#gp Mina
bitchiswild · 4 days
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A Sweet Love
G!P Mina Myoui x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Smut and fluff :3
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"Fuck! you're so tight, baby," Mina moaned as her cock thrust deep into your pussy. She had just returned from a grueling 24-hour shift at the hospital and all she wanted was to be near you, to love you, to please you.
"Mina!" you whined, your voice a mix of pleasure and desperation. Your back arched off the bed as waves of ecstasy coursed through your body.
Mina's touch was both tender and demanding, she was so needy for you. Her hands roamed your body, caressing your skin and sending shivers down your spine. The intensity of her gaze locked onto yours, her desire burning bright despite the exhaustion from her long day.
She leaned down, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth with a fervor that made your toes curl. Her hips continued their relentless rhythm, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge.
"You feel so good," she whispered against your lips, her breath hot and heavy. "God I missed you so much." Mina grunted as your cunt clenched around her cock. Your hands found their way to her back, nails digging into her skin as you pulled her closer.
The sound of the bed banging against the wall and the wet, soppy noise of your pussy filled the room, mingling with your whines and Mina's grunts. The symphony of your passion echoed around you, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.
As the pressure built within you, your cries grew louder, matching the intensity of Mina's thrusts. She felt you tighten around her, and with a final, powerful push, she sent you over the edge into a mind-blowing climax.
"Mina!" you screamed, your body trembling uncontrollably as waves of pleasure crashed over you.
“Fuck, baby, take my cum,” Mina moaned against your neck. Her voice was thick with need as she spilled her seed inside of you. She wrapped her arms around your spent form, pulling you close. You could feel her heart pounding in her chest, a steady, reassuring beat.
Your legs shook from the aftershocks of your orgasm, still quivering as you clung to her. The room was filled with the heavy scent of sex.
Mina's touch became tender, she pressed gentle kisses to your forehead, whispering sweet words of love and adoration. "I love you," she murmured, her breath warm against your skin. "Always."
"I love you more," you told her with an adoring smile.
Things had turned out wonderfully since your first date. You and Mina went on multiple dates and slowly fell in love, a journey that felt like a dream. There were moments when the two of you fought, mainly because Mina's demanding job as a doctor left her with limited time and always busy. This caused a major fight, but Mina cared too much about you to let you go. She made a promise—a promise to always make time for you and to love and cherish you as you deserved.
The love you felt for her was like a dream. Like you finally found your other half, the person who completed you. Despite the challenges, the love you shared only grew stronger, each moment together deepening your bond.
As you lay in each other's arms, the memory of your journey together played in your mind. You remembered the laughter, the tears, and the countless moments of joy and connection. Each date had brought you closer, each fight had made you stronger, and each promise had solidified the love you shared.
Mina's commitment to you was unwavering. She balanced her demanding career with the love she had for you, ensuring that you always felt valued and appreciated. Her dedication to making time for you, despite her busy schedule, was a testament to her love and determination.
You looked into her eyes, seeing the depth of her love reflected back at you. It was a love that was strong, enduring, and true. It was the kind of love that dreams were made of.
"Thank you for loving me," you whispered, your heart full of gratitude.
Mina smiled, her eyes softening with affection. "Thank you for being mine."
The two of you have been together for three years now. Your friend Nayeon had always told you that Mina was going to stick around forever. Even by your second date, Nayeon was already saying how Mina would marry you. At the time, you brushed it off, thinking it was too soon to make such predictions. But oh, how Nayeon was right.
Mina was planning on proposing to you, and she knew she needed to get your best friend Nayeon's blessing first. Nayeon had been a part of your life for so long and knew you better than anyone else. Mina wanted to make sure everything was perfect.
One sunny afternoon, Mina invited Nayeon out for coffee at your favorite café. The air was filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the soft hum of conversations created a cozy atmosphere. Mina felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as they settled into a quiet corner.
"Nayeon, there's something I want to ask you," Mina began, her voice steady but her hands slightly trembling.
Nayeon looked at her curiously, sipping her coffee. "What's up, Mina?"
Taking a deep breath, Mina gathered her courage. "I love her more than anything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. So, I wanted to ask for your permission... to propose to her."
For a moment, there was silence as Nayeon processed Mina's words. Then, her eyes widened, and she burst into tears. The sudden outpouring of emotion caught Mina off guard, and she looked around awkwardly, unsure of how to handle the situation.
"Oh my god, Mina! This is amazing!" Nayeon sobbed, her voice choked with emotion. She reached across the table and grabbed Mina's hands, squeezing them tightly. "I knew you two were perfect for each other from the start!"
Mina smiled, feeling a wave of relief and happiness wash over her. She gently patted Nayeon's back, trying to comfort her. "Thank you, Nayeon. Your support means the world to me."
Nayeon wiped her tears and took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "You have my full blessing, Mina. I know she'll be so happy. Just make sure to make it special."
Mina nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "I will. I promise."
As Nayeon calmed down, she fixed Mina with a serious look. "But Mina, if you ever hurt Y/N, I swear I will kill you. Got it?"
Mina's eyes widened slightly, but then she chuckled, appreciating the fierceness of Nayeon's loyalty. "Got it. I promise I'll do everything I can to make her happy and never hurt her."
Nayeon's expression softened, and she smiled. "Good. I know you will."
With Nayeon's blessing secured, Mina moved on to the next step: picking out the perfect ring. You and Mina had always discussed rings, and she knew exactly what kind of cut you loved. She went to the jeweler with a clear vision in mind, ready to make your dream ring a reality.
Mina meticulously handpicked the diamond, ensuring it was of the highest quality and the exact cut you adored. She spent hours at the jeweler, discussing settings and designs, wanting every detail to be perfect.
To make absolutely sure she was making the right choice, Mina took Nayeon with her to the jeweler. Nayeon's excitement was palpable as she examined the ring. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the diamond, and she nodded approvingly.
"Oh, Mina, she's going to love this," Nayeon said, her voice filled with certainty. "It's perfect."
Mina felt a surge of relief and happiness. With Nayeon's confirmation, she knew she had made the right choice. The ring was beautiful, elegant, and exactly what you had always dreamed of.
The two of them spent the rest of the afternoon finalizing the details, Nayeon's enthusiasm adding to Mina's excitement. By the end of their visit to the jeweler, Mina felt more confident than ever. With the perfect ring in hand and Nayeon's unwavering support, she was ready to create a moment you would cherish forever.
On the day of the proposal, you had no idea what was about to happen. Mina had always been good at planning dates, and the two of you made it a point to go out at least once a week. So, when she told you that you were going all out today, you didn't suspect a thing.
"Mina, what's the occasion?" you asked, curious but excited.
"You'll see," Mina said with a mysterious smile. "Just get ready for an amazing day."
She had planned everything meticulously. The day started with a luxurious brunch at your favorite spot, followed by a visit to the botanical garden where you both loved to spend time. Every detail was thoughtfully chosen to reflect the journey of your relationship.
As the day went on, Mina's excitement was palpable, but she managed to keep the surprise hidden. The final stop was a beautifully decorated garden, lit with fairy lights and filled with your favorite flowers. It looked like something out of a fairytale.
"Mina, this is incredible," you said, taking in the enchanting scene.
Mina took your hands, her eyes full of love and sincerity. "Y/N, from the moment I met you, my life changed in ways I never thought possible. You are my rock, my joy, and my inspiration. You've shown me what true love means every single day, and I can't imagine my life without you."
Her voice trembled with emotion as she continued, her eyes locked with yours. "You are not just my best friend, but my confidant and the love of my life. I cherish every moment we've shared and every dream we've built together. Today, in this beautiful place that symbolizes our love, I want to ask you the most important question of my life: Will you marry me?"
Your eyes filled with tears as her heartfelt words washed over you. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the garden and the depth of Mina's love, you felt a surge of overwhelming joy and gratitude.
"Yes, Mina," you whispered, your voice filled with love. "A thousand times yes."
Overcome with emotion, you pulled Mina close and kissed her passionately, sealing your answer with all the love and joy in your heart. The world around you faded away as you melted into each other's embrace.
Mina slipped the ring onto your finger, and it fit perfectly. The ring was everything you had ever dreamed of, Mina knew you so well.
Cheers erupted as Nayeon and your closest friends emerged from their hiding spots, having witnessed the magical moment. Nayeon, tears streaming down her face, ran up to hug you both.
"I told you she was the one," Nayeon whispered to you, her voice full of emotion.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Nayeon, who stood nearby with a knowing smile. In that moment, you realized she had been right all along—Mina was the one for you, your other half, your future. You were her dream as she was yours.
After celebrating with your friends and relishing in the joyous moment of the proposal, you and Mina finally made your way back home. The air was filled with a sense of quiet contentment, both of you still glowing with the happiness of the day's events.
As you stepped through the door of your home, Mina wrapped her arms around you, pulling you close. "I can't believe today actually happened," she whispered, her voice still filled with awe and love.
You smiled, leaning into her embrace. "It was perfect, Mina. Absolutely perfect."
She pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, her touch tender and full of affection. "You deserve nothing less than perfect," she murmured, her words carrying the weight of her commitment to you.
She pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, her touch tender and full of affection. "You deserve nothing less than perfection," she murmured, her words carrying the weight of her commitment to you. Her lips lingered, brushing softly against your skin, before moving to your cheek and then down to your neck. You tilted your head to give her more space, feeling the warmth of her breath against your skin.
"I love you," Mina whispered against your neck, her voice echoing the sentiment engraved in both your hearts.
"I love you too," you replied, your voice shaky with emotion and want
Her hands roamed your body, gripping your hips as she slowly guided the two of you to your room. Once inside, Mina grasped your head and pulled you into a passionate kiss, eliciting a soft moan from your lips. Feeling the surge of desire, you gently turned her around and pushed Mina onto the bed.
"Strip," you commanded, your voice laced with anticipation. Mina smirked, her eyes locking with yours as she slowly began to shed her clothes. Each garment fell away, revealing the contours of her body, her gaze intense as it roamed over your form. You mirrored her movements, undressing deliberately under her watchful eyes.
Mina's eyes darkened with desire, her hardening member evident as her breathing quickened.
Deliberately and sensually, you walked towards her, your gaze locked with Mina's, you straddled her, pressing her clothed mound against her hardened cock. The friction sent a shiver through both of you.
Mina gasped softly, her hands finding their way to your hips, pulling you closer. "God, baby, you're so beautiful and sexy," she murmured, her voice filled with admiration and desire. "My girl, my fiancée."
You sighed softly in response, the sensation of her against you igniting a deep longing. With a subtle movement, you raised your hips to remove your panties, revealing how soaked you were. Mina's eyes widened at the sight, a low groan escaping her lips, her desire palpable as she gazed at you with hunger.
"God, I can't wait to put a baby in you one day," Mina groaned, her voice heavy with desire, as she deftly flipped the two of you over, positioning herself on top.
"Yes, put a baby in me," you moaned, arching your body into Mina's as she trailed kisses and left marks across your chest.
"You'll make such a good mommy," Mina moaned, her grip firm as she teased her cock, rubbing the tip against your clit. Your body reacted instantly to the sensation, a jolt of pleasure causing you to gasp and shudder under her touch.
"I'm gonna fill you up so good, my love, till you're full of me," Mina whispered huskily, her voice thick with desire, as she pushed herself inside you. You gasped at the sensation of being stretched, feeling her penetrate deeply until the tip of her cock kissed your cervix.
Mina's thrusts were slow and deliberate, each movement drawing a needy whine from you as desire pulsed through your body. "What's wrong, baby? Too slow for you?" Mina teased mockingly.
"Please, Mina," you whined, your voice filled with longing.
"Please what, my love?" Mina teased, her thrusts still deliberate, teasingly slow.
"Please fuck me harder and faster," you begged, your desperation evident.
"Harder?" Mina questioned with a smirk, then suddenly jerked her hips forcefully, causing your body to jerk in response to the sudden intensity.
"Yes!" you cried out, the pleasure and desire spiking as Mina began to thrust harder and faster, meeting your desperate plea.
"Yes!" you cried out, the pleasure and desire spiking as Mina began to thrust harder and faster, meeting your desperate plea. Her movements became more urgent, driving you deeper into the mattress with each powerful thrust.
"Oh, you love it when I fuck you like this, don't you?" Mina growled, her voice low and husky with desire. Her hands gripped your hips firmly, guiding her movements as she pounded into you relentlessly.
You moaned in response, unable to form coherent words as the pleasure surged through your body. Mina's dirty talk fueled your arousal even more, pushing you closer to the edge.
"You're mine, baby," Mina whispered fiercely, her breath hot against your ear. "I'm going to make you come so hard."
You gasped as she hit just the right angle, sending a shockwave of ecstasy through you. Your back arched, toes curling as you felt yourself teetering on the brink.
"Come for me," Mina demanded, her voice a seductive command. "Let go and come all over me."
Her words were your undoing. With a primal cry, you let yourself surrender to the intense pleasure, your body trembling as waves of orgasm washed over you.
Mina continued to thrust through your climax, prolonging your ecstasy until you were breathless and spent, completely at her mercy.
"Good girl," Mina murmured, her voice suffused with satisfaction as she finally stilled, pressing a tender kiss to your shoulder. Her movements continued, causing you to whimper at the heightened sensitivity.
"I know, baby, just one more," Mina said gently, as she flipped you onto your stomach, raising your hips and guiding herself inside you from behind.
“Fuck mina” You cried, feeling Mina's powerful thrusts causing your body to jerk. Your pussy, sensitive and responsive, reacted eagerly as Mina reached down to rub your clit. The sensation sent shivers through your body as your climax approached.
Your cunt gripped her cock like a vice, tight and intense. Mina's hips stuttered as her own climax drew near. "That's it, baby, cum on my cock," Mina moaned. You arched into her as you reached your peak on her cock. Mina followed suit, spilling her seed inside you, painting your walls white.
"Fuck, baby, take my cum," she groaned as her hips jerked. Mina pulled out slowly, her gaze fixated on where her seed spilled out of you. With a gentle touch, she pushed it back inside with her fingers, eliciting a shiver that ran through your body.
"Keep it inside you," she whispered hoarsely, her breath still ragged from the intensity of your shared climax. She then pulled you close, wrapping you in her arms as you both lay there, catching your breath together.
As you nestled into Mina's embrace, the room filled with a comfortable silence, broken only by the soft rhythm of your breathing. Her fingers traced lazy circles on your skin, soothing and intimate. The aftermath of your passionate encounter lingered in the air, a mix of sweat and lingering desire.
After a while, Mina leaned in to press a tender kiss against your forehead. "You okay?" she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of concern and affection.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips as you gazed into her eyes. "More than okay," you replied softly, your heart still racing from the intensity of the moments shared.
She smiled back, a warm and content expression crossing her features. "Good," she murmured, pulling you closer as you both drifted into a peaceful embrace, savoring the closeness and the connection between you.
Later, as you lay intertwined, you glanced at the ring on your finger, your heart swelling with emotion. "I can't believe we're getting married," you whispered, admiring the sparkle of the ring.
Mina's eyes lit up with joy, her smile widening. "Me neither," she admitted, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. "I can't wait to spend forever with you, you're my future, Y/n," Mina said.
"And you're mine, Mina," you told her, your voice filled with love and certainty.
With that, you leaned in, your lips meeting in a soft, tender kiss. It was a promise.
Tags: @keervah HERE KEER!!!
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ot9snumber1 · 8 months
What about… alphas g!p misamo being so protective and whipped for omega/beta reader? Them absolutely being absolutely willing to do anything for reader even if it meant being edged or putting on a show for reader Hehehehe
anon i love you so much
cw: power bottom reader(?), edging, implied breeding kink
you weren't the most dominant person out there, quite the opposite, actually. being an omega was very convenient for your usually passive nature.
but, something about your three precious alphas makes you love taking the lead. although you aren't the one on top, watching them follow every single order you bark out is just so satisfying.
"momo, off. it's sana's turn." you say sternly. momo whimpers, pulling out of you. she was so, so close... but you said enough, so it's enough. plus, she already came twice! it was only fair that sana had her turn, especially since she was the only one out of the three that hadn't fucked you yet today.
momo joins mina at the edge of the bed, who was sitting obediently after you made her get off you because she came before you said she could. mina was still pouting, but she knew she'd have her turn again later. plus, who was she to disobey your orders?
they both watched sana eagerly get on top of you and push her entire length inside you all at once. "a-ah!" you moan, but swat her lightly. "i didn't give you permission yet."
sana frowns, "oh. i'm so sorry, i-"
you shut her up with a kiss. "it's okay. just don't do that again next time, okay?" sana nods, and starts moving in and out of you slowly. your back arches almost immediately, softly moaning her name as you grasp onto the sheets below you.
the sight makes sana even harder, somehow.
"mina, momo," you say between breathy moans as sana sunk her teeth into your neck. "you can touch yourselves, but don't cum, okay? save it for when it's your turn again."
the two nod and immediately start stroking their cocks to the sight of sana fucking you painfully slowly.
"sana, faster." the alpha immediately follows your orders and moves her hips faster, her hands grasping your waist as her length pounds into you.
your eyes roll back while you whine in pleasure, your hands moving from grasping the sheets to clawing at sana's back. there was truly nothing better than being able to control your three perfect girls.
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fizzytoo · 1 month
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local eats and then an impromptu game <3
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lesbiankimdahyun · 8 months
Reader is went out to a party and dressed as a nurse for Halloween but, g!p Mina stayed home so to make it up to her “patient” she gave her a bj to feel better
im sorry it took me so long to finish (just like Mina-- I mean what?) but please enjoy!!!
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1.6k words 
[GP!Mina x Reader]
CW: GP, light praise kink, this isn’t m*d*c*l play bc i don’t do that but R is wearing a nurse costume
Mina let out a low breath and closed her eyes as she gripped her length in her left hand. 
Unfortunately, the wrist she’d broken earlier was her dominant wrist, and now she was both frustrated and turned on, trying to adapt to getting herself off with only her other hand. Sure, she’d used her other hand before, but not nearly as frequently. And knowing she was completely unable to rely on any help from her right hand made her let out a little whine. 
Breaking her wrist was the fault of her own bad luck, but it was your fault she was so wound up now, eyebrows furrowed from her effort. Your Halloween costume, a handmade, near perfect replica of the uniform Nurse Dolly wore on Ratched, looked entirely too good on you. And now, instead of being able to enjoy seeing you in said costume at Jeongyeon’s Halloween party, she was alone, thinking about how she wanted nothing more than to greedily pull up your skirt and run her hands over your ass and thighs before–  
Mina sighed, cursing her useless injured wrist and unrelenting erection. She laid back a bit farther on the dark gray sectional, letting her bad wrist rest on the arm of the sofa. She had meant to go to bed earlier, wanting to cum just once to relieve some of her pent up frustration, but she couldn’t get herself over the edge and hadn’t realized how much time had passed. 
Still too aroused and lost in her lust-driven thoughts, Mina didn’t even register that the front door of the apartment opened and closed: you were back from the party. Mina had really wanted to go with you, but the idea of anyone bumping into her very broken wrist in its fresh cast made her wince. 
“Mina?” you called softly as you came in, but she didn’t reply. You checked your phone– it was after midnight. Maybe she had fallen asleep while trying to wait for you to get back. But then you walked in further, down the hall, through the kitchen, out into the living room and saw why she hadn’t answered you. 
You watched for a moment, almost tempted to let her carry on. But then you noticed the light sheen of sweat on her brow and wondered how long she’d been struggling to cum. Now you couldn’t resist her. And it was Halloween after all; maybe you could give her a compensatory treat.
“Why is my patient out of bed?” you asked, tilting your head with feign curiosity. Mina’s eyes snapped open and she looked up at you from the couch. Her gaze, you realized instantly, was both hungry and desperate. You had been debating teasing her, but as soon as you saw the ravenous look in her eye you knew it wasn’t the time. Your eyes locked onto her hard shaft and you licked your lips. “Can I help you with that?” 
Mina nodded, looking you up and down slowly. She’d seen your nurse’s costume come to life over the last few weeks and seeing it now thrilled her just the same. “Please,” she breathed. 
Quickly, you made your way over to the couch beside her. You wrapped your hand around the base of her cock and leaned in to kiss her. Her lips were magnetic against yours, unwilling to part from any source of pleasure. You broke away from her though, making her squirm with need. You watched her reaction as you moved your hand slowly and started to jerk her off, lightly teasing her cockhead by running your thumb over her pink, leaking tip. 
She must have been trying for ages, because you’d barely touched her but already the poor girl looked as if she could cum. But that wouldn’t do for you unless she came somewhere more satisfying than all over her shirt and abs. 
“Poor thing,” you cooed. “Would it feel better if I used my mouth?” 
Mina bit back a groan at your question, nodding furiously. You went to reach for the hair tie on her wrist, but Mina read your mind. Her hand wove through your hair until she had as much as she could collect in her fingers, careful not to ruin your teal-colored nurse cap. She pulled back firmly, not only keeping your hair out of your face, but letting you know she was going to be setting the pace from here on out. 
You caught her eye briefly, thinking that your eyes must be as blown out with lust as hers were. You knew Mina really wanted to cum if she was willing to take the lead and as much as you loved telling her what to do, you loved seeing this more commanding side of her. You leaned in a little for her and she responded by gently pushing your head down. The moment her tip entered your mouth, you knew you were going to give in to anything she wanted. You kissed and licked around her tip, letting out an involuntary moan before opening your mouth wider to let more of her in. 
Mina grunted lightly at the sensation, tilting her head back and closing her eyes. She loved the way your mouth felt around her, and now she needed you, to claim you, to coat your mouth and throat with her seed. 
“Can I…?” she asked breathlessly, and you knew immediately what she was asking. She’d been training you over the last few months, stretching your throat, jaw, and retraining your breathing so she could fuck into your mouth endlessly without you needing to come off of her cock for a break or air. You were well on your way to becoming her perfect little toy. 
You nodded wordlessly, and Mina let out a heavy breath. Her grip on you tightened and she pushed you down further until your nose was up against the base of her cock. Your eyes watered a little but you invited her in, letting her fill and stretch you just the way she’d trained you. 
“Good girl,” she praised softly, using her other hand to touch your cheek reassuringly. She let up a bit and you proceeded to let her control your every move as she forced you to bob up and down slowly on her length. Sinking into a service-oriented headspace, it wasn’t long before you were drooling. The added wetness made it easier for you to glide up and down on her cock and filled the air with wet, lewd sounds while you continued to give her head. 
And Mina absolutely loved it. She loved the way you were so obedient for her, so willing to let her have her way with you. She loved how wet and puffy your lips became and the tears that threatened to spill from how hard you tried for her. 
“That’s it, just like that,” she said, watching her cock disappear into your mouth again and again. She continued to test your limits, pulling you back down to the base of her cock again before allowing you to come back up for a moment. Your warm, wet mouth felt incredible, but now Mina needed a little more. 
The next time you bobbed down on her length, she held your head in place. “Stay so nice and still for me, baby,” she breathed as her hips started to thrust slowly. 
You let out a muffled moan in response. This was your favorite part because you knew it meant two things: you had done well in working her up, and that Mina couldn’t hold back anymore. Her hips found a steady rhythm as she fucked up into your mouth desperately, her moans and pants becoming heavier. 
Her thrusts became gradually faster. Even though your jaw was starting to ache, you were at least at less risk of choking on her cock now because the more desperate Mina became, the sloppier she got. The couple inches that weren’t being shoved repeatedly into your mouth were in your hand now while you worked to jerk her off.
“Fuck,” Mina grunted. “Feels so good, just need to use you a little more...”
Her grip on the sides of your head tightened again and you really couldn’t move as Mina picked up the pace again. She was nearly incoherent now, murmuring half-completed praises to you as she tipped her head back. Her breath hitched and then hitched again as your mouth worked her closer and closer to the edge. 
Her praises trailed off altogether shortly after; the only thing you could make out was “fuck, yes, fuck,” and then she gasped. You took your hand away quickly and Mina pushed you down to her base as she came, thrusting violently up into your mouth. 
Your whimper was muffled and you swallowed what you could hastily. When she finally released her hold on you, everything you couldn’t swallow coated her cock while you bobbed shallowly on her length. 
You took your time cleaning her up, licking your way up her shaft and over her tip until she couldn’t stand it anymore and had to pull you up and away. She kissed you hungrily, unafraid to taste herself on your lips and tongue. Eventually she broke away from your lips, leaving appreciative, wet kisses down your chin and neck. 
“All better?” you asked, settling in to rest against her. Mina nodded, letting out a satisfied hum. “Much,” she said. She paused for a moment, then chuckled and touched the fabric of your costume lightly. “I'm lucky to have such an attentive nurse for the next six to eight weeks while I heal.”
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sugawara--san · 2 months
crying so hard class A loves deku so much
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mxdimitrescu · 2 months
Synopsis: Mina couldn't hold her anger and slight jealousy at the girl who was flirting with her secret girlfriend.
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Pairing: Myoui Mina x GP!Minatozaki Seiko
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Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as I reclined in my seat, my eyelids drooping as the gentle hum of conversation among my fellow members provided a comforting backdrop.
"Ane..." Sana's soft voice pierced through the haze of fatigue, eliciting a slight warmth in my weary eyes.
"We're almost there."
Glancing out the window, I caught sight of the glimmering lights of the Billboard awards venue. With a grateful nod to Sana, I turned my attention inward, taking a moment to appreciate her outfit choice for the evening and stealing glances at the others as they engaged in conversation. (I'll leave the outfit descriptions to the pictures.)
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As our car rolled to a halt, I mentally prepared myself for the whirlwind of paparazzi and noise that awaited us. A hand slipped into mine, and I glanced over to meet Mina's comforting gaze, her soft eyes offering a reassuring anchor in the chaos.
With a gentle squeeze, she murmured, "You've got this."
Drawing strength from her words, I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, my tall figure drawing attention even amidst my exhaustion.
With Mina's encouraging words echoing in her mind, Seiko took a deep breath and reached for the door handle. As she emerged from the car, she smoothed out the wrinkles in her suit with practiced ease, a flicker of nervousness dancing in her eyes. With a quick fluff of her hair, she was ready to face the spotlight.
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As I emerged from the car, the deafening roar of fans reached a crescendo, enveloping me in a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. Standing by the door, I extended a hand to each of my fellow members, their expressions a mix of gratitude and excitement as they exited the vehicle. Sana's infectious smile tugged at my heartstrings, prompting me to plant a protective kiss on her forehead, a silent affirmation of my affection for my beloved "imouto."
Then, my gaze locked with Mina's, her eyes sparkling with a hint of shyness as she slipped her hand into mine. Assisting her out of the car, I watched as she joined the rest of the group, her presence a soothing balm amidst the chaos of the red carpet.
With a final glance around, I closed the car door behind us, falling into step behind my bandmates, my senses alert for any potential hazards.
As we stood together on the carpet, posing for photos, I found myself sandwiched between Sana and Mina, the camera flashes illuminating our faces. Despite my reputation as the quietest and least expressive member of Twice, I stood tall and composed, my towering height of 192cm making me a striking presence among the group.
After enduring what felt like an eternity of flashing lights and posing for the cameras, our manager finally whisked us into the venue. I trailed behind the group, stifling another yawn as we were guided to our designated seats. Taking my place at the round table, I found myself sandwiched between Sana and Mina, the familiar comfort of their presence easing my exhaustion.
Glancing around, I realized we were seated amongst some pretty big names—Madison Beer, Cameron Dove, Olivia Rodrigo, and others.
As I scanned the room, my gaze inadvertently locked with Madison Beer's, who gave me a cheeky wink. I blinked in surprise, feeling a bit like an owl caught in headlights. Looking around for any possible explanation, I saw Madison giggling to herself and gesturing in my direction.
A soft growl drew my gaze, and I turned to see Mina's hands clenched tightly, a spark of anger igniting in her eyes. My heart softened at the sight, instinctively reaching out to gently pry open her fists before lacing our fingers together beneath the table.
Mina and I had always shared a special bond since the early days of Twice, brought together by our mutual interests and personalities. Nowadays, you could often find me crashed out in Mina's room, snoozing away while she battled virtual foes in her video games. Or vice versa, with Mina cradling my head in her lap as she conquered levels on her phone.
Two years ago, we finally confessed our feelings and took the plunge into dating. The rest of Twice, along with our managers and JYP, were in on our secret and fully supportive. But for now, we were content to keep our relationship under wraps, waiting for the right moment for Mina to feel ready to go public.
Mina's gaze shifted from Madison to me, her smile soft and filled with gratitude as she gently rubbed her thumb against my hand. The room fell into a hush as the lights dimmed, signaling the imminent start of the awards ceremony.
Hours stretched by in a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation as we watched talented female artists claim their well-deserved victories. Finally, it was our turn, and the thrill of winning the Breakthrough award sent a surge of elation through our veins. With the trophy clutched tightly in my hand, I stood before the crowd and delivered a heartfelt speech on behalf of our group.
As we made our way back to our seats, a sly grin tugged at Madison's lips as her hand brushed against my leg, a silent challenge in her eyes.
As we settled at our table, my blood boiled at the sight of Madison's brazen attempt to cozy up to Seiko. Sana's annoyed huff echoed my own sentiments, her solidarity offering a small comfort in the face of Madison's audacity. With a determined nod from Sana, I knew I wasn't alone in my resolve to protect Seiko from unwanted advances.
The awards ceremony eventually drew to a close, but before we could make our exit, Madison's voice pierced through the crowd, calling out Seiko's name. We turned to see her swaggering over to our table, her eyes locked on Seiko with unsettling intensity. Despite Seiko's stoic demeanor, I could sense her discomfort beneath the surface as Madison laid on the flattery thick.
"So, you were great up there, looking handsome as ever."
Seiko, ever the picture of composure, offered a polite but curt response, eager to put an end to the encounter. With a nod of acknowledgment, she turned to leave, but Madison's persistent presence lingered like a foul odor in the air.
However, despite the subtle indication, she persisted and stated once more, "I was wondering if you would like to spend some time together...perhaps in my hotel room? We can engage in an activity together," Madison implied with suggestive undertones.
Madison's not-so-subtle invitation hung in the air, casting a shadow over our group. The mixture of disbelief, anger, and disgust on my fellow members' faces mirrored the turmoil in my own heart. But it was Seiko's pained expression that spurred me into action.
With determination fueling every step, I approached Madison and squared my shoulders, ready to defend what was mine. As I stood before her, a silent understanding passed between us, the unspoken question hanging heavy in the air.
'Are you sure you're ready?'
With a nod, I reached up and gently grasped her chin, pulling her closer until our lips met in a defiant kiss. In that moment, the world fell away, leaving only the warmth of her embrace and the knowledge that we were finally together, against all odds.
The girls behind us erupted into a chorus of squeals and cheers, Sana even chiming in with a playful "GO SISTER-IN-LAW!" Seiko and I couldn't help but share a soft laugh as our kiss broke, a moment of shared joy amidst the chaos.
Leaning against her, I closed my eyes, relishing the warmth of her embrace. Seiko's hand traced soothing circles on my back as she responded to Madison's proposition with a teasing smirk, "Thanks, but I'm already booked for the night with Mina..."
Before I could fully process her words, Seiko added with a mischievous grin, "We've got big plans later." My cheeks flushed crimson as I playfully swatted her chest, exclaiming, "YAAA, don't say that!" Laughter erupted from the girls behind us, their mirth filling the air with contagious energy.
Madison's jaw practically hit the floor before she hastily made her exit, leaving Seiko and me engulfed in a sea of hugs and congratulations from the rest of Twice. My heart raced as I glanced at Seiko, her eyes soft with emotion.
Our brief moment was interrupted by our managers, who reminded us that our ride was waiting. As the other girls paired off and left, Seiko hesitated for a moment before reaching out her hand.
"Are you sure about this?" she asked, her concern palpable.
I smiled reassuringly. "I've already told my family, and they're cool with it. That's all that matters. Let's do this, babe."
With that, I took her hand in mine, fingers interlaced, and together we stepped out onto the flashing carpet, ready to face the world as an official couple.
No One POV
The door flew open with a bang, revealing Mina and Seiko locked in a passionate embrace as they stumbled into the room, their hands fumbling in a frenzy to shed each other's clothes. Mina's lips parted from Seiko's, her eyes smoldering with desire as she guided Seiko towards the bed, a hunger burning in her gaze.
Seiko sank onto the mattress, her chest heaving with anticipation, a telltale bulge straining against her pants, sending a shiver of excitement down Mina's spine. With a barely contained longing, Mina bit her lip, her gaze fixated on Seiko's enticing form.
Seiko's hand reached out, grasping Mina's head, pulling her in for another searing kiss, their lips melding together in a fervent dance of desire. Each touch ignited a fire within them, fueling the intensity of their passion.
Breaking away for a moment to catch their breath, Seiko's fingers trailed behind her, deftly pulling the covers from the bed in a silent invitation. With a swift motion, she stripped off her shirt, tossing it aside with abandon, baring herself to Mina's hungry gaze.
Mina wasted no time, her lips finding the sensitive skin of Seiko's neck and collarbone, trailing kisses along her heated flesh. With practiced ease, she worked to remove Seiko's bra, her movements fueled by a primal need to possess and devour.
Soon, both women stood naked before each other, their bodies trembling with desire and anticipation. Seiko's gentle push signaled a brief pause, her desire burning bright in her eyes as she leaned forward, capturing Mina's lips in another fervent kiss, sealing their union in the heat of the moment.
Mina tumbled onto Seiko on the plush hotel bed, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. With a hunger born of desire, Seiko trailed hot kisses down Mina's trembling form, igniting a fire within her with every touch.
As Seiko's lips found their mark on Mina's tender nipples, a shiver of ecstasy rippled through her, her back arching in eager anticipation. The soft moans that escaped Mina's lips only spurred Seiko on, her own desire matching the intensity of her lover's.
With expert precision, Seiko traced a path of longing down Mina's quivering stomach, pausing tantalizingly at the edge of her panties. With a swift motion, she discarded the barrier between them, casting it aside in a fervent frenzy.
Returning to her lover's trembling form, Seiko lavished attention upon Mina's trembling legs, bestowing tender kisses upon every inch of her supple skin. But it was Mina's pulsing core that called to her with an irresistible allure, drawing her in like a moth to flame.
In the dimly lit bedroom, Seiko's skilled touch sent shivers of pleasure coursing through Mina's body. With each flick of her tongue against her clit, she arched her back, desperate for more of her tantalizing caresses. The room echoed with the symphony of Mina's moans and the rhythmic sound of their breathing.
Seiko's fingers, deft and knowing, teased and explored every inch of her, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over her. As she delved deeper, Mina's hips moved in sync with her ministrations, a symphony of desire building between them.
"F-fuck," Mina gasped, her voice raw with need, as Seiko's relentless attention pushed her closer to the edge of oblivion. Her chuckle, a melody of affection and desire, only fueled her hunger for more.
With every suck and stroke, Seiko brought her to the brink of ecstasy, their connection a wildfire consuming them both in its passionate embrace. In that moment, as pleasure rippled through her, Mina knew that with Seiko, every touch was a symphony of bliss, every kiss a promise of eternity.
The air heavy with anticipation, Mina's voice echoed off the walls, her cries of pleasure filling the space as Seiko's skilled fingers worked their magic. With each teasing touch, Mina's body arched in ecstasy, her moans mingling with Seiko's name in a symphony of desire.
Seiko watched intently as Mina reached the pinnacle of pleasure, her release painting a picture of bliss across her flushed face. As she collapsed onto the bed, breathless and spent, Seiko moved closer, her desire burning bright in her eyes.
They lay together in the aftermath, basking in the intimate moment they had shared. Mina's hand found Seiko's, their fingers intertwining in a silent promise of more to come. With a playful grin, Mina brought Seiko's fingers to her lips, tasting the remnants of their passion as she licked them clean.
Seiko's laughter filled the room as she watched her, her heart swelling with affection. But soon, the playful mood shifted, desire igniting once more as Seiko hovered over Mina, her gaze smoldering with intent.
"It's my turn now," Seiko declared, her voice husky with desire as she guided herself to Mina's waiting lips. With eager anticipation, Mina welcomed her, her mouth enveloping her in warmth as she took her in, inch by inch.
As the sensations washed over her, Seiko couldn't help but let out a low groan, her fingers tangling in Mina's hair as she worked her magic. With each expert movement of her tongue, Seiko's pleasure mounted, her body trembling with need.
"Mmm, you taste so good," Mina murmured, her words sending shivers down Seiko's spine as she worshipped her with her mouth. Lost in the moment, Seiko surrendered to the blissful sensation, her world narrowing down to the exquisite pleasure of Mina's touch.
Seiko's voice reverberated through the room, sending shivers down Mina's spine as she gripped her hair firmly. She tried to suppress the urge to choke as Seiko thrust into her mouth.
"Coughing?" Seiko's concern broke through the haze of pleasure as she withdrew, her hand gently stroking her cheek. Mina nodded, the intensity of the moment leaving her breathless.
"Good," Seiko's voice was low and commanding, sending a shiver down Mina's spine. "Now, climb on top and show me what you've got," she instructed, her eyes smoldering with desire.
With a shaky breath, Mina rose from the bed, her movements deliberate as she straddled Seiko's lap. The anticipation hung heavy in the air as she lowered herself onto her, a soft moan escaping her lips as they connected.
Ecstasy surged through Mina as Seiko filled her completely, every movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her hands found her breasts, the sensation electric as she squeezed them firmly.
Seiko's words spurred Mina on, igniting a fire within her as she rode her with abandon. Their cries of pleasure filled the room, blending together in a symphony of desire.
As they reached the pinnacle of ecstasy, Seiko's release flooded Mina, their bodies entwined in a moment of pure bliss. Collapsing onto the bed, they lay together, breathless and spent, their hearts pounding in unison.
"That was incredible," Mina whispered, her voice barely a murmur as she gazed into Seiko's eyes. Her smile was tender as she pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, their connection deepening with each passing moment.
Seiko and Mina found themselves enveloped in a cocoon of contentment. With heavy-lidded eyes and hearts still racing, they melted into each other's embrace, limbs intertwined in a tangle of love and warmth.
In the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window, they lay entwined, their breathing slowing in sync as sleep beckoned. With a whispered exchange of sweet nothings and tender caresses, they surrendered to the embrace of slumber, their dreams intertwined in the gentle rhythm of their love.
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luvmyoui · 11 months
six - out
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previous masterlist next
gp!myoui mina x fem!reader
warnings: cursing
word count: 1,732
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the constant buzzing of your phone roused you from your slumber, you tried to ignore it but the buzzing hadn’t gone away like it usually would. with a huff you sat up and received the call without checking the caller. 
“what?!” you said annoyance clear in your tone.
“check twitter, right now!” camila’s stressed out voice exclaimed from the other end of the phone. 
“okay, okay, gosh what terrible thing happen-” you fell silent when the twitter app loaded on and displayed a linked article stating a question along with a picture. 
the article went on to explain how an anonymous source had sent a picture of the ‘happy birthday isla’ banner that hung behind you, you were squatted on the floor with isla’s cheek squished into yours. seeing the picture you immediately recognized it as one that was definitely taken the day before. you could only curse yourself for letting that man help bring that package into your home and forgetting to close the door. apparently there had been paparazzi waiting outside of your house and took pictures of the decorations while your door was open. 
“y/n? you good?” camila's worried voice pulled you out of your regretful thoughts. 
“y-yeah, just shocked. the thought of this happening never even crossed my mind.” you said, still in disbelief that this could’ve happened. 
“look at the comments though, we can go along with them and lie.” hearing this, with curiosity you scrolled down to see the replies to the tweet. 
sixtharmony4ever: why can't you people just mind your own business omg, leave my girls alone!!!
camilasolostan: wtf??? was y/n a teen mom?! iloveyn: so what if she was, its her life not yours.
laurenmll: why are you idiots acting like she can't have nieces😭😭 user872349: are you stupid, she doesn't have any siblings💀💀 laurenmll: are you? you're acting like she cant have any cousins☠️ laursss: girl lets be real, thats 100% y/ns kid camziezz: literally, cuzns arent twins💀💀
sixthharmonizerrr: these paparazzis seriously need to get a life and let celebs live theirs.
twice4lifee: guys why does that baby look exactly like mina😰😰minaluvzme: IM SAYINN once4ever: NEW SHIP???
minariii: *image attached* cannot tell me they are not the same person, literally give that kid a haircut and its mina.
lovey/nnn: why does the baby look like that one girl from that kpop group?!
harmonizeronce: does mina have a secret brother? twcmina: she literally said in multiple interviews she was an only child. harmonizeronce: thats why i said secret smartass.
seeing people defending you brought a smile to your face, you loved your fans. though you couldn't help the anxiety creep up your spine, what if they found out about mina. rather than worrying for yourself, you worried for mina, it might break her career if it's found out that she has a kid. you knew that the kpop industry was much less forgiving when it came to things like this. feeling another buzz in your hand caused you to look at the incoming call from your manager larry. 
“mila, larry’s calling so i’ll hang up now okay?” hearing a ‘kay’ from camila you hung up and accepted the call from your manager. 
“deny having a kid, say it was your cousins or something and that you hang out with her kid alot. I honestly don't care what you say, just make sure no one knows that it's your kid.” he said as soon as you had accepted the call
“and if i don't want to?” 
“that’s not an option.” he stated. 
“I'm not going to deny my kid, can I just stay quiet? i won't ever deny that isla’s my daughter, i'm not and never will be ashamed of her. sure i had her young but i don't regret it at all.” you responded with finality in your voice. maybe this was a stupid decision, but one parent had already left isla and you refused to disown her by saying she wasn't yours.  
letting out a sigh, knowing nothing he said would change your decision, your manager let out a fine and hung up the call. you let yourself fall back into your bed and just laid there hands and legs sprawled out. hearing the creak of your door opening made you lift your head a bit to see isla standing there. she ran over to your bed, when she reached it she proceeded to lift one of her legs up trying to get onto the bed. you smiled down at how cute she looked, stopping her struggles, you sat up and pulled her onto the bed next to you. with her small hands she pushed you down onto your back and jumped onto you, cuddling her face into your neck. 
“when will i get to see mommy, i only see hew in pictuws.” isla said into your neck, she was very clearly distressed, and you could only think of the day before when she had questioned mina’s want to even see her. 
you honestly didn't even think mina wanted to see her, sure she sent gifts but you doubt she’d want to see isla. she always thought of the child as a burden, as something that you were supposed to care for. the thought brought a frown to your face, you wished for mina to see isla and acknowledge her as a daughter. 
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chaos had ensued in the twice dorms, although mina only shared a dorm with nayeon, all the girls were currently at the dorms. as soon as they had seen the tweet they rushed over, hoping that it wasn't as they thought. 
“so what, you just left her alone with a kid?!” jeongyeon exclaimed, clearly upset at the mere idea. 
“uh- well it wasn't like that, i wanted to pursue my dream and she was holding me back. also i send them money and gifts and pay for the apartment, i’m fulfilling my role as a parent.” hearing this, all of the girls continued their attack, throwing objects at mina. she tried to dodge but there were too many coming and too fast. 
“god i knew you were a douche judging by the amount of girls you bring home, but this is just unbelievable.” momo said, followed by a shoe being thrown at mina’s head. 
“you guys are unbelievable, i'm your member, not her. plus, are you forgetting the part where i literally send gifts, money, and pay the bills?! also she didn't want me to follow my dream!” mina exclaimed, why couldn't they understand her side?
“yeah, and are you forgetting the part where you got her pregnant. whatever she says doesn't matter, as the person who got her pregnant you should have taken responsibility.” jihyo voiced out, clearly annoyed by her excuses.
“I do take responsibility! how many times do i need to say that i give them money, i spoil them incredibly!” mina cried out in exasperation, how many times did she have to say it for them to understand?
the yelling and throwing of things was stopped the moment the door to the dorm opened, their manager walking in. “mina, there better be a good explanation for this.” their manager said, glaring at mina. 
“uhm- there really isn't one, it’s exactly how it seems.” 
“how do you even know y/n?!” their manager exclaimed, not being able to wrap her mind around this situation.
“we uh- we were high school sweethearts, we dated throughout almost the entirety of highschool.”
“what?!” everyone exclaimed, not knowing that they were in that serious of a relationship. 
“wait, so do you know any other celebrities?” chaeyoung asked in disbelief, she had been a fan of the group's music for a while and couldn't believe mina knew them.
“uh- yeah, shawn mendes, he was my best friend since middle school and camila, but she was y/n’s best friend. and i mean camila never really liked me.” 
“you knew shawn mendes?!” chaeyoung exclaimed, being best friends with shawn mendes was insane to her. 
“yeah, i still talk to him from time to time too.” mina said, scratching the back of her head as she explained. 
“mina, i hope you know that we will be going to the US for the billboard women in music awards. and sixth harmony will for sure be there.” their manager said to mina.
“what!?” mina exclaimed, the thought that she might run into you again was now starting to eat away at her. she didn't want to see you, but at the same time she wanted so desperately to. 
“oh yeah, i was gonna tell you.” jihyo said, everyone surprised that mina didn't know. 
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everyone had left by now, and it was only mina, nayeon, and the two beer bottles on the coffee table in front of them. mina usually didn't drink, her intolerance for alcoholic drinks being the reason, but after today she just needed a drink. 
“what do you think? do you agree with everyone else, you think i'm an asshole?” mina asked, not offended but wanting a genuine answer.
“I mean what you did was very assholey, but i mean it’s never too late to change you know? i mean i’ve lived with you for like how long? three, four years? and i mean i think i know you best, and i can say with confidence you’ve had at least a little character development.” nayeon said, taking a swig of her beer. 
“but what do i do? I feel like what me and y/n had is broken by now. I don't think she’d even want me to meet isla.” mina said, she would never dare say her true thoughts. and i mean, could you blame her? 
all she knew about this kid was that she was 3 years old and that it was hers. she didn't even know what isla looked like until she saw the picture on twitter. she felt terrible for even thinking it, but she didn't really care all that much for this kid. you on the other hand, she had known you for a long time, she loved you, she had a kid with you. she didn't regret pursuing her dream but she wished it didn’t include losing you. 
“just talk to her, when we meet her. try to just talk it all out.” 
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taglist: @moon-ellie @lisas-earlobe @cocojy @second-daughter-of-clexa @runassimp@eliii1sblog @yvsvrn send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
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wintersbitterfly · 1 year
whenever you get a chance, can we get g!p mina headcannons?
coming right your way! enjoy! <3
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i’m just gonna say it
she’s hung
and not many people would expect that coming from such a shy girl
but we’ll get into that part later
a girl who absolutely loves you to bits and pieces
doesn’t really express her emotions, but you can kind of tell through her body language
she’s not really vocal in the beginning of the relationship until further in
i’d say about a month in after dating for a week and a half
once she gets more comfortable, this girl sure is loud
her laugh makes your heart pound so fast
pda is on the down low, but she likes to have her hands on you
more like she can’t take them off you-
likes having your back against her body while she buries her nose in your hair
her heart melts when she sees you have a penguin key-chain and named it mina
builds lego sets with you and gamer girl comes out
purposely loses when playing mario-kart or any type of competitive video game
you both rarely go out
you have a huge thing for her abs, but you won’t tell her that
she already knows, especially when she wears crops and she’ll drag your hand up to her stomach
you blush like crazy (as shy as this girl can be she knows what she’s doing)
not very public with your relationship for a little while, people just know you and mina are together but not much else is known
has a huge, huge, huge thing for you wearing her clothes
the day you stay over at her house is the day you ask if you could wear something of hers since you didn’t bring any clothes
you came out in a pair of her shorts and oversized t-shirt and she could not contain herself
that’s when you just saw her bulge making your eyes go wide
the shy girl came back but you were only trying to explain that you don’t judge her at all, of course not
it just kinda came out as-
“you’re just really big-i mean uh-”
i mean, you weren’t wrong she’s packin down there
your first time seemed like perfect timing because you and mina finally had a day where you could just have each other all to yourselves
all the pent up love, the intense love you felt for each other took over that night
it ended with legs tangled, holding each other, smiles and kisses being exchanged before falling asleep
she’s definitely not going to tease about how she fucked your brains out tho
the girls tease mina when she confesses how you both did it
also a lot of questions to which she keeps private and doesn’t answer
the amount of love she has for you she just can’t contain when it comes to you
it’s evident with every smile that shows when she even thinks about you
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dynamitekansai · 2 years
The idol wrestler Utami Nakano serenades the adoring Stardom crowd with a gracious live performance of Tam Nakano’s entrance theme “Twilight Dream”! ✡️🤍✨ And Tam possibly contemplates using her massive battle axe for more than a decorative prop.
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dujourmeans · 2 years
by clicking on the source link below (or here), you will find one hundred two gifs of idol and twice member myoui mina from a variety of behind-the-scenes videos and interviews filmed in 2022, including content from talk that talk era. she is of japanese descent and was twenty-four / five years old at the time of content filming and release. all of these gifs were made from scratch by me so please do not claim them as own and like / reblog if you find them of use! please read my rules before using!  this pack will be continuously updated over time.
content warning: food
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Ônibus com Trabalhadores Rurais Tomba na MGC-354, em Presidente Olegário
Acidente deixa três feridos; uma das vítimas é internada com suspeita de lesão na coluna Nessa última terça-feira(28) um grave acidente de trânsito foi registrado na rodovia MGC-354, no km 156, próximo ao município de Presidente Olegário. Um ônibus que transportava 28 trabalhadores rurais tombou após um dos pneus estourar, resultando em perda de controle do veículo. De acordo com o relato do…
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ot9snumber1 · 10 months
hey! sorry for being ia.. i don't think i can finish a fic until next week at the very least
...as an apology, here's a snippet from the mina fic i'm working on! (also, send in asks! i really like reading ur guys' thoughts and writing them out a bit. its a lot more fun than i thought lol)
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coldfanbou · 10 months
Kinktober Smuts List
Body Positivity (Jeongyeon body worship)
The Beast From Down Under (Mina Tentacle)
Familial Connection (Gaeul Incest)
Roadside Help Saebyeol x LE
Composing with Restraints (IU Bondage, marking)
A Cold Treat (Jini Foodplay)
Raffle Winner (Viviz free use)
Warm Water, Warmer Bodies (Stepmom JIU shower)
Big Trouble for Small Soyeon (Soyeon Size kink)
Purification or Desecration (Sana corruption)
Out and About (Sowon Free use, Public)
A Filling Time (GP Jihyo, Jeongyeon Threesome Breeding)
Maid Life (Monday Free use, maid, bondage)
Confidence Boost (Eunbi, breeding, gangbang)
A Different Kind of Facial (Tiffany Massage)
Chauffeur (Taeyeon Car sex, armpit)
Upon Approval (Rose Jisoo edging, sub reader)
Mile High (Sana mile high club)
New Sponsor, New Toy (Sullyoon Sana rimming)
The Best Kind of Sound )Dahyun Exhibitionism auralism kink)
If Only You Knew (Minju Free Use, Public, Humiliation)
Extra Credit (Jeongyeon edging, breastfeeding)
Vengeance comes by Cucking (Natty Hanni cheating cucking)
How to move up in the world (Hyuna Somi Lesbian, mind break)
Sharing is Caring (Jeewon Swan tit play, snowballing)
Breeding Heejin (Heejin daddy kink, breeding kink)
Taming Her (Chaeyeon GP, brat taming, orgasm denial)
Between Two Hard Things (Sana, Dahyun, Momo Threesome GP dubcon)
Fight and Make Up (Jihyo slight bondage edging)
Just A Warning (Hyolyn Handcuffs, rough sex)
Owned By Twice (GP NaMiSaMo, breastfeeding, edging)
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lesbiankimdahyun · 8 months
Devil's Night II
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3.3k words
[GP!Vampire!Mina x Succubus!Sana x GP!Werewolf!Momo]
CW: GP, vampires, werewolves, demons, buckle up
Neither Momo nor Mina could recall how they had ended up where they currently were: the giant two story condo Sana called home. Neither one of them remembered ordering a car or taking public transportation; it was like they had suddenly appeared there at her front door. 
When they made it upstairs, Momo didn’t need Sana to lead the way– the scent of the demon was all over the large primary bedroom. 
“Wow,” the werewolf said, taking in the space. The wood flooring beneath her feet felt cool. A large, lavish rug in the center of the room against one wall separated the rest of the room from the sleeping space, which consisted of a large, minimalist raised platform bed. Floor to ceiling windows took over on one end of the room, which let in a glimpse of the illuminated city far below them through soft white curtains. 
Momo could pick out the scent of bamboo, oak, eucalyptus and…
“Do you collect perfume?” she asked. 
Sana smiled and gestured behind her, where wooden display shelves were lined with a number of vintage and expensive bottles. 
While Momo took in the collection, Mina glanced out the window warily. 
Sana made her way over to the vampire and let her upper arm brush against the other woman’s. 
“Would you like a drink?” she asked, but Mina started to share her head. 
“Oh, I’m okay–” Mina started, but Sana cut her off.
“No baby, not that kind,” Sana said, a mischievous smile on her face. She tilted her neck, bringing her pointer finger up to her neck and letting it drag downward toward her collarbone. “A drink.” 
Mina’s cock twitched. She gave the succubus a quick once over and nodded. Sana took Mina’s hand in hers and pulled her lightly over to her bed. “Come have a taste, then,” she said. 
The vampire followed her over to the edge of the bed and watched as Sana positioned herself to sit back against her headboard. 
“Momo?” Mina wanted nothing more than to bite into the neck of the demon, but first, she needed to satisfy a desire she’d been harboring since the night began. 
Momo joined Mina beside Sana’s bed, eyes roaming over the two of them hungrily. 
The vampire found herself shy suddenly, “I– I met Momo first, so forgive me Sana but…” she turned to the werewolf. “Can I kiss you?” 
The werewolf’s eyebrows rose but she nodded, a small smile on her lips. She brought one hand up to the vampire’s face and cupped her cheek while leaning in to kiss her. Mina’s nose was cold as it brushed against Momo’s warm, blushing face. One kiss became two, and then Momo’s tongue was suddenly running over Mina’s. 
Sana watched with intense desire, growing wetter by the second. Her fingers trailed over her own body slowly, beginning to undo her black bodysuit. Momo let out a husk of a growl as she made out with Mina, her teeth running over the vampire’s long, sharp teeth curiously. The werewolf pulled Mina closer to her and gasped a little when she felt the vampire’s bulge rub against her own. 
They broke apart, distracted by the sensation, and Sana let out a little breath, squeezing her legs together. “God,” she said, reclaiming their attention. “Look at you two.” She made her way back up toward them, her body suit falling off of her shoulders as her hands moved up between their legs, palming at their bulges. 
Mina tried not to buck into her touch, but her stuttered breath betrayed how badly she wanted to be inside Sana. 
The demon snickered. “Needy,” she murmured. While she began to get Mina out of her clothes, the vampire took the opportunity to help get Momo out of her costume, letting her arms run over the werewolf’s strong arms for an extra second or two. Momo shivered a little at her touch. 
Soon both Momo and Mina’s clothing was discarded on the floor and Sana beckoned them closer onto the bed. Momo’s hands caressed Sana’s body while Mina stripped the demon out of her costume, adding it to the pile on the floor. The werewolf then flipped Sana onto all fours, angling herself in front of Sana’s head while Mina came up behind the demon, running her hands over her back, giving her ass an appreciative squeeze. 
“Want your mouth,” the werewolf said, and Sana obliged. Mina pumped her length a few times while she curiously watched Sana move in toward Momo’s cock. Both Sana and Mina were impressed with Momo’s hardware and her well toned abs. The vampire watched on curiously as Sana reached one hand up to explore Momo’s body. Momo kept herself well shaven for the most part up top, but what held Sana’s attention was the werewolf’s visible happy trail and upper thighs covered in soft, dark hair.  
“Jesus,” Sana murmured, finally acknowledging Momo’s massive cock. With the full moon and her rut approaching so soon, her dick was intimidatingly thick and heavy between her thighs. 
The vampire licked her lips at the sight, too. She had always wanted to try taking someone else’s dick, but the werewolf was way too big for her, especially this close to a rut. She was eager to see the succubus try to take her eventually, but for now, Sana’s pussy was all hers.   
While Mina fisted her own cock in her hand, Sana took Momo’s cock in her hand and tapped it on her tongue, teasing her. 
Momo appeared to be doing her best to maintain her human appearance, but the more turned on she became, the more of her natural werewolf features slipped through the cracks. Her nails, for instance, were much longer and sharper now, and the veins in her hands were a little more visible. Her hair seemed thicker, suddenly, and longer. 
Sana kissed Momo’s red, leaking tip softly, then licked up some of her precum, making the werewolf bite back an excited whine. 
“Promise me you’ll still try to knot me even if I make you cum down my throat?” Sana asked, and Momo nodded without hesitation. 
It was all the encouragement Sana needed to take Momo into her mouth then. She kissed and licked her way around the red, leaking tip. It was good that the vampire would take her pussy first because she needed all the stretch she could get from another cock before she’d be ready to attempt taking Momo. 
Sana paused for a moment and she looked over her shoulder at Mina. Her eyes did that flickering thing again, going all black as she said “Please,” in a voice far deeper and less human than the one she’d been speaking with all night. Her eyes quickly returned to normal and Mina felt an incredible sense of urgency suddenly. The vampire gripped Sana’s waist in one hand while the other guided her stiff cock between Sana’s folds, coating her tip with the slick the demon was leaking down her thighs. 
As Mina started sliding into Sana’s cunt, Momo wrapped a hand around the demon’s head, grabbing a handful of her long, dark hair, and slid her tip into Sana’s warm, wet mouth. 
Sana let out a muffled moan, arching her back a bit for Mina and relaxing her jaw for Momo.
As Mina bottomed out in the demon, Sana pushed more of Momo’s cock into her mouth. She paid extra attention to her cockhead, taking her time swirling her tongue over it and working her way down slowly, licking wet, invisible stripes down her length. 
The longer Sana spent sucking her, the wetter Momo’s cock became. Within minutes, the wet sounds of Sana’s mouth at work on the werewolf filled the air, making Momo let out a moan. 
Meanwhile, Mina teased Sana’s cunt. She slid in, then slowly pulled out and rubbed her tip against her, working Sana’s clit up a bit. The demon ground her hips desperately on Mina’s cock and whined, the sound muffled with Momo’s cock further down her throat. 
Momo was starting to lose herself to the pleasure she felt as Sana continued to slurp on the werewolf’s cock. Her head tipped back a little, eyes closing and eyebrows knitting together. It was getting harder and harder to keep her hips still. 
The demon picked up her pace, shifting her weight and bringing one hand up so she could pump the rest of Momo into her mouth, eager to make her come. Momo let out a sound that started as a moan and ended as a growl. 
“Sana…” she said through gritted teeth. She pulled the demon off of her cock, causing Sana’s mouth to release her with a small pop. 
Momo’s eyes were dark gold as she looked down at her. She brought both of her hands up to Sana’s head and cupped her face gently, her thumbs resting on her cheekbones. 
“Stay still,” Momo said, then pushed her cock against Sana’s lips until the succubus opened her mouth, allowing Momo to set the pace. 
Sana whimpered a little as the werewolf picked up speed, thrusting her hips eagerly to use the demon’s mouth as she pleased. “Oh fuck…” Momo panted. “G-getting close.” 
Tears were starting to form in Sana’s eyes as she did her best to take Momo. Her whimpers turned to low cries. She was on the verge of being overstimulated by the two, but she didn’t want it to stop, either. Finding a more steady position on her knees and balancing with one hand on the bed, she reached her other hand down between her legs, desperate to give her throbbing clit some relief. 
She could feel every inch of Mina’s long, hard cock driving in and out of her dripping cunt and it nearly drove her over the edge right then and there. Her fingers expertly rubbed over her clit, growing closer to her own orgasm. 
Mina’s fucking had also slowly become faster. She was panting too now, her hands gripping Sana’s hips tightly. Her nails were surely leaving marks in the demon’s skin, but she didn’t let up. Lewd sounds of Mina’s skin connecting with Sana’s joined the wet sounds of head being given. The vampire desperately wanted to wrap her hand around one of Sana’s horns and pull her back so she could watch Sana take her cock. 
“Fuck!” Momo grunted, thrusting roughly into the demon’s mouth. She held Sana’s mouth down on her twitching cock for a few moments, then let her go. Sana pulled back, gasping for a quick breath before swallowing Momo’s seed. She stuck out her tongue, looking up at Momo with heavy lidded eyes as the werewolf coated her tongue with more of her load. When she finished, Sana took her cock back in her mouth, cleaning her up until Momo let out a small cry and pulled away. 
“Mm,” Momo said, catching her breath. “Can’t wait to knot you.” 
This was Mina’s chance. She leaned over the succubus, one hand reaching up and over to touch the demon’s horns. She didn’t want to startle Sana though, so instead of grabbing, she trailed her fingers over the horn’s hard, bumpy surface. 
To her surprise, Sana’s back arched immediately and the demon let out a high pitched whine. 
“Shit,” Sana cried. “Again– do it again.”
Mina’s eyebrows raised a little, but she quickly obliged. With a particularly rough thrust, she pulled herself forward, deeper inside Sana, so her hand could brush over more of the dark-colored curled horn.
Sana gasped and Mina felt her cunt clench around her cock. The vampire stifled a moan as she felt it– the demon’s inner thighs shook and then she cried out, releasing a mess of slick as she came on the vampire’s cock. 
The feeling of Sana coming around her cock nearly made Mina see stars. The vampire couldn’t hold back anymore. Her hips stuttered in their movements and then she came too, lurching forward while gently pushing Sana into the bed. She sank her teeth into the demon’s neck, emptying herself greedily into Sana while taking what she wanted. Sana cried out but sank submissively into the bed, reaching back and wrapping her hand around Mina’s thigh. She pulled Mina closer against her as the vampire filled her and lapped at her neck. 
The hair on the back of Momo’s neck stood up as she watched, one hand pumping her still-hard cock lightly. As she drank from Sana, Mina’s pupils narrowed, turning into vertical slits. It was the first time Momo had seen her look even remotely inhuman. 
Mina continued thrusting into Sana lightly, fucking her load deeper into her until she felt sated enough to finally pull back. She licked the demon’s neck gently, pressing a sloppy final kiss to her skin before sliding out and unsticking herself from her. 
With Mina’s eyes reverting back to their normal red-rimmed appearance, Momo quickly moved on from what she had just seen and licked her lips as Mina slid out; her cock was covered in a mix of her own seed and Sana’s juices. 
Sana and Mina caught their breath while Momo continued to lightly jerk herself off. Sana rolled over onto her back until she was beneath the werewolf. She smiled and hummed, reaching up to take over for Momo’s hand. 
“Still hard, pup?” she cooed. 
It didn’t take long before the three of them went back at it for another round. This time, Momo mounted Sana, keeping the demon pinned down on her back as she lined her cock up with Sana’s dripping cunt. 
Mina, on her knees, hovered over Sana’s head. She was determined to come again, jerking herself off steadily with occasional help from Momo’s warm, inviting mouth. 
Momo hissed as her cock lined up with Sana’s wet entrance. When she finally slid in, Sana gasped, her chest heaving from the effort.
“Yes…” Sana sighed dreamily, wrapping her legs around Momo’s thighs and reaching up, draping her arms around the werewolf’s shoulders. “More, need more..!” 
Momo gave her a little more, bottoming out inside of Sana before pulling back out. She slid in and out again slowly, warming up the demon to her size. She’d barely even started and already could see Sana was doing her best to keep from falling apart on her cock. 
The succubus whimpered loudly as Momo pressed herself inside again. The werewolf’s cock was excruciating, but in the best way. Sana couldn’t remember the last time she’d been stretched out so deeply. 
Satisfied that  Sana could handle her, Momo picked up her pace. The demon had to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from screaming as Momo hit the deepest parts of her. Momo merely grunted, thrusting into Sana with feverish desire, her knot forming quickly. 
“N-not gonna last,” Momo said, dropping her head a little. It was almost too much just to look up: the sheer sight of Sana— who was clawing at her back, moaning and tilting her head back from pleasure and pain— could have made her come on the spot. And if Momo wasn’t looking at Sana while she rutted into her, Mina’s long, lean cock had her attention. 
The vampire, she knew, was also getting close. Her tip was flushed and she could feel Mina’s legs shaking above her while she bobbed shallowly on the head of her cock, wanting to see the vampire come undone again. What Momo didn’t fit in her mouth, Mina stroked with her hand, feeding as much of her aching cock to the werewolf as she could. 
Sana, having adapted to the brutal pace and depth that came with being fucked by the werewolf, nearly submitted herself to the her, letting the werewolf  hold her down like a toy. With a daring glint in her eye, though, she opened her mouth. 
“Look at you, pup,” Sana teased, looking up at the werewolf above her. “Look how desperate you are.”
Momo whimpered a little, slowing her pace just a bit. 
“So desperate to fuck, and so easy, aren’t you?” Sana smirked. “Big dumb puppy. You’ll jump at any chance to dump yourself into anyone just to relieve yourself, won’t you?” 
Momo gasped, completely losing her pace. “S-Sana…” she whined. Her knot was rubbing against the demon’s clit, begging to slip inside. “Please— can I…?”
“W-wait,” Mina cried suddenly. Her breath caught. Sana degrading Momo while Momo sucked her off played right into the vampire’s liking for change in power dynamics. “Momo, I’m gonna–” 
The werewolf moaned a little and opened her mouth just in time to catch Mina’s load on her tongue. Mina trembled as she felt Momo’s tongue on her. She closed her eyes as she took her hand away, letting Momo lap up her seed and suck her clean. 
Making the vampire come made Momo want to come even more. Momo’s grip was painfully strong on the succubus now; she could barely stand keeping her fully inflated knot out of Sana, but she also wanted to finish servicing the vampire. The moment Mina pulled away, Momo let out a strangled growl and slammed her knot inside Sana. 
The demon let out a scream, scrabbling underneath Momo. 
“Fuck!” Sana exhaled sharply. She could barely think straight with how stuffed she was, but still couldn’t resist riling the werewolf up even more. “C’mon Momo,” she purred, “Aren’t you gonna put your pups in me?” 
“Y-yes,” Momo panted in response. She fucked Sana with her knot for a few more thrusts before her breath hitched. The werewolf let out a possessive snarl as she came, knotting Sana. 
Sana’s jaw dropped almost instantly when she felt Momo release. The werewolf seemed to come endlessly inside her. All she could do was open her legs more and glance down to watch herself be filled by Momo’s twitching cock. 
Mina, who had been lying on her back and recovering m on the bed, moved over to make room for Momo and Sana to lie down beside her. Sana, naturally, was back in the middle of them. 
After a few minutes, Momo could finally slide out of the succubus. Sana sighed appreciatively. Wordlessly, the three rested for a bit. Momo and Mina felt utterly exhausted.  
“We…we should do that again sometime,” Momo said weakly. Her cock was soft but sensitive. Her mind was wandering, curious about whether or not the vampire could take her, but she was so tired, she knew she wouldn’t find out tonight. She stifled a yawn.  
“Yeah…” Mina said. Her own eyes were suddenly heavy. She felt as if she could fall asleep right there. 
“Maybe we will,” Sana replied softly. Unlike Momo and Mina, she was wide awake. Her fingertips roamed lightly over her own breasts, down along her stomach and hips as she got acquainted with her new bites, bruises and scratches. “Happy Halloween,” she whispered, staring off into space as the other two closed their eyes and nodded off. 
The next thing Mina knew, she was waking up in her own bed in her own apartment. She felt well rested, but then overwhelming thirst took over. She checked her phone– it was 2:00 PM, October 31st. 
The vampire sat up quickly. Where had her morning gone? Wait— how had she gotten home from Sana’s? 
Sana and Momo. 
Mina patted her deep green duvet, half expecting Momo and Sana to be beside her. 
“Hello?” she called out, but her empty apartment said nothing back. Finally convinced she was alone, she went into her bathroom and splashed cool water on her face. She hesitated for a moment, then filled the sink with water and peered into it, trying to get a glimpse of herself in the moving water. She inspected herself as best she could. A few dark purple marks littered her neck, but she was more or less the same. 
Satisfied, she then rushed to her kitchen and snagged open a pouch of donated blood, drinking from it fervently.
She wondered if Momo was experiencing the same thing she was– coming to all alone in her home, wherever it was– and wondering the same thing she was:
Who was that succubus? 
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tissisissi · 2 years
Okay, now that Dracula Daily has reached it’s end I can finally scream about something that has bothered me for so long:
Why is it always Van Helsing or his descendant in vampire media that’s portrayed as the cool vampire slayer when the Harkers are right there! Yes, Van Helsing is amazing and important but he’s not the one wielding a knife and throwing entire coffins around or using a psychic link to gps locate Drac! Not to mention the fact that Jonathan obviously has something supernatural about him by the end of the story, so it could easily be that Mina is the same way. Which means that they could make for a really fantastic and creepy vampire hunter family! A descendant of Van Helsing? A super academic. A descendant of the Harkers? A vampire hater with possible mysterious vampire powers. It would work so much better!!!!
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immediatebreakfast · 4 months
Also not only did Mina make the documents, she backed them up! Dracula BURNED THEM. But she had made them in triplicate.
She is always one step ahead. Like a chess master.
My girl was doing cartwheels around that vampire fool so hard that his only move was to give her nightmares on earth, and religious trauma in an attempt to stop her...
And Mina STILL ended up doing cartwheels around stupid Dracula even with the host mark on her forehead via backing up documents, and turning him into a fucking gps to guide everyone so they could turn him into ribbons.
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