#gpq shows
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
As someone who's grown up privileged like Vivienne,
As someone who's enjoyed the bigoted abuser life, then renounced those weaknesses,
As someone who victim-blamed, guilted and intimidated others, before I realized there was a better way to exist,
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I'm privileged to never have been SAed, and I'm a safe space for this SA survivor. I love his boundaries and I feel honored to be trusted with secrets and dark thoughts 🖤
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magnetengineer · 9 months ago
I'm probably biased but I'm living for Queen's badonkadonks, Stella deserves mega bird tiddies if she wants them 💖💖!!
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the-gina-love · 4 years ago
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Hi dear customer, we will have live shows today, Beijing Time at 18:00 to 20:00. Welcome your watching and thank you for your support. √ Click link: https://activity.alibaba.com/page/live.html?topic=4ae56dff-06ea-4026-a8ff-b0af9bb4ac3f Best Wishes! https://www.instagram.com/p/CMRgCE-gPQS/?igshid=svf7cmdgq7g9
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gpqblog-blog · 7 years ago
Estratégias de Controle de Qualidade – Cacau Show
A Cacau Show nasceu há 29 anos, na Páscoa de 1988. Começou pequena, mas já recheada de sonhos, numa casa na Zona Norte de São Paulo, onde morava Alexandre Costa, um jovem de 17 anos visionário e com muita vontade de trabalhar. Ainda estudante, resolveu se arriscar num nicho até então pouco explorado para ganhar um dinheiro extra: o dos chocolates artesanais.
 A primeira loja da Cacau Show foi inaugurada em 2000 e, apenas 8 anos depois, a empresa conquistou o título de maior rede de chocolates finos do mundo. Hoje, a Cacau Show está presente em todos os estados do Brasil, com mais de 2.000 lojas
O prêmio “Marcas de Confiança”, da revista Reader`s Digest – Seleções, reconhece desde 2002 as marcas, organizações, instituições e personalidades que são sinônimo de confiança para o consumidor. Em 2016, na 15ª edição da pesquisa, realizada em parceria com o IBOPE Inteligência, foram entrevistadas 1.300 pessoas e analisadas empresas em 36 categorias de produtos e serviços. Alexandre Costa, presidente e fundador da Cacau Show, venceu mais uma vez a categoria Executivo com 62% dos votos.
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  Com isso, entrevistamos Rafael Souza, gerente da filial de Tijucas/SC para sabermos mais sobre os padrões de qualidade da empresa
1)      Para você, o que é qualidade?
 Rafael: Algo subjetivo, que relaciona-se com percepções individuais, com fatores culturais, produto ou serviço prestado. Necessidades e expectativas são determinantes na percepção da qualidade.
2)      Como é realizado o controle de qualidade na sua empresa?
 Rafael: Controle de qualidade não significa ser excelente ou o melhor, mas estar em conformidade com o pré-estabelecido. Na Cacau Show, há uma trilha inicial de formação do franqueado. Franqueados do Brasil inteiro vão para Fábrica da Cacau Show, e passam por uma capacitação de alguns dias. Para assegurar que a franquia Cacau Show seja referência, existe o PEF – Programa de Excelência do Franqueado. É um manual de alinhamento das diretrizes estratégicas do negócio Cacau Show – Execução na Loja, Vendas e Gestão de Pessoas. Para que a franqueadora tenha garantia de que o PEF esteja sendo executado a contento, os franqueados são auditados e avaliados regularmente.
 3)      Os seus funcionários são treinados para executarem um serviço de qualidade?
 Rafael: Sim, a gente os chama de Consultor Show. Tem o Franqueado e o Consultor Show. Eles têm toda uma programação para o seu desenvolvimento na Cacau.
 4)      Quais são os seus indicadores de qualidade? E quais são os de falta de qualidade?
 Rafael: No PEF temos um Chek List com mais de 90 indicadores. Estes indicadores são apontados como conforme, não conforme ou não aplicável (visto que existem modelos distintos de lojas). Os indicadores variam de “se a estrutura física da loja está em boas condições” até “se o franqueado determina a sua equipe o produto foco”, ou “se o franqueado atua para que sua equipe participe dos treinamentos presenciais promovidos pela franqueadora”.
 5)      A empresa segue algum plano de ação, ou seja, algum planejamento?
 Rafael: Sim. Com “meta, responsável, data limite para execução, data de execução, e status”.
 6)      É realizado auditoria ou algo parecido? Se sim, qual a periodicidade?
 Rafael: Sim. Auditoria e consultoria. Mensalmente ou sempre que a franqueadora julgar necessário.
 7)      A empresa possui um setor relacionado ao controle da qualidade? Ou está inserido em todos os setores?
 Rafael: Possui um específico, e está inserido também em todos os setores.
 8)      Existe retorno dos clientes? De que forma isto é representado?
 Rafael: Sim. Através de indicadores. Temos o SAC, onde opiniões, dicas, reclamações e sugestões são bem-vindas. O retorno também ocorre via mídias sociais, onde a Cacau Show é bastante atuante. Nas próprias lojas também, onde os franqueados estão aptos para receber opiniões, dicas, reclamações.
 9)      Qual é o diferencial da sua empresa em relação aos concorrentes?
 Rafael: Carinho. Queremos proporcionar ao maior número de pessoas uma experiência memorável e excelência em produtos e serviços.
 10)  É fato que uma equipe estimulada promove a excelência no atendimento e atinge metas com maior facilidade. Na sua empresa, os funcionários são auxiliados para conquistarem metas? E quando atingem as metas são bonificados/premiados?
 Rafael: Sim. São estimulados, e premiados.
 11)  Existe muita rotatividade de funcionários na sua empresa?
 Rafael: Baixa para o modelo de negócio.
O grupo GPQ agradece a colaboração dos envolvidos.
GPQ Team.
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faneminem · 8 years ago
from eminem: Google Noticias
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
On god I'm starting to get confused with my many blogs
cool fight guy,,,, hng,, brain melted,,,,
Bro wtf stop living bro, just die bro istg-
Stopp 💙💙💙💙💙🥲🥲 (his lines reassuring Niko after his choice. killed me with love. mic drop)
Painfully human, in every possible dimension
imo Metal Bat feels like the outlier, for being more one-dimensional than the others. He just hit a guy & a millipede with a bat. and that was enough for my brain to go "Wow so ✨aesthetic✨,,"
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
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and/or *takes it to "make a point", expecting everyone to go "oh shit my bad"*
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
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"Laugh at this character's abuse, but feel sad for this other one!"
Please take this horrible meme away from me I don't mind losing custody over him
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
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im fuckimh stupid for him
loud blond texan himbo like if you agree
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
Seeing some Vivzie stans being all "Gotcha!", "Take that!" and "I can't wait 'til Viv proves you WRONG!!"—
…Most critics are former fans who would be ecstatic to be proven wrong?? They WANT Vivienne to be a good person, and they WANT her shows to be well-written?
If Viv proves people wrong, it's a Win situation for everyone!
(Stans, scornful: "Ugh, these antis happen to start praising her AFTER [event XYZ] happens! They do whatever's convenient!"
Ok, and?
Please elaborate why it's important at all that someone could be
a fan who has been with Viv through thick and thin, OR
a critic who comes back to genuinely love her.
In the end, you'd all be in the same Discord channel making the same fandom jokes! Plus, what did you even want to begin with? For them to die on their hill??? Like, damned if they do, damned if they don't? Peak abusiveness.)
Both Viv and her stans create and fuel a petty Us-Versus-Them when they inherently don't need too.
Inherently, we don't need to dump our entire worths as individuals into man-made, public situations.
💚 I'm not on anyone's ""side"" btw! 💚 Have a good day, I hope you love yourself so much that you become emotionally self-sustaining!
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
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Was inspired by these screenshots that someone collected (I don't hang out on twitter (hell i don't hang out on tumblr either))—
akghh first of all @gooseworx i'm here if you wanted to be friends 🐥🐥
and here are things I could say if I needed to wrangle a fanbase:
Guys, I love humanity regardless, and none of you have my blessing to hurt people under the guise of 'defending' me. I LOVE PEOPLE even if they'd hate me. You attack someone 'on my behalf'? I'll befriend that poor victim just to spite you.
I'm above mortal pettiness. Malice towards me doesn't stop the Earth from spinning, and neither does admiration. If you get into "Us vs Them" fights over petty things, you're going against everything I've learned and how much I've grown. I will disown you as having anything to do with me and my work.
Not that I'm even entitled to you actually caring, but at least I'm stating that I myself wouldn't support an aggressive stan who superficially supports me. Why 'superficially'? Because at that point, you're just interpreting malice towards me as insulting your ego. I'm not a person to you, I'm an object you've integrated as part of your identity. In your head, insulting 'me' is insulting you. When in reality I, the actual person, don't even realize or care that XYZ is happening to begin with.
You want to be angry or contemptous towards someone? That's just your insecurities, being expressed as your defense mechanisms! I don't shame you for having those—I've been insecure before. But now, being free of them gives me such awareness about why us mortals can have such terrible interactions with each other! And I'll try my darndest to get you aware that you're your own demise—if you let those defense mechanisms zombify you!
You ALL deserve to find peace, you deserve all the self-love, and you deserve freedom from petty distractions that take you away from having substance—from having an emotional ground to stand on! (i.e. acceptance, confidence, peace…)
If I don't dehumanize people who would literally want me dead, then you can do the bare minimum of speaking to them kindly—in an inviting way that disarms them.
I don't have insecurities, so don't bother having them on my behalf 😭
Yes, your "Us vs Them" fights are your distractions. They keeping you unthinking, instead just reacting based on instant emotional gratification. They're illusions! just like some kind of war propaganda to dehumanize your literal neighbor. These lies disgust me whether they're coming from others, or from within. Stand for the freedom to love unconditionally, especially if it means fighting your own prejudices! As someone who used to be pretty despicable; as someone who could have chosen to not grow as a person; as someone who could have kept having stan behavior—believe me, when I say I'm free and at peace when I choose unconditional love (which is inseparable from true intelligence/awareness). Bai 💚🐟
Anyone feel free to be inspired too 💖
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
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for ym sister when hostipal
(Doodle for my sis because she's sick)
She got that Roblox face
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magnetengineer · 8 months ago
Lord Shen would've been 'paralyzed' with shock once he realized he was in the afterlife—it's almost like… he's taking it well, he's calm.
He then quietly explores his surroundings, just taking it all in; he doesn't know what to expect, but he's open-minded.
Eventually he finds a palace and is drawn towards it—there, he finds his parents.
He's calm. They're calm. Death creates a great rift between who you were in life, and your soul now wandering in the spirit realm.
Shen tries to come in, but feels some sort of invisible barrier stopping him; he explains to his parents.
The peafowl give him their blessing to return home, and Shen can now pass through the barrier.
They sit down together for some tea, and Shen's parents lament the meaninglessness of his actions, now that he's dead. They realize there is a 'weight' for everything he's done; all the people he's hurt and murdered. That weight will eventually come crashing down on their son, whatever that may look or feel like.
Shen's not surprised; he's not even afraid, actually.
He leaves to wander some more, keeping his distance from his parents while waiting for the 'crash' to happen. They didn't know if it could manifest as actual physical objects hurtling towards Shen, so the peacock prince is really protecting his family from potentially being collateral damage.
Shen doesn't mind leaving; he needs some time alone anyway.
The peafowl wish their son well and hope to see him back one day.
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magnetengineer · 1 year ago
"Vivziepop didn't want Caine to be her bitch" engraved in my heart
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magnetengineer · 8 months ago
Tai Lung is really a 40 year old man,,,, who has no chill, good for him
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