#gotta do my girl right if the packaging doesn’t
fulgurbugs · 1 year
maaaan i’m scared my monster ball draculaura is gonna get delivered and have just ratty matted hair… seems to be a common occurrence from the reveiews but her stock photo hair is just gorgeous and i really want mine to look like that. might have to learn how to do a boil wash and curl cuz i don’t wanna have her looking yucky next to my other girls
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witchwyfe · 2 years
care for you - brb
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I pairing: bradley (rooster) bradshaw x female reader
I précis: bradley loves taking care of you, so you take care of him<3 4 +1 ways bradley shows you he cares, and one extra for him.
I word count: 1,388
I content + warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of food
also tagging @familyvideostevie i'm so glad you're a rooster gal now<3 welcome
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You hadn’t even asked him to. You’d mentioned it in passing, more as a reminder to yourself. The tire pressure light on your dashboard is something you can and have easily taken care of before.
When you leave for work the next morning, Bradley’s already gone. You plug your keys into the ignition and wait for the light to glow. It never lights up, your brows furrowing in confusion. 
You mean to text Bradley about it, about how strange it was. The weather hasn’t been particularly cold so there’s no reason your tire pressure light should turn on and off like that. But once you get to work, you’re bombarded with things to do, and the busyness of the day pushes the thought from your head. 
Bradley is on the couch when you get home, and he jumps up when he hears the key in the lock.
“Baby!” He coos, drawing you into his arms and against his chest. His lips are at the crown of your head, dragging his hand up and down your back. “My sweet girl, how was work?”
“It was fine.” You pull away to smile at him. “What about you? Everything go, okay?”
He nods fondly, reaching to trace the apple of your cheek with his thumb. 
“Oh!” You exclaim, as the thought of your car just pops into your head. “My car light was off babe.”
“It was on yesterday, but this morning it was off.” You furrow your brows until it clicks.
“Wait, did you put air in my tires?” You wonder, looking up at him.
Heat rises on his cheeks as he gives you a sheepish grin. “I took your car this morning before I left.”
“I could’ve gotten it!” You say softly, enthralled by him. 
“I know darlin’, but I wanted to do it for you, so that you didn’t have to worry about it.”
“Bradley,” You groan, letting your head fall against his chest. “You’re way too sweet to me.”
“No such thing.”
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You don’t always realize it, but Bradley is always paying attention to what you’re drinking. He likes to make sure that you always have what you need.
Whether it’s refilling your wine glass when it gets low or picking up a package of Gatorade when you’re sick, Bradley wants to make sure you’re drinking something.
He has a half day today and doesn’t need to leave until about noon. You lined up your work so that you could work from home and spend a little extra time with him in the morning. So, after sleeping in with your body pressed against his, you’d been woken up to coffee—made just how you like it—and a plethora of kisses from your boyfriend. 
Now, in your pajamas, you’re hunched over your laptop while Bradley rushes around to get his things together. He’s been eyeing your water bottle all morning, after he filled it with ice water and handed it to you. According to his observations, you’ve had more coffee than water and he doesn’t want you to get a headache later.
“Hey sweetheart?” He calls, earning your attention. 
“Can you do something for me before I leave?”
“Yes, what do you need?”
He comes over to stand over your desk, fingertips digging softly into the back of your neck, massaging gently.
“Finish your water for me.” He says, nudging the bottle over to you.
“Seriously?” You scoff. “That’s all you needed?”
He nods, a smug grin on his face. You keep eye contact while you take the last few sips before smiling. 
“Happy now?”
He takes it and walks right over to fill it with more ice and water. When he sets it right in front of you, he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “I want that finished by the time I’m home today.”
“You got it.” You salute at him, watching his cheeks flush pink as he ducks down for another kiss. 
“I gotta keep my girl hydrated.” He murmurs against your hair, sliding a warm palm down your shoulder.
“If I’m doing it, you have to, too.” You say, pointedly looking over at his empty coffee mug. “Is that all you’ve had to drink this morning?”
He looks sheepish as he goes to get and fill his own water bottle. 
“Now, I want that finished by the time you get home today.” You use his earlier words, but there’s such a fondness swimming in your eyes that Bradley can’t even find it in himself to tease you.
“Thanks baby, I’ll see you later.”
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When you get to work and open your laptop, a tiny sticky note flutters out. The yellow paper falls into your lap and reach for it with a smile on your face.
In Rooster’s familiar scrawl, you read the note:
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You shoot him a text, telling him you can’t wait with a smiley face. Ever since you told him early in your relationship that you like when he plans dates, he’s been going all out. Your favorite is the notes he leaves you, or the Google Calendar events he sends you to RSVP. 
And sometimes when you go out, he comes home with flowers and nerves of a first date, smiling as he kisses your cheek.
He’s so cute.
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Bradley, to your surprise, is an excellent cook. He loves to find new recipes—and learn ones you love—and cook for you. You cook as well, but if he’s home and has time, he usually wants to do it.
You’re always there to “help” him, which usually consists of stealing ingredients to snack on, and wrapping your arms around his waist.
But one thing Bradley always does, no matter what, is the dishes. Even when you claim, “you cooked, so I clean up!” He brushes you off, usually telling you to pick dessert and a movie to watch. 
As far as you can tell, he doesn’t love washing the dishes, but he always does it without complaining. And you don’t remember the small comment you once made about hating to wash dishes, but he remembers, and that’s why he makes sure that you don’t even have to go near the sink after a meal.
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 + one extra
In the early hours of the morning, you can’t fall back asleep, and you don’t want to, not until he’s gone. You want to soak up every moment with him. You’re on the bathroom counter, watching as he runs through his morning routine. After he washes his face, he pulls out his shaving cream and razor. He sets it on the marble counter with a light tap, rubbing his hand comfortingly, up your thigh.
There’s sleep still prominent on his face, and in the corners of his eyes. You reach up to cup his jaw, studying his peaceful features.
When he reaches for the razor, you grab his wrist. “Can I do it?”
“You wanna shave my face?” He wonders, lips quirking up in an endeared smile.
You nod. “You’re always doing things for me, so let me do this for you.”
His heart leaps in his chest. “Go ‘ahead baby.” 
You set the razor down, using the legs you have wrapped around his waist to tug him closer. After squirting a generous amount of shaving cream into your palm, you carefully spread it over the lower half of Bradley’s face—careful to avoid his mustache.
You’re over careful with the razor, taking firm but slow strokes of the blade down his cheeks and chin. You use a warm washcloth to wipe the residual shaving cream and then lean back to admire your work. Fondness dances in Bradley’s eyes, his hands on your waist, and he doesn’t even notice that you’ve finished.
Once he’s collected himself, he makes eye contact, raising an eyebrow.
“You missed a spot.” He jokes, gesturing to his mustache.
“That’s not even funny babe,” You give him a stern look. “You can’t shave that off.”
You shake your head. “If you lose the stache, you lose me, sorry stud.” You giggle at your joke, watching his warm eyes dance with amusement.
He gasps, feigning shock as he hits his hand to his heart. “Guess I’m keeping the mustache.”
“Yeah, you are, baby.” You lean forward to peck his lips.
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© witchwyfe 2022. absolutely no reposting, translating, or modifying, even with credit.
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sweetaliencheeks · 1 year
THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL Rocket had developed a habit to point out things that remind him of you.
THE ONE WHERE THEY EAT CEREAL Rocket felt lonely and woke you up to have a midnight snack.
THE ONE WHERE SHE HELPS Definitely not a qualified nurse, but love can heal, too.
THE ONES THAT ARE SILENT 1 & 2 Sometimes words aren’t necessary.
THE ONE WHERE SHE DANCES Got some units to spare?
There’s an unexpected package at your door.
THE ONE WHERE SHE GETS OLDER Honestly, I just hate my birthday.
THE ONE WHERE SHE FALLS IN LOVE Sometimes you can just pinpoint the right moment.
THE ONE WHERE HE’S BABY I mean, that was literally the only option.
THE ONLY ONE WHERE HE’S TALL Please, I don’t know exactly what this is but I was force fed Tall Girl and thought this was a good idea… Also, kinda naughty.
THE ONE WHERE THEY CUDDLE Sometimes all you need is the right person to bring out the best in you.
THE ONE WHERE THEY GET ENGAGED Honestly, the plan wasn’t bad, but you had to have sausage fingers, didn’t you?
THE ONE WHERE THEY RUN AWAY Based off of a weird dream I had, gotta love a Runaway Bride moment…
THE ONE WHERE HE COMES BACK Slightly angst, I guess. But always with a sweet ending.
THE ONE WHERE THEY SHARE A BED Obviously a mandatory fic, and also a self explanatory one.
THE ONE WHERE HE TELLS HER Alcohol makes you say things you don’t wanna say, and do things you don’t wanna do. Like betting with Ravagers!
Gotta keep your eyes on the prize.
THE ONE WHERE HE’S COLD I know that global warming is fucked up, but how cold can it be during summer?
THE ONE WHERE THEY MEET Needed to write something that took place during those five years. Those were lonely times, we could all use a drinking buddy…
THE ONE AT THE MARRIAGE Admit it, we’re all suckers for the “I’m going to my best friend’s wedding to watch him marry somebody else while being hopelessly in love with him” trope. And come on, who doesn’t love a wedding?
THE ONE WHERE HE KNOCKS Post GOTG3. had many complaints about crying. But happy tears only!
Julia Roberts would be so jealous…
After you’ve died, any moment is good.
What song are you?
THE ONE WHERE HE BETS Peter bet he could get a secret out of you, and he’s very bad at keeping secrets.
THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE USELESS Just a little everyday struggle when your friends aren’t that good with feelings.
THE ONE WHERE THEY COMMUNICATE Maybe next time try to be a little bit more literal…
You tell Peter how you feel while waiting for
Rocket to come back to the living (gotg3)
So I followed the advice of my lovely readers and finally got around to do a masterlist so it’s easier to find everything! Let me know if I forgot anything. I was actually surprised by how many fics I have written over the years, and I want to say how grateful I am for your support and kind words 🤍
Also, I want to precise that although some of the titles contain the pronouns “she/her”, the fics are mostly gender neutral. I’ll get around to fix the titles eventually!
Keep rocking you beautiful space babies
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141goblin · 5 months
Soft: Chapter Four.
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—> Chapter three
CW: Slightly suggestive. Hangover.
A/N: I posted the wrong chapter by accident🤦🏼‍♀️my bad. This chapter is a little short but I promise, it’ll get juicy soon :3
I wake up the next morning to find Amelia already gone and a little note laying on my bedside table, scrawled in her writing.
“Early shift at work, gotta go. Love you x”
The second I make any attempt to sit up out of bed, my head begins pounding, a cruel reminder of the sheer amount of alcohol I consumed last night. Yet another stupid decision that’ll make me waste another day lazing around and not doing anything productive. I somehow manage to stumble out of bed and into my bathroom. Because i’m an idiot, I slept in my makeup, breaking one of the most important rules I ever set for myself; never ever sleep in makeup. Crumbs of mascara descend down my dehydrated cheeks, lipstick clinging to the dry parts of my lips.
I wash away the remnants, praying that a bit of cold water and soap will help me to feel a bit more like a human being, rather than a zombie. It does, but not by much. The next thing on my list is to eat something, a proper meal, rather than just bits and pieces of random things laying around my cupboards. I usually opt for what known as ‘girl dinner’, a random assortment of little snacks. My go-to has been pickles with some tortilla chips, and apple slices with peanut butter. Instead of my usual ‘girl dinner’, I make myself a small bowl of pasta with some leftover sauce I have. Carbs will soak up the alcohol, I think.
Once I have something substantial in my stomach, the hangover is slowly starting to fade. It’s still there, but it’s gone from unbearable to just unpleasant. My head still hurts, but the spinning has subsided, luckily. I open my curtains and the windows, letting in some air to rid the smell of wine and takeaway food from my flat. It doesn’t take me long to clear up, putting the empty bottles and packages into the bin and the dirty clothes into the laundry. Now, my flat actually looks somewhat homely, rather than a biohazard. Look at me go, I think.
It’s well into the day, almost 3pm when I decide to reward myself with some well-earned phone time of scrolling on the same three apps for longer than i’d like to. I get into position on the couch, legs sprawled out and open tik-tok, scrolling endlessly on silly videos of cats that warm my heart and stupid memes. I make a mental note to look into getting a cat after I’ve learned to take care of myself. Id love a cat right now, but the poor thing wouldn’t last long. I can’t even look after myself most of the time, let alone another living thing.
The ‘ding’ of the washing machine interrupts my phone time and forces me to get my arse up and finish my chores. I drag the wet clothes out and carry them over to the dryer, turning it on and letting it run. After that, I scoop up the warm, dry clothes off the floor and carry them into my bedroom to fold and put away, like the responsible, functioning adult i’m pretending to be. I’m stopped in my tracks when I plop down on my bed and see a suit jacket hanging up on the drawer of my dresser.
Price’s jacket. Shit, his text.
The laundry gets completely forgotten and I pull up his message from last night.
Unknown: Lovely seeing you tonight, dove. Think you still have my jacket. -JP
My brain begins spinning again as I try to formulate some sort of answer that will make me seem like a normal human being. It takes me a good few minutes of typing and then deleting, but I get there in the end.
Me: I apologise for my rant, I was a bit of a mess. Let me know when you’re free and we can arrange getting your jacket back to you. P.s. the party wasn’t that bad.
I hit send on the message and eagerly await his response, like a teenager with a crush. Fucking stupid, I think. The first time a man has shown me attention in a few weeks and here I am, waiting with baited breath for him to-
Unknown: I told you, dove, no apologies. There’s fire in you, I like that. And as for the jacket, there’s no rush. Hope your head isn’t too sore today. -JP
I giggle like a schoolgirl as soon as I read his text. My brain is screaming because the handsome man with the broad shoulders is texting me, but I take a deep breath to calm the giddiness. He hasn’t exactly left it open-ended so I decide not to reply and wait for him to text next, not wanting to get too ahead of myself, only to be let down because I jumped to conclusions.
I finish the rest of my chores, his texts pinging in my brain. I start to imagine what it’d sound like in his voice as i’m doing the dishes from tonight’s dinner. I imagine his deep, rumbly voice, the voice that makes my fucking bones tingle and brain shake in my skull. I imagine pressing my face against his neck as he talks, feeling the vibrations against my lips. I imagine his voice calling me that stupid nickname, ‘Dove’. I’ve never been called that before, by anyone else, but it’s fast becoming my favourite nickname. It’s better than ‘hot tits’, anyway, the name my ex-boyfriend used to call me when he’d try to be smooth. When I think about it, my ex is nothing compared to Price. Sure, he’s tall and conventionally attractive, but he doesn’t have the same attitude he does. He doesn’t exude masculinity and confidence the way he does.
For fuck sake, I’ve only met the man once and here I am fantasising about him while I pretend to watch yet another rerun of gilmore girls, my attention on him rather than the screen.
I know i’m getting ahead of myself, getting too excited, but I can’t bring myself to care. For the first time in a long time, I let myself indulge in the thoughts and fantasies about the handsome man i’ve only met once. The thoughts continue well into the night, from when I curl up on the couch, to when I settle into bed, hand between my thighs and mind full of his voice. My sticky skin shines with sweat and my moans echo off the walls of my bedroom. I’d normally worry about being heard by the neighbours, but my mind is too full of Price to give a shit.
tags: @izziyuwh @a66-1 @jenniferpendragon @girl-of-multi-fandoms
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
More Like Home
Pairing: Benny Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 1300+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Fluff. Pure Benny fluff. Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: This is entirely @wyn-n-tonic ‘s fault. I told her I was in the mood to write fluffy Benny spurred on by a picture posted by Garrett himself (I’ll share below) and she came up with this prompt. 
The song is a legit song, performed by Garrett Hedlund himself. “More Like Home” is on Spotify and iTunes and I’m sure YouTube!
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Main Masterlist
Benny Miller Masterlist
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Benny had met his girl nearly 1 year ago at a New Year’s Eve party. No one thought it would work out, considering they met on a holiday where typically people already have someone or it’s just a quick thing.
Yet here he is, December of the following year, with the same girl that spilled her drink all down the front of him and proceeded to unknowingly feel him up while desperately trying to dry off the alcohol from the front of his pants. Benny loves her. Completely head over heels and can’t believe she feels the same way, even after learning about all the shit he’s done or been ordered to do in his life. She strong willed, smart, hot as hell, the total package. There’s just one problem.
Benny has no idea what to get her for their first Christmas. 
She’s the kind of person who buys it if she really wants something, which makes her impossible to shop for. Of course when he asks what she wants, she waves him off saying he doesn’t have to get her anything. And she truly means it - means it when she says that Benny is all she wants for Christmas. But Benny can’t accept that. 
She deserves the world.
Benny sits across from his best friend, Frankie, at the bar that night, always the first two to show up for their regular hangout night with the group. Frankie watches his friend from over the top of his frosted mug, taking a swig of beer before setting it down, crossing his arms in front of his broad shoulders, and giving Benny a look.
“What’s wrong?”
“Huh?” Benny was completely distracted thinking about the gift debacle.
Frankie shifts in his seat, his dark eyes taking in his friend. “You’ve barely said 2 words to me this entire time and normally I can’t shut you up.”
Benny gives a dry chuckle. “Nothin’ man. Just…got a lot on my mind.”
“Your girl giving you trouble?”
Benny shakes his head. “Not in the traditional sense.”
Frankie uncrosses his arms and sits straighter, leaning his arms on the table. “The traditional sense? Ben, what’s up?”
Benny traces patterns in the condensation on his beer glass with the pad of his pointer finger. “Nothin’.”
Benny sighs. He knows that tone. Frankie won’t let it rest.
“I don’t know what to get her for Christmas.”
He mumbles it, nearly embarrassed to admit to his friend that he has zero clue what to get this girl that he hasn’t shut up about in nearly a year. 
Frankie chuckles, turning it into a fake cough when Benny looks at him. “I uh…sorry man. That’s gotta be…hard?”
Benny laughs this time too. “I suppose there’s worse things in a relationship.”
Frankie takes another sip, scoffing. “You got that right.”
“It’s just…she has everything she wants. Says she doesn’t want anythin’.”
“She doesn’t mean that.”
“Actually, she does. But that’s not the point. I have to get her something. What the fuck do I get the woman who has everything?”
“A new boyfriend?”
Benny throws some peanuts from the bowl on the table at his friend, pelting him in the face with a couple that Frankie couldn’t dodge. “Ha-ha. I’m serious, man.”
Frankie pauses for a moment, thinking. “I don’t know, man. Sing to her or some shit.”
Benny looks at his friend, trying to see if he was joking. “You’re..serious?”
“She know you sing and play?”
“A bit but nothing major.”
Frankie smirks. “Write her a song and play it for her. Chicks love that shit.”
“She’s not just some chick, Frankie.”
“I know. Which is why you gotta write a good one.”
Just then, Will and Santi walk up to join the group and the conversation shifts to sports and which girl they bet Santi will take home that night.
He’s been quiet for a few weeks and his girl has definitely noticed. She keeps asking if he’s ok and while he assures her he is, she looks at him as if she doesn’t believe it. But how can he tell her he’s preoccupied writing the perfect song for her in time for Christmas?
Finally, Christmas arrives and she’s there, all dressed up and ready to head to his parent’s house for Christmas. He wouldn’t have cared if she simply wore sweat pants, and he told her as such, earning himself a smirk and a look. 
“I can’t wear sweatpants to your parent’s house, Benjamin.”
He loved when she used his full first name teasingly. Or in bed.
They had agreed to exchange gifts when they got back, but Benny couldn’t wait. There was no way he would make it through dinner and presents with Will’s kids there. It would take forever.
Shoes on, but as she goes to open the door, he gently takes her arm, pulling slightly back to get her attention. She pauses, hand hovering above the handle as she turns towards him.
“Everything ok?”
He’s sweaty, nervous. Blood pumping through him so fast it’s making his head spin slightly. 
“I..I am. I just…I have to give you your gift before we go-”
“Ben. I told you you didn’t have to get me anything. I have all I need right here.”
She turns fully and closes the distance between them, touching her lips to his while she stands on her tiptoes, fingers twisted slightly in the front of his shirt, just enough to pull him down to her. Benny wraps one arm around her, holding her to him while the other comes up to cradle her face. When the kiss breaks, his eyes, full of love, meet hers, seeing the same in her eyes.
“Please, sweetheart? I don’t think I can wait.”
She sighs playfully. “Oh alright. But if we’re late, don’t blame it on me.”
He smiles as she moves to sit on the couch. He disappears down the hall, grabbing his guitar and heading back out to the living room, sitting next to her on the couch as he picks at the strings for a moment, adjusting and making sure it’s in tune.
He clears his throat, suddenly unable to meet her curious gaze. “I..I wasn’t sure what to get you. So I wrote you somethin’.”
Taking a deep breath, he starts to play, a light melody for a few measures before he starts to sing, his eyes closing so he could feel the music, pouring himself into it.
But you feel more like freedom
Than barefeet in my backyard
You feel more like heaven
Than my bedroom window stars
And I guess it doesn't matter
If you can't go back again
'Cause you feel more like home
Than the house I grew up in
The song ends, his eyes opening slowly as his guitar becomes quiet. He finally looks at her, finally gathers the courage, and to his surprise, he sees tears streaming down her face, her makeup smudging as she tries to wipe them away.
“That…that was the best gift I’ve ever gotten. I…I don’t even…” Tears fall harder now and he’s not sure what to do. He expected her to just say thanks or a small smile and a hug. But this? Did he hurt her feelings or?
She gently takes his guitar from him, setting it on the coffee table in front of them. She shifts her body towards him, taking his large, warm hands in hers, her thumbs immediately rubbing the back of his on instinct. She takes a few breaths before looking up at him through wet eyelashes, black circles appearing under her eyes from her makeup. 
“I fucking love you, Benjamin Miller.”
He pulls his hands from hers, placing them on either side of her cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe away the mascara and makeup that have settled under her eyes. She’s the most beautiful anything he’s ever seen.
“I fucking love you, sweetheart. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Ben.”
They ended up being late to dinner, showing up with smiles on their faces.
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @Hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin
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latibvles · 4 months
27. boxed for harriet morgan
##27 — BOXES
harriet morgan u are a national treasure and the whole of the bomb group adores you (literal). that's all the notes I have for this one. send me a prompt for the bomber girls!
Airmen were superstitious by nature — Harrie was no exception to that.
She knew she had a package or two waiting for her this morning. Her ma made it a habit to send her a plethora of things: books she left at home, hair ribbons, and some type of snack, too. Enough to share with the rest of her crew and still have leftovers. And her ma always wrote too — testifying that she prayed over them too, sending her love and blessings with all the pastries and articles of clothing.
Harrie made a point to never open these packages before they took off. She’d always pick them up from the post, set them gingerly atop her cot like she was setting the table back at home, but she’d never opened them.
She figured if they had something to look forward to on the way back, then it’d help them beat the odds. That, and gorging themselves on her mom’s homemade cookies and blessings seemed like a hard earned reward. Harrie made a point to send back the tins they were sent in, often with some type of trinket for her little cousins to fawn over.
Word traveled fast in Thorpe Abbotts — not so much about the blessings, but definitely about the treats.
“Anybody seen Juney?” Harrie asks, turning her head this way and that in the armchair. “Don’t want her missin’ out this time.” Fern waves her hand dismissively from her spot perched on the arm of the chair.
“We’ll just save her one. She’s got a grandpa’s bedtime anyway.” Fern explains, which makes Harrie laugh quietly under her breath. Of course, this corner of the front room had garnered its fair share of curious eyes. Fern perched on the arm chair, Carrie by the fireplace and Inez returning from the snack bar with napkins — likely to run Viv and Willie their hard-earned luxury rations, straight from the kitchen of Mary Morgan herself.
There were also a couple editions, men trying to stake their claim on the inevitable leftovers: Harper, from DeMarco’s crew, sat right across from her, burning a hole through the packaging. And although Blakely was keeping his distance, Harrie didn’t miss the way the pilot’s curious eyes would drift to the boxes balanced delicately in her lap every now and again — she makes a mental note to run one to him when she’s handing them all out.
There’s a whistle behind her, the soft thump of hands smacking the hard leather of the chair. She turns around to grin up at Douglass, who’s grinning right back at her, all teeth and mischief as he eyes the packages.
“Another package from my best girl?” he drawls, which has Harrie groaning and batting at his hands as he reaches over to pick at the packaging.
“Quit talkin’ like that ‘bout my ma, Dougie,” Harrie huffs, knowing he doesn’t mean it. “And lay off, we got manners ‘round here. Gotta read the card first,” Douglass’ hands retreat, but he sits on the opposing armrest. Part of Harrie feels like she’s ten years old again, and all her cousins and her brother, too, are watching her open up all the presents or blowing out candles. She takes the envelope too and tears into it, clearing her throat. “Dear Harriet…”
She goes through the typical stuff — local baseball scores, church gossip, how the animals were fairing. She skips over the more personal stuff for the sake of not dampening the room with her at-home worries. That was to be further looked into in the barely-there privacy of her cot, not read aloud among her friends.
“Send your friends ma’ love. Prayin’ over ya always, I hope these treats do somethin’ to make ya’ll smile a bit. Love momma. P.S, Pa sends a welcome gift for your new Commandin’ Officer,” Harrie wraps up, smiling by the end of it — an ear-splitting thing that makes her face hurt as she pockets the letter and then tears into the first package, undoing its wrapping.
The box is a well-polished wood thing with a gold latch, and Harrie recognizes it immediately as her pa’s cigar box. She can’t help the small gasp as she pops it open. Covering the cigars, however, was a small stack of photographs that she’s quick to snatch up before shutting it quickly, shuffling through photographs. She’s never been more happy she committed to not opening up her packages until after today’s flight.
“Look Carrie, s’that calf I was tellin’ you about. Nervous Nellie,” Harrie beams, extending her arm to give her friend the picture. “N’ these are the baby chicks. Well… I guess they ain’t babies no more, but they was when I hatched ‘em.” She points to the one still tucked under their hen’s wing. “I named that one after you Dougie, that one’s Hammy n’ that one’s Juney. Oh! There’s Harper.” Harrie points out each chick named after a bombardier in the company, and although his eyes roll at first, he starts chuckling as she goes down the line.
There’s a few others in there, some with her cousins and all the animals Harrie doted on at home. She pockets the pictures too, closes the cigar case and sets it before her on the coffee table. Then, she gives her small audience a sweeping look.
“Now don’t ya’ll go grabbin’ at me. ‘Specially not you two,” she points to Harper, who makes a noise of half-hearted offense, and then Dougie. “Rules are rules. Ladies first, then you can go callin’ dibs and what-not.”
With that in mind, she opens up the second, smaller box, and lets out a disbelieving laugh.
“Thank you, Mrs. Morgan,” Fern declares as Inez passes Harrie a napkin. She takes out one of the apple turnovers delicately packed into the metal tin and immediately passes it to Fern, who passes it to Carrie, until they’ve gone around their immediate circle. Then Inez plucks two to run to Viv and Willie, and Fern takes another for June. Harrie rises with the tin, laughing at the prolonged stare that the guys are giving her.
“Alright, alright, one each — Blakely!” The pilot, who was now making conversation with Kidd, snaps to look at her. “Quit actin’ polite and come over here ‘fore the rest are gone.”
As Blakely makes his way over, Harrie does the quick mental math to save enough for Jo, and one for Colonel Harding, to go with the box of cigars. And she silently prays that the blessings her mom sent with the turnovers will last to the next flight, the next package. But when they approach — she doesn’t admit to that. She just smiles and continues to hand out the extras, more than happy to share all of her gifts.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
hi hi hi i’ve recently found your little jj stories and they make me happy stim so much 🥺
a request is maybe jj is poorly on a case? she has a headache or a cold and stuff and all she wants to do is curl up in emily’s arms and rest bht it’s a kidnapping case and they have limited time.
maybe she ends up falling asleep at the table? maybe like with a drink in her hand or whilst eating and the group find it super cute then emily gets her settled down somewhere to sleep whilst they keep working on it??
i really wanna start writing agere criminal minds fics but idkkk🥺
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ sickness & sleepiness ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| jennifer jareau x emily prentiss
a/n: I’m so glad you like my writing!! and you should totally start writing, my dms are always open if you wanna talk concepts <33
warnings: Jj being sick, pet names, mentions of a case
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The whole team could tell Jj was feeling sick today, her flushed cheeks, constantly sniffling nose and drooping eyes gave her away, although the sweatshirt and blanket draped over her despite the dry Texas heat definitely made it extra obvious. Emily’s tried to help the most she can, as has Hotch who graciously put Jj on map making duties with Reid as they try to track down a kidnapped little kid.
There isn’t much anyone can do to help Jj, Emily’s already given her medicine and a package of saltines for when she feels ready to eat something. It doesn’t help that Jj’s headspace has come on unexpectedly because of the sickness, Hotch has locked off the room they’re all in for Jj’s sake, but Emily is still full of worry.
She knows Jj doesn’t like regressing while at work nor does she like having a lot of people around while she’s small. She supposes maybe Jj being so caught up in her constant shivering switching to overheating state is helping her distract herself from the teams hovering, which they’re all doing. Everyone’s aware that Emily’s is Jj’s main caregiver, and to get Hotch if she isn’t available, but that isn’t stopping them all from doing what they can to help Jj.
“Honey we gotta go to a warehouse where the suspect might be, are you going to be okay here? We can have Rossi stay back if you need.” Emily’s hand pushes the hood off of Jjs head so she can reach to feel the back of her neck, it’s still warm as it was earlier, she hopes the medicine has kicked in and that’s just from the blankets.
“I’ll be okay.” It’s barely a mumble, an attempt at a smile on Jj’s lips that eases Emily the slightest amount. No crying is a good sign.
“Ok darling, we’ll be back.” Emily dashes out to the svu’s after that, pushing all her worry for Jj down, as best can at least, and starts to listen to Morgan’s ramble of how they’ll be entering the building.
The warehouse stunt goes over a little longer than Emily was hoping, though she’s happy the little kid was able to be reunited with their mom with only minor injuries. She’s ready to get back to her own little.
Entering the room the Texas police have allowed the BAU to overrun for the past week instantly brings a warm smile to Emily’s face. Jj’s in the same seat she was in before they left, the package of saltines loosely in her hand as her head lays against her arm on the table. There’s a small pile crumbs and a few crackers look ready to slide right into the floor, Prentiss quickly picks up the package before turning to where Jj’s still dead asleep. Not even a twitch at the team entering the room.
“Jj? Darling?” Emily rubs her hand up and down Jj’s arm, careful not to jostle the girl too much in hopes of avoiding her waking up panicked.
“There you are, we finished the case, we only have paperwork to do.” A lazy smile and a slow blink of half-awake-ness is all Emily gets in reply, she’s okay with it, Jj needs her rest and she has a hard enough time sleeping anyways. Prentiss can’t imagine it’s any easier while sick.
“Hotch said I could take you back to the hotel and Reid will catch up on our paperwork.” Another nod and Emily decides she’ll have to do this the hard way.
She comes to pull Jj to her feet, allowing the blonde to slump into her side with almost all her weight. Emily brushes the blanket off Jj’s back so it falls into the chair, despite the protesting groan Jj let’s out, if it wasn’t the stations blanket she’d have taken it with them. Instead she grabs Hotchs suit jacket that he holds out knowingly, pulling it over Jj’s shoulders and leading her out to the svu that she’ll be able to sleep in the backseat of.
Jj lays down with a few grunts of displeasure at being in the car, and that Emily can’t stay back there with her as she has to drive. Emily’s just happy she’ll be able to watch over her little girl in full focus tonight.
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lila-lou · 25 days
I loooooved this new chapter, it’s always so fun when more other people are thrown into the mix. But I gotta say, I’m kinda getting more and more sad for the reader 🥺
Like, I know the situation is complicated and everything but it feels a bit like it’s always her having the short end of the stick? She’s always the one that has to be understanding and okay with everything. And it’s just like the little things? Like Jensen could’ve put on the ring in the car instead of right in front of her. But he did that and just tells her that’s how it has to be. And then after the convention, he doesn’t even make sure she gets home safe and just kinda left her on her own to get home and idk it just makes me feel a bit sad for her 🥺
I hope Jensen actually puts in effort to further their relationship and puts in effort to work this situation out. Of course it’s hard with divorce stuff, especially with kids around too. But jeez man just get a good damn lawyer and do something about it!
But I still love this chapter, grumpy Misha is funny! It’s gonna be hilarious once he eventually finds out lol
Can’t wait for more! This is one of my absolute favourite series!! :)
First of all, thank you very much for your feedback! I'm always really excited about feedback, especially when it's so detailed!
I'm totally with you. I understand you 100%. But honestly, most men don't think that far 😂 sad but true. I actually try to package the story (of course everything is just fiction) as realistically and logically as possible. Although I also have to say that I write Jensen definitely nicer and more sensitive than I think of him 😂 I think that guy can be a real asshole and is absolutely not as emotional as I'm trying to make him seem here.
Back to the point, well "close to reality": let's assume it were true, I think the whole thing would be sooo much more complicated and difficult for "the new girl". I actually have to stop myself again and again and remind myself: come on, this is supposed to be a romantic story with a touch of drama and not the other way around 😂
So far, just a little glimpse into my head 😅.
But, for a “simple reader POV”: fuck, absolutely! He should get a fucking lawyer and leave his shitty wife. The reader is already having to endure a lot and it's only going to get worse, so yes, believe me, I feel sorry for her too. (The ring scene stung 🥲) Oh, and the scene with misha finding out is one of my favorites 🙈 just because of the little glimpse of Jensens feelings about that 😂.
There will be a lot more situations where I would like to take Y/N in my arms while beating up Jensen 😂.
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Thank you soooo much🩷
I hope you’ll keep enjoying the story 🩷
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empyrangel · 1 year
Finally got around to doing the new event and I gotta say it’s pretty good. Have a few thoughts about it.
Very Kaveh centered (almost like a Kaveh story quest) of course and I think he deserved it. I think it was executed very well. Alhaitham is important to anything Kaveh related, they’re a package deal, and his parts seemed pretty good too. Even though Kaveh was the main character I think they did a good job of incorporating most of the other Sumeru characters.
Layla had a nice arc and it was good seeing her interactions with the other characters like Tighnari.
Tighnari and Cyno didn’t have a huge role, but I think the screen time they did have was sufficient. They had some nice scenes and got just as much attention as they needed, especially considering that they were already significant characters in the last event.
Faruzan was great as always. Loved her dynamic with Kaveh! Seeing her appreciate someone instead of always looking down on everyone was refreshing. Their interactions might have been the best part of the event.
Wanderer had a nice role. Enigmatic background work suits him. The reveal at the end about him having been entered into the championship by Nahida was anticlimactic and underwhelming since that was already obvious from the beginning, especially since he even told us she was the one who enrolled him in Vahumana. The concept of him being sentenced to something like that as like community service or something is kinda funny. But also imagine being a top Vahumana scholar and you’re favored to be picked to represent your darshan in the championship and then Lesser Lord Kusanali herself picks some stranger who wrote a few essays and on top of that he doesn’t even try at all until the final round. Your darshan would be a laughing stock and have the worst performance of any darshan in any championship ever. Vahumana must be in shambles right now.
As for Nahida herself, I think only including her at the very end was a good move. Everything even remotely Sumeru related for the past like 8-9 months has been about her. This event can stand to not be about her. She fulfilled her purpose and her inclusion didn’t feel forced or contrived, that’s good enough.
Dehya and Candace didn’t have a lot of screen time but I think it worked for them. Their purpose was casual appearances as tourists in Sumeru city and to advance the plot line about the eremite assassins. While I inwardly wish that Candace had been there more, I understand that this wasn’t about her and she didn’t need more screen time than she got. Fingers crossed she’s the next four star to get a hangout event so she can finally get more attention.
Dori also had a minor role, one which was mostly confined to side quests. Still, I think it went pretty well. Her purpose was to introduce information which would give us context about the main plot line of the event. I’d say that was executed good enough. My only criticism would be that her giving us free information multiple times felt contrived and out of character, but it’s such a trivial detail that I guess it doesn’t matter.
Collei and Nilou are where you can tell that they really just tried to squeeze every playable Sumeru character into this event no matter how it turned out.
Collei was there for two seconds no joke. I thought for sure that she would come back to help Tighnari in the other two rounds but that didn’t happen. She was so insignificant that I almost forgot she was even in the event at all. I don’t feel too sorry for her though, and I don’t really care much about this because Collei hogged over half of the screentime in the last Mondstadt event and I think she deserves a taste of her own medicine.
But Nilou. Oh Nilou. They did her dirty. They did her so dirty. I came into this event thinking that surely they’d half-ass it and only portray her as this shallow, ditzy, nice girl- I really didn’t expect much for her, but I still did not expect that they simply wouldn’t portray her at all. Genuine question; Why the hell was she even there? She did absolutely nothing. She had like three lines and two of them were like “let me go get the paper for the lots” or something. All of the commentary and announcer stuff (and literally anything else) that she could have done was done by Alhaitham. If one announcer was all they needed then why pretend that Nilou has any business being there, she was just there for no reason. If she’s not needed then don’t give me false hope just to not incorporate her into the event at all, what a waste. I heard that Alhaitham and Nilou were going to interact and I was excited to see their dynamic. I think he acknowledged her maybe once and that’s it. They could’ve had their conflicting personalities be used as a source of comedy, or as foils to one another. So much potential and nothing came of it. Giving Nilou literally anything to do wouldn’t have distracted from the rest of the event in the slightest. I’m so disappointed at that.
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kiranerysismyhero · 2 years
Why do there have to be girls?
For the @startrekwintergiftexchange
This is for @rrr-nightingale​ from the prompt of Tom Paris/Harry Kim pre-slash. I went with a personal log from Harry's perspective. It's my first time writing for this pairing so I hope you like it!
Personal log, ensign Harry Kim, stardate… I’m not sure, actually. It’s been a couple weeks since we destroyed the Caretaker’s array. I haven’t had a great sense of time since we ended up here. Maybe there’s something the Ocampans dosed me with that’s still working its way out of my system. Maybe it’s just because nothing about any of this has felt real. 
Spending so much time in the holodeck probably doesn’t help with that. I don’t know, I guess it’s just what Tom always seems to want to do. He seems so… glib about everything that’s going on. Already settling in on the ship we’ll be on for the next 40 years, drafting his own holoprograms and making himself at home. I get the sense he doesn’t have so much to want to get back home to. Real home I mean, the Alpha Quadrant. Earth. Tom is no worse off out here than he was back in Federation prison I suppose. 
I guess that’s why I hang around him. When I’m alone, all I can think about is how vastly far we are from… from everything. From Federation space, from my parents and… but Tom’s right here. He stays in the here and now, even when we’re technically in a historical program. Ha. He’s in the moment, I mean. Focused on what’s going to bring him a little fun in the near future. He brings me into it, drags me out of my own head. Keeps telling me that worrying about the distance isn’t going to get us back any faster, that there’s no use in being miserable in the meantime. I do appreciate that. 
I wish… I question his methods sometimes, though. I mean, I have a girlfriend back home! I’m not going to start dating one of the Delaney sisters for him just because they’re a “package deal.” Ugh. I don’t care for the way Tom talks about women sometimes. It’s like he’s trying too hard, covering for something, just… too much. Why do we have to bother with all the pretense of setting up a whole romantic charade with a couple of women that even Tom would admit he knows little about? 
I gotta say, I much prefer when we’re just… together. Like, like when he roped me in to “tuning up” one of the shuttlecraft without authorization. It was exciting, that feeling of not wanting to be caught before we could prove that the new manifolds were an improvement. I wasn’t thinking about the journey ahead of us. Just focused on the task, on the moment. Keeping an eye on the door, watching him work, passing him a different tool every once in a while. He kept talking through what he was doing, all that bravado and pride in his work. It rubs off on you a little bit, that confidence. Er, no, I can be confident! I don’t need help being confident. Tom’s got a, uh… an assuredness. I mean he was laying on his back and he still had this sense of standing tall. It’s not always there, looking at Tom, but it is when he’s in pilot mode. I was kind of studying him I guess, the way he held himself as he shifted position beneath the engine, the way his chest rose and fell as he breathed harder with exertion, the way his sweat made his undershirt cling a little… 
He did catch me staring, heh. He had something clever to say about it, but I can’t remember what it was. Too flustered to listen, I guess. Heh. Hrrm. Anyway. I didn’t have to come up with a retort or anything because B’Elanna walked in on us messing with the shuttlecraft. I guess I hadn’t been paying attention to the corridor while I was… distracted. 
…ugh. Great personal log, Harry. Fine example of a Starfleet officer, Harry. 
I’ll record a better one later. Tom’s shift at the helm only barely overlaps with my time on the bridge today, so I want to get there early. I mean, punctuality reflects well on… *sigh* Who am I kidding? Computer, end personal log.

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It’s CMA-
Dream do you watch TTRPG’s at all? Specifically I’m thinking of a court of fey and flowers on dimension 20 because the regency vibes are just MWAH and I was wondering if you were at all familiar with it.
Either way, getting on with it and taking notes as I read as usual:
Awww Lottie!! Love her and I love that we’re activity the entire support system for this. Also Lottie promising to always be with her??? I love her your honor
Wait is Lottie either going to tell Benedict off or does she know what the secret is????
“I’m quite familiar with that concept” BEN NO omggg that’s so sad 😭
Plot twist teddy has a crush on Ben now not Lottie lmao /j
OH I bet lady Margery was helping him get that rose middlemist or something??? That’s why they’re in the greenhouse???? Right???? Please dream let that be the reason
Fuck clover did u rly have to do him dirty like that??? I know ur insecure but damn lmao
Also yayyy I’m glad I was right!! And that’s so sweet of him to prepare all this for her
Lmao I feel like the house staff would’ve known that Ben was preparing a surprise for clover or at least seen the packages of plants and gardening supplies being delivered so like why they gotta be spreading rumors and saying stuff like that lmao.
Ur telling me the gardener kept this 100% secret… sure jan /j
Also I bet she’s going to say ily but I lowkey kind of want Ben to not reply right away because what she said was so hurtful. Like damn clover every time ur a little bit stressed you say the meanest shit /hj
Girl he literally sketched the flower for you when you fainted. He had to look that shit up in a book so he knew what to draw and ur saying he doesn’t remember ur favorite flower??? Have you forgotten how down bad he is for you??? Facepalming all over the place lol
Fuck ben that’s so much work and he got this plan started before they were even married or if he knew she liked him back
This is like the greatest gesture of love of all time. And like even him continuing it by having it so that he can have the other greenhouse set up so that she never has to be without her garden even though she’s not even using it right now and I just-
Thank god she finally got her head out of her ass lmao. Finally clover, it’s a long time coming
Lmao thinking of flowers even when they’re about to fuck like yeah that tracks. I wonder if Ben is offended tho lol
Oh I forgot! This is in the rain! (Sort of. They’re wet is my point). It was a dark and stormy night… v romantic haha
Awww well I’m glad they’re happy at least. I hope her parents don’t ruin it…. (To which I’m sure Dream’s reply will be ‘😏😈’)
Awww sweet chapter; good job gang it all worked out.
CMA hi my love! 🥰
I don't watch them actually but they look so much fun😁 I'd love to get into it sometime ❤️
Lottie immediately turned overprotective just like Anthony 🥰 They both care about her a lot ❤️
Oh Lottie had no idea what the secret was ❤️ She just went there to tell Benedict off and also forgive him loll😂
Omg 😁 Oh Teddy just looks up to Benedict so much, he's his role model ❤️
Asdfghjkl an air raid siren started going off in Clover's head the moment she heard Benedict and Margery were alone in that greenhouse at night 😈 While she wasn't homeeee😈
I feel like people knew for sure, but they were told to not tell anyone, especially Clover 😁
I don't think Clover realizes just how in love with him he is 😂 THE DRAWING YES! 😁
Fuck ben that’s so much work and he got this plan started before they were even married or if he knew she liked him back THIS! ❤️
Exactly, he started on that after they talked at that flower exhibition, while she was still being snarky with him whenever they had a conversation 😂 Like, they weren't even courting! ❤️
Loll I think Benedict found that amusing 😂 Her thinking of flowers even then 😁
I love rain scenes so much! ❤️
Awww well I’m glad they’re happy at least. I hope her parents don’t ruin it…. (To which I’m sure Dream’s reply will be ‘😏😈’)
Thank you so so much for this my love! 🥰
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goatskickin · 2 years
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Welcome back! When we last left, our heir Faith and her roommate Bettina were in competition over the bigger bed, and their moms were seeing them off to Brainia U.
How have the girls been doing away at college?
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      After Bettina and Faith got settled into their charming ramshackle student house, the only thing left to do was get used to living with each other.
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“Bettina, shut the computer off. Let’s go out.”
“Just a minute! I only have until midnight to submit this response for class.”
“So? You’ve got hours then! Let’s go!”
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“I am trying to get ahead here. I am doing homework. Ever heard of it?”
“Don’t be an asshole. My homework is just different than yours.”
“Oh sure, I forgot…don’t you like have to pretend to be an orange or something? Do a monologue about fading beauty or some crap?”
“I need to print off my monologue for class actually, so let’s go! Let’s go to campus!”
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Faith has tried to make the most of Brainia U’s many student centers, as well as every local hangout.
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The actual students at Brainia U are a mixed bag however.
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“O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown! The courtier's, soldier's, scholar's, eye, tongue, sword; The expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion and the mould of form, The observed of all observers, quite, quite down! And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, That suck'd the honey of his music vows, Now see that noble and most sovereign reason, Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh; That unmatch'd form and feature of blown youth Blasted with ecstasy: O, woe is me, To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!”
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“Wow, nothing? That’s the best Ophelia I’ve done all week.”
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“Everyone’s a critic.”
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“People are idiots Bettina.  Doesn’t anyone know anything about art around here?
Aren’t you going to have any chili? I mean, if you want to have some tomorrow once the flavors have melded that’s totally fine…”
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Bettina quickly finds out just how often her roommate cooks. Maybe it’s a comfort thing.
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But it is almost constant. Bettina never goes hungry.
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Bettina approaches college life a little more quietly than her roommate. She has never been away from home, and she’s also never lived without her twin, Wade.
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Now that she is living (almost alone), she’s found that she’s the kind of person who finds quiet, solitary activities to be stimulating.
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How they spend downtime is not something that Bettina and Faith agree on.
“HEY! It’s 8pm! What the fuck is that noise! I’m reading!”
“Well, in Act 3 of the play I am auditioning for –“
“YEAH maybe you don’t need to do that right now! Thanks!”
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Bettina does have her own connections on campus outside of Faith.
“Yah gotta come over. My roommate, she’s kind of a lot to handle, but she makes this bomb vegan lasagna! It’s way too much for two people.”
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Given that Brainia U had been isolated for decades, its population has subsisted off the left-behind non-perishables for the college-aged set. Fresh fruit and vegetables are a thing that only Pitstop Valley locals have. There are no resources or plan to get produce to Brainia U.
Thankfully, Faith has brought enough spices, vinegars, tomato paste and nutritional yeast to make any food taste homemade. Or at least less like packaged ramen noodles and canned vegetables.
“Bettina! Where is my microplane!”
“Your what?”
“My microplane! With the green handle? Did you put it in a funny spot?
“What?! You…something about a tiny plane?”
“What?! No, a microPLA – oh, found it.”
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“Bettina. Guess who I talked to at the quad today. Guess.”
“Uh, I don’t know Faith. You’re kind of keeping company with a few different dudes right now.”
“Ah, ahHA! HA! You’re so funny. Like, hilarious. But no, guess.”
“John Choi.”
“Oh my gosh, fuck you! No, you didn’t!”
“I did!”
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        Yes, John Choi. This pink-hatted, monocled man is a high-value slice at Brainia U.
“So, John, why pink? Such a powerful color.”
“Pink speaks to me, you know? And I guess it’s speaking to everyone else too.”
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“I mean I also saw your friend Skylar on campus, later on.”
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“Oh, he’s cute! Why don’t you ask him out?!”
“Oh, I dunno…”
“He likes you Faith! He’s totally smart, and he’s in our history lecture – “
“Oh man, that professor has such a droning voice I fall asleep every time! Why have a lecture right at 2pm? That’s nap time.”
“Ask Skylar to take notes for you! That’s how you can start talking to him!”
“Well, then why don’t you date him, if he’s so great?”
“He likes you Faith! You’re gonna scare him off by being – “
“By being what, Bettina!”
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Faith’s keeping her options open. As a Family sim, the end goal is marriage. Obviously.
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  “So, you’re not worried about prolonged hot tub exposure and your future sperm production?”
“My…my what?!”
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“What do you mean you do use your laptop right on your lap?! Don’t you know that’s a recipe for low-yielding baby gravy?!”
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Faith has many options.
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All she has to do is choose and make her move.
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Provided that all parties agree to the arrangement.
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“You calling me a hoe Bettina? Because that’s fine! At least I am putting myself out there.”
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Even so, Faith’s not much of a charmer.
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So, it remains to be seen if Faith “putting herself out there” will produce any worthwhile relationships.
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“Faith you are impossible. I love you. Dumbass.”
“Of course, you do. What about you? What about your dude, that guy from your biology lab? SeaBass?”
“Can you not call him that?! His name is Sebastian.”
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“I’m working on him, okay?”
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“He’s a warlock, you know? Him and his twin. Like, my mom is kind of old fashioned when it comes to magic stuff, but male witches do exist, they are just like, more rare? And his twin – “
“Ooh, a twin? Should we double date? OOH! Double wedding ceremony?!”
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“Listen! I haven’t even like…like, okay I am working on it. I think Seb knows that I like him.”
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“He’s just like, shy or whatever. Maybe they do things differently in Pleasantview.”
“Or he’s some kind of freak. Or his dick doesn’t work. Or he’s blind.”
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   “My focus is on school. If something happens with Seb, so be it.”
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“Okay, sure grandma. But like, have fun and look around. What’s the harm?”
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“It’s a numbers game, babes.”
“You failed our 11th grade math class.”
“It’s simple numbers. You cast a wide net and you pull some back. I’m being economical.”
“Um, how? And didn’t you fail economics too?”
“Fuck off! I got a C-.”
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“Maybe you should be a little more…selective? Like, I get wanting to see what’s out there, but there’s some real duds dudes Faith. Why waste your time?”
“What do you mean? Like who?!”
“Like that guy you saw at the park on campus? Komei?”
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“Ehh…shut up…”
“HA! How did that go down exactly?”
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“He was nice enough! But he moved way too fast for me.”
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“But! I also saw this other guy. Leo?”
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“The guy with the shitty beard?! EW! Faith!”
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“What! You are so judgmental!”
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“I’m not committed to anyone right now. I have lots of options.”
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“Marriage is the goal, though.”
Talk of boys aside, there is only one boy who has all the girls on campus losing it: John Choi.
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No one can resist him, and boys want to be him. For some reason.
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John Choi is more than “kinda okay”. He’s hot stuff!
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Faith wants to talk to him.
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As do all the other ladies on campus.
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Fortune favors the brave!
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“Gosh *blushes* I wish that were me!”
“Gosh, John Choi is so smooth.”
“Gosh…I wanted to hit on that blonde girl…”
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No luck for Tempe. John Choi has claimed yet another First Kiss from a lucky dormie.
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Faith is not deterred; she’s a practical gal and takes the opportunity to chat with the competition. She finds out from Blonde Dormie the coffee shop Mr. John Choi frequents and takes Bettina along for a scouting mission.
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“Shit, she was right, he’s here!”
“Shh! Let’s get an espresso.”
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Bettina ends up having a front row seat to this scene, however. John Choi to the rescue.
“Balls. Look at that. We will never have a chance with John Choi now…”
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“Lucky bitch.”
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Tina Sell is the lucky bitch in question.
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“Well, we still got coffee and the day is young. What next?”
“Don’t you have to like, go to class or something Faith?”
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“So…your hair feels like wool, right? Can I touch it?”
“Never mind Bettina. Let’s fucking leave.”
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      Luckily, Brainia U is full of marriage prospects for Faith. Like Skylar here. He and Bettina are pals. They met engaging in some after class activities. 
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Somehow, against all odds and logic.
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Faith nabs a First Kiss from Skylar!
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Skylar’s a pragmatic guy, it turns out.
“So, your plans after school are to try and make it as an actress?”
“Or a singer. Or both! I could always fall back on modeling too, I suppose.”
“Hm. So, what’s Pitstop Valley like? I’ve never left Bluewater Village until I came to school.”
“Uh, I don’t know it’s fine, I guess? Small town, nothing to do, but my parents live there.”
“Hm. So kind of a landing spot until you figure things out, yeah?”
“What’s with all the questions, Skylar?”
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“Just thinking about today’s history lecture. I mean, we are the first class that Brainia U has had in 65 years. That’s only because of the work that your mom and your aunt Mercy did. Getting the school set back up for students, getting the students here, getting faculty – “
“What the fuck? Did you just come over because you wanted to kiss the girl with the semi-famous mom? That’s kinda – “
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“Don’t you worry about the future? About the future of Pitstop Valley? You guys have an active militia, everyone can go to school, you have an athletic team! You guys have actual fruit and vegetables – you know not everyone has that, right?
I’m just saying, Pitstop Valley has the potential to do even more. Don’t you think about that? Don’t you want to be a part of that? I would.”
“Uh, I’m going to dance class. See ya Skylar.”
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“I don’t think that Faith likes me, Bettina.”
*zzzz* - “..wha? Oh, she does Sky, she just has a funny way of showing it.” *zzz*
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     Faith is a complex young lady. She spends a lot of time on campus husband hunting, but she also is a huge fan of the campus Cinema. She considers it research, but also a way to meet people.
“Hey, can I sit here?”
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“What I am saying, is if multiple scenes in a row are shot at Dutch angles, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of what a Dutch angle is supposed to mean? If it’s all Dutch angles, then is the spooky and unsettling tone of the scene actually the ‘norm’ of that universe? You know?”
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“What do you mean! Give me an example.”
“Well, like in Battlefield Earth – “
“What, that piece of trash! You can’t – “
“Just because a piece of art is bad, does not mean it can’t be a part of a discussion about how an art form is portrayed. Like, if – “
“Faith, what about – “
“Shut up Tempe. Anyway – "
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“What, so we should take a critical lens to every romance novel and kids movie? Is that what you’re saying?!”
“No. What I am saying is that movies, books, plays, whatever – it doesn’t have to be ‘art’ to be viewed with a critical lens.”
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“That’s bullshit!”
“I can’t say I agree. Art reflects the time it was made in. Pop culture is important.”
“Yeah right!”
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Not everyone likes healthy intellectual debate.
“Ugh, is this a commercial for perfume or a new Terrance Malick movie?! Someone get me the remote.”
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Bettina has a weekly call with her mother, on Tuesdays after her Biology lab.
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“Hey ma! This is Brainia U calling.”
“Hiiiii baby! HI! Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice! What’s new? How’s the semester?”
“Oh god, I adjusted my microscope too fast in my biology lab today and totally cracked the cover slip and the slide beneath it. Total rookie mistake, so embarrassing.”
“Aww, well I am sure you didn’t mean it!”
“I sure did not! Embarrassing though…anyway, can I ask you a witch-related question?”
“Baby, of course! Are you finally thinking about following the family tradition?!”
“Haha, maaaa, when you say it like that it makes me not want to tell you about this, haha.”
“Oh! Ha, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll shut up. What is it?”
“Well, I know that you know that clean up spell? For cleaning? I’d like to learn it.”
“Oh of course hun! But you know, it’s really more for water-based messes. Can I ask why?”
“Well, I wanted to know about that spell kinda for selfish reasons.”
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“Faith makes a lot of food in our house, but she leaves behind hella dishes! And I’m tired of it, sometimes I don’t want to have to wash a fork, you know?”
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“I mean, it’s not that I don’t appreciate the food. Like, who makes pancakes that as leftovers that taste good! I’m not complaining.”
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“Good! You’d better not complain. That’s my grandpa Patrick’s Crème de la orange pancake recipe. You’d be some sort of tastebud-less freak if you didn’t like it.”
“Is that Faith? Tell her I said hi! Gosh, she still has quite the mouth on her. Has she heard any news from her mother?”
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“…wait, what? What do you mean ‘news’?”
“Well, I love our weekly calls, I just love hearing from my baby girl! But you know, I don’t know what the relationship is like with Faith and her mother? So, I was just wondering, since she’s left, if Faith has heard from her at all?”
“Ma, what are you talking about? She left? What do you mean ‘left’?
“Oh! So, Faith doesn’t know about this. I’m sorry Bettina! I thought that Faith knew! Does she not know?”
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“MOM. What are you talking about? What happened to Genesis?”
“Well, you know I got in the helicopter with Mercy after we left Brainia U, and Genesis was not in the helicopter with us! Mercy said that she’d decided to do some on-campus research.”
“Uh, okay, so she’s here at school then?”
“Well, that’s the thing – we aren’t really sure? I mean I talked to Mercy about it, and – well you know I just adore her, but something seemed off, you know? Like, she seemed a little shaken up, and I asked her about this on-campus research that Genesis would be doing, and Mercy was pretty tight-lipped about it. And the other day, I was visiting Cheyenne – oh! They took Binx’s last kitten, the one with the orange ears! So cute! She’s got –“
“Ma. Ma! About Genesis?”
“Ah? Oh! Yeah, so, anyway, so it seems like Genesis didn’t tell Justice she would be leaving? Justice is all alone in that house.”
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“Oh. Um, weird. Like, is he okay to be alone? I know he’s kinda loopy and whatever.”
“Well, you know as resident ‘Good Witch’ I am checking up on him, but I can only do so much, you know? Actually, the intern at Pitstop Radio, she’s well uh, I’ll need to talk to her again, but she – "
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“Mom, so like, Mr. Springs-Eternal is all alone and like, Genesis is here at campus?”
“Yes, I think so! It’s just that it doesn’t seem like she let Justice know ahead of time? I was concerned, and Mercy doesn’t seem to know a whole lot about the situation either. I was wondering if it was something that was discussed with Faith and Tempe.”
“Um, like, I don’t think so…I’ll talk to Faith about it.”
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“Hey Faith? I –“
“It’s whipped chickpea tofu in the pancakes, if you were wondering.”
“…wha? Oh, okay that’s…no, I wanted to talk to you about your mom.”
“Ha, what? What about my mom?”
“Well, I had my call with my mom and…did you know she’s not at home right now? Like, your dad is alone at home?”
“What do you mean she’s not ‘at home’?”
“Well, my mom said that your mom hasn’t been at home, she’s doing some on-campus research, but like, it doesn’t seem like she told your dad? Or like…did you know about this?”
“Oh what, so she’s been here, and she hasn’t told me, or paid me a visit? Ha! Sounds like something she would do. She’s like, obsessed with work. Whatever.”
“So…that doesn’t bother you? You didn’t know that she wasn’t at home?”
“Um, no? Like, she’s obsessed with the whole thing of like ‘educating the future’. And like, liking human beings as a concept but not like, in practice ya know? No wonder she got abducted.”
“Jeez Faith, that’s kinda harsh.”
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  In addition to feeding her roommate, Faith is a natural teacher. Though she would not admit to following in her mother’s footsteps.
Specifically, she wants to teach Bettina how to kick some ass. Because guys like buff girls. According to Faith.
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“Okay now reach back and STRIKE! Don’t twist at the waist and don’t lean in too far. We need to develop your weak right hook.”
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“Oh, um…hi-YAH!”
“Yes! Now, less floppy with the wrist. Again!”
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A little self defense could come in handy at Brainia U.
“Howdy-hey! Are you able to support our team this Saturday?! It’s the quarter finals! How are you not totally pumped about this?!”
“Hey, no offense, but you’re being kind of distracting. We need to finish up this lab report.”
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“Babba chooda rum, Babba chooda Ka, Veedum adda beedum adda bonk bonk bonk! Verbits, Verbits, VO GERBITS!”
“Uh, heh, yeah, yeah…okay? We uh, we taking a break? If that’s the case, I am going to play some SSX 3 dude…”
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“Hey, Bettina, come sit. Sit! You’re working too hard on that report…
…where did you get that sweater? It’s nice and all, but like…it doesn’t show off your figure? Just saying…”
“…I’m going to make myself a sandwich…you can go…”
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Babba chooda rum, Babba chooda Ka, Veedum adda beedum adda bonk bonk bonk! Verbits, Verbits, VO GERBITS!
*zzz* “Huh? EH?! God, you’re still here?!”
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Luckily, Bettina’s roommate has a more direct way of getting rid of unwanted guests.
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“Hey! Vo Gerbits! Excited for the quarter finals?”
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“Well yeah! I’ve got a new routine and me and the other mascots – “
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“Hey so…you seem like a man who knows what he wants. And I know what I want.
You know, most fragrances cover up a man’s real smell, you know? I’ll bet you don’t mind working up a sweat. A man’s sweat. I’d love the opportunity to – “
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“Whoa, heh, okay, heh, okay! Um, I um, I – you know, I think I’m late for practice?”
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“You are literally a psycho.”
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“Well, it worked, didn’t it? That guy was being a total creep.
You want tofu bahn mi? I’m starving.”
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Faith continues ponder the husband question. Serdar aka Fancy man is interrupted by her on his way to class.
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Faith knows an interesting prospect when she sees one. She takes the opportunity to get to know him better.
“Hey! Serdar, right? You’re in my costuming class? Man, when are we going to actually move on to using sewing machines, you know? I’m sick of mending. If I have to fix another buttonhole, I’ll die.”
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“No kidding! I’m not an infant, I don’t need to go over how to do a blanket stitch.”
“Hah, right?!”
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Serdar proves to be quite the interesting person. He and Faith share a love of fashion. And Faith’s other favorite hobby, cooking.
“Why not become a chef, Faith? Those were some awesome peanut noodles! What was that acidic element…champagne vinegar?”
“Oh, you’re too sweet! But, no, just regular sherry vinegar. I’d never be a chef though. Late hours, burns on my arms all of the time…not to mention, dealing with all of that kitchen machismo. No offense.”
“None taken!”
“Though you know, I could always put out a cookbook myself! Later on, after I’ve had my acting career? Plus, what I really like to do is cook for friends and family, not like, the masses.”
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Serdar turns out to be more friend material than anything. Faith does not mind, however. She’s in need of positive friends who build her up.
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“Okay…least favorite fake blood in a movie. Go.”
“Oh! Um…Taxi Driver. It’s awful. It looks like liquid strawberry jelly. Maybe they did that for the rating.”
“Naw, Taxi Driver got an R. But good pick!”
“Thanks! Okay…what’s the best fake blood you’ve seen in a movie Serdar?”
“12 Monkeys.”
“REAlly! It’s…oh yeah, at the end, the scene in the airport! Shit, good choice.”
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“Have you thought about what you want your short play to be about for your capstone project? I think a riff on a scream queen thing could be totally doable.”
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“Well, I am really considering like a Southern Gothic, Tennessee Williams thing, but I’m worried that that would be too ambitious...”
“No, that sounds awesome! You could totally pull that off. Would it be a spoken word thing?”
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“Bettina, move, I gotta shower.”
“You have someone over last night to play chess? Huh, looks like a good game.”
“Yeah, Serdar, you know him? He’s pretty cool actually.”
“Oh, you mean Fancy Man? Reallyyyy. So, you’re interested in him then?”
“No no, not like that. We’re just homies.”
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“Plus, I think Serdar is gay.”
“What, just because the guy has a kooky sense a style?! That’s kind of close-minded Faith.”
“No, it’s not because of that! I think he is though. I have a feeling he is, even if he doesn’t know it.”
“Uh huh, sure. “
“How’s it going with your dude?”
“Ugh, nowhere?! He’s like, I don’t know what to do…he’s shy and I’m shy! I want him to make a move…but only if he likes me back. It’s hopeless.”
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“Bettina, I have an idea.
Let’s invite our History lecture out to the Culinary Arts building, and I’m going to make some food and you are going to invite SeaBass and he is going to fall in love with you.”
“Don’t call him – wait…yeah, no, yeah! That’s a good idea. It will be like, low-key, low-pressure group hang thing, yeah?”
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            While the girls can’t have parties (Show Business restriction), there’s no rule against to going to  community lot to hang out with whomever is there.
Especially if a certain young Pleasantview warlock is there. 
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Faith breaks out her grilled kim-cheese sandwiches, naturally.
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“Sebastian! H-Hey! Can I ask you a magic-related question? I think you’d know more about this than me.”
“Hi! Sure!”
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“Ha, heh, okay! So Aqua Deletus – can that spell apply to more things other than just puddles of water? I am curious. And what would I need exactly?”
“Oh, sure! Really, you just have to adjust the end incantation and make sure you have more Eye of Newt than you’d think you’d need.”
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“Wow, sounds easy! Like um, could you like, help me out with that? I don’t have a cauldron. Could…do you have one? Could you show me how to use it?”
“You…would want to come over? So that I can show you?”
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Yes. That is indeed what Bettina was hinting at.
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“Kim-cheese sandwiches get it done! It’s the husband maker.”
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“I think that other than being famous, that this is what I want to do with my life. Throw parties where I cook for people.”
“Um, I’m sorry, who are you?  I don’t like spicy food.”
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“I think that other than being famous, that this is what I want to do with my life. Throw parties where I cook for people.”
“Uh, yeah! Thanks for the sandwich, Faith.”
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Faith’s really into anyone who likes her food.
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“Gosh, you know Sean – “
“Um, my name is Shea?”
“You know Steve – I could get used to this. I just love entertaining! What better way to spend an afternoon than being with people you want to have around, eating, drinking and being merry?”
That will do it for this chapter!
Who will Faith choose for a future spouse? Will Bettina get to learn some magic? Will ‘magic’ happen between her and Sebastian Dreamer? Is Faith going to share her grandpa Patrick’s Crème de la orange pancake recipe?
Until next time, Carry On, Woman!
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the-tangle-web · 2 years
“You know I know, right?”
“I- I don’t even know you-“
“Don’t play dumb, Anthony, we know it’s you,”
“I-how- I uh-“
“We’re not stupid,”
“Don’t be such a killjoy, live a little!”
“I said no,”
“Why not?”
“M’not in the mood,”
“You’re a fucking bore, you know that?”
“Fuck off,”
“You sure you have to go out again? Can’t we just, I don’t know, get some of those blood packages?”
“From where? Sam, get the fuck over it! I gotta eat or I’m eating you, and not by choice!”
“Hey… I just-“
“You did this to me! You know that! I’m tired of doing this every night, you know I have to!”
“But do you want to?”
“No! No I don’t but that’s how it is! What else am I going to do?”
“I’m telling you, Gareth! I can find ways, I-I can fake an ID I can rob a damn hospital I’ll do it!”
“I don’t want you to!”
“Why?! I’m here just let me help!”
“We lost mom and dad, we lost our sister, I’m not losing you to jail, Sam! Their death couldn’t be avoided but yours can!”
Tara scoffed, taking another breath from her cigarette, smoke leaking from the sides of her mouth and rising into the air,
“I’ve seen you around, ever since you came here… we knew you weren’t normal,” she said, holding the cigarette between her middle and pointer, resting her elbow on her elevated knee, her other leg hanging down on the edge of the building they sat on.
Anthony had his mask off, hood up. He sad next to the symbiote host and stared down at the streets below. He let out a low hum, “I knew I wasn’t hiding it well, I didn’t try to. More to spite him more than anything,”
“I get that. I’d do the same,” Tara said, “but with Karma, well,” she shrugged, “it’s a bit different,”
“I’d figure,”
One less student went to their high school, at least. But they weren’t anyone Gabe liked anyways. That didn’t keep him from feeling guilty. Carnage begged to differ.
“It was deserved, he never left us alone about this and we barley know him!” The symbiote snarled, “he wants us to go to his parties that are shit anyways even though we already said no!”
Gabe pursed his lips, brows furrowing as his face scrunched angrily, his hands curled into fists in his pockets, “I know-“
“Then why feel like this?! We should be happy he’s gone!”
Gabe slammed the door closed in the bathroom and flicked on the lights, staring at the mirror and at the red and black symbiote’s face, slamming his hands against the counter at the sink, “It’s not about that! It’s the fact that you ate a fucking person on the streets without letting me know what the fuck you were going to do!”
Gareth never thought that standing over a body drained of its blood would get any easier, but now, he barley even feels it. It’s just another day, another lost soul. All because he had to eat.
He could go weeks without it, but once its time, it’s time. He doesn’t go for the parents, the children, he tries to desperately not to and avoid them. Instead, he prefers going for those spoiled rich CEOs.
However, murder is murder. It didn’t feel good afterward. No matter how much that bitch deserved it.
“It gets better,” Tara said, “it was an adjustment… us getting used to each other but, we made it work,”
Anthony hummed, looking at the other, then back down at his lap, “I’d imagine- I just- well,” he shrugged, “I’m not entirely like you two, I can reason with my powers, they just… are,”
The red haired girl put out her cigarette with symbiotic claws, tossing it to the side as her hand transformed back to human. She straightened her posture, stretching her arms over her head before setting them behind herself, bracing her body onto her arms as she let both her legs dangle over the ledge,
“You’ll figure it out. After all, they’re still your powers. In control or not, they belong to you… I guess you just have to make the best of a situation sometimes,” she scoffed, staring down at her own lap, “damn, I suck at comfort-“
“No,” the other teen said, taking in a breath. Tara looked over at him, titling her head,
He clasped his hands together in his lap, gripping at them tightly,
“No it-… it helps… it does,”
“You can’t just do whatever the fuck you want like that!”
“He was hurting you! Hurting us!”
Gabe exhaled sharply, whipping his head to the side before facing the mirror again, staring at the stubborn symbiote in their pale eyes,
“The least you could have done was tell me!”
“You would have said no! I did what I had to!”
Gabe pointed an accusing finger at the mirror, “Don’t fucking baby me! You share this body!”
“We share a body but you let it get stepped on all over!”
Gabe knocked over a glass cup off of the counter and it smashed on the ground with a loud crash, “Don’t lecture me about keeping myself alive!”
“And don’t lecture me about saving our dignity!”
“THIS ISN’T OUR BATTLE, THIS ISN’T YOUR BODY!” He screamed, “ITS MINE! MINE! NOT YOURS! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” The teen mindlessly gripped the side of the mirror and ripped it off of the wall, throwing it to the side into the empty bathtub where it shattered with a crash into massive shards.
He was breathing heavily. The symbiote kept quiet, as silent as he could. Gabe knew he was there, but somehow, he felt even more alone. Gabe pressed himself against the wall, not even realizing he was backing up to it and slid to the ground. He didn’t realize he was crying either.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, right? Right. Gareth felt full and then some. At least he ate sooner than later. He might last longer. Who fucking knows anymore. Not like Sam asked what the hell this serum did or the effects of it before letting that scientist bitch give it to him.
He sighed. Pulling his knees to his chest as he sat on his bed in clean clothes after washing up. It wasn’t Sam’s fault but… no, he couldn’t have known, they didn’t tell him everything.
He would have died without it.
But was it worth it? Would Sam have given him the serum if he knew what it would do to him?
Would Gareth have wanted to die there and then if he knew this was what he would be?
He didn’t know. He couldn’t decide what was worse.
He decided he didn’t want to figure it out now. He was tired.
So he lied down in his bed, pulled the covers over himself.
And he stayed awake, staring at the ceiling. His mind begged to differ.
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Gossippy Gossip
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People! People shut the fuck up! I have got some Gossippp for you. Who knew all you had to do was lock people’s junk up to get them to get all drama llama. Your girl is like a pig in shit over here. Ok, ok. Breath bish. Breath. Ok. I’m ready. Let’s do this. 
So you all know the deal with this Locktober thing so I won’t say anything else. Except let’s just take a moment to appreciate how fucking kinky our Headmaster is. Like who sits around thinking of kinky ways to fuck with us that fucking he can make into a portmanteau. Or whatever the fuck that is. Props Headmaster FP (Grand Master Flashy Pants to you and me). Anyhow, let’s get to the juicy stuff. I think I just gotta start with the head to head match up of Logan v. Jones. Right? I won’t say I didn’t see this coming, because those gears were grinding the second they met, but I didn’t expect all out war. Ok, fine, all out popularity poll. No wait anti-popularity poll. I got my vote in how about you? And because I’m a shit disturber here’s the link right here. But since I do not want either of these hot heads on my ass I’ll be keeping my own vote on the DL. 
What’s not on the DL is how Oliver Smythe feels about keeping his hairy canary caged up. That boy accepted a whooping and an electric shock collar rather than just lockin’ it up. Don’t know whether to be impressed, shocked, or just twerk in front of him to see what happens with that collar. 
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Now, while that shit put the lic in public, Brother Ollie isn’t the only soul not down with packaging up his trouser sausage. Sky Evans has himself a stylish zappy collar too. Doesn’t seem to be keeping the little guy down though. I’ve seen him zapping across campus for days. Or maybe he’s always vibrating like that.  On a less cheerful note I’ve heard tell that the stress is getting to our own little swimming pool jell-o chef Austin Fabray. He seems to have gotten himself into a spot of trouble. Is it because of the cage? I don’t know for sure, but you all tell me. Seems a little coinkydink right? Come on Chandler give the guy a break. Who can think straight when their little brain is getting squished? Am I right? 
But listen, just so you don’t think I only enjoy hearing about people fucking their shit up, I’ve got some good news. Stonewall’s very special little puppy Alejandro Lodge has got himself enough points to be claimed and I’m sure we’re all sure which alpha wolf is going to jump on that, like a dog in heat. Wonder how Mr. Confidence for Days Logan Lodge feels about his kid brother beating him to the finish line? Shh, shh... positive. I’m supposed to be keeping this part positive. Congrats Alex. You deserve it you little tail wagger. 
Welp, I think that wraps it up for me today. I’m pretty sure there will be plenty to talk about after the masquerade. There’s always lots to talk about after the masquerade. But hey maybe y’all can make some predictions. Which siblings will accidentally fuck or at least accidentally fuck the same person... at the same time? Which member of faculty will expose themselves? Which enemies will go down on each other in the middle of the dance floor? Who will go overboard with their costume? Who will show up in a sheet with the eyes cut out? Message me bitches and tell me what you think. Until then this is your girl Mayhem Molly, signing off. 
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xo-boudless · 2 years
Dec 6 2022 page 2
"they're all watching my computer." "What do you mean." "Like Dan and Jennifer." I was thinking about this whole thing about how to become famous and it takes a lot of work. There are a bunch of social media sites that you'd need to be connected to because people need to know where your train of thought is going in order to do it. They have to gauge what type of person you are whether you're a good guy or a bad guy. They really need to get in your head to do it. Because anybody can be famous. Just because you see rappers that are famous and actors that are famous, doesn't mean that it will just be they that are famous. There are a bunch of different types. Not all of them are flashy and in front of a camera. Some of them are in their rooms battling so called mental illness and only a handful of people know about them. "I smell like piss." "We know Abram." It's disgusting. Can you believe what they do? What the police do? They gather up all the criminals and make them sleep in the same bed. You realize that most of them still wet the bed? And it's not like you're sleeping on a bed with a bunch of girls that shared it. You're sleeping in a bed with the same sex. Damn, I just got a random box in the mail and I don't know if it's mine or not. The job did say that we'd sometimes get packages that aren't in the system yet. It's crazy though. No matter how hard I try I still may not get what I want. I didn't get what I wanted. I tried sass and I got the world and everything after has been hell. But if Belinda shuts down this job, I know what they want. They want me to make it with just my skills. They don't want any help from anyone else. That's how i feel because i'm just figuring out this whole writing thing so it's gotta mean something. I don't get it. Why does Belinda have to govern everything in our lives. "You think that job is going to work? Belinda is going to scream scam until the pigs come home. Ain't no way she's going to let Abram do something on his own. Not with the way she's been herding him. His life is in the palm of her hand and there's no getting out of that." "Guys? What the hell?" "It's what happens when you try to control other people's lives. We've seen this happen. It's an old story. It's a tale as old as time. She thinks she knows everything and everybody thinks she does too since she makes the most money in the house. But Abram sees right through her facade. He's ready to face this next one with his head held high." I always spend my advance Yeah, but if Belinda says no I'll quit and I'll focus hard on my art because that apparently seems to be the only thing that will help me make it.
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The moment Sonia steps through the kitchen, she’ll be greeted by the sight of Ami already seated by the dining table while Akira was scooping up portions of coq au vin into a bowl with a ladle. By the looks of it, there was not only chocolate chiffon cake sitting on a cooling tray by the table, but napkins along with spoons, forks, and knives neatly placed on three separate areas.
…Regardless, as soon she noticed her, it doesn’t take long for Ami’s features to immediately brighten. “Look, onii-chan, Sonia is here!” she excitedly points out, prompting Akira to release a low grunt of acknowledgement. “Yeah, I know. Make sure you wash your hands before you eat, Nevermind,” he then states before sauntering over and setting the bowl down onto where she would be sitting. “Also… happy late birthday. Don’t know if it’s any good yet, but I made you the chicken dish you mentioned liking. Oh, and Ami helped with the cake too, so you better eat it all.” [ please assume akira either gave her the key to his apartment or left the door open for her -- ]
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Sonia's Birthday 2022 - Accepting asks from mutuals!
She hadn't expected a lot of things. She hadn't expected to have any energy left after stepping off the plane at the Towa City airport, fresh from a long visit home to fulfill official duties. She hadn't expected Akira to have pressed a key into her palm the night before she'd left for home. And now, she hadn't expected to use it for the first time and find both Akira and Ami in his apartment, the younger one sitting at the low table, the older one putting the finishing touches on a home-cooked meal. Akira had likely done most of it, but Ami was doing her part: she still wore a tiny apron with splotches of chocolate down the front. Likely from the bowl of frosting that sat beside the cooling cake and a package of candles: they were leaving the best for last, apparently.
"Goodness, you two have been quite busy!" She smiled, having barely slipped off her heels before a miniature blur, otherwise known as Ami, had dashed from the table to Sonia's side, hugging her around the waist. "Welcome back! Happy Birthday, Sonia-chan!" Ami announced, partly muffled by the side of Sonia's blouse as she knelt to give the little girl a hug in return. Between the two, Ami was always the more enthusiastic one: though a quick glance around the apartment was enough to show that her onii-chan showed his enthusiasm in different ways. Through herbs and rich red wine, simmered into a broth-like chicken stew.
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"Thank you, Ami-chan! It's wonderful to see you and Kijima-san, after my time away at home," She beamed, giving her a quick, warm hug before the princess was released to wash her hands. Taking the few steps to the nearby sink, Sonia turned on the tap and shot a smile in Akira's direction. "And thank you to you, too. I wonder, was this all your idea?  I'm amazed you remembered that I mentioned the coq au vin, but this is a wonderful surprise!"
"Onii-chan is always making chicken," Ami pointed out, in a tone that indicated she didn't think it to be a big deal. Once Sonia's hands were washed and dried, the little girl didn't hesitate to drag her to the correct spot at the table, indicating her to sit. "The cake is going to be the best part! Because I helped with it, and we still gotta put the frosting on! You can't help though, Sonia-chan, cause it's your cake. But you can tell us about your home! You live in a castle and go to dances, right? I saw some pictures on my mom's computer! You looked like a real princess in them, with a crown and everything!"
"Well, I think if we tried to wear our crowns and big dresses every day, we'd have trouble doing fun things," Sonia grinned, settling her napkin over her lap as Ami tucked into her spot at the table. "Like going to the convenience store and the library! And enjoying this excellent meal." With that last line, she glanced up at Akira still putting the finishing touches on dinner. "How have you been, since I left for home?"
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