosen because it is a digimon comprised of two digimon who achieved a stronger form thanks to cooperation, rather than domination. dexdorugreymon works really nicely as an ultimate to this digimon, because it gives zero's digimon an excuse to have and maintain the x-antibody, in this case manifesting as a digimon that would, without it, be only an ultimate level, rather than mega. its weaponry doesn't entirely line up with zero's, nor the traits described by its ref book entry, but i think the idea of zero's mega level digimon being one that is comprised of two is befitting for a character whose whole arc revolves around finding himself and learning to live as someone inextricably tied to a living weapon.
finally, dexmon was chosen to tie the line together because it calls back to dexdorugreymon and also, again, that idea of the x-antibody subverting death. also, according to its ref book entry, "this type of program cannot be classified as a Digimon, and although it appears solid, it has no actual substance." in other words, this also ties back to the artificiality of zero, whose identity as a demon is complicated by his crafted status.
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nerdygaymormon · 3 months ago
Merry Queermas
I have a number of queer playlists, so thought I'd add one for Christmas.
Brandi Carlile - The Heartache Can Wait
girl in red - two queens in a king sized bed
k.d. lang - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (with Glee cast)
Indigo Girls - It Really Is (A Wonderful Life)
Jane Lynch - A Swingin' Little Christmas Time
Joan Jett - Little Drummer Boy
LADIES - Ladies, It's Cold Outside
Mary Lambert - Christmas Cookies (feat. Wyatt Hermansen)
Melissa Etheridge - It's Christmas Time
Raven Symoné - My Christmas Wish
Tegan and Sara - Make You Mine This Season
Adam Lambert - Please Come Home for Christmas
Barry Manilow - (There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays
Bearforce 1 - Christmas is Here
Billy Porter - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Calum Scott - White Christmas
Darren Hayes - Last Christmas
David Archuleta - Christmas Every Day
Elton John - Step Into Christmas; Merry Christmas (with Ed Sheeran)
Erasure - Make It Wonderful (Bright Light Bright Light Remix)
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - The Power of Love
Johnny Mathis - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Joshua Bassett - The Perfect Gift
Lil Nas X - Holiday
Luther Vandross - Every Year, Every Christmas
Matt Rogers - Also It's Christmas
Mister Chase and Chris Salvatore - Baby, It's Cold Outside
MNEK - Stopped Believing in Santa
Neon Trees - Holiday Rock
Pet Shop Boys - It Doesn't Often Snow at Christmas
Queen - Thank God It's Christmas
Ricky Martin - Ay Ay Ay It's Christmas
Rufus Wainwright - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve
Sam Smith - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas; The Lighthouse Keeper
Todrick Hall - Bells, Bows, Gifts, Trees
Wham! - Last Christmas
Wrabel - First Winter
Anne-Marie - Think of Christmas
Crystal Bowersox - Coming Out for Christmas
Demi Lovato - I'll Be Home for Christmas
Green Day - Xmas Time Of The Year
Jessie J - Man With the Bag
Phoebe Bridgers - If We Make It Through December
Sia - Santa's Coming For Us; Candy Cane Lane; Snowman
Trans, Gender Nonconforming, Fluid, Nonbinary
Bebe Rexha - Count on Christmas
Big Freedia - Make It Jingle
Miley Cyrus - Happy Xmas (War is Over)
Shea Diamond -Blame it on Christmas (feat. Cyndi Lauper); Mrs. Claus
Drag Queens
Alaska - Everyday is Christmas; Let It Snow (Ivan and Peter Mix)
Alaska, Courtney Act & Willam - Dear Santa, Bring Me A Man
Bob the Drag Queen - Sandra Claus
Detox - This is How We Jew It
Ginger Minj - Winter Wonderland (feat. Gidget Galore)
Manila Luzon, Peppermint & Alaska - We Three Queens
Nina West - Calista
Priyanka - Sleigh My Name
RuPaul - Hey Sis, It's Christmas
The Divas
Amy Winehouse - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Ariana Grande - December; Santa Tell Me; Winter Things;
Ava Max - 1 Wish; Christmas Without You
Barbra Streisand - Jingle Bells?
Bette Midler - Cool Yule
Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)
Carly Rae Jepsen - It's Not Christmas Till Somebody Cries; Mittens
Céline Dion - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Cher - DJ Play a Christmas Song
Christina Aguilera - The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting Over An Open Fire)
Diana Ross & The Supremes - My Favorite Things
Eurythmics - Winter Wonderland
Kacey Musgraves - Glittery (feat. Troye Sivan)
Katy Perry - Cozy Little Christmas
Kelly Clarkson - Underneath the Tree
Kylie Minogue - Every Day's Like Christmas
Leona Lewis - One More Sleep
Little Mix - One I've Been Missing
Lizzo - Never Felt Like Christmas
Madonna - Santa Baby
Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas is You; Oh Santa
Meghan Trainor - Holidays (feat. Earth, Wind & Fire)
Olivia Rodrigo - River
Taylor Swift - Christmas Tree Farm
Link to Spotify Playlist of these songs
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 1 songs from 1939 to 1999
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 2 songs from 2000 to 2015
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 3 songs from 2016 to 2019
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 4 songs from 2021 to present
Link to my Queer Disney Songs Playlist
Link to my K-Pop Queer Playlist
Link to my Queer Religious Playlist
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leornadodabvinci · 9 months ago
Hello! Do you have any other Grand Chase headcanons to share on this fine day? 👁️👁️
HI HELLO YES I DO OMGGG SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE I DIDN’T OPEN TUMBLR FOR A BIT BUT I HAVE A DISCORD SERVER FOR KEEPING NOTES OF STUFF AND ONE CHANNEL IS JUST DEDICATED TO RANDOM HCS AND SO UM. I have a few (that would make sense without an elaborate explanation)👉👈 they’re mostly if not all elesis and sieghart though ahahah… ANYWYA
*takes a deep breath*
(Sorry if the terminologies aren’t right im just rambling skhdjsj) (also a lot of them are sieg and elesis aha…)
- Sieghart currently is built like a dancer, lithe and flexible, because of the extra innate godlike strength he got from being a highlander. He doesn’t have to exert as much strength as when he was just a mortal, or like the weight doesn’t affect him that much anymore? Plus, i hc that the highlanders’ style is more elegant and flow-y, compared to the brutishness of the sieghart family’s. When he was younger, around Elesis’ age, he was built more like her. Body builder, bigger muscle kinda look.
- Elesis, as she grows into her late 20’s receives sooooo many “you look just like Sieghart!” Or “you look just like your father!” Comments, but as she grows past 30 and 40, they die down. Because sieghart is stuck in his 30’s, and elscud died (? Disappeared?) in his 40’s.
- sieghart is a jack of all trades, master of none kinda guy.
- Dio and Sieghart have a strange way of being intimate. It isn’t really… intimacy. They don’t do pda, they do something more nothingburger and subtle that it feels more vulgar if you catch them doing it. Its like a game? But not really? Since they’re not trying to hide it either 😭 i don’t know how to describe it. Like the Chase could be in a meeting together and Sieghart/Dio is eating something and one of them goes “blech” and instead of eating the food, they try it from the other’s mouth and then is like “oh ew ur right omg” and then the chase woukd just stare at them.
- dio and sieg are truly, evenly matched in skill. Its a battle of attrition. Though probably sieg has the upper hand since he’s immortal?
- dio’s actually also playboy, just not in mortal sense. He takes up someone every 5 - 10 years, which i hc is the equivalent of changing gfs/bfs every couple of months in demon sense of time. He tries to mean well though, and doesn’t do one night stands.
- sieghart is a one night stand enthusiast. He’s a total flirt too.
- height hc: dio > sieg > zero > ley > grandiel > werner > (noticeable drop) > ryan > lire > jin > rufus > harpe > ronan > asin > lass > edel > rin > elesis > amy > (big drop here) > arme > lime > veigas
- Elesis is a doof and lowkey rich girl coded. “How much is an apple anyway? Like $10?”
- the Chase act more like childish, more their age (more carefree, unburdened, yknow young adults/teens) around Sieghart.
- lass and rufus have the same eye shape. They both take after their mother more.
- Grandiel finds Sieghart to be the best company. They both understand each other very well, and seamlessly fall into conversation no matter how long its been since they last met.
- that’s why when Sieghart found out who Kyle and Cindy was, it stung a little. But he understood, of course. He holds no grudge against Grandiel.
- Sieghart acts like a safeguard for the Chase. He doesn’t want any of them to go through any of this alone.
- Ley, Rin and Sieghart are besties. Wine date trio.
- Lime and Dio also unexpectedly get along well. They’re optimistic people. Two sides of the same coin.
- Rufus cares about Lass more than he thinks. When Lass gets sick, he most definitely appears and lingers around until he gets better.
Okaay i think thats itttt hehe :3 Thank you for this ask I definitely enjoyed it LOL
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lovelynim · 2 years ago
My fanfics
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Here you can find all the fics I wrote so far! The fandoms are organized by alphabetical order, while the fics are listed from the oldest to the most recent one!
If you find anything that it's not linked here, send me a message and let me know!
Updated in: February 12th, 2025
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Take 9, recording! - Ivan x Till
Blue Period
Artistic Struggles - Yotasuke x Yatora
Cardcaptor Sakura
Attention seeker - Syaoran Li & Touya Kinomoto
Eighty Six - 86
Daily Report - Shin & Theo and Raiden (feat. Lena)
Fate Series
Smile, my king - Gilgamesh x Enkidu
Genshin Impact
Turning Tables - Chongyun x Xingqiu
To Aid Lupical - Bennett x Razor
Young master’s free time - Ayato x Thoma (w/ art)
Daily Chores - Ayato x Thoma
Good Morning, my lord - Ayato x Thoma
Important Meeting - Ayato x Thoma
Loyalty - Ayato x Thoma (N$FW)
Enough Bad Jokes - Cyno x Tighnari
Thesis - Alhaitham x Kaveh
Reddish - Cyno x Tighnari
Bubbles - Thoma x Ayato
Kaveh’s Key - Alhaitham x Kaveh (feat. Mehrak) (w/ art)
Don't make a noise - Alhaitham x Kaveh
No more secrets - Tighnari & Kaveh
Maid Day... at the Dawn Winery - Diluc x Tartaglia
Losing count - Alhaitham x Kaveh
Begging - Aether x Heizou
It's today - Cyno x Tighnari (non tickle fic)
A jealous hound - Cyno x Tighnari
Dangerous Collection - Diluc x Childe
Pocky Day - Lyney x Aether
That Time of The Year - Cyno x Tighnari (N$FW & non tickle fic)
Nature's embrace - Albedo
(Un)wanted company - Heizou x Kazuha x Scaramouche
Shocking, isn't it? - Scaramouche x Tartaglia
May the best one win - Xiao, Aether, Albedo & Wanderer
End of the semester - Alhaitham x Kaveh
Grand Chase
Unusual Interrogation - Rufus & Lass
Mornings - Ronan x Harpe
Honkai: Star Rail
The One That Got Away - Gepard x Sampo
Noises - Himeko (it's actually Caelus x Dan Heng but shhh)
It takes a raccoon to pester a dragon - Dan Heng x Caelus
The Dragon's Lesson - Dan Heng x Jing Yuan
Silly Little Brother - Gepard & Serval
Thrilling Bet - Aventurine x Dr. Ratio
Vidyadharas' Special Training - Yanqing & Dan Heng
Too popular - Dan Heng x Caelus
Play a player - Dr. Ratio x Aventurine
Tiny Problems - Dr. Ratio x Aventurine
Bad day - Aventurine x Dr. Ratio
Another round - Caelus x Luka
All's fair in love and war - Caelus x Aventurine
Intruder countermeasures - Sampo & Svarog
Failing successfully - Welt & Caelus
Reasonable funding - Yanqing & Jing Yuan
League of Legends
Move over - Kayn x Ezreal
Old friends, old habits - Kuya x Quincy
How to tame a human - Eiden x Garu
Wishful Thinking - Eiden x Olivine
Obey me!
Purring Demon - Satan x MC
Dreamy Confession - Mammon x MC
Just Like a Human - Yomei x Kyo
Sasaki to Miyano
Nap time - Sasaki x Miyano
Side Characters Deserve Love Too
For his highness - Kyle x Joe
Sk8 the Infinity
Hissing Cat - Reki & Miya
Hardest Boss Fight - Reki and Langa & Miya
The Love Hotel - Tadashi & Reki
Skate With You Forever - Reki x Langa
Slimes vs Hero - Reki and Langa & Miya
Sleepyhead - Reki x Langa
Pay Attention - Reki x Langa
Bratty Cat - Miya & Joe and Cherry
Stars Align
Something to laugh about - Maki & Yuu
Tower of God
Turtle’s Things - Khun x Bam feat. Rak
Celebration - Shxtou x Reader
Wind Breaker
Important Data - Sakura x Suo feat. Nirei
Zenless Zone Zero
Victoria Housekeeping co.'s special service - Lycaon x Wise
Sick Leave - Wise x Asaba Harumasa
Fanfiction - Asaba Harumasa (Harumasa x Reader)
Fight the champion - Lighter x Wise
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neo-nonero · 7 months ago
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articmako · 1 year ago
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Wanted to draw something cute to de-stress and ngl I got a bit too into it LOLLL
I had lots of fun making this one, I experimented with using the sketch as a lineart and WOWIE it was very enjoyable!! 10/10 would do it again
Context here is Rufus jgh from a stressful night (or smthin,, i don't even know if this mans sweats) and Rin came to comfort the hunter boy <33
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sharkurai · 2 years ago
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Rufus Wilde (singer ver)
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insanyu · 1 year ago
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Aí que delicia o verão ♥
My otp of Grand Chase game. Rufus x Rin
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chiisana-aoi-tori · 5 months ago
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Used @FluorArt 's post on Twitter as base
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