#grabs you by the shoulders Pup tim. do you hear what i am saying
digitalcarcrash · 28 days
Can I Say Something
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lunarianillusion · 4 years
a change in fate
a maribat fanfic
Chapter 03
Timothy really wanted to know who thought it was a good idea to put Guy Gardner on monitor duty, because this was clearly not a prank.
Let’s backtrack a bit, the young alpha had gone out after having put all his stuff at his new loft, to go and gather information. He had done some research beforehand on the internet but the blog that had started out decently had turned into nothing but a gossip site. He had not been as thorough as he normally was since he was still a bit skeptical of the situation. He also needed to get a coffee machine.
He had just walked through a few blocks when a loud explosion penetrated the air and made his ears ring like a train conductor was whistling directly into his ears. It took a minute to stop but that did not stop him from scouting the surroundings for the source of the explosion.
He found it in the form of a horrendously colour coordinated person with a large neon orange helmet on top of a circle form glider a few streets away. An akuma. It was real.
He pulled up his hood before slipping into the shadows, like he was trained to and pulled out his hidden utility belt. The Bat pack ways will not be leaving him anytime soon. He then quickly took to the rooftops, applying a scent blocker and ear plugs along the way, towards the danger zone.
Upon arriving on the danger zone another explosion rung loudly through the air making Tim very grateful for the special function earplugs he put in. He took to perch on one of the higher rooftops to observe the situation. By the looks of it the two Parisian heroes had already arrived, but he was not impressed by what he saw. Rather disappointed if not disgusted.
First the akuma; The male threw golden balls, that he got from a metal backpack, that exploded upon impact. Though the explosions them self were small and would only leave any physical damage if they exploded a foot away from you. They had already destroyed some parts of the surrounding buildings though. The explosions were however very loud, as he found out himself and it would be a miracle if the bystanders weren’t deaf by the end of it.
Then came the heroes, if you could even call them that.
Chat Noir was acting like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum over not getting his favourite toy. He kept on trying to trip the new ladybug up while screaming and whining at her to tell were the real ladybug was. Or he was taunting the akuma, who in turn threw more bombs that the mangy cat dodged but then those bombs got dangerously close to the civilians that were still in the area. Did he not realize that his actions could get people killed like that? Was this a game to him and did not like the rules of?
Then there was the new ladybug at first, she had his sympathies for chat trying to trip her up on every possible occasion. That changed when he saw how she subtly led the akuma to the bystanders, bringing them into danger, only to ‘save’ them at the last moment. Oh, how that made Timothy’s blood boil.
He made these observations within a few seconds and he quickly sprang from his perch and into the action. He was not going to let the innocent bystanders become unnecessarily injured by their ‘heroes’ reckless actions, if he could help it.
The moment he safely hit the ground he bolted to a small group of civilians, that were desperately clutching their ears. He placed his hand on the back of the smallest of the group and gaining the attention of the surrounding people. They looked at him with utterly confused and scared looks. Likely they were tourists given by their attire. He motioned for them to follow him, since they would not be able to hear him over the explosions and ringing, and swiftly guided them away from the danger.
Once he got them far enough from the danger zone, picking some more bystanders along the way, he motioned for them to book it out of dodge. Then went to get any left behind stragglers out. There was only one left and the child had gone to hide behind some of the rubble. Looking around frantically and calling out for help as tears run down their cheeks.
He began to run towards the young pup, only to watch in horror as one of the bombs exploded at the base of the rubble. The bomb having been intended for Chat noir who had dodged to the side without a care and allowed the rubble to crush the scared pup underneath. The terrified look would be haunting Tim’s nightmares to come, as blood pooled from underneath the rock. A small hand was sticking out as if desperately reaching out for safety.
Chat noir should be eternally grateful that hawkmoth is only capable of akumatizing one person at a time without aid. Otherwise they would have a super-powered ex-robin on his tail.
It was time to stop this madness. His secrecy might become compromised but so be it. Taking out his grappling gun he took to get a better vantage and knock the immediate danger of his glider. Then he had to destroy the backpack to keep the Akuma  from getting or making any more bombs. Grabbing several explosive birdarangs he took aim.
A blue blur of a person slammed feet first into the akuma’s back. Knocking the akuma off their glider and crashing onto the ground, creating a spiderweb patterning on the ground. A loud crack rang through the air as the metal backpack shattered.
The person clad in blue rolled upon impact over the akuma and then flipped backward creating some distance between the two of them, then taking on a battle stance and giving Tim the chance to examine them.
The female was clad in a dark blue tunic and matching leggings with thigh high boots. Around her waist she wore a silver cloth belt and light blue faded skirt that was open in the front and had a peacock motif, given by the fuchsia eyes at the tips of the skirt. Her blue tipped hair was pulled into a messy braided ponytail with two feathers sticking out. Her weapon, a fan, was poised and ready to attack.
The akuma stands back up and lets out a fierce snarl but the unknown female was unfazed by it. She only narrowed her rose coloured eyes into an ice-cold glare, that sent shivers down the spines of all who were watching. The akuma sent their glider to attack the blue clad female, but she easily jumped over it and used their fan too slice through the glider itself. Then she sprinted to her target with great speed. He tried to defend themselves but with their atrocious combat abilities, blue easily throws them over her shoulder before slamming the bud of her fan onto the helmet splitting it in two. Final someone competent has shown up.
A sickly looking black butterfly flew out of the helmet and the peacock themed person turned to the new L.B.  “Ladybug! Purify it!” she commanded shocking said ‘hero’ into action. The spotted girl stumbled a bit and had to throw her yoyo out for a second time before being able to catch the butterfly and then letting it go, now as a healthy-looking white butterfly. She only then then summoned her lucky charm, a bow, and threw it into the air calling out to her power. The bow transformed into a large swarm of ladybugs that went around restoring the wreckage back to its original state and brought back those that lost their life. Like in the videos from the tabloid blog.
Seeing the young child, that had just been crushed, alive and look around absolutely confused brought the Gothamite a certain feeling of wonder and overwhelming dread. Because if these heroes could reverse death how many had already died.
A strange black and purple goop surrounded the akuma bringing the hidden alpha’s attention back to him and the blue clad female. Once the goop receded in the place of the akuma now sat a teenage boy with mousy hair and a pair of round glasses on their face and was looking around completely confused. The peacock theme hero sat infront of the boy and began to talk to him. She seemed to be comforting the boy, but Timothy was too far away to hear what she was saying.
As he saw Chat and LB advance on the two however, he decided it to be best to listen in and gain some first-hand information. He also had a prominent theory running through his head upon having observed unknown hero’s combative skills and actions and needed to see if he was correct.
As the akuma victim was taking away to a therapist, hopefully, the blue clad hero turned to the so-called heroes of Paris. Before she could get a word out however Chat Noir lunged at her with a yell to call out his own power. Luckily though the peafowl easily grabbed the cat boy’s wrist and redirected him into destroying a nearby café chair. Before hurling him to the ground and knocking the wind out of him, but not letting go of his wrist.
“Are you going to attack every person that is not ‘your’ ladybug and is trying to help,” she spoke in a voice that sounded so done with the world. Chat let out a hiss. “I am not going to fall for your lies Mayura,” the blond snapped.
“Do not ever align me with the likes of Mayura,” the bluenette hissed in return, voice filled with a cold malice that made the boy feel a shiver. “I do not expect you to trust me right now, but at least give me a chance to prove myself,” She spoke more calmly now as she helped Chat noir back on his feet, before taking a few steps back.
“How did you even acquire the peacock miraculous?” Ladybug asked skeptically, her eyes glaring into the other girl. Who did not seem to care.
“It was intrusted to me and I was told to use it for the good of Paris. Which I intend to do, no matter what. Paris is my home and Hawkmoth has been tormenting it for too long,” She spoke with conviction her own rose-coloured eyes alight with fire. “Now I belief I should introduce myself. You may call me Blue Royal” She said while placing here fan over her heart and bow her head ever so slightly.
The other heroes wanted to interrogate her more, but a beeping sound stopped  them. A timer. “A month trial period, for both of you, at the end we will meet on Saturday at midnight on the top of the Eifel tower. We will decide how to proceed afterwards,” Chat Noir stated. Gaining an affronted gasp from ladybug.
“Why am I being put on a trial period!” She exclaimed.
“Because you refuse to tell us any information about what happened and where the real Ladybug is! If she were here, we would have no need for you or this hero wannabe,” Chat Noir yelled back in frustration. Tim’s eye twitched in annoyance. ‘You did not do much to help the situation either.’ Timothy thought bitterly and the sentiment seemed to resonate with Royal, given by the way she glared at the two when they weren’t looking.
The two children wanted to argue some more but the beeping sound interrupted them once more. Good they might have turned into an akuma themselves if they continued. Just as the news crew, along with miss tabloid, entered the area the ladybug and cat ‘heroes’ left the scene. They immediately tried to swarm to Blue Royal, but to everyone slight surprise her skirt unfurled from her waist into two large wings. The wings beet down as she jumped into the air leaving gobsmacked reporters and curious Gothamite in her wake.
Though Timothy could have gone in pursue, he decided it best to lay contact at a later time. He got some information to process and work on.
He also really needed coffee.
@moonlightstar64, @iloontjeboontje, @mickylikesstuff, @scribblinggraveyard, @faunrasthewinterelf, @myazael, @incredulous-reader
Authors note: special thank you to @moonlightstar64 for helping me with how to tag people. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and happy holidays.
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
The Red Hoods Protègè chapter 7
Older Damian Wayne x ofc
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(Photo made by my lovely friend @bakketsux)
Summary:Red hood has taken a young vigilante under his wing and subsequently changes Damians life forever. (I suck at summary’s)
As Tim walks down the hallway towards the kitchen he hears a faint hum, the sound growing louder and clearer the further he walks down.
As he walks through the large entrance of the kitchen he’s greeted by Damian standing in front of the island. The sight doesn’t shock him in the slightest, with Damian waking up at around 5 every morning and is in the kitchen by 6. But what peaks his interest is not the array of different vegetables that he’s cutting up, but the bright smile and tune he’s humming.
Why would he be acting this way at such an early hour? Usually at any time of the day the young man would have a blank almost cold look to his face, no more the permanent scowl that was etched onto his face his first few years living at the manor. The few times Tim has seen any enjoyment in his face was usually at the expense of others, or when with his beloved animals.
Tim notices Titus a few feet away from Damian eating from his bowl, him wondering if that’s the source of his unusual happiness. Before Tim can question anymore Damian looks up at him. “There’s coffee in the pot still, there’s at least another cup and a half left of it.” Now Tim’s Curiosity has doubled in size. What would usually be silence from Damian, or an answer that is short and to the point, and a step down from harsh is an amused and happy response. What is going on?
As Tim prepares his coffee he looks towards Damian and sees the large smile is back on his face as he cooks his breakfast.
Tim brings his coffee to the island and sips it as he watches Damian. “What’s gotten you in such a good mood?” Tim asks. “Oh it’s nothing.” Tim notices the smile on damians face as he says this, clearly not trying to hide it Either. “You do remember we’re both trained by a detective right? I can tell you’re hiding something.” The same smile is still on Damian's face even when he looks at Tim. “I just have plans later that I’m looking forward to.” This makes both men chuckle. “If by the looks of how you’re acting I’d think you’ve got a date then.” Tim teases. Damian looks at Tim with a knowing smile and a raised brow. Tim’s eyes grow as his mouth opens slightly. Shock clearly drawn on his face. “If you need anything from me, Titus and I will be in the garden.” Damian says as he walks out the door, wearing the same smile on his face.
The crunch of the leaves on alfreds shoes and the soft wind blowing in the air brings a smile to the elderly man's face as he walks outside. With only 4 people taking residence in the manor, all of which pick up themselves finally, Alfred has been able to take time for himself more often. And one of his favorite activities to do is to get outside and walk through the spacious garden. Even during the cold winter you’ll see a bundled up Alfred taking a stroll outside.
As he reaches the large oak tree that he usually sits under with a book he sees Damian in the exact same spot. The young man is sitting on the ground reading a book with Titus sitting his head in his lap, damian's hand that isn’t holding his book scratching the pups head as Titus is falling fast asleep in his owner's lap.
“Good morning master Damian.” Damian's head lifts from his book as he hears Alfred. “Good morning Alfred, would you like to sit?” Damian gestures to the spot beside him. “Of course.”
As Alfred sits beside Damian he pats the head of Titus, which makes his tail wag back and forth.
As Alfred takes a look around he takes notice of the book Damian is reading. “Gone with the wind, a beautiful novel but not your usual read master.” “Happen to notice it in the library this morning, I’ve never particularly gone for a romance novel before but thought I should pick it up and it’s quite nice so far.” “Well if you are interested in romance novels, I’ll set a couple of my favorites out for you tomorrow morning.” “That would be nice, thank you Alfred. I should be going soon, I have a few things I need to finish before tonight.” Damian says as he stands up. “And what plans do you have for this evening master?” Damian smiles as he looks down at the ground. “Just something I'm Looking forward to is all.” As Damian walks away Alfred wonders, what has gotten Damian in such a good mood?
Bruce takes notice of the look on Damians face as he does his usual pull ups, his usual straight and cold features now with a smile.
Damian jumps from the bar and wipes the sweat from his forehead. Damian walks over to the chair Bruce is sitting at and grabs a few papers at the table. “I’ll be busy tonight so I won’t be able to make it on patrol, is it alright if I use one of the cars tonight?” Damian asks his father, “uh, sure Damian.” Damian rarely asks him anything, let alone if he could miss patrol. “What’re you plans tonight?” Bruce asks as Damian walks away. “Just have some plans is all.” Damian says with a smile. As Damian walks away Bruce is left to wonder, what plans does Damian have that have gotten him so happy?
As Damian finishes putting his tie on and flattening his suit jacket for the 100 time, he hears a knock at his door. “Come in” Damian yells.
As dick walks in he’s taken aback by his brother's attire. “What’s gotten you to be so dressed up? Is there a gala that I don’t know about tonight?” Dick asks, he doesn’t remember anything of importance happening tonight. But the small smile Damian has with a faint blush gives away what his youngest brother is doing. “You got a date don’t you?” Dick teases. “For your information, yes I do. And I don’t need you to run around and tell everyone either.” “Promos I won’t, but I’m proud of ya.” Dick says as he puts his hand on his shoulder. “Although if I were you I’d wear something else. Where are you guys going?” “There’s a new Italian restaurant opening tonight. When I red about it they stated that they have tables that are separate from the main dining room. I booked a reservation this morning.” “Then how about I help you a bit.” “With what?” Damian asks, confused at what dick is saying. “You’re way to dressed up, here let me take a look and see what you’ve got that’d be better.”
Dick walks over to damians closet and looks around, he grabs a few articles of clothing and hands them to Damian. “These are way better for a date, a suit is better for a more formal date like a gala or red carpet.”
Damian grabs the clothes and heads to the bathroom and changes.
When he steps out dick is standing there with a comb in his hand. “You also don’t need a ton of gel in your hair, you want to look nice but not like you’re trying super hard. Plus too much gel makes your hair look greasy.”
As Damian sits down dick starts to comb out the gel in damian's hair. “Are you nervous?” Dick doesn’t expect him to answer, knowing that while dick is the one who Damian is the closest to in the family, he rarely speaks about his emotions to him. “I am actually.” This shocks dick, not only because he opened up about his nerves, but the fact that he has any. “Here listen to me when I say this, you’ll do fine. Don’t be nervous, just be yourself and if there’s any advice I could give you, make her feel like she’s the only person in the room. Make her feel wanted and don’t be afraid of it, and also compliment her a few times and call her cute.” Dick winks as he says the last part. “Guessing that’s how you got Barbra to fall for you then?” “Oh you betcha.” Both men laugh at that. “I’ve gotta get going, I’ve got something to pick up on my way there and wanna be there before she does.” “Alright and good luck.” As Damian walks out of the door he turns and looks at dick. “Thanks by the way.” “No problem dames.”
The Clock strikes 6:00 as she puts the final touches of rouge to her cheeks and checks her hair one last time before she puts her dress on.
Nerves are flowing through her as she slips the flowing black dress on along with her nude colored stockings. Finally slipping her feet into her shoes and checking the mirror one last time and grabs her purse.
She heads out the door and looks out into the kitchen. She doesn’t see anyone out there so she heads out. Right before she grabs the door to head out she hears someone walk towards her. “Here take this.” She looks behind her and sees Jason with a smile and a wad of cash. “It’s just in case, it’s always good to have some extra just in case when you’re on a date.” “How did you-“ “it’s pretty obvious bub, I mean your smile yesterday just about gave it away and you’re usually never this dressed up when you leave the house. I’m not worried or upset. I’m happy for you. I not only trust that you can protect yourself, but that you’re smart and wouldn’t go on a date with someone I wouldn’t approve of.” At his confession she hugs him tightly. “Thanks dad.” “No problem bub.” Jason kisses her forehead and she grabs the cash from his hand and heds the door. A smile on Jason's face growing as he sees her practically run out the door in excitement.
She checks the note one more time as she reaches the restaurant, this can’t be the place. What she thought would be a small restaurant is a large grand building with stunning lights that give a soft glow onto the street and large doors painted red.
“Did know if you would show or not.” She turns around and sees Damian with a smile on his face. With his hands behind his back as he walks up to her she takes in his attire. Black dress pants with a dark button up and a charcoal blazer over the top. His face is again clean shaven and his hair is styled back and out of his face. When he reaches her he pulls his hands from behind his back to reveal a Bouquet of beautiful fiery red flowers. A gasp leaves her at the sight of them. “They’re Acacia leprosa, or most known for being called Scarlet Blaze. They’re mostly grown in Victoria Australia but can also be found in some Arabic countries.” Damian says as he looks into her eyes. He notices the flaming red cover her cheeks again as a wide smile takes over her face. He can’t take his eyes off of her, he knew the moment he met her she was beautiful, but having her standing there in a beautiful black dress with lips painted the color of a blooming rose, and hair so effortlessly curled and soft looking with eyes sparkling like the night sky above. He can’t take his eyes off her even as she takes the flowers from his grasp. “I love them, thank you Damian.” As she takes the flowers from him their hands touch for a moment, the same warmth flooding both of them at the contact.
“Are we gonna head inside oorr-“ she asks teasingly. “Oh yeah sorry about that.” Damian laughs.
He grabs the door for her and they step inside, going up to the tall man in a suit at the entrance of the dining area. “Reservations for Wayne.” Says Damian to the man. “Right this way Mr. Wayne.” As the two walk behind the man Damian puts his hand on the middle of her back. The action not uncomfortable but welcoming to her. “I thought you said you didn’t like being called Mr. Wayne?” “Officially I don’t mind, but I prefer to be called Damian by those I don’t have work or business with.”
As the two walk by the many tables filled with people they are led up a few stairs and into a section above the main dining tables. The table set with candles and a fine lace cloth covering the table.
As she goes to pull the chair out to sit Damian grabs it for her, pulling her seat out and as she sits down he pushes it in for her. “Well are you a gentleman. First it’s flowers and now this?” She teases. “Well of course, was taught from day 1.”
The two sit and read over the menu for a few minutes in silence until a waiter comes by. “My name is Luca and I will be your waiter this evening, now what can I get you for drinks?” “I’ll have your jasmine green tea with almond milk, and what will you be having?” Asks Damian. “I’ll get the same thing but with lemon instead of milk please.”
As the waiter walks away their eyes meet again. With the soft candle lights giving a soft glow to Damian's face, he looks as though he’s slept out of a movie. The green of his eyes enhanced by the warm glow of the candles. “So I’ve been curious, is ange your actual name or is it a nickname?” Panic fills her at his question, she didn’t think too hard in fear he’d see the panic on her face. “My actual name is alexia, most either call me ange or Lexie.” “Well what do you prefer then?” Damian asks with a smirk. “ it’s all up to you, I don’t mind.” “Well, I kinda like the name Lexie, if you don’t mind that is?” Damian asks with a wink. She flushes at the action but keeps her eyes locked with his. “That’s perfectly okay, that’s if I get to call you something back?” “Whatever you like.” “How about dames?” “I like that.” Damian chuckles.
The two sit and wait until the waiter comes back with their drinks. The two say thank you as he leaves, leaving them alone again. “Now you said that these flowers grow in Arabic country’s right?” “Yes, it’s where my mother is from. I grew up mostly with her until I started to live with my father.” “So that explains it then.” Damian raises his brow at her statement. “You don’t look a lot like your father is all.” “Yeah I know, he didn’t believe I was his son at first. That was until the paternity test cane back that is.” As he was talking she took a sip of her drink, a laugh coming up but it made her choke on her drink. Coughs ripping out her throat alone with laughs. “Oh jeez I’m sorry!” As Damian reches over the table to help her he spills his tea all over himself. The action only making her laugh harder. Damian puts his head in his hands to try and hide the scarlet red that’s covered his entire face. His hoping to shield his emarament only making her Wheeze harder. This only making Damian laugh at his own expense. “I’m usually not like this, I’ve never gone on a date before and am actually really nervous if you can’t tell.” Damian laughs as he looks at her.
She grabs the top of his hand softly and rubs her thumb on his hand. “Well you’re doing just fine dames, and it’s good to know I’m not the only nervous one here. And besides, you’re cute when you flush. ” As she says this his face flushes again. A smile taking over her face. “I didn’t expect to be this nervous to be honest, but as soon as I saw you I couldn’t help it. You look absolutely breathtaking tonight, as you always do.” Damian winks at her as he says this, finishing the last few sips from his drink. This making her blush again. “Awe and who’s blushing now?” She brings her hands over her face to try to cover the flaming red. “Awe come on let me see.” Damian takes her hands into his as he pulls them gently from her. A large smile takes over his face. “And would you look at that.” “Look at what?” She asks. “You’re even more beautiful.” “Stooop.” They both laugh and without realizing it, never letting their hands break apart.
Once dinner has arrived and 2 more drinks have come, the pair no longer feeling the awkwardness from the beginning. Their conversations ranging from their favorite books to hobbies to embarrassing stories from their childhood. “No I’m sorry but nothing tops what I did to my moms cat Asia.” She laughs. “And what could you have done that’s worse than smuggle in a cow into a mansion?” Damian says with a heavy laugh. “I tried to flush her down the toilet.” “What!” They both laugh as she tries telling the story through her laughter. “I had a lot of fish growing up, and whenever they would die my mom would have me flush them down the toilet. I was 4 and asked her why we flush them and not bury them in the ground. She told me that it’s the fastest way to heaven. Well our cat was really old and had breathing problems. So one day she comes home to hear something from the bathroom. She walks in and sees me trying to flush our fat can down the toilet! She freaked out and asked me why am I trying to flush the cat and I told her “you said it’s the fastest way to heaven mommy, I want Asia to be all better!” So she had to explain all of that to me so that I wouldn’t try to kill the cat again.” Both are now wheezing laughing. Damian with his head thrown back. “Thanks for telling me, I’ll never let you watch any of my animals now.” “Hey I know now not to! I’m not THAT numb!” Both laughing until their sides are hurting.
As they finish their meals she grabs his plates and cup. “What’re you doing?” “I’m setting the table so it’s easier for the waiter. She stacks the plates together and their silverware and napkins into a neat pile. “You seriously are so sweet.” “When I want to be that is.” She says with a wink.
As she’s about to grab the check damians hand covers hers. “I’ve got this one.” “Well I can at least pay my half.” “I asked you on this date, I definitely have enough to pay for you.” She lets go of the check and stands up and grabs her flowers.
As they step outside a large gust of the chill autumn air sends a shiver up her body. But before she can freeze anymore a coat is placed over her shoulders. “Oh no I don’t want you getting cold.” She goes to give him his jacket back until his hands rest on her arms. “I’m definitely warm enough. Besides, you’re cute with my jacket on you.” “Do you just think I look cute all the time or something?” “So far? Yes. Might also want to add breathtaking, enchanting, and a true beauty to the list.” She looks down as her face is now a deep crimson.
They walk on the street for a while, Damian putting his hand around her waist as they walked. “Can I drive you home? It’s pretty late and I don’t think it’d be safe at this time of night.” “Um you could drive me to the street if my house, my dad is probably home right now.” “Alright, then let’s get back to my car.”
As they reach the car he opens the door and closes it for her. He runs around to the other side and gets in, turning the car on and hitting a button on the side. Her seat warming almost instantly. “Heated seats eh? My dad has us drive around on his bike most of the time.” “My brother Todd usually drives around on one. Well he used to that is.” “Used to?” She asks. Was his brother dead? “We don’t speak to him anymore. Some stuff happened and it’s been years since we’ve heard from him.” “Oh I’m sorry. I hope he’s okay at least.” “Oh he’s fine, we know where he is, he just doesn’t speak to us anymore. I was never that close to him anyways.” “Well time can heal all wounds. Maybe one day he’ll come back.” “Maybe. Honestly who knows with him.”
As they pull up to her street Damian and her eyes lock again, neither one looking away. “I had a lot of fun tonight. Wanna go for coffee sometime? I really wanna see you again” Damian asks as he holds the top of her hand. “I’d love that, here let me give you my number.” They both out their numbers in their phones. As they pull up to her street Damian and her eyes lock again, neither one looking away. “I had a lot of fun tonight. Wanna go for coffee sometime? I really wanna see you again” Damian asks as he holds the top of her hand. “I’d love that, here let me give you my number.” They both out their numbers in their phones.
They lock eyes again and as she’s about to take his coat off he stops her. “Don’t, keep it. I’ve got plenty at home.” She doesn’t fight him, mostly due to the warmth it brings but the scent of pine from his cologne he’s wearing. Both of them looking into their eyes again and neither wanting to breaking away. “I had a lot of fun tonight Damian. Thank you.” “As did I, alexia.”
As she steps out of the car and walks off out of his view, Damian throws his head against his seat with a large smile.
Tags: @comic-nerd-dc @psychovigilantewrites
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