#i know i worded a lot of this in my previous posts but god kali angel is such a tragic character to me
luminiera-merge · 5 months
i touched on this earlier but man kali angel really did have every single one of her worst fears come true
(gravity rush 2 spoilers under the cut)
it can be considered a loose read but it kinda seems to me that she's afraid of being abandoned which comes to the forefront as her life falls apart in gravity rush 2. it'd make sense for someone with her upbringing, a result of what happened to her: she was abandoned as a child and left to the streets with her sister, and i mean, sure, even if brahman didn't care if she died during the angel egg experiments, she still lived, and he still took her in. he was 100% a villain and planned on using her to basically end hekseville with all of them in it, but in her mind, why should she care? he cared for her when nobody else did, even if "care" is used loosely here
when kat came along, it's kind of unclear which one of them actually started hostilities between them (kat also seems kind of irritated she's not hekseville's darling anymore) though for kali, kat still presents the threat of abandonment; what IF kat becomes their hero again? what happens to her? it's not something she takes too seriously at first, but after kali is exposed, it happens. hekseville abandons her and the illusion that everyone loved her falls apart. her OTHER worst fear was losing her sister. which happened. then happened again when she realised everyone's calling her "cecie" and she doesn't remember you. then almost again just before her third boss fight
at first i thought it was time dilation stuff that meant she aged from a small child to 20, but afaik she was in hekseville the whole time, and gr2 is 3 hekseville years after gr1, so kali rapidly aged in that time. she's, emotionally speaking, still a child. she hasn't really had any of the experiences in life that most people go through, she hasn't grown up any kind of normally, in fact she kinda skipped most of the emotional developmental milestones. and yet, she's constantly having shit happen to her. god she deserved better
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justauthoring · 6 years
No Reason To (20/50)
Prompt: “And I guess… when it comes down to it, I trust you.”
It has come to my attention that by adding links to my posts, it stops that post from being seen in the tags tagged. So, sadly, I will no longer be able to link previous parts of NRT on new chapters. BUT all part can be found easily on my “No Reason To Series MasterList!” found in my bio.
A/N: ta-da!! another week, another day early :) i am hella freaking proud of this chapter, so please, please let me know what you thought of it!! i literally worked so hard on this week’s chapter, my god, lol.
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Pairing: Stiles x McCall!Reader
Based off of: Teen Wolf 03x15 and 03x16
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Pulling off your helmet, you hand it over to Scott, thoughtlessly turning your head in search of Stiles. Instead of Stiles though, your eyes widen when you find the twins in his stead.
“Hey, uh, Scott?” Calling out for your brother’s attention, you repeatedly tap on his arm, causing his eyes to fall on you narrowed as the both of you step off his motorcycle. When you meet his eyes, instead of saying anything, you wordlessly point to your left in the direction of the twins, Scott’s expression mimicking your own soon after.
The twins meet your eyes then, a small smirk falling on their lips as the two of them head over to where you and your brother are. While the twins may not have been as bad as the rest of the alpha pack, you still didn’t trust them, as opposed to your brother who you knew was warming up to them, even if just slightly. So, crossing your arms over your chest, you keep your gaze narrowed as Scott speaks up. “You’re back at school?”
“No,” Aiden answers with a shake of his head.
“Just to talk,” Ethan adds, nodding at your brother.
“Oh,” you turn your head over your shoulder at the sound of Stiles, meeting his eyes briefly as he falls next to you. Eyes squinting slightly because of the sun, Stiles rocks on the heels of his feet as he slips into the conversation. You can’t help but think in that moment he looks quite cute. “That’s kind of a change of pace for you guys. Usually, you’re just hurting, maiming, and killing.”
Despite Stiles’ clear insult, the twins keep their gazes on your brother. “You need a pack,” Ethan reminds, “we need an alpha.”
“Yeah, absolutely not,” Stiles refuses, without a second of hesitation. “That’s hilarious though.”
“Besides,” you add with a shake of your head and a shrug of your shoulders, pulling the twins’s attention on you. “He already has a pack. Scott doesn’t need you two as much as you need him.”
With a sigh, Aiden doesn’t relent, shuffling forward slightly. “You came to us for help,” he reminds once again, slight desperation peeking in through his tone of voice. “We helped.”
“You beat his face into a bloody pulp,” Stiles argues, shaking his head. “That’s not helping. In my opinion, that’s actually counter-productive.”
“Why would I say yes?” Scott questions, trying to understand. Your lips part as you turn to look at him, your body tense. It might seem wrong, but you’re glad Scott isn’t buying into their act so easily. The twins have a lot more than need to prove before you’ll ever accept them, let alone anyone else.
“We’d add strength,” Aiden begins, “we’d make you more powerful. There’s no reason to say no.”
You snort, rolling your eyes. “I can think of one,” you raise a coy brow, “more than one actually–”
“Like the two of you holding Derek’s claws while Kali impaled Boyd.” You turn your head to the right at the sound of Isaac’s voice, finishing off what you’d begun. He comes to a stop next to Scott, arms crossed across his chest as he glares at the twins. You meet his eyes for a moment, nodding – you know, if anyone will back you up, it’s him. “In fact, I don’t know why we’re not impaling them right now.”
“I’d love to help,” you grin sarcastically over at the twins.
Ethan raises his head, his eyes glowing blue and his fangs peeking over his lips as he glares at Isaac. “Wanna try?” The two taking threatening steps towards one another, but before Isaac can even make it farther than a step, Scott’s hand shoots out, grabbing Isaac’s wrists and halting his movements. His gaze slides over to your brother, then you, and with a sigh, you shake your head.
You’d love to do exactly what Isaac mentioned, but you know you can’t now. Not here, in the middle of the school parking lot.
“Sorry,” Scott shrugs, “but they don’t trust you. And neither do I.”
Scott steps forward, forcing the twins to step apart from one another and make room. You move to follow behind, Stiles’ hand falling on your lower back, almost protectively, as he guides you forwards and away from the twins. You can’t help but send a glare up at the two, pushing your way past without a glance back before turning your sights on Stiles, meeting his eyes.
Your meeting gazes linger long than what would be considered platonic before you set your sights back on your brother, cheeks flushed slightly.
Pushing open the school doors, you flinch when you see something fly by your face, just narrowly missing it. You follow the object with your eyes, deciphering it as a roll of toilet paper as it hits Stiles directly in the face, him and your brother jerking back in response as their lips parts.
“All right,” Stiles bellows, groaning slightly as he blinks. “That’s my face!”
You bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing, a small giggle escaping your lips which easily catches Stiles’ attention. His eyes fall on yours and with a mock glare, he snaps; “you think that’s funny, Y/N?”
Grinning, you hide your smile behind your hand; “a little bit.”
Rolling his eyes, Stiles chuckles slightly as he turns to Scott, the three of you falling in step with one another. Setting his hands on Scott’s shoulders, Stiles pats him on the chest; “hey, dude, good decision, buddy. Good alpha decision.”
“I hope so,” Scott sighs, shaking his head.
“I know so,” you assure, smiling over your brother past Stiles. 
The three of you make your way over to Stiles’ locker, you and Scott leaning on either side of Stiles’ locker as he pulls open the door, pulling his textbooks and notebooks out of his back pack. You turn to say something to the both of them until you notice Scott’s attention focused elsewhere, seemingly noticing it the same time Stiles’ does. You meet Stiles’ eyes in confusion, before glancing behind yourself, a grin making it’s way onto your lips when you see exactly what, or should you say who, Scott is looking at.
“What are you looking at?” Stiles questions, pulling Scott’s attention back on the two of you.
“He’s looking at Kira,” you smirk, briefly glancing over your shoulder at the girl before grinning knowingly your brother’s way. You notice Stiles pull out a carton of eggs from his bag in the corner of your eye, but choose not to comment on it with a small roll of your eyes. There was more important things to discuss -- like Scott’s crush on Kira.
“What?” Scott exclaims, eyes going wide. “No, i’m-i’m not...”
“You totally were,” Stiles grins, “you like her?”
“No,” Scott answers, a little too quickly. “I mean... uh... yeah, yeah, she’s okay. She’s new.”
“She’s sweet,” you add knowingly, raising a brow Scott’s way. “And she’s cute.”
“Well, uh, I mean...” Scott stammers, his cheeks warming slightly, obviously flustered. “Yeah...”
“So,” Stiles continues, “ask her out.”
Locking his lock, Stiles nods; “yeah. Now.”
“Ooh,” you squeal in excitement, clapping your hands as you follow Scott’s and Stiles’s lead, walking away from the latter’s locker. “Yes, yes, right now.”
“Right now?” Scott asks, obviously unsure.
“Right now,” Stiles nods, once again taking your brother by the shoulders and prepping him up. “Scott, I don’t think you get it yet. You’re an Alpha. You’re the apex predator. Everyone wants you. You’re like the hot girl that every guys wants.”
Odd comparison, you can’t help but think, but, you weren’t going to disagree. Scott needed this encouragement if he ever wanted to ask Kira out.
You turn to Isaac as he walks up to the three you, and you can’t help but let out a tiny giggle at his impeccable timing.
“I’m the hot girl?”
“You are the hottest girl,” Stiles confirms, giving your brother two thumbs up and a reassuring smile before letting his eyes fall on you.
Understanding what he means, you nod, offering a wave Isaac’s way and a grin Scott’s before turning around and heading off with Stiles next to you.
“Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?”
Hastily following behind Stiles, Isaac and Lydia on either side of you, Allison next to Lydia, you listen closely to Stiles as he answers Isaac’s question. You figure, by now, you should be use to the amount of supernatural-related crime and danger that goes on around you and your friends. Yet, each time something new appears, you still feel your heart race madly against your chest.
“Yeah,” Stiles sighs, “and no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome.”
“Did you say flies?”
Halting, you turn your head over your shoulder, turning to look at Lydia only to find yourself surprise when you find her quite a bit away from the rest of you. 
“All day I have been hearing this sound,” she explains, her eyes falling shut to display her frustration. “It’s like... this buzzing.”
“Like the sound of flies?” Allison questions.
“Exactly like the sound of flies.”
Taking a sharp right, you ignore Stiles who nearly runs into another kid, rushing to a stop before your brother who turns to you with wide eyes.
“Hey, dude,” Stiles calls, halting to a stop next to you. “Where the hell have you been?”
Before Scott can answer, Lydia falls to your right, her eyes wide; “the police are leaving,” she explains, voice breathless. “Why are they leaving?”
“The police?” Scott asks, brows furrowed in bafflement.
Turning to Stiles, you wait on him for an answer.
“They must have cleared the building and grounds,” he begins explaining, “which means he’s not here.”
“Who?” Scott questions, face scrunching up. “What are you guys...--”
Shaking your head, you gesture to Lydia. “But Lydia heard--”
“He has to be here,” Lydia cuts you off, her voice leaving no room for dispute. “That sound... The buzzing i’ve been hearing? It’s getting louder.”
“How loud?”
“You got it?”
Shuffling forward, you come to a stop before Melissa, peeking into the bag as Scott pulls it open wider. Once you see the hospital gown, what you’d asked your mother to bring, you lean back with satisfaction, a small smile falling on your lips. With this, Scott and Isaac will definitely be able to find Barrow.
Scott moves to takes the bag out of Melissa hands, but before he can pull it completely away, Melissa tightens her grip on it. “Promise me you’ll be careful,” her eyes then slide to yours, “the both of you. I looked right in this guy’s eyes, and it was terrifying.”
“Yeah,” Scott nods, his voice soft. “Okay, mom,” leaning forward, he presses a light kiss against her forehead. “I promise.”
He moves to walk off, and before you follow behind your brother, you lean forward, wrapping your arms around your mother for a short hug. Your face softens at the way her grips tightens on you, even for just a second, making it clear how truly scared she is. Hesitating a moment longer before pulling back, you smile at her reassuringly as your eyes meet hers.
“I gotta go,” you whisper, letting your hands fall by your side. “I’ll see you tonight?”
As you turn, shuffling back the way Scott went, Melissa nods her head; “yeah. See you tonight.”
“So this is how it’s gonna be now? We trust them?”
You face falls at Isaac’s words, peeking around the corner in the dimly lit room. You keep your mouth shut, despite wanting to reply. You’re just as unsure about Scott asking Ethan and Aiden for help as Isaac is, but you don’t speak on it. You trust Scott and his judgement, and you trust Lydia -- so if she thinks that man is in the school, then you need to find him. And you need all the help you can get to do that.
“Just because i’m letting them help, doesn’t mean I trust them,” Scott explains, inching forwards slowly and carefully.
“Yeah, well, I don’t trust them either,” Isaac agrees. “Or like them. In fact, I hate them and just want them to die.”
“Isaac,” you call, your voice sharp,
He turns to you, dumbfounded; “what?”
“Look, you’re not the only one who hates them,” you sigh, carefully shuffling yourself around a shelf. “But... they’re helping us now, so just... play nice alright?”
Isaac sighs, but reluctantly nods.
“Actually,” Scott speaks up, “if Barrow’s actually here and he’s got a plan, you might get what you want.”
Brows furrowed, your eyes follow the back of Scott’s head as he walks forward, ignoring your stare before your glare falls on Isaac who grins happily in response to Scott’s words. Hitting him lightly on the chest, you sigh with a roll of your eyes and a shake of your head before following after your brother.
Ignoring Isaac, you continue to walk, not sparing him a glance.
“Did I do something?”
You halt to a stop when the fire alarm suddenly rings, causing you to jump slightly.
Glancing over at Isaac and Scott, it only takes the three of you a moment before you gear into action, running back the way you came.
“We didn’t find anything.”
“Not even a scent.”
Sighing, you come to a stop before Stiles and Lydia, your shoulders falling at Scott and Aiden’s words.
“It’s three o’clock,” Stiles remains, shoulders dropping. “So schools over. If there was a bomb, wouldn’t he have set it off by now?”
“Does that mean everybody’s safe?”
“I don’t know,” Lydia shrugs, and your eyes fall on hers in pity. “I just... I don’t know.”
“What do the different colored strings mean?”
Head in your hands, you pull your gaze off the pile of yarn next to you onto Stiles, meeting his eyes as he turns to face you. “Oh, just different stages of the investigation,” he explains with a shrug of his shoulders, pushing off his wall. “So green is solved, yellow is to be determined, blue’s just... pretty.”
You smile slightly at Stiles’ explanation, before letting your eyes wonder across the wall. “What does red mean?”
Squinting your eyes slightly, you blink; “you only have red on the board.”
“Yes,” Stiles huffs, “i’m aware. Thank you.”
Sighing, you move slightly as you’re sat up instead of laying on your stomach, setting your hands in your lap as you mindlessly play with the blue yarn. Stiles is right, it is pretty. “Did you get detention for pulling the alarm?”
“Yup,” Stiles shrugs, “every day this week. It’s okay, though. We were onto something.”
Biting your lip, you glance down at your lap. “Even though we didn’t find Barrow anywhere in the school and we have no idea where he is?”
Stiles, not oblivious to the frown on your face, calls out your name softly as he crouches down before you. He sets his hand on your knee, to which you’re not oblivious to the slight shivers that flow through your body in response as you meet his eyes. With a soft, gentle voice, Stiles stares up at you in concern; “what’s wrong?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh; “I just sometimes feel useless.” Your voice is incredibly quiet, and if Stiles wasn’t so close he probably wouldn’t have heard a word you said. “I mean, Scott and Isaac are able to help because they’re werewolves. Allison has her dad and is a hunter. Lydia’s a banshee. and even if we hadn’t found Barrow, she’s been right every other time something like this has happened. And then you... you’re always coming up with the plans and you always seem to work everything out. Even the twins were able to help more than I was--”
“Hey,” Stiles calls, pulling your eyes back on his as he gently shakes his head. “What are you talking about? You’re not useless, Y/N.”
Shaking your head, you just shrug hopelessly.
“I mean, you’re a witch,” Stiles reminds, smiling softly in hopes of lightening your mood. “You can move things with your mind and set fire to things. That screams awesome to me.”
“I’m a witch that doesn’t even know how to control her own powers.”
Stiles surprises you by setting his hand on your cheek, cupping it slightly and growing closer than he had been before. His lips are mere inches away from your own now, and the first thought that comes through your mind is how badly you want to kiss him then and there. To press your lips against his and have him return the intimate action.
You withhold yourself though, in fear of rejection.
“And if you wanted me to, I would go back to that school and search all night just so you could prove yourself, okay?” Stiles offers, and you feel yourself chuckle lightly in response to his words. “But you don’t have anything to prove. Least of all to me.”
Nodding, you smile endearingly Stiles’ way, his hand falling by his side as he takes his green sharpie back into his hand. You move to stand up, pausing though when you see Stiles pause himself, just about to uncap the sharpie. An unreadable expression crosses his features as his eyes widen.
“Get up,” he suddenly orders. “Get up now. We’re going to the school.”
Brows furrowed, you move to stand up, listening to his words despite your confusion. Stiles moves to grab something, turning to you before the both of you head out of his room.
“And call Lydia.”
“So, what are we looking for?”
Meeting Lydia’s eyes, you shrug. “Stiles wouldn’t say. He just said we had to come here and that we needed you.”
Brows furrowing, Lydia shrugs but nonetheless complies to your explanation as the two of you turn back towards Stiles, following after him. Your head jerks back in response when he opens the science closet at the back of the chemistry classroom, eyes narrowing in confusion.
“That was... supposed to be locked,” Lydia mumbles, obviously just as confused as you.
“Yeah, I know,” Stiles nods, turning to one of the shelves lined with beakers. “Notice anything else?”
“It smells like chemicals?” You offer, raising a brow.
Pulling out his phone, Stiles turns on the flashlight, crouching before the same shelf in search of something.
Just then, your eyes widen; “wait, they wouldn’t have been able to catch his scent.”
Stiles nods your way, continuing to use his flashlight to search for some kind of proof or clue you could use to help you find out where Barrow went. Just then, the three of you notice traces of blood and some broken glass right by Stiles’ feet. 
“He was here,” Stiles whispers, “performing very minor surgery on himself. Lydia, you were right.”
“If I was,” Lydia mumbles, shoulders falling. “Then why don’t I feel good about this?”
“Probably because he was here to kill somebody.”
“But who?” You ask with a shake of your head.
“That’s what we gotta figure out.”
Stepping back, you allow Stiles room to head back into the classroom, before following behind him, Lydia behind you. “I guess... just look for anything,” Stiles guides, leaning forward to search in one of the lab desks. You follow his lead, moving to the corner of the classroom and picking up bottles of chemicals and books, trying to find a clue.
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you notice Lydia making her way to the front of the classroom. It’s then that you notice the writing on the chalkboard.
“Lydia, what are those?”
“Atomic numbers,” she explains, coming to a stop before the chalkboard. 
Coming to a stop next to her, you raise a brow; “is it a formula?”
“Not really. Nineteen’s potassium. Fifty-three’s iodine. Eighty-eight’s radium. The first two make potassium-iodide.” Reaching forward, Lydia grabs a piece of chalk, writing a large ‘K’ next to the number nineteen. 
“Potassium’s K?” Stiles asks, brows furrowed in confusion.
“From kalium,” you explain, leaning past Lydia to meet his eyes. “The scientific neo-Latin name.”
Then, Lydia writes an ‘I’ next to the Fifty-three.
“What’s radium?”
She writes an ‘R’ next to the eighty-eight and then a ‘a’ following afterwards.
Your eyes widen as you read what Lydia’s just written.
Crouching over Scott, you set your hands on his shoulder, trying to ignore the racing of your heart at the bleeding wound on his forehead. It’ll heal, you remind yourself as you hastily shake him awake.
Stiles falls next to your side, Lydia hovering helplessly behind the two of you as you call out Scott’s name worriedly.
“Scott! Scott!”
Slowly, his eyes flicker open, taking a moment before registering on the sight of you, Stiles and Lydia before him. Inhaling sharply, he sets his hands on either side of him, pushing himself up with wide eyes. Looking around, you can see the gears in Scott’s head trying to work out what he last remembers. Then, it clicks. “Barrow,” he gasps, “he took Kira!”
“We know,” Stiles nods, briefly meeting your eyes. “He was after her the whole time.”
“We have to think of something. He’s going to kill her.”
“I knew he was there,” Lydia breathes, eyes wide as she meets your own. “How did I know that?”
“Because you heard the flies, right?”
Eyes wide with hope, Scott shuffles forwards; “what do you hear now?”
Lydia pauses a moment, her eyes distancing as you all fall silent. Then, she sighs; “nothing. I feel like I can do this. But I don’t know what to do. It’s like it’s on the tip of my tongue, and I don’t know how to trigger it. I just...” Sighing, Lydia’s hands run through her hair in distress, shuffling forwards. “I swear to God, it literally makes me want to scream.”
“Okay, then scream,” Stiles mumbles, taking a step forward. Your eyes fall on the back of his head in confusion as he continues. “Lydia, scream.”
You flinch, your hands instantly falling to your ears in pain as a high-pitched scream echoes, making it feel like it rumbles the entire earth beneath you. You take a step back from her, bracing yourself, before it all just stops. She inhales deeply, and Stiles sends you a look of disbelief but you can barely focus on it when you see the look in Lydia’s eyes.
She’s on to something.
Looking up, Lydia stares at the street light above you. “It’s not flies,” she mumbles, before spinning, causing the three of you to stumble back in surprise and slight fear. “It’s electricity.”
“Wait a second,” Stiles mumbles, “Barrow was an electrical engineer. He worked at a power substation.”
“What substation?” You ask.
“So, when did you get there?”
“At the same time.”
“At the same time as who?”
“Same time as me,” Scott answers your father’s question, before Stiles has the chance to.
“And me,” you add, feigning a bright smile up at your father. His eyes narrow in your direction for a moment, before sighing.
“By coincidence?” He questions, raising a brow.
“What do you mean coincidence?” Stiles asks in return, leaning leisurely against the couch.
“That’s what i’m asking you,” Rafael huffs, his voice pitching in annoyance. “The three of you arrived at the same time. Was that coincidence?”
“Are you asking me?” Scott questions, face scrunching up in confusion.
“I think he’s asking me,” Stiles offers, but you shake your head.
“He could be asking me,” you remind, glancing briefly at the both of them.
“I think he’s asking the three of you,” Lydia speaks up, raising her brows over at the three of you. You bite your lip to stop yourself from grinning -- sure, maybe the three of you were being incredibly unhelpful, but you didn’t really care. Anything to rile up your father.
“Okay,” Rafael snaps, “let me answer the questions.” He moves to do so, before pausing, catching his mistake upon the looks he receives. “Let me ask the questions,” he corrects, sighing.
You notice Stiles out of the corner of your eye, raising his hand, sending your father a wink of feigned encouragement as Rafael continues.
“Just so I have this absolutely clear,” he begins, eyeing the five of you, including Kira who’s yet to speak. “Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town.”
Nodding slowly, you blink; “sounds about right.”
“How did you know he’d take her to a power substation?”
“Well,” Stiles begins, scratching at his forehead absentmindedly, “cause he was an electrical engineer. So where else would he take her?”
Biting your lip, you brace yourself for your father’s response. “That’s one hell of deduction there, Stiles.”
“Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops. He’s in law enforcement.”
You bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing at Stiles’ response, even more amused when you hear Noah, who’s sat behind Rafael, snort in response to his son’s words, desperately trying to hide behind the palm of his hand. It doesn’t work, and your father sends Noah a glare as he tries to fix himself, pretending like he was coughing. “Stiles, just, uh... Just answer the man.”
“We made a good guess,” Stiles shrugs.
Rafael then turns his attention on your brother and Kira; “what were you two doing.”
“Eating pizza-”
“Eating sushi-”
You raise a brow at the two of them, watching as they glance at each other with wide eyes before turning back to your father.
“Eating sushi-”
“Eating pizza-”
They’d done the same thing, except reversed.
Inhaling sharply, Scott and Kira start over again, this time speaking at the same time; “eating pizza and sushi.”
Turning his head over his shoulder, Rafael refers to Noah; “you believe this?”
“To be honest,” Noah sighs, “I haven’t believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak. But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it.”
“Kira,” your father calls, “is that how you remember?”
Slowly, the four of you lean forwards, setting your eyes on Kira as she slowly sits upwards, clasping her hands in her lap. “Yes,” she finally answers, voice not all that convincing but enough for Rafael to accept it. “Could I get my phone back now?”
“Sorry, but no.”
“Hey, Kira?”
She halts to a stop before you, her eyes wide as they meet yours. She turns her head over her shoulder, as if to run, but then she sees Stiles and Scott who are looking directly at the two of you, and she realizes she’s trapped. 
Sensing her alarm, you take a step forward, setting your hand on her arm. “We don’t have to talk about what happened,” you assure her, sending her a bright smile as she turns to look at you once again. “I just stopped by to make sure you were okay.”
“Oh,” she mumbles, shoulders falling as her cheeks redden slightly. “Yeah, sorry. I, uh... i’m okay.”
“Good,” you grin, lips curving upwards, “just wanted to make sure. You still have my number right?”
Tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear, Kira nods.
“Text me if you ever need anything, okay?” She nods once again, and it’s obvious by how quiet she is that she’s extremely uncomfortable and desperate to get away. You take no insult to it, you can’t imagine how she’s feeling and after what Scott told you... well, you can imagine her being a little jittery. Offering a short wave, you excuse yourself from her side, stepping past her as your eyes fall in the direction Stiles and Scott had been.
You notice, as you make your way over to Stiles, that Scott is gone, probably having headed off to class. 
“Hey,” you greet Stiles, falling in step with him. Your lips part though when he hastily takes you by the arm, pulling you to the side and his eyes on something or someone past your shoulder. Your brows furrow as you stare back at him, trying to figure out what had him in such disarray.
“Why were you talking to her?” Stiles suddenly asks, turning to you with concerned but alert eyes.
“Who?” You question. He couldn’t possibly mean Kira.
“Kira!” He exclaims, and it seems you’d been wrong. 
Glancing back the way Kira had gone, you shrug your shoulders, incredibly confused. “I was just making sure she was alright,” you explain to Stiles, meeting his eyes. “What’s the problem?”
“The problem is we don’t know what she is! She could be dangerous.”
“I’m serious, Y/N.”
Shoulders falling, you frown at the way Stiles looks back at you. You can’t rightly explain it, but he seems incredibly concerned and frazzled about the entire thing. While you don’t believe there’s anything to be afraid of when it comes to Kira, you relent at the deep worry in Stiles’ eyes as he gazes back at you. “Okay,” you nod, submitting. “I’ll be careful around her.”
Letting out a breath of relief, Stiles nods, his hand letting go of your arm and falling by his side. “Good.”
As he begins to walk forward, you following behind him, though a bit slower, you can’t help but gaze at the back of Stiles’ head in wonder. Part of you understood where he was coming from -- none of you knew exactly what Kira was or if she was trustworthy. But then again, you were a witch, and if need be, you could defend yourself if anything were to happen. And yet, Stiles had seemed so concerned. As if you merely talking to Kira would get you killed and he couldn’t handle the thought of it.
It puzzled you.
“Okay, this one will get you into all the perimeter doors, this one into the evidence room, and this one’s for my father’s office.”
Raising a brow over at Stiles, Scott speaks aloud the exact question that had been roaming through your mind as he handed your brother and Kira the many cards. “You didn’t steal these, did you?”
“No,” Stiles shakes his head, “I cloned them using the RFID emulator.”
“Stiles,” you call, your voice pitching in panic. “Isn’t that worse than stealing?”
Pausing, Stiles meets your eyes; “it’s smarter.”
Rolling your eyes, you shake your head, just as Kira pulls Scott aside; “Scott, can I ask you something?”
The two shuffle backwards, and you raise a brow, inside giddy about how close the two have gotten. She was already confiding in him, and you couldn’t help but feel happy for Scott. After Allison breaking up with him, and now with Allison being together with Isaac, you knew your brother had been heartbroken. You hoped Kira could help mend the pieces that had been ripped apart.
Stiles, on the other hand, didn’t seem as giddy about Kira’s secretiveness.
“Okay, i’ll just...”
Snorting, you shake your head. “Let them talk.”
Stiles turns to you, huffing in annoyance, almost like a child. “I just don’t like all the secretiveness.”
You open your mouth to reply, but before you can, Scott and Kira are making their way back over to the jeep where you and Stiles are. Nodding her head at Stiles, Kira silently tells him that they’re ready. “Okay,” Stiles nods, not even bothering to hide his annoyance. “So, now almost everybody’s out dealing with the blackout. But there’s always somebody at the front desk. There’s dispatch and usually a night shifter or two. You guys are gonna use the service door entrance by the dumpster. All right? Nobody uses it.” You squint, leaning forward until you’re able to see the service door Stiles refers to. “Now, i’ll text you if anyone comes out. But, Scott, if you get caught, I can’t help you.”
Turning to Stiles, you raise a brow.
“My dad’s under investigation for an impeachment because of your dad, so, if anything happens I will run and leave you both for dead.” Pausing, Stiles then points to you. “Her, too.”
“Wait,” you call, brows furrowing. “No, I can try and help-”
“We’ll both leave you for dead.”
Sighing, your shoulder fall as you shrug helplessly your brothers way.
“Got it,” Scott confirms after a moment, nodding. “Thanks. Seriously, dude.”
“I’d ask my dad, but you know...”
“No, I know. I get it.”
“Okay,” you cut in, leaning forward slightly, “You two should hurry.”
They both nod, shuffling back before turning in the direction Stiles had pointed them to. You and Stiles watch, and you can’t help but gnaw gently on your bottom lip.
Whatever reason Kira needed her phone, and you had a sneaky suspicion it wasn’t the reason Scott had told you, you hope they’re able to get it.
“What’s that?”
Stiles blinks, his eyes leaving the key he’d held up in front of him to meet yours. “Uh,” he starts, his eyes squinting slightly. “In all truth, i’m not really sure.”
Your brows furrow, shifting slightly in attempt to reach out for the key. But, before you can, the sound of a engine catches your attention and you turn your head forwards, your lips parting when you see your father’s car pulling up next to the station, your father then stepping out of the car a moment later.
“Ah, hell.”
Pulling out your phone, you hastily pull open Scott’s messages with you, letting him know that your father is heading into the station. You fidget, antsy for a reply, and letting out a huff when you don’t receive one. “He’s not replying.”
“Okay, i’m so going to regret this.”
Turning towards Stiles, you frown when you notice him moving to open the door. Quickly, you reach forward, setting your hand on his arm, halting his movement. “Stiles, your dad--”
“We gotta help them.”
Your lips part at Stiles words, your grip tightening for a movement before your eyes fall on your father. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to help Kira and Scott, because you did, it’s just... Stiles’s dad.
“I know.”
‘Hey, hey. Wow! Thank God you are here. Oh, boy! Thank the lord.”
Stepping back before the door slams on your face, you briefly glance up at your father as Stiles runs into his path before pushing the door open and stumbling in yourself. Rafael glances back at you, confusion flooding his gaze before turning to Stiles. “What do you want?” Rafael questions with a slight shake of his head, turning to you as you come to a stop next to Stiles.
You turn to Stiles, eyes wide as you wait for him to come up with an answer to your father’s question.
“I was just...” Stiles begins, stammering over his words. 
“We,” you cut in, leaning towards Stiles slightly as you gesture to him and then yourself. “We were just thinking on the case. And we, um... we thought--”
“We should clue you in on our thinking,” Stiles finishes for you, to which you eagerly nod. “And, uh, here’s our thinking. We were thinking that Barrow, right...---”
Eyes wide, you quickly think of something; “that Barrow received the information about who to kill at the school, right, you know that?” Rafael just stares down at you, unimpressed. “We were thinking that the person who gave him that information, um, check this out---”
“Might actually be someone from the school,” Stiles finishes for you, reaching forward to poke at your father’s chest. You offer a nervous smile as Stiles sighs; “and that’s uh, that’s what we were thinking.”
“Mmm,” Rafael nods, “you two are right.”
Meeting Stiles eyes, you blink. “We are?”
“Yep, we, uh... We started looking for links between Barrow, faculty and students last night.”
“Oh, wow,” you breathe, nodding slowly.
“So you already, then, uh, know that stuff?”
Throwing his hands up in the air, Stiles grins; “you already thought of that.”
“Your dad did, Stiles.”
“His one useful suggestion.”
Your brows furrow at your father’s comment, ignoring the spike of fear that hits you when he swipes his card through the reader to his office. You open your mouth to say something in defense to Stiles and Noah, but before you can, Stiles beats you to it. “Hey, you know, this attitude that you have toward my dad? You can dress it up to all the professional disapproval that you want. But I know the real reason you don’t like him.”
Your body tenses at Stiles’ words.
Chuckling, Rafael raises a brow; “is that so?”
“Yeah,” Stiles nods, voice quiet with threat. “Because he knows something that you don’t want him to know.” Rafael moves to step past Stiles, but Stiles steps into his path once again. “And guess what. I know it too. I know a lot of things that you don’t want anyone to know.”
You’re not oblivious to the underlying meaning to Stiles’ threat, or the way your father’s eyes meet yours as you shuffle uncomfortably, curling into yourself slightly.
Shuffling backwards, your father swallows nervously. “Go home the two of you. There’s a... there’s a curfew.”
Stiles steps forward, not without sending another glare your father’s way, but you hesitate a moment, clutching at your arm. You hate the way your father stares down at you, before his hand reaches out for you. You sharply pull yourself away from his touch, inhaling sharply as you avoid his eyes. “Don’t touch me,” you growl, curling into yourself further.
Stiles looks back at the sound of your words, stepping forward instantly and setting his hand on your back, gently pushing you in front of him. You don’t miss the way he glares back at your father as you try to ignore the feelings resurfacing in your mind, desperate to get out of the police station.
The moment you’re out, and far away from your father, Stiles turns to you; “hey, i’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that up--”
“It’s fine,” you cut off gently, sending a small, somewhat feigned smile Stiles’ way. “Let’s just meet up with Scott and Kira.”
Stiles seems reluctant, not oblivious to your clear change in demeanor, but doesn’t argue, wordlessly following behind you.
“We did it. All the pics deleted,”
You stand up straight as Scott and Kira come to a stop before you, pushing the thoughts that hadn’t left your mind to the back as you grin smile down at Kira’s excited expression.
“That was awesome!” She exclaims, her smile brilliant as she laughs. “I mean, terrifying. Completely terrifying... But kind of awesome. I’ve never done anything like that before. Have you?”
Pausing, you turn to Stiles and Scott; “yeah, once or twice.”
Nodding slowly, Scott turns to Kira; “I guess I should take you home.”
You’re not oblivious to the clear disappointment in Kira’s eyes as Scott turns to you, almost questioningly. Biting your lip, you meet Scott’s eyes. “I’ll be fine,” you assure Scott, “can I, uh, speak to you a moment?”
Scott slightly confused but doesn’t argue nods, and grabbing him by the arm, you pull him back slightly, away from Kira and Stiles. “Take her to the party.”
“Huh?” Scott blinks, brows furrowed.
“Kira,” you explain, rolling your eyes. “Take her to the black light party that the twins are throwing.”
“Oh,” Scott mumbles, “are you sure? Maybe she-”
Slapping him on the shoulder, and ignoring his cry of pain, you shake your head at your brother. “Just do it.”
“Okay, okay, fine.”
You watch Scott walk off with a grin plastered to your lips, only after a moment passes do you head over to Stiles’ jeep. Crawling your way into the passenger seat, you meet Stiles’ gaze with a bright smile on your lips as he raises a brow questioningly your way. “I told Scott to take her to Halloween party the twins and Danny set up,” you explain softly to Stiles. “It’s clear how much he likes her, and she likes him. The two of them just needed a push.”
Stiles chuckles lightly, nodding along to your words until silence falls over the both of you. Part of you expect Stiles to just start the jeep and drive, but an awkward atmosphere falls over the both of you as silence envelops the jeep.
Then, Stiles speaks up; “would you, uh, like to go to the party?”
“Yes,” you answer instantly, your cheeks warming when you realize just how eager you’d seemed. Coughing slightly, tucking a strand loose hair behind your ear in a habit of nervousness and embarrassment, you smile over at Stiles who’s watching you with an unreadable expression. “I mean,” you laugh slightly, “i’d love to.”
“It just showed up there on my key ring this morning. I asked my dad if he put it there but he said he didn’t know anything about it.”
Shuffling behind Kira, you push your way past the crowd of kids all dancing to the blaring music. The four of you, Scott, Kira, Stiles and you, make your way through the crowd slowly and carefully, your eyes adjusting to the neon that seemed to be everywhere.
Derek was so going to kill you if he ever found out about this.
“It’s just a key, right?” Scott asks, his voice raised to be heard over the music.
“Yeah,” Stiles confirms, “but it’s not mine. And I don’t know how it got there or what it’s for.”
“You want to leave so we can figure it out?”
Your eyes widen at Scott’s question. Staring around at Derek’s loft and the kids that all party around you, you realize just then how much you just want to be a kid your age for once. You just want to enjoy Halloween and this party and there’s a specific person you want to do this with. But you can’t if him and Scott leave, which will then lead to you leaving as well.
Too many times have you pushed back what you want because you thought better of it, or because you were too shy to act on your feelings. Too many times have you denied having fun because of the world wind of what you call your life you’d been thrown into. This party wouldn’t last forever and that key could wait until another day before it needed to be figured out.
So, without confidence you don’t know where it came from, you slip your hand into Stiles’. It causes whatever he’d been about to say in response to halt, lips left parted as Scott and Kira look at the two of you in question. You have yours and Stiles’ hand in a position where they can’t see, but you know what you’re about to do they’ll see plainly, but won’t be able to hear.
No longer are you going to hold out on your feelings for fear of rejection or because you’re afraid. And you’re sure as hell not gonna let Kira and Scott’s wandering gazes stop you either, even if the latter is your brother.
Pushing yourself up to the tip of your toes, you move so your lips are directly next to Stiles’ ear, a breath away. “Or we could stay and dance and you could paint my body?”
You smirk as you lean back, watching as Stiles’ eyes widen and his eyes meet yours briefly. You don’t miss the way his cheeks burn red as you take a step back, pulling on his hand.
Turning to Scott, Stiles’ nods; “it can, uh, it can wait.”
Before you even give Scott the chance to reply, you’re pulling Stiles away by the hand, sending Kira a wink and covering the both of you from their gazes within the crowd.
Giggling, you stare up at Stiles as he dances wildly. He might not have the best moves, and in all honesty, he looks quite dorky, but you can’t deny that he looks cute right then and there.
You shuffle in front of him, dancing with him, albeit a little less intensely then he is. The smile still hasn’t faded from your lips, and you can’t remember the last time you’ve had fun like this. All thoughts of your father and what had happened earlier at the station have completely left your mind and you find yourself practically bouncing with confidence you can’t remember the last time you’ve felt.
For once, you’re just being a teenager.
Biting your lip, you lean forward, taking Stiles’ hand in your own nervously as his movements gradually slow in anticipation. Meeting his eyes, you spin around, pressing your back up against Stiles’ chest and pulling his arm around your waist. He seems to understand what you mean, and setting either of his hands on your hips, you lightly grind up against him, the music the only thing you’re able to hear as you move your body to the beat.
The two of you continue to do so for a moment longer before you’re spinning in Stiles’ grip once more, tilting your chin upwards to meet his eyes. Stiles still seems quite nervous, and it’s obvious he isn’t actually sure where to put his hands, not wanting to over step his boundaries, but you help guide him. 
Setting his hands on your waist, you lean forward, pushing your chest against Stiles own as you lean forward, placing your lips against his left ear once more.
“You still want to paint my body?”
Inhaling sharply, Stiles nods, “y-yes.”
You smirk, stepping back and pulling yourself away from Stiles’ grip as you grab the hem of your t-shirt. Pulling it up and over your head, you leave yourself bare in only your green sports bra to Stiles’ eyes. He stares down at you, and you realize this is the first time Stiles has ever seen in you in this kind of light. It’s obvious that the two of you are past that awkward friendship stage, and you haven’t been oblivious to how close the two of you have grown recently.
But still, goosebumps grow on your arms as you stand there with your hands on either side of your body. Stiles can’t seem to take his eyes off of you.
As you meet his gaze once more, Stiles lets out a shaky breath; “wow...”
Feeling your cheeks warm, you swallow thickly. “Well then, paint.”
“Hey, let me see that key.”
“Oh, Y/N, you don’t have-”
“Just hand me the key,” you sigh, grinning lazily over at Stiles with your palm held upwards. 
The two of you are sat on Derek’s staircase, your shirt still off, showing off the design Stiles painted on your body. You would’ve kept dancing with Stiles, but the two of you both agreed you needed at least a few moments of rest. And you found, as you sat there, the high from the thrill of it before fading, your mind wondering back to the key that had seemed to confuse Stiles greatly.
Setting it in your palm, your eyes narrow slightly at the bright green finger print plastered on the key. Then, it clicks in your mind; “your key has phosphors on it.”
You turn to Stiles, just then realizing how truly close the two of you are. Your eyes fall on his lips, which are mere inches away from your own. Just like that night in his bedroom, you feel the sudden strong urge to kiss him. Something about the look in Stiles’ eyes tells you he feels the same. You can feel his warm breath tickle your face, and the heat radiating off of his body as the two of you remain gazing back into each other’s eyes.
You hesitate, swallowing nervously, as your gaze continues to flicker back and forth from his eyes to his lips.
Then, suddenly, you’re leaning forward. Your lips are pressed against Stiles’ before you even realize they are. For a moment, panic surges through your body, expecting him to pull back, but Stiles only returns the kiss, pressing his lips against your own with as much force as you had a moment ago. As seconds pass with your lips against one anothers, you feel your confidence grow, causing you to lean up more.
Your hand moves to Stiles’ right cheek, cupping it as his lands on your waist, pulling you closer. Just as the kiss continues to deepen, you raise your other hand, the one that held his key, and Stiles’ suddenly pulls back. “I’m sorry,” he breathes, breathless as you meet his eyes. “But... what are phosphors?”
You ignore the pang of hurt that floods you at the fact that Stiles had pulled away to ask you about the key. It isn’t your place to be upset, when it’s clear how much this key has been upsetting him all day. Still, it doesn’t settle right within you.
“They’re any substance that luminesces,” you explain, meeting his eyes. “It’s in your teeth and fingernails. It’s also in the paint and the makeup that everyone’s wearing. Reacts to the UV light, that’s why it glows.”
Stiles nods, obviously content with your explanation. Meeting your eyes, he raises a brow; “wanna continue...?”
You smile at that, nodding as you lean forward once again, molding your lips against his. This time, the kiss doesn’t last as long as before as Stiles pauses, his lips still pressed against yours until he pulls back, taking the key from your hands. “How’d I get phosphors on my key?”
Your brows furrow at his question; “chemicals,” you explain. “Have you been handling chemicals...?” The words leaves your lips before you’re able to properly assess what you’ve just said. The moment you do, your eyes widen as you turn to Stiles. The name leaves your lips in an echoed whisper; “Barrow...”
Suddenly, Stiles stands up, taking your hand in his and pulling you up along with him to your feet. “We have to get to the school,” he hastily explains, beginning to move towards the crowd once again. “Now.”
You don’t argue, nodding as you quickly reach for your shirt, letting go of Stiles’ hand to pull it over your head. The moment you’re situated, you turn back to Stiles, ignoring the jump of your heart as he once again takes your hand in his own, allowing him to pull you through the crowd and out of Derek’s loft.
It may have ended short, but Stiles had still kissed you. Had still wanted to kiss you. The feelings you’d always thought weren’t reciprocated, seemed to be now.
Letting out a shaky breath, you pull your gaze away from the chalkboard to meet Stiles’ eyes. He has the same fear in his gaze that you hold in your own.
The key that had mysteriously landed in his hands was the key to the chemistry room closet and the writing on the board... it was Stiles’ writing.
Let me know what you thought? Remember, reblogging always helps!
Part 21?
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itsclydebitches · 6 years
RWBY Recaps: Vol. 5 "True Colors"
This is a re-posting from October 4th, 2018 in an effort to get all my recaps fully on tumblr. Thanks!
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Guess who’s back, back again
Clyde is back, tell a friend
How long will my focus and work ethic last? Who knows, but with Volume 6 on the horizon and a fantastic new poster out, I’m feeling like it’s time to dive back into RWBY Recaps. Never too late to guiltily dust off an old project, right?
We’re back in Volume 5. Yes, I did a bit of Volume 1—extreme illusions of grandeur and productivity there—but we should really round out 5 before 6 comes knocking on the 27th. I’ve got almost a month. Let’s see how well I do, starting with “True Colors.”
We open on an image of Qrow and Ozpin together, notably Ozpin given the prim posture and ever-present coffee mug. Qrow makes the comment that things “aren’t looking good” and really? No shit, bird boy. We’ve gone from “Oh no, Ruby is having trouble becoming a leader!” to “Oh no… Weiss is trying to overcome a racist upbringing…?” and are now firmly in the territory of “OH NO a bunch of our faves are dead and Ozpin is forced to possess a child??” Things haven’t looked good for a while.
Ozpin is ever the optimist though. He points out that yeah, things are bad, but they could also be worse. “Humanity is a resilient force” he says, which oddly enough, sounds a lot like the kind of thing someone not a part of Humanity would say. Jury’s still out on whether Oz was the lowly farmer unfairly cursed by the gods, or a god himself justly punished for some sort of hubris… or something else entirely. It just strikes me as significant that he often distances himself from others in not just actions but speech as well. Could be a glimpse into his true nature, aka someone literally not human. Could also just be the result of spending thousands of years reincarnating while everyone else around you suffers and dies. That’ll make anyone feel subhuman…
Qrow challenges Oz’s happy-go-lucky attitude, reminding us that a huge number of pro huntsmen have been murdered and Salem couldn’t have achieved that on her own. She’s had help—and plenty of it. But Ozpin stands firm that it “doesn’t take a great number of people to cause harm” and there are “far more people in this world willing to prevent it.”
Enter our protagonist.
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Ruby is adorable, as always, hesitantly approaching the two of them and awkwardly accepting the invitation to chat. It’s a striking difference in how she acts when it’s just her and Qrow, which is expected. Ozpin remains a much more distant authority figure and now he’s inhabiting the body of a boy her own age. I’d be a little unsure about how to act around him too.
Ruby finally asks what we’ve been worried about since the beginning of this Volume: if Cinder defeated Oz then does that mean Salem now has the Beacon relic? Luckily, no. Oz says he made finding the Beacon relic “a bit more challenging than at the other schools.” So Ruby asks the second question that’s been on our minds…
Ozpin: “No, my cane is not a relic.”
Ruby: “I have no more questions :)”
Okay now wait. I'm calling bullshit lol. That cane is 100% a relic. I mean could I be wrong? Absolutely. But it’s way more fun to be confident so I’m calling Ozpin out on this. For a number of reasons:
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1. He’s absolutely the kind of guy to do what no one else expects. “The cane is so obvious!” Yeah, which means everyone will be looking for the relic elsewhere, hidden away like the Haven relic. Who the hell would have it out in the open? Ozpin. He would. Expect the unexpected.
2. He’s alsothe kind of guy who might lie to someone about it. Ozpin has been playing this game a long time and he’s not above a few smiles and carefully placed words if he thinks it’ll keep things on track. The Haven relic is the one currently in danger—no reason to announce the Beacon relic’s location and shift the team’s focus just because a former student asks him for the truth. It’s too dangerous and Ozpin is very adept at, as he says, playing things close to the chest. And I don’t blame him. That’s how you keep humanity alive.
3. The scene doesn’t show us Qrow at all who is a lot less adept at lying, to say nothing of the fact that—if he knows about the relic—he wouldn’t feel good lying specifically to Ruby.
4. Ozpin’s previous comment about how this relic is a “bit more challenging” seems significant. That is, why ONLY make the Beacon relic so difficult to find? All the relics are important so why not give them all the same precautions? Well, the answer is simple if your precaution is something you can only do for one of them: keep the relic with you.
5. Qrow, arguably Ozpin’s closest friend (husband-friend), was entrusted with getting the cane back to him and it’s used as the introduction between Oscar and Qrow. Seems like a pretty damn important object.
6. We’ve seen this cane fend off crazy powerful attacks and it never takes any damage. Granted, all the weapons in RWBY are pretty hearty, but Ozpin’s cane seems particularly indestructible. Almost like there’s something similar to magic surrounding it.
7. We’ve still got those gears. That cane transforms into something…
8. The fact that Ozpin immediately homes in on Ruby’s question, quickly counters it, and then tells her to leave (go gather the others). He’s in charge of the conversation here.
9. The fact that the scene suddenly turns light-hearted and humorous. We’re meant to shrug this moment off and not think too hard about it. Well, too late now.
Granted, Oz has a good explanation here. He states firmly that the cane is indeed precious, though only to him, and that it still “has a few tricks up its sleeve.” Nothing he says counters what we already know, yet it doesn’t reveal any of his cane’s secrets either. We’re still in the dark. So until we’re not I remain suspicious about his claim that it’s totally definitely absolutely not a relic.
(The headmaster doth protest too much.)  
(Edit Feb. 2019: I was so wrong, folks!!) 
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But we’re moving on. Qrow gets a call from Lionheart asking them to meet up with him to discuss potentially going on the offensive against the bandits. Ruby is ecstatic and runs off. Ozpin? Not so much. He and Qrow both comment on how strange it is that Lionheart has suddenly changed his tune and the addition of some creepy music all but beats us over the head with, “It’s a trap!!” This time when Qrow says that things aren’t looking good Ozpin’s only response is, “I know.” So much for the pep talk.
We cut to Lionheart himself, having just finished up that call, and as we pull back who should we find but Raven. She makes blunt what we already know, “I never expected that you would be the one with the guts to betray Oz” while we get a nice crane shot so that we can see Raven circling him, standing while he’s seated—a predator stalking prey.
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Though of course it’s not actually courage driving their actions here. It’s cowardice. At least Lionheart is willing to admit it. He says straight out that he’s terrified of Salem and doesn’t think anyone can beat her, so why not join the winning side? Raven, meanwhile, is still firmly in denial. “I’m not scared,” she says. “I’m smart.” Please, girl. You’ve spent your whole life running and you don’t know how to stop now. “Man up,” Raven continues (god that’s a terrible phrase). “You did what you needed to do to survive. There’s no shame in that,” which is where we see the divide between their morals and everyone else surrounding Team RWBY. They’re scared, but they fight despite their fear because they know it’s necessary to help both others and themselves. Raven is only out for herself and her selfish actions hurt family (Qrow), children (Yang), friends (her tribe), and allies (Ozpin) in the process.
“Who are you trying to convince?” Lionheart asks her. It's great seeing a villain who knows exactly where the line is even as they can’t help but cross it. RIP the complex ones.
We move back to Menagerie where Ilia and the others are still leading the attack on Blake’s family. Kali if BAMF here, snatching up a tray as both defense and weapon when her gun runs out of ammo. We get to see her clocking Yuma before we catch up with Blake and Ilia—and I enjoy the contrast in colors between these two scenes, from full blown battle (cold) to friends-turned-enemies (warm):
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Ilia spouts the same arguments as Raven: she doesn’t have a choice about her actions. Violence is the only way to survive. Despite the rhetoric Blake is willing to let her go, but Ilia has other plans. The fight, while not spectacular, does showcase the clear parallels between them—both in their arguments and the use of long/short range weaponry. When asked why she doesn’t leave Blake responds that she runs away too much. Beyond the obvious theme from our title—everyone showing their “True Colors”—the focus of this episode is quite obviously who’s willing to fight for others and who’s only out for themselves; who’s able to distinguish between when a literal fight is necessary and when another avenue can be taken. We see time and time again that Team RWBY is leagues ahead of others in terms of that kind of maturity.
From a world building perspective I appreciate Ilia’s use of her camouflaging skills. It’s rare that we see the Faunus actually using their animal abilities (beyond Sun swinging around on his tail) and that’s definitely a useful one in battle… though it's undermined somewhat by having a weapon that lights up with electricity. Gotta think that one through…
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And then Blake sETS THE HOUSE ON FIRE? Damn, girl! This isn’t even a real battle—at least not between the two of them. Ilia says two seconds later that Blake isn’t taking this seriously, neither of them truly wants to kill the other, so is burning down your house really the best option here? I always knew Blake was secretly the most dramatic of the bunch.
(That’s a lie. I'm sorry. The most dramatic is clearly Weiss, but she’d be proud of Blake’s ridiculously over-the-top strategy here, I’m sure.)
Blake manages to pin Ilia and keeps trying to talk her down. It works. Sort of. Ilia starts to cry as she admits that she doesn’t know what else to do, but at that moment Ghira comes crashing through the wall with another fight at his heels. (This family is rich enough that they don't care about the property damage.) And then we get this,
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This is a sharp reminder that though Blake and Ilia might be fighting more with words than fists, the same can’t be said for her parents. They are, notably, in very real danger. The fight picks back up with Ilia clearly torn now between her loyalties. She defends herself though when Sun joins the fray, pausing only when Blake begs the two of them to stop. However, their fighting has already cracked the pillar holding up the second story and Ilia gets caught underneath. Surprisingly, she’s saved by Ghira (which tells us more about his character than all his bickering with Sun ever could) and there’s a nifty bit of teamwork used to get him out—Sun’s copies hold up the balcony; Blake uses her weapon to pull her dad to safety. The brother (Fennec) who tries to attack him from behind is justifiably crushed under the rubble.
Kali is safe and joins the gang. The fight is basically over, but Corsac attacks out of pure grief and rage, allowing Ilia to stun him from behind. Now I’ve got a lot of feelings about Ilia, most of which boil down to just plain not liking her. I already explained in depth my issues with her being the (so far) sole queer character on the show and this is now compounded with her supposed “redemption.” There are problems inherent in making the (again, only) queer character an antagonist, but there are more problems in making them an antagonist and then refusing to stand by that. Rooster Teeth had her as a complex villain and then the moment she was revealed to have feelings for Blake it’s, “Never mind! She’s good now!” in the span of half an episode.
And how does this redemption occur? Ilia attacks Blake and goes after Blake’s parents. She continues to attack them after being given numerous chances to walk away. She turns on her allies… only after the fight is won. If Ilia were a different kind of character her stunning Corsac could have easily been seen as a survival strategy rather than a true change of heart. They’re now outnumbered four to two, so—like Lionheart—why not quickly join the winning side? I honestly wish Ilia was out to double cross Blake if only because that would be consistent with her loyalties up until now. It would make sense.
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In the grand scheme of things though these are minor points. What strikes me as far more significant is 1. that Ilia and her allies could have killed Kali and Ghira. I admit that she wasn’t fighting Blake full out, but the purpose of this attack was to assassinate her parents and the fight did lead to at least one death. That’s not just something you bounce back from. Maybe I’m an asshole, but I couldn’t wave that away as a “bad decision” like Blake does. They could have died. And 2. the most important of all, we’ve yet to see any true change in her thinking or ideology! Ilia joins the gang because she lost and she's left standing around awkwardly with Blake—the girl she’s in love with. Would Ilia have second-guessed her actions if they'd succeeded in their mission? I doubt it. In the aftermath of failure she's contrite, but Ilia was pretty damn adamant about killing humans---and the Belladonnas---just a few minutes ago. If her redemption is based on circumstance and her one-sided crush… that’s not a redemption I can get behind.
But it’s what we’re rushed into. Blake gives a rousing speech about how no, they can’t just use humans as a scapegoat for this attack. They can’t allow figureheads like Adam to speak for them. She says that they’re all “looking for simple answers to a very complex problem” and that despite it not being what they want to hear, she doesn’t know how to just “make hate go away.” That’s a huge development from the girl who went to Mountain Glenn and said passionately that she was going to change the world, but without any concrete ideas as to how to do that. Now Blake can admit her own ignorance and knows at the very least what not to do. They’re not going to change the world through violence like this—they won’t change it for the better, anyway.  
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I’m with her through all that, up until Blake agrees to take Ilia to Haven. The guard yells out, “You’re just going to forgive her? After all she’s done?” and Blake says only, “Yes.” You know what that is? It’s a simple answer to a very complex problem. It’s painted as admirable on her part—Ghira says she’s learned the lesson of how powerful forgiveness can be—but I think this is RWBY’s fairy-tale simplicity shining through and it doesn’t fit with the heavy material we've been tackling the last few volumes. There’s a big difference between forgiving someone and making sure that they face consequences for their actions. There’s a difference between forgiving them and thinking practically about whether you can or should trust them with your safety and the safety of others. Hell, forgiveness usually takes more than five minutes and often times doesn’t happen at all! Ilia has done none of the work to justify Blake’s forgiveness and though having forgiveness handed to you might read as a beautiful ideal, it doesn’t work well in the gritty, complicated, racially loaded storyline that Rooster Teeth keeps trying to pull off. It feels cheap in the face of all that Blake suffered through this volume, especially when they turn Ilia’s actions into a literal joke. She stabbed Sun? No big deal! He pinched her and now they’re even! How much of a joke would this be if Ghira had suddenly collapsed from his own wound? Or Kali hadn't casually rejoining them entirely unharmed? Maybe I’m more bitter than I thought, but Ilia’s redemption feels like an unintended smack in the face.
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The townspeople buy into the happy picture though and we get a chorus of them agreeing to join Blake in the fight to defend Haven. Plans are made to arm, train, and transport the people of Menagerie in two weeks time. Getting civilians into fighting shape that quickly might be a challenge, but at least Blake knows a ship captain who owes her a favor.
And that’s where we end this episode—forging a path for the future. Stay tuned for the next episode “The More the Merrier” as we count down to the Volume 6 premiere!
Other Details of Note
In that opening shot we have what looks like a pretty generic print on the wall—who doesn’t like sunsets?—except that it also shows a crescent moon without the broken pieces. Artist’s interpretation? Time before the moon’s demise? Animator’s forgetting about it while drawing the random painting that viewers are only going to see for about two seconds? You decide!
I really appreciate that Ozpin praises Ruby for being the first to realize the potential implications of the Beacon relic. She’s praised for her skill with Crescent Rose and for being one of the youngest to attend Beacon, but it’s rare that people comment on Ruby’s intellect. She’s smart as hell with one of the more strategic minds of the group—that’s partly why she makes such a good leader. It’s good to see someone, particularly her headmaster, acknowledging that.
After Qrow gets the call from Lionheart he immediately reaches for his flask… despite still having a steaming drink beside him. Apparently working with this guy was tough even before they knew he was loyal to Salem.  
Edit Feb. 2019: Lionheart says that “I’ve done things Ozpin will never forgive” and that’s one hell of a loaded line after hearing Ozpin’s thoughts on Lionheart in Volume 6.
“Sorry, Dad” Blake says right before she burns down their library. Somehow I don't think 'sorry' cuts it in this situation...
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ghostmebangtan-blog · 6 years
Writer’s Block Playlist
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Hi, all you hep-cats and cool chicks (If you get my reference, you’re the sweetest hunk of sugar I’ve ever seen). It’s V here with a little filler post until I update Pink Matter. I’m actually in the process of editing and writing at the moment (3,798 words currently), but I needed a small break to step back before I burn myself out. Melatonin does absolutely nothing so I’m almost 3 hours past my bedtime and writing the entire way through it.
Well, now to talk about what this post is about. So, as you all may know, or not, writer’s block sucks. For me, it is the literal devil. I was supposed to have this chapter up days ago but every single time I sat down to do it I just had no idea what the hell I was doing. Of course, that was before tonight, but this is an exception to the rule my brain has made as of late. As I was editing what I had written a few days ago and listening to a podcast, my internet crashed and I had to open Youtube back up and instead of going back to H3H3, I allowed my fingers to take me to my music playlist. And then I had a spark. As soon as I heard these songs my mind fixed itself and I’ve written 900 words. Now on my break time, I decided to share my favorite songs/albums I listen to when I want to make my brain cooperate with me.
1. Frank Ocean, channel ORANGE
I absolutely love Frank Ocean. His music is so chill and sexy it would be strange if you don’t like at least one of his songs. For those of you who don’t know who he is, he sings the hit song Thinkin Bout You, or for my fellow memers, ‘A potato flew around my room...’ Channel ORANGE is my favorite album of his but he has also released Blond, Unreleased, Unreleased, MISC., and Nostalgia, ULTRA. My favorite songs off of Channel ORANGE are: - Pink Matter - Thinkin Bout You - Pyramids - Forrest Gump
2. Cigarettes After Sex, Cigarettes After Sex
This band. This damn band. Where do I begin? Holy crow I adore them. They are very minimalistic and have very few variations between songs. They can get vulgar lyrics-wise, but what artist doesn’t? They have a very soft sound and the lead singer’s voice is heavenly. So far they have a few singles and two EPs, both of them are self-titled. I highly recommend them. Here are a few of my favorites: - Young and Dumb - Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby - Sesame Syrup - Sweet
3. Yellow Days, Harmless Melodies
His voice, his voice, his voice; his voice. I love his instrumentals, the guitar, the way he growls, and the overall vibe he gives off is amazing. He has two albums that I know of (Harmless Melodies and Is Everything Okay in Your World?) and they are both quickly becoming my favorite things to listen to. Anything that can make me sway along to the beat usually has me hooked. Definitely check my boy out and here are some of my personal recommendations to peak your interest: - A Little While - Your Hand Holding Mine - Gap in the Clouds - People
4. Daniel Caesar, Freudian
This man could cause world peace with a voice like that. I completely fell in love with him when Billie Eilish (hint hint) made a video talking about songs that would describe her life. The first song I heard was Japanese Denim and after that I was his bitch. This man will take over your life if you drop the mask and look him in his eyes. Okay, a little extreme, but you get my point. Screw a recommendation; listen to his music. Just do it. [ insert Shia LaBeouf ]. - Get You (Feat. Kali Uchis) - Best Part (Feat. H.E.R.) - Blessed - Transform (Feat. Charlotte Day Wilson) Just listen to the entire album.
5. The 1975,  I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It
Matt Healy is a god and you can fight me on this if you wish. Must I show you exhibit A, B, and C, or can we both agree that he is perfectly sculpted with a tendency to become self-destructive? Well that last bit got a bit deep, but he is very open about his issues, another thing to add to the list of reasons I love their music. Some of my favorite quotes come from The 1975, but this album, along with their previous album and EPs, hold a place in my heart, and their two new singles that just came out have made me have some realizations about a lot of things concerning myself and other people. I really think you will enjoy these guys: - If I Believe You - She’s American - UGH! - Somebody Else
1. Noire, He’s My Baby
2. MISSIO, Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea
3. Daniel Caesar, Japanese Denim 
4. Troye Sivan, Bloom
5. Billie Eilish, Hostage
6. Rex Orange County, Apricot Princess
7. The 1975, Give Yourself A Try
8. Pierce the Veil, She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty
9. Cavetown, It’s U
10. City and Colour, The Girl
11. Dodie, Sick of Loosing Soulmates
12. Ross Copperman, Hunger
13. Oasis, Wonderwall
14. Iron and Wine, Flightless Bird, American Mouth 
15. Jaymes Young, Stoned on You
16. Japanese Breakfast, Boyish
17. Goth Babe, Velvet Sheets
18. Jonathan Bree, You’re So Cool
19. Mild Orange, Some Feeling
20. Yung Heazy, Cuz You’re My Girl
I hope you all enjoy. Of course, these are not all of the songs in my playlist, not all of these are my absolute favorite, but I was trying to get some variety instead of a full list of the same artists over and over again. I will definitely do this again and update what I’m listening to currently every other month or so. Happy listening!
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BTS Meal
It's 19:32 pm and I'm closing my day in the office (after I got to write 2 descriptive paragraphs the whole day - I definitely did better at that time I was preparing for my IELTS), but I feel like I got to say a thing or two about the BTS Meal phenomenon that just happened back home. No one asked my opinion. No one needed to hear of solutions nor how to make things better, and not that what I said here could be helpful for anyone in any way juga. It's just my "scientist" and "problem solver" brain, I guess?, that motivates me to write this, so here we go.
My day started with this "mess" about BTS Meal on (surprisingly, not my stan Twitter account, but) my main Indonesian Twitter account. The tone of the tweets mixed a lot between very sweet and positive ones (especially from my mutuals that are also ARMYs) and the kinda-mocking meme-y ones (those tweeted by the "funny" "woke" guys - which mostly were not tweeted by my mutuals, just saw some of the tweets passing by on the tl).
I won't talk about the positive sweet tweet ones because... I wouldn't just be telling the world that we are the best fandom in the world or anything (yes, BTS teaches us self-love, but we're not that full of ourselves). Then again, as I mentioned in the previous post, quoting Pak Dosen Prama, "people everywhere are in a normal distribution". Of course, there are very nice and kind ARMYs out there who gave the drivers 100k IDR tip, a sack of rice, bottles of drink, a bunch of snacks, chocolates, etc. But, there are also, as we're mostly known of, toxic and mean ARMYs out there, that (thank God) didn't show up a lot in my timeline today.
I would love to talk mostly about how these "funny" "woke" people on the timeline react to these nasty videos of huge crowds, drivers stuck together in a closed indoor space without masks, polices closed down McD branches, people shouted in anger because of the McD closure, Pol PP tried to rip down a huge BTS Meal banner in front of the McD building, you know... those kinds of videos. Disclaimer: by these "funny" and "woke" people, I don't mean the ones who made dad jokes on ARMY as TNI or edited King Nassar into BTS Meal packaging -- I found them very funny, thanks, King. I specifically reacted to these people who think that we, ARMYs, (well, not we technically because geographically I'm not part of them rn? Well, anyways) were not considerate of the drivers who had to wait hours in line, were just causing unsafe environments for the drivers in the middle of a pandemic, were panic buying, were irrational and childish, and were possibly making a new cluster of Covid-19 because of this 50k IDR worth of meal.
Well, I'm not trying to find a scapegoat here, but in the perspective of someone who has been following perkiprahan BTS Meal all over the world, all of this craziness actually could be avoided and prevented very easily. If only, if only, McDonald's Indonesia had learned and studied and seen how the BTS Meal has been released in other countries, has at least consult an ARMY (it took only one person to estimate the number of ARMY in Indonesia. Heol, they didn't even have to consult. It's one google away), they could've easily made a strategy to prepare for this.
Before I go into possible solution(s) McDonald's Indonesia could've/should've taken, I'd take time first to explain why BTS Meal would matter THAT much to ARMYs. A famous Twitter chef in Indonesia tweeted after eating the meal: "so this is it? what's so special about 10 pieces of McNuggets, fries, 2 dipping sauces, and a cup of coke?" -- well, probably not the exact verbatim, but I saw a couple of tweets in a similar nuance: asking what's the hype of this BTS Meal.
Hhhh, here we go, the difficult part. It's always very difficult, at least to me, to explain something I love so much (as much as it is unconditional) to other people who are not on the same train of thoughts and feelings and mind. But, anyway... I'll try.
It's probably the cheapest official thing we can get as an ARMY. Let's say the price of one BTS Meal is around... 50k IDR(?). That amount of money is actually VERY cheap compared to BTS official merch (ranging from 100k to more than 500k apiece), an album (300k to 500k -- I even bought my BE Deluxe at £50), an online concert ticket (350 k and above), a BT21 merch (100k to 300k), a BTSxSamsung phone (18000k), a BTSxSamsung earbud (I don't know, 5000k?), and their many other expensive stuff. To be able to pay only 50k to show how we support them??? Why didn't people just let us be? Anyway, this BTS Meal is not made to cater to you, muggles. It's specifically marketed to us ARMYs. Don't get into a fight you're not supposed to be in, please. Ok, that's number 1.
We Indonesian ARMYs are part of the bigger family that is the global ARMYs all over the world. We have this sense of camaraderie that by eating this BTS Meal, it'd feel like we have lunch together eating the same exact meal with other ARMYs from SK, US, Egypt, Peru, and other countries (which has BTS Meal of course). Especially, looking at we, Indonesia, is included as one of the latest countries to release BTS Meal, our social media timeline and feed has been full of BTS Meal since two weeks ago and we can't help but order right away as it is out!
BTS Meal is an homage to BTS. I don't know if all Indonesian ARMYs even know about this, but the og story of BTS Meal is that it's BTS' favorite meal package that until a week ago exists only in South Korea (especially the cajun and sweet chili dipping sauce). And since BTS loves ARMYs so much (at least that the narrative the McDonald's marketing people trying to build here), they want all ARMYs around the world to taste it, too. //Mungkin kalau di Indo macem paket panas special gitu kali ya, saking favnya jadi pengen dishare ke orang lain juga (yaampun jd ngidam paket panas special huhu belum makan dinner lapar)//. So, of course, to receive that love BTS wants to share with us their ARMYs, we feel and act as enthusiastic as we could be!
There might still be more reasons why ARMYs are THAT crazy over this meal, but I've tried to outline at least 3 of them. Well, I don't represent all Indonesian ARMYs. They might have those reasons I mentioned above, but they also might not. They probably would just simply said, "because we love them and we want to support them". But there I tried to "explain" the rational reasons under the irrational logic hiding behind the word "love".
So now let's go to what has gone wrong and what McDonald's Indonesia could've done better in anticipating this huge event of BTS Meal release. Well, they still can implement these suggestions actually, since the event itself will still run for a month(?) if I'm not mistaken. Many Indonesian ARMYs (Indomys) Twitter base accounts actually also already have reminded ARMYs to not do panic buying on the 1st day of the release of BTS Meal. However, you just can't help it when you see people on your timeline started to get theirs, updated, and posted pictures of their meal (sigh, the scary side of social media: the FOMO phenomenon).
System! There's got to be a system here. Be it the ordering system (if they need to do buka-tutup strategy or minimum purchase) or the line waiting system for those ojol drivers (put sign everywhere if necessary). I don't know if they even care about this BTS Meal, but McDonald's Indonesia really didn't learn. I've mentioned before that Indonesia was one of the latest countries to release BTS Meal. In the past weeks, we had South Korea, the US, Australia, Singapore, the Philippines, even our closest neighbor, Malaysia, releasing BTS Meal. If only the management of McDonald's Indonesia could've seen and learned how those countries did their job magnificently, I believe all of this chaos wouldn't have happened. Take, for example, Malaysia. What they'd done there was to take orders only from McDelivery, drive-thru, and takeaway counter. Simple and neat. No third-party delivery is involved. And even for the takeaway, they already separated the line for regular order and the one for BTS Meal. Every sign is written clearly to make sure everyone follows the social distancing rule. Ah... why can't we be like Malaysia, though...
Clear notice/announcement on the availability of the packaging. One of the things that sadly successfully drive ARMYs to do panic buying today is that there's this rumor going around that the purple packaging is limited in numbers and they will run out if we don't buy it fast. Until now, we didn't know about the real fact, some ARMYs said that the packaging is produced in the country so they can print them as much as they can, some others said there's only 1000 (? need ref here) of them per branch, we really don't know. The only thing we know for sure is that as in Malaysia, the packaging was out on the 3rd day (? need ref here) of the release. So of course that makes us scared in a way, and that's normal because we've been waiting for it since a month ago! Just imagine our frustration? If only McDonald's Indonesia Twitter account can say a thing about this, especially to give assurance to Indomys that the packaging won't be out, that'd help big time. At least, by knowing that, these ARMYs could strategize, plan their schedule around their time so that they can come by themselves via drive-thru or even order it on Gofood/Grabfood app at other time that's not 11 AM.
Better communication with the authorities. It'd just be nice if McDonald's Indonesia has talked before with local police about this release and the effect it probably will cause. At least just to give notice to them that there will be this special package coming out and there probably be a little bit of traffic here so please mind the disruption. And they can even ask these authorities for help! It just breaks my heart, though, seeing a lot of McDonald's branches are now being closed down by force because they were considered breaking the law for making crowd :(
Waa panjang juga ni bacotan saya. Dari nulis di office sampe laper terus pulang karena takut keburu gelap dan dingin alias ga bawa jaket samsek, sampe akhirnya lanjut lagi di rumah (ini jam 22.52 pm) dan belom dinner gara-gara saking semangatnya abis mandi langsung buka dashboard lagi. Terus sekarang ini ceritanya dah cape berbahasa Inggris jadi mulai ngIndonesia. Dah deh gitu aja. Nga ada yang baca juga ini pasti, tapi at least punya bacaan lah ntar in the next 5 years bakal ngomong "yaampun bucin banget ye dulu w sama BTS sampe gini aja diomongin ditulis panjang lebar". Semoga 5 tahun lagi SUDAH BERHASIL KETEMU LANGSUNG SM BTS DI WEMBLEY YA ALLAH AAMIIN YRA. Minta doanya ya teman2.
Oxford, 9 Juni 2021, ditulis karena kesal sama netizen yang gatau apa-apa tapi komen mulu tentang BTS Meal
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