#gosh I've forgotten how much I love doing these 😂😂
desertfangs · 10 months
💫🎀🧿💌 for the ask game!!
Oh my gosh, thank you for the ask! 💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I love all comments and feedback (as long as it's not like.. mean). Just knowing people read or enjoyed something I wrote is honestly an incredible feeling. But I think my favorite thing is when I've made someone laugh. That always makes me really happy. Also love hearing when I nail the characterization because that is important to me, but making people laugh is like... my favorite thing.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing I mean I sure do a lot of it. 😅 Sometimes I worry I post too much fic (is that a thing??) and I definitely don't expect to people keep up reading when I'm posting weekly or whatever, but I really enjoy writing, and it's part of how I engage with fandom and I write fast, so I end up with a lot of fic. (I also end up with a lot of scraps, unfinished stories, false starts, and stuff I don't think is worth posting.) Also I do think I'm pretty solid at dialogue. Not all the time but I try to get the character's voices correct or as close as I can. Marius and Louis are often the hardest, but Lestat and Daniel having conversations takes me FOREVER to write because I want them both to sound like them. (That's two compliments, whoops. The first is sort of dubious I guess.)
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
I always take it personally. 😂😂 No, no, I'm kidding. I try to remind myself of several things: 1. Sometimes you just post at a weird time or a day when people aren't around and then it gets forgotten and buried so it doesn't get as much love. 2. Sometimes it's just not a popular pairing or type of fic. But I like to experiment with different stuff and different groups of characters. 3. Not every fic is for everyone and neither is my writing style. I tend to write a lot of dialogue-heavy slice of life stuff, which I love, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. I've gotten a lot more confident writing smut, and someday I want to write a big Plot-Heavy Multi-Part fic or try cowriting with someone, but I love little fics that just explore the nooks and crannies left by canon (both reading them and writing them). Not everything I write is going to have broad appeal and that's okay! Mostly, I'm writing for me. I am my own target audience. Of course I want other people to enjoy what I write, and I always hope they do! Which is why comments really help, it makes it feel like I'm not writing into a void. But at the end of the day, as long as one or two people enjoy it and it's what I set out to write, then I'm happy, and I move on and write the next thing.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I am desperately trying to write something Lestat/Daniel for Lestat Birthday Bingo but I have like 3 half-finished fics I'm not super happy with any of them right now, so we shall see! Their conversations are so hard to write, I think because they get deep and getting Lestat to actually open up is a challenge! 😬
I also have an idea for a fun Devil's Minion Christmas Fic that I want to start soon, so I'm really excited about that but I don't want to say too much since I don't want to jinx it.
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loupettes · 3 years
Hi! I Just read your comment on the Doomsday scene where Ten explains Rose his plan for sending her to the alternate universe. Thank you very much, I enjoyed it!
How would you interpret Ten's reaction when Rose comes back? He is, once again, a little annoyed, to the point of being very rude. Yes, we know he is rude and not ginger, but he seems way too rude towards Rose (I mean, she has just come back and told you she chose you, you still might lose her... why be that rude?)
Hey!! Thank you for sending me this ☺️ I’m glad you liked my ramblings... because there's far too much for me to say and I only beg a space to ramble 😂 to say!
So the thing with that moment, to me anyway, is you realise here how much he genuinely doesn’t believe her when she says forever. Like, for now? Yes, of course she wants to stay with him. He’s showing her the universe and she loves it, she says she’s going to travel with him forever and he’s more than happy for her to.
That doesn’t mean he believes her.
She’s 20, of course she loves it now... but what about in ten years? What about when she realises she wants a family of her own? What about when her own family starts to need her? He wants her to stay with him forever, but he doesn’t believe her when she says she will.
So when she comes back, he’s so confused. He’s not angry at all, he just... doesn’t get why she’s come back when she had everything over there. 
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Her dad!! Her mum — Mickey! They’re all over there now, her whole life, her entire family, so why the heck has she come back?
That’s why he starts yelling at her, because she just doesn’t get the big picture. 
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Yes, forever is lovely, and yes he would grab it with everything he had if she offered it, but it has to be her choice. She has to have thought about it fully, not just promised the rest of her life the moment she sees pretty skies and all the wonderful things he can show her while her life waits for her back home.
Ideally, he would have never made her choose. You can tell how much he hated domestics at first, but he had slowly started to adapt in order to give her all the stars and her life back on Earth. Nine was asking Rose to pick between Shepherd’s Pie or a plasma storm way back at the very beginning, but, by the end, Ten was trying to give her both. But if it came down to it, the Doctor assumes the only thing Rose would want in the whole world is the only thing he would want: a family. So to him, it’s a no brainer; Rose would, if it came down to it, choose her family.
But the thing is, she chose him! And she tells him calmly here, firmly, that that’s her choice. And I have a feeling this isn’t the first time she’s told him she’s never going to leave him, because it’s almost like she’s just trying to get him to listen. 
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So he’s completely... speechless. She really, genuinely has thought this through — she knows very well that she will never be able to see her mum again (your own mother!), she won’t have a chance to get to know her dad or live her happy human life as a family because she wants him instead. 
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All he wants is a family, and all she wants is him. She’s his family, she’s all he has and she’s choosing him, too! And it is him that she wants, not just the travelling — and I think this is the first time he really hears that, too. He hears her when she says forever, and now he’s hearing her say forever with him. 
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The woman he loves — the woman he thought could never seriously love love him and chose him above everything else — has just told him otherwise. He’s finally seeing it, finally starting to believe it, and, in true Ten style... he avoids confronting what that means. 
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I get his anger here, too — I don’t understand it, because he’s just got given everything he wants, but it’s completely in his character to react angrily to something he vehemently doesn’t want but can’t do anything about. Honestly, he’s probably not all that excited that she’s come back, because he knows how dangerous it’s going to be over here. And this isn’t one of those moments where  we can say ‘for god’s sake Ten it’s going to be alright!!’ because it isn’t going to be alright — she does fall. He was right, she wasn’t safe on this side, and it was only by sheer chance that Pete was able to grab her before she fell. So from the Doctor’s perspective, she’s put herself in an impossible amount of danger — which usually he wouldn't object to, except she’s doing it because of him. He doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like that yet another person is risking their lives and choosing him over their own safety, but she’s proven to him so many times how serious she is about staying and now he has to be the reason she lost her whole family. And he especially doesn't like the fact that this is, really, what he wanted, too. Of course he would never just... accept that she’s her own person with her own choices and this isn’t his fault, because Ten’s the ‘man who regrets’. But it explains a bit more why he’s so angry in this scene — at least, I think?! 
Anyway, that's my take! I’d love to hear your thoughts!! ♥️ (and thanks for the ask again, I’m honoured you enjoyed reading my last one!)
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mickey10213 · 3 years
Fena: The Pirate Princess
This show was an absolute waste of my time. I'm sorry but I don't think I've ever irrationally disliked a show as much as I disliked this one. It just sucks so hard man. Like I really wanted to like it because it was just so pretty and the plot was interesting at first, but half way through it I found myself spite watching it just to see how it ended. And the ending didn't help me like it any better.
This show had such a strong start to be an actual pirate adventure with pretty aesthetics, but then it became so clunky and convoluted with exposition dump after exposition dump and nonsensical actions that they tried to explain away with that ending. It just doesn't make sense and it lost itself by trying to build up a bland constant name dropping romance rather than characters and plot.
Like, Fena and Yukimaru.... Never have I been so annoyed with a couple since SasuSaku, and these two are an actual healthy relationship with healthy development. So why am I annoyed? Idk, but they are so gosh damn annoying! I said this before but I have not seen a pairing name call as much as they do since Inuyasha and Kagome - hell even Naruto and Sasuke! I understand that they are supposed to smitten for each other but even when their friends are in the same room or fighting together and such, it's like only Yukimaru exist, or Fena is the only name any of them know how to pronounce. It's so sad when you introduce an entire cast that's supposed to be a team, yet you only put to use the two romantic interest and one guy - Shitan - who is played to be attached at the hip to the main man as the ones with any real spotlight. Tsubaki for Christs sake was put on the damn back burner from the moment he was introduced and only had any real moments in the second to last episode. The twins were used as comedic relief that went under utilized, Karin had a personality but was only reserved to be Fena's girlfriend when it was convenient and they remembered her, the big who's name I think is Makeba or something was good to have around but again was reserved as a brute force kind of dude and kept the silent trait most of the time. And then I love how they gave Shitan a bland two second moment of turning against Fena only to stop throwing a bitch fit two seconds later when she pulls an uwu moment on him and melts his heart.
Idk, but I'm rambling and losing my train of thought, but long story short, Fena is a Mary Sue that's physically weak but somehow endears every single person in the show, including her psychotic half brother that wanted to fuck her mother 😂. The pirate ladies were the only actual pirates in the damn show that had any sense of self, yet the main pirate chick was reduced to sex appeal and jealousy before death (which is somehow reversed in the last episode despite the entire ship being blown to smithereens). The ninja crew could have been great but the only two that mattered were Fena and Yukimaru and if your name isn't theirs then you are nothing but a paper weight. Those two old men, bless their souls, were literally introduced and then never seen again and forgotten about until the very last episode and it's like, they were actually GOOD????? The dog was the show stopper and I didn't see any of that fluffy pup once the climax was happening.
This show just sucks man. It sucks. YukiFena sucks. Karin is best girl. Twins are best boys. Tsubaki deserved better. Pirate chicks deserved better. Cody needed to make sense. Too much real world treasures and lore packed into this to the point of ridiculousness. 🙄
This show sucks and I really hope it doesn't get a second season considering everything seems wrapped up now.😂
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