cyanogen-miasma · 1 month
why are there three Peter Capaldis in the whoniverse
not complaining but it's a bit strange
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jascurka · 1 year
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hey there's a bomb in your stomach
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Anon... why make a yakuza game yet in the 1920's when you can make one set in the early 1940's?
can you stop reading my discord dms what the fuck i was just joking about this with me mate 😭😭😭 ALSO NO--
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mhlivenews · 8 months
छत्रपती संभाजीनगरमध्ये होणार भूमिगत गटार योजना, मतदारसंघनिहाय प्रस्ताव तयार, मंजुरीची प्रतिक्षा
म. टा. प्रतिनिधी, छत्रपती संभाजीनगर: छत्रपती संभाजीनगर शहराशी संबंधित तीन विधानसभा मतदारसंघात भूमिगत गटार योजनेचे काम केले जाणार आहे. त्यासाठी विधानसभा मतदारसंघनिहाय प्रस्ताव तयार करण्यात आले असून, मंजुरीसाठी ते सरकारच्या विविध यंत्रणांकडे पाठवण्यात आले आहेत. लोकसभा निवडणुकीच्या आचारसंहितेपूर्वी प्रस्तावांना मान्यता मिळाल्यास महापालिकेला निविदा प्रक्रिया राबवणे शक्य होईल, असे मानले जात…
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eggtrolls · 14 days
my enemies are working against me; I was strongly tempted by dark forces to make a completely nuance-free statement like "dear christ I hate the wiki education foundation so fucking much it's such a terrible idea" but instead I will be SO strong and make a post with way too much nuance about a niche step in the sausage-making of wikipedia
backstory: when the world was young in like...2010, some wunderkind realized college students use wikipedia for their classes, ergo college students in classes can be harnessed en masse to be use FOR wikipedia! if you're taking a class on, say, the Punic Wars, wouldn't it be an excellent educational experience to teach others (via wikipedia) about the Punic Wars to develop your own research and academic (okay, academic in tone) writing abilities! the kids will contribute! wikipedia gets a new crop of editors who HAVE to do this unlike the rest of us morons editors who voluntarily toil under the endless wheel of the open internet! yeah!
and that's not like. the WORST idea I've ever heard, for all that it's not really a good one. Because on the surface, there are a lot of similarities to writing a humanities-esque college paper and a wikipedia article. you are assigned a topic; you research the existing scholarship; you compile a bibliography and summarize the relevant literature IN YOUR OWN WORDS; your sentences are cited, your perspectives are balanced, and you check your bias (as much as you can) at the door.
two major, one minor (but no less annoying), issues with this :
(major) wikipedia editing is not the same as college essay writing. for one thing, coordinated editing in groups on one topic like this is uhhhhh strongly discouraged on wikipedia because it's very fucking easy for a cliche of editors to make massive changes and sideline other editors who disagree with them. wiki editing is an iterative process where articles are refined and improved in the forges of a Socratic circle of topic-proficient grammar nerds.
(major) a lot of you are really bad writers!!! you are not good at writing at a college level on the first go and, as far as I can tell, none of you are using the blessed Sandbox feature that every single registered editor gets in order to test and try out the big, blocks of text edits y'all are adding to these shivering, unsuspecting articles who are getting t-boned by 19 year olds adding sentences that are just comma splices on comma splices.
(minor but lol it's the largest one because I'm petty) the rest of the editorial corps of wikipedia, to say nothing of the READERS, who are unaware of that this fuckery is ongoing, are not in your college class. I'm not taking Fall 2024 ENG 2201 at [Random Ass] University and the articles that I keep an eye on didn't sign up to be shoddily edited by a bunch of novices who have no understanding of, let alone respect for, (among other things) the Wikipedia Manual of Style, editing norms and best practices, how to not plagiarize whole-cloth, and how not to regurgitate propaganda. the rest of the internet is not standing still while you make unsourced claims about dead Emirati sheikhs being "visionary leaders" with references from Emirati governmnet websites. no!!!! there's never enough oversight from the professors and Wiki Ed Foundation people and then when I undo most of the shit-tier edits they're like ummm hi sweaty sorry but I'm reverting you (triple-revert-undo-block guideline violation but go off I guess) so I can see my students' edits for their grade (despite the fact that the history features keeps a record of every single edit) sooooo yeah just leave this horseshit on Hedy Lamarr's internet for 8 weeks until the semester is over :) and I'm like no. die perhaps.
'so why does wikipedia keep doing this if the student editors suck so much donkey dick' - again, a few main reasons.
I'm bitter rn because I've been dealing with a particularly stupid batch of student editors editing particularly badly. most of them are much better and have supervision so they can't suck THAT badly. it's generally an overall benefit to have anyone edit....ever. so this is still a positive, either from the edit itself or that it prompts other editors to go take a look at what these kids are doing and clean up both the new mess and the preexisting mess that has been stagnant since 2012.
WIKIPEDIA NEEDS NEW EDITORS SO BADLY. you know how the premise of Game of Thrones is that there's all this seemingly really important but in fact petty fighting happening between the houses or w/e but the actually, huge issue is the ice zombies about to fuck shit up? people are freaking out about ChatGPT and other LLMs but the reality is that won't matter very much if there's no one to do the actual editing. Wikipedia is STARVING for editors as people move on, get older, get new responsibilities, get fed up with bullshit, sometimes die, etc. multiple college classes of dozens of students (worldwide! so doubly great if it helps with countering the American/Western-centric bias!) who are under 25 is like a blood infusion for a hemophiliac to Wikipedia. I cannot emphasize enough for much they (we) want YOU to go edit. I will help you, I will take your hand. they want you, personally. and imho that's why there's the willingness to put up with these pretty solidly mediocre editors - the odds that one or two per every 50 will stay and turn into a relatively active editor.
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meandmybigmouth · 9 days
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widowed-mistress · 4 months
I feel like I'm going crazy. Does anyone remember a animated trailer back from the 2010s or 2000s where it's like
The Colors Inside Your Phone. And the creators have an insight about the character's design and personality after the trailer. And like the main guy is this blue color and the saturation of a person determines how much money they have and he finds this girl who doesn't speak and is grey (never seen before) and for some reason THE PHONE GOVERNMNET is trying to go after her for seemingly NO reason until she apperantly appears to be a secret badass with weapons hurt into her????
And the characters in the main group have a Five Man Band trope going on with the brains and the lancers and the heart. Does anyone remember this?
I keep trying to look it up online to prove it's real but I can't find it anywhere.
Did I make this up??? Somebody please help me.
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dromaeo-sauridae · 1 year
Its kinda like, when you build your city on a dormant volcano that still has some lava around, you know its a volcano and it has lava and you monitor it in case it explodes, but other than telling people not to touch the lava all is pretty normal. Its like that.
Cant go too into detail about the dragons but they're around, some are chilling in government positions and some fucked off to be hermits
Also the catboy is named Sir Finley Prayfallow he's a graduate of knight school who became an adventurer with my player's rival party and he's british and fancy but also a cunt. Just the worst man. Gay but in a homophobic way. Insults everyone. Would die for his best friend Nectarine though. Also in a love triangle with one of my player's character and that character's best friend roommate who Finley is fuckbuddies with. He looks like this btw (art by two of my players)
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i fucken love sir finley prayfallow he sounds insufferable
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almaqead · 1 month
"The Task." From Surah 20. "Taha, the Char."
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I began studying the Quran because my teacher, HH Swami Chinmayananda said the Self cannot be known well enough. His teacher, Sivananda was a Muslim and I trusted his judgement on the matter so I began to study scripture and eventually published my book. There have been hourly attempts on my life since by Donald Trump, members of the Republican Party, and their religious friends and affiliates who objected to its contents.
Things got worse especially after I exposed him for cheating in the 2016 election and being an avid consumer of sexually explicit films featuring children- their own. I hoped to save their lives and my own and those of future victims and persevered.
The US Government however, decided not to act on these details and now they are giving the big lug another shot. In spite of my failed attempts at an early victory, I have tried to compel the people of the world to follow the Holy Spirit to the balm of freedom found in His Books.
Observe now what He said to me and I am saying for Him to you: The US Governmnet is our dire enemies, every man, woman, child and living thing on this world is in jeopardy because it will not do as God prescribed and confront the Pharaoh. His name is Donald Trump and he is an unelected dictator and he is responsible in some way for every problem facing this human race and he and his Party must not be permitted on this world.
We simply must witness the just and the righteous triumph at the behest of God and Law for the good of mankind, we must see it now and alwayhs.
About this the Quran tells us to pray, "O God make this task easy."
20: 24-35:
"so that We may show you some of Our greatest signs.
Go to Moses prayed, “My Lord! Uplift my heart for me,Pharaoh, for he has truly transgressed ˹all bounds˺.”
and make my task easy,
and remove the impediment from my tongue
so people may understand my speech,1
and grant me a helper from my family,
Aaron, my brother.
Strengthen me through him,
and let him share my task,
so that we may glorify You much
and remember You much,
for truly You have ˹always˺ been overseeing us.”
Humanity reads but does not remember much about God, does it? Forcing the US Gov to confess its guilt over October 7, 2023 and all the rest is the right thing to do. Requiring it to make amends for the lives it has stolen and the happiness it has taken for granted is the only way to end the confusion mankind has about America's place in global politics and the war against terrorism.
So long as we are shy about protecting this planet from corruption and refuse to stop wasting our time, death by unnatural causes will stalk each of us. Life on earth is supposed to be beauteous. May God lift up our hearts and give us courage to fight for the chance to live it.
My teacher, Chinmaya spent a lot of time in a British prison during the occupation. He was a vehement enemy of conscription and oppression of freedom of religion. He hated stupidity and was ruthless towards listless leadership. I am trying to finish his work, asking for help. This is what Muhammad said we should do when the world is in crisis.
It is unforunate the current Administration could not find it within its means to prevent the immense heartache it has allowed to infiltrate our lives. Our only choice is also an opportunity for global enlightenment. We must fight the Pharaoh, Donald Trump and all fundamentalist Christians, to the death if need be, leave Egypt and never look back. They are too vile and too determined. No civilized man will let these conditions lie.
"Now, why won't you fight?"
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sonic2swag · 1 month
Why did you steal my content 2 pump chump
Childish behavior like this is what keeps you at a place in life that would be easily progressed through. It's honestly embarrassing to read this because I just know you are having a terrible life. I feel sorry for you. Seriously just embarrassing like at this point it just seems like a troll because of how common of an insult this is, yk actually making me sceptical that this could be a prank from an ex. Or maybe it could be a PSYOP FROM THE GOVERNMNET BECAUSE OF MY PROGRESSING INVESTINGATIONS AND OPEN SPEAHC ABOUT THE MANY COVER UPS AND DESEPTIONS MADE TO THE G-PUBLIC SPECIFICALLY THE FUCKEN BIRDS. IF YOU THINK THSI CAN DISTRACT ME FROM MY WORK YOUR SOLY MISTAKEN ISTG
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thepitofjob · 2 months
Job 14: 7-12. "The Stumps."
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In the frame before this we discuss Nitzach or conquest. In a bold statement I say we do not ever conquer death, but we can conquer life. Except most of us wait a long time before we try to do it. The benefits of an ethical and independent way of life cannot be extolled enough.
The following section explains the bane of the life of a man who waits to make up his mind about the fruits of his actions and fails to make the conquest. All of life's pleasures are available to such a man, he needn't worry if he can figure out how win the fight with the lower animal nature's tendencies.
If one is such a man, one begins with hope he can achieve Shabbat and abandon the ashes of the past as quickly as possible. Suffering like salvation comes and goes per the rhythms of self-made cyclic existence(s). The goal of Judaism is an end to these through Shabbat.
7“At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. 8 Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, 9 yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant. 10 But a man dies and is laid low; he breathes his last and is no more. 11 As the water of a lake dries up or a riverbed becomes parched and dry, 12 so he lies down and does not rise; till the heavens are no more, people will not awake or be roused from their sleep.
Recall the structure of the Book of Job is a Psalm, meaning it is written in order to chip away at ignorance in the same way a sculptor chips away at a block of marble in order to find a close fitting form of the inner Jewish Self. In the Book of Esther, we just discovered someone else's skin is necessary of the perfection of the Self is to be known. All Psalms represent a longing for the union of the two marbelesque selves. Hope is not good enough for this, this requires work. Falling in love and performing its works as acts of incredible intense devotion for the second self is the only way to end cyclic existence and understand what is meant by Shabbat.
Otherwise we are but stumps, trees felled by time and we do not grow back. I have pushed and complained and bitched and moaned at the United States Government for wasting our time by failing to give us hope we shall not endure further oppression by the Republican Party or its freaky spooky religious customers. So far it refuses to do it. The planet must be free of cyclic existence in all of its forms, including party politics if we are to know a fully awakened experience of Shabbat explained above. The governmnet is not empowered by God to withhold Shabbat.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 7-8: At least there is hope for a tree. The Number is 10759, י‎זהט‎‎, "you will get off."
Life without Torah is like a torus, a tube that spins. We must get off the torus and observe the Torah and work towards Shabbat.
v. 9-10: At the scent of water, it will shoot. Once the mind becomes active it will search for meaning. It will ask why and try to answer itself. Why man suffers and how to end it has long since been answered. We do not need to understand the causes and relief of suffering. That discussion is ridiculous for a civilization with our capabilities. Failure to break through our organized lack of compassion is what is causing this planet to dry up and wither.
Water, the Words of Moses are our only hope. They will guide us out of this place that has deserted its humanity.
The Number is 7317, זגא‎ז‎, zagaz, "a golden pilgrimage."
The goal of Buddhism, called the Bud in Hebrew, is an exit strategy from cyclic existence. What a Buddhist calls Nirvana, Jews call Shabbat. They believe a South Facing Buddha, what is called a Benjamin in Judaism can escape cyclic existence just like that!
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No one does this, unfortunately. What the Buddhists speak to is called a report made at the right time. Once the mind has learned and also understands it will change its habits all at once and achieve Shabbat. It will not do this by getting sick and tired or by meditating or after profound lifestyle changes. Zagaz can only conclude once the subject matter in the Torah and Tanakh are practiced and the mind accepts their sense.
The next verse says this means the intellect is neither awake nor asleep to the world:
v. 11-12: As the water of a lake dries up or a riverbed becomes parched and dry, so he lies down and does not rise; till the heavens are no more, people will not awake or be roused from their sleep.
After Shabbat even the compulsion to religion a kind of cyclic existence dries up, leaving the Selves to find their bliss.
The Number is 10383, י‎ג‎חג‎ ‎"A holiday."
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theestervashti · 2 months
"The Pretend." From Esther 2: 10-11.
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Change is often greeted with bitterness. Even if the changes are for the best, like women's voting rights, abolition, marriage equality, abortion rights, superstitious persons will always find ways to stir up trouble.
Stirring up trouble in favor of greater increments of human equity however, has always been a Jewish specialty. Early in the Torah, Abraham resolves political issues using his heart instead of his head, later God steps in and uses bombs against Sodom and Gomorrah, later a flood, also called the Beersheba to do it. The story of Moses challenging the Pharaoh needs no explanation. The God of Israel and His Arabic Self, Allah, are deeply ingrained against corruption and oppression and everyone knows it, but man will not oppose them. They are perhaps just too much fun for the oppressors.
I think of my own troubles with the Mormons and Republicans, who just want to use crystal meth all day, hang out in slings and use sexy machines on each other and their victims, many of whom are not old enough to even shave their pubes yet. They have resisted human equality, modernization, civilization, urbanization, all the signs of enlightenment are nowhere to be found, because they do not want to stop doing the things they do. They protect their interests to the death and have extorted members of nearly every governmnet on the planet, including every member of the Trump Cabinet, Republican Party, and Supreme Court.
They say the Bible gives them permission to do whatever they want. They think Jesus will atone for them if they claim they believe. Nowhere in any scripture does it state God atones for anyone. The Book of Mormon says God will atone for persons if they deliver others from suffering, there is an entire chapter in the Book that lists the conditions that can be exchanged for the unconditional: The verses even say atonement= meeting the demands of justice.
From 2 Nephi 9:
26 For the atonement satisfieth the demands of his justice upon all those who have not the law given to them, that they are delivered from that awful monster, death and hell, and the devil, and the lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment; and they are restored to that God who gave them breath, which is the Holy One of Israel. 27 But wo unto him that has the law given, yea, that has all the commandments of God, like unto us, and that transgresseth them, and that wasteth the days of his probation, for awful is his state!
All of 2 Nephi is easy to understand. It says not a thing about excusing behaviors related to raping little boys or adults or making illegal porn movies all day.
Nonetheless, if we threaten such a way of life, the enemy will mount a defense and holocaust will result. This is the point where our story in Esther continues. We are facing now what is called a Mordecai, "a conflict between the law and its opposition" It has been a bitter fight. one that began long ago when we failed to recognize separation of Church and State, failed to send to those stinking six SCOTUS Justices that overturned RVW to prison, failed to arrest Donald Trump after it was discovered he and the Family Research Council cheated in the 2016 election, etc.
We are allowing the fight to continue because our vociferous opponents are willing to for their way of life with more emphasis than we are for ours.
Even though our stance is the more law abiding, the Mordecai comes about because of a little soft spot towards religious weirdoes we have taught ourselves to protect. Even if it means harming our own interests, we are too well trained.
The Book of Esther says therefore, the motivations behind religious sentiments banning oppression and violence must be kept a secret; they are however to be enforced. It doesn't matter if the sentiment to protect refugees is sacred or secular, the law says it must be done in order to keep society hinged.
When it appears that society is becoming unhinged, as in the sudden appearance of World War 3, the onset of heavy weather that lasts and lasts, and movements of large numbers of homeless people, we need to wonder about the laws we are supposed to respect and what is happening to them. Such questions, Esther states are resolved within the nationality.
Nations respect the rights of others and value peaceful relations which they know are essential for their survival and happiness. Nations like America, Russia, China, India, etc. which are run like dictatorships by unelected officials, those that prefer anarchy do not survive and do not die because they experienced too much happiness:
10 Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so. 
11 Every day he walked back and forth near the courtyard of the harem to find out how Esther was and what was happening to her.
The script says the path to law and order as a custom, as a way of life is a zig zag path, the one the Israelites followed on their way out of Egypt. Humanity was supposed to make this journey once- but we have decided to do it multiple times. Three World Wars is two too many. But now we know, right?
No we do not. Because we do not know our lineage or why the raving lunatics running this world do not resemble human beings and should not be here plaguing the rest of us. Mankind is supposed to be transmitting the knowledge of the mistakes of the past by reading the Torah, not recreating the mistakes themselves.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 10: The Number is 4220, ד‎בבאֶפֶס, "Because of the hatred of the font."
In our story, the mission of Nebuchadnezzar to the Persian Court was to establish order, but he used Jews to do it. Nebuchadnezzar means "to force the society to struggle with its leadership using the javelin of the law." Most government leaders do not welcome this. This is why Mordecai told Esther to keep her intentions secret.
Still like Ruth, she refused to join the working girls. Why?
v. 11: The Number is 9617, טואז‎ ‎, tuaz, "pretend". Esther was a goddess, a princess, she refused to pretend she needed to work. She was what is called a pack, a realized being.
When there is a happening in the courtyard, those indoors are expected to come outside. One cannot become the sovereign of the realm by living in a harem, hidden from the world, completely oblivious.
As the Book of Mormon says, Esther pacing in the courtyard is a cry for justice, one that should upon utterance should bring everyone running to see what is the matter.
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admissionadvice-blog · 2 months
Mewat Engineering College Mewat
Mewat Engineering College Mewat (MEC) stands tall as a light of technical education in the heart of Mewat, Haryana, India. MEC, which was founded in 2010, has emerged as a renowned governmnet adided engineering institute fostering the future generation of engineering professionals. MEC, located in Palla, District Nuh, provides a varied choice of B.Tceh courses in numerous engineering disciplines,…
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karuppuezhutthu-blog · 3 months
Sollathigaram | ஒரு பெண்மணியை பார்த்து மடமைன்னு சொல்றாரு.. கோவமாக பேசிய காயத்ரி | Governmnet School
Sollathigaram | ஒரு பெண்மணியை பார்த்து மடமைன்னு சொல்றாரு.. கோவமாக பேசிய காயத்ரி | Governmnet School
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thenewdeadseascrolls · 6 months
Judges 8: 22-27. "The Earring."
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Jewish boys must witness bravery but not shed blood. It is the job of a legal, lawfullly manned governmnet to explain when to save lives and when to end them. This, along with the study of the Torah instills the action orientation called justice within a male Jewish boy.
To rule over the Jewish Self, however more is needed, however. A good heart. It is good sweet and hot to ponder a brave and just man, but without a heart he is no good. In order to cure the heart of the need for drama, displays, disingenuity, all the malfunctioning organ systems of the ego, the Rab prescribes what is called the Ephod, the imprint of the most noble characteristics of the Self upon the chest.
All of the alefbeis performs as the Ephod. About this there is no doubt. The more one studies the Torah and digs into the meaning of the noumena of the alefbeis, the more noble the heart becomes.
It is the noumena contained in the Torah that are the focus of the following passage. Noumena (in Kantian philosophy) a thing as it is in itself, as distinct from a thing as it is knowable by the senses through phenomenal attributes. This means we must know we are a Ruby, a leader, and wield the attributes naturally as the product of this knowlege. To be Simeon, "to resound" to have a good reputation must be the result of a disctinct way one knows about oneself.
The subject matter that follows concerns Ishmaelites, who "hear, respond and obey" like slave boys, except their conduct is exemplary as their masters are of the noblest class. The Gematria includes a reference to each being connected to the Rab through an earring, also through male prostitution, which means the relationship is called Shabbar, "to be satisfied by pure meaning", involving a High and a Low Priest.
To bar is to complete an ordinanance between man and other men and between God and all men. To shab is "to sate":
The root שבע (sb'; now spelled as שׂבע (sb') and pronounced with an s) means to be sated or satisfied with food. It's used literally for people who have (or don't have) enough to eat (Hosea 4:10) or drink (Amos 4:8), but also for the earth sated with rain (Proverbs 30:16), a sword drinking its fill with blood (Jeremiah 46:10). Our verb is also used for fillers other than food: Harlotry (Ezekiel 16:28), plunder (Jeremiah 50:10), an observation (Isaiah 53:10), the goodness of God's house (Psalm 65:4), sons (Psalm 17:14).
And also it may denote an excess: of honey (Proverbs 25:16), tossing (Job 7:4), poverty (Proverbs 28:19), shame (Habakkuk 2:16), and the list goes on.
So an Ishmaelite slave boy must have everything he needs in excees from the High Priest in order to enter into the Noble Covenant and company of other Jews.
To print these noumena off the Ephod "the palette" onto the self and create the Jewish Self is the superior goal of the practice of Judaism. It begins with self-rulership, the attribute of the kings and princes of Israel. This is explained in what is called a Hand, or five verses. This one is the Hand that saved the people from Midian, from strife:
Gideon’s Ephod
22 The Israelites said to Gideon, “Rule over us—you, your son and your grandson—because you have saved us from the hand of Midian.”
23 But Gideon told them, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The Lord will rule over you.” 
24 And he said, “I do have one request, that each of you give me an earring from your share of the plunder.” (It was the custom of the Ishmaelites to wear gold earrings.)
25 They answered, “We’ll be glad to give them.” So they spread out a garment, and each of them threw a ring from his plunder onto it. 
26 The weight of the gold rings he asked for came to seventeen hundred shekels,[b] not counting the ornaments, the pendants and the purple garments worn by the kings of Midian or the chains that were on their camels’ necks. 
27 Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 22: Salvation from the hand of Midian. The Value in Gematria is 8109, ח‎אאֶפֶסט, haafest, "the futility" = simplify, strip down, raid, invade. "Do not struggle with the truth."
v. 23: The Lord will rule over you. We are connected to the Spirit of the God of Israel by one ear as the Script says. An accomplished Jew will learn how to recognize His Reports. Sons and Grandsons of the Spirit are the fruits of the actions of one's share intuition with God.
The Value in Gematria is 10197, י‎אטז‎‎ , yatz, "be advised."
v. 24: I have one request...that each of you give me an earring from your share of the plunder. Ishmaelites wear gold earrings because they are wise. Personal reports are a result of an Ishmaelites adherence to the Torah are essential to the process of Judaism. This is the boom and beam of the Halachah, the oral instruction aspect of the tradition.
The Value in Gematria is 8944, חטדד‎‎‎ "sharpened." Each report "sharpens" the way the Torah is explained.
v. 25: They answered. The Value in Gematria is 7665, זו‎ו‎ה, "this is it."
= Echad, "to be separate and to be one" = Olam Ha Ba, the "world that turns."
v. 26: The weight of the gold. Weight is based on how close the effort brought the self into focus as a Jewish Self, i.e. what is was worth. To give up on strife- all the sins of speech and drama class, and loan an ear to the teacher and learn to speak the truth is said to have the weight of 1700 shekels or lifetimes, or one lifetime of one King of Strife.
To overcome the King of Strife and end the hold he has over the necks of the camels, the reasons they speak in lies, tongues, or spur on drama and gay faggot politics is a huge accomplishment for a young male man. Older ones too.
The Value in Gematria is טזזז‎ ‎ ‎zzzzz, "the Five Tzavs."
There are Five Sacrifices named in Parsha Tzav. They are performed in sequence and result in the voluntary evolution between a low and a High Priest called a Kohen. They are:
The Torah and the Burnt Offering. (Genesis)
The Torah and the Grain Offering. (Exodus)
The Sin and Guilt Offering. (Leviticus)
The Fellowship Offering. (Numbers)
The Consecration of the Kohanim. (Devarim).
5 x5 are why the Tzav are found in Parsha 25, another example of how the Angel Math works. 25 also = the Iodine Problem. Man needs iodine added to his salt or his blood is no good. This is why we follow the Tzav, the Five Books of the Torah etc. the season the blood and become men among insects= a Kohen.
It is the fully developed man called a Kohen who has it all. He alone we can trust with the rules, the law, and what is right.
There is a coda on the end of this Hand that explains the influence a master of the Five Commands has over others and his role in the collective Jewish Identity Store:
v. 27: Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family.
Ophrah means to bloom or flourish. Obviously a glib young Jewish prince is going to attract prostitutes to him or her. Why did this become a snare when the above passages state we want people to get a little jealous of us and become attracted to us and the fruits of our actions?
The Value in Gematria is 8562, חהוב‎ ‎ ‎, "debt."
All debts are paid to God and the shul through the observance of Shabbat= no sex work, only free sex.
A Report of the observation of Shabbat in its evident and accurate format, which is one of the noumena of Judaism completes one's role as an Ishmaelite.
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meandmybigmouth · 1 month
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