#got off work today spent an hour walking in a forest run a few errands and I AM NOT TIRED
roncheg · 2 months
I want to share something, long post:)
This week i am intensely feeling that time is, indeed, relative.
So many things happened at once and I am very happy in the moment, f* anxiety, I decided to fully enjoy the experience (thanks, therapy☺️).
So, last February things at my previous job became unbearable and i quit juuust before the burnout started to affect me for real.
No, that's not right, I've got health problems from this, it WAS affecting me badly (sincerely, fuck people, who do this to other people, I hope they'll burn in hell for causing me that much stress).
The following months were filled with existential and financial dread, weak attempts at getting my life back on track and even figuring out what I am and what I want and can do (do not recommend, it feels awful but I've got some of my documents in order; got my oven repaired (it's been broken for years); got the second piercing in my ear; fallen hard in a new fandom and got an old-new friend)).
My relatives were understanding for about 2months, then there were dreadful probing questions - are you looking for a job? will you work soon? (and I spent last 15years working, busting my ass - I have resources to be unemployed for about a year). Thanks for feeding my anxiety, I guess.
Unfortunately, I found out that I am not ready to work as an artist on commission, it's too taxing on my ability to create, that path is closed for me now(((
Three month later at a pretty low point I secured a job in a completely different field than my previous career path, though it did have qualities, I thought I needed the most - easy, boring, close to home.
After a month it was unbearable, so, last Tuesday at a lunch break I casually went to a job searching app; sent my resume to a couple of companies in a field related to my previous professional experience, got a couple of interview invites, called them back right away; AND
one of the companies turned out to be a start-up that some of my colleagues from previous-previous job founded)
By last Thursday I went to the coziest interview I've ever had in my life; this Monday I quit a boring job; by this Wednesday I started working at the start-up; it's been 3 days and I have SO MANY adventures related to the new place, so many positive feelings about it, I still kinda cannot believe that this is happening.
And I really feel like a lifetime has passed since this Monday. So, yeah. Time is relative.
Wish me luck.
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Reader Giving Into Darkness (Overblotting Reader)
Hewwo everyone! I hope you guys are fine and having a lovely time! 
First off, I’d like to apologize for the inactivity for these past few days, I caught a fever last Saturday and I had to do some editing work for Sunday, so, I didn’t really write a lot last Saturday and Sunday. Don’t worry though! I’m fine now and I immediately jumped back into writing!
Secondly, this fic was supposedly to be an overblotting reader fic, but now, after writing and proof-reading it, it doesn’t seem like an overblotting reader story, more like, reader gave way for darkness to take over them. I have no idea anymore haha! I will most probably write another story for overblotting reader depending on how this one goes. (Also tell me if you want a part 2 to this, for now, I haven’t got one planned yet)
Third, I’d like to thank you guys once again for supporting me so much! I do hope you’ll enjoy this story that I’ve written! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day! (Story is under the cut uwu)
It was a pretty mundane day at Night Raven College. You’ve got your daily dose of chaos, your classes went along swimmingly and surprisingly, no fights occurred between your group of dumbass friends! I would even say that it was a boring day!
Or had it really been a mundane day?
You were on your way back to your class after helping Professor Trein run a small little errand, he needed to have a few paperwork submitted but Lucius had fallen asleep on his lap. You volunteered to go in his place instead since you needed some fresh air after sitting at a desk for an entire day. You brought Grim along since the furball wanted to tag along with you.
You were humming softly to yourself as you cheerfully made your way, you couldn’t wait to sit with your friends again and continue your day happily.
“Fgnaaa, you seem to be in a really good mood today (Y/N).” Grim said from your embrace, you giggled in response to his words.
“Well, today has been a really good day so far! I’m sure that today will be a perfect day.” You said as you let a smile grace on your face.
“Well, whatever you say (Y/N).” Grim said as he let out a small yawn.
However, when you got to the doorway of your class, your ears picked up on a few chatters of familiar voices.
You were about to enter your classroom but you had halted yourself just behind the doorframe for you had heard your name being mentioned. You didn’t want to enter your class just yet, for some reason, you had wanted to hear what the chatter was about and why it involved your name.
“(Y/N) doesn’t need to know.” One of the voices said.
“Why did we even ask (Y/N) in the first place?” A second voice asked.
“Yea, it’s not like it’ll be any help to us anyway, after all, (Y/N) can’t use magic.” Another voice piped up, agreeing with the first two voices.
“Let’s not mention this when (Y/N) comes back later, this’ll remain between us.” The first voice said once more and you heard a few grunts and hums of agreement from a few different voices.
You slowly lowered your head as you leaned against the doorframe of your classroom. Those voices were all too familiar to you, for they were the voices of your best friends, the ones that you had spent so many time with, the ones that you had went through the most with, the ones that you had trusted yourself with.
You felt as if you had been slapped in the face harshly after hearing the voices that you had felt safe with associate themselves with such words.
Slowly squatting down, you released Grim from your embrace and onto the ground. The furball faced you with a sad look on his face.
“(Y/N)… They-” Grim started but he was cut off by you gently pressing your index finger on his mouth.
“It’s okay, I’m fine.” You said with a smile on your face.
“We still have some time before class right? I’ll be going for a little walk then.” You said as you stood back up and walked away. Grim looked at you with worry as he stayed in his place, his eyes locked onto your leaving figure. You knew he was watching, so you took a sharp turn, letting a wall come between his stare and your figure.
Once you knew that you weren’t being watched anymore, you ran as fast as you could, adrenaline was pumping through your veins as your vision began to blur. You weren’t sure where you were running to, you just wanted to get out of that place, as far as possible.
Unbeknownst to you, a figure had been watching the whole event and they were smirking to themselves the entire time.
“According to plan I see… Excellent.”
After running for what seemed like hours, you find yourself in a forest, surrounded by trees, the only sounds that you heard were the chirping of various animals and insects that inhabited it. You sat down under one of the tall trees while taking deep breaths in hopes to help soothe yourself. You wiped away your tears as they flowed.
The chatter of your friends rang in your head as you reminisced your memories with them, as if whenever you tried to remind yourself of all the good times you had with them, the chatter would be there to tell you that it was all fake.
“They don’t care for you.” Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice spoke out. Or had it been an unfamiliar voice?
You frantically looked around, searching for the source of the voice. It took you some time before your eyes landed on a small little puddle of water beside you, your reflection was as clear as sky as you looked.
So it did give you quite the scare when your reflection suddenly spoke up while you didn’t.
“Don’t mind them, you don’t need them.” Your reflection said to you.
“What?” You asked as you took a closer look at the puddle. You rubbed your eyes to make sure that what you were seeing was real. You wanted to make sure that you weren’t dreamin-
“Oh, you’re not dreaming, don’t worry about that.” Your reflection said, as if it had read your thoughts.
“No. They do, I am their friend after all.” You huffed and stood up, arguing to your reflection’s previous statement. You didn’t want to question the existence of your talking reflection, after all, you were in Twisted Wonderland, a place where magic is real and almost anything can happen, even talking reflections. Heck, take the mirror of darkness for an example.
“Besides, they could be talking about anything! Maybe they were talking about homework. I just overreacted, that’s all.” You replied further to your reflection as well as reassuring yourself.
“Are you entirely sure?” Your reflection asked you once more. “You heard what they said loud and clear.” It said to you. You took in a deep breath through clenched teeth as you closed your eyes and turned away, hugging yourself as you tried to walk away. You wanted to ignore your reflection, you thought that it was just giving negative feedback on the events that had already happen, you wanted to believe that your friends were possibly talking about something else.
But you were shocked when you heard the next sentence come out of your reflection’s mouth.
“Friends don’t talk to friends like that.”
You whipped your head around immediately, looking at the puddle as beads of tears formed in and fell from your eyes. Your reflection was right after all, friends don’t talk to friends like that, friends will tell you their problems straight away, friends don’t hide secrets about friends and most importantly…
True friends don’t talk about friends behind their backs.
As you were buried deep in your thoughts, your reflection smirked a little after seeing the look of hurt on your face. It waited for a few seconds before continuing its statement.
“Don’t worry, like I’ve said, you don’t need them. You only need me.” Your reflection said with a smirk. “After all, I am a part of you.”
“A part… Of me?” You asked, you didn’t completely understand what your reflection had meant by its words.
“Yes, for I am your conscience, I know what you need right now and that’s me.” Your reflection said to you. It then wiped off the smirk it had on its face and extended its hand towards you.
“Take my hand.” It said. “I promise you, with me, you won’t ever feel heartbreak anymore, you won’t ever experience betrayal anymore and you don’t need anything else, you just need me.”
“But, my friends-“ But before you could finish your sentence, you were cut off by your reflection.
“They don’t want you! You only need me!” Your reflection yelled, clearing its throat, it told you once more.
“Take my hand.”
You hesitated. You didn’t want to take the hand, you knew that it was dangerous. But, the chatter of your friends continued to repeat itself in your head, its ringing was making your head spin and drowning out your sense of danger and uncertainty, making you temporarily forget all the good times you had with them and all the happiness you had experienced with them.
As the ringing in your head continued, you felt confused and broken, you didn’t know what to do. Your heart ached as you remembered the memories you made with your friends, for everything was fake. The happiness, the sadness, the trust, the comfort, everything had been fake.
You just wanted this feeling to stop.
Then, the ringing of your friends’ chatter in your head was soon replaced by the chanting of your reflection’s offer. Your reflection seemed to be so welcoming, you felt as if only your reflection understood you, you felt as if you could trust yourself with it, after all, it is a part of you, right?
Surely you could trust yourself with yourself.
So, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes as you extended your own hand towards your reflection. Placing your hand on your reflection’s, you felt your hand being gripped by it. You then opened your eyes to see that your reflection was holding your hand rather firmly with a peaceful look on its face.
But all of a sudden, your reflection looked back at you with a sharp look, its mouth twisted upwards into a menacing smirk as it tightened the grip it had on your hand. You let out a small gasp as you tried to pull your hand away, but you didn’t succeed, the grip on your hand was far too strong.
A black cloud began to form on your gripped hand as your reflection cackled. You finally managed to disconnect your hand from your reflection’s when you forcefully pulled your hand away. When you inspected your hand, your eyes could only widen in horror as you saw the cloud that continued to linger on your hand.
And it was slowly spreading.
Grim had managed to get your friends’ attention as he questioned the harsh choice of words of your friends, but, your friends only looked at him in confusion as he did so.
“What do you mean Grim? We never said anything like that.” One of your friends replied.
“Fgnaaaaa! Don’t lie to me! Me and (Y/N) clearly heard you guys say those words.” Grim said angrily.
“But, Grim, we were doing homework, plus, we couldn’t talk since the professor was there.” Another friend stated. Grim froze in his place as he realized that he had just seen the professor leave the classroom as you were running away.
So, how did that chatter even happen? If it wasn’t from your friends, then…
“Oh no.” Grim said with a grim look on his face.
“What’s wrong Grim? Is everything okay?”
“No. You guys need to follow me. NOW.” Grim ordered your friends as he ran out the classroom, your friends gave each other a look of worry before rising from their seats and followed the furball.
Your friends had a hard time catching up with Grim as he swiftly navigated his way through the busy hallways of the school. Your friends were yelling questions to him, wanting answers for this sudden change of behavior.
“Just, follow me!! I don’t think (Y/N) is safe!!” Grim yelled back, hoping that his answer would satisfy the curiosity of your friends. As the furball ran, he was buried deep in his thoughts as well.
‘I hope you’re there (Y/N), you always go there whenever something’s wrong, please be there, please be safe… Please.’ Grim thought to himself as he continued to run, eventually running into a forest, the exact same forest that you were in.
However, when they got to you, it was already too late. Your figure was surrounded in a cloud of sheer blackness, leaving only your torso and head available. The cloud slowly rose up, covering your entire body little by little. It was getting hard for you to breathe, your body felt numb, you couldn’t move any parts of your body.
You were panicking, afraid that your friends will get injured just because you had made a wrong decision. You were also afraid for your own life, for you knew what was happening to yourself all too well. You’ve always managed to save the others from this situation, yet you have never thought that it would happen to yourself.
You thought that since you didn’t have magic, it would never happen to you.
Yet, here you are, experiencing the exact same thing that had happened to some of your friends.
“(Y/N)!” Your friends yelled for you, their faces donned looks of pure fear and shock.
You gave them one last look, it was a very interesting look.
It was a look of worry,
Yet it was also a look of sorry,
A look of terror,
And a look of horror.
Tears flowed out your eyes as the cloud slowly engulfed your torso and is partially engulfing your head. With one last breath, you muttered the following words:
“Run… Save… Yourselves…”
Darkness had consumed you as your vision was clouded by pitch black. You felt tired, sleepy, drowsy, your eyelids were heavy and they were drooping on their own. Yet, you tried to fight it, you weren’t going to it control your body with such ease. But it was no use, you had already accepted the darkness when you accepted your reflection’s hand.
Your friend’s smiling faces were the last thing on your mind as you fell into a deep slumber.
As the cloud began to disperse, everyone just stood there, looking at your figure that stood before them, or rather, what was once your figure.
“(Y/N)…” Your friends called out your name softly as they stared at the monstrous and black form you had donned on.
“We have to fight her to save her.” Grim said.
“We have no choice.” The furball continued as your friends nodded in agreement.
‘Hang on (Y/N), please, for us.’ Was the only thought on everyone’s minds as they readied their magic pens.
Let’s just hope they could save you like how you saved them.
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namjoontunes · 4 years
Lost and Found, Chapter Twelve
BTS Members x Reader
Genre: Fantasy AU, Fluff, Minor Angst
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 2.7k
Author’s Notes: This arc was really only supposed to be one chapter XD I guess it’s kind of gotten away from me... but I hope you enjoy!
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Prologue || Most Recent
"Hyung, do you know why Jimin won't stop pacing around the living room? It's driving me crazy." Jungkook stood in the doorway to Jin's room, giving an annoyed gesture down the hallway where Jimin was still pacing.
Jin sighed, putting his book aside. "Tae and Y/n went out somewhere and didn't tell Jimin where they were going, and Tae didn't charge his phone again so it's been very distressing for him."
"Oh…" Jungkook responded, his brow furrowing. "Are they like, on a date?"
"I don't know, and honestly I'm trying not to think about it," Jin replied. 
Suddenly Jimin appeared behind Jungkook. "A picnic basket!!!" He shouted, drawing confused stares from the other two.
"I helped Tae enchant a picnic basket, he must be on a picnic with Y/n!" Jimin explained.
"Oh, good," Jin said. "Now that you know what they're doing, maybe I can get back to my book and you can stop talking to me about what they might be up t-"
"But it's way after noon they should be back by now!" Jimin interrupted, his anxiety clearly not eased by his realization.  "They could be lost, or hurt, or in danger, or-"
"Or they could be just enjoying their time together or something," Jin added, with an exasperated look at Jimin. "Like I said, I'm trying really hard to mind my own business, maybe you could do the same."
"Or," Jungkook began, and Jin rolled his eyes. "Maybe they ARE hurt, so we should go into the woods and look for them right now, before they get any closer. To the danger."
"I feel like you guys aren't listening to anything I say."
"I think Jungkook has a point," Jimin persisted, "We should go looking for them before anything else happens to them, Jungkook can get a bird's eye view and I can search from the ground."
"Even if I said not to you guys clearly wouldn't listen, so just make sure your phones are actually charged!" Jin advised, but the two were already halfway down the hallway. He sighed, picking his book back up as he desperately tried to shake the images of Tae and Y/n on a date out of his head. 
When Tae opened his eyes again, the sun had moved significantly in the sky. Y/n was still asleep in his arms, if her soft snores were any indication. He spent a few minutes just admiring her as she slept before deciding to wake her. 
"Hey… Y/n… we should get up," he whispered softly. She mumbled something incoherent and clung tighter to him. "Come on, I promise you can have some desserts when we get back to the house."
She peaked an eye open at him. "Promise?"
He laughed and moved a strand of hair out of her face. "I promise."
After giving themselves a few minutes to fully wake up, the two of them began packing the extra dinnerware back into the now mostly dry, and much lighter, picnic basket. They left all the ruined food behind, with the reassurance from Y/n that some animal would find themselves a nice treat with it. 
As they set out back towards the house, Tae held his hand out to Y/n. She smiled, and happily interlocked their fingers. Today had been another wonderful day with someone from her new family, and she couldn't wait to see what the future had in store. 
"Dragon to fox, I repeat, dragon to fox come in."
"Jungkook, this is a phone call, not a walkie talkie. You don't have to do that."
"...I just thought it might make it more fun…" Even without seeing him, Jimin could hear the pout in Jungkook's voice. 
"Fine…" Jimin sighed. "Fox to dragon, do you have eyes on the runaways?"
"Negative, fox," Jungkook replied cheerily.
"That's not good news Jungkook!" Jimin scolded.
"...right. I was just excited you were doing the thing with me."
"You're sure you don't see any sign of them?" Jimin asked again. "Or any sign of a picnic or something?"
"Still a negative, fox. The skies are clear and the ground is greener than a fresh head of lettuce."
Jimin sighed, and looked anxiously around him for any sign that the two of them had come through here. "It's gonna be getting dark soon, I think we should go back and get Yoongi and Namjoon to help us look."
"You go back, I'll keep looking over the trees for them. I still have my phone so I'll be fine," Jungkook reassured. As much as he liked using the radio talk to keep things light, there was an uneasy weight in the pit of his stomach. He wasn't sure if it was anxiety or just jealousy, but either way he knew finding the others would help put him at ease. 
"Alright Jungkook, I'll be back as soon as possible."
"Um. Tae? Are you sure we're going the right way? I feel like we should've reached the house by now."
Tae slowed to a stop, looking at all the trees around him. "Huh… I guess we should've gotten there by now. I figured you would've corrected me if we were going the wrong way," he admitted sheepishly. 
Y/n stopped and stared at him for a long moment, her face completely still. "Did… your village not teach you about the effects of Fae presence on anyone non-fae?" She asked cautiously.
"Fae presence?" He responded nonchalantly. "Our village was exclusively Fae-folk, so I never really learned about our effects on others…"
Y/n slumped against a tree, anxiously running her hand through her hair. "Long term exposure to Fae energy can have a number of undesired effects on any creatures not of Fae descendance." She recited. "Side effects include, but are not limited to, time loss, trouble sleeping, aversion to iron, and loss of directional senses."
"...oh." He stated, as realization set in. "No wonder it took Jimin and I so long to get out of these woods…"
"What about your phone? Do you have a map thing on there?" She asked, trying to stay hopeful. 
"You're a genius!" He declared as he pulled out his phone. "Let me just open up the… black... screen… because it's not charged…"
Tae sat down next to her with a sigh. "I'm really sorry today has been such a mess. I thought a spontaneous picnic would be cute, but clearly my lack of planning is coming back to bite us in the ass…"
"It's okay Taetae, I had fun today! And in a week we'll look back at this and laugh!" She reassured, pushing down her own worries as she took his hand in hers. "I'm glad I got to spend this time with you, and I'm sure the others will come looking if we're gone for too long!"
He gave her hand a grateful squeeze. "Thanks Y/n, I'm really glad you're part of our family now. I'm gonna go fly up to try and figure out what direction we should be walking in."
The shadows grew long as the day drew to a close, and soon enough the faint glowing from Taehyung's wings was their only source of light. 
"Tae… I think we should stop for the night, we're only gonna get more lost if we keep going like this."
He slowed to a stop, scanning over the treeline once more and desperately hoping for any sign that they were going in the right direction. When his search came up empty yet again, he sighed, and let the picnic basket in his hand fall to the ground. 
"I guess you're right," he agreed, disappointment clear in his voice. "I can start another fire for us? We still don't have much in the way of food though…"
"I'll go try to find some food!" Y/n volunteered, trying to stay cheerful. "And maybe we'll be as lucky as we were last time!"
She zipped off into the forest as he got to work on the fire. The darkness made scavenging difficult, and she barely managed to gather enough to sate their hunger. The two decided to sleep soon after they finished eating, and settled down on a bed of moss Taehyung had created with his magic, their arms wrapped tightly around each other to keep warm as the air began to chill. 
However, even as Taehyung's breathing slowed, sleep did not come to Y/n. The last time she had slept beneath the trees, she had been bloodied, terrified, and certain she was going to die. As the memories forced themselves into her mind, each and every sound made her jump. Eventually she tired of lying in wait, and slipped out of his arms to begin anxiously patrolling around the campfire in the shape of a wolf. Every once in a while she would shift back to add more wood to the fire. She hoped the boys weren't still searching for them throughout the night, but didn't want them to pass her by on the off chance that they were still out. 
The hours passed slowly, and she watched the moon inch it's way across the sky. Her anxiety eased as more time passed, and she settled down beside Taehyung once again. She wasn't keen on leaving him unguarded as he slept, but it would be a lot harder to make it back tomorrow if she didn't get at least some sleep. Doing her best to set her worries aside, she let her eyes drift shut. 
"Wait, what do you mean they're missing?" 
Yoongi and Hobi had only been home from running errands for all of five minutes before Jimin's shimmering portal had deposited the boy into the middle of the living room, and he wasted no time in launching into the full explanation of what had occurred while they were gone. Jin and Namjoon were already in the living room when they had gotten home, and currently they stood silently to the side like two children waiting for their punishment. It had only been two weeks since Y/n had joined them, and under their careless watch she and another member of the household had gone missing. 
"I mean they're not here and no one knows where they went and they've been gone all day so they're missing!" Jimin practically shouted. He had leaves and twigs stuck in his hair from searching in the woods, and his tail anxiously waved back and forth behind him. 
Yoongi looked to Jin for confirmation. "The last time anyone saw them they were doing dishes after breakfast, and Tae's phone is dead so we don't have any way of contacting them." He informed the vampire. 
"I told you that hours ago and you didn't believe me that they were missing!" Jimin accused, glaring at the eldest boy. 
"I had no reason to!" Jin defended. "You told me they brought a picnic basket, so they must have been on a picnic and gotten lost or something."
"Well clearly something happened! Maybe if you had helped us look we would've found them already!" He argued back. 
"ALRIGHT ENOUGH," Namjoon interrupted, placing himself between the two angry boys. "Instead of fighting amongst ourselves we should be out looking for them. Where's Jungkook?"
"He's still out searching," Jimin answered, shooting Jin one last glare. "Since the sun set he's been using his fire in the hopes that they see it in the sky."
"Okay good. Did you try following their scent?"
"Yeah but I lost it at the river…" Jimin admitted, his tail drooping. 
"Alright take me to where you lost it and we'll keep looking from there. Jin, start looking in the other direction just in case they flew or used any form of travel magic. Yoongi and Hobi, meet up with Jungkook and help him with his aerial search. Everyone make sure your phones are on and charged, and let everyone know if you find anything. Ready?" The five boys nodded, determination to find their friends replacing their anxiousness. "Let's go then, between the six of us they won't be missing for much longer."
Back in the depths of the forest, Y/n was startled awake by the sound of snapping branches. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the fire had been reduced to embers and shadows loomed on every side. Immediately she shifted back into a wolf, glaring into the darkness as she tried to figure out exactly who or what was nearby. 
She sat silently for a few moments, listening closely to the  sounds of the creature's movement through the trees. It couldn't have been much bigger than she was, judging by the sound of it's footsteps, but it seemed to be heading directly towards them. Y/n moved to stand protectively over Taehyung, a low growl building in her throat. She could feel herself instinctively changing her wolf shape till she was roughly the size of a bear, if not bigger. The unknown creature continued it's approach, either unbothered or unaware of her abilities, and she lifted her nose to try to catch a trace of it's scent. 
Suddenly, Y/n's blood ran cold. The night air carried with it a hauntingly familiar scent, for nearly two months it had haunted her nightmares as she was hunted down time and time again. Surely this couldn't be the exact wolf that had nearly ended her life, here to finally finish the job when she had so much to lose?
Yet it was unmistakably the same. Try as she might she had not been able to shake that scent from her memories. Part of her was desperate to run off, take flight before she could be hurt again and never look back. But she knew Taehyung's helpless sleeping body lay just beneath her. She felt a surge of protectiveness run through her. These were the people who had taken her in and given her a home when no one else would. She would not let anything harm them.
As the wolf finally appeared in her line of sight, Y/n roared loud enough to shake the earth. She was even bigger now, looming over the clearing as the wolf desperately skidded to a halt. Her body had become a hybrid of different predators, with claws like a lion and bared teeth sharper than any wolf's. She growled again as the wolf cowered before her, it's much smaller frame pressed low to the ground. 
She had never gotten a good look at it when it first attacked her, but now she could see clearly it's fur darker than the pits of hell and eyes almost unnaturally yellow. It inched forward with a small yip, clearly eyeing up Taehyung, and Y/n lunged for it's throat. Her jaws snapped shut on the air where the wolf had been just a heartbeat before. 
Seeing it’s life flash before it’s eyes, the wolf stumbled backwards and immediately darted off into the darkness, it's tail tucked between it’s legs. Y/n stood there for what felt like years, breathing hard as her body fought to maintain the excessive shape she was in. 
"Y/n!" She whipped around to see Taehyung standing behind her, staring at her with a mixture of concern and astonishment. "He's gone now Y/n, it's okay." 
Like a rubber band unwinding, she suddenly shifted back to her human form. Her whole body was shaking, and she could feel tears running down her cheeks. "I- I was… I was so s-scared Taehyung I didn't- I wasn't..."
A wave of dizziness crashed over her. Her body had been pushed way past the limits of what she was capable of, and she quickly realized she was paying the price for it. She tried to focus on the shape of Taehyung in front of her, but she couldn't tell if he was walking towards her or away from her, his voice swimming in and of her ears as she desperately tried to cling to consciousness. She took a tentative step forwards, and felt her legs finally give out beneath her. The last thing she saw was an orange glow rushing up to meet her face.
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spacebeyonce · 4 years
and wip wednesday time part 2, the remix, botw edition
another 2k taster. obviously it’s the Long Link Oneshot, it’s the only botw thing I’m working on lmao. the central theme is changing a little, and I’m still struggling with it, but it’s slowly existing. that’s something, right? so anyway - blood moons, am I right.
After that day, more of the Rito began to go to Vah Medoh now that it was calm, to explore the Beast that was supposed to protect them, and to visit the spirit of the Champion that still piloted it.
Link decided to spend a couple more days in Rito Village; there were a few things that he wanted to do before he returned to the east. He ran around completing a few errands for people. He spent time with Kass’ wife Amali and their daughters, joining them for their singing practice and discovering a shrine along the way. He found more shrines on top of that, venturing out a bit into the Hebra tundra. Link could start to feel a weight in his chest and knew that he would have to make some time to pray to the Goddess for stamina, for strength. He would need all the strength he could get to complete this task. Though he did accomplish calming a Divine Beast, that didn’t mean he was done – far from it.
On his third day in Rito Village, Link woke up and knew that it was time to leave.
He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something in the air; it felt electric, made his hackles rise and his base instincts whisper that he needed to run. Run from what, he didn’t know, but he was…unsettled. It felt like the presence that had possessed Vah Medoh when it had been taken, but more.
So he packed his bag. Quickly said his goodbyes and went to the stable to request that they send his horse to the stable at Dueling Peaks. It would be faster for him if he used the slate, and he doesn’t mind traveling by foot once he gets to his destination. He wonders if everyone else can sense that feeling hanging in the air, and if they felt as skittish as he did.
He gives Chestnut an apple and a skritch behind her ears, promising in whispers that they would see each other soon, and then he was gone, whisps of light carried by the wind.
Kakariko was quiet when Link appeared, and he stared over the small village at the top of the hill, listening to the faint clink of wood chimes and wondering if this foreboding feeling that hung in the air today would follow him wherever he went.
Dorian and Cado gave him sharp nods of greeting when he approached, their faces drawn and wary, and Link pressed his lips into a thin line as he went up the stairs.
Impa looked up from the scroll she was reading as he entered, and she smiled. “I was wondering when you would show up.” She said in greeting as he took a seat at her feet. “I take it your journey west went well?”
It did. Link nodded, a pleased smile curling his lips. Vah Medoh has been freed. And I remembered a few things. It’s been…productive.
Impa smiled, and it looked like his news had taken some weight off her. “Good,” she sighed. “Very good, Link. And you remembered something? Excellent – come here, help me up.”
She held out her hand, and Link quickly scrambled to his feet to help Impa down from her tower of pillows. Her hand was so small in his, and it was thin and soft; it reminded him of the softness of the tunic he had to wear when he woke up, like one touch would send it crumbling. But Link could feel Impa’s strength in the way she gripped at his hand, and how warm she was, and he knew he didn’t have to worry.
“There, now.” She pointed at a chest up on the shelf. “Grab that for me so I can open it.”
Link was about to say that she didn’t have to bother, that he could do it, but a sharp glance had him quickly grabbing the chest and placing it at her feet. “Thank you. Alright, here –”
The chest opens with a soft creak, and Impa places a soft bundle of blue cloth into his hands. It was a tunic, dyed a shade of blue that reminded Link of the sky, with an embroidered pattern on the chest shaped like a sword. The mere sight of it sent Link’s heart twisting in his chest, and he tried to keep his hands from shaking as he held onto it. He could feel it, how important this tunic was to him.
“I’ve kept it all this time.” Impa explains quietly. “It had to be repaired in some places – it was a bit worse for wear by the time I had gotten it – but the embroidery…that’s still the same.”
Link traced a finger along the pattern, feeling the bump and ridge of every stitch.
“Princess Zelda made that tunic herself, you know.” She continued, a small smile on her face. “Down to the stitching.”
It felt like an electric shock, the realization that he was holding something that the princess had made, something that she touched. It was surreal. He pulled the cloth to his chest, throat working as he tried to find the words.
“…Thank you.” He finally whispered.
Impa’s smile grew at the sound of his voice. “It is my pleasure. Take time to rest before you go. And –”
Her smile dimmed some, eyes tightening at the corners. “If you do leave the village, be careful. I can feel it in the air; tonight…tonight will be a Blood Moon.”
A Blood Moon? Link didn’t know what that was, but judging by the look on Impa’s face, it wasn’t anything good. He had planned to start heading to the Zora today, but…he would take Impa’s advice, and rest for the day instead.
He bought a room at the inn for the evening and decided to spend the day walking around the village; he ran into one of Dorian’s daughters, Koko, who was running down the hill from the shrine. She looked anxious, and it hurt Link’s heart, the thought that whatever was hanging in the air was affecting her, too. So to take her mind off of it, they spent a few hours cooking, Link showing the little Sheikah a few recipes he learned in Tabantha. He saw Pikango painting by the Goddess statue and got a lead on another location for a memory; he made sure to make a reminder for himself to seek it out when he was able, making a note in his journal and placing a marker on the slate. After that, he went up the hill towards the shrine and the forest beyond it to pay the Great Fairy Cotera a visit to make a request to strengthen his clothing.
He liked Cotera; she was always nice to him and really fun to talk to, and her grove was always full of flowers and vegetables that never seemed to run out. Link wondered if the whole place was magic. He showed Cotera the tunic he just received, asking what he needed to make it stronger, and the fairy pointed him towards a small cluster of flowers – silent princesses.
He couldn’t explain it, but – there was something about those flowers. Looking at the flowers and their vibrant blue petals, Link felt…nostalgic.
It probably had something to do with his murky past; Link hoped he would find the answers soon.
He admired the tunic after Cotera worked her magic, sitting at the base of the fountain and admiring the way some of the threads glimmered in the light, like they were made of fine metal. Cotera rested against the edge of her fountain and stared down at Link with an indulgent smile. “If you want me to strengthen it more, then you will have to bring me more of those flowers,” she says, “and shards from the horns of dragons.”
That quickly stole Link’s attention away. Dragons?
A shiver of nerves slipped down his back; he didn’t know Hyrule had dragons. Would he have to fight them to get a piece of their horn? He didn’t think he could do that, no matter what was expected of him.
His thoughts must have been showing on his face, because Cotera threw her head back with a laugh. “You worry so loudly, sweet boy! Yes, dragons – guardian spirits of the land. They’re quite harmless; there are three – Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh - and they travel across all of Hyrule. You’ll know one when you see it. Though -”
Cotera tapped her chin with one long nail, a concerned frown on her lips. “No one has seen Naydra in decades. It’s worrisome…but hopefully nothing too serious.”
Link stuck around and kept Cotera company for a few more moments, but that comment about the dragons stayed in his mind as he returned to the inn, putting a worried furrow in his brow. The dragons…Cotera said they were spirit guardians; that must mean they were very powerful in their own way. The missing dragon…it couldn’t have been harmed or – or worse. Could it?
It was well into the afternoon when Link returned to the village, and he wasn’t sure what to do with the rest of his time. He would go exploring if this was a regular day, but the tension in the air…he didn’t want to go too far.
Squinting up at the sky, Link considered his options. The weight in his chest pressed down on him, reminding him of his need to pray, and he decided to do that next. Besides – he had noticed something, the last time he kneeled at the foot of the Goddess, and he wanted to see if that feeling would come again.
He could feel the presence of the Goddess rippling around the statue as he approached, and he made himself comfortable as he carefully kneeled down, lowering his head as he began to pray.
And – there. There.
Link could feel it – there was this…sensation that he’s been trying to find the words for. A presence just at the back of his mind, sitting there, watching. Waiting to see what he was going to say. He had wondered about it; thought that it was just the presence of the Goddess Hylia, but –
But it felt like Her, but also…not. There was something different about it. He thinks that, well.
Maybe it’s the princess.
Just the idea makes him feel a little smug – he knew the connection went both ways. He wasn’t entirely sure, but just in case, Link made sure he was good and settled.
He has a lot to tell her.
Link stirs from a fitful sleep to the sound of the princess’ voice in his ears, clearer than it’s ever been. What is -?
He sits up, blankets slipping away, and swipes at his eyes, wondering what’s happening to make her call for him so. Is something happening? Is the Calamity –
Is it happening? Was he too late?
Panic’s icy grip wrapped around his heart, and Link’s eyes snapped open to see crimson light streaming through his window. The feeling in the air, the tension – it was hitting a crescendo, stirring his blood into a panic, forcing him to move, to ­act –
He was out of bed and on his feet before he could think, rushing out of his room and the inn. Malice rained from the sky like ash, and the clouds churned in the sky, moving faster than they should around a swollen, crimson moon.
A Blood Moon.
Be on your guard! Zelda pleads in his ear. Ganon’s power grows. It rises to its peak in the hour of a Blood Moon. By its glow, the aimless spirits of monsters slain in the name of the light return to their flesh.
It makes sense now, Link thinks numbly, why Impa advised him to stay within the village. He wasn’t sure what he would’ve done if he had experienced this while on his own in the wild. All the monsters he had dispatched so far in his journey flashed through his mind, and Link spat out a curse; no wonder monsters are running wild – who would bother facing them when they just come back to life every month?
Link –
His attention sharpened; the princess’ voice was softer, now, fading. She was leaving him again – for now.
Please be careful.
It was gradual, the violent red giving way to the calm blue of night, the moon returning to its soft, silvery glow. Lingering flakes of Malice fluttered around him before disappearing, and Link shivered a little as the cool wind blew against his nightshirt, soaked with sweat. When Impa warned him of the Blood Moon, he wasn’t expecting…that. He still felt a little shaky, a tremble to his limbs as he slowly turned and went back into the inn. The snap of his door closing sounded overly loud when he returned to his room, and he pressed his back against the door, dragging his hand down his face with a ragged sigh.
Across the room, his bed waited for him, soft and inviting, promising comfort. But Link wasn’t sure how he would be able to go back to sleep now.
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
The Once & Future Queen Pt.24
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Woods. Night. (Soldiers chase Lancelot and the others through the woods. Tristan supports Isolde as they approach the mouth of cave tunnels. Agravaine leads the soldiers through the forest where a lone knight stands in the center of the path, blocking the way. He draws his sword. Agravaine and the soldiers stop.) Agravaine: “And just who might you be? (The Knight says nothing:) Where’s Lancelot?” Knight: “Be careful.” (Agravaine is confused.) Agravaine: “What are you talking about? Where’s Lancelot?” Knight: “This is your last chance. Turn back now.” Agravaine: “Tell me. Now. Or I’ll have to kill you.” Knight: “I don’t think so.” (Agravaine hears a dragon’s roar and looks up. Maleficent swoops down on them.) Agravaine: “Take cover!” (Maleficent proceeds to flame roast the soldiers while Agravaine flees the scene.)
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Mountain Tunnels. (The group attempt to navigate the caves.) Henry: “Did we lose them?” Hook: (Entering the cave behind them:) "Aye, I'd say you're safe." Henry: "Hook! How did you-" Hook: "Manage to save your sorry behinds? (Smiles:) With a little help from a friend of yours. At least he said he was your friend." (Hook stands aside to allow a cloaked figure into the cave.) Henry: "Merlin! I've got to say, your timing is impeccable. Where's-" Hook: "Ah, I wouldn't go out there, mate, Maleficent's having far too much fun. Let's just say you won't have to worry about those soldiers out there much longer." Woods. (Agravaine and a few of his men come out of hiding to look out over the field of crispy soldiers. Maleficent roars again and comes back for another pass.) Agravaine: (Accepting his fate:) “Lord forgive me.” (Despite the soldiers all running for cover, they are all consumed by Maleficent’s flames.) Storybrooke. Storybrooke Heritage Park. (Emma and Regina walk along the waterfront with Maria in her stroller.) Regina: "I could get used to this." Emma: "Me too. Nowhere to go, nowhere to be, just you, me and baby makes three." Regina: (Laughs:) "You're so relaxed you're rhyming." Emma: "Must've been the brunch, that chowder was incredible." Regina: "Mm, yes it was. Especially after you 'accidentally' spilled your water over the Reporter and the poor dear had to go home and change." Emma: (Innocently:) "That was a shame, wasn't it?" Zelena: (Arriving as Emma and Regina share a laugh together:) "Aha! There you are. What's so funny?" Regina: "Nothing. Emma and I were just enjoying some time alone for a change." Zelena: "Well, don't let me stop you. I'll just take the little one off your hands and you can continue making goo-goo eyes at each other." Regina: "What are you talking about?" Zelena: "Today is my day with Maria, it always has been." Emma: "I'm pretty sure you see Maria most days. Sometimes more than we do." Zelena: "Don't blame me for your bad parenting choices. Now come on, hand her over."
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Regina: "No, Zelena! Emma and I are spending the day alone with our daughter." Zelena: "No you're not. I know about the Reporter that's supposed to be shadowing you all week." Regina: "How did you..." Emma & Zelena: "Snow." Zelena: "Yeah, that's right. Why would you lie to me, Regina?" Regina: "Because I'm a full-grown woman who doesn't have to tell her sister everything." Emma: “You know what, maybe Zelena should take Maria for awhile.” Zelena: “See? Listen to your wife, Regina.” Emma: (Continues:) “But in exchange, since you enjoy babysitting so much, you can also take the Reporter off our hands today.” Regina: (Smiling at this:) “What a wonderful idea. What do you say, Zelena?” Zelena: “All right, you’re on. I’m sure it’ll be a nice change of pace for them to have something interesting to print for once. Now, if you’ll excuse us.” (Zelena places her hands on the handlebar of the stroller and walks away with Maria. After watching her sister disappear into the distance, Regina turns to Emma.) Regina: “So, it appears our day has just been completely cleared. What shall we do with it?” Emma: “Whatever we want.” (Regina laughs then leans in for a long, lingering kiss.) Mountain.  (Lancelot and the others emerge from the caves on the other side of the mountain. Tristan supports Isolde and turns to Lancelot.) Tristan: “So, where now?” Lancelot: “To the plains beyond the mountains.” Tristan: “You sure? That’s Lot’s kingdom. He’s no friend of Camelot.” Ella: “Well, maybe we could find somewhere here. A house where we could rest?” Tristan: “We’re fugitives, a danger to anyone who harbours us.” Merlin: “He’s right. We must travel back towards Camelot.” Lancelot: “No, we need to keep going.” Merlin: “If we hold up in the Forest of Essetir, we’ll be safe at least for a while.” Lancelot: “No.” Merlin: “Trust me, Lancelot. Those who have survived Morgana’s raid on Camelot will be taking refuge there.” Tristan: “I know which I’d do. But, you’re our leader…” Lancelot: (Sighs:) “All right. Forest of Essetir it is.” (Tristan smirks and they all begin to walk down the mountain path.)
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Camelot. Main Square. (Morgana’s troops march into the square.) Dungeons. (Xena is slumped in a corner, manacles on her wrists. Gabrielle tends to an old male prisoner who is lying on the bed, pale and weak. Guards open the cell. One restrains Gabrielle while the other picks up Xena and escorts her out.) Gabrielle: “Don’t you touch her!” Xena: (Reassuringly:) “Don’t worry, at least we get to eat.” (Gabrielle grabs the bars as the soldier locks the cell door.) Council Chamber. (Morgana unlocks Xena’s manacles.) Morgana: “So, you have another chance to sing for your supper. I thought I might make it a little harder this time.” Xena: “Seems fair.” Morgana: “Oh, but you can’t fight with your bare hands. (Morgana hands Xena a small wooden dagger:) Never mind. You’re the Warrior Princess. You’ll be fine.”(Morgana struts to her throne and the soldiers begin to cheer when a couple of mercenaries enter the circle to fight Xena.) Xena: “What the hell.” (Xena prepares to fight.) Forest of Essetir. (Isolde sharpens her knife while Ella and Henry start a campfire and Tristan and Lancelot collect more wood.) Tristan: “Well, well, well, look at you getting your hands dirty. But then again, why shouldn’t you? You’re just like everyone else. There’s nothing special about you, is there?” Lancelot: “I never claimed to be special. I am a knight. It is Guinevere who is special." Tristan: “Well, that’s your opinion. ’Cause as far as I can tell, she’s no longer Camelot’s queen. So where does that leave you, eh?” (Tristan walks off to leave Lancelot with his thoughts.)
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(Meanwhile, back at camp, Ella and Henry work together under Isolde's scrutiny.) Henry: "Nice of Merlin and Hook to help set up camp, don't you think?" Ella: "I think we can give them a break. They did save us after all." Henry: "For now. Tristan's right, we are all fugitives. Morgana is sure to send more people after us." Ella: "Wouldn't be my first time travelling with a wanted man." Henry: "That’s true. Then have you considered that you might be the problem?" Ella: (Slaps his arm playfully:) "Hey." Isolde: "Have you two considered getting a room? (When they look to her:) Sorry, don't mind me. I'm just grouchy about not being able to do much." Ella: “Your wound had improved since the last time I changed your dressings. You have remarkable recuperative powers. You'll be good as new in no time." Isolde: "Given our current situation, that still might not be soon enough." Storybrooke. Library. (Alone in the library, Alice lays on the counter with her head hanging over the side, bored out of her mind. Tapping her stomach with her hands, Alice takes a deep sigh before sitting up.) Alice: "Right. Let's see what treasures these shelves can provide. (Browsing the library, she gives quick appraisals of each section:) Boring. Read it. Don't want to read it. Ah, the old standby. (Alice pulls a large book of stories about Robin Hood off the shelf:) Let's see how many inaccuracies we can find today." (Just as Alice is about to return to the front desk however, the door opens and Zelena enters. Alice puts down the book and hurries to hold open the door for her.) Zelena: "Thanks, Alice. (Wheeling Maria inside, looks around:) Busy as ever, I see?" Alice: "Yeah, it's a weekday you see and-" Zelena: "It's perfect. I need to ask you a favour." Alice: (Smiles:) "Anything you want, Mrs. M." Zelena: "Well aren't you delightful? I’ve agreed to give an interview for the newspaper and I need someplace quiet." Alice: "Oh, well as you can see, there's no place quieter." Zelena: "Mm. I don't really want a Reporter sniffing around my house so I wondered if I could possibly do it here?" Alice: "I think that's a great idea. Even better, I'll give you both some privacy while the interview's taking place. How long do you think it'll take?" Zelena: "Oh, no more than a couple of hours at most?" Alice: "Great. I had some errands to run today anyway, so if you don't mind stamping a few books should for anyone who comes in, the library will be all yours." Zelena: "Er... sure. I suppose I could do that." Alice: "Wonderful! See you later then." (Watching Alice skip from the library, Zelena wonders to herself just how many more favours she'll be asked to do before the day is out.) Camelot. Dungeons. (Xena stumbles into the cell and Morgana stands in the doorway with a half loaf of bread.) Morgana: “Enjoy your supper. (Morgana tosses the mouldy bread into the cell:) For it’ll be your last.” (Morgana exits and the soldiers lock the cell door. Xena gives the bread to Gabrielle, who gives it to the old man.) Gabrielle: “You need to eat.” Old Man: “Whether I eat or not, I’m not long for this world.” Gabrielle: “Come on, please.” Old Man: “I’ve spent my days watching the cycle of life. If there’s one thing I’m not afraid of, it’s death. Don’t waste your food. If your friend has to fight again, she’ll need all the strength she can get.” (Gabrielle looks to Xena who shakes her head. Gabrielle leaves the bread with the old man.)
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Castle Corridor. (Morgana is joined by Helios, who was once Annis’ second in command.) Helios: “When the reinforcements arrived there, the ground itself was still on fire. They’d all been slaughtered, every last one of them.” Morgana: “And Agravaine?” Helios: “Dead.” Morgana: (Quietly to herself:) “Uncle. (She rallies, not wanting to seem vulnerable to her new ally:) There’s only one person who could’ve done this; only one man who could command a dragon. (She walks away from Helios, hiding her emotions:) This is the work of Merlin.” Forest of Essetir. (Having returned to their camp, Merlin now leads the group through the woods towards a clearing. As they walk closer, Lancelot is surprised when a crowd of knights and peasants appear out of the forest, Sir Leon, Sir Gwaine and Sir Bedivere among them. Merlin smiles. Lancelot glances back at him and sees Merlin’s proud expression.) Lancelot: “What is all this?” Merlin: “I’ve brought you an army. (To Henry:) Your mother suggested I do something useful.” (Henry nods in understanding then watches as Hook and Maleficent appear on top of the ridge above the clearing, leading yet more people. This time however, the faces are familiar. Ruby and Mulan walk alongside Anastasia and Merida, who's army looks eager to fight.) Merida: (Extends her hand:) "Lancelot." Lancelot: (Grips her forearm in the warrior's welcome:) "Merida." Merida: "Merlin came and found us, asked if we were ready to kick some arse." Merlin: "That's not quite how I phrased it." Merida: (Awkwardly:) "We have news about Guinevere." Lancelot: "Guin. Is she all right, does she live?" Merida: "Aye, she's safe in Storybrooke. (Glances at Anastasia:) Lancelot, I-" Anastasia: (Stepping in:) "We found Guinevere injured in the forest, but she’s fine. Dr. Whale patched her up and she's resting." Lancelot: (Relief etched on his face:) "Thank you. Both of you. I don't what I... what Camelot would have done if Guinevere had-" Merlin: "Camelot looks to you now, Lancelot." Lancelot: (Nods, squaring his shoulders, now ready to do what’s necessary:) "We must reclaim Guinevere's kingdom." A Short Time Later. (Lancelot walks with Leon, Bedivere and Gwaine.) Lancelot: “What about the drawbridge?” Sir Leon: “Well manned.” Sir Bedivere: “As are the northern gates.” Lancelot: “The battlements on the south side?” Sir Bedivere: “Lancelot, even if we can get inside, she has an army.” Lancelot: “And we have, what? A few hundred?” Sir Bedivere: “Even with Dun Broch’s army, they still outnumber us.” Lancelot: “Yeah, but only three to one.” (Leon chuckles as Isolde joins them.) Isolde: “And do you think they’ll fight?” Sir Leon: “Well, they’ll fight for Lancelot.” Lancelot: “It’s not me they have to fight for. It’s for Camelot.” Sir Leon: “No, Lancelot. It is you that people love. The love you share with Guinevere inspires everyone in the land. It is you that they will lay down their lives for. I know that I would ride into the mouth of hell for you.” Sir Bedivere: “And I.” (Isolde is surprised by this and looks back at Tristan, who is leaning against a tree, equally surprised.) Sir Gwaine: “And I.” (Tristan is won over by the loyalty of Lancelot’s men. Lancelot draws his sword.) Lancelot: “Into the mouth of hell it is.” (The knights follow Lancelot while Tristan watches in admiration.)
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Storybrooke. Main Street. (After making stops at the butcher's shop and the grocery store, Alice cuts through Marvellous Madam Mim's Unmentionables, where she bumps into Regina.) Alice: (Walking into her:) "Oof, sorry, my fault. (Realising who it is:) Regina! Fancy seeing you here." Regina: (A little chagrined:) "Hi, Alice." Alice: (Looks around:) "Bit of all right in here isn't it? (Nudges Regina with her elbow:) Looking for some nice new frillies to start off your retirement with a bang?" Regina: (Starts to blush:) "Uh..." Alice: (Winks:) "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone I saw ya. Is Emma around?" Regina: "She's um-" (Alice looks over Regina’s shoulder towards the changing rooms.) Alice: "Trying on something eh? Very nice. No wonder you were eager to let Zelena take care of Maria today." Regina: (Begins to protest:) "That's not-" Alice: "Yeah, she's looking after the library for me while I run some errands so it all worked out quite nicely really." Regina: (Receives a text:) "Could you hold that thought for a moment? (Regina stands and walks over to the changing room, knocking on the door:) You ready?" Emma: "Open sesame." Regina: (Smiles then opens the door:) "Oh my..." Alice: (Suddenly standing behind Regina:) "Ooh, that's a nice colour." Regina: (Jumps, startled:) "Alice! (Regina slams the door shut while Emma can be heard laughing from inside the changing room. Trying to remain polite:) Do you think it would be possible for us to maybe catch up some other time?" Alice: (Smiles:) "Say no more. I'll leave you ladies to it. (Knocks on the door:) Bye, Emma. Those knickers make your bum look really great." Emma: (From the other side of the door:) "Er... thanks Alice." (Transferring her bags into one hand, Alice waves goodbye to the still blushing Regina.) A Short Time Later. (Staring down inside her bag at her purchases, Emma waits for Regina to make her selections. As before, Emma receives a text and smiles in anticipation. Walking over to the changing room, Emma lightly taps on the door.) Emma: "Ready or not, here I-" (Emma pulls open the door and all thought abandons her at the sight of Regina's ensemble.) Regina: (Turns, eyebrow raised:) "Come?" Emma: "Not quite, but almost." Regina: "You like it?" Emma: (Shaking her head:) "No, I hate it. (Grinning, she enters the changing room and closes the door behind her:) Let me help you take it off, right now." (Standing behind the counter, the sales assistant shakes her head and turns up the volume to her headphones, hoping to drown out the sounds of utter debauchery now coming from the changing room area.) 
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Falling Paws Over Heels
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SUMMARY:  Captain Killian Jones -- the notorious Captain Hook -- has heard all kinds of stories during his travels around all of the realms. But the story that has always interested him the most is that of the enchanting sorceress of Storybrooke, a small town in the Enchanted Forest's Misthaven, the sorceress who takes men to her bed, but will only give her heart to the man who befriends her cat. Will Killian be the one who finally has what it takes?
a/n: I fought with this story, fought with myself over this story, and fought myself with this story -- and it’s finally here. I cannot thank the @cssns discord group for constantly being there to help me (and for G-rated cat-related puns), and some other friends that I’ve made alond the way: @shireness-says @profdanglaisstuff @kmomof4 @snidgetsafan @let-it-raines @teamhook @darkcolinodonorgasm @winterbaby89 @welllpthisishappening @thisonesatellite @resident-of-storybrooke @superchocovian (I really don’t know how to tag people for one-shots so I’m gonna leave it at that) AND to the ALWAYS INCREDIBLE @captainsjedi for her always-perfect artwork and for working with my terrible schedule to figure this sucker out. 
6K -- rated G-ish
Also on AO3
Everyone knows a few things about Storybrooke. Everyone knows it’s a small town with more magic than anywhere in the world, the place where witches who want to learn more of their craft go to train. As much as they try to deny the rumors, everyone who has visited the small coastal town has witnessed a marvel they could not explain: time stopping, mysterious weather phenomenons, etc. 
Those who spend the most time here even claim, in the small hours of the night or when they are snooping in places they don’t belong, to have seen some of the witches and wizards turn into animals — though all the residents deny these rumors more adamantly than any of the others. 
But perhaps the best known rumor, the one whispered in dark nights spent in taverns up and down the coast, is about the presence of the beautiful sorceress, the strongest magic-wielder the world has ever seen, that lives on the outskirts of the small town in the coastal realm of Misthaven. The woman that charms all sorts of men, reels them in with her magic like a siren before having her way with them before breaking their hearts.  Every man that has crossed her devastating path tells the same story: to win her heart, you must first win the affection of her cat and bring her the key from her collar. But the first step to winning the affection of the beautiful silver-blonde cat is finding her in the first place, since the cat and the woman never seem to be in the same place. 
Word got around quickly about this test, and men and women alike would come from all corners of the world to try to win the affection of the mysterious blonde sorceress — by winning the affection of her cat. 
Everyone would try all they could to catch the cat, given they could even find her in the first place, thinking this is the first step to befriending her; everything from offering her treats to trying to capture her in intricate traps. 
But she is too smart, too clever — too fast — and no one has ever succeeded in winning the heart of the sorceress. 
Killian Jones, the most villainous pirate to ever sail the seas, the notorious Captain Hook, has heard enough of these stories, many shared with him over tankards of ale and flasks of rum served on old wooden tables in dark taverns. 
And he is bored. 
This story, the mysterious, beautiful blonde sorceress and her cat, has been on his mind since the first time he heard it from across the empty bar room, though now seems like the perfect time to try his luck to win the affections of this cat — and of the sorceress — for himself. 
How he has managed to avoid the beautiful scenery of Storybrooke is a mystery, one proven even more mysterious as he sails closer to the harbor and takes in the view: a large stone castle sitting on the top of a high, green hill, with rolling hills leading down to the water and bright forests surrounding it. 
Captain Jones has seen a lot of sights during his years as a sailor, first in the navy before his turn to piracy, and even Neverland had its moments in the years he spent there, but very few of them compare to Storybrooke. 
“What do you think, Captain?” a voice over his shoulder calls out, pulling him out of his own memories, and he turns to find Will Scarlett, both the youngest and newest member of his crew, standing behind him, watching as they approach the docks.
Because Captain Killian Jones is a different man towards his men than the hardened pirate that the stories make him out to be, the small smile spread across his features comes as no surprise to his crew. 
“ ‘s just as beautiful as you’ve made it sound, Scarlett,” Killian says, turning his eyes back towards the new view. The second half of his thought goes unsaid, though: even more so if I can find the woman. 
They picked the lad up in Wonderland, stranded on a beach in the corner farthest from the City of Hearts, wounded and terrified, but there was a light in his eyes, hidden beneath the depths of the pain on his face, that Killian recognized, that reminded him of his younger years, and he couldn’t bring himself to leave the poor boy where he was. 
(If he had known just how much he liked to talk, something that only escalated as soon as he was in the proximity of alcohol, he may have given it a second thought.) 
But after Wonderland, the Jolly had no plans, had no next course to which it had to be on its way to after Killian’s meeting with the King. So, when young Scarlett started telling stories of Storybrooke, stories of his home and this same sorceress that he had heard of countless times before, he decided. He was bored, and he needed an adventure that went beyond enacting someone else’s revenge, beyond running an errand for this royal or that monarch — and this sorceress seemed like the perfect plan. 
(Especially since, beyond bored, Killian Jones, captain of the Jolly Roger, the world-renowned Captain Hook, is also lonely, missing his family and his first love and searching for something more meaningful than tavern wenches and quick fucks. If this sorceress somehow fills this void, Killian will be the last to complain.) 
Even more so once Will points her out to him. 
By some stroke of luck, whether it be the gods or the goddess herself, she is walking by the docks as he leads his crew towards the town, wearing a simple white dress that flows perfectly behind her as if she controls the soft breeze that comes off the harbor — which she just might do, if all the stories about her are true. 
Even if they aren’t, he’s fairly sure that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, with soft golden curls that almost seem to radiate light, and her features only become more strikingly perfect as he approaches her. 
She is walking slowly between the merchants set up in the marketplace, turning her attention between the stands on either side of her, a light wicker basket slung over one arm while she holds a shining red apple to her nose with the opposite hand before a bright, warm smile spreads across her face. 
Killian really doesn’t mean to run into her. She takes a step to one side to avoid running into the person in front of her, and he is too enamored by her to move quickly enough out of her way to pass her, as he meant to do. But, instead, he runs right into her, catching her arm with his hand as they collide. 
He has his apology in his throat, his hook caught on the handle of her basket, but as soon as his eyes meet hers, he can feel the blush creeping up his cheeks, and he loses all ability to speak. 
Captain Hook, the most fearsome, most sinister— and, perhaps most importantly, most handsome — pirate to ever sail the seas, finds himself tongue-tied by a pair of bright green eyes, shining so perfectly in the sunlight that he swears they may be cut from an unblemished piece of emerald. 
“My apologies, sir,” she says, her voice like music to his ears, the sound of it causing his heart to beat wildly in his chest, though perhaps that is her mere presence. “I don’t believe that I’ve seen you around here before, have I?” 
Thankfully, he swallows the lump that has formed in his throat, fighting back the urge to scratch the spot behind his ear that his hand finds when he’s nervous, and flashes her his best smile. 
“No, love, you haven’t,” he drawls, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible — though if the smile on her face is as knowing as he has a feeling it might be, it may have been all for naught. “We just docked in the harbor earlier today.” 
“And what brings you to Storybrooke?” 
“A man hears so many stories when he spends as much time travelling as I do,” he says softly, only now realizing that his hand his still wrapped around her forearm, and he loosens his grip, not releasing her completely — though she could very easily remove herself from his grasp if that was what she desires. “He can only hear the same stories so many times before he has to come investigate on his own.” 
A knowing flash crosses her face, almost too quickly for him to notice before it disappears. “What sorts of stories?” 
Either he has gone completely mad, or she is flirting with him, swaying further into his space in the middle of the busy market as she looks up at him through her eyelashes. 
What harm can come from playing along? he asks himself, slowly moving his hand further up her arm until he reaches her bicep, taking the smallest of steps towards her. 
“Oh, you know,” he says, trying to stay as nonchalant as possible, though he fears the wild pounding of his heart in his chest will give him away. “Witches, magic. Women who use their charms to lure innocent men to their beds.” 
This time, her knowing smile is paired with a sinister glint in her eye, and she presses her hand against his chest, leaning even closer to him, close enough that he believes for a moment that she is about to press her lips against his. 
She does not; instead, she whispers, “I have found there is no such thing as an innocent man, Captain Jones,” before quickly moving out of his grasp and away from him, disappearing through the crowd of people. 
By the time his mind catches up with what she has just said, he quickly turns on his heel to try to find her in the crowd, but she is gone. 
Four days pass without Killian so much as seeing her — though not for his lack of trying. He spends his free time in the taverns, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, or overhear one of the many stories he is sure Storybrooke residents have to share, but he fails on both counts. 
During the busiest times of day, he finds a seat on one of the benches along the marketplace, slowly working his way through the small piles of fruit, nuts, and dried meats that he purchases from various vendors, hoping that she will come back to the place they met, but she does not. 
He does, however, see many things that he knows he would not find in other towns: firedancers, who can not only control their flames, but who can conjure them in the palm of their hand; piles of fruit enchanted to never go bad (though, when he acquires, the farmers simply insist it is due to the soil in Storybrooke, which is unlike any other soil in the world); “magic” pendants that hold promises to keep a loved one safe, to cure a disease, to ensure good business. While he has seen some trinkets like these during his journeys, there is something about these in particular, something about the air in Storybrooke and the very real way that people believe these promises here when he knows they would just be a hoax in other towns, that makes him want to believe in the magic, as well. 
Young Will Scarlett certainly does, his stories of home filled with fairies and wood nymphs and forests that grant wishes — and a powerful sorceress and her cat. 
At first, Killian thinks nothing of the growing number of cats that he begins to see around the Jolly while it is still docked, beyond the regular three that he has kept on board. Everyone knows that ships are the perfect breeding ground for mice, which, of course, includes the cats themselves. He makes sure to tell the cook to leave out some snacks so that they don’t have to hunt as much and some fresh milk, make sure that they know they are welcomed on his ship. But it is the one that keeps finding its way into his private cabin that catches his attention the most, with a silver-blonde coat and bright green eyes, eyes that seem to follow him through the room from the corner where she — Killian has a gut feeling it is a female, though he finds himself unable to explain it when his first mate asks — always seems to be sitting. 
Killian has a lot of experience with cats, perhaps more than any of the other members of the crew. He assumes that he is the only one with the exact experience he has, the only one who spent his childhood checking the ship cats for fleas, making sure they had enough food and were healthy, and has always been around them, since he has always been on ships. And he knows how to befriend the cats, a lesson that he learned the hard way more times than he can count, and though most of the scars from the scratches have since healed, the memory of them has not — especially since it took most of his adolescent years to get over his fear of the felines. 
But this one — the one who either sits in the corner and grooms herself as she watches his every move or is nowhere to be found — is different somehow. He’s known cats to be attentive, to be watching him sometimes, to turn their attention towards him when he moves, but this is the first cat he has ever known that just… watches him. Every time he looks up from his desk, her bright green eyes are focused on him. 
It takes three days for him to speak to her the first time, when he finds himself struggling with some of the numbers from the ship’s books. This is one of the many times that he’s cursed himself for choosing to be his own accountant instead of hiring someone to do it, as many other captains choose to do. 
He’s never been like other captains. 
But that hasn’t stopped him from all the hard work that comes from keeping his own books. 
“Bloody hell, why can’t I figure this out?” he mumbles, then lifts his flask to his lips. His rum is warm, almost too sweet after spending the day in the pocket of his duster, but it’s the only option he has to still the pain from the voices in his head — and hopefully straighten them out enough to help with his arithmetic. 
That’s when she mews from across the room, the sound does not immediately register. It’s a sound he has not heard for a very long time, that of a cat that wants attention, that has something to say, since most ship cats just learn to mind their own business, catch rodents, and sleep on the warm wooden deck. 
“Do you have an idea?” he asks, half-joking, but is amazed when she saunders across the room and carefully perches herself atop his desk, minding the placement of her paws so as to not step near the bottles of ink or liquor sprawled across the surface. She takes a moment, almost as if she were looking over the numbers in the book, before setting her small paw atop one of the columns and meowing again, then jumps back to the floor. 
Amazed, Killian focuses his attention on that column in particular, and it only takes him a few moments to find the mistake that had eluded him, and once he fixes it, all of the issues he’s been having are fixed, as well. He turns his eyes back to the room, hoping to find the cat to thank her, but she is not in her usual corner; instead, she is nowhere to be found. 
“Thank you,” he mumbles under his breath anyway. 
He sees her again the next morning. The blonde, not the cat. He is in the tavern, minding his own business in the corner while his crew are enjoying some time with the locals. He almost doesn’t see her walk in, besides the fact that her presence seems to pull his attention away from the pages in front of him. She’s dressed much differently than the first time he saw her, in a simple dark red dress with a striped skirt, leaving none of her curves to the imagination. He pulls himself back together at the same moment she turns to face him, snapping his jaw shut. 
“Can I ask you a question, Captain?” she asks, sliding onto the bench beside him, straddling the bench so she is facing him. 
“Yes, darling?” he hums, watching, eyes wide, as she takes the bottle of rum in front of him, pouring some into the glass, and downing it all in one quick gulp. 
“Tell me,” she breathes, leaning closer to him as she reaches out to wrap her slender fingers around the curve of the appendage. “How you got the hook. You hear so many stories.” 
He smiles, his breath hitched in his throat, along with his heart. “It seems,” he starts, inching slightly closer to her on the bench, “As if you know who I am, while I have still yet to learn your name.” 
The smile spread across her face grows, and she moves another inch towards him, her knee almost pressed against the outside of his leg. “Emma Swan,” she says, her voice as melodic as a soft spring breeze whispering through the trees. 
“Miss Swan,” he says, reaching across his body to take her hand in his, pulling it up to his lips to press a soft kiss against her knuckles. “The pleasure is all mine.” 
She hums, taking another quick drink from the bottle. “I sure hope that’s not the case, Captain Jones.” 
He’s honestly not sure how it happens: one moment, he is sharing a bottle of rum with her in the tavern, telling her of the demon that stole his hand and his love from him, the man who he defeated in order to escape from Neverland; and the next moment, he has her pressed against the cool brick of the side of the building, sliding his lips over hers. He does not realize that they have even left the table until he grinds against her, covering as much of her body with his as he can. 
“What do you want, Captain?” she asks, trying to cover the groan that rises to her throat when he presses his lips against the curve of her throat. 
Killian, he wants to tell her, wants to beg her to be the first person to use his real name since he lost Milah, but it’s almost as if his lips can do nothing but kiss her, nothing but suck gently on her pulse point as his hand wraps around the swell of her breast, mostly covered by her dress. Instead, he manages, “Anything the lady desires,” brushing the soft skin of the exposed tops of her breasts with the short stubble that covers his skin before retracing the path with his lips. 
They are not the last words shared that night, but somewhere between the exterior wall of the tavern and his cabin on the Jolly Roger, she turns the lead over to him, and he leads her to the sweet release she desires twice before finding his own within her. Sweat-covered and sated, they fall asleep as a tangled pile of limbs, his body curled almost possessively around hers as the ship sways softly on the waters of the harbor. 
 When he awakes the next morning, he is alone in his bed. The first thing he feels is cold, a feeling he has not noticed for years — cold and alone. 
And then he hears it, a soft, almost silent meow from across the room. The cat is sitting in her corner, as if she is waiting for him to wake. As soon as he meets her gaze, though, she turns away from him and disappears through whatever hole between his cabin and the hall she has been using. He’s thought multiple times over the last few days of looking into her secret passageways, of figuring out how she’s been getting in and out, but he’s realized since that, ridding the ship of these passageways would also mean ridding the cat of her access to his room. 
“Swan,” he whispers, almost groans, still calling her by her surname, as he drops his head back to the pillows, though he can almost swear that he hears the cat respond with another soft meow before he falls back asleep. 
“Scarlett!” he calls out to his crew from his position at the helm, unable to find the lad among the men currently helping with repairs on the main deck. He has a few questions for him, wants to know more about this challenge and exactly what he needs to do with this cat in order to win the heart of the blonde — to win the heart of Emma Swan. She has been at the forefront of his mind since the night they spent together, and on his mind for much longer than that, but in the two weeks since he woke alone in his bed, every meeting between them has been public: shared meals at the tavern, meetings in the marketplace. 
Though, perhaps on his mind more than the sorceress herself, is the cat who he has started to see around his ship even more than before. It wasn’t until the morning cat was there and she was not that he began to believe that this cat, the one whose fur is the equivalent of her blonde curls, who somehow has the same perfect emerald eyes as she does, is the cat, the one he must befriend in order to prove himself worthy of her. 
But he knows there is something else, knows that there is a second part of this tale that he has somehow forgotten about while becoming enamored by her. 
He has the lad’s name on the tip of his tongue, ready to call out to him again, when he hears the creak of the metal grate that leads down to the main cabins, and Scarlett’s head comes peeking out from below. 
“Yes, Captain Jones?” he asks, already pulling himself up from belowdecks, so Killian simply waves for him to join him on the top deck. 
“Tell me again about the cat,” he says once Will is standing beside him, and the confusion that paints his face shows Killian that this is the absolute last thing Scarlett expected him to ask. 
“The sorceress’ cat?” he asks, trying to make sure that he has understood his captain’s question, and Killian nods. 
“She, uh, carries a key around her neck, on her collar. The sorceress herself wears a matching one on a necklace, so she would know if you tried to make a fake instead of using the real one. You have to get the key off the collar and take it to the sorceress.” 
Killian nods again, his eyes set far beyond the horizon, and he must focus on the rise and fall of the waves to not allow himself to be overtaken by memories of the night they spent together. “The key,” he says after a moment, and though it is not a question, Will still nods. “Thank you, Scarlett. You may return to whatever you were doing.” 
But Will doesn’t move away from him, silent beside him for a few moments. Killian is about ready to question him when he finally speaks:
“You’ve seen her, haven’t you?” 
“You know I’ve met the sorceress, Scarlett, you were there for many of those times.” 
“Not the sorceress, sir. The cat.” 
Killian hasn’t told any of his crew about the new regular guest he has in his cabin, though he has had a few conversations about the cats’ presence on the ship. He’s not sure whether he wants to tell Scarlett about her, but something in his eyes makes Killian suddenly want to tell him all of it. 
So, he nods. “Yes. I have — I’ve seen her around, the silver cat with the key around her neck. She’s, uh, been in my cabin a few times.” 
A huge grin breaks out across his face. “Captain! Her cat only comes around for men that she likes. If she’s been spending time in your cabin, that means that she probably wants to see more of you.” 
He knows that Will probably means the nights they spend together in the tavern, when they find one another in the marketplace, but his mind immediately moves to the night they spent together in his cabin, and how much he wishes he could be with her again. 
When he says nothing else, Will just nods, quickly saluting his captain — how he wishes his men would not do that, though he could never being himself to ask — and he’s gone. 
He’s seen the key. Not to the point where he has really taken a good look at it, but he’s seen it, noticed it just two nights before when the cat was curled on the corner of his desk. It’s not very large, maybe an inch total, and fairly thick. He wonders what it opens, and if that holds the secret to winning the hand of the woman he has been so taken by recently. The cat almost let him pet her that night in particular, rubbed up against his legs while he was sitting at his desk before she disappeared into the woodwork once more. That has to be a sign. 
And, as much as he wants to win Emma’s heart, wants to ability to get to know her better, to spend more nights with her, he is nothing if not patient — two hundred years in Neverland taught him that. If patience is what the cat needs, is what Emma needs, then he shall give it. 
 She finds him at the tavern again that night, in a simple white dress with a tan corset, and there is something in her eyes that he did not notice before, a look that he has seen almost too many times in his extended lifetime, and a look that he would probably recognize anywhere: a need for adventure. He has seen in each of his crew members, in the Lost Boys of Neverland once they realized they did not have to be stuck on that godforsaken island — and he remembers seeing it in the eyes of his brother one too many times, wishing that he would not have sought that last adventure, the one that separated them for good. 
“Tell me stories of the sea,” she says, almost pleading with him, as she sits across the table from him. He misses the first time they met here, when she got as close to him as she could, but he likes this just as much — spending time with her, getting to know her, learning what she wants out of life. 
“What of the sea do you desire to know? I’ve spent my whole life on it, could spend every breath I have telling you of its marvels and its wonders, and still would not have scratched the surface.” 
But this does not lessen her excitement. “Tell me what it is like to be out there, to know that you could go anywhere, do anything, without rules or anything tying you down.” 
This is not quite the answer he expected, and it almost catches him off-guard, though only for a moment. “Why, Miss Swan,” he answers, leaning back on the bench as he crosses his arms over his chest. “To me, that sounds like you’re interested in a life of piracy. The sea is not what rids life of rules, I can assure you that as a man who did his due diligence in the Royal Navy.”
She presses her lips into a thin line, leaning closer to him with her arms on the table. “Perhaps,” is all she says. 
Killian smiles. “Forgive me for asking, but why can’t a powerful sorceress like you have the life you desire? Can’t you go anywhere you want, live out your dreams?” 
She is silent for a moment, her eyes cast down on the table between them. Killian is afraid that he has said something out of line, has insulted her, but when she turns her eyes back up to his, they have not lost their brightness. “You are the first man I have ever met who does not fear me,” she says, her voice soft, but her eyes do not leave his. “I have all the magic in all the realms at my fingertips, can control the wind and the waves and bend them to my will, but every time I have asked for the opportunity to experience the sea for myself, the captain has laughed in my face. I’ve been called every form of bad luck the imaginations of sailors can conjure, and have yet to find someone brave enough to allow a woman that could just as easily save them as she could destroy them on their ship. People come from all around to try to win my heart, but they have to see me beyond just a prize to be won to be worthy of it in the first place.” She stops for just as long as it takes him to take a complete breath. “Now, if you will, Captain Jones, I would like to hear your best story of the sea.” 
For the first time in his life, he recalls the story of his brother’s first day as Captain, the proudest he has ever been in his life. The sea was calm, perfect, as if welcoming Liam into his new position, and they sailed into the kingdom of Arendelle just in time to watch a storm brew over the water. It was still, to this day, almost three hundred years later, both one of the most beautiful and terrifying sights he has ever seen. 
After he finishes his story, Emma thanks him, leaving him alone with his own mind even after he pleads with her to stay. “I think you know what you have to do, Captain Jones,” he says, as cryptic as ever, before turning away from him and leaving the tavern without another word. 
He thinks about what she said to him for the rest of the night as he finishes the bottle of rum by himself, as he makes his way back to his ship, and as he drifts off to sleep. He dreams of her, both of taking his time and pleasuring her every way he knows how, and of sailing away from Storybrooke with her by his side, of taking her on adventures and showing her the most beautiful parts of all of the realms, just as she deserves someone to. 
And, as he wakes with a jolt to a loud crack of thunder and a bright flash of lightning out the windows of his cabin, he realizes what the last thing she said was supposed to mean. 
The cat. 
He's awake in an instant, his eyes frantically searching the dark corners of his cabin for her bright green eyes. When all he finds are shadows, none of them cast by a slender silver-blonde cat. 
For what feels like the first time in his life, the rocking of the waves in the brewing storm does not lull him to sleep; instead, every movement of the ship, every moving shadow from the flashes of lightning outside his cabin, draw him back to consciousness, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. 
When sleep does finally pull him back, his dreams are much weirder, of townspeople transforming into animals, of dark forests and magic, and this time, when he wakes, he is glad the dream has ended. 
He does not see the cat until later that afternoon, but he really does not blame her — the rain is unwavering, falling from the sky in sheets that seem to seep into the deepest parts of you. By the time he does see her, the sun has started peeking through the dissipating clouds, and though the ground is riddled with deep puddles, the rain itself seems to be done. He does not notice her in his cabin at first, too focused on pulling his soaked shirt over his head, and he hangs it from the hook inside his door before he senses another presence in the room. Searching her normal places first, the corner and her spot on his desk, he finds them empty, but when he begins to search the rest of the room, he notices that she is somewhere he did not expect: lounging atop the neatly-folded pile of blankets at the foot of his bed. 
"Well, hello there, sweet girl," he purrs, moving to sit on the bed beside her, though he does not immediately reach out to pet her. 
She mews at him, soft and sweet, and he can't help but smile at her. Slowly, he reaches out his hand towards her, but lets her move into the last of the space that he leaves for her. 
She does, leaning her head forward until he can feel the silver fur between her ears against his fingers. It is soft, almost impossibly so — much softer than he remembers the matted fur of the ship cats of his childhood. He trails his fingers down her back, though her fur never loses its softness. Beneath his hand, she begins to purr, the vibration humming through him, and he carefully adjusts his position on the bed, moving closer to the back wall to hold him up. 
"You're such a pretty girl," he whispers, scratching behind her ears, and she turns her bright eyes up towards him. 
That’s when he notices it: the small brass key hanging from her black velvet collar around her neck, almost completely lost in the thick fur around it. He doesn’t reach for it right away, not wanting to startle her away with his quick movements, so instead, he slowly works his fingers through the fur around her head. Scratching behind her ears, around her neck, and down onto her chin, before carefully taking the small key between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“Can I have this, love?” he asks, then realizes that he has started holding his breath, waiting for her answer. 
Softly, she chirps at him, rubbing her chin against his fingers, which are still grasping the key, before she begins purring. 
Well, he thinks, that’s an answer if there ever was one. 
Even more so when he tugs gently at the to slide it away from her neck, and she turns her eyes towards him again. He can almost swear that she is smiling at him — which he knows is bloody impossible, he knows, but he also knows what he just saw, and he would swear all the treasures in all the world that she — 
Bloody hell. 
If he thought the silver cat smiling at him was impossible, it’s nothing compared to the shock that paralyzes him where he is sitting as that very same cat changes in a small cloud of smoke. 
Changes, in a small cloud of light grey smoke, into a woman 
No. Not just into any woman. Into her. 
Into Emma Swan, sitting beside him on the bed in his cabin, wearing the same flowing white dress that she had on when they met for the first time. 
“Emma,” he breathes, her name almost a question on his lips. 
The brilliant smile that lights up her features makes him question even more if this is real, or if he has somehow fallen asleep while petting the cat. “Hello, Killian.” 
The warmth of her hand against his knee doesn’t quite answer his question, but when she reaches across him to press her other hand against his cheek, pulling her lips to meet his, he has never wished to not be dreaming so much in his life, especially as the echo of his name — his real name — rings in his ears. 
It takes him a moment to regain his composure after she backs away from him, but once he is able to breathe again, he is completely unable to stop the smile that spreads across his face. “That was, uh, not quite what I was expecting, love.” 
Emma laughs, a soft, twinkling sound that Killian feels all the way down to the center of his soul. “Believe it or not,” she says, lowering her eyes to where her hand is still resting on his knee for just a moment. “It’s a little frowned upon to go around telling people that Storybrooke is full of therianthropic magic-wielders.”
“Or that the cat you tell people they have to befriend is actually just you,” he jokes, resting his hand on top of hers. 
Pulling her lip up between her teeth, she shakes her head, threading her fingers through his. “Yes, of course,” she mumbles, “That, too.” 
“So, it’s been you the whole time?” 
“What do you mean, Killian?” she asks, but the smile that she fails to hide tells him that she knows exactly what he means. 
“All those nights you spent here, lounging on my desk, curled up on my bed while I worked — all while we could have been having much more fun than that.” He waggles his eyebrows, inching closer to her on the bed, though she does not let him finish, pushing him back into the mattress so she can cover his body with her own. 
“Well,” she mumbles, her lips never quite leaving his. “I suppose we have to make up for a few of those.” 
She pulls his lip between her teeth, laughing softly as he wraps his arms around her. The kiss they share is unlike any other he has experienced, a kiss that not only promises making up for lost time, but also more than that — promises something Killian ever thought he would have again: a future. 
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gaysparklepires · 6 years
16. Too-Much-Information Alert
Read on AO3 Tip the Author
I took off early, long before sunrise was due. I’d gotten just a little bit of uneasy sleep leaning against the side of the sofa. Edward and I had spent most of the night taking turns regulating Beau’s body temperature, trying to keep him comfortable. He woke me one last time when Beau’s face was flushed, and he took my spot to cool Beau back down. I stretched and decided I was rested enough to get some work done.
“Thank you,” Edward said quietly, seeing my plans. “If the route is clear, they’ll go today.”
“I’ll let you know.”
It felt good to get back to my animal self. I was stiff from sitting for so long. I extended my stride, working out the kinks.
Morning, Jacob, Liam greeted me.
Good, you’re up. How long’s Seth been out?
Not out yet, Seth thought sleepily. Almost there. What do you need?
You think you got another hour in you?
Sure thing. No problem. Seth got to his feet right away, shaking out his fur.
Let’s make the deep run, I told Liam. Seth, take the perimeter.
Gotcha. Seth broke into an easy jog.
Off on another vampire errand, Liam grumbled.
You got a problem with that?
Of coursenot. I just love to coddle those darling leeches.
Good. Let’s see how fast we can run.
Okay, I’m definitely up for that!
Liam was on the far western rim of the perimeter. Rather than cut close to the Cullens’ house, he stuck to the circle as he raced around to meet me. I sprinted off straight east, knowing that even with the head start, he’d be passing me soon if I took it easy for even a second.
Nose to the ground, Liam. This isn’t a race, it’s a reconnaissance mission.
I can do both and still kick your butt.
I gave him that one. I know.
He laughed.
We took a winding path through the eastern mountains. It was a familiar route. We’d run these mountains when the vampires had left a year ago, making it part of our patrol route to better protect the people here. Then we’d pulled back the lines when the Cullens returned. This was their treaty land.
But that fact would probably mean nothing to Sam now. The treaty was dead. The question today was how thin he was willing to spread his force. Was he looking for stray Cullens to poach on their land or not? Had Jared spoken the truth or taken advantage of the silence between us?
We got deeper and deeper into the mountains without finding any trace of the pack. Fading vampire trails were everywhere, but the scents were familiar now. I was breathing them in all day long.
I found a heavy, somewhat recent concentration on one particular trail—all of them coming and going here except for Edward. Some reason for gathering that must have been forgotten when Edward brought his dying husband home. I gritted my teeth. Whatever it was, it had nothing to do with me.
Liam didn’t push himself past me, though he could have now. I was paying more attention to each new scent than I was to the speed contest. He kept to my right side, running with me rather than racing against me.
We’re getting pretty far out here, he commented.
Yeah. If Sam was hunting strays, we should have crossed his trail by now.
Makes more sense right now for him to bunker down in La Push, Liam thought. He knows we’re giving the bloodsuckers three extra sets of eyes and legs. He’s not going to be able to surprise them.
This was just a precaution, really.
Wouldn’t want our precious parasites taking unnecessary chances.
Nope, I agreed, ignoring the sarcasm.
You’ve changed so much, Jacob. Talk about one-eighties.
You’re not exactly the same Liam I’ve always known and loved, either.
True. Am I less annoying than Paul now?
Amazingly... yes.
Ah, sweet success.
We ran in silence again then. It was probably time to turn around, but neither of us wanted to. It felt nice to run like this. We’d been staring at the same small circle of a trail for too long. It felt good to stretch our muscles and take the rugged terrain. We weren’t in a huge hurry, so I thought maybe we should hunt on the way back. Liam was pretty hungry.
Yum, yum,he thought sourly.
It’s all in your head, I told him. That’s the way wolves eat. It’s natural. It tastes fine. If you didn’t think about it from a human perspective—
Forget the pep talk, Jacob. I’ll hunt. I don’t have to like it.
Sure, sure, I agreed easily. It wasn’t my business if he wanted to make things harder for himself.
He didn’t add anything for a few minutes; I started thinking about turning back.
Thank you,Liam suddenly told me in a much different tone.
For letting me be. For letting me stay. You’ve been nicer than I had any right to expect, Jacob.
Er, no problem. Actually, I mean that. I don’t mind having you here like I thought I would.
He snorted, but it was a playful sound. What a glowing commendation!
Don’t let it go to your head.
Okay—if you don’t let this go to yours. He paused for a second. I think you make a good Alpha. Not in the same way Sam does, but in your own way. You’re worth following, Jacob.
My mind went blank with surprise. It took me a second to recover enough to respond.
Er, thanks. Not totally sure I’ll be able to stop that one from going to my head, though. Where did that come from?
He didn’t answer right away, and I followed the wordless direction of his thoughts. He was thinking about the future—about what I’d said to Jared the other morning. About how the time would be up soon, and then I’d go back to the forest. About how I’d promised that He and Seth would return to the pack when the Cullens were gone...
I want to stay with you, he told me.
The shock shot through my legs, locking my joints. He blew past me and then put on the brakes. Slowly, he walked back to where I was frozen in place.
I won’t be a pain, I swear. I won’t follow you around. You can go wherever you want, and I’ll go where I want. You’ll only have to put up with me when we’re both wolves.He paced back and forth in front of me, swishing his long gray tail nervously. And, as I’m planning on quitting as soon as I can manage it... maybe that won’t be so often.
I didn’t know what to say.
I’m happier now, as a part of your pack, than I have been in years.
I want to stay, too, Seth thought quietly. I hadn’t realized he’d been paying much attention to us as he ran the perimeter. I like this pack.
Hey, now! Seth, this isn’t going to be a pack much longer. I tried to put my thoughts together so they would convince him. We’ve got a purpose now, but when... after that’s over, I’m just going to go wolf. Seth, you need a purpose. You’re a good kid. You’re the kind of person who always has a crusade. And there’s no way you’re leaving La Push now. You’re going to graduate from high school and do something with your life. You’re going to take care of Sue. My issues are not going to mess up your future.
Jacob is right, Liam seconded.
You’re agreeing with me?
Of course. But none of that applies to me. I was on my way out, anyway. I’ll get a job somewhere away from La Push. Maybe take some courses at a community college. Get into yoga and meditation to work on my temper issues.... And stay a part of this pack for the sake of my mental well-being. Jacob—you can see how that makes sense, right? I won’t bother you, you won’t bother me, everyone is happy.
I turned back and started loping slowly toward the west.
This is a bit much to deal with, Liam. Let me think about it, ’kay?
Sure. Take your time.
It took us longer to make the run back. I wasn’t trying for speed. I was just trying to concentrate enough that I wouldn’t plow headfirst into a tree. Seth was grumbling a little bit in the back of my head, but I was able to ignore him. He knew I was right. He wasn’t going to abandon his mom. He would go back to La Push and protect the tribe like he should.
But I couldn’t see Liam doing that. And that was just plain scary.
A pack of the two of us? No matter the physical distance, I couldn’t imagine the... the intimacy of that situation. I wondered if he’d really thought it through, or if he was just desperate to stay free.
Liam didn’t say anything as I chewed it over. It was like he was trying to prove how easy it would be if it was just us.
We ran into a herd of black-tailed deer just as the sun was coming up, brightening the clouds a little bit behind us. Liam sighed internally but didn’t hesitate. His lunge was clean and efficient—graceful, even. He took down the largest one, the buck, before the startled animal fully understood the danger.
Not to be outdone, I swooped down on the next largest deer, snapping her neck between my jaws quickly, so she wouldn’t feel unnecessary pain. I could feel Liam’s disgust warring with his hunger, and I tried to make it easier for him by letting the wolf in me have my head. I’d lived all-wolf for long enough that I knew how to be the animal completely, to see his way and think his way. I let the practical instincts take over, letting Liam feel that, too. He hesitated for a second, but then, tentatively, he seemed to reach out with his mind and try to see my way. It felt very strange—our minds were more closely linked than they had ever been before, because we both were trying to think together.
Strange, but it helped him. His teeth cut through the fur and skin of his kill’s shoulder, tearing away a thick slab of streaming flesh. Rather than wince away as his human thoughts wanted to, he let his wolf-self react instinctively. It was kind of a numbing thing, a thoughtless thing. It let him eat in peace.
It was easy for me to do the same. And I was glad I hadn’t forgotten this. This would be my life again soon.
Was Liam going to be a part of that life? A week ago, I would’ve found that idea beyond horrifying. I wouldn’t’ve been able to stand it. But I knew him better now. And, relieved from the constant pain, he wasn’t the same wolf. Not the same man.
We ate together until we both were full.
Thanks, he told me later as he was cleaning his muzzle and paws against the wet grass. I didn’t bother; it had just started to drizzle and we had to swim the river again on our way back. I’d get clean enough. That wasn’t so bad, thinking your way.
You’re welcome.
Seth was dragging when we hit the perimeter. I told him to get some sleep; Liam and I would take over the patrol. Seth’s mind faded into unconsciousness just seconds later.
You headed back to the vampires? Liam asked.
It’s hard for you to be there, but hard to stay away, too. I know how that feels.
You know, Liam, you might want to think a little bit about the future, about what you really want to do. My head is not going to be the happiest place on earth. And you’ll have to suffer right along with me.
He thought about how to answer me. Wow, this is going to sound bad. But, honestly, it will be easier to deal with your pain than face mine.
Fair enough.
I know it’s going to be bad for you, Jacob. I understand that—maybe better than you think. I don’t like Beau that much, but... he’s your Sam. He’s everything you want and everything you can’t have.
I couldn’t answer.
I know it’s worse for you. At least Sam is happy. At least he’s alive and well. I love him enough that I want that. I want him to have what’s best for him. He sighed. I just don’t want to stick around to watch.
Do we need to talk about this?
I think we do. Because I want you to know that I won’t make it worse for you. Hell, maybe I’ll even help. I wasn’t born a compassionless monster. I used to be sort of nice, you know.
My memory doesn’t go that far back.
We both laughed once.
I’m sorry about this, Jacob. I’m sorry you’re in pain. I’m sorry it’s getting worse and not better.
Thanks, Liam.
He thought about the things that were worse, the black pictures in my head, while I tried to tune him out without much success. He was able to look at them with some distance, some perspective, and I had to admit that this was helpful. I could imagine that maybe I would be able to see it that way, too, in a few years.
He saw the funny side of the daily irritations that came from hanging out around vampires. He liked my ragging on Royal, chuckling internally and even running through a few blond jokes in his mind that I might be able to work in. But then his thoughts turned serious, lingering on Royal’s face in a way that confused me.
You know what’s crazy? he asked.
Well, almost everything is crazy right now. But what do you mean?
That blond vampire you hate so much—I totally get his perspective.
For a second I thought he was making a joke that was in very poor taste. And then, when I realized he was serious, the fury that ripped through me was hard to control. It was a good thing we’d spread out to run our watch. If he’d been within biting distance...
Hold up! Let me explain!
Don’t want to hear it. I’m outta here.
Wait! Wait! he pleaded as I tried to calm myself enough to phase back. C’mon, Jake!
Liam, this isn’t really the best way to convince me that I want to spend more time with you in the future.
He didn’t answer me, then suddenly his mind shimmered away. I turned back to him just as he finished phasing. He stood there, arms crossed, his jaw locked.
“Jeez, what an overreaction. You don’t even know what I’m talking about.”
I huffed at him, then closed my eyes and let my body phase back into human. When I reopened my now human eyes, he hadn’t moved. His eyes locked on my face.
“Can I explain myself?” He asked shortly.
I nodded once, keeping my eyes locked on his face, like his were on mine.
“I understand how it feels to miss your humanity. I understand the ache it leaves in you to lose it.” He paused, sighed. “In fact, I can sort of understand Beau’s mindset on the whole thing, too.”
“Great,” I deadpanned, “I’m glad everyone is so happy to see Beau die.”
“Jacob, come on,” Liam rolled his eyes, “no one wants to see Beau die. I don’t particularly like him that much and I don’t even want that. I’m just saying, I understand why your blond vampire is so cold—in the figurative sense. He’s focused. He’s concentrating completely on helping Beau stay human. If I could have had someone help me stay human? I would have begged for their help. I would have accepted it in a heartbeat.”
“The situation is different. You weren’t dying.”
“Don’t you ever miss just being human, Jacob?” He took a deliberate step toward me and I flinched back. “Doesn’t some part of you miss when things were easy? Simple?” He reached out a hand and placed it on my shoulder. “Don’t you miss touching another human and not burning them? Not worrying about your temper turning you into a whirlwind of teeth and claws?”
His face was close to mine now, his eyes locked on mine. I could see the pain behind them.
“I miss that, Jacob.” He sighed. “I miss knowing I have options. Because I don’t really, do I?” He laughed sadly. “That’s why all this sucks!” He turned away from me and took a few aimless steps. “I want to get over Sam, Jacob. You know probably as well as I do that I want to just forget him. But what options do I have? It’s a joke, really. I’m twenty years old. I should have the world ahead of me and I don’t. I feel like I’m stuck, you know? I can’t just go out and find someone like I should be able to do.” He paused, sighed deeply, then very quietly he said, “I know Sam and I is never going to happen—I’ve accepted that.” He glanced back at me. “I know you know what I’m talking about.
I sighed. He was in a healthier place than I was. At least when it came to this sucky unrequited love thing.
“You can’t be mad at Beau for wanting to do this the human way, Jacob.” Liam said, quietly. “He’s being incredibly mature about the whole thing. He’s literally got a miracle cure, but he knows the consequences, he knows what’s at stake. I swear, that kid is stronger than any of the non-humans.” Liam paused. “That stuff he told you… about wanting to make everything right before he changed.” He shook his head, “Damn, I mean, sure, holding off on changing made things worse for him in the long run but… that amount of selflessness? He could have changed right away and been happy, but he wanted to stay human just to make sure everyone elsewould be happy?”
“None of us are happy now, Liam. It was stupid of him to hold off.”
“No, Jake, you don’t get it.” Liam frowned. “He wasn’t being stupid. He was thinking of the consequences. If he had changed right away then he wouldn’t have been able to say a proper goodbye to anyone. He was thinking of his family… He was thinking of you. I mean, you guys had ended things pretty badly at the wedding. I think he just wanted to make sure he fixed this with you before he… Well, you know.”
I couldn’t speak. Liam could look at things from an outside perspective and I knew he was probably right.
“I do envy you that.” Liam said softly. “Sam just wants to ignore it all. Pretend none of it ever happened. At least Beau cares enough about you to try and make things right, and you know he just wants you to be happy.”
“I don’t think I can talk about this anymore, Liam.” I muttered through clenched teeth.
“Okay, Jacob.” Liam shrugged, “I’m sorry.”
“You’re right,” I admitted, “That’s why I can’t talk about it anymore. I know you’re right. I know I should be handling all of this better. But I just…”
“You can’t right now.” Liam finished for me.
I shook my head.
Liam started to walk away, then he paused and turned back. “If… Whenyou’re ready to talk, Jacob, I’ll be here. Okay?”
He didn’t wait for my response, he phased and bounded away into the woods.
I was only about a mile from where I’d left my clothes, so I stayed human and walked. I didn’t think about our conversation. Not because there wasn’t anything to think about, but because I couldn’t stand it. Seeing that side of Liam’s thoughts, hearing what he said, I couldn’t argue with him because he was right. We got dealt a crappy hand, and maybe Liam couldn’t get over the whole wolf side of things but at least he was moving on from Sam—as best as he could, at least. At least he could see the big picture, even if I couldn’t.
I didn’t think I could run with that for the rest of my life. But how could I take away the solace he found running with me? I supposed it would make me the most selfish ass in the world if I Alpha ordered him to stay in La Push. Just because Icouldn’t move on, that didn’t give me the right to deny Liam that… did it?
It was real early when I got to the house. Beau was probably still asleep. I figured I’d poke my head in, see what was going on, give ’em the green light to go hunting, and then find a patch of grass soft enough to sleep on while human. I wasn’t phasing back until Liam was asleep.
But there was a lot of low mumbling going on inside the house, so maybe Beau wasn’t sleeping. And then I heard the machinery sound from upstairs again—the X-ray? Great. It looked like day four on the countdown was starting off with a bang.
Alice opened the door for me before I could walk in.
She nodded. “Hey, wolf.”
“Hey, shortie. What’s going on upstairs?” The big room was empty—all the murmurs were on the second floor.
She shrugged her pointy little shoulders. “Maybe another break.” She tried to see the words casually, but I could see the flames in the very back of her eyes. Edward and I weren’t the only ones who were burning over this. Alice loved Beau, too.
“Another rib?” I asked hoarsely.
“No. He fell on his wrist this time.”
Funny how it kept hitting me, like each new thing was a surprise. When was I going to stop being surprised? Each new disaster seemed kinda obvious in hindsight.
Then we were listening to Royal’s voice upstairs.
“See, I told you I didn’t hear a crack. You need your ears checked, Edward.” There was no answer.
Alice made a face. “Edward’s going to end up ripping Roy into small pieces, I think. I’m surprised he doesn’t see that. Or maybe he thinks Emmett will be able to stop him.”
“I’ll take Emmett,” I offered. “You can help Edward with the ripping part.”
Alice half-smiled.
The procession came down the stairs then—Edward had Beau this time. Beau was incredibly tense, his left wrist was wrapped in bandages, and his face was white. I could see that, though Edward compensated for every tiny movement of his body to keep from jostling Beau, he was hurting.
“Hey, Jake,” he whispered, and he smiled through the pain. I stared at him, saying nothing.
Edward placed Beau carefully on his couch and sat on the floor by his head. I wondered briefly why they didn’t leave him upstairs, and then decided at once that it must be Beau’s idea. He’d want to act like things were normal, avoid the hospital setup. And Edward was humoring him. Naturally.
Carlisle came down slowly, the last one, his face creased with worry. It made him look old enough to be a doctor for once.
“Carlisle,” I said. “We went halfway to Seattle. There’s no sign of the pack. You’re good to go.”
“Thank you, Jacob. This is good timing. There’s much that we need.” His black eyes flickered to Beau.
“Honestly, I think you’re safe to take more than three. I’m pretty positive that Sam is concentrating on La Push.”
Carlisle nodded in agreement. It surprised me how willingly he took my advice. “If you think so. Alice, Esme, Jasper, and I will go. Then Alice can take Emmett and Roy—”
“Not a chance,” Royal said. “Emmett can go with you now.”
“You should hunt,” Carlisle said in a gentle voice.
“I’ll hunt when he does,” Royal said flatly, jerking his head toward Edward.
Carlisle sighed, then he turned to me. “Jacob, if you don’t mind, could we…” He trailed off.
“Blood bank is open,” I sighed. “Let’s go, doc.”
After Beau was set up with a fresh bag of my blood, Carlisle called everyone.
Jasper and Emmet were down the stairs in a flash, and Alice joined them by the glass back door in the same second. Esme flitted to Alice’s side.
Carlisle put his hand on my arm. The icy touch did not feel good, but I didn’t jerk away. I held still, half in surprise, and half because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
“Thank you,” he said again, and then he darted out the door with the other four. My eyes followed them as they flew across the lawn and then disappeared before I took another breath. Their needs must have been more urgent than I’d imagined.
There was no sound for a minute. I could feel someone glaring at me, and I knew who it would be. I’d been planning to take off and get some Z’s, but the chance to ruin Royal’s morning seemed too good to pass up.
So I sauntered over to the armchair next to the one Royal had and settled in, sprawling out so that my head was tilted toward Beau and my left foot was near Royal’s face.
“Ugh. Someone put the dog out,” he murmured, wrinkling his nose.
“Have you heard this one, Psycho? How do a blonde’s brain cells die?”
He didn’t say anything.
“Well?” I asked. “Do you know the punch line or not?”
He looked pointedly at the TV and ignored me.
“Has he heard it?” I asked Edward.
There was no humor on his tense face—he didn’t move his eyes from Beau. But he said, “No.”
“Awesome. So you’ll enjoy this—a blonde’s brain cells die alone.”
Royal didn’t look at me. “I have killed a hundred times more often than you have, you disgusting beast. Don’t forget that.”
“Someday, Beauty King, you’re going to get tired of just threatening me. I’m really looking forward to that.”
“Enough, Jacob,” Beau said.
I looked down, and he was frowning. It looked like yesterday’s good mood was long gone.
Well, I didn’t want to bug him. “You want me to take off?” I offered.
Before I could hope—or fear—that he’d finally gotten tired of me, he blinked, his eyes darting up to me, and his frown disappeared. He seemed totally shocked that I would come to that conclusion. “No, of course not…”
I sighed, and I heard Edward sigh very quietly, too. I knew he wished Beau’d get over me, too. Too bad he’d never ask him to do anything that might make him unhappy.
“You look tired,” Beau commented.
“Dead beat,” I admitted.
“I’d like to beat you dead,” Royal muttered, too low for Beau to hear.
I just slumped deeper into the chair, closing my eyes, and getting comfortable. My bare foot dangled closer to Royal, and he stiffened. After a few minutes Beau asked Royal for a glass of water. I felt the wind as Royal blew towards the kitchen. It was really quiet. Might as well take a nap, I figured.
After a few minutes, Beau sighed. “I’m glad he’s finally getting some rest.”
Beau must have thought I was already asleep, I didn’t have the energy to correct him, and Edward didn’t say anything.
“This is all my fault,” Beau began, then faltered. “I did everything wrong, Edward.”
“What do you mean, love?”
“I mean, breaking Jacob’s heart, still putting him through this…”
I felt my body tense up, I wanted to hear what Beau had to say, but I was sure Edward would tell him I wasn’t really sleeping.
“What do you mean, Beau?” Edward asked.
Oh. So we’re both playing along now.
“I mean,” Beau began, “I love Jacob. He’s my best friend. I just want him to be happy. As happy as I am with you, Edward.” Beau sniffled. “I feel like every second that ticks by I’m losing my chance to make things right with Jacob. I have to make things right before I…” He cut himself off. “I’ve set everything else up. Made things right with Charlie, Renée, my friends… But I still haven’t gotten it right with Jacob.”
I felt my body tense up. Was Beau holding off on changing just because of me? That was insane! How could he be that stupid? I felt waves of guilt pour over me.
“Beau,” Edward said softly, “is that why you refused to change? Back when you first got sick?”
Well, I guess the mind-reading wasn’t all bad.
“No,” Beau said quietly, “It’s not the only reason.”
Great. Beau was being cryptic.
“Please,” Edward said softly, his tone was a little desperate, “please, Beau, explain it to me because I’ve been out of my mind trying to understand.” Edward’s voice cracked a bit, I could tell his façade was breaking down. “Do you regret marrying me? Choosing me over Jacob? Was it a mistake?”
I’d never heard Edward talk so openly and broken to Beau before. It was almost as broken as he had spoken to me that first day in the yard.
“Shh…” Beau was instantly soothing, “No. I love you, more than anything. I chose you, I still choose you.” He paused. “I knew changing would happen for me one day, Edward. You never wanted it, but realistically it had to happen at some point. But I didn’t see the harm in spending a little more time as a human—enjoy the honeymoon, come back and see my friends, see Charlie, then go spend some time at college… That would have given me time to set everything up—make plans so that everyone would be ready for me to disappear for just a little while until I was strong enough to be around them again. Make plans so that we could avoid breaking the treaty and starting a war with the wolves… and some time for me to settle everything with Jacob.”
“But now…” Edward couldn’t say the words, he didn’t have to.
“I didn’t think my window would close so fast.” Beau said, sadly. “I thought, if I got Royal to help me, I would have just enough time to set things up with my family, explain why I’d be disappearing for a while—”
“We could have come up with a story, Beau.” Edward interrupted.
“I know, but it had to be good, Edward. Charlie wouldn’t have settled for anything less. I know what changing involves. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything but being a newborn for at least a year. I couldn’t leave Charlie in the dark for all that time.”
I was starting to understand better and better. Liam was right. Beau had wanted to make sure everything was set up before he changed. He had been wanting to make this as easy for everyone else as he could.
“Besides,” Beau continued, “The treaty would have been nullified. It would have meant a war. If there had been more time, we could have left Forks before I changed, avoided all that. Didn’t do much good now, I guess.” He said, glumly.
It made sense. But where did I fit in?
“And what about Jacob?” Edward prompted.
“Jacob,” Beau said sadly. “After the wedding, we left things so badly. I was selfish the whole honeymoon. I ignored that, I tried not to think about Jacob and his pain. But that isn’t fair. Jacob deserves to be happy. I couldn’t change unless I worked it all out with him. If we can’t stay friends, at least Jacob needs to move on from me and try to be happy. I can’t love him the way he wants me to, and that kills me. But I love Jacob as a friend, and I want him to be loved the way he deserves to be loved. I knew that if I changed without trying to talk to him one last time he’d never get over it. He’d be the bitter, angry Jacob that ran away from his family and his home. I needed to try to…”
Beau’s voice cut off then, he had started crying. I kept my eyes clamped shut. I felt cold inside.
So, that was it.
Beau was over me. He loved me, sure. But only as his friend. There was no chance for anything else. The truth was just that I was too deluded to see it. Too stubborn. Beau had said it was his fault, that he had messed everything up. But that wasn’t really true, was it? I had messed it up. I had spent so much time being angry, bitter, and desperate for Beau to love me back that I had missed the fact that he did love me. I just wasn’t able to accept the love he could give me.
And now, he had sacrificed his chance at being with the man he did love forever… Just to make sure all the rest of us were happy. To try and make sure Iwas happy.
“I thought you regretted it,” Edward said, quietly. “Choosing me, marrying me.”
“No,” Beau said through his tears, “I don’t regret choosing you, Edward. I love you more than anything. Marrying you was what I wanted. Being with you is what I want.”
“We could have dealt with everything else after we changed you, Beau.” Edward said, his voice broken and sad.
“I know,” Beau sighed, sniffling, “I know that now. I just… I panicked. You were so set on changing me as soon as we got back. All my time had run out. I just… I couldn’t change without making sure everything was set up and resolved first, Edward! I had counted on having the time to do that. I thought if Royal helped me, it would buy me enough time to set everything up and thenI could change but…” He sniffled again. “That made everything worse.”
“You just wanted everyone to be happy.” Edward said, comforting him. “I should have talked to you, I shouldn’t have just decided on changing you without taking away your choice in the matter. Perhaps if I had…”
“You don’t get to take my stupidity out of the equation here,” Beau laughed, weakly.
I felt sick, I felt wrong. Like I shouldn’t be here. I opened my eyes, just in time to see Beau leaning forward toward Edward.
“I love you, more than anything.” Beau breathed, pressing his lips to Edward’s.
“And I love you,” Edward’s eyes had closed as he gently wrapped his arms around Beau.
All my pain crashed over me. It was so bad it was like being tortured. Like being slowly dragged across a bed of razors. Pain so bad you’d take death with a smile just to get away from it.
The pain pushed me to my feet.
Beau and Edward’s heads snapped over to me, and I watched my pain ripple across Edward’s face as he trespassed in my head again.
“Ahh,” he choked.
I didn’t know what I was doing; I stood there, trembling, ready to bolt for the very first escape that I could think of.
“Jake…” Beau’s eyes met mine. After hearing everything he had said, I finally understood that sad look in his eyes, behind his smiles. It hit me like a car—no, like a bullet train—crashing into me. It was the love of a friend, concerned and pitying. And that was all it would ever be.
Moving like the strike of a snake, Edward darted to a small end table and ripped something from the drawer there. He tossed it at me, and I caught the object reflexively.
“Go, Jacob. Get away from here.” He didn’t say it harshly—he threw the words at me like they were a life preserver. He was helping me find the escape I was dying for.
The object in my hand was a set of car keys.
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Reunited Part 3
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You woke up when you felt the sun through the curtains on your face. Wow, you must have slept in, you thought to yourself. You rubbed your eyes, trying not to think about the image of your parents dead on the floor from your dream last night. A soft snore from beside you pulled you from your thoughts, you smiled as you remembered that Jungkook had stayed with you last night. You took in his sleeping frame, he looked so young and innocent when he was sleeping. You got up and opened the curtains, allowing the sunlight to fill the room. As you admired the sight of the sun shine over the trees in the distance something caught your eye. It looked like there had been someone standing on the edge of the property near the trees looking up into your room. You rubbed your eyes and looked again, but there was no one there. Weird.
“Crap, what time is it?” You heard Jungkook say from the bed.
“It’s 9:30.” You told him, checking your phone. Jungkook groaned, flopping back down onto the bed. Usually when Jungkook spent the night in your room he would set an alarm on his phone for 7 am, since that was the time that there were the least amount of people up and about. He didn’t want anyone seeing him slipping out of your room in the morning, and he was sure your uncle would be pissed if he knew Jungkook had slept in your bed with you, even though nothing had ever happened between the two of you.
Noticing how exhausted Jungkook still looked, you told him to just stay and sleep for a while, adding that you were going to go downstairs. You were pretty sure he was sleeping again before you were even out the door.
On your way to the stair case, you heard muffled voices coming from the conference room. Meetings usually took place in the evenings, so you found it odd that anyone was in there. You moved closer, hoping to be able to hear the conversation. You heard your uncles voice for sure, but weren’t sure who the other voice belonged to.
“I don’t know Shewan, this might be a better move. She’s becoming a bit hard to control, and this deal would take her off your hands and benefit you financially. Not to mention it would be a smart move business wise.” The voice said. You were pretty sure it was Jungkook’s father; Lee. What the hell were they talking about?
“His offer was very generous. He said there was room for negotiation as well.” Said Shewan.
“You would gain more from this arrangement that you ever would from the Bangtan’s.” Lee said to your uncle. “Just think about it.”
“I’ll give it some thought.” You heard your uncle agree.
You quickly headed down the stair case as you heard shuffling from inside the conference room, making sure you were out of sight by the time Shewan and Lee exited.
What the hell was going on? You thought, feeling uneasy. She’s becoming a bit hard to control… were they talking about you?! What was this ‘arrangement’ they were talking about? You needed to talk to Jungkook. Still feeling guilty about keeping him up most of the night, you decided to let him sleep for a couple more hours first. You’d go to the gym and try and burn off  some of the stress left over from your nightmare before you woke him up and interrogated him.
Taehyung and Jin were hiding just behind the property line of the Nox mansion, using the forest as coverage.
“She’s left, but there is still someone in her room.” Taehyung told Jin, passing him the binoculars. “Maybe she’s dating one of them?”
Jin shuddered at the thought of you with one of those monsters. He hoped that Taehyung was wrong. Looking through the binoculars Jin saw a man laying on the bed, noting with some relief that the man was fully clothed. Upon closer inspection, Jin was pretty sure he recognised the man as Jungkook, the guy that had followed you into the park the night before.
“I think that’s the guy she was with last night.” Jin Told Taehyung. “It’s kind of hard to be sure from this distance, but it looks like him. They didn’t act like a couple, but who knows. He did seem liked he cared about her.”
“The same one that’s been hanging around headquarters?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah.” Jin replied, still looking through the binoculars.
“Namjoon’s sister with the same guy that’s been spying on us is too much of a coincidence, considering the Nox’s have no reason to be involved with us. We don’t run in any of the same circles. It has to be something to do with her.” Taehyung said, thinking out loud.
“Shewan, Namjoon’s uncle, must be involved.” Jin said. He couldn’t think of any other way. “Do we have anyone we could send in undercover?”
Taehyung considered this for a moment. It was risky when they didn’t know what the Nox clan was up to, but it could work if they approached them as someone trying to make a deal. “Maybe if we called in a favour, we can’t send in any of our guys, they’d know us all if they’ve been tailing us.” Taehyung said, thinking about the options. “I know a guy. I bet he would do it for some cash.”
“Who?” Jin asked, looking at his friend. “Can we trust this guy? They’re planning something; we’ve got to be careful.
“He’s a local junkie. I’ve seen him with the blonde guy we saw leave here about an hour ago, Jackson I think his name is. I saved him from getting his ass kicked one time so he owes me. He’s a bit of a train wreck when it comes to drugs, but he’s a smart guy. He can handle it.” Taehyung said, nodding as he spoke, almost talking more to himself than to Jin.
“Alright. Track him down.” Jin told Taehyung, “I’ll stay here. I’m hoping she will sneak out again, if I can get a chance to talk to her I’m almost positive she will come with me.”
“Might be best to wait to get a bit more on what their plan is first, Jin.” Taehyung said frowning disapprovingly. He’s not thinking clearly, Tae thought to himself, usually Jin was smarter than this. Taehyung walked off to make a few calls, leaving Jin to watch the property.
“Okay, Jungkook.” You said, shaking his shoulder as you knelt next to him on your bed. Your hair was still wet from your shower, your muscles aching from your work out, but you felt a bit better than you had this morning, thankfully. Jungkook groaned and shoved your hand away.
“I let you sleep, now tell me what’s going on.” You said shoving him again, a little harder this time. He opened his eyes and sat up slowly, stretching his arms over his head and yawning. You handed him the cup of coffee you had gotten before coming to wake him up, he took it gratefully. After taking a sip, he sighed, finally looking you in the eye.
“Alright. What do you want to know?” He asked you wearily, leaning against the headboard, elbows resting on his knees.
“I want to know what’s going on. What was the meeting about last night?” You started, wanting to know what whatever was happening had to do with you.
“It was just about business, some gang on the other side of the city. I’m not really sure why we are targeting them, we’ve never had any problems or done any business with them before.” He told you. You waited but that was all he was going to say.
“The Bangtan’s?” You asked, his eyes widened a bit before he composed himself again.
“How much did you hear last night?” He asked curiously.
“Enough to know my uncle specifically told you all not to tell me anything. And that there is some sort of ‘arrangement’ that’s got something to do with me. I heard my uncle and your dad talking about it this morning.” You said, watching him closely to see if he knew more than he was telling you.
“What arrangement?” Jungkook asked, sitting up straighter, looking genuinely surprised, his eyes searching your face.
“I don’t know, I was hoping you’d be able to tell me. Something about me being hard to control and that it would be a smart business move.” You said nervously picking at your nails.
Jungkook didn’t say anything, he didn’t like the sound of that, and he didn’t like that he had no idea what it meant. This was the first he had heard about any arrangement having to do with you. Usually Shewan wanted you to have nothing to do with any part of business plans, to the point where most people outside of the mansion didn’t know you even existed. Jungkook guessed it was safer for you that way, but had always felt bad about you being locked in the house all the time. He could tell how miserable you were here.
Namjoon sighed, hanging up the phone. Neither Jin nor Taehyung were answering. It wasn’t unusual for them to have their phones turned off if they were out working, but usually Namjoon had a rough idea of where his guy’s were, especially Jin since they were so close. He hadn’t asked them to run any errands and there weren’t any business plans set to take place today.
Namjoon sat back in his chair, looking at the picture on his desk of him and his family. The picture had been taken outside the safe house when he and his sister were still kids. Namjoon and Y/n both smiling widely, his parents standing behind them. His father had his arms around his wife, kissing her cheek as she laughed. It was the only picture that Namjoon had left of his family, all the pictures along with everything else they owned had been ruined in the fire. The photo was given to him by one of his father’s friends after the funeral.
Namjoon headed into the kitchen; nodding to Hoseok as he led a girl he had never seen before down the hall towards his room. Noticing the large hickey on Hoseok’s neck, Namjoon knew exactly what they were up to. Monday’s were slow so most of the guys were either out or lounging around the house. He grabbed a drink from the fridge before heading back up to his office to go over some file’s he had gotten on the Nox clan. They had caught one of their guys hanging around a few days ago, so Namjoon was trying to figure out why. They had no connections with them, Namjoon made sure of that; the Nox’s were a nasty bunch and he didn’t like the way they did business. One thing that was really bothering him was that he couldn’t find any information on their leader. Not even a name. That seemed very odd to Namjoon considering he knew the name of almost every gang leader in Seoul, even the ones that Bangtan wasn’t involved with. Something was off… he could feel it.
The next few days were quiet around the mansion. You’d been going stir crazy. Since you had graduated you didn’t have any school work to keep you busy, even though you had been privately tutored here so you didn’t need to leave the mansion, the time with the teacher had kept you busy. But now there really wasn’t anything to keep you occupied.
“Y/n.” You looked up to see your uncle standing in your door way, it was strange since he usually didn’t come up to your room. “Come to my office in an hour. There’s someone that I’d like you to meet.”
“Who?” You asked suspiciously, looking up from the book you were reading.
“One hour.” He repeated, ignoring your question as he walked away. You sighed, wishing he had given you more information, but that was never how it worked. You knew better than to disobey him, he had a nasty temper, so you spent the next hour worrying about why he wanted you to meet someone when he usually kept you as in the dark as possible.
You put your hair up in a messy bun, not bothering to put on any make up; it’s not like you would be leaving the house. You let out a frustrated sigh. All you wanted was to go out on your own. You didn’t know how much longer you could take being cooped up in this freaking house full of cold people, most of which weren’t even allowed to talk to you.
On your way to your uncle’s office, you noticed that everyone you passed was looking at you curiously. Odd, since other than Jungkook and a few others, most people pretended not to see you.  You shook your head, telling yourself that you were being paranoid and went back to worrying about whatever it was that your uncle wanted.
When you entered Shewan’s office, he was sitting behind his desk, looking down at a booklet of papers, closing it as he noticed you in the doorway.
“Y/n.” He greeted you in a kinder tone than you were expecting. “Come in, sit down.” He said, gesturing to the couch in the corner. As you entered the office, you noticed and man sitting across from Shewan. The man looked you up and down a few times, his eye’s coming to rest on your face after he was done checking you out, a smile spreading across his face. You crossed your arms over your chest and gave him a disgusted look. The man stood up, taking a step towards you. You took a step back.
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet my friend, Chul-soo.” Shewan said, gesturing to the man. You’d never seen him before today. He was a bit taller than you, with broad shoulders and a beer belly, his hair slightly grey. He looked to be about 40 if you had to guess. He offered you his hand and you hesitantly reached out to shake his hand, surprised when he instead brought your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it. You felt your skin crawl, you did not like this man, you decided.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/n.” Chul-soo said, his eye’s roaming over your figure again. “You’re a beautiful woman.” He added with a smile that made your stomach turn.
“My eyes are up here.” You said to him in a cold voice, pulling your hand away from him.
“Y/n!” Your uncle snapped, his eye’s bright with fury. “That’s no way to talk to your fiancée.”
“My what?!” You asked in disbelief, too stunned to say anything else. You stared at your uncle, shocked. There was no way he was suggesting you should marry this repulsive man. He looked old enough to be your father, for starters. And second of all… Just no. No way.
“Your fiancée.” Your uncle repeated in a firm voice, staring at you.
“I don’t fucking think so!” You shouted at him, taking a step back. “I don’t even know this guy, there is no fucking way I’m marrying him.”
“Language.” You uncle muttered before turning to Chul-soo. “I need to have a talk with my niece, I’ll be in touch.” Chul-soo nodded at your uncle before heading towards the door, he stopped just in front of you.
“I look forward to seeing you again as soon as possible Mrs. Y/n.” He said, reaching for your hand, but you ripped it away before he could touch you, feeling a chill run up your spine. He smiled and shot you a wink before walking out the door, shutting it behind him.
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Thanks for reading :)
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shadowlecter · 7 years
Yes, I’m finally done with this mini fic!!! I guess I was kinda analyzing the relationship between Ellas and Castor here, that’s why it took so long. I’m sorry if this fic doesn’t make a lot of sense to some people, but I promise I will write about them more.
When he was alone, Ellas’s mind kept him company, whether it was wanted or not. It didn’t help that his thoughts were usually vivid enough to keep him awake. Restless nights were common for Ellas, and it looked like today wasn’t any different. Images of faceless people and places he’s never been before displayed themselves before his eyes. A strange sense of calm settled over him and he allowed himself to slowly drift to sleep. He found himself walking through a forest that he didn’t recognize, but he didn’t feel lost. He felt at peace. There was the lingering taste of freedom on his lips, and it was so unfamiliar that it distracted him from his surroundings. He failed to notice the strange creatures rising from the ground and circling around him. His breathing halted when he made eye contact with one. They looked like the elves from his mother’s stories, yet so different. Ellas was astonished by their appearance, and he lost the ability to form words. He could only stare as they came closer, touching his bare skin and pulling him towards their bodies. Ellas didn’t resist, let himself be dragged around. The elves led him towards a beautiful lake, its waters an azure blue colour, only disturbed by playful children and mothers washing out dirty clothes. It was a serene view, and Ellas swore he could feel magic rising from the lake, could hear it calling out his name. His body moved on its own, taking steps forward untill the water reached his knees. 
“Get out!” A woman’s voice startled him out of his hypnotic state. It sounded like it belonged to his mother. Ellas wanted to turn around, tell her everything was alright, but his body refused. He tried to look behind him but he felt invisible hands holding his face, forcing him to look one of the elves right in the eyes. Or the complete lack thereof. Ellas gazed into empty eye sockets, his calm demeanor now replaced by sheer panic. He struggled against the grip the elf seemed to have on him, but all his efforts were for naught. He kicked and trashed and cried for help, but no one rushed to aid him. Were they ignoring his cries, or was he truly alone now? His sight was fading, the edges of his vision turning black as the lake dragged him below the surface. He watched the elf’s face twist in agony as the water filled his lungs-
Ellas woke, drenched in cold sweat. Choking on short and heavy breaths, he tried to sit up in his bed. The room was spinning and it all became too much as he felt space consuming him. He tried to scream but his voice was lost in the darkness, only dry sobs produced from his throat. A wave of nausea washed over him and he had to grip the sheets to steady himself. It took him minutes that felt like hours to get a hold of himself, and when he dropped his head in his hands he found his cheeks wet with tears. He didn’t remember when he had started to cry. He felt absolutely miserable and cursed himself for falling asleep, which was a foolish thing to do in the first place. He wiped his face clean with his nightshirt and pushed himself off the bed. His legs felt numb and he had to lean against the wall to keep himself from falling over as he walked over to the small window overlooking the courtyard. Cool summer air was rare in Tevinter, but Ellas could feel the tension leave his body as he hung his head out of the window. He could hear shovels hitting earth and the chatter of workers, and he wondered if some of the slaves had angered master Calivius again, that he made them work overnight. Not many stars were present and no lights were burning in the house, save for a few garden lanterns casting dancing shadows over the pavement. For a short moment, the place almost felt peaceful.
A knock on his door brought Ellas back to reality. It made him jump, knocking his head against the frame in the process. Just as he thought his night couldn’t get any worse. He really wasn’t in the mood for visitors and was about to lash out at the person on the other side, but he held his tongue. For all he knew it could be his master, Ellas wasn’t a stranger to midnight errands. He shuffled over to the door and turned the doorknob as careful as he could, only leaving the door ajar. He wasn’t prepared for the sight before him, but he didn’t think twice before pushing the door wide-open. Castor was standing in the hallway, flashing Ellas a welcoming smile. He wore his robe adorned with golden threads, complimenting his skin. It seemed to be thrown on in a hurry, hanging loosely over his hips. “Can I come in?” Gods, Ellas had missed that voice. He nodded, stepping aside as Castor walked into the room. Ellas waited for Castor to speak, nervously fidgeting with the hem of his shirt in the meantime.
“Did I wake you? I didn’t mean to,” Castor said in an apologizing manner, running a hand through his hair. He continued when Ellas didn’t reply. “I know it’s too late a-and, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“You didn’t wake me,” Ellas spoke up, cutting off Castor’s rambling. Castor visibly relaxed after hearing that and pulled the elf into his arms. Ellas responded by burying his face in Castor’s chest, breathing in his scent. He could feel the warmth radiating off the other man’s skin, and it made him want to be closer, as impossible as it was. Too soon the embrace was over and Castor led him to his bed, sitting them both down.
“How was the trip?” Ellas asked, trying to break the silence. It seemed to work, as Castor was eager to tell him all about his time in Marnas Pell. Ellas didn’t mind, finding comfort in the other man’s voice. He listened as Castor told him about days spent at the beach, visiting childhood friends. He explained how the weather was a lot better, enough wind so the heat wouldn’t get to you. He told him about how nice it was to spend more time with his mother. Ellas didn’t miss the slight tremble in his voice, he knew how much he missed his mother.
“Is her health improving?” Ellas asked without thinking. As soon as he spoke the words, he knew he’d made a mistake. Castor fell quiet, his lips pressing together in a thin line. He didn’t turn to leave though, he stayed put, barely even moving to breathe.
“No.” Ellas only got a short reply in response. He wanted to reach out to Castor, but he felt that if he did, the other man would shatter at the contact. Or perhaps he would become hostile, pushing away and leaving Ellas to wade in his own guilt. There was always the very real possibility that Castor would turn out like his father, become a true magister’s son. Ellas wouldn’t blame him. Tevinter changed people, destroyed innocent and hopeful souls.
Ellas felt Castor’s hand ghosting over his own, but he was hesitant to move first. They sat in silence for a while, thousands of apologies flooding Ellas’s mind. He wished he could express them in words, but the fear of making it worse was overwhelming. Only when Castor took his hand, he was able to move. Ellas looked at him and found Castor looking back, now relaxed again. Castor opened his mouth to form an apology, but thought better of it when Ellas squeezed his hand. It was only then that he seemed to notice the dried tears on the elf’s face. Ellas tried to avert his gaze, but Castor took his chin between his fingers. Ellas swallowed, his discomfort growing
“Are you okay?” Castor asked, his voice laced with concern. Ellas didn’t want to answer the question. “‘This isn’t because of me, I hope?” He asked again, and Ellas wanted to laugh. Castor still thought he was a delicate flower, and Ellas didn’t know if he should be insulted or grateful. 
“Everything’s alright, don’t worry about me,” Ellas told him. Castor knew about the nightmares, Ellas could see it in his eyes. His nights must also be plagued by haunting visions, the dark circles under his eyes giving it all away. If looks could kill, Ellas would be in his grave now. Castor had an expression on his face that read something like 'don’t you dare fucking lie to me’. His hand’s were now holding Ellas’s face, as if he was looking for a decent answer. Ellas held his gaze, sending silent prayers that Castor wouldn’t question any further. But the gods had never favored him. “You can tell me if something’s bothering you, there’s nothing to be ashamed of-” Castor began, but Ellas stopped him.
“Nothing’s bothering me,” Ellas said, and he looked out of the window for a distraction. He didn’t want to have this conversation right now. Castor seemed to get the hint and dropped the topic. Ellas wanted to be alone, but he kept quiet. He could hear Castor shift in his place. His fingers ached from clutching the sheets, but he didn’t release them untill he felt an arm wrap around him. Ellas didn’t fight it, resting his head on Castor’s shoulder. He closed his eyes, taking in the feeling of a warm body close to him, something he craved more everyday. He let out an audible sigh when Castor’s hand found its way into Ellas’s hair, brushing the long, dark locks with his fingers. Comfortable silence settled over them untill Ellas broke it. “You should go back to bed.’' 
Castor hummed in response, but he didn’t get up. Ellas looked up at him, and giggled at how sweet he looked. Castor had closed his eyes, corners of his mouth turned up in an amused smile. Ellas swatted his hand away and pulled the other man up from the bed. He opened the door for Castor, who seemed hesitant to leave. Ellas gave a weak smile, but his eyes were fixed on the ground. He wished with all his heart that they could stay together tonight, but if master Calivius found them, he’d have Ellas killed. A dangerous thing really, finding companionship in a magister’s son.
He hadn’t noticed Castor walking over to him, but he froze when he felt warm lips press against his forehead.
’'You’ll be okay,” Castor said. His words sounded hollow, cleared from honesty. An empty promise. Ellas felt anger rising in his throat, threatening to escape. He ignored it, though his eyes were stinging with fresh tears. Castor walked out of the room, turning around to cast one last look at Ellas before closing the door. No good night wishes were exchanged between them, because they both knew the truth. Ellas returned to his bed, not even bothering to fix the sheets. He curled up on his side, biting down on his lip with such force he could taste blood. He wouldn’t allow himself the pleasure of crying. When his trembling had stopped, he hugged his pillow close. It was still damp with his tears and sweat, but he didn’t mind. He buried his face further into the soft fabric. His body was exhausted.
He closed his eyes, welcoming sleep, but the familiar darkness never came.
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