#got affiliate from those streams. miss them. miss the rp and easier socializing with character that had acceptable reason for it
autisticlee · 2 months
I want to stream on twitch more. been a month since I streamed. I tried to come back and wanted to be more consistent. but been failing. been super exhausted and burnt out from life in general. i'm always told streaming with no mic is bad and people hate it when a streamer isn't speaking. this is probably why I domt get many viewers/followers. I don't talk as much as others. talking is hard. there's nothing to talk about easily. even saying repetitive words (mostly saying "ow/oops/oh no/what the heck/why/what do/where go" etc) exhausts me. I tried a stream where I read everything in the game and it got so exhausting so fast I had to stop and started skipping all the dialogue instead.
so keep thinking about a sort of AAC app or simple text to speech to use for streaming so viewers get words from me, but I don't have to exhaust myself through speech. but I don't know how that would work? can't type into an app while in the middle of intense video gaming. don't know what phrases to save if saved any because game and chat are not predictable. people probably won't like quiet while playing then random breaks in between gameplay to wait for me to type to give them a text to speech. i'm slow at typing too. and slow at reading chat. so interaction would be hard and a lot of work. it would also interfere with my ability to enjoy game
people might say "just do what you want/don't care what people think" but I want viewers that chat with me on twitch because interactions make streaming more fun and want make friends to play games with if they chat enough so I get to know them like other streamers do. streaming game is easier with others. they do the talking so less for me therefore less tiring. and want also be able to get trusted regular viewers so can have mods. if I scare people away because they get bored with no speech, then I lose that. but can't get it with no stream. been streaming off and on since 2016? go on many long breaks because talking too hard and can't always force self to narrate what I do in game and say repetitive words to pretend i'm talking to chat. can't always force self to stream when needing to speak.
wish speaking was easy and can do hour long talking intro before game like streamers I watch, then always have things to talk about during stream. how they always have stuff to talk about and always able to speak nonstop for many hours???? ahhhh confusing. what dooooo.
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