#got it from a garage sale for $10 today
corvidat · 3 months
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New lap desk 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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foster-the-world · 2 months
Had a great four day weekend Upstate. I love being in towns that are lovely/beautiful but not so lovely/beautiful that they are big tourist sites. The Catskills def has tourist but its not National Park level. My Mom was also with us. Life is always better when there are three adults. We got to meet friends for lunch and go out to dinner by ourselves. We took the kids to the community pool a few days in a row. Baby boy is at his best in the pool. He's now swimming on his own - underwater. He can put his head up to take a breath and keep going. Which I am excited about. Every morning one of us got up with him and went on an adventure. My husband took him on a boat ride. I took him to the park and the river front. He told me "the park is not a real adventure. A real adventure is tall trees and the deep, dark forest." Funny kid.
The girls got bikes last month so we brought them up. I found the oldest/rustiest bike at a garage sale. An old Russian speaking man tried to charge me $100. The bike was worth maybe $10. I convinced him to let me rent it for two days - which is all I needed. I convinced Rebel to skip the pool to go on a long river road ride with me. It's so beautiful and shady. I was so happy for the first ten minutes. Its the best when your kids learn something new that will open up possibilities for the whole family. Then she hit a rock or something and fell flat on her face. Poor baby. She was luckily fine but understandably hysterical. She's got a chin cut, a big bruise on her cheek and bruises/scraps on her forehead. Of course, she was wearing a helmet but we will make sure its on tight from now on. Thank goodness there was no long lasting damage. Events like this remind you everything can change in a moment. A neighbor saw us and offered a ride home. She cried for a good half hour - which is not like any of my children. Once she passed out she woke up feeling better. Baby boy said "Rebel, why are you hurt everywhere?" He very adamantly wanted to put a PJ mask band aid on her face. As baby boy is our most frequent bandage user her choices were brown skin color Band-Aids or PJ masks. She went brown. We thought it was pretty funny against her little pale face.
Now back to another week without childcare fully figured out. Still no bus. Hopefully in the next few days. Our sitter is scheduled to pick the girls up from camp. He's happy to also watch baby boy but he needs to be picked up at roughly the same time across town. So my husband is missing work to pick him up. Plus, getting to work late because he has to drop the girls the same time baby boy needs to be at school. Starting next week, assuming the bus is sorted, we will have all the childcare sorted for one month. Then baby boy has two weeks without school. We will Hodge podge something together. A mix between paying the good sitter, daycare and my husband driving him to his parents house. Then ten days at Banff and Jasper National Park. Then school starts again.
Want to start eating healthy today. I need to start tracking. Plus, riding my bike at night. Fingers crossed.
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blazehedgehog · 7 months
Do you have any idea why Tim Follin got stuck working on games that are almost all considered to be bad (except for possibly Plok! and Ecco)? I thought it would have been something about the British games industry, but Grant Kirkhope got to work on games that are considered at least flawed classics.
Because at the time the games didn't seem to be bad.
Like that's the thing to always keep in mind with old games that seem bad. It was the wild west. Nobody knew anything. When you're trying to establish what the idea of "fun" is, well, what is fun?
You can clone another game wholesale because you already know that game is fun, but why is it fun? What elements about it make it fun? When you slice away all the characters, all the graphics, all the music and presentation, what is the core gameplay heart that generates the fun?
Nowadays you have endless hours of video essays and entire books written on individual games. But back then? None of that existed. If you were lucky and rich enough maybe there was a BBS you could connect to that would let you chat with a few other garage developers, or maybe you'd meet up for drinks with some industry folks at a convention or whatever, but it's nothing like it is today. The resources and knowledge base were extremely small.
So you made a guess, and made a game around that guess, put that out into the world and observed what happened. If it sold well, you made more.
But sales have never been an indicator of quality. They're just sales. Maybe people buy it because they think the character looks funny, maybe the marketing hit really well, maybe you've got a license people have prior interest in, etc.
Which naturally leads to the next problem, which is trying to understand what you did right and how to expand and evolve on what you did right. And if you don't actually know what you're doing right, it could lead you in some very strange directions. With each game you stray, and stray, and stray...
And the public doesn't know either! Both the developer and the people buying the game could be completely wrong, but at this specific time, this specific place, with the standards and understanding of the era, nobody knows better. In the moment, it seems fun! It's not until 10, 15, 25+ years later that anyone realizes "Wow, this was actually awful."
Sometimes it wasn't awful! Sometimes one of those games got it right and the bar got raised a little bit. But it was a different time and standards were nothing like they are today.
And with Tim Follin specifically, he also notes that he wrote a lot of his music before the game itself had even been made. From Wikipedia:
"Particularly in the earlier days of his career, Follin often composed game soundtracks while the games themselves were still in the writing stages, meaning that there was usually no frame of reference or genre objective in mind."
So in a lot of cases he was just making whatever he thought sounded nice, and as long as he got paid for his work, nothing else really mattered.
Honestly? There's not much more you could ask for in life.
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Weekly Wrap-Up
July 22nd, 2024 - July 28, 2024
🌸 This week has been pretty great overall. Let's review what I managed to get done:
Two visits to my parents. One for the car, one for the garage sale.
Submitted 5 scholarship essays
Deposited 5 checks that have been sitting around
Cleaned out my car/fridge. They're very neat now
Went grocery shopping instead of procrastinating it
Ordered two new chargers. One for my office, one for home
Fixed up a chapter of the book I'm writing for NaNoWriMo and posted it in the writing group for folks to workshop today
Researched 10 different programs for my conference presentation
Sent in the BOD application. Even though it was auto-rejected (due to number of applicants) I still finally sent it in
Did my nails for the new job, then took them off (didn't like them)
🏫 School is rapidly approaching. Mid-to-late August. I wanted to apply to 100 scholarships before school starts, but at this rate, it'll be more like 50. I still have around 3 weeks left so... guess we'll see. Gonna increase the rate I work at.
🎧 My pink headphones I've had since... it has to be since 2020 finally gave up the ghost. They underwent some heavy daily use, and spent a short stint of time in a garage when I was between houses, so I'm honestly shocked they lasted 4 years. I just went to lay down while I was wearing them a few days ago, something went CRACK in the left ear, and since then it was a right-ear-only headphone 🤡 Thankfully I had brand-new extras in my closet I ordered because I thought these broke previously but hadn't-- the cord was just loose-- and so I wasn't bothered in the least. Awesome.
🎤 Nervous for the upcoming conference in... a week and a half. I know I'm prepared to write my piece of the deliverables (the powerpoint, the presentation) but I'm not convinced my co-presenters are. Tomorrow, I need to ask them more directly if they're able to answer several questions pertaining to our topic-- because that's what we need to put in the slides. They only have like 3 days left to research enough to rectify that if they aren't. And I understand some people operate on a last-minute based work schedule, but I'm not. It's important we get this DONE.
💼 Work for the upcoming week should be smooth enough. Still settling into my new role and trying to figure out what would be best to change/adapt for the program. I need to brainstorm some more while I'm at work and figure all that out.
Good things ahead, I know it!
[Photos: heart-shaped lipstick I got from a mystery box, unidentified flowers from my family's garden, new pink headphones, bullet journal entry, postcards on my wall (detail), postcards on my wall with ivy.]
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trivialbob · 1 year
Weekend mornings are airport dog park mornings. It was rather quiet at MSP while I was there, both aviation-wise and with canines. Above is a Boeing 717, to me a very boring airplane to watch. Sulley tried to catch more birds. The score is currently Birds - 1715, Sulley - 0.
Two huge Bernese Mountain Dogs crossed my path. That is one of the happiest breeds I know of. My sister is getting one later this year.
After dropping off my dogs at home I went to the laundromat again. My washer isn't fixed yet. I started pricing some new machines at a local store I like (absolutely not Best Buy) and am starting to lean towards new. The current washer was already making a funny sound on some cycles. Maybe a repair now is just a band aid when there is suspected, but undiagnosed, gear cancer.
The laundromat was really quiet so I read. It rained lightly, so I didn't feel like I was wasting time. I love the smell of laundry detergent and Bounce (though I never use those useless dryer sheets).
Later I went to Target. We're out of Ziploc sandwich and quart sized plastic bags. There is a wooden holder for them in one of the kitchen drawers. The empty slots were bugging me despite that I did not actually need to put anything in a bag today.
While I was at Target I saw shorts and shirts on sale. That "30% off" sign attracted me like the scent of Rocky Rococo pizza at bar-time in college. LL Bean, Duluth Trading, and at one time Lands' End, were some of my favorite clothes stores. But holy cow, the prices these days. Even before "30% off" my Target shorts and shirts were very reasonably priced.
There was one problem. I bought three white t-shirts. At home, I tore open the package. Only then did I realize I mistakenly got V-necks. I hate V-neck t-shirts. These I'll probably wear a few times, give them a chance to change my mind. Likely though they will become garage rags well before they're worn out.
My day wasn't over yet. I got out my single speed Surly Cross Check which I haven't used in a while. I brought it to the Minneapolis lakes. I've ridden those lake paths thousands of times since I starting going there when I was about 10-years-old. I never tire of people watching and looking at the nice houses.
I don't work tomorrow. On the way home from the lakes I stopped to get some beer. Doesn't everyone need a Hug now and them? Of course! The package of 12 Beer Hugs, in four varieties, caught my eye. I just poured a Neon Beer Hug.
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form-sweet-form · 1 year
Anime Con Season again~
Anime North started yesterday, so I went as Yaoi Jesus again this year, but I guess since I'm a girl it's Yuri Jesus?
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Anyways, I was so surprised, I got SO many people recognizing me this year!
I went with Nick from the Junk Shop Heibon Discord Server and it was so much fun hanging out with him!
I noticed this year there's more diversity in Cosplay, I saw lots of Femboys, I had to restrain myself to not go up to all of them and ask to take a pic with them. Also lots of people holding up "$5 to step on you" and/or "$10 To take a picture"... Wanted to take a picture for my friend Nyoom. lol
Look what we found in the Freebies bin at the Flee Market (Nominoichi)!
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While we were in line to get in, so many people asked the guy(girl) with the bright blue hair what the line was for, at some point I got pissed and said "Garage Sale" cause it's kinda what it is.
Meeting again with Nick today in hopes of scoring some tickets for the Maid Cafe (Cafe Delish). We got there 2 mins late yesterday and all the tickets were already sold :(
Today I'm going as Me, Myself and I so no cosplay pics.
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Added the buttons onto my DMMd Tote!
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firespirited · 11 months
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Ladies, gentlemen and enbans,
Meet my beautiful new second hand cane!
I've been procrastinating about buying one for a while with various foldable or footed ones in wishlists and today... there it was. and while I can't use it much due to the shoulder pain, it's already helped me stand in place longer than possible without it.
Sis saw a Facebook post about an indoor garage sale for today, within my walking abilities *but* up the hill (we live on one side of a three side "bowl" of foothills so technically everything is pretty much up or down but this hill is like 12 degree incline in parts)
I said I'd consider this adventure if we could do a trial run. So we made the trek with the dogs. Lily remembered that she could run, a huge yellow lab gave her a massive rock she was carrying in her mouth, there were acorns everywhere and a nice lil bridge at sitting height for us to stop and rest.
So today, we set out in the rain, minus dogs, to the unknown just a house with stuff for sale : would it be stuff left from a move, a death, just decluttering, expensive fancy stuff, kids stuff?
We arrived early (turns out dogs sniffing around takes up an extra ten minutes) and watched as half a dozen cars pulled up, which is wild. People are never early round here! guess the antiquing folks like to be there as soon as the doors open.
Two middle aged ladies ushered us all into their yard and then into the teeny tiny house to three rooms divided by a staircase, none of it seemed to follow geometry. Two daughters selling their mother's various collections to make space: mugs, books, vinyls, paintings, cat sculptures, silverware and lots of fabric findings. She had been a seamstress. There were tins filled with buttons, I would have bought some but knew I had to carry it home.
One seemed a little panicked after running around setting things down in the yard so I helped with a frame and asked how she was doing with all this and we chit chatted for a while. From what I understand at least one of the daughters is living there on a higher floor, the cats don't need rehoming and one had to be forcibly removed from a comfy nest in the fabric stash just before everyone arrived. 😁 They're doing ok but the clutter was overwhelming and they hoped some of it might sell and be taken away, simply, without third parties or listings. Quite a few of the furniture pieces got claims within the 45 minutes we were there so I think they'll be fine.
I saw the cane in a set of three at the entry to the yard within 20 seconds and I knew it was the one, it carried me through the rest of the visit in any case. Didn't ask about other medical equipment (Medical buyback doesn't give you much and buying from the medical shops is expensive so it's advantageous to all parties. I got my wheelchair for double the buyback from a dude who didn't need it anymore and it was less than a third of the price). But I get the impression she was fairly able bodied with maybe a little help walking only.
There was no sewing machine in sight so either it's gone to the daughters or it was sold for a lot more than today's low priced bits and bobs. I was kinda hoping I might get to witness an antique Singer in the footpedal desk or the square looking 70s Singer in the case when I heard the word seamstress - granny used to have both when I was little.
Clothes, shoes and grooming items were all missing too. The ladies might not be at the point where they feel ready for that yet. Maybe they needed the clutter 'space' to be able to do a more personal sort out.
So quite the adventure. I didn't get the "shop overload" because the lights and sound were normal, items were in boxes with the price per item or to ask (understood to be under 10€) no confusing pricing between washing liquids per wash, per litre, per kilo and special offer (aka what's the catch). It was cramped but no people megastress either so that was manageable.
I did start thinking about what we leave behind on the way home. Did chat a little with sis about our most prized treasures and how they're imbued with value that no one else would know about by just looking at them. We both felt a little gloomy over that so switched to talking about the types of person we'd seen.
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darkangel1791 · 7 months
This is sort of a rant. I have nowhere to express this but here. It's about a content creator who does little skits with their cats, who I have to stop following. Trigger Warning: discussion of religion.
I saw a random video from this Content Creator (from now on known as CC) about 2 years ago, I thought it was hilarious, I loved it and watched a lot more of the videos and followed them.
CC posted a serious video in which they told some of their life story. The relevant part is that they were raised in an extremely strict religion, started rebelling against the rules in middle school (ages 10 to 13), for instance, as a female in that religion, they were only allowed to wear dresses and skirts. So they bought jeans and changed into them at school then changed back after school, so that their parents would not know that they were wearing jeans. Then they married at 17 and broke other rules of the religion; cut their hair, wore make-up, stopped going to church, got tattoos, etc. And they felt very happy and free. This wasn't the main theme of the video, but it was part of it. It really touched me and I said so in the comments.
They began having a terrible problem with imposter accounts over a year ago. They were popping up everywhere, stealing content, and CC could not get them removed from the platforms they were on. This situation got worse, CC hired a lawyer, copyrighted their name and logo, still nothing really helped and this was costing CC a lot of money and causing them a lot of stress. They say it was all they could think about.
A year ago, CC announced that they would no longer swear in their videos. That was fine with me, to each their own, I was sure the vids would still be funny.
A few months ago CC announced that some major things that were part of the cats' 'personalities' were going to change. That was kind of concerning, but I thought I would just keep following and see how the videos were.
Today, CC posted a video explaining the changes more thoroughly and announcing some life changes that they had gone through.
The imposter accounts were really very upsetting, to the point where it became a crisis of faith. Other things happened but the final outcome was that they felt God was testing them. So they rejoined the restrictive religion they were raised in. They threw out all of the previous merch that had "unholy" sayings on it. They threw out everything that they had bought at garage sales or antique stores (because they didn't know where it had come from?). They rejoined a church of that religion. And now they are going to stop wearing make-up, stop cutting their hair, wear dresses and skirts, and they regret having gotten tattoos. They are going to stop listening to any music that is not Christian or gospel (that will also affect the 'personality' of one of the cats).
They said that after they did all of that and started attending church again, their cats started getting sick, because 'after you go back to God the devil will really go after you', that's not an exact quote but something like that.
Now, I don't understand, logically, why God wouldn't help with the imposter accounts, because that was a test, but their cats getting sick was because of the devil, who is doing it because they are religious now? And, God still hasn't done anything about the imposter accounts, though it seems they have passed the test?
So is it God or the devil who is causing negative things in their life? Why would God allow the devil to attack innocent cats and make them sick? The cats have been sick before, is that because they got their hair cut or were wearing jeans? Because they weren't religious yet, so it wasn't the devil then, right? If this decision makes CC happy, I'm glad, and what they do does not affect my life, I am not criticizing their decision. But I sincerely do not understand how this works, or what one thing has to do with another.
I would love to be able to ask them these questions, but I don't want them to feel attacked, and there will be others expressing the same sentiment to them, though probably not as politely as I would. Also, their answers would certainly not make any more sense to me than all of this does in the first place. They have their own rationale, they've made their decision, it makes sense to them and this is it.
So the reason that I am sad, and have to stop following them, is because when I see them with their new look, I see a person who has decided to live their life in fear, not in joy. Apparently, they are happy with their new life, and if so, good for them. But to me, they have built walls around themself of restrictive rules, because they think it will protect them from the outside world, or get God's attention, so that God will protect them, but it hasn't seemed to protect them from anything. I will miss them and their cats. But I can't help what I see and how it makes me feel, and I just can't watch that go on.
If you've read this, thanks so much for doing so! Anything like this ever happened to you?
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Famous Five Art Nostalgia – An Introduction
Join me, if you please, on a trip down memory lane as I revisit this staple of children’s literature: Enid Blyton’s “Famous Five” books.
I had read the whole series as a kid in my native French (“Le Club des Cinq”), and rediscovered it some time ago when, as I was idly browsing the AO3 tags, I stumbled upon some excellent fanfics by the lovely @sweetsorcery (SweetSorcery on AO3) and @majormcnerdy-geekinfantry-blog (SuzieAnna on AO3). One thing leading to another, I subsequently bought the full original series in English out of curiosity, partly to see if there were differences from the translations I knew. It also got me thinking about the physical books I had read as a kid, particularly the older editions.
For context, I first discovered the series when I was about 10 years old, at my grandparents’ house, where my mum grew up. She had some old toys and books there which I used to dig up when I visited, among them a dozen Famous Five books published in the 1960s. In time I read all of these, and then progressively gathered the rest of the series from the current editions of that time (late 1980s/1990s). These later books were nothing extraordinary, rather cheaply made, with soft covers and simple black and white illustrations inside. As a contrast, the earlier editions from the 1950/60s had hard covers and featured full-page colour illustrations, along with black and white illustrations scattered throughout.
So I thought it would be interesting to gather this vintage art (cover art + colour illustrations) and share them in a series of posts. I was lucky to find quite a few of the illustrations online, and I digitised some more from the physical copies in my possession. All in all, I’m missing very few, and I’m keeping my eyes peeled to see if I can find the remaining ones in second-hand bookshops, flea markets and garage sales.
I initially intended to focus only on the original editions from the 1950/60s, but I sort of fell down the rabbit hole and started gathering cover art from ALL editions until the present day – it’s fun to see how the art evolved through the years.
So, starting today and every few days, I hope you’ll join me on this adventure. For convenience’s sake, I’ll be following the publishing order of the original English edition, although the French books were published in a different order. See you soon!
Credit to the illustrators:
Simone Baudouin illustrated 6 books from 1955 to 1958 (02 Five Go Adventuring Again / Le Club des Cinq, 03 Five Run Away Together / CC contre-attaque, 04 Five Go to Smuggler’s Top / CC en vacances, 06 Five on Kirrin Island Again / CC joue et gagne, 08 Five Get into Trouble / CC en péril, and 10 Five on a Hike Together / CC en randonnée)
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Paul Durand illustrated 1 book in 1957 (07 Five Go off to Camp / CC va camper)
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Aldo de Amicis illustrated 1 book in 1959 (12 Five Go Down to the Sea / CC au bord de la mer)
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Jeanne Hives illustrated the remaining 14 books from 1960 to 1967, and did additional cover art for subsequent editions to the previous volumes
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Jean Sidobre illustrated all the books all through the 1970s and to the mid-1980s, with multiple cover art along the years
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J.P. Morvan illustrated the covers for a special “France Loisirs” edition from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s (France Loisirs is a book sales club that used to publish special editions of the books offered to its members, using the same text as the regular editions but with different formats and cover art)
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Umberto Nonna illustrated the series for Edito Service SA Genève in 1981-82 (as far as I can figure out, Edito Service was the publishing company that released the Famous Five series in Switzerland, using the same translations as the French publisher, Hachette)
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Annie Claude Martin illustrated 1 book in the 1980s
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Yves Beaujard did most of the cover art for the late 1980s/early 1990s edition
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Paul Gillon did all the covers for the 1990s edition; Anne Bozellec did the inside illustrations for some of the books while others used earlier art from Jean Sidobre
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Philippe Munch and Jame’s Prunier illustrated the covers for the late 1990s/early 2000s edition; the inside illustrations used earlier art from Jean Sidobre or Anne Bozellec
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Frédéric Rébéna illustrated the covers for the mid-2000s/2010s editions
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Auren illustrated the covers for the current edition (2019-2021)
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lassodreams · 1 year
So as we know Zach is in New Zealand until September. Before we dated I used to be a whore lmao like having 3 guys on rotation having sex 4-5 times a week. When Zach and I started dating it went to 1-2 times a week and then we're he's away at school I only see hime once a month. Now I'm going on 1 month, no dick :( so sad for me. I really enjoy sex and even as an ~emotional woman~ I never get too attached. Casual is okay with me.
Instead of cheating I'm just going to fantasy about this one guy who lives in my neighborhood, who I keep running into. The following is a false situation. The only things that are true are how we get and when I saw him again (I did not share my phone number with him). Lol for legal reasons I feel like I need to state that.
One of my favorite antique stores is closing, they have been in the city for 28 years and the owner decided to sell the building. This was the last weekend they were open and it was also my payday weekend. I budget $50 to spend on whatever I wanted. I put on a red polka dot dress that was a halter top and a white cardigan and walked out to the bus stop. My dress was long and it was windy, I sort of felt like Marylin Monroe but I had biker shorts on so I wouldn't flash anyone. I held my dress down while waiting for the bus about 10 more minutes.
A guy was walking over, wore all black, 5'11, dark blonde hair and a five o'clock shadow. He was attractive. If say he's in his mid to late 30s. He sat on the bench I was standing next to. I was reading all of the event posters to see if there was anything that looked worth going to.
"I hate working nights, but ya know gotta make money" he said, his voice was a little raspy but not like a traditional Pittsburgh accent.
"oof nights do suck, I hope it's not slow for you" I replied.
"no, it's actually going to be one of our busiest days"
"well then it should go back fast."
"I hope so, I also work as a carpenter most days but this is the season to make money because I don't like to work in the winter time."
God I wish it were me I thought, im living from paycheck to paycheck.
"good for you" I said with a smile I wasn't sure how else to contribute to the conversation.
"you smell good, I like that perfume and I see you took a shower and all that jazZ, where are you headed off too?"
I felt myself blush, my boyfriend can't smell so he never compliments me and I get gifted expensive perfumes from my parents.
I laughed, "yeah all the jazz, thank you--"
"of course, you're welcome"
"I'm heading to an antique store in the strip, they are closing and having a huge sale so I want to see what's going on"
His eyes got big when he looked at me, " oh my god, that one in the strip is closing? If I would have known I would have gone! I like collecting mid-century things"
I smiled, "that's so cool! I collect Jeanette glassware and the occasional wedgwood."
"I live in the towers and have an extra garage space for my collections plus when people move out they tend to leave a lot of cool things behind and I just take those"
"oh good to know, I am moving in August maybe I'll see if there's something I want."
"where are you moving to?"
"oh uhhh just a half mile away from here, there's an apartment with a balcony"
"I'm Scott by the way, and you are?" He stuck out his hand. I saw that we had a wound on his thumb
"My name is Meg" I shook his hand, he had a firm grip.
"Pretty name" he got up and that's when I heard a bus rolling up. 75, I was waiting for 87. "Well this is my bus. See you around."
"Bye Scott, have fun at work!" I smiled and waved. He looked back at me and smiled. He got on and the bus drove off.
I was smiling, men don't approach me often and so I felt giddy. I'll probably never see him again but nice to meet someone in town.
Thursday rolled around and I decided it was going to be in the 60s today I will wear a skirt and a long jacket. I missed the first bus so I had to wait for the next one at 7:13. Even though I am wearing a long jacket I'm still afraid of flashing people when though I do have booty shorts under so it's not like anyone will see my hole. Lol
I pick up a free newspaper to see what is happening this weekend. I looked up a saw a white pick up truck slow down and roll down the window. Oh God a cat call at 7am, I'm too old to deal with this (I'm 25 lol). I see it has supplies and tools on the back as well.
The truck comes up to me, I recognize it's Scott.
"Hi Meg! How are you!" He says in the passenger seat and a big grin.
I smiled back, "getting ready to go to work Scott, how are you?"
"Much better since I get to see you this morning."
"you're so cheeky"
"I bet you like that about me." And sure he was right, but I'm dating someone so I can't just agree. I smiled.
"meg, what are you doing Friday? Give me your number." I mean my bf is in new Zealand. I don't have any plans with my girl friends...is it wrong to want to make a new friend? Probably because we both know this flirting. But I enjoy the validation, I rarely talk to my bf. I know I'm in the wrong and yet I find myself giving him my phone number.
The light turned green, "I'll text you. Dress something like you are right now." He looked me up and down and waved as he rode off. I blushed and waved back.
Fuck, I'm in trouble.
Although I'm not all of the blame, this skirt makes my boyfriend go insane. He can't keep his eyes or hands off me. I love when he undresses me, he put so much care into appreciating my body. He's so gentle. I miss him.
After work I walk to the bus stop and I see three guy behind me. This time I don't have a jacket on. I check my make sure my skirt is pulled down and look back at them. All of their hands turn down and they look so guilty as if they weren't playing attention to my hands running over my curves.
Maybe it's just my whore mentality but every now and then I enjoy being looked at like a piece of meat. Especially corporate men. They all had hands in their slacks, one looked up at me and made eye contact and immediately looked down. God, I want to be fucked so bad. I need to go on a walk when I get back.
-- for clarification and legality the following did not happen--
Unsaved number text me "Hi Meg, this is Scott. I'm thinking dinner at J. Tambellini maybe gelato after, and if desired a night cap at my place."
I'm wet already, what is this guy reading my mind? Italian, gelato and walkies and drinks?? That's all I need to be a happy girl. I need to control myself. I have to tell this guy I have a boyfriend, a good one, he just...far right now. I close my phone. I'll text him when I'm on the bus to back home.
4:15 on the bus.
"Sure, I'll be home around 5:15pm, what time is dinner?" I sent, that looked detached right? Like ugh sure whatever, right? God I can't believe I'm over thinking a tone of my text. I taught myself better than that. I didnt save his number.
I look down at what I'm wearing, it's cute. Red two piece with a black cardigan. But the restaurant we are going to see nicer. I'm probably just going to wear my black date night dress that Zach loves.
" 7pm is the reservation do you need a ride? I know you take the bus. Just let me know I can come get you. Don't worry I don't drive a truck." He texted me back 2 minutes after. I cannot give this man my address. Also bold of him to assume I just ride the bus bc I don't have a car. It's actually that I have a car but hate waiting and paying attention in traffic. Especially bc I travel during rush hour. Nice to know he doesn't drive a truck. But the restaurant is a 10 minute walk and I'll be fine. I will be a little chilly so I won't sweat, the streets are well lit too.
5:15pm I get home.
"thanks Scott, don't need a ride. See you then." I texted back . Oh and ps I have a boyfriend. I should have said this but I catch myself shaving my legs and trimming everything else. I'm delusional. And I believe in karma. My boyfriend doesn't deserve this. But nothing will happen...right?
I set an alarm for a 45 minute nap. Before I shut my eyes I send my boyfriend a quick miss you and love you message and some memes. It's Saturday afternoon and I know he's going hiking with his friends over there so he'll be busy. I send him a picture to show him how hot I am. My eyes and face are from a 90s inspired makeup video, he loves that look and my hair is natural but half up and it frames my face perfectly. Kiss kiss I caption it.
6:50pm I wake up. With heels one it will probably take me 15-20 minutes to walk there. I'll be late which I hate doing but I want to make him nervous. I'm so evil. I see a text from him and send a heart. He asked if I was on the way. I'm sure he will understand.
I walk making sure I hold my skirt down. I'm wearing shapewear this time and there this cute lace that is at my mid thigh to smooth out my whole look. When I sit down it saves around the edge of my dress. I know a lot of men like a little tease.
I get to the restaurant at 7:05. Scott is sitting at the patio with two chairs next to each other facing the street as if we will be people watching tonight as well. I see he has flowers, hydrangeas I might add, blue and white ones, my favorite. God, maybe if I just give him head it won't count.
"Meg! Hi! You're here. Did you walk? You look amazing!" He said is raspy voice pulled on my heart strings, I love men who are expressive. Stoic men are great in anime but not in real life. He grabs my hand and kisses it. Our eyes meet. He smiles, I feel myself blush. His lower hand gently rests on my lower back and he guides me to my seat.
"I've always wanted to go here" I said, " just haven't had the time"
"I'll be sure to show you a good time then for your first experience." He smiled, I noticed he hasn't let go of my other hand. His hands feel rough compared to my smooth skin. I feel the callous as he's tracing my fingers.
"I don't want to break your heart," I said, he gave me a questioning look. "I can't eat gluten, I don't want my tummy to hurt" I said in a childish way.
He laughed, " well respectful I have no idea what that means but I know the chef so I'm sure we can get you something."
Our waitress came over. He order escargot as our appetizer, I was surprised not many people like snails. And ordered a bottle of French Sauvignon Blanc. God, this man is speaking my love language. When he left he looked at me.
"You don't have to eat the snails, it's one of my favorite dishes here. I hope you do like white wine." He smirked.
"I like snails and Sauvignon Blanc. You got lucky this time." I smiled.
"oh" he held the flowers toward me, "I got these for you. It was the closest flower that compared to your beauty."
I didn't want to tell him they were my favorite flowers, his ego is already at the amount I like. " Thank you, that's so sweet of you."
The wind blew and I smell a hint of cologne. If my nose serves me right that Ralph Lauren Polo Black. I hope he's got a back up tonight. This Man deserves to be fucked.
"now you are the one the smells good, is that Ralph Lauren?" I asked, tilting my head a little and gazing into his deep green hazel eyes. He smiled, "it is actually. I wanted to match you on your level of class."
I laughed, "Don't mistake me as a classy girl. I can be silly too."
Our waitress came over with the bottle of wine and showed him the label, he approved. She was about to pour him a glass.
"May I have a sample before I commit?" I asked. She poured me about two shots of wine. I swirled and smelled and notice there was a lot of legs. It was crisp, refreshing and a lovely flavor palate. This was a dangerous scene.
"Is this one okay?" She asked looking a little panicked.
"it's lovely, perfect, thank you so much." She poured both of our glasses. And set the bottle in between us.
"I'm guessing you drink wine often then?" He asked raising his glass.
"yes, I'm also just...uhh... particular in what I drink. I prefer old world wine compared to new world." Our glasses clinked.
"To wine and new relationships" he said.
"To wine and new relationships." I agreed with him. Our escargot came out, I haven't eaten it in a while. So I watched him and did the same. We started talking about collecting things. He also goes to the goodwill and gets a lot of wall decor there. His ex comes over every now and then to see the dog they have and apparently compliments him on his taste. He found this mid century kitschy bowl that he found and a painting over his headboard both at Goodwill. His ex...so he is also attached to someone else. That's a good sign for me.
"my ex also collected things when we were moving just like you."
I smiled, "I know it's a bad habit but it was only because of the sale."
Another glass of wine was poured.
"I think it's an endearing habit." I wonder what his ex looked like. Similar to me? I do that too. Look for people who remind me of the one I first fell in love with.
"to be fair I have gotten rid of a lot but I am a collector"
"I understand, like I said my second garage is filled with antiques and china. I always make sure it's organized too. We should go see it afterwards." He said putting his rough hand on my inner thigh rubbing my knee. I'm surprised we aren't getting a flood warning. I'm soaking. We looked at the menu. I should get fish. That way I will get insecure about the smell and won't do anything stupid.
"What do you get here?" I asked him flipping my hair back and resting my hand on his shoulder rubbing his shoulder and dancing on his collarbone. He smelled so good, intoxicating, forbidden.
"usually whatever the special is. But she didn't say so I was thinking of getting the handmade mafalda Giancarlo. What can you eat?"
"I was just going to get the summer salad" I said without thinking, what happened to my fish plan??
"oh so you can't eat the pasta?"
"well maybe a steak or chicken or veal would interest you? He makes it perfectly. I promise. A Scott guarantee."
I smiled, "I promise I'll be okay, salad is perfect." He nodded.
Our waitress came over and he order for me and made sure to no gluten, that was nice. Cute but not necessary, there was no croutons on the salad. Another glass of wine was poured.
"How often do you come here?" I asked
"I used to work here, he taught me a lot. Now I'd say once a month. Usually just for pick up though. I don't enjoy eating alone in public." So he knows how to cook...that's a plus.
I felt his hand move up and flirt with the edge of my skirt. I gasped a little. He learned into my ear and whispered, "I see your sensitive." I felt myself blush, with the wine, his smell, the perfect weather. I succumbed to temptation. I wanted to fuck him, hard. The type of sex that makes you question God's existence and your own purpose. He kissed a corner of my jaw. If we weren't in public I probably would have moaned.
"So you think another bottle of wine or..?" He asked.
"I wouldn't mind having a red, a cab would be great."
"You understand me, Meg. I like that." He smirked and signaled for a waiter. A different one came over and went to go grab a Cabernet Sauvignon. A perfect pairing for my salad. Scott made sure it was Italian. That was nice of him. The waiter took the bottle away and our glasses and brought us new ones with wine in them and set the bottle down.
"So you don't work at all in the winter?" I questioned.
He laughed, "Well I'll say this. I don't need to work everyday but I pick up odd jobs. Travel. Spend time with family. How about you?"
"I work in corporate and unfortunately make work the validation of my life."
"that is unfortunate, pretty girls shouldn't have to work." He said removing his hand from my thigh and putting a hair strand behind my ear.
"I'm not sure I can stay in the house and craft all day. I'd get bored."
"I'm sure I could find a way to entertain you." His hand slid under my skirt. His thumb messaging close to the warmth.
I should tell him, but God I want to be touched.
His hand goes back up to my knee. I'm so flushed right now. Our food is being set down and another glass of wine has been pour. 4 glasses already? And I have to walk home? I'm setting myself up for trouble. Wine makes me so horny already. And now I have this man treating me and touching me the way I want and crave. Nothing will happen. You are better than this.
"oh my god, yours smell so good." I grab a fork full of salad.
He slowly removes the fork from his mouth. I wish I was that fork. My salad is delicious. The leaf's are crunchy and smooth and flavorful, it truly tastes like summer.
He tells me a story about growing up in downtown Pittsburgh and how different yet same it is. He said that liberty Ave used to be filled with sex shops and porn videos, he and his friend would sneak peaks walking home. His mom would always yell at them. He wasn't sure how she knew but she knew. And I replied mom's just know. We clinked our glasses and a laughed, mom so always know.
Towards the end of our meal I notice he had a little bit of sauce on the corner of his mouth. I grabbed his chin, "Stay still" I whisper. He froze. I licked the sauce and gave him a kiss where it was. I saw the goosebumps on his arms and I wasn't sure this that was the wind picking up or me. He grabbed my thigh.
"Your going to be trouble for me, aren't you?"
"your favorite worst nightmare, probably." I replied.
Final glass of wine was poured.
Scott asked for the check, "So how are you feeling? Gelato? If not I have some at my place we can eat later. We can check out the antiques in my garage."
What if I just blew him in the garage?
"ummm" I really should have said something. But also maybe he would give me antiques. God I'm such a whore. But I love history. "can I run to the restroom quick and then we can go see antiques?"
He grabbed my hand, " Of course, it's through the door to your right" and kissed it. His lips weren't chapped. Zach's are an I always have to remind him to use chapstick or something. It's not fun kissing chapped lips, it hurts. I stand up slowly. I am drunk but I am not a fool. I make my way to the restroom, hopefully I looked graceful. Well maybe when I get out he will have left because he decided that I remind him too much of his ex and he needs her now. And then I can return to my apartment. Faithful.
I take my rings off and put them in my purse. I check my purse, wallet with ID and cards, phone, keys, and lip gloss and my saving grace: baby wipes. I piss. And stretch, okay just for antiques nothing else. Your mother didn't raise this way. But then I thought. My mom knows that I'm kinda in love with someone besides Zach. And she's just like no worries, you're young it's okay. And that's probably what she would say too. God, meg, now here you are justifying and assuming. Get a grip.
I clean myself up, put on some deodorant and a little refresh.of the perfume. And walk out.
He's waiting outside by the gate. He looked so handsome. A knot Polo, probably a good will find, with slacks and brown leather loafers. His hair was styled. He looked down at his watched and pressed a button.
"I set the timer for 5 minutes and then I was going to check I'd you were alright." Oh God that probably means I wasn't graceful going to the bathroom.
"oh, thank you. I feel better." This is true. Being full of liquids and good food. I needed to get something out. He held out side hand and I took it. We walked to his apartment. About 5 minutes.
"Wait, this isn't your antiques are?" I said. Frowning.
he laughed, "Don't worry I promise you'll see them. I have go up to my apartment and get the key."
Oh, I should stay down here then.
"is it okay if I stay in the lobby? I can't to elevators right now." This was a lie. But I cannot be in a private place with him...though I want to.
He kissed my hand again, "don't miss me too much then"
I was suddenly cold, his warmth left me. I looked around the lobby. Much better than my apartment....which did not have a lobby. It has some work stations, art fixtures, pretty lights, funky chairs. I wonder how much rent was here..and I'm pretty sure he has a 2 bedroom. He worked hard for it, that's for sure. I felt like Lana. In love with possibilities but faithful to herself.
I felt a hand and wrap around my waist and pull me close. Scott lifted my chin to his attention, he smelled so good. I wanted to mess up his hair. "Did you miss me?"
"Every second felt like an eternity." I said, on autopilot. How cheesy, me admitting that I miss a man of any sort. He kissed my nose and grabbed my hand. "Let's go then"
We walked down a hill, next to the building. And into the garage. It was so wild to be inside of here. Outside it looked grunge, no windows. But inside felt like I was inside a car show. I wondered which one was his.
"my car is on the floor below, in a private section. The garage is just right here." There was a row of 5-8 storage looking unit. I was nervous to go in. A private and small place is not where I should be with him. He opened the door a led me in.
"Oh my god" I said, he was worse than my mom. Lots of collections and bowls and china sets. "Dude! This is so cool!!" He really did keep it clean and organized. He had so many colors and eras. I was so impressed. He also have a lovely green couch. This area felt bigger than it was on the outside. I let go of his hand and walked around the shelves. I heard him sit on the couch. This space was climate controlled too.
"Scott, you have an amazing eye." I said looking to him through the gaps.
"thank you."
I spun around the aisle. Ugh I wanted everything! This is a new goal of mine now. To make money and be still organized. I returned back to Scott but didn't sit down. I was wearing shapewear, yes, but it has a purposeful crotch hole big enough to do anything without take anything off. That's where I probably made my Mistake.
"Come, sit down with me, Meg, will you?"
I went to sit in the middle section and he moved over and guided my legs and hips to where now I was sitting on top of him, facing him, legs straddled on both sides of him. His hand rested on my lower back, messaging. My arms wrapped around his neck. He was eye to eye with my cleavage and a golden cross. He kissed it. I let out a deep breath I didn't realize that I was holding my breath. I looked around to see if there was a camera or something.
"Don't worry, I won't fuck my girl here. I just want to be close with you." He said placing his hand on my jaw and guiding it to his attention. I felt myself get wetter with each moment. My girl? Me?
I relaxed my hips on top of his cock, I felt it pulsating beneath his clothes. I was going to be in trouble. My trace his ear, down his neck and on her collarbones. His arms were study and tones.
"So you're telling me there is a camera in here?" I leaned into his palm.
"Yes, I gotta make sure my things are safe." Makes sense. But it would be kinda hot to fuck in here with a camera even.
So I asked, "well, who monitors the footage?"
"Now look who's the cheeky one is now," he smiled and kissed me deep. I felt his hand grabbing my ass and controlling my hip movements. His other hand made it's way to my breast. I felt my nipples getting harder. He tasted of wine and desire. I ran my hands through his hair, he moaned. I kept kissing him only breaking for small breaths. His hand made it's way to my long hair, he grabbed it and pushed me in closer. His other hand went to my neck and turned my head and he started to kiss down the side of my throat to my chest.
"you said you couldn't go on an elevator but I can tell you want to ride."
"I lied" I said
"about which part" he asked kissing my wrist. I grabbed his hand and did the same thing. I started suck on his finger.
"Fuck, meg." I felt his cock jump, like it was going to break the zipper it's contained behind.
"I can go on an elevator, but I'm allergic to dogs." I said moving his hand down my dress into my bra.
"hmm, so it's good news that I don't have the dog this week? And that I cleaned?" he said gently rubbing my breast and pinching my nipple. I left out a soft moan.
" I guess that makes you the luckiest guy in the world."
He smiled and pulled me in for another deep and longing kiss. My lips felt plump and I felt dazed. He kissed me as if I was the one he's been looking for, as if I was his girl forever.
We made our way to his apartment. No kissing or touching on the elevator. I made him stand opposite of me and we just looked at each other, undressing one another with our eyes. He lived on the 10th floor. And again his apartment was clean. I will never let him come into mine, I'm so messy.
"Drink? Gelato? Your call."
"Water would actually be great."
"sparkling or still?" Wow maybe...I died and this is heaven. Everything is so perfect.
"Still is perfect"
He pours from a glass bottle he had in the fridge. He just like me for real. I looked around his apartment, it looked like an interior decorator was here. He had a lot of antiques here too, including that one bowl he was talking about when we first met.
Again his arm wraps around my waist and he hands me a glass of water. It's Jeanette glassware..not the style I have but another line. He kissed me forehead and I see him make himself a drink. I walk over to his bedroom, we exchange glances as I walk in. He does have a head board. I take off my shoes, leave them besides his. The carpet is rich and luxurious.
I lay down on the bed on my side. This duvet cover is a light olive and probably the softest one I have ever felt. It basically just called me poor.
"Enjoying yourself?" He said holding an old fashioned in his hand.
"Yes, you make one strong glass of water." I smiled and took a sip. I noticed he untucked half of his shirt.
He started walking over to me, rubbing my ankle, he took and sip and said, " I like how you look in my bed. I hope it happens more often." He was still holding a hard-on. I sat up and set my water down on the bed side table, he followed.
"Scott" I said in a sweet voice.
"I don't think I ever said thank you for the meal it was--"
"oh there's no need" he started to say, I stood up and pressed my finger to his mouth.
"Don't break my eye contact." I kissed him and started undoing his belt. He hands went for the strings of my wrap dress. I looked up him and got down on my knees. I moved his pants down. I started to rub his shaft before I removed his underwear. I could barely touch my fingertips together when I pulled him into my mouth. He gathered my hair but didn't do anything thrusting or pushing. I spit on his cock and sucked on the tip and with every forward motion I went a little deeper until I was able to reach my hand at the base.
"Fuck ...Meg..you can't do this to me like that" he moaned
I sped up a little until I felt I got sloppy enough then I went back to just sucking the tip for a little bit and then deep throating him completely. He moaned and I felt him shake like he was holding back. I moved back and looked up and him and kissed his tip. I saw his heart melt.
He whispered, "Can I fuck the pretty face of yours?"
I smiled, still rubbing his shaft, he lowered my chin and said, " open wide" I did and stuck my tongue out. I felt him hit the back of my throat. I didn't have a gag reflex but I faked it, he helps with a man's confidence in bed. And I wanted to be fucked good.
"Jesus" he cursed. Still holding my hair white slamming the back of my head into the side of the bed where the duvet still fell. I wanted him to finish in my mouth but not yet. And I guess he read my mind because he stopped.
He held his hand out, "stand up, I want to show you something." I nodded and grabbed his hand to stand up. I reached the bottom of his shirt and he immediately pulled it off. He took off my dress slowly admiring the lace, and each seam. God I wanted him inside me. He grabbed my legs and lifted me on to the bed, I was sitting on the edge. He kissed me passionately and undid my bra one hand while the other was rubbing my thigh.
I grabbed his left hand and sucked the two middle fingers.
His other arm secured my back and move me further on the bed and him on the bed. He's so strong I thought. Those two fingers travelled down.
Before inserting he asked, "May I?"
I nodded and he slide inside me, "God your drenched." And kissed me. His thumb gently rubbed my clit. I felt myself lose control. He started kissing my neck, "Scott, fuck me please." His switch his finger for his cock. He was bigger than most, he entered gently and looked at me as if to make sure I was okay. And the truth was, I was in ecstasy. I started to moan a little louder with each thrust.
"Do me a favor and take a deep breath." He said.
I did and as soon as I was about to exhale he started to choke me. I think I came just from that motion. He kissed me and said "now exhale" I got such a rush. He hand went from my throat to my breast.
"That's a good girl, now you can have a taste." He put his fingers inside my mouth and we kept making eye contact. He started to thrust slower and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to cum soon... Where do you want it?" I wanted to say inside me, but I recently just got off birth control. And his current movements made me cum again.
"Scott," I gasped, "I want it on my chest."
He smiled, "of course." He went hard into me and grab my hand and held it has a grip the sheet. I felt myself going numb, I came again. He pulled out and finished on my chest. I pulled him into my mouth and he moaned deeply and collapsed to the side. We both were taking deep breaths. I giggle.
Oh God. I'm in so much trouble.
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spaciousreasoning · 5 days
Saturday Market in Eugene
My blood sugar reached a new low this morning: 146! Being back on two pills every day will certainly make a difference, along with daily walks and staying away from as much sugar and carbs as possible.
After our morning coffee and brain games, we had bagels. I had an everything bagel with cream cheese, while Nancy ate a raisin bagel with butter. We figured it would hold us until we could find something else when we made our first visit to the Saturday market in downtown Eugene since moving to Oregon in April.
The market has been in existence since 1970 and today features about 150 vendors displaying their handmade or home-grown products every Saturday between April and mid-November, rain or shine. On the weekend before Thanksgiving the Market opens its Holiday Market which runs weekends through December 24 at the Lane County Fairgrounds.
It is the oldest weekly open-air crafts market in the United States. It has a festival atmosphere that includes live performers as well as art and crafts displays and sales, and also food booths and other local vendors. Between 3,000 and 5,000 people visit the market every Saturday.
The market is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Nancy and I arrived a little after the opening hour. We parked in the Hult Center garage just a couple of blocks away and brought a shopping bag with us to hold whatever we purchased. We chatted briefly with a friend sitting at the recovery fellowship information table, got a cup of tasty horchata from one vendor and bought some carrots, onions and cilantro from another.
Just before noon, we got a good pizza from a vendor, and when we couldn’t find any place to sit and eat it, we took it over to Alton Baker Park and sat on a bench and finished it off. Then we walked across the pedestrian bridge and made another visit to the Owen Rose Garden. We clocked 2.9 miles on the walk and 11,000 total steps including all the walking around the market.
For dinner around 6 p.m. we had the last of the enchilada casserole leftovers, supplementing them with some chips and salsa. Then I went on another walk, adding two more miles to the daily total. It only reached 74 degrees for the day’s high, so it was a pleasantly cool stroll.
We kicked off the evening’s streaming with the second episode in the new “Slow Horses” series, followed by the third episode of “Sugar,” the detective series starring Colin Farrell that we had forgotten about, and, finally, another episode of “Midsomer Murders.”
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jodilin65 · 8 months
Had an interesting day today. First, when I woke up I was tired and thought I might not make it to bicycle bingo. But then I took a nap for about an hour and felt refreshed. When I got up, I found Tom taking his own nap. He gave plasma earlier in the day and his arm was bleeding a little.
We ate and then headed down to play bingo. It was horribly chilly out and I felt like we were back in NorCal. Sue and Annette were both there. I really like Sue. I saw Linda and the party girl (also named Sue) as well. The people that were supposed to sit at Sue’s table never showed up so we sat with her and Annette. They’re both from Massachusetts, too. There are a lot more people here from there than out West, of course.
The only one at our table that won was Annette but we still had fun. It was the same caller as last time, a guy named Bill.
When I got back I decided to send friend invites to Linda, Sue and Annette. Even though Annette hadn’t responded yet I was able to see her profile and wow! How horrifying and sad it was to see that it was the 20th anniversary of when her daughter and 12-year-old granddaughter were murdered. Long story short… Her daughter moved into a house with her three kids. She became friends with the woman across the street even though she didn’t like her flirtatious boyfriend. The boyfriend turned out to be a sex offender, and as I’ve asked with a million other cases, what was he doing walking around free since everyone knew what he was capable of? Nonetheless, he managed to surprise the daughter in her home and bind, gag, rape, and murder her. He then chased her 12-year-old granddaughter upstairs and slashed her throat.
Got the newsletter today, and 4-sided inspections take place during the second week of February. That still really bothers me. I told Tom to be sure to let me know if they complain about anything and NOT succumb to any demands/threats like he did when Joy had us remove those cypress trees. Adults don’t tell adults what to do. Especially when they own the damn house. We don’t tell Toni what to do with her car or Ray what to do with his clothes and no one’s gonna tell us what to do with stuff we own either.
The annual garage sale is something you have to sign up for which I didn’t know. I could make it before bedtime. It would be at the end of my day. It’s on the 24th From 9:00 to 1:00. If we’re not going to sell anything it would be nice to at least go around and see what others are selling. I’m going to be getting up at around 10:00 PM so it can be an end-of-the-day thing. Linda will probably be selling her Color Street nail stickers.
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bcsoverheaddoortx · 2 years
10 Reasons to Visit College Station, TX
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Do you want to experience all that Texas has to offer? If so, then you need to visit College Station! This charming city is located in the heart of the Lone Star State and is home to some of the best attractions in the state. From world-class museums and restaurants to beautiful parks and gardens, College Station has something for everyone. Here are 10 reasons why you should visit this amazing city!
1. The city is home to Texas A&M University, one of the largest and most respected universities in the country.
2. College Station offers a wide variety of museums and historical attractions, including the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum.
3. The city is surrounded by picturesque parks and gardens, perfect for a relaxing day out.
4. College Station is known for its excellent restaurants, with something to suit every taste.
5. The city hosts a variety of annual events, including the Texas A&M football game and the Brazos Valley Fair & Rodeo.
6. College Station has a great nightlife, with plenty of bars and clubs to choose from.
7. The city is home to some of the best shopping in Texas, with a variety of malls and boutique stores to explore.
8. College Station is close to some of the most beautiful beaches in Texas, making it the perfect place to enjoy a weekend getaway.
9. The city is also close to some of the most popular tourist destinations in the state, including Houston and Austin.
10. College Station is an affordable place to visit, with something to suit every budget.
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peonierose · 2 years
Paint wars
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Luna Auclair
Word count: 1.400+
Summary: Turning an afternoon of painting into something fun.
Side note: All characters belong to Pixelberry. Except for the characters I created. Please enjoy 😊
Author‘s note: I used the prompt Homecoming from @choicesficwriterscreations for the April celebrations as inspiration for this little story. Thank you for your guys support and love you’ve been showing me. I’m so grateful honestly 🥹
”I've been a breaker and broken
Every mistake turns to moments
Wouldn't take anything back“
”Así es la vida, sí
Yeah, that's just life, baby
I was barely standin', but now I'm dancin'
He's all over me“
Bryce is fidgeting in his seat and I put away my paint brush and scowl at him.
”If you’d stop moving I’d actually get the chance to get the painting done,“ I say pinching the bridge of my nose.
He looks over at me and I can see he’s fighting back a smile.
I bend over the painting and smear paint all over my overall, that’s covered in so many paint stains I gave up trying to get them out. My hair tied up in a twisted knot held up by a pencil, some errand strands of my blonde hair escaped my bun.
I admire the piece of art I’ve created. I wasn’t lying before. If he stopped moving for just 10 more minutes I’d get it done.
I hold up my hand and say
”10 more minutes and then I’ll be done,“ I say grabbing my mixing palette where I assembled all the colors I wanted to work with today.
I already drew Bryce sitting on the couch with a thin pencil. Having all the outlines.
Usually that’s how I prepare for large paintings. Sometimes there’s a clear path to follow and sometimes you just wing it.
I’ve already painted parts of it yesterday, but I got tired and had to stop and take a break.
I love the way he’s posing.
His head leaned back and his upper body covered in a thin sheet. Leaving his torso bare.
I wanted it to look sexy but not cheap. Leave a little bit to the imagination.
I used Maxis brown leather couch for the painting, she found it at a garage sale. She wanted to get rid of it anyway, so she doesn’t care about paint stains.
Her words echo in my head
”You do you girl,“ she said and shrugged. I smile when I think back on her grin when I told her I wanted to paint him in the nude.
I turn back to the painting sitting in front of me on an easel.
I told B to just lean back and relax. That’s how the focus will not be on the couch, but rather the person sitting on it.
He followed my instructions.
I look at the almost done painting. It just needs finishing touches. I usually leave the face for last. I want to take my time, adding all the little details.
Capturing the expression in Bryce’s eyes. Usually that’s the hardest part to paint. Because the eyes can be quite expressive.
When people think of colors they think, oh this is green or this is yellow, but green is not just green.
There are various shades, such as forest green, lime green, olive green and so forth. Colors can be so beautiful.
I chew at my thumbnail and use my brush to dip it in a darker shade of espresso brown. To mimic his eye color. I tried to adjust to the lighting in the room, letting in some hints of light.
Next I paint the shape of his lips, giving them their signature smirk. Making me smile in turn. I look up at him and he wants to say something. I can tell.
“What?" I sigh and smile.
He licks his lips and says
”I feel like Rose from Titanic,“ he smiles.
I snort.
”All you need is red hair and that heart shaped medallion. I had one as a kid,“ I tell him as I put down my brushes and my mixing palette. Now comes the hardest part. Waiting for the painting to dry.
He gets up and the first thing he does is stretch his body from all the sitting, using the thin sheet to cover himself up.
”Jack had this intense look while he drew her. Always looking up and adding details to the picture he drew,“ he responds.
I laugh
”I had a huge crush on Leo DiCaprio when I was little,“ I say and he laughs.
”Really? Hmm so you like artsy and deep guys,“ he hugs me close to him.
”I love this hot surgeon who’s a great guy,“ I say and he laughs softly in my ear.
I put my paint covered hands on his bare chest leaving some paint stains. Marring his caramel skin with brown and lighter creme shades.
”Sorry I didn’t wash my hands before I…“ I start to say but he takes my hands and kisses my fingertips lightly.
”I don’t care Lu,“ he says and caresses my cheek.
I smile feeling my dimples showing.
”I’m starved and exhausted from all this work,“ he says.
I laugh so hard I double down and put my hands on my knees from laughing.
He stops and stares at me.
”What’s so funny?“ he asks confused.
”You are. Saying how you’re exhausted. All you did was sit on that couch and look pretty,“ I wipe tears from my eyes.
He gets a devilish smile on his face and before I know it he grabbed some white paint and smeared my cheek and the corners of my mouth with it.
I gasp and he smiles while I take some blue and red paint and grab his cheeks with my paint stained hands. Creating purple.
He stops laughing and grabs a small bucket of green paint.
”You wouldn’t…“ eying him and he laughs while he splashes me with green paint. My arms and my overall coated in green paint.
Covered in paint I jump his bones and wrap my legs around him.
He almost topples over but finds his balance again. Both of us covered in paint. I start laughing until he joins me. Throwing my head back laughing. Enjoying this moment.
After a couple of seconds I stare into his brown eyes and he stares back into mine. Tracing his lips with my thumb. He leans closer until our lips meet.
Red + Blue = purple mixed with white makes a nice shade of purple.
We break apart.
”This paint comes off right?“ he asks nervously and I smile and kiss him again.
”Well…“ I bite my lip unsure.
His eyes getting huge and a panicked expression entering his eyes.
I laugh at his expression.
”You should see your face. Of course it does love,“ I say and he shakes his head at me.
”You’ll pay for this little stunt,“ he says and begins walking out of the room.
I hold onto him and grin.
”Where are we going?“ I ask him.
”Where do you think? We have that outdoor shower for a reason,“ he winks at me.
I laugh my mouth forming a little o.
”What if someone sees?“ I ask
He shrugs
”Don’t care. Also the shower is pretty hidden from prying eyes,“ smiling we walk towards the shower to wash all the paint away.
I loved this little paint war we’ve had. He makes me feel alive. As if all my nerve endings are on fire.
”You wanna know a secret?“ I say to him and he smiles.
He puts me down and as the clothes come off, the water turning into a colorful little rainbow. I laugh. It looks like a little rainbow. So cute.
”So what’s your secret?“ he asks
I lean into him
”I love you,“ I say getting on the tips of my toes to give him a kiss.
He smiles against my lips and breaks the kiss off.
”That’s not a secret,“ he says and continues.
He wipes my wet hair back.
”You know I never get tired of hearing you say those words,“ he says softly.
I smile and he softly whispers the words back at me.
As the water gets cold, we take some towels lying on a table next to the shower.
”Lunch?“ he asks
I raise my eyebrows
”You mean lunch and dinner. We missed both,“ I say
He’s silent for a few seconds and says
”Let‘s order pizza,“ he suggests
”Pizza wuhu,“ I skip back into the house and B follows behind a bit more slowly while laughing at my giddiness. When he reaches the kitchen he orders dinner.
I indicate he should order two, one for each of us.
He smiles and places our order.
When the food arrives we sit down outside and eat in silence. Pizza is bliss.
I smile at him and he smiles back.
Having the best fiancé ever. One who loves me unconditionally. Getting up to all kinds of fun things. In a world of our own.
Sitting on the grass outside our new home, we stare at the blinking stars talking until we both get too tired and go to bed.
This was the best day ever, I think to myself as I drift to sleep cuddled close to Bryce.
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
If you're still doing rate my machine, I'd love if you could rate Husqvarna Viking h class E10. My grandma got it for me as my first machine and it's currently in storage and I'm missing it dearly because all I have is one of those dinky little Dressmaker II machines that I got from a garage sale for 10 bucks. Something's off with the tension and I can't seem to get it running without snarling and I refuse to put any money into the hunk of plastic crap. I'm pretty sure the power adapter weighs more than the machine...
So, these two I actually know a whole lot about. We haven't carried the e10 in the time I've worked in Norse Store, but they made it largely because people would buy the 10k sewing machine and then complain that they can't take it to quilting class. Every once in a while someone will call and complain that their e10 can't do everything the $1500 machines can, and we sort of have to go "yeah because it wasn't 1500." They later replaced the e10 with the j20 for your "take this to quilt meetups" machine, and the 20's got a couple of extra stitches and the cute "turns into a box" feature, but we have a lot of people who would absolutely never trade their 10 for a 20.
THE DRESSMAKER II. Oh boy. If it makes you feel better, it's just kind of Like That. The tension doesn't declutch so you're going to always need to be pulling extra slack from the tension unit after you sew a seam. I actually reviewed it back in September 2015 when my camera was absolutely the worst camera you could imagine:
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This isn't what all pictures in 2015 looked like, but it's what my camera at the time looked like. I was working two part time jobs and still trying to pay rent, and when my computer and phone both died I bought this weird "flexbook" from walmart for $90 and this was what the camera in it looked like and I just kept blogging along like that wasn't weird. To say "I took this with a potato" is an insult to all tubers and all nightshades. Prior to me re-posting this today, this post has 9 notes on it, so I don't think anyone remembered my "my camera is a potato-inspired rock" stage of blogging until I brought it back up.
But I do mention how the tension and bobbin get threaded, so maybe that'll help? I can try it out at home, too. I have a suspicion that it NEEDS a metal class 15 bobbin, because there's no tensioner mechanism and that means that the tension on the bobbin will change with the weight of the bobbin. An empty 15 plastic might not give the same weight as a half-full 15 metal, so that might make your tension drunk. This also means that you will maybe need to adjust your tension as you empty the bobbin. Real sewing machines have tension clips exactly for this reason.
Anyway, I hope you can get your hclass back so that you can free yourself from the Dressmaker frustration.
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skz-with-stay · 2 years
fever dream; chapter 1
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warnings: mention of blood, mention of food, swearing. please let me know if i missed some
word count: 736
lets go!
“god damn it…”
you’re already running 4 minutes late for school, when your nose begins to drip blood.
on the kitchen table, is a napkin holder, grabbing one; you wipe your nose and get hold of your tape player. you place your raggedy earphones over your head; abba’s voulez-vous album starts as you press down on the play button.
the toast you had put in the toaster had popped up, you butter them, and sprinkling them with cinnamon sugar. wrapping them with a different napkin, you head out to the garage. distant drumming is heard over your music.
your younger brother (by a year), gareth is pounding away on his drum set at a (not so) bright 7:38am.
“gareth, get in the car please” you speak politely at first.
the pounding continues. you walk in front of the drum set, and take off his soundproof ear phones.
“get in the car now, we are already late” you demand.
“we still have 7 minutes though” he points to the clock that is hanging on the garage wall.
“are you driving today? do you want me to tell mom that you’re playing before 9 again? or should i wait for the neighbors to do that?” you ask with an attitude.
gareth shakes his head ‘no’ in silence.
“that’s what i thought… get your shit and get in”
the car ride is silent, the entire 10 minutes to your guys’ high school. hawkins high. the place is a shit show but hey, at least you only have a couple more months left until graduation.
“‘87, baby” you think to yourself. both you and gareth had totally annihilated your guys’ final last year, resulting in repeating the grade. ‘super senior’ wasn’t a good title for you.
gareth decided to speak up before exiting the car.
“i… i got hellfire tonight” sounded like he was hesitant.
“and? you knew that i work tonight, it’s the easter sale, so joyce needs me… why don’t you get one of your buddies to give you a ride home?” your tone turned from irritated to sincere.
“i’ll try…” he gets out.
you stop him.
“hey, if i get off early, i’ll come pick you up, you know how slow the store gets, but if i’m not here by 7:30/8, call mom”
he nods and walks over to his friend group.
driving, finding a place to park. you put the car in park and sigh. another gruesome 7 hours of hell.
the school day drags on, but you eventually get let out; you’re now on your way to work at the melvald’s general store.
you walked in the store. it was quiet. unusual, since joyce likes to have music playing or the news on or have a movie on. the store was silent, completely silent.
“joyce?” you speak
no response. you stay by the door.
“joyce, don’t pop out and scare me” you say half jokingly.
again, no response.
“okay joyce, this isn’t funny, you can come out now”
you advance deeper into the store, checking corners and no sign of your manager, joyce.
walking past the counter, no note or anything saying that she’ll be back, late or not there. you go to the phone, and call her home phone. no answer. your worry begins to grow when you see the store keys on the counter.
joyce never leaves her keys… something is wrong. something is very wrong. you grab the keys that were on the desk.
“fuck this” you say under your breath
you decide to go see if she forgot her shift or needs help. you put the ‘closed’ sign up on the door and locked the store.
you get into your car and head over to the hopper residence (and yes i’m making them married because they need to). you know the route because the hopper’s had invited you to dinner numerous times. you arrive at the residence. joyce’s car and jim’s cop truck was parked.
something just didn’t feel right to you. the vibe was off and felt dark. you knock at the front door. like before, no answer. after a couple more knocks, you call out some names.
“joyce?” … “jim?” … “will?” … “johnathan?” … “jane?” … no reply.
you hope you won’t get in trouble for this, you decide to open the door. what you saw had shocked you.
“oh… my god” is all that you could force out of your throat.
stay tuned for chapter 2!
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