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fiftyshadesofspray · 5 years ago
animation by @poms1 you can find his interview and stickers in our new green issue..(link in bio) - - similar things can be achieved with the @procreate app for ipad and brush packs from the @mr.bakeroner - - - www.fiftyshadesofspray.co.uk - #procreate #ipadprocreate #fsos #fiftyshadesofspray #throwup #poms1 #ipadprograffiti #grafflife #spraydaily #graffitianimation #graffanimation #procreategraffiti #ipadgraffiti #graffitiart #streetart #streetartglobe #graffitigers https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZSef3gA_-/?igshid=1n6ngqfwdu6ar
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kekli · 3 years ago
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"Je reviendrai" Cabernet franc 2020 Etiquette de vin pour la cuvée du poto @skateandart . . . . . . . #boyo #kekli #streetart #streetartparis #vin #throwup #illustration #urbanart #graffitiporn #smiley #flow #street #graffiti #sprayart #wineart #happyart #graffitiart #letters #graffitianimal #cabernetfranc #chinon #skull #customart #streetarteverywhere #labelart #parisgraffiti #parisstreetart #smile #smilelikeaboyo (à Chinon, Centre, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVM5oxDgtlN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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badmoneytattoo · 4 years ago
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•Aquí la segunda parte de la terraza Jeje 🦆🌷• Hoy la termine la tercera parte en breve la subire 🤟🏼 ~[ trabajo a pedido]•🙃. #badmoneytattoo #writer #jatoner #graffiti #graffitiart #graffitirooftop #graffitiporn #graffitiartist #graffitistyle #graffitiworld #graffitilife #graffitiwall #graffitilove #graffiticharacter #graffitianimals #wall #walls #painting #pintura #work #colibri #purpose #terraza #graff #montanacolors #spray #cans #yach (en San Isidro, Lima) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSXchY3FgRd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chronicavengers · 4 years ago
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Stay stacked with big faces.. Kinda 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 started off with some of the classics toons some are the from MySpace days (❤️❤️❤️ to the lovely ladies who allow me to draw them.) #toon #toonsquad #graffitianime #stickerpacks #stickergame #vinylstickers #slapstickers #theoriginalkbhcrew #nasacrew #artlife #artforsale #artistprints #artiststruggles #limitededitionprints (at Place of Love) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO_t9EEMRaW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cecocd · 4 years ago
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Eagel. Detail from the entrance of a private house. Tse #art #bulgariagraffiti #artwork #artist #bulgariacalligrafia #bulgariaart #bulgaria #bird #birdsofinstagram #brushart #brushlettering #eagleart #animalsart #nature #graffart #graffitimural #graffitti #graffitianimals #graffitibird #drawingnature #drawn #paint #karlovo #tseart #арт #българскоизкуство #българскиграфити #риунок #орел #калиграффити (at Karlovo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmfC0hDB93/?igshid=1v9j2u5zzpju2
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phungthaihy · 5 years ago
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Animating Street Art & Graffiti - After Effects Tutorial ft. Demas Rusli http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] In this After Effects tutorial, ... #3dmodeling #adobe #adobeaftereffects #adobeillustrator #adobexd #aftereffects #aftereffectsproject #aftereffectstutorial #animateoverphoto #animatestreetart #animatingspraypaint #autocad #beginneraftereffectstutorial #benmarriott #blender #characteranimation #characterdesign #demasrusli #design #digitalpainting #drawing #graffiti #graffitiaftereffects #graffitiaftereffectstutorial #graffitianimation #graffitianimationaftereffects #graffitiart #graffititemplate #graphicdesign #howtoaddanimationtophoto #motiongraphics #photoshop #revit #streetart #streetartanimation #streetartanimationtutorial #totoanimategraffiti #userexperiencedesign #userinterface #webdesign #wordpress
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niwa-takashi-blog · 10 years ago
graffiti animation
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kekli · 3 years ago
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Il y a quelques temps un client me commandait une œuvre sur cette plaque de metro en me laissant carte blanche. C'est clairement le type de projet que je préfère. Inspiré par le nom de la sortie de métro, je suis parti sur une sorte de kitsune. Si toi aussi t'as des projets dans le genre n'hésites pas 😉 . . . . . . . Merci @kilo.maitre 🙏 #boyo #kekli #streetart #streetartparis #subway #throwup #illustration #urbanart #graffitiporn #smiley #flow #street #graffiti #sprayart #plaquedemetro #happyart #graffitiart #letters #graffitianimal #yokai #fox #kitsune #customart #streetarteverywhere #wildlife #parisgraffiti #parisstreetart #smile #smilelikeaboyo (à Pompidou Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVKKEojoBoJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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borboletradas · 3 years ago
Detalhes do projeto 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝐼, em breve animação completa 📺🦋 . . . Motion graphics: @gersonafrobreak Euzinha na soma nos recortes gráficos. . . . #wip #panapanã #animation #motiongraphics #digitalart #oc #graffitianimation #franticbutterfly #butterfly #borboletas #voandocomelas (em In my sweet dreams
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borboletradas · 3 years ago
Detalhes do projeto 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝐼, em breve animação completa 📺🦋 . . . Motion graphics: @gersonafrobreak Euzinha na soma nos recortes gráficos. . . . #wip #panapanã #animation #motiongraphics #digitalart #oc #graffitianimation #franticbutterfly #butterfly #borboletas #voandocomelas (em In my sweet dreams
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kekli · 4 years ago
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"Pygargue" Une de mes œuvres visibles à l'expo collective "Plumes sur la ville" au centre @parisanimmauriceravel dans le 12ème du 19 mai au 25 juin dans le cadre du @fcu.paris12 Entrée libre de 14h à 18h Œuvre originale 34,3x28,5cm Disponible ! (Mp si intéressé) Venez découvrir les 40 oiseaux d'artistes d'art urbain : BISHOP DACO KEKLI K.YOÔ LICEA LYLY MATT_TIEU MOYOSHI NEDI PARVATI SAX STEW . . . . . . #boyo #kekli #streetart #streetartparis #puffin #throwup #illustration #urbanart #graffitiporn #smiley #flow #street #graffiti #sprayart #artexhibition #birdart #happyart #graffitiart #letters #graffitianimal #collective #flamingo #poolparty #streetarteverywhere #wildlife #parisgraffiti #parisstreetart #smile #smilelikeaboyo #plume (à Centre Paris Anim Maurice Ravel 6 Avenue Maurice Ravel 75012 Pris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPXYoSVhqwE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kekli · 4 years ago
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"Pool party" (alias plastic flamingo) Une de mes œuvres visibles à l'expo collective "Plumes sur la ville" au centre @parisanimmauriceravel dans le 12ème du 19 mai au 25 juin dans le cadre du @fcu.paris12 Entrée libre de 14h à 18h Œuvre originale sur demi valise en bois 42,5x72cm Disponible ! (Mp si intéressé) Venez découvrir les 40 oiseaux d'artistes d'art urbain : BISHOP DACO KEKLI K.YOÔ LICEA LYLY MATT_TIEU MOYOSHI NEDI PARVATI SAX STEW . . . . . . #boyo #kekli #streetart #streetartparis #puffin #throwup #illustration #urbanart #graffitiporn #smiley #flow #street #graffiti #sprayart #artexhibition #birdart #happyart #graffitiart #letters #graffitianimal #collective #flamingo #poolparty #streetarteverywhere #wildlife #parisgraffiti #parisstreetart #smile #smilelikeaboyo #plume (à Centre Paris Anim Maurice Ravel 6 Avenue Maurice Ravel 75012 Pris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPU4Im3huwn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kekli · 4 years ago
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"King puffin" (alias MacarHeureux) Une de mes œuvres visible a l'expo collective "Plume sur la ville" au centre @parisanimmauriceravel dans le 12ème du 19 mai au 25 juin dans le cadre du @fcu.paris12 Vernissage samedi 22 mai en présence des artistes Entrée libre de 14h à 18h "King puffin" Œuvre originale sur demi valise en bois 42,5x72cm Disponible ! (Mp si intéressé) Venez découvrir les 40 oiseaux d'artistes d'art urbain : DACO KEKLI K.YOÔ LICEA LYLY MATT_TIEU MOYOSHI NEDI PARVATI SAX STEW . . . . . . #boyo #kekli #streetart #streetartparis #puffin #throwup #illustration #urbanart #graffitiporn #smiley #flow #street #graffiti #sprayart #artexhibition #birdart #happyart #graffitiart #letters #graffitianimal #collective #macareux #streetarteverywhere #wildlife #parisgraffiti #parisstreetart #smile #freestyle #smilelikeaboyo #plume (à Centre Paris Anim Maurice Ravel 6 Avenue Maurice Ravel 75012 Pris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPIDV4MBDaq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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