elkedageenfotovanluus · 9 months
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kijk hoe leuk de nieuwe herfst collectie is!
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chevvy-yates · 6 months
got tagged by @therealnightcity. 🤍
Decided to give Thyjs a go as well! And let him answer. I'll try to keep it short as in general Thyjs talks least of all (there are excuses though).
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"De Wit. Thyjs. It's pronounced like 'nice'."
"'Storm', sir!"
"'Cis male' ik denk – dat is how you call it, right?"
"I fell in love with Ryder, who is a man."
"Granaatappels¹ and grapes. Especially the first. Ate them often during my service in Afghanistan." — ¹pommegranates
"Spring. There is nothing more beautiful than tulpenvelden² as far as the eye can see. And I love papavervelden³ as much!" — ²tulip fields ³poppy fields
"All flowers are pretty. The ones I named before, yellow flag iris, all kinds of lilies, beautiful anemoon⁴, crocus, and the little sneeuwklokje – u call it snowdrop. I also love hortensia, bolderik⁵, entire composietenfamilie like madeliefje and margerite⁶, but also centaurie and klokje⁷. There is more but I stop now — oh, nog een! Ry told me to tell his favoirte flower as he always forgets the name: korenbloem⁸. Very pretty purple flower!"
— ⁴anemone ⁵agrostemma githago ⁶asteraceae, like daisies and margerites ⁷centaurea and campanula ⁸Centaurea cyanus
"From the natuur: the smell of a storm coming. And Ry— hij ruikt zoo heerlijk⁹! He uses a strong fragrance. That mixed with his scent, I have to admit, I'm addicted!"
— ⁹he smells so good.
"Coffee over tea. But both is alright!"
"Six to seven hours. Average sleep time."
"Dogs. I can't cope with cats. Need loyal animals."
"I have seen many parts of this world. Everywhere can be a 'dream' when you are with the ones you love. But ik mis Nederland. Want to go back one day when enough time has passed."
"I have none. But I will say my dad. He was my hero and will always be. God zegene hem¹⁰."
— ¹⁰God bless him.
"Ry and I sleep with one blanket. Sometimes it gets lost."
"I'm kind of a human defibrillator. I can manage to bring someone back who just died by using my electricity. It's a low chance, though."
tagging those I know have more than one blorbo (bc so many did this already):
@morganlefaye79, @wraithsoutlaws, @gloryride, @sammysilverdyne, @a-pirate, @mhbcaps and @dustymagpie
as always not a must and idk if u been tagged already or not, but feel free to do anytime, especially if you got more blorbos than one!
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beatricecenci · 1 year
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Rachel Ruysch (Dutch, 1664-1750)
Bloemen in een glazen vaas, met granaatappels, op een marmeren balustrade
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For anyone wondering why pomegranates are the best fruits: the Dutch word for them (granaatappel) literally translates as "grenade apple"
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bebebopbopp · 7 months
So ackermans bloodline whats up with dealing them.
Granaatappel and mikasa? Whats up with the connection?
Annie backstory? I forgot
Whats up withhh the story of the miners in the underground of the inner wall. Finale of s1. They hit bedrock that bedrock is it the crystal of annie. But is there anything
Also reiner was healing along the route of annie hitting him lmao
Historia and ymir the connection what is ymirs backstory.
watching again they are all on the wall standing in s2 ep 5 orsmth and like im so sure reiner and NO WAY HE IS GONNA transform BUT I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE SUNNY HE SAYS IT OUTRIGHTT WHAT THE FUCK
I was rught jts sunny when ut happends. It was cloudy when hebwas tlaking dumb as hellwow that it hapepdn liek this
Okay so Ymir s backstory makes kinda sense now, the religious aspect i have no idea from what the blood of the king shit was on about. But the fact that she became a titan bcs of the poison of the outside world. And then yeah lived as one, she ate the mate of the reiner and Berthold dudes. Marcel? And thats when a titan eats a human with titan power’s. They titan transform themselves into a human again with titan powers. Thats how Ymir got herself to be like this in 5 years.
Now bertohold and Ymir and stuff are all after Krista historia and Eren. Eren because of his power as the coordinator, and that is given to him because of historia i think.
“My father demeaned himself to men, i began to hate my father so much it made me dizzy”
Ymir fritz, split in nine titans after deal demin, formed eldian natiin, after defetaing marley entire world. Eldian ymir was bad to all other folks. The seven titans in the war got taken doen. Marley let thus eldians live. Eldian king made an paradise land walls land dus for eldians as marley went to mrely with few eldians and they were treated as jews. Possibility cause they can become titans and are seen as ymir and their ethnic cleaning behavior. But that’s probably propaganda.
Grisha said avenge so eldia would be restored. Ymir awakens all titans cultuvated was a good original people prosperer, as i said. Sncient language reading to know the turth. Founder ymir good osmr
Dina fritz, descentant royal family of eldians!!! Coordinator titan is in the eldia, with the control over all titans they cantaje the marely. Foudnign titan resotre pride eldia. Zeke child if dina and papa eren. Eldia resisitanstz
Vessels of nine titans, eldians ar ethat warriors of marely. King walls said, inteversere and titans will faltten world, eren dies that. Marely wants that to stop and take the coordinate. Pure titans is the punsihments by marleyans to the eldians.
Anyways. I finishes aot and holt shit i didinr exp AOT
So ackermans bloodline whats up with dealing them.
Granaatappel and mikasa? Whats up with the connection?
Annie backstory? I forgot
Whats up withhh the story of the miners in the underground of the inner wall. Finale of s1. They hit bedrock that bedrock is it the crystal of annie. But is there anything
Also reiner was healing along the route of annie hitting him lmao
Historia and ymir the connection what is ymirs backstory.
watching again they are all on the wall standing in s2 ep 5 orsmth and like im so sure reiner and NO WAY HE IS GONNA transform BUT I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE SUNNY HE SAYS IT OUTRIGHTT WHAT THE FUCK
I was rught jts sunny when ut happends. It was cloudy when hebwas tlaking dumb as hellwow that it hapepdn liek this
Okay so Ymir s backstory makes kinda sense now, the religious aspect i have no idea from what the blood of the king shit was on about. But the fact that she became a titan bcs of the poison of the outside world. And then yeah lived as one, she ate the mate of the reiner and Berthold dudes. Marcel? And thats when a titan eats a human with titan power’s. They titan transform themselves into a human again with titan powers. Thats how Ymir got herself to be like this in 5 years.
Now bertohold and Ymir and stuff are all after Krista historia and Eren. Eren because of his power as the coordinator, and that is given to him because of historia i think.
“My father demeaned himself to men, i began to hate my father so much it made me dizzy”
Ymir fritz, split in nine titans after deal demin, formed eldian natiin, after defetaing marley entire world. Eldian ymir was bad to all other folks. The seven titans in the war got taken doen. Marley let thus eldians live. Eldian king made an paradise land walls land dus for eldians as marley went to mrely with few eldians and they were treated as jews. Possibility cause they can become titans and are seen as ymir and their ethnic cleaning behavior. But that’s probably propaganda.
Grisha said avenge so eldia would be restored. Ymir awakens all titans cultuvated was a good original people prosperer, as i said. Sncient language reading to know the turth. Founder ymir good osmr
Dina fritz, descentant royal family of eldians!!! Coordinator titan is in the eldia, with the control over all titans they cantaje the marely. Foudnign titan resotre pride eldia. Zeke child if dina and papa eren. Eldia resisitanstz
Vessels of nine titans, eldians ar ethat warriors of marely. King walls said, inteversere and titans will faltten world, eren dies that. Marely wants that to stop and take the coordinate. Pure titans is the punsihments by marleyans to the eldians.
So í, have just finished not lSpecials 1,2 and honestly its just mindblowing to see how Mikes changed she seemed de stay fully on even's side despite his horrores ' s er so to see still stand against him, s great. I expected myself to cry About even's death and mikes killing him, - yet; did not. I cried at Reiner and his mom's relationship. That's because the most I fell for any
' Of the characters as I had rewatched was Reiner. He seemed the laststrong the one whohad it all under control but he did not. He felt the most remorse more than berthold or annie and even more than eren. Honestly even's pathetic dialogue at the end was hilarious but the connection, had tin was lost the moment in season 4? Since wo got no insight any more. The season he did it was unclear like hesaid, it himself. I don't know arrin. Bless arrin I diddint expect him to be so nature, responsible really his and Reiner's development were really opposite yet it was cool though the ending fight was lackluster in caparison to the previous seasons., now what I will not forget is the build of the rumbling they truly visualised il so so horrifically. I hated how we got do see these turns/migrants be the first to go _ ' and then the child being carried aloud. I felt horror
Mikes married Jean cuz he looks like ' OMG I know why now we did not see Reiner AnnieAnd arrin at his Eren grave!! They no they said the titan powers were gone. Idk. But the way the town turned mere and more futuristic to toe point that another - war had struck a plane like g/11 the bombs like Palestine pfff. And then the post - apocalyptic words with the tree being big like Ymir's?! Wow .........._.
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bestelavon · 11 months
Avon Sweet & Joyful zeeppompje
Avon Sweet & Joyful is een verrukkelijke geur van Granaatappel en zoete Fresia en verwent je zintuigen op hemelse wijze.
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Overdenkingen Met Spurgeon | De kennis van de liefde van Christus Het is een onderscheidingsteken van de kinderen Gods, dat zij de liefde van Christus kennen. Allen, die van de dood tot het leven zijn overgegaan, zonder uitzondering, wat zij verder ook weten of niet weten, hebben deze leren kennen. Daarentegen kennen allen, zonder uitzondering, die niet verlost zijn, wat zij verder ook mogen weten, van haar niets. Want de liefde van Christus kennen, haar liefelijkheid smaken, haar persoonlijk en levend te ondervinden, door de Heilige Geest uitgestort in het hart, dit is het voorrecht alleen van het kind van God. Dit is de veilige omheining, waardoor geen vreemdeling kan binnenkomen. Dit is de hof van de Heere, zo goed voorzien van muren en heggen, dat geen wilde dieren van het woud daar door kunnen gaan. Slechts de verlosten van de Heere wandelen daarin. Zij, en zij alleen mogen daar vruchten plukken en het goede genieten, dat daar gevonden wordt. Hoe belangrijk is dus de vraag: Ken ik de liefde van Christus? Heb ik haar gevoeld? Heb ik haar verstaan? Is zij in mijn hart uitgestort? Weet ik, dat Jezus mij liefheeft? Is mijn hart levend gemaakt en brandende en tot Hem getrokken door het heerlijk, verblijdend bewustzijn, dat Christus mij waarlijk heeft liefgehad, mij uitverkoren en Zijn hart op mij gezet heeft? Maar zo waar als het is, dat ieder kind van God de liefde van Christus kent, even waar is het, dat alle kinderen van God deze liefde niet in dezelfde mate kennen. In Christus zijn zuigelingen, jongeren, mannen en vaders. En evenals zij in alle andere dingen vorderingen maken, zo ongetwijfeld ook hierin. In waarheid, toeneming van liefde, een beter begrip van de liefde van Christus, dit zijn de beste en zekerste kentekens, waaraan wij kunnen weten of wij opwassen in de genade of niet. Zijn wij opgewassen in de genade, dan kan het niet anders of wij zijn gevorderd in de kennis van de liefde van Christus of in wederliefde. Velen geloven in Jezus en weten iets van Zijn liefde, maar o, hoe weinig is dit in vergelijking met hen, die doorgedrongen zijn tot de binnenste kamers en geproefd hebben van de geurige wijn van de granaatappels van Christus. Sommigen zijn begonnen de berg te beklimmen, en het landschap aan hun voeten is liefelijk en mooi, maar bij lange niet zo mooi als het hun zou lijken, wanneer zij konden staan, waar de meer gevorderde heiligen staan, en konden zien naar het oosten en westen, naar het zuiden en noorden, om te aanschouwen de lengte en breedte en diepte en hoogte van de liefde van Christus, die alle verstand te boven gaat.
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hitac-trading · 2 years
Bevroren fruit export bedrijf leverancier en groothandel iqf bevriezing
Bevroren fruit export bedrijf leverancier en groothandel iqf bevriezing
Een woord over bevroren fruit Hitac is een van de grootste export bevroren fruit in Egypte We hebben de volgende soorten bevroren fruit: Mango – Granaatappel – Aardbei – GuaveNaast dat we Iqf fruit exporteren met de beste kwaliteit Wij zorgen er altijd voor dat onze producten voldoen aan de Europese specificaties. Ons bedrijf exporteert bevroren fruit van onze boerderijen en van sommige…
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thetimekeeperfilm · 2 years
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ik had niet verwacht dat een bel, een klok genoemd mag worden. maar bellen waren de eerste methodes om tijd aan te geven. toen ik aan de klokkenmaker vroeg wanneer iets een klok genoemd mag worden, zei hij alles dat de tijd aangeeft. de eerste bel in de middeleeuwen was een gedroogde granaatappel die aan de nek van een paard werd gehangen. de mensen geloofde hiermee boze geesten weg te jagen.
kan ik iets doen met het design van een bel?
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dimitrios71 · 5 years
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Pomegranate is used in Greece for good luck.
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shairmyworld · 5 years
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WEEKEND FOOD FUN Hi there! I really looove cauliflower! Especially when it’s grilled! Last weekend we had food fun in the kitchen even with the little vegan guy of two years old. He helped with seasoning the cauliflower. We ate the cauliflower with a mix of buckwheat groats, lentils, green peas and whole grain rice in a home made tomato sauce and again curry 😉 My standard tip with many curry dishes: adding pomegranate really gives a nice taste when you make a curry dish. This dish is completely gluten-free! - - - #vegansofig #veganeten #plantaardigeten #plantbased #vegan #veganfood #vegandinner #vegansofig #roastedcauliflower #veganlife #vegandish #pomegranate #glutenvrij #vegandinner #plantbasedfood #vegangirl #curry #blackvegan #granaatappel #bloemkool #veganistisch #veganist #plantpower #plantbaseddiet #plantaardig #wateetjedanwel #veganfoodie #heerlijketen #govegan #veganglutenfree https://www.instagram.com/p/BvTMj8XgF1X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p2icpm1hlkc1
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bartbillen · 2 years
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#gerecht nr183 #bulgursalade met veel #groenten en #granaatappel met in het glas #rose van #chateaumemoires #scheurkalender van #dagelijksekost gekookt door #madameskitchen #bartbikt als #fenomenale #fourniceur #fenomenalefourniceurbartbikt #jeroenmeus #hotelhungaria @hotelhungaria @jerremeus https://www.instagram.com/p/CZXRTsts2IB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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leefgezonder · 3 years
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(via daarom zou je granaatappels aan je gezond eetpatroon moeten toevoegen )
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Fresh growing fruits
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bestelavon · 2 years
AVON Artistique Rose Somptueuse Eau de Parfum
AVON Artistique Rose Somptueuse Eau de Parfum
Ontdek het geheim van het AVON Artistique Rose Somptueuse Eau de Parfum Deze nobele geur combineert de sappigheid van zwarte granaatappel met de rijke, verfijnde geur van zeldzame Provençaalse rozen en sensuele vanille. De Provence-roos is een zeldzame roos uit Grasse in Frankrijk en speciaal geoogst voor AVON. De Provence-roos wordt met de hand wordt geplukt waardoor ze het sterkst naar honing…
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livetsliv · 6 years
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• Food photography • #thee #honing #granaatappel #appelsien #school #photooftheday #photography (bij Antwerp, Belgium)
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