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gifts-of-heimdall-runes · 1 month ago
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The many names and titles of Odin found in the various eddic poems:
Aldaföðr ("father of men")
Aldagautr ("Gautr of men")
Aldingautr ("the ancient Gautr")
Alföðr ("father of all")
Arnhöfði ("eagle-head")
Atriði, Atriðr ("attacking rider")
Auðun ("wealth-friend"?)
Báleygr ("blaze-eye")
Bifliði or Biflindi ("shield-shaker")
Bileygr ("wavering-eye")
Björn ("bear")
Blindi ("blind")
Bölverker ("evil-doer")
Bragi ("chieftain")
Brúni, Brúnn ("the brown one")
Darraðr, Dörruðr ("spearman")
Draugadróttin ("lord of the dead")
Ennibrattr ("the one with a straight forehead")
Eylúðr ("island vessel?," "ever-booming"?)
Farmaguð, Farmatýr ("cargo-god")
Farmögnuðr ("journey-empowerer")
Fengr ("snatch")
Fimbultýr ("mighty god")
Fimbulþulr ("mighty þulr", "mighty poet")
Fjölnir ("much-wise"?, "concealer"?)
Flölsviðr ("much-wise")
Forni ("the ancient one")
Fráríðr ("one who rides forth")
Fundinn ("the found")
Gagnráðr ("advantage counsel)
Gangleri ("wanderer")
Gangráðr ("journey-adviser," "contrary adviser")
Gapþrosnir ("one in gaping frenzy"?)
Gauti, Gautr ("one from Gotland", "Gaut", "Goth")
Geiguðr ("dangler")
Geirlöðnir ("spear-inviter")
Geirtýr ("spear-god")
Geirvaldr ("spear-master")
Geirölnir ("spear-changer")
Gestr ("guest")
Gestumblindi ("the blind guest")
Ginnarr ("deceiver")
Gizurr ("riddler"?)
Glapsviðr ("seducer")
Goðjaðarr ("god-protector")
Göllnir, Göllor, Göllungr ("yeller")
Göndlir ("wand-wielder")
Grímnir ("the masked one")
Grímr ("grim")
Gunnar ("warrior"?)
Gunnblindi ("battle-blinder")
Hagvirkr ("skilful worker")
Hangaguð, Hangatýr ("hanged-god")
Hangi ("hanged one")
Haptaguð ("fetter-god")
Haptsœnir ("fetter-loosener")
Hárbarðr ("grey-beard")
Hárr ("high one")
Hávi ("high one")
Helblindi ("Helblind")
Hengikeptr ("hang-jaw")
Herblindi ("host-blind")
Herföðr, Herjaföðr ("host-father")
Hergautr ("host-Gautr")
Herann or Herrjan ("the one of the host")
Herteitr ("host-glad")
Hertýr ("host-god")
Hildólf ("battle-wolf")
Hlalmberi ("helm-bearer")
Hjarrandi ("screamer")
Hléfreyr ("famous lord"?, "mound-lord")
Hnikarr or Nikarr ("spear-lord"?)
Hnikuðr or Nikuðr ("striker")
Höarr ("one-eyed")
Hövi ("high one")
Hrafnáss ("raven-god")
Hrammi ("fetterer"?, "ripper"?)
Hrani ("blusterer")
Hrjótr ("roarer")
Hroptatýr ("lord of gods"?, "tumult-god"?)
Hroptr ("god"?, "tumult"?)
Hrosshársgrani ("hourse-hair moustache")
Hvatmóðr ("whet-courage")
Hveðrungr ("roarer")
Ítreker ("splendid ruler")
Jafnhárr ("just as high")
Jalfaðr, Jalföðr ("yellow-brown back")
Jalgr, Jalkr ("gelding")
Járngrímr ("iron-grim")
Jólfr ("horse-wolf", "bear")
Jólnir ("yule-figure")
Jörmunr ("mighty-one")
Karl ("old man")
Kjalarr ("nourisher")
Langbarðr ("long-beard")
Loðungr ("shaggy-cloak wearer")
Njótr ("user", "enjoyer")
Óðinn ("frenzied one")
Óðr ("frenzy")
Ófnir ("weaver", "inciter")
Olgr ("protector"?, "hawk"?)
Ómi ("boomer")
Óski ("wished-for")
Rauðgrani ("red moustache")
Reiðartýr ("wagon-god")
Sanngetall ("truth-getter")
Sannr ("truth")
Saðr ("truth")
Síðgrani ("drooping moustache")
Síðhöttr ("drooping hat")
Síðskeggr ("drooping beard")
Sigðir ("victory-bringer")
Sigfaðir ("victory-father")
Siggautr ("victory-Gautr")
Sigmundr ("victory-protection")
Sigrhöfundr ("victory-author")
Sigrunnr ("victory-tree")
Sigþrór ("victory-successful")
Sigtryggr ("victory-sure")
Sigtýr ("victory-god")
Skollvaldr ("treachery-ruler")
Sváfnir ("sleep-bringer")
Sveigðir ("reed-bringer"?)
Sviðurr ("the burner"?),
Sviðrir ("the destroyer"?)
Svipall ("fleeting")
Svölnir ("cooler"?, "sweller"?)
Þekkr ("clever")
Þrasarr ("quarreler")
Þriði ("third")
Þriggi ("triple")
Þrór ("burgeoning")
Þróttr ("strength")
Þrundr ("sweller")
Þundr ("rumbler")
Þunnr, Þuðr ("lean", "pale")
Tveggi ("double")
Tvíblindi ("twice-blind")
Unnr, Uðr ("lover"?, "beloved"?)
Váföðr, Váfuðr ("dangler")
Vakr ("vigilant")
Valföðr ("father of the slain")
Valgautr ("slaughter-Gaut"")
Valkjósandi ("chooser of the slain")
Valtamr ("slain-tame")
Valtýr ("slain-god")
Valþögnir ("slain-receiver")
Vegtamr ("way-tame")
Veratýr ("god of men")
Viðrir ("stormer")
Víðgfrægr ("wide-famed")
Viðhrímnir ("contrary-screamer")
Viðurr ("killer"?)
Vingnir ("swinger")
Vöfuðr ("dangler")
Yggr ("terrible")
Ýrungr ("stormy")
Text copied from Quora
Image posted by Isabella Kadel on Viking Mythology Group [Facebook]
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kitchen-light · 2 years ago
The nine stone packings at Götavi also raise an important and recurring component of the Viking mind: the sacred number. Nine - and its square root, three - appears numerous times in the mythological tales of the Norse. The sea-deities Aegir and Rán have nine daughters, the spirits of the waves; Heimdall has nine mothers; the giant Baugi has nine thralls; the beautiful Menglod has nine attendants; Gróa has nine protective charms; Odin has eighteen spells - twice nine; Thrivaldi, another giant who is slain by Thor, has nine heads. Freyr waits for his lover and later wife, Gerthr, for nine nights, the same length of time that Odin hangs on the tree in self-sacrifice, and sweats between the fires in 'Grímnir's Sayings', and makes his long ride to Hel on Sleipnir. In Valhöll, on every ninth night eight rings drop from the great gold ring, Draupnir (thus making nine in all), the source of Odin's wealth. The Muspell princess Laegjárn has a chest that must be closed with nine locks, one by one. The list goes on and on, and is replicated in the human world of Midgard: according to Adam [of Bremen] the great sacrifices at Uppsala last for nine days and are held every nine years, and nine creatures of each kind are killed. (In assessing the veracity of Adam's text, by the way, one might ask how he could have invented just that little detail to fit so well with wider picture he could not have known about.)
Neil Price, from Chapter 7 of “The Children of Ash & Elm | A History of the Vikings”, Penguin Books, 2020
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antiqueginger · 2 years ago
Soooo On account of Ao3 being fucking HATE CRIMED... Have the first 1600 words of Chapter 10 of Times Touch. @vulturevibes made me melt into goo with their tags so Yeah! I’m working on it now. Also please- I’m always down to scream about this story and my asks are open...
Just Saying.
Also this is raw and unedited. Even I haven't looked back on it since I put it all down soooo yeah
Hiccup grumbled as he maneuvered the forest. Of course he was looking for Jack because for once all the other Riders were so committed to doing the tasks they were already assigned in preparation for the storm season as well as the visitors they expected today. Hiccup could already feel the promise of an ache in his stump or maybe that was just from hiking for who knew how long in search of their lost traveling mischief maker. Though admittedly, Jack hadn’t been up to too much mischief lately. He had also been rather quiet…
Hiccup would still see him early in the morning perched in a tree whispering to nothing or hovering around the training area as Hiccup practiced. During the day, there weren't any more “escape” attempts. He was silent and brooding during the evening meals he did show up for. It had only been a few days but the island seemed greyer, duller, without Jack’s cheerful light.
It was obvious the others noticed it too. He had seen Astrid fussing over him and Fishlegs pulling him to his garden as the sun began to set. The twins had probably tried goading him into some other unseemly prank. Even Snotlout had laid off the attempts to convince Jack to spar.
Now, Jack had just disappeared entirely. He had slipped from his hut during the morning meal and never returned even with it being around midday. Part of Hiccup wondered if Jack even wanted to be found. Probably not. When Hiccup would slip away when he was younger he certainly didn’t.
But that man that they had met, the one that started all of this, weighed on Hiccup’s mind. The story Jack had told had clarified so much but left just as many questions. But that also didn’t meet the requirements Grímnir had set. Astrid knew that story didn’t she?
That choice he had mentioned when he saved his sister… Had Jack died? When he talked about it before, he only mentioned it as an accident but that couldn’t be all. That had to be when he became a spirit. Someone infused with magic that apparently talked to Gods regularly.
Hiccup had to pause at that. Jack was a spirit who hated lying and acknowledged someone he was terrified of as the All Father. The All Father, Flame Eyed, Beloved of Frigg. That was… a lot to wrap his head around. If that man was the Great Chieftain then did that mean that the woman in the market was actually-
Oh, that was not something he was ready for…
Lofn… The Comforter… The goddess that brought his parents together. Some said she was Frigg under another name but he never paid attention to any of those debates. He only saw the shrine his father kept for her. If Odin was Odin then she…
He leaned against a nearby tree as he reanalyzed their conversation. She had known Camicazi. She said that she was a Valkyrja but could that be trusted? If she was a goddess she would know how precious her memory was so she might say anything to get him to listen to her. She had also spoken of the Norns’ intention for him and called him “the Heart” Odin had mentioned him finding his heart too, right? Who was “the Blood” that she mentioned?
This was too much! He was already in the middle of some stupid war with Viggo and the hunters- but adding a crisis of faith to that. No, that wasn’t the right word. To be slammed with the fact that the gods were apparently real…
“You’ll soon meet someone special. Someone the likes of which you have never seen-” Those were her words. That was true enough. Jack was beyond comparison to anyone he’d met or would probably ever meet again. But the truth that “brought him into Hiccup’s arms”, if one could even say that, was still a mystery. Jack told Odin that whatever brought him here had messed with his memory. So yet another mystery. What else was it she’d said?
“The history you share but has not yet come to pass will be all you need. Trust Blood’s word and keep your memory sharp.”
He let out a heavy sigh. There wasn’t enough energy or time in the world to unpack that. Who was the Blood? He was about ready to pull his hair out when the most obvious answer hit him. Worse, It had literally landed at his feet not long ago.
The pendant that Jack said was a gift was his father had runes engraved on the back. The runes read Hofferson.
Lofn said that the blood had already been warned. Astrid was the first to see Jack. She also understood him in more ways than just language. Not to mention that they looked very similar other than their coloring. It would be easy to mistake them for family. They probably were family. Who knew with spirit logic.
“Come on-”
Hiccup jumped at the sudden cry.
He turned, peaking through the foliage and froze when he saw a small clearing surrounded with white bell-like flowers he’d only seen on the northernmost islands before. Two of the evergreen trees were connected with a hammock with one of the tree’s branches bowing with an unseen weight.
Jack stood at the center of the clearing with his arms extended to the branches. “You can’t still be angry at me.” He cooed. “I kept my promise”
The needles shivered as whatever was in the trees shifted. Jack’s low chuckle sent Hiccup’s stomach swooping. Gods, he was falling in love with Jack wasn’t he?
He quickly slammed the thought behind a wall. He wasn’t going to be a puppet in the Gods’ game. One was more than enough.
“Come on,” Jack whined, “The Ruvaak-Qo Rider still doesn’t know about you and I’m getting better at Dragonese. Let me see you.”
The dragon grunted and seemed to climb higher from the way the branches shifted. He saw Jack’s entire demeanor wilt.
“Pretty Girl,” he called softly as he stepped closer to the tree. “I didn’t know he was coming here. I didn’t know he actually paid attention to the people in his lands. If I knew I would have warned you but my powers aren’t what they used to be! I can’t just sense magic like that anymore!”
So, Jack could speak to dragons? Odin was talking about Jack. That meant he knew that Jack was there but the way they reacted to each other was strange… When Jack wasn’t in Odin’s sight he seemed content to have him there, but when he saw him he was hostile. Jack cowered from him as if Odin might strike any moment. It was just said that his magic wasn’t as strong as it was but surely without something big- First thing he mentioned was not being here by choice… Had he come to the archipelago before and gotten attacked?
The dragon snorted at him, the angry sound with a snapping branch sent Jack staggering to the side. Hiccup pressed himself against the tree’s rough bark and kept to the shadows. He wasn’t stalking or being a creep. He was just observing! He just needed to gather more information about Jack so he could maybe get closer. He wasn’t being a creep!
When Jack groaned and paced away, shedding his vest and lifting his tunic to wipe at his face. Hiccup was transfixed. His skin was so pale and almost completely unmarked. His torso seemed to span as a valley of alabaster. Hiccup wanted to get closer and trace his hands up his sides and over his chest- down his stomach. There seemed to be a thin black scar peeking from under the hem of his tunic curling over his ribs to his back. He wanted to trace it, ask how he got it. He wanted to know more about him. He wanted Jack to trust him…
Gods, he was being a creep!
He almost stepped out of the shadows when Jack huffed. He crossed to the hammock and leaned his back into the canvas. Hiccup could admit to being curious what kind of dragon Jack bonded with...
“Meoreia, I promise, I am trying to get it all right.” The whisper was so tired. He wished he didn’t understand.
The dragon purred a reassuring tone and for a moment a sleek white tail slid from the tree. It nudged at Jack’s face with a soft series of chirps.
“I know… I’m trying not to but look at me!” Jack threw a hand in the air and pet the tail. “I’m useless right now. I can’t summon my own ice or magic, the winds won’t listen to me, and I’m constantly pretending to be something I’m not. I’m lying to them.”
He sighed and looked up into the tree. His face twisted. “What’s with that look?”
The dragon huffed and pulled its tail back up into the tree. It tittered at him.
Whatever was said made Jack laugh and settle to sit on the hammock. “Now don’t be like that,” He snickered. “Come on, I’m not trying to get pity. I’m just… frustrated.”
The dragon chirped something that had Jack looking up sharply. “Oh!”
He stood and marched to the base of the tree. “That’s something coming from you!”
There was a loud yawn that had Jack's scowling until a playful smirk curved his mouth.
“Listen,” he said, only to speak another language entirely. “Hi wahlaan daar miraab, ful ni kos golah. Zu’u koraav Meoreia meyz gro fod koraav aan Ruvaak-Qo.”
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portland-sunshine · 26 days ago
Not a sin at all!
This is what's called a poetic epithet, and it happens all the time in writing. Consider, for example, Homer and his wine-dark sea, or Shakespeare and his death-mark'd love.
If you were then to start using them instead of the word they're describing, you'd be making a kenning. For example, if instead of describing the sun as honey-bright, you said "the honey-drop in the sky". Kennings are best known from Norse writings, like "the path of serpents" for gold, or "Grímnir's lip-streams" for poetry itself.
So you're not sinning, you're participating in an ancient literary tradition!
one of my worst writing sins is abusing my power to create compound words. i cannot write the sentence "The sun shone as bright as honey that afternoon." no. that's boring. "The sun was honey-bright that afternoon" however? yes. that sentence is dope as fuck. i do not care if "honey-bright" is a word in the english dictionary. i do not care if the sentence is grammatically correct. i will not change. i will not correct my erred ways. the laws of the english language are mine.
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human-antithesis · 1 year ago
Bituls skokra benvargs hreggjar á sér stað
Bituls skokra benvargs hreggjar á sér stað at manna ýta sjǫti þessa flein-galdrvala fóðrs. En sem Héðins drífa hefsk ber mannadýrs lund hettu-klæddan at friðbands stað ok mælir gegn þeim vápna hríð. Þá safnisk hvala herr at þessum syn-duga orms váða eiði fallina gilda ok afvega hjal-déls frǫmuðra. Mǫrg hjǫrþings bura hefr miklar mætr á Belja bǫlverðungar fjǫrspilli ok hafask við at hæða hristni fyrir manns mæli. Bǫðgarðar asks fjúkandi hamartrǫll þaggar Jesú þjóms rǫddu ok gunnelda buri veitir svá aldrtilan með sínum hví-nandi meginsára fárelding bengjálfars blágjóðra. Þegar Loka bǫlkveitir ferðask norðr eptir, Sólstillis vinr bróðir Hræstorðar asks fregnir af Hildagarðs hríðum sem fǫðr lýsu þriggjar, aski-askr er neyddr til hefnda ýta dróttins ástvinar aldar lofum. Brunns byrri val aldri án laga ok hjaldr mǫ́s krǫ́s aldri gley-misk. Þinn úhræddr herkju stormr, dýrðar váttr, skal atsótt þá mínar banvænu valdstǫðr mæta sárgeimi þínum. Hǫfnum, hǫlða reifir, hrafnblóts goða nafni, þess‘s ól við lof lýða lóm, ór heiðnum dómi. Mér skyli Freyr ok Freyja, fjǫrð lætk ǫðul Njarðar, lík-nisk grǫm við Grímni, gramr, ok Þór enn ramma; Krist vilk allrar ástar, erum leið sonar reiði, vald es á frægt und foldar eðr, einn ok goð kveðja. En þann næsta márreitar dag þat gamla úlfa ok ara ferðar ár, Rǫðuls tyggja vinr stefndi Krist limu at sækja laga heptenda hinstu ǫnd. Svana dals dǫgun skapa nokkrum síðar fer eski-askr suðr fyrir. Hljǫðvinja myrkbein marka komu kaldrar draum-Njǫrunar ok fylgjandi markar sunnu. Hélaðr skýja grátr faldar jarðrar hadd hertyggðdum dróttins hirðmǫnnum úr Norðr fjǫrðungi.
[ENGLISH - A horse fight at the farm takes place in this year]
A horse fight at the farm takes place in this year. But as the fight begins a preacher with a cloak appears on the fighting area and speaks about the sinful kind of this game - about the way this gathers demons in this sinful world of fallen moralities and misguided humans. Many of the people are strong believers of Þorr and begin to mock the missionary's speech. Kjartan's flying axe ends the preacher's voice and Helgi Þráinsson delivers the death blow with his singing sword of dead ravens. When Loki's tongues traveled up north, Sigfúss, brother of Hǫskuldr learns about the killing. As the father of three lights, aski-askr is forced to avenge his death. The island was never lawless and a manslaugther never forgotten. Your fearless spirit, Þjóðrekr, shall be retaliated when my deadly hands meet your executers. I am neutral, patron of heroes, towards the name of the raven-rite's priest, of him who repaid men's praise with fraud from heathen times. Against me Freyr and Freyja, last year I abandoned Njǫrðr's offspring, let fiends ask mercy from Grímnir, will bear fury, and the mighty Þorr; From Christ alone will I beg all love, hateful to me is the son's anger, he holds famous power under the father of earth and from God. But on the next day in the old year, Sigfúss summoned supporters to bring the assassins the last breath. After several days of reckoning Sigfúss travels down south. The dark earth announces an upcoming cold night and the following day. Frozen rain covers the fields of the armed riders from the Northern quarters.
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bookaneer · 2 years ago
A los cuervos, o a las cornejas, se los asociaba especialmente con Odín, dios supremo de los vikingos a veces conocido como Señor de los Cuervos. Tenía dos cuervos —llamados Hugin («pensamiento») y Munin («memoria»)— que se le posaban en los hombros. En los Dichos de Grímnir, de la Edda poética nórdica, Odín visitó a Geirröd, rey de los godos, disfrazado con una túnica azul para poner a prueba la reputación que tenía el monarca de desobedecer las leyes de la hospitalidad. Geirröd capturó a Odín y lo colgó de un árbol entre dos hogueras. Mientras lo torturaban, Odín dijo del cielo y de la tierra:
Hugin y Munin vuelan a diario por el ancho mundo;
temo que Hugin no regrese,
pero tiemblo más por Munin.
Se refería con esto al temor de que el mundo degenerara en caos si se perdiesen la reflexión y la memoria, los dones de la civilización.
Cuervo, Boria Sax.
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priestess-of-the-north-west · 12 years ago
Parts of the Eddur and Saga on this Tumblr
Darrarðarljǫ́ð Egills saga Sigrdrífumál (the lay about Sigurðr, also known Brynhildarljóð) Vegtamskviða (the lay of Vegtamr), earlier name Baldrs Draumr Vǫluspǫ́ (the prophecy of the seeress) Ynglingla saga (the saga of the Yngling) Þrymskviða (the lay of Þrym)
General terms
Codex Regius (Konungsbók) Heimskringla (the world ring) Poetic Edda Prose Edda
Sorry, I´ve removed the ones below. I´ll come back to them again later. Eiríks saga rauða (the saga of Erik the Red) Fornaldarsögur (the sagas of old times) Grímnismál (the lay about Grímnir) Grógaldr (the spell of Gróa) part 1 of the Svipdagsmál Gylfaginning (the deluding of Gylfi) Hávamál (the words of the High One) Hyndluljóð (Lay of Hyndla) Lokasenna (Loki's blasphemies) Skírnismál (the lay about Skírnir)
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atdutiesend · 1 month ago
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... Bearer of my name. Pulling his hood up to make the connection obvious - Grim, Grímnir, hooded one, Odin... He's been rather expecting something like this for days now, ever since Caster took an oddly long nap on the solstice.
"Alright, alright." His real smile, the one that's more of a smug little smirk than anything, came out.
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"I'll leave the watch to you, oh wise one."
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"You should leave that to me, bearer of my name." He reaches over to gently put a hand on Grim's head. "It is, after all, my duty to deal with the Wild Hunt. It's why I asked you to let me know if there's any supernatural activity."
He knows Grim, though. Pulling the hood up on the giant hoodie, he leans over some. "I've got it handled, alright? The God of Wisdom is really being insistent that we deal with whatever'll put a damper on your celebrations, and I've got Geri, Freki, Huginn and Muninn on the lookout as well.
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"So go join the festivities, bearer of my name. This is our duty. Not yours. You, too, deserve a day of rest."
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maskedstrayart · 7 years ago
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A sketchy Óðinn
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skayler · 7 years ago
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Celebration also Of Wild Hount to my father Odin. I'm in love for this altar ❤❄ Odin, All-father, Sig-Father! Leader of the Wild Hunt! Bring us wisdom and weal in this darkest of seasons. Fjölnir, Wise One Gangleri, Wanderer Grímnir, Masked One Jölfuðr, Yule father Jólnir, Yule figure Óski, God of Wishes Rúnatýr, God of Runes Síðgrani, Long Beard Sigðir, Victory bringer Leader of the Gods, Chooser of the Slain, Bearer of Gungir, We honor you for the breath of life. We thank you for your gifts of the Runes We praise Odin! Hail Odin! Hail Odin!" #witch #witchcraft #hedgewitch #hedewitchcraft #norsetradition #asatru #21nightofyule #wintersolstice #jol #yule ##nosre #norsewitch #witchwork #Fjölnir #WiseOne #Gangleri #Wanderer #Grímnir #MaskedOne #Jölfuðr #Yulefather #Jólnir #GodofWishes sRúnatýr #GodofRunes #Síðgrani #LongBeard #Sigðir #Victorybringer #ChooserofSlain #BearerofGungir
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marikobards · 7 years ago
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“People believe, thought Shadow. It's what people do. They believe, and then they do not take responsibility for their beliefs; they conjure things, and do not trust the conjuration. People populate the darkness; with ghosts, with gods, with electrons, with tales. People imagine, and people believe; and it is that rock solid belief, that makes things happen.” ― Neil Gaiman, American Gods . .. #odin  #gods #ink #comics #character #americangods #Grímnir #wednesday #Norse #gods #mythology #illustration #actor #vikings @NeilGaiman #myths #illustrations #movie #shadow #oldgods #movie #War #cinema #book #inked #fantasyart #shadowmoon #NeilGaiman
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skaldish · 6 months ago
Jölnir and Grímnir are the same person—the first is Odin when he stands in the country of yultide cheer, and the second is Odin when he stands in the country of the gallows and the Wild Hunt.
He taught me that "how people are" is very much a product of the environment they're in—physically, circumstantially, emotionally, cognitively, etc. When that environment changes, so does the output.
Kennings are like if you took a name and made it 4D.
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fosterchild42 · 6 years ago
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Some Entries for the “Elkwood Futurity Showcase” on ES. We have so many horses we wanted to show, it was difficult to choose who to enter. 
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broomsick · 2 years ago
My Jólablót toasts
First is to Óðinn
A toast to Grímnir, He who grants knowledge and insight. A glass raised to the One-Eyed, the Chooser of the slain who teaches resilience. Mead drank in your honor, Valfǫðr, so that you may grant us victory and power. A toast to the spear-wielding Chieftain, so that He may ever rule on His hall of eternal feast and guide us through the next year. Great father, wise and silent, we look to you for victory. You have sacrificed yourself for knowledge, hanging on the branches of Yggdrasil for nine nights time, and so will we accept to face challenges in order to achieve our goals. Wandering Lord, we look to you for the power to strive for a good life. A toast to the Hooded One whose face is obscured, and may He share a drink with us. Hail!
Second to Freyr and Njörðr
 A toast to the fair gods of Vanaheim, the peacemakers, Yngvi-Freyr and His father Njörðr, to honor Their many gifts. For Freyr, who protects the harvest and brings upon merciful rains, we raise this glass. For Njörðr, who reigns over the seas and grants favorable winds, we raise this glass. We salute you and honor your presence so that you may keep a watchful eye on the land which gives us life. A toast for Freyr and Njörðr, to insure prosperity through the new year. Hail!
Third to the ancestors 
A toast to our dearly departed, to celebrate their lives and tell their stories. To those who left too soon, we raise a glass and vow to honor you. To those whose souls still seek to give advice, we raise a glass and welcome your guidance. We see and acklowledge presence. To our ancestors and to all that came before us: we acknowledge your lives and we acknowledge your departure. May you rest peacefully, in the gilded halls or by our side, for your victories are remembered. Hail!
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July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 5 • Members of the family – genealogical connections
Loki Laufeyjarson, Loki Son of Laufey. Laufey is Loki's mother: Laufey the leafy Ásynja (female Æsir), Laufey the Birch set on fire by the mighty Jötunn Fárbauti, the Lightning that strikes and brings the flames to the ground. According to this myth, Loki is of Jötunn and Æsir blood, belonging to both worlds and none at the same time, making him a liminal being from the very beginning. I personally feel Laufey is originally a Jötunn, later included among the Ásynja, but it's an UPG (unverified personal gnosis). Laufey gave birth to two other children, Helblindi and Býleistr, Loki's brothers. Sigyn is Loki's wife, and little is known about her. According to my own feeling, she belongs to the Jötnar too, but it's another UPG. Together they have two sons, Narfi and Váli. The Lady of Járnvid (Ironwood), Angrboða, conceived three powerful children with Loki: Hela, Queen of the Dead; Fenrisúlfr, the Wolf Fenrir; Jörmungandr, Miðgarðsormr, the Sea Serpent that hugs Miðgarð. To all of these children, Loki is father. And yet there is another children, too often forgotten, to which Loki is mother: Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse he conceived in the form of a mare with the stallion Svaðilfari. You may be familiar with Sleipnir being Óðinn's mount. Óðinn is also Loki's blood brother by oath, another detail some prefer to forget. Their relationship may be complex, but if we wanna talk about Loki's connections it seems only fair to me to include his good old friend Grímnir (Hooded, Masked One), too.
When Loki chooses to "work" with you, he'll introduce you to his family, sooner or later, in no particular order. He's a family person, and just loves his dear ones, especially his children, with all his burning heart.
Art by @muirin007 , love this depiction of Loke with his kids!
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heathengentleman · 2 years ago
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Aldafaðr, Wotan, Wodan, Grímnir, Odin, Hávi 
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