#gotta love when people join me in my asks to be crazy about bands and such <3 y'all are so nice always
nanoa1foryou · 4 months
NICO AND TANK WITH JA SICHER TATTOOS sobbing that's fucking adorable
Oh my gosh! They're besties your honour! Brothers, even!
And that's such a silly tattoo to get too, but it's so them!
Just gonna leave this here...
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Can't miss the man when his words are on your skin, etc.
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alldoll3dup · 8 months
Yelloooooooo!!!!!! I got a request. Can you write a brozone x pop/rap troll fem reader?? Where there related to the bros? I honestly can't think of anything else, but ik for sure theres gotta be crazy angst and comfort!!!
▐ Do you mean all of them together or the separate reaction of each of them? I'm going to do it all together as a one shot kisses 🫶🏻 (but if not, you can make another request)
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໑୧﹒★﹒Brozone x pop/rap!Reader - Headcanon's/one-shot ᰍ﹒∿
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - You are a pop and rap troll, you were already considered part of the family by brozone what would be their reaction? Lets see right now
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 - Trolls band togeter
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - GN!Reader, angsty, platonic
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★ When you told them...
– You were really nervous about telling them this, but Poppy and Viva were encouraging you
– Ok you were freaking out, Poppy and Viva got them together and said you had something to say, what were they thinking??? You wanted to stick your face in a hole and never come out
– The two left leaving you there with the confused brothers, you took a deep breath and started telling them
"Okay then well, I wanted to tell you this, because you are like brothers to me and I think you will support me in this"
– John Dory has already started to panic, she has already started to imagine a million things
"Well, I'm a pop and rap troll" - you said looking a little embarrassed and JD's jaw dropped to the floor
"Ah, what a silly thing, y/n, everything is fine" - said branch carelessly with a hand on your shoulder (I didn't know what color to put on him, srry)
"Calm down, John Dory, this is normal, I, for example, am a pop and rock troll" - Floyd said, smiling slightly and you were a little sad about JD's reaction (I have a hc that he is a rock troll)
"WHAT YOU ARE A ROCK TROLL???" - He said turning his head to Floyd
"Hey man, relax, this is more common than you think" - Clay said looking angry at JD because he noticed your sad reaction
"My kids sing all kinds of music all the time" - Spruce said with a nasal laugh
"John Dory, you're making Y/N uncomfortable stop it" - he said quietly to John Dory with a sideways glance
"Okay, it doesn't enter my head either you're a rap troll or you're a pop troll, or you're a rock trolls or you're a pop troll"
"Why not both JD?" - you and Floyd said at the same time
"Because it's confusing and strange, it doesn't make sense to be both"
"Okay, that's enough of trying to change other people, John Dory" - Clay said, already irritated
"Clay just relax, okay? It dont make the argument worse"
"But he's right, John Dory is crossing the line!" - and you remained silent watching them argue and left with Floyd
★ When you went out with Floyd...
– He comforted you even though he was also sad about the situation
"Hey, it's okay, don't mind Dory, he'll understand soon"
"But why fight like that? They can't argue without fighting..."
"I know Y/n... it's okay" - he hugged you gently and you hugged him back
– You stayed there until the branch appeared because he got angry about arguing with John Dory
★ A few days later...
– You hadn't spoken to John Dory for a few days and she was really sad about the way he treated you
– He studied a lot about this being more than one thing and thought it was really cool
– He felt horrible about the way he treated you and asked Spruce and Clay for help on how to apologize to you
– Clay didn't want to help at first, but Spruce convinced him to help
– Of course, Floyd and Branch joined in on this, Branch would distract you along with Floyd, Clay and Spruce taught John Dory how to say sorry (which was an almost impossible mission)
– They prepared a "little party" with a huge sign saying "WE ACCEPT YOU Y/N AND FLOYD"
– When you got there JD practically jumped on you crying and apologizing saying how proud he was of you (he had done this to Floyd before the party)
– You ended up getting emotional and forgave him and promised that you would teach him more about being a troll with two musical genres
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▐ That was hard to write, huh? Hope yall liked it
▐ Sorry if there are any grammatical errors love you guys ♡
- Read this before making a request
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freakbabyy · 2 years
see you in hell
chapter four
eddie munson x reader, steve harrington x reader, billy hargrove x reader
cross posted on AO3
96 weeks left :)
comment to be added to taglist
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“Thank you, Principle Higgins.” 
“Don’t worry about it, Miss. Henderson. I know your mother is a kind soul, I’m sure Mrs. O’Donnell just overreacted. Now, off to lunch and have a good day.”
“You, too. Um, where’s the lunch room?”
“I’m sure Mr. Munson will help you find your way. Tell him he’s off the hook since I’m in a good mood on the first day of school.”
Closing the door to the office, I stopped in front of Eddie, who was about to walk into the office,
“Ah, Mr. Higgins said you’re off the hook for today. But he said in exchange you’ll show me to the cafeteria?”
“Well aren’t you my guardian angel? Getting me out of trouble,” He played with the ends of his hair, covering his face with it and smiling. “Come on, I’ll show you the way. Gotta grab a seat before it fills up and we have to eat in the bathrooms.”
I followed the crazy haired man down the halls, he would point out certain classrooms on the way, before we ended up at a pair of double doors, and inside the chatter of teenagers was already incredibly loud. I caught sight of Nancy and Barb, sitting with three other people, but their table was full. I then looked around for Chrissy, and saw her sitting with the cheerleaders, their table full too.
“You can sit with me, if you want. My friends are cool, they wouldn’t mind. Might be a bit too nerdy for you, though.” He pointed to a table near a window, a group of guys sat there, seemingly in a deep conversation.
“That would be great, actually. I was about to go eat in the bathrooms.”
Eddie smiled again, grabbing lunch, telling me about the different foods to avoid when they’re being served, and then sat at the end of the table, the seat to his right empty. I recognized the one guy across the table, and waved.
“Hey Gareth,” He returned the wave, motioning to Eddie,
“Hey, see you met Eddie.”
“You two know each other?” Eddie asked, the rest of the table introducing themselves to me, all were super welcoming so far, too.
“We have band together, jazz band too. Y/N plays keyboard, AND sings. She’s doing guitar for jazz, too. Speaking of, Y/N, this is Jeff, he’s the guy who’ll help you learn some more guitar for jazz band. He’s in it, too.”
At the mention of guitars, Eddie’s eyes lit up again, the same way when he found out I knew DnD.
“You play guitar? A woman after my own heart.” 
“Do you play?” I asked, taking a drink, “An instrument, I mean?”
“Guitar, and she’s my pride and joy. I just got her, saved up for three years. Gareth, Jeff, Nick and I are in a band.”
“Let me guess, you do cover songs from Metallica, W.A.S.P, Motörhead, Dio, Iron Maiden, Mötley Crüe, am I missing any?” I named a few off, recognizing the pins on Eddie’s vest, who was slack jawed, the entire table was actually.
“Are you psychotic?” 
“Jeff, you idiot, it’s psychic, not psychotic!” I laughed at the bickering, before pointing to Eddie’s vest, 
“The pins gave it away. Although they are good bands, I have to say.”
“So you have music taste, you play DnD, you play keyboard and guitar, and you’re real?” Gareth poked my arm, and I rolled my eyes,
“She plays DnD? Why doesn’t she join Hellfire?” Jeff asked,
“Hellfire? What the fuck is that?”
“It’s a DnD club, we all get together and play. It’s after school on Fridays.”
“I’d love to boys, but I can’t, I have work.”
“Well, there goes the only chance of a girl joining hellfire. Too bad. Where do you work?” The bigger guy had asked, Nick, if I remember.
“Hawkins National Laboratory. Right outside of town.”
“That explains why a girl’s sitting with us, you’re mental.” The entire table burst into laughter, agreeing with Gareth,
“Why, what’s wrong with it?”
“What’s wrong with it? What ISN’T wrong with it? There’s not many people that work there for a while, most skip town after about a week working there. Only people that work there now are all from out of town, it’s a conspiracy my dad says.”
“My dad says they make weapons there to fight the Soviet Union, and that people don’t skip town, they die there.”
“Mine just says it’s a research laboratory, isn’t it?”
“No, idiot, that’s the hospital. They make lightbulbs and shit there.”
“Boys, boys, boys!” I exclaimed, the table going silent, “I can settle this right here. I’m an intern, and I personally took a tour through the whole building, and I can safely say, Jeff’s right. It’s a research facility, as well as partially a hospital. They study patients exposed to harmful chemicals, as well as radiation.”
“Hah! Suck it!”
“Alright, calm down, Jeff. So, Y/N, what you’re saying is that you’re going to grow a third arm being around all the radiation?”
“I-What? No! I’m just taking notes for the scientists there, I’m an intern, dummy.”
“Yeah but-” The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.
“What class are you going to next?” Eddie asked, shoving the last of his pretzels into his mouth, and I pulled out my schedule.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me for the rest of the day, sweetheart.”
“You’re a senior aren’t you?”
“Was that a nice way of asking why I’m in sophomore classes?” 
“No! I mean, I was curious, but I’m in sophomore classes, too, and I’m a junior.”
“I failed senior year last year, so they bumped me back down to the lower classes. What about you? Fail junior year?” I was just now realizing that he didn’t have a backpack, which seems pretty important on the first day of school.
“I actually was homeschooled my whole life, and I’m a few years behind. I’m lucky they didn’t bump me down to freshman. Half of the shit they told me about today I didn’t understand. Hell, I think my brother would understand better than me, and he’s like, eleven!”
“Hey, at least science is next, you’ll probably do better than I would, and I do pretty well in science. Like, I know that CO2 is water, so I don’t know why they put me in chemistry again.”
“Hey, Munson?”
“CO2 is carbon dioxide. H2O is water.”
“Oh. That’s probably why I’m in chemistry again. Are you sure? I swear it was water.”
“Yeah, pretty sure, Munson.”
The rest of the day went by without a hitch, and Eddie seemed to make it pass by a lot quicker, passing notes when he had a chance, making faces when the teacher turned around, even chatting when we could. 
Before I knew it, it was the end of the day, and I had changed my shoes into my roller blades again, and was about to start my way towards the Lab. I was making pretty good time, already halfway there when it started getting a bit chilly. The building was huge, just as I remembered from when I had toured it.
I scanned my badge on the security door, before entering. I ducked into the bathroom, quickly changing into my assigned lab uniform, which consisted of khaki’s two seasons behind, a white shirt, and a matching white lab coat. I had to pull my hair out of my face, before slipping on a pair of protective glasses, and walking into the main hall, as I ran into the very man who hired me.
“Good evening, Dr. Brenner.” I nodded, as he smiled fondly, almost like a grandpa would.
“Good evening, Ms. Henderson. I’m afraid there’s been an incident and Mr. Munroe declined the job offer, which leads us to promote you. Would you like the job?”
“Oh! Um, yeah! I’d love that, is it the same job, or?”
“Different jobs, but not to worry. You’d do his job eventually, this is just pushing the process along faster.”
“I can’t wait to take notes on the new position, sir, I even brought my own clipboard and pen, and I made sure to stretch my hand out before-”
“Oh,” He let out a laugh, and I felt my blood run cold at it, was he making fun of me? “You won’t be taking notes today. Come along.”
“Alright, although I wasn’t told of anything like this, are you sure? I was told I wasn’t even stepping foot into the actual lab part until a few years-”
“Yes, well, you’re needed. Since Mr. Munroe left, we have no one else.”
I was led deeper and deeper in the lab, down sets of stairs until I hit an area that we had not toured, through the steel door that had a DANGER DO NOT ENTER sign on it. How comforting.
“Now, if you’ll be so kind as to put on this hazmat suit, and put all of your belongings into a locker.”
“What is it I’ll be doing, if I might ask?” Glancing around, I wasn’t sure if I liked the way this looked, and started to think that the boys at lunch were right.
“Well, you’ll be going to test some things out for us. You’ll gather data. You’ll also observe and maybe you’ll even live to become one of our most valued scientists.”
“That’s not funny, sir. I was assured that I would be safe here, that nothing dangerous goes on here.”
“Ah, well I lied, dear. Now suit up and gather some weapons of your choosing, you’ll need them. Hurry, my patience runs thin.”
I needed to get out of here, and I needed to get out of here fast. The exit we came through had two large men on either side, which I hadn’t realized before. The other door had men as well.
“Sir, I think I’d like to kindly decline this job offer, if that’s alright.”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible. You’ve already signed the paperwork, and boy does your paperwork have some mighty fine print.” He held up the folder with my name on top, flipping it open, showing all of the paperwork I signed at orientation. “Did you really not read any of it? You’ve signed away your right to decline this. You’ll do as I say, or else I’m afraid you might join Mr. Munroe.”
“You can’t do this. I’ll tell the newspaper, or the cops, or maybe even the government!”
“Afraid I can, and I will. Now, suit up. This is the last time I’ll tell you. If you don’t comply, I’m afraid we’ll have to terminate you. Permenantly.”
I looked around, before lunging as fast as I could to the weapons on the wall. I was yanked back before I went a few steps, and felt myself being lifted off of the ground, each arm in the grasp of one of the large men. I tried to struggle, but they tightened their grips more.
The door was opened in front of me, and I was thrown rather harshly into the room, which was oddly cold. I put my hand down to push myself up, but felt a slimy-sticky substance, which looked like flesh. I got up and looked around. There were glass windows looking in, and scientists watched me. On the other side of the room was a large crack in the wall, which oddly enough, seemed to pulse as if it were alive. Just a few feet ahead of it was the top half of a body, an actual human body. 
“Mr. Munroe,” I gasped, before scrambling backwards, hitting the door with the back of my head.
The crack in the wall let out a noise, or rather, something in the crack did. The crack opened a bit, and a long arm reached out. It grabbed the half of Mr. Munroe’s body and dragged it through the crack, letting a screech out.
I scrambled up, and pounded on the door,
“Let me out! You can’t do this! My family will look for me! I promise I won’t tell anyone about this place!”
An intercom crackled, as the screeching got louder,
“Once you’re terminated we’ll let your family know what happened, or, perhaps show them. Don’t you have a little brother?”
I felt my blood run cold again, and stopped pounding on the door, and looked towards the glass where Dr. Brenner was.
“Don’t touch him. Don’t touch my family, I’ll- I’ll work for you, anything, just, don’t touch them.”
“You won’t tell anyone about what happens here, and you certainly won’t tell the cops. Agreed?”
“You’ll keep the job?”
“Yes! Just open the door, please, it’s getting closer!”
Just as the door swung open, I heard the crack in the wall open more, and just as I ran through the door and it shut, pounding started on the other side. I was on my hands and knees, catching my breath, trying to wrap my head around what was in there, as a hand was thrust in front of my face.
“Happy to work with you, Ms. Henderson.”
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one with Ethan’s suggestion
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Description | Ethan suggests something that you had never seen coming - but for how long will you be able to resist him?
Content | smut with a bit of fluff
Pairing | Ethan x fem!Reader
Word Count | 3138
Tagging | @ginny-lily @mywritingonlyfans
"You did not just ask me that."
Ethan didn't even seem bothered by your shocked reaction. Instead, he simply kept looking at you, waiting, as if he had posed a completely normal question. You were certain it wasn’t though - who the hell just came out and asked one of their best friends to start hooking up? Surely this wasn’t just you thinking this was more than odd. You couldn’t stop looking at him, relaxing on a lounger in the sun, book still open in his hand, and how he didn’t seem to care.
“Oh, come one, Y/n,” Vic interjected from where she was relaxing on a pool float. “Poor Ethan hasn’t been with anyone since the pandemic started. The least you can do is help him get laid.”
“Get laid by me?!”
“Who else?” Victoria laughed. “It’s not like he can go out and pick up someone when we go on a promo tour in a week. We’re barely allowed to meet anyone as a safety measure.”
You shot her a pointed look and Victoria being your friend for the longest got it immediately.
“And no, I’m not gonna hook up with him. So it’s gotta be you.”
You couldn’t believe the conversation you were having. Had everyone simply gone crazy? Surely, Thomas wouldn’t be on their side in this, right? You watched as he lazily strolled towards your loungers, cigarette in hand.
“Thomas!” You shouted over at him. “Ethan wants me to hook up with him!”
“Fucking finally,” Thomas laughed as you stared back in horror. Was everyone in on this madness? “He’s been moping around for ages. About time he gets laid and relaxes.”
“See?” Ethan interjected. “Everyone thinks it’s a good idea.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea!”
“Fine,” Ethan shrugged. You hated how much he didn’t seem to care - how he had posed a question like that without an ounce of awkwardness and how your rejection didn’t seem to faze him in the least. You knew he was open about sex and sexuality, you’d been part of countless conversations among the band and had seen him pick up people at parties more than once, but this unnerved you. "If you change your mind, I'm available."
And with that Ethan went back to his book, Victoria went back to floating around the pool and Thomas went back to smoking his cigarette. But you weren't going to go back to anything, because whether you liked it or not, Ethan's suggestion would continue playing in your head for the unforeseeable future.
Three days. It had been three days since that fateful day at the pool and you could barely stand to look at Ethan. It wasn't because you were embarrassed - you all spoke about such things quite openly - nor were you angry at him having asked in the first place - if anything, it was flattering, a man such as Ethan considering you attractive in that way. It was more of a constant thought in your head whenever you were in the same room with him or he talked to you or you looked at him or he so much as popped into your mind. You kept lying awake at night, intrusive thoughts of Ethan towering over you clouding your brain. You didn't know what it was but you knew you didn't like it.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as Victoria approached you, taking a couple of tomatoes you had spread in front of you and started cutting them up. You had been in charge of making dinner most days, with one or the other coming to join you in your cooking endeavors sooner or later. Today it seemed to be Vic, who was giggling away beside you, quite obviously dying to tell you something.
"And what is up with you?" You asked, a smirk on your face. You were happy your friend seemed so giddy and it had you itching to know why.
"I have a date!" Victoria was never one to keep things like these to herself for long - whenever she was positively excited about something, the world simply had to know. "Her name's Paula, she's on holiday here and we're going to go out for wine."
"Just wine?"
"Well, I'm gonna say, don't expect me back here tonight." She couldn't stop herself from smirking and then breaking out in another round of laughter and you joined freely. Good for her.
"I miss dates," you mused. "Or maybe - I don't know. Maybe I just miss at least staying the night with someone."
"You really need to get laid, babe."
"Who needs to get laid?" Damiano had appeared without warning, sneaking up on the two of you and pinching both of your waists teasingly before hopping on the counter next to where you were working. A slice of tomato was stolen and ended up in his mouth before you could react, only hitting him in the arm when it was much too late.
"Y/n," Victoria answered nonchalantly. You stared at her in annoyance but she didn't even catch your eye.
"So does Ethan! You guys should fuck."
"Not you too," you groaned. All of this seemed like a bad joke. In fact, you were starting to wonder if this was all some weird plot your friends had to get you to sleep with Ethan. But why would they?
"Huh?" Damiano sounded surprised but you didn't put it past him to simply put on a good act.
"Ethan asked her to hook up the other day."
"No way!" Damiano exclaimed. "He actually, fina- I mean, he actually asked you that?"
"Yup, and she shot him down," Victoria explained. You were getting more annoyed by the second. Especially because it felt like your love life (or lack thereof?) was being discussed without you. Plus, you couldn't shake the feeling they knew something you didn't.
"Aw, poor Ethan. You know, you should really give him the chance. Make the most of the fact that you've both got the house to yourselves tonight." Damiano's eyebrow wiggle earned him a tomato slice to the face due to pure irritation on your side. He wasn't bothered, quickly shoving it into his mouth and happily munching away on it.
"Wait, what do you mean? Where are you going?"
You sounded much more panicked than necessary. So what if you were alone in the house with Ethan? You'd survive. Easily. You'd read a bit of your book, maybe watch a movie, go to bed. You didn't even have to spend time with him. Right?
"Going out with my girlfriend, she's in town for work. Not sure where Thomas is off to but he's already left" Damiano shrugged, finally hopping off the counter to hopefully stop being in the way. "So, if there's anything you want to do, do it tonight."
So this was it. You were alone with Ethan. No, this was nothing. So what if you were alone with him? Not like it was going to change anything at all.
You had said your goodbyes for the night to the two lovebirds, wishing Victoria the most possible fun on her little date, before pouring yourself a glass of wine and retreating to the patio. You had no idea where Ethan was and you didn't mind.
The sun was setting, the temperature was more than bearable and you had your book lying next to you. Eyes closed trying to enjoy the last rays of sunshine, your hand grasped the stem of the wine glass, and fuck that moth scared the living daylights out of you. And caused you to spill your wine all over your blouse. Red wine. Crap. One was supposed to wash those out immediately, right? Right? You realised you had no idea, as you sprinted towards the upstairs bathroom, already unbuttoning for fast removal.
You threw the door open, feet set to move towards the basin, when you realised you weren't alone in the room. It happened in slow motion, as much as you hated the cliché of it all.
Ethan's back was towards you, strong, hard muscles visible under an array of water droplets that were slowly, slowly making their way downwards, hypnotising you and keeping your gaze locked on them. Your eyes were still travelling lower and lower when he noticed your presence, turning around out of reflex, and you could not help but notice he was not wrapped in a towel, nowhere close, when your eyes fell on-
In a rare moment of clarity, you tore your gaze away, looking up at his face instead, just to find him eyeing up your cleavage. Your blouse was halfway undone, putting your white lace bra on full display. Then his eyes snapped away and looked into yours instead. For a second, it felt like the world was standing still. Your brain only worked for another moment before it decided to let your body - or potentially your heart? - take over.
You told yourself 'fuck it' - or maybe you said it out loud, judging by the sudden smirk appearing on Ethan's face - and reached for the man in front of you. He reciprocated without hesitation, pulling you in and meeting your mouth with his, as he walked you backward until you hit the wall. His body felt hot against yours, providing a stark contrast to the cold tiles pressing into you. His hands cradled your face softly, fingers stroking along your cheeks, while he kissed you, open-mouthed, in a way that left you breathless.
If you had ever had doubts that sex with Ethan would not be worth it, they had evaporated into thin air altogether.
His hands had started roaming your body, finally landing on the last buttons of your blouse. You had expected him to slowly open them up, but instead, he tore the fabric apart in one swift movement, buttons flying and hitting the ground with little clacking noises. You wrecked your mouth from him for a moment, staring at him in both surprise and awe.
"Spiacente," he murmured, although he didn't look all that sorry. "I couldn't help myself. I can get them sewn back-"
"Ethan, stop talking and start fucking me."
Your bold words took both of you by surprise but none of you minded, simply relieved that you were on the same page. His hands were now grasping tightly onto your thighs and, and without giving you a warning, he lifted you up, still pressed against the wall. Your legs wrapped around him instinctively and he took a step back, finding his strength and balance, and slowly carrying you into his bedroom.
You couldn't stop staring at him. Ethan's beauty was a sight to behold on any given day, but the way his lips looked kissed after just a short while and his eyes had that kind of shine to them that had never previously been directed at you, it felt like you were looking at something ethereal. Never mind the fact that you knew he was completely naked, not just the toned chest that was pressing into your torse, but everything else. Hell, you were sure you felt a certain something press into the back of your thigh quite shamelessly.
He dropped you on his bed, leaving you to bounce slightly on the mattress as you lied on your back. He looked like he was about to devour you and you just knew you'd bend to his every wish.
Without any further hesitation, Ethan moved onto the bed, immediately grabbing onto the shorts you were wearing and slowly pulling them down your legs. He held eye contact with you the whole time and you were convinced you had never seen anything sexier in your life. Your panties were the next piece to leave your body. Normally, this would be the point you got nervous about, crossing your legs, hiding behind hands, anything to protect what little of your modesty you had left, but this was different. Ethan took all shame away from you.
"Is this okay?" He asked, as he slowly crawled upwards, spreading your legs and leaving hot, wet kisses along your calves. As much as you appreciated him asking for consent, you almost had to laugh - at this point in time, you had lost all willpower to deny him anything. So, with a blissful smile on your face, you eagerly nodded at him, your hand reaching down and tangling itself into his hair. He groaned as you gave a little tug and the sound was more than enough to get you even wetter than you already were.
At least that was what you thought up until Ethan put his mouth on you. You had been expecting a bit more foreplay, maybe his fingers, but instead you felt his tongue lick along the length of you. Your moan loudly echoed through the room and you had never been so glad that Vic, Thomas and Damiano had deserted the two of you in the house.
Your grasp on his hair tightened as he started flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. The fact that you could feel his hair tickling the inside of your thighs only seemed to make you more sensitive. Suddenly, one of his fingers entered you, quickly to be joined by a second. Your back arched off the bed in an involuntary reaction as your breathing became more and more laboured. You could hear- hell, you could feel him chuckle against you.
With a sharp tug, you pulled his head away from you.
"I'm not going to be able to take much more, Ethan," you confessed. He looked up at you with wide eyes, chin wet from going down on you and fingers still slowly moving in and out, and you momentarily forgot what you meant to say. "So if you wanna fuck me, I suggest you get a move on."
He didn't need to be told twice. You still sighed in disappointment when he actually removed his fingers from you but you were quickly distracted by him moving them to your mouth and slipping them in. You eagerly sucked on them, twirling your tongue around them, tasting your own arousal, and his composure was slipping with every second he looked at you. He quickly pulled his fingers from your mouth to crawl further up your body, his cock moving against your leg. He was so well endowed it would have almost been frightening if you hadn't been so turned on.
Ethan kissed you with a force that was unparalleled. There wasn't even a question about who was in control. As his fingers trailed from your neck down past your collarbones you both suddenly seemed to remember you were still wearing a bra. You made short work of the piece of fabric, carelessly throwing it across the room, and he thanked you by squeezing your soft flesh in the most delicious way. You repaid the favour by letting your hand wander to his cock and giving him a few strokes. He immediately let out the most sinful moan you had ever heard, head collapsing onto your cleavage.
"I don't think you need any more help from me down there," you giggled.
"With you lying under me like this, I sure don't."
Moving your legs around his waist once more, you slowly guided him into you, your walls swallowing him bit by bit, careful not to stretch you out too fast with his size. It felt like heaven on earth. You both moaned in pleasure as Ethan slowly started moving, making sure you were comfortable as he looked into your eyes, while you broke the eye contact time and time again, too overwhelmed to leave your eyes open every time he thrust into you. You kept grabbing onto what you could, the back of his head, his shoulders, his butt, as he increased his speed, hitting you in all the right places every single time.
You knew you weren't going to last long, not with him on and in and all around you, not with his fingers playing with your nipple, not with his lips clumsily attaching themselves to various places around your neck and shoulders, and as you felt his hand between your legs, softly circling your clit once again, you were gone. You came in waves of euphoria, unashamed of the volume of your moans and the strength with which you pulled on his hair. Your actions, combined with you clenching around him and a few more thrust, had him follow you moments later.
He carefully slipped out of you, never once letting go of you, and turning you onto your side with him so you were facing each other. Both of you were still breathing heavily, vision cloudy, but intertwined. You were convinced he had ruined you - there was no way anyone was ever going to live up to how he made you feel.
"So, did it live up to your expectation?" You couldn't help but giggle as you posed the question. "Getting laid again after such a long time?"
Ethan pushed a damp strand of hair from your face. You hadn't expected such softness.
"It wasn't actually about getting laid, you know."
"It was about you."
"Okay, you've lost me now," you said, brows knitting as your hand searched for his, finger entangling the same way your legs were doing. "What are you talking about?"
"I... I've liked you for a while. And I tried so much, but you never even noticed."
Your mind replayed the last few weeks you had spent with the band in their summer house. Instances of Ethan bringing you food, cocktails, adjusting the shade to make sure you were in it, offering to put sunscreen on your back. Moments of him searching for your company, moving much closer than necessary in the heat, arms constantly touching when you were sitting next to each other. Jokes and teasing from the others, drunken remarks. You hadn't paid attention to any of it. You wondered how you could have been so blind to a man so wonderful.
"Wait, so instead of asking me out like a normal person, you suggested we hook up?" You couldn't keep the laughter in now. The situation was simply too ridiculous and you had not yet stopped riding on your high from the endorphins he had caused.
"It was Vic's idea." He buried his head into the sheets, but you could still see his cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. "She knew I missed sex and she said you mentioned something similar so she thought this was the way into your..."
"Heart, actually."
You snuggled closer, arms wrapping around him so that your noses were touching.
"Well, as embarrassing as it is, it somehow worked, didn't it?" You stroked over his head lovingly. "And I'm sure not letting you go any time soon."
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Before Beelzebeef
Hi there friends! Would you look at how young I was in that photo? The name’s Bunny -- Bunny Curious. Yes, from that Curious family! You may have heard of my daddy, Marshall Curious; he’s a top llama researcher. And my mama Cherish is a college lecturer. We’re just a whole bunch of scientists!
Well, all except me. I’m just lil’ Bunny Curious, the oddball of the family. I was never any good at science -- I’d always fall asleep in physics, and my chemistry experiments kept catching fire, and the less said about the dissection incident in ninth grade the better. Besides, it’s so boring! I hated sitting through stupid classes about quadratics and quantum and equations; I just wanted class to be over so I could head to band practice. I’m a violinist. I’ve played ever since I was a little girl, and I’m pretty good at it too!
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At first, Mama and Daddy didn’t mind me being in band, but as I got older they disapproved. Daddy said I had to think about my future; he said I couldn’t earn a living playing music. And Mama said it was interfering in my schoolwork and I should put academics first. We had a lot of arguments about it. One time we fought so badly, I packed a bag and ran away. Let me tell you, I was so scared; I was just a teenager! But I knew I could make it, and I did -- I hitchhiked all the way from Strangerville to San Myshuno, with nothing more than my violin on my back and freedom at my feet. 
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That was quite a few years ago. Would you just look at me now! I’m still in San Myshuno, and I’m so glad I get to spend all day doing exactly what I love. Sure, it’s tough -- busking for a living can be super hard -- but I’m so happy. It’s just me, and my music, and...
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...my son! That’s right, I have a kiddo! I had him about a year after I came to San Myshuno. His daddy isn’t in the picture, so it’s just the two of us. Sometimes it’s a struggle to make it work and pay the bills, especially living in the heart of the Spice Market, but my darling Steward makes it all worthwhile. 
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The great thing about living here is how many people there are to play for. The Spice Market is a tourist hotspot, which means a lot of buskers want to be here, and sometimes you have to fight for the good spots! Just the other day I was busking down by the docks when I realized the crowd was thinning out. I turned around, and what did I see but a bunch of other musicians stealing my audience!
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There they were, singing and dancing and drawing in quite the crowd -- my crowd! You gotta be tough in this city, so I went over and told them in no uncertain terms to move on. To my surprise, they asked me to join them! They said they’d never jammed with a violin before and they’d be happy to split their proceeds with me. I’m not about to turn down an offer like that!
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So I joined in, and we had a blast! The music was incredible and the crowd were so alive. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun in a long while. Even Steward loved it! 
Afterwards, one of them -- he said his name was Nestor -- struck up a conversation with me. He said they were members of the San Myshuno Mission for The Church of Beelzebeef! I’d heard of The Church of Beelzebeef -- I think they’d branched off from Watcherism? -- but religion isn’t something I know a lot about. I knew Mama and Daddy said religion distracted from science, and they’d warned me about ‘crazy fundamentalists’ who thought there was someone controlling our every move -- as if! -- but these guys didn’t seem crazy. They seemed okay! Especially Nestor, who asked if I wanted to come along to their meeting and hang out with them for a while longer.
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And what do you know, I had a blast! Pasture Noah -- he’s the guy sitting down on the left -- told us a story from the Beelzebeef holy book about an injured cow who was ignored by a priest and a farmer, but rescued by a carnivore. Then afterwards they all sat and talked about what it meant. I’d never heard anything like that before! It was so interesting to hear them discuss a story like that. It wasn’t at all dry and dusty like the stuff I had to listen to growing up.
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Afterwards, Nestor surprised me with a gift; my own copy of the Beelzebeef holy book! It’s called the Bovinomicon. Nestor said he’d love to know what I think of it, and that I’m always welcome back at their meetings. How sweet is that? I think I might read it later once Steward is in bed.
Dag-dag for now!
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
Handprints // Ashton Irwin
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I’m not in the habit of taking requests/fic suggestions but when an anon sent me a Tiktok and said they needed to read about this scenario and Ashton... I couldn’t resist. 🤡 (And of course I’m me so I had to embellish it into a story and somehow it still ended up 3k smh) As always, my eternal love and thanks to @cal-puddies​ for listening to me talk even the simplest fic to death and just generally being my favorite person.
Warnings: Protected sex in an unestablished relationship, male and female oral sex, playfully rough sex featuring dirty talk and brief spanking
Word Count: 3510
Masterlist // Ko-Fi and New 2021 Taglist linked above
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
You’ve never considered yourself a morning person so it’s nothing short of a miracle that you wake up early. You roll over, stopping just short of the center of the bed, your body registering your unfamiliar surroundings before your mind does. You open your eyes to see a head full of long curls, a tattooed neck and a deliciously freckled back. Right.
You smile to yourself as your tired brain begins to replay the events of the night before. It was your last night in town and you took yourself to a fancy hotel bar to unwind. You’d worked hard all week fielding meetings with your bosses’ bosses but you’d finally landed the promotion; the better pay, the freedom to do the type of work you enjoy - these were all things you’d been aiming for and you couldn’t be happier. It’ll be worth the trouble of having to move out to LA.
Especially now, you think to yourself, looking at the sleeping figure next to you before shaking your head, trying to erase those kinds of thoughts from your mind. You’re getting ahead of yourself. You and Ashton had instantly hit it off, amused at being the only two lone patrons, attempting to people-watch without making it obvious - you trying to distract from how awkward you felt being alone and him nonchalantly jotting notes in his phone, a musician looking for inspiration.
You easily could’ve stayed talking to him all night, listening to his stories about the promo tour he and his band were on, him asking questions (and actually being interested in the answers) about your new job and impending move... but when the invitation to “continue the conversation” in his room led to more than just talking… you can’t say you weren’t hoping for that outcome.
You gently ease yourself out of bed, a few slight aches reminding you what a good time you had last night. You pull your phone out of your purse and check your messages. Damn. The meeting to officially sign off on the new position has been pushed up from an early dinner to a late brunch.
You locate your clothes as quietly as you can and slip into the bathroom; you’re staying across town and won’t have time to make it there and back before your appointment so you do as much damage control as you can, utilizing the swanky hotel’s generous supply of amenities.
You decide your top could use a steam and head back out to the suite in your bra and skirt, hoping to track down an iron but instead you freeze at the sight of Ashton awake, lounging in bed, sheets resting distractingly low around his waist. “Thought you’d skipped out on me,” he smirks, muscular arms flexing as he stretches, drawing your attention to the star on his right bicep that you fell asleep tracing.
You feel yourself fighting every muscle in your body to keep from crawling in bed with him, instead retrieving your makeup bag from your purse. “Of course not,” you chuckle, setting up by the mirror across from the bed. “I did just find out I have to be somewhere though.”
“Oh,” he says, surprised. Disappointed, even? You sneak a peek at him in the mirror, groaning under your breath as the sheets fall away to reveal a quick glimpse of his thick cock heavy between his legs before he pulls on a pair of shorts and walks over to you. “I was looking forward to buying you breakfast,” he admits, settling his face on your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist, grinning at you in the mirror.
You smile back, spinning around in his grasp and sighing as he pulls you in for a long, sensuous kiss that has you reconsidering how badly you want this promotion. “I wish I could stay,” you share, running your hand over his beard, wondering if it’s his usual style or just for the ease of being on tour. “But I have to sign before my flight so they can start fast-tracking my transfer to the LA office.” You turn back to the mirror, beginning to liberally pat powder from your compact on your face, trying to compensate for your lack of sleep.
“Fast-track… that sounds promising,” Ash comments, standing behind you again, this time pecking lightly over your bare shoulders. “How soon do you think I might see you out there?”
“Probably be there before you,” you explain, recalling the crazy schedule he shared with you. “They want me to start ASAP so they’re putting me up in a hotel until I can find a place.”
“Mmm,” is his muffled acknowledgment as his kisses travel to your neck. “Wonder if it’ll be as nice as this one.”
“Guess you’ll have to visit and find out,” you boldly tease, breath catching as his touch begins to wander down your body.
He presses into you, hands cupping your breasts over your bra and you watch as a slow smirk spreads across his face when he feels your nipples hard against the thin lace, eagerly anticipating his attention.
“I’ll have to… clearly I can’t leave you alone for too long,” he rasps, morning voice made even deeper by desire. You close your eyes and lean back against him, allowing yourself the momentary distraction. “How much time we got, baby? ...Time for a proper goodbye?”
“Some… some time… not a lot.” Your breath grows heavier as his mouth works over your neck and his fingers tease your hard buds through your bra.
You’re surprised to feel Ash pull back from you but honestly your brain is mush from everything that’s happened this week so you don’t even take the time to question it, instead you just move closer to the mirror to try making your hair look less morning after-y.
Seconds later you feel his lips again, this time leaving a trail of kisses down your back, kneeling to peck around your waistband while his fingers nimbly unzip you; he tugs your skirt down and you don’t even give a second thought to stepping out of the material once it’s pooled around your ankles. His thumbs hook inside your panties and they quickly join your skirt on the floor.
You bite your lip, waiting for his next move but Ashton redirects you, insisting, “Uh-uh, baby, you gotta keep getting ready. Can’t have you being late.” He sits back on his heels, gently rubbing up and down your legs, patiently waiting for you to resume your task.
You give him a curious look but do as he suggests. As soon as he can tell your attention has shifted, his hands start travelling higher and higher until his fingers brush along your folds; you hear him exhale as he realizes how wet you are just from all the touching and flirting.
“Guess I should tell you I’ve been thinking about a proper goodbye since I woke up next to you,” you admit, allowing him to widen your stance, shuddering as his thumb grazes over your clit. He hasn’t applied any pressure yet but you can’t believe how much the brief contact has you buzzing, how dazed your reflection already looks.
“Funny, we could’ve started on that sooner if I hadn’t woken up alone,” he jokes, nibbling along your leg.
You giggle, appreciating his wisecrack and the feeling of his scruff tickling your skin. “Trust me, if I had it my way, your wake-up call would’ve been very different.”
Ash laughs knowingly, “I’ll bet.” He goes quiet and you’re just about to see what he’s up to when suddenly you feel the scratch of his beard between your thighs. You groan as he licks up and down the length of your pussy, dragging his tongue through your folds, teasing you until he settles on your clit, lazily circling around it.
“Ashton…” You start, quickly deciding to give up on whatever you were trying to say once he sucks your clit between his lips, hands pawing at your ass and thighs, encouraging you to spread further for him. You curse under your breath, your interest in preparing for your meeting fading with every new jolt of electricity his tongue gives to your core.
He pulls back, nipping at your inner thigh. “Still doesn’t seem like you’re ready to walk out the door, baby, the clock is ticking,” he chides with faux concern. You feel him grin as he flicks his tongue over you. “Anything I can do to assist?”
You laugh at his audacity. “Oh I’ve definitely got a few ideas.”
He continues to work and you moan quietly, hips rolling over Ashton’s face without you even realizing. He lets you do your thing for a few moments and then he’s gone again before you feel two large fingers slipping inside you. You moan, this time much louder than you mean to. He curls his long digits just right and it causes you to lurch forward, bracing yourself on the mirror in front of you.
You open your eyes and take in the version of yourself staring back at you: pupils blown, lips swollen from sucking them between your teeth, a light sheen of sweat on your face as you get more and more worked up. The hand between your legs makes another expert move against your pussy and you watch your eyes roll back and your jaw drop.
“Jesus, that’s so good... fuck me,” you mumble, head dropping.
“Is that a comment or a request?” Ash quips, loudly sucking his fingers clean.
You turn around, an intoxicating surge of power and confidence flowing through you as you look down at him on the floor, hunger in his eyes, palming himself through his shorts as he gazes up at you.
“That felt so good, Ash,” you murmur, brushing his long curls off his face. “But if I’m gonna risk being late, I think we should make it worth my while and get me on your cock.” You stare into his eyes, matching his desirous energy, hand rubbing over his beard, gently wiping at the glisten of your arousal on his lips.
He stands up and suddenly you’re reminded of just how big and broad he is and you feel an immediate need to have him surrounding you; he pulls you into a heated kiss and neither of you can help but grind, grope and grab at each other. He discards your bra and sucks your tits into his mouth, tongue circling at your nipples over and over. When he comes up for air, your hand dips into his shorts, moaning at the feeling of his cock hard and leaking in your hold. You’re only able to get a few strokes in before he’s nudging your hand aside so he can pull his shorts down.
You subconsciously lick your lips as his cock eagerly springs from the material and Ashton has to laugh. “I can tell what you’re thinking but remember we’re trying to be quick here,” he teases, taking your wrist and spinning you back to your spread stance against the mirror.
You watch his reflection as he pumps at his cock while he grabs a metallic packet from the nightstand, hissing as his fingers drag over the head before he rolls the condom on. “I dunno, right now I’m about ready to straight up quit my job if it means I don’t have to wait until LA to have you in my throat again,” you say, heart pounding as he positions himself behind you.
Ash grins at you in the mirror, rutting against your ass before guiding his cock to your wetness, teasing a bit before pushing inside. “That was a highlight from last night, wasn’t it? Took me so well… any way I asked… so good, baby,” he huffs, hips setting a steady pace.
“Did plenty of asking myself if I’m not mistaken,” you reply, whining as he gives your hair a slight yank, pulling you back into a sloppy kiss.
“That’s true,” he laughs, groaning as you start moving back against him. His hands, big enough to each cover one of your cheeks, massage and pinch at your ass and you shudder when you see how enthralled he looks as he watches his cock move in and out of your pussy as you work against him.
He pinches your ass a little sharper than before and you let out a loud moan, earning a smirk and a low “shh” from him. “Think I need to ask for somethin’ like I did last night,'' you pant, wiggling your ass a bit. “Will you?”
“I was wondering,” Ashton admits, giving your ass a smack so loud it nearly drowns out the whimper it draws from you. “Good, baby?”
“More,” you choke out. He delivers a pair of flat-palm strikes to each of your cheeks, the both of you audibly reacting to how it makes you throb around him. “Fuck, Ash, yessss… So. Fucking. Good.” You try to keep your voice down, given the early hour but his cock is hitting every single spot you need and well so you’re not sure how successful you’re being.
Two more smacks to your ass and you’re leaning in to the mirror, turning to bury your face in your own bicep in an attempt to muffle your cries. Ash brushes his fingers over your hair before roughly tugging you back again, growling, “Nah, I wanna hear you, baby. Lemme know how much you’re gonna miss this cock filling you up.”
His hands come up to grab your tits, fitting over each one and squeezing tight, using the leverage to bounce you on his cock. A series of low whines pour from your throat and you hope he understands they mean that you can’t get enough of how he’s making you feel, how you’re so glad you went to that bar last night, how you can’t believe how well he can read your body despite only knowing you for 12 hours. You hope he knows because he’s fucking you so thoroughly these sounds are the best you can do.
Your breathing has become more pronounced and your fingers splayed on the mirror now appear to be clawing against the glass; Ashton notices and lets his fingers roll over your nipples before running one of his hands down your body to your clit. “Feelin’ good, baby?” He softly asks, slowing his thrusts to an almost agonizing rate as he rubs you. You nod, whimpering his name as he adds more pressure. “Tell me what you need, want you to feel so good when you cum for me.”
“Holy fuck,” you sob, throwing your head back. His fingers work your clit while the new pace of his hips is driving you absolutely mad, moving so slowly and deliberately, you can feel every inch of his cock deliciously dragging against your sensitive walls. “That. Keep doing that. Oh my god.”
He follows your direction, touching you and methodically fucking you. He leans in to kiss along your ear and when he gently bites down, that’s it for you. You gasp his name in measured huffs as you pulse around his cock; somehow you manage to pry one of your hands off of the mirror and you grab behind you, pawing at his shoulder, his arm, anything you can reach.
Ash puts his free hand on the back of yours against the mirror, interlacing your fingers and rubbing over your skin with his thumb as you tighten around him. “Oh baby, yes, that’s a good girl… feel so good cumming around me,” he praises you, voice straining, clearly trying to keep it together himself.
“Ash,” you whine, grinding against him, riding out the last waves of your orgasm. You look at him in the mirror, with pleading eyes. “Please…”
Somehow he knows what that means and he turns your head to slowly kiss you. You moan into his mouth when you feel his hand drop away from your clit, your body starting to settle. You go slack in his arms, leaning against him, closing your eyes and sighing heavily.
“You good?” He checks, amused concern in his voice.
“Oh, so fucking good,” you breathe dreamily. Suddenly a mischievous smile paints your face and you spring up from his chest. “Your turn!”
Ashton chuckles as you drop to your knees and peel the condom off of him, pumping at his cock before eagerly sliding your mouth on him.
“I’d say again you don’t have time for this but I’ll tell you right now this isn’t going to take very long,” he laughs, massaging his fingers through your hair.
You pop off to stroke him. “See? Efficient and exciting, it’s a win/win for everyone,” you grin, a shiver running down your spine as he groans watching you take him down again.
You don’t take as much of him as you did last night, thinking you probably shouldn’t risk showing up to brunch with a hoarse voice. But you bob up and down enthusiastically enough that it’s only a few moments before his grip on your hair is tightening and he’s rushing out your name.
He giggles fondly as he looks down at you sitting on your knees, mouth happily open as you stroke him. “Baby, what are you gonna do about your meeting if this gets all over you?”
You shrug. “Guess you better have good aim then, bro.”
Ashton laughs loudly until you lean in to flick your tongue on the underside of his tip. With a quickly choked out “Shit… baby…”, his cock twitches and cum starts pouring onto your tongue. You open wide, pumping his shaft and humming with pleasure as he continues spurting into your mouth.
When he’s finished, you close your lips around him, suckling at the head a few more times and he lets out a loud growl in response. “Fuckin’ hell, baby, I’m so glad you didn’t listen to me,” he mumbles.
You giggle, buzzing with satisfaction as he helps you back onto your feet. He kisses you passionately and you lose yourself in it a bit, playing with his messy curls, not ready for this to be over. He glances at the mirror as he pulls away from you and he laughs, causing you to turn in curiosity. “Looks like you’re leaving with a couple souvenirs there,” he teases, gesturing towards your reflection where two large red handprints are decorating your backside. In a quieter tone, he offers, “I hope that doesn’t hurt.”
“Well I do,” you respond suggestively, moving closer to examine his literal handiwork. “Hopefully these will have just about faded by the next time I see you… and then we can re-up.”
He groans at your comments and you can tell he’s fighting the urge to pull you in again, knowing you’ve really got to get going. You save him the trouble and kiss him yourself, tugging his bottom lip between your teeth as you separate.
“And look,” you grin, pointing behind you. “You’ve got something to remember me by too.”
Ashton steps closer to the mirror, a naughty smile spreading as he notices your two handprints smudged on the glass. “I should cancel housekeeping for the rest of my stay so I can keep your memory here with me,” he jokes.
He pecks your lips once more and then scoops your clothes up off the floor, smoothing them out as best he can before passing them to you. “Think you’ll make it on time? I can call your boss and pretend to be your bumbling driver who’s unfamiliar with the area.”
You snort, picking up your phone to check your route. “Oh.”
“Oh, the meeting’s been switched to a Zoom. My new boss had to get on an earlier flight so we’re electronically signing when they land,” you say with surprise.
“Oh,” Ash agrees, moving back over to you with interest. “And your flight is…”
You bat your eyelashes at him. “Late.”
“New plan!” He announces, literally sweeping you off your feet and carrying you back to bed. “Nap. Shower. Room service. Obviously we’ll have to say goodbye again.”
“Obviously,” you concur. “Is the order of these events negotiable? I’m pretty hungry and that protein shot I just took down the throat isn’t going to last me very long.”
He cracks up, flopping on the sheets next to you. “Sequence of events is up for discussion, as long as we agree right now that calling the maid service isn’t on the docket. I was serious about keeping those handprints up.”
You nod with mock seriousness. “If we pencil in the shower after food and sleep, I might have the energy to work on a matching set for you on the shower door.”
Ashton strokes his beard, playfully considering your offer. “Might be able to deliver another pair for you as well. I’m thinking the backs of your thighs?”
“Fuck that new job, this is the obviously the best business deal I’ll be making today,” you giggle.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the taglist, both for the support and the lovely (occasionally hilarious) feedback! If you haven’t signed up yet, the form is linked above! (If your name is crossed out, please check your blog settings, I was unable to tag you)
@matchacal @cxddlyash @2fangirl4u @cashtonasfuck @talkfastromance4 @itjustkindahappenedreally @saywhatnow07 @mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower @pxrxmoore @findingliam-o @fedorable-killjoys @ashton-trash @trix-arent-for-kids @olivia-foster-irwin @Burntout-ky @saphseoul @calmsweetcreature @onthecliffside-mgc @feliznavidaddycal @himbohood  @maggiesupertramp @wiiildflowerrr @karajaynetoday @ashtonangst @sunshineeashton @aladyofalbion @xsongbirdx @loveroflrh @memyselfandbea  @calumrose  @youngblood199456  @sunshineeeluke​  @irwindoll​
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heart-stomper · 3 years
Unspoken Trust, Unspoken Fears
Gathering my thoughts on Sasha and Marcy’s dynamic before S3 proves me wrong shows us what’s going on with these two.
It’s time to look at The Dinner and Battle of the Bands, and then use it as a guide to read the room in True Colors.
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No worries! You just gotta speak their language. - Sasha, Reunion
Or in this case, know when to stay quiet. 
Sasha gets really really frustrated this episode. Like, so bad, that if that Volcakeno didn’t erupt, she might have been the one to end the friendship. Even Marcy and Grime couldn’t calm her down. But that’s the thing, before this point, they were the only ones to get through to Sasha without provoking her.
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Grime keeps Sasha in line; she rolls her eyes and is clearly annoyed every time she has to hold herself back, but her willingness to keep it cool shows she ultimately agrees with Grime’s plan and sees it as the best path to success.  When Marcy chimes in, it’s with a helpful answer to Sasha’s question. She reminds Sasha of why they stopped Doing Thing by explaining how their plan failed. She avoids judging Sasha for it, and frames it as the repercussions of their actions, as a group. Marcy is on Sasha’s side, so Sasha doesn’t put up any defenses. When Sasha decides to avoid arguing with Anne however, it isn’t for Anne. It’s for the plan, for her and Grime.
Marcy has enough faith in Sasha to believe she’d never want to purposefully hurt Anne, but is careful about broaching the subject. Sasha feels attacked very easily, and will quickly trivialize or downplay things if she feels the other person is being unreasonable or doesn’t ‘get’ her.
And that is the only time Marcy speaks up besides The Big Argument. She only jumps into actual conflicts if things get too heated. Otherwise, she just lets Sasha do her thing, and lets Anne argue with Sasha... sort of.
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This isn’t collaboration. It’s a hostile takeover. Why do things always have to be your way?
Now, for the bait and switch. Let’s talk about Marcy’s behavior in Day at the Aquarium and New Wartwood, and Sasha’s in Toadcatcher and Barrel’s Warhammer… while tying it all back to Battle of Bands!
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You didn’t tell me you were writing a song! Let’s do it! I mean, if that’s okay with you, Sasha.
In A Day at the Aquarium, Marcy’s first instinct to Anne saying she’s going back with the Plantars is to make a plan. To show that it isn’t actually what will benefit Anne’s Goals. She doesn’t even consider opening up as an option, and avoids saying anything that could cause conflict. New Wartwood, Marcy tries to chat with the citizens of Wartwood and get to know them. But when that doesn’t work, she decides that impressing them with her knowledge and usefulness is bound to make them like her. It has to.
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It does seem simpler.
Trying to win people over by claiming a plan is of mutual interest and necessary, carefully choosing which words to use, viewing relationships as a puzzle to be solved… this isn’t the sort of thing Marcy needs to do to get along with someone like Anne. It’s how Marcy copes with Sasha. Sasha lashes out and belittles bad ideas. Sasha has to be convinced the plan benefits her, suits her. Vulnerability and love aren’t enough to make her care, so Marcy does what she can to prove she’s worth being around. She might even sometimes wonder if Sasha actually likes her, or just likes what she can do for her. She rather not find out.
Whenever she’s afraid of people not liking her, or is worried that she’ll lose them, she dives right into those bad habits. She can give her opinions, but they aren’t supposed to get in the way of what Sasha wants. She’s supposed to say “That’s amazing! What do you think Sash’?” not “Let’s do it!”
Listen. There’s another reason why I’ve been training so hard. To protect the one person I know I can count on right now. You. You’re right, I already lost one friend. I’m not about to lose another. - Sasha, Toadcatcher
In Toadcatcher, there’s that scene, where Sasha looks at the BFF picture and the wind cuts off Anne for a second so it’s just her and Marcy. This is where Sasha is at. Anne might have rebelled, but when Sasha reunites with Marcy? Oh, she’ll show Anne, one way or another. They’ll get her back (like, joining the team or revenge wise, depending on Sasha’s mood.)
Listen here you buffoon! What’s it gonna take to prove that you should follow us? - Barrel’s Warhammer
Aaaand Sasha freaks out royally when she learns the two are alone together and doing just fine. On some level, she fears Anne and Marcy “getting along without her” because it means they might decide they don’t actually need her to make plans; that she isn’t necessary to have fun. In the The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers, we see that isn’t as big a catastrophe as Sasha seems to think it’d be. As time goes on, the girls do gain a healthier relationship to their feelings about Sasha, but that doesn’t mean they’d want her gone even if they don’t need her there. But Sasha doesn’t know that, she doesn’t even consider it till reuniting in The Third Temple. All she knows for now, is that she can be a bit... much... so if she isn’t in control, if her way isn’t “the best”, why would Marcy put up with her either? 
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Listen. If things get too wild out here, just give me a signal and I’ll call the whole thing off. 
 For sure, teach it to us Anne. 
Every Sasha plan starts with an empty reassurance. So much of Sasha’s dialogue follows a pattern where she says stuff like “we’ll call it off” (she did not call it off) and “for sure, I don’t mind” (she did mind) that it could be it’s own game. Sasha talks the talk, until it gets in the way of what she wants.
Sorry guys, but we’re way to close to bail. I am not going back empty-handed.
It’s good. I just have a few tiny notes that I think could make it even better. ... Boom! Fiixed it! 
If they just follow her lead and let her fix it, everything will work out. They should believe in her and trust her. After all...
That’s not true! Besides, we did it. ... You’re not actually gonna throw this all away are you?
I just wanted all of us to succeed. I was just being a good friend. Why couldn’t they see that?
It all worked out, right? Percy and Braddock made it out okay even if she didn’t follow through on her promise. They won, she’s reliable. But of course, Sasha lost something more important than their belief in her abilities, she lost their trust. In Battle of the Bands however, Sasha recognizes that Anne and Marcy don’t want to follow her ambitions and will be pushed away by them just like Percy and Braddock were. So she takes it upon herself to end things, accepting that she’s lost.
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Sorry it took so long.
Except this time, she manages to realize that maybe “what she wants” is to be there for her friends. Sasha’s finally had the space to relax and really think about what she wants, at least a little. This isn’t a real battle after all. Doing things her way all the time isn’t as important as she thought. Maybe she should trust in her friends more. A change of pace isn’t “wrong”, just different. It’s fun.
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Sorry we lost, Sash’.
Just like Percy and Braddock, Marcy knows Sasha is capable. She understands that Sasha just wants the team to succeed. That’s why she apologizes when Grime beats them in the competition. She wants Sasha to know she appreciates what she did, but keeps it a bit indirect. She gets Sasha probably didn’t want to push them away. Marcy tried to catch herself and back Sasha up, but when Sasha had her argument with Anne, she stayed quiet. She couldn’t bring herself to go against Anne. 
That was ultimately for the best, as Sasha learned a valuable lesson. Except... She’s in too deep with the rebellion to back out now. This is the episode she’d spill the truth and give up on the whole thing, except... Grime. A part of her knows leaving would make Grime her enemy. She can’t risk that. So, she keeps going with the plan. She decides she’ll somehow win it all back. Because the thing she’s actually most afraid of, is losing another friend. 
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Sorry things got a little crazy back there. You guys good? ... Sheesh, don’t be a sore loser. Look, I’m gonna stay here and get this toad regime off the ground, but I can totally send you two home if you want. Or, you can stick around and give me a hand! So what’d’ya say?
Sasha’s final offer; the last chance she’s giving the girls to stop acting weird and go back to being her obedient friends who do what she wants. Sasha lost at Toad Tower, but now she’s won. So Anne should go back to normal, she’s supposed to, like some unspoken “rule”.
And Marcy is supposed fall back in line too. The offer and apology are just as much a plea directed at her. Sasha’s trying to be generous, in her own awkward way. She has bit her tongue so far. She’s thrown a temper tantrum or two, but she hasn’t been this forward in asking Marcy for help till now. She wants Marcy to say that everything’s okay. Make it clear she doesn’t think she’s the bad guy, and that she forgives her and wants to be there for her. That they’re on the same page again. She wants Marcy to help make Anne look overly dramatic and silly for making such a big deal of all this. Sure, if Anne figures that out by herself, that’d be great, but if Marcy could just speak up.
But she doesn’t. Of course she doesn’t.
Marcy’s too busy worrying about Anne’s reaction. Knowing that she’ll be upset about this. She doesn’t dare side with Sasha, and is disappointed and betrayed that she actually did something like this. Marcy already has her own secret plans, so when she finally tries to calm things down, all she can give is a non-descript “we can still fix this”. And then, she’s once again shocked when she sees Sasha threaten Anne and the Plantars. Seeing Sasha act so willing to actually hurt people rather than just push them around... it finally hits her just how serious “tried to kill them” was. And of course, losing Anne or being sent home with her would completely mess up her own plans.
Sasha’s isn’t a vulnerable person. She’ll go on about loving her friends if it makes her look good, but she actively avoids doing anything that could be seen as “weak”. She wouldn’t dare ask Marcy to drop Anne and choose her. If Marcy isn’t speaking up, she can take the hint. She still isn’t on her side, and so she gets sent to the dungeon along with the rest of them.
Marcy accepts that Sasha has become an obstacle, but a part of her still hopes the three of them can work through all this. If they do things her way, nobody has to get hurt. She'll figure out a way hold everything together, fix everything, like always.
And then Andrias betrays her.
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Yeah, what plan?
Sasha stops talking once she realizes what’s going on. Quietly fuming as Marcy explains herself. The music box, the suggestion to take it back to Andrias... that wasn’t Marcy being the sweet, supportive friend who Sasha thought she could always rely on, who believed in her... that was Marcy using her. It was never going to become their plan; Marcy never trusted her and was actively working against her. Sasha lost Anne, and she never had a chance at getting Marcy back, either. 
Sasha smacks Marcy away when she desperately tries to justify herself. She doesn’t want to hear it anymore. She’s furious that Marcy thinks they could be friends after something like this, after she’s manipulated them and claimed it was for their sakes. This whole time, her goal had been avoiding the move with her parents. And coming here has only torn them apart even worse.
Marcy reaches out to both girls. And when Sasha rejects her, she clings to Anne, hoping at least she’ll find it in her to forgive her. That she’ll understand she cares about them even if she messed up. Marcy knows they’d probably never pick her over their families or ambitions, so she told herself this place offered those things too. Made them all better people. But as she says her excuses out loud, she can’t find a single one that feels right. She was just afraid of losing them, and now, she’s managed to hurt them on top of that. 
But the thing is. After all that. Despite how betrayed and hurt and angry Sasha was, she looks like this:
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Sasha realizes this must be exactly how Anne felt about her betrayal. It isn’t just an abstract “hurt” or “bad thing” anymore. She can also sympathize with how Marcy feels and why she did it, at least a little. She can’t imagine being able to forgive this, and yet... when she looks to Anne with that apologetic look, she isn’t just hoping Anne will forgive her. She’s also asking for permission to forgive Marcy. Pleading that they all still have a chance to move past this together.
#implying toadcatcher is subtextually about Marcy#naturally these are all just my assumptions and guesses#jottin down theories and observations#and often the tone is 'what sasha thinks' or 'what marcy thinks' rather than a birds eye opinion on the situation#anne gets through to sasha and marcy with a mixture of vulnerability and honesty#it sometimes backfires and they still tend to hide a lot of their feelings#but standing her ground and finding herself really did inspire others too#sasha seems to trust marcy even if anne's messed the group dynamic up#so I wrote this under the assumption she's paying more attention to anne because well#anne is the one who 'betrayed' her#she doesn't need to worry about marcy (so she thinks)#sasha also seems to think she's 'manipulating' and 'convincing' her friends when she's simply invoking fear in them#because while she does like control the idea of them not sincerely adoring her screws her up#sasha and marcy both seem to get into these situations where they feel helpless#where their plans are 'the only option'#and they become so focused on it they fail to realize what they're sacrificing in the process#sasha straight up refuses to believe grime's warnings that she'll push people away#and marcy is desperate and doesn't think she has anyone to rely on except andrias#while marcy probably does play the game to get sasha to do what she wants sometimes#I kinda love how they've deconstructed the whole concept of a 'leader'#neither of them are really 'in control'#they're just needlessly overcomplicating their friendship#learning marcy knows how to play sasha does explain why she falls so easily into the lieutenant role though#sasha really takes other people's plans and goes 'our plans <3' haha#amphibia#sasha waybright#marcy wu#amphibia spoilers
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peppersonironi · 4 years
So, I have seen so many people writing Duke incorrectly, and I wanted to do something about it. In fanon, he is described as the sane bat, who would rather stay home and safe, and absolutely never join in shenanigans. Now, I know there are a lot of things wrong with canon, but Duke is one of the better parts! He is an interesting character who is actually just as chaotic as the rest of the gotham vigilantes. And so it it is quite unfair to his character to say he is the 'Arnold from the Magic Schoolbus' of the group. He's really not.
So I decided to make a list of ten instances in the comics where he disobeys Bruce, acts reckless, or is just a bat! (also for a Batfam Group Chat I’m a part of, someone asked for these) I hope this helps people understand his character better, and maybe even inspire them to write more about him? Seriously, Tag me if you do. I'm starved for good Duke content!
Feel free to add more in the comments, these are just what I could think of off the top of my head! (Hence the kinda weird order, sry)
1. He's a vigilante
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Okay, so this is a bit obvious, but I still think it needs saying. You think that a guy who dresses in bright yellow and patrols the most crime-ridden city in the world during the day is 100% sane?
2. We Are Robin
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Also obvious, but still. This guy joins a group of untrained teenage robins who just want to make a difference. And they do! It's still pretty reckless, though. 
3. He tried to take on the Riddler
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In case you didn't know, in the beginning of New 52 (Zero year, specifically) the Riddler essentially held Gotham Hostage. He had some spiel about someone giving him a riddle he couldn't solve, and letting the city go. You know who decided he would be that person? Duke Thomas! He trained in brain-teasers, and puzzles, tirelessly worked. He became quite the adept riddler (not the villain). The kick? He was a child! (Look at the above panels, isn't he cute?) Duke was young, yet determined. And if that's not a bat quality, I don't know what is.
4. He escaped the cops by jumping off a bridge.
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Oh no! Duke is in a police car! Oh no! He's on a bridge! What's he going to do?! Why, jump out and off the bridge while proclaiming "I am Robin" of course! Seriously, look at that panel and try to argue that he is the responsible goody-two-shoes of the family.
5. He talked down an enraged Damian
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Basically, Damian was manipulated into joining the court of owls. Duke, who refused to believe that Robin genuinely joined them, fought him and talked him down. Now, this is Damian we're talking about. Sure, the kid is absolutely adorable and can be incredibly caring (Fight me on this, I dare you. Also, frick you DC), but when he's on a rampage, there is little that can stop him. So of course Duke decides to take care of it!
6. He actively tries to have a relationship with Damian.
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Okay, so this one is a little weak, but I wanted an excuse to share those panels. Aren't those two great?! But seriously, Duke ignores that this tiny child could kill him in more ways than he could count, and even invites him to a movie! He also isn't afraid to tease the kid, unlike other members of the family. Knowing Damian can honestly be hard sometimes.
7. Comes back to the city when Bruce told him to get out.
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During the I Am Bane arc of Tom King's Batman (I'm shuddering. So sorry for invoking his name!) Bruce tells the batboys to get out of Gotham and STAY out. the others are like 'we're not gonna listen, right?' and Duke is all 'you can't ignore BATMAN!' and walks off saying he's gonna listen to Bruce. This seems like pretty damning evidence, right? He's actually sane? The others got attacked by Bane and hung, but Duke didn't. Well, then you look at the next panel! (it takes place later in the volume) There he is, disobeying Bruce, and hanging out in Gotham. Not just that, he's out in costume! No, Duke couldn't just hunker down in an apartment, he had to go out and take down crooks, and warn Jim Gordon. I think that's pretty self-explanatory
8. Goes out while Injured
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Those two panels are back-to-back in The Cursed Wheel (originally printed in All-Star Batman, later put into Batman and the Signal). As you can see, Bruce tells Duke to get rest. Duke was just attacked by Zsasz, and suffered multiple injuries. He wakes up, and the thing that would make the most sense would be for him to go to sleep, right? Well, he instead gets suited up and goes out to work on a case. Pretty much every bat has done this at some point. Not quite the smartest move, right? A touch reckless, wouldn’t you say?
9. That whole thing with Green Lantern
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(sry for the weird sizing, I don’t have the comic to take screenshots) 
So there are two parts to this. First of, you have Green Lantern flying into the batcave, looking around, and there’s no Batman present. So what does Duke Do? Well, he certainly doesn’t stay back and contact Bruce! Nope, instead he attacks a member of the Justice League, a member of the Green Lantern Corp. Later on, you know what he says? He thought he would be fine because his suit is bright yellow. That’s it. A bit crazy, right?
Secondly, he gets roped into exploring the cave with Hal (I thinks it’s Hal, been a bit since I read this though). The Lantern has some thing going on about stuff in the cave, but that’s not important. What’s important is that Duke went along with it. He was curious enough to ignore what Bruce would say (Call him, yet anything remotely green out of the cave), and joins in! He does’t say “this is a bad idea” or “we shouldn’t be doing this” nope!
9. When he ran off with Cass to test his powers
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Oh no, Duke got shadow powers! What’s he gonna go? Why, go off and have fun experiment of course! Duke and Cass head out to test and work on Duke’s newly presented abilities, and specifically don’t tell Bruce! This is information he would like to know, of course. It’s important to know if your newest protege gets more powers. But no, they go out of their way to sneakily test the extent of his powers. They get caught, of course, and then get chewed out (They get caught in costume, but the next panel they’re in civvies. I find that outrageously funny!). And here’s the kicker: they don’t really apologize! Sure, Duke gives a half-heart apology, but he doesn’t really mean it. Not even under the full extent of the Batglare™.
10. Rescuing Bruce with practically no training
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I’ll skip all the plotty stuff, so just know that Bruce was out alone and in some deep doo-doo. Duke was back at the cave, working stuff out with Alfred. He realizes that what Bruce is doing is a trap. Now, just so you know, this is back when Duke was JUST taken in by Bruce. He doesn’t even have a codename yet! Barely any training. So you know what he does? He heads out anyway, and rescues Bruce. Now, check out that music he’s playing. Later on, it’s revealed to be Duke’s fave band. You know the name of that band? “Batman’s @^$&@” I’m not even joking. (I’m not sure what bleeped out, though later on it’s referred to as “Batman’s #$%” So I assume it’s ass?). So on top of being reckless, he plays a heavy metal band with a name that’s … special to say the least. He has guts, you gotta admit (Oh, and he seemed so gleeful when he told Bruce the name of the band!).
And there you have it! This list is far from complete, but I think it’s a good start. Feel free to reblog with your own, or any questions/comments! I absolutely love to talk about Duke, so don’’t be afraid to message me! Also, correct me if I wrote anything incorrect here. It’s been a while since I’ve read some of these, so I may have gotten some stuff wrong.
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Warnings: none, I think :)
A/N: ahh we’re getting dangerously close to Unsaid Emily territory, folks. Also idk if I’ve said this before but feedback is always welcomed and appreciated! <3
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“This isn’t gonna work.”
You said as you watched the boys practice their apology song for Julie for the dozenth time. Alex just glared at you in response as he crouched behind Luke, and you tried to contain your laughter as the side gate clicked open and Julie walked into the studio.
Reggie immediately burst into song and Luke followed, then Alex popped out from behind Luke’s back. Once the song was over, Julie stared at them with a blank expression.
“In case you missed it,” Reggie said. “We’re really sorry.”
Julie sighed. “Yeah, I got that part.”
“Look, it wasn’t okay that we flaked on the dance,” Luke explained. “We know we let you down.”
“Yeah, we never wanted to disappoint you.” Alex said. “You’re the best thing that happened to us since we became ghosts.”
“In hopes that you’ll rejoin the band,” Luke pulled the poster out from behind his back. “We booked a new gig.”
Julie didn’t say anything as she ran her fingers across the paper. You could tell that she was still upset by the way she kept her eyes trained on it. 
Reggie cleared his throat. “It’s a mind-blowing, life-changing gig.”
“There’s going to be all kinds of managers there. All we gotta do is blow their minds and we’ll be living the dream.”
“So this is important to you, huh?” Julie said, finally looking up at them. “Like the dance was important to me?”
Alex stepped forward. “We know we messed up.”
“But we need you in the band.” Luke finished and Julie rolled her eyes.
“Of course you do. Because without me, no one would be able to see you play.” Julie said, turning to Luke. “I thought the music we were making was special, but you’re too obsessed with your past to even care.”
“I do care!” Luke insisted. “We have a chance at greatness. I don’t want it to slip away from us again.”
“So then why did you bail on me and (Y/n) to get back at Trevor?” Julie crossed her arms as Luke stared at her with sad eyes. “I’ll tell you why. Because the only thing you care about is yourself.”
Luke glued his eyes to his shoes and Julie whirled around and marched back towards the house with the flyer still clutched in her fist. 
“Luke-” You stepped towards him but he phased away, leaving the studio clouded in sadness. 
“Where do you think he’s going?” Reggie asked.
“Where do you think?” Alex sighed. “Remember what today is?”
Even though Luke had never really cared about birthdays, you knew that his eighteenth was one he had been looking forward to all his life. Your heart broke for him when you realized that this was the way he would have to spend it.
You tugged his old jacket over your shoulders and looked towards the house. “We need to tell her.”
“About his mom?” Alex asked and you nodded.
“He can’t spend his birthday like this.”
Alex and Reggie both looked a little hesitant but nodded, following your lead as you poofed into the Molina’s living room.
Julie was on the couch, pouring over a textbook. She didn’t even look up when you all phased in front of her.
“Hey.” Alex approached her carefully. “Got a second?”
Julie kept her focus on the book and you sat next to her, using your best pleading look. “Julie, please.”
She finally looked up at you. “(Y/n), I already told you, I can’t be in the band.”
“I know.” You said. “But just, listen to us for a second, okay?”
Julie closed her book and set it on the table before looking at you all expectantly. 
“Luke isn’t as selfish as you think.” Alex said and Reggie nodded in agreement.
“You remember that song in his journal? About Emily?” You asked and Julie’s eyebrows furrowed. “We wanna show you who it’s about.”
The Patterson house was almost exactly like you remembered it.
Dozens of memories swirled around in your mind as you walked up the pathway to the patio and crouched behind a chair. You could see Emily and Mitch in the window, Emily blinking tears out of her eyes as she frosted a triple chocolate fudge cake, Luke’s favorite. 
And as if that wasn’t enough to break your heart, Luke sat on the counter with his head propped up against his knees.
“Emily is his mom?” Julie asked, her voice light.
“Yeah, he comes here a lot.” Alex said. “He thinks we don’t know, but we’ve been following him.”
You close your eyes as a pit of guilt opens in your stomach. You had been so wrapped up in your stupid feelings that you didn’t notice how much Luke was hurting.
“All he does is sit and watch them.” Reggie explained. “They don’t do much though.”
“They’re eating cake. That’s something.” Julie said.
“It’s a birthday cake.” You managed, avoiding everyone’s eyes as their heads snapped towards you. “For him.”
“And it’s even harder for him ‘cause he left on bad terms.” Alex said. “His parents didn’t want their seventeen year old in a rock band. So he ran away.”
You watched as Mitch lit a candle in the center of the cake and gripped Emily’s hand across the table. Luke leaned forward and blew it out immediately, making them share a look of confusion.
“That’s why Luke was so mad.” Reggie twisted his fingers. “If Trevor gave him credit for the songs, then they would’ve known that it was all worth it.”
“That his dreams were worth chasing.” You finished, another wave of guilt washed over you. You hadn’t been thinking about Luke’s parents when you fought with him about the old songs, and now you wished you could take everything back and haunt the hell out of Bobby.
Emily and Mitch blew out the candle again and Luke sank back into his chair, staring at his parents as tears streamed down his face. Julie sniffled next to you and more than ever, you wished you could hug your friend.
Alex stood up. “We all know how much it hurts when someone who should’ve had your back completely lets you down. We never meant to make you feel like that.”
“We love our band, and Luke does too.” Reggie said. “Please give us another chance.”
Julie took one last look into the window before she nodded. “Okay.”
You all shared sad smiles and you cleared your throat. “Well, then I think we have a gig to rehearse for.”
As you walked back into the studio, you couldn’t stop thinking about your fight with Luke.
How it must’ve felt for him to feel like you weren’t on his side when he was just trying to make his parents proud. You had been so caught up in your feelings of him ignoring you and being late to the dance that you didn’t stop to think about how he was feeling.
“Actually, guys,” You walked over to the couch and shrugged Luke’s old jacket on your shoulders. “Start without me. There’s something I have to do.”
“Oh?” Alex teased. “I wonder what?”
“And if it has anything to do with our birthday boy.” Reggie finished, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Do you guys want to die again?” You said and they both raised their hands in surrender. “I’ll be back soon.”
They just smirked at you knowingly as you felt yourself poof away into your old bedroom.
It was exactly the way you had left it.
Old pictures and countless band posters plastered all over your walls, a messy bed, and clothes everywhere. It was like time had been frozen in here, and as you looked around, it almost felt like you were alive again. 
Like at any minute, your mom would walk in and kiss your cheek. Or there would be a soft knock at your window and it would be Luke sneaking over for movie night.
But then reality came crashing back in when you looked over to your dresser and you spotted the thing you had come for. 
It was a small, dirty shoebox covered in faded stickers. You were thankful that your mom must’ve recognized it as something important and didn’t throw it away. No doubt she remembered helping you dig it up in 1995, just days before the Orpheum show.
You looked down and smiled at the words carved on the surface of the lid in Luke’s handwriting, 
Luke and (Y/n)’s Time Capsule!
Open on 18th birthday :)
You snorted, realizing his writing was exactly the same as when he was six. You wiped the surface of the box off with your sleeve and tucked it under your arm. Technically, you weren’t meant to open this until you were eighteen, but also, you were technically dead, so you figured your six year old self would forgive you.
With one last look at your old bedroom, you poofed away from your house and into the studio’s loft where you quickly tucked the shoebox behind an old guitar case before making your way down the ladder.
Julie’s voice floated through the air and you joined in, taking your spot next to her on the piano bench. She gave you a teasing look and you jokingly glared at her as the song ended and Luke suddenly phased into the chair across from you.
“Julie?” He asked, stunned. “What made you come back?”
“I realized that music is important to all of us.” Julie shrugged. “We’ve already lost so much, we can’t lose this too.”
Luke nodded, a trace of a smile on his face. “Thanks.”
“Oh, and happy birthday, by the way.” She said and Luke smiled as he grabbed his guitar. “Let’s go from the pre-chorus.”
Alex started the countdown.”1...2...3...4!”
You looked over at Luke, expecting him to be looking down at his guitar as he played but his eyes met yours. He winked as he came closer to sing with you, making you laugh. As he stopped in front of the piano, you realized that while it sucked, being a little distant from Luke had it’s advantages. 
At least then, you didn’t have to pretend that every little thing he did made your heart skip a beat.
“Knock, knock.” You called out from behind Julie’s bedroom door, pulling Reggie’s arm back from inside the room.
“Come in.” She said and you all walked through the door. 
“What are you still doing up here?” Luke asked when he saw her snuggled up in her bed. “We go on in like twenty minutes.”
Julie sighed. “I lied to my dad so I’m stuck in here all night.”
“But we were just at the venue.” Alex said. “It was packed with people and managers. It’s kinda crazy.”
“My aunt is right downstairs.” Julie crossed her arms. “There’s no way I can get past her.”
Luke scoffed as he walked over to the window and pulled it open. “Well, it’s a good thing that you’re not taking the stairs.”
Julie’s jaw dropped, looking at you all with wide eyes. “I can’t sneak out!”
You sat down on the bed across from her. “C’mon, Molina. Live a little.”
Her eyes went back and forth between you and the boys hesitantly but she eventually gave in with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Okay. Let’s do this.”
By the time you all got to the venue, it was even more packed than before.
Every table was full and you could tell by their clothes that they were definitely in the music business. Your attention was pulled to the stage when upbeat music started playing as Carrie started to sing.
You turned to talk to Julie but then there was a bright flash on stage and Alex landed in the middle of the dancers. Julie looked around confused, but you just laughed as he followed Carrie around the stage and copied her moves.
You laughed and cheered for him. “Woo! Go, Alex!”
As the song ended, he posed and bowed before poofing back to your group with a pink tint on his cheeks. “I was just doing that for you guys.”
Reggie snickered. “Uh-huh. You can stop smiling now.”
Julie watched Carrie leave the stage with a conflicted look on her face. “I’m not gonna lie, that was pretty good.”
Flynn nodded. “Yeah, I kinda forgot why I hate her so much.”
As if on cue, Carrie came strutting off stage and laughed as she looked Flynn and Julie over. “Hey, girls. Isn’t past your bedtime?”
“Now I remember.” Flynn said with a stiff smile.
Carrie looked over at Julie. “If you’re looking for Nick, he didn’t come.”
More than ever, you wished someone could see you purely so you could give her the finger. Being a jerk for no reason was bad enough, but taunting Julie about Nick was unfair.
“Actually, that’s not why I’m here.” Julie said as she took a step closer.
On the stage, the accouncer spoke into the mic. “Alright, looks like we have one more act tonight. ‘Julie and The Fat Ones’.”
Carrie and her group laughed and you turned to Luke, dropping your voice to a whisper. 
“Okay, I know it’s not the right time. But I totally told you that would happen.” You teased, thinking back to that morning when you filled out the sheet and Luke insisted that his handwriting would be legible enough.
Luke scrunched his nose at you. “Shut up.”
You snorted as Julie walked up to the stage and sat in her spot behind the piano. She put her mic in the holder and took a deep breath. “It’s actually ‘Julie and The Phantoms’.”
When the crowd quieted down, Julie started to play the opening. The gentle piano bored some people and you watched as they turned back to their conversations. But then Julie started to sing and caught everyone’s attention.
“Hearts on fire,
We’re no liars,
So we say what we want to say.
I’m awakened,
No more fakin’
So we push all our fears away,”
You felt yourself getting more excited as it came closer to your cue. You hadn’t played for this many people since you died, and even though you were a little nervous, you were filled with a need to perform again.
“Don’t know if I’ll make it cause I’m falling down under,
Close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder,
I wanna fly, come alive,
Watch me shine!”
You all appeared on the stage and if people weren’t paying attention before, they definitely were now. You heard shocked gasps over the music and smiled, grabbing your mic and joining in on the chorus.
“I got a spark in me,
Hands up if you can see,
And you’re a part of me,
Hands up if you’re with me,
Now till eternity,
Hands up if you believe,
Been so long and now
We’re finally free.”
You watched as Luke walked over to Alex’s drum set, playing along with Reggie as you and Julie made it to the front of the stage.
“We’re all bright now,
What a sight now,
Coming out like we’re fireworks,
Marching on proud,
Turn it up loud,
‘Cause now we know what we’re worth,”
Luke settled back behind his spot and smirked, his hair falling in his eyes as he shook his head to the beat. You kept your eyes on him as he played, and Luke winked at you in response. Even though you hadn’t done it in forever, your on-stage flirting game was like muscle memory.
Before you knew it, the bridge came and Luke abandoned his microphone to share yours. You took it off the stand and leaned towards him. Behind you, Julie dropped out and your and Luke’s voices filled the venue.
“I got a spark in me,” You sang and Luke echoed your words.
“And you’re a part of me,
A part of me,
Now till eternity,
Now till eternity,
Been so long and now we’re finally free!”
Just like every other time you sang with Luke, the air disappeared from your lungs and someone hit the pause button on the world. Luke’s eyes never left yours and your skin tingled under his intense stare. You lightly shoved his chest and winked back at him as he went back to his microphone.
The bright lights flashed as Julie’s high note rang out and the song ended. The crowd instantly erupted in cheers and almost everyone gave a standing ovation as you bowed and phased away, making another wave of gasps and cheers run through the crowd.
You landed next to the coffee bar on the far side of the room and instantly saw Teddy, who was leaning on the edge of the counter with a smirk on his face.
“What, you’re stalking me now?” You joked.
“It was a complete coincidence, Gorgeous.” Teddy came closer and nudged your shoulder. “But a great one. Why didn’t you tell me that you could sing like that?”
“Like you’d believe me If I did.” You said as you laughed, still a little breathless from the performance. You could feel your friend's eyes on your back and you turned around. Alex and Reggie were standing there awkwardly while Luke crossed his arms.
“Ah, the famous bandmates.” Teddy smirked. “You guys were great.”
“Thanks.” Luke smiled stiffly at him before turning to you and gesturing over where Julie was talking to her dad. “Sorry to interrupt, but (Y/n), we should really go check on Julie.”
You tried to ignore the way that he was already wanting to get back to Julie made your heart sink into your shoes but you nodded and turned back to Teddy with an apologetic smile. “Bye, Teddy.”
You turned to leave but Teddy’s hand came up to grip your wrist. “Hey, uh, come to the diner tomorrow. There’s something I want to tell you.”
“Something bad?” You asked and Teddy sighed. 
“I’ll tell you tomorrow. I promise.”
“Okay.” Despite the pit of worry in your stomach, for some reason, you trusted Teddy. “See you then.”
After you watched as Julie got steered out the doors by her dad, you phased into her room and waited for them to get back.
You couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. Sure, it was all of your idea to sneak her out, but you definitely encouraged her and now she was in trouble. As you waited, you looked around her room, admiring all the pictures and colors.
There were little paper butterflies hanging from the ceiling and you went to touch one, but then the door swung open and Julie came in.
She yelped but relaxed as soon as she realized it was you.
“I’m sorry.” You said. “I didn’t mean to scare you, or get you in trouble tonight.”
Julie shook her head. “Hey, it was my choice to sneak out. Besides, I’m not in trouble. I mean, I have to focus more on school and stuff but I’m staying in the band.”
“Thank god. I definitely couldn’t go back to a band of all boys.” You joked and Julie laughed before wiggling her eyebrows.
“Speaking of boys, don’t you have one to go give a birthday present to?”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay first.” You said.
“Thank you, (Y/n). But I’m good.” Julie smiled warmly. “Now go get your boy.”
“He’s not my boy.” You protested but Julie just rolled her eyes and threw a pillow through your torso. “Hey!”
Julie laughed as she picked up another pillow. “Get out of here or else I’ll do it again.”
“Okay, okay!” You giggled as you poofed away.
You landed in the middle of the studio and frowned when you realized that it was empty. You assumed that Alex was probably out looking for Willie and Reggie was probably with Ray or Carlos, but Luke was usually hanging around the studio this late.
“Hey.” A voice called out from behind you and you whipped around to find Luke leaning against the railing of the loft.
“Hi.” You cleared your throat. “You okay?”
Luke nodded and gestured to the empty air next to him, and with a flash, you poofed to his side. You could tell that he was still thinking about his parents from the way that his eyes lingered on the studio doors and the guilt you felt earlier returned in full-force. You wanted to say something, do something to make him smile.
“I got you something.” You said, trying to put on a bright smile as you crossed the loft and pulled the box from its hiding spot. “You probably don’t even remember this thing, but we did say we were gonna open it when we turned eighteen.”
Luke knitted his eyebrows in confusion but a look of realization flashed across his face when you handed it to him. Just like you were hoping for, he instantly brightened as he read the carvings on the top of the lid.
“Oh my god...” He said. “I can’t believe you dug this up.”
For some reason, you didn’t want to tell him that you really dug it up twenty five years ago back when you stopped being friends. It seemed almost too sentimental, and after finally getting Luke back, you didn’t want to scare him away again.
“All it took was an hour, and technically some property damage if you count my mom’s rose bushes.”
It wasn’t technically a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either.
Luke threw his head back as he laughed. “Oof, be thankful that you’re already dead or else she would’ve killed you.”
You snorted as you gestured from him to open the box. He carefully pulled the lid off and slid a little closer to you so you could both see inside. There were some random drawings and toys, but what caught your eye was a box of crayons in the corner.
“Wait,” You gasped as you picked them up. “Are these the crayons?”
“The ones that you stole from me on the first day of second grade?” Luke said, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth to keep from laughing. “Yeah.”
“Excuse you, they were mine to begin with.” You reminded him with a raised eyebrow.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Luke smirked.
You cleared your throat as you stepped away from the railing and faced Luke. 
“Hey, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for not listening to you about Bobby. I just got so caught in up in memories of how we all used to be and stuff that-”
“(Y/n), hey,” Luke chuckled lightly as he reached over and grabbed your hand, the gesture immediately stopping your ranting. “Don’t be sorry. You were right. I mean, I’ll always be bummed that our old music is gone, but a friend helped me realize that we should focus on the future.”
He gently squeezed your hand and you laughed. “This friend of yours sounds pretty smart.”
Luke hummed. “The smartest.”
You could feel his calloused fingers on the back of your hand and it felt so familiar and warm. For once, the silence between you wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward.
“Thank you, (Y/n).” Luke said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You took a deep breath before responding with a soft smile. “Happy birthday, Lu.”
September 1994
“Sweetie, your shift is over.” 
Cece said with a raised eyebrow as she watched you pour creamer and sugar packets into cups of coffee. 
“I know and I know that I shouldn’t be behind the counter when I’m not working.” You smiled up at her before placing the coffee pot into its holder, practically shaking with excitement. “But I have band news and the boys will be here any second.”
You put lids on the drinks and set them on the counter just as the bell on the door chimed and Alex and Luke strolled in, followed by Bobby and Reggie.
“Okay, what was so important that you had to wake me up and drag me down here?” Alex complained as soon as he saw you.
“It’s barely ten, Al. When did you turn eighty?” You teased as you handed him a paper cup of cocoa. Alex just grumbled at you under his breath as they all sat down in front of you. “I’m sorry for interrupting your beauty sleep, but this couldn’t wait.”
“We’re listening.” Reggie said as he grabbed his coffee.
“Okay, so you remember that guy who saw us play at the beach a little while ago?” You asked and they all nodded. “Well, I called him and it turns out that he owns a club downtown.”
“Wait.” Luke perked up and Bobby leaned forward in his chair. “A club club?”
You nodded. “And he wants us to play there every weekend next month.”
Alex choked on his cocoa. “The whole month?!”
You nodded again and there was a minute of stunned silence as they all exchanged looks. You smirked as you took a sip of your coffee. 
“Oh, and also, he knows the owner of the Orpheum. Apparently they used to go to college together or something. And he said that if we impress him next month, that he could maybe pull a few strings.”
There was another moment of silence before Bobby turned to you with a serious look on his face. “(Y/n), I could kiss you right now.”
“Gross.” You scrunched your nose and the rest of the boys laughed.
Luke, who had been bouncing in his seat a minute ago, suddenly looked serious as he jumped up and grabbed Bobby’s shoulder. “C’mon, Casanova. I’m starving.”
Bobby rolled his eyes but followed Luke over to the counter and started scanning the menu. Reggie whistled quietly, making you frown in confusion.
“What?” You asked.
“I think Lukey boy is a little jealous.” Reggie said and Alex hummed in agreement.
“What?” You asked. “He’s definitely not. But even if he was, it’s just Bobby. There’s nothing to be jealous about.”
“That doesn’t matter when you’re in love.” Reggie sang and you cleared your throat.
“I’m gonna give you three seconds, Reginald.” You warned and Reggie scoffed, but then got wide-eyed when you started counting.
“Uh-oh.” Alex snickered and Reggie scrambled to get up from his chair and run across the diner just as you got to three. You caught up with him in seconds and jumped on his back, making him sigh in defeat.
But before you could brag about winning, Reggie suddenly bolted towards Luke and Bobby with you still on his back. The action caused a surprised laugh to bubble out of you making Bobby look at the two of you in confusion.
“What did Reggie do now?” He asked.
“All I said was that (Y/n)’s in lo-” Reggie started but you quickly slapped your hand over his mouth.
“Nothing!” You said quickly.
Once everyone got their food, you all sat down and started scribbling ideas for the setlists. You could hardly focus with all the excitement coursing through your veins. Ever since the day you formed Sunset Curve, you dreamed of playing at the Orpheum with your best friends and you were finally almost there.
You looked across the table and smiled at Luke, knowing that he was thinking the same exact thing from the way he was beaming back at you. You just had to impress one club owner, and you could live out your dreams.
In Life, In Death Taglist: 
@ifilwtmfc @instabull @wanniiieeee @tenaciousperfectionunknown @charliegillespiewife @merceret @itismeasmolpotato @lilostif16 @dangerouslyclose @iainttakingshitfromnobody @givemebooksorgivemedeath​ @sunsetcurvedotmp3 @askgeoff @mayleenicole5676 @puppy11148 
JATP Taglist:
Let me know if you want to be added!
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taleofharrison · 3 years
Rockstars | Ashton Irwin
Summary: Ashton is going to meet Y/N’s dad for the first time
Warnings: Nikki Sixx is here.
Requested: yes by an anon
Word Count: 912
A/N: I went with NIkki because I follow him on insta and he seems like a pretty chill dude and because the request said mötley crüe and i like a couple of their songs anyways enjoy.
“Can you calm down Ashton?” you asked at your boyfriend who was now walking back and forth trying to find a good outfit “it’s just my little sister’s birthday.”
He just huffed throwing yet another pair of black skinny jeans to the bunch of clothing he had thrown on the floor. “Why did I buy so many of these?”
“It’s not going to be that big. Just my siblings, my stepmother and dad” you told him “you’ve even met a couple of my siblings. Nothing out of this world.”
“Yeah, but your dad is going to be there” Ashton replied, “your dad is the bassist of Mötley Crüe.”
“Yeah, Ash I know who my dad is” you joked “I’ve known him since I was born.”
“Not funny Y/N” Ashton whined “I’m meeting Nikki Sixx as his daughter’s boyfriend. I’m terrified.”
“You’re overreacting, he’s not as intimidating as you think he is” you assured him “this is just a family gathering everything will be fine.”
“I guess you’re right” he said finally feeling the air coming down to his lungs.
“Just promise me that if Tommy is there you won’t faint” his eyes opened wide “see you in the car don’t be late.”
You had offered to drive since Ashton was too nervous to take the wheel.
“For the tenth time” you sighed a little bit annoyed “Tommy is not coming today.”
“You sure?” he questioned again making you regret telling him that Tommy was going to be there.
“I’m sure. It was just a joke” you said as you parked the car in front of the house “you know that you might have to meet him at some point anyways.”
While the relationship was still in its beginning stages both of you knew this was something more serious and this would be Ashton’s first family event with you and first time meeting your dad so you could understand his nervousness, but it was getting a bit out of hand.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
As always, your stepmother Courtney welcomed you with a hug. The conversation your siblings were having inside was like indistinct noise for you and Ashton.
“You must be Ashton” she said once she let you go of her hug “nice to finally meet you.”
“It’s nice to be here too” he answered, “I brought this for Ruby.”
Courtney took the present giving a faint thank you to Ashton and put it with what the rest of the people had brought.
“Nikki is so excited to meet you” Courtney commented making the Aussie man froze the crazy idea of running away crossing his mind.
“So, you’re the guy my daughter won’t stop talking about” Nikki’s voice made Ashton froze again not really knowing what to say other than his name. He didn’t see that much intimidating especially because he was holding a two-year old on his hip.
“Ashton Irwin, sir.”
“Take Ruby outside play with her a little bit she misses you” Nikki said, and he took Ashton to the kitchen so they could speak.
“Ashton, my daughter tells me you’re in a band” Nikki spoke trying to get the conversation flowing since he could feel Ashton nerves.
“Yes, sir” he answered, “5 Seconds of Summer.”
“You don’t have to call me sir at the end of every sentence, son” Nikki chuckled “I get that you’re nervous but I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Sorry I just- I love Y/N. I don’t want to-”
“When did your band start?” he asked taking the conversation back to where it started.
“Almost 10 years” Ashton answered.
“And she told me you’re the drummer” Nikki continued “I guess you’d rather talk to Tommy.”
“I actually play a little bit of bass too” Ashton said gaining more confidence out of sudden “and guitar and piano.”
“I’d say I’m impressed” Nikki said “Y/N also told me you released an album on your own.”
“Yeah, I took the opportunity while quarantined” Ashton told him “it was my independent project a lot of stuff I wanted to say.”
“That’s good. You know sometimes you gotta work on your own shit, even though you got your best mates by your side. Any new plans for the band?”
“We just changed management and we’re working on the fifth album” Ashton said, “we still have to find a label but so far it’s great I feel like something good is coming.”
“I bet you’re going to find one soon.”
Ashton nodded feeling like all his anxiety finally faded away.
“Hey! you guys can come out” Courtney spoke gaining their attention “everything’s ready.”
“Yeah, we’ll be there in a sec” Nikki told her, and she left “I’ll tell you a secret Ash. You’re the first boyfriend my daughter wants me to actually like.”
“Yeah, so I guess that means something” Nikki shrugged “just don’t hurt and we’ll be on a good page.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Both men joined the rest of the family Ashton walking straight up to you kissing your cheek feeling content and confident with what happened.
“How did everything go?” though you wouldn’t admit it and act like it didn’t stress you, Ashton meeting your dad did make you a little bit nervous.
“You were right” he sighed hugging you from behind resting his chin on your head “I was overreacting.”
“See I told you” you laughed.
“I love you” he mumbled. The first time he said that.
“I love you too.”
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lesbianlotties · 3 years
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere - Sam/Deena - Fear Street (2021)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fear Street Trilogy (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Samantha "Sam" Fraser/Deena Johnson, Samantha "Sam" Fraser & Deena Johnson Characters: Deena Johnson, Samantha "Sam" Fraser (Fear Street) Additional Tags: Canon Related, Pre-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Canon Lesbian Relationship, Canon Lesbian Character, Getting Together, First Love, Best Friends, First Kiss, Idiots in Love, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff and Humor Words: 1645
There is a fine line between being two teenage best friends and being an old married couple... At least, that's the case with Sam and Deena.
or, Sam and Deena have been in a relationship forever and absolutely everyone knows... except for them.
It happens all the time.
Josh is the first one to notice, because Sam started sleeping over at their house a little too often, always staying in Deena’s room. In the mornings, Deena would stand by the open door, car keys in her hand and she would wear an expression of frustration and call out “Sam! Come on, we’re going to be late! Why do you take so long to get ready?”
Then Sam would walk out of the bathroom, all ready to go. She would place a kiss on Deena’s cheek, immediately soothing the other girl’s temper, and she’d reply, “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I have to make breakfast by myself because otherwise you’d poison us.” Deena would try to protest, but her smile gave her away.
Josh would look away from the scene and quietly follow them to the car, saying nothing about it.
At school, it was more of the same.
Heather approached Deena before class started and invited her to a party. Deena replied, “I’m not sure, I think Sam has a thing on Friday. But I always tell her she needs to relax more, you know? We’ll try to make it.”
The other girl blinked slowly, considered inviting them to her aunt’s babyshower instead, something more their style, but decided to drop the subject.
It happened to Sam too, but she never thought twice about it. Other students would approach her in the hallways and tell her, “Hey, have you seen Deena?” “Hey, can you give this to Deena?” “Can you tell Deena band practice was canceled?” On one occasion even one of the teachers approached her to tell her, “You should get Deena to work a little harder on her assignments, I’m sure she would listen to you.” Never mind that she didn’t even share that many classes with Deena. People made assumptions, she just… didn’t know, apparently.
When they were going out with their friends it was more of the same story.
They were all in line to buy movie tickets, Deena started frantically checking her pockets. “Sam, have you seen my wallet?” She wondered distractedly.
In response, Sam silently opened her bag and pulled out Deena’s wallet for her, which she had previously agreed to carry in her bag. It was something that happened very often. Kate and Simon exchanged a knowing look every single time.
When Deena was driving, it was more obvious than ever.
“Did you get lost?” Sam asked her. “Did you get lost in your own hometown, Deena?”
“I swear they changed the signs!”
“It’s Shadyside Deena, our grandparents saw those old signs.”
“We’re not lost,” Deena insisted.
“Pull over,” Sam instructed her, “We have to ask for directions.”
“Are you crazy? I know where I’m going!”
Then they would turn the car around when they caught sight of the Sunnyvale sign, with Kate and Simon sitting in the back of the car laughing the entire time.
Even when nobody was watching, Sam and Deena’s dynamic was unchanged.
Before going out for a party, Sam arrived earlier to Deena’s house. “We’re going to miss that show I like on History Channel,” Sam complained.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Deena kissed her cheek and added, “But what do I wear?” Silently, Sam picked a good outfit for Deena, who watched her with an easy smile on her face. “Hey, don’t forget your dentist appointment on Monday,” Deena said while getting dressed.
“Right,” Sam sighed, “That cavity is going to kill me. Did you see it?”
“Of course. It’s gross,” Deena replied without hesitation or judgment. “Do you think it’s going to rain today?”
“It’s not supposed to,” Sam shrugged, “But… you never know, there might be nine clouds today.”
Sam’s words immediately caused Deena to burst out laughing, and she couldn’t help but join in. None of their friends understood their million little inside jokes, and sometimes not even they could remember the origins of the joke, but they still laughed until they cried.
There were so many little things too. Sam asking Kate to take her shopping because she was having dinner with Deena’s dad. Deena knowing the answer to what is Sam’s blood type. Sam having a key to the Johnson’s house and occasionally being there even before her friends arrived. Then there were silly, stupid things. Deena being upset an entire morning after Sam didn’t laugh at one of her jokes. Sam burning Deena’s breakfast a little when she was mad at her. Kate and Simon having to intervene because Sam and Deena hadn’t spoken in a day because they had a disagreement about adopting a dog or a cat. That’s without even mentioning what they did in their free time. Josh wasn’t unfamiliar to seeing Sam planting flowers on their garden while Deena mowed the lawn. And Kate Simon didn’t let them live down the day they skipped a party because they had to “run errands.” 
Eventually, one more Valentine’s day arrived, and everyone was forcibly reminded that they were all still hormonal teenagers in their last year of high school. During lunch, Sam and Deena arrived, sat down on the same spots as always, never interchanging their seats, but occasionally exchanging their food, and greeted their friends.
“So, what are we going to do for Valentine’s Day,” Sam asked her friends.
Simon genuinely laughed at the question. “Oh, you know I love you, ladies, but I’m out,” he replied.
“Boring,” Deena said. She threw a balled up napkin at him and turned toward Kate. “What about you? Or are you going to ditch us too?”
“Uh, no, thank you,” Kate grinned, “Not in the mood to third wheel this year.”
Sam and Deena frowned a little, but decided not to overthink it. “But we always do something together,” Sam complained. She pouted a litte, Deena looked at her adoringly, and the other two rolled their eyes. The usual.
“Yeah, but that was before the two of you started dating,” Simon pointed out. “How long has it been now?”
There was a long, tense silence. For the first time, Sam and Deena couldn’t look at each other. While Sam turned tomato red in the face, Deena gripped her fork with a little too much strength. “What?” she scoffed. “We’re not… I mean, we… we’re not dating,” she said, stuttering uncharacteristically the entire time.
“Come on,” Kate rolled her eyes. “It’s been years, hasn’t it? Don’t bother hiding it from us. I’m almost offended right now.”
Sam took a deep breath, and straightened a little, she was visibly freaking out a little. “Guys, it’s true we are not… uh, you know… we aren’t… not like that,” she whispered.
Simon laughed again. “Oh really? So you guys act like an old married couple just for fun?” Kate laughed along with him, and they barely noticed when Deena took Sam’s hand and practically dragged her out of the cafeteria, dropping her hand along the way because somehow it didn’t feel like the most natural thing in the world anymore.
Finally, the two girls made it to the girls bathroom and started pacing along the small space.
“Oh my God, oh my God,” Sam repeated again and again. “How? Why? Since when? Us?”
“Did you know about this?” Deena asked her. “Did they ever tell you something?”
“Yes, Deena, of course they did, I just wanted to embarrass you this entire time,” Sam replied and crossed her arms.
“Okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Deena rolled her eyes.
For a moment, they just stood still and quiet. But when they finally looked at each other, their laughter just exploded. The situation was entirely too funny not to laugh about it together. Instinctively, they drifted closer, Sam placed a hand on Deena’s shoulder and they shook with laughter for another minute until they calmed down.
“Oh my God, were we seriously arguing about this?” Deena asked. She noticed Sam’s eyes had watered with all their laughter, so she reached out to delicately wipe a small tear away. She kept her hand on Sam’s cheek.
“Apparently,” Sam sighed. Despite her initial panic, once she found herself alone with Deena again, she was at home.
In contrast, Deena was feeling her heart beating a little faster than usual. “Are we an old married couple?” She asked Sam with a playful smile.
Sam hesitated. Something in her eyes had changed, and Deena was acutely aware of it. “Well, we aren’t old and married,” Sam replied slowly.
“Are we a couple?” Deena asked her, she was noticeably breathless, but Sam heard her perfectly.
“I don’t know,” Sam replied honestly. She was leaning her head to the side a little, making the most of the contact they were sharing.
Deena nodded. Her thumb was instinctively caressing Sam’s cheek. She took a step closer to the other girl. “Is that something you would like?” Deena whispered.
“I mean,” Sam took a deep breath, “I like what we are right now…”
This was the moment. Everything could change. For better or for worse. But they trusted each other and they knew each other well enough to hope for the best. So, Sam licked her lips, looked down, and reached out with her fingers for Deena’s belt loops. Then she tugged her a little closer and looked back up at Deena.
“Don’t you ever… think about… kissing me?”
Deen felt her heart skip a beat, and all the air leave her lungs. She moved even closer to Sam, their bodies colliding in a completely new way. She moved her other hand to gently hold Sam’s face between her hands. “All the time,” she finally replied in a whisper before leaning forward and finally kissing Sam.
Kate entered the bathroom twenty minutes later, and found Sam and Deena making out against one of the sinks. Nobody ever believed they hadn’t been dating already.
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totomoshi · 3 years
Everybody Talks
Pairing: Why Don’t We x best friend!reader, Daniel Seavey x reader
Warning: Mentions of depression and death!!
authors note: this idea has been in my head for a few months now and i was a bit hesitant but, here’s my very first attempt of fanfiction based on my ideas. hope you guys love it !
Today was most probably the most boring day in all of the boring days... at least that’s what you thought.
In all honesty, with everything that’s been happening in the world + life making you depressed, you just wanted to go and have fun. Even if sometimes you don’t want to get out of bed and just stay in the comforts of your trusted blanket.
Alas, you know you’ll have to get out for food and water so here you are: lying on the couch for the past 10 minutes, figuring what to do to conquer your boredom. You’d call the boys, but they’re probably at the studio right now, at least that's what Daniel told you anyway.
You've already contemplated on whether just to go for a walk in the park for the needed amount of fresh air, but that meant you’d have to go change and you’re already so comfortable in your worn-out tank top and baggy jeans.
It was another 10 minutes of thinking when suddenly someone knocked on the door of your apartment.
“Who is it?” you asked
“It’s us!! Open up!!”
Wait a minute...that’s Daniel’s voice! But he's supposed to be at the studio...how did he -?
Your thoughts were interrupted by another knock on the door
“Come on y/n!! These snacks and pizzas are heavy y’know?!” Zach whined
‘Is the whole band here??’ you wondered
You decided to find answers of your own and immediately opened the door to find that not 1, not 2 but all 5 members of the boy band outside your door with each member bringing a type of snack, boxes of pizza and... CDs?
“What are you all doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the studio???” you asked surprised and a bit confused, to be honest
“Well...I- I mean we kinda lied” Daniel chuckled with the usual mischievous glint in his bright blue eyes
You immediately blushed and smiled shyly. It was amazing how with just a glance, this man can turn you into a blushing mess.
“Look, I’m glad that you guys are having a moment and everything but can we come in? Because I wasn't kidding when I said that these snacks and pizza boxes were heavy” Zach whined. Both Daniel’s and I face turned crimson red to that.
“O-oh yeah! Sorry guys, please come in!!” I stuttered as the boys started to scatter around the apartment
“So the five of you still haven't answered my question, what are you doing here??” I questioned
“We heard you weren’t feeling well, that's why we decided to come and check up on you” Jonah spoke up
“It’s okay guys, I can handle it. I’m used to handling this on my own, it will pass. Trust me.” I reassured
“We know, but nobody should be dealing with these types of things alone. We all understand how you feel so trust me when I say for all of us, that we’re here for you. You’re not going through this alone, you have us.” Daniel reassured while looking at me with his soft eyes that radiated a blue so bright that it could give the sea a run for its money.
If you were being honest, you weren't always like this. Usually, you could hold it all in but with your grandfather’s death anniversary coming up and all of your schoolwork increasing, you felt like you were gonna burst. Also, the fact that the boys were all here wasn't making the entire ‘holding it in’ plan promising.
After hearing Daniel's reassurance, you decided to just let it all out and that's how you became a sobbing mess in his arms.
“I-i just couldn't deal with everything you know? With grandpa’s anniversary coming up it's making it a hell lot difficult to be okay. Usually, I could hold it in but I just miss him so much” you sobbed into his hoodie
“Hey there, it's okay. You don't have to hold it in anymore. You have us, remember? We’ll always be here for you” Jack cooed
At this point, you don't even know if it was even possible to die from their purity and love for you.
“Y-you guys are the best. I love you guys so so much” you mumbled while reaching out to form a group hug
“We love you too y/n,” they said
“Yeah, some more than others” Corbyn mumbled which was immediately met with 4 other glares
“Uh, nothing!! Nothing at all!” he replied nervously
You just shrugged it off thinking it was some sort of an inside joke between them
“So, what else did you all decided to grace me with? Besides your presence of course,” you asked teasingly
“Well, we knew how much you loved it when I did a cover of Everybody Talks on my Instagram live. So we decided to do the full cover of it, right here just for you” Daniel explained
Excited couldn't even begin to fully explain how you felt during this exact moment. Just to summarise it, your feelings were all over the place. Touched; because you didn't think he listened to your random rants especially the ones about him. Excited; who wouldn't be? You're about to hear your favourite boy band do a full cover of one of your favourite songs!! Then there were other feelings that you didn't think there would be enough words in the English language to describe it.
“Zach! Would you kindly do the honours?” Jonah asked
“It would be my pleasure” Zach jokingly said in a fake posh voice
He then went to your stereo and inserted the Everybody Talks cd. The minute the music started to play, you sat excitedly on the couch as the boys started to sing
Hey baby, won't you look my way?
I can be your new addiction
Hey baby, what you gotta say?
All you're giving me is fiction
I’m a sorry sucker and this happens all the time
I found out that everybody talks,
Everybody talks, everybody talks
You were honestly surprised because the minute Jonah started to sing, he pulled you up from the couch to dance with him to match the energetic beat of the song.
It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mama’s always gotta backtrack
When everybody talks back
Then, you were suddenly whisked into Daniel’s arms which in all honesty you didn’t mind one bit. As he sang the chorus, he looked into your eyes with his signature smile. Even though there were 4 other people in the room, it felt like both of you were the only two people there.
Hey honey, you could be my drug
You could be my new prescription
Too much could be an overdose
All this trash talk make me itchin’
Oh my, my shit
Everybody talks, everybody talks
Everybody talks, too much
When it was Corbyn’s turn, him being Corbyn, he danced goofily around you which made you giggled and you decided to join him and be goofy too.
It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mama’s always gotta backtrack
When everybody talks back
You didn’t know whether it was your feelings for him or the fact that he was also your best friend, but you couldn't take your eyes off him. It was as if he was an angel that God sent you, he was just so perfect. But watching him dedicating the lyrics to you right now, you knew that whatever hell you go through, at the end of the day he’ll always be there to save you.
Never thought I’d live
To see the day
When everybody’s words got in the way
You knew that when it reached Jack’s part, he would back hug you and he did. It was something you two always did as you both were always affectionate with each other.
When the guitar riff started playing, the six of you started to dance like crazy. It was the exact thing you needed, just having fun with your 5 best friends.
Hey sugar, show me all your love
All you’re giving me is friction
Hey sugar, what you gotta say?
You knew exactly what to do when it was Zach’s turn. The minute he started singing, you climbed on his back which made him stumbled a little. He danced and spun with you on him which made you laugh like crazy.
It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat
Take me to your love shack
Mama's always gotta backtrack
When everybody talks back
The minute it was Daniel's turn again, he whisked you in his arms and started to twirl you which you didn't even know he could do. That boy’s always full of surprises.
All of you
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks
Everybody talks, back
Seeing you dance like that was something Daniel hadn't seen in a while. He was glad that you were smiling because of something he and the boys planned. He would give the world just to make sure you’d never lose your smile. It was 2 years into your friendship when he realised he was hopelessly in love with you. He knew he can't do anything that will risk the friendship that you two have. But seeing you having fun with his 4 best friends made him threw every doubt he had out the window.
‘Oh fuck it’ he thought
It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
Just as Corbyn sang the second line, Daniel went up to you and planted his lips on yours. You? You were surprised. How could you not? The boy of your dreams is kissing you right now!! It took a few seconds but you gladly returned the kiss which made him smiled into the kiss.
After a few more seconds, the both of you pulled apart with huge smiles on your faces.
“I’ve been wanting to do that” Daniel mumbled
“Me too” you grinned
“Nailed it!!” the rest of the boys shouted which made the two of you laughed.
Who knew that dancing to your favourite song could lead you and your best friend to confess your feelings to each other?
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mendesbhraanth · 4 years
Hi beautiful sending you love mwah 😘😘 just wanted to know if you can write something were you hear Shawn talk badly about you so you distance yourself. Please.
Thank you so much for requesting!! 😘😘
Pairing : Shawn x y/n
Warnings : language and angst
Word count : 2.8 k
The first thing you heard when you opened the door to Shawn's condo was basically loud laughter of people including your boyfriend's. You just came back from work, a bit earlier than usual because shawn had been complaining about how he doesn't get to spend time with you because work has been crazy for you and you had a lot of files to finish and you were hella tired of your boss being a complete asshole, who never lets anyone stay home and he was no different to you. Anyways you were not at all aware of the fact that he had guests over.
The sound was coming from the living area of Shawn's penthouse apartment and apart from Shawn's, you recognised the laughter as Brian's, and Connor's. A small smile creeped on your face. You absolutely adored Shawn's friends so you walked towards the living to say 'hi' to them.
You were close enough to hear what they were talking about when your legs came to halt at the mention of you name.
"So how's life with y/n? Tour's over....You're free and now that y/n is staying with you, you must have a lot of cheesy things to say" Connor said whilst laughing.
"Oh yeah I actually do but not right now because why the hell would you mention my so called clingy girlfriend?" Shawn said and Brian laughed so loudly at that but your heart stopped.
"What??! What are you saying?!?" Connor said because shawn has been the most "I'm obsessed with my girlfriend and she is my goddess!!" Type of guy he had ever met.
"I said y/n is extremely clingy and annoying and I don't have anything good to say about her right now so please stop talking about that hoe!!" Shawn said and started laughing like crazy with Brian. Both of their laughs clouding your mind. You just stood there not able to comprehend anything.
You turned around silently, grabbed your keys and left the apartment in the same clothes you came in.
You got in your car and started driving slowly. You were now driving to nowhere for about 30 mins.
The moment you processed the words shawn said you slammed the break and your head came down on the stearing wheel with a plasticy bang.. must have been painfull.. ow poor y/n.
Did he really say that?!? Does he think I'm an annoying clingy hoe?!? Hell! "HE" was the one who wanted me to stay home and spend time with 'HIM'!! And I'm clingy?!? Is this the guy you've been in love with for what? Like 3 years?!! How could he call you a hoe!?! Why would any boyfriend disrespect his girlfriend like that??!? This is the worst day ever!!
All these thoughts were knocked out from your mind by a loud honking sound. You were basically in the middle of a road and by now, there were tons of cars parked behind you. Wow! You just created a big traffic block in the middle of Toronto city. Go you!! *Claps of sarcasm*
You quickly turned around and took another route to make your way back to Shawn's apartment like nothing happened. Haha asshole! but sometimes you gotta act like you weren't the cause of a huge ass traffic block..
You didn't know exactly why you were going back. To lay it onto him?? To get your things?? I don't know but you got home with slouched shoulders and an emotion less face.
You were about to reach and open the door when Shawn opened the door and a bright smile appeared on his face on seeing you which almost made you forget about the things he just said. Eh but not really.
"Baby!!!! I missed you so much today!!" He said and went in for a hug and you hugged him back it was as if someone was clawing at your heart.
"I'm just gonna walk these guys out and I'll be back in a second okay? You get freshened by then" He said sweetly but right now his words seemed anything but sweet!
How dare he say that to them and then act like nothing happened?? That too infront of them?!?! Which speaking of-!
"Hey y/n!!!" Connor and Brian said at the same time and both hugged you and you silently hugged them back, with a fake smile that could basically convince anyone but not Shawn.
"You guys go ahead I'll come in a sec" he said and turned to you.
"Okay then Bye y/n" they both bid their goodbyes and made their way to the lift.
"Hey what happened baby? Any problem with your boss??" Shawn asked tilting your chin up to look you in the eyes.There was evident hurt in them.
You were debating to weather tell him or push him away but you didn't choose any of that.
"Yeah..had a bad day at work"
"Aww baby you go inside and sit down okay! I'll be back after properly saying goodbye to the guys and you can tell me all about your day. Alright?" He asked sweetly but it sounded like straight up sarcasm to you but you chose not to call him out right now.
He gave you a short peck and there he goes ....'probably gonna talk more shit about me' you thought to your self which and it made you feel like your heart was stabbing itself.
You went inside and sat yourself on the couch. The same couch where the love of your life talked shit about you being a clingy hoe. (Sorry I'm just over dramatic 😅)
About 5 mins later shawn came in and sat by your side.
"What happened baby?? What did your crazy boss do this time?" He asked while taking your hand in his and slowly stroking the back of your hand with his other hand but you didnt move.
"Nothing..just the usual..I have...work...just...I-!...I'm going to take a shower" you said. A slight frown appeared on Shawn's face. But he understood....some days you were like this when work really stressed you out.
'Maybe she doesn't wanna talk about it' he thought.
"Okay baby" he said and you stood up from the couch and before you walked 4 steps shawn caught your hand and pulled you into him.
He craddled your face in his warm huge palms that always made you melt like it wasn't even a big deal at all and kissed your lips sweetly.
You kissed him back but pulled away quicker that shawn would have liked which caused a small pout on his perfectly soft pink lips and all you wanted to do was kiss it away so that's what you did but quickly reminding yourself that he thinks your a clingy hoe and pulling away again.
"Let me kiss my girl properly first" he said smiling at you and you'd be lying if you said it doesn't do things to you even if your upset with him. How could he do this?!? One time he's saying he hates you and now he's all over you as if he really is?!?
"I'm tired shawn I wanna take a shower" you said while planting the same fake smile on your face. He frowned at you and them pulled you into a hug and you only dropped your hands low...not embracing the hug.
"Want me to join?' he asked playfully smirking at you and it literally made you feel all sorts of way but you knew it was all an act and he just.. thought you were a hoe.
"No I'm really tired shawn" you said now turning around and walking to the bathroom with tears forming real quick in your eyes.
"Okay... baby I'll start preparing dinner then" he said and you didn't fail to pick up the hurt in his voice. But why??? He doesn't care at all!! What a great ass actor?!? Your seriously doubting if you dreamed all that. But nah...its real..he hurt you.
You took a long ass shower washing yourself and feeling all your emotions get warmed up by the warm water and you just...started crying. You cried silenty under the shower where one couldn't distinguish tears from water. Maybe you were clingy. But that's only because you love him but why would he call you a HOE!?! Why?? Why would he disrespect you like that?? After 3 years of relationship, was your love for him making you look like a hoe??
After you got out of the shower, usually you would've just put on one of Shawn's hoodies and then go chill on the couch but today you just.. couldn't bring yourself to wear his clothes. So you put on one of your band t-shirts and some shorts and walked to the kitchen where Shawn had already prepared and put out dinner on the table and was waiting for your company.
He came to you with a toothless smile on his face which quickly dropped by half when he noticed you weren't wearing one of his clothes..but he didn't let it bother him that much or let's say... tried to act like it didn't bother him as much as it did. You still noticed it though..and it gave you a weird feeling.
He hugged you which again you didn't return.
"You smell so good!" He said pulling away from the hug and you gave him your half assed fake smile AGAIN.
Shawn was fully aware that something was wrong but he thought you'd tell him while having dinner.
He led you to the table and pulled the chair out for you like he always did and you both sat down to have dinner.
Awkwardness was all around the table.
You did not talk at all and even though shawn tried his best and asked you stuff to get you to talk about what's wrong or let's say..make it less awkward, all your replies were just..yes, no and silence.
After dinner you washed your plate and mumbled a goodnight that didn't feel like it was to ANYONE and went to sleep.
It went like this for a few days.. you being extra awkward to Shawn and purposely avoiding him and distancing yourself from him and being really down. He was really sad and hurt and frustrated because he would ask you whats the matter and you would either tell him "nothing" or just shrug your shoulders. You didn't even look him in the eyes anymore. Shawn was really really confused and even more worried.
Well how could you talk to him?!? After all he called you clingy and annoying which means he doesn't want you around and also he called you a hoe.
One day Shawn came back from the studio and saw you reading a book on the couch. A small smile creeped on his face knowing that you were reading some sort of romance novel.
"What are you doing?" He asked while coming and sitting next to you.
You were pretty lost in the book so you did not see him coming in.
"Oh just a stupid book haha... I have to get back to work now.." you said and got up to leave only to walk two steps and stop at the mention of your name.
"Y/n" you turned around to see Shawn now standing up from the couch with a very hurt look on his face.
"I don't know why but I noticed that you've been purposefully avoiding me for a few days..why are you doing that?? What did I do??please talk to me.." He asked now looking straight into your eyes and you could see right in his eyes that he was hurt.
"What? I don't know what your talking abou..-!" You were cut of by Shawn showing his palm infront of your face.
"Y/n stop...you know what you've been doing.....Is it me?? Did I do anything wrong?? Please talk to me.....you can always talk to me you know" he said now reaching for your hand but the moment his hand touched you you shook it away and backed off like he attacked you or something.
Shawn looked at you as if his heart just broke.
"No shawn..you should've thought about that before calling me a clingy, annoying hoe" you said for once and stormed in your bedroom slamming the door shut.
Shawn followed right behind you and got the door shut right on his face.
"What are you talking about-!? I- I-..! Dont understand! I never called you any of that!" Shawn said now leaning on the door.
"Stop fucking lying shawn I heard you talking with connor and Brian that day and you called me all those things!!" You barked from the other side of the door.
"Shit! Baby I can explain! Please open the door for me! I swear I didn't mean for you to hear it!" He said now banging on the door.
"Of course you didn't! And Explain what?!? That I'm being delusional and maybe even say some half assed lies?? How did I ever believe that you love me?!? Maybe I am clingy...But you called me a hoe!!"
"No baby please listen! I know it would've sounded so very wrong but just wasn't being serious! We were just joking around and I said that" he tried to explain and it did not even harm a hair of your anger.
"Haha what are you saying shawn?! That would never convince anyone! Try harder with your lies and leave me the fuck alone!" You said.
"Baby please believe me.. you are the most gorgeous and amazing women I've ever met and I could never ever say such things about you! I love you! Please believe me!" He said with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"I wish I could believe you shawn..but I actually heard this with my own ears.." you said.. now wiping your own tears.
"Please open the door for me I will explain it all please just...hear me out!" He said now bringing his hands to his face to catch the spilling tears.
You opened the door to him kneeling on the floor. You sat next to him resting your back on the wall.
After a few seconds he came and sat next to you..... Both of you staring at whatever that was ahead of you.
"Explain" you said.
Shawn wiped his tears and started talking.
"So...that day..you went to work and connor and brian came over and we were chatting on the couch and you know how connor loves you and me together like he ships us so hard haha so me and Brian were just pranking him and joking around so I just said I don't like you to prank connor....it sounds so fake...I know but that's the truth..I should've never said that..even if it was a joke I'm so sorry baby. You can even call Brian or Connor right now and ask them if you don't believe me " he said
By now you felt almost dizzy..you're so dumb!! 😬..you were making such a huge ass deal about this. OMG you're so stupid!! Wtf?? How could you be so stupid?? Like..all of this would've never happen if you just opened your mouth and talked to your boyfriend!!!!
"I..-! I'm sorry" you said, looking at Shawn who was already looking at you.
"I'm so so sorry baby I thought you didn't love me anymore I mean..I know I'm not that good looking and you could basically have any girl you wanted and I just-! I'm so sorry!! Ya know I always am terrified that one day I'll wake up and you don't love me anymore and I just-.... I should've just talked to you about this. Shit! I'm so stupid this is all my fault!!" You were full on crying right now and shawn just pulled you to his chest while you cried.
"Hey Don't say that!! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on and I can't even imagine living a life where you hate me and it's okay bubba I mean..if I was you this is exactly how I would've acted but from now on ..please talk to me if I did something that upsets you....I hate it when we cry" shawn said cracking a small smile.
"I'm sorry again" you said pouting your lips only for shawn to grab your face and kiss your frown away replacing it with a genuine smile, Something that has been lacking from your face for the past few days.
"It's alright now do you wanna make dinner or get Mc Donalds??"
You smiled at your sweet boy. He already knew the answer.
"Mc Donalds it is!"
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monsterfuneral · 4 years
the summer of 1988 | the lost boys
Relationship: Poly!The Lost Boys x Fem!Reader
Summary: Revenge is a dark and dangerous road to go down, especially when the people you seek revenge against are all vampires. 
Words: 4.5k
Warnings/Tags: Kidnapping, surf nazis, child endangerment but no child injury, brief descriptions of torture and injury from torture, blood, weapons, just general violence tbh, angst, swearing, Star says fuck, fluff/comfort at the end
Author’s Note: This took way to long to actually finish but I’m happy that it’s finally here. This is something I’ve been working on since late November/early December thanks to writers block so hopefully it actually turned out okay
(please read my “I do NOT write” section before sending in anything <3)
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The boardwalk was probably the most quiet you had seen in weeks. There were no exciting shows being hosted on the beach or any new rides to visit, and it being a Monday close to closing hours made it so the boardwalk was a lot less crowded than usual. The only people that you had seen tonight were groups of teenagers that left early on in the night, not risking being caught by their unknowing parents as they broke curfew with their friends. By default though it made business in the record shop sluggish, giving you the opportunity to organize the records that were going to be put on the shelves in the morning. 
You had just sat back down on the stool behind the counter when the bell above the door rang. Your boyfriends and their smallest companion came walking through one by one. Paul was the first to greet you with a flirtatious smile as he leaned over the counter to ask you what you’d suggest he buy. 
You playfully rolled your eyes and said “Yeah, like you have the money.” making Marko and David Chuckle from where they stood behind the other blonde. 
The boys left Laddie in your care while they went off to feed, obviously not wanting to take the young human with them to witness their brutal feeding routine. So you put on a record that Laddie had come to love thanks to Paul, and turned the volume up a little louder than it usually would be during work hours. He sat on your stool swinging his legs back and forth while bopping his head along to the hypnotic guitar solo of ‘Don’t Fear The Reaper’. He watched you go through the bins and organize any of the records that had been misplaced throughout the day. Waiting for you to finally clap your hands softly announce that you both were finally free to go. Laddie smiled up at you after you ruffled a hand through his hair and shrugged his overnight bag onto your shoulder. 
The two of you were having a casual conversation about a new comic he had gotten from Sam when a guy approached you. He was an unpleasantly familiar face, a member of the surf Nazi’s that took a liking to coming into the record shop and bothering you on occasion with pathetic attempts at flirting. It was no surprise he singled in on you and started walking up to you with a confident swagger that he certainly would not have if the boys were standing behind you. He was as unpleasant as ever, complimenting your outfit that consisted of an old leather jacket that used to belong to David, ripped jeans, and an old band shirt that had a rip at the collar. You looked at him tiredly and attempted to weave your way out of the conversation but he simply would not budge. Laddie clutched the back of your jacket anxiously, waiting for the intimidating man to finally move on. You had to suppress the eyeroll that threatened to come forth when he started talking about how ‘killer’ the waves were today, his smile big as he gestured out towards the sparkling ocean.
“Listen man,” You started, looking back up at the surf Nazi- Derek you think he said his name was- grabbing Laddie’s hand and gently pushing him further behind you protectively “I really gotta go okay? My friends are waiting for me at the entrance and will totally come looking for me if I don’t go.” You hoped he didn’t call you out on your bullshit. You just wanted to go home and change into something more comfortable and give Laddie some actual food to eat that wasn’t boardwalk cotton candy. 
Just like always when he would come around, you got a disgusting gnawing feeling in your stomach, a feeling that told you to run, run, get the fuck out of there. This time though it felt like it had been cranked up to ten. You anxiously glanced around at the other shops. The walkway you were practically cornered in was entirely empty thanks to the boardwalk getting ready to close down for the night. Laddie reached to tug on your hand silently making you look down. 
Your other hand inched closer and closer to your jacket pocket, where you had a switchblade tucked into just in case something like this were to ever happen. The inevitable moment where you’d have to protect yourself and Laddie from any oncoming danger. The rising tension between your boyfriends and the surf Nazis didn’t exactly help either, not that you could blame them.
“Oh come on babe stay a little longer. Me and my buddies were actually about to go get something to eat, you should join us!” He insisted, his attempt at a sweet smile only seeming more and more sinister the longer you stuck around. 
You frowned and raised a brow before shaking your head “No man, I really do gotta go. I’ve had a long day and I’d really just like to leave, and like I said my friends are waiting for me.” 
He raised his hands up in surrender, his smile not faltering “Hey no problemo. Maybe next time right, honey?” You had to suppress the disgusted shudder at the pet name. He stepped aside with his hands behind his back and let the two of you go, you sighed and brought Laddie closer to your side, continuing your journey to the parking lot a little faster this time. 
Once at your car you unlocked it and opened the back door, dropping the Laddie’s overnight bag onto the messy back seat and shutting the door, the sound echoing through the mostly empty parking lot. 
You heard feet shuffling behind you but brushed it off, assuming it was just Laddie walking to the other side of your car. Until you felt a hand clap down on your shoulder and slam you against the drivers side door. Your cheek was pressed against the cold metal of your car and you shivered when you felt a puff of warm air on your skin. 
“I thought you said your friends were waiting for you?” A harsh voice whispered against the shell of your ear. His body kept you pinned to your car leaving you with very little wiggle room, but you were able to dig through your pocket and fish out your knife, clicking it open and blindly stabbing behind you. His hand came around to try and grab your arm but you were able to knick him in the process, the sharp blade slicing across the top of his hand and then through the skin of his forearm making him yelp in surprise, hissing as he clutched the wounds that now had blood bubbling to the surface.
“You bitch!” He growled, his now bloodied hand burying itself in your hair, pulling your head back and slamming your forehead harshly against your car door, your head gave an instant throb at the assault and black spots dotted your vision. You felt your knees hit the asphalt below, not even realizing you were falling by the time your head was resting on the ground. All you could make out in the haze of your blackening vision was Laddie’s beaten up shoes frantically running to your side of the car, towards the danger. You felt your heart pick up and you wanted to yell at him to stay put but no words came out, a pathetic squeak coming from your parted lips instead. You could hear the faint echo of his voice yelling at you to get up. Your eyes were starting to slip closed. All sound started to fade, the only thing left being a loud never ending ringing as your body felt colder and colder before everything went silent.
The smell of blood was thick in the air, dark red staining the sandy shore beneath their feet being the remaining evidence of what had happened just fifteen minutes prior. David flicks the remains of his cigarette into the flames and walks himself over to the water, attempting to clean off the drying blood before it cakes itself in his beard. He took his gloves off and stuffed them into his coat pocket so he could wet his hands and wash the blood from his face. 
“We’re all ready to go.” Dwayne said from behind him, his voice as level and soothing as always, even after feeding. His leather jacket was zipped up, not bothering to clean himself off beyond his face. Unlike Paul and Marko who had taken to splashing each other while attempting to clean the blood from their own faces.
Something was off about tonight, he couldn't place what or how, it was just something. A feeling that’s been gnawing at his senses since he stepped into the record shop to drop Laddie off with you. At first it was barely there, like an itch he couldn’t scratch, but as the night dragged on it was getting harder to ignore. 
David stood from his crouched position and pulled his gloves back over his fingers “Everything’s good?” He asked, not turning away from the water just yet. 
“Whatever’s left will be picked up by the rain that’s rolling in later tonight.” Dwayne answered, staring out at the water with his friend and tilting his head back to look at the moon. It was almost completely full, beaming down on the group as the stars around it sparkled. He side-eyed David, seeing how stiff his body was, the occasional facial twitch as his brows threatened to draw together. They could all feel the shifting in the air, a thickening blanket of unease driving their senses crazy and the brunette could tell David was close to dropping the calm façade. 
“Let’s get out of here already then!” Paul called from where he was standing in the water, itching to finally get to your apartment. 
David gave one last sigh before taking one step backwards from the wave that barely grazed his shoe, finally tearing his eyes away from the water and coaxing himself out of his own head. Dwayne was already turning around and heading over to the line of bikes, trailing just behind the two blondes. With one last look at the fire, David set off with them too, his fingers already inching closer to his pack of cigarettes. 
You couldn’t even tell how long you had been tied to this chair, time lost in the pain that pulsed through your entire body. It was hard to focus on anything else other than the loud sound of rushing blood in your ears, almost deafening now that you were left to stew in your pain. Derek had gone off deeper into the warehouse, weaving around the almost endless racks of stolen clothes, beat up chairs that had the stuffing half hanging out of the bottom, a coffee table that had three different ashtrays sat atop it. Next to the ash trays was a picture that had a faded picture of his friends tucked behind the broken glass. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it, your mind still reeling at his revelation earlier in the night.
He had slapped down an all too recognizable horror comic, the very same one Sam showed you a few months after Max was killed. Derek’s copy was worn down from constant reading and had sticky notes protruding from the tops of the pages. He angrily told you how he had been out on a beer run one night and came back to the boys throwing his friend’s mauled bodies into the very same bonfire he had lit up not even two hours beforehand. How he was left with no answers until he found ‘Vampires Everywhere!’. 
Your whole body went rigid and cold, an acidic rock forming in your throat as you finally realized that he *knew*, he was all too aware of the boy’s undead status. Derek demanded you tell him the location of the coven’s hideout. When you wouldn’t budge he landed a blow on your jaw,  your cheek, hell even your stomach wasn’t safe from his violent outburst. You were shaking from the pain by the time he was done, his fingernails biting into the skin of your cheeks as he forced you to look into his eyes and he asked once again. 
“Where do those freaks hide out during the day?” 
To which you replied a choked and raspy “Fuck… You.” 
He was finally on his last nerve when he let out a strangled growl, pushing himself away from you, your face being forced to the side with his rough treatment, the force almost sending the old wooden chair you were tied in backwards. He stormed away, the thunk of his boots echoing loudly throughout the warehouse. Growing more and more distant until all you could hear was the radio that had so ironically been playing a Dead Kennedys song. 
You were sent into overdrive, scraping the ropes harshly against a nail that was poking out of the rickety wooden chair he had decided to strap you too. Your shoulders ached from the hours of having your hands tied behind your back, but a little more pain was worth the inevitable escape. So you worked faster, bringing the rope closer to the wood and the nail, your fingernails digging into your palms as the rope started to burn your bare wrists, having hiked up the sleeves to your jacket. 
Once you were finally up from the chair you ran over to the side table looking for something, anything you could use against Derek. You carefully moved the ashtrays and empty beer cans aside, fear gripping your throat so tight that you could hardly breathe. You let out a quiet frustrated sound as you came up short. There was nothing, no other tables, the whole room seemed to just be filled with useless junk, not a single weapon in sight.
You could hear the rope straining, sending your heart into your throat. The adrenaline coursing through you only escalated as you thought of Laddie and where he could possibly be in this place. You hadn’t seen him since being knocked out in the parking lot, but he had to be here. You could feel the rope tearing more and more until it finally gave one last loud snap, your burning wrists rubbed raw and red that ached to move. You grimaced as you urgently began untying the ropes around your ankles.
“Looking for this?”
You whipped around, Derek was standing at the entrance of the clothing rack maze, waving your own knife at you while holding Laddie against him with one arm secured over his chest. Laddie’s finger dug into Derek’s forearm, unable to push him away thanks to the loss of the strength he had as a half vampire. Derek tucked your knife in his back pocket and pulled Laddie closer to him. He shook his head and let out a long sigh, almost like you were a child that had misbehaved.
“I knew I should have tied you up with cords instead, too late now I guess.” He hit the side of his own head lightly with the palm of his hand, a smirk forming on his lips “How silly of me, right?”
You anxiously glanced back and forth from him and Laddie, the pit in your stomach was getting ready to swallow you whole at this point. Laddie looked at you fearfully, quietly muttering your name. You had to stop yourself from stepping closer out of instinct to comfort the child that you had grown so close to in the past year. 
“I thought I’d give you a little more motivation… you know to tell me where your buddies like to hang.” He shifted the wooden stake into his other hand and scratched the side of his head with the sharpened tip, almost as a way to taunt you with his carelessness “You know since you wouldn’t tell me when I was hurting you I just thought why not break out the big guns right?” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You yelled, lip trembling “He’s just a child! He’s not even a vampire! He has nothing to do with any of this!”
“Oh sure he does! If he’s what gets me my answers then he has everything to do with this.” Derek chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, seemingly indifferent to the situation “I mean I don’t *want* to kill a kid but come on, you’re not really giving me any other choice here baby.” 
The casual usage of the pet name made you want to gag. His eyes were staring you up and down hugging Laddie closer to his body and challenged you with an eye squint, as if saying *”come get him, I dare you.”* 
You watched Derek’s every move, wishing just this once that you *were* a vampire. He dropped the hand that held the wooden stake down to his side, an angrier expression morphing on his features as he steps just a little closer. He was red in the face and a vein was starting to protrude from his neck, the visible anger was a lot scarier now that Laddie was in his arms, a ticking time bomb ready to explode any second. 
“Well?” He asked, tone dark and steady, even with the anger that was so evident “What’ll it be sweet cheeks?” 
Before you could even think up an answer a loud echoing boom sounded throughout the warehouse, making the three of your freeze. One rack of clothes after another was knocked to the ground with a loud clang while the wind whistled in the distance. 
“It’ll be nothing, you fucking piece of shit.” Star growled out, pinning Derek to the concrete ground, the heel of her shoe digging harshly into the thin fabric of his muscle tank top. Her features were sharp and her yellow eyes were narrowed down at the much larger man. She didn’t even flinch when he tried to pry her leg off of him, sputtering under the pressure, unable to breathe. Her strength had definitely maximized since she transitioned to a full vampire with Michael, not so easily thrown around now that she had strength that almost rivaled David’s. So it was safe to say he was going nowhere unless she allowed him to. 
Dwayne and David were the first ones to get to you. Dwayne swept Laddie up into his arms while David examined your bruised features, “You’re gonna be okay.” He said softly, cupping under your chin gently, the leather of his gloves being a welcome coolness against your heated skin. 
“Get them out of here,” Dwayne said to Michael, who was crouched next to Derek.
You could practically see the steaming anger roll off of the curly haired brunette in waves, knowing that over the year of him being a vampire he too had grown close to Laddie and saw him like a little brother who he felt the need to protect. 
“Hope you guys are up for dessert.” David’s voice echoed throughout the warehouse unlike any of the other’s. He looked back at you, and just by how his eyes flashed yellow you knew Derek would probably be in pieces by the time the six of them were done with him. 
They were all livid, and while David and Dwayne were the best at hiding it, Paul was not. He was fuming, practically foaming at the mouth as Marko had to hold him back from pouncing on Derek too early. After all he had threatened the life of their mate, and not only that but a child that was formerly a part of their coven as well, he had crossed all of the lines. Usually in hypothetical situations you had thought of you would always think Marko would be the angriest. But given how protective and clingy Paul could be, how he would practically purr at the mere sight of you, it made sense why he was most visibly angry out of the four of your boyfriends. 
“Michael.” Dwayne said more firmly this time, finally setting Laddie back down onto his feet so he could nudge the other brunette a little too harshly with his foot. Michael glared up at him only for his features to soften when he looked at both you and Laddie. “Go” He didn’t have to say much else to convince Michael. 
“Come on, let’s get you guys the hell out of here.” Michael urged, hoisting Laddie up on his back while you trailed closely behind, carefully walking over the fallen clothing racks. 
The outside of the warehouse was no better than the inside. It was a junkyard of discarded furniture, cars, and who knows what else. Thankfully though it wasn’t cold or windy like it had been the past couple of nights. Instead the humidity was starting to set in, ready for the rain that was coming. Even with the sticky heat, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort now that you were outside, knowing that tonight could have had a much different outcome if the vampires had come any later. 
“I scoped the area out with Marko so there aren’t any other surfers around.” Michael reassured, probably sensing your growing fear of the possibilities. “We won’t be long okay? I promise.” Michael squeezed your shoulder gently before letting Laddie off of his back, “You two stay put.” 
It was nice seeing how much Michael had grown, how caring and protective he had become over the coven. While his relationship with the boys certainly had it’s rocky patches they eventually smoothed out. He was one of them and watching him fly back to the warehouse left you smiling for the first time since Derek had walked up to you on the boardwalk. 
You looked down at Laddie, grabbing his hands gently and sitting both of you down on the grass beneath your feet. He seemed to be fine physically, and you were sure if Michael had smelled blood on him he would have said something. 
Even then you still had to ask “He didn’t hurt you did he?” You gently moved some strands of soft hair from in front of his eyes, trying to get a better look at his face. 
“No… but he hurt you though.” He answered sadly, turning the topic back on you. 
You chuckled quietly, wincing at the pain that still radiated from your stomach “I’ll be fine. Nothing a little Neosporin won’t fix.” Laddie stuck his tongue out at the mere mention of the medical product. All too familiar with it after his countless mishaps falling off of Dwayne’s skateboard or down the cave stares after it rained. 
“Ouch.” He muttered, shaking his head before giggling quietly. You smiled at him, pushing his shoulder gently before ruffling his hair.
The cave felt so still. With the events that had happened tonight you weren’t very hopeful when it came to things being business as usual. It wasn’t still in a comfortable way either, it was a restless ‘who’s going to cave and ask the questions first’ suffocating stillness. David was sat smoking in his chair as per usual while the rest of the boys stared around or at you almost like they were waiting to see if you were going to fall apart. Which at this point you weren’t entirely sure if you would or not either. In a way you were surprised how quiet the boys were. No fight sparked, nobody demanded answers from you, just silence accompanied by comforting touches and loving kisses. Even Star and Michael stayed behind, planning on staying for the next few nights just in case. You knew they would be paranoid going back home and leaving Laddie behind, who refused to leave without you. 
Dwayne sat next to you, cleaning the dry blood from your face gently, while Paul clung to your other side remaining mindful of your other bodily injuries. Your hands still shook from the remaining adrenaline and your head was still pounding from the onslaught of abuse you had suffered while with Derek. He had been so insistent on getting to the boys, planning on going down any road he could just to avenge his friends. 
All in all the night had been a complete shitshow. But at least you and Laddie were safe, whether you actually felt so or not was up to you. Tonight had been enough to shake you up for a while, and you knew any other interactions with future surf Nazis would surely bring up some unwanted memories.
Paul squeezed your hand, bringing you closer to his body when Dwayne finally finished cleaning you up. All of the bloodied rags discarded to the side to be taken care of tomorrow.
“What d’you think of me and the boys spending the night in your room.” Paul asked quietly, his chin resting on your shoulder as he strategically caged you in between his legs and against his chest. “So no big bad vamp slayers can get to our girl.” He attempted to tease, but it only served to turn your stomach. 
It truly wasn’t something you had concerned yourself with, or thought anything of. Derek’s incessant visits to the record store had been short from unusual, if anything he was considered a regular right under the boy’s. But it wasn’t until tonight that you realized it was for a much deeper and sinister purpose, and it terrified you. He had talked in detail about how he had stalked you and your schedule for months, watching your every move on the boardwalk up until tonight. All of this just to get a shot at the boys, a shot he *knew* he would miss.
Plus you hated the idea of going to the boys over every little thing. You were a big girl who can handle her own business and you didn’t think it was something that concerned them. You didn’t want to rely on them for everything, that wasn’t something you ever wanted. If there was something you needed to take care of alone you were willing to do it, but with Derek’s extensive observation you had no chance of winning against him alone. 
“Hey…” Dwayne muttered, fingers brushing gently under your chin to lift your head up “This isn’t your fault. You know that right?” 
You nodded, not knowing how to respond verbally. His eyes were soft and understanding, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips before bringing your legs over his lap and scooting closer to both you and Paul. They didn’t want to leave you alone tonight, knowing you needed all the reassurance as possible right now. Especially with so much guilt weighing on your shoulders, you felt like you were seconds away from cracking. But the closer they got the less suffocated you felt. At this moment, you felt at home.
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danwylds · 4 years
Right okay I never actually got myself to write this fic so have my notes for the fic except I haven’t read through them since June when I wrote them and I refuse to edit anything
Right is bakery au but not
Neil either turned down the offer of exy for the foxes or for coach whatever the fuck his name was
He got caught earlier tho which is . Unfortunate
Stuart still comes in
Maybe I’ll have him move back to Britain for a while? To avoid the moriyamas n stuff
He NEVER misses a match of the ravens/foxes tho
Which leads to him seeing the frankly sickening interview of Kevin and riko
Neil is like yo Stuart let me start smth
Stuart is like Neil the only reason you’d go back to the states right now is if you did smth that you could hide and you can’t do that for shit
So Neil is like yk what I’m gonna find a way bc I’m not letting this kid go through this (Andrews quite into this idea when it’s shared)
So he says yo. Stuart. Uncle. Sir. Let me open a bakery or something in the states
Stuart is like no you fucking idiot
And Neil is like but c o n s i d e r
You can get info or smth
Just have another business in the states yk
AND I’d get out of your hair
And Stuart is like hm okay but you’ve gotta live in a complex I choose for you
And Neil is all only if I can choose where it’s gonna be
It’s a deal
He (very obviously) chooses a place near palmetto
Stuart is tired but is like he’ll be under protection n shit so I guess??? And he’s not stupid enough to start something right. Right.
It’s a bakery that starts out kinda slow
But Neil finds he likes baking and Stuart pays for his nephew to have some sort of normal life so it doesn’t matter too much
Renee starts to frequent it
At first it’s to pick up sweets for Andrew
But eventually she starts bringing Allison on dates there bc they have a cute little seating area (figure where Seth fits in? I think he’ll survive?)
Uhhh what’s a timeline
I think this’ll be around the winter holidays (Jewish neil? Look into it)
So thanksgiving will have happened . I think Andrew agreed to go Not bc he particularly wanted to but bc he cares for Nicky and knows he’ll probably go anyways
Yeah so thanksgiving. h
Andrew JUST got off his drugs and he’s so damn protective of his own that he hardly even leaves their sides
Edens is a def no for em
Meanwhile Neil is tentative friends w Renee who has brought all the upperclassmen there a few times
Allison bullies him for his clothing but it’s okay he deserves it
Renee is sweet and stops em from doing anything too drastic which Neil appreciates
Matt,, my baby,, he’s so happy he just asks Neil about random stuff
Dan is sweet too!!
Seth kinda hates him but Neil hasn’t paid enough attention to return the favor
One day close to the winter banquet the upperclassmen are like yeah Neil we’re gonna go to this thing and it should be really fun!! Oh you know what? Our teammate Nicky needs a date and his cousin doesn’t really like anyone from his class and he’s super fucking crazy abt it so if that doesn’t deter you then you should totally join !
Neil is like oh chance to fuck up Riko? Absolutely I’ll go
when he and Allison emerge from the girls room Aaron is like Who is that
And Allison is “oh nickys date (:”
Andrew gets twitchy and holds a knife to her throat
Renee is like Andrew I stg get away from my gf and Seth is like manic pixie nightmare fuel I’m gonna beat the shit outta you
And Neil is just like same shit every day I guess
And he’s like so you’re Nicky then? COMPLETELY IGNORING YK. ALL THAT
Andrew is like “he is. Don’t touch him”
And Neil straight up says I don’t think you get to set boundaries for people, actually
And Neil has no idea what the effect is of that on Andrew but it’s enough to make him glare
Which is terrifying to everyone but Neil bc again. Dumbass
Anyways Neil very purposely hooks his arm through nickys and they head off to the bus
Dunno what happens there but I’ll figure it out
It’s glorious
Kevin and riko are like who the FUCK are you
And Neil is all wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
They relocate and they’re all like . Ah. That’s why you and Renee get along
It’s kinda funny ngl
Andrew doesn’t think so but fuck him
I think that they head back to the bus when this shit I’d over and wymack is like excuse me what the fuck
And Aaron in german is like thank god he never joined the team bc I could not handle more of that
And Neil in German is like would you believe me I’d I told you I was almost signed
And Andrew is like I fucking Knew it I hate it here
N e ways things go back to normal for the most part
The upperclassmen still show up
Seth has a bit of grudging respect for him
It’s later that all the foxes are getting drunk from a lose that Renee calls him and is like Neil please can I usher them inside for a bit I think they need a place to chill so we don’t get yelled at for being too loud in the dorms
And Neil is like uhh sure why not
It turns out it was not just the upperclassmen
He gives them all water bottles and whatever and lets them lounge around
Gives em some food which they pay for w the coachs card
Uhhh idk time passes and some of the foxes pass out so neil is like y’all can chill in the break room? They have couches
He stays out there bc the bakery is still open
Andrew comes out like hey fuck you but also can I get more of those pastries
Idk I want them to be in love already
Uhh yeah I think they don’t say anything until
“what happened to your face”
“A truth for a truth?”
“If you must insist”
“Fine, my father tried to kill me”
Andrew raises his eyebrow but neils like bitch you said a truth for a truth it’s your turn now
Neil asks him why he wears arm bands
We get the whole knives and scars
They’re quiet again
I don’t know man let them be in love
Uhhh okay
I think Andrew will tell neil like
“That’s the code for the court, Kevin practices at night.”
Neil is like how would you know I’d enjoy playing exy? And andrew is like dipshit that’s how we met
I’m running out of ideas oh no
Maybe they play a couple of night game things
Exchange a few more truths
sick okay! They start dating but since Baltimore happened earlier they never actually come out to the rest of the team
I like to think when they play against the ravens again neils like haha babe you can have as many sweets as you want if you shut down the goal
Also Neil says it’s hot which is like a big thing to persuade Andrew but shhhhh
Yeah the foxes win they celebrate by getting drunk and they all show up at neils like hello again (:
Same thing happens but this time andrew and Neil are together and basically are doing nothing but making out
At least the store is closed
Nicky comes out and just YELLS
Allison wins SO much money
Yeah idk how to end this but happily ever after :3
If you want me to turn this into a fic I will!
222 notes · View notes
He Could Be the one
Reggie Imagine
This is the fourth time I’ve posted this. For some reason it won’t come up in the tags. If it doesn’t for you, let me know! hehe I did it y’all!!! I’ve been thinking about this all day and I just had to write out!! i change the lyrics “hes a cutie” to guitar cutie because when I was little i was convinced it was guitar cutie
Based of the amazing Hannah Montana song, He Could Be the One. The band finds a song in your book about a “guitar cutie” and the boys tease Luke. However, the band quickly forgets that there are three boys that play guitar in the band.
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You had a massive crush on Reggie. There was no denying it. At first you thought there was no way you could a thing for your bandmate. But the more you were with him, the more you found yourself falling for him. And it wasn’t just band practice, you guys were always together.  Sometimes you just needed to get away from the boys for a while, but Reggie was always the first to make sure you were okay. He would find you in your little spot on the beach, or in your favorite music store looking at the new records and tapes. He would just plop down next to you and wrap his arm around you and talk about your day.
Reggie was so sweet. He was always your number one hype man during shows or practice. When you felt like you weren’t good enough for the band he was always there to show you your worth. “Y/N we wouldn’t be the same with out you! Your songs bring so much to band. They can connect to the fans and I don’t know how you do it!”
Not to mention, that face. That smile. That adorable, goofy, toothy smile he has had ever since he was little boy. Whenever he flashes his smile at you, you feel heart race and you pray nobody else can hear it. He was just so damn cute all the time. How is it possible? When on stage, you would look and see him dancing and jumping while playing his bass and you wished you could dance with him.
But you were scared to tell him. You didn’t want to cause any drama in the band.
But after awhile you realize how much you loved this boy, you had to let it somehow. So, you did what you did best; wrote a song.
You had a notebook, similar to Luke’s that was filled with songs. Some completed, other pages just had random versus. You were sat in a bean bag chair in the garage writing before band practice. You had your notebook propped up against your knees as you wrote down the song. Once you started, you couldn’t stop writing. Everything you had felt the past few months were being let out onto this piece of paper. The words flowed effortlessly on the page.
“Hey baby girl”
You jumped and fell of your chair. Your notebook slammed shut.
“Fuck Reggie!” your heart was pounding. You couldn’t tell if it was because Reggie scared you, or because he almost saw the song you were writing about him, or because he called you baby girl. Although “baby girl” was a daily thing with him.
“Woah okay. Sorry Y/N’ he gave his hand out for you to help you get up when he noticed your book in your hand.
“New song?” he asked.
“Something. It’s not that good though.” You tell him placing the book in your bag before he can see it.
“Y/N, how many times do we have to talk about this? You're the best song writer we have! You can do no wrong”
Your face started to heat up as you turned around to  look a Reggie. You tried to play it cool and roll your eyes. “Don’t let Luke hear you say that. But I do think Home Is where my horse deserves some credit”  you said jokingly.
“See, this is why I love you. You my girl, have great taste” he said while point at you with that boyish smile.
“my girl”
My god how does he get your heart to act like this?
“Taste is anything that isn’t Bobby’s songs” You tell him trying to busy yourself at your keyboard.
“That’s very true”
As he said that the rest of the band started to walk into the garage. Luke looked like he was about to explode with excitement. “Everything okay Luke?” Reggie asked.
“We got a gig tomorrow night on the Strip!”
Your eyes widened and mouth dropped. “The strip? Seriously? Where at?” you asked joining the rest of the group.
“Some new club is opening tomorrow night and they asked if we could perform!” Alex said.
“Oh my god! Think of the amount of people that are going to be there! This is great guys!” you said.
Luke said something about getting practiced but you told the boys that would be right back. You were going into the house for some water.
“New club, I’m thinking a new song” Luke said.
“Do you have anything written?” Alex asked
“I don't” Luke said
“ I have some-”
“Y/N was writing a song when I walked in” Reggie said interrupting Bobby.
“Great! lets look!” Luke said. He grabbed your bookbag off the ground and dumped the contents onto the small coffee table in front of the couch. Your school work, pens, random pieces of trash, and your notebook came falling out of your bag. Luke grabbed the notebook and flipped to the last written page.
Luke started to read the beginning of the song“Smooth talkin, so Rockin. He’s got everything a girls wanting …”
“ A lovesong? really? That’s not very us. Or Y/N” Bobby said.
“I don’t think we are meant to see this” Alex said.
“come on, Keep going Luke” Reggie said eagerly.
Luke took a deep breathe and started reading the song out loud again, “He’s a cutie, he plays it groovy. and I can’t keep myself from doin’ somethin’ stupid”
“Guys I really don’t think-”
“Woah! Wait a minute guys listen to this” Luke said, “He’s lightnin’, sparks are flyin’ Everywhere I go he’s always on my mind and I’m goin’ crazy about him lately And I can’t help myself from how my heart is racin’ Think I’m really diggin’ on his vibe He really blows me away”
“Yea Guys were definitely aren’t meant to to see this” Alex said
As Alex spoke Luke eyes went wide and he dropped the notebook on the table.
“What? what is it” Reggie asked. He walked over to where luke was standing and he pointed to the words, “guitar cutie”
“Guit-guitar cutie?” Reggie said in shock.
Alex popped up from his chair and went over to reggie, “Guitar cutie?”
Luke looked up at the boys and point to his guitar that was strapped around his neck and then to himself, “Guitar cutie”
“Y/N likes Luke?” Bobby said
“I guess! who else would be guitar cutie?” Luke said
“um I don’t know. me?” Bobby said.
“No she has taste” Reggie said without stuttering.
“Who has taste?”
The boys all screamed when they saw you walk in with a water for each of them.
“What are you looking at?” you ask them, your voice filled concern. Alex tried to hide the book but Luke took it out of his hands. “Guitar cutie?” he asked you.
Oh no
“Wh-what?” you asked
“Your song that you wrote. ‘Guitar Cutie’s, is that- is that me?“ Luke asked you
"You had no right to go through my stuff Luke!” You said. Your voice was mix of rage and embarrassment. “I don’t just flip through your song book without asking!
"I’m sorry Y/N we were just trying to find a new sing for the gig tomorrow. It was the first one we saw. We’re so sorry”
You were on the verge of tears,“You all saw the song?” You didn’t want to right.
“We all saw the song Y/N” Reggie said with his hand on the back of his neck.
“But Y/N” Alex said. “If you need to talk to us, or well um … Luke we can go”
“It’s not about him!” you said
“I knew it!” Bobby said with confidence
You walled away from Luke with daggers in your eyes and stormed over to Bobby. “And don’t flatter yourself Bobby because it sure as hell not about you either” You yelled at him. “You don’t know shit Bobby!” Your turned to look at the rest of them “Clearly none of you do”
You turned around and ripped your book out of Luke’s hands. You held the book to your chest as tears started to roll down your cheek as you walked out of the garage.
“Oh we really messed up this time” Alex said.
“Wait” Bobby said. “If it’s not about Me-”
“Or me” Like said.
“It’s clearly not me” Alex said.
“Then who is it?” Bobby asked.
All of the boys were looking around the room at each other. And then, a light bulb went off and Reggie’s eye went wide with the realization.
“I play bass” he simply said.
It finally dawned on the boys. “You’re guitar cute!?” They shouted together.
Reggie grabbed his leather jacket off the couch along with your bag. “I gotta go” Reggie said running out the door.
It took a little while, but Reggie finally found you on the beach near your house. He saw you sitting close to the water with your feet in the ocean. You had your head down in your hands. As sad as you were Reggie couldn’t help but be filled with happiness and pride at the thought that you like him back.
Reggie always liked you. Whenever his parents were fighting, he would go straight to your house. You never interrogated him like the rest of the boys did. If he wanted to talk, you’d talk with him about what happened. If not, you’d find a way to take his mind off it.
He swears when ever he hears you sing, it’s like listening to angels. You have the most beautiful voice he has ever heard. He loves just sitting with you at piano as you sing and mumble to yourself as you figure out how your new song should sound like.
Not to mention, you are the most beautiful girl he knows. Inside and out. You were smart, creative, goofy and kind. But he couldn’t help but want to stare into your Y/E/C eyes. He also love your hands. He loved watching how soft and delicately they moved over your piano at home or your keyboard you used in the band.
And the fact that you, his absolutely dream girl, wrote a song about him? My god he has to hear it to music.
He took his jacket off and carried it in his hand as he walked down to you on the beach. Without saying a word, he draped his jacket around your shoulders and sat down next you.
“Reggie now is not a good time” you said in your hands.
“We don’t have to talk about what happened” Reggie said. “But if you are gonna call me Guitar cutie, I reserve the right to call you Piano Cutie”
You took your head away from your hands and Reggie saw how red and puffy your eyes were from crying “Reginald if you came all the way down here to make fun of me I swear to god-”
“No!” Reggie exclaimed. “I just meant, ya know. After I ask you out, if your little nickname for me is going to be guitar cutie, I deserve to call you Piano Cutie. Or at least call me Bass Cutie. Cause honestly, the whole Guitar cutie thing confused the boys a lot”
“Wait. What?” You asked.
And in typical reggie fashion, he wrapped his arms around you. But his other hand went to cup your cheek and he leaned down and kissed you. Your body quickly tensed up after being able to process what was happening, your hand immediately went into Reggie’s hair and pulled him closer. Your noses were pushed together by how close the two of you were. Your hand moved from his hair to his cheek as you pulled away to get some air. As you pulled away Reggie was looking at you with the most loving look in his eyes.
“Got anymore songs about me, Piano Cutie?”
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