oscconfessions · 28 days
*coughs into mike*
I think Taco and Nickel are both bad people who could improve but most of Taco and Nickel compersations are very baised towards one. Taco fans will act like Nickel didn't do anything to change and that the only reason his arc is liked is because everyone in the ii fandom "hates women!!" and people would like "taco if she was a man!", and potray Taco as this "angsty anti villan who didn't want to hurt anyone" and Nickel fans will act like the things he didn't weren't "that bad" and act like Taco is some evil baby murder who ties puppies up to train tracks as she trwils her mustache, and dosen't deserve a character arc whilist nickel was just a "Poor little guy who wanted to protect his friend!! And it was all a misunderstanding! He didn't know what he was doing!!"
Look I didn't watch II 15, I stopped being intersted in II after ladder half of III was the ladder half of III. But I don't know why your all so hellbent on trying to potray these 2 as comepletey different cases! I don't understand why you all need attempt to make their actions seem less bad then they are. You attempt to make them clueless angels who were in the wrong place and the wrong time. To have a redepmtion a character has to do something wrong, they can't be the "perfect angel from the start" they have to be a bad person at some point, only for them to realise their faults and become better. No matter how many excuses you two try to pull out of your ass that they "never did anything wrong". It feels both of these sides don't acctually understand these character. But at the same time I can tell most of you have poured hours into analyzing them. Do you make these excuses because you like them? Or do you make them because you don't want to be juged by other fans who don't like them. Who see them as iredemmable, who think they shouldn't get a second chance. Are you making these arguments because you belive in them? Is it because you want others to belive you. Do you point at Nickel and Taco as "not worhty of imporvemnt" so that people finally understand why your ptefered character is deserving of it. Mabye the other side isn't your enemy mabye it's your friend.
- Bad Grammur anon
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amyisagoof · 5 years
Creati (1:07) Mina-chan, you know how to use correct grammar?
Creati (1:08) I had such hopes in you.
Alien Queen (1:08) ur mistak
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Yes haw
Ride them cowboy
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If you "were good" are you bad now?
grammur polices iz her
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intothespiderbottom · 6 years
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