#gracie's creepypastas
heyyoupikaboo · 1 year
Little Einsteins: The Seven Deadly Sins (Rewritten)
Hello there! I'm Caroline, and I'd love to tell you a story. Do you guys know what Little Einsteins is? If you don't, it's a show about Leo, Annie, Quincy and June learning about musical composers like Beethoven or Bach. The show was created in 2005 by The Baby Einstein Company and animated by Curious Pictures and unfortunately was cancelled in 2010, one year after I was born.
Anyways, before I bore you to death, let's get into my story, shall we? It all started on a nice fall afternoon. I was just fuckin' around at my house, doing chores until something came in the mail. I walked up to the mailbox and checked it. It was just regular old mail, but I noticed a rectangular item covered in wrapping paper.
I thought it was probably a gift from my friend Alicia. I took it out and ignored the rest of the mail in the mailbox. I then went down the driveway and back to my house. I then read the signature on the wrapping paper:
"To: Caroline, From: Alicia"
I then opened the thing only to notice it was a VHS tape. It read "Little Einsteins: The Seven Deadly Sins". Oh my lord, this is gonna be epic, I thought. So I went ahead and popped the thing into my VHS player. I even popped some popcorn and put butter salt on it.
Then I sat down as the intro came on. The intro was normal, with nothing out of the ordinary. That was until the title card came on. June peeked her head out of the curtains and said, "Today's episode is called The Seven Deadly Sins and was created by our friend Olexa Hewryk."
"Wait a minute," I thought. "What does the Seven Deadly Sins have to do with Little Einsteins?" I ignored the title and kept watching anyways, despite my confusion.
The episode starts out with the Little Einsteins gang (except for Annie) playing around and making sandcastles on the beach. This went on for a good minute and 15 seconds until Annie came back with some sort of book. Everyone turned to Annie and Quincy asked, "Annie, what's that in your hand?"
"Oh, just a regular old book," Annie answered. But oh, was Annie so wrong...
The gang were still on the beach. Now they were doing some sort of seance, and it was nighttime outside. Annie opened her book and the gang chanted, "On this night, we call upon the demons of hell to take us. We all have horribly sinned, and we must be taken. O, Demons of hell, hear our voices and grant our wish."
Suddenly, it showed the Little Einsteins gang in some sort of hellish landscape. "Where are we?" asked June. "We're in Hell," answered Leo. "Well, if it wasn't for Annie, we wouldn't be in this--"
Quincy interrupted June. "Let's not blame anyone, June. We brought ourselves into this mess and we need to get out of it." Then, a tall, baby blue demon approached them. "Hello, children." the demon greeted. "I am Lucifer. I represent the sin of Pride. Would you like me to take you on a tour of hell? You could possibly meet my friends, the Seven Deadly Sins."
"Oh well," said June. "We have no other choice." Then the stage curtains closed as a transition. It then cut to a new scene. It showed an extremely lavish dinner table filled with very lavish food. "Now children," began Lucifer. "This is Beelzebub, the demon of Gluttony." I then panned to a light red demon indulging himself in the food on the table. "Have any of you children indulged yourself too much when you eat?" Lucifer questioned.
No one responded to Lucifer's question. That was until Quincy answered, "Yes, I've really indulged in my mother's rotisserie chicken and mashed potatoes."
"Alright, fellow child," replied Lucifer. "Then you shall face Beelzebub! If you defeat him, you will go on with the other children." Lucifer giggled. "If not.... then I have something else in store for you."
The scene the showed Lucifer and the others watching as Quincy fought Beelzebub. Quincy was quicker than the light red demon, but the demon attacked faster. However, Quincy managed to be the victor of the fight. Lucifer and the others congratulated him as he walked off, victorious.
Then, it transitioned to a new scene. The background was a stormy sea. "This, fellow children," began Lucifer, "is Leviathan. He is the demon of Envy." The children then looked shocked as the beast appeared. The beast appeared to be a light orange sea dragon with really sharp teeth. "Now children, have you ever felt envy for something you didn't have?"
No one responded to the question again. June then responded with, "I have felt envy of a girl who was better at ballet than me. I tried to kill her."
"Very well then," said Lucifer. "Leviathan challenges you to a battle of wits! If you are the victor, you will go on with the other children. If not..."
Then Lucifer and the others watched as June and Leviathan stared at each other enviously. June tried to make Leviathan laugh but everything failed. Leviathan ended up being the victor of the wits.
Annie then got picked up by Lucifer, and then he threw her into Leviathan's mouth. Leviathan then purred contentedly. "Good meal," said Leviathan.
"Well, fellow children," asked Lucifer, "shall we go on?" No one responded due to the shock of their friend June dying. "Very well then," said Lucifer, and they continued on.
The scene then changed to Lucifer and the others in a lake of fire. "This, fellow children, is Satan." began Lucifer. "He is the demon of Wrath."
"Can we go now?" asked Quincy. "We're getting quite bored," said Leo. "SILENCE!" shouted Lucifer. "Ask another question and you'll ALL pay the price!"
"Umm.... what's that on your head--"
Lucifer then snapped his fingers and commanded Satan to take Leo and Quincy to the torture room. I kind of laughed at that scene. "Leeeooo! Quincy!" shouted Annie. She was now in tears. "Now, little girl, that's what happens when you question a demon."
"GIVE ME BACK MY FRIENDS!" shouted Annie. "NEVER!" shouted Lucifer. Then Annie and Lucifer were in an arena. Annie had a sword, but Lucifer had his demonic magic. Annie tried to charge at him with her sword but Lucifer was too fast for her. "This is gonna be epic..." I thought as I chomped on my popcorn.
Anyway, Lucifer got the first hit on Annie. Annie sliced Lucifer's hand off but it regenerated quickly. "You think you can beat me, little girl? Well, EAT THIS!!!"
A big blast of magic came from Lucifer's hands and triggered a huge explosion. Annie then ended back up on the beach. She then looked around. "Leo? Quincy? June?" Annie was the only survivor.
Annie then stared at me. My eyes met hers as Annie started to tear up. "This is... all my fault..." Annie sobbed. "I shouldn't have had the book..."
Then Annie sat down with her head in her hands, crying her eyes out. The show then panned up to the night sky with the moon in the sky, ending the episode. The credits were also normal as well.
I was quite shocked. This episode was pretty damn epic for a Little Einsteins episode. I then emailed Alicia telling her:
"Damn, dude. That episode was epic. Thanks for the VHS!
Your friend, Gracie"
I then kept the VHS just in case I wanted to show it to my parents. I think they'd like this episode!
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thegracelessfaceless · 2 months
Gracie's 30 Day Warmup Challenge
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I haven't drawn in quite a while and, yeah, I could write some great stuff, but I was really proud of my progress in drawing before my unannounced hiatus into the wild (dementia care work) and I really want to get back into it. So here's a log of all my Warmups for 30 Days (hopefully in a row)
Day One 😖: 28.07.24- Sal
Day Two 🤔: 31.07.24 Sal again
Day Three 🤔: 01.08.24 Larry
Day Four 😬: 02.08.24 Nina the Killer
Days Five-Seven 🥰:04.08.24 Dogpool/Peggy the Dog
Days Seven-Fourteen 😁: 13.08.24
I'm going to definitely need help deciding what characters to draw, so please, send in suggestions. I have opened my requests, that should convey my desperation. It doesn't even have to be Sally Face or creepypasta. Send me your characters, I'll see how I draw them
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killemwithkawaii · 3 years
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Sooo the last few days have been interesting.
I have been doing thinking as Shin drove and I can’t help but feel responsible for him. Like I made him up and gave him this personality. Did I know he was gonna get retconned into this universe? No but we’re making due
So what now?
Well for the rest of October I’m excused from school so I’m getting a free road-trip but I’ve got the lad hooked with a therapist because lord he needs it. Not dating but a start over.
I made him say he was an idiot in all languages he knows, which was fun
K.E.W.K.: Hehe, Shin looks pretty happy to be holding that shaming sign for you! It sounds like things are going really well for both, given the circumstances. I'm relieved, I know how badly that kind of shit can go.
[half-chuckling] A lot of weird things have been popping up in this universe lately, huh? First it was my Sally last year, and then there was Larry showing up and kidnapping Spooky, and then there were the other Sals that people claimed had followed L.S.S. here, then this year, Shin and all of Gracies creepypasta boys manifested themselves and are running around, and now, there's the mystery needle, the fork, and the ah... ahah...
[clears throat]
Sorry MJ, I'm really happy for you, but I can't talk right now. Stay safe and have fun on your roadtrip. Be sure to check in when you can, and I'll do the same.
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pastel-rights · 4 years
My OC list for all the OCs I have, might do some headcanons/facts about if you guys want me to-
Sarah-Beth Lexington/Alblex (Buttons) ⭐️
The storybook/Tyler Anne
Charlotte Meldrum (Roy’s coworker?)
The intern/Kathrine Burns ⭐️
Coraline Windhime
Millie Arin (Twin sister of Lauren Arin, little sister of Lexi Arin/OG Larry)
Lauren Arin (Twin sister of Millie Arin, little sister of Lexi Arin/OG Larry)
Katelyn Jones/Brown ⭐️
Rachel Afton ⭐️
Bianca Afton
Mabel Cardona (Daughter of town mayor) ⭐️
Jennifer Bellese (Mechanic) ⭐️
Gracie Windchester
Sally Face
Vanellope Oumado (AKA Ivory) ⭐️
Ivory Komaeda (AKA Vanellope) ⭐️
Tara Amami (AKA Alexandra Dallas) ⭐️
Tokua Stein
Arrow Adams ⭐️
Lucky Clovers
Angels of Death
Elizabeth Foster ⭐️
Sandra Williams-Winston (Stitch and Cut) ⭐️
Randall Spots (AKA Randall)⭐️
Henry Stickmin
Isabella/Izze Stickmin
Identity V
Selene Madison
Long Maxwell (AKA God of Wrath)
Anthony Phoenix Maes (Twin Brother of Stephen Maes, Oldest sibling of the Maes Family)
Brooklyn Maes (Younger sibling of the Maes Family) ⭐️
Annabelle Maes (Youngest sibling of the Maes Family)
Kimblee Heathers (Oldest sibling of the Heathers Family)
Shawn Heathers (one of the younger siblings of the Heathers Family)
Charlie Larson ⭐️
Jackson Jones/Brown (Twin Brother of Katelyn Jones) ⭐️
Red ???
Emilia Willbrums
Alexander Larris (AKA Sin of Greed)
Connor Larris
Tamako Cho (AKA the Gardening Ghost)
Amane Yasuhiro ⭐️
Hayato Yasuhiro (AKA the musical sensation in the ghost world) ⭐️
Shunichi Yukii Yamane
Aoi Yamane (AKA the Stage Light Ghost) ⭐️
Michio Mitsuki
Kyoshi Kyoka
Lexi Hallows (Also known as Madame Hallows)
Charles Angelica Wright/Scout Scotts
Game/George (or Georgie) Hester ⭐️
Whitney Hester ⭐️
Roxwell Ablex
Shiine Mitsuki
Lydia Alice
Tenari ???
Peaches Robinson
Chester ???
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Heya, how are you? Do you have any Hcs for Ticci Toby that you won't mind sharing? Thank you and hope your day is going well
I'm doing good, @anonymousstinkkat001 , looking to get back on the writing horse again. I hope these are good. I wasn't sure exactly what kind of hc's you wanted, so I have general, then as an SO 🧡
Tobias Andrew Adams Headcanons
(I write for Tobias Adams over Tobias Rogers because of all of the controversy involving Tobes. In my mind, they are the same, and my idea of Toby is a bit different.)
Tobias Andrew Adams was born April 27, 1990. He is 31 years old.
In light of recent fan art I've seen, Toby has a small man bun (If anyone saved that picture or you drew it, could you tag me in it?) (Edit: I found the pic but still don't know who made it. Help?)
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He's about 6'0" tall, 6'1" in shoes.
I hate to tell you guys this, but he hates waffles. Waffles remind him of all the times his mother tried to pretend everything was okay, when it wasn't.
If Toby even bothers eating breakfast, it's probably going to be bacon or sausage and eggs with toast and apple juice, no less, no more.
Toby is a pretty quiet guy. He's got a lot going on in his head. Missions for Slenderman, his schizophrenia, post traumatic stress disorder from all the years of abuse and mental terror at the hands of his stepfather... Yeah, there's just a lot going on up there.
Toby's a pretty dualistic person. If you're a close friend, his SO, part of his found family, Toby is a healthy mix of serious and his own personal mix of goofy but dry humor. Expect dad jokes.
"The best advice I was ever given is: 'In life, there are three things you should never turn down. Candy. A woman. And bacon.' Two out of three ain't bad."
"I like my coffee like I like my metal. Black."
If you're not part of "Toby's world" (his inner circle) expect him to be kind of a jerk. He's an asshole, but he's our asshole.
His relationship with Masky and Hoodie is like watching a dad and a big brother deal with a younger sibling
A mix of love and patience, and tired-beyond-their-wits-end annoyance.
Toby says that Jane is like a sister to him. They spent a few years keeping each other alive when Zalgo took over the town where Jane was from, which coincidentally is where proxies safely live and interact
He used to be like brothers with Jeff, and Slenderman offered Jeff a proxy position, but Jeff turned it down. No one tells Jeff what to do, not even Jeff.
Works really hard to suppress his tics while on missions. Unfortunately, this exhausts him so he's a little short while working.
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As a SO:
Toby's love language is physical touch, so if you don't like being touched a lot, Toby isn't the one for you.
He's not overwhelming with it. Just a thigh squeeze here, brushing his scarred fingers across your knuckles when he hands you something, forehead kisses, etc.
Something special between the two of you are your daily sparring practices. He always goes easy on you, likes teaching you things, and it makes him feel good knowing that he's taught you to defend yourself well.
He also really enjoys taking you on nature walks. None of the other proxies know, but the two of you have taken up bird watching after discovering that there was a pair of owls that live in the surrounding 10 mile radius.
Can't go on missions with you. He gets too concerned for your safety and accidentally leaves himself vulnerable trying to protect you. After it almost got him killed one time, Slenderman finally stepped in and sends you and him on separate missions now.
He misses you pretty badly when you're gone and lets it effect his mood in the worst way.
He's moody, snarky, standoffish and his kills are exponentially more brutal.
The only person who can deal with him when you're gone is Jane. She gives him a good shaking every once in a while to snap him out of it, but it never lasts long. The only thing that can make it better is you being back.
Once you're home, he's not gonna want to leave you alone for a while. He'll go wherever you go, within limits, until he feels he's spent enough time with you to make up for when you two were apart.
He gives you little gifts; things he's found while in town, a cool rock he found while monitoring a target, the first rose he sees in the summer time, a leaf that had turned really pretty colors during autumn
Is trying to talk Slenderman into letting the two of you have a pet, maybe a stray he finds (cat or dog), or a lizard he caught. He's not been successful so far, but he thinks he'll crack Slendy any day now
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I can only speak for myself but I would be perfectly happy having an ask answered a year after I submitted it coming from a bitch who also procrastinates everything lmao
Aww Anon you know just what to say 🥰! I'm feeling kinda productive today and leaning towards the SF universe, so I'm hoping to knock a couple asks out! Of course, asks are always open!
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Heyy! I saw that you write for creepypasta and I was wondering if you do match-ups or would consider doing them?
I've never done matchups but I'm willing to try!
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