#gotta stop procrastinating and get more emotional support caffeine
lightbulb-warning · 3 months
Heya Maiora did. Did you actually go to sleep after that last reblog?
god i wish that would've been so stupid funny- if a bit happens, no audience no announcement no awareness no fanfare does the tree get to leave the desert??
alas, ive been awake since 4am and now the sun's up so my brain will revolt in rigorous restless rage until i get my daily dose of dumbassery and/or (derogatory) do my daily """""responsible adult""""" tasks/obligations and/or get in my daily staring-at-walls-trying-to-explode-my-mind-with-my-mind-in-anxious-paralysis-™ in, until my beautiful beautiful gorgeous and sexy 9.30pm bedtime!!!!!
...a nap sounds delicious divine delightful. i would love to sleep. i am so sleepy.
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drew eepy maiora with my eyes closed for EMPHASIS!!!! also. *points* drawn and drownd. hehehehehhhhhhhhhhhh
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