#gotta love yvonne though
cessreads · 7 months
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February 25, 2024
Today Yvonne offered to sell her longboard to the barista I have a huge crush on just so we could get his number without making it obvious that I have a crush on him. Anyway, he looks like someone who longboards so of course it worked. I can’t stop laughing. She told him I’ll be the one to message him on where to pick up the item at the end of the month. It was a sitcom moment and I appreciate it.
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pinguwrites · 10 months
Cillian meets a fan (not the crazy kind, just someone who appreciates his movies) who has a boyfriend, but it doesn’t stop him from flirting with her because he thinks her stuttering and blushes are cute, plus he’s determined to have her.
Bro if Cillian did that to me I would fold instantly
Drabble: your favorite actor flirts with you
Pairing -> (hints of) cillian murphy x reader
Warnings: cillian being a little pushy, hints of emotional cheating sort of cause reader has a boyfriend
Disclaimer: This is not a reflection of Cillian Murphy's actual life. This is completely separate and is not intended to harm him or his family in any way. DNI if you're a Yvonne hater. This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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"I absolutely loved this," you said softly, motioning to leave, despite every instinct of yours telling you to stay. You were sure he could see it on your face, but, priorities first, and you really did have to get home. "But I gotta go. My boyfriend's waiting for me back home and, well," you gave a nervous chuckle, "I promised I would run some errands and it's practically night out, so . . ."
Cillian Murphy, the Cillian Murphy, a fact you could hardly believe, just laughed. "No, don't go. I'm sure whoever your boyfriend is will understand," he said, with a dissmisive wave of his hand. “I’ve enjoyed this evening together.”
You did, too. You were on your way to the supermarket when you noticed him getting out of his car. Your blood had pumped with excitement once you realized who it was, but you kept calm. That was, until he called you over and asked you to help him with his bags.
After a quick conversation and thanks, you revealed to Cillian that you were actually a fan, and that you just loved his movies. You hoped you hadn’t come off as obsessive, you knew how some people could get, and you didn’t want to push any boundaries. To your relief, he just smiled and asked you to sit down with him on the nearby picnic bench, to which you engaged in length discussions about work and family and simple getting-to-know-you talks.
“I have as well,” you said, trying not to look into his eyes. “But I really need to go. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Murphy—”
“—Cillian,” he corrected.
“Cillian. It’s been a pleasure,” you repeated.
Cillian rubbed his fingers over his lips, as if in thought. Then, he grabbed his phone and handed it to you. “Put your number in. I’ll call you, and we can set up a date.”
You unconsciously bit your lower lip, but did as he asked. “You’d want to do that? With me?”
“Why not? You’re my age, funny, intelligent . . . attractive.”
You were surely going to faint. Cillian Murphy had just called you attractive. If you didn’t have a boyfriend you would have leapt into his arms and put a ring on it.
But you did, you reminded yourself. And he was probably waiting for you back at home. You were sure he wouldn’t mind your brief encounter with your celebrity crush.
“A-attractive?” you stuttered. You didn’t want to sound like you had low confidence. “Yeah, I mean. Thank you. You’re attractive, too — genuinely. Like, you’re gorgeous, actually.”
You winced at your choice of wording. Why did you have to be so awkward?
Cillian chuckled and leaned in closer. “You’re cute when you’re all flustered. You shuffle your body and part your lips. Did you notice that?”
You hadn’t noticed.
“I, um . . .”
“See, you’re doing it now.” He glanced down at your lips for a moment, then relented. “Alright, alright. I’ll let you go. I’ll be in touch soon.”
You nodded, grateful. You were sure if Cillian had pushed a little harder, he would have convinced you to stay — which wasn’t something you should be doing.
“Have a nice day, Cillian. I look forward to seeing you again.”
You both got into your cars and drove off in opposite directions, though you did look back, just briefly, with longing. The thought that you could get to know him even better made you so happy. He was just a person, but you were sure he’d be as sweet and lovely as he’d been so far.
You finally pulled into your driveway, but before you could get out your phone buzzed. Heart beating in anticipation, you picked it up and read the text:
Unknown: It’s Cillian. How about lunch next Saturday? I’ll pick you up at twelve.
You hesitated. You didn’t want to make it seem like you were interested in anything more, given your current situation, but, well, it was only just lunch. Like friends get all the time. There was no harm in that . . . right?
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@henrywintersdearestgirl @shroombloom-rry @meetmeatyourworst @nela-cutie @madnessandobsession @mrkdvidal1989 @bernelflo @slut4thebroken @qqquartz7
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just-a-normal-crow · 4 months
Honestly, these last few shifts have Yvonne tired as hell. Eight cups of coffee and maybe a sacrifice of her very soul later she finds herself standing in the courtyard. Usually it’s occupied by at least a few others, but it’s empty for now. The nurse spots her bird friend hanging out on a tree nearby and approaches it while reaching into her pocket.
Nobody’s around so they CANNOT call her a nut. She’s gotta stay at the top of the food chain here after all.
She takes something shiny from her pocket; a pin of a crow napping in a heart shaped nest. “Got it at a farmer’s market during my lunch break the other day. It reminded me of you, lil birdie.” She lets out a tired but tender giggle and stands on her toes to give the crow a little smooch on the top of its head, then the tip of its beak.
“Why can’t my dates be as sweet as you? You always listen, you bring me shiny stuff too, and like, your feathers are really soft.” Aw, she’s attached to her bird friend! “Maybe I can "princess and the frog" it up in here. If I give you another kiss, would you turn into a pretty royal and sweep me away?”
Another tired laugh leaves her at the thought of such a far-fetched scenario. “Who am I kidding, I’m not a princess. But I know that I would love to take a nap right now.”
At this point, the crow has made a habit of hanging around this part of the courtyard whenever it has some downtime. It's an unexpected twist to its routine, but ever since one of the nurses struck up a friendship with it and started treating it like a somewhat more interactive sounding board for hospital gossip and exhausted rants, it's found that 'socializing' like this wasn't that bad.
(It certainly wasn't because both the man and the intern occasionally handing the crow have both become invested in hospital gossip and were eager for me, no ma'am. Hospital gossip has certainly not become some kind of communal interest at Onychinus HQ.)
It snaps out of power saving mode upon Yvonne's arrival, perking up and stretching out its wings. It's interest is piqued by whatever it was she was searching her pockets for. It hops down to a lower branch, curious, and hoping it wasn't more seeds. The engineers were starting to get annoyed by its chassis always being full of food.
The design of the pin catches it by surprise. It moves its head down to take a better look, and there was a visible temptation in its eyes for it to take the shiny thing.
But it doesn't--the kisses take it by surprise, and it turns its attention fully onto Yvonne as she laments and muses about dream scenarios and wishful thinking.
(Both the man and the nosy intern sit at the desk. They'd love to ask about Yvonne's day because surely there's a reason why she's talking about all this, but it wasn't as though they the means to without arousing suspicion or alarm.)
There isn't much that the crow can do to help Yvonna get some rest. At most it flies off briefly, making haste because it knows she doesn't have that much time for a break, before returning with a little something in its beak.
It's a small prepacked cookie, still sealed, like the ones little kids get as treats. It offers it to her, a little hopeful.
(There's a small heated discussion breaking out between the man and the intern. Don't mind them, they both just think they're right.)
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 year
Seven Sins Challenge: Which of your OCs fits pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Then pass it on...
Alright! I've thought about it. Let's get into it!
Pride: Nadia and Yvonne are the most prideful characters I've ever had. Like...wow. Nadia is getting better though. She had that breakthrough moment a little while ago when she apologized to Kameron for her behavior throughout their marriage.
Greed: I wouldn't call Anissa greedy, but she has the materialistic trait and is definitely interested in keeping up appearances to a certain extent. I guess I have to put Bryce in there too with his mansion and 53048 cars lol.
Wrath: I don't really have any angry characters right now. I guess the closest is Luca though his is a quiet anger. That's probably why he loves yoga so much lol. He feels better after.
Lust: Rodney, Nate, Emmy (why do I have so many lol)
Envy: Okay...I've got a bit of an abstract answer for this one. Let me know what you think. How do we feel about Melany for this one? She's not envious of material things cuz she's got it all. But can we say she's been envious of relationships? She was angry a lot when she was younger because her mom wasn't around while her younger sibs got to grow up with two parents. Perhaps it's that same envy driving her to want to be a mom because she wants to be for someone else what she didn't have.
Gluttony: Rodney is a glutton! I think he even has that trait lol. Bro LOVES food and is always cooking and eating. And he eats EVERTYHING. He spends a good amount of time at the gym too because he can't get fat lol. He's gotta maintain his physique to match his fine face lol.
Slothfulness: Definitely Gabby. On the surface, her laziness cost her friendship with Melany.
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shamrock313 · 30 days
Cillian Murphy General Reading
This reading is for entertainment purposes. Please take everything you read with a grain of salt. Enjoy!
I'm a fan of Cillian. I love sitting down and watching Breakfast on Pluto or Red Eye. I use to have Peaky Blinder nights with my friends and I love that he's a not that big of an actor. I gotta say when Barbenheimer happened that was the BEST marketing ever for these two movies.
I might have to put Bill movies aside (again) and have a Cillian marathon. Sorry Bill fans, but Cillian came first. I swear whenever I try to watch something Bill or Evan related, something better comes on like I can't watch American Crime over The Mummy (Brendan version). I can't just not watch it!!!! It's THE MUMMY!!!!!
For those who haven't seen it. I think its still on Tubi. You need to watch is asap. The first and second. Don't watch the third Mummy. I barley remember it. I just know I went to sleep on it in the theaters.
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Career: 2oS + Sun + Lovers = "Choosing between jobs. Debating on what projects to take on". With the Sun and Lover that means people took an interest in him and want him involved in their project because he's a "big name" and it might draw audience in. Taking on significant roles. Perhaps more leading roles? They want this, I don't know if he does though. Depends on him. He doesn't care. If he takes it, he'll be paid well. Risk of romantic feelings on set (?) Maybe some flirtation.
Love Life: Cillian POV: 3oS, 9oC, Strength, 5oW = 3oS "unwanted 3rd party coming in between relationships". Argument/ conflicts. 5oW "competition between suitors" "conflict between lovers" Fighting for relationship. "Love you and doesn't want to walk away". He and his wife need to communicate the issues that come between them during Oppenheimer. If they don't this could possibly ruin them. Now, with the 9oC + Strength it would say he's appreciative of his love life. It's a strong caring relationship and he will "fight" to make it continue as is, but he can have a temper if the same issues keep coming up repeatedly like he might get annoyed about something that happened a year ago still getting brought up now, but it's like if you fucked up and someone is still hurt by it, you can't just not expect them to let it go. You need to consider your wife's feelings.
Oracle Cards: Mercury Retrograde which of course is communication issues
Yvonne POV: 10 of Pent - She's a faithful wife and has been with him since the beginning. Has always supported him and they have built a foundation (marriage, children, family unit). For this to break, it will be upsetting but a part of me feels she might be okay. She's independent and she's a woman with her own career.
OC: Liar and Water Sign. Liar is being watchful of someone being sneaky (3oC) and it's a Water Sign person so IYKYK.
Dynamic: QoS, 10oW, WoF, 8oW, and Knight of Cups (R) = QoS Honest conversation. Clarity and mutual understanding. Setting boundaries. 10oW Unresolved issues. Burden. Taking on more responsibility within marriage. Trying to fix the wrongdoings. WoF Uncertain outcome. Either stay in their marriage and work it out or divorce. It can go either way it just depends on them. Like they say the wheel keeps spinning and you don't know where it will land. 8oW is a period of growth and communication. Doing family activities together. They could be just doing this for the boys, but I don't know. I keep hearing "Remember the good ole times. How things use to be". KoC (R) insecurity / instability. Failed promises.
OC: Spy (people such as fans and family watching them closely and their interactions), Distance (emotionally or physically distant), and Let Go "make room for the new beginnings on the way to you now".
What does Cillian think of Emily Blunt? Death + Knight of Swords (side) = IF something happened between them, I don't think it was serious and I don't think he will leave his wife for Emily. She (Emily) brought some changes into his life, so if the blind items are true then damn. (I think there are some blind items about them if I'm not mistaken). KoS (U) They work well together. Great pair. He sees the drive and motivation she has in her work. It's impressive. Similar values and intellectual conversations. (Rev) She has a problem with her mouth. She talks too much and when she does, she let's things slip. Don't tell her anything or she might accidently let it slip out. She gets her way. I also kept seeing a wall like a blockage between them. They might not be on talking terms right now.
Emily on Cillian: 3oW (side) + PoP (R) + 5oS (R) = 3oW (U) Crush? May have caught some feelings for him. I mean have y'all seen those eyes? Damn. Love eyes (?) Admires him...(Rev) Unsure about him sometimes. Regrets. There's something weird about these two. I don't know if they were physically together or very flirty. I know we got the FWB OC and that could be what we think it means or it doesn't.
PoP (R) She thinks he waste his talents by not taking on bigger roles. "Wasted opportunities". I know Cillian was almost Batman, but he didn't fit the look of Batman. I like him better as Jonathan Crane. "Sees him as someone who wants success but not willing to work for it". I just think he doesn't care too much and doesn't want the pressure. Wants to be grounded, but I could be wrong. 5oS moving on. Cut the loses. I hear "She came on too strong".
OC (for them both): Incompatible, No Spark, FWB
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yttmnm5 · 5 months
February 13th
Dear Mother,
You won’t believe how exciting and magical my day has been!
Unfortunately though, it maybe the last day that I’ll get to see my coworkers, including Pa--duh I mean; a certain You Know Who... I mean, I-it’s not like I loved him or anything! M-maybe just a little bit... Oops! Guess I might’ve dozed o a little...! Gotta switch back before I start infinitely yapping like a lovesick puppy...!
Anyways, during my first week, I apologized to my friend for doubting him and implored to help prove Yvonne was the perpetrator behind the hoax to all of the data being sent to Dunes and deleting it shortly after. Of course it took us and the team several hours to recover, but we managed to save GreenCity’s project within no time!
Before you know it, he’d been hired as a computer-engineer for the company! Isn’t that something or what? The last few months had been difficult, but we ended up completing the game on Thursday evening and will be set to release it really soon!
I wish I could tell you more, but I’d like to keep a non-spoiled, amorous and glorious chronicle for when I rebound... Overall, I hope you and everyone else are doing well back home.
Maybe also, me, you and the girls can go out on a picnic to celebrate! We can even schedule a day where you, Maria and I could go out and pick flowers at that new park that’s opening soon! Until then, I love you and I hope to see you all again soon!
With love and warm hugs,
Paulina Ramon
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heavenboy09 · 5 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Iconic & Highly Regarded & Devilishly Handsome Welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿Actor & Singer  Of The 21st Century In Cinema 🎥
Luke George Evans was born on Easter Sunday, 15 April 1979, in Pontypool, and brought up in Aberbargoed, the only child of Yvonne and David Evans. He was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, though he left the religion when he was 16 and left school at the same time.
At age 17, he moved to Cardiff, where he studied with singing coach Louise Ryan. In 1997, he won a scholarship to London Studio Centre, then in Kings Cross, London. He graduated in 2000.
He is a Welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 actor and singer. He began his career on the stage, and performed in London's West End productions of Rent, Miss Saigon, and Piaf before making his film breakthrough in the Clash of the Titans 2010 remake. Following his debut, Evans was cast in the action and thriller films Immortals (2011), The Raven (2012), and the re-imagined The Three Musketeers (2011).
In 2013, Evans starred as the antagonist Owen Shaw in Fast & Furious 6, and also played Bard the Bowman in Peter Jackson's three-part adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. 
Evans also portrayed the vampire Dracula in the character's 2014 film origin story Dracula Untold. 
Evans then portrayed Gaston in Disney's live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast (2017), psychologist William Moulton Marston in the biographical drama Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017), and the Coachman in Disney's live-action remake of Pinocchio (2022). He released his debut album, At Last, on 22 November 2019. In 2020, he starred in a three-part miniseries The Pembrokeshire Murders. In 2021, he had a main role in the Hulu drama miniseries Nine Perfect Strangers. He then starred in the black ops military series Echo 3 (2022).
He Sings Like Gaston & Does A Epic Masterpiece Of Playing Vlad The Impaler aka DRACULA 🧛‍♂️ & Many More Iconic & Popular Films 🎥 & TV Shows 📺 We all Have Seen & Adored Him In
Please Wish This Iconic & Highly Regarded & Devilishly Handsome Welsh 🏴󐁧󐁢󐁷󐁬󐁳󐁿 Actor & Singer  Of The 21st Century In Cinema 🎥
A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
MR. LUKE GEORGE EVANS 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿  Aka Owen Shaw, Dracula 🧛‍♂️, Gaston, & Many More
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HAPPY 45TH BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 TO YOU MR. EVANS 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 & HERE'S TO MANY MORE YEARS TO COME #LukeEvans  #FastandFurious6 #TheHobbit #DraculaUntold #BeautyandTheBeast #Scrooge
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camp here and there for the ask thing...
OHOHO OK OK OK I still have so many chnt opinions even tho ive not posted about it in ages so thank u for enabling my chnt thoughts hehe
favourite character: rowan and juniper I Know theyre two of them but,,,,,, theyre the ones ive written the most for and just love them to bits yknow?
second favourite character: salem de la marnierre... how I love you...
least favourite character: elijah fucking volkov. incredibly well written character but I cannot stand him and it says a lot about the quality of the writing and the themes in chnt that he makes my skin absolutely crawl.
character I'm most like: ......jedidiah........ jedidiah martin. sigh.
favourite pairing: probably again because I've written the most for them but rowan x juniper. rowniper ily though marisalem is so so good also,,,
least favourite pairing: anything involving elijah tbh,,,,,, he just doesnt interest me and the idea of shipping him with sydney especially leaves such a bad taste in my mouth
favourite moment: ohhhhh god let me remember chnt. hmm. the scene with the tonies talking to jedidiah about sydney's curvaceous hips or whatever was very funny and also incredibly gender affirming so ive gotta go with that. but also up there is the entirety of joshua and yvonne's fake mediation session....
rating out of 10: 8. has some things that bug me but overall love love love love it.... reminds me of summer 2021. sigh
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dykeyote · 2 years
jedidiah 4 the character thing :3
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fav thing about them: ohhhh man theres so much . id have to say how Real he feels . like he can do and say some awful mean things but it never feels liek conflict just for the sake of conflict or him just Decidin to be cruel it all links back to his feelings and his guilt and his fears and like . hes just so Real in a gutwrenching way both for the better and for the worse
least fav thing about them: i mean . the ableism . thats kind of a copout answer though so instead of smt basic like "i dont like that he avoided sydney" or whateva ill say that i think he shouldnt have gotten together with sydney as soon as he did that fucker needs SOOO much healing first . but i think thatll be explored given that they have a couples therapist in s2 so thats not like a writing flaw i dont think unless its fumbled which i doubt it will be
favorite line: "I couldn’t handle the body. I can’t handle the body. I walk away from the body. And most nights I don’t think about it… but sometimes there’s a rumbling under my desk, cold and distant like metal wheels through the mountain, spinning like the hands on the clocks that — if I could just know if I could just know if I could just know if I could just know if I could just know if I could just know—" girl that is ocd!!!!!! u suffer . anyway i genuinely had to pause the ep and take a break after this line something about it . oh my god
fav friendship: i LOVE LOVE LOVE his friendship with yvonne i think its so fun and whimsical i love gamer girls bonding . also him having a queerplatonic relationship with juniper is one of my fav hcs hehehe
fav ship: you KNOW its sydidiah . you KNOW . second place is jeddieann and soridiah (obvs to anyone whos spoken to me for longer than five seconds) but i am literally deranged about sydidiah
least fav ship: i havent seen one that exceptionally bothered me . people dont Ship jedidiah that much with people besides sydney from what ive seen . like i could be like "oh tid be shitty to ship him w elijah or wahtever" but like that seems like im making smt up to get mad at lmao if anyone ships that or anything else id be annoyed abt ive never seen it
random hc: hmmmmm. in sydneys major huge homestuck phase he spent a whole all-nighter listening to an absurd amount of homestuck fansongs in an attempt to like . shoot an understanding of the story into his veins without having to Actually read it all the way thru bc its so fucking long . this just made him way more confused
unpopular opinion: whatsss an unpopular opinion i have . taps my jaw and thinks and ponders . people ignore jedidiahs ableism a lot and the pervasive ways it relates to many many Many aspects of their dynamic but thats not so unpopular of an opinion so ill be a little spicier about it and say that i think even among the people who DO comprehend jedidiahs ableism and the way it impacts their relationship theyyy. kinda ignore the ableism of literally any other person besides lucille? like jedidiah becomes kinda the scapegoat for all the ableism in the narrative and like yes we should discuss the ways jedidiahs ableism impacts the narrative thats true!! however if youre going to discuss that but not talk about say elijah or salem or once s2 comes out likely adam as well or what have u . what is tha point . this is not me defending jedidiah or saying oh people are too harsh on my blorbo ): ): ): we SHOULD discuss jedidiahs ableism but i feel like its not That unpopular of an opinion that we should acknowledge jeddies ableism even if some people dont really follow through on Doing so in Practice yk
song i associate with them: oh my godddddd cry for judas . oh my God is that hte jedidiah song of all time
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
"Is it too much to ask for a guy to pay attention to me the way Yvonne gets attention from Donatello?" She's gonna be needy & jelly, so here you go. ( 87 Irma for either of your boys. before I send over Foot!Leo later :'3 )
| muse interaction
Raph and Mikey were having around the news station waiting for April to finish up with whatever she's was up to in the moment so they figured they kill some time waiting around with Irma. But seemed the poor girl was lost and detressed over her own matters. Matter of the heart it seemed. They both knew the girl was just simply seeking out to find her "dream guy."
Considering how hyped the poor girl got when them, along with Leo, had acted as secret admires to her before only to build and give her false hopes. In the long run, guess thar wants enough to put of the flames of jealousy when Yvoone entered thier lives and seemed to bag a guy with in minutes of being in the country.
Even if it felt like some.bad sitcom epsiode.
"Is it too much to ask for a guy to pay attention to me the way Yvonne gets attention from Donatello?"
Mikey and Raphael shared a look between them a moment, Mikey's own expression fell as he quirked his beak and mulled the thought over. Raph gave a shrug if his shoulders towards them moving to open his beak. Michaelangelo thought perhaps Raph would have something to say that would make Irma feel better. Spread some light on the matter. He shouldn't give his brother that much credit.
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"Sorry sister you are barking up the wrong tree here" is all the red banded turtle tosses out. "I aint got the typical male gaze going on here. I perfee shopping the meat section."
Mikey simply stared at his brother and rolled his eyes. "Forget him Irma, Raphael only attracted to crazy."
Raphael offered no argument to the statement Mikey threw out, just shrugged up his shoulders and happily nodded. Why argue what was facts.
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"ignore him he's fruity than the produce section," Michaelangelo soon assured Irama, turning attention her way. "Irma your great though just haven't come across the right dude whose attetion your just gonna a nab right away I bet. Heck dudette I bet the right guy will just just." He trails off rubbing at his chin as he tries to finish his thought.
Raphael rejoing the conversation jumps in "a fella who'll go complete nuts for ya! I am that's how I am with my bab- with Casey I mean." He chuckles a little smiling at the mere mention. "He'll be totally head over heels for ya, everything will remind him of you, from the beach to air hockey tables." He sighs to himself
Mikey pushing him away to speak up once more "excatly I think?" Hard to say how much of that was just Raph being Raph, however. "But you won't have to work for it. ya don't gotta go chasing after someone just to get love from them, the right guy will just ya know wanna give that to you dudette. You follow?"
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albatris · 2 years
[sidles on over] hi hello yes i am Interested in receiving some Rental Car tunes........ i too enjoy tune sharing for wips :3c i don't have anything specific in mind i just wanna know some songs you associate with rental car
ooh hello hi thank you thank you!! I love talking about tunes SO much :D :D :D
okay alright okay tunes time tunes time. I will select for you Some Tunes. I have a Lot Of Tunes in general and you will receive Some. probably more than I needed to give you. I am. incapable of restraining myself. I love tunes. the tunes, the tunes, here they are:
hmmmmmm OKAY so Grenadine by Dreadlight is such such SUCH a fun little Nat vs Garble tune
What a big heart I have I'll be your saviour now What a real catch I am All the more to pull you down It's not vengeance, it's just a game And the winner gets to keep my name You'll get my crown to pass around All you gotta do is play
yes it's edgy. yes it's dramatic. yes I adore it. it's just so uhhhhhhhhh. idk it's intense but it's not fearful, y'know, it's also just almost a gleeful sort of reveling in the thrill of it all, it's kind of cocky and self-assured, it's just a super fun vibe. like. the single fuckinnnn three chapter window in which Nat has any self-confidence at all LMAO
I'll be the king of it, the queen of it The god of it, all of it Eat your heart after I lick it clean Tastes like blood and grenadine
n hmmmmmm what else, what else have I got for you, hmmmm
Inside of You, In Spite of You by Thoushaltnot and SPRORGNSM by Superorganism are also some funky Garbley tunes. Garbley tunes hit at varying levels of existential terror..... If We Live by Disparition also for. uh. Reasons
Did you pray today? Have you said the names? Did you question your own purpose?
Those we lost will come back to us Their faces filled with gold Their tongues bound by cloth Their true words gone
call me pretty by elliotly is a top tier Nat/Quinn tune!! though for way dicier vibes re: early power dynamics there's This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller :3 of course I have options for much more tender way less alarming Nat/Quinn tune experiences but these r cool 4 now
other general Rental Car vibes are uhhhhhhhh
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears the obligatory funky 80s bop of the playlist n Brighter Than the Sun by Brick + Mortar because. yeehaw
Scare Me by Ludo! fun funky campy horror vibes, just such a fun energy :D
Absinthe by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME is currently my only Zeke tune but it's a banger...... Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte has Yvonne energies but in ways I shall not be discussing today...... Yvonne is a very sweet young woman but also she IS a Rental Car MC so you know she's just a lil bit fucking unhinged, right
no Alex tunes today. I have already shared most of them. and also if I start talking about Alex I will never stop. god I want to share Alex tunes though. this post is already long enough. eahhghdhehgh
I will leave you with City of Lights by The Music Tapes :)
Oh, here you are And you're all you wished to be You're alive and you're not alone Not alone in this
So close your eyes Hear the whole world call your name And you answer Please don't go Please don't go away
thank u for tuning in to this episode of Logan Mercilessly Throws Tunes At Its Beloved Friends <3 please have an excellent day!!
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➳the girl in the lilac dress ♠ ♡
in which y/n meets fred's ex-girlfriend, days after fred confessed his love for her. there's still some confusion on the status of their relationship. angst -> fluff. narrated by you, y/n l/n.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±5.4k
tw: angst (not too bad though), mean words, blood, mentions of auror missions, kidnapping, needles, st mungo's
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
my masterlist:D
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ft. hermione, lee and alicia
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
the girl in the lilac dress
i was in a good mood. on the way to work to receive my mission, i was humming a song that had just come out. it was catchy and worth the wait.
out of the corner of my eye, a lilac colour appeared suddenly. strange, i thought. it approached me, in the form of a beautiful woman. she had the lightest grey eyes and the smoothest milky-white skin, and the shiniest locks of dark brown hair. she walked in a flowy lilac gown, her slim model-like body walking in a model-like fashion.
i was pretty sure she wasn't headed towards me, but when her luxurious voice said "good morning" in the calmest tone possible to me, i looked at her confusedly.
"hi!" i replied brightly, smiling.
she smiled sinisterly, "my name is pretoria aphrodite, i'm fred's ex-girlfriend."
he hadn't ever mentioned an ex, but i knew he had dated quite a few people. she made me seem like a glass of water next to a glass of red wine, naive and ugly. i was those two things anyway.
"oh! i'm y/n l/n! nice to meet you, you do seem like a daughter of aphrodite," i said politely.
"darling, all women are daughters of aphrodite. i understand fred's interested in you?"
she observed me and i laughed.
"i don't think that's quite the word. he's my best friend."
"friends with benefits?"
"oh gosh no! i don't really know where we stand, honestly."
"bitter about it?"
i thought for a second, "nah, i couldn't be. love's a hard thing."
"it is, indeed, and you work for the ministry?"
i nodded, "head of the auror office. what about you?"
"i model for witch weekly."
i gasped, "you're the p. aphrodite? i should've known!"
"big fan?" she looked amusedly at me.
"my friends are, so naturally i am."
"you don't seem the type fred usually goes for."
"i wouldn't say he's even going for me," i said cautiously.
"you are much too cutesie for his type."
i glanced up at her. she was smiling kindly.
"pfft, but better cutesie than nothing, amirite?" i asked friendlily, "well it's been nice to talk with you, but i gotta hurry!"
"no worries, i'll come with you, i have some business at the ministry too. have you seen his past exes?"
"uhh, not really?"
"well they're all models for one magazine or another."
"oh, okay. and that's important because...?" i asked her carefully.
"i just thought you should know."
i laughed, "i'm not model material, am i? i don't mind at all."
she looks taken aback. "i would say, with longer hair," she plucked a hair out of my poor mess of locks, "and a shorter upper body, with perhaps lip fillers, you'd look model-like."
her tone was analysing and not at all attacking.
"only three things??" i asked, shocked.
"you are rather... pretty already," she mused, "not model-like, but cute."
we had reached the ministry.
"thanks, see you later!" she waved and disappeared.
all that was left was a buzzing fly which soon flew away.
i immediately dialled in my auror code in the red telephone box and was sent into hermione granger's office.
"'mione! how good to see you!" i hugged her.
"hello y/n!"
in the ministry and the auror department, the head of the auror office was probably more important than the minister for magic. i didn't know why. she had brought me a cup of hot chocolate.
"thanks, 'mione, you didn't need to. what's the mission today?"
"two babies are being held hostage in a coded location by a person who calls themselves the light lord. dark lord, light lord, y'know?" she handed me a coded piece of parchment.
i thoughtfully pondered, "the light lord. who do you need?"
"i was hoping you go on this mission, then you could give me some news on this light lord person."
"that's doable. we'll need to bring in hepole and a ministry official to negotiate passports and such. and a strong auror team."
"right on it. i'll get wally becker and charlotte-ann becker. they're a force to be reckoned with on the borders."
"how much experience?"
"they're twins, been doing this for about fifty years now."
"perfect. and hepole?"
"on the way."
"thanks, minister," i winked at her, getting out my telephone and dialling the disguise unit.
"hello, poplinn speaking."
"pop, we need a few disguises. light lord."
"miss l/n! o-of course!"
"and pop?"
"call me y/n."
i hung up, dialling harry's office.
"harry, call draco and be in my office in ten minutes. i don't care what business he's doing with scorpius, we've got babysitters here. light lord, perhaps a second of voldemort."
"of course."
i picked up the ringing phone that was in the corner of hermione's office.
"y/n, me and scorpy are having a zoo day, we're at the muggle zoo you suggested."
"sorry dray, but it's important."
"there's no one else?"
"there are others, but we need your expertise."
there was a pause, "i won't need to show my dark mark?"
"it's fading anyway. no."
"i'll be paid?"
"in hundreds."
"how old are the children?"
"2 and 4," hermione said.
the silence told me he was sold.
"i'll be there."
i picked up the big microphone and said, "auror unit 156 to the brief room. no need to bring anything. see you there!"
"good luck," hermione grimly said, "be safe, head."
"mhm and cup o' coffee tomorrow? if i survive, that is," i grinned.
i smiled, "c'ya!"
she was shaking her head.
"oi, no disappointment, 'mione! i was the one who got the ministry out of paperwork!"
"burning paper doesn't count, y/n."
"it wasn't burning paper, hermione granger, it was arson."
"no, it was the saddest form of arson i've ever seen."
"hey! that's rude."
"just go on your mission already."
i laughed, "on it, minister. kalle?"
kalle looked at me, "yes?"
"tell miss minister to take a break and play a game or something, will you?"
she smiled, "okay."
"give my thanks to your mother too, loved the cookies!"
"alright, good luck, head!"
"thanks, bye!"
i apparated to the brief room, where everyone was strapped into special camouflage clothes.
i handed hepole the parchment and immediately began briefing the unit, harry and draco, on the mission.
"please be safe out there. if you're injured, apparate or travel back here, okay?"
i looked at hepole.
he cleared his throat, "they're in albania. the forest there."
"okay. harry and draco will provide attacking forces," the two nodded.
"i want lopex, quentin blake, quentin grill and hilly to break into any establishment," i say to the team, "and eron, hawks, melv, argonas to hold the offender hostage. johnathan, team healer as always. i'll take the children. hepole, you come and accompany us till the forest, then you have my permission to stay back, and beckers, stay invisible with the cloak, write a report for the minister when you come back, understand? have faith, team! i believe in you. we travel by apparition with the machine in three minutes. call your family, chat, have a snack, drink some water, and relax."
i picked up my telephone and dialled my parents.
"hi mum, dad, i'm going on a mission!"
"alright, be safe sweetie," my mum called.
"yeah, don't die kiddo," my dad added.
"right right, i love you, bye!"
the mission was successful. we rescued the children and sent the kidnapper to trial for azkaban. i escaped with a gash on my forearm, but quickly fixed it up with a spell. it ended late in the evening, so the team healer had gone home. the wound kept opening again, but i wasn't sure if it needed stitches.
putting everything away and making sure the aurors were okay, i headed back to the apartment i shared with fred.
i felt emotionally and physically drained, ready to enjoy a good shower and a good late dinner.
when i fiddled with the key to the door and opened it, my heart absolutely stopped.
pretoria aphrodite was kissing fred passionately. i felt my heart fall ten thousand flights of stairs in disappointment. of course. i was all a rebound who was pathetically in love with him.
when they stopped and saw me, pretoria smirked and fred stood up, astounded.
"uhh, continue? sorry," i apologised awkwardly.
"wait, y/n, it's not what it looks like-" he said.
"i don't mind, be safe," i smiled, too tired and too weak to do anything, closing the door and feeling tears well up in my eyes as i took my bag and myself somewhere. anywhere away from this all. my wound burned. i cursed under my breath as i made my way to st mungo's.
"y/n, you should have come here earlier!" yvonne, my friend, says, as she slowly injects a needle into me, "it's infected! and it needs stitches."
i laughed, "everything needs stitches. this is why i didn't become a healer, yvonne."
she shook her head in dismay.
i watched the needle go in.
then she stitched the bloody mess of a wound up, cleaning it gently.
"now i can't stay, y/n," i pouted, "no, don't give me that face, i have other patients."
i nodded, "thanks yvonne."
"no problems. take care. you're too reckless."
"am not!"
she laughed. "that's funny."
after the trip to st mungo's which was pretty short, i wondered what to do. my mind kept floating to the scene i had just witnessed.
i was just the stupid, stupid, girl he used as a rebound. he didn't even use me as a real rebound, just someone who was simply infatuated with him to help him forget his unforgettable ex.
looking at a shop window, i caught a glimpse of myself. i hated being insecure but it happened.
i looked ugly. eyes too small, nose too big, lips not full enough. my thighs touched and i didn't have abs. i had a long gash running down my forearm, surrounded by other cuts. my hair was messy and disgusting. compared to the angel on earth pretoria was, i was nothing. small and plain was nothing when luxurious and beautiful was present.
and it hurt. my heart hurt. my head hurt.
i shook my head gently of my thoughts, chuckling bitterly.
fred weasley was completely and utterly out of my league.
whatevs, i thought. hurting was fine.
deciding to get over him once and for all, i bought some groceries and apparated to the doorstep of lee and alicia's glamorous cottage.
i knocked twice on the door. "hellooo!" i called out.
"baby, can you get that?" lee asked alicia.
alicia opened the door, smiling as she saw me.
"hey ali!"
"hi! come in!"
at first glance i could tell she knew something wrong.
"can i sleep here tonight? and take a shower? and eat some of your food please guys? and maybe steal a shirt i left here for safekeep? and maybe use your telephone? i'm really sorry for troubling you, so i got you guys snacks."
i was the second cousin by marriage of lee. it was good overall, but he was super naughty.
"your favourites."
"then i guess you can," he said cheekily and i laughed.
"alicia, i don't know how or why you ended up with this child, but i'm glad you did," i told her and she laughed heartily.
"he's cute, isn't he?"
"no," i quickly stepped into the guest bedroom and took a long shower, letting a few tears slip but not enough so that it looked like it. i was subtle.
i bundled up in heavy clothing and wrapped my hair in a towel.
gingerly, i bandaged the wound.
by the snores in the other room, lee was asleep. i crept out quietly, going to cook something.
alicia was sitting down, with my favourite comfort meal prepared. i felt tears of appreciation well up in my eyes.
"thank you, ali, i love you."
"you damn well do."
we both giggled.
"what happened?" she asked me.
"nothing. i just wanted a change."
"from fred? liar. i'll ask again. what happened, y/n?"
"just a long mission, that's all."
"after long missions you usually watch movies with fred."
"couldn't i visit my best friend and my cuz?"
"you visit us on weekends. it's a friday."
"well i wanted to visit you!"
"is it that hard to believe?"
"what the fuck did fred do to you?"
"c'mon y/n, you have to tell me. there's a reason why you didn't go to angie and george's tonight."
"i went here because they're super kissy. you guys have space and act normally. i appreciate that."
"you're awesome at lying."
"i'm not lying!"
"does this happen to involve pretoria aphrodite?"
i nodded, sighing, "she's so nice and pretty." i played with my food.
"i bumped into her. she's pretty, but not nice."
"she called me fiercely ugly. she forgot i model for witch weekly too."
"what did you say back?"
"i told her to fuck off."
i laughed, "she was very nice to me. but next time i see her imma kill her."
"of course she was nice to you, you're a lil angel! anyway, she's an animagus, didya know?"
"whoa how did you know?"
"caught her in a jar. she's a fly. who do you think told hermione to catch rita skeeter in the jar?"
i laughed, "rita skeeter is a beetle! gosh, she's annoying."
"what did fred and pretoria do?"
"please tell me?"
"they-" i swallowed, "they were kissing, and so i came here because i didn't wanna watch anymore."
"hang on, he told you he loved you a few days ago?"
i nodded.
"that doesn't seem right."
i shrugged, "pretoria's better than me. i don't blame him."
"his mother would kill him!"
i shrugged again, "i don't think he was legit when he said that."
"molly weasley, y/n!"
"look, he can explain it to you, i don't even wanna hear it. the first stage of mourning is denial, they say."
"doesn't mean it's good."
"denial is awesome. it's ignorance, but you choose to be stupid. i'm already so stupid!" i groaned, covering my face with my hands, "so so so so so so so stupid, foolish, dumb, and i don't want you to tell me i'm not because i know i am. pathetic."
i gobbled down the rest of the meal, "ths 's delicous," i said, swallowing, "g'night!"
"don't be afraid to let it all out."
i shut the door softly, before brushing my teeth and collapsing exhaustedly on the bed, nodding off quickly.
the next day, i woke at 4am, and put on new clothes, apparating to the phone box and filling out paperwork for the missions yesterday.
i joined hermione quickly, handing her a cappucino and sipping my mocha.
"court sitting this early?" she asked me.
i nodded, "mistake of sirius black, now they do all court sittings within 24 hours of arrest."
"that's smart."
"yeah. it's good. he's obviously guilty right? just a dust of veritaserum to bring it all out?"
"i reckon he'll just confess."
"criminals don't go down easily."
"you guys did a spotting job. the children were unharmed."
"are they here today?"
"they're in st mungo's. being monitored."
"oh gosh, those poor children. what's going to happen to them?"
"someone's adopting them, wally becker and his wife."
"that's awesome."
the court hushed as we entered the room. hermione and i shared amused glances and began the sitting.
he was found to be guilty and was chucked in azkaban.
"what an idiot, sending a message like that."
"yup," i chuckled, "what with hepole in our ministry, they never escape."
we laughed.
"how's everything with ron?" i asked her.
"i don't know if he's still into me?"
i almost laugh at her statement, "bro. of course he is."
"i never see him."
"then see him more!"
"how? i'm so busy!"
"busy enough for ron?" we both took sandwiches from the canteen lady with courteous smiles and words.
we sat down at the cafeteria.
"i guess not, but he's busy!"
"busy enough for you?"
"i guess not."
"but he might not wanna go on a date."
"why? the boy's obsessed with you, 'mione!"
the aurors and ministry workers looked at us in fear as i rose up. i chuckled.
i immediately skipped over to the telephone, putting in the WWW's number.
"y/n! what on earth are you doing?" hermione said in a panicked tone.
"nothing to be worried 'bout."
"hello?" it was george. i thanked the heavens for that.
"yolo george, give the phone to your lil bro please."
hermione was gaping at me. i smirked at her.
"hey ron, i want you to meet me in rosemary park at 5pm today."
"could you also bring hermione's favourite snacks and wear an extra jumper?"
"what? why?"
"i'm curious, that's all," i said, "see you there!"
"is that y/n?" i heard fred's voice.
"nup, it isn't," i replied.
and with that, i hung up.
"hey 'mione?"
she was glaring at me, "what."
"meet me at rosemary park at 5pm?" i batted my eyelashes at her, before bursting out in laughter.
she laughed, "i love you."
"pfft, love ya too. you really are too careful. like he would reject you."
"what do you think i should wear?"
"let's go off work early today, at 3," i suggested, "we're both on top of our work anyway."
"okay! you wanna go now?"
"it's 11?"
"alrighty! kalle!"
kalle turned to us, "yes?"
"hi! me and minister are going out to talk about the mission."
"alright, bye."
we apparate to hogsmeade.
"what theme do you wanna go for?"
"hmm," she thought for a second, "floral!"
"alrighty!" i fumbled for my cell phone and dialled the WWW's again.
"hello?" it was fred this time.
"heyo freddie," i said to him like nothing had ever happened, "tell ron to dress up at 5 pm in something cute but not too out there, preferably in florals or somethin', and he better bring me hermione's favourite flowers."
"wha? if he's going with you then- ohhhh."
"thanks, bye."
"can we talk?"
"erm- about what exactly?"
i sighed, "later, okay? i'm out with hermione and you've got work."
"okay. have a good time, lovely."
"you too."
i was utterly confused. here he was one day kissing pretoria, and now he was calling me lovely?
what the hell was going on?
"let's go, mione!"
we went and bought her a pretty pink dress with white lilies adorning it. it was cute and definitely casual, sort of like a sundress.
"what if he doesn't come?" hermione chewed on her lip.
"hermione jean granger, we both know that ron is absolutely definitely a thousand times head over heels in love with you. he wouldn't ditch you for the world! and look at you! anyone can see he's lucky to have you! you both are star-crossed. when has he ever ever ditched you?"
"with lav brown."
"lavender, she's, she's dead, hermione," i said carefully, "fenrir greyback bit her to death. it was a tragic, heroic, death. she was listed in the extended casualties sent to my office a few months after the battle. i think she's watching down on us from wherever she is up there."
"she's dead?"
"yeah," i replied sadly, "life is so short."
"what i'm tryna say, is that that might've happened, but it won't happen again now that he knows you love him and he loves you. understand?"
"and love him well, for the sake of lavender brown."
"for the sake of lavender brown," she said, smiling.
"yup, now, light lord. his name is actually pont knight."
"pont knight?"
"former assistant of me."
"pont knight?"
"yeah, i know right."
"how did he go again?"
"oh, i fired him," i laughed.
"smart guy but terribly lazy and he kept asking for promotions! like please do something if you want money."
"he moved to eastern europe to chase after the trendiness of the islands. i think it was just an excuse. he's changed. he used to be clean-shaven and have the blondest hair."
"do you think he did anything else?"
"we did put him on veritaserum, right?"
"yeah, but it's illegal to put someone on it for more than 10 minutes now in court sittings."
"we could go visit him in azkaban later? i'll take gregir."
"yeah, maybe tomorrow or the day after?"
i nodded, "'course. today is a rest day for the aurors right?"
she nodded, "yeah, half of the agency is at home or working out in the gym."
"good. sometimes this work is so tolling, 'mione."
"yeah, i heard from st mungo's you got hurt?" her eyes were concerned.
i rolled up my sleeve, "that's it."
"that's it? what do you mean, that's terrible! you need to take better care of yourself."
"well sometimes it's hard to. it was worth it."
we continued chatting until it was 4:30.
"oop!" she checked her watch, "i have to go!"
"good luck! tell me how it goes, minister! i'll head back to check if anyone's called for you or me and dust it all up."
"thanks. i owe you."
"nah. i owe my job to you. if minister for magic didn't exist, i wouldn't either. i love you 'mione, be safe!"
"love you too!"
i apparated to the phone box and typed my letters in.
with a whoosh, i immediately spotted two letters and a beeping phone. i answered the phone, solving the problem of the woman on the other end of the line and scribbled a reply to both of the letters.
i finished the paperwork and sent it off, then visited my office. it was piling with letters. i answered all of them, redirecting some of them to different departments, before calling everyone back.
i spotted some of the aurors from yesterday's mission sitting in the cafeteria and talking.
i sat down next to them, "how are you guys doing? any injuries?"
they shook their heads, "we've been spending time in the healer's office and just exercising lightly by the orders of johnny," argonas explained and i nodded.
"take it lightly, and go home if you want to. seeing family always helps the process, hopefully not too many nightmares?"
they laughed, "nightmares all the time, miss," hawk said lightly, "get used to it in this job."
i frowned, "have you tried speaking to doctor yvonne? she might have ways to solve nightmares."
"ahh, miss, sleeping draughts can only do so much," hawk replied cordially.
i laughed, "alright, hawkeye, but just make sure you're not getting traumatised okay? what about you, lopex, quentins?"
they shrugged.
"it's okay? the door was very hard to bust into," lopex said quietly, "we had to try several bombarding charms."
"now, lop, it was easy work!" draco said, sitting down, "hello, head auror, hello unit."
it brought on a cacophony of greetings.
"how are you doing, dray?" harry sat down next to him, "hi everyone!"
we all replied with more greetings and a steady conversation started and flowed for a couple of hours.
i felt my cell phone go off and i excused myself, noting it was 9pm already.
i apparated to the apartment doorstep, knocking on the door just in case anything was happening. i checked the caller id, it was hermione.
fred opened the door, hair messy, still good looking. i smiled at him, patting his shoulder as i ran to the ringing telephone and picked it up.
"y/n!" i could just hear the beam in hermione's voice.
"'mione! how did it go?"
"absolutely wonderful, head auror, ahhh, he's so cute!"
"what happened?" i asked, smiling already.
"well it was really cold when i saw the picnic blanket, which was matching my dress for some weird reason, and ron was there in the cutest button up and he looked so handsoME and he gave me a flower, he's always handsome but i just can't! ahhhh!" she squealed and i clapped my hands in excitement.
"and then i was shivering and he gave me hiS JUMPER and it smelled like him and oh my gosh i think i might just be in love, y/n!"
i giggled, "my cooling charm did work!"
"whaT y/n????"
cackling, i said, "continue, i wanna hear more this is so adorable!!!"
i ignored the dirty glance fred gave me, quietening my voice.
"and then we had food and he said he had cooked it himself and was being such a dear and i told him that i loved him over and over again!!!"
i squealed silently again.
"and, and, gosh my english has gone out of the window!"
"english is nothing compared to the language of love!!" i giggled.
"we watched the sunset whilst cuddling, and i fell asleep and then when i woke up i was in his bed and he was looking at me intently and i just, i'm the luckiest girl alive!"
"you are but you deserve it! that's so sweet! i'm happy for you goshhh, you are the cutest couple. you're both such darlings!"
"and then we watched a muggle movie and he got scared of the spiders and it was so adorable ahhhhHHHH!!!"
"that's the cutesttttt," i gushed.
another dirty look from fred. i gave him a frown back.
"and then he walked me home and it started raining and we kissed in the rain and another check off of my bucketlist and oh my gosh he's so perfect."
"oh gosh that's beautiful," i was smiling uncontrollably.
"anyway," her tone changed into one of mischief, "wanna meet up tomorrow to talk about it?"
"sure thing! when and where? i'll be there!"
"erm, lemme chec- think," i heard the suspicious rustling of papers.
"you're sus. let's just talk about it over the phone. i don't want anything weird."
"how about 10 am in the morning at the field of fireflies?"
"that's a highly romantic place, miss minister. isn't it for couples or something?"
"no? you must be talking about fiona farm."
oh. "yeah, probs, well okay, it better have good coffee. i'm dying of boredom too, does it have a playground??" i asked, hopefully crossing my fingers.
"awww, shucks, i don't think i'll go then. you wanna come over though?"
"no please come! there's a surprise!"
i was sold, "lovely. i'll be there at 9:30!"
"no, no, don't do that."
"what the hell, hermione, you're being so suspicious!"
"i'm not, okay? just come on time, you won't regret it."
"if there's any funny business i'm not committing arson ever again."
"oh crap."
i sighed.
"just come anyway!!! good night cheerio!!!"
"what the-"
the line ended.
i frowned, noticing the glare fred gave me yet again.
"is everything okay??" i asked him.
"no," he said rudely.
"well, do you need any help?"
"how was your day?"
i sighed, "okay."
"you called ron cute."
i laughed lightly, "that's it?? and so what's kissing a girl huh, nothing? i called him cute because he treats 'mione like a goddess, because she is a goddess, for goodness sake. and he is cute, in a completely objective way," i added absentmindedly, "all you weasleys are."
he frowned.
"she kissed me!"
"oh i don't mind, i couldn't. my two braincells can't handle it. you kiss whoever you wanna, okay? live, laugh, love, and all that." i smiled.
he was silent.
"and we can talk after i meet up with hermione, okay?"
"we don't needa if you don't wanna, of course. g'night."
"have a nice sleep."
the next morning, i got up and went to the field of fireflies or whatever.
it was a beautiful place. it was a full on field. meadows stretched across the near english countryside. the sky was clear and light, and the world around me was stunning.
winds blew from all directions, and i soon found myself accio!ing a jumper.
"hermioneeee???" i called, "you're leaving me hanging."
had hermione stood me up? i chuckled at the very thought, soon rolling in the field of flowers as i laughed.
"hermione you devil you stood me up! you left your poor little work wife hanging!" i shouted dramatically.
i suddenly spotted a little house? by the side of the meadow.
i ran towards it.
it was absolutely magnificent. beige little bricks were stacked on top of each other, grey bricks dotted in. the shillings were dark green, and plants hung out everywhere in the cracks of the house.
large windows which reflected the blue light in the sky spanned across the whole house, and a single wooden door stood ajar.
i just wish i had brought a camera. i sat on the grass, playing with the hem of my jumper sadly. even hermione didn't have time for me. i wondered what a sad person i must seem like.
"contemplating life there?" i heard a far off voice. i swung my head around, seeing fred standing and grinning.
yeah well duh i was, no thanks to you, i thought.
i immediately got up.
"we can talk here, right?" fred asked, as he brought me into the house.
"wow," inside, it was cluttered and messy, with plants sprouting everywhere and bookcases and things everywhere. i loved it.
"you like it?" he asked.
"love it."
"good, because i bought it," he laughed at my flabbergasted expression, "i'm rich, darlin'. let's sit, i cooked lunch."
"was this your plan? to have hermione stand me up?" i asked.
"love, i wouldn't call this a plan. simply just a boy trying to explain himself."
"look i don't need an explanation. i told you, you can love whoever you wanna, i don't mind, i don't care, i support."
"but i'm gonna have to explain because i wanna kiss you."
"then go ahead," i sighed, "if you're lying i will stab you."
"jeesh okay."
i looked at him.
"oh yeah, i forgot the food, here," he said casually, handing me a plate filled with yummy looking delicacies. i was willing to put up with his rubbish story telling for the food, i guess.
"alright, i'm all ears."
"okay. so she talked with you right?"
i nodded.
"did she take a piece of hair from you?”
i nodded again.
"so you came home just right about when the night lights flicker on in london. or so i thought it was you. it was actually, aphrodite, yeah? in polyjuice potion. and she knocked on the door, which i thought was strange. i opened it and she immediately kissed me, as you. and it was weird but it was you and i would give the world to kiss you like that," he said bluntly and i could feel my face heating up, "and then it went like that for a few seconds and she turned into pretoria, and by then the woman had her claws on me. then the door opened and i knew i had made a mistake and then you left and apologised so sweetly. i'm so so sorry, my love, please, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to do anything. i broke up with her last year. i haven't wanted to be with her since. i want to be with you."
i looked at him. i knew he was genuine.
"okay. i'm sorry too, for not trusting you. i guess i was just really unsure of our relationship. it's still kinda blurry."
"what do you wanna be?"
"could we be official, please?"
he grinned, "of course."
then smiling sheepishly, he added, "can i kiss you now?"
"only if i'm the only girl you kiss from now on," i teased, smiling.
he blushed, placing my hands over his heart. it was beating very very fast.
"feel that, beautiful?"
i nodded.
"only you."
he gave me a cheesy grin and laughed at my blushing face, before tilting my head upwards and going in for a kiss but kissing my cheek.
"that's not fair!"
and that's how his head ended up falling into my lap, as i ran my fingers through his ginger strands.
he had fallen asleep just as the sunset began.
it was breathtaking. hues of orange and red danced across the sky.
"i can think of something a lot more beautiful than that," fred said, smiling.
"yeah. yeah."
"i don't believe you."
"that's because you can't see yourself right now."
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I took a lot to convince, I even listened to Oh Johnny, Johnny and thought 'we could be mishearing the lyrics, hearing what we want to,' but I think it was just all the song lyrics that made me go 'wait?' I Know, I Know, This One, Yvonne's the One, the Paris Story and Rockin' On all swayed me in the end. I was like 'bitch. Mclennon's damn real.'
When it comes to justifying the belief that Paul might have had requited romantic/sexual feelings for John (or the belief that maybe they even had a full-fledged relationship), I think lyrical analysis is probably your best proof, because Paul tends to get a little defensive in interviews (eg. this interview where Howard Stern suggests Paul writes love songs for John). Whatever Pauls sexuality is, it is understandable why he would get defensive about that sort of thing, so im not judging him y’know - and also, ive never seen him react in a way that I would consider homophobic, so I find that commendable too! But yeah, I think the best evidence your gonna get is either in the lyrics, or from anecdotes and interviews from other people (‘other people’ because Paul sometimes lies - I hate to say it, but like, look at this interview) (not tryna vilify him, again, I understand why he would lie or evade, and also he doesn’t owe us an any explanation - but its just a reminder that even Paul is not the be all and all of the discussion). I think ultimately, Paul being some born into and raised in 1940/50s Liverpool to quite a regular, working-class family, and mixing that with his already quite inhibited (maybe not the word im looking for but ill go with it) personality, he naturally strays away from getting overly confessional or honest in interviews; whereas lyrics are safer - because at least with lyrics you can hide behind the song.
For me personally, my issue with ‘I Don’t Know (Johnny Johnny)’ has never so much been that I think we are mishearing the lyrics, because while some sections of the recording are certainly unintelligible and up for debate, other sections of the recording I think are pretty unequivocal; and so I think we can draw a pretty distinct narrative of the song from what we can hear. My issue has always more so been that I think its possible that the songs improvised lyrics are just very derivative of generic blues tunes that John and Paul would’ve been influenced by, and mimicking in the song. At the same time though, with that interpretation I also have the issue of not being able to understand why they would be singing a sort of break up song to each other, if they were just platonic. Like they could just sing about a girl, which would make more sense probably, because presumably in the late 50s/early 60s, they wouldn’t want their mates to think they were gay. So I just don’t know with that one! I think its definitely one of the stronger pieces of lyrical evidence though.
But yeah - with the other stuff you mention, I think those are also the most convincing sorts of things for me, and there are times where im like “theres no way that they couldn’t have had an actual relationship!”, but for me, that belief never really sticks in the long term y’know. Like I just reread Johns Paris story* and whilst I was rereading I was like “this just doesn’t have a heterosexual explanation bruv” - but then I flip flopped back to “nah, it was unrequited” because ultimately, in the wider context of their relationships narrative, a short story can’t have me 100% convinced that there was more to it.
But also, I understand that you aren’t just convinced by one short story, like im not tryna patronise you here. I just mean that, for me, whilst the little things are significant, they don’t ultimately add up to unequivocal proof that mclennon was real; but if they add up for you, then thats fine! How we perceive proof is somewhat subjective, if that makes sense?
‘Yvonne’s The One’ is a song that I actually only came across recently, and so I haven’t given it too much deep thought just yet - but I mean it rhymes with John, and the description of “Yvonne” seems pretty similar to John, so…………I might do a more in depth analysis of it sometime :)
I also tend to be weary of too much lyrical reliance, because I think we gotta be careful using songs like This One or I Know, I Know as “evidence” because were walking a thin line between inferring from a song that it is possibly proof J&P had a relationship, and de-normalising men saying stuff like “I love you” to each other. Both are fine (not the denormalising bit but the bros saying “i love you” to each other bit haha), but I just like to remind myself to stay as grounded and as objective as possible. Not saying don’t analyse the lyrics (absolutely do, because they can certainly hold plenty of credence!) but just be weary y’know <3
*SIDE NOTE: I was thinking of doing an analysis of the Paris story in a mclennon context if anyone would be interested in that? Also might do an analysis of ‘Rockin on’ because im an English student and I like analysing stuff alright!!!!
Oh! Another side note actually, if you want to send me stuff to analyse I can - because I enjoy analysing stuff, because im lame haha
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readyourimgaines · 3 years
The Little Things
Summary: Derek knew fully well that moving in with Spencer was going to bring around some changes. Dr. Spencer Reid was different and Derek loved him for it. There were little quirks that the doctor showed at work and some Derek was still learning. So there must be some at home.
And a special thanks, of course, to @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese​ for helping me compile this list!
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1. Alphabetizing Movies by Title
“Pretty Boy?” Derek was crouched down in front of their TV looking for their movie while Spencer did the dishes. The latter hadn’t seen Happy Gilmore and Derek couldn’t let that stand. 
“Yeah?” Spencer called from the kitchen. 
“I can’t find it?”
“What?” Spencer stepped away from the sink and went to the living room. Water dripped from his fingertips. “The movies are alphabetical. It’s between Hamlet and Ice Age.” He went to Derek’s side and gestured to the movie. “I was going to order them by director, but Hotch said most people don’t know directors very well. Which is a shame because J.J. Abrams destroyed Star Trek but Guy Riche-” 
Derek pressed a kiss to Spencer’s lips with a fond smile. Spencer blinked. 
“Sorry,” the doctor blushed. 
Derek just chuckled. “You know you’re adorable, right, Pretty Boy?” 
“You may have mentioned it a time or two,” Spencer laughed. 
“You can tell me all about directors later,” Derek promised. “I know a bit about the mainstream guys, but not a whole lot.”
“All you really need to know is that J.J. Abrams kills anything he touches and Peter Jackson doesn’t get as much attention as he should.”
2. Morning Rituals
One thing that Derek very quickly learned about Spencer was that he 
had a specifically timed morning ritual when not on a case. And that if it was broken or disturbed, the whole rest of the day would go down hill like a train on greased tracks. 
He woke up at 6:17, was in the shower by 6:25, eating breakfast by 7:00, his bed made by 7:30, and shoes on his feet by 7:32. The last half hour before they left at 8:00 was free game. 
The first morning in their new place was the roughest. Spencer went 
about his usual morning, but Derek didn’t usually wake up until 7:45 because he took less time to get ready and ate in the car. So when Spencer finished breakfast and went back to their room to make the bed but Derek was still asleep… He paced for the next fifteen minutes and his head nearly went through the ceiling when Derek’s alarm went off. 
Spencer almost had a panic attack as he fumbled his way through making their bed and cramming his feet into his shoes. Needless to say, the extra half hour was spent- in vain- trying to calm the doctor down. None of the rest of the day lined up properly and Spencer was on edge and fidgety. Hotch even had to gently remind him to focus a few more times than the usual redirection of infodumps. 
That was the first and only time Derek didn’t follow Spencer’s morning routine. He found the same day that Spencer had a much simpler night ritual: Snack (sometimes) at 10:10, teeth brushed by 10:25, in bed by 10:35, reading until (supposed to be) 11:18, and then lights out. This routine was much more flexible and relaxed.
Derek found waking up and going to bed at the same time every day made the former much easier. He also found that Spencer reading to him most nights- no matter the book or topic- was very relaxing. And of course there were nights when Derek read to Spencer.
3. Sugary Coffee
Derek took a sip of coffee from his travel cup and whistled. “Think I got yours, Pretty Boy. There’s enough sugar in this to hype up a six year old’s birthday party.” 
Spencer braced himself and took a sip of the coffee in his own cup. He was pleasantly relieved when the bitterly sharp taste expected never came. “I-I put sugar in both of them. I wasn’t thinking,” he said sheepishly. 
Derek shrugged. “You know what they say: I’ll try anything once.” He chuckled. “I’ll just brush my teeth for an extra three minutes.” 
Spencer scoffed as he got into the passenger seat of Derek’s car. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll like it. You don’t get the caffeine drop when the eight hour half-life is over.” 
“Is that why you put so much sugar in coffee?” Derek raised an eyebrow, thinking he already knew the answer. 
“And coffee tastes like battery acid. I’d rather drink vinegar than black coffee.” Spencer shuddered. 
Derek chuckled but didn’t say anything else as he pulled onto the street.
4. Cuddly Sleeper
Even though Spencer wasn’t huge on PDA like Derek was, he sure was a cuddly guy. The second the door closed, he was a six foot koala. That included in bed- but usually not until after he was asleep. 
Some nights, Spencer would fall asleep reading. So Derek would take his book, close it, gently remove Spencer’s glasses, and turn out the lamp. Nine times out of ten, Spencer was curled up against his side before Derek was asleep himself. 
At first, Derek found himself wondering why Spencer wasn’t nestled against him before sleep took him. But after a while, it sunk in that the doctor unwound by reading. 
The look on Spencer’s face when he curled into Derek’s side always sent the older man over the moon. The absolute peace on the doctor’s face. One night, Derek almost woke Spencer up laughing. Derek rolled over to out the lamp and Spencer had gripped Derek’s arm tighter and whined in his sleep. Derek then had to assure his boyfriend- in soft whispers as to not actually wake him up- that he wasn’t going anywhere. 
Spencer never thought to question why his book and glasses were gone when he woke up.
5. Leaves Books Everywhere
Anyone who had a 30 second conversation with Spencer- anyone who glanced at Spencer- could tell the man read more than he did anything else. 
Derek picked up the doctor’s satchel once and was moderately surprised the slim man hadn’t dislocated his shoulder with how heavy the bag was. But Spencer didn’t only keep books in his bag. No. They were all over the place. 
Their bedroom, the craft room where Derek made floor plans for his renovations, the kitchen, the dining room, the living room. Even both bathrooms and the basement. 
When the two first moved in together, Derek debated building an extension onto the living room for a library. He still debated it from time to time (just in case). But as time wore on, Derek grew to appreciate the countless (if seemingly random) books around the house. 
Spencer would read when Derek was working on floorplans, so Derek would read when Spencer worked on an academic paper or consult. 
“What’re you reading?” Spencer asked one night, finally looking up from his notebook. He was writing an essay on how handwriting analysis could help catch a serial killer and/or rapist. 
“I don’t even know,” Derek chortled. “Uh..” he looked at the cover, “it’s Introduction to Law by Joanne Banker and Yvonne Ekern.” 
“Oh! Hotch loaned that to me yesterday,” Spencer noted. “I should get that back to him soon.” 
Derek just shook his head. “You know, Pretty Boy, I didn’t read this much in college.”
Spencer smiled. “See? Maybe there’s a good side to not spending thousands of dollars on building a library,” he teased.
6. The Nightlight
In the bedroom, in the outlet closest to the door was a nightlight. But not just any night light. This nightlight made the move in the front pocket of Spencer’s satchel. 
“So what’s the story behind this platypus, Pretty Boy?” Derek had to ask one night as Spencer turned it on. “Because you’ve had this since before we were dating.” 
“My uh- my mom’s went on a sort of field trip with her hospital a couple years ago. It was on one of her good days. She saw this in the aquarium’s gift shop and bought it for me.”
“That’s pretty cute,” Derek encouraged. He knew Spencer didn’t open up about his mom often so Derek tried to learn everything he could about the woman during the rare occurrences. 
“We named him,” Spencer laughed. “Alfred Nicholas Brian Reid.” He giggled. “I just… He helps.”
+1. Bleeding/Infected Hangnails
Spencer usually had something to stim or fidget with. A strip of paper, a pen or pencil to twirl, a shirt with a loose thread, something. On the off chance that he didn’t, the doctor somehow decided that his fingers were good enough. If Spencer didn’t have a hangnail, he’d start one. 
This was the one and only thing about Doctor Spencer Reid that Derek Morgan hated. He could see the minute flinch when Spencer held a utensil wrong and it pressed on the swollen skin. He heard the soft hiss when Spencer got tomato or orange juice in the broken skin. 
What Derek hated even more than that was when the hangnail would get infected. The skin around the nail or turn a greenish-yellow and harden. Which, in turn, gave Spencer another thing to pick at. 
“Pretty Boy, you gotta stop,” Derek sighed. He’d gone into a convenience store to get them something other than coffee- but tastier than water- to drink. While inside, he bought a box of Band-Aids and a tube of anti-bacterial cream. 
Spencer snapped out of his daze. “What?”
“Picking at your nails.” To prove his point, Derek took Spencer’s hand in his to show him, as well as to stop his current picking. “I know you’re worried about the case, Baby, but we’ll catch the son of a bitch and put his ass behind bars like we always do. You gotta stop destroying your hands.”
“I didn’t realize I was,” he admitted. 
“I know,” Derek said softly. He applied the cream and a Band-Aid to each finger that needed it (five in total between both hands). “We just gotta get you a couple of those fidget cubes Garcia has.”
Tag List: @mayonnaiseismycomfortfood​
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stones-x-bones · 3 years
Pushing Daisies || Raina and Bex
TIMING: About a week ago  PARTIES: @rainaim and @inbextween SUMMARY: Two soft witches meet in a cemetery. It...goes well? CONTENT: Domestic abuse mentions, Parental death mentions
Raina looked up at the sky, a dark curtain of hair falling over her shoulders as she craned back to see the tops of the trees begin to sway in the light breeze that had picked up. Yellowed leaves, pushed from rebirth of green, scattered at each grave that she looked upon. Some had flowers, some didn’t. It was like Knoxville, only there seemed to be more plots here. Which, if Raina had put any thought into it, she’d find it odd. Instead, she found herself confronted by the sheer amount of dead and wilting flowers. It’d been awhile since she’d done a sweep through a cemetery, and though White Crest’s was new, it still deserved the same care. Like back in Tennessee, she began to use her magic to pull water from the humidity in the air and trickle it down onto the small bunches of flowers that rested their petals against granite. She’d gotten two or three rows down, skipping over those that had already died, when she saw somebody. The witch ceased the use of her magic and pushed her hair out of her face. “It’s nice out, ain’t it?” She asked as she approached, awkwardly clasping her hands together in back of her. Raina finally took in her whole appearance-- a little worn down, but brightened up by the amount of flowers she held. “Ah, I’m sorry-- I didn’t mean t’interrupt or nothin.” 
Since her first cemetery run with Eddie, Bex had found herself wanting to return more and more often. Every time she went there were new graves to clean and more flowers to replace. It felt like there were so many forgotten souls in every one and she didn’t have enough flowers or time to possible tend to them all. It made her sad. It broke her heart. She couldn’t enough for the living and now she couldn’t do enough for the dead, either. She’d stopped halfway through her second bouquet to sit, wearied by her lack of sleep and the pain in the side. Her palm pressed against the still stiff bandages, keeping her shirt from rubbing against stitches that already hurt. She held the flowers tightly and looked at the grave in front of her. William Fairfax. She had no idea who he was, how could she possibly? He’d died over a hundred years ago. There probably wasn’t a soul in town who knew he was. That was probably why his grave was covered in moss and there hadn’t been a flower on it since Bex had last made her way through. She plucked out an orange pansy and set it in front, kneeling down, then, the begin to scrape off the moss when a voice caught her off guard. Startled, she turned to look back. “Oh, um--” she looked up at the trees, the wind swaying through them. Clouds drifting lazy in the blue above. “It is, yeah.” Her gaze returned to the young woman curiously. “I-- is this-- did you know him? Are you here visiting someone? I-- I’m sorry if you did. There haven’t been flowers here in a while and I like to put some on all the graves that don’t have them. My friend-- boyfriend-- told me not enough people appreciate the dead and I just don’t want anyone to be that forgotten.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean t’scare you.” Raina offered a small smile. The girl looked worse for wear. The witch wasn’t the type of person to pry or ask a stranger what had happened so she quickly averted her attention to the flowers that the brunette held to her chest. “Nah, I’m not visitin’ nobody.” She thought about her father and how her aunt had arranged for him to be transported back to California. It made her sad that even if she did decide to ever return to Tennessee, she wouldn’t have anything to go back to. Not her parents, not her aunt. Not even her house. Raina smiled at the girl before kneeling down next to a grave that had a few dead flowers and moss grown against the nameplate. She cleared it away and stepped to the side so that the girl could place a flower there. She dusted her hands off on her paint dripped jeans and hummed. “I’m actually new here… this is just somethin’ I’d do back home.” Though Raina couldn’t tell what she should and shouldn’t fear in White Crest, something told her that she was safe here. “You’re right though…” It had taken her mother leaving for Raina to truly understand what loss did to people, and when her father had… Raina took a deep breath. She wouldn’t think of that here. “It’s nice, you doin’ this for people you don’t even know.” She smiled sadly down at the graves that were laid out at their feet. “Mind if I help you?” Raina knew she shouldn’t use her magic here out in the open, or in the company of somebody else she didn’t know-- she’d risked too much already.
“Oh, no! You-- you’re fine! I just wasn’t paying attention. It’s fine,” Bex insisted. The other girl was being really kind, not questioning why Bex was standing over someone’s grave she didn’t know with a bundle of flowers. She’d already had a few people yell at her, but not today. It was cloudy and it looked like it was going to rain-- that always chased people away. She dropped her gaze back to the other girl and gave her best attempt at a smile back. “I-- oh. That’s--” she turned to look back at the grave and watch as the girl cleaned it off. “I didn’t know other people did this kidna stuff. The cemeteries here aren’t exactly--” safe. But that was mostly just at night. Nodding, she came over to the new grave and plucked out a few flowers, placing them gently in front of the name plate. “I just want them to know they’re cared for,” she said, brushing her fingertips gently across the name carved into the stone tablet. Gabriella Rocha. “I’d love some help, actually.” And some company would be nice, but she left those words unsaid. Standing back up, she brushed the grass from her knees, little wet spots staining her tights and gestured for them to move on down the line to the next unkempt grave. “You said you’re new in town? How recently did you get here?”
Raina knew that kindness, especially extended towards the dead, was often unfound. It was important to the witch that such kindness be expressed, and the fact that somebody else was following that line of thought, too, warmed her heart. Raina offered her a soft smile before she stepped to the side, allowing for the girl to place another flower at one of the graves. There were so many, Raina thought. She’d have to buy out the entire floral shop in order to make up for those who’d gone unvisited. “I know I just met you ‘an all, but what you’re doin’ is very kind.” Raina adjusted the hem of her dress as she followed after the girl as she gestured to move onward. “I know I probably implied that already, but--” She looked up to the sky. Heavy clouds hung above them. There’d be a storm later. She could feel the energy buzzing along her skin, the magic vibrating in her veins. “Oh, yeah! I’m very new.” She thought for a moment. “Well, a little over a month now…” She laughed, “so I guess I ain’t as fresh as a newborn calf or nothin’, but new in the respect of not knowin’ much ‘bout this place.” Raina hummed and held out her hand for a flower as she knelt down next to a grave. Yvonne Agron. “I’m from Tennessee, but I won’t bother you with the specifics.” 
“Oh, um-- thank-- that’s nice of you to say,” Bex stuttered through her words again. It wasn’t that she was nervous, simply caught off guard. She hadn’t expected company while on her graveyard walk, and it wasn’t that it wasn’t welcomed, she just wasn’t prepared. Usually when she had company, she had time to prepare, to mentally prep herself for being around another person. This was...surprising. But she was nothing if not adaptable. She smiled. “A month is still pretty new! But um, yeah. This place is--” she looked around the cemetery, watching the other girl set a flower down on another grave, “--different than a lot of other towns. How um-- how are you finding it so far? Is it treating you well? I know it can be a little crazy sometimes, but, like-- it can be good, too.” Who was she trying to convince? What good had White Crest given her lately? She swallowed. “Tennessee? What’s it like there? I...know literally nothing about it except for the state flag and capital and what year it was given stateship.”
“Oh, well…” Raina thought for a moment. She’d been through the ringer, that much was true. Between the mime, the dog-not-dog, and then the portal she’d dropped through with Adam, it was hard to really tell what was good and what was bad. This, the witch decided, was one of the good. “It has its moments. I expect that’s true of any town, y’know?” The older woman offered a smile to her company before she got to her feet. “Overall, I think it’s hard to judge a place based on only livin’ here for bout a month or so… I’m tryin’ to give it a fair chance b’fore I try to act like it’s all terrible.” She wanted to find the good. She had to find the good. Raina, overall, wanted nothing more than to find others like her. When the stranger mentioned that she knew the textbook details of Tennessee, Raina couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Well, you’d be prepared for any kinda test, wouldn’t you?” She hummed. “Gotta say, the food scene is different. People are a lot kinder in places like Knoxville, but that might just be false hospitality. Though, I will admit, I ain’t ever seen lobsters the size of the ones here.” She cleared away some overgrown moss from another grave before turning her attention back to the girl. “How long’ve you been hangin’ around?” She asked with another soft smile. 
“Oh, no, yeah--” Bex said, nodding, “I don’t think this place is all terrible. I think there’s actually a lot of good. But sometimes a lot of bad things happen to those good people, those good things, and it feels like there’s only bad. But-- but that’s not true.” She stopped herself from rambling some more and helped the girl clear off the rest of the next grave, brushing her hand on her thighs to wipe them clean. “It’s nice, though,” she stated, “that you’re willing to give it a chance.” She needed to give it a chance, too, didn’t she? She looked back over at Raina. “Oh, uh-- sorry. I know a lot of random facts, I like reading encyclopedias and fact books, or websites that have daily facts and stuff. I like history the most, but, really, anything I can learn is good. I just like learning.” She set down the last of the flowers in her hand at the current grave. “Yeah, the food here is mostly coastal, lots of fish. It’s kinda hard for me to find stuff to eat here, being a vegetarian and all, but there’s a few good choices! I can tell you the best places around, if you want.” She glanced around the cemetery before making her way over to a nearby bench, ushering the girl to follow her. “Umm, technically I grew up here.” She pointed across the way, towards the ocean, to the island that sat just a short ferry ride away from the main town. “Over on Harmony Island.” 
“Honestly, I understand that.” Raina looked down at the grave before her for a beat of a second too long and she felt her heart sink. She finally managed to look away. “Bad things happenin’ to good people… It ain’t cosmic, like some people wanna believe, but…” She stayed silent for a moment before getting to her feet, “I think it’s important to recognize what’s ‘cause of you and what’s outta your control. Makes siftin’ through the bad and the good a lot easier.” At least, in her experience it had been. She knew that the circumstances with her parents were out of her control, and so she tried not to dwell on them as if they were her fault. What good would it do? Of course, it was easier said than done. Raina shook her head at the apology that seemed to spill. “You got nothin’ to apologize for. It’s good to have interests.” It occurred to her that this girl could probably school her on Tennessee trivia, and Raina had lived there. “You must be really smart then?” She didn’t want to equate somebody’s technical capabilities of learning to whether or not they’d be intelligent, but there was something about her that seemed as though Raina was right. “I don’t mind seafood. Didn’t get much of it back in Tennessee. We had bass, catfish, mostly. Not like the stuff here that I’ve seen at the markets.” Raina followed her to the bench and wiped her hands against her dress as she sat down, uncaring about the dirt that covered her palms. Her dark navy dress wouldn’t stain easily. She looked over at her company when she spoke, then followed her finger to the ocean. “Harmony Island?” She quirked a brow. “Ain’t been there yet, I don’t think.” She’d remember taking a ferry somewhere. She let out a laugh as soon as she realized she hadn’t yet offered her name. “I’m Raina by the way,” She looked over at the girl with a smile. “It’s nice t’meet you.” 
Bex didn’t entirely know if what the other girl said was true, but she wasn’t going to argue. People all believed different things, and that was okay to her. Maybe it just gave her comfort to know there was some sort of divine essence or presence looking over everything, maybe even punishing those who did bad, rewarding those who did good. Or maybe it just made her feel worse. She hadn’t really decided yet. She still wasn’t even sure how her magic fit in with her faith, but she was trying. “Yeah, that’s true. It’s...easier to process things if you look at it that way, I guess.” She rubbed her arm nervously. “Smart? Oh, um, I mean-- I’m really good at memorizing stuff and remembering things like dates and names and stuff like that. But, like-- there’s so many different types of intelligence, you know? Not just book smarts, like mine.”
She looked over at her companion and smiled, softly. It didn’t quite reach her eyes. “My name’s Bexley. And uh, you probably wouldn’t unless you live there. There’s not much out there except insanely expensive housing and a cemetery.” Bex leaned back on the bench and looked up at the greying sky again. “It’s nice to meet you, too. I hope this place isn’t too um-- cruel to you.”
“There are different levels, absolutely.” Raina had never considered herself that smart, but she knew her stuff. She knew how to study, and that’s most of what had helped her throughout school. That, and her determination. “Everyone’s a ‘lil different.” She offered Bex a smile before stretching her legs out before her. The toes of her shoes were dirty, but she made no move to reach down to dust them off. Instead, she flattened out her feet against the ground and looked out towards the plethora of gravestones that surrounded them. It was quiet for the most part. She wondered how many visitors this place got. “No use in judgin’ people based on what they’re capable of, or incapable of.” She wrung her hands together in her lap, gathering some of the fabric of her dress to keep it from sweeping the ground. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Bex.” She smiled at her company, all the way until it reached her eyes. “Cruel?” The longer she looked at the young girl, the easier it was to tell that she’d been through hardships. Whatever those looked like, Raina was unsure. She didn’t feel sorry for her, but rather, she felt sympathetic. “I hope that you’re not lost to it, either.” She hummed under her breath as she looked towards the tree line. “Sometimes cruelty is just preparin’ us for what’s to come. Sucks, it sure does, but hopefully…” She paused, “it can lead to good things, beautiful things.” She hoped that everything she’d gone through with her father, her mother, even her aunt-- that it all leading her to White Crest served some kind of relief. “That bein’ said, as a newcomer, I’m havin’ the hopes for m’self, and everyone I run into.” 
It was a relief to hear the other girl-- Raina-- say some of the things she was. Bex relaxed a little, next to the stranger not quite stranger on the bench next to her. She wasn’t going to hurt her. Bex never knew these days, who would and who wouldn’t. What would and what wouldn’t. She was tired of it. She scrubbed the back of her hand across her eyes, trying to wipe away the weariness and the anxiety. “It’s nice to meet you, too, Raina,” she finally gave a true smile, and though it didn’t quite reach her eyes, it wrinkled the fringes of them and scrunched her nose. Her gaze dropped as she looked at her feet, her flats covered in dirt. Her mother would scold her if she came home dirty like this, but she knew she could clean up in the ferry port bathroom. Slowly, she stood, turning her head back to look at her companion. “Hopefully,” she answered, clasping her hands together. “Thanks for talking with me and um--” she motioned back to the graves they’d cleaned. It’d only been a few, but it was still something she had to feel good about. The line of flowers that sat in the yard were bright and vibrant and she hoped the spirits she couldn’t see were at least a little happy someone cared about them. “Helping me with those. Maybe I”ll see you again sometime.” She’d wanted to offer to meet up with her again, but her life was dicey, she didn’t know if she could. “I hope things treat you well, too.” But if even her hope was fading, what good were the words? Bex drew in a breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll um-- this was nice. I’ll...I’ll see you around.” The clouds were getting darker, which meant rain. She needed to be home before that. She gave Raina a small wave before she turned to head off, wishing she could’ve just stayed on that bench. There was something about the girl she’d met, something familiar. Maybe it was just the hope they shared, that this town didn’t have to be cruel, that maybe it was preparing them for something better. Maybe it was something more. Maybe she’d never find out. Her eyes looked back at her retreating figure. Maybe she would. She wanted to.
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rosescries · 4 years
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Yvonne Rose!
I really like this one, though there's still a few things I could've done better. You really gotta be careful working with shading pencils, more than I was. The pencils stained some places I didn't want them to and it got real messy real fast. I could've worked a little longer on the shading too. Hmm.
But I still love the way this turned out. Her eyes especially. The black and white shading with a few colored pieces is a really nice look. I really like it.
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