#got embarrased when i told him i didnt work there
Went to three stores today and got mistaken for an employee at literally each one 🙃 I was wearing casual clothes and sneakers and had a tote bag too! Does my face scream "how can I help you" 😭🙏 This happens to me a lot for some reason
When I went to Scotland someone actually stopped me MID POWER WALK and said "could you take a picture of us? Sorry your face just looked really friendly" 🤣
(It does mean I have nice conversations though 🌞)
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
part 2two
mdni please<3
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summary: you stay with your teacher - ellie because youre sure she didnt grade your exam correctly. she turns out to be easy to spend time with, even though youre her student
warnings: 18+ please!!
writers note: calling ellie 'miss williams' kinda cringes me but ig thats how it is.. before yall attack me or smthn reader is not a minor so its all legal also i imagine this is like the last grade of highschool?? i dont know what age it is in usa since im polish and yeah it would be legal for us but maybe not in america so idk😭😭
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Ellie Williams was a teacher in your college, most students' favourite. She wasn't boring or too strict although she was serious about her lessons and she always made sure everyone listens. The point is, everyone wanted to listen.
You loved how passionate she is about her job. You could tell sharing her knowledge with next generations makes her proud. The rest of the students mostly liked her for her looks. She was attractive, even for you, especially when she was looking at you from under her glasses. Oh, god, her glasses... And the way she adjusts them with her slim fingers... Yes, she was definitely attractive. And pretty young, as for a teacher. But the way all of those stupid frat boys made clearly sexual comments about her was making you want to throw up.
You never missed her lessons and you were her best student. You could tell she appreciates the way you look honestly interested in her lessons. That's why you were surprised when you suddenly got a D from an assignment.
You stayed after class to talk with her about it. Something was off. You stayed the whole night to do it, with blood, sweat and tears.
You found her in her office, reading some papers. After saying simple 'good afternoon' you sat in a chair in front of her desk. She dropped the papers that turned out to be your assignment.
"I was just about to talk to you." She sternly said, not looking in your direction. "Why are you helping him?"
You had no idea what she's talking about, so you stayed quiet, letting her talk.
"You've always been so responsible - straight A's, making the presentations in time. Did he pay you? Be honest, I won't report it anywhere. Luke wouldn't do that himself."
You frowned. "I'm sorry, I don't understand. What does Luke has to do with this?"
Luke was your talking stage. You weren't interested in him but he was in you and that's it. Your opinion didn't matter. He was popular and you wanted to have good reputation so you allowed him to do... whatever.
Miss Williams showed you two papers. One was yours, the other... based on the handwriting - Luke's.
"Look at the signatures." She ordered. "How did it happen? No bullshit."
They were swapped. Luke's work, graded for a D, had your name on it.
"That's an interesting word to use for a teacher. Umm... Yeah, I don't..." You started stuttering, not knowing what to say. You often helped him out but not this time.
"Just admit you helped him and I'll give you your A. Easy as that." She finally looked up at you. Her glasses reflected the light in a way that made it hard to look her in the eyes, so you wasn't able to tell what she's thinking. Was she judging you or are you just paranoid?
"I told him to give you my assignment since he was staying in your class longer, I swear, I didn't-" You sighed. "He had to... How could he..." You continued mumbling.
"Sh, shh... I can tell it's your handwriting. I just thought you did it on purpose." She said in a reassuring voice.
"Will he have any problems? It's not a big deal, so if we could just..." You looked at her with your doe eyes, nervously biting your bottom lip. The way she was looking at you made you understand why were the other students all over her. You took a deep breath, trying to gather your mind, embarrased you even thought about her in a... romantic... way.
"Okay, my dear. Here's your well earned A." She showed you a new copy of the assignment with an A grade written at the top. You also notice her fingers slightly grazing your hand as she does so. the same fingers you used to imagine touching you in such an intimate way "Now, if it's not a big secret, why are you even worried about Luke? For him, a better grade is more important than you. But if you really like him, I may group you both together in the next presentation."
"No, I don't, it's not that..." You quickly explained. "It's just... I don't even know. He's just everywhere I go."
You could tell something was off when Miss Williams mentioned Luke. She never did speak poorly about any of your classmates, not even once - it's simply unprofessional. But, this time, she seemed irritated, perhaps even annoyed.
"I'm glad to hear that, he's no good for you. He obviously wants more than an assignment swap." She put all of the papers back into her file. Suddenly, she leaned in towards you. Not too close, but way closer than she was before. "You look nervous."
"I am." You admitted quietly. Your heart starts beating fast. She's never been this close before. You both met after classes before and she was friendly, sure, but never this... interested. She made it to the point you didn't saw her as a professor anymore, just a woman, maybe even potential... girlfriend.
"I can help you with that stress if you'd like." She says, her voice barely above a whisper.
You couldn't resist her. She leans in closer, until your faces are so close together that your breaths become one and if it wasn't for the desk, your bodies would be pressed together. The moment she touches your cheek, you can't resist anymore and kiss her back. She takes your hands and presses them against the back of her head, pulling you closer as she deepen the kiss.
You never felt this way before. This doesn't feel wrong, it's... exciting. She's exciting.
You hear a faint sound from outside. Someone trying to open the door.
Miss Williams quickly straightens up: she straightens her clothes, fixes her hair, and picks up her papers. Then, with a deep breath, she answers the knock.
"Hello... Can I help you?" She opens the door.
It's Luke, standing there with a wide smile on his face.
"Luke? What are you doing here?" Your eyes flicked from Luke to the teacher and back again, not understanding what's happening.
"I just realized I forgot my bag at class today, so I dropped by to pick it up. But I see you have company." He looks at you and gives you a subtle wink.
"Oh, don't worry. I was just giving her assignment back an A. The A she deserves." She says with a nervous laugh.
"Yeah, exactly, Luke. I know you swapped our assignments." Your eyes lingered at him for longer this time, as you saw he knows something so you tried changing the topic to more formal one.
"I... uhh... no, I didn't do that." He replies nervously, his tone and body language giving him away.
Miss Williams looks at you with an expression that conveys "I can't believe this is happening."
You continue; "Look, Miss Williams found our assignments mixed up. Mine... with your D grade on it... and yours, with my A on it."
Luke shifts uncomfortably, realizing he's been found out. "Oh... well... I guess I'll just be on my way then." He says awkwardly.
"Just take your bag and go before I change my mind and not be so nice." Your teacher said, making eye contact with you instead of him.
Luke quickly grabs his bag and scurries away.
Miss Williams sighs and closes the door. "What a little... trouble maker." She says with a smile. She walks towards you and stands in front of you, facing you directly. "I hope he didn't bother you too much." She says softly, her tone carrying a slight flirty vibe.
You smile and shake your head, even though the truth is he did.
"You should go now, I don't want your parents worrying. Visit me here from time to time though, 'kay?" She smirks, stroking your hair.
"Yes, ma'am." You reply, trying to be playful but failing in your nervousness. "I will... umm... see you at class tomorrow."
"I'll be looking forward to it." She replies, a grin on her face as she stares deep into your eyes.
As you leave, you try to remain composed, but you're melting inside.
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xo-xojj · 5 months
Hold Me Close
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(gif not mine)
Oliver Otto x Male Reader
Request: Nope
Desc: Reader gets sent back after hearing about Olivers experience at work.
Type: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Metions of suicidal thoughts, depression. Eating disorder metion. Reader has body dysmorphia And fluff at the end
It had been a long day for Oliver. He came back to his house and gors to his bedroom to see his boyfriend laying on his bed. He smiled softly dropping his bag down on the ground. He walked over to (y/n) kissing him softly then laying down next to him. “how was work. You seem stressed.” (y/n) said brushing a couple hairs out of Olivers face. “You read me like a book. Well since you asked it wasnt bad, I just got a call from someone who, uhm, i guess you could say they sounded like they were sinking. And i didnt really expect it to be honest. I was pretty embarrased because I wasnt really prepared to handle that today.
(y/n) frowned, as it was something that kinda tugged at his heart strings. He was now not in a good mood. And it wasnbt even Olivers fault. He asked how Olivers day was. He just wasnt prepared for that answer. Oliver could feel the obvious shift in the room. “Whats wrong, I mean i know it bummed me out but i didnt mean for-” “No, dont apologize, nor worry about it.“ (Y/n) cut oliver off. He gave oliver a soft kiss before getting up and going to the bathroom.
(Y/n), as usual, ate dinner with the Otto’s. He did this because his mother worked 3rd shift so it was easier just to eat with his boyfriends family instead of cooking himself. The Otto’s chatted as usual until Taylor brought up how (Y/n) was eating. He hadnt noticed he was eating a little fast, even though he could assume what from. He hadnt eaten a meal since last week. Just water and maybe a fruit before school. “Damn, your messing that up (y/n)“ Taylor said, obviously joking. But (Y/n) felt a nerve struck as he stopped. The dinner table was quiet as they all looked at (y/n). He swallowed his food with a guilty look on his face. Oliver looked at his boyfriend with confusion on why he wasnt talking. (y/n) suddenly stood up amd excused himself to the bathroom. The whole family looked at eachother witg confused facea. They were used to jokes with eachother. What happened now?
It was finally the weekend and Oliver couldnt stop thinking about (y/n) ever since what happened Wednesday. And it was the last time they had talked. Oliver went over to (y/n)’s house. He knocked and there his boyfriend was. “hey!“ Oliver said hopeful. “whats up“ (y/n) said. “can we talk if you dont mind, i dont wanna stand out here and talk because it kinda looks weird.“ Oliver said quickly. And (y/n) moved back so oliver could come in and closed the door behind him. The two sat down on the couch. “What happened Wednesday?“ Oliver askes sincerely. “Uhm nothing, why?-“ (y/n) gets cut off. “Dont bother lying, (y/n/n) I know something was up ever since i told you about what happened to me at work. And i doubt that what i told you was the main thing bothering you“ Oliver said. He placed a hand on (y/n)’s hand and squeezed it. “Talk to me, please.“ Oliver begged hating seeing his boyfriend like this. (y/n) started to break down in olivers shoulder. He sobbed and stayed like that for a couole minutes. Wetting Olivers blue shirt. Eventually (y/n) lifted his head up not looking up at his boyfriend until his boyfriend, Oliver made him look at him. “Talk to me (y/n)“ Oliver asked again. “I just uhm, felt kinda stupid. When i was 11 I had gained weught along side an eating disorder. I really hated the way i looked and at times i do now. And it uhm, got to a point where i had tried to.......“ (y/n) said stuttering. Now everything made sense to Oliver. Thats why he left the dining room, his bedroom, and kinda ghosted. He was embarrased. “Hey, if you dint want to you dont bave to say anymore. I get it“ Oliver said kissing (y/n) softly before holding him and rocking back n forth as he cried. “I just didnt wanna become a burden“ (Y/n) said and It broke Olivers heart a little. The person he truly loved with his whole heart had been through so much and he only knew a little. To hear his boyfriend call hinself a burden hurt oliver himself more than anything. “No. God no youd never be a burden. Thats what i do. And id be damned if i didnt do it for you. Im here for you.“ Oliver said. They cuddled there and they just stayed like that until they fell asleep. From then on Oliver Cherished his boyfriend and wanted to protect him with his whole life. He never wanted to see (y/n) hurt again.
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australet789 · 1 year
Hi, i need some job advice, specially since im working with children
There's a special kid in my workshop. Not sure exactly what he has, his grandma told us is ADHD.
We only have 4 classes with these children, 1 hour the workshop or the school starts yelling at me. And this kid hasnt been extremely bad behaving (i hugged him when he wanted to, i gave him attention).
But i have other 13 kids that were very bothered by him
And today was a disaster
Because the kid threw something towards a classmate. I told him to not do it and apologize to the little girl he attacked. He did and tried to hug her (because that's what he does) and obviously she didnt want to. I told the kid to respect her decision. He nodded
And then, 5 minutes later, he did it AGAIN
I had other kids asking for attention as well. I only have 1 hour to do the experiments. The parents were already at the door looking for their other kids and i wasnt done because ths kid kept coming at me, forcing me to hug him, grabbing my lab coat and my microphone.
I called his grandma, first to take him out of the classroom so the other kids could finish the experiment, but later let her stay so he could finish.
He started making a tantrum, wanting my attention again, and the grandma wanted me to give him attention when i was focused on other kids.
I had one assistant and the coordinator of the school there and they couldnt handle them.
And the kid was trying over and over to hug him but i had to reject him because i needed to finish
Later, i got called out by my boss, saying the parent of the kid called her, saying i was "cold", that my behaviour was horrible and was horrible towards the kid. That she was ashamed i had to call the grandma to call the kid down, that it was embarrasing i did it in front of the other parents and i that should apologize.
I'm going to have to do it next week.
But i need advice with this. What should i done if he attacks another classmate again? Apparently he was like that the previous workshop with another teacher. I repeat that i only have 1 hour/1 day a week with them. I'm not their tutor and i know the kid didnt do it out of malice.
But the other kids are scared/tired of him and i have heard them saying they don't want to come to another workshop if this kid is in there. A parent complained as well.
What should i do.
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Yes i know i have a ton of requests but im also currently learning how to drive right now so this last minute idea was more important to finish right now
Sorry... i'll get to the asks later i swear
Sueprisingly the best one, i mean come on! Dude's got a car!! Of course he knows how to drive
Probably one of lucifer's happiest days with Mammon in a while, anyone who didnt knew the second born could drive could easily assume he is to stupid to do so
"Wow you are actually doing pretty well Mammon, how about we park over he- wow you can park sideways- wow!"
*Happy lucifer noises*
Boi's got a license so clearly he suceeded in his work, Mammon obviously bragged about said license and even more when he got his baby four wheels
"No levi it isnt like Devil cart you cant have access to special items while driving"
"No levi this isnt a race game you arent even supposed to pass over the limit that appears on the street"
Levi is definetely having a panic attack at least once a day while practicing, this panic attack leads to lucifer having to drive back home cause the otaku boi is too nervous to grab the steering wheel again, IF he even gets enough courage to do so in thw first place
Both end up agreeing that levi should drive, he is just a very anxious guy and to be honest it isnt like he goes out so often and does most things online so levi doesnt really need a license unless he really wants one, which he most likely doesnt want
He is just doing it to shiw lucifer he is better at driving than the eldest
He ends up crashing the first day thanks to a cat sprinting onto the street right infront if the HoL... it takes a bit for both sides's embarrasment to lower to get practicing again
*HONK* "WATCH WHERE YOURE DRIVING SH-TASS!!" "it's fine Satan just ignore them- Satanpleasethisisaredlightpleasedontstartafightwiththempleasefortheloveoffuckk!"
His anger issues really are what keep him from getting a driver's license...
"Whatever, walking is better anyways, i can pet the cats that way, who ever thought the we needed cars??" "Look Satan if you just listened to me instead of CRASHING MY SHI-"
"Asmo you cant drive and do your makeup at the same time-" *passes by a street bump* "NOO MY LIPSTICK!!" "I TOLD YOU-"
This boi is doing everything but keeping an eye on the row and that obviously keeps the old man at edge the entire time
For some reason Asmo thought it would be a good idea to stream one of his classes on devigram, this lead to him crashing and breaking another one of luci's ribs (everyone else besides Mammon has crashed/almost crashed the car)
Its a funny view honestly, Asmo can drive but the issue is he gets distracted way too easily, if he kept his eyes on the road like he should then he couldve gotten a license much more earlier than anticipated
The easiest one to train, not teach, train
Lucifer keep's a bag if candy and everytime beel does the right action while driving and responds the right answer to a question the redhead wins a treat
Infact it might just be harder for him to make sure beel doesnt eat all the candy before the leave HoL than to teach him how to drive
There has only been one incident however, beel was driving from HoL to RAD
Belphie fell asleep the moment lucifer started to explain the basics
Belphie has also gotten tired and has almost crashed the car multiple times while practicing, usually leading to lucifer having to drive back to HoL
Yeah if you havent connected the dots yet belphie doesnt plan on getting a driver's license any time soon, less does luci plan on teaching him again cause his mind can only handle so many crashes and insurrance
Maybe lucifer should've signed them all up ti an actual driving school...
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thrill-seeker-vn · 2 years
i literally had the WORST dream last night yall... i gotta tell someone to get the embarrasment off my chest but okay OH AND ALSO TW FOR DEATH AND MURDER
so like i could NOT for the life of me get to sleep, but then i finally felt like i was, i closed my eyes and not even two seconds later i felt like i was seeing this bright shining light in my eyes. and so i opened my eyes a little and realized I was looking at a sky, and I was also like being given a piggy back ride or something??? and then i realized im in a dream (i usually lucid dream) and so i was like okay fine ill just go along with it. but then the person giving me the piggy back ride SPEAKS and he's like 'you're finally awake, huh?
and the voice sounded familiar and i was begging that it wasnt him but i looked over and nope it WAS it was my crush from like three years ago BRO I HATE THAT GUY
so i said something like 'not this shit' and oh god he had the personality of a romance novel guy so he smirked and said 'what, you're not excited to see me?' and so i knew i had to wake up RIGHT NOW but it wasnt WORKING LIKE IT USUALLY DOES
and so he said something like 'woah, are you constipated? ill let you off my back, dont get my clothes dirty' so i realized he could see the expressions it was taking me to wake up???? so i said uh yeah i need to be let down RN im having terrible indegistion so he let me down and then i started SPRINTING but it wasnt very easy bc apparently i had been thrown in the worst dream ever and i was wearing this big fluffy dress, a corset, and heels??? anyways i was running to look for a cliff cuz y'know how in dreams when you die you wake up? but i couldn't outrun him bc in real life he's a very excellent athlete (never ever like athletes not a good idea) and so he catches me like right away so im like BRO LET ME GO I NEED TO LEAVE and then he awares me the ONLY way we can leave is if i join him, and so i had to weigh my opinions: either go along with the most embarrasing dream ever, or get mauled by a bear or bit by a mosquito or something. I mean we were also in this gigantic forest so i was like fine. if you dont get me home soon tho im gonna kill us both.
and so we walk for days. i ask him questions which he answers but i dont remember any of the answers, i was in so much distress. anyways it feels like days have passed and he's STILL acting like a cringe guy from a romance novel so i am trying to stay as far away from him as possible.
and so again im sick and tired and i just wanna WAKE UP bc even when im sleeping in the dream IM NOT WAKING UP IRL so eventually i SNAP and i scream at him WHEN ARE YOU GETTING ME HOME WTF
and so eventualy he was like 'okay well i was taking you the long way but there's also a short way.' and so when i ask him he says that the short way is KISSING HIM WHAT????
anyways then he tells me its my DESTINY???? HUH??? and so i tell him no and then he like tells me it'll also save the KiNGDOM?? and i got this scene of the king fucking POISONED???? and that it would help the poor little peasants who were suffering???? to appeal to my moral judements??? and so i ignored him for a couple days and one day i was leaving for the medieval market and he was like 'cmon just one lil smooch' and i was like OKAY FINE ILL KISS YOU WHEN I COME BACK and i went to the store
when i came back i told him lets get this over with and as he leaned close and closed his eyes i pulled out the weapon i got from the store and killed him and i THOUGHT IT WOULD WAKE ME UP
but it didnt happen and i was just surrounded by this huge crowd of people and like kids were crying parents were covering their eyes everyone was horrified and then i looked down and i saw my old crush's skin MELTING OFF until he turned into this way hotter guy??? and basically i got arrested and then some monks came and they explained that basically i had just. killed the person they considered a deity??? and then i realized in the temple i had seen him painted and there was a mural of him in the store so i was like.... oh....
anyways i got imprisoned as a religious criminal and then his freaking older brother showed up and he was WAY hotter than his younger brother and i couldnt even get through the explanation until he decided as punishment he would send me to hell to do different tasks
anyways after a couple months i finally convince him that his brother had set me up and i didnt know and yeah eventually he finds out the 'destiny' his younger brother was talking ab was like if he did get to kiss me he would be able to go into my world and take over my body???? anyways he was gonna apologise to me so he organized this nice thing but the idiot left me alone in whatever hell he owned but the problem was he didn't. kill me to take me to hell. so the lore here is the demons in this world eat mortals so i, the completely alive person, when he left me for five minutes, was torn to shreds. yeah. it was the worst dream EVER BRO
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🍃Blue Lagoon 🍃
@judahlux I wrote this , hopefully you like it
.... . ......
Coming out of the hut where they kept the wood safe and dry for the fire . Mr.Miyagi asked him to cut some , laying down the wood and starts to sectioned them to be chopped .
The old man was inside probably organizing their mess , he will blame it on Daniel later .
The omega himself was laying in the hammock , he was about to tease him about not doing anything like always until he looked at his direction .
He froze .
Daniel looked beautiful , His dark skin shined alongside with his hair . His lanky arms were behind his head , Johnny felt like he couldnt breathe.
Daniel turn his head toward his direction  , the smile on him made johnnys chest feel warm . He looked gorgeous until the omega opened his mouth .
" You know , you should do less starting and do more working . "
Spluttering in anger he throws sand in his direction , all he got back were more gigles .
Beautiful ,huffing at the idea more like little punk .
Focusing on the wood until it was done. Sweat was dripping down his back , the sun was  bright making his skin rosy from the heat .
" Daniel-san go get more fruit for dinner . Johnny-san come help Miyagi to move pot . "
 The old man walked right back to the hut , following him to help him . But he couldnt help to look back once more were Daniel was heading .
Shaking his head and blaming the heat for his behaviour  .
 After helping Mr.Miyagi,  he sat watching the old man finishing lunch for the three .
" Old man , do you ever look at Daniel and just feel annoyed .
" Daniel-san ? No , he just full of energy like puppy . Why ask Miyagi ? . "
" I dont know today he just .... nevermind . " He couldn't find the right words to describe it and he kind of felt embarrased .
They waited for a good while for Daniel to come back but he never showed up .He didn't want to admit but he had been worried , Maybe he had gotten hurt on his way back .
" Johnny , go ." Sometimes he felt Mr.Miyagi could read minds .
" ME !? "
" Hai , check the river . "
Springing up from his spot and started heading towards where Daniel had left earlier .
He told himself the gut feeling of being worried was because the punk was making them wait on lunch .
The omega was knowhwere to begin with , tired walking aimlessly he went to the river where Mr.Miyagi had mentioned .
Catching sight of the headband that Mr. Miyagi gave to daniel when he presented and sinced then he never not once wored it .
Never once to give up the chance to scold the omega he went forward to scare him but the second time of the day the words got caught on his throat .
He felt his face get hot , his mind was confusing him from the thoughts he recently been getting ever since his status was presented as Alpha .
His mind been catching every little thing that Daniel would do . How he whined of not getting to do hard work and then continued to whine when he did .
How when he would eat he would get all the fruit juice all over him when he was in a rushed to go swim .
Or how his wolf kept reminding him to get bigger and stronger , and felt big pride when the omega would notice .
 Not realising how sometimes at night he wants to hold him and touch him without feeling ashamed .
" Johnny !! Come join me the water is fantastic !! .
" While you were busy having fun swimming we were starving . This is why you get on our nerves . "
That pout wasnt going to make him reconsidered his argument .
" Johnny cmon , just real quick ."
He didnt know why he felt like doing what the omega wanted , his inner wolf making him go against his word .
Daniel wasn't lying , the water felt amazing to the days weather . Diving in to take a quick swim , rising up to shake off the water .
The boy infront of him was smiling , he himself couldnt help but to smile . Daniel started splashing water , that little punk tried to swim away from him but he latched on to his waist .
Both were face to face , those eyes reminded him of the book with pictures Lucille had taught them words and animals . Even since he was young he thought that Daniel had ressemblance to a deer .
Yeah , Daniel was bambi . His bambi .
He surged forward to kiss him , the need was killing him inside and once he did Johnny knew he couldn't get enough .
He felt happy .
Until he's pushed him away by angry looking eyes .
" Why did you do that , i was saving my first kiss for an alpha . "
" Im an alpha ! . " Was Daniel dumb , because he clearlt wasn't a beta or omega . If he was he would think Miyagi would have told him .
Daniel looked frustrated , but what he said next made him feel sad that soon turned into anger .
" But it wasn't supposed to be you , now you ruined it ! "
" You know what, I was doing you a favor . Nobody would want to kiss someone that looks like a wet rat ! "
He shouted as he got out of the water , he couldn't believe how stupid he was to kiss Daniel.
" Hey ! Not like your any better ! looking like a .......... "
Saving him the excuse to find the word to insult him with he continued to fight .
" oh yeah , then how come your always drooling as you stare at me . "
But that kinda didnt help when he's been lately staring .
" Haha thats the other way around !  . "
" whatever "
Mood being ruined walking past by the basket full of fruits not even bothering to help Daniel. 
Other alpha ? Why would Daniel want another alpha . It made his stomach upset and his hart ache , arriving to the hut he quickly goes up to his bed not longer having a appetite.
He was grateful that Mr.Miyagi left him alone for awhile and Daniel didnt kept being his annoying self .
When refusing to eat dinner , Mr. Myagi became worried .
" Johnny-san San okay ? "
" Yeah , just not hungry ."
" Miyagi make tea for maybe rut , just in case . "
Mr . Myagi was suprise after arriving on the island that his suppressants tea made it along with Books , knives and some clothing had not once touch the water .
Miyagi himself was a beta he didn't need the tea but Lucille was an omega so she did get her heats once every 3 months .
When lucille passed away when her bite mark started to fade meaning her husband had passed away . With her time left she taught Johnny and Daniel everything she knew .
Johnny was the first to present soon after Daniel presented but it was harder having an alpha around . Myagi knew a smell of an omega in heat made an Alpha Hungry for lust so he started to give them teas to help them with their heats and ruts .
The tea helped him a liitle but his wolf was restless knowing the omega rejected him making his scent stronger every minute he dwelled about it .
In the middle of the night he felt someone get in his bed , the smell of vanilla and cinnamon with a tint of sadness invaded his nose . Opening his eye to see Daniel crawling in .
" What are you doing , were not allowed to be in each others beds. "
Turning around quickly to see if Miyagi had woken up .
" Im sorry about earlier . "
" Its whatever , stop it .stop . Im not gonna fall for your bambi eyes ! . "
" My bambi eyes ? You havent called me bambi in a long time . Can you start calling me that again ? "
" I thought you said that you hated it . Are you blushing ? " .
" Stop asking questions . "
Daniel moves forward , he expected a kiss on the cheeck but he was wrong once he felt lips on his own .Soft and chaste,  it drove him crazy just by a 2 second peck .
" We can kiss whenever you want , but just that okay . "
Nodding , leaning forward to kiss the omega . It was hard to refrain himself while having daniel under him .
Holding daniel in the verge of falling asleep , he wished they wouldn't leave or that no one would could rescue them from their home .
The thought of not being with Mr. Myagi who raised and was a father to them left him sad but Daniel being with someone elses droved him mad .
He didnt want to share what was his .
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[SUMMARY: John Winchester gets possessed by a demon making him seduce Dean's girlfriend.]
John and Jenna.
Dean had invited you for a weekend work trip with his brother and father. Not really knowing exactly what they did you wanted to go along to spend more time with your boyfriend, it felt like he never had time for you. You had met John a few months back and saw him on and off whenever you'd visit Dean. He seemed like a nice man although he didnt speak much to you.
Arriving at the motel, you and Dean got your separate room while Sam and John stayed together. Helping you and Dean bring the bags into the room, John walked in behind the both of you.
"Thanks dad, I needed to bring some extra things for this trip with what we're dealing with." You over heard Dean tell his father before passing you a bag.
"Just put this in the top cabinet," Dean uttered before heading back out to the car.
"Crap," you struggled on your tip toes to push the heavy bag in the top cabinet as it kept popping back out.
"I got it," suddenly you felt John behind you, pushing the bag in place.
"Oh-" You whispered feeling him press himself against your backside. Turning to him, you weren't sure if he had purposely done that or if it was an innocent mistake.
"Sorry, sweetheart," John looked down at you in a way he never had. It was almost the same look Dean had when he first met you. The look of attraction, the look a man has when he sees a woman he cant help but picture in the most unspoken of ways. Clearing his throat he looked away having truly not meant to let his body get close to yours. Apart of you didnt mind it, you did find Dean's father attractive after all they did look alike.
"Its okay." Nervously you laughed it off as you awkwardly walked towards the rest of the bags. John's eyes followed before the sound of Dean entering the room again made him quickly look away.
"Dad, you're gonna help me over here?" Sam appeared at the doorway looking for John making him remember he had things to look over.
"Yeah. Of course." John walked out leaving you and Dean to yourself.
The next day Sam and Dean planned to go together to investigate a lake close by while John decided to stay behind and finish going over some of his research. Staying in your room, you read a book you bought along with you knowing Dean would be busy with work most of the time. John sat at the desk in his room, his eyes growing tired going through books of research when he decided to take a break. Leaning back on the chair his eyes closed, drifting into a deep sleep. As he slept, a line of dark black smoke creeped into the room and found it's way into John unexpectedly. Instantly shooting his eyes open, John revealed bright golden eyes.
Laying in bed reading your book you suddenly heard the door getting unlocked. Looking up thinking it was Dean you were surprised to see his father stepping inside.
"Mr.Winchester?" You whispered confused as he closed the door behind him, something seemed off with him.
"I got a spare key, I thought Dean returned already." You frowned as you stood up closing your book, his eyes falling to your legs as you had completely forgotten you were only wearing Dean's shirt not expecting anyone to come inside but him.
"Oh-" you looked down at your legs embarrased not noticing just how much John liked what he saw. His eyes for a split second turning a golden shade before you looked back up. You caught his tongue slowly slide over his lip.
"I should change-"
"Dean left you alone here?"
"Y-yeah," John began to shake his head with half a smile as he slowly stepped closer to you.
"Now why the hell would he do that?"
"He went to work, Mr.Winchester."
"Work huh? He should work on giving you more attention."
"What?" You responded confused with his words, never had he spoken to you this way before. He continued to get closer to you as he spoke, you swore you had never seen this look on John's face before. A look of hunger, his eyes even looked darker than usual as he spoke.
"Come on, dont you think he should be more attentive to you?" John smiled in a sneaky manner as he stared down at you. Truth be told, you did wish Dean payed more attention to you, you did wish he was more available to you.
"I've watched how he is with you," John interrupted.
"I mean I don't know....if I knew my woman was waiting for me the way you look right now, I'd rush right on home." You felt his eyes travel down your body then back up until they met your eyes again. You couldnt believe what he was saying, the way he was looking at you.
"See, if you were mine..things would be very different," John stepped closer making you back against a wall. Your eyes widened in shock at everything that poured out of him.
"Mr.Winchester...what are you doing..?" You whispered.
"Oh, dont tell me you havent caught me looking at you since I met you-" he responded feeling a rush inside him.
"I'm-Im happy with Dean."
"Are you?" He whispered in a husky voice, it's like he could see right through you.
"So if I were to gently brush my hand over your thigh-" he did just that as he stared directly into your eyes.
"You wouldnt like it?" You gasped.
"Please..this isnt right.." You whispered making him smile, he could tell you liked it but didnt want to admit it.
"You're telling me this doesnt turn you on?" His hand now reached in between your thighs feeling the warmth making him moan low.
"But Dean-"
"Shh..." John lifted a finger to your lips as he began to feel you on top of your underwear. You moaned with a sigh of relief closing your eyes as you felt his hand gently grab the side of your neck. John didnt stop moving his fingers in a circular motion against you, you didnt find the strength in you to stop him.
"You like that?" He whispered as you opened your eyes before he leaned in and aggressively kissed you. Submitting to him you took his kiss and let him do as he pleased. His hand still caressing the side of your neck as he bit down on your bottom lip. Your hands ran up his chest before he roughly snapped off the buttons of his flannel shirt. He stepped back slowly unbuttoning his pants and revealed his hardness to you.
"John, baby. Call me John."
You bit your lip as he sat back on a chair and motioned for you to get on top of him. Not being able to hold yourself back you walked towards him as he quickly pulled your underwear down and roughly put you on top of him. Instantly you felt him enter you and you began to ride him. The two of you moaned simultaneously as you rode him hard, you had never felt anything like him before. A part of you couldnt believe what you were doing but another part of you didnt want to stop. John pulled your shirt up and pulled your body close to him, sucking on your breasts as you continued to move.
"Oh yeah, Jenna.." John groaned before grabbing your face and kissing you hard as he grinded your hips on him.
"Turn around," John spoke breathlessly as you quickly stood up and did as he asked slowly lowering yourself back down onto him.
"Oh yes.." you whispered.
"Feel better than Dean doesnt it?" He spoke hoarsely and spanked your ass hard making you scream.
"Oh, John..." you moaned as he grabbed you by the waist hard, screaming in pleasure you didnt realize what was happening behind you. In the middle of riding him, the demon was released from John's body. John suddenly realized what the hell he was doing and froze under you. The sensation so intense he almost came in that moment realizing what he was doing. His hands still tightly on your hips as you continued to bounce on him he let out a deep breath.
"Like that?" You moaned looking back at him making him let out a gruff noise as he saw your face.
"Jenna-" he panted as you rode him hard, he couldnt believe what he was doing but you felt so damn good. He couldnt stop you and he couldnt stop himself. You noticed his moans grow deeper before suddenly feeling him stand up and push you face down on the bed. John lost complete control of himself as he thrusted into you.
"I'm sorry-I cant stop-" he grunted low as he continued to drive himself into you. You couldnt understand what he was saying and only felt him move faster.
"John! John!" You screamed with how aggressively he moved your body, holding your arms behind your back, but you loved how it felt.
"Oh my god.." he groaned deeply before pulling out and gasping loudly as he unloaded himself on your ass.
"Wow," you whispered as he stepped away out of breath and you slowly pushed yourself up. Just as you turned to face him he turned away from you. You frowned as he remained quiet fixing himself up, getting dressed.
"John?" You whispered as he leaned his hand on the table lost in his thoughts.
"Are you okay?" You asked making him turn to you and look down at your body.
"Get dressed," he looked away still out of breath, he couldnt take seeing your body bare in front of him.
"What's wrong-"
"That wasnt me," he whispered roughly.
"What?" You let out a chuckle in disbelief.
"Something took over me-" he repeated although he knew you'd have no idea what he meant.
"But I couldnt stop myself after...I didnt wanna stop...Jesus Christ, Jenna..I've wanted you for a while." You stood in silence staring at him, still in shock with what just happened. You had no idea from the moment John met you he was attracted to you.
"Please dont say my god damn name like that, I'll take you again before Dean comes." He blurt out and you had to admit he sounded very sexy saying it in his deep voice. But suddenly you remembered Dean and looked away.
"What is it?" He walked towards you with a frown.
"What do you mean what is it? What about Dean..what's he going to think-"
"We dont tell him a damn thing, Jenna." He looked down at you in a very serious manner.
"Leave with me," he suddenly blurt out making your eyes widen.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Leave with me now, we'll go anywhere I just...I need to feel you again tonight and I wont allow Dean to have you again."
"John..." you whispered feeling confused yet aroused with his dominating words.
"Jenna, please." John had no idea what came over him, all he knew was that he couldnt ignore how badly he wanted you.
"I know you want more of me, you're just afraid to admit it. How do you think it's going to be staying around him? You think I'll be able to keep my hands off you, sweetheart?"
"I just-"
"You think I wont try to be inside you every chance I get?" Your eyes practically rolled back at his words, you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
"Let's go, Jenna. Pack your shit and let's go before he comes."
Without saying a word you gave in and ran around the room collecting your belongings in your backpack. John took hold of your stuff leading you to his truck. Without second guessing anything or looking back, you got in the car and let John drive you away..
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
first of all, this chapter right here is my comfort chapter from now on. i said what i said. I will be rereading it again and again just because i can. it was PERFECTION
here's me going crazy at 2 am yesterday.
alec shaved his beard because it made him look older
magnus and alec are the oblivious parents istg
“Are you decent?” Max yelled. “I don’t want to be traumatized again.”
“Hey! We agreed not to talk about that!” Alec yelled back.
Im not even surprised at this point
“Happy anniversary, bapa!” Rafael kissed him on the cheek and handed him the flowers.
“Where are my flowers?” Alec asked.
Rafael plucked a rose from the bouquet and threw it at Alec. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, son,” Alec mumbled.
“David made it,” Max said shyly. "
Oh,” Alec replied and then shrugged. “Well, the icing could be a little sweeter I think.”
Ever since Max started dating, Alec had become incredibly protective. Alec liked David of course – it was impossible to find someone who didn’t. But that didn’t mean Alec approved.
And it didn’t help that the blond boy was absolutely terrified of Alec.
“I don’t know,” Alec analysed the card. “David used too much glitter.”
“Since when do you have a problem with excessive glitter?” Max demanded.
“I didn’t use him!” Max huffed. “He was thoroughly compensated for his efforts!”
“Compensated how?” Alec asked.
“Uh,” Max said. “With donuts.”
when i saw donuts i immediately thought of rose and luisa from jtv
but should i continue the show? i got tired of jane continuously embarrasing herself
“You expect us to follow rules?” Alec asked in surprise. “In our own home? On our anniversary?”
The warlock boy grinned wickedly before leaning close to Alec.
“You better do it, or I will tell everyone about your secret,” Max whispered.
Alec blinked at that.
the secret...
is highschool musical that bad? i havent watched it. should i?
what if i cried
i just wanna hug alec??? but i cant say it'll be ok because it wont
“Is that why you are not attending?” Magnus grinned at his friend. “Or is it because you are terrified of Georgia?”
“That child is the reincarnation of Christopher Lightwood!” Ragnor complained. “I heard she made explosives out of demon ichor! Who makes explosions out of demon ichor?”
how tf do you think we have survived huh??
medicine that's how
vaccines, anti biotics and what not
stop being close-minded and fucking do it
ok i know the risk is great
it was different for warlocks. The Shadow World was their universe. The nephilim kept it safe. At one point in their lives, they had learned to coexist with them, out of necessity and out of obligation.
And now here they were – working together in the name of friendship and love.
how things change...
say what
the causes are what
ok let's not jump to conclusions
im fucking crying wtf
alec doesnt deserve this shit
all he's done is make the world a better place
hes worked so hard on this
what am i supposed to say to my parents if one of them comes to check on me and im sitting here crying at 2 am
He didn’t want to believe in a reality that would punish Alec. Alec who only wanted to do what is good and right.
Alec was who was losing his hope and strength every passing day. Alec who was struggling. Alec who was turning to desperate measures to cope with all the stress.
please alec
no please
Because if Magnus found out Raziel was the one causing all this pain for Alec, he would march up to heaven and set the bastard on fire himself.
blue and gold
The shadowhunter was a good influence on him. Magnus hoped Alec would see it sooner rather than later.
“Max isn’t allowed to do a lot of things,” Magnus chuckled. “But he does them anyway.”
thats my boi
rafael is growing into the consul voice
they grow up so fast
nope nope he's still the little 5 year old
voice cracking what do you mean he's 20
im glad hes happy with mila. or is he...?
Magnus had deduced as much. Alec lived in his beautifully oblivious world. But Magnus noticed.
He noticed the hickeys. He noticed the late-night visits. He noticed the tense phone calls.
well thank god there's at least one non-oblivious person (alec i love you so much but you are very very oblivious)
“What’s stopping you then?” Magnus asked.
"2554 miles,” Rafael chuckled sadly.
me with all my online friends
probably more miles
Magnus tried to do the math but promptly gave up.
But Alec did lie though. Magnus pushed the thought away.
“Except melt it?” Rafael chuckled.
“Yes,” Magnus chuckled back. “As you can see, the bar is extremely low in the Lightwood family.”
i have no clue what the words describing the outfit are
time to google
Fifteen years. Fifteen years of loving and Alec still made his heart stutter.
dont do this to me right now I WILL CRY
“What the hell?” Max exclaimed. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s my anniversary,” Alec chuckled.
Fifteen years. Fifteen years and Magnus still took Alec’s breath away.
it's not funny MY EYES ARE WATERING
“Bapak is a good looking one in the family,” Rafael pointed out. “You are the chaotic one and I am the smart one.”
“What am I then?” Alec asked dryly. “A sack of potatoes?”
“You’re the sexy one,” Magnus grinned. “A sexy sack of potatoes.”
Alec grinned back and leaned forward. Magnus put his hands around Alec’s neck and kissed him. He kissed Alec with all the love he had inside his heart.
Just like the first time. Just like the hundredth time. Just like the thousandth time.
Because with Alec, every kiss mattered. Every single one.
muffled sob
“Stop making out, oh my god!” Max groaned.
Magnus sensed a pillow coming their way but Rafael caught it before it hit them.
“Max, stop!” Rafael scolded. “You will wrinkle dad’s suit and ruin bapak’s hair! I spent hours ironing both!”
why is max me when i see people display affection in front of me
“They are here,” Rafael said. “You two better look exactly the way you did when I left with Max or I will raise hell.”
Selena was wearing a blue crop top with the words “MIND YOUR OWN UTEREUS” written in gold.
i need that top
The argument of “who gave the best gift” had started when Jace and Izzy had gotten drunk on vodka. It didn’t help that Alec had gotten drunk as well. All three Lightwood siblings had then proceeded to have an argument about who had the best spouse. The whole night had been drunken chaos. Magnus, Clary and Simon had let them have it since the Lightwood siblings had a tendency to carry the world on their shoulders even when nobody asked them. They rarely ever let loose ever since their worlds had plunged into sickness and demon attacks. Especially Alec. So, Magnus had let his husband be that 18-year-old boy again. The boy who got drunk and fought with his siblings and sang songs about Magnus’ pretty eyes.
Georgia considered that. “I’m not allowed to melt it, right?”
“No,” they all replied in chorus.
“Dad,” Max said. “Can you keep a picture of me wearing this necklace in your office?”
“Why?” Rafael asked.
“I think it will piss off the boomers,” Max giggled.
“Nice!” Lexi grinned. “A downworlder wearing a shadowhunter heirloom? They will lose their heads. Uncle Alec, you must do it.”
“I will do you one better. I will hang a tapestry,” Alec chuckled.
he actually gave to camille first-
Why couldn’t this boy just cause chaos during his travel year like the rest of them? Why did he actually study and do his research as recommended?
why would you NOT study and research during your travel year????
oh shit
well well well
david bby stfu
i love you but pls stop speaking for all our sakes
“Holy shit,” Max said. “It is expensive then!”
“Don’t pawn the ruby!” Rafael warned.
oh no
pls dont fight
oh so i was wrong about magus confronting him from that snippet
all you need to know is im sobbing right now and grammarly is the only thing making this coherent
dont mind me just
don't do this to me at 3 am
thank you for adding light into my life again
(me while editing this: today really isn't my day huh? i just slipped in rainwater outside my balcony because I heard rain and ran there. now my knee and back hurt and I think I sprained (?) my toe-
wait im gonna go check out the rain and then continue editing this
ok i got bored of the rain)
that made me laugh through my tears
“Objectively good looking?” Jace snorted. “Excuse you, but my parabatai is smoking hot! He is a freaking prize, okay? If we had a magazine for hot shadowhunters, you would be on the cover page. Every single issue.”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Alec interrupted. “Magnus, are you happy? Now all my friends have told me I am pretty.”
“I said smoking hot,” Jace corrected.
“We are not being biased,” Clary pointed out. “It is the general consensus, Alec.”
“It’s true,” Lexi said. “So many people have asked me for your number, Uncle Alec. And I would have given it to them if I wasn’t worried about being turned into a marshmallow.”
“Dad, I don’t know why you are so worried,” Max said in a bored tone. “You’re a told DILF.”
David choked on his champagne and Jace patted him on the back.
“What the hell is a DILF?” Alec demanded.
“Oh, I know this one!” Jace said excitedly. “It means Dashing and Irresistible Looking Father. Max is right, you are a total DILF.”
“Mr. Herondale-” David raised a hand.
“I heard one of the shadowhunters in their travel year calling me a DILF too,” Jace said proudly.
“It’s not a rumour,” Selena spoke up and passed her phone. “There is a group chat at Scholomance just to thirst after you.”
add me to it
“Alec Lightwood can run me over with a Maserati and I would thank him.”
“Give me that,” Izzy grabbed the phone and started giggling. “Petition for Consul Alec Lightwood-Bane to stab me with his mortal sword.”
“Isabelle!” Alec hissed, cheeks flaming. “Stop it!”
“I want one!” Jace grabbed the phone now. “By the Angel!”
“Read it!” the kids yelled in chorus.
“I would gladly let Consul Lightwood-Bane inspect my mortal instruments,” Jace chuckled and threw the phone at David.
David shook his head vehemently and threw it at Max.
“My body is just a hole for Alec Lightwood,” Max read out loud and started laughing so hard that he fell off his chair.
Lexi grabbed the phone and giggled. “I want the Consul to strip off my runes among other things.”
She passed the phone to Gigi, who looked at the phone and look at Alec.
“Uncle Alec,” the girl said. “This person wants you to crush them with your massive archer arms.”
“Give me that,” Rafael grabbed it now. “Aw, this one is a classic, dad. Alec Lightwood turned me gay.”
He threw the phone at Simon, who stared the screen and looked up. “Uh, I don’t think I can read this one out loud in front of the kids.
“Is this the one about the basement?” Selena chuckled and Simon nodded.
google translator time
oooo Rafael's gonna talk with Mila
Magnus you're such a good father
“Sometimes things are just sad. So, you need to let yourself be sad.”
Alec and Magnus hiding under the bed and spying on them is just-
Jace had tried to give Max the shovel talk and had gotten a little too emotional.
of course, he did smh I love him so much
“David doesn’t need a shovel talk,” Alec smiled. “He knows what would happen to him if he hurts my son.”
David gulped. “You will throw me into the silent city?”
“I will ask me husband to portal you to hell,” Alec said – Consul Voice. “We have relatives there.”
the beloved relatives yes
“Goodnight,” Jace gave them a salute. “Have fun inspecting Magnus’ mortal instruments.”
damn it
oh my god guys he said he'll stop smoking
just lemme have this moment
my boy's lungs will be intact
“I can’t wait to see all the messages on the chat after that,” Magnus giggled.
Alec looked up. “I’m more than a tall glass of water, Magnus!”
In his dream, he saw them again. But they weren’t smiling this time.
nope nope nope
Nah I don't know what you're talking about
damn, I think I really hurt my back...
OK BUT THE IMMORTALITY ANGST???? WAS SO SO GOOD???? I know it makes me cry but is it bad that I'm always so excited for angst written by you because of HOW GOOD it is????
"When I die I will love you from my grave" I NEED THIS ON MY FOREHEAD OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE TWO SO SO MUCH
alright I need to get something for my back and my knee (I'm home alone so this will be fun)
OK, I THINK THE NEXT CHP WILL BE ANJALI'S POV I JUST FEEL IT!!! I miss my girl so much I hope she's doing ok. Jaime too...
I'm rereading all of these chapters after chapter 10 because why not. Bye!!
I hope your knee and back feels better soon!
also fuck that teacher yelling something doesn't make people understand it any better ugh dumb piece of shit anyway screw that person.
I hope you get some good rest and recovery from this rollercoaster of a day.
Take care!
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A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle would include~
Tumblr media
(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous/Hope this is what you wanted!)
(I chose to do this outside of the plot but I wouldn’t be opposed to doing something similar during the plot <3)
- Seth was never an incredibly social person but seemingly out of nowhere, it became abundantly clear that he needed somebody in his life. An assistant; he’d reasoned with himself, somebody who could help him with his work while also ensuring he didn’t go insane staying cooped up inside his house all day. That was where you came into the picture. 
- You’d been working as an engineer/machinist when you first met him. Over the years, it became a habit of his to go to one specific company for his very important machinery and odd parts. You were a new hire of theirs, one he became anonymously and particularly fond of after seeing the level of care you put into your work. 
- It was during one of his routine pick ups that the two of you finally met face to face. It didn’t take him long to decide that you were the perfect person to employ; young, intelligent, precise, …pretty. After learning that you had a background in biology, he considered it a match made in heaven. 
- He asked if you’d like to see what he’d been building, planning to propose a partnership once he’d successfully amazed you with his invention. Since your shift was almost finished; and you were a tad bit curious, you took the bait and agreed to go with him. The rest is history.
- Seths never really had anyone to talk to about his work so it’s really a breath of fresh air when you come into his life. He can finally have a conversation with someone who’s on the same level as him and understands what he’s saying.
- The two of you can have deep, hour(s) long conversations with each other and not even realize it. Sometimes you’ll figure that you’ve only been talking for maybe an hour tops, then check the clock and find out you’ve actually been talking for three hours. Guess time ...flies when you’re having fun.
- Touching and staying close to each other’s sides any chance you get. You normally have to work in pretty close proximity so it isn’t all that hard to find an excuse.
- The two of you get to know each other very well, I mean, that’ll happen when you spend nearly all day and night with a person for days on end. But regardless, he can recite all your favorite things and uses it to his advantage.
- Sometimes, he’ll just surprise you with a treat or gift, usually something like buying you your favorite hot drink or dessert. He likes being able to make you smile and absolutely adores when you return the favor.
- Late night take out dinners after a long day of hard work. Some of your best memories have taken place on the floor of his apartment, cheap food container in hand and a smile on your face.
- Crashing at his place when you wind up working late into the night. Waking up and seeing you asleep on his couch/bed never fails to make his heart flutter and bring a smile to his face.
- Teasing and treating each other like you’re an old married couple. Every now and again you’ll bicker with each other and he swears you both sound just like his grandparents.
- The two of you have definitely been mistaken for a couple more than a few times. It never fails to make his heart race whenever someone says you look good together or calls you his girlfriend. He always tries to subtly look over at you to see your reaction, hoping that you don’t look bothered by the idea.
- He started calling you darling and honey jokingly; both because of your tendency to get mistaken for a couple and just to be a smartass, but then he just never stopped. It’s become a habit of his and one that he isn’t going to be able to break anytime soon, no matter how hard he tries.
- The amount of times he’s made you flustered with his compliments/praise; specifically after you spark an idea in him or make him realize something, is embarrasing. Oftentimes, he’ll kiss your cheek/forehead, laughing like he’s just gotten an adrenaline rush and calling you a genius.
- He’s definitely exclaimed that he loves you in these moments but you just think it’s strictly platonic, like how someone will say “god, I could just kiss you” when they’re overjoyed. If only you knew the truth.
- Whenever he gets something right/finally figures out what’s happening, he turns into an adorable fool. He giddily takes you by the arms and demands that the two of you celebrate, already moving towards the liquor cabinet as you try to calm your beating heart.
- Everytime you tell him that you believe in him or think he’s a good scientist, he has to stop himself from smashing his lips to yours.
- Theres a few times where he almost kisses you for real and you’re nearly sure he will. Once when you were both huddled around his computer, your faces inches apart (a fact you realize when you finally look at each other for the first time). He glances down at your lips and begins to lean in but stops himself, apologizing and stepping back with a shy smile.
- The second time is when you fix a major bug in his system, making everything work just the way it should. He’s grinning ear to ear as he calls you brilliant and a million other names, all but running over to where you stand. He hesitates for a moment; contemplating just doing what he’s dreamed of doing for so long, before he finally just pulls you into a tight hug. You never thought a hug would make you so dissapointed.
- Then there’s the times where he’s almost told you how he felt. There was definitely a few but one stands out to you even to this day. The two of you had been working together for a few months and he’d finally decided that he could completely trust you. He brought up the idea of adding your voice to his machine and couldn’t help but smile at how excited you got.
- You spent the next hour or so programming your voice into the system and once you were finished he very nearly told you that he loved you. Right at the last minute, he decided that he just couldn’t do it and instead told you that he was glad that the two of you met.
- He’s finally forced to confess his feelings to you about a year or so after you become partners. While you can’t deny that you love him, you also can’t wait around for forever so you agreed to go out on a date with an acquaintance of yours.
- When you tell Seth, he seems bothered by the idea but he plays it off like he just wanted your help in the lab. He very nearly says accepts when you offer to reschedule your date but ultimately decides that it’s not fair and tells you to have fun, giving you a forced smile as you promise to stop by afterwards in case he needs any help.
- When you return to his house later in the night, he asks you how it went, taking the time to tell you how nice you look all dressed up. You shyly admit that you weren’t really planning on seeing the man again which makes him visibly happier. It’s then that he finally tells you what you’ve been waiting to hear for so long.
“Y/n,” he starts abruptedly, turning around to face you “Theres something I’ve been meaning to tell you, something that I can’t hold back any longer. Y/n ... I am completely in love with you and have been since the moment I saw you.”
“Now if you dont like me back thats fine but I couldnt live with myself if I didnt at least try to tell you how I felt. It finally hit me that I could lose my chance forever if I don’t say anything and thats not a risk I’m willing to take. I never want to feel how I felt tonight ever again in my entire life. So ...what do you say?” He asked, his voice slowing to a nervous stop.
- It felt like a dream when you returned his affections. He’s so excited to be in a relationship, especially with you of all people. He’s surprised that you want to be with him but god is he glad.
- The two of you share your first kiss right then and there, slowly moving toward each other until you’re nearly chest to chest. You’re still gazing into each other’s eyes as his arms encircle your waist. You only close them once his lips press against yours, stealing your breath away.
- It’s safe to say that you spend all night wrapped up in each other’s arms, making up for lost time.
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avis-writeshq · 4 years
Happy 400
OMFG AVI-BBY! I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS COMING OUT TODAY? Self ship? OMFG. Shirabu! Fusck. I made an essay hahahahaha.
Tbh, as professionals, we’d be so busy and always be away from each other. (Me with around the world and him as a respected doctor.) But we will send each other pictures, talk about how are day went. The total working healthy LDR package. But when i’m home? I’d be such a sweet housewife cooking for him, taking care of the home, driving him to his work, making sure he is relax and healthy, and make up for the long time I have been gone. 
He told me that he wants to be with me after graduating from shiratoriza. Maybe attend a university together since we both got accepted at a famous university. Him with medicine and me with a business related course. But… I had to tell him I had a change of plans. I chose to study abroad instead as an engineering student. 
His reaction? An embarrasing mess at first, then denial and then he is always asking why I suddenly shift courses even when I have been dreaming about it business or law for years because it doesn’t make sense. But he ends up understanding my decision.  I told him that I can’t be with him since i’d be gone for too long, and that he should date other people. But he doesn’t. He reasons that he should focus on his career too instead of dating.
After graduating, the thing is, I am more established financially compared to him because he decided to continue his studies after pre-med. The entire team was bullying him about it though.
“Can’t believe you have yourself a sugar mommy Shirabu! Being a student bachellor with a professional young woman such as her!”
“We’re married, actually.” He’d drops the truth randomly and so half-assed they think they were joking.  But they stop laughing when he showed him picture of the marriage certificate. And he explained that you didnt want a big wedding, and he wanted a simple one too. So no ceremony. Just i dos in front of a judge. 
They are going to think that everything will be so out of love since you don’t see the classic husband and wife scene, but intimacy is more than just a grand white dress event. It is a solemn promise shared by only two. He wants to keep it that way.
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-          Shirabu oh my gosh this… this is adorable ma’am I’m waiting for a shirabu fic now >:)
-          (Also, can you guys tell what my favourite troupe is-)
-          Anywho, this man is fiercely loyal and it SHOWS
-          Shirabu is an attractive man I ain’t gonna deny it
-          He spent how long rejecting people because he was head over heels for you?
-          Intimacy isn’t his forte but he tries his best for you!
-          At this point, you guys are the definition of tired
-          So what better idea than to nap together when you’re both free?
-          When he thinks you’re asleep (lmao you’re really not)
-          “You have no idea how much you mean to me.”
-          He knew you were awake when the corners of your lips tilted upward though
-          Poor baby couldn’t bring himself to tease you
-          So all he did was wrap an arm around your waist and bring you closer
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nie7027 · 5 years
I just watched the Ova os its time for my scrambled up comments on it
First, I love Reigen so much
Ha had been trapped for weeks in a parallel work going crazy, he has all the right to sceam at Seri for not telling him he can go back to the real worl but he....literally forces himself to calm down? Like a mature adult should do? Because he knows screaming at Seri not only wont help at all but actually will seriously affect him(because it will be a proof he everything bad he rhinks of himself)
So he instead goes on and gives him good life advice
And it just makes it hurt so much because i dont need to read the letter to know he was going to suicide.
His last resort was killing himself and he actually went and did it on screen.
He was concious unlike movies jumping off a train is really dangerous and few people make it out alive. Thats why he did it when he couldnt bear it anymore but he knew hks chances of surviving were very little and thats why he wrote the letter and carved his name. In case it didnt work
Dimple realized it too but just let it there hang in the air (either to see if anyone else caught on it or just was being his usual mean self). But what i get of this is that apparently Dimple knows about Reigens deppression bouts, how "easy" he depress (while it makes sense one would get depressed of that situation it didnt seem like the others realized how bad actually Reigen was, just that he looked scruffyñ which makes me wonder how does he know?? The only other time we have seen it was during the separation arc Dimple wasnt there, he went with Shige.
Maybe its just Dimple and his keen obeservations
Which brings me to...HE WAS ACTIVELY TRYING TO CATCH SIGH OF TERUS HAIR? And even went a talked to Mob about BUT he made to whisper so Ritsu (who never knew what happedned in Terus and Mobs fight) didnt hear.
Its been months but he still pays attention to it while everybody else, including Mob, has forgotten about it.
This was clearly a reference for the future brocoli arc but it was nice it was Dimple the one to brought it up
Another reference being the infamous Teru asking about Mobs crush. And as everybody else I WAS SCREAMING (TERU SAID GAY RIGHTS) and as before it draws my attention that they chose Teru to be the one who brought it up!!
He was literally that meme "lets play 20 questions. Sure what your favorite color? Square, do you like boys? :)"
Mob was too embarrased to asnwer (omg that PA PA PA was so cute) and Teru of course had to get his answer so he went and tried another way and almost got it but Ritsu saved the day.
It was funny how quick was Ritsu to try and save Mob from his embarrasment that he in the process forgot not only Seris past but all manners too and went and asked that precisely to him instead of i dunno reverting the question to Teru (an embarrased Teru would have been great)
He obviously regretted after hearing Seris answer (ouch my heart) but at least Mob was saved.
Ive bee son caught in the fanfics and everything that I completely forgot i (as an anime only) actually dont know Seri and it was nice to see him finally interact with the crew.
How nervous he is, how he takes everyrhibg Reigen says seriously and tries his best to do as he is told (instead of following his hunch).
I really liked how they kept casually mentioning Seris horrible past no one, because its something very important one cant just leave behind, but at the same time showing it doesnt hold Seri back anymore.
And they actually integrated to little things Seri still carries on (his lists, his suitcase with everything he could need, his gamer tendencies). Those were nice details.
Not even the kids glossed over it but actually offered him suport (he and Mob bonding over how nervous trips made them was very cute).
The least Reigen who went all his way(even in his state) to made sure Seri was doing okay but at the same time improving.
I meanwe all know Reigen accepted this job just so everybody could have a nice vacaction (HE DIDNT HAVE TO BUT HE BROUGHT EVERYBODY)
And my nice boy Teru wanted to make sure he thanked him (THEY ARE SUCH FATHER AND SON )
For last as always I love Teru. He didnt get that much important screen time but he was a cutie nonetheless.
Being so informed about the place they were going and showing early to scout the area and made sure everything was good (lets not dwell on the fact he still has his guard up even though Claw was defeated and this is an habit he will probably have forever)
He was so happy and relaxed ❤
Thank you Bones for showing me Teru actually interacts with Seri (his other dad afterall)
Pd: ritsu and Mob went 😮 when Teru entered the onsen because Teru is canonically very ripped off for a boy his age??
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lyxxstories · 5 years
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[ DK has secret feelings for you but the members, especially Jeonghan urges him to finally say it ] [ F l u f f ]
If there's one thing DK cant do, it would be expressing himself.
Sure at times he says his opinions about something but he would instantly ask people to disregard it.
But then again, he doesnt need to express something in order for others to know his feelings. He was particularly obvious when he realized he likes you more than a friend.
Not that you've noticed of course.
The other members sure did. Specifically, Jeonghan.
"So when are you gonna tell us you have a crush on Y/N?" 
"What?" DK replied falling off his chair.
Why did they invent chairs with wheels?!
"I dont have a crush on Y/N," he said standing up before facing a chuckling Jeonghan.
"Oh sure cause anybody would just fall upon hearing that question," an amused expression remained on his face.
Seokmin scratches the back of his head, slightly embarrased, "That obvious huh?"
"Oh not at all,’’ Jeonghan grins.
"Anyone else knows?"
"Basically everyone," Jeonghan answered. "You always smile 10 times brighter whenever she visits and that's saying something."
Seokmin heads over to his bedroom and smothers himself with the pillows cause oh my gosh what the hell. He thought he was being subtle.
"So any plans on asking her out?" Jeonghan asks lying next to him, eyes very much curious.
"Me?" Dokyeom laughs out loud. "Nooo way."
"Why not?" Jeonghan pouts. "I'm sure she'd say yes."
"I'm not." DK sighs, facing the ceiling. "I cant even look at her."
"Really? Cause at times we see you eyeing her 10 minutes straight."
Dokyeom cringes, "You know what I mean."
"Don't be too hard on yourself," Jeonghan says patting his back. "I'll help you out."
"Somehow that's not comforting," Dokyeom chuckles.
"HEY." The hyung pouts as he hits Seokmin. "I'm a romantic person dont you know?"
A few days passed and Jeonghan got Seokmin to prepare for your visit. He made sure that DK is 100% ready in asking you out. Heck, Jeonghan got him so worked up that Seokmin had to create a cheat sheet.
Seokmin has been practicing non-stop. Trying different voices and gestures with the lines of "Will you go on a date with me?" He even asked other members in which tone of voice will get you to say yes in which Jihoon finds it absolutely ridiculous as it all sounded the same to him and "does it even matter?"
"Of course it matters!" Everyone else shouted at him.
This being the reason why Jihoon got himself evicted from the Get Y/N to date Seokmin committee.
It was now the day of your visit and everyone in the dorm was either hyped or nervous. The moment Seokmin woke up, he could feel his heart accelerating and it didnt help that the members just outside his room were screaming "Today's the day!!!"
"KAJAAAAA!" Hoshi shouts as he dragged Seokmin out of bed.
They were all in a frenzy.
It was nearing lunch time and soon enough you'll be in their dorm. Seokmin felt really anxious.
"You'll be okay," Jeonghan stands next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"Y-yeah of course," Seokmin chuckles nervously. "I'll be okay, hyung."
Dino slammed the door open causing everyone's attention to turn on him.
"I just saw noona coming up the stairs!"
Everyone's eyes widen and those who were sitting immediately stood up.
"Stairs?! We're on the 6th floor!" Mingyu exclaimed.
"Oh I kinda shut the elevator when I saw her coming,’’ Dino replied with a chuckle. ‘’To give hyung some time to prepare.’’
"That's a bit much," Jihoon stated.
"It's necessary though," Jeonghan smirks. "You ready, Seokmin?"
Seokmin swallows hard before nodding.
Crap. It's time.
"Goodluck," Minghao gives him a pat on the shoulder and heads to his room.
"I'll just be playing in my room," Seungcheol told Seokmin. "Don't get nervous."
"Same here," Wonwoo trailed behind.
"Woah wait you're not going to greet her first?" Seokmin asked and it was obvious by his voice that he was slightly panicking.
"Once you're done asking her out," Wonwoo grins before closing their bedroom door shut.
"As much as I'd like to stay, I still have to get ready for my schedule," Mingyu goes over and gives his fellow member a hug. "Tell me everything once I get back!"
Then they heard three knocks.
Most members magically disappeared in the living room, leaving only the Vocal Unit to answer the door.
Joshua looks over at Seokmin, "Are you going to get that or...?"
Oh right.
Seokmin scurries and opens the door. Your face instantly lit up once you saw him.
"Hey Seokmin!" You greeted with a smile and Seokmin could already feel his heart melting. He returns a small smile as he gestures you to come inside. "Hey guys!"
"Hi Y/N," the rest of the vocal unit greeted simultaneously.
They looked at you with weird smiles which made you suspicious.
"What's up?" You raised a brow at them.
"Oh nothing you just look lovely today," Jeonghan grins and nudges Seokmin. "Doesnt she?"
Jihoon and Joshua laughs softly at how fast Seokmin nods his head.
"Hyung!" Seungkwan exclaimed causing both of you to jump in surprise. "Didn't you have a question for Y/N?"
"Uh... well... yes.." Seokmin could feel his hands getting sweaty.
"What is it?" You asked him curiously.
Okay. This is it. Now's the time to ask her out. Okay. Remember the lines you practiced. Will you go out with me? Simple. As. That. Tell her you like her and you want to hang out. Okay. Let's go. Okay.
"Uh... Seokmin?" You called as he suddenly froze in place. His mouth was open but no words came out.
Joshua facepalmed. He wasnt sure if he could handle the awkwardness.
Seungkwan started to nudge DK and he successfully came back to Earth.
"Y/N..." FINALLY A WORD. "W-well I was wondering," he chuckles nervously. "If you know... you could go out? But like not right now. I'm not asking you to go out right now. I mean next time. If you want to??? Maybe when you're free, you can go out. Not with the other members. I was hoping it would be just you and well.. me..."
Jihoon and Joshua had to leave the room. They couldnt bare to watch it.
"What?" You honestly didnt understand what he was saying.
Okay this is NOT how he practiced it.
Seokmin looks at Jeonghan and Seungkwan practically asking for help but his hyung urges him to still try.
"I... just," he cleared his throat. "Want to spend time with you. Whenever you're free."
"Oh that's no problem, Seok." You smiled at him. "We can do that right now."
"Uh no that's not what I-"
"What he means is," Seungkwan finally steps in. "He would really like to spend time with you. Just the two of you."
You looked at Seokmin for confirmation and he was licking his lips out of nervousness. His mouth felt so dry as he struggled to ask you out.
"It would really mean a lot if you could go on a date with me..." Seokmin spoke softly.
When you finally understood what was going on, you felt your cheeks grow warm.
"You're asking me out?"
He nods feeling even more shy.
The silence felt so long especially with the anticipation of the vocal unit members.
"Oh wait I almost forgot," Seokmin rushes to his room leaving you still in shock.
"Is this really happening?" You asked Seungkwan and Jeonghan.
The two nodded with an amused smile seeing the blush on your face.
"Here," Seokmin offers you a bouquet. "Please go out with me."
You took the bouquet in your hands and just realized that the flowers were actually made out of paper. (Probably sheet music). Despite the uneven cuts, it actually looked really beautiful.
"You made this?"
"Ah... I'm not really crafty," Seokmin says scratching the back of his head. "Sorry if it looks weird. I wanted to buy you real flowers but with our schedule, it was difficult to buy materials."
"I love it, Seokmin. Thank you," You gave him a warm smile before stepping closer to him. "I would love to go on a date with you."
Seokmin froze and his eyes widen, "Really?!"
You chuckled and nodded, "Really."
It didnt take seconds for Seokmin's eye smile to appear and for the members to start hollering and cheering. Some even came out of nowhere which totally surprised you.
Just imagine 12 men popping out and being loud.
"Good job hyung!!!" Dino said hugging him.
"Despite the stutters, I cant believe you pushed through." Minghao teased.
Seokmin couldnt even feel bad he was just so so so happy to finally get it out of his chest.
"Thank you, Y/N." He says looking at your eyes. "I promise you wont regret it."
"I know I wont."
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Diary page #5, Weather: Cloudy
So, uhm... i had to go back to the monster town... The little man ask me to pick some books from the libray, but i didnt wanna go back to such dangerous place and he scold me, telling me i should stop running away from my problems and he kick me out from the house, until i get him the book. That was pretty unfair, i mean, i dont want to die because i was doing somebody else chores! Well...that my job...but i didnt through was so bad, now i not so sure... anyway, i was entering the town when i was ambushed y the guard from the other day and scoold me about the dress, i was pretty upset, so i decide ignore him while i was walking to the library. I really like books and can help to do some viewing before i get back to the house, the shelves were so full of many books and i cant help to feel like a kid again; i got some coins to spare so i decide to look and i found a book for medicinal plants for a really cheap price! I buyed the books and i was to leave the town, when i heard a ruckus outside of the store when the lizards appeared in the plaza of the town, riding some dragon-bikes and being nasty; i get  scared and i hide inside of one box that was in the alley next to the store, and by poking to holes, its when i saw one calling for their boss I was really surprise, his leader was the same one, who was outside the window yesterday, in the post office; i was really afraid that he will recognice me, so i slowly pick the box has a disguise and carefuly walk away to get out of there. When i finally cross the entrance of the town, i take off the box and was picking my stuff when i heard a noise behind me... that was the most scarier moment of my life... The boss spot me and was there, looking me and slowly put a weird smile in his face, showing all his sharp teeths, like a predator who its about to hunt and kill their prey... my hands started to shake and i drop my things, but i couldnt pick them because he started to walk to me and i was already moving backwards by the fear. I dont remember what he was saying, because i bump with a tree behind me and he corner me, putting his arms on my sides; that was it, the decisive moment between life and death, it was all or nothing, so i take the chance...and kick him betwen the legs... The hit really work and while he was falling in the ground in pain, so in a rush i pick all my things from the ground and run away like crazy, until a get in the house and lock everthing, hidding myself under the bed... I dont know how many time i was there, when the little man wake me up, asking me what happen, and i when a told him what happen with the book shopping and the enconter with the lizards boss and he started laughting.... for a really long...long...long time... He said that was a really good story and i should be proud, because no all the days, “a lizard nuts get cracked” (That was very embarrasing to write!) But im really scary the lizard boss if comes for revenge... i should write a letter to Dennis about the lizards in the town...before this gets really ugly...
With care Astrea
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birthday sex with birthday boy mammon😩
i was just thinking about this and because he is the birthday boy then why not?
(Also please spare me i havent written anything similar to this)
You cant help but feel a bit embarrassed by the amount of costumes Mammon bought for you. Not to forget either about the crazy amount of stuff he bought seperately too.
At the end it was a long day, and as fun as it was to spend it with Mammon for his birthday you still feel like something was missing. You sit on the coach from Mammon's room, helping him get all the stuff he bought out from the bags and then organize them while he continues to brag about it all.
You listen to him talk and show off everything he got for himself. the face he has right now, it's almost like he forgot completely that he only got this luck with the money because of a curse. That is when it clicks for you... you havent gotten him a gift at all! Or did you? You cant really remember giving him a gift at all so lets just say you didnt. (At least spending the day with him was the gift- forget it, you wanna give him another gift!)
You look at the costumes he bought for you. You remember how Asmo giggled at some very revealing costumes that Mammon bought and then you come up with an idea.
"Hey Mammon i wanna check something from the stuff you bought for me, i'll be right back it wont take long" you say to him.
He looks over at you as you grab some of the costumes.
" oh, so my servant plans on putting on some of the costumes huh? Well then you better show your master how you look in them" he proceeds to say.
You turn your head and grin at him, "no i think i wont" you spit out with joking intentions. He panicks a bit before following you and claiming that he really wants to see you in the costumes " come on! Human! Im the birthday boy you should show meeeeee!".
You giggle by his reaction. "Im going to show you chill" you tell him in a friendly tone. He blushes but only a bit. "Tsk- i know but still!".
You change into the first costume. Its a silly yet cute sheep costume, almost like a onesie but heavier. Mammon laughs at how you look.
"Ha ha ha, laugh now all you want but just you wait"
" oh you bet i'll laugh! This is hilarious"
He ends up taking a picture from his DDD "this will be so worth it later" he says. "Mammon! Get rid of that!" You say now embarrased.
You run behind him and try to get his DDD from his hands but he lifts his hand to where you cant reach. The costume however is too heavy so you end up giving up and decide to test another one of the costumes. This time its a suit.
There isnt anything crazy about this suit, its just a suit, but still pretty fancy nonetheless.
"Now if that isnt style then i dont know what it is MC" says Mammon as he takes yet another picture of you. You sigh annoyed by him taking yet another picture of you. However little does he know about what you have planned to do next.
You dont complain this time about the picture and even insist that he has his DDD ready for the next costume you plan on putting. He smirks as he says he will and even holds his phone, with the camera open, ready to take the next picture. His smirk dissapears and to replace arrives charming red blush on his cheeks.
He lowers his DDD as he stares at the bunny suit you are now wearing. You also make sure you are wearing it wrong, in a way that your body shows its skin. "MC... w-what are you doing?" He asks as you pose for him.
"Im showing you the costumes you bought for me, just like you told me to do so" you respond with a wink.
He stares at you processing what is going on. You take one, two, three steps towards him while loosing up a bit the suit itself. "Youre very quite Mammon, do i not look nice?" You say while smiling maliciously at him.
"W-what? No! You look great MC, well- not great but, um, uh.." you cant tell he is getting nervous just by the way he is talking right now. He is so predictable anyways, so much so that his brothers literally handed you a guide about him. You get close enough to gently carress his arms and soon waist as he pulls his arms away. "Im going to need you to speak clear pal" you say.
"MC..." he looks so cute when he gets this flustered.
"What wrong? I was hoping you'd like my present Mammon? Or was my idea to much for you?" You tease as you turn away from him.
"No! Its great-i mean um.."
He grabs you by the waist and stops you from going anywhere. "H-hey look... since its my birthday then that means that what happens is because i want it and uh... yes" there he goes, messing up his words. Sure, sometimes he can pull it off but you know how to make a number on him and wow is it fun.
You turn around to face him yet again and then tell him that its his birthday, as if he had forgotten or something. Your hands go around his neck and you make sure to be as close as possible to him.
Before he can say anything you pull him in for a kiss. He doesnt hesitate to resist and kiss back. He pulls you closer by your waist with one hand and deepens the kiss by holding your head with the other hand. Before you know it the suit is gone, and now you are in his bed getting destroyed by him. He thrusts and makes you pant and moan. Your hands go from one moment on his back, digging your nails into his skin to gripping the bed sheets by the roughness of his thrusting.
You find yourself screaming his name as he makes you orgasm while also being as close to his body as possible.
"MC.." he says into your ear, you feel him then kiss it all theway down to your neck. His hands are everywhere, feeling every inch of you. His greed is showing, he just wants every single part of you for himself right now. It's all obvious by the way he is holding you so close to him.
You werent even sure that this wouldve worked, but still its happening. He picks up the speed as he reaches climax, you also feel yourself coming to edge. You feel your butt get filled by his cum.
Its a weird feeling, definetely has been a while since you've done this act. You feel his breath on your neck as he takes a moment to rest. Your eyes glance over at him to see his face right now. His face is still red, without losing his cool however he lays next to you. "So that was your present to me? Not bad.." he says. You decide to lay on top of him and cuddle up to his body. His air gets caught up yet again by this action. "Happy birthday, did you enjoy your day?" You ask him.
He pulls you closer but gives you that so famous tsundere face of his. "Yeah it was fun.." he mumbles out.
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jolie-auletta · 6 years
Lose Yourself, To Find Yourself.
So, I had the honour of being part of an international women’s day seminar yesterday. Hosted by the beautiful Gaia Rose, at her annual awakened woman gathering.
Part of a 7 woman strong team, I made my first public speech.
Stood in front of 50 women I didn’t know, I spoke about something that had impacted my life. How I fully and completely lost myself, but found my true self by doing so.
So here goes;
When I first found out I was going to be speaking today, I was an anxiety ridden mess, I was almost automatically filled with all kinds of insecurities. What if my story isnt as exciting as everybody elses. What if people judge me. What if I dont even inspire any one?
And as normal as that thought process is for someone who has never spoken in public before, it isnt actually very logical.
While I was writing this speech I sent it over to my friend to read over and I told her I felt somewhat guilty for mentioning someone from my past.
I am literally about to say things to a room of strangers that I've never even said a loud before!
But that's when it hit me, I want to be part of teaching our daughters and the next generation of women to not be afraid of simply speaking the truth!
I was always an intelligent kid. I taught myself how to speak other languages, play musical instruments, top of the class.. so I should have been a grade A student, gone to uni and I could have been living 'the dream' right now.
I know that the dream is just perspective. The dream is what you make it. But what I’m trying to say, is I could have had a smooth and easy life, if things had been different.
I don't dwell on that though, devine alignment is something I speak of often. All that is meant to be, will be.
My secondary school days were awful. I started later than I should have, so perhaps that had something to do with it? I don't know. But I felt like I was just always having to try harder than normal, just to make friends. Constantly seeking approval from my peers, constantly trying to be ‘one of them’.
What I've realised it comes down to, is I've just never had good social skills. Which no body believes when I tell them because I come across so confident and eccentric!
But honestly I'm what I like to call a social chameleon. I can blend in with any group, but it's all down to analysis of behaviours and mimicking. In a sense it's just acting.
And that's what school was like for me, I shuffled between groups, making friends then falling out with them over things I just didn't understand at the time
It's like I just didn't know how to integrate with people , or be myself.
So along with feeling like I has no real friends.. I was actually bullied too. The entire time.
I remember having to leave school early just to avoid confrontation. The worst part is, I didn't tell a soul I until I was 25? So a whole 10 years went by without even telling my own mum that I was bullied!
That's something I really regret now. Because I believe it all stems from there and if I had reached out to someone, it could have all been different.
Anyway, the last year of school rolled round and I'm obviously so happy to leave!
But then this fear kicked in. What if I get bullied again!?
So I had an ingenius plan. (in hindsight this was not an ingenius plan at all)
I firstly completely went off radar. I chose a college in a new area, where no one would know me and heres the ingenius part. I made a new personality. Who is the most unbullyable person, I thought? All my previous bullies where quite 'rude girl' personas, so thats when i pieced everything together and decided who I’d be.
And it worked. No one picked on me and I was actually popular.
The mask was working, but that’s all it was, a mask.
I was still constantly seeking approval from people, always trying to be what I thought other people thought was cool, not what I actually thought was cool.
About 8 years ago, i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and BPD. I was on medication but I took myself off of them when I fell pregnant. I did see a psychiatrist for a number of years, but I'm due to have another evaluation because I tick a lot of the boxes for autism!
This was literally a lightbulb moment! When I found out I could be on the spectrum- everything in my life made sense. And it turns out its really common for women with autism to go under the radar, or be diagnosed with depression, anxiety or bipolar/bpd like I was, and that's it, autism isn't even considered.
I am quite obviously high functioning, but every day scenarios like dealing with my emotions, sensory predicaments and simple socialising are a daily battle for me.
I have done A LOT of self healing and I have made a lot of progress, but I have come to the conclusion that whether I'm one, none, or all of the above , I just don't fit in a box and that's okay!!
I found my release in music, it was a coping mechanism, a world to get lost in.
But this leads me onto the second part of my story. During my music years, I met someone who would change my life.
A narccissist.
As i said before i do believe everything happens in devine order and its all lead me to where I am today. And I don't even hold a grudge towards this person. What's done is done.
And we were actually friends for a long while before getting together, we were best friends in fact, I can't even fault the friendship.
But the relationship was TOXIC!
The mental abuse was off the scale. And he also introduced me to cocaine. Now, in the beginning, it was all fun and games. Parties, recreational and I had no responsibilities in life so I thought why the hell not.
But it became more than that. He got me involved in not only taking it, but selling it too.
The entire relationship became based on that.
And ultimately it was detrimental to my soul.
I didnt even recognise myself. My family didn’t recognise me. It was like I had all these layers of personality I had invented to hide behind, but I couldn’t even remember who I was underneath it all!
I became more and more involved in this crazy lifestyle, so much so I ended up in prison because of it.
Honestly I look back and just think, how could I be so STUPID. It took me so long to admit that I was in a controlling and abusive relationship.
This guy had a hold on me. The kind of hold only a narccissist can have.
This wasnt some teenage crush where i 'loved' him so much and I'd do anything for him. I was a crushed soul, bowing down to a dictator.
I did what he wanted, when he wanted. I didn’t even exist. It was all about him.
My mental state was in pieces.
Im honestly so embarrased to tell people Ive been to jail. I mean even saying the word jail. It makes me cringe. I rarely tell people. There are family members that don’t even know!
But that prison freed me. From the jail that was my own body.
Its almost heartbreaking to think of myself all alone in a cell, no friends or family , but I had time to be on my own. With ME! The actual me, not the me I had been playing the part of for the last god knows how many years.
I honestly remember the day the penny dropped, it was when I put my nose ring back in. It sounds so crazy, but when I put it back in, all the pieces of me started to sort of fall into place too. I wore the clothes I wanted. I wore my hair how I wanted and I was starting to love being me again.
The mask was off! I existed again! And that was a beautiful feeling!
I can’t believe I’d kept up this charade for so many years! I should have been an actress, seriously 😂
So fast forward to today, I have a daughter, My Isabella Amethyst. I honestly love her more than I ever thought was even possible and she has played a major role in me becoming the person I am today, because she deserves me at my best and no less.
Another point to make is… As some one who was too foreign for the white folk; yet too white to be black… my whole life I had never fit in to a ‘group’.
I started researching my ancestral heritage and had a deep spiritual connection with the Italian and Spanish parts of my DNA. I even discovered I had Amerindian and oceanic DNA. Which was amazing and even more soul grabbing for me, it gave me a sense of belonging.
A lot of people say wow jode, you've changed so much!
But i am now, who I actually was before I was pressured in to believing I wasn't good enough as myself! Before I invented a new me, just to fit in with everyone else!
So along with becoming a parent, Ive managed to start my own holistic business too!
I do everything I love now, everything that makes my soul happy. I say yes to my intuition and say no to anything that doesn't serve me. We as women have to learn put ourselves first! We have to learn to trust ourselves, love ourselves and actually learn to be a bit selfish!
Life has given me some lemons, as they say. My world was incredibly sour at times and I have found my self in the darkest of corners, alone. But as clische as it is, after the darkness comes light.
I can wholeheartedly say that although I may not be 'living the dream' I could have been, if I had chosen all the 'right' paths in life, I am infact HAPPY. My soul is content and I am ME.
No matter what any of us have been through in life, we not only grow through it, we can flurish beyond it. These awful things happen to us, but they do not define us.
Sometimes we just have to lose ourselves, to find ourselves.
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