#gotta love a helmet break
t-u-i-t-c · 5 days
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Giftober 2024 │ Day 1: Broken
Fateful Showdown
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wybienova · 1 year
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returning to my TRUE FORM with a huge ass page of doodles
some sort of closeups here :3
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abasketofnothing · 2 years
Unbelievable that actually drawing makes you better at drawing
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redflagshipwriter · 4 months
Hot Ghouls in your Area 9
“Good morning!”
Jason winced and moved the phone a little further from his face. “Is this Doctor Fenton?” 
“It's one of them! What can I do ya for?” Jack Fenton boomed, just as bombastic as his newsletter made him seem. Jason knew, deep in his heart, that Jack Fenton was indeed the one who had selected green neon bold for his headings and borders. 
Angels wept. Jason scrubbed his palm over his eye. This man had no poetry in his soul. “I, uh, had some questions about a ghost. I've read some of your articles and your most recent published paper on the topic.”
“We love ghosts!” Fenton bellowed. “Ask away!”
“Do you know a ghost called Phantom?” Jason tried.
“...Sure do,” Jack Fenton said. “Whatcha need?” 
Jason cleared his throat. “It's somewhat complicated,” he said evasively, because he didn't need these people to know he was the Red Hood. Fuck. He should have either gotten his helmet stored away or not given his real name. Phantom knew his face and that his name was Jason. Any information that got around via Phantom might tie his face to his alter ego. If Phantom said he got married to Jason, the Red Hood, that could lead to the end of the Bat family vigilantism.
“...He cause you trouble, sport?”
Jason let out a slight laugh. “You could say that, though it wasn't really his fault,” he admitted. He cast a paranoid eye out the window to be sure no siblings were creeping on him. “No, it's really more that…” Fuck, he should have planned this better. “Is there any information you can give me about how a human could contact him?” 
Not that Jason didn't have a phone number for the guy. But it made him very uncomfortable to have any basic knowledge or way to track Phantom down if he decided to leave Jason to whatever was going on. 
“I could probably do that,” Jack Fenton said slowly, now sounding like an entirely different human being. “Say, you wouldn't be Jeremy, would you?”
Jason blinked. “...How did you know?” He went with. Phantom had contact with a human guy named Jeremy? That might be his in.
“Oh, well then, you've definitely got to come over,” Dr. Fenton wheedled. It somehow came across as shifty. “You'll be wanting a whole primer on how the Ghost Zone works, won't ya?” 
“That would be immensely helpful,” Jason agreed. “But I'd hate to take up your valuable time.”
“Nonsense!” Fenton bellowed. Jason nearly lost his grip on his phone in surprise. “Come over Jeremy, I'm dying to meetcha!” 
So, there was a plan. Jason packed for a day trip and dialed up his travel agent. 
“Fuck off,” said Tim. “I'm busy. Christ.” 
“I need an airplane ticket and a rental bike to Illinois,” Jason continued. He tossed his mostly full bag on the sofa and went digging for the socks he knew he had washed the other night. “I'm going to go see some nerds about my impromptu adventure the other day.”
Tim groaned. That was the first Jason had given any hint at all about what had happened to him when he'd been ‘sacrificed.’ “What nerds?” He asked wearily. 
Jason grinned into his sock drawer. Gottem. “Why, do you all know each other?” He asked blithely. 
“Do you always antagonize people you want favors from?” Tim whined. A keyboard clacked rapidly in the background. “Jason, I swear to God, you massive bitch. Cut the crap and communicate, or I'm hanging up.” 
Jason frowned at his socks and grabbed a random pair. “You don't gotta be like that,” he said sulkily. He slammed the socks into his bag with a very unsatisfying silence. “So, the ritual doohickey sent me to the infinite underworld, I met a guy there actually and we are magically connected because he's who that dumb ritual matched me up to. He doesn't want to be stuck with a human so we are on the same page about breaking this. We started looking for answers and he took me back to Earth since it's not good for humans to be in the green dimension for too long.” 
There was silence from the other end of the line for a few seconds. “You're fucking lying,” Tim said. 
“Only by leaving things out.” A bit stung, Jason pulled a hand through his hair and accidentally ruined his good hair day. 
“What are you leaving out?” Tim rejoined swiftly.
Jason laughed at him. “You think you're getting that kinda information in exchange for plane tickets?” He asked incredulously. 
“You are the most annoying person who has ever tried to kill me.”
Ouch. That genuinely stung.
“Fuck off.” Jason slammed the drawers shut. 
“I could guess aliens or supernatural off of what you just said.” Tim ignored Jason’s very good point. “Based off of your trip to the Gotham U campus and-”
“Are you still stalking me?” Jason cut him off, incredulous. He scoffed. “Little buddy, you already got my pixie boots, Red Robin costume, and my Dad. What else do you wanna take from me?”
“I think that you were there to assess Daniel Fenton,” Tim ignored him.
Jason was silent for a moment. There was probably no point in pretending that Tim was wrong. “You already knew about the Fenton’s connection to the supernatural.” He was suddenly tired.
“His older sister is an intern at Arkham, she stepped out of line to get a chance to talk to Jeremy Waters.” Tim didn’t seem to notice that the mood had changed. He was caught up on whatever twenty level plan was whirring away internally.
Jason looked at the wall for a moment, not bothering to think about why that name was familiar. “...and that is…?”
“The guy who kidnapped you, keep up,” Tim snarked. “Her supervisor guessed what she was hinting at, shut her down, put a note about it in the private server so there was a paper trail if she turns out to be a collaborator.”
““Private” is a strong word to describe that server.” Jason rubbed at his jawline and hefted his bag out to the bathroom to gather his shaving kit. 
“Mmhm,” Tim said blandly. “I bugged her phone. The signal is absurdly bad, unexplainably bad. She doesn’t send a lot of messages, but she had a very suspicious call with Daniel Fenton where, among other things, she hinted she had inside knowledge regarding some kind of local mystery, possibly criminal activity. Her brother accused her of supporting crime.”
Jason groaned. “I’m going to interview their parents.” He checked that the razor blades were stowed away correctly before snapping shut the travel case. Then he noticed that his bathroom mirror could use a wipedown. He left his bag for a moment to dig for the cleaner.
“Probably for the best,” Tim said, definitely misunderstanding his purpose. “They seem…” He trailed off when he couldn’t find an appropriate adjective.
“You should read a book,” Jason said, because he saw an opportunity to be an asshole. “Anyway, I wanna get out to the area tonight and see them in the morning. What’s my flight?” He spritzed the glass and watched his reflection blur. It was oddly comforting to not have to stare at his green eyes.
‘That ghost zone was the same green as the Lazarus Pits,’ Jason thought dully. He didn’t really want to think about it. But he had a pretty good idea why he hadn’t had the reaction to the place that Danny expected a human to have.
“Kon could take you,” Tim said sweetly, which was basically a death threat. It was enough to jar him back to the real world. Kon was still not feeling chill about the Titans Tower scuffle. It probably wasn’t good for him to be so petty, but Jason was not going to be the one to tell baby Superdork that.
Jason winced. “I was thinking more like United.”
Tim snickered. 
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fallenneziah · 4 months
Last day and I told myself if I didn't get something in I would die. So, here it is. @glitterypirateduck
Military Aviation Pilot Ghost x his unofficial official partner. Cw: Wearing his dog tags, dog tags tugging, Ghost in sweatpants, kitchen sex, make-up sex (of sorts), Ghost with a head injury, messy proposal talks, a little spat. Look, I saw a cool jet gif and my life changed.
A mile high in hopes.
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Simon stood outside the runway, watching people walk around along the tarmac and wave signals to the watch towers around. It was getting late, the evening glow had set in and the wrap up for the day crew was soon.
He stood by the wall with his gear and flicked his cigarette ashes down into the ground and smearing them with his boot.
The phone rang several times before he picked up, pressing it to his ear with a little smirk when he heard your voice. "Well well,"
"You in the air yet?"
"I'm answerin' m'phone love. No, I'm not up yet." He looked back at the ground, furrowing his brow and digging the toe of his boot back into the cigarette smudge, lifting the last of the thing to his lips.
"You'll make it home earlier tonight, won't you?" You were currently curled up on the couch, waiting on some dumb re-runs that you weren't terribly interested in. Food cooked away in the slow cooker on the counter, the aroma filling your small apartment with warmth.
"Yeah, yeah I'll be home." He looked up as one of the crew workers came over to him and motioned his finger in a circle.
"Gotta go love, they're putting me up."
"Simon, a little longer."
"Love, I'll be home in an hour or two, just wait up for me, all right?"
You shifted in the blanket and slumped your head back against the couch. You sighed a little and finally relented. "Ok, but I'm not saving you dinner if you aren't home by the time I get to it."
Simon exhaled the last drag of his cigarette and smirked. "Deal." He stamped out the last of the smoke and ended the call. Shouting ensued across the grounds as Simon got his helmet and his mask.
The crew around him did laps of his jet and unhooked the wheels. Simon climbed in and set the windshield down over him. "Here we go, pretty girl." He rubbed the interior over, admiring the blinking lights and the gauges coming to life with light.
He looked down across the crew as the jet was rolled out of the hangar and positioned on the runway. He flicked the necessary switches and looked down at the others around him. Control tower coming in through his head gear.
"Takin' the missus to the mile high club, Riley?"
Simon chuckled, a twinkle sparking in his eye. "Already have."
He started up the engine with the all clear and eased the throttle. The wheels rolled and he strapped on his breathing mask. Before long he was catching speed and pulling the jet up into the air.
"There we go." He smiled, keeping his gaze focused on the sky in front of him until he had the jet leveled out. The air against his wings shredded in splitting white streaks as he set off.
Once he was relaxed he looked around and out at the vast world below. He chuckled deeply and eased on the speed just a tad more.
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You sat there, sipping your water as you watched the only thing that was on this late, those dumb soap operas. At the least it was somewhat entertaining.
The street was filled with the golden light of Christmas as the two main characters found themselves outside of a large Christmas tree. "It's beautiful!" She exclaimed, joy written on her face and the breathless wonder of her first Christmas.
You watched intently as the man looked at her with love, before kneeling down and opening a small box. Your silence continues as you rubbed his bare ring finger with concentration.
"Julia.. my dear, sweet love," He gently took her hand. "Will you marry me??"
Her eyes widened, and in a panic she-
The commercial break blasted through the room and your stupor was broken to quickly grab the remote and turn it down.
"Fuck." You grumbled and rubbed your forehead. You pushed the blanket aside and headed to the kitchen to check the slow cooker. You sighed softly and stared through the steamy lid, and then the timer over the dial. Your gaze lingered into your hands, flexing your fingers slightly and examining your nails, then your knuckles.
Your hands came to your chest and you rubbed the finger quietly. You wished he would propose already, it had been years, and you couldn't understand the hold up.
You reached back and fiddled with the chain on your neck, pulling out his dog tags. He had served before, part of him had wanted to start out in the Marines but after a flight crash left him with head trauma, that wasn't as acceptable anymore.
The clock ticked by slowly while you waited. The commercial break finished and the woman in the soap opera embraced her boyfriend-now-fiance, giggling and smiling brightly.
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By the time Simon got home it was late. Once again. You were half asleep on the couch in front of your half eaten plate of rice and chicken.
Simon slowly opened the door and closed it behind him. He took off his bike helmet and set it down on the shelf. Unzipping his boots and sliding out of them.
Your eyelids fluttered down briefly. You lifted your head and looked over to the door as Simon came in. "Simon..?"
He tilted his head as he stepped into the darkness of the living room. "Hey sweetheart." He leaned down and kissed your cheek before walking down the hallway. You sat up and checked your phone, seeing how late it was.
You frowned and pushed aside your food. You leaned against the door frame in the bedroom and watched him undress. He slid off his jacket and tugged his sweat soaked shirt off his body.
He flexed and grabbed out his sweatpants from the closet.
"You're home late." You said.
Simon shifted and looked back at you through the mirror. "I know love, I'm sorry. I tried to call."
You slid your phone from your pocket, checking the call history. "You're lying, Simon."
You walked into the room as Simon pulled off his belt, flicking the loop with one hand and flicking it, tugging the belt out from around his waist.
"M'not lying."
You felt yourself start to deflate. Mentally you were done with him. "When are you going to get your head out of the clouds?"
Simon sighed as he slipped into his sweatpants and scratched his stomach. "I'm on the ground, aren't I?"
"That isn't what I meant."
Simon passed you and headed to the kitchen. "Simon, would you look at me!"
"What." He paused and looked at you. "I'm looking at you. What do you want?"
"I want you to stop lying to me."
"I'm not lying, I just forgot ok??"
"You always fucking forget! You forget to come home, you forget to talk to me, you won't even marry me so maybe we can set some things straight!"
Simon was quiet for a moment. He sighed and leaned against the sink, staring at the wall.
"Y'know it's going to be the same answer every time.." He muttered.
"I know, but I don't like that answer. I want to be able to help you, I want to get you medication and take care of you until we're old, but you won't fucking marry me!"
"Maybe because I'm not ready-"
"Then when will you be!?"
"I don't know!" He snapped.
Silence befell both of you. You stepped back and rubbed your hands as Simon went for a glass of water and his medication.
After he took the pills he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, ok? I'm just... I feel better when I'm up there."
You looked back up at him, your hands still nervously fidgeting. "So, you don't feel good, with me?"
"No, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that at all. I love... You, I love hanging out with you. But I'm not in a good spot." He whispered a little.
"Then let me help you."
He swallowed thickly. "I can't..."
You shuffled over to him slowly. Simon watched you, his hand tightened on the edge of the sink. He leaned in closer, his other arm touching your hip. "M'gonna marry you.."
"You promise?"
He nodded, leaning down so his forehead touched yours. "I promise.. I'm gonna marry you." He rubbed his thumb against your hip.
You relaxed slightly and tilted your head up to capture his lips. Simon inhaled sharply and leaned toward you. Your hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him toward you.
"Make it up to me for coming home late."
He kissed you back and groaned softly into your mouth. He inhaled and slipped his tongue into your mouth, his hands roaming slowly to the hem of your shirt.
"I can do that..." He muttered through kisses. He back you up until you hit the counter. Your hands roamed across his neck, squeezing his pecs and groaning into the kisses.
Your tongues sloppily pressed together and tangled. He breathed in your scent and lifted your shirt up and tugged it up over your shoulders, breaking a trail of saliva to get it off.
You panted and kissed him again, your bodies colliding together and his hands moved back to unlatch your bra.
You groaned excitedly and leaned back to look into his eyes. "You know I love you?" He nodded breathlessly and ran his hand through your hair, tugging your head back gently and began to kiss your neck.
"Mmn, I love you too."
He grunted and tugged at your bottoms, yanking them down and leaving you in just your underwear.
"You're gorgeous.." He growled and leaned down, his tongue flicking out and licking over your collar bone.
You gasped and gripped his arms. You arched your back and ground into him, your hands roaming and grabbing at the muscles on his body.
He moaned softly and lifted you up onto the counter, spreading your legs apart and slipping his hands to the band of your underwear, slowly peeling them aside. You looked down, his forehead pressing against yours and his thumb pressed against your clit. You breathed out through your mouth and tangled your fingers in his hair. He hummed deeply and rubbing his thumb in firm circles over your clit while listening to your little gasps.
"Fuck…" He kissed your collar again and with his free hand he brought one of your breasts to his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the bud of your nipple and gave it a little tug. Fire sparked in your chest, the air in your lungs seemingly snatched from you before you could think.
Your hands squeezed his hair, and your hips jerked against his hand. He moaned and kissed the valley between your breasts. "Mm, good girl.." He murmured, and pulled his hand away to push down his sweatpants. His cock sprang free and he wrapped his arms around your thighs to pull you closer to the edge, and the tip of his cock brushed against your labia.
You panted softly and reached down, grasping the base of his cock and pushing him into your heat. "Oh- fuck." He groaned and his brows furrowed. "Wastin' no time…" He breathed out heavily and slid into your warm cunt. The thick warm walls contracted around his cock, welcoming him deeper. He stretched you out, his hand returning to your clit to continue pressure on it.
You gasped and rocked your hips, your legs wrapping around his waist. He panted and pressed his forehead against yours, starting a fast pace. His balls smacked against your ass, his tip bumped into your spongey core and your eyes rolled back into your head.
You cried out, the pleasure washing over you and gripping him closer. You never wanted to let him go. His smell washed over you and took you under like a massive wave you couldn't bring yourself to fight. It was like slowly drowning, losing everything so long as he had his arms around you.
"God.. oh god-" You moaned, his lips meeting yours for another kiss. "Simon.." You breathed, and he grunted, his hips thrust faster, his free hand reached up and wrapped around your throat. Your head tilted back and you gasped for air as his thumb and forefinger pressed into the columns under your jaw, making it harder to get oxygen. Your cunt started to drip soaking wet with each thrust. His cock sliding deep pelvis against pelvis, and the pull out. It barely gave your walls a moment before he was sliding back in at a forceful speed.
He watched the fluttering expression on your face and it made his stomach twist in the best way possible. His gaze zoned on your soft lips before gazing down at your cunt taking him so well.
"Simon-!" You choked. His hand shifted down your neck and wrapped the chain of his old dog tags around his knuckles to tug you closer.
"Mine." He groaned, and his thrusts got harder. The sound of wet squelches and skin against skin echoing in the apartment. Your legs tightened around his waist and you gasped as he hit your g-spot over and over. Your walls contracted around him and you let out a cry. Your back arched and you clenched up tightly, a rush of warmth flowing down from your belly.
"Fuck, fuck-!" You gasped and dug your nails into his back. Simon grimaced and tugged you closer. He pulled you off the counter and held you tightly in his arms, locking his arms around you.
You moaned loudly as you came. Feeling his body against you and his ragged breath against your face made your heart pound. He loved you. You shuddered and came hard on his cock, whining when he tugged you closer.
He fucked you through your orgasm, whispering sweet nothings against your ear. Your eyelids fluttered closed, and he kissed you roughly. Your tongue met his halfway. You panted against his lips, and his tongue licked yours, sucking on it.
His own orgasm was building, his balls tightening and his tip dripping precum. He held onto you, slowly shifting you along his cock until his grip relaxed, focused on kissing you. You desperately kissed him, inhaling his smell and chasing the butterflies that filled your stomach every time he gave your body attention. A feeling only his touch could reward you with.
Simon groaned against your mouth and slid his cock out of your cunt. You attempted to move away but Simon gently grabbed you again to keep you close. He caressed your hip and stroked his cock, cumming cross your abdomen.
You panted, looking up at him and then his hand working the last of his orgasm out. "Mm…" You leaned into his body, nuzzling his shoulder.
"Love you."
He panted softly and brushed some of your hair away to kiss your shoulder. "Love you too, sweetheart.."
He smiled tiredly, and looked around. "Let's go to bed."
He helped you and kissed the side of your face, walking to the bathroom to wash up. Using a warm wash cloth against your skin, and then following you to the bedroom. You both laid down and you curled up close to his chest. His arms wrapped around you and nuzzled the top of your head with a gentle kiss.
"I know I forget a lot now… But I promise that your needs and wants will not be."
That made tears start in your eyes. You curled up closer and squeezed him tightly. He smiled a little and rubbed your back. When he was ready, he would marry you. He didn't want to keep you waiting, he just needed some time, and the money. And he would make you Mrs. Riley.
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
Break a leg.
Leah Williamson x reader
Warning:angst, breaking a bone (tibia fracture,fibula fracture), medical stuff, fluffy, Leah’s ACL mention, hospital.
Summary:You fracture your tibia and fibula while horse riding.
I did my best and I’m sorry but I have NO IDEA how horse riding competition works so I used my 💫imagination💫
Based on this request.Thank you anon for the request.I hope you’ll like it!
Words count : 2.4k
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Horses have always been a part of my life,I’ve always loved them, so much that at the age of 5 my mother registered me at the equestrian center near my home. A few years later and I became a professional horse rider.
Today I was in London, my hometown, to participate in yet another equestrian competition.This was a routine for me, I was used to all these competition and not to brag but I quickly became one of the most talented horse rider in the country.You could say that I’m the Simon Biles of horse riding.
For the occasion, my parents accompanied me there. Unfortunately Leah,my girlfriend, was unable to attend since Arsenal was playing today.
I met Leah about 3 years ago at a sport event,we ran into each other at the bar. She recognized me, send me a smile and introduced herself, once I saw her dimples and heard her accent, I instantly fell in love. We spend the whole evening talking and flirting with each other.
At the end of the night, she asked for my phone number and asked me to go on a date, and the rest, as they say, is history.
“You’re going to be amazing my love,I believe in you,the whole team believe in you” Leah tells me on facetime, whenever we are apart and one of us, or in this case the both of us, can’t attend a game or a competition we facetimed so that we can give each other a pep talk. It’s kinda like a tradition that we share.
Plus, Leah gives the best pep talk, I feel like I’m on top of the world whenever she gives me that type of talk. All this years as a co-Captain for Arsenal and captain for The Lionesses really helped her improve in giving inspirational speeches.
I was currently sitting on a bench outside the stables, wearing my equipment.My horse, Dakota, was already prepared and waiting with Ellie,a member of my team and one of my closest friend as I was keeping an eye on the other contestants while waiting for my turn.
“Thank you baby” I answer her “and you and your girls are going to kill it, you’re going to win this match because you’re amazing and brilliant ” I continue, “I am, aren’t I ?” She replies smugly “SO cocky…” I chuckle, she just smirks and winks at me.
“Leah you’re talking with the missus?” I hear a thick Irish accent asking her,then Katie McCabe face appears on the screen “Well, hello there beautiful” Katie greets me sending me a bright smile “Hi,Mccabe how are -” I’m cut off by Leah screaming in the background “Oi! give me back my phone, and don’t call her that! ” she shouts, snatching her phone from Katie’s hand. “Calm down Williamson, she’s all yours” Katie says blowing me a kiss and wishing me good luck.
After a little while, Ellie comes over to tell me that it was my turn “Baby I gotta go it’s my turn” I tell Leah “okay darling, I’ve got to go too anyways the match is about to start, don’t forget that you’re the most brilliant person I know and you’re gonna kick some asses! GIRLS say good luck to Y/N” Leah screams to the Arsenal girls turning the camera over so I could see them.
I hear a collective “GOOD LUCK Y/N” I chuckle “Thank you girls” and start getting up heading towards Ellie end Dakota “All right break a leg my love, I love you so much” Leah says “thank you Le, I love you more, have a good match!” She smiles at me,blows a kiss and hungs up the phone.
I hand my phone over to Ellie and make my way next to Dakota, caressing her “you’re ready girl? We can do it!” I tell her, I’ve been riding Dakota for 8 years now, together we won numerous competitions, she’s like my best friend at this point. I give her muzzle a kiss, I place my riding helmet on my head and mount her.
As Dakota and I head towards the beginning of the circuit, I see my parents in the audience,they are both standing my mom smiling wildly, waving at me enthusiastically and my dad was filming me with his camera giving me a thumb up.I wave back at my mom and smile at them.
The audience went silent as I take a deep breath, I lean forward to whisper in Dakota ear like I always do “we got this my girl, let’s give them a show,shall we”. I pull on Dakota’s reins and tap her gently with my heel signaling her to start.
And what a show we gave them…
Dakota starts slowly trotting, then once the first obstacle came into view, I pulled gently on her reins signaling her to go faster which she does,I lean forward and get up a little bit,preparing myself for the jump. Dakota jump gracefully over the obstacle and lands perfectly.The audience cheers and claps.
We are almost at the end and so far we’ve been doing amazing but then came the most difficult obstacle, a square oxer. Despite my practice on this type of oxer, which is one of the most challenging seen in competition, I still have a strong aversion to them and so is Dakota...But we’ve been training a lot for that and despite our resilience on this type of obstacle I believe in us.
Taking a deep breath, I pull harder on her reins signaling her to start running faster and just like the other obstacle I lean forward, getting up just a bit, preparing myself for the jump but it never came.
Dakota, just a few steps away from the obstacle, stops abruptly which send me flying over her.For a second time seemed to stop,I did not registered what was happening and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground and experiencing the most atrocious pain in my leg.
I let out a loud scream of agony , members of my team running to me, laying me down on my back and telling me not to move.. the pain in my leg was unbearable, my vision became blurry and my ears starts ringing ”Y/N, can you hear me?” I hear Ellie asking me “hurt” is all I could say to her “I know, I know it’s ok,you’re going to be fine” she reassures.
The pain in my leg prevent me to register what was happening around me right now and to be honest I could not care less, all I wanted was for the pain to go away.
I could not help myself but cry both at the pain and disappointment…I really thought we could do it. Ellie was by my side wiping my tears and reassuring me “it’s okay love,you’re gonna be okay”, “Dakota?” I ask her, she looks at something behind her and then turn back, looking down at me “don’t worry, the team got her,they’re taking her back to the stable, she is fine” I just nod my head.
“We need to take her to the hospital” I hear the physio says and signals to her team to bring out a stretcher as I was in no state to get up let alone to walk.
As I’m stretched back towards the ambulance, I could hear the audience clapping and shouting in encouragement. I wave at them showing my appreciation. I take Ellie’s hand in mine “I want my mom” she smiles gently down at me and squeezes my hand “don’t worry, I send someone to get them, you parents will meet you at the hospital” I smile and thank her.
Once at the hospital the doctor gave me a bunch of medicine for the pain and programmed an X-ray for my leg.Turns out that I fractured my tibia as well as my fibula, I will be undergoing surgery in the morning, wearing a cast for about 4-6 weeks and I’ll also will be going through therapy sessions for at least 5 months.Fun…
After the doctor left, I immediately fell asleep the event of the day as well as the medecine that the doctor gave me catching up on me.
I wake up from my nap a while later, “Mom? ” I whisper to my mom,who was sitting in a chair next to my bed, my dad sitting on the couch in the corner of the room.
“Yes sweetheart,does it hurt? do you need anything? ” She asks running her hand through my hair “my leg hurt a bit but it’s okay.How is Dakota?” I can’t help but ask once again wanting to make sure that my best friend is okay, “she’s fine, Ellie texted me while you were asleep, she is taking good care of her, don’t worry” she rassures me.
“Did you call Leah? ” I ask “yes, but she is not answering, she is still playing, the game is not over yet but I left her a message asking her to call me as soon as possible” I nod at her answer.
“Dad? Can you please put Leah’s match on?” I ask my dad who gets up,takes the TV remote and turn on the game.
The match was almost over with Arsenal leading 2-1 against Manchester City. Although I was still a little tired I fight it and made an effort to stay awake to watch Leah play.
After 10 minutes,the whistles blow indicating the end of the match.Knowing that the first thing that Leah will do once in the changing room will be to check her phone I decide to text her.
Me:Hey baby,I had a little accident and I’m at the hospital, please call me when you get this message. I love you❤️ congratulations to you and the girls for the win btw.
I then take a picture of my bandaged leg and send it to her.
Now feeling very tired and with the match over, I lock my phone and got comfortable wanting to rest a little.
A while later, I wake up to a soft hand stroking my cheek, I open my eyes and see Leah smiling softly at me. “Hello darling” I respond by kissing the palm of her hand on my cheek before taking it and intertwining our fingers.
“You gave me quite the scare” she chuckles a little, squeezing my hand “I’m sorry I did not want to worry you”
“No need to apologize, love. I'm just thankful that you're fine now and it wasn't anything that could have been life threatening.” she says.
“How do you feel ?” she asks , “like someone who just fractured their tibia and fibula” I chuckle , she smiles softly, rolls her eyes and gently pinches my cheek “my cheeky girl”.
I smile softly at her and look around the hospital room “where are my parents ?” I ask her, “they went to the cafeteria to eat something” she responds and I nod at her.
I wince as I try to sit up a little, Leah notices that and helps me “does your leg hurt?” She asks worryingly “yeah…I think the medecine are starting to wear off”
Leah starts to get up “wait here,I’m going to call a doctor to see if they can do anything about it, “no” I grab her hand preventing her to go anywhere “I want to be alone with you just for a little while longer” she smiles and instead of sitting back in the chair next to the bed, she sits on the bed next to my good leg.
She looks at me sympathetically and places her hand on my cheek caressing it softly with the pad of her thumb “I love you so much” she whispers getting closer and kissing me quickly on the lips.
I open my arms, signaling that I wanted a hug, she wraps her arms around my torso and I put my head in the crook of her neck, feeling her fingers softly caressing the back of my head and her other hands softly rubbing my back.
“I’m scared” I admit after a few second, my voice muffled since my face is practically squished in the crook of her neck “of what baby?”
I hesitated for a moment before pulling away but keeping my arms around her “I’ve never had surgery before! What if something goes wrong? What if they mess up the surgery?What if the anesthesia is so strong that I’ll never wake up? What if the doctor makes a mistake and they’ll have to cut off my leg?What if I die? What if- ” Leah’s laughter interrupts me “glad to know that the thought of me dying is funny to you” I bite back at her.
She just looks at me smiling wildly, she got closer and connect her lips with mine, I place my hands on her cheek pulling her impossibly closer, I lose myself in the kiss as she moves her lips slowly against mine, totally forgetting about her laughing at the thought of my possible death.
After what feels like hours she pulls away but not before repeatedly pecking my lips, I can’t help but giggle against her lips as I feel her smiling.
“Baby, everything is going to be fine, you’re not going to lose your leg and you’re not going to die.” she says, I hold my pinky finger to her“You promise?” she enterlaces her pinky with mine “I promise” and we each kiss our pinky finger.
“If I do die though,I want you to know that you’ll be the first person I will be haunting.” she lets out a loud laugh and rest her forehand gently against mine.
I huff “the next 5 months or so are going to be so hard” she looks at me sympathetically and whispers “it probably will be but don’t forget that I will be with you every step of the way from the surgery to the therapy sessions just like you were here for me after I did my ACL and we are going to get through that together like we always do. You and me.” I repeat after her “you and me” and I kiss her passionately, trying to show her the amount of love that my heart hold for her.
“By the way darling, when I tell you to break a leg it does not mean that you have to do it literally it just means good luck”she says matter of factly, I laugh at her and hit her softly on her chest before hugging her.
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orcasoul · 2 months
Broken Part 1
Summary: Din is on the brink of death. The only way to save him is to remove his helmet. Surely he'll understand and forgive you... right?
Warnings: swearing, description of injuries, angst, established relationship, use of Y/N.
A/N: this one has been on my mind for ages and I couldn't wait any longer. I'm a huge sucker for angst, so I hope I've got this just right.
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"Just... a little further. We're almost... there!" Your knees feel about ready to buckle as the Razor Crest comes into view. "Din! Din, no!..." Din's heavy frame slumps from your shoulder, pulling you to the ground with him. "You... argh... you gotta get up." He's still, terrifyingly still. You press the button on Din's vambrace to lower the ramp and with your waning strength, pull the unconscious bounty hunter across the muddy ground and up the ramp, the desperation to save him overriding the burn of your exhausted muscles.
With a last tug at his wrists, you manage to drag him away from the ramp and further into the belly of the ship, immediately pressing the button to close it. You're not taking any chances. "Din? Din, can you hear me?" You shake his shoulders roughly, hoping the momentum will rouse him. Nothing. But at least he's still breathing. A little wail emanates from the sleeping bunk before the door whooses open, revealing a very worried and frightened Grogu.
In an instant, Grogu is at Din's side, having used the force to propel himself across the hull. "It's okay, buddy. He'll be okay." You don't know who you're trying to convince, him or yourself. Grogu murmurs anxiously, his large ears drooping as he places a tiny hand on Din's helmet. Without another moment to lose, you begin to strip Din of his armour, checking for injuries. There are plenty of cuts and bruises, maybe some bruised ribs, but the injuries don't appear to be severe enough to render him unconscious. "Din!" you shout louder this time "Ner Karta, please wake up."
Your frantic heartbeat thumps against your ribs, threatening to break through at any minute. You're at a loss at what to do. That's when you notice it; a sight that makes your blood run cold! A slowly oozing trickle of deep crimson, pooling on the floor by Din's helmet. "No, No, no, no," you shudder as you carefully slide your fingers under the lip of the helmet at the back of Din's head. Your stomach plummets when your fingers meet a warm and sticky substance. Blood! Din's blood!
On hands and knees, you scramble across the floor to a nearby crate, searching frantically until you find the medkit. You rush back to Din's side and with trembling hands, open the medkit and retrieve the Bacta spray. You momentarily freeze when you realise what you must now do. There's nothing else for it. To save Din's life you have to remove his helmet. A barrage of thoughts invade your mind at the same time; would Din be angry? Would he hate you? Would you hate yourself for breaking his creed? Would he understand? Would he forgive you?
Time is of the essence now, every precious second bleeding away, along with Din's life. You have to do it. You have no choice, consequences be damned! You're not about to let the man you love die, even if he does hate you afterwards. You'll accept his wrath if it means he's alive. You set the Bacta spray down beside you and take a deep breath. "I'm so sorry," you whisper regretfully, and with a heavy heart, you gently lift the helmet up with one hand while supporting the back of Din's head with the other.
The helmet rolls away from you with a clunk. Brown curls fall backwards from the most beautifully sculpted face you've ever laid eyes on. Patchy, greying scruff decorating a perfectly chiseled jaw, a strong aquiline nose that suits him so well and plush lips... He really is stunning! So much so, that you're taken aback. But you snap yourself out of it. There's no time to lose! You grab the bacta spray and roll Din onto his side to get to the wound. Your breath hitches in your chest and you spray slowly, making sure to liberally apply the treatment.
You're probably using more than necessary, thinking back to how Din would often scold you for wasting the valuable resource when you've patched him up before. But this is literally Din's life in your hands. You'll exhaust the whole supply if you have to. The affects are almost instantaneous. You breathe a sigh of relief as the bleeding ceases and the damaged tissue begins to repair itself. Grogu looks up at you with expectant eyes. "He'll be okay, sweety," you soothed, while stroking Grogu's ear, comfortingly. "Mmm..." Grogu looks back to his dad, sadly.
Once you're satisfied with the progress of the Bacta spray you unwind a sterile bandage, cautiously wrapping it over the wound and around Din's head, trying not to jostle him too much. You then shift your attention to the many cuts and scrapes littering his body, making sure to disinfect every abrasion you see. There's no way you can lift him off the floor so you fetch a pillow from your shared bunk to place under his head and drape a blanket over him. It's not much but it'll have to suffice. With the adrenaline now subsiding, exhaustion begins to sweep over your body and mind, causing you to fall back on your arse, rather un-gracefully, and catch your breath.
You hadn't noticed just how much you'd been shaking this whole time. With controlled breaths your heart rate slowly returns to normal. Grogu waddles over to you with outstretched arms. Poor little guy needs some reassurance. Your maternal instinct has you reaching for him but you stop as you notice the drying blood on your hands. "Hold on, buddy," you say, gently, then rush to the fresher to wash away the blood and horrors staining your hands. Sitting down next to Din, you scoop Grogu into your lap, cradling his head in your chest, while humming a soothing melody to calm him. "Your dad's a fighter, kid. He'll come back from this," Please, you silently beg to whoever might be listening.
All you can do now is wait. Wait for Din to wake, wait for everything to make sense again. Hopefully he won't be furious. Surely he'd understand there was no other way. Even now it feels wrong to look at his face, the very act being sacrilegious to his people. But it's too soon to put his helmet back on. The wound needs more time to heal. Guilt starts to take root the longer you think about what this now means. What you've taken from Din cannot be easily undone. Because of your actions, he is now technically an apostate. He will be cast out of Mandalorian society, exiled in disgrace and it's all because of you.
But what was the alternative? Let him die? Let Grogu lose his dad? Live with the knowledge you could have saved him, but refused? No! It's unthinkable. You know in your heart, you've made the right decision. You just hope Din will see it that way, too. You're not sure how much time has passed, or how long you and Grogu have been asleep, when you are startled awake by a low moan. Grogu stirs in your lap as you sit up from the wall you were slumped against. An equal amount of relief and dread consume you. He's okay, he's waking... But how will he react to the violation of his creed?
"Din?" you gulped, nervously. Din lets out another grumble as his head turns in your direction. You clutch a now awakened Grogu tighter to your chest, apprehension swirling in your stomach. You feel sick! You bite your lower lip, waiting for his eyes to open, for the inevitable realisation to dawn on him. Slowly Din's eyelids lift and you are met with rich, chocolate brown eyes, eyes you would happily let yourself drown in, if it weren't for the look of abject horror and betrayal staring back at you. "Wh... what have you DONE?!!" Din exploded, his face turning red with rage and his eyes filling with tears.
You're frozen to the spot, eyes wide, voice lodged in your throat, refusing to co operate. He's furious, of course he is. "I..." your voice fails as your throat constricts in panic. Between Din's shocked gaze and Grogu's little whimper, you somehow find your voice. "I'm so sorry, Cyare. I had to. You... you were bleeding." Desperation to make Din understand claws at you. "It was the only way to save-" "No!" If looks could kill, you would be dead this very second. "It was NOT the only way," Din seethed, staring daggers at you, "You didn't have to remove my helmet. You chose to do it!" You can't believe what you're hearing.
"But you would have died!" Tears gather at your lash line at the thought. "Better to die a Mandalorian than live as an apostate," Din snapped as he sat up, clutching the back of his head. His eyes frantically dart around the hull, searching for his helmet. He reaches for it but you reach for his arm to stop him. "You can't. You're still healing-" "Don't!" Din recoiled from your touch as if you'd burned him. You heart drops like a stone to your stomach. You've never seen Din so angry, so hurt, his face portraying the image of a man who has lost it all. And you did that. You took away his sacred creed and left him with the ashes. The hiss of the helmet fills the tense air as Din places it back on, the familiar T- shape in front of you once again.
Only it's directed to your lap, where Grogu sits, looking with uncertainty between you both. "Patu," he murmured, while reaching out for Din. Din gently takes Grogu into his arms, his heaving chest and taut shoulders relaxing slightly. "I'm okay, pal," Din soothed, trying to calm his foundling, but you can hear the strain in his voice as he now fights to keep his emotions at bay, no doubt for Grogus' sake. Din stands on shaky legs, your first instinct is to help him up, but you stop just short of touching him, unsure if your help will be welcomed. Without so much as a glance in your direction, Din heads to the ladder with Grogu tucked into his chest. "Din? Cyare wait, we have to talk about this-" "Just!..." Din raises his hand to stop your words, his back still facing you. "just stop," he sighs despondently. "I can't look at you right now." Tears sting your eyes as you watch him ascend the ladder, locking himself and Grogu in the cockpit, away from you.
Din sat in quiet dispair, trying to come to terms with his new reality. One where he is now an apostate... again. Sure, he had removed his helmet to save Grogu when he'd been abducted by Moff Gideon and to say goodbye, but that was his call, his decision to make. By removing his helmet, you'd taken away his choice, his creed, his very identity. You should have let him die an honourable death. Of course, redemption is possible but that doesn't change the fact that you betrayed him. He had trusted you, opened up to you and believed that you respected his creed and his way of life.
The longer he sat contemplating, the angrier he became. How could she! he thought bitterly. Not only had you dishonored the very foundation of who he is, you had also inadvertently destroyed the close bond you'd both built over the past year. He doesn't even know who you are anymore. To have done what you've done... how can he ever forgive you? His helmet suddenly feels too restrictive, too suffocating. Din pulled his helmet off with one hand while still holding Grogu close, and set it down on his lap, staring bleakly into the pitch black visor.
Until he can atone, this helmet will serve as a reminder of what has been lost. "Mmm..." Grogu tilted his head as if to ask 'are you alright?' Din exhaled, long and deep and looked at his son with a thin lipped smile, his face reflecting back to him in the childs' large, glossy eyes, the only eyes that are, by creed, permitted to look upon his face. "I'll be okay," he whispered softly, "I'll make this right." He can find forgiveness in the living waters, that part is simple enough - well maybe simple isn't the right word. He still has to live with the fact that he has grievously sinned against the creed. Even the living waters can't wash that truth away - but how can you both move forward from this? Is it even possible?
A dull, throbbing pain pulses through Dins' temples, causing him to groan and lean his forehead into his palm, his elbow resting on the armrest. He needs to calm down. He needs to think with a cool head. Grogu yawns and snuggles into Dins' stomach. "Okay you little womp rat, time for bed," Din smiled as he tucked Grogu into the crook of his elbow. After securing his helmet, Din makes his way down the ladder and into the hull, where he finds you sitting with your back pressed against the wall. His heart physically aches at the sight of your red rimmed eyes and blotchy face. You look as though you're about to say something, but he hasn't got the energy for this right now. All he wants to do is settle the kid in his hammock and rock him to sleep. So Din quickly opens the bunk door, disappearing inside.
The dim light of the hull reflects your sombre mood as you listen to Din's modulated voice, muffled by the closed door, speaking softly to Grogu. Most of the time you and Din would say goodnight to him together, every bit the picture of a happy family. But now you are shut out, physically and metaphorically, and it hurts, maker it hurts so much. You are only meters away but it might as well be the length of the entire galaxy. A short while later the door slides open and Din slowly walks out, keeping his steps light as to not wake Grogu. He turns to you for a moment, seemingly unsure of what he wants to do next. He takes a step towards you but then stops. Sighing, he turns on his heel and retreats to the cockpit once again.
Your heart sinks and lungs deflate in crushing disappointment. You can't stand it anymore. If Din won't talk to you then you'll talk to him. You bring the sleeve of your top to wipe your face - not that it'll make a difference to your puffy eyes and reddened cheeks - and steeling yourself, you make your way to the cockpit. The silence is deafening, oppressive, brutal. You gingerly sit in the co-pilots' chair, fiddling nervously with the hem of your top. Din remains motionless, staring out of the window, shoulders strung tighter than a bow. You feel invisible and you hate it. With a steady breath, you break the silence.
"Din, we have to talk about what happened." Din still doesn't look at you. "There's nothing to talk about," Din retaliated, the coldness of his tone sending shivers down your spine, "What's done is done!" You shake your head. "Please believe me when I say I didn't make this decision lightly. It was the only way to save your life. What else could I have done?" The tears threaten your eyes again as you try desperately to make Din understand. "You could have let me die an honourable death." An incredulous huff forced it's way up your throat. "How could you expect me to do that? Listen to what you're asking? Would you have let me die if I were injured?! "That's different," Din retorted, annoyance building on his voice.
"How?!" You're so close to clawing at your eyes in frustration. "Because you're not Mandalorian!" Din's booming outburst had you shrinking back in your seat, his large frame now towering over you, making you feel exposed and vulnerable. You know Din would never hurt you, no matter how angry he got, but at the same time you've never felt so small, so helpless. Is this how his bounties feel under his intimidating gaze? Din seemed to notice your unease, immediately unclenching his balled up fists and taking a step back to give you some space. After a moment of silent staring, he shakes his head and simply states, "You'll never understand."
That was a low blow! You've always respected Dins' creed, his way of life. Never asked him to go against it and never judged him like so many other's have. It's a part of him and you love all of him. Fear and despair have now given way to anger. "Maybe you're right," you glowered, "I'll never understand because if it comes down to chosing between the creed and your life, I'd chose you everytime. I love you too much to just let you die for an ideal." "And you think being an apostate is any better?" It's like talking to a fucking brick wall! How could he not see the impossible situation you'd been placed in?
"I don't know what else to say, Din..." you sigh, your shoulders slumping in defeat, "I'm sorry it's come to this, but I'm not sorry for saving your life." "Then there's nothing more to say," Din clarified with finality, sitting back down and turning to the window again. Silent tears run down your cheeks as you leave the cockpit and join Grogu in the bunk.
When you wake the next morning the bunk is empty, cold. Even though you were certain Din wouldn't have joined you last night, disappointment weighs heavily on your heart. A part of you had hoped he would calm down and come to you. You rub the sleep from your eyes and sit up with a groan, dreading the tension that will, no doubt, still be rife. "Morning, buddy..." you cooed, gently as you stood on the mattress to wake Grogu. Your brows scrunch in confusion at the empty hammock. Din must have come in to get him while you were still asleep.
Stepping into the hull, you hear babbling from Grogu in the cockpit, followed by the occasional chuckle from Din. A flicker of hope ignites within. Maybe now he's had time to cool off, you can both talk reasonably and calmly. Maybe not all is lost? However that flicker is soon doused when you walk into the cockpit and see Din's posture turn rigid, his chair not even turning so he can acknowledge your presence. The air turns icy and heavy with friction as you take a seat. "Good morning..." you offer, meekly. "Morning." Din's monotone reply confirms that he's still upset.
"Patu," Grogu smiled as he patted your leg to pick him up. You couldn't be more grateful for the distraction right now. "And good morning to you, baby," you grin as you scoop him up and place him in your lap. "You two strap in," Din orders as he fires up the engines. "Where are we going?" You bring the seat belt around yourself and Grogu. "Sorgon." Din's clipped tone is like a knife to your heart. It's the same tone he'd used when he'd first employed you two years ago, when you were both still adjusting to each others' company.
Now you realise how you've taken his caring tone, his laugh, his tenderness for granted. It feels a million miles away now. You swallow the lump in your throat and give Grogu your full attention, feigning cheery laughter while trying to ignore the 'bantha in the room' the whole way to Sorgon. The Razor Crest descends into the atmosphere, the blackness of space giving way to a dazzling blue, causing you to squint and shield your eyes. You've always liked Sorgon, visiting several times with Din over the years.
The simple, peaceful way of life is so unlike most worlds you've visited, and with that simplicity comes a tight knit community. One who always welcomes you with open arms. You've even made a few friends here, your closet one being Omera. Grogu bounces excitedly on your lap as the ship touches down on the outskirts of the small village, no doubt ecstatic at the prospect of seeing his friends again, especially Winta. "I know, I know..." you chuckle fondly, placing a kiss on Grogu's head.
Din shuts down the engines and without a word or even a glance in your direction, he leaves the cockpit. The harsh treatment makes you want to cry, but in an effort to shield the kid from any more tension you plaster on your best fake smile. "Ready to see your friends, sweetie?" Din lowered the ramp and was instantly greeted by a handful of locals, eager to welcome back the man who gave them back their home and dignity when the Klatooinian bootleggers attacked them.
He shook hands and accepted enthusiastic slaps on the back. He looked to where you stood, embraced in Omera's arms. Winta had already claimed Grogu, the two of them heading off to play with the other kids. The sight of his son playing with the other children warmed Din's heart, but that content, fuzzy feeling soon faded when his gaze fell back on you. Dread and sorrow wash over him, choking him, knowing what he has to do. Din turns to one of the men, lowering his voice. "Please, I need to speak to the village elders."
Din felt like the worst person in the galaxy as he discussed your future with the council, all the while you remained completely unaware of the real reason he'd brought you here. He'd been reassured you'd have a place here, a safe community to call home. Even through the anger and hurt, he had to know you'd be safe, protected. And since the defeat of the Klatooinian's, sorgon had become a peaceful planet again. He couldn't imagine a safer place for you to start over. Now all that's left to do is to break the news to you.
The ache in Din's chest grew stronger as he walked through the village looking for you. It didn't take him long to spot you, sitting by a fire with two other women you'd become friendly with. Din could tell you were wearing a forced smile by how it didn't reach your eyes. When your gaze locked with his, your smile faltered, replaced with a look of deep remorse and longing. Din sighed wearily and walked over to where Grogu was happily frolicking about with other kids. Again, guilt gnawed away at him as he thought about how hard this is going to be on Grogu. In time, he'll understand, hopefully.
Din catches sight of Omera and makes his way over to her. "Hi," Omera smiled. "Can I speak with you? It's important." Omera's smile dropped slightly, her face taking on a more serious countenance. "Of course," she replied. Din shifted uncomfortably, unused to asking for favours. This is the second time today. "Could you do something for me?" Omera raised an eyebrow in intrigue, waiting for Din to continue. "Would you look after Y/N? She... she's going to need a friend now, more than ever." " What do you mean?" Omera asked, clearly confused. "We're leaving, me and the kid... and Y/N is staying here... permanantly."
Omera glanced over her shoulder to you, then turned back to Din. "Is everything okay with you two?" Din looked down and placed his hands on his hips. "No." He shook his head before raising it again. "I can't explain right now, but, please, promise me you'll look out for her." Omera's face softened. "Of course I will. She's my friend." Din felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, albeit a small one, compared to the weight he'll have to bare for the rest of his life; the weight of breaking your heart and leaving you alone in the galaxy.
But what else was there to do? Nothing could ever be the same between you both again. This is for the best... at least that's what he keeps telling himself. "Thank you," Din replied with a twinge of sadness in his voice. "That... means a lot to me." He patted Omera on the arm in gratitude before making his way over to where Grogu was playing. "Time to go, pal," Din cooed as he bent down to pick Grogu up. "Say goodbye to your friends." Grogu waved as the other kids bade him farewell.
You could tell something was wrong when Omera sat beside you, her normally soft and calm mien now absent. In it's place, concern and worry clouded her features. But before you could ask her if she's okay, Din appeared before you. It's the first time he's acknowledged you since this morning. "Would you come with me for a minute?" The gentle tone of his voice and outstretched hand made your tummy flutter in anticipation. Without a second thought, you took Din's hand and stood up. But the little hope that gesture had given you was dashed when Din immediately released your hand, and you had to fight against the anguish his absent touch left in it's wake.
You silently follow Din to the Razor Crest, stopping at the edge of the ramp. "Are we leaving already?" you ask disappointedly. Din remains silent while he turns around to pick up a bag off the ramp. He holds it out for you and sighs, "I am... you're staying here." And just like that your whole world has come crashing down around you. Din's words are a punch to you gut, stealing your breath away. "What do you mean I'm staying here?!" Your voice wobbled as your veins ran cold. "I mean..." Din set his shoulders and took a deep breath, "This... us..." he gestured between you both, "it's over." Shock has you rooted to the ground. Icy chills prickle over your skin, nausea sweeping through you.
"You... you can't be serious! Din, we have to talk about this. You can't just go making rash decisions like this, please!" Your imploring eyes search Din's visor, hoping to detect even a fraction of hesitation behind it, but you find nothing but unnerving calmness. "I'm not making a rash decision," Din replied almost emotionlessly, pushing your bag of belongings into your hands, "I thought about it all last night and it's the right thing to do." "Look, I know you're upset with me but please just take a minute to -" "I don't need a minute!" Din snapped, his patience wearing thin.
Tears burn your eyes, the lump in your throat causing your voice to quiver. "But I don't understand," you begin, willing your tears to remain where they are, but your resolve is cracking with every passing second. You have to make him see how ridiculous this is! "You broke the creed once to save Grogu and you attoned. Can't you do that again?" "Of course I can," Din answered through gritted teeth. "Then... what's the problem?!" Your voice has now risen in pitch, despite your best efforts to de-escalate the tension. "The problem is you!" Your mouth snaps shut and eyes widen in response to Din's sharp words. Words lined with a razor edge, cutting straight to your core. "You didn't just break the creed Y/N, you broke my trust! The creed can be restored, my trust in you can't."
Words have now completely abandoned you, numbness slowly consuming you as you let Din's truth sink in. You now realise just how much you've hurt him. 'I thought you understood me, respected how my religion is absolute. I can't..." Din shook his head, his voice shuddering as he continued, "I can't trust you ever again. I feel like I don't even know who you are anymore." "Please..." you whimper as your tears begin to fall freely. "please don't do this. Don't leave me. I love you and I know you love me." "I do," Din agreed without hesitation. "Then we can get passed this." You reach for Din's hand but he pulls away. "No." he takes a few steps back, "Love isn't enough."
"So, what?..." you yell as your heartbreak turns into anger, "You're just gonna leave me here, after everything we've been through? You're just gonna to throw it all away like it meant nothing?!" "This is the way," Din responded, robotically, as if he's no longer a living, feeling organism. Fury welled up in your chest, until you were trembling with rage. "Fuck the way!" you exploded, wanting in the moment to wound Din as he has you, but regretting it simultaneously. Din visibly stiffened at your blasphemous insult, his fists clenching at his sides.
"I saved your life and I'm not sorry. I'll never be sorry." A silence settles between you both before Din sighs and responds, "I know... I'm sorry, Cyar'ika." Din Turns to walk away but you grab his arm, spinning him to face you. "Wait! Where's Grogu?" Your eyes dart to the ramp in search of him. "He's in the ship." "You were just going to take him away from me?!..." you gasped, hand on your chest as if the action would lesson the intensifying ache, "Without letting me see him." "It's for the best. Saying goodbye will only upset him," Din spoke, now devoid of emotion, "Please don't make this harder than it has to be."
In that moment your heart shattered completely, the shards ripping you apart from the inside. They say love hurts, but that is an understatement. This raw agony feels like it might just be the end of you. "Please!" you now beg, tears streaming down your face, "He's my son too. Don't take him away from me! He'll think I abandoned him." "He'll understand.... in time." Despite Din's persistence, he seems conflicted, like he's fighting himself on his decision, like underneath all that Beskar he's hurting as much as you.
"Please Din! Please don't do this!. Don't leave me!" you sob loudly as you fall to your knees, clutching your abdomen as if to comfort yourself. Seeing you in distress is unbearable to Din, but what makes it worse is that he's the cause of said distress. He Automatically takes a step towards you, hands outstretched, seeking to hold you but he stops himself and regains his rigid posture. "I'm sorry," he mutters as he quickly spins on his heel and storms up the ramp.
The rising Crest wobbles in your tear filled eyes as it ascends into the sky, heaving breathes causing violent hiccups to rip through your airways, as you watch your family disappear forever. In your distraught state you don't notice a pair of arms wrapping around your shoulders. It's only when your head is gently pulled into a warm chest, that you realise Omera is holding you as your whole life falls apart.
Part 2
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kakiastro · 1 month
Astrology Observations: Aries Edition
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Aries Suns actually have no problems expressing themselves because the sun is exalted in this sign. Contrary to the belief, Aries Suns aren’t really that hot headed. They’re actually pretty chill because they’re in there natural element. They don’t mind going there with you and cuss you out if you pushed them enough. They may end up having children who are very active , hot tempered or very independent.
Aries Moons are the hot tempered ones lol. There anger is soo intense chile, yall remind me of taz from loony toons. The crazy part, yall tempers come quickly but it goes away just as quick. They may come from families that’s always in some type of conflict. They can be very Emotionally impulsive if they haven’t learned to deal with it in a healthy way. Some sort of physical activity like boxing can help, gotta let off that steam.
Aries risings- truly embodies the energy of Mars. I notice every Aries rising has a prominent head and it’s shaped like a helmet, no shade yall😅. Yall heads remind me of a warrior helmet. Aries rules the head too. Aries , especially in there youth was always the leader in a group. Usually the front man or the one who always steps up to call the shots! Lawd, don’t let a Capricorn be in the group lol, 2 leaders right there😅 maybe it’s just me but Aries rising are always hot no matter the temperature lol. Yall don’t like to wear that many clothes either, if you can walk naked , you would 😅
Aries Mercury folks got into lots of trouble as a youth due to having a smart mouth 😆. They may have struggled with superiority especially with male teachers growing up. Could be the oldest sibling or the sibling that takes control. Aries can be brutally honest but their tone can get them into trouble. They love sports or muscle cars and prefer to drive them.
Aries Venus fall in and out of love to easily. They love hard at first but get bored too quickly! They need to learn to slow down savior in the connection. They go all in too fast and their candlelight goes out. One they learn to slow down and take in the connection, they can have a long term relationship. These are some ride or die lovers, they guard you with their life. They don’t play when it comes to there lover.
Aries Mars thrives better when they are physically involved into whatever they’re interested in. They’re very much hands on type of people! If it involves creating something from scratch, they love it even more! They’re dominant lovers in the bed and not afraid to show you a thing or two. They’re just as intense in the bedroom as scorpios but there is more fiery.
Aries Jupiter people manifesting prayers can come quickly!! I also notice people with this placement loves traveling to very active, hot places.
Aries Saturn people master their identity as they get older. At some point you stop carrying about the societal pressures and you start living life. Also every decision you make affects you long term.
Aries NN are breaking away from the “I’ll be a good teammate” to “okay so as your leader, here’s the plan.” This is a lifelong lesson so you’ll get there.
Aries SN are born soldiers in this lifetime, they may have scars or a noticeable birthmark on them that stands out.
Asteroid Juno Aries people will have such a busy marriage life. Your partner and you will always be doing something together! Yall will be the hot couple too. You may end up married quickly in your relationship as well.
Asteroid Pallas Aries get there greatest ideas when they are moving around. Pallas is known as the “genius “ asteroid.
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adrienneleclerc · 2 months
Do you think you can do a Carlos sainz jr imagine
Well YN is MMA fighter and I don't know they meet at one of her fights or at the gym however you want to put it I guess so yeah and I was the one who requested the Lewis Hamilton photographer one and I really liked that imagine in this very good so thank you very much xoxo 🇲🇽🫶🥰😘
Let’s see what I can do and I’m so glad you liked how the Lewis Hamilton imagine came out! I was a little worried there for a second
Love At First Fight
Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr. x MMA fighter! Reader
Summary: Carlos meets Y/N at the gym and end up sparring together
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: I have the idea in my mind, I can see it happening, can I put it into words? Let’s see. Also, sorry if it’s too short but I think it turned out cute for the prompt. Anyway, MY FIRST CARLOS SAINZ IMAGINE
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Now that is is summer break and Carlos has announced he was going to Williams, he decided to go boxing with his trainer at the gym.
“Hola Carlos, ready to begin your session?” His trainer, Emilio asked.
“Of course, let’s get started, cabrón.” Carlos said. Him and Emiliowere doing some basic punching combos, Carlos was practicing his footwork, when he saw a woman walk in and immediately started using a punching bag. Since carlos was distracted, Emilio hit him upside the head.
“Focus, man, i thought you wanted to box today.” Emilio said.
“I do but who is that?” Carlos asked.
“You’re kidding.” The trainer said looking at the woman and back at Carlos. “I think it’s better if you stick to dating models.”
“Her name, cabrón.” Carlos said,
“Her name is Y/N L/N, she is an MMA fighter, she’s the UFC Featherweight champion for 2023.” Emilio said.
“You think I can spar with her?” Carlos asked.
“Ha! I’d like to see you try. L/N!” Emilio shouted, Y/N turned around.
“Gutiérrez, you know better than to shift my name in a public gym, what’s up.” Y/N said, walking towards the two men, taking off her gloves.
“My client here wants to spar with you.” Emilio said.
“Carlos Sainz, nice to meet you.” Carlos said, extending his hand, Y/N shook his hand.
“Think you can go toe to toe with me, pretty boy?” Y/N asked, stepping closer to Carlos so their noses were almost touching.
“Why not? I’ll give you the first shot.” Carlos said, Y/N stepped back, releasing his hand.
“Haha, okay, You’re confident, let’s see how confident you are in the ring.” Y/N said, walking toward the boxing ring they had further into the gym. Carlos was in shock but Emilio pushed him to start walking, Y/N was already inside the ring.
“Alright, I got these two helmets because Y/N would probably kill you since you suck at blocking.” Emilio told Carlos and Y/N snickered. “Y/N blue, you red.” They put on their helmets and Y/N put in her mouth guard. Emilio helped Y/N and Carlos lace up their gloves. “Great, touch gloves, and spar.
Carlos severely underestimated how it would be like to spar Y/N. You know how people feel pretty stupid one they find out Formula 1 is a serious sport and that driving a kart at 300 kilometers an hour isn’t easy? Carlos is feeling really stupid for wanting to spar with a UFC featherweight champion when he only boxes every other week (probably). Y/N was obviously winning, at one point, Y/N was straddling Carlos and had his wrists pinned to the mat until Emilio called time. Carlos winked at Y/N before she got off him and helped him up.
“Gotta hand it to you, pretty boy, you did pretty well for an F1 driver.” Y/N said.
“You know who I am?” Carlos asked.
“Well i obviously had to google you after meeting you since you’re Emilio’s client.” Y/N said,
“Well since I already had you on top of me..” Carlos started and Y/N laughed “..do you want to get lunch right now? I’ll pay.”
“That sounds great, I’ll shower and change so we can go.” Y/N said,
The End
Hope y’all liked it!
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notsopersonalcharlie · 3 months
Honey Belle
Biker!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader fluff - Part of the Biker!Bucky Series
One part lead-up to the future and one part how Bucky and belle met.
Warnings: Mentions of sex and alcohol, discussion of a past relationship that bordered on abusive (non-binary reference), more car talk because i love mini coopers.
Note: My apologizes because i lost all my progress on this when i was about halfway through. Also I just have brainrot about them now sorry in advance.
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"No no no no, please baby you can make it its just a litt-" The engine shuddered and then gave out. You groaned, banging your head against the steering wheel as you pulled off to the side of the quiet street. It was getting stifling in the car very quickly. The heat wave was precisely why you needed to take Baby Blue in. Your phone showed another mile and a half on the map you saved. This shop was in some dead end town, but it was the only one that had agreed to service the vintage coop.
"Couldn't have saved me the walk?" you asked to the car as you grabbed your bag and hauled it over your shoulder. You scrawled a note to leave on the windshield and began down the straight road. The trees on either side provided some shade, but there was no sidewalk, so as you continued you could peek back at your car and to check on any oncoming traffic.
The first signs of life you saw came ten minutes into your walk. You hadn't gotten far. It was sweltering and you had to leave straight from work, so your shoes were the least comfortable thing to walk in as you sweat.
Two motorcycles were headed your way, and to your surprise they both stopped. One was wearing a light brown leather jacket, and he pulled off his helmet immediately. He had blond hair and a kind looking smile, but you were also alone in a mysterious location with no signal.
"Hey, you alright?" You stared at them, and took a step back when he took a step toward you.
"You had an appointment at the Howling Commando? Twenty minutes ago? Blue vintage Austin Mini Cooper?" The other guy had popped up his visor, but hadn't taken off the helmet yet. His blue eyes were sharp, watching you. You took another two steps back.
"Buck, lose the helmet," the blond guy admonished, "We work there, you said when you called that you were worried about the heat and the engine, so when you no-showed we thought you might have gotten stuck. I'm Steve. We talked on the phone the first time I think, and then you talked to Yelena to get the details." The other guy pulled off his helmet and you thought your heart might stop. Sure the blond, Steve, was handsome in a clean cut preppy kind of way, but this guy looked like he walked out of one of the fantasy books your read as a kid. Dark eyebrows slanted over his bright blue eyes, his scruff adding to the rugged look he was sporting. He waved, a shy smile slicing away the fear you had held entirely. It changed his face, you wanted to make it happen again.
"Bucky. We'll get you all fixed up."
"Belle, ya home?" You looked up from your laptop. You hadn't been able to pull yourself away from the document you were building for the new hires.
"Yeah- I- oh shit. I forgot to start dinner." You turned to find Bucky stepping through the doorway from the kitchen. His grease stained tshirt was tossed over his shoulder already, leaving all his tattoos on display. One in particular always caught your attention, the sketch of a mini cooper right over his heart.
"How many time do I gotta tell you?" He asked, dropping the shirt in the hallway before coming over to you. You stood, tilting your chin to look up at him as he wrapped one arm around your back and cradled the back of your neck with the other.
"You don't have to worry about that stuff, honey. I'll take care of dinner. Finish up your work, it'll be done in no time."
"I need a break, baby, seriously. I'll help." His eyes narrowed.
"You sure?" You nodded, turning back to hit save and taking his outstretched hand to go back into the kitchen. You chopped veggies while he marinated chicken and he told you about his day at the shop. It was a familiar routine by now, three years into your relationship, but you couldn't help but feel the guilt in your stomach again. He spent all day on his feet.
"Hey, lose the face." You looked up at him.
"I can feel your thoughts from over here." He set down the spices, rinsing his hands and patting them dry before coming over to you and wrapping you up in his arms. He was anything but weak, and carefully lifted you onto the unoccupied part of the counter and stood between your legs, looking you dead in the eye. You blinked slowly, trying not to fall into the trap of his icy-blue silence. It was impossible.
"I just feel bad is all, you spend all day on your feet and working and then you come home and make dinner. It feels, not fair." Bucky tilted his head to the side, eyebrows up. It was a conversation you had all the time, and you knew how he felt about it. He did serious very well, even if you knew there was a smile lurking just behind it.
"You know that's not how I feel. I love taking care of you. You work so hard every day trying to change the world for the better. I go dick around with my friends all day playing with cars." You snorted.
"I'm serious! My number one and most important job is taking care of my girl. I will make you dinner every night for the rest of our lives together, if that's what it takes to prove it."
"You don't have to do-"
"Nope, you're banished from the kitchen. Go feed Alpine. Get lost." You laughed, taking his face into your hands before he could lift you back off the counter. His lips were warm and soft, and his hands wrapped tighter around your middle as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss before pulling away. You rested your forehead against his, breathing in the smell of motor oil and coffee.
"I love you, James Barnes." He gave you that sweet smile, the one that transformed him into an entirely different man.
"I love you, honey belle. Now get the fuck outta my kitchen."
You woke up and stretched, yawning as your rubbed your eyes and sat up. And then you became aware again that you were not in your own room and you were laying in an empty bed. You glanced around, noting the distinct lack of a tall tattooed biker who had left hickeys on your chest and had all but fucked you to sleep the night before.
In his place lay a small gray cat, it sat up when you did and surveyed you before jumping gracefully off the bed and leaving out the open door. You stood up, glancing at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a shirt that said the Howling Commandos Garage and Bar on the front. It was well worn and soft, with little frays on the bottom and the collar. Your hair was a mess and you smoothed it out before following the cat into the rest of the apartment. Your clothes which had been strewn across the living room were neatly folded in a pile on the back of the couch, and there was a note scrawled on top.
Had to head off to fix up your baby. Coffee in the pot. Stay if you'd like. Bucky
Bucky looked wistfully down the block at his apartment building.
"What is your deal today, Barnes?" Sam asked. He was newer, and Steve had brought him in to tend bar, but also help with the books at the garage. Bucky grumbled that they didn't need new people, and Steve returned with patience that just because Bucky didn't want to make new friends, didn't mean they didn't need new staff.
"He's got a crush," Steve laughed from the other side of a pickup.
"I'll have you know I sealed that deal," Bucky shot back. There was a thunk sound and then Steve appeared over the hood, rubbing the top of his head.
"What the hell are you doing there then?" Bucky shrugged.
"She was still asleep. I left her coffee and a note." Sam snorted.
"See her never."
"Her car is literally right in front of me."
"She's gonna take it somewhere else," Sam shot back. Bucky's eyes narrowed, dropping the wrench he had on hand. He was starting towards Sam when a new voice echoed through the garage.
"I would really appreciate it if you fixed my car, not got blood on it." You strolled in the front of the garage and Bucky considered falling to his knees and begging for you to stay with him forever. You were wearing your jeans and sandals from the night before, but on top you had on his Howling Commandos shirt with the original design and logo. You were holding one of the mugs from his kitchen and had an easy smile on your face.
"I thought I'd come check on the progress on my baby. Maybe learn a thing or two." Steve smirked at Bucky and turned back to his work. Sam had suddenly made himself scarce into the office.
"Sure thing, but can't let you learn too much, you might notice some things going wrong just so you can stop by to see me." You nudged Bucky with your elbow, taking a sip of coffee as you followed him back to your car.
"I don't know, I think I could have other reasons to stop by and see you."
You woke up to sunlight coming in through the open curtains. Bucky was sound asleep on his stomach, face pressed into his pillow and his arm thrown over you. After a moment of relishing the cuteness of him keeping you close while he was asleep, you slipped out of his grasp and headed for the kitchen.
It was mostly clean, and you started a pot of coffee for the morning before tidying up just a little bit more. Bucky had slipped in after you fell asleep. He was working the bar when you left full of a burger and with kisses pepper to your nose promising he'd be home soon. The rest of the staff had ribbed him endlessly while saying goodnight to you.
You grumbled to yourself about having to wake Bucky's whining ass up to take you to work when you noticed something on the counter. Your car keys. Trying not to get your hopes up, you peeked out the front windows and let out a squeal when you saw your car sitting in the driveway, a comically small bow on the hood.
"Wha-Who's there?" Bucky ran out in just his boxers, fists up prepared to fight an intruder apparently, but instead got a chestful of you.
"She's done?" It took him a moment to register what who you were and what you were referring to.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah, belle, she's done." You threw your arms around Bucky's shoulders, squeezing him tight.
"Thank you thank you thank you! She'll run for another three years? No problems?" Bucky held you tight, sleep already returning as he nuzzled against your neck.
"Even better. She should be alright for at least another five to ten." You pressed kisses to his face and then his hands, and kissed him goodbye for the day. Your outfit for the morning was already hanging in the bathroom and it made your morning to not have to pack extra clothes for the bike. Instead you put your coffee in a to go mug, your lunchbox in your purse, and headed for the door. The car started up with a hum and you patted the dash, turning on your favorite radio station and rolling down the windows on your way to work.
You sighed on your way into your apartment. Bucky said he was headed over after you left, and now you had to clean up and start on dinner. Work had been exhausting, and you had found yourself fixing other peoples' work first thing in the morning, which put you back on your own deadlines.
Still, you tossed your bag onto the black hole chair of random items in the bedroom and changed out of your work clothes into something comfy for movie night. You had bought all the ingredients for homemade pizzas over the weekend when you were ambitious about when you were going to get out of work.
"Five minutes on the couch," you muttered to yourself, "then back to work." Five minutes quickly turned into doom scrolling until Bucky knocked on your front door.
"Shit." You jumped off the couch and started pulling things out of the fridge frantically to make it look like you had already started the process. The knocking grew frantic after a minute and you rushed to the door. Bucky's eyes were wide, but he relaxed when he saw you were fine.
"Sorry, I didn't hear you." His soft smile melted your nerves a fraction, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips.
"You had a long day, I understand." He followed you into the kitchen, and you frowned at the array you had pulled out. Sure you had the pizza dough and sauce but also a jar of pickles, some miso, and a block of tofu.
"What were you planning on making?" Bucky asked, examining the contents of a mystery tupperware.
"Uh..." You considered coming up with a lie about cleaning your fridge, panic welling back up that he would be upset you had gotten sidetracked away from making dinner.
"I... I'm sorry, I panicked when I heard you because I hadn't started making dinner and I knew you would be hungry so I just started pulling things out of the fridge and I..." you could feel yourself beginning to ramble into a spiral.
"Woah! Woah, belle, calm down. It's okay!" Bucky came around the counter, hands on your shoulders to ground you.
"It is really okay, belle, I know you had a long day. You don't have to make me dinner. I mean it. You work long hours and clean up other people's messes all day." You could feel tears prickling at the corners of your eyes and looked down at the logo of some motorcycle brand on Bucky's shirt.
"You just work all day at the shop and I know that can be exhausting, so I just wanted to make you food so you'll be..." you trailed off. So he would be what? Had never gotten pissed at you because dinner wasn't on the table or that you didn't get him his drink before yours. He had never thrown his empty can in your direction when you didn't get a new one for him before it was empty. Bucky called your name, pushing your chin up to meet his eyes. They were big and blue and full of concern that grew when he saw the tears in yours.
"Honey, where is this coming from? We could have ordered takeout for all I cared?"
You swallowed and took a deep breath.
"My ex, they were blue collar. Worked in construction. They didn't... they thought I should do all the housework and make dinner since I sat at a desk all day. They would get... angry when I didn't or said I was too tired or it wasn't ready when they got home or I ran out of their favorite drink and... I just want you to be happy." Bucky's frown had deepened and the concern in his blue eyes had turned to anger.
"Where are they now? Who would ever do that to you?" His head turned to see if he could spot any memory of them in the apartment. To your surprise it made you laugh to see him be so protective over something that wasn't there.
"Long gone. I moved states away to leave them. It's why I've been working so much, honestly. When I switched positions I had to do it for a cut, since at the headquarters I was making more. I don't regret it for a second though." You were looking at him now, sincere. If you never moved you wouldn't have been looking for an apartment when your car overheated and you had to go to the Howling Commando. You would have never met Bucky or found an apartment a few blocks away from the bar and him.
"I'm glad you made it here too," he said finally. He wrapped his arms around you, big arms keeping you safe and his chin on your head grounding you to him.
"I know you spend every day working super hard with people you don't really like. I know you love what you do, but I would never hold any of that against you. I spend every day working with my best friends for as long as or short as I'd like. If you never cook me dinner again, I would still be happy as long as we get to sit down and eat together." He paused, and you could feel his heart beat a little faster, a shift in his posture. For the first time:
"And I love you." Your heart leapt, the tears that you had been wiping against his tshirt flowed again.
"I love you too, Bucky."
You texted Bucky on your way out of work, and blessedly got into your own car with air-conditioning and seatbelts. Not that you didn't trust Bucky or that you didn't like to ride with him, but it was nice to have a seat to sit in.
You began the journey home, it feeling a little longer than it had for the last few weeks when you clung to Bucky's middle with your eyes closed. You were most of the way home when a telltale rumble of motorcycles started up behind you on the long empty road. It reminded you of the first time you rode with Bucky, down this very same road when your car broke down and he took you back to the shop with him while Steve waited with the car. He had said, after securing his extra helmet to your head, that it would be only time you ever rode without the proper shoes or pants on. You had responded cheekily, since he was hot and it didn't seem like it could hurt the speed at which your car got fixed, that he was suggesting that there would be another time. He had followed that with a quick, "I have your phone number. I find another time."
The bikes were getting closer, four of them, and to your surprise Bucky wasn't with them. Steve and Sam rode on either side of you, offering salutes. You couldn't identify who the two behind were but you could tell one of them was Yelena or Natasha. It was not a regular procession, though when they did see your distinctive car when out riding, they always did stop by for a wave. Instead of leading you home, Sam and Steve guided your car to the parking lot at the Howling Commando. The fairy lights were up for the summer and a few of the regulars were already outside enjoying the weather.
"I was going to go home first you know," you whined at Steve, tossing your blazer into the passenger seat before getting out of the car.
"I think this is more important," he said, turning you away from the bar and toward the shop. The garage doors were open, but inside was obstructed by the shadows from the sunset. When you stepped in you froze. The cars and equipment had all been cleared out and a beautiful flower arrangement was across the floor, Bucky was standing a few feet away, looking nervous as the first time he came to pick you up for dinner. He spotted you and swallowed, standing up straighter as you walked towards him.
"Bucky..." You didn't have the words to say as you joined him in the array of flowers.
"Belle. I love you, I have loved you since the minute I saw you on the side of the road. From the second you wrapped your arms around me on my bike for the first time. The first night we spent together and every night since then I have known that I would spend the rest of my life with you. I promise I will make dinner every night if that's what it takes." You grinned at the little inside joke, tears pouring down your cheeks as he got down on one knee.
"Make me the happiest idiot in the world and marry me?"
"Of course I will. I love you."
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jadeddangel · 7 months
Feel free to ignore this request if you want! But basically Adam and reader being pretty good friends who are casual with each other, have a similar sense of humor and personality, reader is a older sibling figure to many of the other angels, and him just beginning to actually gain feelings for them
Eeee I'm so excited!! Thank you for requesting!!
Adam x reader
"Can't believe I'm falling in love with such a cocky bitch"
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You and Adam knew eachother since the beginning of time, and having known eachother that long you started to rub off on eachother. You both had similar humor and jokes the only difference was, was that you knew how to act politely, Adam did not.
You worked as a welcoming angel for new souls and angels of the like, showing them around and getting them set up in a home was just one of your many jobs. You worked closely with percious but you didn't like him, he was kind of a cunt when he wasn't around other people. You were on your lunch break sitting at a high table on a chair swinging your legs happily, you had gotten a milkshake and some fries. Adam snuck up behind you grabbing your sides suddenly, "hah! gotcha bitch!" Adam laughed. You had went to hit him at first but started laughing with him when you realized who it was, "adam!! You bitch come sit! I haven't seen you all week bro" you pointed to the seat across from you.
You couldn't even remember who had started the tradition of sneaking up on each other, but it just stuck, and Adam never failed to sneak up on you. Adam and you talked about your week together making small jokes as you ended up sharing your fries and milkshake with him. "And then she's over here hitting on the drummer, like, you think you want drummer dick? Nah, do you know who I am? I'm fucking Adam, I'm the original dick!" Adam recited the story to you as you started snort laughing. "Well it can't be that good if she wanted drummer dick!" You said between laughing as you hit your thigh loosing your shit over your own joke. "Hey!! My dick is fine thank you very much!" Adam huffed defensively before joining in your laughter. It took you both forever to catch your breath and stop.
Adam grabbed the last fry and ate it "Alright sugartits I've gotta go danger tits is waiting for me, but hey! I'll swing by your place with some Chinese food. Sound good?" Adam looked at you with hopeful eyes. You chuckled "sure thing dickmaster I'll see ya then" you said playfully giving him a sweet smile. Adam went to get you a hug but paused and patted you on the head awkwardly instead before speeding off to go find lute.
You were a bit confused but expected it from Adam, well atleast you were learning to Adam had been acting weird.. you thought that it would be all fixed up after mating week, but he was still just as weird as before.
You ended up getting an early day off since Emily took over welcoming souls for a bit to help. "Calm her energy down." In Sera's words, at least. You picked up your place, finally dishes and other chores you were behind on. You got a movie picked for tonight and some beer and sodas for you and Adam.
Adam finally came by your place after dark with a bag of Chinese food and a bag of clothes for him to change into assuming he was staying over. Adam knocked on the door rhythmically as he waited, you opened the door after a moment or so in some sleep shorts and one of Adam's band t-shirts(I keep forgetting Adam has a band bro).
"Woah, is that Adam without lute on his shoulder like a little parrot?" You teased letting the man in. Adam took his helmet off and rolled his eyes, "I'm not bringing my second in command to your house to hang out." Now that that was weird, Adam never responded that way to that joke, "bro, you good? What happened that got you all pissy? Are you on your man period or sum?" You asked concerned but still trying to make it a joke. Adam sighed "nah just a lot on my mind. There's this chick -" "ooooo does the Adam have a crush?" Who's the lucky bitch huh? " You cut him off plopping on your couch and turning your head so Adam could change(like you weren't just watching him in the reflection of the tv). Adam sighed and got changed into comfy clothes, "yea it's fucking weird though I mean she wouldn't leave my mind during mating week and ugh I get so awkward around her" Adam groaned laying on the couch with his head in you thighs. "Shit Adam do you actually like this chick? Or do you just wanna fuck her? Orrrr was the pussy that good that you want more?" You teased playing with Adam's hair carefully. Adam shook his head "I think I like her I mean I've known her for awhile and she just gets me yknow?" Adam said tilting his head a bit to look at you before changing his mind and grabbing the remote looking through Aisney(angel disney) and putting on the live action of "the jungle dude" (the jungle book).
You took a moment to think, it hurt, the thought of Adam falling in love with someone else after sharing so much. "Just think about your heart before you brain Adam, think about your feelings, maybe you should tell her I mean it can't hurt too bad, and I mean if your friends I'm sure she feels the same... and you guys can just be together, yknow.." You slowly got quieter and quieter, feeling like if you were any louder, you were gonna cry your eyes out.
Adam nodded a bit. "What would you do in my situation?" Adam asked under his breath, yet you still heard him. You took a deep breath "Adam I...." Your words got caught in your throat as you looked down at him looking guilty. Adam tilted his head to look at you confused at the look. "What's with the look sugar tits? You look like I'm about to cry, did I say sum?" Adam asked genuinely concerned for you. It made your heart melt knowing he cared for you so much, it made your heart melt so much in fact that before your brain registered what you were doing you had leaned down and trapped his lips in a kiss. The angle wasn't comfortable, and your spine was bent weird, but God was it worth it, feeling how soft his lips were. Adam froze for a moment before melting into it, licking along your bottom lip, teasing you a bit. After a moment of you both continuing to kiss each other, you both pulled away for air a small string of salive connecting you and breaking after you moved too far away. You were panting a bit but didn't go too far from his face. "That's what I'd do.. " you whispered softly, your lips barely brushing against Adam's. Adam reached up and put a had on your cheek "you wanna know something sugar tits? I think I would do the same.." Adam smiled as he locked your lips together in a passionate kiss pulling away after a few moments.
Adam smiled and sat up next to you , allowing you to straighten your back properly. Adam chuckled " awwe you hunched just to kiss me sugar tits? I'm honored" Adam joked. You rolled your eyes "yea yea whatever dickmaster now do you wanna cuddle up and eat while we watch a movie or do we wanna talk about what well we are first?" You tilted you head a bit. Adam was already reaching for the bag when you brought it up. "What do you mean what we are? I thought that kiss established it, I'm yours and your mine" Adam spoke almost boredly. You could feel the blush creep up on your face " your gonna be one heck of a boyfriend " you laughed.
The rest of the evening was relaxed as you cuddled and ate together. Before falling asleep together on your couch, hoping everything would be perfect with you both together
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mikachacha · 6 months
fr in need of some angst. maybe a plot where y/n (y/n gotta be taller though cause we need more stories like that 😭) is secretly in love with bada and did everything for her but bada never knew. one day, when y/n was gonna confess by giving bada a letter while visiting bebe practice. they ended up getting in an argument and y/n leaves and ends up getting in an accident. then you can make up the rest lol
𝚁𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚍 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
Synopsis: You were about to confess to Bada about how you truly feel about her but it didn't end well.
T.W.: angst, mentions of accident, death, just so much tear for this one.
(A/N: This is a femme! Bada x Masc.! Reader. And if y'all are familiar with the movie Rewind, this is kinda like that with some elements from Marry My Husband because I can't stop watching it 🥹🥹🫶🫶)
You have always loved Bada, even when she wasn't famous yet. You have been in love with her since you were both in highschool. You did everything for her, supported her in her dreams and continued to be there for her in hopes that maybe one day she'll love you back. Hoping that maybe someday, she'll accept you and the love you have for her.
You took off your helmet as you arrived at the studio where Bada and the rest of team Bebe are practicing. You planned on giving a letter to Bada, confessing your feelings to her but your plan was quickly ruined by Bada herself. She went up to you, grinning and you already know that she had set you up on a date with someone at the studio. Perhaps a staff or a student.
"Bada.. I already told you that I'm not interested." you sighed and Bada was also getting annoyed because you keep on rejecting the people she sets up for you.
"Why not? You keep rejecting the people I think that's good for you.. I'm only concerned about you, Y/N." Bada says and you couldn't help but feel frustrated because Bada is so dense. She doesn't even realize that you didn't want anything else because she's all that you want. Not some random person she sets you up on a date with.
"Because I'm not interested, Bada! Jesus.. Just how many times are we going to go through this for you to finally realize?!" You couldn't help but air out your frustration and with that, started a huge argument between you and her. You just stormed out, crumpling out the letter you made for her and getting on your motorcycle, speeding off.
Your head was filled with lots of thoughts, mostly self pity because you're such a fool thinking Bada could ever love you back when all she could give to you was friendship. You were lost in your thoughts not even realizing that you were over speeding until it was too late to slow down. You swerved your motorcycle to the side to avoid a cat who suddenly crossed the road. That's all you could remember before everything went dark.
Bada couldn't believe how you acted but she did feel bad for arguing with you after you stormed out. She tried to run after you yet she was too late as you already left. She was about to head back inside to get her phone so she could call you but then she noticed a crumpled up piece of paper near the trash bin. She picked it up and recognized your handwriting so she read it. She could feel her heart break reading the letter you made for him. She felt like the biggest idiot in the world for not realizing your feelings.
"Shit.. Shit.." Bada ran back inside the studio to grab her phone. She tried calling you but it goes straight to voicemail. When she was about to give up, somebody picked up.
"Do you know Y/N? Please come to the hospital. She got in an accident." Bada felt her heart drop after hearing what had happened. She didn't even care to grab her other belongings, she just rushed to go to the hospital to see you. Her heart was racing against her chest and her tears won't stop falling down her face. She even saw your motorcycle being towed while she was on the way to the hospital. The sight made her wanna throw up. It was so wrecked that it's going to be a miracle if you survived the crash.
When Bada arrived at the hospital, they told her that it was too late. The injuries you sustained from the crash were too great and they weren't able to save you. Bada walked inside the room where your lifeless body laid on the hospital bed. She held your hand, sobbing, crying and just begging you to wake up.
"Please.. Y/N, please. Please wake up.." She cried out, still holding on to your hand. She hugged your lifeless body, telling you how much she loves you and she regrets arguing with you earlier.
"If I could just turn back time.. If I could just turn back time, I would.. I wish I was able to tell you how much I love you and how much I care about you rather than being stupid.. I love you, Y/N.. Please come back to me." Bada sobbed, still unable to process that you're really gone.
Bada woke up from the sound of her alarm blaring. She was confused. She didn't remember going home, the last thing she remembered was that she was in the hospital, hugging your lifeless body and trying to fight off the staff who tried taking you away from her. She couldn't help but cry as she remembers that you're really gone and the last memory you had together was you and her arguing.
Bada was snapped out of her thoughts when her phone lit up again, indicating a text message. It was a message from you greeting her a good morning. She was confused when she noticed the date and time. It's still the same day but hours before your accident.
"Did I just go back in time?" was all she could think of. It gave her a glimmer of hope, maybe she's given a second chance to finally tell you about her feelings. If that was the case, she knows for sure that she's not going to waste it.
She immediately prepared to start the day but she planned on making this extra special. If this truly is your last day to be with her, she wants to make sure that you feel loved and valued by Bada. She bought your favorite drink and the first snack you shared with her in high school , she even wore the hoodie you lent her that she didn't return.
When you arrived, Bada immediately greeted you with a hug that got you all confused. She hugged you like it was the last hug that she'll ever give to you. She held back her tears as she didn't want to freak you out too much.
"Come on, let's eat. I have something to tell you." Bada held your hand, lacing your fingers with yours as she dragged you along.
"Let me guess, you're going to introduce me to someone again.." you sighed but let Bada drag you along. You couldn't help but smile seeing how small her hand is compared to yours, you find it adorable. And the way your normal sized hoodie looked oversized on her made your heart swell with joy.
"Nope! Actually I have something to tell you." Bada says and makes you sit down on a chair while she takes out the foods and drinks she purchased from the paper bag. You raised an eyebrow as you saw she bought your favorite drink and a snack you once shared with her during highschool. You remembered it was when you saw her crying as she was rejected by the dance club so you shared your snacks with her to make her feel better.
"Please don't tell me that you wanted me to join your group or fill in for a member who's absent.." you couldn't help but groan at the thought. It's not that you couldn't dance but it's because you looked like a sore thumb dancing with them due to your height.
"No! I like you, okay? No. I'm in love with you, Y/N.. Ever since you skipped your own class just so I'll have a partner during a graded performance because my partner bailed out last minute. I wasn't sure if what I felt about you is true but a lot of things made me realize that I truly love you.. Not just because you helped me and supported me with my dreams but you were the only person who showed me what love should really be like." Bada confessed and you looked at her, you were rendered speechless as you didn't know that she felt the same. You just thought that she was just acting that way because you're friends and you helped her a lot, never because there were any romantic feelings involved.
"I.. Wow.. I didn't know.." it felt like your brain had short circuited and you couldn't find the right words to say. Bada didn't even care since she knows you feel the same way. She looks up at you, eyes filled with unshed tears as she took in the image of you, alive and well. She pulls stands on her toes and presses a kiss on your lips, promising to cherish every moment she's given to be with you because no one knows what the future holds.
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robin374 · 1 year
One bed trope part 2?
Of course my friend
One Bed Trope with the Mercs (part 2)
The one time he gets to sleep, and with his they-dont-know-it-yet lover!? That's his paradise.
Look, he doesn't sleep more than two hours, but for you?? Man sleeps 24 hours if needed.
"Sleeping on the floor is bad for the back, let's just sleep together in the bed."
Medical excuses. Yeah, it can be bad for the back or not getting a lot of sleep. But that's just an excuse so he can sleep next to you.
Even with his glasses off and not seeing a shit. HE STARES AT YOU, well, admires you.
He will be like 5 minutes for each part of your face because he can't see shit.
"Are you comfortable?"
"Medic it's the 15th time you asked, and yes, I'm comfortable."
"I was just making sure"
He will talk you ear off until you fall asleep. He doesn't mind, it was planned after all. He will make sure that you are sound asleep to caress your cheek.
When he starts to feel his eyes closing he will put an arm around your waist, hide his face in your neck and he will fall asleep pretty quickly.
He feels safe around you. It's like his inner child is being taken care of and can finally be at peace.
You will be the first waking up, though. It's pretty difficult to wake him up, so you decide to let him sleep and wake him up when gotta go back to the base <3
He doesn't snore at all. You couldn't hear his breathing and thought he was dead.
He will tackle you to the bed. No arguing about who's going to the floor, you two are sleeping in the bed.
"Americans don't sleep on the floor!"
He will not let you out, you're trapped between his muscles and you can't complain.
The second after he takes his helmet off, he's sound asleep. Don't ask me how, but he just immediately sleeps.
"Soldier are you awake?"
*Really American snoring*
He doesn't snore but he somehow growls. As if he was disappointed about something he's dreaming of, as if he wasn't dreaming about you.
He kinda talks in his sleep, but he just says maggot so you can't tell.
"Scout, maggot, you better kick that sandwich's ass before Merasmus takes my rent away"
"What the hell."
He wouldn't see it as a moment to confess his feelings. He prefers confessing his feelings on battle, blood on his hands after saving you from the enemy Heavy. You in his arms in the verge of dying, choking with the blood inside you mouth. And then, he will tell you "Don't die on me, Y/N. Please..." You will look at him and caress his cheek, then, the life will fade away from your eyes and he will tell he loves you disappointed he couldn't tell you sooner.
The you will respawn. And heard it all.
Yeah, he dreams so much about that. He waits eagerly for that time.
You will have to fistfight him so he doesn't break his back on the floor.
Like yeah, he really tall and all that crap but you're not sleeping on the floor bro.
"It's okay, roo, I've slept plenty of times in a tree. I can sleep on the floor."
He's just so nervous about sleeping next to you, leave him alone 😭
His heart is beating so fast he thinks he's about to have a heart attack. You next to him, laying down on the bed, both of your bodies centimeters from touching. He's DYING
It's like 3 AM and you are asleep, he's not. He is still thinking about you and this situation.
Then you accidentally put an arm around him. Now he won't sleep in the entire night.
When you start stirring, he pretends to be asleep. And he's good at it.
The times he's pretended to be asleep just to hear the gossiping happening in the rec room.
He's like an old woman 🫶🏼
But your old woman.
He wants to stay in bed with SO BAD, but he can't because you two gotta go to work.
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allllium · 10 months
~ If you guys have any requests you should send me some. Now that I actually have motivation to write I have no ideas 😓
~ Fluff, WC: 1,070
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~ Reader finds a "cat" ~
Matt is only two blocks from your shared apartment when he notices something is different. Something he can’t quite figure out. There’s a second heartbeat alongside yours, but it is smaller than a human's. A lot smaller. 
He is one block away when he notices that a window is open. Why would you have the window open? It’s December, and you seem to run cold at all times. That’s when he hears little paws running across the hardwood floors. Now, it makes sense. You guys have been talking about getting a cat for a while now. But the animal doesn't smell like a typical cat. 
It all comes together when he finally goes down the stairs to enter the apartment. It is not a cat. It's a raccoon. You let a wild animal into the apartment. And you’re currently trying to feed it marshmallows. 
“Hey, baby.” You greet him happily when you see him standing in the corner. You give him a beaming smile, one he does not return. You knew it was a bad idea, but what else would you do when there’s a raccoon on the windowsill? Not let it in and feed it marshmallows?
Matt pulls his helmet off and walks over to the coffee table, where the raccoon perches. “What is that?” That is all he asks. You both know he knows, but he asks more for an explanation. 
“It's a cat..” Your voice is quiet and full of held-back laughter. 
“That's not a cat.”
“How do you know? You can't see it.” 
“I can smell it.”
“Maybe it’s friends with a raccoon,” You stop and collect your breath before continuing, trying hard not to laugh. “And the smell rubbed off on it.”
“Oh yeah? Then why are you feeding it marshmallows? Cats can’t eat those.” 
“Uhh, 'cause this is a special cat. It can eat marshmallows.”
“And by special cat, you mean raccoon?” 
“Pretty much yeah.” Matt stares at you, nodding softly at your words, before grabbing the bag of marshmallows out of your hand.
“We are not keeping it.” 
“But you said we could get a cat!” You yell out in despair, standing from your place on the couch.
“That’s not a cat!” He motions towards the raccoon that has started standing on the coffee table on two legs.
“It’s practically a cat!”
“It's on two legs!”
“But it's adorable!”
“Honey, it’s a wild animal.” You watch Matt run a hand through his hair in frustration. “We can’t keep a raccoon as a pet.”
“Why not?”
“It's illegal.”
“Well, good thing I know a lawyer.”
“Sweetheart,” He steps forward to put a hand on your face, “I love you, but we can’t keep the raccoon.”
“Fine.” You mutter in defeat. “Can I at least leave marshmallows out for it?”
“Yeah, you can do that.” Despite having to release your new friend, a big grin breaks out across your face to mirror his. 
“Good, I don't want him to be lonely.” You tell him and lean onto his chest. 
“Honey, it's a raccoon, he won't get lonely.” He laughs at your concern for the raccoon. You carefully place marshmallows in a path from the coffee table to the open window.
“How do you know? You've never been a raccoon.” Matt sits on the couch and pulls you into his lap. 
“Baby, they're animals that eat trash. I don't think they have very high thinking skills.” 
“Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway, why are you back so early?” 
“Because my crazy girlfriend let a wild animal into our apartment.” You chuckle at his words.
“Does that mean you're going back out?”
“No, I think I'll stay in. Someone's gotta make sure you don't open that window again.” 
“Hm, in that case, maybe you should change into your comfy clothes, and we can watch a movie?” Even though Matt can't watch the movie with you, he always insists on sitting with you and listening. 
“That sounds like a good plan. I'll go change.” He kisses you on your forehead and gets off the couch, pushing you off his lap and off to the side.
While Matt is in the bedroom, you watch the raccoon still making its way down the marshmallow trail. You only had the small ones you use in hot chocolate, so it's taking longer.
Matt enters the living room again as the raccoon leaves through the open window. On his way to the couch, he shuts the open window. You jokingly pout at the loss of your new friend. 
“I bet it'll be back soon, sweetheart. No animal is going to forget the window that gives them marshmallows.” He chuckles as he sits by your side. 
“Yeah, I know, but what if it forgets?” He laughs at you again. 
“Honey, you're thinking too hard about this. What if we go to the shelter and look for a cat tomorrow.” 
“No. We can't do that.” 
“Why not?” Confusion covers his face with laughter in his voice.
“Because if we go down to the shelter, there's gonna be tons of animals begging to go home with us, and then we'll have to choose between all of them, and then when we do, all the other animals will be sad, and wonder why we don't want them.” You explain, speaking a little faster than usual. 
Matt lets out a hard sigh, “I don't even know how to respond to that.”
“Uh, you're supposed to agree with me 'cause I'm always right.”
“Oh yes, of course.” He gives you a big smile, almost taking your breath away. No matter how much you see it, his smile will always be the most beautiful thing in the world. “What?”
“I can feel you staring.” 
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“Mhm.” He pulls you closer, leaving you unable to look at his face.  “How do you expect to get a cat if we can't go to the shelter?”
“We had one a few minutes ago, but you didn't like that one.”
“That wasn't a cat!” He exclaims.
“It was close enough.” You cross your arms over your chest. Matt doesn't like that as he pulls your arms away from your chest to hold your hand. 
You sigh happily into his chest as you lean against him, your legs over his lap with his arms around you. You both forget about the movie, too focused on each other to care.
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weekend-whip · 2 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week (2024): Day 1
Prompts: Oneshots/Ninja! (Keeping it a little short today since I'm LATE but here's a lists of oneshot starring the Ninja!)
Ninja Oneshots:
A Little More Than Sixteen Candles: My self-rec for this list! A story about Kai celebrating his birthday with the Ninja for the very first time...and the fact they don't actually know how old he is. Shenanigans ensue <3
Unfortunately, You're Amazing: I've been slacking on reading Jay fics lately (A CRIME) but this one's a classic favorite of mine! Deals with Jay and his lamentable fascination with Samurai X and their mech—though, maybe the unexpected friendship may led tot something better later on?
Adjusting: Heard there was an outcry for some Pre-Pilot fics, so what better one than this story about Cole?? Cole attempts to make friends with the bizarre newfound members of this so-called team, but he has some trouble...adjusting (OOOH TITLE DROP!!!)
My Battery is Low (And it's Getting Dark): Always a must-recommend from me, this Zane-centric tale chronicles his time alone in the Never-Realm through a video diary that breaks down his feelings on the other Ninja, his attempts at dealing with his situation...and his own spiraling doubts and loneliness until suddenly he doesn't
D is For Don't Drop Kick Metal Helmets Unless You're Wearing Shoes: Gotta be logged into Ao3 for this one mmmBUT it's a fun little story focusing on Nya, her time as Samurai X, and bits of her and Cole's dynamic! Really great character voice in this one, along with many funny and charming moments!
Some Burn Hot, Some Burn Cold: A Lloyd story that have served as a great inspiration to me along with being an all-around fascinating look into how Lloyd deals with his emotions, especially compared to everyone else. Love me some Lloyd confronting emotions *-*)9
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marvelous-slut · 1 year
idk how i keep writing about our boy happy, like i have so many WIPs and two of them are chibs & juice, literally almost done and my brain said “but how about we write one for happy AND finish it all in one day.” like ?? idk guys he has a choke hold over me and i’m not even complaining i love his ass 🫶🏻 anyways here’s to my happy fans i hope y’all enjoy some smut. this also gets no title bc my brain ain’t working enough for that right now, so sorry xx
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SMUT! 18+ ONLY my friends, if you’re younger than 18 please exit left! lots of smut, didn’t proof read
“we’re gonna head to the porn studio boys, gotta talk some business with Luann.” jax says, hoping on his bike. tig stands with happy as he throws his hands up.
“come on man, we’re standing right here and you’re just gonna rub that in our faces.?” jax smirks and straps his helmet on.
“never said you guys couldn’t tag along, i know how much the two of you like pussy.” tig needs to hear no more as he walks over to his bike and hops on. happy decides to join them as he does in-fact love pussy and he definitely loves porn.
immediately when entering Luann’s porn studio, tig is gone. he’s looking around the studio, he’s looking at the half naked women strutting around, he finally stops when he sees a girl on girl scene being filmed. not even a fire could take his eyes off this action. happy follows, looking around himself. he sees spots Luann speaking with a familiar face.
“holy shit.” he mutters out, he recognizes your face and body from anywhere. he’d never admit he had a favorite porn star, he did enjoy most of what he watched, but you in fact got him off quicker and made him harder than any other woman he’d watched on screen. he swears he’s seen every film you’ve had, girl on girl, straight, threesomes, but his favorites were your solos. he notices the tight royal blue dress hugging your body and he feels himself growing harder. once he sees you break away from Luann he decides to take his chances. he watches you wrap a bottle of water around his your lips, he comes over and grabs a bottle as well.
“hey.” he says, feeling like he can hardly speak, you turn around and smile at him.
“hey.” you say back to him, noticing the leather that matches your new business partners SAMCRO. he stares at you for a moment, unsure of what else to say, you decide to break the silence. “cat got your tongue?” you ask him, he puts a head on the back of his head.
“uh. no. you just look familiar.” he says, happy doesn’t usually feel nervous around anyone especially women but he felt like he was meeting a big time celebrity which he guessed that was somewhat accurate.
“which movies your favorite baby?” you ask, running a hand down his leather. he smirks, looking you up and down.
“i prefer the solos.” you smile at him, usually the answer you got from men was girl on girl. you grab his hand, leading him to the back room where you and your girls got ready. thankfully most of them were sniffing around the SAMCRO members, giving them a good time. once the two of you were in the room, you kiss him on the lips roughly.
he runs a hand up to your ass and grasps it, before you know it you feel your back against the wall. you pull away from the kiss to help him take off his kutte, as he’s doing this he also sheds the shirt he wore under. you notice all the tattoos and his muscular body, feeling your body heat up. you’d slept with plenty of men and women, you would think being on camera would take some embarrassment away from off camera sex, but not with this man. at this moment you realize you didn’t even get his name.
you pull him by the waist band of his jeans and drop to the floor to your knees, undoing his belt and letting his jeans fall to the ground. once his boxers come off, your eyes grow and a loud “wow” leaves your lips. he smirks at hearing this, he would never not feel proud hearing about how big his dick was but he was ecstatic to hear it come from his favorite porn stars lips. he feels himself twitch as you wrap your lips around him. he’s met with a hand wrapping around him as well, even tho you were some what of an expert at the matter, you weren’t about to embarrass yourself a choke on this man. he notices your hair getting in the way and decides to hold it up for you, his fist wrapping tightly around it. you pull him out of your mouth, running your tongue from the base to his head. he moans out at this action, he pulls your hair as a signal to come up to him.
before you know it, you’re laying out on the couch. happy lifts your dress up, revealing that you have no panties on underneath.
“shit girl. no panties?” he asks, you pull the top of your dress down, revealing your breast. you feel your nipples become hard from the cold air.
“makes it easier for moments like these.” he grins, pulling you to the edge of the couch, he slides himself into you without warning. you let out a moan, you were already soaking wet. usually it took a little lube for the shoots, but this man did something that no one else had done in a long time. he’s thrusting slowly, but steady.
“god damn.” he mutters out, running his hand to your breast. “pussy is even better in person than then on camera. you know how many times i’ve fantasied about this?” he hears you let out the oh so familiar moans that before he’d only heard in porn. you lift your head up and grin.
“is it all you ever dreamed of?” you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down to your face, kissing him sloppily and wiping away his sweat with your hand. he can feel the tops of your nails sticking into his neck. “shit. even better than that.” he says, thrusting himself into you harder than before. your moans mimicked what he has heard many times before, but it seemed more enjoyable this time around, much more authentic.
you wiggle yourself out of the corner of the couch and manage to get him to lay on his back, happy was taken back. he was used to doggy style or being in control in missionary, he couldn’t even remember the last time a woman rode him. you ease down onto his cock, “fuck.” he let’s out, he can’t believe what’s happening, it still doesn’t feel real. he feels like a teenage boy again fucking someone for the first time. you grind yourself on him, taking his hands and placing them on your hips to help guide you.
“how many times have you thought of this baby?” you ask, he digs his nails into the side of your hips, making you gasp in pleasure.
“you don’t even know.” you feel pressure building inside of you, ready to explode. “you sure do know how to work a man’s fucking cock.” the words send you over the edge, happy feels you clenching around him.
“oh my god!” you scream out, he watches your face, although he remembers plenty of the orgasms you’d had in your movies, he’d never seen one like this before. you continue riding him, finishing off your orgasm. you feel him go to push you off so he can cum himself, but you hold him down with your hands still grinding onto him.
“oh now, don’t think you didn’t do all that work to not get to cum inside of me.” you say, moving your hands to his face.
“fuck!” he let’s out, he releases into you and enjoys every second of it. no second thoughts. once the both of you have finished, you hop off him and grab the closest towel that had your initials printed onto it, specially made for you of course as you were one of Luann’s biggest earners. you throw one to happy as well, he stands up, cleaning himself off. you throw on a bright pink robe, throw your hair up into a bun and walk over to him.
“you know, i never did catch your name.”
“happy.” he says, you chuckle for a second until you realize he’s being serious.
“cute, i like it. we should do this again happy.” you say, grabbing your water and taking off to the restroom. he finished cleaning himself off and gives himself a pat on the back, realizing now he can have the real deal instead of his screen.
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