#gr2 spoilers
lonepower · 1 year
enemy barks calling jack the climber now instead of the ghostrunner-
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luminiera-merge · 5 months
i love kali angel's fighting style. she has two guns that she never uses. she has two swords that don't show on her but she DOES use, but maybe she is the sword?
despite all the weapons, her fighting style of choice is to run at you and beat the shit out of you with her arms and legs. at any given moment, she is sprinting at you with the sole intent of crushing you into a small, pocket-sized cube. she is never taking a moment to breathe, never stopping to gesture or taunt.
also, if you try this method with her, she throws you to the ground, and/or throws you at someone else. she is one thing and one thing only, angry, and wants to do one thing and one thing only, beat the shit out of you
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hermitesque · 7 years
49 x Gravity Rush 2 Icons
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My second and last lot of GR2 portrait icons! If a character was named, had a portrait, and featured in the main story and/or the Raven DLC then I've iconned them in either this or the last batch. Feel free to take and use as you like. Credit is nice, if only so other folks know where to find more.
Enjoy! ♥
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chawwiedesu · 7 years
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i missed you
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nekorikachan · 7 years
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"If you don't hurry, those mosters will eat everything, including you."
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glacecannon · 8 years
Raven’s Choice was… Weird. It was pretty weird. Not in a good way? Like kind of a making things a mess needlessly sort of way?? Idk...
Like… What even happened in the first Gravity Rush anymore?? All of her motivation from then is gone & Boutoume now was totally empty then so how could Most Of It have even happened?? Why does time travel have to do these things to us??
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the-money-dog · 8 years
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Find someone that looks at you the way Raven looks at Kat
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gyooza · 8 years
More Gravity Rush 2 stuff, so once again spoilers below On another note, this might be a bit reaching, but did anyone else notice the color of Newt and Echo's baby's hair? It was cyan, like a certain dream guardian. Might this mean that Cyanea is possibly being reborn into the world?
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potatocake40322 · 6 years
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shingojira · 8 years
gravity rush 2 literally becomes akira in chapter 3
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lonepower · 7 months
ohhhhh man this mod is so cool wtf?!
a lot of the stuff in it is clearly unfinished/scrapped--jack's entry cuts off mid-sentence, some of the timelines don't add up (gr2 takes place one year after gr1, where zoe was 22, but it says she's 26; it says jack has been active for 3 years but also mentions again the keymaster being defeated "a year ago"; etc), and it's full of other little inconsistencies--but i am Still 👀 over some of what's in there. here's a couple of my favorites (taking all of it with a fair amount of salt):
i was spot on with Zoe's backstory and am super proud of that. like-
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ᵈᵃᵐⁿ ⁱ`ᵐ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ
also she went to college! smarty pants (:
jack is a little bit younger than I thought! i figured given the timeline of the GR project he was probably around 50, & it says he's 44. (he did spend 20 of those years dead in a dumpster though, so if you correct for that then he & zoe are around the same age. kira is 10ish years older than both of them (37).)
fucking knew it-
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it does say the grs were (unethically, of course) spliced from the general populace, though. but since that's info that wasn't included in the actual published canon, i'm sticking with my 'one fucked up family' headcanon anyways.
it describes bakunin's wound from hel as "near fatal". bestie she cut him in half
kira appears to have no idea that adam did All Of That™ to mara. she does lament the tendency of scientist couples to be credited as solely the man's work, and seems to think that this was the primary reason for mara being evil. she notably does not denounce women's wrongs. good for her tbh
she also seems to really like/respect rahu, bc her entry on him is a lot less flippant than the others. i'm not sure how down with it he'd be, but the idea of them as pals is both hilarious and terrifying.
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luminiera-merge · 5 months
i touched on this earlier but man kali angel really did have every single one of her worst fears come true
(gravity rush 2 spoilers under the cut)
it can be considered a loose read but it kinda seems to me that she's afraid of being abandoned which comes to the forefront as her life falls apart in gravity rush 2. it'd make sense for someone with her upbringing, a result of what happened to her: she was abandoned as a child and left to the streets with her sister, and i mean, sure, even if brahman didn't care if she died during the angel egg experiments, she still lived, and he still took her in. he was 100% a villain and planned on using her to basically end hekseville with all of them in it, but in her mind, why should she care? he cared for her when nobody else did, even if "care" is used loosely here
when kat came along, it's kind of unclear which one of them actually started hostilities between them (kat also seems kind of irritated she's not hekseville's darling anymore) though for kali, kat still presents the threat of abandonment; what IF kat becomes their hero again? what happens to her? it's not something she takes too seriously at first, but after kali is exposed, it happens. hekseville abandons her and the illusion that everyone loved her falls apart. her OTHER worst fear was losing her sister. which happened. then happened again when she realised everyone's calling her "cecie" and she doesn't remember you. then almost again just before her third boss fight
at first i thought it was time dilation stuff that meant she aged from a small child to 20, but afaik she was in hekseville the whole time, and gr2 is 3 hekseville years after gr1, so kali rapidly aged in that time. she's, emotionally speaking, still a child. she hasn't really had any of the experiences in life that most people go through, she hasn't grown up any kind of normally, in fact she kinda skipped most of the emotional developmental milestones. and yet, she's constantly having shit happen to her. god she deserved better
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cosmiciaria · 6 years
Gravity Rush 2 Review! (Spoiler free!)
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Disclaimer: I haven’t played the first game. Although now I really want to. 
I bought GR2 when it was on sale on the ps store and oh boy, do I have good instincts. I had been intriguied by this franchise for a while now and I had tested the demo, only to find the gravity thing a bit overwhelming - almost irritating at that time. But I couldn’t miss that chance, so I plunged into this adventure with little to no knowledge of what was about to happen to me. 
GR2 follows Kat, a gravity shifter girl. Here people (or women? because I haven’t seen a man doing it) can gravity shift: this means they control gravity, and can do with it as they please. Flying (more like being attracted to somewhere with gravity, but let’s call it flying), levitate things, speed through the air, pierce through things, lift heavy things, etc. These poweres are granted by a creature called guardian, a little animal made of stardust unique to each of the gravity shifters. Of course Kat has Dusty, a cat, who will be our silent but too beautiful to be true companion for the whole game. 
Kat awakens in a new town with no memory at all of her past and only Syd as the sole friend who was dragged with her into this. After a huge gravity storm (the ending of GR1 I presume), she disappeared alongside Syd and were stranded for a while, until the Bangha Settlement found them and put them to work in their mines. Kat has one purpose now: to return to Hekseville, to Raven, her best friend (though many would say there was something more between these two girls - I SHIP IT) and to her memories. But Syd doesn’t seem to help her much, at least at first glance, so it’s up to her to find her way around. 
From here on out, the game opens for you: it’s an open world, full of side missions, mines to explore, navi to kill, and people to meet. You can do whichever side mission you wanna do before diving into the main story missions, you can fully take your time collecting gems to improve Kat’s abilities, or you can just waste time flying around the buildings. You do whatever you want! The freedom it gives you it’s really fullfilling, for I never felt rushed to do anything and I did everything at my own pace. 
The story is divided into three well separated arcs, and each one is unique and spellbinding in their narrative. It feels like you’re playing three different installments in the franchise, as the three of these arcs cover very different themes and topics, and also maps. But there is a thread connecting all these arcs, and it’s amazingly well done. 
The narrative relies heavily on comic-book like scenes: panels with written dialogues and so on. This on itself may seem lazy, but it adds a lot of personality to the game. It’s like they’re telling you “we like comics and this is how we do things” and I applaud that attitude. Of course you have cutscenes, but they’re scarce, and major plot points are told through comic panels, so if you don’t dig this style you may not like the game at all. 
What’s more interesting and remarkable is the gameplay. You actually control gravity, like I said, and ar first it may look difficult, unnecessarily inconvenient, and too clunky. I’m not lying, it takes time to get used to it, but once you do it, MAN it’s so fun! You can go ANYWHERE flying. And when I say anywhere, I mean it: anything you find flying or floating or that seemingly far away building, you can reach it. Whatever you lie your eyes upon, you can get there. Sometimes I didn’t even use the teleport points because it was more fun to go there flying. The whole air is playable: you know when you’re playing an open world game, that you encounter these invisible walls that wouldn’t let you advance there? Well, forget about those here: you can literally fall from one building and arrive safe and sound to a new map (it happened to me a few times!). You lose yourself in this neverending sky, full of possibilities. 
The full of possibilities include side missions. They’re 49 in total, and I recommend doing some of them. They’re fun, they add some backstory to many secondary characters, but some of them can be really frustrating, so my opinion here is kinda divided. What I must say is that these side missions help you grow your maximum level, so if you’re having a bad time with a main story mission, maybe you’ll need to grind with the side ones, as it is the only way of expanding your hp and gravity deposit. 
Your gravity powers grow over the course of the game, allowing you things you couldn’t do before. For instance, you can learn two more styles of gravity, so you’ll have the lunar gravity (light), normal gravity and jupiter (heavy). All of these styles have different gameplay, and you can change between them on the fly, so you’re able to create your own strategy that best fits the situation. 
Besides, if anything of what I’ve just said still didn’t convince you, the guys who developed this game (SIE Japan Studio) are already 80% better than the rest of the companies, because you can download for free a few outfits and (listen) a whole playable episode for Raven, Kat’s friend, for FREE. I repeat: a whole playable episode of a few hours long, for free! Square Enix, take that! 
The ending was bittersweet and the final boss had me like screaming YEAAAH a thousand times. The level of epicness was over 9000. Also, goddamn. The colors of this game. It looks AWESOME. My aesthetics were high as hell. My share button is burnt with how many times I pressed it. 
Alright, alright, not everything’s a bed of roses. In fact, I have a few critiques, most involving some of the main story “dungeons”. Sometimes during the story you’ll have to go through some dungeons in which you must undertake a challenge and complete it with certain requirements to advance. This isn’t a problem, except when they’re forcing you to use one of the gravity styles from above. There’s one specific dungeon I had a terrible time with, in which they forced me the heavy gravity style on me, and I had to fly fast through narrow tunnels. The camera was a pain during this quest, because it goes crazy if you’re cornered in a tiny space, not allowing you to see where you must go. And I was going against a clock, so it was really irritating. I had a few ragequits during this part. 
But if you struggle through these things, you’ll find a gem. This game is fun, I don’t remember the last time I had so much fun playing something. And Kat is such an endearing protagonist: she’s all heart, but she’s not stupid, and towards the end, her whole persona becomes even more important and intriguing. 
Just so you know: when you first see the credits, that’s not the ending folks. You still have one third of the game to play. 
If you have the money and the time, give Kat a shot. I’d love to see this franchise expand. I’ve been told sales weren’t good, so it’s unlikely we’ll receive a third installment, but well, one can dream! That’s why I want people to know about this game. Let the good news spread! PLAY A FUN GAME! 
PS: fyi, 90% of the cast are female characters. That’s amazing. Like really, women power is present here. Go support your female protagonists! 
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chawwiedesu · 7 years
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scruffyturtles · 6 years
heya!! real big gravity rush fan here (I've liked it for the past like...4 years now i believe!) quick question for ya! i personally adore raven and i want to know your opinions on her?? and why you like kat more than her if you can :0 (not saying kat is bad by any means i love her too) thanks for your time!
I think Raven’s honestly amazing, especially since she undergoes some good development near the end of both games, but she becomes a bit muddied here and there that I can clarify here. (Spoilers ahead) 
I didn’t like her at first since she was so intent on killing Kat and stopping her, but we later learn that it was for the sake of the lost children who were left in Boutoume. Raven had a very clear drive and she had a big attachment to her younger brother, Zaza. She loved those kids and it would make sense why, in Ouverture, she’s beyond pissed about the missing orphans case. 
Sadly though in the DLC, more spoilers, we learn that the children were copped out of existence because the timeline was given a soft reset courtesy of our boi Bit. He gives us a chance to send the children back in time to before the bus accident so they can live their lives, but basically in the process erasing Raven from the picture and keeping her as an anomaly. She also forgets the children that she’s been so bent on protecting, which eliminates her core drive. This actually ties into her big attachment to Kat later, because without the children she clings to her in a similarly possessive manner. While there’s reasoning behind everything that takes place, Raven’s BIG drive was still copped out by the writers, and she loses a bit of purpose because of it. I also found her talks with Kat weird about the ‘good old days’ when they had a pretty bad relationship in the past.
I prefer Kat I suppose because she’s the main heroine, and in regards to her personality and story she’s treated with more respect and we get to clue in on her life in GR1 and her past in GR2. She was the main pull why I got this game in the first place aside from the niche mechanic of the game, and it was through her I wanted to continue into GR2 in the first place. So that’s one of the reasons I mainly sing praise about Kat, if just because she’s handled better and is overall a better character for it. (Plus I’m a sucker for optimistic underdog characters like her, as opposed to the cool distant type) Still, Raven’s cool but just not my fav.
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One of my favorite things about the ending sections of GR2, is the fact that it is one of the biggest slaps in the face with the whole kraven jazz. Like before it was still pretty obvious with the sleeping together and constant message of being stronger together, but in the end they explicitly have someone ask Raven if love is on the card's at Aki's place and Raven literally heads over there with Kat in mind. Not only that, but when Misai and Raven were talking, she said "What do you know about losing the other half of who you are?" Or something like that, with, again, Kat on her mind. And then of course, the last scene where Raven turns around and has a face of relief/affection, when she sees Kat.
Like in the end of the game, the developers literally made sure to emphasize that Kat and Raven are in love and it's the cutest shit!
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