#got chevelle and a perfect circle covered already
croik · 7 years
My 8tracks could use some bite
Anyone got music recs for something in the Tool and/or Puscifer family but harder? This mix could use some industrial. Thanks in advance!! 🤘
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atc74 · 4 years
Soul to Souls - Twelve
Warnings: Pregnancy, fluff, confrontation, angst, more fluff, language, more visions...or dreams? Sam’s issue is revealed, and a cliffhanger!
Summary: Since she was four years old, Annaleigh has seen the same boy in her dreams. For twenty-five years, she grows to love the boy that has now turned into a man. Dean Winchester just lost the only family he has ever known. The guilt drives him to work harder than ever before. He works to forget the pain, until he meets Annaleigh and she turns his world upside down. What she learns changes both of their lives forever, but what will he do when he discovers the truth? Will he accept it or run back to the only life he has ever known?
Pairing: Dean x OC Annaleigh
Word Count: 1683
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches​​​​​​, @katehuntington​​​​​, thank you both for being my guides! Dividers and new cover art by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89​​​​​​, Impala divider by @writeyourmindaway​​.
A/N: This was my very first series I ever wrote four years ago in September 2016 and I am so happy and proud to bring this back home. We’re halfway there folks, but we’ve barely gotten started!
Y’all are getting two chapters in three days! I am trying to get back on my normal posting schedule! Enjoy!
Soul to Souls Master List
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Anna had been awake for a few minutes now, not opening her eyes. She was perfectly content to just lay there and drift off again in Dean’s arms, one draped protectively over her middle, fingers tracing small circles on her lower abdomen. Deciding against falling back asleep, she rolled to face him and slowly opened her eyes to meet his gaze; his eyes were even more beautiful in the morning light, shining like emeralds in the sun. 
“Good morning, Mama.” He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her lips.
“Good morning yourself, Handsome.” She buried her face in his neck, breathing him in, and sighed contentedly as he continued his patterns on her belly.
“Did you sleep well?” Dean inquired.
Anna sighed once more as she extended her sleepy limbs in a satisfying stretch. “Yes, I did. I feel rested and ready for the day. What about you, Babe?”
He laughed softly, placing his lips to her forehead. “I did sleep well, but I’ve also been up for quite a while now, y’know, thinking.”
She turned my head up to look at him. “How long have you been up? What time is it, anyway?”
Glancing at his watch, Dean answered, “I’ve been up since about seven. It’s now almost noon. The mother of my children needs her rest, and I didn’t have the heart to wake you. I’ve already changed Baby’s oil, washed her, and helped Bobby out in the yard.”  
Dean kissed her again, and Annaleigh felt the familiar stirring deep inside her. She wrapped her legs around him and rolled until she was settled on top of his long, hard body. She deepened the kiss and felt him respond to her. His hands roamed up and over her back and into her hair as their tongues fought for dominance. Dean moved his hands back down to her hips, repositioning her until the friction was perfect as they rubbed against each other. 
She pulled away and sat up trying to catch her breath when the sound of her empty stomach betrayed her raging hormones. She needed food. She bent over to kiss him quickly before rolling off of him and the bed.
“I am sorry, Dean. This time I need food more than I need you to scratch this itch,” she apologized, throwing him a quick wink, and headed to the bathroom to get dressed and brush her teeth. He followed her and leaned his tall frame against the door.
“Anna, I was thinking about our little secret this morning.” He kept his eyes on hers while she finished brushing. “I want to keep it to ourselves for a little while; just until we know for sure and we can get in to see a doctor.” 
“I wanted to talk to you about that, too. I don’t want anyone else to know just yet,” she agreed. “I don’t want to give Bobby anything else to worry about right now. Or Sam.” She cringed at his name on her tongue. She made her way back into the bedroom to get dressed. “Besides, I want to see my own doctor. I am going to call today and make an appointment, okay?” Placing both her hands on his chest, she raised up on her toes to kiss him. “Let’s eat. I am starving!” She grabbed his hand and led him downstairs.
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“I think I can make that work. I appreciate you seeing me so soon, thank you very much, Dr. Ryan.” Annaleigh ended the call and placed her phone back in her pocket. She ate the sandwich Dean had left for her and wandered out to the shop looking for him. She found Bobby under the hood of his Chevelle.  
“Hey, Old Man!” Anna called out, walking over to the side of the car to join him. “What are you doing out here? Where are the boys?” 
“I sent them into town to get a part for me. Should be back soon.” He glanced over to her. “How are you doing, Annaleigh?” he asked, worry set deep in his eyes.
“I am doing okay today, Bobby. I feel rested and better than yesterday.” She looked away as she answered, leaning against the car.
“Girl, don’t lie to me. I can see right through you,” he challenged.
“I don’t know what it is, Bobby. I just feel like there is something off. With Sam, I mean. But I can’t put my finger on it,” she confessed, feeling better now that she had shared her doubts with someone else. “But, I don’t know how to tell Dean. Or even if I should tell him. I don’t like keeping things from him, but this isn’t mine to tell.”
He took a deep breath before he began. “I know what you’re talking about. I feel it, and honestly, I think Dean feels it, too. We still don’t know what rescued him from the pit, but he has been off since he showed up. I called in every favor I got trying to figure it out.”
“Bobby, he is cold and unfeeling. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up when he looks at me, well, looks through me is more like it. Like he isn’t human. But you tested him, so we know he is, but it’s like something is missing…” she trailed off as her thoughts started running wild in her head. She turned and ran back to the house. “I will be right back, I swear,” she called over her shoulder.
“Can that really be it?” Anna was talking to herself now, reading the lore books she had found in Bobby’s collection. “Could it be that simple? Well, it’s not simple at all, really. It’s gonna be real fucking complicated,” she muttered.
“What’s gonna be complicated, Red?” She jumped when she heard Dean’s voice behind her.
“Um, I don’t know yet. But, I will let you know as soon as I figure it out,” she faltered, but quickly regained her composure as she turned to face her boyfriend, his green eyes locking with hers. “Hey, Babe? Do you think we can take off in the morning? I want to be home by tomorrow night. I talked to my doctor, and she can get us in the day after tomorrow, but it’s her only opening. She’ll be gone for two weeks if we can’t make it,” she informed him.
“Are you kidding? That quick? Yeah, we can leave now if you want,” he answered, even more excited than she was. Anna jumped up, throwing her arms around his neck, leaving a loud kiss on his lips.
“Great! I just have to talk to Bobby real quick, then we can pack up Baby and hit the road.” She ran out the door and back to the shop.
“Bobby! I think I got it!” She proclaimed as she rounded the corner into the shop but skidded to a halt when she spotted Sam perched on the cooler next to the Chevelle.
“Whoa! Where’s the fire, girl?” Sam quipped.
She eyed Bobby cautiously. He nodded and she continued, “I know what is wrong with you, Sam. I don’t know what pulled you out from Lucifer’s grasp, but I do know that it did a piss poor job.”
Sam stood, stalked over to her, and threw his arms out wide, in a menacing stance. “What the hell are you talking about?” He shouted. “There isn’t anything wrong with me! Have you seen me? I’m in the best shape of my life. I’m a better hunter than Dean now. I’m awesome!” he boasted.
“No, Sam, you’re not!” she protested, placing a hand up to stop him from advancing on her. “Something is wrong with you and I know what it is. Whatever, whomever, rescued you from the fiery clutches of Hell; they left a part of you behind. You lost your soul, Sam! Your fucking soul? Does that sound o-fucking-kay to you?!” she argued.
Sam stopped and stared down at her. “Huh, no wonder I don’t give a rat’s ass about anything. Not Dean; not you. Nothing. And, you know what? I fucking love it. I feel free. Don’t think you can go fixing me like you did my brother. I am not broken. But, he was and you made him weak; you gave him hope,” he growled.
“Weak? I rescued him when he was in danger of losing himself because of you, Sam! That doesn’t make him weak. Scars don’t mean a person is damaged, it means they survived. And, that is what your brother did. Without you! He survived because of me!” Anna stormed past Sam and over to Bobby.
She gave the old man a tight embrace and told him she and Dean were leaving, with a promise to figure out how to make Sam whole. She gave Sam one more glare, then went back to the house to pack her things so they could hit the road.
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The drive home took just over 18 hours, stopping only for bathroom breaks and fuel. Annaleigh fell asleep a few times; thanking God that Dean loved driving. She was snuggled up with her head in his lap, drifting off again.  
“Hey, Beautiful. How are you feeling, Red? I got someone, well two someones, I want you to meet. Kids, say ‘Hi’ to your beautiful Mama.” Dean walked over to Annaleigh. She was in a hospital bed, wearing one of those terrible gowns. He gently handed her half the precious cargo he carried. She smiled, gazing at the bundle in her arms, and looked back up at him. He leaned over, placing a soft kiss to her lips. “I am so proud of you, Red. Look at what we did. We made these beautiful little people.” She knew she was crying, but they were happy tears. She took her eyes off the baby boy in her arms and looked up at Dean. He was crying too. He looked so incredibly happy. 
“Red, I would like you to meet our son, Robert Samuel Winchester. And, this sweet little thing is…”
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Soul to Souls tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @flamencodiva​​ @iwantthedean​​ @jensengirl83​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @smol-and-grumpy​​ @kbl1313​​ @waywardbeanie​​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​​ @princessmisery666​​​ @shy-violet-soul​​ @lastcallatrockysbar​​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​​ @fangirlxwritesx67​​ @squirrelnotsam​​ @michellethetvaddict​​ @magssteenkamp​​ @wonder-cole​​
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What if Rood and Shicmuon became friends? Part 9
Rood is now prepared to separate from the Demon King and remove the Kings power from Lidusis. Will the removal go as planned and will Rood finally get to use his new magician form? Is the Black Magician is going to be replaced and never seen again? Lipsen comes back to the estate and sees the King, Rood gets a new mark and Kiel stops by for a visit.
Cave entrance
Iel, Chevel, Dio, Rubymonter, Elzeble, Gamode, Shicmuon, Lidusis and Rood were standing at the entrance of a cave. Dio gulped “Um Rood we are doing the ritual here?” Rood nodded “Yea this place is great as it works with the help from the different elements.” Dio turned and looked down into the cave “Oh really?” Rood nodded and walked into the cave, everyone followed.
The Dukes office
Back at the manor Lidusis’ father was pacing in his office, the duchess stood up “Darling I know that you are worried but I trust that boy.” The duke turned and looked at his wife “How can you be so sure of that!?” The duchess smiled and closed her eyes “That boy…. He saved Lidusis from the pain and loneliness that he always had with him. He made Lidusis for the first time in years’ smile, he is even willing to put himself in such a terrible condition to save our son from that awful power sealed inside of him. He is Lidusis’ first friend after that incident and he trusts him, so do I.” The Duke sighed “I guess I have to take your word for it. I am going to call Lipsen and Isao to see if they have calmed down a bit. I will also tell them what is going on here.” The duchess nodded and left the room.
The Town of Springs
Away in another town Lipsen and Isao were having tea when their mana ball started to glow, Isao got up and picked it up “I wonder who’s calling?” He activated the ball and a voice came through “How are you doing now Isao, Lipsen? Have you calmed down a bit?” Lipsen nodded at Isao “Yes father we have calmed down, it is very calming out here.” “That’s good, there are many tiresome things happening over here right now so it is good that you took that break son.” Lipsen stood up and walked over to the ball “What do you mean sir?” “Well the kids are doing this ritual thing with the Demon King right now and the preparation for the aftermath is exhausting.” Isao looked at Lipsen in shock then back at the ball “What do you mean father? The Demon King? That’s impossible he has been missing for over 8 years.” “Yea I know that but….” Isao glared at the ball “But what father?” “It was Rood, he said that he knew where the King was and that they are going to do a ritual to bring him back. In the process of the ritual the kings power will be separated from Lidusis safely and back into the King.” Lipsen took the ball of Isao “That’s impossible sir, removing the power will kill Lidusis.” Isao lowered his head as the duke answered “Yes that would be the case if it was being removed the normal way. On the Demon Kings Orders Rood researched and found a way to separate the power without harming Lidusis.” Lipsen glared at the ball “Orders? Did he tell you where the King was?” There was silence for a while then the Duke answered “He’s inside him.” Isao’s eyes shot to the ball “What!?” The duke went on “Around 8 years ago, the Demon Kings soul was sealed inside of Rood.” Lipsen froze at the news of where his King was “What? But the King needs a body to be revived. Does that mean that Rood will sacrifice his body to the Demon King?” The dukes tone of voice suddenly got sad “No Roods body does not meet the specifications that the Kings soul needs. Instead Rood is giving him his magician form. He said that the Black Magician form was the Kings body from the start, he was using the form to wake the King up by encountering demons and mana. It worked too and now he needs to separate from them both.” Isao thought for a bit “Wait but father separating a form that is literally built into your body is not only extremely painful but lethal too. He could die.” Lipsen looked at Isao panicked then back at the ball as the duke answered “I know, he knows. When I told him he just looked at me, smiled and said that even if there is a 50/50 chance of death they need their King back.” Lipsen lowered his head and thought to himself “That kid is unbelievable, he is risking death to return our King.” The duke went on “The Kings daughter and the King himself promised to do everything in their power to help Rood live and get back to normal. Anyway, can you two come back now? We might need some extra hands around here very soon.” Isao looks at Lipsen and they both nod “We will be there as soon as possible.” Isao and Lipsen packed up then started their journey home.
The Cave of Stars
Iel, Chevel, Dio, Rubymonter, Elzeble, Gamode, Shicmuon, Lidusis and Rood were standing in a huge part of the cave. Iel looked at the top of the cave “It looks like stars.” Rood laughed “I know right, its perfect.” Everyone nodded as Rood set up the pillars in a circle “Everyone but me, Lidusis and Rubymonter stand by a pillar. Dio you stand by the Fire pillar, Shicmuon by the Wind pillar, Gamode by the Water pillar, Iel by the Earth pillar, Chevel by the Light pillar and Elzeble by the Darkness pillar.” Everyone walked to their pillars and Rubymonter looked at Rood “What am I to do?” You are to help lure the power out from Lidusis. If you use some of your mana the power should know that you are here and it will think that your father is here too.” Rubymonter nodded as Rood led Lidusis into the circle of pillars “Now Lis you will feel several powers wanting to enter your body, your job is to find a power that resonates with you. When you find that power only let that one enter, when the power has been accepted it will help you make a pathway for the Kings power to get out. When the Kings power is out your power will close the road, and wait for you to start training with it.” Lidusis nodded “Got it!”
Rood stepped away from Lidusis and then faced him. Rood chanted “The six elements I call upon your power to help us with is ritual.” Suddenly there was a flash on top of each pillar, everyone looked at the pillars and they saw a ball of fire, water, earth, wind, light and dark on top of the designated pillars. Lidusis looked at Rood and nodded, Rood nodded back then stretched out his arms. Rood channeled the power of the elements and a small ball flew out of each element. They were smaller versions of what was on the pillars. They gathered around roods hands as he put his palms facing Lidusis. Rood then chanted “Let this child release the power that does not belong and give birth to a new power of his own.” The small element balls flew towards Lidusis and started circling him, Lidusis closed his eyes to listen to the elements. After 5 minutes Lidusis made his decision, the water element went inside of him as the others flew back to the pillars. Rood looked at Rubymonter “Now use your mana.” Rubymonter nodded and made a mana sword. Rood went into his soul and got the Demon King prepared “Come on now, let’s call your power out.” The King nodded as he let out his mana, as soon as the kings power detected his mana it came out of Lidusis. Rood looked at Rubymonter “Oh crap, catch him Rubymonter.” Rubymonter caught Lidusis as he fell, she took his pulse “Still alive and healthy.” Rood smiled “Now onto the painful part.
Rood closed his eyes and channeled all his mana into the Black Magician form, everyone watched worried about Rood. Rood turned to the King in his soul “N need to be upset you said that you would help me get better, right?” The King smiled then hugged Rood, he then started to cry “Yea, I promise.” Rood hugged the King back “Well then let’s get this over with.” The king nodded “Yea.” From Rood’s right hand came a black mass along with the sound of bones being broken. Iel covered her ears and closed her eyes “I just can’t look!” The black mass got bigger and bigger and it was obvious that Rood was in immense pain. He did not scream but it was all over his face, he was holding it in so that the others wouldn’t need to hear his pain. The black mass separated from Roods hand braking his whole arm along with it. The mass then turned into the Black Magician, then from Roods now broken hand came a surge of power that went straight into the Black Magician. It was the Kings soul; his soul took over the Black Magician and changed the body slightly. Rood smiled “Welcome back.” The King walked over to Rood “Yea thanks to you.” Rood smiled then collapsed. Everyone ran over to Rood as the King picked him up. The King pointed to Lidusis who just woke up “Your Lidusis right? Where is that room you set up for him! We need to get him treatment imminently!” Lidusis nodded and led the way.
Rood’s Recovery Room
Lanoste was already at the room waiting for them, they suddenly burst into the room and placed Rood on the bed. The King walked up to Lanoste “So you are Lanoste? Nice to meet you I am the Demon King, I would love to chat but I have to help Rood.” Lanoste smiled “Its ok that is why I am here, Kiel would murder me if he found out I didn’t help his little brother when he is in this condition.” The King smiled then walked over to Rood “Lanoste do you know how to heal broken bones?” Lanoste looked at the King then at Roods arm “Yea.” The king gestured to Lanoste to come over “I’ll take care of the organs and you take care of the broken bones. Iel you can help Gamode stich up the injuries.” They both nodded as Chevel stepped into the room “How did he get those gashes all over him? All we saw was his arm break.” The king looked at Chevel “It happened when the elements left, they destroyed his body because they got mad at him.” Chevel scratched his head “Why did they get mad at him.” The King started to treat Roods wounds “Probably because he could control them so well, the elements don’t like being controlled so they wanted to hurt him. The internal damage was done when I exited his body. Happy now? You can give Rood some pain relief, even a little is good in his state.” Chevel nodded and started the pain relief.
 After 5 hours of healing Rood was finally stable and not in danger of death anymore. Rood was fast asleep and the Demon King sat next to him “We managed to save him.” Lanoste smiled “It was because of his determination to live that he is alive now.” Lanoste pats Rood’s head “He’s a fighter after all. I’ll go call his brother now.” The King smiled and Lanoste left the Room, Rubymonter sat by Rood’s bed “Father what are we going to do now? Are we just going to return to the Demon world and things will go back to normal?” The King looked at Rubymonter “No, I have taking a liking to the human world, I will travel around for a bit first.” Rubymonter lowered her head “But father.” The King smiled and pated Rood’s head “I also want to thank this kid too. He has helped me more than you think Ruby.” Rubymonter looks at Rood and smiles “Ok, but I am coming with you.” The King smiles as Kiel comes running into the room, he sees Rood sleeping and whispers to the King “Hello my name is Kiel, Roods older brother and legal guardian. Are you the Demon King?” Everyone looks at Kiel and the King nods “Yes I am.” The King gets up and walks over to Kiel “So you are his brother? Rood is such a kind child you must be proud.” Kiel smiles “Well being polite and kind does run in the family blood on our mother’s side.” The King smiled and Rubymonter stood up and walked over to Kiel “I’m Rubymonter a friend of your brother and daughter to the Demon King.” Kiel looked at Rubymonter “You’re his friend? *Rubymonter nods* My he really is a charmer having a beautiful girl like you as his friend. He may be a bit blunt but thanks for being there for him.” Rubymonter blushes “Thank you, no problem.” Rubymonter looks at Rood then back at Kiel “Um, we kind of saw his memories of the past and… well…” Kiel smiled and looked at Rood “I know, they are bad. After the sealing ceremony when he woke up he showed them to me. I didn’t think that he remembered me but he did.” Rubymonter looked at Kiel “Well I just want to know where your father was, we didn’t see him at all.” Kiel sighed “That’s because Rood never saw our father, I only saw him at his own funeral. He is a terrible father, he doesn’t even deserve the title father.” Everyone lowered their heads, Kiel looked over at Dio “Oh your Dio right?” Dio looked at Kiel “Huh? Yea how do you know.” Kiel smiled and looked at Rood “He told me about you, he said something about hanging out with ‘Mr last place’.” Dio smiled “Yep that’s me.” Kiel smiled and sat by Rood with Dio to talk. The King, Rubymonter, Gamode and Elzeble left the room.
The next Day
Lipsen and Isao walked into the Estate preparing themselves to meet the Demon King. They walked into the living area to see the King talking to Lidusis, Chevel and Iel. Dio, Rubymonter, Gamode and Elzeble were talking to Kiel and Lanoste. Isao whispered to Lipsen “Hey I don’t see Rood.” Lipsen nodded as he walked over to the King. The King looked at Lipsen “Oh hello Lipsen, I see you have a human friend? That’s rare, I thought you hated humans?” Lipsen looked at Isao then back at the King “I was…… stressed. Anyway, where is Rood? Did he die from the separation?” The King glared at Lipsen and Lipsen took a step back. The King answered in an agitated tone “No he didn’t, we made sure he survived. He is just out of energy because of everything he had to do, Shicmuon is with him in his recovery room.” Isao walked over to the King “What did he do to separate the power from Lidusis and your soul from himself without dying then?” The King clapped his hands together and had a big smile on his face as he replied in a happy tone “He used new magic! Magic that did not need mana to work, the power of the elements.” Lipsen took this by surprise “Wait doesn’t that mean that his magic potential must be massive?” The King glared at Lipsen “What you thought his power as the Black Magician was because of me? Haha no it wasn’t, the form was mine but the power was his. When he wakes up he will have his original mana mark and a new magician form.” Lipsen smiled “That’s good.” The king smiled at Lipsen “Oh really? You seem to be quite fond of him Lipsen.” Lipsen just smiled “Yea, I have a feeling that it’s going to get lively around here.” The King laughed “Hhahaha, I agree.”
Rood’s Recovery Room
Shicmuon is sitting beside Rood, he looks at Rood to see him opening his eyes “Oh hey are you ok?” Rood opened his eyes and saw Shicmuon “I feel terrible, like someone hit me over the head with a boulder. That wasn’t you by any chance was it.” Shicmuon smiled and folded his arms “Nah, it’s probably because you were half dead.” Rood smiled and sat up “Most likely the case.” Shicmuon just smiled as Rood’s stomach grumbled “Oh yea, I’m hungry.” Shicmuon laughed and placed some sandwiches in front of Rood “Your favorite, right?” Rood smiled “Yea! How did you know?” Shicmuon smiled “Your brother told me.” Rood looked at Shicmuon “Oh Kiel’s here? He didn’t freak out, did he? He tends to do that if he thinks I am in danger.” Shicmuon laughed “Nah he trusted the Demon King so he didn’t freak out.” Rood laughed and started to eat the sandwiches “That’s good.” When Rood was halfway through his second sandwich his left hand started to burn. Rood dropped the sandwich “Ah! Why is my hand burning?” Shicmuon shot up and remembered what the king said “When his left-hand burns that will be when his new mana mark will appear.” Shicmuon grabbed Rood’s left hand, there was a blinding flash that came from Roods hand. When the light faded Shicmuon looked down at Roods hand to see a new mana mark “Well I guess you are back in the magician business now.” Rood laughed “Yea, we can be a team.” Shicmuon laughed “That sounds fun, but for now let’s just call your brother and the others.” Rood smiled “Good idea.”
 Rood has now got a brand-new mana mark and has survived the separation. Lipsen is now looking forward to seeing Rood’s new form and everything is looking great. That is until two unexpected guests take an interest in Rood.
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itsworn · 7 years
This Guy Lives Sideways In A Blown 1968 Hemi Dart!
You have to give the young guys of Bob Welling’s generation a lot of credit. While Detroit unleashed muscle on America, he was among the tens of thousands of guys in Vietnam as a U.S Marine. The honor they deserved took decades to become evident thanks in part to those who wouldn’t serve back then, but today real Americans honor that great sacrifice. Before he headed over for his service, a trip to the newly opened Palm Beach International Raceway in southern Florida had sealed his love for power.
“The track had opened in 1965 and we went,” he recalls now. “Right away, I was awestruck at how dominant the Hemi engine was. Now I was still a Chevy guy at heart, so as soon as I got back from Vietnam, I bought a ’66 SS396 Chevelle, but within six months I had traded that in on a 1969 383 cubic-inch Road Runner. I was actually looking to replace the Chevelle from those days when the Dart came up in 2014.”
As many know, the Dodge Dart’s most vicious legacy came in 1968, when Tom Hoover and his crew at Chrysler Engineering launched their own all-out land invasion. The largest street engine available at the 1968 introduction came in the GTS, a 383 model. Later that same model year, Mr. Norm Krause had a short batch built with 440 power, but the Hemi-powered examples would be the trend setters. Created and developed with the idea of fitting exactly into the NHRA weight break for SS/B (6.00-6.49 pounds per horsepower), incomplete 383 Darts went to subcontractor Hurst Industries for modifications solely for racing. This included lightweight body parts, spartan interiors, drag-strip only drivetrains, and the final factory release of the legendary cross-ram Race Hemi. Due to the weight requirements, the engine was fairly straight forward, with a stock cam, heads, and oil pan, knowing the racers would do their own things to get them ready for action. The Hurst changes meant the cars were no longer highway legal, and a disclaimer stating this was part of the sale.
These 80 or so cars and a similar group of sister Barracudas dominated the highest echelons of the sport for years. Today, the originals have left their own street legacy thanks to cars like the one Bob would purchase decades later, a tribute design that featured a Hemi engine conversion. In this case, a later Mopar Performance 472 cubic-inch crate engine and some of the other changes the cars received had been added. Though the body itself was still all-steel, the turn-key car represented those glory days of Bob’s past.
“I had a 2009 SRT Challenger that I was already drag racing twice a week at Palm Beach International Raceway,” he says. “The Dart was not going to be a racecar; it would be my street car. I always wanted a Hemi, and this would get that out of my system.”
The biggest problem upon purchase was some irritating piston rattle during warm-up. That was one reason why Bob had his mechanic friend Kenny Morrison, owner of K-Tech Automotive, Inc. in Loxahatchee, Florida, take a look at it. In turn, Kenny took Bob for a ride…
“Yeah, he had this supercharged ’56 Chevy with a big-block in it,” Bob laughs. “In fact, every car he has is supercharged, even his motorcycle, so he talked me into it. Actually, he took me out for a drive, and I was convinced on the idea of the blower right way!”
Blown street machines have always been a special breed. Kenny actually owns a blown ’34 Plymouth and a blown Hemi Willys as well—all street cars developed with the idea of keeping it simple. Overdrive is kept at a minimum and compression can be set as high as 10:0:1; the ’56 is his daughter’s car! Once Bob had pulled the trigger on the project, Kenny took the engine out of the Viper Red car, took it completely apart, and began reworking it. Nothing radical.
“If you build them right, these cars are 100-percent drivable,” Kenny told us. “Since I was a kid, I always thought they were cool, and loved the look of them, so I’ve always been a blower guy. For Bob, I just wanted to build him something he could get in, hit the key, and go.”
A blower-friendly cam design and a set of 10.0:1 Diamond pistons were the only major things actually swapped out, then the Hemi was carefully reassembly before being capped off with the Hampton 8-71 Roots-design huffer now coming up through the engine bay. Since the car retained the steel hood, that proved to the only major issue.
“We took the Super Stock scoop off it and redid the hood,” says Bob. “Kenny needed to cut it and weld a lip around the opening. Due to the additional amount of iron Chrysler used in their sheet metal, it’s not like doing some of the others. It wanted to bend and flex every time the welder hit it. That was really the only issue we had doing this build-up.”
Of course, throwing a blower on a Hemi can find weaker links throughout the driveline. During the year the car was worked on in the shop, K-Tech removed and narrowed the 8.75-inch rear and mini-tubbed the car for a 12-inch tire. This would give some semblance of traction, though Bob admits that if you get on it even at 50 mph, it just goes sideways. A 3.55 rear gear provides a nice balance for power, and Kenny added a 3,200-stall converter and reverse-pattern valve body to the A727 Torqueflite as well. Wheels are chromed five-spokes by Rocket and wear Mickey Thompson rubber on all four corners.
There were a handful of other chassis mods—subframe connectors to tie it together, and the rear springs were moved inboard for clearance. Strange came through with replacement front disc brakes, a better choice than retaining the anemic factory discs. Meanwhile, chrome under the hood gives the car show appeal, though it is not excessive. A Be Cool radiator keeps it chilled, while a K&N filter is in the large-opening hood scoop to keep the bugs out. The crate motor’s pair of 77-cfm Holleys were dialed in and reinstalled beneath it.
We noted the car was done when Bob got it from Streetside Customs in Atlanta, where it was on consignment. The interior is similar to the race-bred originals, though it retains the window cranks for ease of operation. A handful of gauges monitor the engine, but the reskinned low-back bucket seats and factory dash layout from 1968 are still there.
Bob sold his race Challenger and now enjoys the Dart strictly as a show car, taking in at least two events a month in the Atlantic coast towns near home during the show season. When asked if he planned to race this car, he laughed again. “No, it’s really a street cruiser. If you were to try and get it to really hook up, it would probably blow that rear end apart. This is ok; I wanted something different but it still is like the Hurst Darts. I like it this way.”
Fast Facts
1968 Dodge Dart Robert Welling; Loxahatchee, FL
ENGINE Type: 472ci Gen II Hemi design Bore x stroke: 4.15 x 4.25 Block: OEM cast by Mopar Performance; honed for rebuilding Rotating assembly: factory forged crank, H&P rods, Diamond pistons, Perfect Circle rings Compression: 10.0:1 Cylinder heads: Mopar Performance factory crate Camshaft: hydraulic grind for street supercharged application Valvetrain: Mopar Performance, supplied with crate package Induction: Hampton intake and Roots-design 8-71 supercharger Fuel system: dual-quad Holley 770cfm Exhaust: Hooker headers, full exhaust Ignition: MSD Cooling: Be Cool aluminum radiator with twin electric fans Fuel: 93-octane pump gas Other: Injector-type scoop, K&N filter Output: not dyno tested Engine built by: Kenny Morrison, K-Tech Automotive Inc
DRIVETRAIN Transmission: A727 built by Kenny Morrison, reverse-pattern valve body, 3,200-stall converter, Hurst shifter Driveshaft: custom, as purchased Rearend: Chrysler 8.75 banjo-design 3.55 ratio, SureGrip, narrowed 4 inches by K-tech
CHASSIS Front suspension: factory Hemi torsion bars, OEM shocks, K-tech welded-in subframe connectors Rear suspension: factory leaf springs moved inboard for clearance, mini-tubs, OEM-style shocks Steering: OEM manual Front brakes: Strange spindles and disc brake conversion (circa 2005) Rear brakes: OEM drum layout, associated dual master cylinder
WHEELS & TIRES Wheels: five-spoke Rocket; 6×15 (front), 15×12 (rear) Tires: Mickey Thompson 26x8x15 (front), 26x12x15 (rear)
INTERIOR Seats: black OEM 1968 style Instruments: OEM cluster, Auto Meter aftermarket gauge set, column-mounted tachometer Stereo: radio-delete plate Shifter: Hurst with T-handle top, floor mounted
In 1968, Hemi Darts arrived on the nation’s dragstrips. The originals are rare and expensive, but few will match the curbside notoriety seen on Bob Welling’s supercharged version. This 472-cube crate-motor version now sports an 8-71 Hampton blower and streetable compression.
Welling’s car features a standard Dart interior with a handful of changes. The cars were all-business and devoid of any extras; added here is the Hurst T-handle shifter, Auto Meter gauges, and large-face tachometer mounted on the steering column. Otherwise, 1968 lives on…
Hemis into A-Bodies were a very tight fit; note the clearance between the valve cover and master cylinder here. As a result, an offset block had to be developed for the original program to get the cylinder out of the way, and it is still this close.
The project reused as much of the Mopar Performance crate motor as possible; the twin 770cfm Holleys that came on the crossram from the factory are now inline atop the Hampton blower.
The biggest challenge for Kenny Morrison during the build-up was ensuring the hood stayed flat while metal work was done to flush-weld the lower lip surround to the fresh custom opening. It was also the only part of the car that needed to be repainted.
Owner Bob Welling remembered the Darts from back in the day, while he was in the USMC in Vietnam; buying and building this car got him the Hemi package he had always wanted, with a big twist!
In profile, the rake and full exhaust on the car are visible; original Darts were mandated to have mufflers by NHRA, and had an H-pipe and two Cherry Bombs as a result. This is a little quieter…a little…
The radio-delete plate meant you were not messing around when it came to going fast. Few Darts beyond the racing packages received this, as dealerships made solid profits on audio equipment. Thanks to today’s aftermarket, some of these items are readily available for tribute construction like this one.
The post This Guy Lives Sideways In A Blown 1968 Hemi Dart! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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